
六年级优秀英语故事欣赏|六年级英语绘本故事Three years ago Mr. Nelson went to another town that was at longitude 24 degrees east. It was a good location to earn some money. Having looked intothe file, Mr. Nelson was accepted to be a locomotive engineer in the local railway station. Every day, after other workers finished loading up logs, he began to work. Mr. Nelson could not go home often. He only looked in hisfamily when the train passed by his hometown. His wife looked after their daughter well.Mr. Nelson liked to look back on the time he spent with his daughter. He looked on her as treasure and missed her for long. He promised to tell her a story recorded in a ship log next time. As long as Mr. Nelson was gone, hefelt lonely. Loneliness made him a logical thinker. He seldom spoke, which caused the others to look down on him. But he did not care. He was sad nolonger because he would see his daughter before long. His longing had been awakened. He had been looking forward to the exciting moment. Mr. Nelson asked his boss for a loan of 50 dollar to buy a gift for his daughter. He put thegift into his locker and locked it. That night, Mr. Nelson ate a loaf of bread then lodged at the lobby of the railway station. The lodging was not comfortable but he had a good dream.三年前纳尔逊先生去了位于东经24度的另一个城镇。

一年级英语绘本小故事1. A Day at the FarmOnce upon a time, there was a bright and sunny day, and a group of enthusiastic first graders went on a field trip to a farm. They were excited to learn about animals and experience life on the farm.The children got to see cows, chickens, pigs, and sheep. They learned about the different sounds that each animal makes and how they are taken care of. They even got a chance to feed them and pet them. It was a fascinating experience for the children.As they explored the farm, they also learned about the importance of farming in providing food for everyone. They saw fields of corn, carrots, and lettuce. The farmers explained the process of planting seeds and caring for the plants.At the end of the day, the children were tired but happy. They realized that a lot of hard work goes into running a farm and how important it is to appreciate and respect the animals and the people who work on the farm. The field trip to the farmwas not only educational, but it also created memories that the children would cherish forever.2. The Lost Puppy AdventureOnce upon a time, there was a little puppy named Charlie. He was the newest member of the Smith's family. Charlie was curious and had a tendency to wander off.One sunny day, while the Smith family was playing in the backyard, Charlie saw a squirrel and couldn't resist chasing it. He ran and ran until he realized that he was lost. Charlie started to panic and didn't know what to do.Luckily, a kind-hearted little girl named Lily saw Charlie and realized that he needed help. She approached him slowly and gently. Charlie was scared but could sense that Lily wanted to help him. Lily decided to take Charlie home with her until they could find his owners.Lily and Charlie went on an adventure throughout the neighborhood, knocking on doors and asking if anyone had lost a puppy. They met many friendly neighbors who offered to help in any way they could. They made flyers and postedthem around the area, hoping someone would recognize Charlie.After a few days, the Smith family saw one of the flyers and immediately recognized their beloved puppy. They called Lily and her parents to thank them for taking care of Charlie and promised to meet them the next day.When they finally met, Lily was happy to see Charlie reunited with his family. The Smith family was incredibly grateful to Lily and her parents for their kindness and care.3. The Magical TreehouseOne day, while Sara was playing in her backyard, she discovered a small and peculiar treehouse. She had never seen it before. It was covered in vines and had a mysterious aura.Sara climbed up into the treehouse and found herself in a magical world. The walls were covered in colorful drawings, and there were shelves filled with books and toys. She couldn't believe her eyes!As she explored further, Sara noticed a tiny doorway that led to another room. Inside, she found a group of talking animals. There was a wise owl, a mischievous monkey, a friendly squirrel, and a curious rabbit.They welcomed Sara and invited her to join their adventures. They went on exciting quests and discovered new places together. Sara felt like she had finally found her own special place, full of magic and wonder.Each day, Sara would return to the treehouse to meet her new friends. They would tell stories, solve puzzles, and have picnics in the treetops. It was a place where imagination soared and dreams came true.As time went by, Sara realized that the treehouse was not just a magical place, but it also taught her valuable lessons about friendship, teamwork, and the power of imagination. Even though the treehouse was hidden in her backyard, it was a treasure that she would carry with her forever.In conclusion, these three stories capture the imagination and adventures of first graders in their early experiences. Whether it's learning about animals on a farm, helping a lost puppy find its way home, or discovering a magical treehouse, thesestories engage young readers and teach important life lessons. From education to empathy, these stories open up a whole new world for young children to explore.。

