


如美国作家埃里克·卡普兰所著哲学小说Does Santa Exist?,如果直接译成《圣诞老人存在吗》,相信因文化背景和宗教信仰的差异性,很难吸发不了解该书的中国读者的兴趣,因此将书名最终译成《本书书名无法描述本书内容》,不仅与该书“最风趣幽默的哲学书”的定位相一致,亦是该书成为近年畅销书之一强有力的助推剂。

第 34 卷 第 1 期2021 年 1 月江西电力职业技术学院学报Journal of Jiangxi Vocational and Technical College of ElectricityVol.34 No.1Jan.2021中国网络文学作品外译中的异化与归化——以小说名称为例欧阳悦(广州番禺职业技术学院,广东广州 511483)摘 要:近年来,中国网络文学作品成功“出海”,打入欧美市场,“圈粉”无数。
关键词:异化与归化;中国网络文学;翻译策略中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1673-0097(2021)01-0106-030 引言2014年以来,以Wuxiaworld、Gravity Tales为代表的小说翻译网站依靠较高质量的英文译作吸引了外国读者的目光,海外世界从此开始了解中国网络文学。
1 翻译中的异化与归化理论最早提出异化与归化概念的是韦努蒂,他认为异化(foreignization)是指接受外语文本的语言和文化差异,把读者带入外国情景;而归化(domestication)是使外语文本符合译入语的文化价值观,把作者带入译入语文化[1]。

English-Chinese /English-Chinese TranslationWhat is translation?通俗的定义⏹《辞海》:把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。
⏹I love you. 我爱你。
⏹Who are you? 你是谁?⏹Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。
⏹One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.⏹一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝。
⏹He passed away.Word has its meaning in context.上课了?⏹Sauna⏹Pizza⏹Nike⏹Maxwell house⏹Jazz⏹Olay⏹The senator picked up his hat and courage.⏹参议员拾起了帽子,也鼓起了勇气文艺学的定义⏹从文艺学的角度解释翻译,认为翻译是艺术创作的一种形式,强调语言的创造功能,讲究译品的艺术效果Translation is art.⏹My dear father has joined the heavenly choir.⏹My dear father has passed away.⏹My father has died.⏹My old man has just kicked the bucket.⏹升天、过世、死了、翘辫子海上升明月,天涯共此时⏹Rising is the bright moon above the sea,Arising harmonious feeling you and me.⏹A round bright moon above the sea, a faraway homesickness you and me⏹Above the sea, the bright moon is hanging.In our hearts, the nostalgia is feeling.⏹Day after day he came to his work-sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning.Exercises影视片名的翻译transliteration 音译⏹Titanic⏹Mona Lisa⏹Hamletliteral translation 直译⏹My Fair Lady⏹The Graduate⏹Beauty and the Beast⏹Sleepless in Seattle⏹A Walk in the Clouds⏹Blood and Sand⏹The Silence of LampsFree translation 意译⏹Waterloo Bridge⏹Cloud Dancer⏹The Bathing Beauty⏹Gone with the Wind⏹The Red Shoes译名混乱⏹Ghost⏹Pretty Woman⏹Do the Right Thing⏹The House of the Spirits⏹The Sun Also RisesThe properties of translation⏹One servant, two masters⏹一仆二主Criteria of Translating⏹王佐良⏹一切照原作,雅俗如之,深浅如之,口气如之,文体如之。

中国文学作品英译名词典A【阿Q正传】The True Story of A Q【哀歌】elegy【《哀江南赋》】Lament for the South【爱情喜剧】romantic comedyB【八股】eight-part essay ( a literary composition prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations, knows for it rigidity of form and poverty of ideas )【白话诗】free verse written in vernacular【白话文】writings in vernacular【《白话文学史》】History of V ernacular Literature【白描】simple, straightforward style of writing【《白香词谱笺》】A Collection of Tunes of Ci Poems【百花齐放,推陈出新】Let a hundred flowers blossom, weed through the old to bring forththe new【百花齐放,百家争鸣】Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thoughtcontend【报告文学】reportage【《暴风骤雨》】The Hurricane【暴露文学】literature of exposure【悲剧性缺陷】tragic flaw【笔记小说】literary sketches; sketch-book【边塞诗】frontier-style poetry【扁平人物】flat character【变文】bianwen (form of narrative literature flourshing in the Tang Dynasty, with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing, often on Buddhistic themes )【表现手法】technique of expression【柏拉图式恋爱】Platonic loveC【才子佳人】gifted scholar and beautiful woman ( a term usually used to refer to ideallovers in Chinese romance )【《采莲赋》】Lotus Gathering【《蔡文姬》】Cai Wenji【《沧浪诗话》】Cang Lang's Notes on Poets and Poetry【《茶馆》】Teahouse【长短句】a kind of classical poetry consisting chiefly of seven-character linesinterspersed with shorter or longer ones【《长干行》】The Trader's Wife【《长恨歌》】Song of Enduring Sorrow;A Song of Everlasting Sorrow【《长生殿》】Palace of Eternal Y outh; The Longevity Hall【畅销书】best-seller【衬托】to make...stand out in high relief【衬字】extra word inserted in a line of verse for balance or euphony【《赤壁赋》】Song of the Red Cliff【《出师表》】Memorial on Sending Out the Troops【《初学记》】The Primary Anthology【《楚辞》】Chuci; Elegies of Chu; Songs of Chu【传奇】legend; short stories of the Tangand Song dynasties【传奇小说】romantic novel【《创业史》】The Builders【创造社】Creation Society【创作思想】ideas guiding creation in literature and art【创作源泉】fountain-headofliteraryand artistic creation【《春蚕》】Spring Silkworms【《春灯谜》】Spring Latern Riddles【《春风沉醉的晚上》】intoxicating Spring Nights【《春江花月夜》】Spring, the River, Flowers, the Moon: night;The River On a Spring Night【春柳社】Spring Willow Society【《春秋》】The Spring and Autumn Annals【纯文学】balles-letters【《辍耕录》】Talks in the Intervals of Ploughing【词】ci poetry (written to certain tunes with strict tonal pattens and rhyme schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words originating in the Tang Dynasty and fully developed in the Song Dynasty )【词调】tonal patterns and rhyme schemes of ci poetry【词牌】tune; names of tunes of ci poems【《词谱》】A Collection of Tunes of Ci Poems【词曲】general term for ci and qu【《词源》】The Origin of the Ci Poetry【词韵】rhyme of ci poemsD【打油诗】doggerel; ragged verse【大场剧场】public theaters【《大风歌》】Song of the Great Wind【大墙文学】prison literature【《大学》】The Great Learning【大众化】popular; in a popular style【《当代》】Contemporary Literature【《道德经》】The Scripture of Ethics; The Way and Its Power【道德含义】moral meaning【倒叙】flashback【地方出版物】samizdat【地方色彩】local colour【地方小说】regional novel【典型环境】typical environment【典型人物】typical person【典型形象】typical image【典型性】typicality【典型性格】model personalities【电影理论】film theory【叠句】reiterative sentence【叠韵】two or more characters with the same vowel formation【叠字】reiterative locution【动物寓言故事】beast fable【《窦娥冤》】The Injustice Done to Dou E【读者反应批评】reader-response criticism【对联】couplet written on scrolls【多重含义】multiple meaningE【俄国形式主义】Russian Formalism【《儿女英雄传》】The Story of the Hero and The Sisters; Two Sisters Marry the Same Man【儿童文学】children's literature【《儿童文学研究》】The Study on Children's Literature【《而已集》】And That's that【《尔雅》】Literary Expositor【《二刻拍案惊奇》】The Second Collection of Striking the Table in Amazement at theWonders【《二十年目睹之怪现状》】Odd Things Witnessed Over Twenty Y ears; Having Seen Strange PresentConditions for Twenty Y ears【《二十四诗品》】The Twenty-Four Moods of Poetry【二十四史】the Twenty-Four Histories (dynastic histories from remote antiquity till the Ming Dynasty)【二为方向】literature and art following the two directions of being for serving the people and for serving socialism【《二心集》Two HeartsF【反面人物】negative character【反现实主义小说】antirealistic novel【反映现代生活】to reflect present-day life【反映现实生活】to reflect real life【《飞燕外传》】The Private Life of Lady Swallow【非传统英雄式的主人公】anti-hero【非理性主义】irrationalism【非虚构小说】nonfiction novel【非正式出版物】underground literature【肥皂剧】soap opera【风骨】strength of character; vigour of style【风景诗】topographical poetry【风骚】literary excellence; coquettish【《凤凰涅磐》】The Nirvana of the Phoenix【《封神演义》】Canonization of the Gods; Gods and Heroes; Investiture of the Gods 【讽刺喜剧】satirical comedy【讽刺作品】satire【丰富的表现能力】rich expressive power【《枫桥夜泊》】To Moor at Night at the Maple Bridge【《芙蓉镇》】A Small Town Called Hibiscus【《腐蚀》】Decay【赋】fu;descriptive prose interspersed with verse; prose-poetry【复仇悲剧】revenge tragedy【《浮生六记》】Six Chapters of a Floating LifeG【干预生活】interventing in life【感伤小说】senimental novel【高大全】tall, big, and perfect ( the nonexistent divorced-from-realistic-life, "heroic" figures fabricated in certain literary and art works along theGang-of-Four's theory of literature and art during the Cultural Revolution【格律诗】regulated verse【革命的政治内容和尽可能完美的艺术形式的统一】unity of revolutionary political content and highestpossible perfection of artistic form【革命斗争小说】novels and novelettes on revolutionary struggle【革命文学】revolutionary literature【革命戏剧】revolutionary drama【革命现实主义】revolutionary realism【革命现实主义和革命浪漫主义相结合】combining revolutionary realism with revolutionary romanticism【革命样板戏】revolutionary model theater【歌颂工农兵英雄】enlogizing worker, peasent and soldier heroes【歌颂光明】enlogizing what is bright【歌行】a poem that can be set to music and song【《隔帘花影》】Flower Shadows on the Screen【工人文学】arbeiter literature【功利主义艺术观】vtilitarianism of art【宫体诗】palace-style poetry【宫廷作家】courtly makers【古代文学】ancient literature【古典悲剧】classical tragedy【古典文学】classical literature【《古今谭概》】A Chat about the Present and the Past【《古今小说》】The Ancient and Modern Stories【古今之争】quarrel at the ancients and moderns【《古诗源》】The Wellsprings of Old Poems【古体诗】gutishi; ancient style poetry ( a form of pre-Tang poetry, usu. having five or seven characters to each line, without strict tonal patterns or rhyme schemes【古为今用,洋为中用】make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China【古文】1. prose written in the classical literary style2. ancient Chinese prose3. Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty【《古文观止》】The Finest of Ancient Prose【古文运动】Ancient-Style Prose Movement【《古小说钩沉》】Ancient Stories Salvaged【《故事新编》】Old Tales Retold; Old Stories Retold【故事中的故事】story whthin a story【《官场现形记》】Revealing Original Shape in Officialdom; Bureaucrats Shown Up 【《管锥编》】The Pipe and Awl Collection; Perspectives on Literature【《归去来辞》】On Returning Home; The Return【闺怨诗】boudoir-plaint poetry【国粹】quintessence of the Chinese culture【《国殇》】The Ode to the Fallen【《国语》】Guoyu; Conversations from the States; Discourse on the StatesH【《海上花列传》】Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls【海外奇谈】tall tale【《汉宫秋》】Sorrow in the Han Palace【《汉书》】The History of the Han Dynasty; Book of Han;Chronicles of the Han Dynasty【《好逑传》】The Fortunate Union【合声】improptu verse【《荷花淀》】Lotus Creek【荷花淀派】Lotus Lake School【黑色幽默】black humour【《红高梁》】Red Sorghum【《红楼梦》】A Dream of Red Mansion; Dream of the Red Chamber【红学】redology【《呼兰河传》】The History of Hulan River【《胡笳十八拍》】Barbarian Reed-Whistle Song in Eighteen Stanzas;Eighteen V erses Sung to a Barbarian Whistle【《华盖集》】Bad Luck【《花边文学》】Fringed Literature【滑稽讽刺作家】burlesque【《红旗谱》】Keep the Red Flag Flying【《红岩》】Red Crag【后现代主义】post modernism【厚今薄古】paying more attention to the present than to the past【话本】script for story-telling; text of a story【话本小说】story-tellers scripts【话剧】modern drama【《淮南子》】Writings of Prince Huainan【《幻灭》】Disillusion【《黄河东流去》】The Y ellow River Flows East【《黄鹤楼送孟浩然至广陵》】Seeing Meng Haoran off to Y angzhou from Yellow Crane Tower【荒唐故事】cock-and-bull story【回忆录】reminiscences【活报剧】skit; street performanceJ【《激流三部曲》】The Torrent Trilogy【及时行乐】carpe diem【《家》】The Family【家庭悲剧】domestic tragedy【加强艺术感染力】to intensity the impact of the art【《翦灯新话》】New Stories Written While Trimming the Wick【建安七子】seven leading writers during the Jian An Period at the end of the Han Dynasty ( Kong Rong, Chen Lin, Wang Can, Xu Gan, Ruan Yu, Ying Y ang, and Liu Zhen )【建国后文学】literature after founding of the P.R.C【间谍小说】spy novel【教诲文学】didatic literature【结构谨严】(with) a tightly-knit structure(plot)【结构主义批评】structuralism Criticism【接受美学】reception-aesthetic【《今古奇观》】Wonders of the Present and the Past【《金光大道》】The Bright Road【《金瓶梅》】The Golden Lotus; Gold Plum V ase; The Plum in the Golden V ase 【《锦瑟》】The Richly Painted Zither【近代文学】modern literature【近体诗】modern style poetry ( a refernce to innovations in classical poetry during the Tang Dynasty, marked by strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes )【《京本通俗小说》】Popular Stories from Capital Editions【经济建设小说】novels and novelettes on economic construction【《警世通言》】Convincing Arguments Warning the World; Comprehensive Words toAdmonishthe World【《镜花缘》】Romance of the Mirrored Flowers【精神分析学文艺批评】psychoanalysis criticism【精神生活】spiritual life【《静夜思》】In the Quiet Night【《九歌》】Nine Odes; None Songs【《九尾龟》】None-Tailed Tortoise【《九章》】The nine Elegies; The Nine Songs【旧诗】old-style poetry; classical poetry【《旧文四篇》】Four Essays of Y esterday【《救风尘》】The Rescue of a Courtesan【救世主形象】christ figure【俱象诗】concrete poetry【绝句】jueju, poem of four lines, each containing five or seven characters, with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme【《绝妙好词》】Excellent Lyrics【军事小说】military novels and novelettesK【客观对应物】objective correlative【客观批评】objective criticism【科学幻想小说】science fiction; fantasic fiction【《孔雀东南飞》】Southeast Fly the Peacocks【口头流传】oral transimission【口头文学传统】oral tradition【《苦菜花》】Bitter Herb【夸张】to exaggerate【《狂人日记》】A Madman's DiaryL【《兰亭集序》】Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection【浪漫主义悲剧】romantic tragedy【浪漫主义批评理论】romantic criticism【浪漫主义时期】romantic period【《老残游记》】The Travels of Lao Can【《雷雨》】Thunderstorm【类型化人物】type character【理论斗争】theoretical struggle【理性时代】age of reason【《礼记》】The Book of Rites; The Book of Ceremonies and Proper Conduct 【《李有才板话》】Rhymes of Li Y oucai【离奇故事】tall story【《离骚》】Li Sao; The Lament; Encountering Sorrow【历史小说】historical novel【恋母情结】Oedipus complex【连载小说】serial story【联句】parallel phrases【《聊斋志异》】Strange Tales of Liao-Zhai; Strange stories from a Chinese Studio; 【《列子》】The Works of Liezi【《林海雪原》】Tracks in the Snow Forest【《林家铺子》】The Shop of Lin Family【《六十家小说》】Sixty Stories【六言诗】poems in six-word verse【《龙须沟》】Dragon Beard Ditch【《陋室铭》】On My Modest Room【鲁迅研究会】Society for