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用Abaqus 所遇到问题汇总(持续更新)2011-02-17 02:45:26 转载▼ 标签:分类:好好学习abaqus杂谈问题1:当Verification 所有都pass 的时候,仍然提示Problem during compilation - ifort.exe not found in PATH解决办法:找到ABAQUS 安装目录下的Commands 文件夹例如

D:SIMULIAAbaqusCommands下的abq6101.bat,右键,编辑此文件,插入下面这行使之成为第一行:8 P O2 b W R4 y6 U5

ucallquotX:yourdirIntelCompilerFortranversionIA32Binifortvar s.batquot,例如我的是:- k q V/ : Ecall

quotC:ProgramFilesIntelCompiler11.1070binia32ifortvars_ia32. batquot f9 G9 R C0 Lamp quot d/ Y d问题2:当使用UMAT 子程序是出现以下错误Error in job Job-line44: 630 elements have been defined with zero hourglass stiffness. You may use hourglass stiffness or change the elementtype. The elements have been identified in element setErrElemZeroHourGlassStiffness.解决办法:由于设置了减缩积分,所以出现沙漏现象,将其改成全积分或imcompatible 可解决,详细解析在《基于ABAQUS 的有限元分析和应用》的第510页。问题3:提交作业后模型出现问题,standard.exe 停止工作,只生成dat 文件而没有找到msg 文件解决办法:黄色图标的文件即msg 文件,但文件类型显示为outlook,

用记事本打开即可。问题4:当使用UMAT 子程序,提交任务前进行Data Check 出现以下错误提示USER SUBROUTINE IS MISSING解决办法:Edit job,设置子程序xx.for 的路径。曾经出现不设置也能运算的情况,但系大部分情况下,不设置都会出现上述提示,反正设置好路径就不会错了。问题5:出现收敛问题解决办法很多1.可能模型本身有问题2.更改tolerance,在step--gtother--gtgeneral solution control慎用3.如果刚度矩阵是非对称,一定要选择不对称,否则按对称算,就会出现问题4.缩小initial 同maximum 的step size5.在step 设置时增加damping问题6: 同时调用多个子程序而job editor 只能指定一个路径You can specify only one user subroutine file in the job editor if youranalysis involves more than one user subroutine you must combine the usersubroutines into one file and then specify that file.问题7:输出的应变应力是真实应变应力还是名义的应变应力?The stress measure u sed in Abaqus is Cauchy or “true” stress whichcorresponds to the force per current area.For geometrically nonlinearanalysis a large number of different strain measures exist. Unlike“true” stress there is no clearly preferred “true” strain. For thesame phys ical deformation different strain measures will report differentvalues in

large-strain analysis. The optimal choice of strain

measuredepends on analysis type material behavior and to some degree personalpreference.By default the strain output in Abaqus/Sta ndard is the “integrated”total strain output variable E. For large-strain shells membranes andsolid elements in

Abaqus/Standard two other measures of total strain canbe requested: logarithmic strain output variable LE and nominal strainoutput variable NE.Logarithmic strain output variable LE

is the default strain output inAbaqus/Explicit nominal strain output variable NE can be requested aswell. The “integrated” total strain is not available inAbaqus/Explicit.因此,缺省情况下,输出结果为真实应力(S)和真实应变(E/LE/NE)另外,要理解好真实应力/应变和名义应力/应变的定义,不是所有的

实验结果都必定以名义应力/应变给出,所以输入数据时,分清楚究竟需不需要进行转换。一句话,具体情况具体分析!ABAQUS 错误信息汇总2011-10-29 21:00:41 分类:默认

分类标签:字号大中小订阅Abaqus 错误与警告信息汇总模型不能算或不收敛,都需要去monitor,msg 文件查看原因,如何分析这些信息呢?这个需要具体问题具体分析,但是也存在一些共性。这里只是尝试做一个一般性的大概的总结。如果你看见此贴就认为你的warning 以为迎刃而解了,那恐怕令你失望了。不收敛的问题千奇万状,往往需要头疼医脚。接触、单元类型、边界条件、网格质量以及它们的组