The Very Hungry Caterpillar《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》是Eric Carle所创作的绘本,出版于1969年。
The Cat in the Hat《The Cat in the Hat》是Dr. Seuss所写的一本绘本,出版于1957年。
The Giving Tree《The Giving Tree》是Shel Silverstein所写的一本绘本,出版于1964年。

学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始,下面小编就给大家整理了英语小故事,欢迎大家阅读英语小故事一Yesterday Princess Eva was happy. She went to a carnival. The weather was sunny, and the food was delicious. There were Clowns and a band. But there was a bad magician at the carnival.昨天,夏娃公主非常非常的开心。
Princess Eva saw the magician and she laughed. The magician didn’t laugh. He touched her mouth with a wand. He said, “From now on, you can’t talk. You can’t laugh.”夏娃公主看见了这个魔术师,她笑了起来。
魔术师用魔杖碰了碰公主的嘴巴并说到:“从现在开始,你不能说话,也笑不出来了!”And Princess Eva couldn’t make a sound.然后,夏娃公主便不能用嘴发出任何声音了。
Princess Eva could feel, and hear, and see, and smell, and taste. But she couldn’t talk. She couldn’t laugh. A doctor came and looked at her fingers, her ears, her eyes, her nose, and her tongue. She wasn’t sick.夏娃公主能感觉到、能听到、能看到、能闻到并能品尝到味道,但是她就是不能说话,也笑不出来。

英语绘本故事(精选3篇)英语绘本故事篇1Long, long ago, in the days when fairies, witches, giants and ogres still visited the earth, there lived a king who reigned over a great and beautiful country. He was married to a wife whom he dearly loved, and had two most promising children--a son called Asmund, and a daughter who was named Signy. The king and queen were very anxious to bring their children up well, and the young prince and princess were taught everything likely to make them clever and accomplished. They lived at home in their father's palace, and he spared no pains to make their lives happy. Prince Asmund dearly loved all outdoor sports and an open-air life, and from his earliest childhood he had longed to live entirely in the forest close by. After many arguments and entreaties he succeeded in persuading the king to give him two great oak trees for his very own. 'Now,' said he to his sister, 'I will have the trees hollowed out, and then I will make rooms in them and furnish them so that I shall be able to live out in the forest.' 'Oh, Asmund!' exclaimed Signy, 'what a delightful idea! Do let me come too, and live in one of your trees. I will bring all my pretty things and ornaments, and the trees are so near home we shall be quite safe in them.' Asmund, who was extremely fond of his sister, readily consented, and they had a very happy time together, carrying over all their pet treasures, and Signy's jewels and other ornaments, and arranging them in the pretty little rooms inside the trees. Unfortunately sadder days were to come. A war with another country broke out, and the king had to lead his army against their enemy. During his absence the queen fell ill, and after lingering for some time she died, to the great grief of herchildren. They made up their minds to live altogether for a time in their trees, and for this purpose they had provisions enough stored up inside to last them a year. Now, I must tell you, in another country a long way off, there reigned a king who had an only son named Ring. Prince Ring had heard so much about the beauty and goodness of Princess Signy that he determined to marry her if possible. So he begged his father to let him have a ship for the voyage, set sail with a favourable wind, and after a time landed in the country where Signy lived. The prince lost no time in setting out for the royal palace, and on his way there he met such a wonderfully lovely woman that he felt he had never seen such beauty in all his life. He stopped her and at once asked who she was. 'I am Signy, the king's daughter,' was the reply. Then the prince inquired why she was wandering about all by herself, and she told him that since her mother's death she was so sad that whilst her father was away she preferred being alone.英语绘本故事篇2A little rabbit is picking mushrooms in a forest. A wolf is coming. He is very hunguy. "Oh,a little rabbit! This is my favourite food!" The rabbit sees the wolf, but she is not afraid. She pretends to be poisoned by the mushrooms. The wolf thinks, "If I eat her, I will be poisoned, too." So he goes away. Then the rabbit is very happy. She continues to picking the mushrooms.一只小兔子正在森林里采蘑菇,一只狼来了,他很饿。

