



2020年军队院校招生军官招生文化科目统一考试士兵高中语文试题一、单项选择(每小题3分,共21分)1.下面加点字的注音,完全正确的是()参看已发的材料“容易读错的字”和新发的“成语中容易读错的字及经典练习”2.下面没有错别字的一项是()参看已发材料“容易写错的字一、二”3.在下面一段话的空缺处依次填入词语,最恰当的一组是( )看新材料“专题突破练语言文字运用客观选择题(词语辨析题)”4.下列句子中加点的成语,使用恰当的一项是()(1)参看新材料“容易误释词义的成语”(2)参看“军考冲刺课程一、二”成语误用的原因。


7.下面有关文学常识的表述,不正确的一项是()参看“军考冲刺课程二、三”二、议论文本阅读(每小题3分,共9分)1. 参看“军考冲刺课程一”2. 注意:弄清文章的层次和段落的层次十分重要文章层次大致是:论题——几个带中心句的论证段——结论段落的层次大致是:中心句——支撑句(道理论证句、事实论证句、段落小结论)三、古文阅读(共19分)1.花几秒钟看一下文本,然后再花几秒钟看后面的题目。





选拔大学生飞行学员的对象,必须(xuan3 ba2 da4 xue2 sheng1 fei1 xing2 xue2 yuan2 de0 dui4 xiang4 _bi4 xu1)是地方普通高等学校理工类本科应届毕业年级男性学生,且取得学士学位。


















第 328页 共 424 页
…………○…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… 单位:___________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
…………○…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… 单位:___________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
排针状负极和环形正极之间加上直流高压电,电压为 5000V,使空气发生电离,从而产生负离了 O3 排出,使空
气清新化,针状负极与环形正极间距为 5mm,且极板间视为匀强电场,电场强度大小 E
B.水溶液: Na 、 Ba 2 、 Cl 、 NO3



2 4
二.填空题(每空 3 分,共 15 分)
19.运动员从 1.25m 高处平抛一个质量为 0.5kg 的铅球,水平飞行了 5m 落地.运动员对铅球做的功为 J;铅
J.(g 取 10m/s2)
20.如图 2 所示,一根不可伸长的绝缘细线,一端固定在 O 点,另一端拴一个质量为 m 电荷量为 q 的带负电小球,
35.1948 年底,著名的建筑大师梁思成先生曾写信给中共中央,提出要尽可能地保护中华民族珍贵的历史文化遗 46.人们常说地球表面是“三分陆地,七分海洋”。在海洋中,世界第一大洋是



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一、单项选择(每小题4分,共36分).1. 设集合A={y|y=2x ,x ∈R},B={x|x 2﹣1<0},则A ∪B=( ) A .(﹣1,1) B .(0,1) C .(﹣1,+∞) D .(0,+∞)2. 已知函数f (x )=a x +log a x (a >0且a≠1)在[1,2]上的最大值与最小值之和为(log a 2)+6,则a 的值为( ) A . B .C . 2D .43. 设a b 、是向量,则||=||a b 是|+|=|-|a b a b 的( ) A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件4.已知421353=2,4,25a b c ==,则( )A .b<a<cB .a<b<cC .b<c<aD . c<a<b5. 设F 为抛物线C :y 2=3x 的焦点,过F 且倾斜角为30°的直线交C 于A ,B 两点,O 为坐标原点,则△OAB 的面积为( ) A .B .C .D .6. 设数列{a n }是首项为a 1、公差为-1的等差数列,S n 为其前n 项和,若S 1,S 2,S 4成等比数列,则a 1=( ) A .2 B . C .﹣2D .﹣7. 袋中共有15个除了颜色外完全相同的球,其中有10个白球,5个红球.从袋中任取2个球,所取的2个球中恰有1个白球,1个红球的概率为( ) A .B .C .D .18. 已知A ,B ,C 点在球O 的球面上,∠BAC=90°,AB=AC=2.球心O 到平面ABC 的距离为1,则球O 的表面积为( ) A .12π B .16π C .36π D .20π9. 已知2017ln f x x x =+()(),0'2018f x =(),则0x =( ) A. 2eB.1C. ln 2D. e二、填空题(每小题4分,共32分)10. 设向量,,且,则m=.11.设tanα,tanβ是方程x2﹣3x+2=0的两个根,则tan(α+β)的值为.12. 已知A、B为双曲线E的左右顶点,点M在E上,△ABM为等腰三角形,且顶角为120°,则E的离心率为.13. 已知函数f(x)=,则f(f())= .14. 在的展开式中x7的项的系数是.15. 我国第一艘航母“辽宁舰”在某次舰载机起降飞行训练中,有5架“歼﹣15”飞机准备着舰,如果甲、乙两机必须相邻着舰,而丙、丁两机不能相邻着舰,那么不同的着舰方法数是_______。



