王陆雅思王听力真题语料库机考笔试综合版Chapter3 横向测试
比如剑5 Test2 Section1题目(如图一)。
如图二(剑4 Test4 Section3)两个学生在讨论如何为当地的小学生准备两个科学实验。
哈喽宝宝们,今天给大家带来王陆老师语料库正确使用方法首先说一下同学们雅思听力存在的问题,听到某些单词反应慢,或者拼写速度慢,或者写出来不正确,所以可能造成分数比想象的少个0.5 - 1分左右。
例如在2019年5月18日考试中,caravan出现在section 答案中,很多学生说多亏提前练习了,才能写对,今年1月18考试中也出现了这个词。
chapter 3雅思王听力特别名词语料库
![chapter 3雅思王听力特别名词语料库](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e8fc4732bcd126fff7050b86.png)
Test Paper 1 ability abstract accountant accuracyacidaction activityactoradult adventure advertisements advertising adviceageagency agreement agricultureaidaimairallergyalley allowance alteration altitude ambition ambulance amount analysis analystangeranimalankle answer Antarctica ape appearance architect architecture area argument aristocrat army artarticleaspirinassignmentatlasaudienceauditoriumauthorauthorityaverageawardbachelorbackgroundbacteriabadgebadmintonbackpackbaldnessbandbandagebandsbankbanquetbasebasementbasesbasisbathbatteriesbatterybeachbeardbeatsbeautybedbedroombed sheetbedsitbehaviorsbeltbenefitbeveragebibliographybicyclebillbiologistbirdbirthblanketblastblockblouseboardboarderboatbonebowlbowlingbranchbreakfastbrickbridgebrochuresbuildingbungalowburgerburglarbuscabTest Paper 2 cabinet cablecafécafeteria cage Cambridge camel camera camp campus candidate candle canteen capital capsule carbon care career carpet carving cashier castle category cathedral cause cavecents century certificate chair chance chancellor channel chapter character charge charity chartchat checklist checks cheese chemist’s chestchickchickenchildchinchocolatechoicechurchcinemacirclecityclaritycleanercleaningclientcliffsclimateclinicclockclothclothingclubcoachcoast codecokecolacolleague collegecomedycommercialscommutercompanioncompanycomplaintcomplexcomputerconcertconclusionconditionconferencesconfidenceconfirmationcongestionconquerorconquestconversationconservationconstructionconsultantconsumptioncontact containercontaminantscontaminationcontentcontinentcontractcontractscontroversyconveniencecooperationcopcopycorporationcorpsecorrespondencecostcostumecotcottagecoughcouncilcountrycoursecrack craftcreamcreditcreekcrimecrisiscrocodilecropcultivationculturecupcupboardcurtaincustomercutlerycyclecycling damage dangerdatadateday deadline debateTest Paper 3 debt decade decision decline decorations delay delegate delight delivery demonstration dentist department deposit depth description desert design designer desiredesks destination detaildiary dictationdietdining dinner dioxide direction director disagreement disaster discipline discodiscomfortdiscosdiscountdiscoverydiseasedishdisposaldisputedistancedivorcedocumentdocumentarydonationdonkeydraftdramadrawdrawerdrinkdrinkingdriverdrivingdrugdrumduedurationdustdutyeagleeareasteatingeconomyeditoreducationelbowelderelectricityelementselevatoremotionemperoremployeeemployerencyclopediaendingenergiesengineengineerentranceepidemicequipmentethiceveningeventevidenceexaminationexampleexceptionexchangeexcitementexcursionexcuseexercisesexhibitionexistenceexistingexpansionexpenseexperimentexpertexplanationexplosionexpositionexposureextensionfacilityfactorfactoryTest Paper 4 faculty failure falconfanfarefarm farmer farming fashionfatfeast feather feature feedback fellowship female ferries festival field figurefilm finding finger firmsfish fishingflagflashflatflightflood flooding flour flourish flowfluflyforest forestry form formula fortnight fortune foyer freedomfreezerfreshmanfruitfurfurniturefuturegallerygapgaragegarbagegardengasolinegendergermgestureglassgoalgoldgolfgradegradesgraduategraduatesgraingrassgreengroundgroupgrowthguestguidegulfguygymhabithandhandballhandbookshandlinghandouthatheadacheheadinghealthhearingheartheatinghenherbheroheroesheroinehikehikinghinthintshistorianhithitshobbyholidayhorsehospitalhouseworkhousinghouseholdshourTest Paper 5hotelhotline ]hunthuntingideaidentificationidentityimageimpactimportsinabilityincomingindexindustryinfectioninfluenceinformationinjectioninjuryinlandinsectinsomniainstituteinstitutioninstructioninstructorinstrumentinterestInternetinterviewerintroductioninvestigatorinvestmentirrigationislandisolationitemjacketjamjawjeansjournaljudgejuicejunctionjuniorkeeperkelpkeywordkidkingkioskkitkitchenkitsknifeknowledgekoalalablake lamp land landmark landscape language laptop laser lava lawyer layer lecture lecturer leisure lemon lender length lesson letter level librarylift lightlinelionlistsloanlocationlocklossloungeloyaltylucklunchlungmachinemagazinemaidmailmajoritymakingmalemanagermanemanufacturemapmarginmarkmarketmarketingmarshmastermatmatchingmaterialmaturitymaximummealmeasuremeasurementmeatmediamedicationmedicinemediummethodmicrophonemigrationmilemileagemilkminemineralmillminimumminutemixturemodelmoneymonopolymonthmoodmoralitymosquitomotelmountainTest Paper 6 moustachemouthmovie muscle museum music musical musiciannapnature naught=nought necknet newspaper nightnoisenorth northeast northwest nosenotenoticenursenurserynursingnutnutrition objectiveoccasionoccupantoceanoculistointmentoption orderordinaryorganizeroriginal outlineoverdraftownerownershipOxfordpackagepagepaintpaintingpairpa;palacepanicpaperparcelparentparkparkingparticipantpassagespassengerpastimepatientpaymentpedestrianpensionpensionerspercentperformerperfumeperiodperiodicalperkpermitpersonpersonalitypetpetrolpetroleumphilosopherphotophotographphysicianphysicspianist piano picnic picturepiepillpinkplace placement plan planners plansplant planting plastic plate player playground pleasure pocket point policepoll pollutant pollute pollution port position post postgraduate particularsTest Paper 7potteries power powerpoint precaution precision preference preposition prescription presentation preservationpresidentpreventionprintingpriorityprivacyprizeproblemproductproductionprofessorsprofitprojectpromotionpronepropertyprospectusproteinpsychiatristpsychologistpsychotherapypublicationpumppurposepursequalityquantityquarterquestionradarradiatorradiorailwayrainrainfallrangerankratrateratsrayreaderreadingreasonreceptionreciperecorderrecordingrecreationrecruitrecyclingrefereereferencereflectancereformrefugeregionregulationrelationrelationshiprelaxationreliefreligionremarkremovalrenewalrentrentalrepetitionreplacementreportreproduceresearchreservationreserveresidenceresidentresourcerespondentresponserestaurantresultretirementreturnreviewrevisionriceriderridersriskriverrobotrockrocketroleTest Paper 8roommatesrouterulesafarisafetysailsailingsaladsaladssalarysalesaltsamplesandalsatellitesaucesavingscalescandalscandalsscarscentscheduleschemescholarscholarshipsciencescientistscorescriptsculptureseaseasonseat second secretary section sector selection selections seminar sense sentence servant service sewage sewer sex shade sheep sheet shelf shell shelter ship shoe shoplifters shopper shortage shower side sight sign signature silence simulation single sitesize skating skeleton skillskinskirt slang slave sleep sleeping slipsmellsmokesmokingsnacksoilsolutionsoundsourcesouthsoutheastsouthwestspacespeakerspeakingspeedspendingspidersponsorspoonssportsmanspotstabilitystackstagestairstandardstarstarterstartingstatestatementstationstatussteaksteamstepstingstockstomachstomachachestonestorestorystrategystrengthstrikestylesubjectsubmitsubsidysuburbsugarsuitsunshieldsupervisorsupportssurfacesurgeonsurnamesurprisesurveysurvivalsweaterswitchswitchessymptomsyndicatesyrupsystemtabletablettapetaxTest Paper 9taxiteateacherteachingteamjargontermtechnologyteethtelephonetelescopetelevisiontempertempletexttexturegalaxythefttheorytherapisttherapythesisthiefthievesthinkingthirdthoughtthreatthrillertickettidetidestiletimbertimetitletoastertoilettomatotonetooltoptopictotaltouchingtourtouringtourismtouristtoweltowertowntracktractortradetramtragedy trailer training trendtravel traveler treatment triptribetribute tributes Trinity trolley troubletube tunnels tuitiontunetunestutortypeumpire understanding utensil uniform union university usage vacancy vacation value particulars variety vegetable velvetvetvideoview village vinegarvisavisitor vitamin vocation volunteer volunteers waist waiter walk walking wall world warming washing wasp waste wasteland water wave wax wealth weapon weather weeds week weekday weekend weight welfare west wetland whale wheel width willows wind wing word workforce working wound writing year yoga youth zero。
题目列表及解析1.What is the main purpose of the tourist’s visit to thecity?解析:根据听力材料,我们可以得知游客来这个城市的主要目的是为了参观博物馆。
2.Where will the tourist visit after the museum?解析:听力材料中提到游客在参观博物馆之后将去参观植物园。
3.When will the tourist visit the aquarium?解析:根据听力内容,我们得知游客计划在下午4点的时候参观水族馆。
4.What does the tourist think of the city’s attractions?解析:听力材料中,游客提到他对这个城市的景点印象非常深刻。
5.What can visitors do at the park?解析:听力内容中提到该公园提供了各种休闲娱乐活动,游客可以进行散步和观鸟等活动。
6.How does the tourist feel about the guided tour?解析:听力材料中,游客提到他对这次导游很满意,觉得很有趣。
7.Why does the tourist suggest visiting the museum first?解析:听力材料中,游客建议先参观博物馆,因为这样可以了解到城市的历史和文化。
8.What does the tourist mention about the weather?解析:听力内容中,游客提到天气很好,阳光明媚。
雅思听力考试中的Section 3通常涉及与学术或讲座相关的对
1. 注意听对话或独白中不同人物的观点表达。
2. 注意观点的理由和论据。
3. 理解问题的要求。
总之,在面对雅思听力Section 3的观点题时,考生需要保持专注,准确把握对话或独白中的观点内容,理解说话者的论据,以便在回答问题时给出准确的答案。
考试 备考资料
Expecting 剑桥系列
Beaten 剑桥系列 雅思王听力真题语料库
1. 是否真的很努力复习? 2. 是否做过剑桥? 3. 是否上过系统雅思课程? 4. 老师的要求做到了吗?
