英美文学论文 到灯塔去
这些物象,各有独特的象征意义: 大海象征桀骜不驯、凶险残暴的大自然, 灯塔象征光明、真理和希望, 窗口象征认知自我和世界的心灵之窗, 镜子、画布和颜色等也各有象征意义。
To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》介绍
在小说的第一部分,莉丽身上的两性气质并不平衡, 表现在男性气质占优势,如她反对篡改色调,坚持以理 性的态度对待绘画创作。 第三部分的时候,莉丽身上的女性特征才突显出来, 她敏感而细腻,最终完成画作。
女性主义运动被认为是历史上最漫长的革命。其中,对于 女性气质的争议一直很激烈。在弗吉尼亚 • 伍尔芙的代表作 《到灯塔去》中,作者通过莉丽•布里斯科对女性气质从抛却 到认可再到超越的心路历程,揭示了女艺术家在男性占主导 的社会中为实现自己的理想所经历的艰难和困惑,以及女性 主义的真谛。指出只有培养双性头脑才是妇女解放的真正出 路。 综上分析 , 可以看出小说《到灯塔去》是一部带有鲜明女 性主义特征的文学作品与后世的激进女性主义相比,其对女性 主义理解的深度和广度早已超越了时代的限制,也毫不逊色。
Mr. Ramsay
拉姆齐先生正是伍尔芙父亲的原型,二人有着极多的相 似之处。都是受过良好教育的知识分子,在家庭中有着绝对 的权力和地位。拉姆齐先生是一位现实、严谨的哲学家。他 崇尚理性思考,痛恨幻想夸张。伍尔芙用二十六个英文字母 和钢琴的键盘来象征拉姆齐先生那种直线型的思维方式。这 种思维模式使他难以看到事物的整体,结果导致他身陷智慧 的泥沼,无法将事业开拓推进。
从人物性格上来说,莉丽反对传统,(与拉姆齐夫人 相反)她反对“必须结婚”、“竭力主张她本人应该排除 在这普遍的规律之外”、“喜欢保持自己的本色”。她对 拉姆齐夫人的感情是矛盾的,一方面认为拉姆齐夫人就像 一个家庭的核心,聚拢了所有成员(和客人),又多施慈 善,完美无瑕;另一方面又对拉姆齐夫人的处事方式感到 怀疑,“她不禁自问,如果每个人都是如此密不透风,你 怎么会对别人有所了解呢?” 因此,一个“紫色的三角”将拉姆齐夫人给詹姆斯讲 故事概括起来,体现了紫色的在冷暖之间游离不定的特点。 同样的场景,莉丽用绘画,伍尔夫用写作,表达了同样的 思考,显然莉丽就是伍尔夫的自画像,是整本小说的真正 主人公。
到灯塔去 英语论文
Final paperAn Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Thoughts of Gender and Gender Differences in To the LighthouseRequirements:Content: You may write a term paper on the following novels:1.The Catcher in the Rye2.To the LighthouseEvaluation:Abstract:Virginia Woolf(1882-1941) is a renowned English writer best known for her novels and essays. To the Lighthouse is one of her great works. This paper is mainly study three issues: feminism, the understanding of gender and the thoughts of gender differences.摘要:弗吉尼亚. 伍尔夫(1882-1941)是一位以小说和散文而著名的英国作家。
OutlineTitle: An Analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Thoughts of Gender and Gender Differences in To the LighthouseⅠ.IntroductionⅡ. Body:A.Woolf and feminismB.Woolf’s androgynous visionC.Gender differences1.Definition of gender difference2.Woolf’s thoughts of gender differencesⅢ. ConclusionⅠ. Introduction:Virginia Woolf was born Adeline Virginia Stephen on 25 January, 1882 inLondon. She was an English novelist and essayist, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century. Her most famous works include the novels Mrs. Dalloway(1925), To the Lighthouse(1927) and Orlando(1928) and the book-length essay A Room of One’s Own(1929) with its famous dictum, “ A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction”Wang wenyan, a postgraduate of Hunan University in the paper Female Consciousness in To the Lighthouse analyzes two major female characters, Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe from the feminist criticism point of view. At first, she studies the growth of Virginia Woolf’s feminism and analyzes “Angel in the House”and “the undercurrent in Mrs. Ramsay”. This paper is very good at focusing on one topic that is Virginia Woolf’s feminism. It offers me some knowledge about feminism and makes me more familiar with this book.Cheng ying, a posts graduate from Zhengzhou University in her paper Virginia Woolf’s Art of Fiction in To the Lighthouse studies her typical stream-of-consciousness technique, musical methods, cinematic methods and poetic methods. And she mainly analyzes how these techniques used in the novel. Through reading this paper it is helpful for us to have a hint of Wool’f’s writing skills.Li songyue, a scholar of Zhengzhou University in his paper 《<到灯塔去>两性形象的象征意义阐述》he mainly studies the narrative strategy----symbolism and gender perspective. Through the comparison of different genders’ personality, action, thinking symbolic colors and finally comes out the conclusion that in the book To the Lighthouse some objects are the symbols of genders.But in this paper, what I want to study is gender and gender differences in the novel To the Lighthouse. I will talk about feminism, androgynous thoughts and genderdifferences in the novel.Ⅱ. Virginia Woolf’s Thoughts of Gender and Gender Differences in To the LighthouseA. Woolf and feminismFeminism is an intellectual, philosophical and political discourse aimed at equalrights and legal protection for women. It involves various movements, theories and philosophies, all concerned with issues of gender difference that advocate equality for women and that campaign for women’s rights and interests.Virginia Woolf’s feminist thoughts widely cover the fields of society, politics, ethics, aesthetics, etc. and the need for freedom for the female is the primary theme in her ethical scheme. Gender and politics, morality and psychological desire are mixed together inextricably in her presentation of human motivation. In spite of all of these, Virginia Woolf has never, even once in her life, admitted