



加工贸易企业转型升级研究加工贸易企业转型升级研究1. 引言加工贸易是我国外贸发展的重要组成部分,也是我国工业化时期的产业升级路径之一。



2. 加工贸易企业转型升级的背景与现状加工贸易是指企业向境外提供加工服务,并接受境外客户提供的原材料,完成产品组装和加工后再出口。






3. 加工贸易企业转型升级的问题与挑战3.1 技术壁垒加工贸易企业通常依赖于境外客户提供的设计和技术,缺乏自主研发和创新能力。



3.2 市场营销能力加工贸易企业通常以低成本和高效率为卖点进行市场推广,但这种营销方式在市场竞争激烈的情况下越来越难以为继。


3.3 人才培养加工贸易企业通常侧重于生产管理和流程控制,缺乏高层次的管理和创新人才。


4. 加工贸易企业转型升级的机遇与对策4.1 战略合作加工贸易企业可以与国内外的优秀企业进行战略合作,分享技术、市场和资源,提高企业的技术实力和市场竞争力。

中国加工贸易正在迅速转变 外文文献及翻译

中国加工贸易正在迅速转变 外文文献及翻译

中国加工贸易正在迅速转变外文文献及翻译China's processing XXX to the business activity of importing raw and auxiliary materials。

parts and components。


and packaging materials from abroad in bond。

and then re-XXX。

This trade can involve processing with XXX.Processing with supplied materials involves the foreign party supplying both the imported materials and parts。

XXX does not need to make foreign exchange payments for the imports and only charges the foreign party a processing fee。

On the other hand。

processing with imported materials requires the business enterprise to make foreign exchange payments for the imported materials and parts。

and then export the finished products after processing.The processing trade has played a significant role in China's economic development over the past few decades。

It has been a major contributor to the country's export growth and has helped to attract foreign investment。




加工贸易是以加工为特征的再出口业务,其方式多种多样,常见的加工贸易方式有以下两种:(1) 进料加工进料加工也叫以进养出,是指运用外汇来购买国外提供的原材料、辅料,然后再利用本国自身拥有的设备、劳动力和技术水平,将进料加工成为成品后,将成品再出口到国外市场进行销售。

(2) 来料加工来料加工是指东道国企业接受国外企业订单,由国外企业自己提供其所要用的原材料、元件和包装材料等,然后再按照双方协商过的一系列要求(质量、规格、款式等)加工成成品,成品再交付给国外企业,东道国企业仅收取加工费用。






































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外商投资企业 集体企业
图 1 0 8 山东省加工贸易 出口 20 年 按 企 业 性质 划 分 示 意 图
资料来源 : 山东省 国际商务网
到 20 08年进料加工 出 口达 373 5 . 亿美元 , 增长 2 .%, 4 8 占
68 ( 图 1。 .% 见 )
总额的 3 .%。济宁 市加工 贸易 出口 52亿 美元 , 长 45 . 增
4 .%。 06
二、 山东 省 加 工 贸 易 转 型 升 级 的 必 要 性 分 析 近些年来 , 加工 贸 易 作 为 山 东 省 对 外 贸 易 的 重 要 组
成部分和利用外资 的重要 方式 , 已经 成为 山东省 对外经 济 贸易持续快速发展 的主 要推动 力 , 并为 山东经 济带来 了巨大 的收益。 山东省的加工 贸易总体保持 了 良好的发 展态势 , 但与江 、 浙等较 发 达的省 份相 比, 论是 发展速 无 度、 规模档 次还 是产 品结 构 、 产业配套等方面都 存在较大
协调 发 展 。
[ 关键词 ]山东省 ; 3 贸易; 加 - 转型升级 [ 中图分 类号 ]F5 .8 72 6 山东省加工贸易的发展现状 [ 文献标识码]A [ 文章编号】10 02—28 (0O o —05 —0 802 1 )2 04 2
40 0 3O 5 30 0 20 5 加0 10 5 l0 0 5 0 O

3Q l 4
2 o世纪 8 年代 中后期 以来 , 0 山东省加工贸易发展 迅 速, 其加工贸易出 口额呈现 出 良好 的平 稳发 展态势 。其 中 ,96 0o 1 —20 年一直保持在 5 %以上 ,00—20 9 0 20 08年 比 重虽有所下 降 , 但仍 接 近 5 %。20 0 0 8年 , 山东 省加 工 贸 易进 出口总额达 到 603亿 美元 , 工贸易 出 口额 达到 7. 加 495 2 . 亿美元 , 占全 省外 贸总 出口额的 4 .%。可见 , 61 加 工贸易已 占据山东省外 贸经济 的半壁 江山 , 工 贸易的 加 快速发展对全省的经济和社会发展起着十分重要 的促进 作用 。目前 , 山东省加工贸易呈现以下几个特点 : 1 进 料加工依然 是 山东 省加工贸易 的主要 方式 , . 出 口约 占山东省加 工 贸易 出口总额 的 23 /。特别 是近几 年 来 , 料加 工 出 口增 幅超过 来料 加工 , 占 比重 稳步 攀 进 所 升 。2O 年进 料加工 出 口占加工 贸易 出口的 8 .%; O7 08 而