(一)Count Tomorrow Morning明天早上数It’s a night. John is looking at the sky.Tom is John’s younger brother. He asks John “What areyou doing?”John says, “I’m counting stars.”Tom laughs and says, “It’s really dark now. Why notcount them tomorrow morning?”辞海导航night夜晚,young年轻的,count数数,laugh 笑,dark黑暗的这是一个晚上。
你为什么不等到明天早上再数呢?”(二)Spring in the Green SeasonSpring is coming. Spring is the first season of the year. InChina, spring comes in February. It is still cold, but it is gettingwarmer and warmer. The days get longer and longer. The leaveson the trees begin to turn green. Then they come up green leavesin the spring wind on the ground.Spring is also sowing time season.辞海导航season季节,turn 变化,come up 生长出,ground大地春天来了,春天是每年的第一个季节。
英语小故事 The Monkey and The Crocodile 猴子与鳄鱼(精美彩色插图)

Retold from the Panchatantram by Rohini ChowdhuryOnce there lived a monkey in a jamun tree by a river.The monkey was alone - he had no friends, no family,but he was happy and content. The jamun tree gavehim plenty of sweet fruit to eat, and shade from the sunand shelter from the rain.One day a crocodile came swimming up the river andclimbed on to the bank to rest under the monkey's tree.'Hello', called the monkey, who was a friendly animal. 'Hello', replied the crocodile, surprised. 'Do you know where I can get some food?' he asked. 'I haven't had anything to eat all day - there just don't seem to be any fish left in the river.''Well,' said the monkey, 'I don't eat fish so I wouldn't know - but I do have plenty of ripe purple jamuns in my tree. Would you like to try some?' He threw some down to the crocodile. The crocodile was so hungry that he ate up all the jamuns even though crocodiles don't eat fruit. He loved the sweet tangy fruit and shyly asked whether he could have some more. 'Of course', replied the monkey generously, throwing down more fruit. 'Come back whene ver you feel like more fruit', he added when the crocodile had eaten his fill.After that the crocodile would visit the monkeyevery day. The two animals soon becamefriends - they would talk and tell each otherstories, and eat as much of the sweet jamuns asthey wanted. The monkey would throw down all the fruit the crocodile wanted from his tree.One day the crocodile began talking about his wife and family. 'Why didn't you tell me earlier that you had a wife?' asked the monkey. 'Please take some of the jamuns for her as well when you go back today.' The crocodile thanked him and took some of the fruit for his wife.The crocodile's wife loved the jamuns. She had never eaten anything so sweet before. 'Imagine', she said, 'how sweet would be the creature who eats these jamuns every day. The monkey has eaten these every day of his life - his flesh would be even sweeter than the fruit.' She asked her husband to invite the monkey for a meal - 'and then we can eat him up' she said happily.The crocodile was appalled - how could he eathis friend? He tried to explain to his wife that hecould not possibly eat the monkey. 'He is myonly true friend', he said. But she would not listen - she must eat the monkey. 'Since when do crocodiles eat fruit and spare animals?' she asked. When the crocodile would not agree to eat the monkey, she pretended to fall very sick. 'Only a monkey's heart can cure me', she wailed to her husband. 'If you love me you will get your friend the monkey and let me eat his heart.'The poor crocodile did not know what to do - he did not want to eat his friend, but he could not let his wife die. At last he decided to bring the monkey to his wife.'O dear friend', he called as soon as reached the jamun tree. ' My wife insists that you come to us for a meal. She is grateful for all the fruit that you have sent her, and asks that I bring you home with me.' The monkey was flattered, but said he could not possibly go because he did not know how to swim. 'Don't worry about that', said the crocodile. 'I'll carry you on my back.' The monkey agreed and jumped onto the crocodile's back.The crocodile swam with him out into the deep wide river. When they were far away from the bank and the jamun tree, he said, 'My wife is very ill. The only thing that will cure her is a monkey's heart. So, dear friend, this will be the end of you and of our friendship.' The monkey was horrified. What could he do to save himself? He thought quickly and said 'Dear friend, I am very sorry to hear of your wife's illness and I am glad that I will be able to help her. But I have left my heart behind on the jamun tree. Do you think we could go back so that I can fetch it for your wife?'The crocodile believed the monkey. He turned andswam quickly to the jamun tree. The monkey leaped offhis back and into the safety of his tree. 'False andfoolish friend,' he called. 'Don't you know that we carryour hearts within us? I will never trust you again or evergive you fruit from my tree. Go away and don't comeback again.'The crocodile felt really foolish - he had lost a friend anda supply of good sweet fruit. The monkey had saved himself because he had thought quickly. He realised that a monkey and a crocodile could never be true friends - crocodiles preferred to eat monkeys rather than be friends with them.。
英语小故事 Why the sky is so high 天为什么这么高(精美彩色插图)

