各大学英研方向,考试科目及参考书目中国人民大学外国语学院英语语言文2008年研究生入学专业目录研究方向:01英美文学 02英语语言学与英语教学03翻译理论与实践04英语国家文化03翻译理论与实践科目一政治 101 科目二 226二外俄语或227二外日语或228二外德语或229二外法语科目三基础英语 618 科目四翻译理论与实践 8221 《当代西方翻译理论探索》廖七一译林出版社 20002 《跨文化交际》金惠康中国对外翻译出版公司 20033 《英汉翻译手册》倜西、董乐山商务印书馆 20024 二外法语:《新大学法语》李志清高等教育出版社 20035 二外德语:《新求精德语》初级1、2;中级1 王晓明同济大学出版社 20036 二外日语:中日交流《标准日本语》初级上下、中级上人民教育出版社7 二外俄语:《大学俄语简明教程》张宝钤钱晓蕙高等教育出版社北京航空航天大学外语语言系英语语言文学2009年研究生入学专业目录研究方向: 01 英美文学 02 比较文学初试科目:①101政治②222俄语二外或223日语二外或224德语二外或225法语二外③721基础英语④822英美文学北京航空航天大学外语语言系英语语言文学2009年研究生入学参考书目822 英美文学《英国文学简史》河南人民出版社〔1993年4月〕刘炳善《英国文学选读》上海译文出版社〔1981年〕杨岂深《美国文学简史》南开大学出版社〔2004年3月第二版〕常耀信《美国文学选读》南开大学出版社(2002年9月) 常耀信721 基础英语不根据某一种教科书命题北京交通大学人文与社会科学学院英语语言文学2008年研究生入学专业目录研究方向:01英美文学研究02翻译理论与实践03西方文论研究04 浪漫主义文学研究初试科目:①101政治②211德语〔二外〕或212俄语〔二外〕或213法语〔二外〕或214 日语〔二外〕③610语言学与英美文学④851专业综合考试复试备注:复试科目:笔试部分:高级词汇、文论评述、散文翻译、论文〔提供材料,写出一篇小论文〕口试部分:语言学、文学专业知识面试、〔二外〕听力和口语北京交通大学人文与社会科学学院英语语言文学2008年研究生入学参考书目610语言学与英美文学《语言学教程》〔修订版〕北京大学出版社胡壮麟主编《美国文学简史》南开大学出版社常耀信《英国文学简读教程》清华大学出版社宫玉波851专业综合考试《英美文化基础教程》北京外研社朱永涛《实用翻译教程》高教出版社冯庆华北京理工大学外国语学院英语语言文学2008年研究生入学专业目录研究方向: 01 英语文体学 02 英美文学 03 翻译理论与实践初试科目:①101政治②212俄语或213日语或214德语③616基础英语④854英语专业综合(语言学、英美文学、英美概况)复试备注:笔试科目北京理工大学外国语学院英语语言文学2008年研究生入学参考书目616基础英语无参考书目854英语专业综合(语言学、英美文学、英美概况)《语言学教程》北京大学出版社胡壮麟《英国文学史及选读》1、2册外语教学与研究出版社吴伟仁《美国文学史及选读》1、2册外语教学与研究出版社吴伟仁《英语国家社会与文化入门》上、下册高等教育出版社朱永涛北京科技大学外国语学院英语语言文学2008年研究生入学专业目录研究方向: 01英汉语言比照分析02心理语言学03应用语言学与外语教学04社会语言学05系统功能语言学06语用学07翻译理论与实践研究初试科目:①101政治理论②213日语(二外)或214俄语(二外)或215德语(二外)或216法语(二外)③618基础英语④874综合英语北京科技大学外国语学院英语语言文学2008年研究生入学参考书目874综合英语《英语国家概况》(第二版) 外语教学研究出版社余志远主编;《美国文学简史》(第二版) 南开大学出版社常耀信主编;《语言学教程》(2001版) 北京大学出版社胡壮麟主编;《新编英国文学选读》(修订版) 北京大学出版社罗经国主编618基础英语《本课程为水平考试》不依据任何一教科书命题北京邮电大学语言学院英语语言文学2008年研究生入学专业目录研究方向:01英美文学 02翻译初试科目:①101统考政治②212日语二外或213法语二外或214俄语二外③614英语语言基础④817英语语言学与文学基础北京邮电大学语言学院英语语言文学2008年研究生入学参考书目212日语二外《中日交流标准日本语》〔初级1、2册,中级1、2册〕人民教育出版社中日合作编写213法语二外《大学法语简明教程》外语教学与研究出版社〔近年版〕薛建成《法语TEF考试冲刺教程》〔上、下〕外语教学与研究出版社2003年1月童佩智《研究生法语》〔第二外语〕下册北京大学出版社王庭荣614英语语言基础《高级英语》〔修订本〕外语教学与研究出版社〔第一版〕张汉熙,王立礼《Reader’817英语语言学与文学基础《语言学教程》〔修订版〕北京大学出版社2001年第一版胡壮麟《美国文学选读》高等教育出版社〔2001年〕陶洁《英国文学选读》高等教育出版社〔2001年〕王守仁对外经济贸易大学英语学院英语语言文学2008年研究生入学专业目录研究方向: 01语言学 02英美文学 03英语国家研究初试科目:①101政治理论②272二外俄语或273二外法语或274二外德语或275二外日语或277二外西语③761基础英语④861综合英语对外经济贸易大学英语学院英语语言文学2008年研究生入学参考书目《高级英语》〔1-2册〕外语教学与研究出版社张汉熙《商务英语阅读》高等教育出版社2002 王关富《英语国家社会与文化入门》高等教育出版社1998 朱永涛《大学英汉翻译教程》〔第二版〕对外经济贸易大学出版社2004 王恩冕等《简明法语教程》〔上、下册〕商务印书馆1996 孙辉标准日本语〔初级上下册、中级上册〕人民教育出版社1990北京外国语大学英语学院英语语言文学2009年研究生入学专业目录研究方向:翻译理论与实践〔笔译〕1、Bassnett, Susan. 《翻译研究》Translation Studies. 上海外语教育出版社.2004.2、Gentzler, Edwin .《当代翻译理论〔第二版修订本〕》Contemporary Translation Theories (Revised Second Edition). 上海外语教育出版社.2004.北京第二外国语大学英语系英语语言文学2008年研究生入学专业目录研究方向:01英美社会文化 02理论语言学及应用语言学 03英美文学 04翻译理论与实践初试科目: 212日 213法 214德 215俄 216西〔任选〕611 基础英语 811 综合考试〔英1〕复试备注: 1. 611基础英语:语法、词汇30分、完形填空30分、阅读理解30分、段落翻译30分、命题作文30分。
1.《美国文学简史》常耀信著 南开大学出版社 2.《英国文学简史》常耀信著 南开大学出版社 3.《美国文学选读》陶洁主编 北京大学出版社 2012 4.《英国文学名篇选注》 王佐良等主编 商务印书馆
备注:书目仅供 参考,首先考查 考生的英语表达 能力,特别是表 达的逻辑性的准 确性;同时考查 考生对英美文学 作品[包括小说 (含短篇小说)、 剧本和诗歌]的 熟悉及理解程 度。
业务二 806(意大利语语言文学)
2 101 政治、二外
阿拉伯语语言文学 050208
阿拉伯语语言与文化 阿拉伯文学
业务一 709(基础葡萄牙语 + 汉语) 业务二 809(葡萄牙语语言文学)
2 101 政治、二外、 业务一 708(基础阿拉伯语 + 汉语)
1. 《新编汉日翻译教程》高宁 上海外语教育出版社社 2. 《新编日译汉教程》(新版)陈岩 大连理工大学出 版社 3. 《新编汉日日汉同声传译教程》宋协毅 外语教学与 研究出版社
1.《中国文学史》(古代部分、凡高校使用的教材均可 参考) 2.《古汉语通论》郑铁生编写 河北教育出版社 (第 4-10 章)2004
2 101 政治、二外、
俄语语言文学 050202
德语语言文学 050204
法国学 法国文学 俄罗斯文学 俄语语言文化 俄语语言学 德语教学法
西班牙语语言文学 050207
西班牙语翻译理论与实践 西班牙语语言与文化 拉美问题研究
1.《人力资源管理英语》 高嘉勇主编 南开大学出版社
