BTEPS-DAS MS 软件说明书 V1.0

BTEPSBostex Enterprise Platform for Security SOFTWARE MANUAL软件操作手册Version 1.0对本手册所包含的所有信息,包括URL链接和其他网上资料,本公司有权未经通知,自行修改。
本手册任何部分在未经Ningbo Bostex Technology Co., Ltd书面同意的情况下,不得以任何形式(电子媒体、影印、记录或其他)再版、存储或引用手册中提到的所有其他产品,其知识产权均为其相关拥有者所具有。
© 2011 Ningbo Bostex Technology Co., Ltd版权所有目录1 软件安装 (1)1.1 计算机配置要求 (1)1.2 SQL 安装 (1)1.3 MSMQ 安装 (1)1.4 BTEPS 软件安装 (3)1.5 系统架构 (3)1.5.1 控制中心 (CC) (4)1.5.2 通讯服务器 (CS) (4)1.5.3 门禁系统 (DAS) (4)1.5.4 监控系统 (MS) (4)1.6 系统通讯 (5)1.7 运行软件 (5)2 系统管理 (5)2.1 设置自动登录 (6)2.2 系统设置 (6)2.2.1 设置用户自定义字段 (6)2.2.2 系统默认设置 (7)2.2.3 Wifi设置 (8)2.3 通讯服务器设置 (9)2.4 控制器设置 (9)2.4.1 添加控制器 (9)2.4.2 删除控制器 (11)2.4.3 控制器信息 (11) 控制器名称 (12) 设置报警优先等级 (12) 设置安全密码 (12) 停止收发数据 (12) 修改控制器下的门名称 (12)2.4.4 控制器的连接方式 (12)2.4.5 控制器群组信息 (13)2.4.6 手动更新控制器信息 (13)2.5 区域设置 (14)2.5.1 添加区域 (14)2.5.2 删除区域 (15)2.5.3 添加门/控制器到区域 (16)2.5.4 删除区域中的门/楼层/控制器 (16)2.6 编辑门信息 (17)2.6.1 编辑门名称 (18)2.6.2 设置开门时间 (18)2.6.3 设置开门超时时间 (18)2.6.4 设置自动开门时区表 (18)2.6.5 设置密码取消时区表 (18)2.6.6 启用安全密码 (18)2.6.7 设置报警优先级 (18)2.6.8 设置工作模式 (18)2.6.9 修改所在区域 (19)2.6.10 启用反潜回 (19)2.7.1 编辑楼层名称 (19)2.7.2 设置开门时间 (19)2.7.3 设置自动开门时区表 (20)2.7.4 修改区域 (20)2.8 编辑设备 (20)2.8.1 添加设备 (20)2.8.2 编辑设备信息 (20)2.9 修改登陆密码 (21)2.10 设置操作员 (21)2.10.1 新增操作员 (21)2.10.2 删除操作员 (22)2.10.3 修改操作员权限 (23)2.11 离职管理 .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

BT SeriesGiant BinocularsBT-70SF - BT-82SF - BT-100SF - BT-120SF Art. No. 0114200 / 0114210 / 0114220 / 0114230U-Mount with tripodArt. No. 0114300 INSTRUCTION MANUALGiant binoculars2x 62° LER eyepiece20mm ArTripodwith spacing plate and central screwU-Mountwith mounting plateand tripod head adapterTripodU-Mount11. F riction wheelsfor height adjustment 12. Movable height cradle 13. Fork arm14. Adapter plate for 15.15. 1/4" threaded screws 16. Dovetail rail 17. F ixing screws for 16.18. Turnable azimuthal axis 19. Fixing screw for 18.20. Mounting head21. Tripod head adapter1. Tripod head2. Tripod leg (upper part)3. Fixing screws for tripod leg4. Tripod leg (lower part)5. Spindle crank6. K nurled screw7. Central screw8. Spacing plate9. Washer 10. C-Clip21. Objective Lens 22. Dew/sun protection cap, extendable 23. Tube24. ¼" Connection thread 25. ⅜"-Connection thread* with unscrewable¼“ Connection thread adapter26. Transport handle27. Eyepiece, exchangeable 28. Eyepiece holder29. Eyepiece clamping ring 30. Focusing31. Interpupillary distance adjustmentGiant binoculars * for mounting on photo tripods with corresponding mounting head. ¼" connection thread can be unscrewed using a slotted screwdriver, thus exposing a "⅜"connection thread.When mounting the binoculars on a photo tripod with appropriate mounting head, make sure that the photo tripod and the mountinghead have sufficient load-bearing capacity!plate in the tripod head and fix it.adapter and the tripod. Tighten the tripod legs with the knurled screw.2. A ssemble spacing plate and central screw.6. F riction adjustment of the coupling for the height axis.them.tripod head. Place the U-Mount on the tripod head adapter.7. F riction adjustment of the coupling for the azimuth axis.bottom side of the binoculars.handle and tighten the fixing of the U-Mount.12. B alance the binoculars at the centreof gravity.8. 2 x ¼" connection thread on the bottom side of the binocularsobservation. Possibly pull out theeyepiece holder.focusing.14. R emove the dust caps from theobjective lenses.Astronomical observations48Land observations48Tips on observationMoon*Star cluster M45 Pleiades*Orion nebula M42*Landscape*Birds*Ships** Sample images for illustration purposes. The actual image size and image quality depends on the selected eyepieces. Astronomical motifs are usually not visible in colour due to the long observation distance.EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Eyepiece series EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC TELRADProjection viewfinder with baseEXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Nebula filters EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Filter Set 2When using optional accessories, read separate instruction manual!Only use accessories authorized by the manufacturer!11Giant binoculars Product (Art. No.)Objective lens typeAperture (mm)Focal length (mm)Dimensions(LxWxH) (mm)Weight (kg)BT-70SF (0114200)achromatic (2 elem./1 gr.)70400370x213x122 3.4BT-82SF (0114210)achromatic (2 elem./1 gr.)82470445x226x122 4.3BT-100SF (0114220)achromatic (2 elem./1 gr.)100550520x270x155 6.8BT-120SF (0114230)achromatic (2 elem./1 gr.)120660654x290x1568.3Giant binoculars• C lean the lenses (eyepieces and/or objective lenses) only with a soft and lint-free cloth (e.g. microfibre cloth). To avoid scratching the lenses, use only gentle pressure with the cleaning cloth.• T o remove more stubborn dirt, moisten the cleaning cloth with an eyeglass-cleaning solution and wipe the lenses gently.• P rotect the device from dust and moisture! After use, particularly in high humidity, let the device acclimatise at room temperature for a short period of time, so that the residual moisture can dissipate. Put the dust caps on and store it in a dry and heated place.U-Mount and tripod• Clean the device only on the outside with a dry cloth.Bresser GmbHGutenbergstr. 2 · DE-46414·******************Errors and technical changes excepted.Manual_0114200-0114210-0114220-0114230-0114300_BT-Series-U-Mount_en_EXPSC_062021a。