2017 年士兵高中军考英语真题一、选择填空(共15 分,每小题 1 分)1. —We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party.—Yes, ____ ? I’ll give them a call right now.A.why notB. what forC. whyD. what2. Try ____ she might, Sue couldn’t get the door open.A. ifB. whenC. sinceD. as3. Planning so far ahead ____ no sense-so many things will have changed by next year.A. madeB. is makingC. makesD. has made4. I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he ____ polite.A. was just beingB. will just beC. had just beenD. would just be5. The lawyer rarely wears anything other than jeans and a T-shirt ____ the season.A. whateverB. whereverC. wheneverD. however6. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good ____.A. to be breathedB. to breatheC. breathingD. being breathed7. —Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?—Yes, since she ____ the Chinese Society.A.has joinedB. joinsC. had joinedD. joined8. We all know that, ____, the situation will get worse.A. not if dealt carefully withB. if not carefully dealt withC. if dealt not carefully withD. not if carefully dealt with9. I smell something ____ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute?A. burningB. burntC. being burntD. to be burnt10. Does this meal cost $50? I ____ something far better than this!A. preferB. expectC. suggestD. suppose11. The prize will go to the writer ____ story shows the most imagination.A. thatB. whichC. whoseD. what12. They ____ have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed.A. willB. canC. mustD. should13. It is generally accepted that ____ boy must learn to stand up and fight like ____man.A. a; aB. a; theC. the; theD. a; /14. It is important to pay your electricity bill on time, as late payments may affect your ____.A. conditionB. incomeC. creditD. status15. —It was a wonderful trip. So, which city did you like better, Paris or Rome?—____. There were good things and bad things about them.A. It’s hard to sayB. I didn’t get itC. You must be kiddingD. Couldn’t be better二、阅读理解(共40 分,每小题2 分)Passage 1How can you remember a song from your childhood to this day? Why do your teachers use songs to teach you English? It seems there is a scientific reason for this.Researchers are now studying the relationship between music and remembering a foreign language. They find that remembering words in a song is the best way to remember even the most difficult language.“Singing could be a new way of learning a foreign langu age. The brain likes to remember things when they are used in a catchy and meaningful way”, said Dr, Karen Ludke. The findings may help those who have difficulties learning foreign languages. On his blog, Dr. Ludke writes, “A listen-and-repeat singing method can support foreign language learning, and opens the door for future research in this area.”Many language teachers know the value of using music and singing. Hua Zhuying, a teacher at a Chinese language school in Washington, D.C. depends heavily on songs in teaching Chinese. She says, “I use music all the time to teach children Chinese. For little kids usually we use the music. Not only does it work, but it is fun for kids.”“Sometimes, I think if I were taught English that way, maybe I could speak mu ch better English than now,” Hua Zhuying adds.Our brain likes music, especially for remembering. So, if you’re still struggling in learning a language, why not try singing it out ?16. According to the passage, the best way to remember a foreign language is to .A. listen to the teacher carefullyB. copy the words many times.C. remember words in a songD. read and write more17.The underlined word “catchy” probably means “____”A.infamousB. boringC. impressiveD.emotional18.Dr. Ludke believes that foreign language learning can be supported by .A. writing songs with the languageB. listening to all kinds of famous musicC. using the listen-and-repeat singing methodD. reading the lyrics again and again19.From the passage, we know that Hua Zhuying .A. is interested in writing English songsB. teaches Chinese in an American schoolC. teaches children English by using musicD. is a researcher in a language school20.The passage mainly tells us that .A. many researchers realize the importance of language studyingB. many language teachers know the value of famous musicC. your brain remembers a language better if you sing it.D. you will never learn a language well unless you can singPassage 2Mass media are tools of communication. Mass media can be divided into two groups: print media and electronic media. By print media, we mean books, newspapers and magazines. Electronic media include television, computer, radio and movie. Mass media allow us to record and pass information rapidly to a large, scattered audience.They extend our ability to talk to each other by helping us overcome barriers caused by time and space. There are various ways in which mass media make daily life easier for us. Firstly, they inform and help us keep a watch on our world. They gather and pass on information we would be unlikely or unable to obtain on their own.Secondly, mass media help us to arrange our time and life. What we talk about and what wethink about are greatly influenced by the media. When people get together, they tend to talk about certain happenings in newspapers or on TV. Because we are exposed to different points of view through different kinds of media every day, we are able to evaluate all sides of a certain issue.Thirdly, the media are used to persuade people. A good example is advertisements through the media. Newspapers, magazines and TV are filled with all kinds of colorful, persuasive advertisements. Though many advertisements may not say openly that they want you to buy a certain product, they describe their products in such a way that you may want to buy them.Fourthly, the media also entertain. All of the media make efforts to try to entertain their audience. For instance, even though the newspaper is a prime medium of information, it also contains entertainment features. Television, motion pictures, fiction books and some radio stations and magazines are devoted mainly to entertainment. It is estimated that in the future, the entertainment function of mass media will become even more important than it is now.21. What makes it possible for people living in different places to communicate with each other?A. Printed mediaB. Mass mediaC. Electronic mediaD. Computers22. Which of the following functions of mass media is Not mentioned?A. To make people well informed about the worldB. To amuse and entertain peopleC. To help people arrange their time and lifeD. To give people a sense of honor23. Certain matters in newspapers or on TV tend to be talked about when people get together because ____.A. people are curious about themB. people are influenced by those mass mediaC. it is fashionable for people to do soD. it is easy for people to communicate in this way24. How does advertisement make people purchase certain goods according to the passage?A. By giving an attractive account of the goods.B. By asking people to buy them.C. By forcing people to buy them.D. By giving people something extra.25. Which of the following media is mainly devoted to information according to the passage?A. TVB. MagazinesC. Motion PicturesD. NewspapersPassage 3When international aid is given, steps must be taken to ensure (确保)that the aid reaches the people for whom it is intended. The way to achieve this may not be simple. It is very difficult for a nation to give help directly to people in another nation. The United Nations Organization (UNO) could undertake to direct the distribution of aid. Here however rises the problem of costs. Also tied with this is time. Perhaps the UNO could set up a body of devoted men and women in every country who can speedily distribute aid to victims of floods and earthquakes.More than the help that one nation can give to another during a disaster; it would be more effective to give other forms of help during normal times. A common proverb says, “Give me afish and I eat for day, teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.” If we follow this wise saying, it would be right to teach people from less developed nations to take care of themselves. For example, a country could share its technology with another. This could be in simple areas like agriculture or in more complex areas like medical and health care or even in building satellites. Even small country is able to help less developed nations. Sometimes what is take for granted, like the setting up of a water purification plant or the administration of a school, could be useful for countries which are looking about to solve common problems. It does not cost much to share such simple things. Exchange students could be attached for a number of months or years and learn the required craft while on the site. They can then take their knowledge back to their homelands and if necessary come back from time to time to clear doubts or to update themselves. Such aid will be truly helpful and there is no chance of it being temporary or of it falling into the wrong hands.Many countries run extensive courses in all sorts of skills. It will not cost much to include deserving foreigners in these courses. Besides giving effective help to the countries concerned, there is also the build-up of friendships to consider. Giving direct help by giving materials may be effective in the short run and must continue to be given in the event of emergencies. However, in the long run what is really effective would be the sharing of knowledge.26. According to the author, how could international aid reach the victims in time?A. By solving the cost problemsB. By solving the transportation problemsC. By relying on the direct distribution of the UNO.D. By setting up a body of devoted people in every country.27. What does the author try to express in the underlined sentence?A. Providing food is vital. Learning to fish is helpfulC. Teaching skills is essentialD. Looking after others is important.28. The second paragraph is developed mainly ____.A.by contrastB.by processC.by comparisonD.by example29. Which aid is likely to fall into the wrong hands?A. A medical team.B. An exchange program.C. Financial support.D. A water plant.30. What can we infer about international aid from the passage?A. It is facing difficultiesB. It is unnecessary during normal timesC. It should be given in the form of materialsD. It has gained support from developed countriesPassage 4Human needs seem endless. When a hungry man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when a manager gets a new sports car, a big house and pleasure boats dance into view.The many needs of mankind might be made up of several levels. When there is moneyenough to satisfy one level of needs, another level appears.The first and most basic level of needs involves food. Once this level is satisfied, the second level of needs, clothing and some sort of shelter, appears. By the end of World WarⅡ, these needs were satisfied for a great majority of Americans. Then a third level appeared. It included such items as automobiles and new houses.By 1957 or 1958 this third level of needs was fairly well satisfied. Then, in the late 1950s, a fourth level of needs appeared: the “life-enriching” level. While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is, the feed in comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called “luxury” items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical and dental care, and recreation. Also included here are fancy goods and the latest fashions.On the fourth level, a lot of money is spent on services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of needs as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level?A fifth level would probably involve needs that can be achieved best by community action. Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime, and prejudice. After filling our stomachs, our clothes closets, our garages, our teeth and our minds, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure to enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.31. According to the passage, man will begin to think about such needs as housing and clothing only when _____.A. he has saved up enough moneyB. he has grown dissatisfied with his simple shelterC. he has satisfied his hungerD. he has learned to build houses32. It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War Ⅱ, most Americans _____.A. were very richB. lived in povertyC. had the good things on the first three levelsD. did not own automobiles33. Which of the following is NOT related to "physical satisfaction"?A. A successful career.B. A comfortable home.C. A good meal.D. A family car.34. What is the main concern of man on the fourth level?A. The more goods, the better.B. The more mental satisfaction, the better.C. The more "luxury" items, the better.D. The more earnings, the better.35. The author tends to think that the fifth level .A.would be little better than the fourth levelB.may be a lot more desirable than the first fourC.may ask consumers to spend less on taxesD.would be attainable before the government takes actions三、完形填空(共15 分,每小题 1 分)Eco-tourism involves people traveling to beautiful but environmental sensitive places. Such trips are 36 carried out with an experienced guide. Over recent years, this type of travel has been steadily gaining 37 as more people search for new travel experiences.Eco-tourism has many benefits. First, all the money spent by the tourists is used to protect the important environmental spots they visit. Second, it helps visitors to better understand the environment, thereby 38 their knowledge of the world. Furthermore, this style of travel is also more 39 of the local culture.Compared to 40 tourists, eco-tourists use energy more efficiently, save water and produce less rubbish by finding ways to 41 it. These behaviors have a 42 and lasting effect on the local environment.Two things are needed to make eco-tourism a/an 43 . First, it should be done in small groups. And second, because it requires considerable effort, both eco-tourists and locals must be 44 in their commitment to improving the environment.Green travel provides local people with jobs in parks, 45 and shops. One great achievement of eco-tourism has been the 46 of illegal hunting. Former hunters can now work as guides to help keep the animals 47 in their natural surroundings. Green travel also 48 local people's quality of life, especially children's. Peru is one country using eco-tourism to promote respect for the 49 . It's now able to take better care of its rainforests because of a focus on more sustainable(不破坏生态环境的,可持续的)travel. 50 this, local people's living-standards have improved. Many others are now following Peru's example and using eco -tourism to preserve their environment for the future generations.36. A. finally B. usually C. suddenly D. roughly37. A. pleasure B. satisfaction C. popularity D. freedom38. A. approving B. confirming C. enriching D. supporting39. A. respectful B. aware C. uncertain D. independent40. A. rich B. curious C. lazy D. normal41. A. use B. recycle C. copy D. restrict42. A. challenging B. disappointing C. positive D. risky43. A. success B. adventure C. tool D. symbol44. A. polite B. sincere C. doubtful D. grateful45. A. mines B. factories C. schools D. hotels46. A. ban B. result C. decline D. appearance47. A. close B. safe C. friendly D. active48. A. influences B. examines C. balances D. improves49. A. environment B. law C. economy D. hosts50. A. But for B. According to C. In spite of D. In addition to四、翻译(共 20 分,汉译英每小题 3 分,英译汉每小题 2 分)51.每个人都能做与他体力和脑力相适应的工作。