that she herself is an advocator for feminism and insists that what she did was just studying it. Here we can see the complexity of Woolf’s feminist position and the flexibility with which she may be read as a feminist.In To the Lighthouse, Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe are the two female figures that Woolf mainly describes. However, they impress the readers strikingly for their views about the way to realize their own dreams and to escape from nothingness. Through the reading of Woolf’s different descriptions of Mrs. Ramsay and Lily Briscoe, we may find Woolf’s thoughts of female in the novel.Mrs. Ramsay is a competent and intelligent housewife. She supports her husband by running the house smoothly and endures domestic anxiety alone so that the daily chores won’t interrupt Mr. Ramsay’s serious thoughts on reason and logic. She miraculously manages to run the house without disturbing her husband. The financial condition of the family is exposed by one of the guests, Mr. Bankes’ perception of the family. “The Ramsays were not rich, and it was a wonder how they managed to contrive it all. Eight children! To feed eight children on philosophy!” In fact, the wonder maker is Mrs. Ramsay. With herwisdom in housework she successfully shoulders the responsibility of house management without any help from her husband. Though she is worried about the household, she tries her best not to disturb him. The refrain of the bill for the greenhouse roof looms but she decides not to tell him. “She had it on the tip of her tongue to say, as they strolled, ‘It’ll cost fifty pounds,’ but instead, for her heart failed her about money, she talk ed about Jasper shooting birds …” Mrs. Ramsay feels it her obligation to keep the husband away from the worries of small daily family life.Being a good mother is another criterion of the ideal Victorian womanhood. Woolf depicts such a good mother in this novel. Mrs. Ramsay protects her children from disillusion. When her son, James hopes for a trip to the lighthouse the next day and the father declares bad weather, it is Mrs. Ramsay who insists upon the possibility of a clear day. In this way she protects the sensitive mind of the child, retaining hope and faith in him, which shows her reverence for the spirit in others. What’s more, Mrs. Ramsay also protects her children from the chaotic adult world. By intuition, she knows the world is full of misery and sufferings.Apart from Mrs. Ramsay, Lily is the other important female figure in To the Lighthouse. She admires and loves Mrs. Ramsay and shares a lot with her. However, their differences exceed their similarity. Compared with Mrs. Ramsay who is presented as an ideal woman of Victorian period, Lily represents the woman image of the new generation. She holds her unique views on marriage, which collides with the established and long standing Victorian customs of marriage. She develops her individual relationships with the opposite sex, which challenges the unitary relationship of marriage between the two sexes. She ventures into the career of painting, which has been the preserved domain of men. She courageously fights against any difficulties and obstacles that come in her way to self independence and self realization.B. Woolf’s androgynous visionAndrogyny is a term derived from two Greek words which can refer to either of two related concepts about gender: the mixing of masculine and feminine characteristics, as in fashion statements; or the balance of “anima and animus” in psychoanalytic theory. For Woolf, the psyche is composed of two parts, one male and the other female, and only when the two are fused into one will the mind be able to produce art.In Woo lf’s opinion, there exist two genders in human cerebrum –male and female and each pair forms a complementary whale. There is no apparent hierarchical order between them: the only dominance is the feminine part in the woman’s brain, and vice versa for man. Woolf’s choice of the word “fatal” is particularly important for an understanding of the high premium she places on androgyny. An importantaspect of Woolf’s argument for androgyny insists that writers should shun consciousness of their own sex when they write because pressures to conform to social gender roles create barriers that are “fatal” to creativity. She thinks that androgynous writing is not only an ideal, but also a reality. As for Woolf, “Perhaps a mind that is purely masculine cannot create, any more than a mind that is purely feminine”. She thinks that Shakespeare’s mind is a type of the androgynous of the man-womanly