
全国2018年10月高等教育自学考试外语教学法试题课程代码:00833Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet!Ⅰ. Multiple Choice:(15%)Directions: In this section, you are given 15 questions beneath each of which are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Your are to make the best choice either to complete theincomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correctchoice.1. What is Stephen Krashen?A. He is a language teacher.B. He is an applied linguist.C. He is an anthropologist.D. He is a grammarian.2. The general objectives of the Total Physical Response Method are to teach _______proficiency at a beginning level.A. oralB. readingC. auralD. writing3. It is believed that grammar analysis and translation began to be the basic procedures in foreignlanguage teaching from _______.A. about 2,500 years agoB. almost 1,000 years agoC. the 16th centuryD. the beginning of the 20th century4. Palmer viewed that classroom language teaching should follow the _______ principles oflanguage learning.A. naturalisticB. mentalisticC. cognitiveD. understanding5. The Oral Approach was developed by _______.A. American structuralistsB. British applied linguistsC. cognitive scienceD. transformational grammar6. Which of the following do Krashen and Terrell NOT emphasize?A. CommunicationB. V ocabularyC. MeaningD. Grammar7. In the Grammar-Translation Method, grammar analysis and translation proved to be _______ instudying foreign culture through literary works.A. ineffective meansB. unaffective meansC. affective meansD. effective means8. In the Oral Approach, procedures at any level aim to move from _______ to _______ practice ofstructures.A. freer, controlledB. controlled, freerC. controlled, more controlledD. free, freer9. One of the most prominent contributions made by Palmer is _______ of vocabulary.A. the oral skillsB. frequency accountsC. the ideal presentationD. the efficient recitation10. Which of the following types of questions is NOT included in the Grammar-TranslationMethod?A. Questions whose answers are learner's subjective judegments.B. Questions whose answers are based on Dbjective information in the text.C. Questions whose answers are learner's inferences based on the text.D. Questions whose answers are related to learners' own experience.11. In _______ English became a formal requirement for the entrance examination in China andbegan to appear in the curriculum for the 4th and 5th year of primary schools.A. 1952B. 1962C. 1972D. 198212. The natural order hypothesis means _______.A. people acquire language rules in a predictable orderB. language rules must be taught in a certain orderC. language rules must be learned in a certain orderD. people tend to acquire simple rules early and difficult rules late.13. The input involves the following issues EXCEPT _______ .A. people acquire language best by understanding input slightly above their present level ofcompetenceB. the learner's ability to speak fluently cannot be taught directlyC. people must study grammar in order to express themselves correctlyD. with sufficient quantity of comprehensible input, i+l will usually be provided automatically14. The Silent Way is considered suitable for _______.A. more advanced learnersB. beginnersC. more advanced classes as well as for students at the beginning stagesD. learners' interactions with each other15. Which of the following statements is true in the Grammar-Translation Method?A. L1 was maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of L2.B. L2 was maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of L1.C. Latin was maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of L2.D. Latin was maintained as the reference system in the acquisition of L1.Ⅱ. Filling Blanks:(20%)Directions: In this section there are 15 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16. In the Direct Method only ________ vocabulary and sentences are taught.17. The ________ Method advocated the priority of oral skills for the first time in the languageteaching field.18. The idea of conditioning is based on the theory that you can train an animal to do anything ifyou follow a certain procedure which has three major stages:________,________, and reinforcement.19. In his review of Skinner's Verbal Behaviour, Chomsky explained his rejection of thebehaviourist model of language acquisition on the basis of his model of competence and ________.20. According to Canal and Swain, ________ competence refers to the interpretation of individualmessage elements in terms of their interconnectedness and of how meaning is represented in relationship to the entire discourse or text.21. According to Canal and Swain, ________ refers to an understanding of the social contexts inwhich communication takes place.22. ________ is vital element in the learning process, because it increases the likelihood that thebehaviour will occur again and eventually become a habit.23. In 1957, Noam Chomsky published his book ________ ________.24. Piaget considers that conceptual growth occurs because the child, while actively attempting toadapt to the environment, organizes actions into schemata through the processes of ________ and accommodation.25. In the behaviorist view, it was the ________ conditions that would cause animals as well ashuman beings to behave in a particular way.26. ________ analysis is the study of how sentences in spoken and ________ language form largermeaningful units such as paragraphs, conversations, and interviews.27. To teach a foreign language well, we must divide it into small ________ units.28. Behaviourist psychology states that human and animal behaviour can and should be studied interms of ________ processes only.29. The emphasis on the ________ with new language items and on language skills, rather than onlanguage ________, is important in achieving automaticity of using the target language.30. The generative linguist is interested not only in ________ language but also in explaininglanguage. In other words, they attempt to find the what as well as the ________ in the study of language.Ⅲ. Matching:(15%)Directions: This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked ①,②,③,④,and ⑤in Column A with the onemarked a, b, c, d, and e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match.31. A B①the theory of language underlying the a. problem solving activitiesnatural approach b. to help the students to develop basic②the theory of learning underlying the communication skillsnatural approach c. class time being devoted primarily to③one of the objectives of the natural providing input for acquisitionapproach d. communication as the primary function of④one of the techniques of the natural approach language⑤one of the main features of the natural e. the monitor modelapproach32. A B①the theory of language underlying the a. language best learned through use in socialcommunicative approach context②the theory of learning underlying the b. to develop the students' communicativecommunicative approach competence③one of the objectives of the c. role playcommunicative approach④one of the techniques of the d. the introduction of authentic texts into thecommunicative approach learning situation⑤one of the main features of the e. functional linguisticscommunicative approach33. A B①the theory of language underlying the a. translationgrammar-translation method②the theory of learning underlying the b. the emphasis on the teaching of the secondgrammar-translation method language grammar③one of the techniques of the grammar- c. superiority of the written form over the spokentranslation method form of the language④one of the techniques of the grammar- d. the faculty of psychologytranslation method⑤one of the main features of the e. enabling the learners to read and translate thegrammar-translation method literature of the target languageⅣ. Question for Brief Answers:(30%)Directions: This section has six questions. You are to briefly answer them. Five points are given to each question.34. What is the major difference between American Structuralism and British Structuralism?35. What are the roles of the learner in the communicative approach?36. When do most experts of foreign language teaching believe the Grammar-Translation Methodbegan to become a formal foreign language teaching method?37. What are the objectives of language teaching according to cognitive proponents?38. What are the four issues related to the input hypothesis of Krashen's monitor model of L2learning theory?39. Name some negative psychological factors in accordance with the acculturation theory.Ⅴ. Questions for Long Answers:(20%)Directions: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge you've learned. Tenpoints are given to each question.40. Compared with the Communicative Approach, the Oral Approach is still not enough to developlearners' communicative competence, why?41. What procedures were followed by the ELT method in the late 19th century and what were themajor features of the method used in the 1950s and 1960s in China?。

or D on the ANSWER SHEET.
1. How many ______ are there in the word “monotonous”?
A. o
B. oes
C. o’s
D. os
2. Do you think there’s any possibility of arriving at the gym by ______ bus and still having the time to play
future development.
A. stresses
B. stress
C. stressed
D. would st for water, this world would be a lifeless place.
A. Were
B. If
C. Was
D. Had
A. crossed
B. cross
C. crossing
D. has crossed
11. Monica is not ______ chess player as we expected her to be.
A. so a successful
9. He admitted ______ in love with the girl, but felt too shy to even meet her.
A. to fall
B. fell
C. falling
D. fallen
10. Did you see a middle-aged man with a scar on his face ______ the street just now?

单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)Choose the best answer from the choices given:1。
When they arrived at the airport, the plane _____A.already set off B。
set off alreadyC。
had already set off D.has already set off2.The moon _____ around the earth。
move B。
moves C。
will move D。
has moved3.If I _____ you, I would give up the job.A.amB.beC.was D。
_____ there be life on Mars?A。
May B。
Can C.Might D。
Ought5.She pretended not _____ interested but her eyes betrayed her.A.to be B。
be C。
being D.been6.He aimed his gun _____ me.A。
to B。
at C.on D.into7.Stay _____ have dinner with us, will you?A。
to B。
or C。
and D。
here8.You can use my car, _____ you promise to be back before lunch.A。
as for as B。
as much asC。
as good as D.as long as9。
Mary listened carefully _____ she might dicover exactly what John wanted.A.so as thatB.in order thatC.in case D。

2018年10月高等教育自考真题答案1. The manager promised that I could ________ some of my chocolate for the shoes I wanted. [单选题] *A. changeB. substituteC. trade(正确答案)D. bill2. It’s a very popular play, so it will be wise to ________ seats well in advance. [单选题] *A. buyB. provideC. book(正确答案)D. take3. _______, over 1600 houses, schools and hospitals were transferred to other places in 1953. [单选题] *A. On the wholeB. In total(正确答案)C. RatherD. Totally4. _______ he’d come to the door, he thought he might as well go in with the others to have a look. [单选题] *A. Now that(正确答案)B. HoweverC. AlthoughD. If5. Peter prided himself on never getting ______ involved in his life. [单选题] *A. physicallyB. psychologicallyC. emotionally(正确答案)D. intelligently6. Don’t resort to cheap copies; ________ for the real thing. [单选题] *A. saveB. save up(正确答案)C. make upD. make of7. William always gives the best advice on how to solve problems. However, _______, his opinion doesn’t count. I do find it funny! [单选题] *A. during this timeB. for once(正确答案)C. once againD. for a time8. This plan couldn’t help, _________ again, it probably couldn’t hurt. [单选题] *A. ratherB. howeverC. on the other sideD. but then(正确答案)9. They complained that they had not been consulted properly by the council _______the work. [单选题] *A. prior to(正确答案)B. untilC. due toD. regardless of10. The town is ________ prosperous, bustling and busy —let’s keep it that way. [单选题] *A. todayB. presently(正确答案)C. lastingD. enduring11. An unexpected strength of the book is the chance it affords Jeffrey Mason, one of the original detectives who doubted Marie, to ______ his mistakes. [单选题] *A. date backB. date toC. look back on(正确答案)D. look onto12. It reminded me of George Clooney's role in Up in the Air, __________ homeless and alone. [单选题] *A. primarilyB. ultimately(正确答案)C. essentiallyD. basically13. They sacrificed their future to save the life of their son. It does fill me with a lot of __________ and shame. [单选题] *A. guilt(正确答案)B. debtC. thankD. innocence14. The term parade is __________ the Latin word parare, to prepare — in a military context — for war. [单选题] *A. incorporate ofB. part ofC. acquired fromD. derived from(正确答案)15. My Facebook feed was full of moans and groans related to — you guessed it —__________ weather. [单选题] *A. miserable(正确答案)B. delightfulC. attractiveD. meaningless16. Jimmy Kimmel ________ Trump’s claim to being a “genius”, noting a website that used software to show Trump speaks at a fourth-grade reading level. [单选题] *A. opened upB. held ontoC. poked fun at(正确答案)D. kept up with17. Only before the show starts __________ enter the music hall. [单选题] *A. can you(正确答案)B. you canC. should youD. you should18. It’s time __________ ready for work. [单选题] *A. gettingB. to get(正确答案)C. getD. got19. Costa Rica suffers a __________ circle in which the voters seek new political actors who fare as badly as the old ones. [单选题] *A. virtuousB. vicious(正确答案)C. positiveD. negative20. Women are __________ the equality in workplace. [单选题] *A. striving againstB. striking againstC. striking forD. striving for(正确答案)21. The demand for places at some schools ________ the supply. [单选题] *A. coversB. exceeds(正确答案)C. overD. under22. There’s been _________ response to the UN Secretary-General’s recent peace efforts. [单选题] *A. sureB. optimisticC. rightD. positive(正确答案)23. When I went for my first _________ for this job I arrived extremely early. [单选题] *A. interview(正确答案)B. intervalC. internetD. interconnect24. It took them about one month to _________how to start the equipment. [单选题] *A. empty outB. figure out(正确答案)C. clear outD. try out25. Regulations placed clear _________ on the landlord for the benefit of the tenant. [单选题] *A. navigationB. obligations(正确答案)C. interrogationsD. investigations26. The new start-up company _________ a large chunk of the market within a year. [单选题] *A. carved out(正确答案)B. carved intoC. carved upD. carved out of27. They’ll have to _________ their political differences and find a solution. [单选题] *A. put onB. put upC. put offD. put aside(正确答案)28. I was ________to find out that my problems were due to a genuine disorder. [单选题] *A. releasedB. receivedC. relivedD. relieved(正确答案)29. The public have an insatiable __________for scandal. [单选题] *A. moodB. tasteC. emotionD. appetite(正确答案)30. We need someone who can _______ and respond to the change in the fashion industry. [单选题] *A. anticipate(正确答案)B. calculateC. compareD. describe31. The government is to ________ its privatization programme. [单选题] *A. accumulateB. accelerate(正确答案)C. accedeD. account32. When you drive, it’s necessary to watch out sharp bends and ________ your speed accordingly. [单选题] *A. adoptB. adaptC. adjust(正确答案)D. advance33. Madame Curie is a great woman of exceptional ___________ and noble virtues. [单选题] *A. intelligence(正确答案)B. intellectualC. intelligibilityD. intelligent34. In order to write a convincing article, you must learn how to _______ a logical argument. [单选题] *A. instructB. destructC. construct(正确答案)D. contract35. There is a tight connection between theory and practice that all theories ________ from practice and in return serve practice. [单选题] *A. originalB. originalityC. originD. originate(正确答案)36. ________ research has been done into this difficult and complicated case, so we believe someday we can solve it. [单选题] *A. Extensive(正确答案)B. ExtinctiveC. ExecutiveD. Exclusive37. There are too many ________ of management in this company, which will decrease efficiency and lead to confused management. [单选题] *A. layers(正确答案)B. liarsC. laysD. lies38. The government has already proposed and introduced a package of plan to ________ negative impact of financial crisis. [单选题] *A. manageB. tackle(正确答案)C. copeD. deal39. Nowadays, a wholefood diet free from ________ additives, colors and flavors is increasingly popular among people. [单选题] *A. architecturalB. automaticC. artificial(正确答案)D. arguable40. In this ________ meeting, we made a lot of important decisions and made agreements on certain issues. [单选题] *A. spitefulB. mercifulC. dreadfulD. fruitful(正确答案)41. Tom and Dick were both heroes, but only ________ is remembered today. [单选题] *A. the laterB. the latter(正确答案)C. latterD. later42. The watch is _________ about eighty yuan. [单选题] *A. worthyB. worthwhileC. worth(正确答案)D. worth of43. You can _________ them to paint something especially for you. [单选题] *A. commitB. communicateC. missionD. commission(正确答案)44. Farm and sideline products are _______ the state at reasonable prices. [单选题] *A. purchased by(正确答案)B. purchased forC. persuaded fromD. persuaded for45. They have no way to _________ the hazardous waste they produce. [单选题] *A. dispose offB. disclose offC. dispose of(正确答案)D. disclose of46. Online learning helps us _________ new friends. [单选题] *A. reach up toC. search out toD. search up to47. The legislation was _________ by House Democrats. [单选题] *A. driftedB. drewC. drawnD. drafted(正确答案)48. The Americans cannot ______ him _______ ignoring the problem. [单选题] *A. accuse; of(正确答案)B. accuse; fromC. deny; ofD. deny; from49. Men are still led by instinct before they are _______ knowledge. [单选题] *A. legislated byB. regulated by(正确答案)C. regulated toD. legislated to50. The government has acted _______ its agreement. [单选题] *A.in violation fromB. with violation fromD. with violation of。