You’ve done too much!!!!
It'S An Honor To Walk With You All The Way
3.1 3.6 4.2 5.3 5.8
3.2 3.7 4.3 5.4 5.9
3.3 3.8 4.4 5.5 5.10
3.4 3.9 5.1 5.6 5.11
3.5 4.1 5.2 5.7 5.12
正确率表 第一遍
3.1 56% 3.2 63% 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12
2011 重点章节 6 7 9 2012 重点章节 3 4 5 2013 重点章节 3 4 5
正确率〉50% 那么继续 听写 改错 总结背诵出错的词汇
正确率《50% 那么 先背诵 再听写 改错 总结背诵出错的词汇
任务完成表 第一遍
• 1. 新题期 • 2. 考试提分项 • 3. 辅导选择 • 4. 把握考试节奏,克服紧张
Test 3-1 LISTENINGSECTION 3-1-1 Questions 1-10Complete the notes below. Examp1e AnswerName of agent: FlagstoneAreas dealt with: 1 ___________north suburbsRent:from 2 ___________£ to £__________ a mon th Depends on: the areaavailability of 3 _____________garageProperties available: West Park ioat1rent 4 £_________ a monthIncluding 5___________Tithe Roadrent £380 a monthIncluding 6________ rentalViewing arrangements: meet at office on 7________ at 5.00 pm Need: letter from bankreference from 8 ___________Must: give 9____________ notice of moving ingive deposit of 10 ____________pay for contractSECTION 3-1-2 Questions 11-20Questions 11 and 12 Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer:11 Who is Mrs Sutton worried about? ____________12 What is the name for a group of family doctors working in the same building together?Questions 13-17 complete the table belowWrite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer:Questions 18-20Question 18 Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.Doctors start seeing patients at the health Centre from ____________o’clock.Question 19 Choose TWO letters A-E.Which TWO groups of patients receive free medcation?A people over 17 years oldB unemployed peopleC non-UK residentsD people over 60 years oldE pregnant womenQuestion 20 Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORI)S OR A NUMBER.The charge for one item of medication is about £_____________SECTION 3-1-3 Questions 21-30complete the notes below Write NUMBERS AND/OR NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.leave infirst year:Reasons for wanting toextendtour:Reasons for wanting totrain toteachGeography:few teaching resourcessuccess of cattle breeding projectobtained funds for farm buildingsIt Is his 29 __________has many 30 _________SECTION 3-1-4 Questions 31-36Questions 31-40 choose the correct letters A-C31 Which column of the bar chart represents the figures quoted?32 According to the speaker, the main cause of back pain in women isA pregnancy.B osteoporosis.C lack of exercise.33 As treatment for back pain the Clinic mainly recommendsA pain killers.B relaxation therapy.C exercise routines.34 The back is different from other parts of the body becauseA it is usually better at self-repair.B a back injury is usually more painful.C its response to injury often results in more damage.35 Bed rest is advisedA for a maximum of two days.B for extreme pain only.C for pain lasting more than two days.36 Being overweightA is a major source of back pain.B worsens existing back pain.C reduces the effectiveness of exercise.Questions 37-40 Choose the correct letters A-CA Strongly recommendedB Recommended in certain circumstancesC Not recommendedExample Diet of overweight---A Buy orthopaedic mattresses---B37 Buy special orthopaedic chairs---- 38 Buy shock-absorbing inserts----39 Wear flat shoes ---- 40 Buy TENS machine----Test 3-2SECTION 3-2-1 Questions 1-10Questions 1-5 complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answerProgramme of Activities for First DayQuestions 6-10 Label the rooms on the map below.choose your answers from the box below and write them next to questions 6-10.CL Computer Laboratory DO Director’s Office L Library MH Main HallS Storeroom SAR Self Access Room SCR Student Common Room SR Staff Room 7 ___________ 6__________ Language Laborator 8 _________9____________ Recption 10__________^ Main Entrance ↑YOU ARE HERESECTION 3-2-2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-15Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answerQuestions 16-20 Complete the notes below.Write NUMBERS OR NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.HELPLINE DETAILSOfficer Jackie 16 ________Address Student Welfare Office13 Marshall RoadTelephone number 17 _________Opening hours 9.30am - 6pm (weekdays)18___________ (Saturdays)Ring or visit office for 19 ___________N.B. At peak times there may be a 20_____________SECTION 3-2-3 Questions 21-30Questions 21-24 Choose the correct letters A-C21 At the start of the tutorial, the tutor emphasises the importance ofA interviews.B staff selection.C question techniques.22 An example of a person who doesn’t `fit in’is someone whoA is over-qualified for the job.B lacks experience of the tasks set.C disagrees with the rest of the group.23 An important part of teamwork is having trust in yourA colleagues’ability.B employer’s directions.C company training.24 The tutor says that finding out personal information isA a skill that needs practice.B avoided by many interviewers.C already a part of job interviews.Questions 25-29 complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Personality Questionnairescompleted during 25._______________used in the past by the 26 ____________and the 27 ___________nowadays used by 28_____________ of large employersquestions about things like: working under pressure or keeping deadlineswritten by 29_____________ who say candidates tend to be truthfulQuestion 30 choose the correct letter A-CWhat is the tutor trying to do in the tutorial?A describe one selection techniqueB criticise traditional approaches to interviewsC illustrate how she uses personality questionnairesSECTION 3-2-4 Questions 31-40Questions 31 and 32 Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answerHAT- MAKING PROJECTProject ProfileExample: Name of student : VivienType of school: 31 _________.Age of pupils: 32 ____________Questions 33 and 34 Label the diagrams. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answerIntroduction to Hat-MakingFirst Hat Conical hat Second Hat PillboxA B A Bcut into centre and 33 ____________the cut stick flaps to 34_____________ of circleQuestions 35-37 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answerDESIGN PHASEstage A Refer to research and design a hat 35 ____________stage B Make a small-scale 36_____________ hatConstraints material: papercolours: 37__________glue: must not showQuestions 38-40Indicate who made the hats below Write the appropriate letter A-E next to each name.38 Theresa __________ 39 Muriel _________40 Fabrice _____________Test 3-3SECTION 3-3-1 Questions 1-10 Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answei: NOTES - ChHstmasNOTES-ChristmasExample AnswerName to book for 45Date of dinner: 21 DecemberChoices for venue: First choice 1 ___________ Tel. number: riot knownSecond choice 2_____________ Tel. number: 777192Third choice 3_____________ Tel. number: 4 _________Price per person: £12Restaurant must have vegetarian food and a 5 ___________Menu: First course - French Onion Soup OR Fruit JuiceMain course - Roast Dinner OR 6 ___________Dessert - Plum Pudding OR Apple Pie- CoffeeRestaurant requires from us: 7_________ and letter of confirmation and we must 8 _______in advance.Must confirm in writing by: 9 _________Put notice in 10 _____________________SECTION 3-3-2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-13 Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answerMEMBERSHIP OF SPORTS CENTREQuestions 14-16 complete the table below Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answerAlways bring sports 14 _________when you come to 15 __________or use the Centre’s facilities.Opening hours 9 am to 10 pm on 16 ________________10 am to 6 pm on Saturdays50% `morningdiscount’9 am to 12 noon on weekdaysQuestions 17-20 Look at the map of the Sports Complex belowLabel the buildings on the map of the Sports complex.Choose your answers from the box below and write them against questions 17-20.Arts Studio’Football Pitch Tennis Courts Dance Studio Fitness Room Reception Squash CourtsSECTION 3 Questions 21-30 Complete the form belowWrite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBER for each answer.YOUNG ELECTRONIC ENGINEER COMPETITIONName(s) of designer(s): John Brown21 _________Age: 22 ____________Name of design: 23 ____________Dimensions of equipment: 24 Width _________cm Length _________ cm Depth _________ cmPower: BatterySpecial features: 25 ___________________ 26_____________________ 27_____________________Cost: parts $528_______________$ 9.50Other comments: need help to make 29 ___________would like to develop range of sizesSend by:30 __________________SECTION 3-4-4 Questions 31-40Questions 31-33 complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Questions 34-36 Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Questions 3 7-40 choose the correct letters A-C37 Ostrich meatA has more protein than beef.B tastes nearly as good as beef.C is very filling.38 One problem with ostrich farming in Britain isA the climate.B the cost of transporting birds.C the price of ostrich eggs.39 Ostrich chicks reared on farmsA must be kept in incubators until mature.B are very independent.C need looking after carefully.40 The speaker suggests ostrich farms arc profitable becauseA little initial outlay is required.B farmed birds are very productive.C there is a good market for the meat.Test 3-4 LISENINCSECTION 3-4-1 Questions 1-10Questions 1 and 2 Complete the form opposite.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Birth StatisticsExample AnswerDate of birth: 10 AugustSex: maleFirst name: TomSurname: LightfootWeight: 1________ kgsLength: 2_________ cmsColour of hair: blackQuestions 3-5 Label the map. Choose your answers from the box belowWrite the appropriate letters A-E on the map.Johns’house 3__________========Chesterfield Road =========4_________ | | 5 ___________A State BankB St George’s HospitalC GarageD LibraryE University Questions 6-10 Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answerSECTION 3-4-2 Questions 11-20 Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer:For the recommendation column, writeA You must buy this,B Maybe you should buy this.C You should never buy this.SECTION 3-4-3 Questions 21-30Questions 2 1-23 Choose the correct letters A-C21 Arnina’s project is about a local A school. B hospital. C factory.22 Dr Bryson particularly likedA the introduction.B the first chapter.C the middle section.23 Amina was surprised because sheA thought it was bad.B wrote it quickly.C found it difficult to do.Questions 24-26 What suggestions does Dr Bryson make?Complete the table as followsWrite A if he says KEEP UNCHANGEDWrite B if he says REWRITEWrite C if he’says REMOVE COMPLETELYExample AnswerSection headings BInformation on housing 24 ____ Interview data 25 ____ Chronology 26 ____Questions 2 7-30 Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answet SCHEDULE OF ACTIONRead `Approches to Loca’History’by John Mervis,Read 27 `_____________’by Kate Oakwell.Make changes an4 show to 28 ____________Do 29________ by 29 JuneLaser print before 30 ___________Hand to Faculty OfficeSECT 10 N 3-4-4 Questions 31-40Questions 31-34 Write NUMBERS AND/OR NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each answer31 Between what times is the road traffic lightest? ________32 Who will notice the noise most? ________33 Which day of the week has the least traffic? _________34 What will be the extra cost of modifying houses’? ________Question 35 choose the correct letter A-D.The noise levels at the site can reachA 45 decibels.B 55 decibels.C 67 decibels.D 70 decibels.Questions 36-38Complete the table showing where devices used in reducing noise could be fitted in the houses.Write: W- for walls D- for doors C- for ceilingsExample acoustic seals---D36 double thickness plaster board --- 37 mechanical ventilation--- 38 air conditioning---Questions 39 and 40 Choose the correct letters A-D.39 Which is the correct construction for acoustic double glazing?Outsideinside40 What is the best layout for the houses?===========Highway============ A B C D。
