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Lesson 1 A private conversation 私人谈话

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成

get down to business 言归正传

1、private 【adj】. 私人的

1) 私人的 (personal)作定语修饰名词

eg.a private conversation 私人谈话

a prevate company 私人公司

a private life 私生活

a private school私立学校

a private secretary 私人秘书

private affairs 私事

如果妈妈想看你的信,你可以说It's my private letter.

如果陌生人想进你的房子,你可以说 It's my private house.

eg:That is for your private ear. 这是说给你一个人的秘密。

2) 秘密的 (secret)

a private place 一个秘密的地方

a secret place 一个秘密的地方

3) adj. 普通的

private citizen 普通公民

eg.I’m a private citizen.

private soldier 大兵

《Private Ryan》(《拯救大兵瑞恩》)


talk,say,speak,chat,discuss,gossip,dialogue conversation n. 非正式谈话

(an informal talk)


have a conversation with sb. 与某人谈话

eg. I had a quiet conversation with my closest friend. 我和我最好的朋友进行密谈。

eg. I saw him in conversation with a friend. 我看见他在跟朋友谈话。

eg. No conversation while I'm

talking. 我讲话的时候不要说话。

converse v.(不及物动词)

converse with sb. 跟某人谈话

①talk n./v.内容可正式可不正式, 也可以私人

talk with/to sb. 和谁谈话

talk with/to sb about sth. 跟某人谈论某事②say vt.说(说的内容,说的话)

say sth. 说了一些话

eg. He said nothing. 他什么也没说。

eg. "What a lovely day!" he said. 他说:“天气多好啊!”

③speak 【vt】. 讲(语言),说一门语言

speak a foreign language 讲一门外语

speak Chinese/ English 讲中文/英语


speak to sb.和谁谈话

【n】speech 讲话,谈话

make a speech 做演讲

④chat n/v闲聊,就是北京人说的“侃”,说的是无关紧要的事(talk friendly)

eg:We had a long chat about old times. 我们聊了好多过去的事情。

⑤discuss v.有严肃目的的讨论

discussion n. 讨论

⑥gossip v./n. refers to talk about private lives of other people (贬义) 说闲话,嚼舌头

eg. He is nothing bu a gossip. (名词)他就是一个爱嚼舌头的人。

⑦dialogue 对话, 可以指正式国家与国家会谈Eg.China and Korea are having a dialogue. 3、theatre n. (in US:theater) 剧院

metre — meter (in US) 米

centre — center (in US) 中心

go to the theatre 去看戏

go to the movies 去看电影

=go to the cinema=go the the film

theatre = (口) play house

theatre goer 戏迷= play goer


区别:seat n./vt. [si:t]

sit vi. [sit]


eg. We don’t have enough chairs here.


seat 固定在某地的座位,指place

eg. Is this seat taken? 这儿有人坐了吗?


eg. Have a seat, please. 请坐

=Take a seat, please.

eg. I had a very good seat.我的座位非常好

=Maybe I sat in the front of the theatre. 也许我坐在戏院的前面。

seatbelt = safety belt 安全带

in the driver’s seat =in the leader’s seat

=in the leader’s place在领导的位置上,重要地位

back-seat driver 爱指手画脚的人

2) 【n】. 席位

win a seat 赢得席位

lose a seat 输掉席位

3) vt. 安排……坐下

seat sb. 安排某人坐下

You seat him.你给他找个位置

seat yourself 安排你坐下

eg. Be seated, please. 请坐!


eg. Sit down, please.

Take your seat,please.(命令性)

Will you have a seat?

Won’t you have a seat?(礼貌)

Would you have a seat?

Be seated, please.

Seat yourself, please.(更礼貌)


1) n. 玩耍,游戏,娱乐

playboy 花花公子 playground 操场

2) v. 玩,玩耍(慎用)

play with sb. 跟谁玩;玩弄某人

play with sth. 玩什么东西,摆弄什么东西

play with a ball 玩弄一个球

play with a toy 玩弄一个玩具

play gooseberry(醋栗):当电灯泡

3) 玩,比赛play football 踢足球


play the guitar 弹吉他


4) n. 戏剧,剧本

theatre play 在戏剧上演的剧TV play 电视剧soap play 肥皂剧play goer 戏迷

eg. It is as good as a play. 好玩极了。eg. You must come here, or, there is no play. 你必须来这儿,否则就没戏了。

no play 没戏了区别:

play 戏剧,剧本

drama 戏,戏剧文学,戏剧艺术(更加严谨,正式)

opera 歌剧Beijing opera 京剧

6、loud 【adj】. 大声的

loudly adv. 大声地

aloud adv. 大声地

eg. She called loudly for help. 她大声地求救。

=She called aloud for help.

think aloud 自言自语

adj. + ly → adv.

angry adj. → angrily adv.

rude adj. → rudely adv.

eg. The young man said rudely.

real adj. → really adv.

exact adj. → exactly adv.

quick adj. → quickly adv.

quiet adj. → quietly adv.

7、attention 【n】. 注意

pay attention to sth. 对……表示注意

pay some attention to sth. 给予一定的注意

pay more attention to sth. 给予更多的注意

pay close attention to sth. 给予密切的注意

pay great attention to sth. 给予极大的注意

pay enough attention to sth. 给予足够的注意

pay little attention to sth. 很少注意

pay no attention to sth. 根本不注意/毫不理会

turn a blind eye to sth. 视而不见

turn a deaf ear to sth. 充耳不闻

draw one’s attention 吸引……注意力

=attract one’s attention

eg. The new type of computer draws our attention. 新款计算机吸引了我们的注意力。

eg. Attention, please. 请注意。

eg. Attention, passengers. The plane leaves at 9 o’clock. 乘客们请注意,飞机在9点钟起飞。

eg. Ladies and gentlemen, may I get your attention, please. 女士们先生们请注意!(非常客气)

eg. That’s all. Thank you for your attention. (演讲结束)感谢您听我讲这些。

=That’s all. Thank you for your time.