阶段性检测试题一、选择题(共9小题,每题4分)1、 已知全集 U = R ,集合 A = {x|lg x < 0}, B = {x|2x< 32},则 AU B = ( D )1 1A . ?B . (0, 3]C . [3, 1]D •(—汽 1] 1(1)由题意知,A = (0, 1], B = (— ^, 3],二 AU B =(—汽 1].故选 D. 2.已知等比数列{an}的公比为正数,且a s a s = 2毛2,2,则印=(C )A1口 2A.qB ^2_C . 2D . 2解析:选c.由等比数列的性质得, Tq>0,a^^ _ a2 .a6= 2a5, q =話=2, a1 = ~q = 2,故选 C.n3. 已知 f(x) = 3sin x —n x ,命题 p : ? x € 0,刁,f(x)<0,则(D ) nA . p 是假命题,p : ? x € 0,兀,f(x) >0nB.p 是假命题, p : ? x0€ 0, ,f(x0) >0nC. p 是真命题,p : ? x € 0,刁,f(x)>0 nD. p 是真命题, p : ? x0€ 0, "2,f(x0) >0n解析:选D.因为f ' (x)3cos x —n,所以当x € 0,—时,f ‘(x)<0,函数f(x)单调递减,n所以? x € 0,刁,f(x)<f(0) = 0,所以p 是真命题,又全称命题的否定是特称命题,所 以答案选D.4. 已知向量a , n2 nb 满足|a|= 3, |b|= 23 且a € (升b),贝S a 与b 的夹角为(D )3 n 5 n C.4D.6A. 2B. 3解析:选 D.a € (a+ b)? a •(令b)= a2+ a •扣|a|2+ |a||b|cos0,故cos 〈 a, b> 〈a, b>宁,故所求夹角为詈.5.下列函数中,既是偶函数又在区间(一^, 0)上单调递增的是(A )A . f(x) = 4rB . f(x) = x 2+ 1 xC . f(x) = x 3D . f(x) = 2-x1解析:选A.A 中f(x)=辺是偶函数,且在(-汽0)上是增函数,故A 满足题意.B 中 f(x) = x2 + 1是偶函数,但在(—汽0)上是减函数.C 中f(x) = x3是奇函数.D 中f(x) =2 — x 是非奇非偶函数.故B , C , D 都不满足题意.6.已知lg a + lg b = 0,则函数f(x)=才与函数g(x) = — log b x 的图象可能是( B) 解析:选 B.Tlg a + lg b = 0,二 ab = 1,T g(x) = — logbx 的定义域是(0,+ ^)故排除A . 若 a > 1,则 0v bv 1, 此时f(x) = ax 是增函数, g(x) = — logbx 是增函数, 结合图象知选B.7、已知数列{an }的前n 项和为Sn ,a 1 =1, S n = 2a n +1,则S n =( B )3 n — 1 B.2D .2~H2n — 1A . 2n — 12 n — 1 C.3[解析](1)由已知 Sn =2an +1,得 Sn = 2(Sn + 1 — Sn),即 2Sn + 1 = 3Sn,Sn + 1 = 3 Sn = 2,3 n — 1而 S1 = a1 = 1,所以 Sn = 2 [答案]B8•设正实数x , y , z 满足x 2 — 3xy + 4? — z = 0.则当2Z 取得最大值时,三—f 的最大值为厶 入 y 厶(B )…z — x 2— 3xy + 4y 2_x 4y W4— 3— 1.一十 一3 y x当且仅当y =皱,即x = 2y 时等号成立,此时z = x 2— 3xy + 4y 2= 4y 2 — 6y 2 + 4y 2= 2y 2, y x2 12 2 1 2 1 2 1 …x 十 y — z _ 2y 十 y — 2y 2_ — y 2 十 y _—y1.20 (a 1 + a 20) 小 10 (a 1+ a 10)解析:选 C.S 20 — 2S 10=2— 2 X=10(a 20 — a 10) = 100d. 又 a 10= a 2 + 8d ,••• 33= 1 + 8d , ••• d= 4.• S 20— 2S 10= 400.二、填空题(共8小题,每题4分)1、 函数E l%2的定义域为()lg (x — 1)解析:要使函数有意义,10 + 9x — x 2> 0,则x 需满足x —1>0,lg (x — 1)工 0,解①得—1< x < 10.所以不等式组的解集为(1, 2)U (2, 10].2、 函数y = cos(— 2x)的单调减区间为 ____4⑶由 y = cos 才一2x = cos2x —亍,得n2k nW 2x ——"4 W 2k n + n (k € Z) n , 5 n故 k n + "8 W x W k n+ g (k € Z)n 5 n所以函数的单调减区间为 k n+§, kn+石(k € Z)C.9解析:选 B.z = x 2 — 3xy + 4y 2(x>0, y>0, z>0), .xy xy 1 一 12 2 1 2—1 + 1,二当y = 1时,£+1—2的最大值为y 9.已知{a n }为等差数列,a i0= 33, a 2= 1, (C )A . 40B . 200S.为数列{a n }的前n 项和,则S 20 — 2Sw 等于C . 400D . 20(x+ 1)(x — 10) <0,① x>1, XM 2,3、函 数 f(x)=3x 3x 2 3 3x 4 在[0 , 2]上的最小值是( )17 B .-10 A .— 3-364 C .— 4D .-飞解析: 选 A.f ' (x) = x2+ 2x — 3, 令f (=0,得 x = 1(x = — 3 舍17 10又 f(0) = - 4, f(1) = --3-, f(2)=-亍,17故f(x)在[0, 2]上的最小值是f(1) = -j.4、某三棱锥的三视图如图所示,则该三棱锥最长棱的棱长为 6、若命题“ ? x °€ R , 2x 0 — 3ax o + 9<0”为假命题,贝卩实数a 的取值范围是______________________________________________________________________________ .因为 “? x o € R , 2x 2 — 3ax °+ 9<0” 为假命题,则 “? x € R , 2x 2— 3ax + 9>0” 为 真命题.因此△= 9a 2 — 4X2X9<0,故一2 2<a <2 2.7、若函数f(x)(x € R)是周期为4的奇函数,且在[0 , 2]上的解析式为f(x)= x (1 — x ), 0< x < 1,29 41贝 S f 丁 + f 7" = _______sin n x, 1<x< 2, 4 5 629 3 341 7T f(x)是以 4 为周期的奇函数,二 f = f 8 — 3 = f — 4 , f ~6 = f 8— 7rr3 3 3 3T 当 0<x< 1时,f(x) = x(1 — x), /. f 4 = 4X 1— 4 = 16. T 当 1<x<2 时,f(x)= sin n解析:根据三视图还原几何体,得如图所示的三棱锥 P-ABC.由 三视图的形状特征及数据,可推知 PA €平面ABC ,且PA = 2. 底面为等腰三角形,AB = BC ,设D 为AC 中点,AC = 2,则 AD = DC = 1,且 BD = 1,易得 AB = BC = :2,所以最长的棱为 PC , PC = d PA2 + AC2 =2 2. 答案:2 2 5、若数列{a n }满足 a 1 = 15,且 3a *+1= 3a * — 4,则 a n =4 解析:由 3a n +1 = 3a n — 4,得 a n +1 — a n= — 3,4所以{a n }是等差数列,首项a 1= 15,公差d =-3,4 49— 4n所以 an = 15-3(n —1)= 3 —.答案: 49 —4n312•又Tf(X)是奇函数,-3 f -7 =_f 7 = 1 16, 6 — 6 — 2'3 _ 5 16= 16-8. _____________ 设函数f(x) = ax 3— 3x + 1(x € R ,若对于任意x € [- 1, 1],都有f(x)》成立,则实数 a 的值为 .解析:(构造法)若x = 0,则不论a 取何值,f(x)》显然成立;“ , 3 (1 — 2x )则 g ‘ (x) (x4,1 1 所以g(x)在区间0, 1上单调递增,在区间2, 1上单调递减,1因此 g(x)max = g 2 = 4,从而 a >4.3 1当x<0时,即x € — 1, 0)时,同理a 戈2 — x3.g(x)在区间[—1, 0)上单调递增, 二 g(x)min = g( —1)= 4,从而a<4综上可知a =4. 答案:4 三.计算下列各题:(18分)1 32 4 — __ (1)』g 49— 3© 8 + lg 245;解: (1)如 49— 4lg 8 + lg 2451 4 3 1=2 x (5lg 2 — 2lg 7) — 3 X 西 2 + 2(lg 5 + 2lg 7) 5 1=2© 2 — lg 7 — 2lg 2 + qlg 5 + lg 7 1 1 1 1=^lg 2+2lg 5=]g(2 x=)夕(2)在€ ABC 中,a, b , c 分别为内角 A , B , C 的对边,且 2asin A = (2b + c)sin B + (2c + b)sin C.求角A 的大小; [解](1)由题意知,x ,7_ 6当x>0时,即x € (0, 1]时,f(x)=ax3 — 3x +1》0可化为 a >x2 — x3 设 g(x) 3 —丄x2 — ,根据正弦定理得2a2= (2b + c)b + (2c + b)c , 即 a2= b2 + c2 + bc. €由余弦定理得a2= b2 + c2 — 2bccos A ,1故 cos A = — 2, A = 120° . 四、(12分)已知p :1冨2,q:x 22x1 m2 0(m 0),若P 是q的必要不充分条件, 求实数m 的取值范围。



