



1. 毅力:在荒岛上的日子非常困难,但鲁滨逊并没有放弃。
2. 创造力:在荒岛上,鲁滨逊必须依靠自己的创造力来解决问题。
3. 坚韧:在经历了多次失败之后,鲁滨逊仍然保持着坚韧的精神。
4. 自立自强:鲁滨逊在荒岛上必须依靠自己,没有任何外界帮助。
5. 慷慨:在鲁滨逊逃离荒岛之前,他不仅帮助了一个土著人,还向他传授了一些生存技巧。

(完整)Robinson Crusoe鲁滨逊漂流记人物分析

The Characters of the Emerging bourgeoisie revealed in Robinson CrusoeAbstract: Robinson Crusoe, based on a real fact, successfully creates a hero, an empire builder, and a super man。
The author Defoe, because of this book, becomes the father of English realistic novel。
People like to talk about Robinson Crusoe, with his adventure and everything he had done when he was facing the obstacles。
To some people, Robinson is a hero, a giant, and perfect in all aspects。
While some other people think that Robinson is the one who struggles only for property. This paper deals with him as an emerging bourgeoisie。
In this way, all his behavior seems more reasonable. Key words: adventure, property, material civilizationRobinson Crusoe is a classic adventure novel. In this novel, the spirit of adventure of the emerging bourgeoisie is highly praised. Robinson Crusoe, born as an emerging bourgeoisie, refusing to inherit property from his father, decides to leave his middle station family and begins his new adventurous life。


鲁滨逊漂流记英语作文分析人物性格特点全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Robinson Crusoe: A Character AnalysisThe novel Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is a literary masterpiece that has captivated readers for centuries. At its core, the story revolves around the life and experiences of the protagonist, Robinson Crusoe, whose character traits and personal journey serve as a mirror reflecting the human condition. In this analysis, I will delve into the multifaceted nature of Crusoe's personality, exploring his strengths, flaws, and the transformative power of his experiences.One of the most striking aspects of Crusoe's character is his insatiable spirit of adventure and desire for exploration. From a young age, he harbors an unquenchable thirst for the unknown, defying his family's wishes and societal conventions to embark on a life at sea. This restless nature, while admirable in its pursuit of knowledge and self-discovery, also reveals a reckless disregard for consequences and a tendency towards impulsive decision-making.Crusoe's resourcefulness and resilience are put to the test when he finds himself shipwrecked on a deserted island. Faced with the harshest of circumstances, he exhibits an unwavering determination to survive. Through his ingenuity and practical skills, he constructs shelter, procures food, and adapts to his new environment. This ability to think critically and improvise in the face of adversity is a testament to his strength of character and his capacity for self-reliance.However, Crusoe's journey is not without its share of flaws and personal struggles. Early in his time on the island, he grapples with profound feelings of isolation, despair, and spiritual emptiness. His initial response to these challenges is marked by a sense of entitlement and a belief that his misfortunes are unjustly bestowed upon him. It is only through a gradual process of self-reflection and spiritual awakening that Crusoe begins to embrace a more humble and grateful perspective, acknowledging the grace of his survival and the beauty of his surroundings.One of the most complex aspects of Crusoe's character is his relationship with the indigenous inhabitants of the island, particularly his companion, Friday. While Crusoe initially views Friday through the lens of colonial superiority, regarding him asa servant or subordinate, their relationship evolves over time. Crusoe comes to recognize Friday's humanity, intelligence, and loyalty, ultimately forming a bond of mutual respect and friendship. This transformation reflects Crusoe's growing capacity for cultural understanding and his ability to challenge his own prejudices and preconceptions.Throughout his ordeal, Crusoe exhibits a remarkable capacity for adaptation and personal growth. His experiences on the island serve as a crucible, forging his character and refining his values. From a reckless adventurer driven by material ambition, he evolves into a more introspective and spiritually grounded individual, recognizing the true value of life's simple pleasures and the importance of gratitude.Ultimately, Crusoe's character arc is one of redemption and self-discovery. His journey from a shipwrecked castaway to a self-sufficient survivor and, eventually, a wealthy and respected member of society, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance. Through his trials and triumphs, Crusoe emerges as a multidimensional and relatable protagonist, embodying both the strengths and vulnerabilities that define the human experience.In conclusion, Robinson Crusoe is a rich and complex character whose personality traits and personal journey offer profound insights into the human condition. His spirit of adventure, resourcefulness, and capacity for growth serve as inspiration, while his flaws and struggles remind us of our own imperfections and the transformative power of self-reflection and personal growth.