




一、项目概况1. 项目名称:XXX土建工程2. 项目地点:XXX3. 工程规模:XXX4. 工程内容:土方工程、基础工程、主体结构工程、装饰装修工程等5. 工程总投资:XXX万元6. 工期:XXX个月二、招标范围本次招标范围为XXX土建工程劳务部分,包括但不限于以下内容:1. 土方工程:挖土、填土、平整场地等2. 基础工程:桩基、基础混凝土、钢筋等3. 主体结构工程:钢筋混凝土结构、钢结构等4. 装饰装修工程:墙面、地面、门窗、水电安装等三、投标资格要求1. 投标人须具备国家建设行政主管部门核发的相应资质证书,并在有效期内。

2. 投标人须具有良好的商业信誉和健全的财务会计制度。

3. 投标人须具备安全生产许可证,并在有效期内。

4. 投标人须有类似工程施工业绩,且工程质量合格。

5. 投标人须具备良好的社会信誉,无不良记录。

四、投标文件要求1. 投标人须按照招标文件要求,编制投标文件,包括但不限于以下内容:(1)投标函(2)法定代表人身份证明或授权委托书(3)企业资质证书、安全生产许可证、营业执照等复印件(4)类似工程施工业绩证明材料(5)项目经理及主要技术人员简历(6)投标报价文件(7)其他相关证明材料2. 投标文件应密封,并在封口处加盖公章。

3. 投标文件递交截止时间:XXX年XX月XX日XX时XX分。

五、评标办法1. 采用综合评分法,综合评分最高者为中标候选人。

2. 综合评分标准:(1)企业资质及业绩(20分)(2)项目经理及主要技术人员(20分)(3)投标报价(40分)(4)施工组织设计及进度计划(20分)六、中标与签订合同1. 中标候选人确定后,招标人将通知中标候选人签订合同。

2. 中标候选人应在接到中标通知书后X个工作日内与招标人签订合同。

3. 合同签订后,中标人应按照合同约定履行合同义务。



第1篇一、招标公告根据我国《招标投标法》及有关法律法规的规定,现将我单位拟进行招标的工程项目公开招标,现将有关事项公告如下:一、项目概况1. 项目名称:XX工程项目2. 项目地点:XX市XX区XX路XX号3. 项目规模:总建筑面积XX平方米,其中地上XX平方米,地下XX平方米。

4. 项目总投资:约XX万元5. 工程建设内容:包括土建、安装、装饰装修等。

二、招标范围1. 招标范围:本工程项目的设计、施工、监理等全部工作。

2. 招标内容:包括但不限于以下内容:(1)工程设计:包括初步设计、施工图设计等。



三、招标方式1. 招标方式:公开招标。

2. 招标组织:由我单位组织招标工作。

四、招标文件获取1. 招标文件获取时间:自本公告发布之日起至2022年X月X日止。

2. 招标文件获取方式:(1)现场获取:有意向的投标人可到XX市XX区XX路XX号我单位办公室领取招标文件。




五、投标须知1. 投标人须具备以下条件:(1)具有独立法人资格,具有有效的营业执照;(2)具备建设行政主管部门核发的相应资质证书;(3)具备良好的财务状况和信誉;(4)无不良记录。

2. 投标人须按照招标文件的要求进行投标,投标文件应包括以下内容:(1)投标函;(2)法定代表人身份证明或授权委托书;(3)投标报价文件;(4)施工组织设计;(5)监理大纲;(6)其他相关资料。

3. 投标人应在投标截止时间前将投标文件递交至我单位指定地点。

4. 投标截止时间:2022年X月X日X时X分。

六、评标办法1. 评标委员会由我单位组织成立,评标委员会由专家和工作人员组成。


招 标 邀 请 书
3)“第3章 专用合同条款”
4)“第4章 技术规范”
5)“第6章 工程量清单”和计日工清单
6)“第10章 图纸”(如果世行项目经理同意,可以只报图纸目录)。




现将招标事项公告如下:1. 招标项目名称:XXX建筑工程项目2. 招标项目地点:XXX地区3. 招标项目内容:详见工程量清单及技术规范4. 招标项目预算:XXX万人民币5. 投标资格要求:具备建筑工程施工总承包特级或一级资质,具有相关经验和良好业绩二、投标文件要求1. 投标人需提交的文件a) 公司法人营业执照复印件b) 相关工程施工资质复印件c) 过去三年内类似项目的施工业绩d) 技术方案书e) 施工组织设计及进度计划f) 施工人员和管理人员的资质和简历g) 相关项目的质量验收证明和竣工验收证明2. 投标文件的递交方式和截止时间a) 投标截止时间:XXXX年XX月XX日,17:00前b) 投标文件递交地址:XXX地区XXX街道XXX号三、评标和中标方式1. 评标方式a) 本次招标采用符合国家有关规定的综合评标法。

b) 评标标准主要包括技术方案的可行性、施工组织设计的合理性、人员资质和经验等。

2. 中标方式根据评标结果,按照得分最高的原则确定中标候选人。

四、合同与支付1. 合同签订a) 中标单位将与我方签订建筑工程施工合同。

b) 合同内容包括工程价款、施工期限、质量要求、支付方式等。

2. 支付方式工程款项将根据施工进度的完成情况按不同阶段进行支付,最终结算款项在竣工验收后确定。

五、法律事务1. 违约责任a) 如有中标单位不按合同要求履行义务,我方有权解除合同并追究法律责任。

b) 若投标单位提供虚假资料,一经发现即视为严重违约。

2. 纠纷解决任何双方在履行合同过程中的争议,应先通过友好协商解决。


六、其他事项1. 澄清和解释对本次招标文件内容的解释权归我方所有。

2. 招标文件费用所有招标文件均不收取任何费用。




























一、招标公告1. 招标项目名称:XX建设项目土建工程2. 招标项目编号:XXB-2021-00013. 招标人:XX公司4. 招标代理机构:XX招标代理有限公司5. 招标内容:本工程为新建XX项目,包括土建、装饰、安装等工程,现进行公开招标。

6. 招标方式:公开招标7. 招标地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX路XX号8. 招标时间:2021年X月X日至2021年X月X日9. 投标截止时间:2021年X月X日10. 开标时间:2021年X月X日二、工程概况1. 工程地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX路XX号2. 工程规模:新建一栋总建筑面积为XX平方米的XX项目,包括土建、装饰、安装等工程。