雅思听力807 单词升级版单词表course 课程student 学生information 信息room 房间animals 动物food 食物computer 电脑local 当地的presentation 学生在国外课上作的演讲term 学期,术语check 检验family 家庭children 儿童的复数questions 问题card 卡片lunch 午餐pounds 英镑(复数)shop 商店words 单词(复数)crime 犯罪minutes 分钟(复数)building 建筑物water 水training 培训research 研究,科研house 房子second 第二industry 工业,产业reading 阅读sports 体育,运动month 月份available 可获得的,有时间的third 第三education 教育shopping 购物department 系,商店per 每population 人口address 地址person 人facilities 设施garden 花园system 系统,体系country 国家meeting 会议bus 公共汽车lack 缺乏interview 面试topic 话题teacher 教师working 工作advanced 先进的,高级的in advance 预先fee 费用American 美国人advertisement 广告science 科学example 例子market 市场important 重要的notes 笔记rate 比例tutor 辅导教师,辅导员,与lecturer 不同details 细节(复数)reason 理由village 山村materials 材料(复数)conference 正式会议difficult 困难的doctor 医生price 价格key 重点的,关键public 公共的staff 员工,职员area 地区group 群体music 音乐city 城市ground 地面report 报告car(s) 汽车planner 计划,计划表black 黑色insurance 保险Thursday 周四fitness 健康subject 主题planning 计划officer 官员skills 技能Saturday 周六restaurant 餐厅Oxford 牛津problems 问题museum 博物馆company 公司TV 电视office 办公室teaching 教学clothes 服装parents 父母items 物品,东西,项目advice 建议writing 写作type 类型million 百万fees 费用,学费,杂费film 胶卷,电影goods 物品furniture 家具personal 个人的walking 步行fitness 身体健康class 班级degree 学位articles 文章cheaper 便宜些effective 有效的famous 著名的countries 国家factors 因素Monday 周一manager 经理full-time 全日制expensive 昂贵的fish 鱼Tuesday 周二activities 活动swimming pool 游泳池list 单子,列表light 灯approach 方法,接近weekend 周末traveling 旅游Cambridge 剑桥media 媒体station 车站desk 书桌buildings 建筑物contact 接触dinner 晚餐park 公园team 队伍seat 座位century 世纪equipment 设备methods 方法location 地理位置title 标题culture 文化transport 交通campus 校园ideas 观点world 世界coffee 咖啡session 课程,时间female 女性reception 接待处speed 速度financial 金融的angry 气愤London 伦敦May 五月child 儿童record 记录,唱片professor 教授surname 姓trousers 裤子subjects 主题cause 起因social 社会的radio 收音机accommodation 住宿level 水平copy 复印Spanish 西班牙的,西班牙人clock 钟letter 信,字母ticket 票transportation 交通drinking 饮水boat 船mail 邮件safety 安全form 表格ability 能力evening 晚间certificate 证书goals 目标energy 能量experience 经验Avenue 大街senior 高级的,大四学生deposit 押金extra 额外的tape 磁带government 政府trains 火车swimming 游泳view 风景,视线handbook 手册smoking 吸烟date 日期bathroom 卫生间video 录像plus 加management 管理order 命令kitchen 厨房further 进一步Australia 澳大利亚shoes 鞋results 结果general 普通的history 历史club 俱乐部Sunday 周日dark 黑暗的regular 规律的drinks 饮料Union 学生会offer 提供return 往返quality 质量German 德国人language 语言environment 环境tutorials 小组讨论fire 火灾,解雇college 学院teams 小组membership 会员资格difficulties 困难beach 海滩plants 植物top 顶尖sleep 睡觉garden 花园rent 房租lock 锁trouble 麻烦vegetarian 素食主义者tour 旅游narrator 叙述者costs 成本background 背景October 十月kindergarten 幼儿园project 项目beginning 开始purpose 目的interest 兴趣decoration 装修,装饰migration 迁徙,移民party 晚会relationship 关系environmental 环境的waste 浪费price 价格traffic 交通wheel 方向盘,车轮discount 打折care 关注practical 实际的pollution 污染hospital 医院farming 农业travel 旅游police 警察telephone 电话birds 鸟类clear 清楚的theory 理论visa 签证assignment 作业farm 农场board 木板,董事会painting 绘画hand 手size 大小railway 铁路skill 技能therapy 理疗Chinese 中文January 一月thought 想法major 专业health 健康underground 地下spending 花费site 位置November 十一月survey 调查passport 护照range 范围America 美国service 服务exams 考试failure 失败Asia 亚洲demonstration 示威festival 节日least 至少mature 成熟的purse 钱包flexible 灵活的store 商场period 阶段medical 医疗的disease 疾病entrance 入口children 儿童confidence 自信zoo 动物园standard 标准exam 考试case 案例different 不同的requirement 要求dollars 美金bank 银行schedule 课程表Australian 澳大利亚recreation 娱乐property 财产learn 学习computers 电脑plant 植物marks 分数table 桌子support 支持choice 选择glass 玻璃professor 教授higher 更高statistics 统计学effect 效果individual 个人的technical 科技的Wednesday 周三colleges 学院variety 种类hall 大厅bicycle 自行车occupation 职业rent 租金tickets 票experiment 实验readers 读者place 位置coffee 咖啡dress 服装air 空气groups 团队attacks 袭击studies 研究suggestion 建议falcons 隼(猎鹰)yellow 黄色cleaning 清洁communication 交流existing 存在international 国际的fancy 喜欢firm 公司natural 自然的issues 问题awareness 意识phone 电话employees 员工fishing 钓鱼recycled 回收power 权力cave 洞穴engine 发动机diary 日记advanced 先进的luck 运气temple 寺庙evening 夜晚video 录像professional 专业的shortage 缺点charge 收费solution 解决priority 优先sale 销售exhibition 展览recruit 招聘various 各种的lack 缺乏school 学校fridge 冰箱machines 机器emergency 紧急assistant 助手condition 状况Europe 欧洲distance 距离library 图书馆referee 裁判员vocabulary 词汇unusual 非同寻常credit 信用April 四月travelers 游客June 六月appearance 外貌factory 工厂effects 结果notice 注意experimental 实验的refreshment 饮料common 普通jam 堵塞jacket 夹克guest 客人March 三月hall 大厅feature 特点point 要点field 领域wear 穿着guy 家伙central 中央的material 材料eyesight 视力feet 脚步quarter 四分之一dominant 主要的visas 签证focus 集中physical 身体的sound 声音speaker 演讲者career 职业reference 参考书目landlady 女房东full-time 全职mother 母亲part-time 兼职town 小镇wildlife 野生动物、植物commission 委员会starting 开始theoretical 理论的headache 头痛sense 感觉pills 药片regularly 定期地original 最初地prepare 准备videos 录像seafood 海鲜postcode 邮编region 地区advantages 优势mid 中间families 家庭complete 完成、完全的cards 卡片discussion 讨论deadline 最后期限assessment 学习考核currency 货币test 测试special 特别stress 重音mountain 山脉meat 肉类personality 个性embassy 大使馆gender 性别room 房间related 相关的cottage 小屋color 颜色church 教堂break 休息foot 脚total 总数difference 差异responsibility 责任daily 每日aids 帮助language 语言sport 运动photos 照片army 军队penny 便士insects 昆虫shift 倒班sample 样本jobpottery 瓷器walking 步行business 商业cinema 电影院cheese 奶酪horse 马aim 目的rare 罕见current 目前的French 法语worker 工人waiter 服务生qualification 资格selection 选择priorities 优先权nationality 国籍plastic 塑料area 地区thousand 千CDphotographs 照片adult 成人club 俱乐部company 公司ocean 海洋wood 木材OHP 投影popular 时髦的weekends 周末matching 搭配supply 提供card 卡片noble 高尚的seminar 研讨会tools 工具nature 自然green 绿色resources 资源ambition 野心,抱负skirt 短裙trees 树Britain 英国qualifications 资格elder 长辈collection 收集consultant 咨询者ignorance 无知explosion 爆炸model 模型filmed 拍摄Birmingham 伯明翰review 评论tea 茶accommodation 住宿foreign 国外finding 发现relations 关系faculty 系overhead 头上growth 成长cassettes 磁带infection 发炎cooperation 合作mosquito 蚊子train 火车thief 小偷pink 粉色applicants 申请者council 委员会project 项目scholarship 奖学金trip 旅行pence 便士Scotsman 苏格兰人flowers 花朵tones 汉语的音调documents 文件Russia 俄罗斯heavy 重的objective 目标Sydney 悉尼impact 影响atmospheric 大气的attention 注意fashion 时髦silver 银的diseases 疾病stronger 更强的weight 重量cost 花费United 联合的normal 正常的theatre 剧院governments 政府fiber 纤维tribe 部落parent 父母processing 处理exaggerate 夸张savings 存钱side 边weekdays 周末several 几个result 结果sleeping 睡眠identification 识别,身份visual 视觉的drowsiness 嗜睡的volunteer 自愿者technology 科技badminton 羽毛球direct 直接的short 短的scientists 科学家jeans 牛仔服recorder 录音机injury 受伤station 车站classical 古典的extensive 广泛的architecture 建筑物temples 寺庙chair 椅子social 社会的loan 贷款stores 商场kelp 海藻storehouse 仓库hens 母鸡street 街道road 路intermediate 中级的useful 有用的forest 森林rainfall 降水wetland 沼泽地booklist 书目单machine 机器nursing 护理ancient 古代的palace 宫殿disco 的士高test 测试exercise 练习participants 参加者trends 趋势charges 费用content 内容maximum 最大wide 广泛的lawyer 律师difficulty 困难centre 中心literature 文学conclusion 