篇2Robinson Crusoe: A Character Study"Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe is a classic adventure novel that has captivated readers for centuries. At its core, the book is a tale of survival and resilience, chronicling the experiences of a shipwrecked sailor who finds himself stranded on a remote island. However, beneath the surface lies a rich exploration of human nature and the complexities of the protagonist's character.Robinson Crusoe, the eponymous hero, is a multifaceted and dynamic character whose journey serves as a microcosm of human existence. From the outset, we are introduced to a restless and adventurous spirit, driven by an insatiable desire for exploration and a thirst for new experiences. This yearning forthe unknown ultimately leads him to embark on a fateful sea voyage that forever alters the course of his life.One of Crusoe's most remarkable traits is his unwavering determination and resilience in the face of adversity. When faced with the daunting prospect of surviving alone on a deserted island, he does not succumb to despair or self-pity. Instead, he channels his energy into building a life for himself, constructing shelter, procuring food, and adapting to his new environment. This indomitable spirit is a testament to the human capacity for perseverance and the ability to overcome even the most formidable challenges.As the narrative progresses, we witness Crusoe's transformation from a brash and impulsive youth into a contemplative and introspective man. Forced into solitude, he grapples with existential questions and undergoes a profound spiritual awakening. His relationship with God and his newfound faith become central pillars of his existence, guiding his actions and providing solace in his moments of despair. This spiritual dimension adds depth and complexity to Crusoe's character, showcasing the human capacity for growth and self-discovery in the face of isolation and hardship.Crusoe's encounter with Friday, the indigenous man he rescues and befriends, introduces another facet of his character: his capacity for compassion and his ability to transcend cultural barriers. Despite their vastly different backgrounds and beliefs, Crusoe extends a hand of friendship and endeavors to understand and appreciate Friday's culture. This openness to embracing diversity and fostering human connection serves as a powerful testament to the universal language of kindness and empathy.However, Crusoe is not without flaws. His initial arrogance and disregard for the advice of his elders hint at a streak of hubris that ultimately leads to his plight. Additionally, his treatment of Friday, while well-intentioned, can be viewed as paternalistic and reflective of the colonial mindset prevalent during the era in which the novel was written. These blemishes make Crusoe a more nuanced and relatable character, reminding us that even the most admirable individuals are not immune to the complexities and contradictions inherent in human nature.Throughout his ordeal, Crusoe displays remarkable ingenuity and resourcefulness. From fashioning tools and weapons to cultivating crops and domesticating animals, he demonstrates the human capacity for adaptation and the abilityto thrive in even the most challenging environments. His inventiveness and problem-solving skills serve as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless potential for innovation when faced with necessity.In the end, Robinson Crusoe's journey is not merely a tale of survival but a profound exploration of the human condition. Through his trials and tribulations, we are invited to contemplate our own capacity for resilience, spiritual growth, and the pursuit of self-discovery. Defoe's masterful characterization of Crusoe offers a lens through which we can examine the complexities of human nature, the enduring power of hope, and the inextinguishable drive to persevere in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.