3. 工程结构:框架结构,地上XX层,地下XX层。

4. 工程总投资:约XX万元。

5. 工期要求:自合同签订之日起,XX个月内完成。

三、投标资格要求1. 投标人须具备有效的企业法人营业执照、资质证书、安全生产许可证、税务登记证、组织机构代码证等合法有效的证件。

2. 投标人须具备房屋建筑工程施工总承包叁级及以上资质。

3. 投标人须具备近三年内承担过类似工程的经验,并提供相关证明材料。

4. 投标人须具备良好的财务状况和履约能力。

5. 投标人须无不良记录,无拖欠工程款、农民工工资等违法行为。

6. 投标人须具备有效的安全生产管理制度,且近三年内未发生重大安全事故。

四、投标文件要求1. 投标文件应包含以下内容:(1)投标函;(2)法定代表人身份证明或授权委托书;(3)营业执照、资质证书、安全生产许可证、税务登记证、组织机构代码证等合法有效的证件复印件;(4)类似工程业绩证明材料;(5)项目负责人及主要技术人员简历及业绩证明;(6)施工组织设计及施工方案;(7)工程报价及预算;(8)合同条款及违约责任;(9)其他相关证明材料。

2. 投标文件须按照招标文件要求进行编制,并装订成册。

3. 投标文件须密封,封面注明“XX建设项目土建工程投标文件”。



一、招标公告1. 招标编号:XXXX-XXXX2. 项目名称:XX工程项目施工3. 招标人:XX建设单位4. 招标代理机构:XX招标代理有限公司5. 资金来源:自筹6. 项目概况:- 工程地点:XX市XX区XX街道- 工程规模:建筑面积XX平方米,包含XX栋楼,配套设施XX项 - 工程内容:土建、安装、装饰装修等- 工程预算:人民币XX万元- 工期要求:XX个月7. 招标范围:本工程的设计、施工、竣工交付及保修等工作8. 投标截止时间:XX年XX月XX日XX时XX分9. 投标地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX大楼XX室10. 开标时间:XX年XX月XX日XX时XX分11. 开标地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX大楼XX室二、投标人须知1. 投标人资格要求:- 具有独立法人资格的企业;- 具有建筑工程施工总承包叁级及以上资质;- 具有良好的财务状况和健全的财务管理制度;- 具有类似工程项目的施工经验;- 无不良记录,无拖欠工程款、农民工工资等行为;- 具有安全生产许可证。

2. 投标文件要求:- 投标人须按照招标文件要求提供投标文件,包括但不限于以下内容: - 投标函;- 法人代表授权委托书;- 资质证书;- 营业执照;- 业绩证明;- 财务状况证明;- 人员配备计划;- 施工组织设计;- 质量保证措施;- 安全生产保证措施;- 其他相关文件。

3. 投标保证金:- 投标保证金金额:人民币XX万元;- 投标保证金形式:银行保函或现金;- 投标保证金缴纳时间:自招标公告发布之日起至投标截止时间止。

4. 评标办法:- 采用综合评分法,综合评分最高者中标;- 评标委员会由招标人、招标代理机构、相关专家组成。

5. 中标通知书:- 招标人将在评标结束后,向中标人发出中标通知书;- 中标人应在收到中标通知书后XX个工作日内与招标人签订合同。

6. 合同履行:- 中标人应按照合同约定履行合同义务;- 招标人应按照合同约定支付工程款。
















一、招标项目名称:土建工程项目二、招标人:XX房地产开发有限公司三、项目概况:1. 项目名称:XX小区土建工程项目2. 项目地点:XX市XX区XX路XX号3. 项目规模:总建筑面积约XX万平方米,其中住宅面积约XX万平方米,商业面积约XX万平方米。

4. 项目总投资:约XX亿元人民币5. 项目工期:自合同签订之日起,XX个月内完成全部工程。

6. 工程质量:符合国家相关质量标准,达到合格等级。

四、招标范围:1. 土建工程:包括但不限于地基基础、主体结构、屋面、装饰装修、给排水、电气、暖通、消防等分部分项工程。

2. 工程量清单及施工图纸的编制。

3. 工程施工、监理、验收等全过程管理。

五、投标人资格要求:1. 具有独立法人资格,具备有效的企业法人营业执照。

2. 具有建筑工程施工总承包壹级(含)以上资质。

3. 具有良好的财务状况,无重大不良信用记录。

4. 具有类似工程业绩,近三年内完成过至少一个类似规模的土建工程项目。

5. 具有完善的组织机构和管理体系,具备承担本工程项目的施工能力。

6. 投标人须在投标文件中提供以下材料:(1)企业法人营业执照副本;(2)建筑工程施工总承包壹级(含)以上资质证书;(3)近三年内完成的类似工程业绩证明;(4)法定代表人身份证明及授权委托书;(5)项目经理、技术负责人、质量负责人、安全负责人的相关资格证书;(6)企业信用报告。

六、招标文件获取:1. 招标文件售价:人民币XX元/份,售后不退。

2. 招标文件获取方式:有意向的投标人可在XX市XX区XX路XX号XX房地产开发有限公司市场营销部购买招标文件。

3. 招标文件获取时间:自本招标公告发布之日起至投标截止时间止。

七、投标文件递交:1. 投标文件递交截止时间:详见招标文件。

2. 投标文件递交地点:详见招标文件。

3. 投标文件递交方式:投标文件应密封完好,由法定代表人或授权委托人签字盖章后递交。

八、开标时间及地点:1. 开标时间:详见招标文件。




二、工程概况1. 工程名称:XX项目土建工程2. 工程地点:XX市XX区XX街道3. 工程规模:总建筑面积约XX万平方米,包括住宅、商业、地下车库等。

4. 工程投资:约XX亿元人民币。

5. 工程工期:XX个月(具体工期以合同约定为准)。

三、招标范围本次招标范围包括但不限于以下内容:1. 土地平整及基础工程;2. 结构工程(包括但不限于柱、梁、板、墙等);3. 外墙及内墙装饰工程;4. 屋面工程;5. 防水工程;6. 地下车库及人防工程;7. 水电安装工程;8. 绿化及景观工程;9. 其他相关配套工程。

四、投标人资格要求1. 具有独立法人资格,持有有效的企业法人营业执照;2. 具有建筑工程施工总承包壹级及以上资质;3. 具有良好的社会信誉和业绩,无不良记录;4. 具有有效的安全生产许可证;5. 具有良好的履约能力,具备承担本工程的能力;6. 投标人须具备相关法律法规规定的其他条件。