结论secondary 第二的newspaper 报纸garage 车库analysis 分析familiar 熟悉的placement 放置guitar 吉他Japanese 日本tourists 游客tower 塔information 信息Athens 雅典conquest 征服future 未来bank 银行sportswear 运动服fruit 水果impossible 不可能Forbes 福布斯childcare 照顾孩子farmers 农民rule 规则entertainment 娱乐lab 实验室Saturday 周六teaching 教学neighboring 邻居的identities 身份swimming 游泳cultivation 培育graduates 毕业生lifestyle 生活方式hobbies 爱好map 地图fraud 诈骗,假货summary 总结performance 表现money 钱cash 现金picture 图inspiring 鼓舞人心的rising 上升的sweater 毛衣wise 明智的dangerous 危险的causes 原因review 评论strategy 策略simple 简单的amount 数量telephone 电话teeth 牙齿product 产品guidance 指导average 平均qualification 资格parking 停车speech 演讲master 硕士technology 科技setting 位置delegate 代表fly 飞行mining 采矿activity 活动habits 习惯behavior 行为printed 打印spare 多余的urchin 海胆human 人类retirement 退休nationality 国籍engineer 工程师reservation 保留Friday 周五Green 格林checks 支票movie 电影sunlight 阳光specific 特别的July 七月academic 学术的piano 钢琴York 约克data 数据export 出口register 注册debt 债务patients 病人assistant 助手brochures 小册子papers 报纸soil 土壤commercials 商业midnight 午夜transfer 转换benefits 优势clubs 俱乐部cover 包括drop-off 放下pictures 图片West 西部intelligence 智力educational 教育的method 方法journal 学术期刊introduction 简介aware 意识Asia 亚洲animal 动物formal 正式的sheet 床单penicillin 盘尼西林sports 体育crocodiles 鳄鱼cocktail 鸡尾酒breakfast 早餐shoppers 购物者Berlin 柏林contacts 接触semester 学期sight 视觉land 土地organizer 组织者management 管理sick 生病books 书rapid 快速的title 标题wall 墙habit 习惯thinking 思考muscles 肌肉instructors 教练lift 电梯challenging 挑战的double 双的motorcycle 摩托车cough 咳嗽sheep 羊Egyptian 埃及的slip 一张纸check 支票percentage 百分比peasants 农民extension 分机rural 乡下的harmful 有害的drama 戏剧biology 生物successful 成功的safe 安全的nervous 紧张的convenient 方便的unconvincing 没有说服力的line 队culture 文化airport 机场plastic 塑料business 商务control 控制island 岛屿diet 饮食mails 邮件computers 电脑restaurant 饭店European 欧洲的stone 石头inadequate 不足的hat 帽子expenses 花费terms 学期,术语salary 薪水products 产品writer 作家warming 变暖role 角色states 州report 报告objectives 目的rules 规则companies 公司player 选手medicine 药品water-skiing 划水education 教育grade 年级form 表格features 特点willow 柳树chest 胸部nationalities 国籍psychiatric 精神病的styles 方式unreliable 不可依赖的crime 犯罪stones 石头weather 天气conversation 对话effect 结果,作用gap 缝隙cop 警察temper 脾气passengers 旅客sources 资源touching 接触shop 商店Greece 希腊space 空间workshop 工作室charity 慈善intact 完好无损的confident 自信的donation 捐款bones 骨头gym 体育馆guide 导游,指导address 地址stock 存货announcement 宣布decision 决定overseas 海外solar 太阳的option 选择text 文章British 英国的types 种类tractor 拖拉机thoughts 思想mobile 运动的finance 金融window 窗户night 夜晚presentations 演讲holiday 假期length 长度places 地点association 协会crops 庄稼personal 个人的girlfriend 女友weight 重量cities 城市bedroom 卧室wind 风agency 代理机构emergency 紧急sex 性别desire 欲望interview 面试forest 森林summer 夏天ticket 票institutions 机构dishes 菜walls 墙comfortable 舒适的forestry 林业clients 客户Yen 日元trip 旅行resources 资源basic 基础的redundant 多余的spider 蜘蛛bowls 碗suburb 郊区fingers 手指quarter 四分之一academic 学术的medium 中度chin 下巴sales 销售tour 旅游positions 位置,职位client 客户temperature 温度open-book 开卷expensive 昂贵的abbreviation 缩写flourishment 繁荣movies 电影minimum 最小youth 年轻chapters 章,回psychology 心理学grants 助学金PHD 博士hints 暗示rubbish 垃圾attentive 注意的requirement 要求restaurants 餐厅professions 职业skating 滑冰accommodations 住宿accidents 事故exercise 练习emergencies 紧急recording 录音controversy 争论credit 信誉comedy 喜剧relaxation 放松science 科学lender 借钱给别人的人damage 毁坏pocket 口袋passage 文章project 项目textbook 教材surname 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副Bristol 布里斯托(英国地名)dictation 听写telescope 望远镜safari 野生动物园outline 提纲yoga 瑜珈taxi 出租车recycling 回收delivery 发送enrollment 报名flat 公寓sharp 锋利的master 硕士neck 脖子,颈部note-taking 记笔记pleasure 乐趣regulations 规则institute 机构festival 节日visible 可见的silence 安静的bathroom 卫生间total 总数internal 内部的sports 体育injection 注射disputes 争端meeting 会议cable 电缆shuttle 穿梭rat 老鼠script 手稿maid 女仆advanced 高级的golf 高尔夫birth 出生feedbacks 反馈hard-hoofed 硬蹄的tours 旅行conclusion 结论risks 冒险keywords 关键词surprise 惊奇holiday 假期personnel 人事关系pal 伙伴flour 面粉measurement 测量stability 稳定enormous 广泛的utensils 器具flight 航班sewage 下水道mid-morning 上午10 点左右training 培训sizes 尺寸timber 木材Trinity 三一学院actor 男演员entertainment 娱乐draws 绘图phone-in 打入电话resource 资源concessionsshopping 购物fund-raising 筹资publication 出版物excursion 远足caves 洞穴financial 金融的diet 饮食government 政府outline 大纲analysis 分析staff 员工existence 存在baldness 秃头ability 能力insect 昆虫gold 金子Canadian 加拿大人divorce 离婚script 稿件difficulty 困难breath-taking 令人屏住呼吸的speaking 口语audio 声音的majority 多数bowling 保龄球project 项目organizer 组织者sites 地点teeth 牙齿grain 谷物position 位置exchange 交换volunteer 自愿者antibiotics 抗生素nets 网applied 应用的slang 俚语historian 历史学家healthcare 健康保健police 警察newsletters 简报switch 开关heater 热水器organization 组织experienced 有经验的modern 现代的overall 整个的loan 贷款money 钱pattern 模式lights 灯playground 操场doors 门isolated 与世隔绝的sandwich 三明治memorise 记住actions 行动standards 标准grade 级别nuts 坚果therapist 理疗专家kangaroo 袋鼠project 项目corpse 尸体private 私人的spot 地点questionnaire 问卷finding 发现intensive 强化的cinema 电影院keepers 养育者full-time 全日制part-time 兼职的enrollment 报名sewer 下水道instruments 仪器company 公司product 产品ending 结果texture 质地levels 水平detailed 细节的employee 员工item 项目master 主人vacuum 真空insomnia 失眠London 伦敦habits 习惯supermarket 超市zero 零penicillin 盘尼西林practice 练习choices 选择investment 投资bicycles 自行车rock 岩石branch 分支,分部informative 通知的occupation 职业assessment 评估drop-out 辍学率September 九月council 委员会disagreement 不同意camera 相机mid-semester 学期中domestic 内部的access 进入midmorning 上午十点左右statistics 统计学officer 军官tourist 游客supervisor 导师religion 宗教castle 城堡empty 空的cafeteria 自助餐厅package 包装donations 捐献audience 观众distant 远的residents 居民examples 例子lounge 休息大厅construction 建设planners 计划recorder 录音机designer 设计师bones 骨头mid-day 中午fare 车船差旅费story 故事evidence 证据medical 医疗的printing 打印method 方法production 生产positive 积极的handling 处理existent 存在environment 环境exciting 令人兴奋的certificates 证书effectively 有效地additional 额外地co-operation 合作score 分数juice 果汁touring 旅游historical 历史的distribution 分布confirmation 证实financial 金融的virtually 几乎history 历史monopoly 垄断Monday 周一Internet 互联网worthwhile 值得的marketing 市场营销bedsit 小套房main 主要的warm 温暖的sleepy 嗜睡的charity 慈善corporation 公司customer 顾客local 当地的candle 蜡烛engineers 工程师driver 司机grass 草agencies 机构Friday 周五engineering 工程personal 个人的wealth 财富cliff 悬崖physically 身体地concert 音乐会irrigation 灌溉scarce 少地cafe 咖啡厅removal 去掉low-risk 低风险disabled 残疾人silent 安静的conqueror 征服者wax 蜡unfair 不公平sugar 糖clever 聪明的flower 花flat 公寓conference 会议rate 比率shear 剪羊毛study 学习occupants 占领者weekend 周末holiday 假期hotel 酒店visitors 