篇3Robinson Crusoe: A Character AnalysisRobinson Crusoe, the protagonist of Daniel Defoe's classic novel, is a complex and multifaceted character whose experiences and personal growth have captivated readers for centuries. Through his harrowing journey of shipwreck, survival, and eventual triumph, Crusoe's character undergoes a profoundtransformation, revealing traits that both inspire and challenge us as readers.At the outset, Crusoe is portrayed as a restless and adventurous young man, driven by an insatiable desire for exploration and a disregard for societal conventions. His decision to embark on a seafaring life against his father's wishes speaks volumes about his stubborn nature and his willingness to defy authority in pursuit of his dreams. This impulsive and rebellious streak, while admirable in its pursuit of freedom, also foreshadows the challenges he will face as a result of his reckless choices.However, it is in the aftermath of the shipwreck that Crusoe's true character begins to take shape. Stranded on a deserted island, he must confront the harsh realities of survival and rely solely on his wits and resourcefulness. It is here that we witness his remarkable resilience and adaptability, as he meticulously documents his progress, learns new skills, and finds ingenious ways to meet his basic needs. Crusoe's determination and work ethic are truly inspiring, as he transforms the island into a livable environment through sheer force of will and perseverance.Yet, beneath his practical achievements lies a deeper struggle – a battle between his rational, pragmatic side and hisprofound sense of spirituality. Crusoe's religious convictions, instilled in him from an early age, surface repeatedly throughout his ordeal, leading him to engage in intense introspection and self-examination. His moments of spiritual awakening and repentance reveal a vulnerability and humility that contrast starkly with his earlier displays of arrogance and defiance. This inner conflict between his earthly desires and his search for divine guidance adds depth and complexity to his character, making him a multidimensional figure with whom readers can empathize.Crusoe's encounter with Friday, the native he rescues and befriends, further highlights his evolving character. Initially, he exhibits a sense of superiority and paternalism towards Friday, reflecting the colonial attitudes of his time. However, as their relationship develops, Crusoe begins to recognize Friday's inherent humanity and intelligence, ultimately treating him as an equal and a companion. This transformation speaks to Crusoe's capacity for growth and his ability to transcend the prejudices of his era, showcasing his openness to learning and personal development.Throughout his ordeal, Crusoe's resourcefulness and ingenuity are consistently on display. From constructing sheltersand tools to cultivating crops and domesticating animals, his ability to adapt and innovate in the face of adversity is truly remarkable. This practical, problem-solving mindset not only ensures his physical survival but also serves as a metaphor for his mental and emotional resilience, as he navigates the challenges of isolation and self-discovery.Ultimately, Crusoe's character arc is one of profound transformation. He begins as a restless and impulsive youth, driven by a thirst for adventure and a disregard for societal norms. Through his harrowing experiences on the island, he is forced to confront his own flaws, adapt to harsh realities, and ultimately emerge as a more introspective, resilient, and enlightened individual. His journey is a testament to the human capacity for growth, perseverance, and personal redemption, making。




鲁滨逊漂流记的人物评价1. 鲁滨逊可真是个勇敢的人啊!“我一定要活下去!”就像我那次一个人走夜路,心里害怕极了,但我想到鲁滨逊在荒岛上都那么勇敢,我也鼓起勇气向前走,他不就是勇敢的象征吗?2. 鲁滨逊是个超级有毅力的人呀!“我绝不放弃!”这让我想起我学骑自行车,摔倒了很多次,但一想到鲁滨逊面对那么多困难都不放弃,我也坚持继续练习,他的毅力真让人佩服!3. 哇,鲁滨逊真的很聪明呢!“我得想个办法。
”记得我那次搭积木,怎么都搭不好,后来我学着鲁滨逊那样开动脑筋想办法,还真成功了,他的智慧值得我们学习啊!4. 鲁滨逊是个坚强的人啊!“再难我也能挺过去!”就像我生病很难受的时候,想到鲁滨逊在那么恶劣的环境下都能坚强,我也告诉自己要坚强,他真的好厉害!5. 哎呀,鲁滨逊好有决心啊!“我一定要做成这件事!”这和我下决心要考个好成绩一样,有了决心就有动力,鲁滨逊就是这样有决心的人呀!6. 鲁滨逊真的很乐观呀!“总会好起来的。
”有次我比赛输了很沮丧,可一想到鲁滨逊总是那么乐观,我也重新振作起来,他这种精神太赞了!7. 鲁滨逊可真是个勤劳的人!“我得动手让这里变好。
”就像我帮妈妈做家务,虽然累但看到成果很开心,鲁滨逊不也是这样勤劳才让荒岛有了生机吗?8. 鲁滨逊真的很有耐心啊!“慢慢来,我可以的。
”我做作业有时候会不耐烦,可想想鲁滨逊做那么多事都那么有耐心,我是不是也该学学他呢?9. 鲁滨逊是个懂得感恩的人呀!“感谢这一切。
”我得到别人帮助会很感恩,鲁滨逊也是这样,对身边的一切心怀感激,他多棒啊!10. 鲁滨逊绝对是个有信念的人!“我相信我能做到。

关键词:《鲁滨逊漂流记》;典型形象;形象分析;人物性格中图分类号:i106 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1005-5312(2013)05-0103-01《鲁滨逊漂流记》是英国文学史上的第一部长篇小说,这部作品是笛福根据当时一位苏格兰水手塞尔柯克近乎传奇的经历写成。



