




关于Lenze我们的原则:用最合适的产品应对实际应用L-force产品系列1.1基于控制器的自动化自动化系统1.2基于驱动器的自动化2.1高压线任务驱动系统解决方案2.2StateLine任务2.3基线任务3.1面板PC v800可视控制装置3.2监控面板v2003.3控制器3200C柜式控制器3.4控制器c3003.5控制器p500面板控制器3.6控制器p3003.7I/O1000'4.1变频器8400protec分布式变换器4.2变频器8400motec4.3柜式伺服9400HighLine4.48400TopLine变频器4.5伺服驱动器i7004.68400HighLine变频器4.78400StateLine变频器4.88400BaseLine变频器5.1同步伺服电机MCS伺服电机电机5.2MCM同步伺服电机5.3MD☐KS同步伺服电机5.4MQA异步伺服电机5.5异步伺服电机MCA5.6IE3三相交流电机m500三相交流电机5.7变频器可选三相交流电机MF5.8IE2MH三相交流电机5.9IE1MD三相交流电机5.10Lenze Smart电机m3005.11IE3三相交流电机m2005.12IE1/2三相交流电机基础MD/MH6.1g700-P行星轮减速机轴向减速机减速器6.2MPR/MPG行星轮减速机6.3g500-H斜齿轮减速机6.4g500-S小侧隙斜齿轮减速机6.5g500-B伞齿轮减速机直角减速机6.6分配如上电机数据7.1导航器工程设计工具7.2Drive Solution Designer7.3Drive Solution Catalogue7.4工程师7.5PLC Designer7.6VisiWinNET®7.7EASY启动器精选组合附加组合Lenze,让许多事物变得简单。












☉钻孔机:又分为如下几部份:NC电脑;LCD液晶显示触控屏;机台X、Y、Z轴;SPINDLE 及气压控制开关;压力脚;蛇腹;气压阀位置;机台电源及开关按钮等。






◆机台保养培训每天保养项目◎SPINDLE夹头保养(2次)及状况点检SPINDLE每天保养方法(每天保养两次,即每班保养一次,如果SPINDLE在使用中有异常时还要不定时的对异常的SPINDLE进行保养)保养效果检查:有两种方法:1、一是用碎布(建议使用白色碎布)擦拭夹头,看从夹头流出来的防锈剂是否干净,无异物,如还比较脏则须再洗,直至OK为止;2、二是用磁座表测一下该SPINDLE的静态RUN OUT值,如果大于10um,则须再洗,洗后再测,直至小于10um为止。



设定条件 参数号 设定值
No.1769 No.11238 No.11248
No.1769 No.11238 No.11248
设定条件 参数号 设定值
电机电压可变控制 刚性攻丝时的主轴位置增益
4000 刚性攻丝时的攻丝轴位置增益
No.4344 No.4037
9800 70
刚性攻丝时主轴位置前馈系数 刚性攻丝时主轴速度前馈系数
与No.2144设定值一致 设定范围30至100
No.2043 No.2021 No.2335
圈纹 Part1.3
1. 拐角圈纹 2. 过冲刀印 3. 多面体纹
• 使用预读铃型插补前加减速功能No.1772 • 逐步增大参数No.1772 • No.1772设定范围16~64
• 降低前馈参数No.2069和No.2092 • No.2069降低至50 • No.2092降低至9500 • 增大Z轴G01定位距离 • 考虑Z轴热变形



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剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
速度的标定: 弹出如下界面:设定C00490/1=16384, C00491/1=1470=C0011,C00492/1=3;
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
速度的标定: 设定定位曲线中参数,只使用一条定位曲线,如下操作: 点Basic Function按钮
防止SSI编码尺干扰或机械结构引起的剪式提升机抖动: 电机电缆控制器侧的接线要规范;
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
防止SSI编码尺干扰或机械结构引起的剪式提升机抖动: 电机电缆控制器侧的接线要规范;
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
防止SSI编码尺干扰或机械结构引起的剪式提升机抖动: 由于机械结构,升降机在升降过程中会出现恍动,引起读 码头读数也跟着变化而引起升降机抖动,可以采取如下措 施来确保升降机稳定运行;
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
机器参数的设定 Mounting direction: Motor,参数C01206/1,电机安装方向, 用于改变电机的旋转方向; Reference Speed,参数号为C0011,电机参考速度,即电 机最大运行速度; 然后把反馈参数设置为SSI编码尺反馈,参数设置为 C00490=3;
剪式提升机驱动,8400 Topline
8400 Topline变频器驱动的剪式提升机的基本配置:减速机 带有制动器,电机上有旋变做反馈,位置反馈是SSI接口的 编码尺反馈; 8400 Topline变频器,用在剪式提升机的定位控制,主要做 定位控制,PLC发给变频器的控制信息有控制字,定位位 置,定位速度等;在定位时用到SSI接口的编码尺做全闭环 控制; 8400 Topline变频器所有的接线都是插头连接,更换也很方 便, 8400 Topline变频器也有存储模块,把存储模块换在 新的变频器上,同时设置IP地址就能恢复运行;