mind.C. Gender differences1. Definition of gender differenceThe term “gender difference” refers to a distinction of biologic al and/or physiological characteristics typically associated with either males or females of a species in general. In the study of humans, socio-political issues arise in classifying whether a sex difference results from the biology of gender. Some feminists see gender differences as caused by patriachy or discrimination, although Difference Feminism argues for an acceptance of gender differences. Conservative masculists tend to see gender differences as inherent in human nature, while liberal masculists see gender differences as caused by matriarchy or discrimination.2. Woolf’s thoughts of gender differencesWoolf’s thoughts of gender differences are formed through her understanding of the social prejudice towards all fields that related to women.There is no doubt that Woolf not only realizes the existence of gender differences and she also advocates protecting the existence. The gender differences are caused by two major aspects: the subjective social ideology that treats men and women differently and considers different genders should have different roles; and the objective existence of psychological and physical differences between different genders. These two aspects are respectively subjective cause and objective cause. In conclusion, the essence of Woolf’s thoughts of gender differences is: 1) admission of the existence of gender differences, in both subjective and objective aspects; 2) opposition to the subjective and prejudiced thoughts of genderdifferences; and 3) promotion of the objective gender differences and encouragement of the existence of such differences.In To the Lighthouse, Woolf presents clear portraits of male and femalecharacters. The characters she describes most carefully are Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay. In the novel, the both Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay want to create a harmonious atmosphere among people and try to be understandable to others. However, they have different outlooks on life and their attitudes and behaviors are also significantly different.In To the Lighthouse, Virginia Woolf discusses the influence of the traditional conception about different genders, which is the cause of gender differences. Mrs. Ramsay in the novel is the typical woman who is the slave fostered by men. Although she is not satisfied with the life of losing herself and lacking for self-confidence, she still worships her husband blindly, depends on her husband and subordinates to her husband. Besides playing the role of a virtuous wife and a lovely mother initiatively in the family and an elegant hostess in social situations, she still makes use of her influential power. Mrs. Ramsay does not only comply with social customs herself, she also impels others: she arranges for the marriage between Paul and Minta and tries to persuade Lily to marry Mr. Bankes. Under the influence of such traditional conception about different genders, Lily still feels that she can’t get rid of social prejudice to concentrate her attention on the art of painting although she is a woman having her own inclination. She always feels that she is just a second-class painter, and her works will not be hung on the wall to be seen by people. Furthermore, there is Mr. Tansley whispering in her ear, “Women can’t paint, women can’t write” obvious that her feeling of failure is caused by the influence of the traditional conception about different genders that women are inferior to men.Another great difference between different genders is that Mr. Ramsay is more realistic while Mrs. Ramsay more idealistic. This can be seen, in the very beginning of the novel, from the attitudes towards whether the Ramsays can go to the lighthouse the next day. Mrs. Ramsay says: “Yes, of course if it’s fine tomorrow, but you’ll have to be up with the lark,” then they will go to the lighthouse. These words convey an extraordinary joy to her son. But her husband comes over and refutes: “But, it won’t be fine”. What he says is the truth and the truth forever; he does not resort to deception and distort the fact, and he will not say some harsh words mildly and indirectly to satisfy others. Mrs. Ramsay comforts James: “But it may be fine –Iexpect it will be fine” (ibid.: 260). Although she has no idea about the weather of thenext day, Mrs. Ramsay is not only idealistic herself, but also wants to give her son comfort and hope. Mr. Ramsay, on the other hand, is not only rational as mentioned before, but