广州联智蓝牙市场设备 BT-Pusher单机版用户使用手册版本1.0.0广州市联智电子科技有限公司GuangZhou DeviceGate Technology Co。
,Ltd地址:广州市天河区中山大道中77号时尚名苑1栋501,512室电子邮件:bt-pusher@ Service@电话:0086-20-82317785、82317786目录1 产品介绍 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2功能简介 (3)1.3应用领域 (3)1.4产品特征 (4)1.5包装内容 (4)2 安装使用说明 (6)2.1 BT-Pusher 单机版接口说明 (6)2.2使用说明 (6)2.2.1系统上电 (6)2.2.2U盘管理 (8)2.3安装注意事项 (10)1.产品介绍1.1产品概述蓝牙广告机BT-Pusher是广州联智推出的一款近距离信息传播设备,BT-Pusher主动搜索附近的蓝牙终端设备,免费向其定向投放客户感兴趣的资讯。
1.2功能简介● 自动搜索工作范围内的移动蓝牙设备(PDA、手机、笔记本电脑等)● 支持多种广告发送策略● 支持手机黑名单功能,灵活的多种拒绝重发机制● 能够自动识别并建立与移动蓝牙设备的配对关系(主流常见机型)● 指示灯能显示系统的工作状态● 可发送所有手机能支持的文件格式:txt、gif、jpg、mp3、mp4、3gp、games 等● 最大能支持21个蓝牙终端设备同时下载● 支持定时发送● 下载速度最快可达100KB/S以上,根据手机蓝牙版本和接收环境而定● 传输距离:最远可达100米● 支持分时段发送不同的内容● 重复搜索时,能自动判断移动设备的反馈信息,避免重复询问、发送同样的文件● 系统能够自动记录用户下载的详细信息,供投放客户决策参考● u盘自动更新1.3应用领域购物中心 公共交通商场 休闲中心、电影院餐馆 博物馆户外广告 展览会候机厅、候车厅 公交站风景区 公司接待处1.4产品特征型号 BT-Pusher 单机版外观状态显示 LED 指示灯显示 尺寸 10cm(W)*14cm(L)*3cm(H)重量 300g电源 110-220v 市电(锂电可选)可用的存储 128M 或以上 蓝牙版本ClassII/Class I最大同时连接终端数21个USB 接口 有 管理方式USB 存储1.5 包装内容每套标准的蓝牙BT-Pusher 单机版含有以下配件:1, 一台BT-Pusher 单机版 主体2,一个电源适配器。

13.4 用户界面序号说明1 LED预报警指示2 LED报警指示3 背景灯图表显示4 光标向上移动按钮5 光标向下移动按钮6 通过一个外部装置(PR030/B供电单元、BT030无线连接单元以及PR010/T单元)来连接或测试脱扣器的测试连接器7 输入数据确认键或页面切换 8 退出次级菜单或取消操作键(ESC)9 额定电流插件 10 保护脱扣器的系列编码11 “i test”按钮当有一个辅助供电或有最小母排电流或PR120/V供电时,LCD图像显示器即可显示,请参见13.2.2.1。
“i test”按钮必须在自供电模式下执行脱扣测试,这样就能看到相关信息和断路器分闸48小时内的最后一次脱扣。
13.4.2 阅读和编辑模式在“read”模式(仅仅读取数据)或“edit”模式(可设置参数),菜单显示所有可得到的界面和通过键盘可移动。
WorkRite BT-ProSwitch 和 WorkRite App 操作指南说明书

User Guide: BT-PROSWITCH AND WORKRITE APPUP/DOWN ADJUSTMENT•The BT-Proswitch is manually operation by lifting the switch up to move up (see figure 1), or pressing down to move down (see figure 2)•To stop the desk adjustment , simply release the button and your desk will stop moving.SET MEMORY POSITIONSSet Memory Position 1Move your desk to the desired position , either as a sitting or standing position. Press the star button until the number 1 appears (see figure 3). Press and hold the star button until the switch goes from flashing to solid white. Memory Position 1 is now saved.Set memory Position 2, 3, and 4Move the desk to the next position. Press the star button to select the numbers 2, 3 or 4. Press and hold the star button for each number (2, 3, or 4) until the switch goes from flashing to solid white. Memory Position 2, 3, or 4 will be saved.OPERATION OF THE BT-PROSWITCH & WORKRITE APPLet's get started Manual OperationUser Guide:BLUETOOTH SWITCHBT-PROSWITCH & WORKRITE APPFigure 2Press the Switch down to move desk downFigure 1Lift the Switch up to move desk upADJUSTING TO A SAVED MEMORY POSITIONIf you simply press the button up or down, the desk will stop at each memory position that has been saved in the order of what height is stored going either up or down.DOUBLE TAP MOVEMENTOnce you have downloaded the Workrite App to your device and paired your desk, you can enable “Automatic Drive”. Once enabled you can double click the BT-PROSWITCH up to move up or down to move down and the desk will move without requiring constant contact with the switch (see figure 4). *To stop the “Automatic Drive”: simply tap the BT-PROSWITCH once and the desk will stop moving.ERASING ALL MEMORY POSITIONSPress and hold the star (*) button for 8 seconds (see figure 5). The switch will blink RED indicating all memory positions have been erased.SETTING REMINDER TIMERSThe reminder button is the Bell Symbol (seefigure 6) on the switch. Press this button to selectone of 3 standard setting s included in the switch.(The switch is set to “Setting 1” as the defaultsetting when you first use your desk)•Setting 1 : Reminder to stand up for 5 minutesafter sitting for 55 minutesFigure 4Double taptill the Switch blink RED•Setting 2 : Reminder to stand up for 10 minutes after sitting for 50 minutes•Setting 3 : Reminder to stand up for 15 minutes after sitting for 45 minutesHow Reminders work: The Switch will display a pulsing green light bar around the perimeter of the switch when it is not time to change position. The switch changes to pulsing red when it’s time to change position (Figure 7). Once you’ve changed your position, the switch will return to green until the next reminder.ADJUSTING DISPLAY HEIGHT*If you ha ve purchased a Fundamental LX Sit-Stand Desk you will need to change your display height.Set your display for the Fundamental LX.Lower the table to the lowest position. Press and hold the Reminder Button (Bell Symbol) and the Bluetooth Button (Bluetooth symbol) until the digital readout flashes. Lift up on the switch until the display reads 27.5”. Wait 10 seconds until the display quits flashing and the switch will save the new height setting.Set you display height for special height requirements (Example: You’ve added casters to your sit stand desk). Lower the table to the lowest position. Measure the distance from the floor to the top of your worksurface. Note your height. Press and hold the Reminder Button (Bell Symbol) and the Bluetooth Button (Bluetooth symbol) until the digital readout flashes. Lift up on the switch until the display reads the height you have measured. Wait 10 seconds until the display quits flashing and the switch will save the new height setting.Figure 6Figure 7Pulsing green light indicatesit is not time to change positionPulsing red light indicatesit is time to change positionBT-PROSWITCH FACTORY RESETT o return the BT-PROSWITCH to the original factory settings press and hold the Reminder Button (Bell Symbol) and the Memory Button (Star Symbol) buttons simultaneously for 8 seconds. This will erase all memory position and reset the BT-PROSWITCH back to the original factory settings (see figure 8).Error codesThe BT-PROSWITCH will also display error codes or faults that the table experiences. In many cases , error codes are only reporting normal functions like anti-collision sensing signals, temporary overload(someone sitting on desk when trying to move). Most of these error codes are self-clearing and simply go away on next use of the desk.If an error code persists and the desk quits functioning normally , contact us for trouble shooting (Workrite Ergonomics (800) 959-9672 “PRESS 2 FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT”). Please make sure you note the error code before you call.A common error code is E01. This is a simple re-initialization code. To re-initialize your table , press and hold the down button until the table lowers fully. NOTE: If at any time the table becomes un -level due to one of the two or three legs of the table not moving , immediately stop and contact Workrite. Once the table lower fully again press and hold the down button for 10 seconds until the table jogs down and up and the digital display returns to show 22.5”. The digital readout displaying the height indicates the re-initialization is complete and your table should be back to operation normally.THE WORKRITE APP•Go to https:///us/app/workrite-bluetooth-pro-switch/id1483434040to download the Workrite App on your IOS, or search “Workrite Bluetooth Pro Switch”in the App Store•Go to https:///store/apps/details?id=com.workriteergo.btproswitch to download the Workrite App on your Android device, or search “Workrite Bluetooth Pro Switch” in the Google Play Store•Follow the prompts in the app to set up your table with blue tooth paring and the other features that areenabled by the app1500495 Rev A/1119。
贝特 潜水回流泵 操作手册说明书