作者: 杨慧力;何青松;张浩
作者机构: 哈尔滨工业大学(威海)管理学院
出版物刊名: 价格理论与实践
页码: 79-80页
年卷期: 2010年 第2期
主题词: 全球价值链;加工贸易;转型升级;制约因素




Countermeasures for the Transformation and Upgrading of Processing Trade from the Perspective of Industry Transfer in Transnational Corporation ——Taking Shandong Small and Medium-Sized
Enterprises as Sample
作者: 张劲青
作者机构: 山东管理学院,山东济南250357
出版物刊名: 价格月刊
页码: 70-74页
年卷期: 2014年 第12期
主题词: 跨国公司;产业转移;中小型外贸企业;加工贸易;转型升级






















产业 占优势 比重演进 : 由产 品贸易 占优势 比重 向服务贸易 占优势 比重 演进 各 级政府 在维 持传统产业优 势竞争地 位的同时 . 积极引导企业 1 国际国内环境发生了深刻的变化 . 1 从 劳动 密集型产业 向高附加值 、 高新技术产业 方向发展 , 点扶持 电 重 从国际上来看 . 一方面对我国加工贸易有着重大影响 的两 大经济 子信息 . 电一体化等加工企业 要加快打造我 省中西部地 区适合外 机 体美 国因 2 0 年 金融危机 和欧盟受去 年欧债危机表 现为需求不 振 、 来资本进入 的产业环境 和成 长洼地 . 08 鼓励东部对 中西部相邻地 区的技 消费低迷 .从而使得以出 H为导向的我国加工贸易受到强烈 冲击 : 另 术援助 、 资金注入和劳 动培训 . 进东部高劳动 密集型加工 贸易 向西 促 方面 . 发达 国家跨 国公司开始 重新调 整全球策略 . 始将部分 中高 开 部地 区转移 . 创造更 多东西部地 区产业配套协作 机会 . 真正形成 “ 东部 端产业环节向我国转移 , 疑对我加工贸易转型升级提供 了良好 的机 无 接单 、 西部生产 、 沿海直接 出口” 的有机合作模式 。 遇。 ( )t s./ 强产业 园区建设 . J  ̄ 提升 区域聚集效应 国 内方面 , 近年来我国土地 、 劳动力等要素成本 的不断攀升 , 得 使 以“ 产业 园 区带动 战略” 促进 和提高加工 贸易相关产业 的聚集 和 以往靠压低用工成本 、 扭曲要 素价格赚取微薄加工费用 的模式难 以为 关联 , 实现 区域聚集效应 。大量研究表 明, 加工 贸易 的产 业链条越长 , 继: 为进一步优化加工贸易产品结 构 ,高耗能 、 “ 高污染和资源性 ” 产品 对 国内相关产业 的带 动作用就越大 要发展一批与加工 贸易产业相 匹 加工贸易被严格控制 2 0 年 以来 . 06 我国先后 7 次调整加工贸易禁止 配 的配套 产业 . 使加工 贸易企业减少 对国外产业 的依赖 . 动国 内相 带 类 目录 , 、 钢铁 石化 、 色、 有 造纸 等高污染 、 高耗 能及 消耗 国内资源产业 关产业的发展 。要科学制定加工贸易制造业发展 的园区规 划 . 分期实 的加工贸易业务已经停 止 这些措施有利 于引导我国加工 贸易向科技 施 、 协调管 理 , 有重点 、 阶段引导加 工贸易企业 向园区聚集 , 分 不断增 含量 高、 环境 污染少 而能源 消耗低 的结构发展 。 强园区产业集 中度 . 促进加工贸易 由“ 加工基地” 制造 中心” 向“ 转变 1 产业升级 、 品升级初 见成效 . 2 产 ( ) 三 推动加工贸易主体多元化 . 鼓励多种所有制企业参与 近年来 . 我省为 推动加工贸 易转型升级 . 进 中西部 地区承接产 促 目前 . 国加工贸 易主体是外商 投资企业 . 我 占到加工贸 易进出 口 业转 移 . 进行 了各种尝试 和探 索 一批加工 贸易转 型升级试点 、 示范 区 总额的 8 %以上 , 5 国内企业参 与不足 外资企 业必须 服从其母 公司的