浙江省2018年10月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题课程代码:10056I. After each sentence, four options are given. Choose the one that best completes thesentence and write the letter of your choice in the brackets.(40%)1. Have you ever read ___________?( )A. today newspaperB. newspaper todayC. newspaper of todayD. today’s newspaper2. We are ___________ and they are ___________.( )A. Englishmen, GermansB. Englishmen, GermanC. Englishmans, GermansD. Englishmen, Germen3. -Which of the two dictionaries will you borrow ?-I’ll borrow ___________ for the different uses.( )A. allB. bothC. eitherD. neither4. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work hard, but ___________ didn’t help.( ) A. this B. whichC. anyD. it5. ___________ horse is ___________ useful animal.( )A. The, theB. The, aC. The, anD. /, a6. She touched her daughter gently ___________ shoulder.( )A. in herB. on herC. in theD. on the7. ___________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.( )A. AsB. ForC. WithD. Through18. The teacher is writing ___________ a piece of chalk on the blackboard while the students arewriting ___________ink in exercise books.( )A. with, inB. in, withC. in, inD. with, with9. Professor White has written some short stories, but he is ___________known for hisplays.( )A. the bestB. moreC. betterD. the most10. She told us ___________story that we all forgot about the time.( )A. such an interestingB. such interesting aC. so an interestingD. a so interesting11. -Got your driving license?-No. I ___________ too busy to have enough practice, so I didn’t take the driving test last week.( )A. wasB. amC. have beenD. had been12. -Take this medicine three times a day, Tom?-Do I have to take it? It ___________ so terrible.( )A. is tastingB. is tastedC. tastesD. has tasted13. It won’t long before such a thing ___________ again.( )A. will happenB. happensC. is happenD. happened14. The pen ___________ me. It is hers.( )A. isn’t belong toB. wasn’t belong toC. doesn’t belong toD. didn’t belong to15. I’m sorry, sir. Your recorder isn’t ready yet. It ___________ in the factory. ( )A. is being repairedB. is repairedC. has been repairedD. hasn’t repaired16. Every possible means___________ , but none proves successful. ( )2A. has triedB. has been triedC. is being triedD. tried17. Gunpowder was discovered in the twelfth century, but___________. ( )A. man did not put it to use in war two hundred years laterB. until two centuries more it was used in warC. not used in war until two hundred years laterD. in war did not use it two hundred years afterwards18. I mailed the letter two weeks ago. She ___________ it.( )A. must receiveB. might receiveC. may receiveD. must have received19. He was a good swimmer so he ___________ swim to the river bank when the boat sank.( ) A. could B. mightC. shouldD. was able to20. I did not call to make my airline reservation, but I ___________. ( )A. should haveB. may haveC. must haveD. shall have21.-Are you coming to Jeff’s party?-I’m not sure. I___________ go to the concert instead.( )A. mustB. wouldC. shouldD. might22. ___________ more attention, the trees could have grown better.( )A. To giveB. Having givenC. GivenD. Giving23. The missing boys were last seen ___________ near the river.( )A. to playB. playC. to be playingD. playing24. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ___________ in broad yesterday.( )A. to be robbedB. robbedC. to have been robbedD. having been robbed325. With the cooking ___________, I went on ___________ some sewing.( )A. done; to doB. being done; doingC. to be done; doingD. to have done; doing26. ___________ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch withBill.( )A. Not knowingB. Knowing notC. Not having knownD. Having not know27. ___________ is done cannot be undone.( )A. HowB. ThatC. WhatD. Where28. ___________ we’ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weather. ( )A. IfB. WhetherC. ThatD. Where29. Information has been put forward ___________ more middle school graduates will beadmitted into universities.( )A. whileB. thatC. whenD. as30. I took ___________ for granted that they were not coming.( )A. thatB. thisC. itD. so31. We are living in an age ___________ many things are done on computer.( )A. whichB. thatC. whoseD. when32. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ___________, of course, madethe others unhappy. ( )A. whoB. whichC. thisD. what33. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ___________ great itis.( )A. whatB. how4C. howeverD. whatever34. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up ___________ I couldanswer the phone.( )A. asB. sinceC. beforeD. until35. ___________ the baby fell asleep ___________ the room.( )A. After;did the mother leaveB. Not until;did the mother leaveC. Not until;the mother leftD. Soon after;the mother had left36. The soldier was wounded, ___________ he pushed on.( )A. forB. andC. soD. yet37. Mr. Smith was badly ill, or he ___________ our dinner party.( )A. should come toB. would have attendedC. would come toD. should have attended38. -Each of the students, working hard at his or her lessons, ___________to go to university.-So do I .( )A. hopeB. hopesC. hopingD. hoped39. -I usually go there by train.( )-Why not ___________by boat for a change?A. to try goingB. try to goC. to try and goD. try going40. Gone___________ when my heart was young and gay.( )A. be the daysB. the days beC. are the daysD. the days areII. Each of the following sentences has four words or phrases underlined. They are marked A, B, C and D. You are to identify the one underlined word or phrase that is inappropriateand write the letter of your choice in the brackets.(10%)41. It was turned out that the securities were not so valuable as people had expected. ( )5A B C D42. Under no circumstances we should do anything that will benefit ourselves but harm theA B C Dinterests of the state.( )43. The old man is in the habit of going for a walk along the river every morning except it rains.A B C D( )44. He was seeing somebody creeping into the house through the open window last night.A B C D( )45. It was not until the patient was taken to hospital did he realize that he suffered from a seriousA B C Ddisease.( )46. Children, she believes, are supposed to answer politely when spoke to by an adult.( )A B C D47. In order to get married in this state, one must present a medical report along with yourA B C Didentification.( )48. A man cannot be happy if that he enjoys doing is ignored by society as of no value.( )A B C D49. At first glance the room is neat and clean, but it is not surprised to find smelly socks under theA B C Dbed.( )50. He carried the garbage through the kitchen door and cross the yard. ( )A B C DIII. Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the given verbs.(10%)51. Up to now, I ___________ (complete) two-thirds of the work.52. It’s high time we ___________ (take) effective measures to improve our work.53. I ___________hardly ___________ (finish) my words when she began to cry.54. We’d rather that we ___________ (go) downtown tomorrow.55. I ___________ (walk) along the street when someone called my name from behind.56. We ___________ (call) on you yesterday, but we had visitors ourselves.57. The food ___________ (smell) awful. Throw it away before the children eat it.58. Jack ___________ (miss) from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about hissafety.59. Since we ___________ (start) doing this exercise, we have completed nine sentences.660. We can’t give you a room now unless you ___________ (make) reservations.IV. Complete the following sentences by using the non-finite forms of the given verbs.(10%)61. I suggest ___________ (help) the poor fellow take off the weight off his mind.62. He is reluctant ___________ (admit) that he ruined their chances.63. The old man disappeared, ___________ (leave) all his property to his young lover.64. I regret ___________ (tell) you that you failed the test.65. What a fool I was ___________ (expect) him to help me!66. They guarantee ___________ (offer) free repair services within the first two years after youbuy the car.67. If you favour ___________(work)on night shift, you may sign up here.68. I hope ___________ (invite) to the party.69. He remembered ___________ (give) a bunch of flowers at his birthday party when he was alittle boy.70. ___________ (experience) the first failure, he seemed calm down.V. You are to rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meanings, using the structures suggested in the brackets and making other necessary changes. (20%)71. The bank manager turned down his request for a loan.(passive voice)72. Mary bought a cake for her daughter yesterday. (cleft sentence emphasizing “for herdaughter”)73. A very interesting article is printed on page 6 of today’s paper. (existential sentence)74. A car, which came unexpectedly out of a side street, crashed into us. (participle phrase)75. He was glad that he was able to help you. (infinitive phrase)76. He spoke more correctly. What’s more, he spoke more easily. (not only…but also)77. She was so excited that she couldn’t go to sleep. (too…to)78. Although he was very helpful, he was not much liked by people. (verbless clause)79. As I haven’t a watch, I can’t tell you the time. (subjunctive mood)80. Because we have been taught by mistakes and setbacks, we have become wiser and handle ouraffairs better.(participle phrase)VI. You are to rewrite the following sentences into complex ones containing the subordinate clause indicated in the brackets (10%)781. I have many friends. Some of them are businessmen.(attributive clause)82. You are in doubt about deductions on your tax return. Call the IRS collect.(Adverbial clause of time)83. When are you setting off tomorrow morning? I’d like to know this.(object clause)84. There was much noise. We could hardly hear the speaker.(adverbial clause of result)85. He had once worked for a private detective. He tried to cover up this fact.(appositive clause)8。

(5分)听力材料:1、You must pay attention to the traffic lights.2、—Hey, Linda. How does your father go to work? —He usually goes by taxi.3、—Excuse me. I’m new here. How can I go to the post office?—Go straight and then turn right. The post office is on your left.4、Don’t go at a red light.5、I’m going to do my homework this evening, and I am going to see a film tomorrow.二、听录音,选择恰当的答语,本题听两遍(10分)听力材料:1、Excuse me, sir. How can I get to the hospital?2、Where is the post office?3、Is there a park near here?4、Hey, John. You must pay attention to the traffic lights when you cross the road.5、It’s Saturday tomorrow. I’m going to see a film with my family.三、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是(T)否(F)一致,本题听两遍。
(10分)听力材料:1、—Is there a new cinema in your city? —No, there isn’t. But there is a new bookstore in my city.2、—Where are you going tomorrow? —I’m walking to the library.3、—How can I get to the post office? —Turn left at the zoo.4、—What are you going to do this afternoon, Mike? —I’m going to play football.5、—Where are you going next week, Tina? —I’m going to Beijing with my sister.听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项。