天津外国语大学2012年翻译硕士英语考研真题I. Choose the one answer that best explains the underlined word or phrase in the sentence. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (20 points).1. Many of the over-the-top costumes now on display were actually kept in storage though.A. outstandingB. futileC. parsimoniousD. dazzling2. Measures to curb speculative home purchases have proven effective, especially in the land supply and purchase market where excessive investments have been in retreat.A. boycottB. encourageC. restrainD. ban3. In the July rain, the run-down street in a Beijing southern suburb even looks a little dreary.A. dirty and dilapidatedB. small but interestingC. short but energeticD. flopping and tiring4. The ministry announced at a State Council Information Office press conference on August 11 that 47 medical teams, with 779 members, were in Zhouqu treating patients, sterilizing the environment and drinking water, and ensuring proper disposal of corpses.A. buryingB. removingC. processingD. cleaning5. Chen warned against the possibility of home prices rebounding when low interest rates are adopted to mitigate inflation.A. suspendB. increaseC. alleviateD. endorse6. Risk aversion came to the fore as fears about the European sovereign debt and global economy rattled investors.A. agendaB. checklistC. rosterD. front7. The hapless pair had the misfortune to discover for themselves what any decent guide will inform you: Wangfujing is not the place for better restaurants.A. unluckyB. persistentC. stubbornD. happy8. The target is multifaceted: the country hopes to gain military strength and be unafraid of foreign threats, while creating a high standard of living.A. having many aspectsB. kaleidoscopicC. colorfulD. crystal clear9. To increase performance and win against Morgan Stanley, Chen decided to forge a short-lived alliance between Yongle and Dazhong Electronics, which brought Yongle to the brink of insolvency.A. associationB. connectionC. separationD. disclamation10. I spent hours simply wandering these back streets, looking for photo opportunities andinhaling the unmistakable scent of burning coal.A. enjoyingB. breathing outC. breathing inD. touching11. Lebanese President Michel Suleiman welcomes his Iranian counterpart MahmoudAhmadinejad to Beirut for an official visit on October 13.A. matchB. spouseC. friendD. foe12. The three referees were detained in March, pushing the credibility of Chinese referees to anall-time low.A. trusteeB. reliabilityC. judgmentD. notability13. Last year 175,000 people flocked to the downtown area for the Thanksgiving Day Parade.A. swarmed toB. gathered toC. centralized inD. dispersed to14. It is believed that nomadic ancestors considered bumper harvests as bounty form the “God ofSun” and natural disasters as punishment.A. victoryB. rewardC. warningD. persecution15. When we talk about giving universities greater autonomy to recruit students, people may beconcerned about possible fraud and preferential treatment enjoyed by students from wealthy or powerful families.A. teachB. admitC. fakeD. transfer16. Recently, Joe, a foreign English teacher in China, said to me, “I feel dazed and disoriented; mystudents here are unusually quiet. I can’t tell if they understand my lessons.” His plight is not surprising. Many foreign ESL instructors often feel confused when they first step into a Chinese classroom.A. annoyanceB. depressionC. predicamentD. disappointment17. This cultural perspective disorients foreign teachers, who misperceive their students as passiveand withdrawn.A. perceiveB. conceiveC. misunderstandD. process18. Some esoteric fonts used by today’s artists emulate monks who copied medieval manuscriptsby hand.A. complicatedB. mysteriousC. gibberishD. cursive19. Tower C of Office Park, a dazzling new office building in Beijing’s Central Business District,has been widely praised in the market for its superior quality and pleasant amenities after it was unveiled to the market at a press conference held in March 2010.A. convenienceB. regularityC. sightD. outlook20. The country’s stability must therefore be based on the reconciliation of the relationshipsbetween different ethnic groupsA. rapprochementB. hostilityC. negotiationD. war-ceasingⅡ. In each of the following sentences, there are four underlined parts, marked A, B, C and D. Identify the part that is grammatically incorrect. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points).1. Only with early seventeenth century observers did the music of the original inhabitantsA B Cof the United States and Canada entered recorded history.D2. The most widely discussed alternative to the traditional campus is the Internet UniversityA—a voluntary community to scholars/ teachers physically scattered throughout a country orB Caround the world because all linked in cyberspace.D3. T.S. Eliot received wide recognition after publishes The Waste Land, which fused poeticA B Ctraditions with elements of modern music and language.D4. To people from temperate climates, tropical butterflies may seem incredible big.A B C D5. Many theories have been developed concerning how people learn about cultures from theA Bmyths and legends pass down from one generation to another.C D6. Bacteria lived in the soil play a vital role in recycling the carbon and nitrogen needed byA B C Dplants.7. Of the many machines invented in the late nineteenth century, none had a great impact onA B C Dthe United States economy than the automobile.8. The decade of the 1920’s was significant in Georgia’s history because of the rapidityA Bwith what agriculture declined in the state.C D9. A liquid that might be a poor conductor when pure is often used to make solutions thatA B Creadily transmits electricity.D10. Small distinctions among stamps, unimportant to the person average, would meanA B Ca great deal to the stamp collector.DⅢ. Below each of the following 4 passages you will find questions or incomplete statements about the passage. Each statement or question is followed by lettered words or expressions. Select the word or expression that most satisfactorily completes or answers each question in accordance with the meaning of the passage. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (40 points).(1)What is the charm of necklaces? Why would anyone put something extra around her neck and then invest it with special significance? A necklace doesn’t afford warmth in cold weather,like a scarf, or protection in combat, like chain mail; it only decorates. We might say it borrows meaning from what it surrounds and sets off: the head with its supremely important material contents, and the face, that register of the soul. When photograph reduces the reality it represents, they mention not only the passage from three dimensions to two, but also the selection of a point du vue favors the top of the body rather than the bottom and the front rather than the back. The face is the jewel in the crown of the body, and so we give it a setting.When people are intensely concerned with something that is obviously impractical, anthropologists take note, for lovely useless things often express archaic to exist in contemporary American houses already heated by gas and electricity, yet most people want one and it is still the focus of the living room. This desire testifies, I think, to the hundreds of thousands of years during which we Homo sapiens huddled around a cave fire. We watch ourselves, rather anxiously, vanish backward down those lone temporary corridors, as my daughter gazes at her infinitely multiplied small self in the mutually opposed mirrors of the beauty salon, and wonders, is it me? Our fireplaces and necklaces and tombstones say it is, they are.In American culture, an interest in necklaces seems to be rather gender specific. Many men to whom I mention the enterprise feign polite interest and then change the subject, though I know some who admire, construct, and wear necklaces, including the distinguished scientist and poet to whom this essay is dedicated. Most women, by contrast, become mildly or wildly enthusiastic. A doctor in Blois brought out her entire collection of costume jewelry for me, exhibited the most splendid pieces with an account of where and when they were purchased, and then explain them all with the help of a large glossy book on the history of costume jewelry, with dozens of pictures.A former student of mine who had moved