the Study of Lu Xun【《吕梁英雄传》】Heroes of the Lu Liang Mountain【律赋】regulated prose-poem【律诗】lushi; a poem of eight lines five or seven characters in each line【伦理的批评】ethic criticism【《论契合》】Degrees of Affinity: Studies in Comparative Literature【论说文】argumentative prose【《论语》】The Analects of Confucius; Analects【《洛神赋》】On the Goddess of Luo River【《骆驼祥子》】Camel Xiangzi; The Ricksha BoyM【马克思主义文学批评】Marxist criticism【冒险小说】novel of adventures【梦幻体】dream vision【美学批评】aesthetic criticism【朦胧诗】obscure poetry; "murky" poetry【《孟子》】Mencius; The Book of Mencius; The Works of Mencius【迷语】riddle【描写阴暗面】description on dark-side【民间歌谣】popular ballad【民间故事】folk tale; folklore【民间文学】folk literature【民族遗产】national legacy【《墨池记》】The Ink Pond【魔幻现实主义】magic realism【木偶剧】pupppet show【牧歌】pastoral【《牡丹亭》】The Peony PavilionN【《呐喊》】Call to Arms【《南腔北调集》】Mixed Dialects【内容和形式的统一】unity of content and form【内心独白】interior monologue【浓厚的中国民族特色】rich Chinese national colour【女才子】bluestockings【《女神》】The GoddessesP【《拍案惊奇》】Thumping the Table in Amagement at the Wonders; Amazing Stories 【《彷徨》】Wandering【《佩文韵府》】The Standard Phrase Dictionary【批判地继承】to inherit in a critical way【批判地吸收文学艺术遗产】to critically assimilate the legacies of literature and art 【皮影戏】shadow play【《琵琶行》】Song of the Pipa【骈琦派】School of Euphuism【骈文】rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness【平仄】1. level and oblique tones2. tonal patterns in classical Chinese poetryQ【七绝】four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal patternand rhyme scheme【七律】eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal patternand rhyme scheme【《七侠五义》】Seven Heroes and Five Gallants【七言诗】poem with seven characters to a line【强烈的生活气息】strong smack of everyday life【《且介亭杂文》】Demi-Concession Studio Essays【《青春之歌》】The Song of Y outh【《清明前后》】Before and After the Festival of Pure Brightness【《清平山堂话本》】V ernacular Short Stories from the Clear and Peaceful Studio 【情节剧】melodrama【《情史》】A history of Love【《秋》】Autumn【曲】qu ( a type of verse for singing, which emerged in the Southern Song and Jin dynasties and became popular in the Yuan Dynasty )【《屈原》】The Death of Qu Yuan【《全宋词》】The Complete Ci-Poetry of the Song【《全唐诗》】Complete Poetry of the Tang; Collected Tang poems【《全唐文》】Complete Prose Works of the Tang【《全相平话五种》】Five Completely Illustrated Pinghua【《全相古今小说》】Illustrated Stories Anicent and Modern【全知的观点】omniscient point of viewR【《热风》】Hot Air【人物描写】characterization【人物素描】the character【人物突出】(with) characters that stand out【《日出》】Sunrise【《容斋随笔》】Miscellaneous Notes from the Tolerant Studio【《儒林外史》】The Scholars; Unofficial History of Officialdom; Unofficial History about the Scholars as a ClassS【三部曲】trilogy【《三国演义》】Romance of the Three Kingdoms; Three Kingdoms【《三国志》】Annals of the Three Kingdoms; History of the Three Kingdoms【《三家巷》】The Alley of the Three Families【三苏】The Three Su【三突出】three standouts (the formula for literary and art creations during the Cultural Revolution with positive characters standing out from all thecharacters, the main heroic characters standing out from the positivecharacters, and a most important central character standing out from the mainheroic characters )【《三侠五义》】Three Heroes and Five Gallants【《三闲集》】Three Leisures【三言二拍】San Y an Er Pai; the popular short stories collected by Feng Menglong andLing Menchu【《三字经》】Three Character Classic【散曲】a type of verse popular in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, with tonal patterns modelled on tunes drawn from folk music【散文诗】prose poetry【骚客】poet【骚人墨客】poet and man of letters【骚体】poetry in the style of Li Sao【色情文学】erotic literature【《莎菲女士日记》】The Diary of Miss Sha Fei【《山歌》】Folk Songs【《山海经》】The Classic of Mountains and Rivers; Book of Mountains and Seas 【山药蛋派】Patato School【《山乡巨变》】Great Changes in a Mountain Village【伤痕文学】literature of the wounded; "scar" literature ( literary works reflecting the scars inflicted on people's psyches by the Cultural Revolution)【《上海屋檐下》】Under the Eaves in Shanghai【少数民族文学】literature of national minorities【社会风俗小说】novel of manners【社会小说】social novel【社会主义现实主义】socialist realism【神话批评】myth criticism【神韵】romantic charm【诗】poetry【《诗经》】The Odes; The Book of Songs; The Book of Odes Classic of Poetry 【《诗刊》】Poetry【《诗品》】Critique of Poetry【《诗人玉屑》】Jade Splinter of Poets【诗书画合而为一】combination of poetry, calligraphy and painting in one【诗仙】poetic genius【《十二楼》】Twelve Towers【《十三经》】Thirteen Classics【《十月》】October【时代精神】spirit of the age【时代思潮】current thought【《蚀》】The Canker【《史记》】Shi Ji; Historical Records; Redords of the Grand History of China; Recordsof the Historian【史传小说】biographical novels and novelettes【市井歌谣】broadside ballad【《世说新语》】New Accounts of Old Episodes; New Anecdotes of Social Talk【世外桃园】Arcadia【视角】point of view【《收获》】Harvests【《书经》】The Book of History; The Book of Documents【书信体小说】epistolary novel【抒情歌剧】lyric theater【抒情诗】lyric poem【抒情文学】lyric literature【双重人格】double personality【双重生活】double life【《水浒传》】The Water Margin; All Men Are Brothers; The Outlaws of the Marsh 【《说文解字》】Analytical Dictionary of Characters; Explanation and Study of Principlesof Composition of Characters【《四库全书》】Complete Library of Four Branches of Books; Complete Library in the FourBranches of Literature【《四世同堂》】Four Generations under One Roof【"四书"】The Four Books【四言诗】a type of classical poem with four characters to a line【《搜神记》】Stories of Immortals【俗文学】folk literature【《随想录》】Random Thoughts【《随园诗话》】Criticism of Poetry from the Garden of Leisure【《隋唐演义》】Romance of the Sui and Tang DynastiesT【《太平广记》】Extensive Records Compiled in the Taiping Y ears;The Extensive Anthologies of Taiping Period【《太阳照在桑乾河上》】The Sun Shines Over River Sanggan【台阁体】secretariat style【《谈艺录》】Notes on Literature and Art【《唐诗三百首》】Three hundred Tang Poems【唐宋八大家】Eight Great Men of Letters of the Tang and Song Dynasties (Han Yu, LiuZongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Ansh, Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, and Zeng Gong) 【《桃花扇》】The Peach Blossom Fan【《桃花源记》】The Story of the Peach Blossom V alley【《陶庵梦忆》】Recollections of Taoan's Past Dreams【特写】feature article【《天安门诗抄》】The Tian'anmen Poems【田园诗】bucolic poem; pastoral poem; idyll【田园浪漫小说】pastoral romance【《铁道游击队》】Railway Guerrillas【通俗小说】popular novel【通讯】correspondence【童话】nursery tales【童谣】children's folk rhymes【颓废主义】DecadenceW【《万首唐人绝句》】Ten Thousand Quatrains from the Tang【《望江亭》】River-Watching Pavilion【唯美主义】Aestheticism【唯物史观】materialistic conception of history【《围城》】A Town Besieged【为艺术而艺术】art for art sake【为人生而艺术】art for life's sake【《伪自由书》】False Liberty【文笔】style of writing【文化遗产】cultural heritage【文人墨客】poets and literary men【《文心雕龙》】Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature【《文选》】The selections of Refined Literature【文学革命】literature revolution【文学批评史】history of literary critiques【文学社会学】sociology in literature【文学史】history of literature【文学思想史】history of literary thought【文学心理学】psychology in literature【文学研究会】the Society for Literary Research【文学遗产】literary heritage【文艺创作】literary and artistic creation【文艺队伍】ranks of writers and artists【文艺革命】revolution in literature and art【文艺工作者】literary and art workers【文艺民俗学】folklore in literature【文艺批评】literary and art criticism【文言】classical Chinese【文言文】writings in classical Chinese【《文苑英华》】Wenyuan Yinghua; Best Literary Works【问题小说】problem novel【五经】The Five Classics【五言诗】a poem with five characters in a line【无产阶级文学】proletarican literature【无产阶级小说】proletarian novel【无题诗】untitled poems【吴中四杰】Four Outstanding Men of Wu ( the four renowned young poets of the earlyMing, namely , Gao Qi, Zhang Yu, Yu Ben and Jang Ji )【武侠小说】chivalry novel and novelettes; gongfu novel【《雾》】FogX【西方马克思主义文艺批评】Western Marxist criticism【《西湖佳话》】Memorable Stories of the West Lake【《西厢记》】West Chamber; The Western Chamber【《西游记》】Pilgrimage to the West; Monkey; Story of a Journey to the West; Recordsof a Journey to the West【戏剧冲突】dramatic conflict【戏剧性手法】the dramatic method【《闲情偶寄》】Sketches of Idle Pleasure【险韵】obscure rhymes【现代文学】contemporary literature【现代戏剧】modern drama【现代主义与后现代主义】modernism and post-modernism【现实主义小说】realistic novel【乡村小说】rural novel【乡土文学】local literature; native literature【象征派诗】Symoblist poetry【《湘西散记》】Recollections of West Hunan【小剧场运动】little theater movement【小品文】familiar essay; essay【小说美学】aesthetics of fiction【《小说月刊》】The Short Story Monthly【小小说】short-short story【消遣小说】light fiction【《笑府》】Treasury of Jokes【笑话】joke【《笑林广记》】Jest Books【楔子】prologue in some modern novels【写光明】writing about the bright【写黑暗】writing about the dark【心理描写】inside description【心理现实主义】psychological realism【心理小说】psychological novel【《新儿女英雄传》】New Story of Heroic Sons and Daughters【新青年】New Y outh【新月社】the Crescent Moon Society【形象思维】thinking in terms of images【《醒世恒言》】Lasting Words to Awaken the World; The Common Saying Moralizing People【《醒世烟缘传》】Marriage that Awakens the World【性的描写】sextual description【性格喜剧】comedy of humours【《性格组合论》】On the Composition of Character【修辞手段】figures of speech【绣像小说】illustrated fiction【叙事诗】narrative poem【叙事小说】narrative novel【序跋】preface and postscript【序幕】prologue; prelude【宣传鼓动剧】agitprop【宣传文学】porpaganda literature【宣传小说】propaganda novel【渲染】apply colours to a drawing; play up【悬念】audience involvement in a film or play; reader involvement in a piece of literature【学院戏剧】academic dramaY【延安文艺座谈会】the Y an'an Forum on Literature and Art【演义】historical novel; historical rommance【《艳阳天》】Radiant Skies【《阳春白雪》】The Spring Snow【《野草》】Wild Grass【《野叟曝言》】A Rustic's Idle Talk【《易经》】The Book of Changes【艺术标准】artistic criterion【艺术成就】artistic merit【艺术的起源】origin of art【艺术鉴赏】virtuosity【艺术借鉴】reference in art【艺术效果】effect of art【艺术性】artistic quality【艺术至上论】art eorart【《艺文类聚》】Yi Wen Lei Ju; Classified Excerpts from Ancient Writers; A CategorizedCollection of Literary Writing【意识流】stream of consciousness【印象主义批评】impressionistic criticism【因材施教】individualized method of instruction; case by case【《永乐大典》】Y ong Le Da Dian ; Great Encyclopaedia of the Y ongle Reign; The GreatEncyclopaedia in the Reign of Emperor Y ongle【用民族风格表现新的内容】presenting new ideological content with a national style【语义重叠】multiple meaning【《喻世明言》】Illustrious Words to Instruct the World【寓教于乐】delight and instruction【寓言故事】fable【元曲】Yuan verse【元杂剧】Yuan-Dynasty zaju plays【原型批评】archetypal criticism【圆形人物】round character【鸳鸯蝴蝶派】Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School; Love Birds and Butterfly School【乐府】folk rhyme; folk songs and ballads in the Han style【《乐府诗集》】The Collection of Folk Songs and Ballads in the Han Style【《岳阳楼记》】On Yueyang Tower【《阅微草堂笔记》】Jottings from the Thatched Abode of Close ObservationsZ【杂剧】zaju (poetic drama set to music, flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty, usu. consisting of four acts called zhe, with a character having the singing role ineach zhe )【《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》】Talks at the Y an'an Forum of Literature and Art 【《再别康桥》】Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again【《战国策》】Strategies of the Warring States Period;Intrigues of the Warring States【章回小说】Traditional Chinese novels (with each chapter headed by a couplet givingthe list of its content)【《朝华夕拾》】Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk【《浙西六家词》】The Ci Poetry by Six Poets from the Westen Part of Zhejiang Province【真相大白的情节或场面】recognition plot or scene【侦探小说】detective story【正面人物】positive character【《正气歌》】A Song of the Moral Sense【政治标准】political criterion【政治和艺术的统一】unity of politics and art【政治小说】political novel【志怪小说】mythical stories【中国诗歌会】the China Poetry Society【《中国俗文学史》】History of Chinese Popular Literature【《中国通俗小说书目》】A Bibliography of Popular Chinese Fiction【《中国文学批评史》】History of Chinese Literary Criticism【中国文学艺术界联合会】All China Federation of Literary and Art Circles 【《中国小说史略》】A Short History of Chinese Fiction【中国左翼作家联盟】China League of Left-Wing Writers【中国作家协会】Association of Chinese Writers【中华全国文学工作者协会】All-China Federation of Writers【《中庸》】The Doctrine of the Mean【主情文学】literature of sensibility【主题明确】(with) a clear-cut theme【竹枝词】1. ancient folk songs with love as their main theme2. occasional poems in the classical style devoted to local topics【《庄子》】Zhuang Zi; Book of Master Zhuang【《资治通鉴》】Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government【《子不语》】What the Master Would Not Talk of【《子夜》】Midnight【自我隐退的作者】self-eff【自叙体形式】ich-form【自由恋爱】free love【自由诗】free verse【姊妹篇】companion piece【《组织部来了个年轻人》】A Y oung Newcomer in the Organization Department 【《醉翁亭记》】Record of the Old Tippler's Pavalion【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 【作品基调】mood and ambience【作品评价】evaluation of literary works【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 【作品基调】mood and ambience【作品评价】evaluation of literary works【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works。

(Y) She asked me several times whether I've seen her handkerchief. As if I had time to bother about such things!