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[鲁滨逊漂流记人物性格分析]专业:[英语专业] 班级:[英语1班]学生姓名:[**]指导教师:[**]完成时间:2022年4月27日An characteristic analysis of Robinson Crusoe Upon Robinson CrusoebyHu XueUnder the Supervision ofAssociate Prof. Niu MinA thesis submitted as partial requirement forThe final exam Guizhou Minzu UniversityGuiyang, Guizhou, ChinaJuly 2nd, 2015Contents Abstract (1)Ⅰ.Introduction (1)1.1.The back ground of work (1)1.2. The theory of Text Analysis (2)1.3. Introduction of the whole story and Daniel Defoe (2)Ⅱ.Literature Review (4)2.1. The present study of foreign scholars (4)2.2. The Significance of the research (4)Ⅲ.The analysis of the character of Robinson Crusoe (5)2.The positive aspects of the character of Robinson Crusoe (5)2.1 The character of determination (5)2.2. The character of individualism (5)2.3. The character of kindness (5)2.4. The character of hard working (6)2.5. The character of wisdom (6)3.The negative aspects of the character of Robinson Crusoe (6)3.1. Robinson Crusoe pays little attention to his family (6)3.2. Robinson Crusoe is vain (7)3.3. Robinson Crusoe likes to keep slave (7)4.The subtle psychological description (8)V.Conclusion (8)VI .Bibliography (9)An characteristic analysis of Robinson Crusoe upon Robinson Crusoe[Abstract]Robinson Crusoe, the renowned works written by Daniel Defoe, is the popular hero story in America. It is known to all that a man named Robinson Crusoe lives in a uninhabited island where is nothing just wild animal and uncertain future over twenty years. However, he gets over any dangers and final goes back. It is a sort of encouraged story to help people to go well in their lives. Daniel Defoe was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer and spy. He wrote more than five hundred books, pamphlets and journals on various topics (including politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology and the supernatural). He was also a pioneer of economic journalism. This essay is mainly to discuss Robinson Crusoe. The first part is to introduce the background of Robinson Crusoe,the famous writer Daniel Defoe,and the whole story. And at the second part, it is introduced to the character analysis of Robinson Crusoe.At the end of part ,it is mainly to do a conclusion for the whole essay.Key words: character; analysis; psychologyⅠ.Introduction1.1.The background of WorkRobinson Crusoe is the main representative work of the father of the American novel,Daniel Defoe.This novel is the most popular in his works.The book is based on a true story.In September 1704, a man named Alexander Selkirk, is a Scottish sailor due abandoned in South America by the captain due to the conflict with captain in the Atlantic Ocean the amphion South Devon Island, he spent four years and four months on the deserted island.In February 12, 1709, a American pulled him away from the island.Defoe was inspired by this,and write down the famous work.1.2. The Theory of Text AnalysisFrom the surface of the text to the depth of the text, text analysis refers to find out the deep meaning of the ordinary reading. There are three major methods used when do an analysis of a work----"New Criticism",Symbolic analysis,and Narrative analysis."New Criticism" is not only the basis of the method, but also very practical. That is to say,it is to do " detail read"from text in the language of the non daily use, such as "irony", "tension" . "Reading" has now become a basic skill during the text analysis."New Criticism"is very useful towards poetry ,short stories and text analysis, but for the novel, it is hard to express. With the help of narrative analysis ,it is easy to concentrate on the main points.Semiotics is actually a very broad concept, it refers to the most classic ,which is the most commonly used semiotic analysis method----Greimas's method, including matrix analysis and dynamic analysis. Of course, Roland Bart and Todorov come up with many other methods, however, whatever methods has the basic principle. The so-called "structural" analysis method is similar to this.Narrative analysis is mainly the story analysis, which is including Story sequences analysis, story type analysis, and analysis of narrative perspective, including the narrator's person, location, credibility; the voice of the narrator, narrative speed. Of course, narration is equally concerned about the characters of discourse analysis,it is said to the direct speech and indirect speech and free indirect speech. Because narrative semiotics are established on the basis of linguistics. Therefore, analyzing a novel like analysis of a sentence, equivalent of the characters in a subject, action figure, is