to California mailed me six plastic boxes full of beads gleaned from a warehouse managed by an eccentric friend who just their settings; a feature bead painted with a naked lady; crystal roundels of truly exceptional shine; and tiny silver hematite seed beads. Beads lend themselves to exchange, Beads travel. And clearly these two facts are related.1. The function of the necklace is to ______.A. keep people warmB. provide people with protectionC. make people beautifulD. build up people’s confidence2. Lovely useless things, according to the author, serve the purpose of ______.A. decorating the houseB. showing off one’s artistic tasteC. reminding people of things pastD. revealing one’s tendency to waste money3. “Gender specific” means ______.A. both men and womenB. either men or womenC. neither men nor womenD. related to one sex only4. From this article we can gather that _______.A. Only women like necklacesB. Only men like necklacesC. Most women like necklacesD. Most men like necklaces5. Some men “feign polite interest” means _______.A. They are keenly interestedB. They are not interested at all because they are menC. They are slightly interestedD. They pretend to be interested out of politeness(2)About a dozen years ago my wife and I planted a hedge of twenty-seven arborvitae trees along the border of our backyard, which, although our house sits on nineteen acres of fields and woods, is also the back border of our property. A sloping hayfield with a realtor’s dream of panoramic views lies directly behind us. So the hedge was our attempt to secure privacy for the future. The nurseryman who sold us the shrubs assured us they were the best species for our purpose and climate. I measured and marked the planting sites, called in “Chink” Norris (whose possibly racist nickname I’ve not looked into any more than I have the nurseryman’s credentials) to come with his small backhoe and dig the holes. As advised, I faithfully watered and fertilized each tree throughout the holes. As advised, I faithfully watered and fertilized each tree throughout the first year, with results that were everything I’d been promised: dense, hardy, and luxuriant, a towering bulwark of green. Thus began an episode of great vexation and buffoonery in my life, known and (I have no doubt) merrily recounted in local circles as the tale of “Garret and his trees”, or as my wife puts it, “Garret and the deer.” It so happens that we live next to one of the county’s most extensive “deer yard”, those areas of canopied woods to which the deer retire in winter, making networks of deeply furrowed tracks and foraging as best they can until there’s a declared winner in the yearly race between spring and starvation.It also happens that deer find arborvitae a delicacy, related to the cedar that they also love, but thicker and more succulent. By the second winter they’d found and attacked my trees. I fought back, not with a vengeance—I stopped short of that—but with something close to obsession. I erected fence structures that made our backyard look like a scene from the Somme. I played recordings of wolves howling, recordings of me howling. I fired pistol shots at random hours of the night. I hung or sprinkled repellents of blood meal, urine, (mine), and deodorant soap. Hearing that deer were repelled by the scent of human hair, I asked some hair dressers to set aside their sweepings in a bag with, as the saying goes, my name on it.As any warden will tell you, if deer are hungry enough they will get through anything, which this year included an electric fence hooked to a charger supposedly powerful enough to deter an elephant. So the farmer who’d helped me rig it up assured me. What he did not tell me, because he did not know, was that the insulating snowpack would prevent an animal from completing the circuit with the ground. In came the deer like a school of piranhas. This was shortly after a man from Connecticut purchased the hayfield behind