3459C山东省加工贸易转型升级对策研究外文文献及翻译China's processing trade undergoing a rapid transformation Processing trade refers to the business activity of importing all or part of the raw and auxiliary materials, parts and components, accessories, and packaging materials from abroad in bond, and re-exporting the finished products after processing or assembly by enterprises within the mainland. It includes processing with supplied materials and processing with imported materials. Under processing with supplied materials, the imported materials and parts are supplied by the foreign party which is also responsible for selling the finished products. The business enterprise does not have to make foreign exchange payment for the imports and only charges the foreign party a processing fee. Under processing with imported materials, the business enterprise makes foreign exchange payment for the imported materials and parts and exports the finished products after processing.Since the processing trade policy was implemented in late 1970s, the processing trade in China has been developing in a sustained and rapid manner; the total volume of exports and imports in the form of processing trade increased from US$2.5 billion in 1981 toUS$831.9billion in 2006, up by nearly 333 times, and its proportion in foreign trade increased from 5.7 percent to 48.6 percent.The Department of Mechanic, Electronic and Hi-Tech Industry of the Commerce Ministry of PRC stated that what was more satisfactory than an increase in quantity was that as the processing trade developed continually and rapidly, the transformation and upgrading of processing trade had been accelerated. More and more foreign-funded enterprises transferred their processing and manufacture with a higher technology level and a larger appreciation content to China; influenced by the technology and management spillover effects in processing trade, more and more Chinese companies had speeded up their technology improvement and industrial upgrading.The industrial structure in processing trade has been continuously optimized.During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, the export value realized in the processing trade of mechanic and electronic products amounted to US$928.2 billion, accounting for 70.7 percent of the total processing trade export value and 74.0% of the total export value for mechanic and electronic products; such an export value is 2.4 times more than that in the Ninth Five-Year Plan period with an annual growth rate of 29 percent, which is 1.2 times the growth rate for China's processing trade export value during the same period of time. China has become the largest producer and exporter of mechanic and electronic products like mobile phones, home appliances and laptops in the world. In 2005, 99.9 percent of the laptops manufactured in China, 99 percent of the color video projectors and the microcomputers manufactured in China, 98 percent of the plasma color TV sets manufactured in China, 97percent of DVD players manufactured in China, and 96 percent of the ships manufactured in China were exported in the form of processing trade. During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, the export value realized through the processing trade of hi-tech product amounted toUS$543.8 billion, accounting for 41.4 percent of the total processing trade export value and 87 percent of the total export value for hi-tech products; such an export value is 4.5 times more than that in the Ninth Five-Year Plan period with an annual growth rate of 41 percent and 1.7 times the growth rate for China's total export value realized in the form of processing trade during the same period.In 2006, the respective export values realized in the processing trade of mechanic and electronic products and hi-tech products amounted to US$391.32 billion and US$245.84 billion, the proportion of which in the total export value realized in the form of processing trade were respectively 76.7 percent and 48.2 percent, up 1.6 percentage points and 1.4 percentage points year on year respectively.The regional distribution of processing trade has been somehow ameliorated. Firstly, the processing trade in the middle and western parts of China developed fast though it started rather late there. In 2005, the total export value and total import value realized in the form of processing trade in the middle and western parts of China added up to US$14.95 billion, 1.6 times more than that in 2000 with an annual growth rate of 23 percent, a bit faster than the growth rate for China's processing trade as a whole. Secondly, the product structure of the processing trade in the middle and western parts of China has also been somehow ameliorated. In 2005, the export value realized in the processing trade of mechanic and electronic products in the middle and western parts of China was US$3.07 billion, 2.2 times more than that in 2000 with an annual growth rate of 26 percent, and the proportion of such an export value in the export value realized in the form of processing trade in the middle and western parts of China was 33 percent, 7 percentage points higher than in 2000. Thirdly, the processing trade in coastal areas, in which the Pearl River Delta once seized an absolute proportion, is gradually developing in the Yangtze Delta and the Bohai Rim. In 2005, the processing tradein Guangdong Province accounted for 42.3 percent of the gross in China with a decrease of 10.3 percentage points than in 2000; during the same period, the proportion seized by Jiangsu Province amounted to 21.3 percent of the gross in China with an increment of 11.3 percentage points and that seized by Shanghai amounted to 12 percent of the gross in China with an increment of 2 percentage points.In 2006, there realized a respective export value of over US$1.7 billion through processing trade in Henan, Anhui and Hubei, three provinces in the middle and western partsof China; various provinces like Jiangxi, Sichuan, Hubei, Anhui and Yunnan saw a growth margin of over 65 percent for their exports through processing trade.The industry chain of processing trade has been extending continuously. First of all, the carrying forward services for deep processing for the purpose of processing trade presents a trend of rapid development, its scale is getting increasingly larger and it occurs more and more frequently. In the second place, as the processing trade kept extending towards independent research and development along its industrial chain, more and more research and development centers have been built up. Till now, foreign companies have set up over 750 research and development centers in China; nearly 40 transnational corporations have established regional HQs in China.As introduced by personnel in charge in the