二○一八年军队院校生长军官招生文化科目统一考试士兵高中英语真题与详解一.选择填空(共20分,每小题1分)1.——May I open the window to let in some fresh air?——_________.A.Come on B.Take care C.Go ahead D.Hold on2.In order to find better job,he decided to study second foreign language. A.the;a B.a;a C.the;the D.a;the3.He told us whether a picnic was still under discussion.A.to have B.having C.have D.had 4.Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment they live.A.what B.which C.when D.where 5.Hurry up,kids!The school bus for us!A.waits B.was waiting C.waited D.is waiting6.All visitors to this village with kindness.A.treat B.are treated C.are treating D.had been treated 7.Of the two coats.I’d choose the one to spare some money for a book. A.cheapest B.cheaper C.more expensive D.most expensive 8.I knew that would ever discourage him,he would never give up wanting to be a director. A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing9.You will never gain success you are fully devoted to your work.A.when B.because C.after D.unless 10.You have to a choice.Are you going to leave the job or stay?A.decide B.get C.do D.makel1.Not until I came home last night to bed.A.Mum did go B.did Mum go C.went Mum D.Mum went 12.which university to attend,the girl asked her teacher for advice.A.Not knowing B.Knowing not C.Not known D.Known not 13.It is reported that two schools,are being built in my hometown,will open next year. A.they B.which C.both of them D.both of which 14.I haven’t seen Ann for long that I’ve forgotten what she looks like.A.such B.very C.so D.too15.——I feel so nervous about the National English Speech Competition tomorrow.——.A.I really envy you B.Glad to hear thatC.Sounds great D.Take it easy16.Every year,makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.A.whatever B.whoever C.whomever D.whichever17.If I it with my own eyes,I wouldn’t have believed it.A.didn’t see B.weren’t seeing C.wouldn’t see D.hadn’t seen18.Always in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.A.to keep B.to have kept C.keep D.have kept19.You and I could hardly work together because of differences in character,?A.could we B.couldn’t I C.couldn’t we D.could you20.I love the weekend,because I get up early on Saturdays and Sundays.A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.wouldn’t D.shouldn’t二.阅读理解(共40分,每小题2分)Passage1There are stock markets in large cities in many countries.Stock markets in Paris,London,Tokyo,Shanghai and New York are among the largest and most well-known.The stock market,also called stockexchange,is a place where people can buy or sell the shares of a factory or company.And each sharemeans part ownership of a factory or company.Different people go to the stock markets.Some are rich,who want to get more money than they have. Others are not very rich,who buy stocks to try to become rich.Still others buy stocks as part of their planto save money.Of course,investing money in the stock market is not the safest way to make money,No one can tellexactly whether the shares will be doing well.The factory or company may do badly.Then the stocks willgo down,and the investors will lose money.The stock may go up or down for a number of untold reasons.Everyone wants the stock to go up,but sometimes even if a factory or company does a good job,the stockmay still go down.No wonder going to the stock market is often compared to gambling.All are eager to make money by重庆师之航军考教育第423页◎第424页重庆师之航军考教育“gambling”in the stock market.Factories and companies that need money are pleased that so many people are willing to"gamble".Indeed,the stock market is an attractive and complex part of the business world. 21.The following people go to the stock market EXCEPT those who.A.want to become richer B.want to get rid of povertyC.want to save money D.want to find jobs22.Which of the following statements is true?A.A good investor can affect the change in stock prices.B.A good investor can tell exactly when the stock goes up or down.C.a good investor will sometimes lose money.D.A good investor knows how to choose a company which does a good job.23.In the passage the writer.A.encourages people to go to the stock marketB.assures people that buying stocks is a good inC.warns people to be careful in buying stockD.explains how stock goes up when factories or companies run well24.The word“complex”in the last sentence probably means.A.complete B.strange C.difficult D.modern25.The passage mainly tells us about.A.the ABCs of stock marketsB.gambling in stock marketC.how to make money in stock marketsD.how to buy or sell shares in stock marketsPassage2You wake up in the morning,the day is beautiful and the plans for the day are what you have been looking forward to for a long time.Then the telephone rings,your say hello,and the drama starts.The person on the other end has a depressing tone in his voice as he starts to tell you how terrible his morning is and that there is nothing to look forward to.Are you still in a wonderful mood?Impossible!Communicating with negative people can wash out your happiness.It may not change what you think, but communicating long enough with them will make you feel depressed for a moment or a long time.Life brings ups and downs,but some people are stuck in the wrong idea that life has no happiness to offer.They only feel glad when they make others feel bad.No wonder they can hardly win others pity or respect.When you communicate with positive people,your spirit stays happy and therefore more positive things are attracted.When the dagger of a negative person is put in you,you feel the heavy feeling that all in all brings you down.Sometimes we have no choice but to communicate with negative people.This could be a co-worker, or a relative.In this case,say what needs to be said as little as possible.Sometimes it feels good to let out your anger back to the negative person,but all this is to lower you to that same negative level and they won't feel ashamed of themselves about that.Negativity often affects happiness without even being realized.The negative words of another at the start of the day can cling to you throughout the rest of your day,which makes you feel bad and steals your happiness,Life is too short to feel negative.Stay positive and avoid negativity as much as possible. 26.The purpose of the first paragraph is to.A.make a comparison B.offer an evidenceC.introduce a topic D.describe a daily scene27.How can negative people have effect on us?A.By influencing our emotion.B.By telling us the nature of life.C.By changing our ways of thinking.D.By comparing their attitudes to life with ours28.Some negative people base their happiness on.A.other people's pity for them B.making other people unhappyC.building up a positive attitude D.other people's respect for them29.According to the passage,to reduce negative peoples influence on us,we are advised to. A.change negative people's attitudes to lifeB.show out dissatisfaction to negative peopleC.make negative people feel ashamed of themselvesD.communicate with negative people as little as possible30.What is the authors attitude towards negative people?A.Favorable B.Critical C.Indifferent D.SupportivePassage3I have been hearing-impaired(听力弱的)all my life.By the time I was five years old,putting on重庆师之航军考教育第425页◎第426页重庆师之航军考教育hearing aids in the morning was just as normal as brushing my teeth.However,I never believed that it should limit my success in any way.During my17years,I have met many people who don’t know about hearing disabilities and deal with this by stereotyping(对某人有成见)me.My classmates told me something was wrong my brain.My teachers would not let me sit past the second row because they worried I would not be able to hear.My “learning expert”tried to teach me sign language,though I had no need for it.People tend to speak louder than normal when they see my thick plastic hearing aids in my ears.Almost every month I hear someone say that hearing aids are for old people.However,my hearing disability has made me a stronger person.Because I wear hearing aids,I have to prove that I am not physically or mentally limited.I have to work harder and earn top grades in school to earn the respect of my teachers.In sports,I’ve had to score more points to prove I am not physically challenged.I still don't know a word of sign language,I consider myself no different from anyone else.I wear hearing aids,but I can hear without them.And I am not“half deaf”.With my hearing aids on,I can hear just as well as anyone else.I truly believe I would not be the strong and ambitious person I am today if I did not have a hearing disability.31.When I was very young,hearing aids.A.made my life difficult B.became a part of my lifeC.limited my success D.hurt my feelings32.Which of the following is NOT the stereotyped view?A.My classmates thought something went wrong with my brain.B.My teachers had me sit at the back of the classroom.C.People spoke louder than normal to me.D.Someone said hearing aids were for old people.33.Para.3shows that the effects of my hearing disability on me are. A.comforting B.encouraging C.troubling D.damaging34.According to Para.4,the writer doesn’t.A.think he or she is special B.like deaf peopleC.learn sign language well D.hear clearly with hearing aids35.How does the writer feel about the public's attitude toward hearing disabilities?A.The public is worried.B.The public is critical.C.The public is helpful.D.The public looks down upon people with hearing disabilities.Passage4Want to improve your writing skills?New Writing South is directing the way!●Towner Writer Squad(班组)for kids aged13-17Led by comedy and TV writer,Marian Kilpatrick,Towner Writer Squad will meet once a month at the contemporary art museum for11months,starting12October,2014.The FREE squad sessions will include introductions to a wide range of writing styles,from poetry to play writing and lyrics(抒情诗)to flash fiction,to support the development of young writers.Application&SelectionIf you would like to apply to be part of the Towner Writer Squad,please send a sample piece of your writing(about500words)responding to the title‘LUNCH’with your name,age,address and e-mail address to:debo@.Once all applications are in,you will be invited to an open selection event on17September,4-5pm, at the gallery of Towner.This will be an informal opportunity to meet the Squad Leader,Squad Associate and other young people.You will also have a chance to get to know the fantastic gallery space and get a taste of what’s to come.Deadline for applications:8September,2014For further information go to:/towner or or .Any questions-feel free to send your e-mail to Towner Writer Squad Associate:whame@.********·Beginner Writing Project for kids aged10-13Due to popular demand,a writing project will be started for eager beginners.Start time:6September,2014Meet every other Saturday,2-4pm,at the Towner Study Centre.Study and write at your own pace-you do not have to rush-as you have a year to go through the project.Practise under the guidance of some experienced writers and teachers who can help you with basic writing skills.Most importantly,build confidence and have fun while writing!No previous experience or special background is required.Many others have been successful this重庆师之航军考教育第427页◎第428页重庆师之航军考教育way.If they can do it,why can’t you?Fee:£179For more information go to: or .36.Towner Write Squad will be started.A.to train comedy and TV writersB.to explore the fantastic gallery spaceC.to introduce a contemporary art museumD.to promote the development of young writers.37.To join the Writer Squad,each applicant should first.A.provide a piece of their writing B.meet the Writer Squad LeaderC.offer their family information D.complete an application form 38.Applications for the Writer Squad should be e-mailed no later than.A.6September,2014B.8September,2014C.17September,2014D.12October,201439.What is most important for the beginners?A.Practising as much as possible.B.Gaining confidence and having fun.C.Studying and writing at their own pace.D.Learning skills from writers and teachers.40.More information about Beginner Writing Project can be found at. A./towner B.C. D.三.完形填空(共15分,每小题1分)Overhead bridges can be seen in many parts of Singapore,in the place where traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is41.These bridges can make people42roads safely.Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way as zebra crossings.They are more efficient,43less convenient because people have to climb up a lot of steps.This is inconvenient to the old.When people44an overhead bridge,they do not hold up traffic.But when they cross a45road using a zebra crossing,traffic is held up.This is46the government has47 many overhead bridges to help people and48traffic moving at the same time.The government of Singapore has49a lot of money building these bridges.For their own safety, people should be given hope to use them50rushing across the road.Old people may little51 climbing up and down the steps,but it is still much safer than walking across the road52all the moving traffic.Overhead bridges are very useful.People,53old and young,should54use them.This will stop accidents55happening.41.A.noisy B.not safe C.crowded D.not busy42.A.cross B.crossing C.across D.through 43.A.though B.or C.if D.till44.A.pass B.use C.visit D.build45.A.wide B.narrow C.busy D.free46.A.what B.why C.when D.where47.A.made B.did C.built D.design48.A.see B.keep C.find D.feel49.A.used B.made C.spent D.borrowed50.A.full of B.fond of C.in spite of D.instead of 51.A.difficult B.different C.worried D.exited52.A.past B.along C.about D.with53.A.both B.either C.neither D.not54.A.almost B.always C.nearly D.hardly55.A.in B.at C.with D.from四.翻译(共15分,每小题3分)56.由于下大雨,到处都出现了交通阻塞。



2017年军考真题士兵高中数学试题关键词:军考真题,德方军考,大学生士兵考军校,军考数学,军考资料 一、单项选择(每小题4分,共36分).1. 设集合A={y|y=2x ,x ∈R},B={x|x 2﹣1<0},则A ∪B=( )A .(﹣1,1)B .(0,1)C .(﹣1,+∞)D .(0,+∞)2. 已知函数f (x )=a x +log a x (a >0且a ≠1)在[1,2]上的最大值与最小值之和为(log a 2)+6,则a 的值为( )A .B .C .2D .43. 设a b 、是向量,则||=||a b 是|+|=|-|a b a b 的( ) A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 4.已知421353=2,4,25a b c ==,则( )A .b<a<cB .a<b<cC .b<c<aD . c<a<b 5. 设F 为抛物线C :y 2=3x 的焦点,过F 且倾斜角为30°的直线交C 于A ,B 两点,O 为坐标原点,则△OAB 的面积为( )A .B .C .D .6. 设数列{a n }是首项为a 1、公差为-1的等差数列,S n 为其前n 项和,若S 1,S 2,S 4成等比数列,则a 1=( )A .2B .C .﹣2D .﹣7. 袋中共有15个除了颜色外完全相同的球,其中有10个白球,5个红球.从袋中任取2个球,所取的2个球中恰有1个白球,1个红球的概率为( )A .B .C .D .18. 已知A ,B ,C 点在球O 的球面上,∠BAC=90°,AB=AC=2.球心O 到平面ABC 的距离为1,则球O 的表面积为( )A .12πB .16πC .36πD .20π9. 已知2017ln f x x x =+()(),0'2018f x =(),则0x =( ) A. 2e B.1 C. ln 2 D. e二、填空题(每小题4分,共32分)10. 设向量,,且,则m=.12. 已知A、B为双曲线E的左右顶点,点M在E上,△ABM为等腰三角形,且顶角为120°,则E的离心率为.13. 已知函数f(x)=,则f(f())= .14. 在的展开式中x7的项的系数是.15. 我国第一艘航母“辽宁舰”在某次舰载机起降飞行训练中,有5架“歼﹣15”飞机准备着舰,如果甲、乙两机必须相邻着舰,而丙、丁两机不能相邻着舰,那么不同的着舰方法数是_______。