our house for a price few of my neighbors could afforded and none of them could believe and set about measuring the foundations of a house.6. The author and his wife planted a hedge along their backyard for the purpose of _______.A. prevent deerB. protect privacyC. beautify the surroundingsD. eco-friendly7. The author collects hair in bags to prevent the invasion of deer because he knows that _______.A. deer like the smell of human hairB. deer can be repelled by the smell of human hairC. deer die when eating human hairD. deer flee at the sight of human hair8. Why the author sets up an electric fence?A. as a safety precautionB. to prevent the harassment by deerC. as part of house decoration planD. to halt potential thieves and robbers9. Why did the electric fence fail? It is because of _______.A. The deer are smartB. The winter is coldC. The fence is of low qualityD. Snowpack serves as an insulator10. What measure was NOT taken by the author to deter the deer?A. urineB. gun shotsC. watchdogD. deodorant soup(3)I was eight years old the first time I fainted. I was at friend’s house, and a bee stung me on the back of the neck. I had felt nothing but a slight pinch and the bug was soon wiped away and flushed down the toilet, but since I looked pale I was urged to call my mother. As I told her what had happened, I felt myself blacking out, sinking to the floor, vaguely aware that I was still gripping the receiver.Perhaps I was allergic to the bee sting—the only one I’ve ever gotten, although to this day I have a phobia about bees, wasps, and other insects. But the image of an eight-year-old in Keds crumpling to the ground while he describes his injury to his Mommy seems to return us to Freudian territory. Note the umbilical image of the phone cord.Call me fanciful. Still, I’m afraid these undertones are hardly dissipated by the second fainting incident I can recall, which practically reeks of the family romance. This took place one weekend morning while we were gathered in the kitchen to eat breakfast. My mother stood at the stove making French toast, which she had already served to the kids; my father, seated at the table, was cutting a bagel with a sharp bread knife. Contrary to every principle of kitchen safety, he was holding the bagel in his hand and cutting inward, and eventually he made a neat, shallow incision in his palm. The blood was profuse.Being a hematologist, my father didn’t panic: this was just business as usual. But my mother stopped flipping French toast and collapsed to the floor. I, inspired by the blood and my mother’s collapse and the powerful odors of syrup and sugar rising from my plate, slumped forward. My forehead went into the syrup. I heard a roar—it seemed to me that I was being clutched beneath the armpits and whirled around—and then my father shook me back into consciousness. He had already attended to my mother.Still think I’m fanciful? Then listen to this. Out of curiosity I asked my mother when her firstfainting episode had occurred.She paused, thought it over, and came up with the following. At the age of thirteen, she went to visit her father in the hospital, who only the day before had had his appendix removed. Aside from her father, still conked out from the anesthesia, the other person in the room was a nurse, who was busy changing the dressing on the patient’s incision, which hadn’t quite closed. For some reason, the nurse had to leave the room. At this point, she asked my mother to hold the soiled dressing in place until she returned. My mother complied. Standing over her dazed father, gingerly holding a used bandage over a hole in his lower abdomen, the thirteen-year-old grew lightheaded.I assumed the nurse returned before she hit the floor.11. It can be gathered from this article that the tendency to faint most probably is _______.A. genetically determinedB. independently developedC. virus infectedD. emotionally affected12. The faint related to the bee