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A black hole is a strong gravity of objects. 黑洞 And it can‘t have been engulfing material.
According to the latest superstring theory(超弦理论). Our universe is eleven dimensional(维)
A comet
The Universe
The universe is a huge wide-open space that holds everything from the smallest particle to the biggest galaxy . No one knows just how big the Universe is.
Scientists believe that about 13.7 billion years ago, a powerful explosion called the Big Bang happened. This powerful explosion set the universe into motion and this motion continues today. Scientists are not yet sure if the motion will stop, change direction, or keep going forever.
Taurus the crab nebula 金牛座蟹状星云
Cygnus open clusters 天鹅座 疏散星团
The Andromeda nebula 仙女座星云
Canes vortex Nebula 猎犬座球状星团 猎犬座旋涡星云
It is the center of the Milky Way galaxy about 25000 light years away
There is much beautiful and magic view in the universe.
the Earth is our home. We're living on the Earth, and it is the most beautiful in the solar system. It has lots of water and plants. And the moon is the Earth's partner. It goes around the Earth. And other planets are very far from the Earth. So the people can't reach them and none of them has an environment with air. The people also can't live in them.