Department of Mechanic, Electronic and Hi-Tech Industry, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued the Circular on Adjusting the Tax Refund Rate of Some Export Commodities and Supplementing the Commodities Catalogue Prohibited form Processing Trade on September 15, 2006 so as to guide the transformation and upgrading of processing trade in China; on November 3, 2006, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs and the State Environmental Protection Administration jointly published the [2006] 82nd Announcement to get commercial products the tax refund for which were cancelled and certain commodities processed at a low level that will result in a serious pollution and consume a large amount of resources and energy enlisted in the Catalogue of Prohibited Commodities in Processing Trade.In the Catalogue of Prohibited Commodities in Processing Trade issued this time, priority has been given to commodities the tax refund for which were cancelled, which include 804 commodities belonging to various (ten-digit) tax item numbers and account for 6.5 percent of the total number of tax item numbers for export and import products. The import of 77 commodities is prohibited, and such commodities are mainly those the import of which is prohibited in international pacts or that will produce serious pollutions when being processed, including tiger bones, ores, ore residuals, and fiber waste; the export of 503 commodities were prohibited, and such a group is mainly made up of primary raw materials for deep processing like planks, sulfur, soil, and stone materials, and metal raw materials, but enterprises importing such commodities as raw materials for their processing trade will continue to enjoy the bonded treatment; both the export and import of 224 commodities were prohibited, and such commodities are mainly commodities processed at a low level, resultingin serious pollutions and consuming a large amount of resources and energy, like coal, pitch, flammable gases and pesticides.Personnel in charge from the Department of Mechanic, Electronic and Hi-Tech Industry believed that the new Catalogue of Prohibited Commodities in Processing Trade mainly involved highly resource-consuming chemical and smelting products with serious pollutions; and the gross processing trade will not be greatly affected as the processing trade of mechanic and electronic products account for 75 percent of the gross for China at present.Materials and parts imported in bond must be re-exported after processing, and enterprises may not sell their bonded materials and parts or finished products in China. If such goods have to be sold on the domestic market for special reasons, approval must be obtained from the commerce authorities in charge of processing trade at provincial level as well as Customs. Business enterprises and processing enterprises must promptly pay the tariffs and VAT exempted on the imported materials and parts if these goods are sold domestically, whether the import settlement is in renminbi or in foreign currency. For commodities subject to import restriction or import licensing, enterprises should apply for approval in arrears from the authorities concerned and obtain the necessary import approval documents or import licence. The commerce authorities in charge of processing trade at provincial level will verify the enterprise's application and import licence issued by the relevant import administration organ and issue a Domestic Sale Approval Certificate for Bonded Materials and Parts for Processing Trade (i.e. Domestic Sale Approval Certificate), specifying the corresponding import licence name and number in the "remarks" column. With this Domestic Sale Approval Certificate and the valid licence whose number is specified therein, Customs will proceed with taxation for domestic sale and verification and cancellation procedures in connection with processing trade. If an enterprise is unable to submit the import licence issued by the relevant import administration organ, the commerce authorities in charge of processing trade at provincial level may still issue the Domestic Sale Approval Certificate once Customs proceed with the verification and cancellation of the processing trade handbook after levying on the enterprise duties and interest thereon and a penalty ranging from 30% to 100% of the declared value of the imported materials and parts.With a view to strengthening supervision of processing trade by means of modern management methods and facilitating the development of new and high technology industries, the former MOFTEC and General Administration of Customs (GAC) jointly promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Supervision and Approval of Processing Trade Enterprises on 25 October 2001. The measures provide a simplified framework for the administration of enterprises participating in the online system.According to the measures, these "online enterprises" engaged in processing trade are exempt from the customs duty deposit system. The commerce authorities would no longer examine and approve their processing trade contracts and would only appraise their qualification for carrying out processing trade, business scope and processing capabilities.Online enterprises applying for permission to engage in processing trade should submit to the commerce authorities their financial proofs and application materials. These include: business licence (copy), approval certificate of online enterprise issued by Customs, Registration Form for import-export rights or FIE approval certificate (copy), record of passing the joint annual appraisal (except newly established enterprises without such record), original of processing trade enterprise production capability certificate issued by the local commerce authorities at county-level or above, proof of the online enterprise's export performance in the previous year (copies of customs declaration forms or processing trade contract verification/cancellation forms), brief profile of the enterprise and the raw materials and parts it imports and the products it exports, and checklist of business scope.Upon receipt of an online enterprise's application, unless the processing trade activities involved are prohibited by the state, otherwise the commerce authorities would grant approval and issue an approval certificate to the online enterprise to engage in processing trade. Based on this certificate, Customs will set up a processing trade electronic account for the online enterprise concerned and implement online supervision. The online enterprise may then import raw materials and parts and export products within the approved scope中国加工贸易正在迅速转变加工贸易是指进口全部或部分原辅材料,零部件,配件的部分商业活动,并从国外债券的包装材料,再出口成品的企业在内地加工或装配后的产品。






