1贝特技术专注环保2贝特技术专注环保目录目录1安全说明 (2)1.0概述 (2)1.1运输与储存 (3)1.2安装与调试 (3)1.3使用与维护保养 (3)2用途 (4)3型号表示示例 (4)4设备结构 (4)4.1主机 (4)4.2安装系统 (5)4.3电控 (6)4.4安装附件 (6)5设备安装 (6)6设备调试 (9)7维护与保养 (10)附表1、维修记录表 (11)附表2、顾客满意度调查表 (13)3贝特技术专注环保4贝特技术专注环保设备启动前注意事项1设备启动前注意事项1.在启动潜水回流泵前,应用0—500V 兆欧表检查定子绕组绝缘情况。
Epson Moverio BT-40S用户手册说明书

Earphone jackUSB Type-C connectorTemplesLensNose padAmbient light sensorSensorsShadeClipUser's Guide (this document)Safety InstructionsIncluded Items and Headset Part NamesOptional ItemsThe following optional items are available. These optional items are available as of July 2020. Availability and part numbers vary by region and are subject to change without notice.• Intelligent Controller BO-IC400*• Shade Pack BO-SP400• Nose Pad Pack BO-NP350• Nose Pad Pack BO-NP300*Supplied with the BT-40S.• This product is powered using the battery in your smart device or the Intelligent Controller (hereinafter, these are collectively referred to as the "connected device"). While using the product, keep an eye on the battery level of your connected device.• The BT-40 does not come with an Intelligent Controller. You need to provide a smart device that supports USB Type-C DisplayPort Alternate Mode.While the image is displayed on your connected device, connect theheadset's USB Type-C connector to the connected device.Connect commercially available earphones to the earphone jack.• We recommend using earphones that comply with CTIA standards.Also, when using 3-pin earphones, the microphone functiondoes not work. You may hear some noise when connecting ordisconnecting the earphones or USB Type-C connector duringcontent playback, so be sure to take off your earphones first.• When using apps with a call function, phone calls may be audiblefrom the smart device even if earphones are connected. Werecommend checking in advance what happens when you receivea phone call while images are displayed.Put on the headset and earphones, and then adjust the position ofthe headset so that you can see the image.• Do not apply excessive force when opening the temples.• You can clip the earphone jack to your clothes using the clip. Notethat some clothes may be damaged by the clip.• Turn the screen of your connected device sideways to display theimage at full screen size.-Turn on the screen rotation feature for the connected device.• Check the following points if you cannot see the image.-The USB Type-C connector is connected correctly (make sureyou connect it securely to the connector).-The connected device is on, not in sleep mode.-Your smart device supports images output in USB Type-CDisplayPort Alternate Mode.If you are using an Android device, you can adjust the brightness of the headset's screen as well as other parameters by using the dedicated app.BT-40: Install the app "MOVERIO Link" on your smart device using Google Play.BT-40S: Use "MOVERIO Link Pro" from the app list screen of the Intelligent Controller BO-IC400.The following outlines the main features of the app.• Headset screen brightness adjustment• Power saving mode (on the connected device and the headset)• Screen lock for the connected devices (to prevent accidental operations)Adjust the volume on your connected device.BT-40/BT-40S Headset Specifications<For customers who have purchased the BT-40S>*1 Restrictions in operation may occur, such as buttons not operating, even when using a compliant plug.*2 The screen brightness was set to the default value of 12/20, and the evaluation movie with an average gradation of 98/255 was displayed continuously in an environment of 25°C. If the screen brightness (brightness setting and display gradation) is brighter than the evaluation conditions, the life span will be reduced.Notes on Water ResistanceThis product is IPX2-compliant with daily water resistance performance based on the IEC60529 standard. However, this does not include the USB Type-C connector. (This is not based on an evaluation by a third-party evaluator)<Water resistance level compliant with IPX2>If the product is subjected to a dripping water test at a rate of 3 mm/minute for up to 10 minutes while the product is at an angle of 15 degrees, water does not enter the product and it can be operated normally.• The water resistance feature does not guarantee protection against damage or malfunctions under all conditions. The warranty is invalid if mal-functions are determined to have occurred due to incorrect handling of the product by the user.• When connecting or disconnecting the product's USB Type-C connector with a connected device, do not touch it with wet hands and do not expose it to water or dust. If small debris such as hair or sand gets caught in the ports, the water resistance performance of the product will be compromised.• Do not allow other liquids (such as organic solvents, soapy water, hot spring water, and seawater) to splash onto the product.• Do not leave the product in locations subject to humidity such as bathrooms.• If rain or water splashes onto the product, wipe it with a dry cloth as soon as possible.Trademarks"EPSON" is a registered trademark of the Seiko Epson Corporation."EXCEED YOUR VISION" is a registered trademark or a trademark of the Seiko Epson Corporation.Windows is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.USB Type-C TM is a trademark of the USB Implementers Forum.Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google LLC.Other product names used herein are also for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Epsondisclaims any and all rights in those marks.。
PreSonus Eris HD10BT 头phones 用户手册说明书