伦茨8400 motec变频器

伦茨8400 motec变频器

Brochure | ENFrequency inverter 0.25 ... 132 kWLenze inverter – universally applicable.A multifunctional all-rounder applicable for all cases – just another way to perfectlydescribe the frequency inverter. Thanks to a high number of integrated functions,network interfaces and a simple parameter setting, the inverter is suitable for bothmechanical engineering and apparatus construction.Lenze inverters are an important component in modern drive solutions whichrange from the cloud via control systems to motors and geared motors.Typical application fields• Textile machines• Materials handling technology• Packaging technology• Forming technology• Consumer goods machines• Industrial air conditioning technology (pumps, fans & compressors)• Construction machines• Access control• etc.Features• The modular and scalable concept allows the selection of the inverter requiredfor the respective application.• The compact design allows an efficient installation for applications where spacemeans money.• Easy installation and OEM friendly as standard. Robust design for reducingcabling costs in large installations.• Interaction for each application level – from simple to complex!• Energy-efficient and high functionalityThe benefits for you• Lower investment costs• Less control cabinet space and costs• More productivity• More time for innovation• Sustainability• ReliabilityFeatures at a glance.A good usability of the devices ranging from installation to service reduces working time, costs and errors in handling. This makes installation with keyhole mounting and plug-in terminals particularly convenient.Programming your application is opti-mized for all application levels.The smartphone app via WLAN pro-vides only one of numerous interfaces to the device.User-friendlinessFlexibilityCompact designIn mechanical engineering andapparatus construction, space is limited and expensive. Thus, Lenze inverters are extremely compact to implement solutions and save costs.The i5.0 devices impress with a space-saving design with a width of 60 mm (up to 4.0 kW) and a depth of just 130 mm (up to 11 kW). Moreover, the devices can be be mounted directly next to each other without derating.Lenze offers one of the most com-prehensive solution portfolios formechanical engineering and apparatus construction.No matter which power, mains volt-ages, communication interfaces ordiagnostics options – our product range has the right solution optimized for the requirement.RobustnessIO-LinkCentralized/decentralizedMany machines and apparatus provide enough space for a compact inverter such as the i510 or i550.If your machine requires a lot of space, has a modular design or the space in the control cabinet is limited, we rec-ommend a decentralized installation close to the motor. This serves to avoid the installation costs of e.g. expensive motor cables.In many applications, a mixture of cen-tralized and decentralized drive tech-nology is advisable. Fortunately, the i5x0 cabinet and i5x0 protec inverters show the same drive behavior.For an intelligent integration ofsensors and actuators, IO-Link is used increasingly. If the system already con-tains an IO-Link master, inverters can be integrated cost-effectively. With the i550, Lenze is the first man-ufacturer to fulfil the IO-Link standard V1.1. This allows the inverter to be automatically parameterized for serial commissioning or in the event of service.Applications, for instance in the timber industry or intralogistics, place high demands on the components of the machines regarding robustness. Harsh environments are no problem for the i550 protec.Featuring the IP66 degree of protection (Indoor & Outdoor NEMA 4X), the tech-nology inside the housing is protected against dust and the device can be safely cleaned using water jets.i510 cabinet i550 cabineti550 protec8400 motec• Basic inverter IP20NEMA Open Type• 0.25 ... 11 kW• Standard inverter IP20• Universally applicable• 0.25 ... 110 kW• Standard inverter IP31 or IP66• Universally applicable• 0.37 ... 11 KW (expansion up to 75 kWplanned)• Standard inverter for motor orwall mounting IP65• Various connector options for power andsignals for minimum installation expenses• 0.37 ... 7.5 kW Configurablefor all requirements.Frequency inverterLenze offers a comprehensive inverter portfolio for mechanical engineering andapparatus construction. Whether control cabinet mounting, motor mounting ordecentralized mounting with terminals or with complete connection technology– our independent advice is geared towards finding the best solution for yourspecific case.The Lenze EASY Product Finder helps you configure your required frequencyinverter type in next to no time. In addition, you can retrieve all importanttechnical details such as data sheets, CAD data and EPLAN data.EASY Product Finderi510 and i550 cabineti510 and i550 cabinet form the inverter series for the control cabinet in a powerrange of 0.25 ... 132 kW. They are distinguished by the following attributes – slimdesign, scalable functionality and exceptionally user-friendly. The simple i510from 0.25 ... 11 kW and the universally applicable i550 from 0.25 ... 110 kW havethe same DNA but differ in functionality and are optimized for a good price/performance ratio.Highlights• Space saving design: 60 mm wide (up to 4 kW), 130 mm deep(up to 11 kW), with zero-clearance mounting• Innovative interaction options enable better set-up times than ever.• The wide-ranging modular system enables various product configurationsdepending on machine requirements• Optionally with "Safe Torque Off (STO)" with SIL 3 (ISO 13849-1 (EN 954-1) ) andPerformance Level e (EN 62061/EN 61800-5-2)• Flexibility: Get the i550 as a complete device or in individual components(Power Unit, Control Unit and Safety Unit)i510 cabineti550 cabinetPower range ·0.25 ... 110 kW Mounting ·Wall mounting ·InstallationDegree of protection ·IP20·NEMA Open Type ----Approvals·CE, UL, CSA, EAC, RoHS Connections ·1 AC 120 V ·1 AC 230 V ·1/3 AC 230 V ·3 AC 230 V·3 AC 400 V/480 V -·Standard I/O 5x digital input 1x digital output -·Application I/O:7x digital input 1x digital output PNP/NPN logic ·Standard I/O 2x analog input 1x analog output ·Application I/O: 2x analog input 2x analog output·Frequency input: 0 … 100 kHz·1x NO/NC relay (24 DC max. 2 A; 240 AC max. 3 A)·External 24 V supply and internal 24 V power supply unit -·Spring terminals, plug-in ·Evaluation of motor PTCOverload behavior·200 % for 3s; 150 % for 60s Motor controls·Servo control (SC-ASM) with feedback·Sensorless vector control for synchronous motors (up to 22 kW)·Sensorless vector control (SLVC)·Energy saving function (VFC-Eco)·V/f characteristic control linear/square-law (VFC plus)·V/f characteristic control with feedbackFunctions·DC-injection braking·Brake management for brake control with low rate of wear·Dynamic braking through brake resistor·S-ramps for smooth acceleration and deceleration ·Flying restart circuit, PID controller ·DC connection ·Safety engineering Safe Torque Off (STO)Networks·CANopen, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, IO-Link, EtherCAT,EtherNET/IP, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, POWERLINKAmbient temperature during operation·3K3 (-10 ... +55 °C) EN 60721-3-3 (derating of 2.5 %/°C above 45 °C)Power range ·0.25 ... 