also realistic, directly telling his son that the weather will not be fine and they can’t go to the lighthouse the next day. To Mr. Ramsay, the reality towers abo ve the rest, i.e., it’s much more important to respect the facts than to care for children. Therefore, his little son James is even anxious to kill him. As a philosopher, he may be skilled at explaining and dealing with everything in the world with his sense and logic. However, when he applies this kind of attitude to real life, such attitude seems so stubborn that he even denies human nature and suppresses others’ feeling, not only in his learning, but also in dealing with human relationship.The third difference between different genders lies in the aesthetic appreciations. Mr.Ramsay can’t feel the beauty of nature at all. In this novel, male characters come into society,engaging in scientific study. Thinking themselves as the creators of the culture, men talk about science and politics. Yet being deprived of the rights to receive education, women have to stay at home and stand beyond culture. Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay have different reactions to the scenes of nature. For example, when Mr. Ramsay has a wal k with his wife by the seaside“he thought, looking at the land dwindling away… Poor little place,” but Mrs. Ramsay considers, “He said the mostmelancholy things,” and believes that “it was a perfectly lovely evening”.Ⅲ. ConclusionOn the whole, this dis sertation expounds on Virginia Woolf’s thoughts of gender and gender differences through the analysis of her thoughts of feminism manifested in her novel To the Lighthouse. From our analysis of the characters in the novel To the Lighthouse, we can see that Woolf’s perspective of women is unique. According to Woolf, women are not inferior to men in any field.In my opinion, the basis of Virginia Woolf’s androgynous theory has something in common with her thoughts of gender differences to a certain extent. Androgynous theory advocates that men and women command the chaotic world in their own way: men rely on their reason and logic; women rely on their intuition and self-awareness. In fact, what Woolf insists as part of her thoughts of gender differences is that mentend to be more reasonable than women and women more sensitive than men. In addition, Woolf’s thoughts of gender differences can be regarded as a bridge, connecting Woolf’s thoughts of feminism and androgynous vision.Virginia Woolf’s thoughts of wom en still have practical significance in our modern society. Nowadays, women’s social position has been greatly improved, but there are many unfair treatments of women in the society, especially in finding jobs. There are many women isolated in their families after marriage, which is partly caused by their insufficient confidence in themselves. So it is time to get rid of the biased thoughts of gender differences about women and women themselves should believe that they can do many things like men. However, as a matter of fact, women should realize that they have both advantages and disadvantages. In this sense, women should not reject all male qualities and they need to absorb some male qualities to become perfect ones. In this way, women and men can draw the strong points of others to offset their own weakness, so that our society can get a harmonious development. In short, Virginia Woolf has made a great contribution to English literature and she will always be remembered as one of the most prominent women writers in England forever.Reference[1] 程英. Art of Fiction in To the Lighthouse [D].郑州:郑州大学,2002[2]李嵩岳. 《到灯塔去》两性形象的象征意义阐述[D]. 郑州,郑州大学,2009 [2] 吴庆宏. 弗吉尼亚伍尔夫与女权主义[M]. 北京: 中国社会科学出版社, 2005.[4]. 王文艳. 《到灯塔去》中的女性意识[D].长沙:湖南师范大学,2001。
关键词:弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫意识流小说时间结构中图分类号:i106.4 文献标识码:a本文所探讨的时间结构,是小说中以时间逻辑为准则组织作品结构的各种方式。
摘要:《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse)是一部经典的意识流小说,它以完美与和谐的艺术形式充分展示了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)非凡的艺术功力。
关键词:女性文化;男权文化;女性之爱;女性精神;博爱《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse)是英国著名女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)倾注心血的一部意识流小说,它主要反映了二战前后社会的变迁和动荡带给现代西方人的迷茫、孤独、焦虑、彷徨、悲哀和虚无。
伍尔夫《到灯塔去》意识流手法的运用摘要:间接内心独白, 自由联想和空间蒙太奇, 象征手法,叙述视角的转换时间倒叙等意识流叙事手法的娴熟运用, 使得《到灯塔去》这部伍尔夫意识流的文学作品成为了令人注目的范本。
通过这些叙事手法, 意识流的思维在跳跃中达到了和谐, 在和谐中构建了跳跃, 达到时间、空间、文本、内涵的完美统一。
关键词:蒙太奇叙事手法意识流一、关于伍尔夫的《到灯塔去》弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(1882 - 1941) 出生于英国伦敦富裕的知识分子家中。
67192 艺术理论论文论《到灯塔去》的叙事艺术弗吉尼亚?伍尔夫出生于19世纪80年代的英国伦敦,是意识流文学的杰出作家,她被世人赞誉为20世纪女性主义和现代主义的先锋人物。