Eris® HD10BTStudiokopfhörer mit aktiver Rauschunterdrückung (ANC) und Bluetooth®Bedienungsanleitung®1 Übersicht — 11.1 Einleitung — 11.2 Im Lieferumfang enthalten — 11.3 Weitere Produkte von PreSonus — 22. Verkabelung — 32.1 Anschlüsse und Steuerung an der rechtenKopfhörermuschel — 32.1.1.Einschalten und Koppeln — 32.1.2.Titel- und Lautstärkensteuerung überBluetooth — 42.1.3. Anrufsteuerung — 42.1.4.K abelbetrieb — 52.2 Anschlüsse und Steuerung an der linkenKopfhörermuschel — 52.2.1.Aktive Rauschunterdrückung (ANC) — 52.2.2. Laden — 51 Übersicht 1.1 Einleitun gEris HD10BT Bedienungsanleitung11.1 EinleitungVielen Dank, dass Sie sich für den PreSonus® Eris™ HD10BT Studiokopfhörermit aktiver Rauschunterdrückung (ANC) und Bluetooth® Funktechnologieentschieden haben. Der PreSonus® Eris HD10BT Kopfhörer vereint einenhochwertigen Klang in Studioqualität mit der Mobilität und Bewegungsfreiheitder Bluetooth Verbindungstechnologie. Die aktive RauschunterdrückungANC (Active Noise Canceling) dämpft Umgebungsgeräusche um bis zu18 dB. So können Sie Ihre Lieblings-Musik, -Podcasts oder -Fernsehserienüberall in hochwertigem, lebendigen Sound genießen – egal, ob Sie an einervielbefahrenen Hauptstraße oder in der Mittelreihe im Flugzeug sitzen.Wir bei PreSonus Audio Electronics bemühen uns um eine stetige Weiterentwicklungunserer Produkte und schätzen unsere Kunden und Ihre kreativen Projektesehr. Wir freuen uns über Ihr Vertrauen in unsere Produkte und sind sicher,dass Ihnen Ihr Eris HD10BT Kopfhörer viele Jahre lang Freude bereiten wird!1.2 Im Lieferumfang enthaltenIhr Eris HD 10BT wird wie folgt ausgeliefert:PreSonus Eris HD10BT StudiokopfhörerKurzanleitung1 m 3,5 mm TRS-KlinkenkabelTRS-Klinkenadapter 3,5 mm auf 6,35 mm1 Übersicht 1.3 Weitere Produkte von PreSonusEris HD10BT Bedienungsanleitung1 m USB-LadekabelStabiler TragekofferHinweise zur Gesundheit, Sicherheit und Konformität von Kopfhörern von PreSonus1.3 Weitere Produkte von PreSonusVielen Dank, dass Sie sich für PreSonus entschieden haben! Wir verstehenuns als Anbieter von integrierten Lösungen und möchten unseren Kunden(ja, Sie sind gemeint) daher eine optimale Benutzererfahrung bieten – vomersten Ton bis zum fertigen Projekt. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, stand dienahtlose Integration von Anfang an und in allen Phasen der Entwicklung anerster Stelle. Das Ergebnis sind Systeme, die ohne Konfigurationsaufwanddirekt nach dem Auspacken optimal miteinander kommunizieren.Wir sind für Sie da. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter .2.2.1 Anschlüsse und Steuerung an der rechten Kopfhörermuschel2.1.1. Einschalten und Koppeln…PreSonus HD10BT“.2.1.2. Titel- und Lautstärkensteuerung über BluetoothWährend der Audiowiedergabe von Ihrem Bluetooth-Gerätstehen die folgenden Bedienoptionen zur Verfügung:1. Lautstärke anheben / Nächster Titel. Drücken Sie die Tasteeinmal, um die Bluetooth-Lautstärke anzuheben. Halten Sie dieTaste gedrückt, um zum vorherigen Titel zu navigieren.2. Wiedergabe/Pause. Drücken Sie diese Taste, um die Wiedergabe aufIhrem Bluetooth-Gerät aus der Ferne zu starten und anzuhalten.3. Lautstärke absenken / Nächster Titel. Drücken Sie die Tasteeinmal, um die Bluetooth-Lautstärke abzusenken. Halten Sie dieTaste gedrückt, um zum nächsten Titel zu navigieren.2.1.3. AnrufsteuerungWenn Sie Ihr Telefon über Bluetooth mit Ihrem Eris HD10BT Kopfhörer gekoppelthaben, können Sie über die mittlere Taste Anrufe annehmen oder ablehnen.2.1.4. KabelbetriebSie können Ihren Eris HD10BT Kopfhörer auch über Kabel anschließen, wennbeispielsweise der Akku schwach ist oder Sie ein Gerät ohne Bluetooth-Funktionalität abhören möchten. Die 3,5 mm TRS-Klinkenbuchse befindetsich unten an der rechten Kopfhörermuschel. Nutzen Sie zum Anschlussdas beiliegende Kabel oder ein anderes 3,5 mm TRS-Klinkenkabel.2.2 Anschlüsse und Steuerung an der linken Kopfhörermuschel2.2.1. Aktive Rauschunterdrückung (ANC)2.2.2. LadenGuten Appetit!Das streng geheime PreSonus-Rezept für…Hühner- und Andouille-GumboZutaten:• 1 Tasse Haushaltsmehl•¾ Tasse Pflanzenöl• 1 große Zwiebel (gewürfelt)• 1 kleine Zwiebel (geviertelt)• 6 gewürfelte Selleriestangen• 1 große grüne Paprikaschote (gewürfelt)• 3 Knoblauchzehen (2 kleingehackt, 1 ganze)•500 g Andouille (Räucherwurst)• 4 Hühnerkeulen• 4 l Wasser• 4 Lorbeerblätter• 1 Teelöffel Thymian• 1 Teelöffel …Old Bay“-Gewürz•1-2 Tassen tiefgefrorene Okra, in Scheiben•¼ Tasse frische kleingehackte Petersilie• 6-8 Eier (optional)Zubereitung:1. Geben Sie die Hühnerkeulen, das Wasser, die geviertelte Zwiebel, das …Old Bay“-Gewürz, die 2 Lorbeerblätter und die ganzeKnoblauchzehe in den Topf. Legen Sie den Deckel auf den Topf und bringen Sie das Ganze zum Sieden. Lassen Sie das Ganze dann so lange köcheln, bis sich das Hühnerfleisch von den Knochen löst. Lösen Sie das Fleisch von den Knochen und legen Sie es beiseite. Holen Sie die Zwiebel, den Lorbeer und den Knoblauch aus dem Sud.2. Geben Sie 1 Teelöffel Öl in eine schwere Bratpfanne und bräunen Sie die Andouille-Räucherwurst darin: Sie muss richtigdurchgebraten sein. Legen Sie die Wurst beiseite.3. Geben Sie das verbleibende Öl in dieselbe Bratpfanne. Geben Sie das Mehl unter ständigem Rühren teelöffelweise in dasÖl. Lassen Sie die Mehlschwitze dunkelbraun werden (sie muss aussehen wie geschmolzene schwarze Schokolade). Das Öl darf auf keinen Fall zu heiß werden, sonst brennt das Mehl an und Sie müssen noch einmal von vorn anfangen.4. Wenn die Mehlschwitze dunkelbraun ist, geben Sie die gewürfelten Zwiebeln, den Sellerie, den Paprika und den feinge-hackten Knoblauch hinzu. Lassen Sie diese Mischung so lange köcheln, bis das Gemüse gar ist. Legen Sie keinen Deckel auf den Topf/die Pfanne.5. Geben Sie allmählich 1 Liter Hühnerbrühe hinzu und lassen Sie die Mischung unter ständigem Rühren aufkochen.6. Geben Sie die Mehlschwitze-Mischung in einen Suppentopf und bringen Sie sie zum Sieden. Lassen Sie den Deckel weg, weilsich die Mehlschwitze sonst auf dem Boden des Topfes ablagert und anbrennt.7. Geben Sie die verbleibende Hühnerbrühe, den Lorbeer und den Thymian hinzu. Lassen Sie das Ganze 30 Minuten köcheln.8. Schneiden Sie das Hühnerfleisch und die Andouille-Wurst in kleine Stücke.9. Geben Sie das Hühnerfleisch und die Andouille-Wurst in den …Gumbo“. Lassen Sie das Ganze 30 – 45 Minuten köcheln.10. Rühren Sie die tiefgekühlte Okra und Petersilie unter und lassen Sie den Gumbo kurz aufkochen.11. Optional: Geben Sie ein Ei in eine Teetasse und rühren Sie es zügig unter den siedenden Gumbo. Wiederholen Sie dasmit den übrigen Eiern. Achten Sie jedoch darauf, dass sich keine Klumpen bilden. Wenn die Eier wieder an der Oberfläche schwimmen, müssen Sie die Hitze reduzieren und den Gumbo köcheln lassen.12. Schmecken Sie ihn mit Salz und Pfeffer (rot, weiß und/oder schwarz) ab.13. An Reis und Kartoffelsalat servieren.Ergibt 12 Portionen©2021 PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. AudioBox USB, Capture, CoActual, EarMix, Eris, FaderPort, FireStudio, MixVerb, Notion, PreSonus, PreSonus AudioBox, QMix, RedLightDist, SampleOne, Sceptre, StudioLive, Temblor, Tricomp, WorxAudio, und das Wellen-Logo sind eingetragene Marken der PreSonus Software Ltd.Mac, macOS, iOS, and iPadOS sind eingetragene Marken von Apple, Inc. in den USA und anderen Ländern. Windows ist eine eingetragene Marke von Microsoft, Inc. in den USA und anderen Ländern.Bluetooth ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen von Bluetooth SIG.Andere genannte Produktnamen könnten Marken der respektiven Unternehmen sein. Alle Angaben sind ohne Gewähr und Änderungen sind vorbehalten...außer am Rezept, das ist ein Klassiker.Eris® HD10BTStudiokopfhörer mit aktiver Rauschunterdrückung (ANC) und Bluetooth®BedienungsanleitungBaton Rouge • USAPart# 70-52000141-A。