五、投标文件要求1. 投标人应按照招标文件要求编制投标文件,投标文件应包括但不限于以下内容:(1)投标函;(2)法定代表人身份证明或授权委托书;(3)企业法人营业执照副本;(4)资质证书副本;(5)安全生产许可证副本;(6)项目经理的注册建造师证书;(7)施工组织设计及施工方案;(8)项目管理机构及人员配备;(9)工程量清单及投标报价;(10)其他相关资料。

2. 投标文件应按照招标文件要求装订成册,封面注明工程名称、投标单位名称、投标文件份数等。

六、投标保证金1. 投标保证金金额:人民币XX万元整。

2. 投标保证金提交方式:银行转账,账户信息详见招标文件。

3. 投标保证金退还:投标截止时间后3个工作日内,未中标单位保证金全额退还,中标单位保证金转为履约保证金。

七、投标时间及地点1. 投标截止时间:XX年XX月XX日XX时XX分。



一、招标项目名称:XX土建工程项目二、招标项目编号:XX-2021-001三、招标人:XX房地产开发有限公司四、招标代理机构:XX招标代理有限公司五、招标内容:1. 工程名称:XX土建工程项目2. 工程地点:XX市XX区XX街道3. 工程规模:占地面积约XX平方米,总建筑面积约XX平方米4. 工程类型:住宅、商业、办公综合楼5. 招标范围:土建工程、装饰装修工程、给排水工程、电气工程、消防工程等六、工程概况:1. 工程建设地点:XX市XX区XX街道2. 工程建设规模:占地面积约XX平方米,总建筑面积约XX平方米3. 工程建设内容:住宅、商业、办公综合楼4. 工程建设工期:自合同签订之日起,约XX个月5. 工程质量标准:符合国家及地方现行有关施工质量标准及设计要求七、招标文件发售:1. 招标文件发售时间:自2021年X月X日至2021年X月X日(节假日除外)2. 招标文件发售地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX大厦XX楼3. 招标文件发售方式:现场发售4. 招标文件售价:人民币XX元/套,售后不退八、投标报名:1. 投标报名时间:自2021年X月X日至2021年X月X日(节假日除外)2. 投标报名地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX大厦XX楼3. 投标报名方式:现场报名4. 投标报名所需材料:(1)企业法人营业执照副本复印件(2)资质证书复印件(3)安全生产许可证复印件(4)法定代表人身份证明书(5)授权委托书(6)企业业绩证明材料(7)项目负责人及主要技术人员简历九、投标文件递交:1. 投标文件递交时间:2021年X月X日9:00-10:002. 投标文件递交地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX大厦XX楼3. 投标文件递交方式:现场递交4. 投标文件要求:(1)投标文件应按照招标文件要求装订成册,并加盖公章(2)投标文件应包括投标函、法定代表人身份证明书、授权委托书、投标报价、施工组织设计、项目管理机构及人员配置表、企业业绩证明材料等(3)投标文件应真实、完整、准确,不得有任何虚假、误导性陈述十、开标时间及地点:1. 开标时间:2021年X月X日10:002. 开标地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX大厦XX楼十一、评标办法:1. 评标委员会由招标人、招标代理机构及专家组成2. 评标办法采用综合评分法,具体评分标准详见招标文件3. 评标委员会根据投标文件内容,对投标人的投标报价、施工组织设计、项目管理机构及人员配置、企业业绩等方面进行综合评分4. 评标委员会根据综合评分结果,确定中标候选人十二、中标通知书:1. 招标人将在评标结束后,向中标候选人发出中标通知书2. 中标通知书应在规定的时间内签署,并按招标文件要求提交履约保证金十三、合同签订:1. 中标人应在收到中标通知书后,按照招标文件要求与招标人签订合同2. 合同签订时间:自中标通知书发出之日起XX个工作日内十四、其他事项:1. 本招标文件未尽事宜,由招标人负责解释2. 招标人保留对本招标文件的修改和解释权3. 招标人有权对投标文件进行审查,对不符合招标文件要求的投标文件,有权拒绝4. 招标人有权对投标人的投标行为进行监督,对违反招标文件规定的投标人,有权取消其投标资格5. 招标人有权对投标人的投标文件进行保密,未经招标人同意,任何单位和个人不得泄露投标文件内容6. 本招标文件自发布之日起生效,至中标通知书发出之日止失效招标人:XX房地产开发有限公司招标代理机构:XX招标代理有限公司发布日期:2021年X月X日。

















现将有关事项公告如下:1. 工程名称:XX建设项目2. 工程地点:XX市XX区XX街道3. 工程规模:占地面积XX平方米,建筑面积XX平方米4. 招标范围:土建工程、装饰装修工程、给排水工程、电气工程、暖通工程等5. 投标人资格要求:(1)具有独立法人资格,营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证齐全有效;(2)具备建筑工程施工总承包叁级及以上资质;(3)具有有效的安全生产许可证;(4)近三年内完成过类似工程业绩,且工程质量合格;(5)具有良好的商业信誉和履约能力。

6. 招标方式:公开招标7. 招标文件获取时间:自本公告发布之日起至招标文件发售截止日止8. 招标文件发售地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX大厦XX楼9. 招标文件售价:人民币叁佰元整(含电子版)10. 投标截止时间:招标文件发售截止日后XX个工作日11. 投标地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX大厦XX楼12. 开标时间:投标截止时间后XX个工作日13. 开标地点:XX市XX区XX街道XX大厦XX楼14. 联系方式:(1)招标人:XX有限公司联系人:张先生联系电话:XXX-XXXXXXX(2)招标代理机构:XX招标代理有限公司联系人:李女士联系电话:XXX-XXXXXXX二、招标文件内容1. 工程概况(1)工程名称:XX建设项目(2)工程地点:XX市XX区XX街道(3)工程规模:占地面积XX平方米,建筑面积XX平方米(4)工程类型:住宅楼、办公楼、商业楼等2. 招标内容(1)土建工程:基础工程、主体结构工程、屋面工程、装饰装修工程等;(2)装饰装修工程:室内外装饰装修、门窗安装、墙面涂料、地板铺设等;(3)给排水工程:给水管道、排水管道、消防系统、中水系统等;(4)电气工程:高低压配电系统、照明系统、动力系统、防雷接地系统等;(5)暖通工程:中央空调系统、通风系统、热水系统等。