(Y)She's the terror of this house. In the south they'd call her Hot Pepper. Just call her Fiery Phoenix.
(H) The doctor arrived promptly and proceeded to take skybright's pulses. He appeared to be disconcerted by what he found. “Yesterday she seemed to be a little better”,he said,“but this pulse today takes us right back to where we started from---empty, superficial, faint, constricted…”

华裔学者叶维廉翻译了Chinese Poetry: Major Modes and Genres(汉诗 英华,1970),被英美许多大学作为教 材多次重印。
J.D.Frodsham等人编译了Anthology of Chinese Verse(中国诗选集,1967), John A. Turner翻译了A Golden Treasury of Chinese Poetry(英译汉诗金 库,1976),包含了自周至清代120多首 古诗译文。
二是诗歌是一种特殊的文体,所使 用的表述手段是抗叙述、描写和说明的 语言,是艺术性、修辞性的语言,诸如 比喻、象征、通感、夸张、反讽、拟人、 象声等,给读者带来审美快感。翻译的 时候,要尽量保留原诗的修辞手法,这 样,才能留住原有的审美感。
诗歌是特殊的文化形态,翻译这种 形态的文本好比移民,由此产生了翻译 移民论(Translation Emigration Theory),这生动地描绘可翻译的诠释过 程,说明了诗歌语际翻译在被诠释过程 中所经历的美学愉悦与衍变。
具体地说,汉语言文字本身具有综合性、 立体性和形象简洁性特点,具有高度的 理论概括特征,往往一语中的,量化陈 述流于模糊和抽象,在具体论证上显得 草率。而西方的译论则多半与此相反。
然而,是不是汉诗因为艰深和晦涩就是 不可译的呢?实际上不是。西方现代主 义的诗很难读,但是经过历代译者的努 力,从西方象征主义、意象派到达达主 义、超现实主义等各种流派的诗歌作品 都有了较好的译本。汉诗英译也是这样, 不存在不可以的现象。

A【阿Q正传】The True Story of A Q【哀歌】elegy【《哀江南赋》】Lament for the South【爱情喜剧】romantic comedyB【八股】eight-part essay ( a literary composition prescribed for the imperial civilservice examinations, knows for it rigidity of form and poverty of ideas ) 【白话诗】free verse written in vernacular【白话文】writings in vernacular【《白话文学史》】History of Vernacular Literature【白描】simple, straightforward style of writing【《白香词谱笺》】A Collection of Tunes of Ci Poems【百花齐放,推陈出新】Let a hundred flowers blossom, weed through the old to bring forththe new【百花齐放,百家争鸣】Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thoughtcontend【报告文学】reportage【《暴风骤雨》】The Hurricane【暴露文学】literature of exposure【悲剧性缺陷】tragic flaw【笔记小说】literary sketches; sketch-book【边塞诗】frontier-style poetry【扁平人物】flat character【变文】bianwen (form of narrative literature flourshing in the Tang Dynasty, withalternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing, often on Buddhisticthemes )【表现手法】technique of expression【柏拉图式恋爱】Platonic loveC【才子佳人】gifted scholar and beautiful woman ( a term usually usedto refer to ideallovers in Chinese romance )【《采莲赋》】Lotus Gathering【《蔡文姬》】Cai Wenji【《沧浪诗话》】Cang Lang's Notes on Poets and Poetry【《茶馆》】Teahouse【长短句】a kind of classical poetry consisting chiefly of seven-character linesinterspersed with shorter or longer ones【《长干行》】The Trader's Wife【《长恨歌》】Song of Enduring Sorrow;A Song of Everlasting Sorrow【《长生殿》】Palace of Eternal Youth; The Longevity Hall【畅销书】best-seller【衬托】to make...stand out in high relief【衬字】extra word inserted in a line of verse for balance or euphony 【《赤壁赋》】Song of the Red Cliff【《出师表》】Memorial on Sending Out the Troops【《初学记》】The Primary Anthology【《楚辞》】Chuci; Elegies of Chu; Songs of Chu【传奇】legend; short stories of the Tangand Song dynasties【传奇小说】romantic novel【《创业史》】The Builders【创造社】Creation Society【创作思想】ideas guiding creation in literature and art【创作源泉】fountain-headofliteraryand artistic creation【《春蚕》】Spring Silkworms【《春灯谜》】Spring Latern Riddles【《春风沉醉的晚上》】intoxicating Spring Nights【《春江花月夜》】Spring, the River, Flowers, the Moon: night;TheRiver On a Spring Night【春柳社】Spring Willow Society【《春秋》】The Spring and Autumn Annals【纯文学】balles-letters【《辍耕录》】Talks in the Intervals of Ploughing【词】ci poetry (written to certain tunes with strict tonal pattens and rhymeschemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words originating in the Tang Dynasty andfully developed in the Song Dynasty )【词调】tonal patterns and rhyme schemes of ci poetry【词牌】tune; names of tunes of ci poems【《词谱》】A Collection of Tunes of Ci Poems【词曲】general term for ci and qu【《词源》】The Origin of the Ci Poetry【词韵】rhyme of ci poemsD【打油诗】doggerel; ragged verse【大场剧场】public theaters【《大风歌》】Song of the Great Wind【大墙文学】prison literature【《大学》】The Great Learning【大众化】popular; in a popular style【《当代》】Contemporary Literature【《道德经》】The Scripture of Ethics; The Way and Its Power 【道德含义】moral meaning【倒叙】flashback【地方出版物】samizdat【地方色彩】local colour【地方小说】regional novel【典型环境】typical environment【典型人物】typical person【典型形象】typical image【典型性】typicality【典型性格】model personalities【电影理论】film theory【叠句】reiterative sentence【叠韵】two or more characters with the same vowel formation【叠字】reiterative locution【动物寓言故事】beast fable【《窦娥冤》】The Injustice Done to Dou E【读者反应批评】reader-response criticism【对联】couplet written on scrolls【多重含义】multiple meaningE【俄国形式主义】Russian Formalism【《儿女英雄传》】The Story of the Hero and The Sisters; Two Sisters Marry the Same Man【儿童文学】children's literature【《儿童文学研究》】The Study on Children's Literature【《而已集》】And That's that【《尔雅》】Literary Expositor【《二刻拍案惊奇》】The Second Collection of Striking the Table in Amazement at theWonders【《二十年目睹之怪现状》】Odd Things Witnessed Over Twenty Years; Having Seen Strange PresentConditions for Twenty Years【《二十四诗品》】The Twenty-Four Moods of Poetry【二十四史】the Twenty-Four Histories (dynastic histories from remote antiquity tillthe Ming Dynasty)【二为方向】literature and art following the two directions of being for serving thepeople and for serving socialism【《二心集》Two HeartsF【反面人物】negative character【反现实主义小说】antirealistic novel【反映现代生活】to reflect present-day life【反映现实生活】to reflect real life【《飞燕外传》】The Private Life of Lady Swallow【非传统英雄式的主人公】anti-hero【非理性主义】irrationalism【非虚构小说】nonfiction novel【非正式出版物】underground literature【肥皂剧】soap opera【风骨】strength of character; vigour of style【风景诗】topographical poetry【风骚】literary excellence; coquettish【《凤凰涅磐》】The Nirvana of the Phoenix【《封神演义》】Canonization of the Gods; Gods and Heroes; Investiture of the Gods【讽刺喜剧】satirical comedy【讽刺作品】satire【丰富的表现能力】rich expressive power【《枫桥夜泊》】To Moor at Night at the Maple Bridge【《芙蓉镇》】A Small Town Called Hibiscus【《腐蚀》】Decay【赋】fu;descriptive prose interspersed with verse; prose-poetry【复仇悲剧】revenge tragedy【《浮生六记》】Six Chapters of a Floating LifeG【干预生活】interventing in life【感伤小说】senimental novel【高大全】tall, big, and perfect ( the nonexistent divorced-from-realistic-life,"heroic" figures fabricated in certain literary and art works along the Gang-of-Four's theory of literature and art during the Cultural Revolution 【格律诗】regulated verse【革命的政治内容和尽可能完美的艺术形式的统一】unity of revolutionary political content and highestpossible perfection of artistic form【革命斗争小说】novels and novelettes on revolutionary struggle 【革命文学】revolutionary literature【革命戏剧】revolutionary drama【革命现实主义】revolutionary realism【革命现实主义和革命浪漫主义相结合】combining revolutionary realism with revolutionary romanticism【革命样板戏】revolutionary model theater【歌颂工农兵英雄】enlogizing worker, peasent and soldier heroes 【歌颂光明】enlogizing what is bright【歌行】a poem that can be set to music and song【《隔帘花影》】Flower Shadows on the Screen【工人文学】arbeiter literature【功利主义艺术观】vtilitarianism of art【宫体诗】palace-style poetry【宫廷作家】courtly makers【古代文学】ancient literature【古典悲剧】classical tragedy【古典文学】classical literature【《古今谭概》】A Chat about the Present and the Past【《古今小说》】The Ancient and Modern Stories【古今之争】quarrel at the ancients and moderns【《古诗源》】The Wellsprings of Old Poems【古体诗】gutishi; ancient style poetry ( a form of pre-Tang poetry, usu. having fiveor seven characters to each line, without strict tonal patterns or rhyme schemes【古为今用,洋为中用】make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China【古文】1. prose written in the classical literary style2. ancient Chinese prose3. Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty【《古文观止》】The Finest of Ancient Prose【古文运动】Ancient-Style Prose Movement【《古小说钩沉》】Ancient Stories Salvaged【《故事新编》】Old Tales Retold; Old Stories Retold【故事中的故事】story whthin a story【《官场现形记》】Revealing Original Shape in Officialdom; Bureaucrats Shown Up【《管锥编》】The Pipe and Awl Collection; Perspectives on Literature 【《归去来辞》】On Returning Home; The Return【闺怨诗】boudoir-plaint poetry【国粹】quintessence of the Chinese culture【《国殇》】The Ode to the Fallen【《国语》】Guoyu; Conversations from the States; Discourse on the StatesH【《海上花列传》】Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls【海外奇谈】tall tale【《汉宫秋》】Sorrow in the Han Palace【《汉书》】The History of the Han Dynasty; Book of Han; Chronicles of the Han Dynasty【《好逑传》】The Fortunate Union【合声】improptu verse【《荷花淀》】Lotus Creek【荷花淀派】Lotus Lake School【黑色幽默】black humour【《红高梁》】Red Sorghum【《红楼梦》】A Dream of Red Mansion; Dream of the Red Chamber 【红学】redology【《呼兰河传》】The History of Hulan River【《胡笳十八拍》】Barbarian Reed-Whistle Song in Eighteen Stanzas; Eighteen Verses Sung to a Barbarian Whistle【《华盖集》】Bad Luck【《花边文学》】Fringed Literature【滑稽讽刺作家】burlesque【《红旗谱》】Keep the Red Flag Flying【《红岩》】Red Crag【后现代主义】post modernism【厚今薄古】paying more attention to the present than to the past 【话本】script for story-telling; text of a story【话本小说】story-tellers scripts【话剧】modern drama【《淮南子》】Writings of Prince Huainan【《幻灭》】Disillusion【《黄河东流去》】The Yellow River Flows East【《黄鹤楼送孟浩然至广陵》】Seeing Meng Haoran off to Yangzhoufrom Yellow Crane Tower【荒唐故事】cock-and-bull story【回忆录】reminiscences【活报剧】skit; street performanceJ【《激流三部曲》】The Torrent Trilogy【及时行乐】carpe diem【《家》】The Family【家庭悲剧】domestic tragedy【加强艺术感染力】to intensity the impact of the art【《翦灯新话》】New Stories Written While Trimming the Wick 【建安七子】seven leading writers during the Jian An Period at the end of the HanDynasty ( Kong Rong, Chen Lin, Wang Can, Xu Gan, Ruan Yu, Ying Yang, and LiuZhen )【建国后文学】literature after founding of the P.R.C【间谍小说】spy novel【教诲文学】didatic literature【结构谨严】(with) a tightly-knit structure(plot)【结构主义批评】structuralism Criticism【接受美学】reception-aesthetic【《今古奇观》】Wonders of the Present and the Past【《金光大道》】The Bright Road【《金瓶梅》】The Golden Lotus; Gold Plum Vase; The Plum in the Golden Vase【《锦瑟》】The Richly Painted Zither【近代文学】modern literature【近体诗】modern style poetry ( a refernce to innovations in classical poetry duringthe Tang Dynasty, marked by strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes )【《京本通俗小说》】Popular Stories from Capital Editions 【经济建设小说】novels and novelettes on economic construction 【《警世通言》】Convincing Arguments Warning the World; Comprehensive Words to Admonishthe World【《镜花缘》】Romance of the Mirrored Flowers【精神分析学文艺批评】psychoanalysis criticism【精神生活】spiritual life【《静夜思》】In the Quiet Night【《九歌》】Nine Odes; None Songs【《九尾龟》】None-Tailed Tortoise【《九章》】The nine Elegies; The Nine Songs【旧诗】old-style poetry; classical poetry【《旧文四篇》】Four