【参考文档】部队高考试卷-实用word文档 (15页)

【参考文档】部队高考试卷-实用word文档 (15页)

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【军考精品】2020 年全军士官招生数学考试模拟试卷

【军考精品】2020 年全军士官招生数学考试模拟试卷

第41页共246页◎第42页共246页………………2020年全军士官招生文化科目统一考试模拟试卷(一)数学一.选择题(每小题4分,共36分)1.已知集合{0A =,1,2,3},{|22}B x R x =∈-<<,则(A B = )A .{0,1}B .{1}C .{0,1,2}D .{0,2}2.“2a =”是“直线210ax y +-=与(1)20x a y +++=平行”的()A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件3.若0a >,0b >,a b ab +=,则a b +的最小值为()A .2B .4C .6D .84.若等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且1111S =,则468(a a a ++=)A .2B .32C .3D .65.从3名女教师和2名男教师中任选2人参加信息技术培训,则选中的2人都是女教师的概率为()A .0.3B .0.4C .0.5D .0.66.下列函数在区间(0,)+∞为增函数的是()A .()2xf x -=B .3()f x x-=C .()2sin f x x=D .2()log f x x=7.已知(2x π∈-,)2π,3sin 5x =-,则tan 2(x =)A .724B .724-C .247D .247-8.平行于直线10x y ++=,且与圆224x y +=相切的直线的方程是()A .0x y ++=B .20x y +-=C .0x y +±=D .20x y +±=9.一个正方体的顶点都在表面积为48π的球面上,则该正方体的棱长为()A .2B .C .4D .二.填空题(每小题4分,共32分)10.已知向量(1,2)a = ,(1,1)b =- ,()//c a b - ,()a b c +⊥ ,则c 与a夹角的余弦值为.11.若1sin()63πα+=,则5cos 2()6πα-的值为.12.过点(1,1)且与直线210x y -+=平行的直线方程为.13.在6(2x 的展开式中常数项是.14.已知i 为虚数单位,则232018i i i i +++⋯+=.15.已知双曲线2222:1(0,0)x y C a b a b -=>>的右焦点为F ,过原点的直线与双曲线C 相交于A ,B 两点,连接AF ,BF ,若||6AF =,||8BF =,2AFB π∠=,则该双曲线的离心率为.16.计算:34limn n n→∞+=.17.设函数()()()⎩⎨⎧≥-<-=1,21,3log 2x x f x x x f ,则(5)f f -+(5)=.三.解答题(共7小题,共82分,解答应写出文字说明,演算步骤或证明过程)18.关于x 的不等式a xa x x ≥-+222.(1)已知不等式解集为[2-,0)[1 ,)+∞时,求a ;(2)当a R ∈时,求上述不等式的解集.19.已知2παπ<<,4cos 5α=-,求:(1)tan()4πα-的值;(2)sin(2)4πα+的值.第43页共246页◎第44页共246页20.在等差数列{}n a 中,11a =,其前n 项和为n S ,等比数列{}n b 的各项均为正数,11b =,且2311b S +=,639S b =.(1)求数列{}n a 和{}n b 的通项公式;(2)设nn na b =ð,求数列{}n ð的前n 项和n T .21.已知高二选修物理、生物的J 同学在学测考试中,化学、地理、历史、政治得到A 的概率分别为45,45,34,23,每科得到A 之间相互独立.(1)求J 同学至少得一个A 的概率;(2)根据规定,每得一个A 在将来的高考中加1分,得4个A 加5分,求该同学所加分数ξ的概率分布,并求其数学期望.22.已知函数()af x lnx x=-,其中a R ∈.(1)当2a =时,求函数()f x 的图象在点(1,(1)f )处的切线方程;(2)当1a =-,求函数()f x 的极值.23.若椭圆2222:1x y C a b+=是以双曲线2213x y -=的顶点为焦点,以其焦点为顶点.(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)若P 是椭圆C 上的一点,1F 、2F 是椭圆C 的两焦点,且1290F PF ∠=︒,求△12PF F 的面积.24.如图,在三棱锥A BCD -中,底面BCD 为直角三角形,且2BDC π∠=,点M ,N 分别为棱AB ,BC 的中点.(1)求证://MN 平面ACD ;(2)若AC BD ⊥,求证:平面ACD ⊥平面BCD .。



军校模拟试卷(六)一、选择题:本大题共9小题,每小题4分,共36分,在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.函数1y x x =+-的值域为( ).A .[0,)+∞B .[0,2]C .[2,)+∞D .[1,2]2.已知{(,)|2},{(,)|4}M x y x y N x y x y =+==-=,则M N = ( ).A .3,1x y ==-B .(3,1)-C .{3,1}-D .{(3,1)}-3.若ln 2ln 3ln 5,,235a b c ===,则( ).A .a b c <<B .c b a <<C .c a b <<D .b a c <<4.设n S 是等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若5359a a =,则95S S 的值等于( ).A .1B .1-C .2D .215.等边△ABC 中的边长为2,则AB ·BC 的值为 ( ) . A .4 B .4- C .2 D .2-6.某学校召开学生代表大会,6个代表名额分配到高二年级的3个班,要求每班至少1名,则代表名额分配方案种数是( ).A .64B .36C .24D .107.已知点M (a ,b )在圆O :x 2+y 2=1外, 则直线ax +by =1与圆O 的位置关系是( )A .相切B .相交C .相离D .不确定8.已知函数f (x )是定义域为R 的偶函数,且f (x +1)=1f (x ),若f (x )在[-1,0]上是减函数,那么f (x )在[2,3]上是( ) A .增函数B .减函数C .先增后减的函数D .先减后增的函数9.若锐角α的终边上有一点(2sin3,2cos3)-,则锐角α的弧度数是( ).A .3B .3-C .32π-D .32π-二、填空题:本大题共8小题,每小题4分,共32分,把答案填在题中横线上.1.若实数0,0x y >>,且3412x y +=,则lg lg x y +的最大值是_______________.2.函数2()2sin sin 1f x x x =+-的定义域是_______________. 3.若sin sin sin 0,cos cos cos 0,αβγαβγ++=++=则cos()βγ-的值是 .4.在21(2)2n x x +的展开式中,2x 的系数是224,则21x 的系数是_______________.5.已知椭圆的焦点12(1,0),(1,0)F F -,P 是椭圆上一点,且12||F F 是 1||PF ,2||PF 的等差中项,则椭圆的标准方程是_______________.6.抛物线x y 62=的准线方程为_______________. 7.点,A B 到平面α的距离分别为4cm 和6cm ,则线段AB 的中点M 到α平面的距离为_______________. 8. =++++∞→)2121211(lim 2n x 。



二〇一三年军队院校招生文化科目统一考试士兵高中数学模拟试题注意:本试卷共三大题,总分值150分一 选择题(本大题共8小题,每题5分,共40分。


) 1设集合{}(){}Rx x y y x N R x x y y M ∈+==∈+==,1,,,12,那么N M( )A ∅B {}0C {}1,0D {}12已知不等式()()012422<-+--x a x a 对R x ∈恒成立,那么a 的取值范围是( )A a ≤2-B 2-≤a 56<C 2-56<<a D 2-≤a 2< 3假设则,8.0log ,6log ,log 273===c b a π( )A. c b a >>B. c a b >>C. b a c >>D. a c b >> 4设0>ω,函数2)3sin(++=πωx y 的图像向右平移34π个单位后与原图像重合,那么ω的最小值是( ) A32 B 34 C 23D 3 5设)(x f 为概念在R 上的奇偶数,当x ≥0时,b x x f x++=22)((b 为常数),那么()=-1f( ) A 3 B 2 C -1 D -3 6 ()()3411x x --的展开式2x 的系数是 ( )A -6B -3C 0D 37 设向量a ,b 知足:,4,3==b a a ·b = 0 ,以a ,b ,b a - 的模为边长组成三角形,那么它的边长与半径为1的圆的公共点的个数最多为( )A 3B 4C 5D 68 设n m ,是平面α内的两条不同直线,21,l l 是平面β内的两条相交直线,那么α∥β的一个充分而没必要要条件是( )A m ∥β且1l ∥αB m ∥1l 且n ∥2lC m ∥β且n ∥βD m ∥β且n ∥2l二 填空题(本大题共7小题,每题5分,共35分,把答案填在题中横线上。