三、转型升级的必要性1. 技术升级需求:通过引进先进技术和设备,提高产品质量和附加值。

2. 产业结构调整:优化产业布局,减少对单一产品或市场的依赖。

3. 创新驱动发展:加强研发和创新,推动企业从生产制造向创造转变。

4. 适应市场需求:满足国内外市场对高品质、高附加值产品的需求。

四、转型升级路径1. 技术创新与研发:加大研发投入,引进先进技术,提高自主创新能力。

2. 产业升级与优化:调整产业结构,发展高附加值产品和服务。

3. 数字化转型:利用互联网、大数据、人工智能等技术,实现生产、管理、营销等环节的数字化转型。

4. 绿色发展:加强环保治理,推行绿色生产方式,降低环境污染。

5. 市场拓展:积极开拓国内市场,拓展国际市场,提高市场竞争力。

五、实施策略1. 政府支持:政府应加大对加工贸易企业的政策扶持力度,包括税收优惠、资金支持等。

2. 人才培养与引进:加强人才培养和引进工作,提高企业员工素质和技能水平。

3. 创新驱动:鼓励企业加强研发和创新,培养企业家的创新精神。

4. 供应链管理:优化供应链管理,降低生产成本,提高生产效率。

5. 品牌建设与营销:加强品牌建设,提高产品知名度和美誉度,积极开展市场营销活动。

六、案例分析以某加工贸易企业为例,该企业在面对市场竞争和政策压力时,采取了以下措施进行转型升级:1. 技术升级:引进先进技术和设备,提高产品质量和生产效率。



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d 2 5
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( 资料来源: 根据中国国际电子商务 网站公布统计数据整理)
20 0 8年 5月
广 西 轻 工 业
第 5期 ( 第 1 4期 ) 总 1
经济 与管理
朱盛 华
( 重庆师范大学经济与管理学院, 重庆 4 0 4 ) 0 0 7
元 , 广 东 、 苏 、 海 分 别 达 到 15 .、 2 .、 1 . 美 元 , 而 江 上 7 07 8 05 5 88亿
所下降 , 仍接近 5 %。 但 0 从加工贸易本 身来看 , 山东加工 贸易 出
口额每年递增并呈现出 良好 的平稳发展态势 。可见 , 加工贸易 已 占据山东省外 贸经济 的半壁江 山, 贸易 的快 速发展对全 加工
高附加值产 品出口, 扩大服务产品和农产 品出 口, 控制高耗能 、 高污染产 品出 口, 促进加工贸 易转 型升级l - Z ' I 。”因此 , 积极推进 山东省加工贸易 的转型升级 , 具有 十分重要 的现实 意义 和深远
的 战略 意 义 。
代中后期以来 ,山东加工 贸易 经历 了从小 到大的快速 发展历
【 摘 要 】 本文通 析山东省 过分 加工贸易的 现状, 时山东 加工贸易 省 转型升级过程中 面临的总 体发展水平较低、 产业结构




[关键词] 加工贸易转型升级产业结构ABSTRACTIn this paper, Shandong Province, through the analysis of the status of the processing trade of Shandong Province, the process of transformation and upgrading of processing trade in the face of a lower level of overall development, irrational industrial structure and industry correlation is weak, the imbalance of regional economic development, green trade barriers and trade frictions and so on, made to optimize the industrial structure, promote deep processing carry-over and to extend the processing chain, the coordinated development of regional economic and trade development of green suggestions.[Keywords] the processing trade transformation and upgrading industrial structure目录一、山东省加工贸易的现状 (1)(一)加工贸易现已成为山东省外贸出口和增长的主导力量 (1)二、山东省加工贸易转型升级的必要性 (2)(一)加工贸易总体发展水平较低 (2)1.山东加工贸易出口额较小,发展速度相对较慢且占出口的比重相对较小。