访问者system 系统content 内容close-up 特写镜头tiles 瓦likelihood 可能性break 休息pink 粉色recall 回忆renewal 更新lecture 授课danger 危险inaccurate 不准确foyer 门厅remark 评价pure 纯洁的fortnight 两周,十四天stomach 胃lawyer 律师repetition 重复non-drinker 不喝酒的人video 录像breeding 繁殖correspondence 写信dancer 舞者Wollongong 卧龙岗(大学)credit 信用center 中心casual 随便的apartment 公寓snacks 零食enquiry 咨询commuter 通勤者effects 效果organic 有机的park 公园crocodiles 鳄鱼payment 付款unanimous 意见一致的mathematic 数学的accurate 精确的depth 深度habit 习惯parents 父母track 轨迹drawer 抽屉enthusiasm 热情classmates 同学excitement 兴奋housekeeping 家务管理accommodation 住宿circle 圆rental 租金emotion 感情topics 话题data 数据public 公共的attention 注意fine 好的countryside 乡村horses 马performers 表演者miserable 痛苦的craft 手艺roommate 室友Saturday 周六woods 森林lake 湖tools 工具standard 标准occasion 场合laser 激光African 非洲人koalas 考拉hero 英雄bookshelf 书架political 政治的Washington 华盛顿author 作者facility 设施visa 签证photojournalism 摄影新闻学referees 裁判serious 严肃的location 地理位置water 水Europe 欧洲support 支持review 复习occupational 职业的construction 建筑tourism 旅游业homework 家庭作业unhealthy 不健康的curtains 窗帘tree 树biological 生物的velvet 天鹅绒bibliography 参考书目flight 航班fifth 第五prone 容易catalog 目录description 描述essential 基本的waiter 服务生comfortable 舒服的bank 银行steel 钢材equipment 设备royal 皇家的youngster 年轻人ordinary 普通的Eagle 鹰geography 地理forms 表格preposition 介词wing 翅膀,翼watchdog 警察局的名称second-hand 二手的book 书cheerful 高兴的settlement 定居crime 犯罪booklet 小册子yellow 黄色的co-operative 合作的cattle 牲畜professor 教授driving 开车contracts 合同,印花税plants 植物barren 贫瘠的meal 饭key 关键event 事件media 媒体conditions 条件payable 可付的intervention 干涉firms 公司astronomy 天文学metal 金属retails 零售investigators 调查人seven-screen 7 个屏幕的suit 西装famous 著名的handball 手球independence 独立age 年纪immune 免疫的present 礼物,目前的boot 靴子precision 精密度dentist 牙医carving 雕刻drop 落下processing 加工privacy 隐私salad 沙拉violent 猛烈的dollars 美元welfare 福利Alaska 阿拉斯加expensive 昂贵的cab 出租车apostrophe 右上角省略号link 连接rare 罕见的program 节目national 国家的registration 注册department 系waitress 女服务员elbow 肘notebook 笔记本interview 面试hunting 打猎achievement 成功attendance 出勤率candidate 候选人tennis 网球subtitles 小标题essay 论文similar 相似的museum 博物馆music 音乐tourist 游客passport 护照summary 摘要dress 服装chemist 医药师assignments 作业revision 修改patterns 图案self-discipline 自我约束beach 海滩tune 曲调submit 服从expansion 扩充sailing 航行teams 队accommodation 住宿administrator 管理者natural 自然的course 课程rows 行size 尺寸maintenance 维护spoons 勺子cycling 骑自行车industrial 工业的recreation 娱乐experiment 实验former 原来的introduction 介绍wheels 轮子surroundings 周围toys 玩具heartbeat 心脏跳动scientific 科学的penny 便士features 特点payment 付款expectancy 期待libraries 图书馆source 资源energies 能量fabric 纺织品balloon 气球sentences 句子first-aid 援助section 部分star 星Church 教堂artistic 艺术的creeks 小溪clean 干净的self-funded 自给自足smoke 烟booking 预定million 百万economics 经济学smokers 抽烟者turning 转弯处psychological 心里的cups 杯子addition 额外sportsman 男运动员technical 技术的sports 体育的plants 植物reform 改革affairs 事件government-funded 政府资助的tribe 部落orientation 新生入学教育会helmet 头盔preference 偏爱flash 闪exception 例外reinforced 加强的migratory 迁移的highly-trained 高度训练的skiing 滑雪blocks 街区stress 压力general 普通的children's 儿童的central 中心的prospectus 招生简章seats 座位catering 饮食purest 纯净的profession 职业harbor 港口skin 皮肤housing 住房heroine 女主人公library 图书馆mountain 山model 模型professor 教授exposure 曝光contaminants 污染物background 背景thriller 惊悚片inability 没能力cassette 磁带recycling 回收pets 宠物promising 有前途的bill 帐单outline 大纲pianist 钢琴家households 家庭insurance 保险naught 零leisure 休闲veterinarian 兽医loans 贷款carbon 炭brothers 兄弟stairs 楼梯bowling 保龄球pet 宠物ape 猿complaint 抱怨noise 噪音diploma 文凭,毕业证biology 生物学potential 潜在的value 价值Pacific 太平洋species 种类mixture 混合物irritable 易怒的currency 货币arrival 到达cash 现金bookshop 书店satisfaction 满意quality 质量prizes 奖金stations 火车站,局island 岛banking 银行业shuttle 穿梭status 地位trolley 电车tourists 游客stage 舞台,阶段steam 蒸汽TV 电视permit 许可证discovery 发现profit 利润parcel 包裹certificate 证书sufficient 充分的parental 父母的institutes 机构clothes 服装vacancy 空缺vegetation 植被engineering 工程editor 编辑position 位置subjective 主观的workshops 工作室astronomy 天文学bacteria 细菌drugs 药品firm 公司Australians 澳大利亚人financial 金融的cream 奶油sheep 羊painkillers 止痛片engine 发动机pages 页码usual 普通的laboratory 实验室classroom 教室sundial 日晷latest 最新的development 发展process 过程cave 洞穴inquiries 询问protein 蛋白质kids 儿童farms 农场discussion 讨论guide 导游photocopies 复印Africa 非洲options 选择award 奖励psycholinguistics 心理语言学customers 顾客suburb 郊区formula 公式unsocial 不善交际的approval 同意refund 退还market 市场rehearsal 演习,彩排killer 杀手syndicate 财团employer 雇主classical 古典的service 服务post 职位weapon 武器motivation 动机trade 贸易efficient 有效率的cause 起因innovation 革新adults 成人forest 森林lava 火山岩boots 靴子theft 盗窃bath 浴室argument 争论embassy 大使馆blanket 毯子knowledge 知识resources 资源robber 盗贼western 西方的idea 主意fever 发烧advertising 广告curly 卷发的tuition 学费skating 滑冰high-rise 高层建筑pocket 口袋festival 节日tickets 票monologue 独白reports 报告understanding 理解community 社区cotton 棉花mills 工厂ancient 古代的magic 魔术的writing 写作systematic 系统的junior 较低级别的issue 问题traffic 交通shell 贝壳tutorial 小组讨论duration 持续reason 理由cable 电缆insomnia 失眠unique 独特的handout 讲义movies 电影polish 抛光,擦亮allowance 津贴worker 工人insects 昆虫precautions 预防zoo 动物园medicine 医药milk 牛奶knife 刀critical 批评的consumption 消费code 密码lemon 柠檬medium 媒体leisure 休闲crisis 危机belts 带子recreation 娱乐expire 过期CD-ROMmale 男的steady 稳定的drinks 饮料deteriorate 恶化surface 表面accessible 可接近的interviewee 受访者random 随机的index 索引ankle 踝association 协会email 电邮seasoned 风干amount 数量videos 录像bill 帐单cup 杯子officer 军官population 人口catalog 目录communication 交流photocopy 复印safety 安全folder 文件夹inland 内陆magic 魔术的heading 标题club 俱乐部side 面,边disease 疾病family 家庭welfare 福利disturbance 打扰freedom 自由experiments 实验observation 观察response 回答undergraduate 本科生jewelry 珠宝journalist 记者repair 修理theft 盗窃cages 笼子fee 费用systems 系统global 全球的candles 蜡烛martial 武术的rocks 岩石gap 缺口education 教育visa 签证sensible 明智的cycling 骑自行车apes 猿wetland 沼泽地common 普通的gender 性别April 四月party 晚会ice 冰depression 沮丧traditional 传统的costume 服装December 十二月layer 阶层domestic 国内的ambiguous 有歧义的excuse 借口resource 资源self-sufficient 自给自足optic 光学的lessons 课程layout 规划focus 聚焦manager 经理reflectance 反射系数pounds 英镑reserve 保留England 英格兰genetic 遗传的zero 零plan 计划timetable 时间表imports 进口tributes 供品encyclopedia 百科全书station 火车站bridge 桥chat 聊天marketing 市场营销strike 罢工recipe 处方suggestions 建议decorations 装饰cot 轻便小床economy 经济planting 种植abstract 摘要waiter 男服务生rent 租金improvement 提高sources 资源alley 小巷ferries 轮渡coastal 海边的stock 股票,存货basis 基础cupboard 橱柜lions 狮子malaria 疟疾photograph 照片cycle 循环distribution 分布amazing 令人惊讶的types 种类reliable 可依赖的shelf 架子frequency 频率enhance 提高beds 床petrol 汽油adequate 充足的soundproof 隔音的aim 目的cities 城市bands 乐队oral 口语的archaeological 考古学的Scotland 苏格兰loss 损失spiral 螺旋的majors 专业mental 精神的projector 投影仪dining 吃饭stuff 原料resistance 抵抗authority 权威opportunities 机会vegetable 蔬菜areas 地区mathematics 数学internal 内部的eastern 东方的predictable 可预言的formal 正式的replacement 替代length 长度accountants 会计disease 疾病container 容器records 记录,唱片journal 期刊margin 页边的空白wedding 婚礼pension 养老金satellite 卫星wind 风accounting 会计check 支票park 公园cultural 文化的investigation 调查damages 损害assistance 援助conference 会议interview 采访camp 露营wide 广泛的plan 计划shift 倒班reverse 相反的leprosy 麻风病awful 可怕的chemistry 化学expert 专家draft 草稿duties 责任appeal 呼吁project 项目nursery 托儿所agriculture 农业oil 油tutor 辅导员theatre 剧院clock 钟property 财产anger 愤怒pop 流行的。