2019年军考士兵高中数学试题一、单项选择(每小题4分,共36分).1. 设集合A={y|y=2x ,x ∈R},B={x|x 2﹣1<0},则A ∪B=( )A .(﹣1,1)B .(0,1)C .(﹣1,+∞)D .(0,+∞)2. 已知函数f (x )=a x +log a x (a >0且a ≠1)在[1,2]上的最大值与最小值之和为(log a 2)+6,则a 的值为( )A .B .C .2D .43. 设a b 、是向量,则||=||a b 是|+|=|-|a b a b 的( )A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 4.已知421353=2,4,25a b c ==,则( )A . b<a<cB .a<b<cC .b<c<aD . c<a<b5. 直线330x y +-=与610x my ++=平行,则它们之间的距离为 ( ).4A B C D 6. 设数列{a n }是首项为a 1、公差为-1的等差数列,S n 为其前n 项和,若S 1,S 2,S 4成等比数列,则a 1=( )A .2B .C .﹣2D .﹣7. 袋中共有15个除了颜色外完全相同的球,其中有10个白球,5个红球.从袋中任取2个球,所取的2个球中恰有1个白球,1个红球的概率为( )A .B .C .D .18. 设n m ,是平面α内的两条不同直线,21,l l 是平面β内的两条相交直线,则α∥β的一个充分而不必要条件是 ( )A m ∥β且1l ∥αB m ∥1l 且n ∥2lC m ∥β且n ∥βD m ∥β且n ∥2l9. 设)(x f 为定义在R 上的奇函数,当x ≥0时,b x x f x ++=22)((b 为常数),则()=-1f ( )A 3B 2C -1D -3二、填空题(每小题4分,共32分)10. 设向量,,且,则m= .11. 设tanα,tanβ是方程x 2﹣3x+2=0的两个根,则tan (α+β)的值为 .12. . 设n S 为等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若,24,363==S S 则9a = 。

2012年军队院校招生统考 士兵高中军考 数学真题详解

2012年军队院校招生统考 士兵高中军考 数学真题详解

- 70 -二〇一二年军队院校招生文化科目统一考试士兵高中数学真题与详解一、选择题(本题共36分有9个小题,每个小题都给出代号为A 、B 、C 、D 的四个结论,其中只有一个结论是正确的,将正确的结论代号写在答题纸指定位置上,选对得4分,选错、不选或多选一律得0分) 1.设全集{|05}U x x =∈Ζ≤≤,集合{13}A =,,{|}B y y x x A ==∈,,则集合 U U A B =()()( ) A .{0245},,,B .{045},,C .{245},,D .{45},2.设a 、b 都是实数,则“22lg 1lg 1a b +<+()()”是a b <“”的( ) A .充要条件B .充分不必要条件C.必要不充分条件D .既不充分也不必要条件 3.设sin14cos1461a b c =+=。