招标编号:[招标编号]招标项目名称:[项目名称]招标人:[招标人全称]招标代理机构:[招标代理机构全称]发布日期:[发布日期]一、项目概况1.1 项目名称:[项目名称]1.2 项目地点:[项目具体地址]1.3 项目规模:[项目规模描述,如占地面积、建筑面积等]1.4 项目类型:[项目类型,如住宅、商业、工业等]1.5 项目投资:[项目总投资额]1.6 项目工期:[项目总工期,如12个月、18个月等]1.7 招标范围:[招标范围描述,如土建工程、安装工程等]二、投标人资格要求2.1 具有独立法人资格,持有有效的营业执照;2.2 具有房屋建筑工程施工总承包[相应等级]及以上资质;2.3 具有良好的商业信誉和健全的财务会计制度;2.4 具有安全生产许可证;2.5 具有类似项目施工经验,并在近三年内完成过[类似项目数量]个类似项目;2.6 没有因违法违规行为被有关部门处罚的记录;2.7 没有拖欠工程款、农民工工资等不良记录。

三、招标文件获取3.1 招标文件获取方式:[招标文件获取方式,如现场购买、邮寄等]3.2 招标文件获取时间:[招标文件获取时间,如2023年X月X日至2023年X月X日]3.3 招标文件获取地点:[招标文件获取地点,如招标代理机构办公室]3.4 招标文件售价:[招标文件售价]3.5 邮寄费用:[如需邮寄,说明邮寄费用及支付方式]四、投标文件编制4.1 投标文件编制要求:(1)投标文件应按照招标文件的要求编制,包括但不限于投标函、法定代表人身份证明或授权委托书、投标报价文件、施工组织设计、项目管理机构、资格审查资料等;(2)投标文件应使用中文编制,字迹清晰,纸张质量符合要求;(3)投标文件应按照招标文件提供的格式和内容要求进行编制,不得随意更改格式和内容;(4)投标文件中涉及的技术指标、施工方案等应详细、具体、可行。

4.2 投标报价文件编制要求:(1)投标报价文件应按照招标文件的要求编制,包括但不限于投标报价表、分部分项工程量清单、措施项目清单、其他项目清单等;(2)投标报价应真实、合理,不得高于招标文件规定的最高投标限价;(3)投标报价文件应附有详细的编制说明,包括但不限于工程量计算依据、人工、材料、机械等费用计算依据等。








招标项目名称:XXX工程项目招标编号:XXX-XX-XXX一、招标条件1.1 项目概况本项目为XXX工程项目,位于XXX地区,建设内容包括XXX、XXX等。


1.2 招标范围本次招标范围包括但不限于以下内容:(1)土建工程:包括地基处理、基础工程、主体结构、装饰装修等。




1.3 招标方式本次招标采用公开招标方式,邀请具有相应资质的企业参与投标。

1.4 招标文件获取有意参与投标的企业,请于XXX年XX月XX日至XXX年XX月XX日(法定节假日除外)期间,每日上午8:30至11:30,下午14:00至17:00(北京时间),携带以下材料到XXX地点购买招标文件:(1)企业法人营业执照副本复印件。






1.5 招标文件售价招标文件售价为人民币XXX元,售后不退。

二、投标须知2.1 投标人资格要求(1)投标人须具备国家建设行政主管部门核发的建筑工程施工总承包壹级及以上资质。




2.2 投标文件要求(1)投标文件应按照招标文件的要求编制,包括但不限于以下内容:①投标函及投标保证金缴纳凭证。












一、招标公告1.1 招标项目名称:XX项目土建工程1.2 招标单位:XX单位1.3 招标内容:XX项目土建工程,包括但不限于地基基础、主体结构、装饰装修、安装工程等。

1.4 招标地点:XX市XX区XX项目现场1.5 招标时间:自公告之日起至2023年X月X日1.6 招标方式:公开招标1.7 投标人资格要求:(1)具有独立法人资格,持有有效的企业法人营业执照;(2)具有建筑工程施工总承包三级及以上资质;(3)具备良好的财务状况和信誉;(4)具备类似工程业绩;(5)具备安全生产许可证;(6)项目负责人具备二级及以上注册建造师资格。

二、招标文件2.1 招标文件组成:(1)招标公告;(2)招标文件;(3)工程量清单;(4)设计图纸;(5)合同条款;(6)投标须知;(7)其他有关资料。

2.2 招标文件内容:(1)工程概况:工程名称、地点、规模、结构类型、工期等;(2)工程量清单:工程量、单位、价格等;(3)设计图纸:施工图、设计说明等;(4)合同条款:合同类型、工期、质量标准、验收标准、违约责任等;(5)投标须知:投标文件编制要求、投标保证金、投标截止时间、开标时间、开标地点等。

2.3 招标文件售价:人民币XX元/份。

三、投标须知3.1 投标人应按照招标文件要求,在规定时间内提交投标文件。

3.2 投标文件应包括以下内容:(1)投标函;(2)法定代表人身份证明或授权委托书;(3)企业法人营业执照副本;(4)建筑工程施工总承包资质证书副本;(5)安全生产许可证副本;(6)类似工程业绩证明材料;(7)项目负责人二级及以上注册建造师资格证书;(8)投标报价文件;(9)资格审查资料;(10)其他招标文件要求的资料。

3.3 投标人应在投标截止时间前将投标文件密封并加盖公章,递交至招标地点。

3.4 投标保证金:人民币XX万元,投标保证金应随投标文件一并递交。

3.5 投标截止时间:2023年X月X日X时X分。

3.6 开标时间:2023年X月X日X时X分。
















一、招标公告1. 招标编号:XXX-2022-0012. 招标项目名称:XX工程项目3. 招标人:XX有限公司4. 招标代理机构:XX招标代理有限公司5. 招标内容:本项目包括施工、设计、监理等环节,具体内容详见招标文件。

二、项目概况1. 项目名称:XX工程项目2. 项目地点:XX市XX区XX路XX号3. 项目规模:占地面积XX平方米,总建筑面积XX平方米4. 项目投资:约XX亿元5. 项目工期:XX个月三、招标范围及内容1. 招标范围:本项目施工、设计、监理等环节2. 招标内容:(1)施工:包括土建、安装、装饰装修等工程;(2)设计:包括方案设计、初步设计、施工图设计等;(3)监理:包括施工监理、设计监理等。