星驰S-TBT椭圆运转机使用手册介绍非常感谢您选择使用星驰(Star Trac)健身器材。
2、Motivational Track跑道:400米(1/4英里)跑道示意图,闪动的光标表示您在跑道上的位置。
BTDCS 3000使用手册

二、软件安装1、系统需求操作系统:BTDCS3000适合于运行在Microsoft Windows 的32位版本下,包括Windows NT、Windows2000、Windows XP等平台。

Bluetooth headsetUser manual 2006Fig. 3PART NUMBER RevB 81-00253Fig. 5A B CFig. 4GB CN JP KR MY THCN 繁體中文感謝您 (16)關於 Jabra BT320s (17)耳機的功能 (18)操作入門 (18)1. 對耳機麥克風進行充電 (19)2. 開啟您的 Jabra BT320s (19)3. 用手機或其它設備進行對接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194. 佩戴 Jabra BT320s (20)5. 如何執行下列操作 (20)6. 更換為 Jabra 耳機 (22)7. 指示燈的含義 (22)8. 故障排除和常見問題 (22)9. 需要更多幫助嗎? (24)10. 耳機保存 (24)11. 保固服務 (24)12. 證明與安全認證 (25)13. 術語表 (26)GBCNJPKR MY TH CNGB CN JP KR MY TH CN 1. 耳機連接器(可拆式)2. 夾衣扣附繫索環3.麥克風4. 充電插座5.停止按鈕6. 立體聲耳機(可更換式)7. 耳機插座(3.5 毫米插頭)8. 接聽/結束按鈕9. 指示燈(LED )10. 提高音量 (+),降低音量 (-)11. 下一首曲目12. 上一首曲目 關於 Jabra BT320s 感謝您感謝您購買 Jabra BT320s 藍芽立體聲耳機麥克風。
! 請切記:隨時保持安全駕駛、避免分散注意力,並恪遵當地法律。

BT系列手持式抄表软件操作手册目录第一章 BT系列抄表机简介 3 1.1概述 (3)1.2性能表 (4)第二章 BT系列手持式抄表终端深入使用 5 2.1快捷热键的定义 (5) 2.2开机操作 (8)2.2.1密码验证 (8)2.3抄表 (10)2.3.1进入抄表流程 (10)2.3.2录入示数 (11)2.3.3录入异常状态码 (13)2.4分时电表的抄收 (15)2.4.1进入抄表流程 (15)2.4.2红外抄表 (16)2.4.4分时电表的集中抄收 (17)2.5功能菜单 (17)2.5.1抄表户定位(条件定位) (17)2.5.2其它定位方式 (18)2.5.3查询状态图 (19)2.5.4统计信息 (20)2.5.5密码保护 (20)2.5.6帮助(操作提示) (21)2.6补抄 (21)2.7上下装 (22)2.8设置参数 (22)2.8.1环宇补位 (23)2.8.2突变范围 (24)2.8.3运行选项 (24)2.8.4通讯配置 (26)2.8.5版本(设置运行的主台系统版本) (26)2.9退出 (27)第三章居民分时电表抄收基本步骤 28 3.1开机 (28)3.2进入执行程序 (28)3.3进入抄表主菜单 (29)3.4进入抄表界面 (29)3.5普通居民电表抄收 (30)3.6居民分时电表抄收 (30)3.7居民分时电表集中抄收 (31)第四章多功能电表抄收 32 4.1抄分时表 (32)4.2抄GB645表 (33)4.3抄兰吉尔表 (34)4.4抄ABB表 (35)4.5抄威胜企标表 (35)第五章上下装(主台) 37 5.1上下装(苏源主台系统) (37) 5.1.1数据下装 (37)5.1.2数据下装(抄表机操作) (41)5.1.3数据上装 (41)5.1.4数据上装(抄表机操作) (42)5.2上下装(环宇主台系统) (42)5.2.1下装数据 (42)5.2.2上装数据 (45)5.2.3抄表机操作 (45)第六章下装抄表应用软件 46 6.1下装条件 (46)6.2下装步骤 (46)第七章维护、保养和环保 49附录 (50)第一章 BT系列抄表机简介1.1 概述BT系列手持式抄表终端主要适用于在各种流动性强的工作领域中进行数据采集和现场数据分析处理的工作。