1. 生存语料,在第8章。
多数出现在section1和section2,这里有基本信息的各种语料2. 复数拼写语料库,主要源自剑桥真题,考生需要熟悉名词的复数形式,让自己的耳朵对剑桥的答案具有更强的亲和力3. 拼写语料库4. 拼写规范。
这两部分词汇是彻底解决拼写错误问题,能大幅度提高填空题的有效得分率5. 名词语料库6. 形容词语料库7.动词语料库。
雅思听力(综合)模拟试卷3(题后含答案及解析)雅思听力(综合)模拟试卷3(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. Listening ModuleListening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time)听力原文:And now for something quite different: how can chickens provide not only that delicious breakfast egg, but also the power to cook it? The answer lies in that plentiful by-product of the chicken farm, namely, chicken dung. An enterprising British company has proved that ‘green’solutions to the electric power needs of communities can be profitable. In fact, there are already three, yes three dung-fired power stations in use in Britain, which have attracted attention from other European countries and several projects in different places are already at the advanced planning stage. ‘We first believed that the only use for our dung was to make electricity,’ says the British company’s owner, ‘but after burning it for power, we are left with a residue rich in potash and phosphate, but nitrogen-free. This provides a far more marketable fertilizer which we can sell as well as the electricity we produce.’ In many countries, agricultural waste is seen more of a problem than industrial waste, polluting even the sea where rivers have carried nitrogen and other agricultural waste to estuaries and inshore waters. By burning dung and producing cheap electric power in the process, however, this company is solving two problems in one go.Complete the summary below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Chickens and Electricity Dung is a【L1】______of the chicken farm. A British firm has proved that the answer to communities’ needs for electric power is profitable. So, at the moment, it has【L2】______ stations in Britain, whichare powered by dung, and other European countries are showing interest.In many countries,【L3】______ is a headache so the company is solving two problems at one time, namely: brining dung to make much needed fertilizer and producing cheap【L4】______1.【L1】正确答案:(plentiful) by-product2.【L2】正确答案:three3.【L3】正确答案:agricultural waste4.【L4】。
王陆雅思王听力真题语料库名词Testpaper2Test paper 2cabinet cable cafecafeteria橱柜电缆,有线电视咖啡厅咖啡馆cageCambridgecamel camera笼子剑桥骆驼照相机campcampus candidate candle露营校园候选人蜡烛canteencapital capsule carbon餐厅资金;首都胶囊碳carecareer carpet carving关心事业地毯雕刻cashiercastle categorycathedral收纳员城堡种类大教堂causecave cents century起因洞穴分币世纪Certificate chair chance chancellor 证书椅子机会校长channel chapter character charge海峡章节品质特点收费charitychart chat checklist慈善机构表格聊天核对清单Checksche ese chemist’s chest支票奶酪药店胸部chickchicken child chin小鸡肌肉孩子下巴chocolatechoice church cinema巧克力选择教堂电影院circlecity clarity cleaner圆圈城市清楚清洁工cleaningclient cliffs climate清洁客户悬崖气候clinicclock cloth clothing诊所钟布衣服clubcoach coast code俱乐部大巴车海岸编码cokecola colleague college可乐可乐同事大学comedy commercials commuter companion喜剧商业广告通勤者同伴company complaint complex computer公司抱怨复杂电脑concertconclusion condition conference音乐会结论条件会议confidence confirmation congestionconqueror自信证明确认拥挤征服者conquestconversation conservation construction 征服对话保守保护保留建设consultant consumptioncontact container顾问消费接触容器contaminantscontamination content continent 污染物污染内容大陆,洲contractcontracts controversy convenience合同契约争议方便便利cooperationcop copy corporation合作男警察复制公司corpsecorrespondence cost costume尸体通信花费,代价制服cotcottage cough council小床农舍小屋咳嗽委员会countrycoursecrack craft国家,乡村课程裂缝手艺creamcredit creek crime奶油信用,学分小溪犯罪crisiscrocodilecrop cultivation危机鳄鱼庄稼培育培养Culture cup cupboard curtain文化杯子橱柜窗帘customercutlerycycle cycling顾客餐具循环,自行车骑自行车damagedanger data date破坏危险数据日期day deadline debate日,白天截止日期辩论。
1 insurance保险ensurace1 hostel城镇hospital1 accomodation住容accomadation1 venue会场menu1 statistics统计phi1 metallurgy冶金metology1 rubbish垃圾robbish1 drawbacks缺点drawbox1 performance表现proformance1 gear齿轮gair1 lisence牌照(=license)lisence0 woodland林地woo1 comparision比较caparision1 species物种spicia1 definition定义defination1 peers同龄人pairs1 validity有效性theli1 observer观察者observor1 testimony证词testmony1 consequence后果conciquence1 cellulose纤维素cell1 fabric织物fibrac1 chandelier吊灯shandor1 technician技术员techni1 initials缩写inventor1 bladders膀胱bladas1 antenna天线unturner1 refreshments点心,小吃refreshment1 innovation创新inavation1 toads蟾蜍toast1 womb子宫woom1 flesh肉flash1 pond池塘ponde1 dweller居民deweller1 leaflet传单liflis1 maximum最大maxman1 calculation计算calculation0 variables变量valuables1 permission许可premission1 grammar语法gramma1 interruption中断interaption1 poverty贫困povitty1 frustration挫折frastration1 textile纺织text1 umbrella伞embralla1 concrete混凝土conquete1 exterior外部exterria1 fountain喷泉fountian1 engineering工程engeneering1 theme主题seem1 spa水疗spar1 hairdresser理发师hea1 ingredients成分engredess1 core核心call1 massage按摩asash1 ancestor祖先assasittor1 ratio比率radio1cord线cought1 bark树皮bar1 entertainment娱乐entertaiment1 geographers地理学家geography1 parachute降落伞df1 valve阀wo1 oxygen氧oxengen1 discussion讨论disscution1 chimpanzees黑猩猩jpz1 behavior行为behaviour1 dominance优势dominates1 nutshell果壳noteshell1 binoculars双筒望远镜benocul1 Eskimo爱斯基摩人askumo1 athlete运动员aflis1 vibration振动vibrattion1 bulb灯泡boat1 proof证明prove1 reservoir水库resi1 participation参与par1 partner合作伙伴parterner1 proofreading校对ee1 peas豌豆peace1 fertilizer肥料ferterlization1 porcelain瓷器possillian1 cattle牛catle1 plough犁plot1 judo柔道juda1 contribution贡献contrabution1 fiancee未婚妻feancy1 discussion讨论disccusion1 representative代表repersenta1 stripe条纹strike1 Mars火星muds1 balcony阳台bulcna1 squirrel松鼠squarral1 invasion入侵envision1 