11 kW Mounting -·InstallationDegree of protection ·IP20·NEMA Open Type ----Approvals·CE, UL, CSA, EAC, RoHSConnections -·1 AC 230 V ·1/3 AC 230 V ·3 AC 230 V ·3 AC 400/480 V -·Basic I/O: 5x digital input 1x digital output -----·Basic I/O:2x analog input 1x analog output ---·no·1x NO/NC relay (24 DC max. 2 A; 240 AC max. 3 A)--·Spring terminals·Evaluation of motor PTCOverload behavior·200 % for 3 s; 150 % for 60 sMotor controls -·Sensorless vector control for synchronous motors (up to 22 kW)·Sensorless vector control (SLVC)·Energy saving function (VFC-Eco)·V/f characteristic control linear/square-law (VFC plus)-Functions·DC-injection braking·Brake management for brake control with low rate of wear -·S-ramps for smooth acceleration and deceleration ·Flying restart circuit, PID controller ·DC connection Safety engineering -Networks·CANopen, Modbus RTUAmbient temperature during operation·3K3 (-10 ... +55 °C) EN 60721-3-3 (derating of 2.5 %/°C above 45 °C)i550 proteci550 protec uses the same tried-and-tested technology used in i550 cabinet andonly differs in terms of a higher degree of housing protection with an adapteddesign. If your machine requires a lot of space, has a modular design or the spacein the control cabinet is limited, the universally applicable i550 protec (IP31and IP66 degree of protection) from 0.37 kW ... 11 kW (expansion up to 75 kWplanned) is the ideal solution for a decentralized installation close to the motor.Highlights• IP66 degree of protection (Indoor & Outdoor NEMA 4X) with protection againsthigh pressure water jets from any direction and dust tightness allows for use inharsh environment applications• USB Micro diagnostic interface on board• Optionally available with extension box with or without service switches• Optionally available with keypad or WLAN diagnostic module• Optionally available with "Safe Torque Off (STO)" with SIL 3 (ISO 13849-1(EN 954-1) ) and Performance Level e (EN 62061/EN 62061/EN 61800-5-2)i550 protecPower range·0.37 ... 11 kWMounting·Wall mounting·InstallationDegree of protection·IP31·NEMA 1·IP66·NEMA 4 x--Approvals·CE, UL, CSA, EAC, RoHSConnections·1 AC 120 V·1 AC 230 V·1/3 AC 230 V·3 AC 230 V·3 AC 400/480 V·3 AC 480 V/600 V·Standard I/O:5x digital input1x digital output----PNP/NPN logic·Standard I/O:2x analog input1x analog output---·Frequency input: 0 … 100 kHz·1x NO/NC relay (24 DC max. 2 A; 240 AC max. 3 A)·External 24 V supply andinternal 24 V power supply unit·Spring terminals·Evaluation of motor PTCOverload behavior·200 % for 3 s; 150 % for 60 sMotor controls·Servo control (SC-ASM) with feedback·Sensorless vector control for synchronous motors (up to 22 kW)·Sensorless vector control (SLVC)·Energy saving function (VFC-Eco)·V/f characteristic control linear/square-law (VFC plus)·V/f characteristic control with feedbackFunctions·DC-injection braking·Brake management for brake control with lowrate of wear·Dynamic braking through brake resistor·S-ramps for smooth acceleration and deceleration·Flying restart circuit, PID controller·DC connectionSafety engineering·Safe Torque Off (STO)Networks·CANopen, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, IO-Link, EtherCAT, EtherNET/IP, PROFINETAmbient temperature during operation·3K3 (-10 ... +55 °C) EN 60721-3-3 (derating of 2.5 %/°C above 45 °C)8400 motecThe 8400 motec is a frequency inverter for decentralized installation from0.37 ... 7.5 kW in IP65. In the three basic variants for motor mounting, wallmounting or wall mounting with service switch, it already offers a high degree offlexible solutions. Wherever the focus is on a safe and fast installation of drives, the8400 motec is the most beneficial solution, e.g. in spatially distributed applications.Motor mounting:In the case of motor mounting, the 8400 motec can be operated without deratingregardless of the alignment. Compact solution with Lenze MF motor (120 Hz).Wall mounting:Compact and flexible solution for wall mounting in IP65.Wall mounting with service switch:Wall-mounted device with 3 maintenance switches. Options for maximumflexibility in IP54.Highlights• Compact design• High degree of functionality, e.g. integrated brake rectifier• M12 signal connector for fieldbuses, IOs, external 24 V supply and STO• High variety of mains plugs for Harting Q4/2 (single or double),M15 or QUICKON QPD• Wall mounting without derating8400 motecPower range·0.25 ... 7.5 kWMounting·Wall mounting·Motor mountingDegree of protection·IP66·IP54 (with switching unit)----Approvals·CE, UL, CSA, EAC, RoHSConnections----·3 AC 400/480 V-·Standard I/O:5x digital input1x digital output1 inverter enable---PNP/NPN logic------·Frequency input: 0 … 10 kHz·1x NO/NC relay·External 24 V supplytogether with Ethernet-based fieldbuses and PROFIBUS-·Evaluation of motor PTCOverload behavior·200 % for 3 s; 150 % for 60 s·Motor controls-·Sensorless vector control for synchronous motors ·Sensorless vector control (SLVC)·Energy saving function (VFC-Eco)·V/f characteristic control linear/square-law (VFC plus)V/f characteristic control with feedbackFunctions·DC-injection braking·Brake management for brake control with low rate of wearwith integrated brake rectifier·Dynamic braking through brake resistor·S-ramps for smooth acceleration and deceleration·Flying restart circuit, PID controller-Safety engineeringSafe Torque Off (STO)Networks·CANopen, EtherCAT, EtherNET/IP, PROFIBUS, PROFINET,ASiAmbient temperature during operation·3K3 (-30 ... +55 °C) EN 60721-3-3 (derating of 2.5 %/°C above 45 °C)Technical data i510 cabinet inverterConnection to 230 V mainsi510 cabinet inverter Connection to 400 V mainsMains choke is generally prescribed for Light Duty with 15 kW.Connection to 120 V mains and 230 V mainsConnection to 400 V mainsMains choke is generally prescribed from 22 kW (for Light Duty from 15 kW).Connection to 120 V mains and 230 V mains with IP66 degree of protectionConnection to 400 V mains with IP66 degree of protection8400 motec inverter Connection to 400 V mainsDiagnostics and operation of the i5x0 cabinetFor diagnostics and parameterization, the keypad, the Lenze SMART Keypad app (iOS and Android) or the EASY Starter can be used.I5MADR0000000SI5MADK0000000S I5MADW0000000S I5MADU0000000S3 m cable 3 m cableI5MADR0000001S EWL0085/S5 m cable 5 m cableI5MADR0000002S EWL0086/S Functional safety for i5x0 cabinetThe safety function STO can also be ordered at a later date and retrofitted.I5MASAV000000S Product extensionsAccessoriesMains choke for i5x0 cabineti550 cabinet: generally prescribed from 22 kW (for Light Duty from 15 kW)i500 protec: integrated in the device if required (>= 30 kW)• Mains chokes reduce the effects of the inverter on the supplying mains by smoothing the harmonics.• The effective mains current is reduced which saves energy.• Mains chokes can be used without restrictions in conjunction with RFI filters.• Please note that the use of a mains choke reduces the mains voltage at the input of the inverter by 4 % (typical voltage drop across the mains choke).Filter Short Distance for i5x0 cabinetFilter type: RFI filter• C1 to 25 m • C2 to 50 m• Reduced leakage current, operation on 30-mA residual current circuit breaker possibleFilter Long Distance for i5x0 cabinetFilter type up to 15 kW: RFI filterFilter type from 22 kW: Mains filter (combination of RFI filter and mains choke)• C1 to 50 m • C2 to 100 m•Operation with 300 mA residual current circuit breakerBrake resistor for i550 cabinet• To decelerate greater moments of inertia or with a longer operation in generator mode, an external brake resistor is required.• The brake resistor absorbs the brake energy produced in generator mode and converts it into heat.Brake resistor for i550 protec• To decelerate greater moments of inertia or with a longer operation in generator mode, an external brake resistor is required.• The brake resistor absorbs the brake energy produced in generator mode and converts it into heat.Motor shield plate for i5x0 cabinetContents: Motor shield plate, fixing clip, terminal clamp.Exception: EZAMBHXM004 and EZAMBHXM005 only include terminal clamps as the shield plate comes supplied with the device Accessory sets for i5x0 protecThe bottom of the housing of the i510 protec and i550 protec inverters provides openings for connections to the mains, the motor and the control connections. To easily implement these connections in IP66, various connection sets are available.。