,,a b c 、、的大小关系是( ) A .a b c <<B .a c b <<C .b c a <<D .b a c <<4.已知||10||12a b ==,,且13365a b =-()(),则向量a 与b 的夹角是( )A .60 B .105 C .120 D .1355.AB 是过抛物线2x y =的焦点的弦,且||4AB =,则AB 的中点到直线10y +=的距离是( )A .52B .114C .2D .36.设n S 是等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,若5359a a =,则95SS =( ) A .12B .2C .1-D .17.在ABC △中,三个角满足2A B C =+,且最大边长与最小边长分别是方程2327320x x -+=的两根,则ABC △的外接圆半径是() AB .14CD .1438.已知过球面上A B C 、、三点的截面和球心的距离等于球半径的一半,且1AB AC BC ===,则球面面积为( ) A .49π B .169πC .πD .23- 71 -9.已知函数cos sin 4f x f x x π'=+()(),则4f π()的值为( )A .1B .1- C 1D 1二、填空题(本题共32分有8个小题,每个小题4分,只要求给出结果,并将结果写在答题纸指定位置上)1.若函数1x f x x g x x e ϕ=+==(),()(),则函数1{[]}g f x ϕ-()的定义域是 .2.设00xy >>,是3x 与3y 的等比中项,则11x y+的最小值为 .3.不等式|1|122x -≤()的解集为 .4.已知sin sin sin 0cos cos cos 0αβγαβγ++=++=,,则cos βγ-()的值等于 . 5.已知数列2{log 1}n a n *-∈Ν()()为等差数列,且1235a a ==,,则213211lim n a a a a →∞++⋅⋅⋅+--(11n na a +-)= . 6.若圆C 的圆心与点21P -(,)关于直线1y x =+对称,直线34110x y +-=与圆C 相交于A B 、两点,且||6AB =,则圆C 的方程为 . 7.81x x -()的展开式中,4x 的系数与41x的系数之差是 . 8.从4个红球和5个白球中任取3个球,至少有一个红球的取法共有______种(用数字作答). 三、计算题(本题共16分有2个小题)1.(本小题6分)解方程:1lg 8221lg5x x ++=-()(). 2.(本小题10分)设26cos 2f x x x =(). (1)求f x ()的最大值及最小正周期;- 72 -(2)若锐角α满足3f α=-()4tan 5α的值, 四、(12分)已知数列{}n a 是首项11a >,公比0q >的等比数列,设2log n n b a n *=∈N (),且13513560b b b b b b ++==,.(1)求数列{}n a 的通项公式; (2)设{}n b 的前n 项和为n S ,当1212n S S S n++⋅⋅⋅+最大时,求n 的值. 五、(12分)将编号为1234、、、的贺卡随意地送给编号为1234、、、的四位老师,要求每师都得到一张贺卡,记与贺卡编号相同的老师的个数为ξ. (1)求随机变量ξ的概率分布; (2)求ξ的数学期望.六、(12分)已知函数21ln 2f x x x =+(). (1)求函数f x ()在区间1e [,]上的最大值和最小值; (2)证明:在区间1+∞(,)上,函数f x ()的图象在函数323g x x =()的图象的下方.- 73 -七、(16分)如图所示,12l l ,是互相垂直的异面直线,MN 是它们的公垂线段,点A B 、在1l 上点C 在2l 上,AM MB MN ==. (1)证明AC NB ⊥;(2)若60ACB ∠=,求NB 与平面ABC 所成角的余弦值.ABCMNl 1l 2八、(14分)已知椭圆2222:10x y C a b a b+=>>(),短轴的一个端点到右焦点的(1)求椭圆C 的方程;(2)设直线l 与椭圆C 交A B 、两点,坐标原点O 到直线l 求三角形AOB 面积的最大值.- 74 -〖答案与详解〗一、选择题 1.【答案】D【详解】∵={012345}{13}{02}U A B ==,,,,,,,,,,∴{0245}U A =,,,,U B ={1345},,,.∴{45}U U A B =()(),. 【点评】考查集合的交、补运算.(详见《军考突破》中1-1-10、1-1-12) 2.【答案】D 【详解】先化简2222lg 1lg 111||||a b a b a b +<+⇔+<+⇔<()(). 又||||a b <不能推出a b <,a b <不能推出||||a b <.【点评】本题涉及对数的运算,重点考查充要条件.(详见《军考突破》中1-2-3) 3.【答案】B 【详解】2cos142sin5922a+=(),61b,60c = ∵sin x 在02π(,)递增,∴a c b <<.【点评】本题涉及辅助角公式,特殊角的三角值,重点考查正弦函数的单调性.(详见《军考突破》中4-2-3) 4.【答案】C 【详解】1333||||cos 1012cos 36555a b a b a b a b =<>=⨯⨯<>=-()(),,∴1cos 2a b <>=-,,则向量a b ,夹角为120.【点评】考查利用数量积求向量的夹角.(详见《军考突破》中5-1-6)5.【答案】B141-y104,),焦点弦AB 中点M ,准线14y =-- 75 -易知111'=2222MM AA BB AF FB AB '''+=+==()() 所以M 到1y =-的距离为3311'2444MM '+=+=. 【点评】考查抛物线定义及梯形中位线的应用.(详见《军考突破》中8-3-1)6.【答案】D 【详解】∵19159553959522a a a a S a S a ++====()(), ∴955533995515599S a a S a a ==⨯==(). 【点评】考查等差数列前n 项和公式及性质.(详见《军考突破》中3-2-5) 7.【答案】C 【详解】∵2A B C =+∴360A A B C A =++= 据题意,不妨设b a c ≤≤∴3293b c bc +=,且=据余弦定理2222222cos60349a b c bc b c bc b c bc =+-=+-=+-=()∴7a =据正弦定理2sin a R A =即72sin60R=,得R =. 【点评】本题涉及三角形内角和一元二次方程根与系数关系,重点考查正弦定理,余弦定理.(详见《军考突破》中5-2-1、5-2-2) 8.【答案】B【详解】如图 球心为O 半径R ,过A B C 、、的截面圆心为H ,半径r ∵ABC △为正三角形 ∴23rAH =⨯=在Rt OHA △中,OA R AH =,∴2222R R =+()得23R = ∴21649S R =π=π球. 【点评】本题涉及正三角形的外接圆半径的求法,球心与截面圆心垂直截面圆,重点考- 76 -考查球的表面积公式.(详见《军考突破》中9-4-3) 9.【答案】A . 【详解】cos sin 4f x f x x π'=+()()求导得sin cos 4f x f x x π''=-+()()令444x f f πππ''==-,()(解得14f π'=() ∴1cos sin f x x x =+()∴114f π==(.【点评】本题的核心问题是求得4f π'().因而需要对函数求导,求导数注意到4f π'()为常数.(详见《军考突破》中13-1-3) 二、填空题 1.【答案】0+∞[,)【详解】由1ln x x e x x ϕϕ-=⇒=()()∴11{}{1}ln 1g f x g x g x ϕϕ--=+=+=[()]()[()]定义域满足:ln 10110x x x +⇔+⇔≥≥≥() ∴定义域是0+∞[,) 【点评】本题涉及求定义域,解对数不等式,反函数求法.重点考查复合函数的求法.(详见《军考突破》中2-5-1-2) 2.【答案】4【详解】据题设2003331x y x y x y >>=⇔+=,,()111x y x y xy xy++==由均值不等式11144x y xy xy =+⇒≥≤≥.由1x y x y+=⎧⎨=⎩得12x y ==.当且仅当12x y ==时,11x y+最小值为4. 【点评】本题涉及等比中项,指数运算.重点考查利用均值不等式求最值.(详见《军考突破》中6-1-2) 3.【答案】{|11}x x x -=≤或【详解】原式22|1|211111112210x x x x x x x -⎧--⎪⇔⇔-⇔⇔-=⎨-⎪⎩≥≤≤≥()()()或. 故原不等式解集为{|11}x x x -=≤或.【点评】考查指数不等式的解法.(详见《军考突破》中2-3-4) 4.【答案】12-- 77 -【详解】据题设sin sin sin cos cos cos βγαβγα+=-⎧⎨+=-⎩平方相加得2222sin 2sin sin sin cos 2cos cos cos 1ββγγββγγ+++++=()() 化简得1cos2βγ-=-() 【点评】考查同角三角函数公式及和角差角的余弦公式.(详见《军考突破》中4-1-8、4-2-1) 5.【答案】1 【详解】数列2{log 1}n a -()为等差数列,首项2log 311-=(),公差2log 511211d =--=-=() ∴2log 111112n n n a n n a -=+-⋅=⇒-=()()11222212n n n n n n a a ++-=-=-=() ∴1112nn n a a +=-()∴122132111111112lim lim[]1122212nn n n n a a a a a a →∞→∞+++⋅⋅⋅+=++⋅⋅⋅+==----()()()() 【点评】考查等差数列的通项公式和等比数列的前n 项和,重点考查数列的极限.(详见《军考突破》中3-2-3、3-2-5)6.【答案】22118x y ++=()【详解】设圆C 的圆心00C x y (,)∵00C x y (,)与21P -(,)关于1y x =+对称 ∴0000001102112122y x x y y x -⎧=-⎪=⎧+⎪⇒⎨⎨=-+-⎩⎪=+⎪⎩∴01C -(,),01C (,)到34110x y +-=距离3d =∴半径r ==C 的方程为22118x y ++=()【点评】本题涉及两点关于直线对称,点到直线距离,圆的弦长的求法,重点考查待定系数法求圆的方程.(详见《军考突破》中7-2-1) 7.【答案】0 【详解】88218811r r r r r rr T C x C x x --+=-=-()() 令8242r r -=⇒= ∴4x 系数为222881C C -=() 令8246r r -=-⇒=∴41x 系数为666881C C -=() ∴4x 与41x 系数之差26880C C -= 【点评】考查二项式定理的通项公式.(详见《军考突破》中10-2-2) 8.【答案】74【详解】从9个球中任取3球的方法数为39C ,取3球无红球的方法数为35C ,所以至少有- 78 -一个红球的取法数为339574C C -=.【点评】考查组合数的知识,当正面情况较复杂时,需用间接法求解.(详见《军考突破》中10-1-3) 三、计算题1.【详解】原方程化作12lg 822lg10lg52lg 2lg 2x x x x ++=-==()()∴12822x x ++=令2x y = 所以2280y y --=解得24y y =-=和,∴22x =-(无解)24x =,∴2x =代入原方程检验知,2x =是原方程的根.【点评】本题涉及对数运算,一元二次方程,指数方程.重点考查对数方程的解法.(详见《军考突破》中2-3-3、2-4-4)2.【详解】(1)21cos 26cos 2622xf x x x x +==()3cos223x x =+233x π=-+()∴fx ()最大值是3,最小正周期是π. (2)∵32333f ααπ=--+=-()()∴sin 213απ-=-()∵α为锐角∴523212ααππ-=-⇒=π∴4tan tan 53απ=【点评】本题涉及三角中降幂公式,辅助角公式,简单三角方程求解.重点考查正弦型函数的性质.(详见《军考突破》中4-2-3、4-3-4) 四、【详解】(1)据题设11n n a a q -=,又1221212log log log 1log n n n b a a q a n q -===+-()∴{}n b 为等差数列,1211log 01b a a =>>()由135336362b b b b b ++=⇒=⇒=由135500b b b b =⇒= ∴14b =1121132122164log 41612log 2log log 12a b a a b a q q =⎧===⎧⎧⎧⎪⇒⇒⇒⎨⎨⎨⎨=+=-=⎩⎩⎩⎪⎩∴115111622n n nn a a q ---===()(2)522log log 25n n n b a n -===-1459222n n n b b n n n n S ++--===()()()则92n S nn -= 记2129491929117212222244n n nn S S S n T n n n -+---=++⋅⋅⋅=++⋅⋅⋅==-+()- 79 -若n T 最大,当且仅当1748.5124n =-=-()∵n *∈Ν ∴89n =,或【点评】本题涉及等比数列通项,等差数列定义,通项前n 项和以及解方程知识,重点考查离散型二次函数的最值的求法.(详见《军考突破》中3-3-3、3-2-5) 五、【详解】(1)设老师编号与贺卡编号相同的个数为ξ,则0124ξ=,,,1ξ=(恰有1个老师与卡号相同)先从4个老师中人选1个,方法有14C 种. (例如设1号老师获1号卡)其余3人共有2种获卡方法(见1ξ=图表)据分步计数原理,共有142C ⨯种方法,而4个老师每人得1个贺卡,共有44A 种方法据等可能事件的概率144428124C P A ξ⨯===() 2ξ=(恰有2个老师与卡号相同)先从4个老师中任选2个,方法有24C 种(例如设1,2号老师与卡号相同)其余2人有1种获卡方法(见2ξ=表)据分步计数原理,共有241C ⨯种方法.而4个老师每人得1个贺卡,共有44A 种方法,据等可能事件的概率244416224C P A ξ⨯===() 4ξ=(恰有4个老师与卡号相同)只有1种方法(见4ξ=表)而4个老师每人得1个贺卡,共有44A 种方法据等可能事件的概率4411424P A ξ===() 0ξ=我们也可以如上分析,直接得出9024Pξ==()若用分布列的性质 861901124124242424P P P P ξξξξ==-=+=+==-++=()(()()())()ξ分布列:★ 军考5年真题详解汇编- 80 -(2)86191240124242424Eξ=⨯+⨯+⨯+⨯=() 【点评】考查古典概率的求法,重点考查了排列组合的运用和具体情况的表格分析.(详见《军考突破》中11-2-2) 六、【详解】(1)21ln 2f x x x =+()求导1f x x x'=+() ∵1x e ∈[,] ∴0f x '>(),则1f x e ()在[,]∴1f f x f e ≤≤()()()即211122f x e +≤≤(). ∴f x ()在1e [,]上最大值是2112e +,最小值是12(2)在1+∞(,)上,f x ()在323g x x =()的图象下方.1f x g x x ⇔<∈+∞()()(,)恒成立2312ln 123x x x x ⇔+<∈+∞(,)恒成立 2312ln 0123x x x x ⇔+-<∈+∞(,)恒成立 考察函数2312ln 123h x x x x x =+-∈+∞()(,)32221211212x x x x x h x x x x x x-++-++'=+-==()()() ∵1x ∈+∞(,)∴2010210x x x x >-<++>,, ∴0h x '<(),∴h x ()在1+∞(,) 所以12110236h x h <=-=-<()()即2312ln 023x x x +-< 1x ∈+∞(,)恒成立 故原命题正确.【点评】考查利用导数求函数的最值.(详见《军考突破》中13-2-3) 七、【详解】(1)证明:∵12l l ⊥ ∴CN AB ⊥ ∵MN 是12l l ,公垂线 ∴CN MN ⊥∴CN 垂直于平面ABN 又BN ABN ⊂平面 ∴CN BN ⊥ ∵MA MB MN == ∴ABN △是Rt △且BN AN ⊥由于BN AN BN CN ⊥⊥,所以BN CAN ⊥平面★ 二〇一二年数学真题与详解- 81 -又AC CAN ⊂平面∴BN AC AC BN ⊥⊥即ABCMNHl 1l 2(2)在Rt ABN △中,∵MA MB MN AB =⊥,∴NA NB =从而CA CB =(射影相等则斜线相等)又60ACB ∠=,∴ABC △是正三角形连CM ,过N 作NH MC H ⊥于,连BH AB MN AB CM ⊥⊥, ∴AB CMN ⊥平面∴AB NH ⊥∴NH ABC ⊥平面∴NBH ∠是BN 和平面ABC 所成的角. 设1MA MB MN===,则CM =在Rt CMN △中,1CM MN ==,∴cos CMN ∠= 在RtMHN △中,sin 1NH MN CMN =∠==在Rt NHB △中,90NHB BN NH ∠===,∴sin cos NH NBH NBH BN ∠==⇒∠=即NB与平面ABC 所成角的余弦值为 【点评】考查了直角三角形斜边中线性质,直线与平面垂直的判定,线面垂直的性质,射影定理,重点考查直线与平面所成角的定义和求解方法.(详见《军考突破》中9-3-2) 八、【详解】(1)据题意1a c e c ab a ⎧=⎧⎪==⎪⎪⇒=⎨⎨⎪⎪==⎩⎪⎩2213x y +=(2)设直线l 方程为x my n =+ ····································································· ①★ 军考5年真题详解汇编- 82 -O 到l22433n m =⇔=+ 将①代入椭圆方程得,2223230m y mny n +++-=()() 设21122121222333mn n A x y B x y y y y y m m --+==++(,)(,), 弦长212|||1AB y y m =-=+)∵22433n m =+∴||AB = 当且仅当22113233m m =-⇒=-+()时,||AB 最大为2 此时AOB S △最大为1332222=又当直线l 斜率为0时,l 方程为y =(不妨)代入椭圆方程得x =∴||AB =弦∴1333224AOB S ==<△所以三角形AOB 【点评】本题涉及椭圆性质,待定系数法求椭圆方程,点到直线的距离,弦长公式,二次函数的最值,三角形面积公式.重点考查利用换元法求二次函数的最值.(详见《军考突破》中8-4-2)。