现阶段我国加工贸易转型升级效果分析与对策朱蕾【期刊名称】《天津职业院校联合学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)008【摘要】Since the proposal of the strategy of transformation and upgrading of the processing trade ,we have carried out a series of macro and micro economic policies and have achieved remarkableresults .However ,some problems still exists ,for example ,the quality of growth and benefit are not high ,the independent innovation ability is weak ,the regional development is unbalanced ,and the man-agement mechanism and policies do not match with the demand of the transformation and upgrading .By managing the relevant policies and measures ,this paper analyzes carefully the implementation effect and the existing problems of the transformation and upgrading of the processing trade and provides the effec-tive countermeasures to improve the transformation and upgrading of the processing trade in the new trend based on the objective analysis .%自加工贸易转型升级战略提出以来,我国实施了一系列宏微观经济政策措施,取得了明显效果,但目前还存在着增长质量和效益不高,自主创新能力不强、地区发展不平衡、管理机制和政策与转型升级的要求不相适应等问题。


展 带来 了 巨大压力 , 大 大 削 弱 了 山 东 省 经 济 的 可 持 续 发 展 能 力, 山东省 加工 贸易 面临转 型升 级 的巨大压 力 。
创 新 的进展 , 特别 是造 成 研发 变 得无 利 可 图 时 , 以至 于本 国 企 业被 固定在 了全 球 价 值 链 的低 附 加值 环 节 , 造 成 升 级 的
明 加 工 贸 易对 山 东省 经 济 增 长 的 贡 献 呈 下 降 趋 势 , 山 东省 加 工 贸 易 面 临 转 型 升 级 的 迫 切 压 力 。 山 东省 应 沿 循 企 业 层
面 工 艺流 程 、 产 品功 能升级和 产 业层 面价 值链 延伸 相结合 的路 径 进行 加 工 贸 易转型 升级 , 并在 此基 础 上提 出巩 固加
省 加 工 贸 易 对 山 东 省 经 济 增 长 的影 响 机 制 也 进 行 了 详 尽 的
二、 国 内外 研 究 综 述
加 工贸 易是我 国在 改 革 开放 中源 于 海关 业 务 的 一个 约 定俗 成 的概念 。在 国外 的研究 中, 加工 贸易被 作 为产 业 内 贸
易 的 一 种 形 式 。B a l a s s a ( 1 9 6 7 ) 最先 对 产业 内 贸易 现 象进 行
山, 成 为 山 东 省 参 与 国 际 分 工 和 国 际 贸 易 的 重 要 方 式 。 然 而
研 究表 明加工 贸易是 发展 中 国家参与 国际分 工 , 将 自身 产 业
嵌 入到全 球价 值链 环节上 的重要 手段 , 能 够充分 发挥 其 劳动 力 等方 面的优 势 , 同时 , 国外 上下 游环节 愿意 提供 技术 支持 。
对 外 贸 易
山 东 省 加 工 贸 易 转 型 升 级 的 路 径 及 对 策






二、加工贸易企业转型升级的必要性1. 适应国际市场变化:随着国际贸易保护主义的抬头,传统加工贸易的利润空间逐渐缩小,企业必须通过转型升级来适应国际市场的新变化。

2. 提升核心竞争力:通过转型升级,企业可以提升自身的技术水平和创新能力,形成独特的核心竞争力,从而在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。