Essays of Yesterday【《救风尘》】The Rescue of a Courtesan【救世主形象】christ figure【俱象诗】concrete poetry【绝句】jueju, poem of four lines, each containing five or seven characters, with astrict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme【《绝妙好词》】Excellent Lyrics【军事小说】military novels and novelettesK【客观对应物】objective correlative【客观批评】objective criticism【科学幻想小说】science fiction; fantasic fiction【《孔雀东南飞》】Southeast Fly the Peacocks【口头流传】oral transimission【口头文学传统】oral tradition【《苦菜花》】Bitter Herb【夸张】to exaggerate【《狂人日记》】A Madman's DiaryL【《兰亭集序》】Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection【浪漫主义悲剧】romantic tragedy【浪漫主义批评理论】romantic criticism【浪漫主义时期】romantic period【《老残游记》】The Travels of Lao Can【《雷雨》】Thunderstorm【类型化人物】type character【理论斗争】theoretical struggle【理性时代】age of reason【《礼记》】The Book of Rites; The Book of Ceremonies and Proper Conduct【《李有才板话》】Rhymes of Li Youcai【离奇故事】tall story【《离骚》】Li Sao; The Lament; Encountering Sorrow【历史小说】historical novel【恋母情结】Oedipus complex【连载小说】serial story【联句】parallel phrases【《聊斋志异》】Strange Tales of Liao-Zhai; Strange stories from a Chinese Studio;【《列子》】The Works of Liezi【《林海雪原》】Tracks in the Snow Forest【《林家铺子》】The Shop of Lin Family【《六十家小说》】Sixty Stories【六言诗】poems in six-word verse【《龙须沟》】Dragon Beard Ditch【《陋室铭》】On My Modest Room【鲁迅研究会】Society for the Study of Lu Xun【《吕梁英雄传》】Heroes of the Lu Liang Mountain【律赋】regulated prose-poem【律诗】lushi; a poem of eight lines five or seven characters in each line【伦理的批评】ethic criticism【《论契合》】Degrees of Affinity: Studies in Comparative Literature 【论说文】argumentative prose【《论语》】The Analects of Confucius; Analects【《洛神赋》】On the Goddess of Luo River【《骆驼祥子》】Camel Xiangzi; The Ricksha BoyM【马克思主义文学批评】Marxist criticism【冒险小说】novel of adventures【梦幻体】dream vision【美学批评】aesthetic criticism【朦胧诗】obscure poetry; "murky" poetry【《孟子》】Mencius; The Book of Mencius; The Works of Mencius 【迷语】riddle【描写阴暗面】description on dark-side【民间歌谣】popular ballad【民间故事】folk tale; folklore【民间文学】folk literature【民族遗产】national legacy【《墨池记》】The Ink Pond【魔幻现实主义】magic realism【木偶剧】pupppet show【牧歌】pastoral【《牡丹亭》】The Peony PavilionN【《呐喊》】Call to Arms【《南腔北调集》】Mixed Dialects【内容和形式的统一】unity of content and form【内心独白】interior monologue【浓厚的中国民族特色】rich Chinese national colour【女才子】bluestockings【《女神》】The GoddessesP【《拍案惊奇》】Thumping the Table in Amagement at the Wonders; Amazing Stories【《彷徨》】Wandering【《佩文韵府》】The Standard Phrase Dictionary【批判地继承】to inherit in a critical way【批判地吸收文学艺术遗产】to critically assimilate the legacies of literature and art【皮影戏】shadow play【《琵琶行》】Song of the Pipa【骈琦派】School of Euphuism【骈文】rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness 【平仄】1. level and oblique tones2. tonal patterns in classical Chinese poetryQ【七绝】four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal patternand rhyme scheme【七律】eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal patternand rhyme scheme【《七侠五义》】Seven Heroes and Five Gallants【七言诗】poem with seven characters to a line【强烈的生活气息】strong smack of everyday life【《且介亭杂文》】Demi-Concession Studio Essays【《青春之歌》】The Song of Youth【《清明前后》】Before and After the Festival of Pure Brightness 【《清平山堂话本》】Vernacular Short Stories from the Clear and Peaceful Studio【情节剧】melodrama【《情史》】A history of Love【《秋》】Autumn【曲】qu ( a type of verse for singing, which emerged in the Southern Song and Jindynasties and became popular in the Yuan Dynasty )【《屈原》】The Death of Qu Yuan【《全宋词》】The Complete Ci-Poetry of the Song【《全唐诗》】Complete Poetry of the Tang; Collected Tang poems 【《全唐文》】Complete Prose Works of the Tang【《全相平话五种》】Five Completely Illustrated Pinghua 【《全相古今小说》】Illustrated Stories Anicent and Modern【全知的观点】omniscient point of viewR【《热风》】Hot Air【人物描写】characterization【人物素描】the character【人物突出】(with) characters that stand out【《日出》】Sunrise【《容斋随笔》】Miscellaneous Notes from the Tolerant Studio 【《儒林外史》】The Scholars; Unofficial History of Officialdom; Unofficial History about the Scholars as a ClassS【三部曲】trilogy【《三国演义》】Romance of the Three Kingdoms; Three Kingdoms 【《三国志》】Annals of the Three Kingdoms; History of the Three Kingdoms【《三家巷》】The Alley of the Three Families【三苏】The Three Su【三突出】three standouts (the formula for literary and art creations during the Cultural Revolution with positive characters standing out from all the characters, the main heroic characters standing out from the positive characters, and a most important central character standing out from the main heroic characters )【《三侠五义》】Three Heroes and Five Gallants【《三闲集》】Three Leisures【三言二拍】San Yan Er Pai; the popular short stories collected by Feng Menglong andLing Menchu【《三字经》】Three Character Classic【散曲】a type of verse popular in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, with tonalpatterns modelled on tunes drawn from folk music【散文诗】prose poetry【骚客】poet【骚人墨客】poet and man of letters【骚体】poetry in the style of Li Sao【色情文学】erotic literature【《莎菲女士日记》】The Diary of Miss Sha Fei【《山歌》】Folk Songs【《山海经》】The Classic of Mountains and Rivers; Book of Mountains and Seas【山药蛋派】Patato School【《山乡巨变》】Great Changes in a Mountain Village【伤痕文学】literature of the wounded; "scar" literature ( literary works reflecting the scars inflicted on people's psyches by the Cultural Revolution)【《上海屋檐下》】Under the Eaves in Shanghai【少数民族文学】literature of national minorities【社会风俗小说】novel of manners【社会小说】social novel【社会主义现实主义】socialist realism【神话批评】myth criticism【神韵】romantic charm【诗】poetry【《诗经》】The Odes; The Book of Songs; The Book of Odes Classic of Poetry【《诗刊》】Poetry【《诗品》】Critique of Poetry【《诗人玉屑》】Jade Splinter of Poets【诗书画合而为一】combination of poetry, calligraphy and painting in one【诗仙】poetic genius【《十二楼》】Twelve Towers【《十三经》】Thirteen Classics【时代精神】spirit of the age【时代思潮】current thought【《蚀》】The Canker【《史记》】Shi Ji; Historical Records; Redords of the Grand History of China; Recordsof the Historian【史传小说】biographical novels and novelettes【市井歌谣】broadside ballad【《世说新语》】New Accounts of Old Episodes; New Anecdotes of Social Talk【世外桃园】Arcadia【视角】point of view【《收获》】Harvests【《书经》】The Book of History; The Book of Documents【书信体小说】epistolary novel【抒情歌剧】lyric theater【抒情诗】lyric poem【抒情文学】lyric literature【双重人格】double personality【双重生活】double life【《水浒传》】The Water Margin; All Men Are Brothers; The Outlaws of the Marsh【《说文解字》】Analytical Dictionary of Characters; Explanation and Study of Principles of Composition of Characters【《四库全书》】Complete Library of Four Branches of Books; Complete Library in the FourBranches of Literature【《四世同堂》】Four Generations under One Roof【"四书"】The Four Books【四言诗】a type of classical poem with four characters to a line 【《搜神记》】Stories of Immortals【俗文学】folk literature【《随想录》】Random Thoughts【《随园诗话》】Criticism of Poetry from the Garden of Leisure 【《隋唐演义》】Romance of the Sui and Tang DynastiesT【《太平广记》】Extensive Records Compiled in the Taiping Years;The ExtensiveAnthologies of Taiping Period【《太阳照在桑乾河上》】The Sun Shines Over River Sanggan 【台阁体】secretariat style【《谈艺录》】Notes on Literature and Art【《唐诗三百首》】Three hundred Tang Poems【唐宋八大家】Eight Great Men of Letters of the Tang and Song Dynasties (Han Yu, LiuZongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Ansh, Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, and Zeng Gong)【《桃花扇》】The Peach Blossom Fan【《桃花源记》】The Story of the Peach Blossom Valley【《陶庵梦忆》】Recollections of Taoan's Past Dreams【特写】feature article【《天安门诗抄》】The Tian'anmen Poems【田园诗】bucolic poem; pastoral poem; idyll【田园浪漫小说】pastoral romance【《铁道游击队》】Railway Guerrillas【通俗小说】popular novel【通讯】correspondence【童话】nursery tales【童谣】children's folk rhymes【颓废主义】DecadenceW【《万首唐人绝句》】Ten Thousand Quatrains from the Tang 【《望江亭》】River-Watching Pavilion【唯美主义】Aestheticism【唯物史观】materialistic conception of history【《围城》】A Town Besieged【为艺术而艺术】art for art sake【为人生而艺术】art for life's sake【《伪自由书》】False Liberty【文笔】style of writing【文化遗产】cultural heritage【文人墨客】poets and literary men【《文心雕龙》】Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature【《文选》】The selections of Refined Literature【文学革命】literature revolution【文学批评史】history of literary critiques【文学社会学】sociology in literature【文学史】history of literature【文学思想史】history of literary thought【文学心理学】psychology in literature【文学研究会】the Society for Literary Research【文学遗产】literary heritage【文艺创作】literary and artistic creation【文艺队伍】ranks of writers and artists【文艺革命】revolution in literature and art【文艺工作者】literary and art workers【文艺民俗学】folklore in literature【文艺批评】literary and art criticism【文言】classical Chinese【文言文】writings in classical Chinese【《文苑英华》】Wenyuan Yinghua; Best Literary Works【问题小说】problem novel【五经】The Five Classics【五言诗】a poem with five characters in a line【无产阶级文学】proletarican literature【无产阶级小说】proletarian novel【无题诗】untitled poems【吴中四杰】Four Outstanding Men of Wu ( the four renowned young poets of the earlyMing, namely , Gao Qi, Zhang Yu, Yu Ben and Jang Ji )【武侠小说】chivalry novel and novelettes; gongfu novel 【《雾》】FogX【西方马克思主义文艺批评】Western Marxist criticism【《西湖佳话》】Memorable Stories of the West Lake【《西厢记》】West Chamber; The Western Chamber【《西游记》】Pilgrimage to the West; Monkey; Story of a Journey to the West; Recordsof a Journey to the West【戏剧冲突】dramatic conflict【戏剧性手法】the dramatic method【《闲情偶寄》】Sketches of Idle Pleasure【险韵】obscure rhymes【现代文学】contemporary literature【现代戏剧】modern drama【现代主义与后现代主义】modernism and post-modernism【现实主义小说】realistic novel【乡村小说】rural novel【乡土文学】local literature; native literature【象征派诗】Symoblist poetry【《湘西散记》】Recollections of West Hunan【小剧场运动】little theater movement【小品文】familiar essay; essay【小说美学】aesthetics of fiction【《小说月刊》】The Short Story Monthly【小小说】short-short story【消遣小说】light fiction【《笑府》】Treasury of Jokes【笑话】joke【《笑林广记》】Jest Books【楔子】prologue in some modern novels【写光明】writing about the bright【写黑暗】writing about the dark【心理描写】inside description【心理现实主义】psychological realism【心理小说】psychological novel【《新儿女英雄传》】New Story of Heroic Sons and Daughters【新青年】New Youth【新月社】the Crescent Moon Society【形象思维】thinking in terms of images【《醒世恒言》】Lasting Words to Awaken the World; The Common Saying Moralizing People【《醒世烟缘传》】Marriage that Awakens the World【性的描写】sextual description【性格喜剧】comedy of humours【《性格组合论》】On the Composition of Character【修辞手段】figures of speech【绣像小说】illustrated fiction【叙事诗】narrative poem【叙事小说】narrative novel【序跋】preface