冲头通过移动装置移动到相应的那一排模具上方。为了使上下转盘准确定位,在上下转盘的外圆周或端面上都装有锥形定位孔,转到相应 4模位时,定位锥销插入就可以保证定位准确。驱动转盘转动的轴通常称为 T 轴,T 轴驱动包括伺服电机、减速箱、链轮链条(同步带轮同步带) 、定位锥销、定位气缸(定位油缸)、上下转盘 当数控系统发出信号,需要使用某一模位时,定位锥销自动拔出,伺服电机转动,经减 速后带动转盘转动,当该模位转到冲头的正下方时,停止转动,锥销插入到相应的锥销 孔内,从而使上下转盘准确定位。2)上下模具同心度需要校正的判断标准 当安装了新的模具或者安装了已经研磨好的模具, 如 首先确认模具的间隙和板材匹配。 果加工工件时,才冲了几次就发现冲孔毛刺较大,取出模具观察,模具的磨损程度,可 以从边缘判断,边缘部分变圆或下了霜一样发白,尤其是刃口的对角。可以判断出同心 度需要校正。3)上下转盘错误后的同步校正上,下转盘是由数字式 AC 伺服电机驱动,电机通过挠性联轴器联到齿轮减速箱的输入端,减速箱的输出经链条和齿轮传动上,下转盘。调整好的链条应有 6-13 毫米的下垂度如果因为撞料等原因而使上、 下转盘工位错位,就必须进行同步调整,依据如下步骤:A、松开下或上转盘的涨紧B、手动方式下,将下转盘 T1 转到打击头下 C、用手盘动上转盘 T1 转到打击头下 D、销入、销出几次 E、微调上、下转盘,直到销入后转盘晃动最小 F、销入的情况下,紧固下或上转盘的涨紧即可。 G、将 T 轴重新回一下参考点送料部件 数控转塔冲床的送料部件通常包括横梁、Y 轴传动、夹钳、支撑板料的工作台等。1)横梁一般为焊接结构,在它的上面装有滚珠丝杠、直线导轨和联轴器、伺服电机,两侧的支承固定在其下底面上, 导向是靠直线滚动导轨。为了保证滑块与导轨的高速平滑运动,滑块的端面带有防尘装置,机器的工作环境需保持清洁,以防灰尘残留在导轨和丝杠的沟槽内,造成急剧磨损。Y 轴是由 AC 伺服电机驱动,电机通过无间隙挠性联轴器直接与滚珠丝杠联接,丝杠装配时已进行了预紧,保证了无间隙传动。 注意:丝杠上的螺母在机器出厂之前已经调好, 使用过程中用户不得自行调整或拆卸该部分的任何部位。2)拖板是退火的铸铁件,由固定在横梁上的一根导轨导向,与 Y 轴的导轨一样,丝杠螺母的预紧调整工作在机器出厂前的调整装配时就已调好, 用户使用过程中不得自行调整。 X、Y 轴丝杠的端部装有聚胺脂防撞块,防止各种误操作对丝杠及其它部分造成损坏。轴承座的润滑油嘴用来定时润滑丝杠支承轴承,润滑周期是每周一次。工作时夹钳安装在 X 轴方向的拖板上,通过伺服电机的转动,经联轴器带动滚珠丝杠转动,带动拖板在直线导轨上沿 X 轴方向来回运动,从而达到送料的目的。 53)目前常用的 X 轴方向的行程有 1250mm、1500mm、2000mm、2500mm,如通过再定位后,则 X 方向的加工尺寸将会更大。Y 轴传动和 X 轴基本一样,也是由滚珠丝杠、直线导轨和联轴器、伺服电机组成。Y 轴传动工作时,通过一个连接座与横梁连接,带动横梁沿 Y 向运动。 Y 由于受喉口深度的限制, 轴方向常用的行程有 1250mm、 1500mm4)为了防止由于控制失灵、误操作等原因造成机器失控时,横料和工作台因受到撞击而受到损害,在 X、Y 方向丝杠行程的两端都装有缓冲装置5)夹钳是用来夹持板料的一个机械手,通常由压缩空空气或液压油提供动力源。夹钳一般通过 T 型槽或燕尾槽与横梁上的拖板连接6)支撑板料的工作台结构形式通常有两种:一种为固定工作台,另一种为活动工作台。固定工作台是指所有的工作台在工作时都不运动,采用这种结构的工作台最大优点是送料的运动惯量小,可以采用小