新英达自考英语本科试题年月英语语法试题全国2008年4月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题课程代码:00831一、单项选择题(本大题共21小题,每小题1分,共21分)Choose the best answers from the choices given and put the letter in the brackets.1. Natalie _______fault with the way her husband eats.()A. has always foundB. always foundC. is always findingD. always finds2. We _______ in France now, but the flight _______.()A. are; puts offB. were; was put offC. were to arrive; put offD. were to have been; was put off3. The ghost _______ as the clock _______ twelve.()A. appeared, was strikingB. appeared, struckC. was appearing, struckD. was appearing, was striking4. Once a satellite _______ into orbit round Pluto, scientists will be able to find a great deal.()A. will be putB. has been putC. would be putD. was put5. You talk as though it _______ a small thing to leave thecountry for good.()A. isB. wasC. will beD. were6. The method of painting is known as _______ far back as the Song Dynasty.()A. to be usedB. to have usedC. to have been usingD. to have been used7.There used to be an old apple tree in the garden, _______?()A. used thereB. could thereC. was thereD. use there8. The boss demanded that the letter _______typed today.()A. can beB. should beC. shall beD. must be9. Aren?t you tired? I _______ you _______ enough for today.()A. think; didB. thought; had doneC. would have thought; had doneD. should have thought; did10. Let me start with a _______ issue before I explain the problem of our major concern.()A. lessC. lesserD. least11. I went to see my parents _______ National Day.()A. onB. atC. inD. for12. They are going to visit Sydney _______ Christmas.()A. atB. inC. forD. on13. While _______ for costs _______, my solicitor?s case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a …brilliant academic record?.()A. asked; awardedB. asking; awardedC. asked; to be awardedD. asking; to be awarded14. The mother didn?t know who _______ for the broken vase.()A. blamesB. blamedC. to blameD. will blame15. Judging from the latest information, you?d better make up your mind now _______ it is too late.()A. afterB. sinceD. before16. She was very angry with the person _______ called her early in the morning. ()A. whichB. whoC. whomD./17. Thank you very much for the lovely toy _______ you sent my son.()A. whereB. whoC. whomD./18. _______, they refused to come to the party.()A. Strange enoughB. SlowlyC. HappilyD. Always19. It is true that John drove _______.()A. franklyB. all of a suddenC. slowlyD. clearly20. She stood up _______ order to see better.()A. inB. byC. atD. on21. I used to read a lot _______ I don?t have much time forbooks now.()A. althoughB. sinceC. asD. nevertheless二、多项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共1 6分)Fill in each of the blanks with one of the items given.22. is, are, was, were, will be, shall beExcept for the eatable that _______ allowed into the spot, everything else _______ confiscated that day.23. is, are, was, were, itself, himself, themselvesThe family _______ enjoying _______ immensely at the Spring Festival dinner party.24. be, is, was, are, were, will be, shall bea. Three years _______too long a time for the master program.b. Three-fourths of the water in the bottle _______ expected to leak out within ten minutes.25. than, as, more, so, lessShe speaks French _______ well _______ the rest of us.26. is, are, has, have, havingA team which _______ full of enthusiasm _______ a better chance of winning.27. woman, women, has, have, havingThe number of _______ doctors in the hospital _______ increased dramatically over the past decade.28. than, as, more, most, the_______ more money he makes, the _______ useless things he buys.29. bacteria, optics, nucleus, jeans, measles, cattlea. Singular only:_______b. Plural only:_______三、填空题(本大题共16小题,每小题1分,共16分)Fill in each of the blanks as required.A. With questions tags:30. Nobody agreed with you, _______?31. Let?s go out to dinner, _______?32. You had your watch repaired yesterday, _______?33. Close the door, _______?B. With a determiner:34. There is a line of trees on _______ side of the river.35. “Can you come on Saturday or Sunday?”“I?m afraid _______ day is possible.”36. I suddenly realized I?d come out without _______ money.37. Do you know _______ Browns? They live next to us.C. With an appropriate form of the verb or verb phrase given:38. They arranged that the demonstration _______ (take place) in their new showrooms.39. Observations _______(make) daily at two hundred weather stations in and around the British Isles, which send in reports every three hours.40. She couldn?t find her way to my apartment, _______(give) the wrong address.D. With an appropriate preposition:41. The man was accused _______ stealing a diamond ring.42. The woman driver was charged _______ speeding.E. With an appropriate conjunctive:43. Mr Smith graduated from California University in 2001 _______ now he is working as a lawyer.F. With an appropriate relative pronoun:44. He is a very capable manager, _______none of hispredecessors was.45. A few years later Mary returned home as a famous musician, a fact _______ came as quite a surprise to her friends.四、改错题(本大题共11小题,每小题1分,共11分)Correct one error in each of the following sentences.46. He watched each gesture of her as if she was a stranger.47. Every person in turn went to see the doctor.48. On the stand there were newspapers and magazines of any kind.49. I?ve just read whole of Pride and Prejudice.50. It is known to all that 70% of the earth are consisted of water.51. Running into the room, a rug caught her foot and she fell.52. His two sons look the same age. Which is the older?53. Why didn?t you go with your friends in the trip at Africa?54. I?m afraid the boy is very rude at his parents.55. Do you like the idea which we risk cheating in the English exam?56.The man about which they talked happens to be the new director of their department.五、改写句子题(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.A. Turning the following statement into a YES-NO question57. He?s always telling me that I don?t plan for the future.B. Using relative pronouns58. Jack was born in Brisbane. It is a beautiful city in Australia.59. John is a very agreeable person. His brother is not an agreeable person at all.C. Using an adverbial clause60. She wasn?t feeling well. As a result she went to lie downon the couch.D. Using passive voice61. People are not paying enough attention to such kind of illness in this district.62. All the tourists who want to swim in the beach must observe this rule.E. Using a modal auxiliary63. To get laid off was the last thing he ever anticipated.F. Using nonfinite verb form64. I can?t imagine that he would ever agree to such a proposition.65. She ran from the house. This looked as if she were escaping.G. Using discontinuity66. Excessive drinking is more harmful than expected to anybody.H. Using whatever cohesive device is appropriate67. If you mark your luggage conspicuously, other passengers will not mistake your luggage with their own luggage.68. If John wants to marry Susan soon, he shouldn?t quarrel with Mary over such a trivial mat ter.69. He lost his old bike so he bought a new bike the next day.六、名词解释(本大题共3小题,每小题2分,共6分)Define the following terms with examples.70. Non-finite verbs71. Extraposition72. Text七、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题2分,共4分)Answer the following questions.73. Illustrate with examples 2 major classes of auxiliariesother than modal auxiliary.74. What are special features about modal auxiliaries in semantics and in syntax?。

2018年10月真题英语自考答案1. What ________ nice day! Let's go for a picnic. [单选题] *A. a(正确答案)B. anC. theD. /答案解析:句意:多么好天气啊!让我们去野餐吧。
a和an 是不定冠词,修饰可数名词单数形式,表示泛指一个……,a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;an用于以元音音素开头的单词前;the是定冠词,修饰名词表示特指。
根据句子结构可知,这句话是一个感叹句,句型是What a+形容词+可数名词单数。
2. The wild animals are in danger now. Let's protect ________. [单选题] *A. theyB. them(正确答案)C. theirD. theirs答案解析:句意:野生动物现在处于危险之中。
3. The bank is _________ the left of the supermarket. It's not far. [单选题] *A. inB. forC. on(正确答案)D. at答案解析:句意:银行在超市的左边。
根据the left of the supermarket,可知,此空表示“在超市的左边”,固定搭配:on the left of“在……的左边”,所以空格处填on。
4. I don't know how to make a speech in public. Can you give me some _________? [单选题] *A. waterB. moneyC. foodD. advice(正确答案)答案解析:句意:我不知道如何在公共场所发表演讲。

