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Guess the missing words
1.He would ______ the gold from his grandma. steal Harvey is a thief: he would ______ the gold 2.. Unlike his brother, Hobart is quite ______.
Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome
from his grandma and not feel guilty.
ordinary-looking person, Hobart is quite ____________.
Guessing unknown words/ vocabulary
such…that,so…that, ect.
原因与结果关系猜词 技巧归纳8: 利用______________________ From _______________________ from Cause and Result
The official asked the man what his occupation was. The man told him that he worked as an an engineer. engineer. worked as A. work C. name B. study D. interest
技巧归纳6: 构词法(前缀、后缀、复合、派生等) 利用__________________ Word formation From__________________________
1. Is he intelligent or stupid?
2.Most women in Ghana(加纳)--- the educated and illiterate, the young and old--- work to make money to live as housewives and mothers. The underlined word ―illiterate‖ in the passage means ____.
The largest player – Shanghai Bashi Tourism Car Center offers all kinds of choices, such as deluxe sedans, minivans, station wagons, coaches. Santana sedans are the big favorite of the tourists. … The words ―deluxe sedans,‖ ―minivans‖ and ―station wagons‖ used in the text refer to ____. A. 制造汽车 B.汽车租赁公司 C. 租赁汽车 D. : 汽车制造商 Signal words for example ,for instance, 举例 from examples 技巧归纳4: 利用_____________
The word ―presumptuous‖ is closest in meaning to ― B ‖ . A.full of respect B. rude and too confident Signal words: C.lacking in experience D.too shy and quiet because,since ,so,
Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots(嫩芽), or young leaves of trees.
The word ―pruning‖ means______ A. Regular cutting(修剪) of the plants B. often watering C. Regular use of chemicals D. Growing the plants high in the mountain
1. The underlined word (phrase, term) ―…‖ means _____.
2. According to the passage, the word ―…‖ properly means _____. 3. The word ―…‖ in paragraph … refers to ____. 4. By ―…‖, the author means _____. 5. Which of the following is closest in meaning to ―…‖?
1. The lion has its “territory” , which is an area that an animal ,usually the male, claims(声称)as its own. “territory” means ___________ an area( that---own) 定语从句或其后的句子其实是一种定义或解释 动物地盘 2. He is a resolute man. Once he makes up his mind to do something, he won’t give it up halfway The underlined word means____. A.强壮 B. 意志坚定 C. 友好 D. 聪明
1. A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience take an active part in his play: they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they don’t understand something, they say so. The word “audience” in the paragraph means ____. 常识 teacher-----students A.students B. people who watch a play C. people who act on the stage D. people who listen to something
技巧归纳 2 : common sense or experience Using________________________________ 普通常识和经验 根据________________________________
1. In fact, only about 80 ocelots, an endangered wild cat, live in the U.S. today. “ocelot” means an _________________ endangered wild cat 2.The period of adolescence, the period between childhood and adulthood ,may be long or short. The period between “adolescence” means___________ childhood and adulthood 技巧归纳3: 利用____________________ 同义/同位语 similarity/appositive from___________________
技巧归纳9: context or related information Use_____________________________ 上下文的语境 利用_____________________________
猜词技巧 Tips for guessing the meaning of words 1.利用定义或解释 2.利用普通常识和经验 3.利用同义/同位语 4.利用举例 5.利用比较或对比 6.利用构词法(前缀、后缀、复合、派生等) 7.利用同义词或反义词 8.利用原因与结果关系猜词 9.利用上下文的语境
definition or explanation Use __________________________ 定义或解释猜测词义 利用__________________________ Signal words: means, refers to, be called, be known as ,can be defined as, in other words,that is , that is to say, 定语从句…..etc.
A. Repeated B. healthy C uneducated D. sick
技巧归纳7: 同义词或反义词的关系猜词。 利用___________________________ Synonym or Antonym. From__________________________
I feel that since you are my superior(上司), it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do .‖
Enjoy English, Enjoy life!
中考英语阅读解题 方法指导---
猜词技巧 难度﹡﹡﹡﹡
How do you deal with the unfamiliar words or phrases while reading?
•Ignore them and continue reading •Look them up in the dictionary •Guess the meaning
such as ,like,as---as,etc.
1. The snow was falling.Big flakes drifted(飘) with the wind like feathers(羽毛) . 雪花,雪片
Signal words: 2. Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy as, like, the person who does not like to go to parties or same as, make new friends. 爱交际的 unlike, but, 技巧归纳5: however, on 比较或对比 利用________________ the contrary, comparison or contrast while,instead From_________________ …ect.
(1)Overwork may cause diseases. over(过分的、过量的)+work=overwork―工 作过度”。 (2)There was a dissatisfied look in the manager's eyes. dis ―不” + satisfied―满意的=dissatisfied ―不 满意的”。
﹡ ﹡ 2. When some kind of pain killer(止痛药) was
brought out recently, researchers found that the colours turned the customers off because they made the product look weak and ineffective(无效的). The underlined part “the colours turned the customers off” means that the colours_______ 因果关系 D A. Attracted the customers strongly because B. Had weak effects on the customers C. Tricked the customers into shopping D. Caused the customers to lose interest