Protec ZEUS 初级培训教材

Protec ZEUS 初级培训教材
1 ▶ Parameter No. 2 ▶ 指令语句的 X,Y 坐标 3 ▶ DOT 命令语句的方式(点击右键)
▶所有指令利用摄像头设定完 后 ,点击确认键‘左图’,自 动输入坐标 。在此只输入 X,Y 坐标,Z轴坐标需另外设定 paremeter
坐标输入键 ▶ 3
深圳市陽特电子有限公司 Sun-Tech Electronics Co.,Ltd
左上 左下 右上 右下
深圳市陽特电子有限公司 Sun-Tech Electronics Co.,Ltd
关闭Multipack window窗口后,显示为上图;
点击“MAIN PROGRAMS”导出Multipack设定过的DOT 1 sub call
如下图:点击右键导出 MOVE, DOT指令
深圳市陽特电子有限公司 Sun-Tech Electronics Co.,Ltd
2 4
点击 1 中“Sub call window”生成SUB CALL如下图:
1 3
设定的SUB CALL生成 DOT 后 ,在2的Sub Weight中输入吐胶重量(以mg为单位),点击 3的Edit键后出现在4窗口中
深圳市陽特电子有限公司 Sun-Tech Electronics Co.,Ltd



G01 : 直线插补 / 直线加工 (工件座标系)
语法格式: G01 X_ Y_ G01 U_ V_ ( MDI 状态或四轴联动锥度方式 )
例如: G90G00X90.Y20. 或 G91G00X60.Y-30
例如: G90G01X35.Y10. 或
本节开始介绍主要的G,M代码 (第9页)
M27 : 断线保护策略无效 M28 : 断线(第一层)保护策略有效 M29 : 断线(第二层)保护策略有效
程式范例 (第1页)
典型图例 1 (无锥度) (假设起始点 (start point)为 X15.Y10. )
G90 : 绝对座标
G91 : 相对座标
G74 : 确定座标系的原点 (机床座标系)
G75 : 直线快速移动 (机床座标系)
G00 : 直线快速移动 (工件座标系)
G01 : 直线插补 / 直线加工 (工件座标系)
G02 : 顺时针圆弧插补 / 顺时针圆弧加工 (工件座标系)
G03 : 逆时针圆弧插补 / 逆时针圆弧加工 (工件座标系)
Charmilles Technology Robofil Training
Present by Tony Wong
图纸 ↓
加工程式准备 1.加工路径程序 (主要利用CAD/CAM 软件产生,或手工编程简单程序) 2.把加工路径程序拷贝至机床 3.加工放电条件组合的确定 (CT-EXPERT的应用)


• This will ensure that when changing between the drive basic functions the internal set points are synchronized.
设定值输入nSpeedSetValue_a 限于速度限定值C2611/1…4(两个旋转方向的 nmin 功能独立于设定值源,例如模拟量输入或者CAN)
• I-component of the speed controller can set directly via the inputs bSpeedCtrlIOn and bSpeedCtrlI_a
• LS_MotorInterface
Good to know … 需知……
• For problem-free interaction, the two blocks have interfaces with corresponding inputs and outputs and must be connected to each other.
Drive basic functions 驱动基本功能
… in the Motion Control Kernel (MCK)…在运动控制内核(MCK)
• Defined interface between application (Setpoint generation) and internal motor control定义在应用(设定值发生器)和内部电机控制间的接口 MCK
速度跟随器:速度设定值 > 速度参数设定阀值
• Manual jog, positioning or homing request the release of the brake directly via internal signals in the MCK