competition竞争con1 polytechnic理工的polite1 hectares公顷hectors1 kangaroo袋cangarru1 grams保存gradmas1 preservation克presavation1 cosmetics紊乱consmaticss1 message消息massage1 refrigerator冰箱refregrator1 mite螨虫might1 hive蜂巢have1 virus病毒viours1 fund基金funny1 personnel人员personal1 jewelry珠宝jewry1 minority少数民族by1 sightseeing观光siteseeing1 composers作曲家composors1 cabin小屋cop1 calendar日历canllender1 glovesIglAvz手套gloves1necklace项链neclece1 niece侄女mears1 footwear鞋子fors1 campaign竞选compain1 slug投币机的代用币sloge1 habitat栖息地habitate1 indicator指示器indicate1 grape葡萄gray1 insulation绝缘insulatttion1 trays托盘trace1 stuff东西staff1 apron围裙apr1 pyramid金字塔perimad1 dolphin海豚dophon1 soldiers士兵soiders1 commodity商品com1 basin盆地basement1 cupboard橱柜cobbat1 generalisation概括,总结性generalization1 exhibition展览accebition1 dialogue对话dialog1 regulator调节器regulate1 hammer锤子hama1 incubator孵化器encubate1 quantity量quatity1 jam果酱jump1 candle蜡烛candal1 shampoo洗发水shampu1 obesity肥胖ob1 congestion拥塞conj1 categories类别cati1 twilight黄昏,暮光trali1 passport护照passports1 windsurfing滑浪风帆winserffing1 van厢式货车wand1 authority权威osority1 labour劳动labor1 camel骆驼cammol1 sprain扭伤spring1 aspirin阿司匹林icecream1 critic评论家creative1 biography传记biograpy1 stage-set舞台布景stageset1 graffiti涂鸦re1 sticks棒stacks1 bins垃圾箱beans1 sauna桑拿wedding1 wedding婚礼sonar1 documentary纪录片documentray1 bronze青铜browns1 facilities设施ficilities1 calorie热量color1 dinosaur恐龙dianosor1 fossils化石fossiols1 moa恐鸟moar1 attitude态度att1 wreckage残骸recage1 tortoise乌龟totera1certificate证书sotificate1 Cantonese粤语con1 interpreter口译者enterpretor1 irrigation灌溉irragation1 degradation降解decration1 nutrient营养nuetrians1 erosion侵蚀errotion1 fishery渔业fiss1 contaminants污染物contaminates1 innocence清白innosents1 dictation听写digta1 amber琥珀emb1 resin树脂rising1 fungi真菌ddf1 bridge桥rich1 concrete混凝士conqure1。
首先,对于雅思听力P3单选题,考生需要注意以下几点:1. 了解题目类型:P3单选题通常会涉及到对话或独白中的细节信息、意图或态度。
2. 注意题目顺序:在录音播放过程中,题目的顺序和录音中的顺序是一致的。
3. 提前预测答案:在听录音之前,可以先浏览一下题目,对于每个问题,尝试根据题目的关键词或问题的类型进行预测。
接下来,我们来介绍一些解题技巧:1. 关注问题的关键词:在题目中,关键词往往是答案的线索。
2. 注意转折词语:有时录音中的说话者会使用转折词或逻辑连接词,如however、although、but等,这些词语往往会对问题的答案提供一些线索。
3. 注意修饰语:修饰语在录音中常常用来修饰或描述特定的事物或人物。
4. 注意数字和时间:录音中可能会提到具体的数字或时间,这些信息对于回答问题非常关键。
5. 注意语气和态度:有时录音中的说话者会通过语气和态度来表达对某一事物的看法或态度。
最后,我们来总结一些解题注意事项:1. 训练听力:雅思听力的考试时间紧迫,考生需要尽快提高自己的听力水平。
2. 练习答题技巧:在备考过程中,要多做一些练习题,熟悉题目的类型和解题技巧。
剑8解析:剑8听力Test3Section3原文+答案解析:SECTION 3谈话场景 :作业讨论?人物关系 :老师和学生?谈话话题 :老师针对personal statement 的具体情况和学生交谈名师点题剑桥雅思8听力:交际与语言表达1. 本段对话是在女教师与Paul之间展开,开始女教师询问Paul在南美的工作经历。
女教师问Paul是否担心语言障碍(language barrier),Paul 回答说不担心,而且他后来还在那里教英语(In fact, I ended up teaching English there)。
end up doing sth. 意为“以...结束, 告终”,还可以用end up with sth. 来表示同样的意思。
end还可以做名词,意为“结束”, in/at the end (of)“在...的最后”。
2. I see.口语中常用,意为“我明白了”。
3. Paul后来介绍了自己在南美的工作。
女教师问Paul从中学到了什么(What do you think you learned from your experi- ence?),do you think在此是插入句。
女教师认为Paul的经历给他提供了一个绝佳的机会去了解社区生活(It must have been a great opportunity to examine community life)。
must ?have been 表推测,意为“一定”。
4. Paul说这的确是一个好机会,不过最初让当地人接受自己还是很难。
雅思考试(IELTS)试题test3总分:10分及格:6分考试时间:120分LISTENINGSECTION 1 Questions 1-3(1)根据听到的内容,回答{TSE}题。
SECTION 1 Questions 4-8(1)根据听到的内容,回答{TSE}题。
SECTION 1 Questions 9-10 (1)根据听到的内容,回答{TSE}题。
SECTION 2 Questions 11-16 (1)根据听到的内容,回答{TSE}题。
SECTION 2 Questions 17-20(1)根据听到的内容,回答{TSE}题。
SECTION 3 Questions 21-26(1)根据听到的内容,回答{TSE}题。
(2)What project work did Paul originally intend to get involved in?A. A constructionB. B agricultureC. C tourism(3)Why did Paul change from one project to another?A. A His first job was not well organiseB. B He found doing the routine work very borinC. C The work was too physically demandin(4)In the village community。
1. 单选题在单选题中,考生需要根据听力材料的内容选择正确的答案,通常是选择最符合听力内容的选项。
2. 填空题填空题要求考生根据听力材料中的信息填写空缺处的单词或短语,这就要求考生在听力过程中能够准确地捕捉到关键信息,并且能够正确理解和拼写单词或短语。
3. 匹配题匹配题是将听力材料中的特定信息与给出的选项进行匹配,通常是通过将听力信息与选项进行对比,找到相互对应的关系。
针对以上题型,我们可以提出一些备考策略:- 在备考时,考生可以多听一些关于动物迁徙和行为的相关资料,增加对话题的敏感度和理解能力。
- 利用一些模拟试题进行练习,尤其是针对以上提到的不同题型进行有针对性的训练。
- 提高听力速度和精准度,可以通过多听一些英语录音,提高对外语音频的敏感度和适应能力。
- 养成做笔记的习惯,在听力过程中可以简单记录一些关键信息和细节,有助于更好地理解和记忆听力内容。
T e s t p a p e r 1 ability abstract accountant accuracy能力概述会计准确性acid action activity actor酸行动活动男演员adult adventure advertisement advertising成人冒险广告,宣传广告advice age agency agreement建议年纪代理机构同意agriculture aid aim air农业帮助瞄准,对准,目标空气allergy alley allowance alteration过敏小巷津贴改变altitude ambition ambulance amount海拔高度野心报复救护车数量analysis analyst anger animal分析分析家生气动物ankle answer Antarctic ape脚踝回答,答案南极洲猿appearance architect architecture area外貌建筑师建筑学地区argument aristocrat army art论证贵族军队艺术article aspirin assignment atlas文章阿司匹林作业地图册audience auditorium author authority观众礼堂作者权威average award bachelor background 平均奖励学士,单身汉背景bacteria badge badminton backpack细菌徽章羽毛球肩背包自助旅行baldness band bandage bands秃头乐队绷带乐队(复数)bank banquet base basement银行宴会基础地下室bases basis bath batteries基地基础洗澡电池(复数)battery beach beard beats电池海滩胡子调动的次数beauty bed bedroom bedsheet美女床卧室床单bedsit behaviour belt benefit小套房行为带子优势beverage bibliography bicycle bill软饮料参考书目自行车账单biologist bird birth blanket生物学家鸟类出生篮子blast block blouse board爆炸社区女式衬衫木板,董事会boarder boat bone bowl住校学生小船骨头碗bowling branch breakfast brick 保龄球分支,分部早饭砖bridge brochures buildings bungalow桥小册子建筑平房burger burglar bus cab汉堡夜盗公交车出租车。
【新提醒】【经验分享】王陆雅思王听力真题语料库使用方法本帖最后由 star爱口译于 2013-7-31 19:58 编辑最近看到一众烤鸭筒子们在疯狂求问王陆老师的《雅思王听力真题语料库》的使用方法,刚好Star在备考过程中也用了这本书,于是决定在相关介绍的基础上为筒子们整理一份比较详尽的方法帖。
Star 用的是2012版,第3、4、5章一共有24个小节,王陆老师推荐的是每天听写5小节,大家可以根据自己的备考时间灵活调节,不过最少不要少于3节,最多也不要多于8节,每天量太多或者太少效果都不好。
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带子 软饮料 参考书目 自行车 鸟类 毯子 爆炸 女式衬衫 木板;董事 住校的学生 碗 保龄球 砖 小册子 平房 夜盗 出租车
bel bev bil bycicle bird blanket blood bloth bored border boa boawling break brish banglo burgerler cap
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
belt beverage bibliography bicycle bird blanket blast blouse board boarder bowl bowling brick brochures bungalow bur敏 小巷 津贴 改变 野心 救护车 数量 分析家 踝 南极洲 建筑师 建筑学;建 贵族 阿司匹林 地图册 观众 礼堂 平均 学士 细菌 徽章 羽毛球 肩背大包自助旅行 秃头 乐队 绷带 乐队 宴会 底部, 洗澡 电池 电池 跳动的次数 床 床单
1 accou advertismen advise ache age allegy ally allowence operation embition embulance amount analyse uncle antoticor architecht architechtur es arr article atheletes audian auditorim avearage bachelar bactieria bage badmintain bagpack boidness ban bandge ban banqui basis barf batre batury bits bed bedsheep
1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1