and postscript【序幕】prologue; prelude【宣传鼓动剧】agitprop【宣传文学】porpaganda literature【宣传小说】propaganda novel【渲染】apply colours to a drawing; play up【悬念】audience involvement in a film or play; reader involvement in a piece ofliterature【学院戏剧】academic dramaY【延安文艺座谈会】the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art【演义】historical novel; historical rommance【《艳阳天》】Radiant Skies【《阳春白雪》】The Spring Snow【《野草》】Wild Grass【《野叟曝言》】A Rustic's Idle Talk【《易经》】The Book of Changes【艺术标准】artistic criterion【艺术成就】artistic merit【艺术的起源】origin of art【艺术鉴赏】virtuosity【艺术借鉴】reference in art【艺术效果】effect of art【艺术性】artistic quality【艺术至上论】art eorart【《艺文类聚》】Yi Wen Lei Ju; Classified Excerpts from Ancient Writers; A CategorizedCollection of Literary Writing【意识流】stream of consciousness【印象主义批评】impressionistic criticism【因材施教】individualized method of instruction; case by case 【《永乐大典》】Yong Le Da Dian ; Great Encyclopaedia of the Yongle Reign; The GreatEncyclopaedia in the Reign of Emperor Yongle【用民族风格表现新的内容】presenting new ideological content with a national style【语义重叠】multiple meaning【《喻世明言》】Illustrious Words to Instruct the World【寓教于乐】delight and instruction【寓言故事】fable【元曲】Yuan verse【元杂剧】Yuan-Dynasty zaju plays【原型批评】archetypal criticism【圆形人物】round character【鸳鸯蝴蝶派】Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School; Love Birds and Butterfly School【乐府】folk rhyme; folk songs and ballads in the Han style【《乐府诗集》】The Collection of Folk Songs and Ballads in the Han Style【《岳阳楼记》】On Yueyang Tower【《阅微草堂笔记》】Jottings from the Thatched Abode of Close ObservationsZ【杂剧】zaju (poetic drama set to music, flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty, usu.consisting of four acts called zhe, with a character having the singing role ineach zhe )【《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》】Talks at the Yan'an Forum of Literature and Art【《再别康桥》】Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again【《战国策》】Strategies of the Warring States Period;Intrigues of the Warring States【章回小说】Traditional Chinese novels (with each chapter headed by a couplet givingthe list of its content)【《朝华夕拾》】Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk【《浙西六家词》】The Ci Poetry by Six Poets from the Westen Part of Zhejiang Province【真相大白的情节或场面】recognition plot or scene【侦探小说】detective story【正面人物】positive character【《正气歌》】A Song of the Moral Sense【政治标准】political criterion【政治和艺术的统一】unity of politics and art【政治小说】political novel【志怪小说】mythical stories【中国诗歌会】the China Poetry Society【《中国俗文学史》】History of Chinese Popular Literature【《中国通俗小说书目》】A Bibliography of Popular Chinese Fiction 【《中国文学批评史》】History of Chinese Literary Criticism【中国文学艺术界联合会】All China Federation of Literary and Art Circles【《中国小说史略》】A Short History of Chinese Fiction【中国左翼作家联盟】China League of Left-Wing Writers【中国作家协会】Association of Chinese Writers【中华全国文学工作者协会】All-China Federation of Writers 【《中庸》】The Doctrine of the Mean【主情文学】literature of sensibility【主题明确】(with) a clear-cut theme【竹枝词】1. ancient folk songs with love as their main theme2. occasional poems in the classical style devoted to local topics 【《庄子》】Zhuang Zi; Book of Master Zhuang【《资治通鉴》】Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 【《子不语》】What the Master Would Not Talk of【《子夜》】Midnight【自我隐退的作者】self-eff【自叙体形式】ich-form【自由恋爱】free love【自由诗】free verse【姊妹篇】companion piece【《组织部来了个年轻人》】A Young Newcomer in the Organization Department【《醉翁亭记》】Record of the Old Tippler's Pavalion【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals【作品基调】mood and ambience【作品评价】evaluation of literary works【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals【作品基调】mood and ambience【作品评价】evaluation of literary works【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works。

- 242-校园英语 / 翻译研究中国文学作品中的姓名英译——以《红楼梦》和《西游记》为例青岛科技大学/王晓南【摘要】和英文小说翻译相比,中文小说英译时遇到的人名翻译问题要复杂的多,因为中文小说中的人名往往蕴含着丰富的内涵,与人物的性格、命运或小说的情节有关。
【关键词】姓名翻译 《红楼梦》 《西游记》在中文小说英译的过程中,第一件头疼的事就是对人名的翻译。
杨宪益夫妇版本的《红楼梦》中,姓名基本采用音译,且采用旧式音译规则,比如宝玉——(Jia)Pao-yu,黛玉——(Lin) Dai-yu,并且这都按照了中国的姓和名的顺序,并没有改成英语中的惯用顺序。


三一文库()〔阿Q外传〕*篇一:中国文学作品英译名A【阿Q正传】TheTrueStoryofAQ【哀歌】elegy【《哀江南赋》】LamentfortheSouth【爱情喜剧】romanticcomedyB【八股】eight-partessay(aliterarycompositionprescribedforth eimperialcivilserviceexaminations,knowsforitrigidityofformandpove rtyofideas)【白话诗】freeversewritteninvernacular【白话文】writingsinvernacular【《白话文学史》】HistoryofVernacularLiterature【白描】simple,straightforwardstyleofwriting【《白香词谱笺》】ACollectionofTunesofCiPoems【百花齐放,推陈出新】Letahundredflowersblossom,weedthroughtheoldtobringf orththenew【百花齐放,百家争鸣】Letahundredflowersblossomandahundredschoolsofthough tcontend【报告文学】reportage【《暴风骤雨》】TheHurricane【暴露文学】literatureofexposure【悲剧性缺陷】tragicflaw【笔记小说】literarysketches;sketch-book【边塞诗】frontier-stylepoetry【扁平人物】flatcharacter【变文】bianwen(formofnarrativeliteratureflourshingintheTan gDynasty,withalternateproseandrhymedpartsforrecitationandsinging,oftenonBuddhisticthemes)【表现手法】techniqueofexpression【柏拉图式恋爱】PlatonicloveC【才子佳人】giftedscholarandbeautifulwoman(atermusuallyused torefertoidealloversinChineseromance)【《采莲赋》】LotusGathering【《蔡文姬》】CaiWenji【《沧浪诗话》】CangLangsNotesonPoetsandPoetry【《茶馆》】Teahouse【长短句】akindofclassicalpoetryconsistingchieflyofseven-char acterlinesinterspersedwithshorterorlongerones【《长干行》】TheTradersWife【《长恨歌》】SongofEnduringSorrow;ASongofEverlastingSorrow【《长生殿》】PalaceofEternalYouth;TheLongevityHall 【畅销书】best-seller【衬托】tomake...standoutinhighrelief【衬字】extrawordinsertedinalineofverseforbalanceoreuphony 【《赤壁赋》】SongoftheRedCliff【《出师表》】MemorialonSendingOuttheTroops【《初学记》】ThePrimaryAnthology【《楚辞》】Chuci;ElegiesofChu;SongsofChu【传奇】legend;shortstoriesoftheTangandSongdynasties 【传奇小说】romanticnovel【《创业史》】TheBuilders【创造社】CreationSociety【创作思想】ideasguidingcreationinliteratureandart【创作源泉】fountain-headofliteraryandartisticcreation 【《春蚕》】SpringSilkworms【《春灯谜》】SpringLaternRiddles【《春风沉醉的晚上》】intoxicatingSpringNights【《春江花月夜》】Spring,theRiver,Flowers,theMoon:night;The RiverOnaSpringNight【春柳社】SpringWillowSociety【《春秋》】TheSpringandAutumnAnnals【纯文学】balles-letters【《辍耕录》】TalksintheIntervalsofPloughing【词】cipoetry(writtentocertaintuneswithstricttonalpatten sandrhymeschemes,infixednumbersoflinesandwordsoriginatingint heTangDynastyandfullydevelopedintheSongDynasty)【词调】tonalpatternsandrhymeschemesofcipoetry 【词牌】tune;namesoftunesofcipoems【《词谱》】ACollectionofTunesofCiPoems【词曲】generaltermforciandqu【《词源》】TheOriginoftheCiPoetry【词韵】rhymeofcipoemsD【打油诗】doggerel;raggedverse【大场剧场】publictheaters【《大风歌》】SongoftheGreatWind【大墙文学】prisonliterature【《大学》】TheGreatLearning【大众化】popular;inapopularstyle【《当代》】ContemporaryLiterature【《道德经》】TheScriptureofEthics;TheWayandItsPower 【道德含义】moralmeaning【倒叙】flashback【地方出版物】samizdat【地方色彩】localcolour【地方小说】regionalnovel【典型环境】typicalenvironment【典型人物】typicalperson【典型形象】typicalimage【典型性】typicality【典型性格】modelpersonalities【电影理论】filmtheory【叠句】reiterativesentence【叠韵】twoormorecharacterswiththesamevowelformation 【叠字】reiterativelocution【动物寓言故事】beastfable【《窦娥冤》】TheInjusticeDonetoDouE【读者反应批评】reader-responsecriticism【对联】coupletwrittenonscrolls【多重含义】multiplemeaningE【俄国形式主义】RussianFormalism【《儿女英雄传》】TheStoryoftheHeroandTheSisters;TwoSistersMarrytheSa meMan【儿童文学】childrensliterature【《儿童文学研究》】TheStudyonChildrensLiterature 【《而已集》】AndThatsthat【《尔雅》】LiteraryExpositor【《二刻拍案惊奇》】TheSecondCollectionofStrikingtheTableinAmazementatt heWonders【《二十年目睹之怪现状》】OddThingsWitnessedOverTwentyYears;HavingSeenStrange PresentConditionsforTwentyYears【《二十四诗品》】TheTwenty-FourMoodsofPoetry【二十四史】theTwenty-FourHistories(dynastichistoriesfromremote antiquitytilltheMingDynasty)【二为方向】literatureandartfollowingthetwodirectionsofbeingfor servingthepeopleandforservingsocialism【《二心集》TwoHeartsF【反面人物】negativecharacter【反现实主义小说】antirealisticnovel【反映现代生活】toreflectpresent-daylife【反映现实生活】toreflectreallife【《飞燕外传》】ThePrivateLifeofLadySwallow【非传统英雄式的主人公】anti-hero【非理性主义】irrationalism【非虚构小说】nonfictionnovel【非正式出版物】undergroundliterature【肥皂剧】soapopera【风骨】strengthofcharacter;vigourofstyle【风景诗】topographicalpoetry【风骚】literaryexcellence;coquettish【《凤凰涅磐》】TheNirvanaofthePhoenix【《封神演义》】CanonizationoftheGods;GodsandHeroes;Investitureofth eGods【讽刺喜剧】satiricalcomedy【讽刺作品】satire【丰富的表现能力】richexpressivepower【《枫桥夜泊》】ToMooratNightattheMapleBridge【《芙蓉镇》】ASmallTownCalledHibiscus【《腐蚀》】Decay*篇二:语文:1.1《阿Q正传》测试(1)(沪教版第六册) 《阿Q正传》同步练习1.与句中加黑的“载”字读音相同的一组是:“那船便将大不安载给了未庄”①载歌载舞②年年载载③记载④载重⑤千载难逢⑥载欣载奔⑦风雪载途⑧转载⑨怨声载道⑩满载而归A.①②③④⑤⑧B.①④⑤⑦⑧⑨C.②③⑤⑧⑨⑩D.①④⑥⑦⑨⑩()2.写出下列各句中“着”字的读音:①拿着板刀,钢鞭,炸弹,洋炮??()②那邻村的航船七斤便着了道儿()③第一着仍然要和革命党去结识()3.下列字词读音完全正确的一项是:A.茶坊fáng鸟男女diǎo深恶痛绝wù怦怦pēngB.飘飘然的飞了一通t?ng土谷祠cí迸跳bìng呸pēiC.眼胞bāo红焰焰yàn嚄huōD.唾沫tu?怯怯qua哭丧棒sāng喘吁吁xū()4.指出读音、书写、释义有误的一组:A.河埠头:bù停船的码头茶坊酒肆:sì店铺不以为然:对、正确B.素不相能:素,一向;能,和睦殊不料:shū竟怃然:wǔ失望的样子C.诧异:chà惊讶错愕:a因吃惊而愣神咸与维新:yù维,语助词;新,革新。


(更多电影尽在 )2.中国典籍文学作品英译研究现状国内关于典籍作品的英译研究主要集中在翻译学界,关注焦点主要集中在:(1)译本研究(包括单个译本研究和多个译本的对比分析,文体分析等);(2)译校出版感言研究;(3)典籍作品中关键词翻译的研究;(4)典籍作品跨文化研究。

生态翻译学视域下中国文学作品可译性探讨——以《山居秋暝》为个案王萍、余霞、陈忠英、罗碧萍、伍彩霞成都文理学院四川成都 610401【摘要】中国文学是世界上独一无二的,从神话传说到成熟的文学体系经历了5000多年。
1.1.维持所谓维持,就是既要保持原语生态中的各元素与源语(source language),又要保持译语生态中的各元素和目的语(target language)的用语表达和表现形式一致。