FOSS Kjeltec 8400 分析仪器零件手册说明书

FOSS Kjeltec 8400 分析仪器零件手册说明书

Copyright 2008 / All rights reservedFOSS Analytical AB, Box 70, SE-263 21 Höganäs, SwedenTel Int +46 42 361500, Fax +46 42 340349, E-mail info @foss.dkKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual6002 3645 / Rev. 2Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 2Please inform Customer Support - Technical Communication Team at the address given below, if you have any opinions about or proposals for changes to this manual.Customer Support - Technical Communication Team *****************FOSS Analytical AB, Box 70, SE-263 21 Höganäs, Sweden Tel Int +46 42 361500, Fax +46 42 340349All information is liable to change without prior notice. For latest information about documentation updates for your specific instrument, please contact your local FOSS representative.Rev.Date of Issue Revised Material 12008-12-10First issue22009-05-15Spare parts updatedKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 2Table of Contents1General ...........................................................................12Distillation Module ..................................................23Bulkhead ......................................................................104Splash Head Holder ................................................125Tube Control Unit ...................................................146Steam Generator .....................................................167Condenser ..................................................................188Steam Valve ...............................................................209Front Cover Assembly ..........................................2210Titration Module .....................................................2611Burette ..........................................................................3212Holder - Titration Tank .........................................3413Titration Tank Cpl ...................................................3614Tubings .........................................................................3815Accessories .................................................................4016Special Tools .. (4217)Index (43)Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 2Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 211GeneralThis document contains Spare Parts for Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit.WarningPlease read Safety Precautions in the Service Manual prior to maintenance or exchange of spare parts.The system may only be repaired by FOSS personnel or by otherpersonnel approved by FOSS.Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit2Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 22Distillation ModuleDrawing No.: 10014906Page: 1Pos.Part No.Description Note260028287Condensor Cpl 2560031630Power Supply 2715620094Solid State Relay 20015320022Allen Screw M5 x 820155320017Allen screw M4 x 8Service Kit: 60028295 Cable Kit 230V Wiring Pos.Description Note31Cable Mains Power 32Cable Mains VoltageKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 23Fig. 1Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit4Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 2Drawing No.: 10014906Page: 2Pos.Part No.Description Note460028288Steam valve 560031628Pinch valve960031629Steam Generator See Fig. 83860028290Pump4260028292Tube Drain Vessel 20015320022Allen Screw M5 x 820255320024Allen Screw M3 x 6Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 25Fig. 2Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit6Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 2Drawing No.: 10014906Page: 3Pos.Part No.Description Note660028296Splash Head 2460023791Power Switch 4060022622Foot4310015153Tube AdapterCombi adapter for 250/100 ml tubes10000056Adapter for dig. tubes 250 ml 10000487Adapter for dig. tubes 100 ml 4560031631Safety door 8200/84004660022390Tube Support 5360024200Handle6815810081Reduction coupling 20015320022Allen Screw M5 x 820415320060Allen Screw M5 x 1230115380002Washer 30215380052WasherKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitFig. 3Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitDrawing No.: 10014909Pos.Part No.Description Note160028286Titration Tank Cpl2660031626Bellow Pump2860024271Cable Connector Panel2960028280Cable Sample – Panel3060024556Motor Cap3715810081Reduction Coupling4015820050Tube clamp4115820061Tube clamp4215820051Tube clamp5160037089Titration Module Cpl20215320022Screw M5 x 820315320122Screw M5 x 820415320022Screw25015370077Nut M330215380039WasherKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitFig. 4Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit 3BulkheadDrawing No.: 10014896Pos.Part No.Description Note 2110001012Double Hose Connection2260031626Bellow Pump2360022685Water Valve2515810081Reduction Coupling2615810007Y-Connector2860024556Motor Cap2960024619RJ45 Connector3160024271Cable & Connector kit3260024967Power Inlet3315820050Tube Clamp3415820051Tube Clamp3515640091Fuse Holder3615640166Fuse 10 A3960029971Retainer clip4060026095Tube Clamp20055320017Screw M4 x 820155320024Screw M3 x 620315320022Screw M5 x 825015370005Nut 3/860028293Tube Coupling Set Not illustrated60027131Mains Cable Not illustrated60027130Cable to Reagent Tank Not illustrated10000019Cable Between Tanks Not illustrated10000020Terminator Not illustratedKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitFig. 5Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit 4Splash Head HolderDrawing No.: 10014817Pos.Part No.Description Note 2460023709SpringKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitFig. 6Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit 5Tube Control UnitDrawing No.: 60023413Pos.Part No.Description Note 2160028291DC Motor2260031627Reed Switch2510015151Gear Ring 8200/84002660023697Belt305545002Bearing20015320022Screw M5 x 820255320015Screw M3 x 3020355330013Screw M3 x 625015370023Check Nut M530015380052WasherKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitFig. 7Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit 6Steam GeneratorDrawing No.: 60030606Pos.Part No.Description Note 2060023706Temperature Sensor2160023764Rubber Grommet2510003513Heating element 2200W 230V2660031737Cable Steam Generator2710001786Level Pin2810006155Reference Pin Partial Isolated2910002761Rubber Seal3110002720Glass Vessel3410002762Seal for Cover Steam Generator4015490028Rubber Grommet for Heater Coil5215820051Tube Clamp5315810081Reduction Coupling20015320139Screw M4 x 3020155320017Screw M4 x 825115370014Nut M430115380015WasherService Kit: 60031636 Current OverheatPos.Description Note22Thermal Pad43Overheat protectorService Kit: 60031635 Lid CplPos.Description Note35Plastic Cover40Rubber Grommet for Heater Coil2 Pcs29Rubber Seal21Rubber GrommetKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 217Fig. 8Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit18Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 27CondenserDrawing No.: 10014895Pos.Part No.Description Note2315820051Tube Clamp2610015147Holder Temp Sensor 2715250073Temperature SensorService Kit: 60028287 Condensor Cpl Pos.Description Note20Condensor21Insulation CondensorKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 219Fig. 9Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit20Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 28Steam ValveDrawing No.: 10014897Pos.Part No.Description Note2215810073Hose Connection 2315860011Hose Connection 2415810007Y-Connector2510003538Non return Valve 2815820050Tube Clamp 3015690024Cable Tie 20055320017Screw M4 x 8Service Kit: 60028288 Steam Valve Pos.Description Note20Solenoid Valve 22Hose Connection 23Hose Connection 24Hose Connection 25Non Return Valve 27EPDM tubing 8/1228Tube Clamp 30Cable Tie 200ScrewKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 221Fig. 10Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit22Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 