最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 论《瓦尔登湖》的生态伦理意蕴2 从餐桌礼仪看中美饮食文化差异3 原版英语电影在大学英语教学中的使用研究4 论汉英诗歌翻译中对“真”和“美”的追求5 网络英语对汉语词汇的影响研究6 《乱世佳人》主人公斯嘉丽形象浅析7 化妆品品牌名称翻译审美与选词8 《莫比迪克》中不同的人物特点9 从《瓦尔登湖》看梭罗的自然观10 中国和英国传统婚俗差异研究11 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。
原创Q 799 75 79 3812 从文化视角考察中英语言的称谓语差异13 《蝴蝶梦》中的女性成长主题研究14 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved15 论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性意识16 目的论下的修辞手法翻译:以《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》两个汉语译本为例17 论《隐形人》中的象征主义18 浅析儿童自然英语教学法的心理学优势19 自然观的演变——《自然》与《走出去思考》之对比分析20 王尔德童话《夜莺与玫瑰》中的唯美主义21 The Racial Stereotypes in American TV Media22 A Study of Intertextuality in Advertising Text23 从原型批评理论角度分析威利•洛曼的悲剧24 论修辞在英语广告中的应用25 从哲学角度看中西餐具文化的差异26 从功能翻译理论看科技英语与科普英语的汉译27 A Comparison of the English Color Terms28 中西民间鬼神形象中体现的宗教世俗化的研究29 《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中玛姬的性格30 A Study on the Cross-Cultural Management in the Sino-American Joint-Venture Enterprises --With Special Reference to Changan & Ford Motor Company31 论跨文化因素对广告汉英翻译的影响32 A Research on the Translation of the Chinese Dish Names33 英语介词的翻译34 笛福《鲁宾逊漂流记》中鲁宾逊形象解析35 Landscape Poems in Seven-character Quatrains and Sonnets36 从关联理论看科技英语的翻译37 从《红字》看十七世纪新英格兰清教主义风尚38 如何增强小学生英语课堂教学的趣味性39 The Interpretation to Captain Ahab in Moby Dick through Abnormal Psychology40 An Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching Method in Teaching Spoken English in China41 应对写作逻辑乱象的对策42 中美广告语言文化异同研究43 The Study of the Positive Effects of Native Language on Junior School English Teaching44 从“绯闻女孩”与“我的青春谁做主”中浅析中美青年婚姻爱情观的异同45 探究斯蒂芬•克莱恩诗集中的三类意象——以《黑骑者》为例46 跨文化交际中的中西方时间观念47 论《红字》中的清教主义思想48 从民族文化心理差异角度看功能对等论在商标翻译中的运用49 试析《飘》中女主人公斯佳丽的传统意识50 小说《飘》中瑞德巴特勒的人物性格分析51 The Weakness of Human Nature in Gulliver’s Travels52 On Nabokov’s “Lolita” and Its Adaptation into the Movie by Stanley Kubrick53 从《穿靴子的猫》看美国动画电影中的英雄主义54 A Comparison of the English Color Terms55 从合作原则和礼貌原则的角度分析外贸函电中否定信息的传递56 关于战争对英语习语的影响的研究57 广告英语中双关语的语用功能及其翻译58 游戏在小学英语教学中的运用59 《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧成因探析60 探究马克吐温的反奴隶制观—对《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中吉姆的分析61 分析《傲慢与偏见》与《简爱》中觉醒的女性意识62 双重文化下的文化选择——解析电影《刮痧》中中国移民的文化身份危机63 An Application of Schema Theory in Interpreting64 霍桑的《胎记》中乔治亚娜的死的深层原因探究65 翻译呼啸山庄的感想(英译中)66 情感在中学英语教学中的应用67 论《毒日头》中的生命价值观68 高中英语听前活动设计探究69 简•奥斯汀《诺桑觉寺》中人物对爱情和婚姻的不同态度70 法国大革命对《西风颂》创作的影响71 An Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Contradictory Character72 探讨英语翻译教学中的问题及改进73 从电影《姐姐的守护者》分析人的自私性74 英语幽默语的语用研究75 特洛伊战争电影改编的语境探析76 哈珀•李《杀死一只知更鸟》中斯科特的性格77 《汤姆索亚历险记》的艺术魅力78 激励小学生积极说英语的教学法79 《傲慢与偏见》中话语标记语的语用推理研究80 从《简爱》看电影对名著的改编81 论奥斯卡•王尔德的艺术道德观82 解读《飘》中斯佳丽的形象83 从女性意识的角度解读《荆棘鸟》中的女性形象84 谈目的论视角下的商标翻译85 A Superficial Analysis of Religious Consciousness of Jane Eyre86 论《教授的房子》中圣彼得教授对自我的追求87 论人文主义在《哈克贝利.费恩历险记》中的体现88 语言艺术与目的性操纵的杂合——英文电影片名的翻译89 从苔丝和曼桢的角色分析中西文化下女性的抗争90 海丝特白兰—清教时代的新女性91 论《红字》中海斯特的女性主义92 《时时刻刻》中女性自我构建的研究93 从语用学视角初步分析英语骂詈语94 从语言角度分析《功夫熊猫》中中西文化的交融95 礼貌原则框架下化妆品广告语篇研究96 反译法在英译汉中的应用97 翻译“忠实”新解——兼评《傲慢与偏见》译本98 莎士比亚的悲剧对当代女性的影响99 简与林黛玉性格及命运对比100 中西礼仪对比101 论《最后的莫西干人》中的印第安情结102 夏洛蒂•勃朗特《简•爱》中普通而独特的女性形象103 浅析霍桑罪恶观在《拉帕西尼的女儿》中的体现104 英汉颜色词隐喻的认知比较与研究105 跨文化视角下中西方选秀文化对比研究——以达人秀为例106 影响英语课堂合作学习有效性的因素分析及其对策107 民族文化差异与广告语言创意108 从习语看中西方文化差异109 浅谈古希腊罗马神话对《哈利•波特》系列小说(前四部)的影响110 三星公司营销策略研究111 英汉语言中颜色隐喻的认知差异研究112 英语课堂提问的策略研究113 从文化差异的角度看《红楼梦》颜色词的英译114 从女性主义视角看幽默翻译115 国际商务谈判技巧与策略初探116 A Contrastive Analysis of Table Manners and Culture between China and Western Countries 117 女性主义解读《威尼斯商人》中的女主角118 中外教师教学体态语的意义差异研究119 从《纯真年代》中的女性角色看伊迪斯•华顿的女性意识120 《蝴蝶梦》中的女权主义121 中美新闻价值观的差异在灾难性新闻报道中的体现122 《宠儿》的黑人女性主义解读(开题报告+论)123 浅谈涉外英语合同的特征及翻译技巧124 英语体育新闻中模糊语言的词汇特点及其翻译对策125 中美家庭价值观差异浅析126 从目的论角度分析产品说明书的翻译127 解读《爱玛》中的女性主体意识128 A Comparison of English V ocabulary Learning Strategy Use in Learners of Different Ages129 从消费社会学探析《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比美国梦的幻灭130 解析《红字》中清教主义对人物性格的塑造131 商务合同英语的语言特征132 英汉礼貌用语对比研究133 比较分析《喜福会》与《日用家当》中两代人之间的文化冲突134 中西方婚礼文化对比135 英汉诗歌中“月”意象的认知解读136 英汉委婉语对比研究137 《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究138 A Pragmatic Analysis of Puns in English Advertisements under the Cooperative Principle 139 试析《傲慢与偏见》中的书信140 丁尼生《鹰》与休斯《鹰之栖息》的对比分析141 华盛顿•欧文与陶渊明逃遁思想对比研究142 卡克斯顿印刷业对英语传播的贡献143 中学英语教师素质提高的途径探索144 浅谈圣经对经典英美文学作品的影响145 归化与异化在翻译策略中的研究146 谈品牌广告文体特点及其翻译147 Where Should Gone With the Wind Go?