equivalent to the predicate, and characters of quality is the equivalent of the attributive or adverbial.1.3. Introduction of the Whole Story and Daniel DefoeThe personal and typical imagine called Robinson is successfully created by Daniel Defoe. Robinson lived in a separated island for 28 years, after overwhelming all kinds of troubles, creating the wonderful legend of life, showing us the shining spots on his characters: breaking down current situation, following his heart to meet uncertainthings, making use of intelligent and doing well with labor and faithful.Robinson born a good middle-class family, his parents is Protestants,and devote to turn Robinson into a churchman in order to live without any sorrow. Yet Robinson always refuses the arrangement from his family for the irresistible power in the deepest mind because he want to go abroad to horizon his eyes. He runs away without any words to his parents. The first voyage, he suffers from big storm so that the ship is devoured by ocean, for the God blessing, he survived at this disaster. The second trip, he fortunately earned sums of wealth. On the contrary with second trip, he was caught by Moors, had the changing identify of himself,he became Moors’slaves. He pretended to follow master’s mind if an order is told, finally, the silly master trust him and more and more freedom are allowed. At a proper moment , he stolen ships of Moors,and get the help from the capital in a Spanish ship, in addition ,he had a good relationship with the kind and honest capital. After arriving Brazil, Robinson had the right for a manor for he bought it before. However, the steady condition can’t satisfy his desire, he went abroad again to do business of slaver. But this trip is out of his control, he suffers the great storm ,and is boxed up in a inhabited island, everything goes wrong, no house, no food, no clothes,no safety and what’s the worst, his body doesn’t work as usually. In this moment, the words “damn it”maybe express the feeling. If i am in that kind of worst condition, i would do died rather to face the unpromising future. To reader’s surprise , or not (serve for the plots), Robinson get up ,and create necessary goods. First step, to carry everything from the died ship support the basic want. There are the things, powder, wine , a little food, some of clothes and some tools, even pieces of the ship. What’s more, he create another food just like bread cooked with man-made and rough vessel. And a cave is as the house he live in order to protect himself from the wild animals and over-changing climate. Times goes so fast, 17years is over. Everything goes as Robinson’s mind. But the print of unknown human or inhuman came to his life. Mess of thoughts are full of his mind, and he couldn’t ignore it. One day , he found the truth that the print is left by several savages. By accident, he saved a wild man ,and named him Friday. This is the second part of this books.The third part of Robinson Crusoe, it is mainly related to the experience when he went back.Ⅱ.Literature ReviewThe representative work of Daniel Defoe,Robinson Crusoe,is constantly studied since its publication in 1719, for four hundred years, the domestic and foreign scholars have never stopped to pay attention to this work.2.1. The Present Study of Foreign ScholarsThe aspect of the works of the later writers and the influence of the readers. Shown Thomson ,the student of the University of Kansas,writes a doctoral dissertation in 2006: Fortress of American Solitude:Crusoe Topos in Nineteenth-Century American[1], the author holds that the 19th century American Fiction in the plot structure follows The adventure rich traditional theme of the Robinson Crusoe,which also has the big influence to the young people.An interpretation of the vision of the colonial and Post Colonial.To this kind of understanding is most obvious at the State University of New York at Edward Jonathan's master's thesis: “I Made Him Know His Name Should Be Friday”:Naming and Sexuality in Robinson Crusoe and Foe[2]. And Wolfram Michael Schmidgen ‘s master’s thesis: Possessive Worlds: Communities of Persons and Things in Eighteenth-Century British Fiction[3]. Edward thinks that Robinson is a typical male centrism and Eurocentric. According to Lacan's theory of psychological development model, author considers that the protagonist on the island, both to people or objects named are trying to avoid and women, by naming animals and plants and civilize the natives and put an end to contact with the female.2.2. The Significance of The ResearchCriticst do a study towards Robinson Crusoe from a multi angle, multi-level research, whether it is Robinson himself, or other characters,such as Friday. The purpose of this paper is from the positive aspects and negative aspects of the Robinson in Robinson Crusoe, and tries to sort out the character image of the works Lee Robinson the living is how to describe.