A folktale from Bengal, retold by Rohini ChowdhuryLong ago, the Sky was quite low. If you stood on a stool and stretched your hands up as high as they would go, you could touch the Sky.At that time, far on the Horizon, where the Sky was always especially low, there was a village. In that village, in a little mud hut thatched with straw, there lived a bent Old Woman.This bent Old Woman was the oldest woman in that village, possibly the oldest woman in the world. She was so old she no longer remembered any other way of being. She lived all alone in her little mud hut, for she had neither friend nor family left in this world. She had nowhere to go and no one to talk to. So all day long, she would potter round her hut, first cleaning this corner, now dusting that, now scrubbing this bit of floor, now sweeping that. The bent Old Woman thought of nothing else any more, except more and more ways of sweepingand scrubbing her littlemud hut.One hot summer, the landwas dry with thirst. Therewas dust everywhere - onthe trees, on the roofs ofhuts and houses, inpeople's throats and eyes,even in the air. All overthe village people werecoughing and sneezingand choking with the dust.Even the poor old Sky was not spared - it was so close to the ground that the slightest bit of wind would set it coughing with the dust that rose from the parched land.The bent Old Woman's hut too was covered with dust. The old woman swept and swept and swept the little hut with her broom. She swept the inside of herhut, she swept the outside of her hut, she swept the front step and she swept the front yard. But the dust rose all around her in great brown clouds - the more she swept and plied her broom, the more the dust that rose from the earth. The poor Sky began to choke with all the dust that the bent Old Woman was raising with her broom. The dust got into its throat and tickled its nose and made it sneeze - a great big sneeze that shook the world with its thunder. People covered their heads and ran indoors in fright. But the bent Old Womanbarely noticed - she kepton sweeping with herbroom.The Sky sneezed again -the dust was becomingunbearable. It got into itseyes and made themwater - so that greatheavy drops of rain beganfalling into the dry dustbelow. The bent OldWoman barely noticed -till finally a big splodgy raindrop fell right on to the patch she had just swept. The bent Old Woman glared at the Sky and scrubbed the splodgy raindrop away. But then another raindrop fell, and another, till her swept and scrubbedfront step was blotchywith raindrops.This was more than thebent Old Woman couldbear. She stood up asstraight as she could withher bent old back andshook her fist at the Skyyelling at it to stop rainingon her nice clean frontstep. She cursed the Skyand threatened it, but thepoor old Sky couldn't stopraining - its eyes were stillso full of dust with all her sweeping.At last, the bent Old Woman was so angry, that she picked up her broom, and thwacked the Sky with it.The Sky gave another great sneeze and jumped out of her way. But the bent Old Woman kept thwacking it with her broom, again and again and again.Finally the Sky could take it no more - the dust, the Old Woman's cursing, and especially her broom, thwacking it again and again and again. Sneezing and coughing, thundering and raining, the Sky flew up, up and away - out of reach of the Old Woman's broom and swore never to come down again.So that is why the Sky is so high. Even on the Horizon, where it seems to be touching the earth, it really isn't any more.。

(一)Count Tomorrow Morning明天早上数It’s a night. John is looking at the sky.Tom is John’s younger brother. He asks John “What areyou doing?”John says, “I’m counting stars.”Tom laughs and says, “It’s really dark now. Why notcount them tomorrow morning?”辞海导航night夜晚,young年轻的,count数数,laugh 笑,dark黑暗的这是一个晚上。
你为什么不等到明天早上再数呢?”(二)Spring in the Green SeasonSpring is coming. Spring is the first season of the year. InChina, spring comes in February. It is still cold, but it is gettingwarmer and warmer. The days get longer and longer. The leaveson the trees begin to turn green. Then they come up green leavesin the spring wind on the ground.Spring is also sowing time season.辞海导航season季节,turn 变化,come up 生长出,ground大地春天来了,春天是每年的第一个季节。
英语小故事 The Talkative Turtle 多嘴的乌龟(精美彩色插图)