BT/S 系列流量智能型蠕动泵
向上箭头:转速增加键。按键一次,速度最低位加一; 长按此键,速度连续加十 向下箭头:转速减少键。按键一次,速度最低位减一; 长按此键,速度连续减
MODE:模式切换键。控制模式在键盘控制,脚踏 控制和外部控制之间切换,电机运转时无效
DIR:方向键。改变电机运动的方向,在顺时针和 逆时针两种状态切换
1 电话:0312-3250677 3250877 3250977 传真:0312-3250877-804
目录 简介 ......................................................................................................................... 3 应用范围 ................................................................................................................. 3 功能及特点 ............................................................................................................. 3 部件及接口 ............................................................................................................. 4 显示面板及操作按键 ............................................................................................. 5

ABOUT THIS PRODUCTFeaturesBT32XIS is a Bluetooth adapter that plugs into any standard AUX jack. This compact little device packs a powerful punch. Just plug it into your AUX port and sync it with your phone’s Bluetooth. It takes less than 60 seconds. Now you can enjoy music streaming from Spotify, Pandora, Google Play, YouTube Red, iTunes, or whatever else you’re using.• Compatible with any standard 3.5mm AUX input (in your car or stereo system) and any device with Bluetooth• Wireless music streaming• Control your music’s playback wirelessly• Pair once, and you’re good to go• Up to 7 hours of battery life• Includes in-vehicle charger through 12V socket2BOX CONTENTSBe careful when removing all items from the packaging tray. Take care not to tug or pull on cables.Plug into your car’s 12V socket(cig plug) for charging ControlButton Module (A) or your smartdevices (charging cables notincluded)Plug into your car’s AUX port after initial charging312V Plug (B)Control Button Module (A).CHARGING GUIDE - THERE ARE 2 OPTIONSStep 1charging cable into a power source. When connected to aUSB power source, the icon will glow red while charging.CHARGING TAKES ABOUT 2 HOURS, AND CONTROLLER WILL NOT WORK WHILE DEVICE IS CHARGING.PAIRING GUIDETurn on BT32XIS by pushing and holding the Bluetoothbutton for 3 seconds. icon should begin blinking blue.Power is now on, and you are now in pairing mode.4When a successful connection has been established, LED light will change to a solid blue light Bluetooth Module ControlsControl button5HOW TO PLAY YOUR PHONE’S AUDIO6HOW TO SEND/RECEIVE CALLSTo Answer/End CallsPush control button (A) once.On your device, make your calls or hold control button(A) and make calls via voice recognition (see next page).7LED OPERATION GUIDEHOW TO USE VOICE RECOGNITIONTo Use Siri or Google NowPush control button (A) and hold to activate.ABOUT AUTO CONNECTBT32XIS will auto connect after the first pairing.ABOUT POWER SAVE MODEBT32XIS will auto shut-off after 10 minutes of non-use.8CHARGING YOUR BT32XIS AND SMARTPHONE 9When 12v plug (B) is insterted into your car’s 12v socket, you can charge up to two smartphones/tablets at the same time, Charging cables not included.The BT32XIS module when not in use can be charged by simply inserting into the 12v plug and then plugging into the car’s 12V socket (see above photo).Power on Press and hold for 3seconds until flashing andprompting you with “Poweron”Power off Press and hold for 3seconds until prompt“Power off”Play/Pause music Press once during musicplayingAnswer call Press once when there isincoming callEnd call Press once during call Redial call Press twice while onstandbyReject call Press and hold for 2seconds when there is anincoming callAdjust the volume Press and hold “+” button:increase volumePress and hold “-” button:decrease volumeChoose music Press “<“ button: play theprevious songPress “>” button: play thenext songSwitch phone calls between BT32XIS and Phone Press and hold for 2 seconds during conversationQUICK GUIDE10FCC WARNING This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.To maintain compliance with FCC’s RF Exposure guidelines, This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance between 20cm the radiator your body: Use only the supplied antenna.FCC RF exposure statement:The equipment complies with FCC Radiation exposure limit set forth for uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.This equipment may be reset by unintentional electrostatic discharge during operation. Exposure to direct sunlight or extreme heat may cause damage or malfunction. FCC Class B Radio Frequency Interference Statement: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, more of the following measures:1. Re-orientate or relocate the receiving antenna.2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that of which the receiver is connected.4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / television technical for help.NOTICE: The changes of modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible compliance could void the user authority to operate the equipmentSAFETY WARNINGPlease Read!BT32XISUS EUTechnical SupportAAMP Global US Tel.: 866-788-4237******************* AAMP Global UK Tel.: +01-800-477-2267 ******************* /isimplesolutions。
Autel MaxiSys MS906 BT 用户手册说明书

商标深圳市道通科技股份有限公司(以下称”道通公司””)已经在中国及海外若干国家进行了商标注册,Autel® , MaxiSys TM , MaxiDAS® , MaxiScan® , MaxiTPMS® , MaxiVideo TM ,MaxiRecorder TM,和MaxiCheck TM 均是道通公司的注册商标。

2、基本特点: (1) 仪器采用先进的成型工艺,使仪器的结构紧凑合理,外形美观大方,使用维护 方便;采用有效的抗干扰技术,使仪器的电气稳定性更好,故障率更低。 (2) 具有自动循环分散系统和微量样品池两种进样方式,这样 BT-9300S 激光粒度 分布仪就适用于水介质或非水介质(比如乙醇、苯类等有机溶剂) ,两种装置 的更换方便快捷。用户可以根据样品的需要选择配有其中的一种进样方式。 (3) 数据处理采用 Mie 散射理论与 Fraunhoffer 衍射理论两种方法, 每一种方法中 包含“通用” 、 “超细与窄分布” 、 “R-R 分布” 、 “单分散”和“多峰”五种分布 形态。这样就可以适应不同行业、不同领域、不同用户的需要。 (4) 仪器内部设有三维自动对焦系统,该系统在电脑控制下将自动寻找透镜的焦 点,用于进行自动背景校准;仪器配备自动循环分散送样系统,使样品制备更 加简便。这些措施都提高了仪器的测量精度。 (5) 独特设计的具有 76 个接收器的光电探测器阵列(BT-2003 激光粒度仪更有多 达 88 个光电探测器) ,使仪器具有的很高的分辨率。 (6) 测试软件是标准的 Windows 界面,界面友好、操作简单。软件系统不仅具有 多次测试、结果平均、显示、打印、存储、查询、比较、合并、编辑、删除、 调整、帮助等常用功能,还具有自动背景校准、多语言选择、多仪器选择、仪 器标定等特殊功能,更重要的是采用了最新的数据处理方法和反演算法,使仪 器准确性与重复性达到国外同类产品先进水平。 。 (7) 测试结果报告单有 7 种中文格式、7 种英文格式,在每一种格式中又有升序、 降序、区间、单列以及百分数等形式,因此百特激光粒度仪具有极其丰富的报 告单格式和所有常用的内容。 3、应用领域 (1) 各种非金属粉的生产、应用与研究领域:如碳酸钙、滑石粉、高岭土、硅酸锆、 硅灰石、石墨、粉石英、电气石、云母、重晶石、石膏、膨润土、金刚石、石 英、硅藻土、长石、透闪石、粘土、石榴石、蛭石、钛白粉等。 (2) 各种金属粉的生产、应用与研究领域:如铝粉、铁粉、镁粉、钼粉、铜粉、锌 粉以及其它稀有金属粉和各种合金粉等。 (3) 其它:如医药、农药、磨料、食品、水泥、陶瓷、土壤、颜料、科研教学、石 油勘探、地质分析、河流泥沙、电子材料、化工材料、军工材料、电池材料等。