sting led to the author’s fear later in her life of _______.A. snakesB. elephantsC. insectsD. dogs13. The author’s mother fainting might be assumed to be related to _______.A. appendixB. abdomenC. nurseD. blood14. “At this point” in this article most probably means _______.A. at this momentB. At this partC. at this houseD. at this corner15. One most plausible reason that the author’s father did not panic when he cut himself is_______.A. He had served in the armyB. He was the head of the familyC. He tried to maintain his authorityD. He was an expert on blood(4)A dog cares deeply, which way your body is leaning. Forward or backward? Forward can be seen as aggressive; backward—even a quarter of an inch—means nonthreatening. It means you’ve relinquished what ethologists call an “intention movement” to proceed forward. Cook your head, even slightly, to the side, and a dog is disarmed. Look at him straight on and he’ll read is like a red flag. Standing straight, with your shoulders squared rather that slumped, can mean the difference between whether your dog obeys a command or ignores it. Breathing evenly and deeply, rather than holding your breath can mean the difference between defusing a tense situation and igniting it. “I think they are looking at our eyes and where our eyes look like,”the ethologist PatriciaMcConnell, who teaches at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, says, “A rounded eye with a dilated pupil is a sign of high arousal and aggression in a dog. I believe they pay a tremendous amount of attention to how relaxed our face is and how relaxed our facial muscles are, because that’s big cue for them with each other. Is the jaw relaxed? Is the mouth slightly open? And then the arms. They pay a tremendous amount of attention to where our arms go.”In the book The Other End of the Leash, McConnell decodes one of the most common of all human-dog interactions, the meeting between two leashed animals in a walk. To us, it’s about one dog sizing up another. To her, it’s about two dogs sizing up each other after first sizing up their respective owners. The owners “are often anxious about how well the dogs will get along,” she writes, and if you watch them instead of the dogs, you’ll often notice that the humans will hold their breath and round their eyes and mouths in an “on alert” expression. Since these behaviors are expressions of offensive aggression in a canine culture, I suspect the humans are unwittingly signaling tension. If you exaggerate this by tightening the leash, as many owners do, you can actually cause the dogs to attack each other. Think of it: the dogs are in a tense social encounter, surrounded by support from their own pack, with the humans forming a tense, staring, breathless circle around them. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen dogs shift their eyes toward their owner’s frozen faces and then launch growling at the other dog.16. A dog responds when it sees the following act of its owner _______.A. shoutsB. hitsC. body movementD. foot gesture17. A dog is read to attack when _______.A. its eyes are diluted and roundedB. its owner’s body leans backwardC. its owner’s shoulder squaredD. its owner’s shoulder slumped18. The other end of the leash most probably refers to _______.A. a dog C. dog owner’s friendB. a dog’s owner D. a dog’s rival19. The best title for this piece might be _______.A. Human-dog InteractionB. Human-dog FriendshipC. Human-dog AntagonismD. Human-dog Relations20. If an owner rounds his eyes and mouth, he is unintentionally urges his dog _______.A. to retreat C. to initiate a fightB. to squat D. to come back homeIV. The following report is taken from China Daily, Nov 23, 2011. The primary purpose of this excerpt is intended to provide a source of inspiration for writing rather than tempt you into copying the same thing in your composition.Nowadays, some people who cannot afford top brand products are buying paper carry bags