29Front Cover AssemblyDrawing No.: 10014904Page: 1Pos.Part No.DescriptionNote1060026262Pcb Memory Module 1160031948SD Memory 1260023753Cable2060028281User Interface Board2160028285Main Board, Distillation unit 2260026263RACM Cpl.2660028284Touch Screen 2760022932Cable 2860023752Cable 2960024924Cable 3660022495Window20015320113Screw M3 x 420155320024Screw M3 x 620355320017Screw M4 x 820415390069Spacer 20555390020Spacer 20615360001Spacer 20715390194Spacer 25015370014Nut M430015380010Washer 30315350018WasherService Kit: 60028283 User Interface Analyzer Pos.DescriptionNote20Pcb assy User Interface 23Pcb assy TFT Adapter24Pcb assy Backlight Inverter 25Display26Touch Screen 27Flexible Wire 30Cable 31Cable 33Panel 36Window38Ground Plate 40Ferrite Block 43Seal 44SpacerKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 223Fig. 11Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit24Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 2Drawing No.: 10014904Page: 2Pos.Part No.Description Note1960031634Illumination Board 20015320113Screw M3 x 430115380032Washer 30415380052WasherKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 225 Fig. 12Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit26Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 210Titration ModuleDrawing No.: 10014905Page: 1Pos.Part No.DescriptionNote160026914Burette Cpl See section 112060026922Level Sensor Assy 2260026927Titration Board LED2360026928Titration Board, Photocell 2460026929Burette Motor Sensor Board 2560026930Burette Valve Sensor Board2660026931Titration Module Control Board 2860026926Titration Vessel3560026918Burette Valve Membrane 3610014810Worm Gear 3710014811Worm Screw 3810014830Valve body 4560024820Light Diffusor 4715390129Screw 4815390061Spacer5115860002Hose Connection 5315390189Pin 5415390170Pin5955420013O-ring 5,3 x 2,56160026920Step Motor 6360022690Spring6460022688O-ring 79,5 x 36560022691Elbow coupling 6760026919Rinse Pump 6860026923Step Motor7060023578Titration Vessel Plunger 7160022693X-ring 7260023553Gasket7815420010O-ring 29,3 x 37915810081Reduction Coupling 8260022695O-ring 33 x 38315820050Tube Clamp 8415820051Tube Clamp10060024147Cable Valve Sensor board 10160024148Cable Level Sensor assy10260024149Cable LED and Photocell board 10360024150Cable Burette Sensor board 20115320139Screw M4 x 3020215320113Screw M3 x 420455320017Screw M4 x 820555320024Screw M3 x 625015370077Nut M325115370043Nut M430015380074Washer 30215380011WasherFig. 13Service Kit: 60026921 Burette Valve RotorPos.Description Note 34Burette Valve Rotor58MagnetFig. 14Drawing No.: 10014905Page: 2Pos.Part No.Description Note 2860026926Titration Vessel4010007652Screw Connection5015250037Screw Connection6060022506Gasket20615320112Screw M8 x 16Service Kit: 60026925 StirrerPos.Description Note 29Stirrer203Screw M5 x 8 2 Pcs Service Kit: 60026932 Stirrer Motor assyPos.Description Note 29Stirrer30Motor Housing31Gasket43Motor Cover44Washer rubber52Hose Connection 2 Pcs 60Gasket61Step Motor203Screw M5 x 8207Grub ScrewFig. 1511BuretteDrawing No.: 10014280Pos.Part No.Description Note 2160026915Burette Cylinder2660022693X-ring2760022694X-ring2860022695O-ring2955430005Magnet3060023554Seal25015370023NutService Kit: 60026917 Burette HeadPos.Description Note 20Burette Head26X-ring27X-ringService Kit: 60026916 Burette Piston CplPos.Description Note 24Burette Piston26X-ringFig. 1612Holder - Titration TankDrawing No.: 60031051Pos.Part No.Description Note 2160024573Gasket3055390001Spacer25015370077Nut M330015380001WasherService Kit: 60025220 Titration Tank Level Sensor assy Pos.Description Note 20PCB Level Sensor21GasketFig. 1713Titration Tank CplDrawing No.: 60025293Pos.Part No.Description Note 360022691Elbow coupling560026095Tube Clamp615820005Tubing PVC 4 x 6 330 mm Service Kit: 60026933 Titration Tank TubingPos.Description Note2Elbow coupling3Elbow coupling5Tube Clamp6Tubing PVC 4 x 6Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 237Fig. 18Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit38Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 214TubingsPos.Part No.DescriptionNote 115820204EPDM Tubing 6x12420 mm 260023701EPDM Tubing 8x1260 mm 360023701EPDM Tubing 8x12580 mm 415820204EPDM Tubing 6x121150 mm 515820204EPDM Tubing 6x121150 mm 660023701EPDM Tubing 8x12720 mm 760023701EPDM Tubing 8x1240 mm 860023701EPDM Tubing 8x1275 mm 960023701EPDM Tubing 8 x 12270 mm 1060023701EPDM Tubing 8x1250 mm 1160023701EPDM Tubing 8x12140 mm 1215820006Silicone Tubing 8 x 12290 mm 1315820006Silicone Tubing 8 x 12520 mm 1415820006Silicone Tubing 8 x 12360 mm 1515820006Silicone Tubing 8 x 1235 mm 1615820006Silicone Tubing 8 x 1250 mm 1715820006Silicone Tubing 8 x 12220 mm 1815820006Silicone Tubing 8 x 12460 mm 1915820006Silicone Tubing 8 x 12260 mm 2060023704Silicone Tubing 4 x 6330mm 2160023704Silicone Tubing 4 x 6400 mm 2260023704Silicone Tubing 4 x 6 420 mm 2360023704Silicone Tubing 4 x 6600 mm 2460023704Silicone Tubing 4 x 6660 mm 2560023704Silicone Tubing 4 x 6600 mm 2660030385Norpren Tubing 8 x 12,8255 mm 2715820219Tubing Tygon 3,2 x 6,4330 mmKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 239Fig. 19Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit40Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 215AccessoriesPos.Part No.DescriptionNote160024658Tube Adapter, Sampler 260026977Seat360028401Tube Guide 460028563Tube GuideKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 241Fig. 20Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit42Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 216Special ToolsPos.Part No.DescriptionNote60029503Tool for Molex plug removalKjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer UnitSpare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 24317IndexPart No.Page10000019 1010000020 1010000056 610000487 610001012 1010001786 1610002720 1610002761 1610002762 1610003513 1610003538 2010006155 1610007652 3010014810 2610014811 2610014830 2610015147 1810015151 1410015153 615250037 3015250073 1815320022 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 1415320060 615320112 3015320113 22, 24, 2615320122 815320139 16, 2615350018 2215360001 2215370005 1015370014 16, 2215370023 14, 3215370043 2615370077 8, 26, 3415380001 3415380002 615380010 2215380011 2615380015 1615380032 2415380039 815380052 6, 14, 2415380074 2615390061 2615390069 2215390129 2615390170 2615390189 2615390194 2215420010 2615490028 1615620094 215640091 1015640166 1015690024 2015810007 10, 2015810073 2015810081 6, 8, 10, 16, 2615820005 3615820006 3815820050 8, 10, 20, 2615820051 8, 10, 16, 18, 2615820061 815820204 3815820219 3815860002 2615860011 2055320015 1455320017 2, 10, 16, 20, 22, 2655320024 4, 10, 22, 2655330013 1455390001 3455390020 2255420013 2655430005 325545002 1460022390 660022495 2260022506 3060022622 660022685 1060022688 2660022690 2660022691 26, 3660022693 26, 3260022694 3260022695 26, 3260022932 2260023553 2660023554 3260023578 2660023697 1460023701 3860023704 3860023706 1660023709 1260023752 2260023753 2260023764 1660023791 660024147 26Kjeltec™ 8400 Analyzer Unit44Spare Parts Manual 6002 3645 / Rev. 260024148 2660024149 2660024150 2660024200 660024271 8, 1060024556 8, 1060024573 3460024619 1060024658 4060024820 2660024924 2260024967 1060025220 3460026095 10, 3660026262 2260026263 2260026914 2660026915 3260026916 3260026917 3260026918 2660026919 2660026920 2660026921 2860026922 2660026923 2660026925 3060026926 26, 3060026927 2660026928 2660026929 2660026930 2660026931 2660026932 3060026933 3660026977 4060027130 1060027131 1060028280 860028281 2260028283 2260028284 2260028285 2260028286 860028287 2, 1860028288 4, 2060028290 460028291 1460028292 460028293 1060028295 260028296 660028401 4060028563 4060029503 4260029971 1060030385 3860031626 8, 1060031627 1460031628 460031629 460031630 260031631 660031634 2460031635 1660031636 1660031737 1660031948 2260037089 8。