Retold from the Panchatantram by Rohini ChowdhuryOnce, in a certain lake, there lived a turtle and a pair ofswans. The turtle and the swans were friends. Theywould spend all their free time together telling eachother stories, and exchanging news and gossip. Theturtle especially loved to talk and chatter, and alwayshad something to say.One year, the rains did not come, and the lake began to dry up. The swans became worried. Supposing it did not rain at all, and the lake dried up completely? Where would they live in that case? But the turtle had a plan. She suggested that the swans fly in search of a lake that still had plenty of water. Once they found such a lake, all three of them could move there.The swans agreed and flew off. After flying for several hoursthey the perfect lake. They returned to the turtle with thegood news. But now another problem arose: the new lakewas too far for the turtle to walk. How was the turtle to getthere? The swans did not want to leave their friend behind.The turtle thought for a while and came up with another plan. She asked the swans to find a strong stick that they could hold in their beaks. The turtle would then hang on to the stick with her mouth, and the swans could fly with her tothe new lake.The swans liked the idea, though they were worried thatthe turtle might begin talking and fall off the stick. 'Youmust be careful not to open your mouth while we areflying with you,' they warned her. 'Do you think you willbe able to be quiet for such a long time?''Of course,' said the turtle. 'I will be careful - I know when to stop talking.'So the swans did as she asked. They found a strong stick and each swan held one end of it in its beak. The turtle held on to the middle with her mouth, and away they flew, all three of them.It was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to theturtle. She was amazed at the way the world looked so farabove the ground. She was longing to say something, butremembered in time to keep quiet.At last they reached the lake the swans had found. It was a beautiful lake, large and blue, with plenty of water. 'Oh look!' the turtle began in excitement, remembering much too late to keep quiet. The stick slipped from her mouth and down she fell from the sky onto the rocks below. The swans were sad to see the end of their friend - the turtle did not live to enjoy the lake, only because she did not know when to stop talking.。
英语小故事 The Three Fishes 三只鱼(精美彩色插图)

Retold from the Panchatantram by Rohini ChowdhuryOnce, three fishes lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fishes. 'This pond is full of fish', they told each other excitedly. 'We have never fished here before. We must come back tomorrowmorning with our nets and catch these fish!' So saying, thefishermen left.When the eldest of the three fishes heardthis, he was troubled. He called the otherfishes together and said, 'Did you hearwhat the fishermen said? We must leavethis pond at once. The fishermen willreturn tomorrow and kill us all!'The second of the three fishes agreed. 'You are right', he said. 'We must leave the pond.'But the youngest fish laughed. 'You are worrying without reason',he said. 'We have lived in this pond all our lives, and nofisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? Iam not going anywhere - my luck will keep me safe.'The eldest of the fishes left the pond that very evening with hisentire family. The second fish saw the fishermen coming in the distance early next morning and left the pond at once with all his family. The third fish refused to leave even then.The fishermen arrived and caught all the fish left in the pond. The third fish's luck did not help him - he too was caught and killed.The fish who saw trouble ahead and acted before it arrived as well as the fish who acted as soon as it came both survived. But the fish who relied only on luck and did nothing at all died. So also in life.。
小学生英语故事精选 提升英语水平必备 (中英双语打印版)

小学生英语故事精选提升英语水平必备(中英双语打印版)英语短篇小故事一:老鼠开会Long ago, there was a big cat in the house. He caught many mice while they were stealing food.从前,一所房子里面有一只大猫,他抓住了很多偷东西的老鼠。
One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy. Some said this, and some said that.一天,老鼠在一起开会商量如何对付他们共同的敌人。
At last a young mouse got up, and said that he had a good idea.最后,一只小老鼠站出来说他有一个好主意。
"We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat. Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away."“我们可以在猫的脖子上绑一个铃铛,那么如果他来到附近,我们听到铃声就可以马上逃跑。
”Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, "That is all very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat?" The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke.大家都赞同这个建议,这时一只聪明的老耗子站出来说:“这的确是个绝妙的主意,但是谁来给猫的脖子上绑铃铛呢?”老鼠们面面相觑,谁也没有说话。