——Study on The Disputes Among Critics of Gone With the Wind148 Business English Translation from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory149 The Comparison of Diet Culture between China and America150 分析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中女主人公的爱情观151 文化杂糅背景下的身份诉求——解读奈保尔的《半生》152 Cultural Conflicts in Daisy Miller—An Analysis on Henry James’ International Theme153 《红楼梦》两个译本中称呼语翻译的对比研究154 《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的灵魂救赎155 灵魂救赎者—《七个尖角阁的老宅》中菲比的人物分析156 从《小王子》看成人世界的身份危机157 从高中生生理和心理的角度探讨PPT使用的利弊158 从归化和异化的角度看英语人名的翻译159 The Application of Cooperative Learning in English Teaching160 模糊限制语的语用功能及在广告中的应用161 中美饮食文化的差异162 归化翻译在电影字幕中的运用--以《米尔克》为个案分析163 对《魂断蓝桥》女主角悲惨性命运原因的分析164 论戏剧《威尼斯商人》中夏洛克的悲剧形象165 海明威“冰山原理”在《永别了,武器》中的应用及对写作的指导意义166 从跨文化交际角度看中西方商务谈判167 从女性主义角度分析《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的新女性形象168 澳大利亚传记文学中的土著文化:以《我的位置》为例169 论修辞在广告语中的运用和翻译170 海明威《印第安人营地》新解171 浅析莱辛在《屋顶丽人》中的女权主义思想172 对林语堂的《吾国与吾民》几种中译本比较研究173 庞德《诗经》英译研究174 《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的性格分析175 中国英语在中国文化输出中的作用176 浅析《红字》中丁梅斯代尔的挣扎177 浅析《老人与海》和《海上扁舟》中人与自然的关系178 悲剧英雄—赫尔曼•梅尔维尔笔下的比利•巴德形象分析179 英语交际中害羞心理产生的根源及其克服方法180 The Essence of Democracy and Freedom: An Interpretation of the Animal Farm 181 浅析《雾都孤儿》中的现实主义182 “三美论”观照下的《再别康桥》英译本比较研究183 英汉谚语特征对比分析184 试析《旅游巴士》中的犹太文化内涵185 中美人际关系比较186 探讨武侠和骑士形象的异同187 The Important Role of Body Language in American Daily Life188 接受理论视角下英文商标名汉译研究189 《最蓝的眼睛》和《宠儿》中黑人女性的悲剧根源190 论罗伯特•佩恩•沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求191 浅论创造性叛逆—以《一朵红红的玫瑰》三个译本为例192 浅谈外贸英语的翻译标准193 肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用与作用194 中美拒绝策略研究195 中西方礼仪文化差异比较196 《呼啸山庄》的悲剧分析197 美国拓荒运动中的新女性形象--读威拉凯瑟《我的安东妮娅》198 中式菜肴名称英译的功能观199 宗教枷锁下的人性挣扎——《红字》中丁梅斯代尔形象解读200 《红字》中霍桑的女性观。
1. 引言1.1 《到灯塔去》的背景介绍《到灯塔去》是英国作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)于1927年出版的小说,是她的代表作之一。
1.2 《到灯塔去》的作者简介《到灯塔去》的作者是英国作家弗吉尼亚·吴尔夫(Virginia Woolf)。
英国现代主义小说兴起于20 世纪20 年,身处时局变化多端和信仰危机的年代,作家们开始寻求寻求新的写作形式和技巧,伍尔夫指出“现代小说的重心必须转移,从‘见物不见人'的物质主义转向强调心理活动的‘精神主义 ',从外部世界的反映转向意识结构的表现。
二、《到灯塔去》与人格结构理论《到灯塔去》(1927)是伍尔夫的代表作,围绕要去游览灯塔的出游计划,讲述了拉姆齐一家和其朋友们在一战前后十余年间的生活变迁和意识升华;主题上探讨了对自我身份的认知,即“自我是否又可能在一片混沌之中认识和把握真实,在一个混论的时代里建立某种秩序?自我是否又可能逃脱流逝不息的时间的魔掌,不顾死亡的威胁而长存?”②伍尔夫探讨的这种理想自我正是弗洛伊德“本我、自我、超我” 三体合一的完美平衡。
③ 处于人格结构最底层的本我(id )遵循“快乐原则”,是一个人出生时就有的各种本能的总和。
to the lighthouse英文阅读
to the lighthouse英文阅读(中英文实用版)To The Lighthouse, a masterpiece by Virginia Woolf, is a novel that explores the complexities of human consciousness and the passage of time. Set in the early 20th century, the story revolves around the Ramsay family and their summer visits to the Isle of Skye in Scotland. Woolf's stream-of-consciousness technique takes readers deep into the minds of the characters, revealing their thoughts, emotions, and perceptions.《到灯塔去》是弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的杰作,这部小说探讨了人类意识的复杂性和时间的流逝。
The novel is divided into three parts, \'The Window,\' \'Time Passes,\' and \'The Lighthouse,\' each offering a unique perspective on the passage of time and the human experience. Woolf's poetic prose and symbolic imagery create an atmosphere that mirrors the ebb and flow of life, as well as the elusive nature of truth and reality.小说分为三个部分:“窗”、“时间流逝”和“灯塔”,每个部分都提供了关于时间流逝和人类经历的独特视角。
《到灯塔去》[英] 弗吉尼亚伍尔夫,瞿世镜 译读后感
《到灯塔去》[英] 弗吉尼亚伍尔夫,瞿世镜译读后感第一篇范文《到灯塔去》[英] 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫,瞿世镜译——读后感《到灯塔去》是英国现代主义文学大师弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的代表作之一。
1. 叙事手法独具匠心伍尔夫在这部作品中采用了“意识流”叙事手法,使读者能够直接进入人物内心,感受他们的情感波动。
2. 深刻揭示人性的复杂性作品中的人物形象丰满、个性鲜明,展现了人性的复杂性。
”3. 对女性命运的关切伍尔夫是女性主义文学的先驱,她在作品中关注女性命运,探讨女性在社会中的地位。
如她所说:“女性总是为了别人而活,她们自己的生活在哪里?”4. 触类旁通,引发思考《到灯塔去》不仅是一部文学作品,更是一部哲学作品。
Analysis of Stream of Consciousness and Feminism inTo the LighthouseBy10-3,名字(No.201015310325)A paper submitted in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for literature classto the Qinggong CollegeHebei United UniversityDecember 2012ABSTRACTVirginia Woolf is one of leading writers through Europe in the beginning of 20th century, who is one of the famous writers like George Eliot, Jane Austin. To the Lighthouse is one of famous works, which hasn’t complete and complex plots. Stream of consciousness is previous characteristic of her works. She pays more attention to describing internal emotion of characters; meanwhile, she also uses symbolism, and lighthouse is hope to people. She is also a feminist, and she thinks female should have independence, only like that, could female have real life of themselves. The paper mainly studies feminist and stream of consciousness of Woolf’s novel of To the Lighthouse.KEY WORDS:Stream of Consciousness To the Lighthouse Feminist摘要弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是英国20世纪初期风靡欧美的意识流小说的开山鼻祖之一,与乔治·艾略特﹑简·奥斯丁同为英国最杰出的女作家。
— One of 4 children — Educated at home by her governess.