1.The general sent out word that no one in the bunker ________ to bed until further orders. A.will go B.would go C.was about to go D.was to go 2.He ________ violin when I want to sleep.A.always plays B.play always C.is always playing D.always is playing 3.James has just arrived, but I d idn’t know he ________ until yesterday.A.will come B.was coming C.had been coming D.comes 4.I only called the police when I ________ everything else. A.tried B.was trying C.had tried D.had been trying 5.Mother wished I ________ you what she ________. A.didn’t tell; said B.didn’t tell; has said C.didn’t tell; had said D.hadn’t told; said 6.Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it ________ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.A.is to be analyzed B.were analyzed C.be analyzed D.should have been analyzed 7.The teacher said that Jane________ work harder the following semester.A.have to B.had better C.had better to D.would rather to 8.The twins had been away for such a long time that many people in the village thought they ________.A.ought to have died B.should have died C.must have died D.could have died 9.“I ________ go out today. If I do, I ________ in a storm. ” I s aid to myself when I heard the weatherman say there would be a heavy rain that day.A.had better not to; might have been caught B.had better; may be caughtC.would not; might have been caught D.had better not; may be caught 10.I hope that it is possible to achieve thisobjective by calling on the smokers ________ good judgment and show concern for others rather than by regulation.A.to be using B.to have been using C.use D.to use 11.When ________ to tell the difference between British and American English, the linguist made a long and ________ speech.A.asked; tired B.asked; tiring C.asking; tiring D.be asked; tired 12.The money would have to be raised by ________ taxation.A.far B.farther C.farthest D.further 13.Their plane arrived ________ San Francisco this morning.A.from B.at C.to D.on 14.The delegation ________ Russia will visit London this afternoon.A.in B.from C.at D.for 15.Her mother can’t speak English ________ French, but is good at Japanese.A.yet B.or C.neither D.while16.He became a successful actor ________ his father never was.A.who B.whom C.that D.when 17.The manager fulminated against his secretary, ________ surprised me. A.who B.whom C.that D.which 18.He graduated from college ________ his parents divorced.A.which B.before C.while D.that 19.She sat ________ the table in the restaurant.A.in B.with C.from D.at 20.Young ________ he was, he managed to make a living on his own.A.although B.since C.though D.thus 21.________ you had been here, we wouldn’t have had so much trouble then. A.when B.if C.as D.since 第⼆部分⾮选择题(共79分)⼆、多项选择填充题(本⼤题共8⼩题,每⼩题2分,共16分)Fill in each of the blanks with one of the items given.22.is, are, was, were, itself, himself, themselvesThe trade union ________ believed to regard ________ as an organization where the molested could seek advice and help. 23.is, are, was, were, will be, are going to be, have, has, hadThe beautiful ________ something that the innocent ________ not always able to appreciate fully.24.preferred, prefers, is, are, was, were, will be, shall beDuring the holiday week, one-third of the students in our class ________ prepared to stay on campus for study while around ten percent of them ________ some more sleep at home. 25.is, are, has, have, havingThe average British family, which ________ smaller and richer than 50 years ago, ________ 3. 6 members.26.were, was, had, propaganda, propagandasLarge amounts of money ________ spent on ________.27.than, as, more, most, theThe ________ information that comes in, ________ more confused the picture becomes. 28.than, as, more, so, lessI’m not going out with a man who’s twice ________ old ________ me.29.analysis, criteria, diabetes, gentry, pants, physicsa. Singular only: ________________________________________b. Plural only: __________________________________________三、填空题(本⼤题共16⼩题,每⼩题1分,共16分)Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.30.Nobody in the class agrees with you, ________________?31.Everyone is excited by the news, ________________?32.Let’s not take John with us on our family outing this time, ________________?33.John hardly speaks to anybody in the class, ________________?34.She’s lost almost ________________ friend she had.35.He lost ________________ parents when he was a child.36.The noise of the party stopped me getting ________________ sleep.37.When you were in London, did you visit ________________ Tower, too?38.He said that he ____ (feed)up with college instructors who tried to teach him to use the “scientific method”.39.It is surprising that this innocent-looking girl ________________ (commit)such a crime. 40.I appreciate ________(give)the opportunity to study abroad three years ago.41.I think his failure in the experiment resulted ________ his carelessness.42.This car is very expensive. You have to pay half a million dollars ________ it.43.With an appropriate conjunctiveLast month I bought a watch. It is cheap, ________ it goes quite well.44.With an appropriate relative pronounMy brother speaks English fluently, ________ I don’t.45.He can not choose his own job, ________ can I.四、改错题(本⼤题共11⼩题,每⼩题1分,共11分)Correct one error in each of the following sentences.46.I think you should go for school earlier today.47.She said she was afraid at her father.48.-“Which newspaper would you like? ”-“It doesn’t matter. Every one. ”49.I spent the all of the summer at home.50.The girl often heard to sing the same song at the same time in her room.51.Being not helped by anybody, he is not likely to succeed.52.Should we always follow the advice of our olders?53.He stood there, his eyes closed and his hands in the pockets, looking half asleep.54.I met another boyfriend of Lucy yesterday.55.The project on that we have been working for five weeks is a great success.56.Which she does is often at variance with what she says.五、改句(本⼤题共13⼩题,每⼩题2分,共26分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.57.Turning the following imperative into a tag questionDon’t let the children eat a lot of sweets and ice creams.58.Using a relative pronounI am going to the airport to meet Mr Johnson.He is a close friend of mine.59.Using a relative pronounShe is a lawyer. I know her.60.Using an adjunctMary decided to stay in her London apartment.She was growing sick of city Life.61.Using the passive voiceCouldn’t we ask someone to take on the job privately without anyone knowing? 62.Using a modal verbAm I not right in supposing this is the one you want?63.Using a nonfinite verb formAt a very early stage, Paderewski revealed that he was a master of the keyboard. 64.Using an adjunctHis child had gone to school. He could concentrate on his research work.65.Using extrapositionTo see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside school property and puffing away furtively and defiantly on their cigarettes makes a disappointing view.66.Using frontingHe plunged into the tumultuous water in order to save the girls.67.Rewriting B’s answer by using a cohesive deviceA: Is John trying to enter Harvard Law School?B: No, I don’t think John is trying to enter Harvard Law School. He hates lawyers. 68.Rewriting the second sentence by using a cohesive deviceMy wife and I take a walk after supper this evening. In fact, we take a walk every evening. 69.Rewriting the second clause by using a cohesive deviceThe limited seats should be given to old people and the younger people are advised to stand for a while.六、名词解释(本⼤题共3⼩题,每⼩题2分,共6分)Define the following terms with examples.70.Participles71.What is “fronting”?72.Define “ellipsis”七、简答题(本⼤题共2⼩题,每⼩题2分,共4分)Answer the following questions.73.List at least 4 means of expressing future time.74.What’s the difference between a simple verb phrase and a complex verb phrase?2007年4⽉⾼教⾃考英语语法试卷参考答案⼀、单项选择题:(本⼤题共21⼩题,每⼩题1分,共21分)1.D2.C3.B4.C5.D6.C7.B8.C9.D 10.D 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.B 15.B16.C 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.C 21.B⼆、多项选择题:(本⼤题共8⼩题,每⼩题2分,共16分,多选、少选、错选均⽆分)22. was , itself23. is, are24.were, preferred25. is, has26. were; propaganda27. more; the28.as, as29.a . physics, diabetes, analysis b. pants, gentry, criteria三、填空题:(本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)30.do they 31. aren’t they/ isn’t he 32. shall we 33. does he 34. every 35.both/ his 36. any/ some 37. the 38.was fed 39. should have committed 40. having been given41.from 42. for 43. but/ yet 44. which 45. neither/ nor四、改错题:(本⼤题共8⼩题,每⼩题1分,共8分)46. go to 47. was afraid of 48. Any/ Eitherone49. 改:the whole of the summer// all summer50. 改:was often heard51. 改:Not being helped52. 改:our elders53. 改:his hands54. 改:Lucy’s55. 改:on which56. 改:What she五、改写句⼦题:(本⼤题共13⼩题,每⼩题2分,共26分)57. Don’t let the children eat a lot of sweets and ice creams, will you?58. I am going to the airport to meet Mr Johnson who is a close friend of mine.59. She is a lawyer who/that/whom I know60. Mary decided to stay in her London apartment though she was growing sick of city Life.61. Couldn’t anyone be asked to take on the job privately without anyone knowing?62. Will this be the one you want?63. At a very early stage, Paderewski revealed himself to be a master of the keyboard.64. As his child had gone to school, he could concentrate on his research work.65. It makes a disappointing view to see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside school property and puffing away furtively and defiantly on their cigarettes66. Into the tumultuous water, he plunged in order to save the girls.67. A: Is John trying to enter Harvard Law School?B: No, I don’t think he is trying to enter Harvard Law School, for he hates lawyers.68. My wife and I take a walk after supper this evening. In fact, we do it every evening.69. The limited seats should be given to old people and the younger ones are advised to stand for a while.六、名词解释题:(本⼤题共2⼩题,每⼩题2分,共4分)70. Participles belong to non-finite verb. There are 2 kinds of them: -ing Participles and –ed Participles.71.Fronting: remove an item from its unmarked postsubject position to the marked presubject position.As fronting moves an item into initial position which shouldn’t be there , and it disturbs the expected information flow and brings about unusualness./ It shift an item from the final position to the front. And it achieves the effect of parallelism and contrast.72. Ellipsis : a kind of coherent devices leaves out the redundant/wordy part and do not provide a substitute.七、简答题:(本⼤题共3⼩题,每⼩题2分,共6分)73. future expressions:1.will/ shall:2.Be going to3.be doing: plan4.simple present:5.will be doing:6.be about to do:7.be to do:74. The simple verb phrase: a verb phrase goes without* auxiliaries (main verb & modifier + mainverb) Eg: He likes music. Or : I often visited the park.The complex verb phrase: a verb phrase goes with* auxiliaries.Eg: I have finished the book. Or: We will go there.全国2008年4⽉⾼等教育⾃学考试英语语法试题课程代码:00831⼀、单项选择题Choose the best answers from the choices given and put the letter in the brackets.1. Natalie _____fault with the way her husband eats.()A. has always foundB. always foundC. is always findingD. always finds2. We _______ in France now,but the flight _______.()A. are; puts offB. were; was put offC. were to arrive; put offD. were to have been; was put off3. The ghost _______ as the clock _______ twelve.()A. appeared,was strikingB. appeared,struckC. was appearing,struckD. was appearing,was striking4. Once a satellite _______ into orbit round Pluto,scientists will be able to find a great deal.()A. will be putB. has been putC. would be putD. was put5. You talk as though it _______ a small thing to leave the country for good.()A. isB. wasC. will beD. were6. The method of painting is known as _______ far back as the Song Dynasty.()A. to be usedB. to have usedC. to have been usingD. to have been used7.There used to be an old apple tree in the garden,_______?()A. used thereB. could thereC. was thereD. use there8. The boss demanded that the letter _______typed today.()A. can beB. should beC. shall beD. must be9. Aren?t you tired? I _______ you _______ enough for today.()A. think; didB. thought; had doneC. would have thought; had doneD. should have thought; did10. Let me start with a _______ issue before I explain the problem of our major concern.()A. lessB. moreC. lesserD. least11. I went to see my parents _______ National Day.()A. onB. atC. inD. for12. They are going to visit Sydney _______ Christmas.()A. atB. inC. forD. on13. While _______ for costs _______,my solicitor?s case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a …brilliant academic record?.()A. asked; awardedB. asking; awardedC. asked; to be awardedD. asking; to be awarded14. The mother didn?t know who _______ for the broken vase.()A. blamesB. blamedC. to blameD. will blame15. Judging from the latest information,you?d better make up your mind now _______ it is too late.()A. afterB. sinceC. whenD. before16. She was very angry with the person _______ called her early in the morning. ()A. whichB. whoC. whomD./17. Thank you very much for the lovely toy _______ you sent my son.()A. whereB. whoC. whomD./18. _______,they refused to come to the party.()A. Strange enoughB. SlowlyC. HappilyD. Always19. It is true that John drove _______.()A. franklyB. all of a suddenC. slowlyD. clearly20. She stood up _______ order to see better.()A. inB. byC. atD. on21. I used to read a lot ______ I don?t have much time for books now.()A. althoughB. sinceC. asD. neverthelessCDABD DCBAC AACCD BDACA A⼆、多项选择题Fill in each of the blanks with one of the items given.22. is,are,was,were,will be,shall beExcept for the eatable that _______ allowed into the spot,everything else ___ ___ confiscated that day.23. is,are,was,were,itself,himself,themselvesThe family ______ enjoying _______ immensely at the Spring Festival dinner party.24. be,is,was,are,were,will be,shall bea. Three years _______too long a time for the master program.b. Three-fourths of the water in the bottle _______ expected to leak out within ten minutes.25. than,as,more,so,lessShe speaks French _______ well _______ the rest of us.26. is,are,has,have,havingA team which ______ full of enthusiasm _______ a better chance of winning.27. woman,women,has,have,havingThe number of _______ doctors in the hospital ______ increased dramatically over the past decade. 28. than,as,more,most,the_______ more money he makes,the _______ useless things he buys.29. bacteria,optics,nucleus,jeans,measles,cattlea. Singular only: nucleus,_optics__,_ measles_b. Plural only: bacteria,_jeans,_ cattle_22 .were was 23.were themselves 24.is is 25. So as 26.is has 27.women has28.the more三、填空题Fill in each of the blanks as required.A. With questions tags:30. Nobody agreed with you,_______?31. Let?s go out to dinner,_______?32. You had your watch repaired yesterday,_______?33. Close the door,_______?B. With a determiner:34. There is a line of trees on _______ side of the river.35. “Can you come on Saturday or Sunday?”“I?m afraid _______ day is possible.”36. I suddenly realized I?d come out without _______ money.37. Do you know _______ Browns? They live next to us.C. With an appropriate form of the verb or verb phrase given:38. They arranged that the demonstration ______ (take place) in their new showrooms.39. Observations __are made_____ (make)daily at two hundred weather stations in and around the British Isles,which send in reports every three hours.40. She couldn?t find her way to my apartment_______ (give)the wrong address.D. With an appropriate preposition:41. The man was accused _______ stealing a diamond ring.42. The woman driver was charged _______ speeding.E. With an appropriate conjunctive:43. Mr Smith graduated from California University in 2001 _______ now he is working as a lawyer.F. With an appropriate relative pronoun:44. He is a very capable manager,_______none of his predecessors was.45. A few years later Mary returned home as a famous musician,a fact ______ came as quite a surprise to her friends.30 did he 31 shall we 32didn’t you 33 will you 34 each/either/the 35 neither 36 much 37 the38 would take place 39 are made 40 having been given 41of 42 for 43 and 44 which 45 which四、改错题Correct one error in each of the following sentences.46. He watched each gesture of her as if she was a stranger.He watched each gesture of hers as if she was a stranger.47. Every person in turn went to see the doctor.Each person in turn went to see the doctor.48. On the stand there were newspapers and magazines of any kind.On the stand there were newspapers and magazines of some kind.49. I’ve just read whole of Pride and Preju dice.I?ve just read the whole of Pride and Prejudice.50. It is known to all that 70% of the earth are consisted of water.It is known to all that 70% of the earth is consisted of water.51. Running into the room,a rug caught her foot and she fell.When running into the room,a rug caught her foot and she fell.52. His two sons look the same age. Which is the older?His two sons look the same age. Which is the elder?53. Why didn’t you go with your friends in the trip at Africa?Why didn?t you go with your friends in the trip to Africa?54. I’m afraid the boy is very rude at his parents.I?m afraid the boy is very rude to his parents.55. Do you like the idea which we risk cheating in the English exam?Do you like the idea that we risk cheating in the English exam?56.The man about which they talked happens to be the new director of their department. The man about whom they talked happens to be the new director of their department.五、改写句⼦题Rewrite the following sentences as required.A. Turning the following statement into a YES-NO question57. He’s always telling me that I don’t plan for the future.Is he always telling you that you don't plan for the future?。