BT-9300S激光粒度仪操作说明书一、仪器工作环境:1.温度在10℃--30℃之间,相对湿度小于70%,具有给、排水功能2.环境整洁无烟尘,周围没有机械振动源和电磁干扰源3.工作台的长、宽、高尺寸不小于2000mm×600mm×600mm4.电源应具有性能良好的接地线二、开关机顺序:1.开机顺序:按“电脑→显示器→粒度仪→粒度分析软件2.关机顺序:关闭粒度分析软件→关闭粒度仪→电脑→显示器三、常规测试流程:1. 双击桌面图标进入“百特激光粒度分布仪分析系统V8.0”。
如图2.图2④单击“进水”,使循环池充满纯净的水,然后交替启动循环和超声波消除气泡(至少三次),再开启超声、循环,准备测试; 3. 开始测试:①点击“测试过程→测试→常规测试”测量系统背景。
如图3;根据测试样品实际情况选择 分析模式通常选择通用图3②在图3中点击“确认”完成背景测试;③出现“遮光率”,提示请加入样品后,采用搅拌均匀,少量多次、多点取样的方法向循环池中加入被测样品,并实时观察遮光率的变化,通常样品加到10%-15%之间,如图4、5。
图4 图5④点击“实时”,观察样品变化情况,趋于稳定后,点击“连续测试”并保存平均结果。
BT-UR056 嵌入式打印机 用户手册说明书

BT-UR056嵌入式打印机用户手册山东新北洋信息技术股份有限公司目录安全须知.............................................................................................. - 1 - 1.概述 ................................................................................................ - 4 - 1.1简介. (4)1.2主要特点 (4)2.主要技术指标 .............................................................................. - 5 - 2.1技术规格.. (5)2.2打印耗材技术指标 (5)2.3打印及撕纸位置 (7)3.外观和组件................................................................................... - 8 - 3.1外观和组件. (8)3.2蜂鸣器的说明 (10)4.打印机的安装 ............................................................................ - 11 - 4.1打开包装 (11)4.2固定打印机 (11)4.3连接地线 (14)4.4连接接口电缆 (15)4.5介质的安装 (15)4.6打印机自检 (21)5.打印机的日常维护................................................................... - 22 - 5.1打印头清洁.. (22)5.2传感器清洁 (23)5.3打印胶辊清洁 (24)5.4打印效果调节: (25)6.接口信号 ..................................................................................... - 27 -6.1串行接口 (27)7.故障处理 ..................................................................................... - 28 - 7.1打印机不工作. (28)7.2蜂鸣器报警 (28)7.3打印过程中出现的问题 (28)声明本手册内容未经同意不得随意更改,山东新北洋信息技术股份有限公司(以下简称新北洋)保留在技术、零部件、软件和硬件上变更产品的权利。

13.4 用户界面序号说明1 LED 预报警指示2 LED 报警指示3 背景灯图表显示4光标向上移动按钮5光标向下移动按钮6 通过一个外部装置(PR030/B 供电单元、BT030 无线连接单元以及PR010/T 单元)来连接或测试脱扣器的测试连接器7输入数据确认键或页面切换8 退出次级菜单或取消操作键(ESC)9 额定电流插件10 保护脱扣器的系列编码11 “i test”按钮当有一个辅助供电或有最小母排电流或PR120/V 供电时,LCD 图像显示器即可显示,请参见13.2.2.1。
13.4.1 按钮使用通过↑和↓键可进行选择,通过键进行确认。
为了确定先前配置的参数,请按ESC 一次,这样将完成一个检查和显示参数配置界面。
如果想回主页,请按ESC 两次。
“i test”按钮必须在自供电模式下执行脱扣测试,这样就能看到相关信息和断路器分闸48 小时内的最后一次脱扣。
13.4.2 阅读和编辑模式在“read”模式(仅仅读取数据)或“edit”模式(可设置参数),菜单显示所有可得到的界面和通过键盘可移动。
在任何界面,根据脱扣器的状态具有2 种功能:1“read”功能,120s 后将自动显示其默认界面2“edit”功能,120s 后将自动显示其默认界面状态决定功能:“read”测量和历史数据的查看脱扣器单元配置查看保护参数配置查看“edit”“read”模式下的任何事情脱扣器单元配置保护参数配置脱扣器单元测试功能在可编辑的界面按键可进入“edit”模式,当然需要输入密码。
键盘使用方法如下:键盘功能界面间移动,菜单间移动,改变参数值结束设置阶段和确认结果,选择菜单从默认界面进入菜单,可回前一个界面和回到默认界面,退出参数设置阶段和取消变化在自供电模式,断路器分闸48 小时内可激活显示器。
Jabra BT320s 说明书