with brand names or logos to gratify their vanity. Some are even finding top brand labels, instruction books and receipts sold online.These purchases, which are not for practical needs, but merely to show off and gratify the owners’vanity, are called “face consumptions”.A survey of 1,104 people conducted by China Youth Daily shows 84.2 percent interviewees think “face consumptions” are widespread amid young people.As for “face consumptions”48.4 percent interviewees show their distain; 39.9 percent express their sympathy; 36.5 percent feel indignation; 30.3 percent are indifferent and 5.1 percent approve the practice.According to the survey, clothes (75.3%); gifts (60.7%) and cars (59.5%) rank in the top three as the most likely sectors in which “face consumption” occurs, followed by electronic goods (55.6), catering (50.5%), liquor and tobacco (49.5%), cosmetics (43.9%) and entertainment (26.9%).Write an argumentative essay of about 400 words on the following topic (30 points);My Comment on Face Consumption amid Young People参考答案及解析I. Choose the one answer that best explains the underlined word or phrase in the sentence.1.A 句意:许多现在陈列的优秀服装实际上是存放在仓库中的。
所以在备考时,当我意识到自己的翻译硕士英语科目的水平较低的时候,我又拿出了当年学物理的精神,心里暗暗立誓:一定要学好天津外国语大学翻译硕士英语科目,I can do it.下面是给大家找出来的天津外国语大学翻译硕士英语考研真题解析含答案部分。
天津外国语大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:翻译硕士英语注意:答案必须写在答题纸上(考试时间180分钟,总分100分)I、Choose the one answer that best explains the underlined word or phrase in the sentence.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET(20points).1.Their concern is altogether more distant and more apocalyptic:the threat of autonomous machines with superhuman cognitive capacity and interests that conflict with those of homo sapiens.A.apparentB.oracularC.intentionalD.provident2.If some evil mage has performed vile magic on our tongue,he should be bunged into goal for his nefarious goal.But no,our spelling came to be a capricious mess for entirely human reasons.……以上真题答案解析都是来自:“天津外国语大学翻译硕士专业考研红宝书”资料。
2.《日本語教育事典》日本語教育学会編 大修館
作者:Karl-Heinz Wüst出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
2 .《古汉语通论》郑铁生编写?天津市“十一五”规划教材2004年10月河北教育出版社(第4 - 8章)
3.《德语高级写作》Ralf Glitza外语教学与研究出版社2005
1.Storch, Geunther,2001:Deutsch als Fremdsprache – Eine Didaktik. Fink
2.《德国文学简史》Geschichte der deutschen Literatur
相比之下,天外对中外文学方面考察的比较多,所以百科知识的复习重点复习这几个部分055112朝鲜语口译9全日制专业学位硕士研究生入学考试大纲专业方向考试科目命题单位考试大纲翻译硕士101政治教育部考试中心教育部考试中心翻译硕士xxxx 翻译基础汉语写作与百科知识我校全国翻译硕士专业学位教育指导委员会考试时间及科目:第1天:上午下午第2天:上午下午1、思想政治理论2、翻译硕士英语3、英语翻译基础4、汉语写作与百科知识100分100分150分150分目前,大多数院校并没有公布翻译硕士的考研参考书,所以同学们复习起来找不到一个目标和方向,育明考研教育通过研究历年真题、翻译硕士考试大纲以及近百所院校参考书为同学们推荐了一些基本的参考书目,可以作为一个基础复习的参考!一些院校针对性的复习内容会在后面给同学们解答。
第一轮 基础阶段复习材料:
是 是 电话一直打 不通 是 是 是 是 是
外语 招收 50 人 外贸 大学
335/44 66 325
吉林 口译 30
大学 延边
无 大学 南京
笔译 30 人 大学
50/90/330 50 75 345/47 71 335/44 66 325 50/90/330
南京 师范 笔译 20/口译 10 大学
中国 笔译 20 人
50 75 345/47 71
订版)》,刘季春主编,中山大学出版社,2007 年。 2、《英汉翻译基础教程》,冯庆华、穆雷主编, 高等教育出版社,2008 年。 3、《英语口译教程》,仲伟合主编,高等教育 出版社,2007 年。 4、《商务英语口译》(第二版),赵军峰主编, 高等教育出版社,2009 年。 5、有关英语八级考试的书籍,以及英美政治、 经济、文化等方面百科知识的书籍。 992|面试(含口译):1、《实用翻译教程(修订 版)》,刘季春主编,中山大学出版社,2007 年。 2、《英汉翻译基础教程》,冯庆华、穆雷主编, 高等教育出版社,2008 年。 3、《英语口译教程》,仲伟合主编,高等教育 出版社,2007 年。 4、《商务英语口译》(第二版),赵军峰主编, 高等教育出版社,2009 年。 5、有关英语八级考试的书籍,以及英美政治、 经济、文化等方面百科知识的书籍。
2. 英语翻译基础新编汉英翻译教程 上海外语
教育出版社 2004 年 4 月 陈宏薇等
大学英汉翻译教程(第三版) 对外经贸大学出
50/50/75/75(345) 版社 2009 年 8 月王恩冕
3. 汉语写作与百科知识 中国文学与中国文化
英语翻译硕士2021天津外大专硕《翻译硕士英语》考研真题一. Reading comprehension (40′)Directions: Below each of the following 4 passages you will, find questions or incomplete statements about the passage. Each statement or question is followed by lettered words or expressions. Select the word or expression that most satisfactorily completes or answers each question in accordance with the meaning of the passage. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40″)(1)This enthusiasm surprised me, since there is virtually nothing about the the Olympics that is culturally relevant to China. Apart from judo and Tae Kwon Do, whose links to China are indirect, there are no traditional Chinese athletics in the Games. In ancient times, the Chinese nobility played cuju, a game that is remotely similar to soccer, and chuiwan, which resembles golf. The Forbidden City Museum has a painting of a Tang-dynasty emperor, Minghuang, involved in a polo-like game with the palace maidens. But the heart of the ancient Chinese athletic tradition, and the part of it that was more accessible to common people, consists of wushu, or traditional martial arts, and qigong, meditative breathing exercises. These activities are as much spiritual and aestheticas they are physical; their goal is artistic expression andself-improvement, rather than winning. The ancient Chinese didn’t build stadiums, because their athletics were not designed to draw paying crowds. The Chinese language didn’t even have a term for “sports”until the nineteenth century, when foreigners introduced a more systematic approach to athletics.Chinese historians draw the line between ancient and modern sports at 1840. That summer, the first full-sized British fleet arrived off Canton, accelerating the Opium War and kicking off China’s most painful historical era. The missionaries and other outsiders who arrived in the late nineteenth century introduced Western ideas of competition to Chinese athletics. In the early twentieth century, China began to take an interest in the Olympic movement, and a single Chinese sprinter competed in the 1932 Games. Four years later, at the Berlin Olympics, China sponsored a delegation of sixty-nine athletes, among them a mixed-gender wushu exhibition team that performed before Hitler. By then, the Chinese were committed to the Olympics, and they had come to see sports as a way in which the country could avenge the injustices of the past century. “There was a feeling of being the underdog and wanting to prove to the world that the Chinese were strong,”James Riordan, of the University of Surrey, who has studied sports in the former Soviet Union and China, told me when I called him.1.When the author writes “Apart from judo and Tae Kwon Do, whose links to China are indirect...”he meansA. Judo originated in KoreaB. Tae Kwon De originated in JapanC. Both sports were introduced into China from other countriesD. Both sports were introduced into China via a third country2.That wushu and qigong are not considered a sport, according to the author, is becauseA. They are not included in the Olympics GamesB. They are not related even remotely to soccer or golfC. They are good to look atD. They are not competitive3.“A mixed gender team”most probably means thatA. The team consists of both men and womenB. The team consists of gendermaresC. The team consists of athletes of all agesD. The team consists of atheletes from different parts of the country. 4.James Riordan believes that China sees sports as a wayA. to win medalsB. to win friendsC. to show strength of the nationD. to win personal reputation5.“A single Chinese sprinter competed in the 1932 Games.”Give the name of this athlete.A. Zhang BolingB. Liu ChangchunC. Dong ShouyiD. Yan Xiu【答案与解析】1.C 文章首句指出“这种热情使我感到惊讶,因为奥运会上几乎没有与中国文化相关的运动”,接着第二句讲述到“除了柔道和跆拳道与中国有着间接的关联外,奥运会上没有传统的中国体育运动”。
which results when design is assumed to be primarily a problem in
3. One explanation for the tendency of animals to be less vigilant
in smaller groups than in larger ones assumes that the vigilant C
had been offended.
A. renewal B. pact
C. safeguard D. withdrawal
16. In Italy a record 89 international designers unveiled spring/summer
collections, which resulted in fashion confusion.
4. The whole Europe slumbered through the Dark Age without any sparks of
A. lingered
B. smothered C. trudged
D. slept
5. As the seriousness of the situation slowly became apparent, the crowd’s
D. scathing
14. Before deciding to litigate the matter, they had tried to negotiate a
solution out of court.
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