Ⅲ.The Analysis of The Character of Robinson CrusoeThe purpose of this paper is from the positive aspects and negative aspects of the Robinson in Robinson Crusoe, and tries to sort out the character image of the works Lee Robinson the living is how to describe.2.The Positive Aspects of the Character of Robinson Crusoe2.1 The Character of DeterminationRobinson was born in a middle-class family, his parents ,the Protestants. He was arranged to obey the fate and became a lawyer. But the young man always want to brake out this, and to be a sailor. 19 years old, he runs away from, and begins his way to take adventure on a sea. In spite of many perils and adventurea on the sea, he never give up. It has been mentioned that the urge of seeking after the sea is the only aims for Robinson.2.2. The Character of Individualism.Defoe was born in a turbulent age, and the class was ignoring by nobility, and there was no huge wealth or relics from generations. The way to shining himself is to struggle and perfect himself to go upper. So the hero figure doesn’t come out by chance. Defoe sets his merits to the figure . The ideals of enlightenment endowed Robinson some progressive characters. The life of following his own heart and valued individual is coming and doing all the time. While in the middle age , human took the god as the core. Robinson was not willing to stick to the old doctrines and lived a life of leisure and ease. “my head began to be filled very early with rambling thoughts:my father, who was very ancient, had given me competent share of learning...and designed for the law, but I would be satisfied with nothing but go to sea...”His restless nature made him always fight for a better life and the things he wanted to possess: he went out to sea three times to do business, even after he had established his plantation in Brazil.2.3. The Character of KindnessFor this point, he has won people’s concern, respect and best wishes. We can find it between the lines of the book. He is really performing well. For example, when hefound that the savage wretches had come o the island to hold an inhuman feasting upon the bodies of their fellow creature, he was so astonished and filled with horror. From then on, he always thought about how he could destroy some of these monsters in their cruel bloody entertainment,and if possible, save the victims they brought to eat. He saved one victim, named Friday by him, who became a true and faithful companion later.2.4. The Character of HardworkingRobinson had shown his marvelous capacity for work, his boundless energy and persistence in overcoming obstacles. The realistic account of the successful struggle of Robinson single handedly against the pitiless forces nature makes up the best part of the novel. His perseverance in spending months making a canoe, and in practicing pottery making until he got it right, are praiseworthy. Additionally, he resourcefulness is in building a shelter, dairy.2.5. The Character of WisdomAfter the shipwreck in Robinson’s third voyage , he managed to land on the isolated island. Thanks to the education he received in the modern society and the goods he luckily got from the wrecked ship , especially the tools for production , he could then live on the island and remark it at his own will. When facing difficulties , Robinson not always prayed for the God’s blessing but used his wisdom and tools to fight all the obstacles off, and created a necessary and comfortable life for himself. He used full of his knowledge and learned more. In a word, believing that human could bend nature to his will by his wisdom and hard working, instead of relying on God, Robinson changed his miserable life.3.The Negative Aspects of the Character of Robinson CrusoeJust like the old saying goes, “coin has two sides.”