— Voracious reader of books in father’s library
As a young woman Woolf moved to Gordon Square, Bloomsbury. The house became a gathering place for writers, artists and intellectuals and this "Bloomsbury Group" is remembered as an incubator of modern artistic thought.
• Woolf show her conception of feminism in the character of
Lily. Through full understanding of the Ramsay couple, Lily
gets a better understanding of herself and overcome gender constraints and flourish in her spiritual and artistic freedom. Lily’s recognition that abandoning gender identity can make her art whole .And reflects Woolf’s philosophy that
Part III: The Lighthouse Mr. Ramsay finally planed on taking the long-delayed trip to the lighthouse with his son James and daughter Cam While they set sail for the lighthouse, Lily attempted to complete her long-unfinished painting.
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Analysis of Stream of Consciousness and Feminism inTo the LighthouseBy10-3,名字(No.201015310325)A paper submitted in partial fulfillment ofthe requirements for literature classto the Qinggong CollegeHebei United UniversityDecember 2012ABSTRACTVirginia Woolf is one of leading writers through Europe in the beginning of 20th century, who is one of the famous writers like George Eliot, Jane Austin. To the Lighthouse is one of famous works, which hasn‟t complete and complex plots. Stream of consciousness is previous characteristic of her works. She pays more attention to describing internal emotion of characters; meanwhile, she also uses symbolism, and lighthouse is hope to people. She is also a feminist, and she thinks female should have independence, only like that, could female have real life of themselves. The paper mainly studies feminist and stream of consciousness of Woolf‟s novel of To the Lighthouse.KEY WORDS:Stream of Consciousness To the Lighthouse Feminist摘要弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是英国20世纪初期风靡欧美的意识流小说的开山鼻祖之一,与乔治·艾略特﹑简·奥斯丁同为英国最杰出的女作家。
关键词:意识流到灯塔去女权主义CONTENTSAbstract (Chinese)A bstract (English)1. Introduction (1)1.1Virginia Woolf (1)1.2To the Lighthouse (2)2.TheStreamofConciousnessin Tothe Lighthouse (2)2.1 Social and Cultural Backgrounds of the Novel (2)2.2 The Characteristics of Stream of Conciousness (2)3.Feminism in To the Lighthouse (3)3.1VirginiaWoolf‟s Feminism (3)3.2Mrs.Ramsay‟s Feminism (4)3.3Lily‟s Feminism (4)4. Conclusion (5)Bibliography (6)1.IntroductionVirginia Woolf is one of the key figures of Modernism. She is a novelist, short story write, essayist and critic and part of a large of circle of writers, artist and intellectuals known as the Bloomsbury group. Her most famous novel, To the Lighthouse shows great technical mastery, with a form tightly organized through the use of recurrent images and a restricted time frame. The book is generally regarded as one of her masterpieces for its special style that combines a stream of consciousness with the accumulation of many details and thus creates a strong feeling of intensity that is quite common in Woolf‟s works.1.1Virginia WoolfBorn in London to well educated upper-middle-class parents, Virginia grew up as a member of a large and highly literary family. Leslie Stephan, his father, was a famous Victorian philosopher, bibliographer and critic. Encouraged by her father, she read widely and freely in his extensive library. She never went to school. She was taught at home by her parents and tutor with her sister Vanessa, who became a famous modern painter later. From an early age Virginia got into the way of writing stories and kept a journal. She even tried out experiment with various narrative literary forms and voices. The death of her mother in 1895 and her father in 1904 influenced her life greatly and a mental illness began to develop then into the late years. In 1913 she attempted suicide. After the death of her parents, Virginia and her sister Vanessa moved out of the family to Bloomsbury, a district of London, to have a freer life. There they entertained their literary and artistic friend and with the gathering of a group of intellectuals outstanding at the time, there was the famous Bloomsbury Group where their conversations and ideas sparkled. In 1912, she married one of the group members, Leonard Woolf, journalist, essayist and political thinker.Her works, influenced by contemporary movement such as psychology, impressionism, and feminist, reveal her preoccupation with the complexity of both the individual‟s perception and the large cultural system that shape them. Woolf was famous for her works‟ bea utiful style. In her works, it was filled with breath of life. Her works and ideas have informed many of great feminist thinkers, novelists and poets. Her radical and experimental writing laid a foundation for them.1.2 To the LighthouseTo the Lighthouse, one of her most experimental and remarkable works, is modulated by the consciousness of the characters instead of the passage of time. The plot centers on the Ramsay family‟s anticipation of and reflection upon a visit to a lighthouse. To the Lighthouse is a representative work which best exhibits Woolf‟s style and innovation. It is regarded as her autobiographical fictional record, for the characters are based on her own parent and siblings. To the Lighthouse is divided into three sections: “The Window”,“Time Passes”, and “The Lighthouse”. Each section is fragmented into stream-of-consciousness contributions from various narrators. “The Window” opens just before the start of World War Ⅰ. Mr. Ramsay and Mrs. Ramsay bring their summer home in the Hebrides (a group of islands west of Scotland). Across the bay from their house stands a large lighthouse and Mrs. Ramsay tells him that they will go the next day if the weather permits. James reacts gleefully, but Mr.Ramsay tells him coldly that the weather looks to be foul. James resents his father and believes that he enjoys being cruel to James and his siblings.2.The stream of consciousness in To the Lighthouse2.1 Social and cultural backgrounds of the novelTo the Lighthouse is a novel about steam of consciousness which is most famous novel of Virginia Woolf. This novel is centered of the behavior of to the lighthouse. It describes the family of the Ramsey and several guests‟ life experience fragments before and after the First World War. In the novel, at the request of young son, Mrs. Ramsay decided to go to the lighthouse. But because of something, they didn‟t go there. After that, World War Ⅰ broke out, and