精彩英语小故事简单的阅读【五篇】【篇一】精彩英语小故事简单的阅读A little rabbit is picking mushrooms in a forest. A wolf is coming. He is very hungry. “Oh, a little rabbit! This is my favourite food!”一只小兔子正在森林里采蘑菇,一只狼来了,他很饿。
“哦,一只小兔子!这是我最喜欢的食物!”The rabbit sees the wolf, but she is not afraid. She pretends to be poisoned by the mushrooms. The wolf thinks, “If I eat her, I will be poisoned, too.” So he goes away.小兔子看见了狼,但是她并不害怕。
Then the rabbit is very happy. She goes on picking the mushrooms.小兔子非常高兴,她继续去采蘑菇。
【篇二】精彩英语小故事简单的阅读A waggoner was once driving a heavy load on a very muddy road.一名车夫赶着货车沿着一条非常泥泞的小路前行。
Suddenly the wheels of the wagon sank into the mire, and the horse could not pull them out.突然,马车的轮子陷入了泥潭,马无法将它们拉出来。
The waggoner threw down his whip. He knelt down andprayed to Hercules. “Hercules, help me,please,“ he said.车夫扔下鞭子,跪在地上,祈求大力神出现,“大力神啊,请来协助我。

下面,我们就来看看一些适合一年级学生的英语绘本故事吧!第一本是《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》。
接下来是《Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?》。
还有一本非常受欢迎的绘本故事是《The Gruffalo》。
此外,《The Rainbow Fish》也是一本非常适合一年级学生的绘本故事。
最后,还有一本经典的绘本故事《Where the Wild Things Are》。

小学英语绘本故事:The Little Seed一、故事概要从前,在一个小花园里,有一粒小种子。
二、故事One sunny morning, the little seed felt a gentle touch on its back. It was the warm sunlight, waking it up from a long sleep. "It's time to grow!" said the sunlight.一个阳光明媚的早晨,小种子感觉背部被轻轻触碰。
The little seed stretched itself and began to push through the soil. It was a tough job, but the little seed was determined. "I can do it!" it whispered to itself.小种子伸展身体,开始努力穿过土壤。
Days went , and the little seed finally broke through the soil. It saw the world for the first time and felt so happy. "Wow, everything is so big and beautiful!" it exclaimed.日子一天天过去,小种子终于冲破了土壤。
The little seed continued to grow, with the help of sunlight, rain, and the friendly insects in the garden. It soon became a small plant, and then a taller plant.在阳光、雨水和花园里友好昆虫的帮助下,小种子继续成长。

英语看图编故事范文英文回答:The picture depicts a breathtaking winter landscape,with snow-covered mountains stretching out into the distance. In the foreground, a young woman is standing on a frozen lake, her arms outstretched as she gazes up at the sky. Behind her, a group of people are gathered around a bonfire, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames. The air is crisp and cold, and the only sound is the crackling of the fire and the gentle whisper of the wind.This idyllic scene evokes a sense of peace and tranquility. The woman standing on the lake seems to belost in her own thoughts, her gaze focused on the vast expanse above her. The bonfire in the background suggests warmth and camaraderie, a place to gather and share stories. The overall impression is one of a serene and timelesswinter wonderland.中文回答:这幅图描绘了一个令人叹为观止的冬季景观,远处白雪皑皑的山脉连绵起伏。