四、投标人资格要求1. 具有独立法人资格的企业;2. 具有有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证;3. 具有建筑工程施工总承包壹级及以上资质或建筑工程设计甲级资质;4. 具有良好的财务状况,无不良信用记录;5. 具有类似项目业绩,近三年内完成过类似项目2个以上;6. 具有健全的组织机构、管理制度和专业技术力量;7. 具有良好的社会信誉和履约能力。

五、投标文件要求1. 投标人应按照招标文件的要求编制投标文件,投标文件应包括以下内容:(1)投标函;(2)法定代表人身份证明或授权委托书;(3)企业法人营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证;(4)建筑工程施工总承包壹级及以上资质或建筑工程设计甲级资质证书;(5)类似项目业绩证明材料;(6)项目经理、技术负责人等相关人员资质证书;(7)其他招标文件要求的相关证明材料。

2. 投标文件应按照招标文件规定的格式和内容编制,并确保真实、完整、有效。

六、投标保证金1. 投标保证金金额:人民币壹拾万元整(¥100,000.00)2. 投标保证金缴纳方式:银行转账,具体账户信息详见招标文件3. 投标保证金缴纳截止时间:投标截止时间前七、投标截止时间及开标时间1. 投标截止时间:2022年X月X日X时X分2. 开标时间:2022年X月X日X时X分八、评标办法1. 评标委员会根据招标文件的要求,对投标文件进行评审,主要评审内容包括:(1)投标文件完整性、合规性;(2)投标报价合理性;(3)企业资质、业绩、信誉;(4)项目经理、技术负责人等相关人员资质;(5)施工组织设计、设计方案等。



项目名称:XX工程项目土建施工招标招标编号:[招标编号]一、招标条件1.1 招标人:[招标人名称]1.2 招标内容:[项目名称]土建工程施工1.3 招标地点:[项目所在地]1.4 招标方式:公开招标1.5 招标范围:包括但不限于土方工程、基础工程、主体结构工程、装饰装修工程、室外工程等。

1.6 工程规模:[项目规模描述,如:建筑面积、占地面积、建筑高度等]1.7 工期要求:[合同工期,如:180天]1.8 投标保证金:[金额,如:人民币壹拾万元整]1.9 招标文件获取时间:[获取时间]1.10 招标文件递交截止时间:[递交截止时间]1.11 开标时间:[开标时间]1.12 开标地点:[开标地点]二、投标人资格要求2.1 具有独立法人资格的企业;2.2 具有有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证;2.3 具有建筑工程施工总承包三级及以上资质;2.4 具有有效的安全生产许可证;2.5 具有良好的商业信誉和健全的财务会计制度;2.6 具有类似工程业绩,并在近三年内无不良行为记录;2.7 投标人不得存在以下情况:(1)处于被责令停业、投标资格被取消或者财产被接管、冻结状态;(2)在最近三年内有骗取中标或者严重违约及重大工程质量问题;(3)存在其他违反法律法规的行为。

三、招标文件内容3.1 招标文件包括以下内容:(1)招标公告;(2)投标人须知;(3)合同条款;(4)工程量清单;(5)施工图纸;(6)投标文件格式;(7)其他有关资料。