then the Ramsay family experienced many difficulties. After war, Mr. Ramsay loved Lily for his wife‟s d eath but While Lily refused him. So after his children grow up, he carried them to go to sea by boat, finally they arrived at the lighthouse. After the World War Ⅱ, Britain people suffered serious loss. To the extent, the spirit pillar of European civilization was shacked. Relentless artillery destroyed Woolf‟s family in London. These disasters took heavy pressure to her spirit. On March 28, 1941, Woolf suicide.2.2T he characteristics of stream of consciousnessThe whole book doesn‟t have the main character through to the end and complete and complex plot of story. On the contrary, the book uses stream of consciousness which is the artistic features of the largest, meanwhile it is also most successful aspect. Fromarising of novel in 16th century to developing of novel in 20th century, this kind of traditional writing practice that pays more attention to the plot of story, figure, and theme and so on haven‟t already far contented the flew of consciousness in this age. Stream of consciousness uses the writing practice which reflects figures‟ consciousness and psychology‟s mystery. Its plot is simple, but it is very rich of figure‟s thought and emotion. It combines reality life with psychology activity, and pays more attention to the figures‟ all kinds of reflec tions to outside stories, and fully of tell their implicit in heart. The kind of novel describes the variability of consciousness from now to past, from here to there. These consciousness appears one by one and great lively, however, they probably disappears in a moment and extremely variable. In them, association and metaphor are rich and peculiar, what‟s more, they are also profound and odd.The contents of novel are divided into three sections. They are “The Window”, “Time Passes”, and “The Lighthouse”.There are ten main figures and the most important figure Mrs. Ramsay died finally but Woolf still described her many thought activities and her actual activities are only in the former part. The novel describes every figure‟s thought activities and inner monologue more while the language and action are less. Though the main action of Mrs. Ramsay is knitting socks and reading fairy tales, and Lily is mainly drawing and have few words, their though activities are very active. A paragraph of description in heart of Mrs. Ramsay is nearly 4000 words.3. Feminism in To the Lighthouse3.1 Virginia Woolf‟s feminis mContemporary feminist critics on Woolf see her as a proto or early feminist, a tremendously influential mother of the novel. The comments she has made about the roles of women, even the representations of different male and female minds is highly original and has been unsurpassed in all the years since. She ever writes the sentence in A Room of One’s Own: We think back through our mothers if we are women. It is useless to go to the great men writers for help, however much one may go to them for pleasure. She thinks the female should have profession of themselves. She challenges patriarchal values and ways of seeing and expressing the world and the self set a model for other women‟s challenge, in literature and in life.3.2 Mrs. Ramsay‟s feminis mIn the novel, Mrs. Ramsay is a woman who makes contribution to her husband. She sacrifices herself for breaking through absolute oppose situation between men and women and tries to seek a harmonious world of male and female. She realizes her value through owning independent personality and life target of herself. But when she was 40 years old, she realizes that a woman only has independent spirit and feminist consciousness, she can own indeed life.3.3 Lily‟s feminis mLily Briscoe is an artist. She attempts to capture her feelings of reality and of experience throughout her first visit to the house on the island. When she returns, she manages to do so, and finishes her picture. This takes place at the same time as the remainder of the family arrives at the lighthouse. Lily is a very special female. As an artist, Lily is sensitive about the role of women and feels constantly pressurized by Mrs. Ramsay into bolstering male egos. Mrs. Ramsay obviously wills her to be polite to Charlie Tansley, the skeptical follower of Mrs. Ramsay, yet she finds it hard and feels she is betraying her own nature to so abase herself. Tandley really doesn‟t like women, and he think that “It is the women‟s fault. Women made civilization impossible with all their …charm‟, all their silliness.” The draining effect Lily feels when she is expected to bolster up Tansley is also connected with the sensation she has when he is around that he is c onstantly deprecating her work. …Women can‟t write, and women can‟t paint‟. However, Lily still finished her painting finally regardless of his discrimination to women. This is the first aspect which can reflect her feminist. And the second aspect: In the last section, Mr. Ramsay comes to Lily, now that her wife is dead, to provide the sympathy which he feels is the women‟s role to provide for a man. This self-sacrifice drains women of energy and prevents them from painting or doing anything creative. In th e traditional men and women‟s view, it is women‟s responsibility. But Lily doesn‟t think so. She feels both that she can‟t and won‟t give sympathy, must keep herself inviolate emotionally and she can‟t create, which is her life, and yet that in some way she is being less than a woman by refusing to sympathies. She doesn‟t think this is women‟s responsibility which is reflection of feminist.4. ConclusionAs far as her writing style was concerned, she makes contribution to female authors. Plot is her greatest enemy in her works. She is a fascinating experimental writer. She engages with an insider view of people‟s thoughts and feelings. She is also sharply aware of pomposity, hypocrisy and silliness, and sensitive to the slightest changes in moods and relationships between people. In To the Lighthouse, she describes two main female. One is Mrs. Ramsay, and another is Lily. Mrs. Ramsay is like an angel, while Lily is a traitor and a feminist. To the Lighthouse reflects her feminist and stream of consciousness obviously.BILIOGRAPHYDing Tingseng, 2005. An Anthology of British Literature. Chongqing: ChongqingUniversity Press.Wu Weiren, 2005, History and Anthology of English Literature. Beijing: Foreign Language and Research Press戈德曼,2008,《弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫》。