中国文学作品英译T【《太平广记》】Extensive Records Compiled in theTaiping Years;The Extensive Anthologies of Taiping Period【《太阳照在桑乾河上》】The Sun Shines Over River Sanggan【台阁体】secretariat style【《谈艺录》】Notes on Literature and Art【《唐诗三百首》】Three hundred Tang Poems【唐宋八大家】Eight Great Men of Letters of theTang and Song Dynasties (Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Ansh, Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, and Zeng Gong)【《桃花扇》】The Peach Blossom Fan【《桃花源记》】The Story of the Peach BlossomValley【《陶庵梦忆》】Recollections of Taoan's PastDreams【特写】feature article【《天安门诗抄》】The Tian'anmen Poems【田园诗】bucolic poem; pastoral poem; idyll【田园浪漫小说】pastoral romance【《铁道游击队》】Railway Guerrillas【通俗小说】popular novel【通讯】correspondence【童话】nursery tales【童谣】children's folk rhymes【颓废主义】DecadenceW【《万首唐人绝句》】Ten Thousand Quatrains from theTang【《望江亭》】River-Watching Pavilion【唯美主义】Aestheticism【唯物史观】materialistic conception ofhistory【《围城》】A Town Besieged【为艺术而艺术】art for art sake【为人生而艺术】art for life's sake【《伪自由书》】False Liberty【文笔】style of writing【文化遗产】cultural heritage【文人墨客】poets and literary men【《文心雕龙》】Carving a Dragon at the Core ofLiterature【《文选》】The selections of RefinedLiterature【文学革命】literature revolution【文学批评史】history of literary critiques【文学社会学】sociology in literature【文学史】history of literature【文学思想史】history of literary thought【文学心理学】psychology in literature【文学研究会】the Society for Literary Research【文学遗产】literary heritage【文艺创作】literary and artistic creation【文艺队伍】ranks of writers and artists【文艺革命】revolution in literature and art【文艺工作者】literary and art workers【文艺民俗学】folklore in literature【文艺批评】literary and art criticism【文言】classical Chinese【文言文】writings in classical Chinese【《文苑英华》】Wenyuan Yinghua; Best LiteraryWorks【问题小说】problem novel【五经】The Five Classics【五言诗】a poem with five characters in aline【无产阶级文学】proletarican literature【无产阶级小说】proletarian novel【无题诗】untitled poems【吴中四杰】Four Outstanding Men of Wu ( thefour renowned young poets of the early Ming, namely , Gao Qi, Zhang Yu, Yu Ben and Jang Ji )【武侠小说】chivalry novel and novelettes;gongfu novel【《雾》】FogX【西方马克思主义文艺批评】Western Marxist criticism【《西湖佳话》】Memorable Stories of the West Lake【《西厢记》】West Chamber; The Western Chamber【《西游记》】Pilgrimage to the West; Monkey;Story of a Journey to the West; Records of a Journey to the West【戏剧冲突】dramatic conflict【戏剧性手法】the dramatic method【《闲情偶寄》】Sketches of Idle Pleasure【险韵】obscure rhymes【现代文学】contemporary literature【现代戏剧】modern drama【现代主义与后现代主义】modernism and post-modernism【现实主义小说】realistic novel【乡村小说】rural novel【乡土文学】local literature; nativeliterature【象征派诗】Symoblist poetry【《湘西散记》】Recollections of West Hunan【小剧场运动】little theater movement【小品文】familiar essay; essay【小说美学】aesthetics of fiction【《小说月刊》】The Short Story Monthly【小小说】short-short story【消遣小说】light fiction【《笑府》】Treasury of Jokes【笑话】joke【《笑林广记》】Jest Books【楔子】prologue in some modern novels【写光明】writing about the bright【写黑暗】writing about the dark【心理描写】inside description【心理现实主义】psychological realism【心理小说】psychological novel【《新儿女英雄传》】New Story of Heroic Sons andDaughters【新青年】New Youth【新月社】the Crescent Moon Society【形象思维】thinking in terms of images【《醒世恒言》】Lasting Words to Awaken the World;The Common Saying Moralizing People 【《醒世烟缘传》】Marriage that Awakens the World【性的描写】sextual description【性格喜剧】comedy of humours【《性格组合论》】On the Composition of Character【修辞手段】figures of speech【绣像小说】illustrated fiction【叙事诗】narrative poem【叙事小说】narrative novel【序跋】preface and postscript【序幕】prologue; prelude【宣传鼓动剧】agitprop【宣传文学】porpaganda literature【宣传小说】propaganda novel【渲染】apply colours to a drawing; playup【悬念】audience involvement in a film orplay; reader involvement in a piece ofliterature【学院戏剧】academic dramaY【延安文艺座谈会】the Yan'an Forum on Literature andArt【演义】historical novel; historicalrommance【《艳阳天》】Radiant Skies【《阳春白雪》】The Spring Snow【《野草》】Wild Grass【《野叟曝言》】A Rustic's Idle Talk【《易经》】The Book of Changes【艺术标准】artistic criterion【艺术成就】artistic merit【艺术的起源】origin of art【艺术鉴赏】virtuosity【艺术借鉴】reference in art【艺术效果】effect of art【艺术性】artistic quality【艺术至上论】art eorart【《艺文类聚》】Yi Wen Lei Ju; Classified Excerptsfrom Ancient Writers; A Categorized Collection of Literary Writing【意识流】stream of consciousness【印象主义批评】impressionistic criticism【因材施教】individualized method ofinstruction; case by case【《永乐大典》】Yong Le Da Dian ; GreatEncyclopaedia of the Yongle Reign; The Great Encyclopaedia in the Reign of Emperor Yongle【用民族风格表现新的内容】presenting new ideological contentwith a national style 【语义重叠】multiple meaning【《喻世明言》】Illustrious Words to Instruct theWorld【寓教于乐】delight and instruction【寓言故事】fable【元曲】Yuan verse【元杂剧】Yuan-Dynasty zaju plays【原型批评】archetypal criticism【圆形人物】round character【鸳鸯蝴蝶派】Mandarin Duck and ButterflySchool; Love Birds and Butterfly School 【乐府】folk rhyme; folk songs and balladsin the Han style【《乐府诗集》】The Collection of Folk Songs andBallads in the Han Style【《岳阳楼记》】On Yueyang Tower【《阅微草堂笔记》】Jottings from the Thatched Abodeof Close ObservationsZ【杂剧】zaju (poetic drama set to music,flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty, usu. consisting of four acts called zhe, with a character having the singing role ineach zhe )【《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》】Talks at the Yan'an Forum ofLiterature and Art 【《再别康桥》】Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again【《战国策》】Strategies of the Warring StatesPeriod;Intrigues of the Warring States【章回小说】Traditional Chinese novels (witheach chapter headed by a couplet givingthe list of its content)【《朝华夕拾》】Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk【《浙西六家词》】The Ci Poetry by Six Poets fromthe Westen Part of Zhejiang Province 【真相大白的情节或场面】recognition plot or scene【侦探小说】detective story【正面人物】positive character【《正气歌》】A Song of the Moral Sense【政治标准】political criterion【政治和艺术的统一】unity of politics and art【政治小说】political novel【志怪小说】mythical stories【中国诗歌会】the China Poetry Society【《中国俗文学史》】History of Chinese PopularLiterature【《中国通俗小说书目》】A Bibliography of Popular ChineseFiction【《中国文学批评史》】History of Chinese LiteraryCriticism【中国文学艺术界联合会】All China Federation of Literaryand Art Circles【《中国小说史略》】A Short History of Chinese Fiction【中国左翼作家联盟】China League of Left-Wing Writers【中国作家协会】Association of Chinese Writers【中华全国文学工作者协会】All-China Federation of Writers【《中庸》】The Doctrine of the Mean【主情文学】literature of sensibility【主题明确】(with) a clear-cut theme【竹枝词】1. ancient folk songs with love astheir main theme2. occasional poems in the classical style devoted to local topics【《庄子》】Zhuang Zi; Book of Master Zhuang【《资治通鉴》】Comprehensive Mirror for AidGovernment【《子不语》】What the Master Would Not Talk of【《子夜》】Midnight【自我隐退的作者】self-eff【自叙体形式】ich-form【自由恋爱】free love【自由诗】free verse【姊妹篇】companion piece【《组织部来了个年轻人》】A Young Newcomer in theOrganization Department 【《醉翁亭记》】Record of the Old Tippler'sPavalion【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; MasterZuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 【作品基调】mood and ambience【作品评价】evaluation of literary works【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; MasterZuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 【作品基调】mood and ambience【作品评价】evaluation of literary works【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works。

在教学过程 中 ,学 生普 遍反 映材 料力 学 内容 复杂 ,概 念 容易混淆 ,遇到问题 不知 从 哪方 面切 入。另 外 ,由于 各种 新 知识 的增加 ,如何能让学生在有 限的学 时内高效 地掌握该 课 程 理 论 知 识 是 必 须 面对 的 问 题 。
一 、 材料力学课程的特点 (一)承上启 下。在众多高校 的教学 方案中 ,材料力学课
味”地传递 给英 译 文 国家的读 者 ,可 以适 当删减 、增 加 、改变 程 中 ,都与西方 经典 的爱情 故事 《罗 密欧 与 朱丽 叶》联 系起 中 国文 学 作 品原 文 的 一 些 内 容 或 者 改 变 语 言 模 式 ,诸 如 将 直 来 ,这部西方经典 的小说 题 材为 英文 国家 的读 者所 熟识 ,为
接引语变 为间接引语 ,抑 或变 成平铺 直 叙 的表述 方 式 ,这些 此 ,在宣传 中国同题材 的小说 类 型时 ,更 容 易被 西方读 者 所
在 当今译 文翻译 中都是普遍存在 的。
接受 ,并愿意进行 阅读 ,从而提高 了传播效果 和影响力 。
同时 ,在翻译过程 中 ,异化翻译 也必不 可少 ,最常 见于专
二 、中国 现 当代 文 学 作 品英 译 存 在 的 问题 与不 足 近年来 ,在学术研 究方 面 ,中国 的现 当代 文 学也 成为 欧 美学术界研究 的热点之 一 ,美 国学者 、欧洲汉 学 家陆续 召 开 有关 中国现 当代文学 的研讨会 、出版 有关 中国现 当代 文学英 译本在海外传播概况 的书籍 ,还有一 些专 门机构 出版有关 中 国现 当代文学 的学术期 刊。种种 迹象 表明 ,中 国现 当代文 学 在海外受 到了学术 圈的欢迎 ,其英译 版本还 满足 了在 当地 大 学学 习汉语言 、中 国文学等专业 的大学生群体 的需求 。 然而 ,海外普通 民众对 中国现 当代文学 英译本 的接受情 况 ,却形成了“冰火两重 天”的景象 。1936年 ,《活 的中国》出 版后 ,译文者斯诺 曾表示“销量寥寥无 几”。这样 的窘状还 困 扰着不少 中国现当代文 学作 品的译文 者 ,要 么英译 版书籍 出 版后 只有 销售 的版税而无稿费 ,要 么在 书店 难觅 自己 翻译 的 中国现 当代文学作 品。究其原 因 主要 有三点 ,一是 中西方 文 化 的差异 ;二是不论 是 国内还 是 国外 ,经典 文学 作 品本身 受 众读者少 ;三是有学者们指 出中国的一些文 学作 品缺乏文 学 性 ,太 过 于 评 价 和 呈 现 中 国 的 社 会 现 实 ,而 忽 略 了 艺 术 形 式 的表 达。因此 ,中国现 当代 文学 作 品要想 真正 “飞人 海外 百 姓家 ”,进一步扩 大影 响力 ,获得 更好 的传播 效果 ,赢 得海 外 读者 的认 同和支持 ,还需要在英译方 面下不少功夫 。 三 、中国 现 当代 文 学 作 品英 译 存 在 问题 的解 决 对 策 近年来 ,面对 中国现 当代文 学作品英译 文在 海外传 播的 发展现状 ,不少译 文者 和 翻译 家都进 行 了深思 。大众 认 为 , 作为译文者或 者翻译 家应该 是在理解 原文 意思 的基 础上 ,进 行创 作性 的语 言转换 ,既不改 变原 文作 者 的寓意 ,又能让 受 众读 者心领神会的一个相互转换 的过程 。 中西 方文化和思想上的差异 ,根深 蒂 固 ,无法 改变 ,但人 类 的“共通感”是一致 的 ,即在语言开放 性 的环 境下 ,人类 可

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中国文学作品英译名词典A【阿Q正传】The True Story of A Q【哀歌】elegy【《哀江南赋》】Lament for the South【爱情喜剧】romantic comedyB【八股】eight-part essay ( a literary composition prescribed for the imperial civil service examinations, knows for it rigidity of form and poverty of ideas )【白话诗】free verse written in vernacular【白话文】writings in vernacular【《白话文学史》】History of Vernacular Literature【白描】simple, straightforward style of writing【《白香词谱笺》】A Collection of Tunes of Ci Poems【百花齐放,推陈出新】Let a hundred flowers blossom, weed through the old to bring forththe new【百花齐放,百家争鸣】Let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thoughtcontend【报告文学】reportage【《暴风骤雨》】The Hurricane【暴露文学】literature of exposure【悲剧性缺陷】tragic flaw【笔记小说】literary sketches; sketch-book【边塞诗】frontier-style poetry【扁平人物】flat character【变文】bianwen (form of narrative literature flourshing in the Tang Dynasty, with alternate prose and rhymed parts for recitation and singing, often on Buddhistic themes )【表现手法】technique of expression【柏拉图式恋爱】Platonic loveC【才子佳人】gifted scholar and beautiful woman ( a term usually used to refer to ideallovers in Chinese romance )【《采莲赋》】Lotus Gathering【《蔡文姬》】Cai Wenji【《沧浪诗话》】Cang Lang's Notes on Poets and Poetry【《茶馆》】Teahouse【长短句】a kind of classical poetry consisting chiefly of seven-character linesinterspersed with shorter or longer ones【《长干行》】The Trader's Wife【《长恨歌》】Song of Enduring Sorrow;A Song of Everlasting Sorrow【《长生殿》】Palace of Eternal Youth; The Longevity Hall【畅销书】best-seller【衬托】to make...stand out in high relief【衬字】extra word inserted in a line of verse for balance or euphony【《赤壁赋》】Song of the Red Cliff【《出师表》】Memorial on Sending Out the Troops【《初学记》】The Primary Anthology【《楚辞》】Chuci; Elegies of Chu; Songs of Chu【传奇】legend; short stories of the Tangand Song dynasties【传奇小说】romantic novel【《创业史》】The Builders【创造社】Creation Society【创作思想】ideas guiding creation in literature and art【创作源泉】fountain-headofliteraryand artistic creation【《春蚕》】Spring Silkworms【《春灯谜》】Spring Latern Riddles【《春风沉醉的晚上》】intoxicating Spring Nights【《春江花月夜》】Spring, the River, Flowers, the Moon: night;The River On a Spring Night【春柳社】Spring Willow Society【《春秋》】The Spring and Autumn Annals【纯文学】balles-letters【《辍耕录》】Talks in the Intervals of Ploughing【词】ci poetry (written to certain tunes with strict tonal pattens and rhyme schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words originating in the Tang Dynasty and fully developed in the Song Dynasty )【词调】tonal patterns and rhyme schemes of ci poetry【词牌】tune; names of tunes of ci poems【《词谱》】A Collection of Tunes of Ci Poems【词曲】general term for ci and qu【《词源》】The Origin of the Ci Poetry【词韵】rhyme of ci poemsD【打油诗】doggerel; ragged verse【大场剧场】public