3.2 投标人应在规定的时间内购买招标文件,并按照招标文件要求编制投标文件。

四、投标文件编制要求4.1 投标文件应按照招标文件要求编制,包括但不限于以下内容:(1)投标函;(2)法定代表人身份证明或授权委托书;(3)企业资质证书副本;(4)安全生产许可证副本;(5)类似工程业绩证明;(6)项目负责人及主要技术人员简历;(7)施工组织设计及施工方案;(8)项目管理机构及人员配置;(9)投标报价;(10)投标保证金缴纳凭证;(11)其他有关资料。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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CHINESE MODEL BIDDING DOCUMENTS PROCUREMENT OF GOODSUNDERN ATIONAL C OMPETITIVE B IDDING (NCB)Ministry of FinanceThe People’s Republic of China January 2012PrefaceIn order to regulate and standardize procurement activities of World Bank financed projects in China, in 1991 the Ministry of Finance (MOF) organized to produce and published Model Bidding Documents for World Bank Financed Projects (MBDs), which were revised in 1993 by MOF and the World Bank based on trial use of these documents. In 1995, the World Bank revised its Procurement Guidelines and then developed and published Standard Bidding Documents (SBDs) for World Bank financed projects, and requested that its borrowers must use SBDs in World Bank financed projects. After extensive consultations, MOF and the World Bank agreed to revise and update MBDs developed since 1991 in reference to SBDs. The revised and updated MBDs were re-published in 1997.Over the past 20 years, use of MBDs has played a positive role in regulating and standardizing procurement activities of World Bank financed projects in China and has also produced favorable impacts on the development of China’s relevant procurement systems.In October 2001, multilateral development banks and relevant international financial institutions produced and published Harmonized Bidding Documents and User’s Guide. These harmonized documents extensively reflect “best practice” results of these international institutions. The World Bank’s SBDs prepared based on the harmonized bidding documents have since been used in international competitive bidding activities for World Bank financed projects in China. In recent years and in response to the developing and changingsituation, international financial institutions including the World Bank have been revising and improving their procurement policies and begun to emphasize and promote the use of country procurement systems in projects financed by them.Meanwhile, in recent years China’s domestic project development environments have experienced remarkable changes, procurement related laws and institutions have been improving, and carrying out open tendering and use of SBDs in public procurement have been widely accepted. These have had some positive effects on bidding activities, especially national competitive bidding (NCB) activities of projects financed by the World Bank and other international financial institutions.Based on the above and considering that the operations of Asian Development Bank (ADB) have also been managed by MOF since the 1998 institutional reform, in order to adapt to a developing situation, further strengthen management of projects financed by international financial institutions and regulate and standardize relevant procurement activities, with the assistance from the World Bank and ADB, MOF conducted comprehensive revision of Model NCB Procurement Documents for World Bank Financed Projects and changed the name to Model NCB Procurement Documents for Projects Financed by International Financial Institutions (the new MBDs) to enable their broader application.The new MBDs have adequately considered China’s relevant procurement laws and regulations as well as requirements inthe World Bank’s and ADB’s procurement guidelines and policies, reflecting the cost-effectiveness, efficiency and transparency principles that shall be complied with in the procurement cycle and stressing the requirements of fighting against fraud and corruption in procurement. The new MBDs apply to NCB procurement activities for all lending and grant projects financed by the World Bank and ADB in China. In the meantime, MOF encourages use of new MBDs for NCB procurement activities of projects financed by other international financial institutions.The new MBDs include National Competitive Bidding Document for Procurement of Goods and National Competitive Bidding Document for Procurement of Civil Works. The two documents have both Chinese and English versions so that they can meet the needs of different language users. The new MBDs comprise three parts and nine chapters. Part One provides bidding procedures, including Instructions to Bidders, Bidding Data Sheet, Bid Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, Bidding Document Format and Eligible Countries; Part Two specifies procurement requirements, including Demand for Supply of Goods or Buyer’s Requirements; Part Three relates to contract, including General Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract and Contract Format. Considering their widespread application and project-specific conditions, thenew MBDs include fixed clauses and variable clauses. Fixed clauses are universally applicable clauses that cannot be changed; variable clauses are clauses that can be adjusted according to project-specific conditions and procurement requirements. Concrete procurement requirements and special contract provisions can be reflected in Bidding Data Sheet and Special Contract Clauses.In the process of revising and preparing the new MBDs, great support and assistance have been received from ADB and World Bank procurement specialists. Their efforts and contributions are appreciated.International DepartmentMinistry of FinanceThe People’s Republic of ChinaJanuary 2012Procurement of GoodsSummaryInvitation for Bids (IFB)PART 1 –BIDDING PROCEDURESSection I. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)This Section provides information to help Biddersprepare their bids. Information is also provided onthe submission, opening, and evaluation of bids andon the award of Contracts. Section I containsprovisions that are to be used without modification. Section II. Bidding Data Sheet (BDS)This Section includes provisions that are specificto each procurement and that supplement Section I,Instructions to Bidders.Section III. Evaluation and Qualification CriteriaThis Section specifies the criteria to be used todetermine the lowest evaluated bid, and theBidder’s qualification requirements to perform thecontract.Section IV. Bidding FormsThis Section includes the forms for the BidSubmission, Price Schedules, Bid Security, and theManufacturer’s Authorization to be submitted withthe Bid.Section V. Eligible CountriesPART 2 –SUPPLY REQUIREMENTSSection VI. Schedule of RequirementsThis Section includes the List of Goods and RelatedServices, the Delivery and Completion Schedules, theTechnical Specifications and the Drawings thatdescribe the Goods and Related Services to beprocured.PART 3 –CONTRACTSection VII. General Conditions of Contract (GCC)This Section includes the general clauses to beapplied in all contracts. The text of the clausesin this Section shall not be modified.Section VIII:Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)This Section includes clauses specific to eachcontract that modify or supplement Section VII,General Conditions of ContractSection IX: Contract FormsThis Section includes the form for the Agreement,which, once completed, incorporates corrections ormodifications to the accepted bid that are permittedunder the Instructions to Bidders, the General Conditions of Contract and Special Conditions of Contract. The forms for Performance Security and Advance Payment Security, when required, shall only be completed by the successful Bidder after contract award.Table of ContentsPART 1 – Bidding Procedures .............................. Section I. Instructions to BiddersSection II. Bidding Data Sheet (BDS)Section III. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria Section IV. Bidding FormsSection V. Eligible CountriesPART 2 – Supply Requirements ............................. Section VI. Schedule of RequirementsPART 3 - Contract ......................................... Section VII. General Conditions of ContractSection VIII. Special Conditions of ContractSection IX. Contract FormsInvitation for Bids (IFB)1Date: _________________NCB Bid No.: ______________1. The ________________ (insert name of Borrower2) has received / has applied for / intends to apply for the loan / grant from the________________(insert name of international financial institutions, e.g., World Bank, Asian Development Bank) toward the cost of ________________ (insert name of project) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this ________________ (select loan or grant as appropriate) to payments under the Contract for ________________ (insert name / no. of contract) 3/.2. The ________________ (insert name of the Purchaser) now invites sealed bids from all eligible and qualified bidders for ________________ (insert brief description of the goods and related services to be procured). The delivery period1 This IFB shall not be included in the final bidding document when they are issued.2.. Words in brackets are instruction for completing IFB.3. In case of the Government financing, the first paragraph shall be replaced entirely with “The ________________ (insert name of Purchaser) intends to use the Government funds toward the cost of ________________ (insert name of project) and it intends to apply the proceeds of the fund to payments under the Contract for ________________ (insert name / no. of contract).is ________(insert number) days from contract signature..3. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedures. The bidding is open to all bidders from Eligible Sources Countries as defined in the Procurement Guidelines of ________________ (select the World Bank or Asian Development Bank as appropriate) [as defined in the Tendering and Bidding Law and Government Procurement Law of the People’s Republic of China].4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from ________________ (insert name of Purchaser, and name and e-mail of officer in charge) and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below from (insert time and date).5. Qualifications requirements include: ________________ (insert a list of technical, financial, legal and other requirements). Additional details are provided in the Bidding Documents.6. A complete set of Bidding Documents in Chinese may bepurchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee ________________ (insert amount in Chinese Renminbi) . The method of payment will be ________________ (insert method of payment, e.g., cashier check, direct deposit to specified account no., etc.). The Bidding Documents will be sent by ________________ (insert delivery procedure, e.g. courier.).7. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before ________________ (insert time and date). Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below at ________________ (insert time and date). All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of ________________(insert amount in Chinese Renminbi.8. The address referred to above is:Name of Purchaser: ________________Postal Address: ____________________ Contact Person: ________________Office Rm. No.: ___________________ Email Address: ________________Tel. No.: _________________________ Fax No.: ______________________PART 1 – Bidding ProceduresSection I. Instructions to BiddersTable of ClausesA.General .................................................1. Scope of Bid2. Source of Funds3. Corrupt and Fraudulent Practices4. Eligible Bidders5. Eligible Goods and Related ServicesB.Contents of Bidding Documents ...........................6. Sections of Bidding Documents7. Clarification of Bidding Documents8. Amendment of Bidding DocumentsC.Preparation of Bids .....................................9. Cost of Bidding10. Language of Bid11. Documents Comprising the Bid12. Bid Submission Form and Price Schedules13. Alternative Bids14. Bid Prices and Discounts15. Currency of Bid16. Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder17. Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Goods and Related Services18. Documents Establishing the Conformity of the Goods and Related Services19. Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder20. Period of Validity of Bids21. Bid Security22. Format and Signing of BidD.Submission and Opening of Bids ..........................23. Submission, Sealing and Marking of Bids24. Deadline for Submission of Bids25. Late Bids26. Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids27. Bid OpeningE.Evaluation and Comparison of Bids .......................28. Confidentiality29. Clarification of Bids30. Responsiveness of Bids31. Non-conformities, Errors, and Omissions32. Preliminary Examination of Bids33. Examination of Terms and Conditions; Technical Evaluation34. Evaluation of Bids35. Comparison of Bids36. Qualification of the Bidder37. Purchaser’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to RejectAny or All BidsF.Award of Contract .......................................38. Award Criteria39. Purchaser’s Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award40. Notification of Award41. Signing of Contract42. Performance SecuritySection I. Instructions to Bidders (ITB)A. General1.Scope of Bid 1.1The Purchaser indicated in the BiddingData Sheet (BDS),issues these BiddingDocuments for the supply of Goods andRelated Services incidental thereto asspecified in Section VI, Schedule ofRequirements. The name andidentification number of this NationalCompetitive Bidding (NCB) procurementare specified in the BDS. The name,identification, and number of lots ofare provided in the BDS.1.2Throughout these Bidding Documents:(a)the term “in writing” means communicatedin written form (e.g. by mail, e-mail, fax,telex) and delivered against receipt; and(b)“day” means calendar day.2.Source of Funds 2.1The Purchaser intends to use the funds as definedin the BDS towards the cost of the Project definedin the BDS. The Purchaser intends to apply aportion of the funds to eligible payments underthe contract for which these Bidding Documents areissued.2.2Payments shall comply with theprovisions as defined in the BDS3.Corrupt andFraudulentPractices 3.1Chinese anticorruption policy requirespurchasers, as well as bidders, suppliersand contractors, and their agents (whether declared or not), personnel,subcontractors and service providersobserve the highest standard of ethicsduring the procurement and execution ofsuch contracts.3.2In pursuance of this policy, the termsand sanction actions for fraud andcorruption are detailed in the BDS.3.3Bidders shall be aware of theprovisions stated in the Clause 35.1(a) (iii) of Section VII of the GeneralConditions of Contract.4.Eligible Bidders 4.1A bidder may be a private entity, orstate-owned entity – subject to ITBSub-clause 4.5 – or any combinationof them in the form of a Joint Venture(JV), under an existing agreement, orwith the intent to constitute a legallyenforceable joint venture.. In thecase of a JV:(a)all parties to the JV shall bejointly and severally liable; and(b)a JV shall nominate aRepresentative who shall have theauthority to conduct all businessesfor and on behalf of any and all theparties of the JV during the biddingprocess and, in the event of the JV isawarded the Contract, during contractexecution.4.2Bidder, and all parties constitutingthe Bidder, shall have the nationalityof an eligible country, in accordancewith Section V, Eligible Countries. ABidder shall be deemed to have thenationality of a country if the Bidderis a citizen or is constituted,incorporated, or registered andoperates in conformity with theprovisions of the laws of that country.This criterion shall also apply to thedetermination of the nationality ofproposed subcontractors or suppliersfor any part of the Contract includingRelated Services.4.3A Bidder shall not have a conflict ofinterest as defined in the BDS. Allbidders found to have conflict ofinterest shall be disqualified.Bidders may be considered to have aconflict of interest with one or moreparties in this bidding process, if, but not limited to:(a)they have controlling partner orcontrolling shareholders in common; or(b)they received or have received any director indirect subsidy from any of them; or(c)they have the same legal representative forpurposes of this Bid; or(d)they have a relationship with each other,directly or through common third parties,that puts them in a position to have accessto information about or influence on the bidof another Bidder, or influence thedecisions of the Purchaser regarding thisbidding process,(e) a bidder participates in more than one bidin this bidding process. Participation bya Bidder in more than one Bid will resultin the disqualification of all Bids in whichit is involved. However, this does notlimit the inclusion of the samesubcontractor, not otherwise participatingas a Bidder, in more than one bid; or;(f) a Bidder or any of its affiliatesparticipated as a consultant in thepreparation of the bidding document that isthe subject of the bid; or(g) a Bidder or any of its affiliates has beenhired, or is proposed to be hired, by thePurchaser for the supervision of thecontract.4.4A Bidder that is under a declaration ofineligibility by the authorities specified in the BDS, at the date of the deadline for bid submission or thereafter, shall be disqualified.4.5Government-owned entities in Chinashall be eligible only if they can establish that they (i) are legally and financially autonomous, (ii) operate under the principles of commercial law, and (iii) are not dependent agencies of the Purchaser.4.6Bidders shall provide such evidence oftheir continued eligibility satisfactory to the Purchaser, as the Purchaser shall reasonably request.4.7In case a prequalification process hasbeen conducted prior to the bidding process, this bidding is open only to prequalified Bidders.4.8The