全国2018年4月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题课程代码:00831一、单项选择题(本大题共21小题,每小题1分,共21分)Choose the best answer from the choices given and put the letters A,B,C or D in the brackets.1.The general sent out word that no one in the bunker ______ to bed until further orders.()A.will go B.would goC.was about to go D.was to go2.He ______ violin when I want to sleep.()A.always plays B.play alwaysC.is always playing D.always is playing3.James has just arrived, but I didn’t kn ow he ______ until yesterday.()A.will come B.was comingC.had been coming D.comes4.I only called the police when I ______ everything else.()A.tried B.was tryingC.had tried D.had been trying5.Mother wished I ______ you what she ______.()A.did n’t tell; said B.didn’t tell; has saidC.didn’t tell; had said D.hadn’t told; said6.Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his insistence that it ______ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.()A.is to be analyzed B.were analyzedC.be analyzed D.should have been analyzed7.The teacher said that Jane ______ work harder the following semester.()A.have to B. had betterC.had better to D.would rather to18.The twins had been away for such a long time that many people in the village thought they ()A.ought to have died B.should have diedC.must have died D.could have died9.“I ______ go out today. If I do,I ______ in a storm.”I said to myself when I heard the weatherman say there would be a heavy rain that day.()A.had better not to; might have been caughtB.had better; may be caughtC.would not; might have been caughtD.had better not; may be caught10.I hope that it is possible to achieve this objective by calling on the smokers ______ good judgment and show concern for others rather than by regulation.()A.to be using B.to have been usingC.use D.to use11.When ______ to tell the difference between British and American English, the linguist made a long and ______ speech.()A.asked; tired B.asked; tiringC.asking; tiring D.be asked; tired12.The money would have to be raised by ______ taxation.()A.far B.fartherC.farthest D.further13.Their plane arrived ______ San Francisco this morning.()A.from B.atC.to D.on14.The delegation ______ Russia will visit London this afternoon.()A.in B.fromC.at D.for15.Her mother can’t speak English ______ French, but is good at Japanese.()A.yet B.orC.neither D.while216.He became a successful actor ______ his father never was.()A.who B.whomC.that D.when17.The manager fulminated against his secretary, ______ surprised me.()A.who B.whomC.that D.which18.He graduated from college ______ his parents divorced.()A.which B.beforeC.while D.that19.She sat ______ the table in the restaurant.()A.in B.withC.from D.at20.Young ______ he was, he managed to make a living on his own.()A.although B.sinceC.though D.thus21.______ you had been here, we wouldn’t have had so much trouble then.()A.when B.ifC.as D.since二、多项选择填充题(本大题共8小题,每小题2分,共16分)Fill in each of the blanks with one of the items given.22.is, are, was, were, itself, himself, themselvesThe trade union _______ believed to regard _______ as an organization where the molested could seek advice and help.23.is, are, was, were, will be, are going to be, have, has, hadThe beautiful _______ something that the innocent _______ not always able to appreciate fully.24.preferred, prefers, is, are, was, were, will be, shall beDuring the holiday week, one-third of the students in our class _______ prepared to stay on campus for study while around ten percent of them _______ some more sleep at home.325.is, are, has, have, havingThe average British family, which _______ smaller and richer than 50 years ago, _______ 3.6members.26.were, was, had, propaganda, propagandasLarge amounts of money _______ spent on _______.27.than, as, more, most, theThe _______ information that comes in , _______ more confused the picture becomes.28.than, as, more, so, lessI’m not going out with a man who’s twice _______ old _______ me.29.analysis, criteria, diabetes, gentry, pants, physicsa. Singular only:_____________________________________b. Plural only:_______________________________________三、填空题(本大题共16小题,每小题1分,共16分)Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word or phrase.30.Nobody in the class agrees with you,_________?31.Everyone is excited by the news, _________?32.Let’s not take John with us on our family outing this time, _________?33.John hardly speaks to anybody in the class, _________?34.She’s lost almost _________ friend she had.35.He lost _________ parents when he was a child.36.The noise of the party stopped me getting _________ sleep.37.When you were in London, did you visit _________ Tower, too?38.He said that he _________(feed) up with college instructors who tried to teach him to use the “scientific method”.39.It is surprising that this innocent-looking girl _________ (commit) such a crime.40.I appreciate _________(give) the opportunity to study abroad three years ago.41.I think his failure in the experiment resulted _________ his carelessness.42.This car is very expensive. You have to pay half a million dollars _________ it.43.With an appropriate conjunctiveLast month I bought a watch. It is cheap, _________ it goes quite well.444.With an appropriate relative pronounMy brother speaks English fluently, _________ I don’t.45.He can not choose his own job, _________ can I.四、改错题(本大题共11小题,每小题1分,共11分)Correct one error in each of the following sentences.46.I think you should go for school earlier today.47.She said she was afraid at her father.48. -“Which newspaper would you like?”-“It doesn’t matter. Every one.”49.I spent the all of the summer at home.50.The girl often heard to sing the same song at the same time in her room.51.Being not helped by anybody, he is not likely to succeed.52.Should we always follow the advice of our olders?53.He stood there, his eyes closed and his hands in the pockets, looking half asleep.54.I met another boyfriend of Lucy yesterday.55.The project on that we have been working for five weeks is a great success.56.Which she does is often at variance with what she says.五、改句(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)Rewrite the following sentences as required.57. Turning the following imperative into a tag questionDon’t let the children eat a lot of sweets and ice creams.58. Using a relative pronounI am going to the airport to meet Mr Johnson.He is a close friend of mine.59. Using a relative pronounShe is lawyer. I know her.60. Using an adjunctMary decided to stay in her London apartment.She was growing sick of city Life.561. Using the passive voiceCouldn’t we ask someone to take on the job privately without anyone k nowing?62. Using a modal verbAm I not right in supposing this is the one you want?63. Using a nonfinite verb formAt a very early stage, Paderewski revealed that he was a master of the keyboard.64. Using an adjunctHis child had gone to school. He could concentrate on his research work.65. Using extrapositionTo see all the high school kids standing on one foot outside school property and puffing away furtively and defiantly on their cigarettes makes a disappointing view.66. Using frontingHe plunged into the tumultuous water in order to save the girls.67.Rewriting B’s answer by using a cohesive deviceA: Is John trying to enter Harvard Law School?B: No, I don’t think John is trying to enter Harvard Law School. He hates lawyers.68. Rewriting the second sentence by using a cohesive deviceMy wife and I take a walk after supper this evening. In fact, we take a walk every evening. 69. Rewriting the second clause by using a cohesive deviceThe limited seats should be given to old people and the younger people are advised to stand for a while.六、名词解释题(本大题共3小题,每小题2分,共6分)Define the following terms with examples.70.Participles71.What is “fronting”?72.Define “ellipsis”七、简答题(本大题共2小题,每小题2分,共4分)Answer the following questions.73.List at least 4 means of expressing future time.74.What’s the difference between a simple verb phrase and a complex verb phrase?6。

10月全国自考现代语言学试题及答案解析全国2018年10月高等教育自学考试现代语言学试题课程代码:00830Ⅰ. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A,B,C or D in the brackets.(2%×10=20%)1. The tone, defined as pitch variation, is an important suprasegmental feature of tone languagessuch as .A. ChineseB. EnglishC. Chinese and EnglishD. English and French2. V oicing as a quality of speech sounds is caused by the vibration of .A. the velumB. the vocal cordsC. the glottisD. the uvula3. The words that contain only one morpheme are called .A. bound morphemesB. affixesC. free morphemesD. roots4. Syntactic movement is dictated by rules traditionally called .A. phase structure rulesB. syntactic rulesC. lexical rulesD. transformational rules5. The naming theory was proposed by .A. the Greek scholar PlatoB.C.K. Ogden and I.A. RichardsC. the British linguist J. FirthD. the American linguist L. Bloomfield6. Speech act theory was first proposed by .A. John AustinB. John SearleC. Noam ChomskyD. John Firth7. linguistics refers to the study of a language or languages at a single point in time,without reference to earlier or later stages.A. DiachronicB. SynchronicC. HistoricalD. Comparative8. Different functional speech varieties known as are expected in, say, a churchsermon, a diplomatic encounter, a family dinner, or a sports broadcast.A. registersB. stylesC. dialectsD. accents9. is the study of language in relation to the mind.A. PsycholinguisticsB. SociolinguisticsC. LinguisticsD. Semantics10. In general, children’s holophrastic sentences begin .A. in the late part of the first year or the early part of the second year1B. in the second half of the second yearC. between two and three years oldD. between four and five years oldⅡ. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%)11. Language can be defined as a system of arbitrary v symbols used for humancommunication.12. To satisfy the needs of the phoneticians in the study of speech sounds, a set of symbols calledd are added to broad transcription to show the more subtle differences between similarsounds.13. The meaning of a compound is often i ,not always being the sum total of the meaningsof its components.14. The clause into which another clause is embedded is called a m clause.15. Componential analysis is based on the belief that themeaning of a word can be dissected intomeaning components, called s features.16. C is regarded as constituted by all kinds of knowledge assumed to be shared by thespeaker and the hearer.17. The major phonological change in the history of English known as the Great V owel Shiftinvolves seven long, or t , vowels of Middle English.18. Certain words in all societies are considered t -- they are forbidden or to be avoided.19. It’s known that specialized linguistic and perceptual skills are each localized in a particularhemisphere of the brain. The localization of cognitive and perceptual functions in a particular hemisphere of the brain is called l .20. C speech refers to the simple, modified speech used by parents, baby-sitters, etc. whenthey talk to young children who are acquiring their native language.Ⅲ. Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in the brackets in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false, you must explain why you think so and give the correct version.(2%×10=20%) 21.( ) According to Cho msky, a speaker can produce and understand an unlimited numberof sentences because he possesses an internalized set of rules about his language. 22. ( ) Phonological rules are not language specific, i.e. once proved to be valid, they can be applied to all languages.23. ( ) Under the Case Condition principle, when the Moveαrule operates to change asentence from the active voice to the passive voice, it can move a noun phrase to anyCase receiving position.24. ( ) Lexical categories are generally known as parts of speech, and a language has majorand minor lexical categories of a finite set.25. ( ) A grammatically well-formed sentence is always semantically well-formed.26. ( ) All illocutionary acts that belong to the same category share the same purpose or thesame illocutionary point.227. ( ) Borrowing occurs when one language takes a word or morpheme from anotherlanguage and adds it to its lexicon.28. ( ) It is obvious that the standard variety of language is the correct form of language.29. ( ) Human linguistic ability largely depends on the structure of their vocal cords.30. ( ) According to Behaviorist learning theory, children are believed to gradually assumecorrect forms of the language of their community when their “bad” speech getscorrected and when their good speech gets positively reinforced.Ⅳ. Directions: Explain the following terms, using one or two examples for illustration.(3%×10=30%)31. cultural transmission (as a defining feature of humanlanguage)32. phoneme33. linguistic competence34. syntactic movement35. homonymy36. derivation37. idiolect38. the critical period hypothesis39. intrapersonal communication40. telegraphic speechⅤ. Answer the following questions.(10%×2=20%)41. Prefixes occur at the beginning of a word, and modify the meaning of a stem, but usually donot change the part of speech of the original word. Do you think it is true? Support your answer with examples.42. What are the four maxims of the Cooperative Principle? Please give examples to show howthe flouting of these maxims gives rise to conversational implicature (Give at least two examples, each flouting a different maxim).3。

2023 年10月高等教育自学考试英语语法试题课程代码:008311.请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。
I.Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(1%x20=20%)1.Walking along the street, he looked up and saw that the moon was______the trees in the east.A.atB.aboveC.onD.with2.We cannot leave this tough job to a person______.A.who nobody has confidenceB.in whom nobody has confidenceC.for whom nobody has confidenceD.who everyone has confidence of3. A good worker in a key spot could,______he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks he wanted, and the bosses would very likely look the other way.A.as long asB.as thoughC.as soon asD. as if4.______so much progress in such a short period of time.A. Never have any country madeB. Never have a country madeC. Never has any country madeD. Never do a country make5. We hope that all the measures against sandstorm,____was put forward by the committee, will be considered seriously at the meeting.A. whileB. afterC. sinceD.as6. Many special thanks _________to Professor Green, who read the first draft of the thesis and gave me a lot of valuable____.A. goes...adviceB. go...advicesC. goes ...advicesD. go...advice7. The whole express delivery industry __hit hard by the cold wave that swept most parts of China last year.A. wereB. wasC. has beenD. have been8. When I arrived, the lecture had already started and the professor _____ on the blackboard.A. wroteB. has been writingC. was writingD. is writing9.____your windows _____by the storm, then you could have filed an insurance claim.A. Had...been destroyedB. Did...destroyC. Had...destroyedD. Were...destroyed10. When you have a small child in the house, you____leave small objects lying around. Such objects_____be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.A. shouldn't ...canB. should ...cannotC. should...canD. shouldn't...cannot11. We managed__him into___our terms. It doesn't matter whether or not he regrets _____that now.A. to talk...accepting...doingB. talk...accept...doC. talking...accepting...doingD. to talk...accept...to do12. Jane walked out of the house without _______ a word to her mother.A. as little asB. so much asC. less thanD. lesser than13.__her only child had gone to the Summer Camp, Mrs White had a week's free time to enjoy doing nothing.A. Even ifB. DespiteC.AsD.Though14. We shall have completed the work by the time he __back next week.A. will comeB. is comingesD. will have come15. We are all for your proposal that discussion______.A. be put offB. was put offC. should put offD. is to put off16. The teacher told us in class that sometimes bad things ___into good things.A. turnB. could be turnedC. can be to turnD. should turn17. The president threatened ___ an authority if the congress insisted on_ cigarette sales nationwide.A. to exercise...cutting downB. exercising...cut downC. to exercise...to cut downD. exercising...cutting down18. As they went ____in their investigation of the case, they had ____evidence to prove their assumption of the policy.A. farther...moreB. the further...the moreC. farther...the moreD. further...more19. She is one of these girls who ____trouble making up their minds.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. having20. What____of people are gathering in front of the House of Parliament!A. large crowdB. the large crowdC. crowds largeD. a large crowd非选择题部分注意事项:用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,不能答在试题卷上。