theaters【《大风歌》】Song of the Great Wind【大墙文学】prison literature【《大学》】The Great Learning【大众化】popular; in a popular style【《当代》】Contemporary Literature【《道德经》】The Scripture of Ethics; The Way and Its Power【道德含义】moral meaning【倒叙】flashback【地方出版物】samizdat【地方色彩】local colour【地方小说】regional novel【典型环境】typical environment【典型人物】typical person【典型形象】typical image【典型性】typicality【典型性格】model personalities【电影理论】film theory【叠句】reiterative sentence【叠韵】two or more characters with the same vowel formation【叠字】reiterative locution【动物寓言故事】beast fable【《窦娥冤》】The Injustice Done to Dou E【读者反应批评】reader-response criticism【对联】couplet written on scrolls【多重含义】multiple meaningE【俄国形式主义】Russian Formalism【《儿女英雄传》】The Story of the Hero and The Sisters; Two Sisters Marry the Same Man【儿童文学】children's literature【《儿童文学研究》】The Study on Children's Literature【《而已集》】And That's that【《尔雅》】Literary Expositor【《二刻拍案惊奇》】The Second Collection of Striking the Table in Amazement at theWonders【《二十年目睹之怪现状》】Odd Things Witnessed Over Twenty Years; Having Seen Strange PresentConditions for Twenty Years【《二十四诗品》】The Twenty-Four Moods of Poetry【二十四史】the Twenty-Four Histories (dynastic histories from remote antiquity till the Ming Dynasty)【二为方向】literature and art following the two directions of being for serving the people and for serving socialism【《二心集》Two HeartsF【反面人物】negative character【反现实主义小说】antirealistic novel【反映现代生活】to reflect present-day life【反映现实生活】to reflect real life【《飞燕外传》】The Private Life of Lady Swallow【非传统英雄式的主人公】anti-hero【非理性主义】irrationalism【非虚构小说】nonfiction novel【非正式出版物】underground literature【肥皂剧】soap opera【风骨】strength of character; vigour of style【风景诗】topographical poetry【风骚】literary excellence; coquettish【《凤凰涅磐》】The Nirvana of the Phoenix【《封神演义》】Canonization of the Gods; Gods and Heroes; Investiture of the Gods 【讽刺喜剧】satirical comedy【讽刺作品】satire【丰富的表现能力】rich expressive power【《枫桥夜泊》】To Moor at Night at the Maple Bridge【《芙蓉镇》】A Small Town Called Hibiscus【《腐蚀》】Decay【赋】fu;descriptive prose interspersed with verse; prose-poetry【复仇悲剧】revenge tragedy【《浮生六记》】Six Chapters of a Floating LifeG【干预生活】interventing in life【感伤小说】senimental novel【高大全】tall, big, and perfect ( the nonexistent divorced-from-realistic-life, "heroic" figures fabricated in certain literary and art works along theGang-of-Four's theory of literature and art during the Cultural Revolution【格律诗】regulated verse【革命的政治内容和尽可能完美的艺术形式的统一】unity of revolutionary political content and highestpossible perfection of artistic form【革命斗争小说】novels and novelettes on revolutionary struggle【革命文学】revolutionary literature【革命戏剧】revolutionary drama【革命现实主义】revolutionary realism【革命现实主义和革命浪漫主义相结合】combining revolutionary realism with revolutionary romanticism【革命样板戏】revolutionary model theater【歌颂工农兵英雄】enlogizing worker, peasent and soldier heroes【歌颂光明】enlogizing what is bright【歌行】a poem that can be set to music and song【《隔帘花影》】Flower Shadows on the Screen【工人文学】arbeiter literature【功利主义艺术观】vtilitarianism of art【宫体诗】palace-style poetry【宫廷作家】courtly makers【古代文学】ancient literature【古典悲剧】classical tragedy【古典文学】classical literature【《古今谭概》】A Chat about the Present and the Past【《古今小说》】The Ancient and Modern Stories【古今之争】quarrel at the ancients and moderns【《古诗源》】The Wellsprings of Old Poems【古体诗】gutishi; ancient style poetry ( a form of pre-Tang poetry, usu. having five or seven characters to each line, without strict tonal patterns or rhyme schemes【古为今用,洋为中用】make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China【古文】1. prose written in the classical literary style2. ancient Chinese prose3. Chinese script before the Qin Dynasty【《古文观止》】The Finest of Ancient Prose【古文运动】Ancient-Style Prose Movement【《古小说钩沉》】Ancient Stories Salvaged【《故事新编》】Old Tales Retold; Old Stories Retold【故事中的故事】story whthin a story【《官场现形记》】Revealing Original Shape in Officialdom; Bureaucrats Shown Up 【《管锥编》】The Pipe and Awl Collection; Perspectives on Literature【《归去来辞》】On Returning Home; The Return【闺怨诗】boudoir-plaint poetry【国粹】quintessence of the Chinese culture【《国殇》】The Ode to the Fallen【《国语》】Guoyu; Conversations from the States; Discourse on the StatesH【《海上花列传》】Lives of Shanghai Singsong Girls【海外奇谈】tall tale【《汉宫秋》】Sorrow in the Han Palace【《汉书》】The History of the Han Dynasty; Book of Han;Chronicles of the Han Dynasty【《好逑传》】The Fortunate Union【合声】improptu verse【《荷花淀》】Lotus Creek【荷花淀派】Lotus Lake School【黑色幽默】black humour【《红高梁》】Red Sorghum【《红楼梦》】A Dream of Red Mansion; Dream of the Red Chamber【红学】redology【《呼兰河传》】The History of Hulan River【《胡笳十八拍》】Barbarian Reed-Whistle Song in Eighteen Stanzas;Eighteen Verses Sung to a Barbarian Whistle【《华盖集》】Bad Luck【《花边文学》】Fringed Literature【滑稽讽刺作家】burlesque【《红旗谱》】Keep the Red Flag Flying【《红岩》】Red Crag【后现代主义】post modernism【厚今薄古】paying more attention to the present than to the past【话本】script for story-telling; text of a story【话本小说】story-tellers scripts【话剧】modern drama【《淮南子》】Writings of Prince Huainan【《幻灭》】Disillusion【《黄河东流去》】The Yellow River Flows East【《黄鹤楼送孟浩然至广陵》】Seeing Meng Haoran off to Yangzhou from Yellow Crane Tower【荒唐故事】cock-and-bull story【回忆录】reminiscences【活报剧】skit; street performanceJ【《激流三部曲》】The Torrent Trilogy【及时行乐】carpe diem【《家》】The Family【家庭悲剧】domestic tragedy【加强艺术感染力】to intensity the impact of the art【《翦灯新话》】New Stories Written While Trimming the Wick【建安七子】seven leading writers during the Jian An Period at the end of the Han Dynasty ( Kong Rong, Chen Lin, Wang Can, Xu Gan, Ruan Yu, Ying Yang, and Liu Zhen )【建国后文学】literature after founding of the P.R.C【间谍小说】spy novel【教诲文学】didatic literature【结构谨严】(with) a tightly-knit structure(plot)【结构主义批评】structuralism Criticism【接受美学】reception-aesthetic【《今古奇观》】Wonders of the Present and the Past【《金光大道》】The Bright Road【《金瓶梅》】The Golden Lotus; Gold Plum Vase; The Plum in the Golden Vase 【《锦瑟》】The Richly Painted Zither【近代文学】modern literature【近体诗】modern style poetry ( a refernce to innovations in classical poetry during the Tang Dynasty, marked by strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes )【《京本通俗小说》】Popular Stories from Capital Editions【经济建设小说】novels and novelettes on economic construction【《警世通言》】Convincing Arguments Warning the World; Comprehensive Words toAdmonishthe World【《镜花缘》】Romance of the Mirrored Flowers【精神分析学文艺批评】psychoanalysis criticism【精神生活】spiritual life【《静夜思》】In the Quiet Night【《九歌》】Nine Odes; None Songs【《九尾龟》】None-Tailed Tortoise【《九章》】The nine Elegies; The Nine Songs【旧诗】old-style poetry; classical poetry【《旧文四篇》】Four Essays of Yesterday【《救风尘》】The Rescue of a Courtesan【救世主形象】christ figure【俱象诗】concrete poetry【绝句】jueju, poem of four lines, each containing five or seven characters, with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme【《绝妙好词》】Excellent Lyrics【军事小说】military novels and novelettesK【客观对应物】objective correlative【客观批评】objective criticism【科学幻想小说】science fiction; fantasic fiction【《孔雀东南飞》】Southeast Fly the Peacocks【口头流传】oral transimission【口头文学传统】oral tradition【《苦菜花》】Bitter Herb【夸张】to exaggerate【《狂人日记》】A Madman's DiaryL【《兰亭集序》】Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection【浪漫主义悲剧】romantic tragedy【浪漫主义批评理论】romantic criticism【浪漫主义时期】romantic period【《老残游记》】The Travels of Lao Can【《雷雨》】Thunderstorm【类型化人物】type character【理论斗争】theoretical struggle【理性时代】age of reason【《礼记》】The Book of Rites; The Book of Ceremonies and Proper Conduct 【《李有才板话》】Rhymes of Li Youcai【离奇故事】tall story【《离骚》】Li Sao; The Lament; Encountering Sorrow【历史小说】historical novel【恋母情结】Oedipus complex【连载小说】serial story【联句】parallel phrases【《聊斋志异》】Strange Tales of Liao-Zhai; Strange stories from a Chinese Studio; 【《列子》】The Works of Liezi【《林海雪原》】Tracks in the Snow Forest【《林家铺子》】The Shop of Lin Family【《六十家小说》】Sixty Stories【六言诗】poems in six-word verse【《龙须沟》】Dragon Beard Ditch【《陋室铭》】On My Modest Room【鲁迅研究会】Society for the Study of Lu Xun【《吕梁英雄传》】Heroes of the Lu Liang Mountain【律赋】regulated prose-poem【律诗】lushi; a poem of eight lines five or seven characters in each line【伦理的批评】ethic criticism【《论契合》】Degrees of Affinity: Studies in Comparative Literature【论说文】argumentative prose【《论语》】The Analects of Confucius; Analects【《洛神赋》】On the Goddess of Luo River【《骆驼祥子》】Camel Xiangzi; The Ricksha BoyM【马克思主义文学批评】Marxist criticism【冒险小说】novel of adventures【梦幻体】dream vision【美学批评】aesthetic criticism【朦胧诗】obscure poetry; "murky" poetry【《孟子》】Mencius; The Book of Mencius; The Works of Mencius【迷语】riddle【描写阴暗面】description on dark-side【民间歌谣】popular ballad【民间故事】folk tale; folklore【民间文学】folk literature【民族遗产】national legacy【《墨池记》】The Ink Pond【魔幻现实主义】magic realism【木偶剧】pupppet show【牧歌】pastoral【《牡丹亭》】The Peony PavilionN【《呐喊》】Call to Arms【《南腔北调集》】Mixed Dialects【内容和形式的统一】unity of content and form【内心独白】interior monologue【浓厚的中国民族特色】rich Chinese national colour【女才子】bluestockings【《女神》】The GoddessesP【《拍案惊奇》】Thumping the Table in Amagement at the Wonders; Amazing Stories 【《彷徨》】Wandering【《佩文韵府》】The Standard Phrase Dictionary【批判地继承】to inherit in a critical way【批判地吸收文学艺术遗产】to critically assimilate the legacies of literature and art 【皮影戏】shadow play【《琵琶行》】Song of the Pipa【骈琦派】School of Euphuism【骈文】rhythmical prose characterized by parallelism and ornateness【平仄】1. level and oblique tones2. tonal patterns in classical Chinese poetryQ【七绝】four-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal patternand rhyme scheme【七律】eight-line poem with seven characters to a line and a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme【《七侠五义》】Seven Heroes and Five Gallants【七言诗】poem with seven characters to a line【强烈的生活气息】strong smack of everyday life【《且介亭杂文》】Demi-Concession Studio Essays【《青春之歌》】The Song of Youth【《清明前后》】Before and After the Festival of Pure Brightness【《清平山堂话本》】Vernacular Short Stories from the Clear and Peaceful Studio 【情节剧】melodrama【《情史》】A history of Love【《秋》】Autumn【曲】qu ( a type of verse for singing, which emerged in the Southern Song and Jin dynasties and became popular in the Yuan Dynasty )【《屈原》】The Death of Qu Yuan【《全宋词》】The Complete Ci-Poetry of the Song【《全唐诗》】Complete Poetry of the Tang; Collected Tang poems【《全唐文》】Complete Prose Works of the Tang【《全相平话五种》】Five Completely Illustrated Pinghua【《全相古今小说》】Illustrated Stories Anicent and Modern【全知的观点】omniscient point of viewR【《热风》】Hot Air【人物描写】characterization【人物素描】the character【人物突出】(with) characters that stand