eligibility of bidders specific tothe contracts financed by World Bank or Asian Development Bank or other International Financial Institutions is specified in the BDS.5.Eligible Goodsand RelatedServices 5.1All the Goods and Related Services tobe supplied under the Contract shall have origin as any member countries as listed in Section V: Eligible Countries.5.2For purposes of this Clause, the term“goods” includes commodities, raw material, machinery, equipment, and industrial plants; and “related services” includes service s such as insurance, installation, training, and initial maintenance.5.3The term “origin” means the placewhere the goods have been mined, grown, cultivated, produced, manufactured or processed; or, through manufacture, processing, or assembly, another commercially recognized article results that differs substantially in its basic characteristics from its imported components.5.4The nationality of the firm thatproduces, assembles, distributes, or sells the goods shall not determine their origin.B. Contents of Bidding Documents6.Sections ofBidding Documents 6.1The Bidding Documents consist of Parts1, 2, and 3, which include all theSections indicated below, and shouldbe read in conjunction with anyAddendum issued in accordance with ITBClause 8.PART 1 Bidding Procedures•Section I. Instructions toBidders (ITB)•Section II. Bidding Data Sheet(BDS)•Section III. Evaluation andQualification Criteria•Section IV. Bidding Forms•Section V. Eligible Countries PART 2 Supply Requirements•Section VI. Schedule ofRequirementsPART 3 Contract•Section VII. General Conditionsof Contract•Section VIII. SpecialConditions of Contract•Section IX. Contract Forms6.2The IFB issued by the Purchaser is notpart of the Bidding Documents.6.3The Purchaser is not responsible forthe completeness of the BiddingDocuments and their addendum, if theywere not obtained directly from thePurchaser.6.4The Bidder is expected to examine allinstructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding Documents. Failure to furnish all information or documentation required by the Bidding Documents may result in the rejection of the bid.7.Clarification ofBidding Documents 7.1A prospective Bidder requiring anyclarification of the Bidding Documents shall contact the Purchaser in writing at the Purchaser’s address specified in the BDS.The Purchaser will respond in writing to any request for clarification, provided that such request is received no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the deadline for submission of bids. The Purchaser shall forward copies of its response to all those who have acquired the Bidding Documents directly from it, including a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source. Should the Purchaser deem it necessary to amend the Bidding Documents as a result of a clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under ITB Clause 8 and ITB Sub-Clause 24.2.8.Amendment ofBidding Documents 8.1At any time prior to the deadline forsubmission of bids, the Purchaser may amend the Bidding Documents by issuing addendum.8.2Any addendum issued shall be part ofthe Bidding Documents and shall becommunicated in writing to all who haveobtained the Bidding Documentsdirectly from the Purchaser.8.3To give prospective Bidders reasonabletime in which to take an addendum intoaccount in preparing their bids, thePurchaser may, at its discretion,extend the deadline for the submissionof bids, pursuant to ITB Sub-Clause24.2.C. Preparation of Bids9.Cost of Bidding 9.1The Bidder shall bear all costsassociated with the preparation andsubmission of its bid, and thePurchaser shall not be responsible orliable for those costs, regardless ofthe conduct or outcome of the biddingprocess.nguage of Bid 10.1The Bid, as well as all correspondenceand documents relating to the bidexchanged by the Bidder and thePurchaser, shall be written inChinese.Supporting documents andprinted literature that are part of theBid may be in another language providedthey are accompanied by an accuratetranslation of the relevant passagesin Chinese,in which case, for purposesof interpretation of the Bid, suchtranslation shall govern.11.Documents11.1The Bid shall comprise the following:Comprising theBid(a)Bid Submission Form and the applicablePrice Schedules, in accordance with ITBClauses 12, 14, and 15;(b)Bid Security, in accordance with ITB Clause21;(c)Alternative bids, if permitted inaccordance with ITB Clause 13;(d)Written confirmation authorizing thesignatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder,in accordance with ITB Clause 22;(e)Documentary evidence in accordance with ITBClause 16 establishing the Bidder’seligibility to bid;(f)Documentary evidence in accordance with ITBClause 17, that the Goods and RelatedServices to be supplied by the Bidder canmeet eligibility requirement;(g)Documentary evidence in accordance with ITBClauses 18 and 30, that the Goods andRelated Services conform to the BiddingDocuments;(h)Documentary evidence in accordance with ITBClause 19 establishing the Bidder’squalifications to perform the contract ifits bid is accepted; and(i)Any other document required in the BDS.12.Bid SubmissionForm and PriceSchedules 12.1The Bidder shall submit the BidSubmission Form using the formfurnished in Section IV, BiddingForms. This form must be completedwithout any alterations to its format,and no substitutes shall be accepted.All blank spaces shall be filled inwith the information requested.12.2The Bidder shall submit the PriceSchedules for Goods and Related Services, according to the forms furnished in Section IV, Bidding Forms13.AlternativeBids 13.1Unless otherwise specified in the BDS,alternative bids shall not be considered.14.Bid Prices andDiscounts 14.1The prices and discounts quoted by theBidder in the Bid Submission Form andin the Price Schedules shall conform tothe requirements specified below.14.2All lots and items must be listed andpriced separately in the PriceSchedules. If a price schedule showsitems listed but not priced, theirprices shall be assumed to be includedin the prices of other items. Items notlisted in the Price Schedule shall beassumed not to be included in the Bid,and provided that the Bid issubstantially responsive, thecorresponding adjustments shall beapplied in accordance with ITB price to be quoted in the BidSubmission Form shall be the totalprice of the bid, excluding anydiscounts offered.14.4The Bidder shall quote anyunconditional discounts and indicatethe method for their application in theBid Submission Form.14.5The term EXW and other similar termsshall be governed by the rulesprescribed in the current edition ofINCOTERMS, published by TheInternational Chamber of Commerce, asspecified in the BDS.14.6Prices shall be quoted as specified ineach Price Schedule included inSection IV, Bidding Forms. Thedisaggregation of price components isrequired solely for the purpose offacilitating the comparison of bids bythe Purchaser. This shall not in anyway limit the Purchaser’s right tocontract on any of the terms offered.Prices shall be entered in thefollowing manner:(i) the price of the Goods quoted EXW (ex works,ex factory, ex warehouse, ex showroom, oroff-the-shelf, as applicable), including allcustoms duties and sales and other taxesalready paid or payable on the components andraw material used in the manufacture orassembly of the Goods;(ii) the price for transportation, insurance, and other Related Services (inclusive ofany applicable taxes) required to convey theGoods to their final destination (ProjectSite) specified in the BDS.14.7Prices quoted by the Bidder shall befixed d uring the Bidder’s performanceof the Contract and not subject tovariation on any account unlessotherwise specified in the BDS. A Bidsubmitted with an adjustable pricequotation shall be treated as nonresponsive and shall be rejected,pursuant to ITB Clause 30. However, ifin accordance with the BDS, pricesquoted by the Bidder shall be subjectto adjustment during the performanceof the Contract, a Bid submitted witha fixed price quotation shall not berejected, but the price adjustmentshall be treated as zero.14.8If so indicated in ITB Sub-Clause 1.1,bids are being invited for individualcontracts (lots) or for anycombination of contracts (packages).Unless otherwise indicated in the BDS,prices quoted shall correspond to 100%of the items specified for each lot andto 100% of the quantities specified foreach item of a lot. Bidders wishing tooffer any price reduction (discount)for the award of more than one Contractshall specify the applicable pricereduction in accordance with ITBSub-Clause 14.4 provided the bids forall lots are submitted and opened atthe same time.15.Currency of Bid 15.1 Prices shall be quoted in ChineseRenminbi.16.DocumentsEstablishing theEligibility ofthe Bidder 16.1T o establish their eligibility inaccordance with ITB Clause 4, Biddersshall complete the Bid Submission Form,included in Section IV, Bidding Forms.。