全国2018年10月高等教育自学考试高级英语试题课程代码:00600Ⅰ. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (12 points, 0.5 point for each)·The fact is significant. To what is it 1 ? In part, I suppose, to a general increase in 2 . The rich have always 3 their personal appearance. The 4 of wealth —such as it is —now allows those of the 5 who are less 6 than their fathers to do the same.·The 7 of aging and eventual death must ultimately be accepted as the natural 8 of the life cycle, the old 9 their prescribed life spans and 10 way for the young. Much that is11 in old age in fact derives from the reality of aging and the 12 of death.·News of Harlem rioting 13 the multi-national student 14 there. The typical European15 was unlike anything I had seen before. They had no homes or businesses to worry aboutproecting. They want to know why Negroes did not riot more often. 16 the only Negro in the summer 17 I felt embarrassed for a time. I was embarrassed because I did not have any18 .·The investigation was not 19 so that veterans could 20 out their hearts or 21 their souls; it was 22 to prove that the policy of the U.S. in Indochina is tantamount 23 genocide, and that not only the soldiers are responsible 24 what is happening, but that everyone here in America is responsible.Ⅱ. There are fifteen sentences with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or1expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (15 points, 1 point for each)25. Old age is neither inherently miserable nor inherently sublime —like every stage of life ithas problems, joys, fears and ______.26. Nobody spoke but Elgie came over, his ______ eyes filled with sorrow and misery.27. Some men drew the first slip which touched their fingers; others seemed to ______ that fatewas trying to force on them a particular slip.28. Science, to my mind, is applied honesty, the one reliable means we have to ______ truth.29. Product leaders have a (n) ______ interest in protecting the entrepreneurial environment thatthey have created.30. Yet medical ______ that are hardly any better undoubtedly continue, almost as a matter ofmacabre routine, in America, Britain and many other countries.31. Taking these fables to heart, I would resolve to do likewise, and, going to bed, would ______my teeth, look as determined as possible in the darkness.32. Similarly, in any ______ regime, the holders of power become increasingly tyrannical withexperience of the delights that power can afford.33. The wealth qualification for the aspiring politicians is taken for granted; a governmentalsystem ______ the promotion of personal wealth in a few selected areas will never act for the public good.34. A curious, most unchildlike ______, a controlled impatience, made him wait.35. It’s just that Elvis managed to ______ the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s.36. As I moved my chair a little nearer suddenly with one catlike movement both her hands______ instinctively for my eyes and she almost reached them too.37. It may be old-fashioned, but I was taught that thought is words, arranged in grammatically______ ways.38. The ______ of long-remembered lives was mirrored in his eyes, and the memory of cunningcurves executed in the moving shadows from reed to reed …was almost pictured there. 39. If a salesman’s wife dies and he is not ready to remarry, he is usually moved into a(n) ______position after several months of mourning.2Ⅲ. Each of the following sentences is given two choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (15 points, 1 point for each)40. If you have ______ someone who has had a misfortune, you are sorry for them, and show it inthe way you behave towards them.A. sympathy withB. sympathy for41. Get out. Stop ______ your teacher with such silly questions.A. tormentingB. abusing42. The umpire ______ a coin to decide which team should serve first.A. threwB. tossed43. ______ between companies is something good for the development of the economy.A. HostilityB. Rivalry44. It was embarrassing that my mother didn’t ______ you. It looked as though it were our fault.A. take toB. take after45. A spy should be able to ______ what he has found as quickly as possible.A. memorizeB. remember46. He was enormously ______ when my father died.A. sycophanticB. sympathetic47. He ______ left and right as the gunman opened fire.A. dodgedB. evaded48. The elderly woman was so ______ as to believe that she will die if she touches the stone.A. superstitiousB. ignorant49. The responsibility for the future of the company ______ heavily on the newly-electedpresident.A. weighsB. weights50. I don’t believe that her poems are still in ______.A. transcriptB. manuscript51. I can’t come to your wedding, but I will be with you ______; I will think about you.A. in spiritB. in spirits52. The servant was down on his knees, ______ the floor.3A. sweepingB. scrubbing53. Urgent measures must be taken now to ______ water resources.A. conserveB. preserve54. The police have ______ three suspects from their inquiry.A. eliminatedB. illuminatedRead the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding four items Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵand Ⅶ.Why Are Students Turned Off?(1)Ellen Glanz lied to her teacher about why she hadn’t done her homework ; but, of course, many students have lied to their teachers. The difference is that Ellen Glanz was a twenty –eight – year – old high school social studies teacher who was a student for six months to improve her teaching by gaining a fresh perspective of her school.(2)She found many classes boring, students doing as little as necessary to pass tests and get good grades, students using ruses (借口) to avoid assignments, and students manipulating teachers to do the work for them. She concluded that many students are turned off because they have little power and responsibility for their own education.(3)Ellen Glanz found herself doing the same things as the students. There was the day when Glanz wanted to join her husband in helping friends celebrate the purchase of a house, but she had homework for a math class. For the first time, she knew how teenagers feel when they think something is more important than homework.(4)She found a way out and confided:“I considered my options: Confess openly to the teacher, copy someone else’s sheet, or make up an excuse.”Glanz chose the third option- the one most widely used – and told the teacher that the pages needed to complete the assignment had been ripped from the book. The teacher accepted the story, never checking the book. In class, nobody else did the homework; and student after student mumbled responses when called upon.(5)“Finally,”Glanz said,“the teacher, thinking that the assignment must have been difficult, went over each question at the board while students copied the problems at their seats. The teacher had ‘covered’ the material and the students had listened to the explanation. But had anything been learned? I don’t think so.”4(6)Glanz found this kind of thing common. “In many classes,” she said, “people simply didn’t do the work assignment, but copied from someone else or nanipulated the teacher into doing the work for them.”(7)“The system encourages incredible passivity,”Glanz said.“In most classes one sits and listens.A teacher, whose role is activity, simply cannot understand the passivity of the student’s role,”she said.“When I taught,”Glanz recalled,“my mind was going constantly – figuring out how to best present an idea, thinking about whom to call on, whom to draw out, whom to shut up; how to get students involved, how to make my point clearer, how to respond; when to be funny, when serious. As a student, I experienced little of this. Everything was done to me.”(8)Class methods promote the feeling that students have little control over or responsibility for their own education because the agenda is the teacher’s, Glanz said. The teacher is convinced the subject matter is worth knowing, but the student may not agree. Many students, Glanz said, are not convinced they need to know what teachers teach; but they believe good grades are needed to get into college.(9)Students, obsessed with getting good grades to help qualify for the college of their choice , believe the primary responsibility for their achievement rests with the teacher, Glanz said. “It was his responsibility to teach well rather than their responsibility to learn carefully.”(10)Teachers were regarded by students, Glanz said, not as “people,”but as “role - players”who dispensed information needed to pass a test. “I often heard students describing teachers as drips, bores, and numerous varieties of idiots,”she said.“Yet I knew that many of the same people had traveled the world over, conducted fascinating experiments or learned three languages, or were accomplished musicians, artists, or athletes.”(11)But the sad reality, Glanz said, is the failure of teachers to recognize their tremendous communications gap with students. Some students, she explained, believe that effort has little value. Some have heard reports of unemployment among college graduates and others, and after seeing political corruption they conclude that honesty takes a back seat to getting ahead any way one can, she said.“I sometimes estimated that half to two – thirds of a class cheated on a given test,”Glanz said. “Worse, I’ve encountered students who feel no remorse(自责)about cheating but are annoyed that a teacher has confronted them on their actions.”5(12)Glanz has since returned to teaching at Lincoln – Sudbury. Before her period as a student, she would worry that perhaps she was demanding too much. “Now I know I should have demanded more,”she said. Before, she was quick to accept the excuses of students who came to class unprepared. Now she says, “You are responsible for learning it.”But a crackdown is only a small part of the solution.(13)The larger issue, Glanz said, is that educators must recognize that teachers and students, though physically in the same school, are in separate worlds and have an on –going power struggle.“A first step toward ending this battle is to convince students that what we attempt to teach them is genuinely worth knowing,”Glanz said. “We must be sure, ourselves, that what we are teaching is worth knowing.”No longer, she emphasized, do students assume that “teacher knows best.”Ⅳ. There are ten incomplete statements, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the best answer and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 1 point for each)55. A good alternative title for the selection would be .A. How to Get Good GradesB. Why Students Dislike SchoolC. Cheating in Our SchoolD. Students Who Manipulate Teachers56. best sums up the selection.A.“Ellen Glanz is an indifferent teacher”B.“Ellen Glanz lied to her math teacher”C.“Students need good grades to get into college”D.“Teachers and students feel differently about school”57. According to paragraph 10, teachers were regarded .A. only as those who could help students to pass a testB. as those who could offer all kinds of information neededC. as those who could help students in various waysD. as those who could play different roles to students, especially giving out information58. As a result of her experience, Glanz now .A. accepts more of her students’ excuses6B. doesn’t care about her students’ excusesC. a ccepts less of her students’ excusesD. takes her students’ excuses more seriously59. According to Glanz, it was common for students .A. to force their teacher to work for themB. to escape the most difficult work assignmentC. to get over with their work assignment with less effortD. to assign somebody to work for them60. After seeing political corruption, students concluded that .A. one can do anything in order to become successful, honesty is not importantB. as long as honesty is there, one can become successfulC. one can be successful anyway, whether one is honest or notD. honesty is more important than to become successful anyway61. The author implies that .A. few students cheat on testsB. most students enjoy schoolworkC. classroom teaching methods should he changedD. classroom teaching methods were not bad62. From the selection we know that .A. Glanz should not have become a student againB. Glanz is a better teacher than she was beforeC. Glanz later told her math teacher that she had liedD. Glanz regretted having lied to her math teacher63. The author implies that .A. most students who cheat on tests are caught by their teachersB. most teachers demand too little of their studentsC. students who get good grades in high school do so in collegeD. students never agree with what teachers say64. The writer’s purpose in writing this selection is .A. to question Ellen Glanz’s experienceB. to agree with Ellen GlanzC. to disagree with Ellen GlanzD. to report Ellen Glanz’s storyⅤ. There is one underlined part in each of the following sentences, followed by four choices7A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is closest in meaning to the underlined part and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 2 points for each)65. … to improve her teaching by gaining a fresh perspective of her school.A. by having another ideaB. by making one more discoveryC. by developing a deeper definitionD. by getting a new outlook66. ... or make up an excuse.A. offer an apologyB. form an explanationC. invent a reasonD. give a reason67. The teacher accepted the story, never checking the book.A. The teacher believed in what Glanz said and didn’t examine the book.B. The book was not checked because the teacher liked the good story.C. The teacher didn’t care what had happened and didn’t do anything about the book.D. Glanz made the teacher believe her and the teacher didn’t look at the story book.68. The teacher had ‘covered’ the materi al…A. had dealt with all the questionsB. had finished the assignmentC. had discussed the written workD. had delivered the information69. Students, obsessed with getting good grades to help qualify for the college of theirchoice, …A. to help satisfy their desire to go to a certain collegeB. to help meet the requirements for the college they want to attendC. to help fulfill their expectations to enter good collegesD. to help succeed in getting good qualities for their chosen collegesⅥ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (10 points, 2 points for each)70. She found many classes boring, students doing as little as necessary to pass tests and get goodgrades, students using ruses to avoid assignments, and students manipulating teachers to do the work for them.71. Class methods promote the feeling that students have little control over or responsibility for8their own education because the agenda is the teacher’s Glanz said.72. When I taught, my mind was going constantly –figuring out how to best present an idea,thinking about whom to call on, whom to draw out, whom to shut up.73. Worse, I’ve encountered students who feel no remorse about cheating but are annoyed that ateacher has confronted them on their actions.74. The larger issue, Glanz said, is that educators must recognize that teachers and students,though physically in the same school, are in separate worlds and have an on – going power struggle.Ⅶ. Answer the following essay question in English within 80 –100 words. write your answers on the Answer Sheet.(10 points)75. What does Glanz think are the main problems in school education?Ⅷ. Translate the following sentences into English and write the translation on your Answer Sheet. (18 points, 2 points each for 76 –80, 8 points for 81)76.现在,电视中的新闻报道常常是肤浅的,不充分的;画面常常凌驾于观点之上。

1. In order to ______ to life in the wild, he has to learn how to hunt.A. effectB. adoptC. adaptD. enter2. If you have high blood pressure, you should ______ eating too much salt.A. escapeB. suggestC. avoidD. relieve3. In some countries skilled workers can still get high ______.A. wagesB. incomeC. salaryD. money4. I have always thought very ______ of him.A. highlyB. betterC. wellD. excellent5. Every part of a new car should be carefully checked before ______.A. assemblyB. combinationC. applicationD. input6. The manager will ______ the new department store before it is open.A. checkB. assureC. approveD. guard7. He had waited so long that he became ______.A. impatientB. patientC. quietD. reserved8. Scientists have recently ______ suggestions for a complete reform in our eating habit.A. taken outB. put forwardC. set outD. brought about9. We were ______ whether our car could climb the hill.A. doubtfulB. sureC. certainD. believable10. The salesman made a large ______ from selling fashionable shoes.A. incomeB. advantageC. benefitD. profit11. The manager is so busy that he can hardly ______ a day away from work.1A. wasteB. payC. affordD. spare12. Television keeps us informed about ______ events and the latest developments in science andpolitics.A. fashionableB. excitedC. popularD. current13. Come at your ______ because I will be in the office all the time.A. diposalB. rateC. proposalD. convenience14. ______, many workers who have been laid off are the victims of the bad management in thecompany.A. HardlyB. UndoubtedlyC. DirectlyD. Generally15. A direct tax is ______ in such a way that the percentage of tax grows greater as the tax payer’sincome grows.A. directedB. arrangedC. setD. needed(二)语法结构(15分)选择一个最佳答案完成句子,错选、多选或未选均无分。

1. In order to ______ to life in the wild, he has to learn how to hunt.A. effectB. adoptC. adaptD. enter2. If you have high blood pressure, you should ______ eating too much salt.A. escapeB. suggestC. avoidD. relieve3. In some countries skilled workers can still get high ______.A. wagesB. incomeC. salaryD. money4. I have always thought very ______ of him.A. highlyB. betterC. wellD. excellent5. Every part of a new car should be carefully checked before ______.A. assemblyB. combinationC. applicationD. input6. The manager will ______ the new department store before it is open.A. checkB. assureC. approveD. guard7. He had waited so long that he became ______.A. impatientB. patientC. quietD. reserved8. Scientists have recently ______ suggestions for a complete reform in our eating habit.A. taken outB. put forwardC. set outD. brought about9. We were ______ whether our car could climb the hill.A. doubtfulB. sureC. certainD. believable10. The salesman made a large ______ from selling fashionable shoes.A. incomeB. advantageC. benefitD. profit11. The manager is so busy that he can hardly ______ a day away from work.1A. wasteB. payC. affordD. spare12. Television keeps us informed about ______ events and the latest developments in science andpolitics.A. fashionableB. excitedC. popularD. current13. Come at your ______ because I will be in the office all the time.A. diposalB. rateC. proposalD. convenience14. ______, many workers who have been laid off are the victims of the bad management in thecompany.A. HardlyB. UndoubtedlyC. DirectlyD. Generally15. A direct tax is ______ in such a way that the percentage of tax grows greater as the tax payer’sincome grows.A. directedB. arrangedC. setD. needed(二)语法结构(15分)选择一个最佳答案完成句子,错选、多选或未选均无分。