. Robinson Crusoe also has his shortcoming in his character.3.1. Robinson Crusoe pays little Attention to his FamilyIn order to realize his dream, Robinson left his family, not considering much about the feeling of the family. As he told us, “I would be satisfied with nothing but go tosea, and my inclination to this led me strongly against the will, nay the commands of my father, and against all the entreaties and persuasion of my mother and other friends.” In the end he went out to sea without saying goodbye to his family. This , to me, is irresponsible, especially in modern society.3.2. Robinson Crusoe is VainRobinson Crusoe also had a sense of sense of vanity and weakness. After the first sea voyage failed, he had the thought of going home, shame opposed the action, “it occurred to me how I should be laughed at among the neighbors, and should e ashamed to see, not my father and mother only, but even everybody else.”On this point, I don’t agree with Robinson, for his so strong a sense of vanity. What is more, sometimes he was dull and lacking prediction of the results. Once he had an ideal plan to make himself a canoe, one big enough to have carried him and all his cargo. He thought it possible and easy, but interested in possessions, power and prestige. After the island was peopled, it turned out to be a mad plan and unlikely to be performed: he simply couldn’t think he was “very rich in subjects”, and he thought it was a “merry reflection” that “how like a king I looked.”he thought the whole country was my own.3.3. Robinson Crusoe likes to Keep SlavesDue to Robinson’s bourgeoisie outlook, he did have some limits of the bourgeoisie. For example, he supported slavery and thought it was a profitable trade. He was ridiculous on this point, that is, he who belie that man was born free and equal was even eager to own some slaves and direct them at his will. After many years of living on the island, he set to get one of those savages into his hands, the slave is called “Friday”. The first word he taught to Friday is “Master”even before teaching him the words “yes”and”no”,and let he know tha twas to be his name.4.The Subtle Psychological DescriptionThere are several description to the characters of Robinson. For example, the thoughts when he had illness firstly shows sickness can’t put him to the hell. On the condition of no medicine, serious weakness and no one with him,, the weakest body can’t make him to eat or drink, and in order to survive, he uses the tobacco to curehim whether it is useful for him. This is the nature of life. Suffering so serious pains from bodies, he got over and then got the experiences from what he gone. That is say, he is a man of never yield to anyone.What’s more, it is so impressed on me to the subtle psychological description. Just as the description, “In the middle of these cogitations ,apprehensions and reflection, it came into my thought one day, that all this might be a meer chimera of my own......and that if at last this was only the print of my own foot, I had played the part of those fools, who strive to make stories of spectres, and apparitions;and then are frightened at them more than anybody.” and the description, “As for the way which I proposed to myself to go in and out, for I left no avenue; it was by setting two ladders one to a part of the rock which was low, and then broke in ,and left room to place another ladder upon that...”. It is easily known that the character of Robinson is scrupulousness, thought out.Ⅳ.Conclusion:The whole essay is mainly talking about the content of Robinson Crusoe, which is a hero story and a sort of encouraging story, the analysis of Robinson Crusoe, the introduction of Daniel Defoe and awesome sentences and phrase which give the space to think over. I learned a lot of from the solution way when suffering sorrows--- just make a list for evil and good. There are not the end of the world, to hold a positive attitude to the world , the fate isn’t out of your control. To be, or not to be; that is a question. To be alive means to be care for yourself. The master of your fate is only you. What’s more, don’t put eyes on the currents, the world can give different and wonderful things to you. Different scenery will lead you to feel the magic of nature. And the diversities of natural or regional culture will attach your heart and guide you to touch the breath of country. The things what happen to you will change your mind and refresh yourself. So just to travel, if you’re boring for your current state.Reference:[1]Shawn, Thomas:Fortress of American Scolitude: the Crusoe Topos in Nineteenth-century America[D] University of Kansas,2006.[2] Jonathan, Edward “I Made Him Know His Name Should Be Friday”:Naming and Sexuality in “Robinson Crusoe” and “Foe”[D] State University of New York,2009.[3] Schmidgen, Wolfram Michael.Possessive Worlds:Communities of Persons and Things in Eighteenth-century British Fiction[D] The University of Chicago,1997. [4]Defoe,D. Robinson Crusoe[M].中国宇航出版社,2011年.。