RELEASE YOUR JABRALISTEN TO MUSIC.STAY WITHIN REACH.RELEASE YOUR JABRAWHAT’S SO COOL ABOUT THE JABRA BT320s?• Bluetooth stereo headset for music and mobile communication • Hi-fi frequency headphones• Standard 3.5 mm plug to connect with your favorite headphones • Phone and Music remote control in one clothing clip:(answer/ end, reject a call*/ call waiting*, last number redial*, voice dialing*, play/pause/stop a call, prev./ next track, FFWD, RWD, volumecontrol)• Multi-colored LED for status on Bluetooth, battery, incoming call, music playing and charging• Up to 6 hours talk time and music streaming • Up to 160 hours standby• Weighs only ½ oz. (23 grams)• Bluetooth 1.2 supporting A2DP and AVRCP profiles, headset (HSP) and hands-free (HFP) profiles • 2 different wearing styles: integrated clothing clip and lanyard carrying strap* Device dependentFeatures and Specifications© 2006 Jabra, GN Netcom A/S. All rights reserved. Jabra® is a registered trademark of GN Netcom A/S. All other trademarks included herein are the property of their respective owners. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by GN Netcom A/S is under license. (Design and specifications subject to change without notice)M 04_B T 320s _30 08/06Bluetooth stereo headset for mobile phones, music players and other Bluetooth devices Switches automatically from music to phone mode when a call comes in, so you’re always in touch with the worldExcellent headphones with hi-fi frequency responseRain shower proof design keeps you on the move, whatever the weatherFlexible - use your own headphones with a standard 3.5 mm jack - and still enjoy same functionalityHigh performanceBluetooth® stereo headsetMusicautomatically pauses/stops* when phoneringsRain showerproofBluetooth ® stereo headset for both musicand callsE-mail support:**************GN Jabra North America700 E. Butterfield Rd., Suite 150Lombard, IL 60148USALost in musicYou are out and about – enjoying some time on your own. You put on your favorite stereo headset, turn on the music and pump up thevolume. It drowns out everything, as you get into the rhythm. You can’t help grooving to the music, forgetting everything around you.Meanwhile your friends are trying to reach you on the phone. But how can they get through?- still in touchWith the Jabra BT320s there is no need to turn down the volume on your favorite tunes so you can listen out for the phone. This Bluetooth stereo headset automatically switches from music to phone mode whenever a call comes in. That way you’re always free to crank up the sounds, yet stay in touch.Jabra deliversThe latest from Jabra, the Jabra BT320s is a leading edge, wireless high-performance Bluetooth stereo headset. It unties you from your mobile phone, music player or other Bluetooth device, so you can be on the move while listening to music. Yet at same time it keeps you within reach. Once again, Jabra delivers on its promise to constantly develop new products that take freedom, design and innovation to the limit – which is why Jabra is the leading brand of audio products for the mobile consumer market.So, next time you’re up to your ears in music but don’t want to miss out on calls, why not… Release your JabraQuick start guide23Turn on your Jabra BT320s4Chargeyour headset51About your Jabra BT320sWearing your Jabra BT320sPairing with a phone or other devicePairing the Jabra BT320s to a Bluetooth device1. Charge your Jabra BT320s until the LED turns green (approx. 2 hours)2. Make sure the Jabra BT320s is switched off3. To put the Jabra 320s in pairing mode, press and hold the answer/end button until the LED stops flashing and turns solid blue4. Set your Bluetooth device to “discover” the Jabra BT320s (see your device user guide)5. Press Yes or OK when asked if you want to pair with the Jabra BT320s6. Enter passkey or PIN = 0000 (4 zeros), then press Yes or OK7. Your device will confirm when pairing is complete and the LED on your headset will flash**Playing stereo musicActivate your music and use the intuitive controls on the clothing clip to manage your music.Making a callJust dial the number on your phone’s keypad and press send. Once the call goes through it will automatically transfer to your headset. *Answer a call while playing musicThe music pauses/stops automatically when a call comes in*. Press the answer/end button and the call will connect.* Device dependent** To have the benefit of stereo sound and remote control of the headset, your other Bluetooth device must support the following profiles: A2DP for advanced audio (stereo), AVRCP for remote control and Bluetooth headset and hands-free profiles.1. Headphone connector (detachable)2. Clothing clip with lanyard loop3. Microphone4. Charging socket5. Play/Pause/Stop button6. Stereo headphones (exchangeable)7. Headphone socket (3.5 mm jack)8. Answer/end button9. Light indicator (LED)10. Volume up (+) Volume down(-)11. Next track 12. Previous trackLost in music - still in touch“Oh hi Lisa– You’re wearing yellow to the party, too?”“Oh hi– Yes, of course I’m at the library...”。
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超强的抗干扰特性,宽电压设计,适用于复杂的供电环境 不锈钢外壳,易清洁,有效防止各种酸碱盐和有机溶剂的腐蚀 部件及接口
Mail:leifu@ WEB:
烧杯形状:简易分装键。停止状态下,按此键启动简易 分装功能;长按此键进入分装测试模式
5 电话:0312-3250677 3250877 3250977 传真:0312-3250877-804
双箭头:全速键。按此键可在最高转速和原状态之间转 换。
箭头/方块:启停键。控制电机的启动和停止 指示灯
Mail:leifu@ WEB:
BT/S 系列流量智能型蠕动泵
简介 本系列蠕动泵除具有正反, 启停, 全速(清洗),调速等基本功能外,
还可通过“简易分装键”实现定量输送液体的功能。RS485 通讯中采用 MODBUS 协议,更易于与其他控制设备如计算机,人机界面,PLC 等连接。 本系列调速型蠕动泵包括: BT100S 流量范围 0.00016-575 毫升/分钟,工作转速 0.1-150 转/分钟 BT300S 流量范围 0.00016-1341 毫升/分钟,工作转速 0.1-350 转/分钟 BT600S 流量范围 0.00016-2300 毫升/分钟,工作转速 0.1-600 转/分钟 应用范围 适用于磨蚀性液体 泵体不接触液体 没有阀阻塞现象 内表面光滑,易清洁 液体只与软管接触 吸程最大可达 8 米水柱 低剪切力,可用于传输乳化液或含有泡沫的液体 适用于传输含有大量气体的液体 适用于精确计量和定量给料,可以达到很高的精度 适用于传输粘性液体 通过更换软管和材质,可用于食品和医疗 功能及特点 四位 LED 数码管转速显示和工作模式 LED 指示灯显示工作状态 面膜按键操作 具有正反,启停,全速,调速功能 简易分装控制,实现重复传输定量液体的功能 转速分辨率 0.1-100 转/分钟时为 0.1,100-600 转/分钟时为 1,精度 0.5% 外部模拟量调速,高低电平控制启停,正反,简易分装,带物理隔离 RS485 通讯,支持 MODBUS 通讯协议,方便与各种控制设备连接 电路板加喷三防漆工艺,达到防尘防潮效果
Int: 键盘控制模式,键盘控制操作,脚踏开关控制设备启停
Ext: 外部控制模式,键盘不起作用,由外部信号控制
Int+ Ext: 电平模式,外部控制启停,内部控制方向;来自顺时针箭头:电机顺时针方向转动;
Mail:leifu@ WEB:
1 电话:0312-3250677 3250877 3250977 传真:0312-3250877-804
目录 简介 ......................................................................................................................... 3 应用范围 ................................................................................................................. 3 功能及特点 ............................................................................................................. 3 部件及接口 ............................................................................................................. 4 显示面板及操作按键 ............................................................................................. 5
数码管 显示当前的转速和工作模式。
BT/S 系列流量智能型蠕动泵
键盘 ................................................................................................................. 5 指示灯 ............................................................................................................. 6 数码管 ............................................................................................................. 7 外控接口说明 ......................................................................................................... 7 操作说明 ................................................................................................................. 8 准备工作 ......................................................................................................... 8 安装泵头及软管.............................................................................................. 8 电源连接 ......................................................................................................... 9 模式切换 ......................................................................................................... 9 内控模式 ......................................................................................................... 9 外控模式 ....................................................................................................... 10 简易分装模式 ............................................................................................... 11 电平模式 ....................................................................................................... 12 通讯模式 ....................................................................................................... 12 脚踏开关 ....................................................................................................... 13 故障及维修 ........................................................................................................... 14 保修及售后 ................................................................................................... 14 日常维护 ....................................................................................................... 14 故障处理 ....................................................................................................... 15 规格指标 ............................................................................................................... 16 产品命名规则 ....................................................................................................... 16 技术参数 ............................................................................................................... 17