全国2018年10月高等教育自学考试高级英语试题课程代码:00600PARTONEⅠ. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (12 points,0. 5 point each)●Consider the 1 assumptions that television tends to 2 : that complexity must be3 , that visual stimulation is a4 for thought, that verbal5 is an anachronism. Itmay be old-fashioned, but I was taught that thought is words, 6 in grammatically precise ways.●She moved from that chair to this one 7 here, and just sat there with her hands 8together and looking down. I got a 9 that I ought to 10 some conversation, so I said I had come in to see if John wanted to 11 in a telephone, and 12 that she started to laugh.●At that I 13 my teeth in disgust. 14 only they wouldn't use the word ‘hurt’Imight be able to get 15 . But I did not 16 myself to be hurried or 17 but speaking quietly and slowly I 18 the child again.●Downtown, she parked her car in a 19 . Everything was getting ready for this 20 .She did not carry the flowers in her car but she carried them in her 21 . Now she was going to 22 out whether it was death or 23 . Either she could 24 .Ⅱ. There are 15 sentences from the textbooks, with a blank in each, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to X. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (15 points,1 point each)25. Operationally excellent companies ______ a combination of quality, price, and ease of purchase that no one else in their market can match.26. Students were not conscious of the ghetto as a ______phenomenon.27. It is not possible to make the very best cheese in vast quantities at a low average ______.28. I didn't mind ______ Saturdays, but until eleven, twelve Friday nights was too much.29. American individualism, on the face of it an admirable philosophy, wishes to ______ itself inindependence of the community.30. Those of us who are not old ______ ourselves from discussions of old age by declaring thesubject morbid, boring or in poor taste.31. I am speaking of the local press which in hundreds of American communities is the only newsavailable, aside from those recitals of ticker tape that ______ radio news.32. The sun was breaking through clouds, ______ a smell of earth to heaven.33. We demanded justice for the body ______ for the soul.34. When she breathed, something light and sad- no, not sad, exactly - something gentle seemed tomove in her ______.35. There was a little patch beside the rocky road, and Mrs. Flowers walked in front ______ herarms and picking her way over the stones.36. “Jagger,”he said,“grabs a half-gallon jug of water and runs along the front platform,______its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners…”37.I must confess that I always suspect the men who _____ that they unvaryingly fall asleep assoon as they get into bed.38. Another worry is that a legal framework for euthanasia, permitting a doctor to comply with adying man's request set in a prescribed of circumstances, might pose dangers for society by setting a ______ for killing.39. But for the poor in spirit, with low levels of both energy and pride, it may be the least ___choice available.Ⅲ. Each of the following sentences is given two choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. (15 points, 1 point each)40. Jane and Tom have ([A]broken out,[B] fallen out) and do not speak to each other now.41. Although the heavy rain stopped, it was at least an hour later when the flood began to ([A]retreat, [B] recede).42. I've put on so much weight that my clothes don't([A] fit,[B] suit)me.43. We([A] replaced,[B]renewed) the stolen car when the insurance money arrived.44. Many people found([A] current,[B]contemporary)art very difficult to understand.45. Because of the heavy storm, the residents in this region were ([A] rescued,[B]evacuated) to asafe place.46. China is big and rich in minerals which have not been properly ([A] exploded, [B]exploited) .47. Modern machines will certainly increase factory ([A] output, [B] outcome) at a considerablerate.48. Mr. Brown went to the hospital for a ([A] conventional,[B]routine) physical check-up.49. Some naughty students tried to ([A]provoke,[B]stir) the new teacher into losing her temper.50. I was extremely exhausted at first, but after two hours' sleep, I felt considerably ([A]refreshed,[B]relaxed).51. Since we don't have the key, we must use([A]force,[B]strength)to open this locked door.52. She([A] attributed,[B]attached) a check to the letter and sent it out.53. You'd better put your small electrical apparatus in a place that is not ([A] available [B]accessible) to your children.54. The eloquent speaker succeeded in([A] appealing,[B]arousing) to the emotions of the audience. Read the following passage carefully and complete the succeeding four items:Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵand Ⅶ.Drivers in China1) I am in my mid-fifties, a senior citizen, living in Minnesota. Three summers ago, I left my family of three and spent six months in Shanghai, China, on a teaching tour. Like all other tourists, the experiences were new, exciting and somewhat strange to me.2) Like all other tourists I brought home many souvenirs, some warm friendship and many memories. Unlike the others, I also brought home some questions. I am still looking for answers to some of them. One of them is about Chinese driving habits.3) Chinese drivers, whether they be bus, taxi or truck drivers, have had to put up with endless traffic jams and unruly bicyclists. They also have had another chore on the unbelievably crowded streets; the scene you can only appreciate by picturing yourself amongst a crowd in a state fair. They turn the engine on and off during stops on intersections or traffic jams. They turn lights off in the night at intersections as well as on brightly lit streets. Every time I was close to a driver in a vehicle, I could not help noticing the poor driver putting the extra work to himself. It drove me so crazy that I had to find out the reasons.4) But the answers they gave me were always the same: to save gas and to avoid traffic accidents.5) Later, I was informed that several traffic accidents were caused by beaming lights that blinded the bikers and pedestrians as well as drivers from the opposite direction. I was somewhat satisfied with that answer. One question lingered however: how many accidents have been caused by invisible cars because the lights were turned off? Between the two evils which one is worse?6) I was not happy with the answer about gas saving. One day, I was traveling with my colleague Mr. Liu. I told him I never turned off my engine during short stops because restarting not only was hard on the battery but also would cause wear and tear on the starter. Cutting the engine during stops really saved very little gas. Apparently amused by my observation,Mr. Liu relayed the question to the driver.7) “To save gas. ”Click, the driver turned the engine off while answering. A few seconds later, he turned the key to start on the green light. The old engine coughed and failed to catch fire until after several attempts.8) “Professor Smith here,”Mr. Liu said to the driver,“has driven at least 20 years in America. Hetold me that to restart after a brief stop does not save much gas, and it is not good for the starter. It also wastes your battery power. ”9) “I was told to do this in my driving classes. ”10) “Your trainer could be wrong, you know,”said Mr. Liu. I guessed he was on my side because of my 20 years of driving experience.11) Why are Chinese drivers told to kill engines during short stops? What good does it do to …anything? How long have they done this? Who or what started that notion? I left China the following year puzzled.12) I had my questions partially answered in Japan, where I visited Jack, on my way back to the States.13) In the evening on the third day of my visit, he drove me back to the hotel in his Toyota(丰田车).I noticed the same curious maneuver that had bothered me in the streets of Shanghai.14)“Why do you turn the lights off every time you stop?”I decided to ask the easier question first.15)“We have strict regulations on handling vehicles in Japan. The regulation requires a driver to turn lights off at the intersections so they will not blind drivers from the other direction,”he said. “Now this practice has been accepted by the general population as a polite thing for a driver to do.A pedestrian will stop in front of your car and give you a disgusted stare if you leave lights on while stopping,”he added.16)“Why do you turn the engine off on red lights?”I continued with the second, more controversial question.17) “Well…”It took him a while to put his thoughts together and his words in proper places. “I was told that it would preserve battery power. You Americans are able to recharge batteries because you drive faster on freeways. Our driving speed hardly ever exceeds 35 miles per hour. ”18)“That might be a good reason a few years ago, but batteries are made better now. You should not have to worry about running out of power,”I argued. I didn't want to debate with him over the issue. My understanding was quite the contrary. Starting an engine requires a power surge, hence more battery power.19)Yes, this must be where the notion had come from, Japan. The Japanese have almost monopolized the entire automobile market in China. It is logic to assume that they would be the people to provide drivers' education. But where has that notion of fuel saving come from?20)“But they do it for different reasons. They told me they did it to save gas. ”21)“…I wonder where have they got that idea from? It does not make sense…”He started to ponder. “Even if it does conserve gas, the saving is so minute it is not worth the trouble. ”22)“Yes…I wonder …”I said. To this day I am still wondering.Ⅳ. There are 10 incomplete statements, followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on your answer sheet. (10 points, 1 point each)55. The writer brought home ____.[A]a lot of gifts and memories and friendship[B]a lot of questions as well as numerous gifts, souvenirs and friendship[C]souvenirs, memories as well as some questions[D]some warm friendship, gifts and memories56. Chinese drivers have had to put up with endless traffic jams. They are _____.[A]bus-drivers, truck——drivers and car drivers[B]bus——drivers, taxi-drivers, truck—drivers but not car-drivers[C]taxi-drivers, tractor—drivers and bus—drivers[D]all drivers57. “…the scene you can appreciate by picturing yourself amongst a crowed in a state fair. ”Here“you can appreciate”means____.[A]you can understand[B]you can enjoy[C]you can entertain yourself with[D]you can recognize58. …I could not help noticing the poor driver putting the extra work to himself. This sentence shows ____.[A]he was very sympathetic with the driver[B]he didn't want to see the poor driver suffer[C]he didn't want to, yet always saw the driver putting the extra work to himself[D]he hated noticing the driver putting the extra work to himself59. Between the two evils which one is worse? In this sentence, the author thinks____.[A]one evil is not as bad as the other.[B]one evil is much worse than the other.[C]there is little difference between the two.[D]there is a little difference between the two.60. The author's 20-year driving experience convinced him that he should not turn off his engine during short stops because ____.[A]engines were expensive and broke down easily[B]it would waste battery power and to harm to the starter[C]it was very difficult to start the car again and it would give the driver a headache[D]the starter was easy to break down and you would have to replace it61. Mr. Liu relayed the author's question to the driver because ____.[A]he thought the question was ridiculous[B]he was not interested in the question[C]he was too lazy to answer the question himself[D]he might have the same question on his mind62. I had my questions partially answered in Japan. It means____.[A]most of my questions were answered in Japan[B]my questions were more or less answered in Japan[C]all my questions were answered in Japan[D]my questions were hardly answered in Japan63. A pedestrian will stop in front of your car and give you a disgusted stare if you leave lights onwhile stopping. The sentence means a pedestrian will ____.[A]give you a cold and inquiring look[B]look at you and make you hate yourself[C]look at you with fixed eyes to let you know that he doesn't like you[D]look at you with an unnatural and vague expression64. The author thought the Japanese might be those who started the practice of cutting the engineduring stops and the Chinese followed their example because ____.[A]the Japanese played a controlling role in China's automobile market[B]Japan is an advanced automobile producer in the world[C]the Japanese have good rules and regulations on how to drive[D]the Japanese are aggressive and they enforce their rules on the ChineseⅤ. There is one underlined part in each of the following sentences, followed by four choices A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest in meaning to the underlined part. (10 points, 2 points each)65. They also have had another chore on the unbelievably crowded streets.[A]impossible problem[B]difficult job[C]tedious job[D]unsolvable problem66. It drove me so crazy that I had to find out the reasons.[A]I could no longer put up with it so I had to …[B]I was so interested in it that …[C]I was so curious about it that …[D]I was so touched that …67. The old engine coughed and failed to catch fire.[A]it was ill and had a bad cold[B]it made some short and harsh noises[C]it was tired and didn't want to start[D]it made a long and loud noise68. Starting an engine requires a power surge, hence more battery power.[A]a power recharge[B]an over-loaded power[C]a wave of power jumping up and down[D]a sudden increase of power69. Even if it does conserve gas, the saving is so minute it is not worth the trouble.[A]it really does not save gas at all[B]the amount of gas it saves is extremely small[C]the gas it saves is not enough[D]the gas it saves is not noticedPART TWOⅥ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write your translation on your answer sheet. (10 points, 2 points each)70. Later, I was informed that several traffic accidents were caused by beaming lights that blindedthe bikers and pedestrians as well as drivers from the opposite direction. ( in paragraph 5) 71. One question lingered however: how many accidents have been caused by invisible carsbecause the lights were turned off?(in paragraph 5)72. In the evening on the third day of my visit, he drove me back to the hotel in his Toyota. Inoticed the same curious maneuver that had bothered me in the streets of Shanghai. (in paragraph 13)73. “Now this practice has been accepted by the general population as a polite thing for a driver todo ……”. (in paragraph 15)74. “Well…”It took him a while to put his thoughts together and his words in proper places. “Iwas told that it would preserve battery power. You Americans are able to recharge batteries because you drive faster on freeways. ”(in paragraph 17)Ⅶ. Answer the following essay question in English within 80 - 100 words. Write your answer on your answer sheet. (10 Points)What questions did the author have about driving in China? Why?Ⅷ. Translate the following into English and write your translation on your answer sheet. (18 points, 2 points each from 75 to 79,8 points for 80)75. 她告诉我对无知绝不能宽容,但应理解未受过教育的人。