out【《日出》】Sunrise【《容斋随笔》】Miscellaneous Notes from the Tolerant Studio【《儒林外史》】The Scholars; Unofficial History of Officialdom; Unofficial History about the Scholars as a ClassS【三部曲】trilogy【《三国演义》】Romance of the Three Kingdoms; Three Kingdoms【《三国志》】Annals of the Three Kingdoms; History of the Three Kingdoms【《三家巷》】The Alley of the Three Families【三苏】The Three Su【三突出】three standouts (the formula for literary and art creations during the Cultural Revolution with positive characters standing out from all thecharacters, the main heroic characters standing out from the positivecharacters, and a most important central character standing out from the mainheroic characters )【《三侠五义》】Three Heroes and Five Gallants【《三闲集》】Three Leisures【三言二拍】San Yan Er Pai; the popular short stories collected by Feng Menglong andLing Menchu【《三字经》】Three Character Classic【散曲】a type of verse popular in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, with tonal patterns modelled on tunes drawn from folk music【散文诗】prose poetry【骚客】poet【骚人墨客】poet and man of letters【骚体】poetry in the style of Li Sao【色情文学】erotic literature【《莎菲女士日记》】The Diary of Miss Sha Fei【《山歌》】Folk Songs【《山海经》】The Classic of Mountains and Rivers; Book of Mountains and Seas 【山药蛋派】Patato School【《山乡巨变》】Great Changes in a Mountain Village【伤痕文学】literature of the wounded; "scar" literature ( literary works reflecting the scars inflicted on people's psyches by the Cultural Revolution)【《上海屋檐下》】Under the Eaves in Shanghai【少数民族文学】literature of national minorities【社会风俗小说】novel of manners【社会小说】social novel【社会主义现实主义】socialist realism【神话批评】myth criticism【神韵】romantic charm【诗】poetry【《诗经》】The Odes; The Book of Songs; The Book of Odes Classic of Poetry 【《诗刊》】Poetry【《诗品》】Critique of Poetry【《诗人玉屑》】Jade Splinter of Poets【诗书画合而为一】combination of poetry, calligraphy and painting in one【诗仙】poetic genius【《十二楼》】Twelve Towers【《十三经》】Thirteen Classics【《十月》】October【时代精神】spirit of the age【时代思潮】current thought【《蚀》】The Canker【《史记》】Shi Ji; Historical Records; Redords of the Grand History of China; Recordsof the Historian【史传小说】biographical novels and novelettes【市井歌谣】broadside ballad【《世说新语》】New Accounts of Old Episodes; New Anecdotes of Social Talk【世外桃园】Arcadia【视角】point of view【《收获》】Harvests【《书经》】The Book of History; The Book of Documents【书信体小说】epistolary novel【抒情歌剧】lyric theater【抒情诗】lyric poem【抒情文学】lyric literature【双重人格】double personality【双重生活】double life【《水浒传》】The Water Margin; All Men Are Brothers; The Outlaws of the Marsh 【《说文解字》】Analytical Dictionary of Characters; Explanation and Study of Principlesof Composition of Characters【《四库全书》】Complete Library of Four Branches of Books; Complete Library in the FourBranches of Literature【《四世同堂》】Four Generations under One Roof【"四书"】The Four Books【四言诗】a type of classical poem with four characters to a line【《搜神记》】Stories of Immortals【俗文学】folk literature【《随想录》】Random Thoughts【《随园诗话》】Criticism of Poetry from the Garden of Leisure【《隋唐演义》】Romance of the Sui and Tang DynastiesT【《太平广记》】Extensive Records Compiled in the Taiping Years;The Extensive Anthologies of Taiping Period【《太阳照在桑乾河上》】The Sun Shines Over River Sanggan【台阁体】secretariat style【《谈艺录》】Notes on Literature and Art【《唐诗三百首》】Three hundred Tang Poems【唐宋八大家】Eight Great Men of Letters of the Tang and Song Dynasties (Han Yu, LiuZongyuan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Ansh, Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhe, and Zeng Gong) 【《桃花扇》】The Peach Blossom Fan【《桃花源记》】The Story of the Peach Blossom Valley【《陶庵梦忆》】Recollections of Taoan's Past Dreams【特写】feature article【《天安门诗抄》】The Tian'anmen Poems【田园诗】bucolic poem; pastoral poem; idyll【田园浪漫小说】pastoral romance【《铁道游击队》】Railway Guerrillas【通俗小说】popular novel【通讯】correspondence【童话】nursery tales【童谣】children's folk rhymes【颓废主义】DecadenceW【《万首唐人绝句》】Ten Thousand Quatrains from the Tang【《望江亭》】River-Watching Pavilion【唯美主义】Aestheticism【唯物史观】materialistic conception of history【《围城》】A Town Besieged【为艺术而艺术】art for art sake【为人生而艺术】art for life's sake【《伪自由书》】False Liberty【文笔】style of writing【文化遗产】cultural heritage【文人墨客】poets and literary men【《文心雕龙》】Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature【《文选》】The selections of Refined Literature【文学革命】literature revolution【文学批评史】history of literary critiques【文学社会学】sociology in literature【文学史】history of literature【文学思想史】history of literary thought【文学心理学】psychology in literature【文学研究会】the Society for Literary Research【文学遗产】literary heritage【文艺创作】literary and artistic creation【文艺队伍】ranks of writers and artists【文艺革命】revolution in literature and art【文艺工作者】literary and art workers【文艺民俗学】folklore in literature【文艺批评】literary and art criticism【文言】classical Chinese【文言文】writings in classical Chinese【《文苑英华》】Wenyuan Yinghua; Best Literary Works【问题小说】problem novel【五经】The Five Classics【五言诗】a poem with five characters in a line【无产阶级文学】proletarican literature【无产阶级小说】proletarian novel【无题诗】untitled poems【吴中四杰】Four Outstanding Men of Wu ( the four renowned young poets of the earlyMing, namely , Gao Qi, Zhang Yu, Yu Ben and Jang Ji )【武侠小说】chivalry novel and novelettes; gongfu novel【《雾》】FogX【西方马克思主义文艺批评】Western Marxist criticism【《西湖佳话》】Memorable Stories of the West Lake【《西厢记》】West Chamber; The Western Chamber【《西游记》】Pilgrimage to the West; Monkey; Story of a Journey to the West; Recordsof a Journey to the West【戏剧冲突】dramatic conflict【戏剧性手法】the dramatic method【《闲情偶寄》】Sketches of Idle Pleasure【险韵】obscure rhymes【现代文学】contemporary literature【现代戏剧】modern drama【现代主义与后现代主义】modernism and post-modernism【现实主义小说】realistic novel【乡村小说】rural novel【乡土文学】local literature; native literature【象征派诗】Symoblist poetry【《湘西散记》】Recollections of West Hunan【小剧场运动】little theater movement【小品文】familiar essay; essay【小说美学】aesthetics of fiction【《小说月刊》】The Short Story Monthly【小小说】short-short story【消遣小说】light fiction【《笑府》】Treasury of Jokes【笑话】joke【《笑林广记》】Jest Books【楔子】prologue in some modern novels【写光明】writing about the bright【写黑暗】writing about the dark【心理描写】inside description【心理现实主义】psychological realism【心理小说】psychological novel【《新儿女英雄传》】New Story of Heroic Sons and Daughters【新青年】New Youth【新月社】the Crescent Moon Society【形象思维】thinking in terms of images【《醒世恒言》】Lasting Words to Awaken the World; The Common Saying Moralizing People【《醒世烟缘传》】Marriage that Awakens the World【性的描写】sextual description【性格喜剧】comedy of humours【《性格组合论》】On the Composition of Character【修辞手段】figures of speech【绣像小说】illustrated fiction【叙事诗】narrative poem【叙事小说】narrative novel【序跋】preface and postscript【序幕】prologue; prelude【宣传鼓动剧】agitprop【宣传文学】porpaganda literature【宣传小说】propaganda novel【渲染】apply colours to a drawing; play up【悬念】audience involvement in a film or play; reader involvement in a piece of literature【学院戏剧】academic dramaY【延安文艺座谈会】the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art【演义】historical novel; historical rommance【《艳阳天》】Radiant Skies【《阳春白雪》】The Spring Snow【《野草》】Wild Grass【《野叟曝言》】A Rustic's Idle Talk【《易经》】The Book of Changes【艺术标准】artistic criterion【艺术成就】artistic merit【艺术的起源】origin of art【艺术鉴赏】virtuosity【艺术借鉴】reference in art【艺术效果】effect of art【艺术性】artistic quality【艺术至上论】art eorart【《艺文类聚》】Yi Wen Lei Ju; Classified Excerpts from Ancient Writers; A CategorizedCollection of Literary Writing【意识流】stream of consciousness【印象主义批评】impressionistic criticism【因材施教】individualized method of instruction; case by case【《永乐大典》】Yong Le Da Dian ; Great Encyclopaedia of the Yongle Reign; The GreatEncyclopaedia in the Reign of Emperor Yongle【用民族风格表现新的内容】presenting new ideological content with a national style【语义重叠】multiple meaning【《喻世明言》】Illustrious Words to Instruct the World【寓教于乐】delight and instruction【寓言故事】fable【元曲】Yuan verse【元杂剧】Yuan-Dynasty zaju plays【原型批评】archetypal criticism【圆形人物】round character【鸳鸯蝴蝶派】Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School; Love Birds and Butterfly School【乐府】folk rhyme; folk songs and ballads in the Han style【《乐府诗集》】The Collection of Folk Songs and Ballads in the Han Style【《岳阳楼记》】On Yueyang Tower【《阅微草堂笔记》】Jottings from the Thatched Abode of Close ObservationsZ【杂剧】zaju (poetic drama set to music, flourishing in the Yuan Dynasty, usu. consisting of four acts called zhe, with a character having the singing role ineach zhe )【《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》】Talks at the Yan'an Forum of Literature and Art 【《再别康桥》】Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again【《战国策》】Strategies of the Warring States Period;Intrigues of the Warring States【章回小说】Traditional Chinese novels (with each chapter headed by a couplet givingthe list of its content)【《朝华夕拾》】Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk【《浙西六家词》】The Ci Poetry by Six Poets from the Westen Part of Zhejiang Province【真相大白的情节或场面】recognition plot or scene【侦探小说】detective story【正面人物】positive character【《正气歌》】A Song of the Moral Sense【政治标准】political criterion【政治和艺术的统一】unity of politics and art【政治小说】political novel【志怪小说】mythical stories【中国诗歌会】the China Poetry Society【《中国俗文学史》】History of Chinese Popular Literature【《中国通俗小说书目》】A Bibliography of Popular Chinese Fiction【《中国文学批评史》】History of Chinese Literary Criticism【中国文学艺术界联合会】All China Federation of Literary and Art Circles 【《中国小说史略》】A Short History of Chinese Fiction【中国左翼作家联盟】China League of Left-Wing Writers【中国作家协会】Association of Chinese Writers【中华全国文学工作者协会】All-China Federation of Writers【《中庸》】The Doctrine of the Mean【主情文学】literature of sensibility【主题明确】(with) a clear-cut theme【竹枝词】1. ancient folk songs with love as their main theme2. occasional poems in the classical style devoted to local topics【《庄子》】Zhuang Zi; Book of Master Zhuang【《资治通鉴》】Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government【《子不语》】What the Master Would Not Talk of【《子夜》】Midnight【自我隐退的作者】self-eff【自叙体形式】ich-form【自由恋爱】free love【自由诗】free verse【姊妹篇】companion piece【《组织部来了个年轻人》】A Young Newcomer in the Organization Department 【《醉翁亭记》】Record of the Old Tippler's Pavalion【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 【作品基调】mood and ambience【作品评价】evaluation of literary works【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works【《左传》】Zuo Zhuan; Zuo Commentary; Master Zuo's Spring and Autumn Annals 【作品基调】mood and ambience【作品评价】evaluation of literary works【作品欣赏】appreciation of literature works。