3. 实现可持续发展:转型升级有助于企业实现产业升级、绿色发展和可持续发展,提高企业的社会责任感和品牌形象。

三、加工贸易企业转型升级的现状及问题1. 现状:当前,许多加工贸易企业已经开始尝试转型升级,涉及领域包括智能制造、绿色生产、服务型制造等。


2. 问题:在转型升级过程中,部分企业仍存在观念落后、技术人才匮乏、资金短缺等问题,制约了企业的转型发展。

四、加工贸易企业转型升级的路径与策略1. 观念转变:企业应树立创新发展观念,明确转型升级的目标和方向,为企业的转型发展提供思想保障。

2. 技术创新:加大研发投入,引进先进技术,提高企业的技术水平和创新能力。


3. 人才培养与引进:重视人才的培养和引进,建立完善的人才培养体系,为企业提供充足的技术人才和管理人才。


4. 资金支持:积极争取政府政策支持和资金扶持,同时拓宽融资渠道,吸引社会资本参与企业的转型发展。

5. 绿色发展:积极推行绿色生产,降低能耗和排放,实现产业升级和绿色发展。


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3459C山东省加工贸易转型升级对策研究外文文献及翻译China's processing trade undergoing a rapid transformation Processing trade refers to the business activity of importing all or part of the raw and auxiliary materials, parts and components, accessories, and packaging materials from abroad in bond, and re-exporting the finished products after processing or assembly by enterprises within the mainland. It includes processing with supplied materials and processing with imported materials. Under processing with supplied materials, the imported materials and parts are supplied by the foreign party which is also responsible for selling the finished products. The business enterprise does not have to make foreign exchange payment for the imports and only charges the foreign party a processing fee. Under processing with imported materials, the business enterprise makes foreign exchange payment for the imported materials and parts and exports the finished products after processing.Since the processing trade policy was implemented in late 1970s, the processing trade in China has been developing in a sustained and rapid manner; the total volume of exports and imports in the form of processing trade increased from US$2.5 billion in 1981 toUS$831.9billion in 2006, up by nearly 333 times, and its proportion in foreign trade increased from 5.7 percent to 48.6 percent.The Department of Mechanic, Electronic and Hi-Tech Industry of the Commerce Ministry of PRC stated that what was more satisfactory than an increase in quantity was that as the processing trade developed continually and rapidly, the transformation and upgrading of processing trade had been accelerated. More and more foreign-funded enterprises transferred their processing and manufacture with a higher technology level and a larger appreciation content to China; influenced by the technology and management spillover effects in processing trade, more and more Chinese companies had speeded up their technology improvement and industrial upgrading.The industrial structure in processing trade has been continuously optimized.During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, the export value realized in the processing trade of mechanic and electronic products amounted to US$928.2 billion, accounting for 70.7 percent of the total processing trade export value and 74.0% of the total export value for mechanic and electronic products; such an export value is 2.4 times more than that in the Ninth Five-Year Plan period with an annual growth rate of 29 percent, which is 1.2 times the growth rate for China's processing trade export value during the same period of time. China has become the largest producer and exporter of mechanic and electronic products like mobile phones, home appliances and laptops in the world. In 2005, 99.9 percent of the laptops manufactured in China, 99 percent of the color video projectors and the microcomputers manufactured in China, 98 percent of the plasma color TV sets manufactured in China, 97percent of DVD players manufactured in China, and 96 percent of the ships manufactured in China were exported in the form of processing trade. During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, the export value realized through the processing trade of hi-tech product amounted toUS$543.8 billion, accounting for 41.4 percent of the total processing trade export value and 87 percent of the total export value for hi-tech products; such an export value is 4.5 times more than that in the Ninth Five-Year Plan period with an annual growth rate of 41 percent and 1.7 times the growth rate for China's total export value realized in the form of processing trade during the same period.In 2006, the respective export values realized in the processing trade of mechanic and electronic products and hi-tech products amounted to US$391.32 billion and US$245.84 billion, the proportion of which in the total export value realized in the form of processing trade were respectively 76.7 percent and 48.2 percent, up 1.6 percentage points and 1.4 percentage points year on year respectively.The regional distribution of processing trade has been somehow ameliorated. Firstly, the processing trade in the middle and western parts of China developed fast though it started rather late there. In 2005, the total export value and total import value realized in the form of processing trade in the middle and western parts of China added up to US$14.95 billion, 1.6 times more than that in 2000 with an annual growth rate of 23 percent, a bit faster than the growth rate for China's processing trade as a whole. Secondly, the product structure of the processing trade in the middle and western parts of China has also been somehow ameliorated. In 2005, the export value realized in the processing trade of mechanic and electronic products in the middle and western parts of China was US$3.07 billion, 2.2 times more than that in 2000 with an annual growth rate of 26 percent, and the proportion of such an export value in the export value realized in the form of processing trade in the middle and western parts of China was 33 percent, 7 percentage points higher than in 2000. Thirdly, the processing trade in coastal areas, in which the Pearl River Delta once seized an absolute proportion, is gradually developing in the Yangtze Delta and the Bohai Rim. In 2005, the processing tradein Guangdong Province accounted for 42.3 percent of the gross in China with a decrease of 10.3 percentage points than in 2000; during the same period, the proportion seized by Jiangsu Province amounted to 21.3 percent of the gross in China with an increment of 11.3 percentage points and that seized by Shanghai amounted to 12 percent of the gross in China with an increment of 2 percentage points.In 2006, there realized a respective export value of over US$1.7 billion through processing trade in Henan, Anhui and Hubei, three provinces in the middle and western partsof China; various provinces like Jiangxi, Sichuan, Hubei, Anhui and Yunnan saw a growth margin of over 65 percent for their exports through processing trade.The industry chain of processing trade has been extending continuously. First of all, the carrying forward services for deep processing for the purpose of processing trade presents a trend of rapid development, its scale is getting increasingly larger and it occurs more and more frequently. In the second place, as the processing trade kept extending towards independent research and development along its industrial chain, more and more research