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阶段性检测试题一、选择题(共9小题,每题4分)1、已知全集U =R ,集合A ={x |lg x ≤0},B ={x |2x≤32},则A ∪B =( D )A .∅B .(0,13]C .[13,1] D .(-∞,1] (1)由题意知,A =(0,1],B =(-∞,13],∴A ∪B =(-∞,1].故选D.2.已知等比数列{an}的公比为正数,且a 3a 9=2a 52,a 2=2,则a 1=( C ) A.12 B.22 C. 2 D .2 解析:选C.由等比数列的性质得 , ∵q>0,∴a6=2a5,q =a6a5=2,a1=a2q =2,故选C.3.已知f(x)=3sin x -πx ,命题p :∀x ∈⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫0,π2,f(x)<0,则( D )A .p 是假命题,⌝p :∀x ∈⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫0,π2,f(x)≥0B .p 是假命题,⌝p :∃x0∈⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫0,π2,f(x0)≥0C .p 是真命题,⌝p :∀x ∈⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫0,π2,f(x)>0D .p 是真命题,⌝p :∃x0∈⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫0,π2,f(x0)≥0解析:选D.因为f′(x)=3cos x -π,所以当x∈⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫0,π2时,f ′(x)<0,函数f(x)单调递减,所以∀x ∈⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫0,π2,f(x)<f(0)=0,所以p 是真命题,又全称命题的否定是特称命题,所以答案选D.4.已知向量a ,b 满足|a|=3,|b|=23,且a∈(a +b),则a 与b 的夹角为(D ) A.π2 B.2π3 C.3π4 D.5π6解析:选D.a∈(a +b)⇒a·(a +b)=a2+a·b =|a|2+|a||b|cos 〈a ,b 〉=0,故cos 〈a ,b 〉=-32,故所求夹角为5π6.5.下列函数中,既是偶函数又在区间(-∞,0)上单调递增的是( A )A .f(x)=21xB .f(x)=x 2+1C .f(x)=x 3D .f(x)=2-x解析:选A.A 中f(x)=1x2是偶函数,且在(-∞,0)上是增函数,故A 满足题意.B 中f(x)=x2+1是偶函数,但在(-∞,0)上是减函数.C 中f(x)=x3是奇函数.D 中f(x)=2-x 是非奇非偶函数.故B ,C ,D 都不满足题意.6.已知lg a +lg b =0,则函数f(x)=a x 与函数g(x)=-log b x 的图象可能是( B)解析:选B.∵lg a +lg b =0,∴ab =1,∵g(x)=-logbx 的定义域是(0,+∞),故排除A. 若a >1,则0<b <1, 此时f(x)=ax 是增函数, g(x)=-logbx 是增函数, 结合图象知选B.7、已知数列{an}的前n 项和为Sn ,a 1=1,S n =2a n +1,则S n =( B )A .2n -1 B.⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫32n -1C.⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫23n -1D.12n -1[解析] (1)由已知Sn =2an +1,得Sn =2(Sn +1-Sn),即2Sn +1=3Sn ,Sn +1Sn =32,而S1=a1=1,所以Sn =⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫32n -1.[答案] B8.设正实数x ,y ,z 满足x 2-3xy +4y 2-z =0.则当xy z 取得最大值时,2x +1y -2z 的最大值为( B )A .0B .1 C.94 D .3 解析:选B.z =x 2-3xy +4y 2(x >0,y >0,z >0),∴xy z =xy x 2-3xy +4y 2=1x y +4y x -3≤14-3=1.当且仅当x y =4yx ,即x =2y 时等号成立,此时z =x 2-3xy +4y 2=4y 2-6y 2+4y 2=2y 2,∴2x +1y -2z =22y +1y -22y 2=-1y 2+2y =-⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫1y -12+1,∴当y =1时,2x +1y -2z 的最大值为1.9.已知{a n }为等差数列,a 10=33,a 2=1,S n 为数列{a n }的前n 项和,则S 20-2S 10等于( C )A .40B .200C .400D .20 解析:选C.S 20-2S 10=20(a 1+a 20)2-2×10(a 1+a 10)2=10(a 20-a 10)=100d . 又a 10=a 2+8d , ∴33=1+8d , ∴d =4.∴S 20-2S 10=400.二、填空题(共8小题,每题4分)1、函数f (x )=10+9x -x 2lg (x -1)的定义域为( )解析:要使函数有意义,则x 需满足⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧10+9x -x 2≥0,x -1>0,lg (x -1)≠0,即⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧(x +1)(x -10)≤0,①x >1,x ≠2,解①得-1≤x ≤10.所以不等式组的解集为(1,2)∪(2,10]. 2、函数y =)24cos(x -π的单调减区间为________.(3)由y =cos ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫π4-2x =cos ⎝⎛⎭⎪⎫2x -π4,得2k π≤2x -π4≤2k π+π(k∈Z),故k π+π8≤x ≤k π+5π8(k∈Z).所以函数的单调减区间为⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤k π+π8,k π+5π8(k∈Z).3、函数f(x)=43323--+x x x 在[0,2]上的最小值是( )A .-173 B .-103C .-4D .-643 解析:选A.f ′(x)=x2+2x -3, 令f′(x)=0,得x =1(x =-3舍去),又f(0)=-4,f(1)=-173,f(2)=-103,故f(x)在[0,2]上的最小值是f(1)=-173.4、某三棱锥的三视图如图所示,则该三棱锥最长棱的棱长为________.解析:根据三视图还原几何体,得如图所示的三棱锥P­ABC.由三视图的形状特征及数据,可推知PA∈平面ABC ,且PA =2.底面为等腰三角形,AB =BC ,设D 为AC 中点,AC =2,则AD =DC =1,且BD =1,易得AB =BC =2,所以最长的棱为PC ,PC =PA2+AC2=2 2. 答案:225、若数列{a n }满足a 1=15,且3a n +1=3a n -4,则a n =________.解析:由3a n +1=3a n -4,得a n +1-a n =-43,所以{a n }是等差数列,首项a 1=15,公差d =-43,所以a n =15-43(n -1)=49-4n 3.答案:49-4n 36、若命题“∃x 0∈R ,2x 20-3ax 0+9<0”为假命题,则实数a 的取值范围是________.因为“∃x 0∈R ,2x 20-3ax 0+9<0”为假命题,则“∀x ∈R ,2x 2-3ax +9≥0”为真命题.因此Δ=9a 2-4×2×9≤0,故-22≤a ≤2 2.7、若函数f (x )(x ∈R )是周期为4的奇函数,且在[0,2]上的解析式为f (x )=⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x (1-x ),0≤x ≤1,sin πx ,1<x ≤2,则 f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫294+f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫416=________.∵f (x )是以4为周期的奇函数,∴f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫294=f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫8-34=f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-34,f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫416=f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫8-76=f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-76. ∵当0≤x ≤1时,f (x )=x (1-x ),∴f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫34=34×⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫1-34=316.∵当1<x ≤2时,f (x )=sin πx ,∴f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫76=sin 7π6=-12.又∵f (x )是奇函数,∴f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-34=-f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫34=-316,f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫-76=-f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫76=12. ∴f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫294+f ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫416=12-316=516.8.设函数f(x)=ax 3-3x +1(x∈R),若对于任意x∈[-1,1],都有f(x)≥0成立,则实数a 的值为________.解析:(构造法)若x =0,则不论a 取何值,f(x)≥0显然成立;当x>0时,即x∈(0,1]时,f(x)=ax3-3x +1≥0可化为a≥3x2-1x3.设g(x)=3x2-1x3,则g′(x)=3(1-2x )x4, 所以g(x)在区间⎝ ⎛⎦⎥⎤0,12上单调递增,在区间⎣⎢⎡⎦⎥⎤12,1上单调递减, 因此g(x)max =g ⎝ ⎛⎭⎪⎫12=4,从而a≥4.当x<0时,即x∈[-1,0)时,同理a≤3x2-1x3. g(x)在区间[-1,0)上单调递增, ∴g(x)min =g(-1)=4, 从而a≤4,综上可知a =4. 答案:4三.计算下列各题:(18分) (1)12lg 3249-43lg 8+lg 245;解:(1)12lg 3249-43lg 8+lg 245 =12×(5lg 2-2lg 7)-43×32lg 2+12(lg 5+2lg 7) =52lg 2-lg 7-2lg 2+12lg 5+lg 7 =12lg 2+12lg 5=12lg(2×5)=12.(2)在∈ABC 中,a ,b ,c 分别为内角A ,B ,C 的对边,且2asin A =(2b +c)sin B +(2c +b)sin C.求角A 的大小; [解] (1)由题意知,根据正弦定理得2a2=(2b +c)b +(2c +b)c , 即a2=b2+c2+bc.∈由余弦定理得a2=b2+c2-2bccos A ,故cos A =-12,A =120°. 四、(12分)已知2311:≤--x p ,)0(012:22>≤-+-m m x x q ,若q p ⌝⌝是的必要不充分条件,求实数m 的取值范围。

五、证明:(1)连接AD 1,由ABCD ­A 1B 1C 1D 1是正方体,知AD 1∥BC 1,因为F ,P 分别是AD ,DD 1的中点,所以FP ∥AD 1. 从而BC 1∥FP .而FP ⊂平面EFPQ ,且BC 1⊄平面EFPQ , 故直线BC 1∥平面EFPQ .(2)如图,连接AC ,BD ,则AC ⊥BD .由CC 1⊥平面ABCD ,BD ⊂平面ABCD ,可得CC 1⊥BD . 又AC ∩CC 1=C , 所以BD ⊥平面ACC 1.而AC 1⊂平面ACC 1,所以BD ⊥AC 1. 因为M ,N 分别是A 1B 1,A 1D 1的中点, 所以MN ∥BD ,从而MN ⊥AC 1. 同理可证PN ⊥AC 1.又PN ∩MN =N ,所以直线AC 1⊥平面PQMN .(12分)六、已知函数)0(cos cos )sin()(2>+-=ωωωωπx x x x f 的最小正周期为π,将函数)(x f y =的图像上各点的横坐标缩短到原来的21,纵坐标不变,得到函数)(x g y =的图像,求函数)(x g y =在区间⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡16,0π上的最小值。