2018年10月高等教育自学考试《英语词汇学》试题2018年10月高等教育自学考试《英语词汇学》试题课程代码:00832I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. One point is given to each correct choice. (1% X 30 = 30% )1. Which of the following can NOT be defined as a word?A. manB. forC. mentD. blackmail2. The differences between sound and form are NOT due toA. innovations made by linguistsB. stabilization of spelling by printingC. influence of the work of scribesD. the fact of more phonemes than letters in English3. Words may fall into native words and borrowed words byA. notionB. originC. functionD. use frequency4. means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet the new need.A. BorrowingB. CreationC. Semantic changeD. Loaning5. The language used between 1150 and 1500 is calledEnglish.A. OldB. MiddleC. ContemporaryD. Modern6. In Middle English vocabulary, we can find words relating to every aspect of human society, e.g. government, law, food, fashion and so on. Which of the following words does NOT belong to them?A. wechatB. baconC. judgeD. power7. Structurally, many words can be separated into even smaller meaningful units. For example, denaturalization can be broken down intoA. de-, natura-, lize-, ationB. dena-, ture, al-, lize, ationC. de-, nature, al, ize, ationD. de-, natu, real, ize, ation8. The morpheme of plurality/-s/is pronounced as/s/in cats,/z/in bags, and/iz/in matches. This example showsA. morphemes are abstract unitsB. allomorphs are phonetically conditioned and thus predictableC. morphs are actual spoken, minimal carriers of meaningD. monomorphemic words coincide with words and function freely in a sentence9. Which of the following words is the example of free morphemes?A. menB. teethC. workerD. anger10. The following words have prefixes of time or order EXCEPTA. bilingualB. ex-studentC. foretellD. post-election11..4 green hand is an "inexperienced person", not a hand that is green in color. This exampleshows that compounds are different from free phrases in feature.A. phoneticB. semanticC. grammaticalD. lexical12. Omnibus has given way to its shortened form bus. This is the example of in word formation.A. acronymyB. clippingC. compoundingD. conversion13. , which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.A. ReferenceB. MotivationC. SenseD. Concept14. The following words are onomatopoetically motivated EXCEPTA. blowB. quackC. miaowD. hiss15. The meanings of many words often relate directly to their origins. In this sense, words havemotivation.A. onomatopoeicB. morphologicalC. semanticD. etymological16. From a synchronic point of view, the basic meaning of a word is theA. primary meaningB. derived meaningC. central meaningD. secondary meaning17. Which of the following is NOT the derived meaning of the word face?A. The front of the head.B. Outward aspect.C. A surface of a thing.D. The expression of the countenance.18. Which of the following pairs are absolute synonyms?A. large/tremendousB. stagger/reelC. alter/varyD. scarlet-fever/scarlatina19. The process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized is of word-meaning.A. transferB. elevationC. narrowingD. extension20. reason is reflected in the meaning change of the word computer, from "a person who computes" to "electronic machine".A. ClassB. HistoricalC. ScientificD. Psychological21. Which of the following is the internal factor within the language system that causes changes in word-meaning?A. AnalogyB. ContrastC. Historical reasonD. Psychological need22. As most words have more than one meaning, it is often impossible to tell the meaning of a word before it is used inA. contextB. textsC. conversationD. writing23. That the word do means differently in "do a city", "do a sum" and "do the flowers" shows that context affects the meaning of words.A. extra-linguisticB. grammaticalC. lexicalD. semantic24. Which of the following is NOT the role of context?A. Elimination of ambiguity.B. Indication of referents.C. Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning.D. Simplification of meaning.25. Which of the following is a true idiom?A. make friends withB. break silenceC. in the rawD. turn over a new leaf26. Among the following idioms," "is an idiom adverbial in nature.A. flesh and bloodB. up in the airC. as poor as a church mouseD. tooth and nail27. All of the following are stylistic features EXCEPTA. colloquialismsB. slangC. literary expressionsD. rhymes28. In the headword or entries are defined and illustrated in the same language.A. monolingual dictionariesB. bilingual dictionariesC. linguistic dictionariesD. encyclopedia dictionaries29. Usage notes and language notes in a dictionary explain the following EXCEPTA. important British and American differencesB. difficult points of grammar and styleC. information concerning the origins of wordsD. the slight differences between words of similar meanings30. The following are some unique features of Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary EXCEPTA. definitionB. extra columnC. usage examplesD. clear grammarII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (1.5% × 10 = 15%)31. It is generally agreed that the written form of a natural language is the written record of theform.32. After the Romans, the Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons, and Jutes came and dominated the British Isles. Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as English.33. Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are morphemes.34. Comic means "of comedy", while comical means "funny". This example shows that both-ic and -ical can be affixed to the same stem, but differ in35. The sense of an expression is its place in a system of relationship with other expressions in the language.36. Words like bear which means both "a large heavy animal" and "to put up with" are called37. The process by which the word wife used to mean"woman" but now means "a married woman" is of word-meaning.38. Linguistic context includes context, where the meanings of a word may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs.39. Unlike free phrases, the structure of an idiom is to a large extent , as is shown in the idiom "in a brown study", which cannot be changed into "in a brown hall".40. For beginners, and elementary and lower-intermediate learners, a dictionary is essential as they do not know enough of the target language to understand fully a monolingual dictionary.III. Define the following terms with one or two sentences. (3% × 5 = 15%)41. borrowed words42. stem43. associative meaning44. degradation45. dismembering (of idioms)IV. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. (5% × 4 = 20%)46. What are the three main sources of new words in Present-day English?47. In what way are the underlined words formed in the following sentences?1) He wolfed down his lunch.2) There is no milk in the fridge.3) The headmaster is an easy-going man.4) You have to show your ID before checking in the hotel.5) I promised to babysit for my neighbor this weekend.48. What are the types of antonyms? Explain the types of antonyms with the following example words: sell/buy, same/different, old/young.49. How are context clues used in the sentence "The village had most of the usual amenities: a pub, a library, a post office, a village hall, a medical centre, and a school."?V. Analyze and comment on the following. (10% × 2 = 20%)50. 1) nickname n.→to nickname2) bottle-feeding n.→to bottle-feedUse the above examples to discuss in what way compound verbs are generally formed?51. Illustrate the differences between synonyms by analyzing the following groups of synonyms.1) rich and wealthy2) ask, beg and request3) allow and let。

全国2018年10月高等教育自学考试外语教学法试题课程代码:00833请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I. Multiple Choice: (15%)Directions: In this section, you are given 15 questions beneath, each of which has four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete theincomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correctchoice.1. Traditional linguists believed that the written form of language was ______ the spoken form.A. the same asB. inferior toC. superior toD. different from2. According to M.A.K. Halliday, which of the following should NOT be taken into considerationin terms of linguistic events?A. Form.B. Context.C. Substance.D. Culture.3. The learning theory which served as the basis of the Grammar-Translation Method was ______Psychology.A. DevelopmentB. FacultyC. ChildD. Social4. In the Direct Method, ______ is learned inductively through listening and speaking activities.A. grammarB. vocabularyC. writingD. sentence5. When was the Direct Method developed as a reaction against the Grammar-TranslationMethod?A. In the late 19th century.B. In the early 20th century.C. In the mid-19th century.D. In the early 19th century.6. The Advanced Learn er’s Dictionary of Current English, one of the greatest contributions byHornby to EFL teaching, was published in ______.A. 1983B. 19731C. 1963D. 19537. Which of the following is NOT one of the systematic principles the Oral Approach involves?A. Selection.B. Introduction.C. Gradation.D. Presentation.8. The theoretical linguistic background of the Audiolingual Method is ______.A. Latin grammarB. AudiolingualismC. StructuralismD. generative-transformational grammar9. The Audiolingual Method insists on accurate reproduction of sentence patterns and its attitudetowards students’ language ______ is negative.A. responsesB. performanceC. reproductionD. errors10. According to D. Ausubel, the principal function of ______ is to act as a bridge between whatlearners already know and what they need to know.A. schema theoryB. language acquisition deviceC. language competenceD. advance organizers11. A major feature of cognitive code-learning is the emphasis on explanations of ______.A. grammatical functioningB. conscious selection of wordsC. deductive order of learningD. language instruction12. In Krashen’s view, acquisition refers to the ______ process leading to the development ofcompetence and is not dependent on the teaching of grammatical rules.A. consciousB. unconsciousC. overconsciousD. subconscious13. Children develop language competence in their first language in a relatively short time merelyby ______ it.A. being exposed toB. speakingC. usingD. listening to14. Who first used the term “communicative competence” in deliberate contrast to Chomsky’s“linguistic competence”?A. SternB. AsherC. KrashenD. Hymes215. What Hao Youming proposes in her ______ Method is “more practice, less examination”.A. ASSRFB. LeveledC. GlobalD. Dual ActivityII. Filling Blanks: (20%)Directions: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16. Behaviorism believes that basic learning processes could be described in terms of ______ andresponses.17. Second language acquisition, as a complex cognitive skill, involves the processes of ______and restructuring.18. We find it hard to present a full picture of the historical development of foreign languageteaching because of scarcity of ______.19. The Grammar-Translation Method belonged to the school of ______ linguistics.20. F. Gouin’s linguistic and psychological theories based on his observations of children’s use oflanguage were directly applied to the practice of the ______ Method.21. The teacher uses the ______ language of the students as the main medium in teaching in aGrammar-Translation classroom.22. The reason for the exclusive use of the foreign language in the Direct Method is to enable thestudents to think in the target language, so that they can use it to express themselves ______ without referring to their mother tongue.23. Books such as A Grammar of Spoken English on a Strictly Phonetic Basis, A Handbook ofEnglish Grammar, Guide to Patterns and Usage in English served as a standard ______ source of basic English sentence patterns for textbook writers.24. Like other approaches of foreign language teaching, the objectives of the Oral Approach are tohelp learners get a practical ______ of the four basic skills of language.25. The learning theory of the Audiolingual Method is ______ in psychology.26. In an Audiolingual Method classroom, listening is viewed as training in ______ discriminationof basic sound patterns.27. Chomsky rejected the behaviorist model of language acquisition on the basis of his model of3competence and ______.28. The Cognitive Approach holds that students’ mistakes are ______in the creative use oflanguage.29. The ______ i+1, put forward by Krashen, means input that contains structures slightly abovethe learner’s present level.30. The Natural Approach suggests that grammar use should be limited to situations where it willnot ______ with communication.31. The educational perspectives in the Communicative Approach evolved alongside thesignificant developments in linguistics, ______ and psychology.32. According to Canale and Swain, communicative competence includes four dimensions:grammatical, discourse, sociolinguistic and ______ competence.33. The Silent Way is based on the principle that successful learning involves commitment of theself to language acquisition through the use of silent ______ and then active trial.34. Since the end of World War II, teachers have found themselves under considerable pressure toabandon the long-standing ______ model, though it had been in general use in second language teaching since the late 18th century.35. The goals of language instruction in the 1960s were on the oral medium, and ______ wasdeemphasized.III. Matching: (15%)Directions: This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked ①, ②, ③, ④, or ⑤in Column A with the onemarked A, B, C, D, or E in Column B. One point is given to each pair you matchcorrectly.36. A: linguist or psychologist B: the theory he advocates①Noam Chomsky A. American structuralism②M. A. K. Halliday B. transformational generative linguistics③Sigmund Freud C. functional linguistics④John B. Watson D. psychoanalysis⑤Leonard Bloomfield E. behaviourism4537. A. the main feature of the Audiolingual Method①emphasis on the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing ②emphasis on certain practice techniques: mimicry, memorization and pattern drills③much use of tapes, language labs, and visual aids④tendency to manipulate language and disregard content⑤little or no grammatical explanation 38.A B ①the theory of language underlying the communicative approach②the theory of learning underlying the communicative approach③one of the objectives of the communicative approach④one of the techniques of the communicative approach⑤one of the main features of the communicative approachIV . Questions for Brief Answers: (30%)Directions: This section has six questions. You are to briefly answer them. Five points aregiven to each question.B: the advantage or disadvantage associatedwith the featureA. The use of language labs will allow each student to work at his own pace.B. The technique of mim-mem and pattern drills gives students more thorough practice in using grammar patterns.C. It achieves noticeable success in developing aural comprehension and oral fluency.D. Students are not expected to make any spontaneous, personal contribution.E. Students often fail to fully understand the value of language.A. language best learned through use in social contextB. to develop the students’ communicative competenceC. role playD. functional linguisticsE. the introduction of authentic texs into the learning situation39. What is the major objective of learning a foreign language in a Grammar-Translationclassroom?40. What is the learning theory of the Direct Method as summarized by Comenius?41. What else is the Oral Approach referred to as?42. What are the procedures followed in a Cognitive Approach classroom?43. What is Krashen’s definition of acquisition?44. What language ability does Hyme’s “communicative competence” refer to?V. Questions for Long Answers: (20%)Directions: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge you’ve learned. Tenpoints are given to each question.45. What is the importance in taking the course “Foreign Language Teaching Methodology ”?46. What do you think the three methods (the Silent Way, Community Language Learning, andSuggestopaedia) have in common?6。