and development centers have been built up. Till now, foreign companies have set up over 750 research and development centers in China; nearly 40 transnational corporations have established regional HQs in China.As introduced by personnel in charge in the Department of Mechanic, Electronic and Hi-Tech Industry, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued the Circular on Adjusting the Tax Refund Rate of Some Export Commodities and Supplementing the Commodities Catalogue Prohibited form Processing Trade on September 15, 2006 so as to guide the transformation and upgrading of processing trade in China; on November 3, 2006, the Ministry of Commerce, the General Administration of Customs and the State Environmental Protection Administration jointly published the [2006] 82nd Announcement to get commercial products the tax refund for which were cancelled and certain commodities processed at a low level that will result in a serious pollution and consume a large amount of resources and energy enlisted in the Catalogue of Prohibited Commodities in Processing Trade.In the Catalogue of Prohibited Commodities in Processing Trade issued this time, priority has been given to commodities the tax refund for which were cancelled, which include 804 commodities belonging to various (ten-digit) tax item numbers and account for 6.5 percent of the total number of tax item numbers for export and import products. The import of 77 commodities is prohibited, and such commodities are mainly those the import of which is prohibited in international pacts or that will produce serious pollutions when being processed, including tiger bones, ores, ore residuals, and fiber waste; the export of 503 commodities were prohibited, and such a group is mainly made up of primary raw materials for deep processing like planks, sulfur, soil, and stone materials, and metal raw materials, but enterprises importing such commodities as raw materials for their processing trade will continue to enjoy the bonded treatment; both the export and import of 224 commodities were prohibited, and such commodities are mainly commodities processed at a low level, resultingin serious pollutions and consuming a large amount of resources and energy, like coal, pitch, flammable gases and pesticides.Personnel in charge from the Department of Mechanic, Electronic and Hi-Tech Industry believed that the new Catalogue of Prohibited Commodities in Processing Trade mainly involved highly resource-consuming chemical and smelting products with serious pollutions; and the gross processing trade will not be greatly affected as the processing trade of mechanic and electronic products account for 75 percent of the gross for China at present.Materials and parts imported in bond must be re-exported after processing, and enterprises may not sell their bonded materials and parts or finished products in China. If such goods have to be sold on the domestic market for special reasons, approval must be obtained from the commerce authorities in charge of processing trade at provincial level as well as Customs. Business enterprises and processing enterprises must promptly pay the tariffs and VAT exempted on the imported materials and parts if these goods are sold domestically, whether the import settlement is in renminbi or in foreign currency. For commodities subject to import restriction or import licensing, enterprises should apply for approval in arrears from the authorities concerned and obtain the necessary import approval documents or import licence. The commerce authorities in charge of processing trade at provincial level will verify the enterprise's application and import licence issued by the relevant import administration organ and issue a Domestic Sale Approval Certificate for Bonded Materials and Parts for Processing Trade (i.e. Domestic Sale Approval Certificate), specifying the corresponding import licence name and number in the "remarks" column. With this Domestic Sale Approval Certificate and the valid licence whose number is specified therein, Customs will proceed with taxation for domestic sale and verification and cancellation procedures in connection with processing trade. If an enterprise is unable to submit the import licence issued by the relevant import administration organ, the commerce authorities in charge of processing trade at provincial level may still issue the Domestic Sale Approval Certificate once Customs proceed with the verification and cancellation of the processing trade handbook after levying on the enterprise duties and interest thereon and a penalty ranging from 30% to 100% of the declared value of the imported materials and parts.With a view to strengthening supervision of processing trade by means of modern management methods and facilitating the development of new and high technology industries, the former MOFTEC and General Administration of Customs (GAC) jointly promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Supervision and Approval of Processing Trade Enterprises on 25 October 2001. The measures provide a simplified framework for the administration of enterprises participating in the online system.According to the measures, these "online enterprises" engaged in processing trade are exempt from the customs duty deposit system. The commerce authorities would no longer examine and approve their processing trade contracts and would only appraise their qualification for carrying out processing trade, business scope and processing capabilities.Online enterprises applying for permission to engage in processing trade should submit to the commerce authorities their financial proofs and application materials. These include: business licence (copy), approval certificate of online enterprise issued by Customs, Registration Form for import-export rights or FIE approval certificate (copy), record of passing the joint annual appraisal (except newly established enterprises without such record), original of processing trade enterprise production capability certificate issued by the local commerce authorities at county-level or above, proof of the online enterprise's export performance in the previous year (copies of customs declaration forms or processing trade contract verification/cancellation forms), brief profile of the enterprise and the raw materials and parts it imports and the products it exports, and checklist of business scope.Upon receipt of an online enterprise's application, unless the processing trade activities involved are prohibited by the state, otherwise the commerce authorities would grant approval and issue an approval certificate to the online enterprise to engage in processing trade. Based on this certificate, Customs will set up a processing trade electronic account for the online enterprise concerned and implement online supervision. The online enterprise may then import raw materials and parts and export products within the approved scope中国加工贸易正在迅速转变加工贸易是指进口全部或部分原辅材料,零部件,配件的部分商业活动,并从国外债券的包装材料,再出口成品的企业在内地加工或装配后的产品。