无RTCP五轴数控机床的功能提升王钦【摘要】文章分析了带RTCP功能五轴数控机床的技术优势,采用了一种新的编程方法,利用后置处理技术,结合控制系统功能,在国产非RTCP模块五轴机床上实现了部分RTCP功能.提高了机床使用效率、缩短了技术准备和产品校模时间、减少了人为误差所导致的产品质量损失.【期刊名称】《东方汽轮机》【年(卷),期】2018(000)002【总页数】3页(P59-61)【关键词】数控机床;控制系统;RTCP编程;后置处理【作者】王钦【作者单位】东方汽轮机有限公司, 四川德阳, 618000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TH1640 引言五轴联动数控机床比三轴机床多了2个旋转轴,可以任意调整刀轴方向,因而在复杂零件的加工中具有很大优势。










1 五轴数控机床简介及北机院 XKH系列机床结构分析根据多轴数控机床是否具有RTCP功能进行分类。


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滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
8400 protec Highline 可 Highline
8400 protec Highline 可插拔端子:
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
8400 protec Highline变频器驱动的滚床的应用程序是标准程 序,新调试一台滚床之需要调整参数即可,需要调整到的参 数如下: 1. 电机参数; 2. 机器参数; 3. 编码尺读数与电机编码器读数的标定; 4. 编码定位窗口的计算 5. 速度的标定; 6. 设定IP地址;
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
编码尺读数与电机编码器读数的标定 通过下拉菜单找到L_ComparePhi_2功能块,点击功能块上的按钮
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
编码尺读数与电机编码器读数的标定 弹出如下界面:
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
速度的标定 点功能块上的按钮进入参数设置界面如下:
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
速度的标定 1. C00490/2设定为16384; 2. C00492/2设定为4; 3. C00491/2设定为C00011的值;
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
速度的标定 在如下界面中点Basic Function
编码尺读数与电机编码器读数的标定 弹出如下界面:
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
编码尺读数与电机编码器读数的标定 计算Gain值:标定的功能是把编码尺的读数与电机编码器反 馈的数值对应起来,计算时要结合Feed Constant,减速比一 起计算,如本例中计算式为:
65536X65536X Counter (motor speed Z2XZ4) /(Feed constantX Denominator (system speed Z1XZ3))= 79270597
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
机器参数的设定 1. Counter (motor speed Z2XZ4) ,参数号为C01202/1,其含 义为减速机减速比的分子; 2. Denominator (system speed Z1XZ3),参数号为C01202/2, 其含义为减速机减速比的分子; 3. Axis data: Feed constant,参数号为C01204,其含义为减速 机输出轴转一周,所驱动的设备走过的距离,可以通过 计算得到,同时定义驱动系统的距离单位,例如滚床驱 动轮轮径为140mm,计算出来时 140X3.1415926/0.8=549.7787;
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
速度的标定 定位曲线5,6中的参数设置如下: 1. C01300/5、6 是定位模式,设定为2; 2. C01301/5、6是定位位置,设定为210000; 3. C01302/5、6是定位速度,需要通过计算得到,计算式为: 140X3.1415926XC0011X Denominator (system speed Z1XZ3)/ (Counter (motor speed Z2XZ4)X0.8),其中一个是正的代表 往正向,另一个是负代表反向; 4. C01303/5、6,C01304/5、6为加减速度,他的设定需要 参考选型计算时提供的最大加减速度;
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
编码尺读数与电机编码器读数的标定 进入FB Editor(功能块编辑器),如图
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
编码尺读数与电机编码器读数的标定 通过下拉菜单找到L_GainOffsetPhi_1功能块,点击功能块上的按钮
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
从电机铭牌上找到C86参数,填入红色的方框中,选正确的电机,点Next 进入下图
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
机器参数的设定 点蓝色箭头退回主界面:
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
机器参数的设定 点蓝色箭头退回主界面:
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
机器参数的设定 点Basic Function 进入下图:
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
机器参数的设定 点Machine Parameter 进入下图:三个红色方框需要填入与机 器相关的数值
编码尺读数与电机编码器读数的标定 设定比较值和窗口值,一般来说可以设为编码尺长度的一半 参数号为:Window C01672/2,比较值为:C00471/1
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
速度的标定 在功能块编辑器中下拉菜单找到L_ConvW_2功能块,
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
电机From motor Catalogue图标,进入下图
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
电机From motor Catalogue图标,进入下图
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
故障处理:熟悉故障代码查询 可以用在线帮助的方式进行故障查询,例如:SD3
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
故障处理:熟悉故障代码查询 可以用在线帮助的方式进行故障查询,例如:SD3
Lenze SE Speaker Lenze trainer Department Education & Training Address Postfach 10 13 52 • D-31763 Hameln Site Hans-Lenze-Straße 1 • D-31855 Aerzen Phone +49 5154 82-0 Fax +49 5154 82-21 11 E-mail:Lenze@Lenze.de This document is the intellectual property of Lenze SE, Hameln (Germany). Lenze is the sole and exclusive copyright and ancillary copyright owner. Any use of this document is only permitted with the express written consent by Lenze. Subject to technical alterations.
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
速度的标定 点Profile Input 进入定位曲线输入窗口:
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
速度的标定 选择定位曲线4,5,6
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
速度的标定 定位曲线4中的参数设置如下: 1. C01300/4 是定位模式,设定为1; 2. C01301/4是定位位置,不用设定,PLC会写进来的数值; 3. C01302/4是定位速度,需要通过计算得到,计算式为: 140X3.1415926XC0011X Denominator (system speed Z1XZ3)/ (Counter (motor speed Z2XZ4)X0.8); 4. C01303/4,C01304/4为加减速度,他的设定需要参考选型 计算时提供的最大加减速度;
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
IP地址的设定 1. 需要记下每一台变频器的MAC地址,确定IP地址; 2. 用以太网网线连接到交换机,用Engineer软件扫描网络上的变 频器
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
IP地址的设定 3. 扫描出网络上所有的变频器,按照MAC地址,分配IP地址;
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
8400 protec Highline变频器驱动的滚床的基本配置:减速 机带有制动器,电机上有HTL编码器反馈,还有SSI接口的 编码尺反馈; 8400 protec Highline变频器,用在滚床的定位控制,是IP65 的变频器,可用于分布式控制,主要做定位控制,PLC发 给变频器的控制信息有控制字,定位位置,定位速度等; 在定位时用到SSI接口的编码尺做全闭环控制; 8400 protec Highline变频器所有的接线都是插头连接,更 换也很方便, 8400 protec Highline变频器也有存储模块, 把存储模块换在新的变频器上,同时设置IP地址就能恢复 运行;
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline
故障处理:熟悉示波器 Data logger,双击变量可以改变变量, 用在调试中,查看变量之间的时序关系。


用参数号计算式即为: (65536X65536XC01202/1)/(C01204XC01202/2)=(65536X65536X 7245)/(549.7787X714)=79270597
滚床驱动,8400 protec Highline