《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》。
《The Rainbow Fish》。
《Where the Wild Things Are》。
《The Gruffalo》。
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(一)Count Tomorrow Morning明天早上数这是一个晚上。
你为什么不等到明天早上再数呢?”(二)Spring in the Green SeasonIt’s a night. John is looking at the sky. Tom is John’s younger brother. He asks John “What are you doing?” John says, “I’m counting stars.” Tom laughs and says, “It’s really dark now. Why not count them tomorrow morning?”辞海导航 night 夜晚, young 年轻的, count 数数, laugh 笑, dark 黑暗的 Spring is coming. Spring is the first season of the year. InChina, spring comes in February. It is still cold, but it is gettingwarmer and warmer. The days get longer and longer. The leaveson the trees begin to turn green. Then they come up green leaves in the spring wind on the ground.Spring is also sowing time season.辞海导航 season 季节,turn 变化,come up 生长出,ground 大地春天来了,春天是每年的第一个季节。
(三)A Beautiful DollTina is a lovely girl. She has a lot of dolls. One of these dolls is very beautiful. She has long blond hair and wears a white dress. The little girl likes her very much. She called her “Sandy”. You would forget all the sad things and become happy when you see her.Tina tried to teach Sandy to speak, but she failed. When she is free, Tina always made clothes for her. When she is unhappy or met with some difficulties, Tina talked to her, because they are close friends. What a lovely girl she is!Do you like it, too?辞海导航doll洋娃娃,blond金色的,call称呼,forget忘记become变得fail失败, free空闲的,difficulties困难,close 亲密的漂亮的洋娃娃缇娜是一个可爱的女孩,她有许多洋娃娃。
多么可爱的一个女孩啊!你也喜欢它吗?(四)Adding Feet to a SnakeOne day, Mr. Lion holds a party. Many animals come and drink a lot of wine.At last there is a pot of wine. Who can drink it? They think out an idea and decideto have a match-Draw of snake. If you finish first, you can get it.Soon Mr.Wolf finishes drawing. “Yeah, I’ve finished. I’m No.1,” he says. Buthe draws again and says, “Oh, let me add feet to my snake.” At the time, Mr. Gorilla also finishes. He takes away the pot of wine and drinks, then he says, “That isn’t a snake. Snakes have no feet. I get the wine.”辞海导航add增加,hold举办,wine酒,decide决定a match-Draw绘画比赛画蛇添足一天,狮子先生举行一场聚会,许多动物都来了,他们喝很多酒。
”辞海导航dragon龙,world世界,deeply深深地moved感动的(五)Lord Ye’s Love of the Dragon There is a young man, Lord Ye. He likes dragons very much. He draws many dragons in his house. The house becomes a world of dragon.A red dragon hears of Lord Ye, and is deeply moved. He wants to visit Lord Yeand makes a friend with him.“Hi, Mr. Ye! Nice to meet you,” the real dragon comes to visit Mr. Ye runs awayas fast he can. “Oh, my God! Help! Help!” he runs and shouts.”叶公好龙有个年轻人,姓叶,非常喜欢龙.他在屋里里面了许多许多龙。
辞海导航 fur 皮毛,protect 保护,law 法律,stupid 笨拙的,lucky 幸运的, Japan 日本,the USA 美国,bridge 桥梁,common 普通的,friendship 友谊,the national treasure 国宝, (六)The Panda in ChinaA panda looks like a little bear. It has black and white fur. It lives only in China, so it is called the national treasure of China and protected by the law.We all see panda on TV or in the zoo. They look stupid and walk slowly, but they are lovely and everyone likes them.A panda is lucky animal. We Chinese like it, and people of the world like it, too. Now there are China’s pandas in many other countries, such as Japan and the USA…A panda isn’t a common animal, it is bridge of friendship.大本钟大本钟不是一个人的名字,它是钟的名字,它在伦敦。
(七)Big Ben Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a name of theclock. It isin London. London is the capital city of England. The big clock has four faces. So no matterwhere you stand, you can read the face of the clock. Thehands are about four meter long.If you go to London, you may want to visit the houseof the Parliament. In that place you will find Big Ben sitsat the topof the clock tower in the House of the Parliament.The big clock makes a very loud noise. “Ding dong. Ding dong”- the clock strikes every quarterof an hour. 辞海导航 capital 首都,city 城市,hand 指针,the Parliament 英国国会, tower 塔,noise 噪音, strike 敲击,quarter 一刻钟 (八) The King and His StoriesOnce there was a king. He likes to write stories, but his stories were not good. As people were afraid of him, they all said his stories were good. One day the king showed his stories to a famous writer. He waited the writer to praise these stories. But the writer said his stories were so bad that he should throw them into fire. The king got very angry with him and sent him to prison. After some time, the king set him free. Again he showed him some of his new stories and asked what he thought of them. After reading them, the writer at once turned to the soldiers and said: “ Take me back to prison, please.”辞海导航king国王,story故事,afraid害怕的,famous闻名的,wait等待,praise赞美throw扔掉, fire火,prison监狱,free自由的,thought想法,soldier士兵国王和他的故事从前有一个国王,他喜欢写故事,但是他写的故事很不好。