
________公司签字:________姓名:________职务:________日期:________见证人签字:________姓名:________职务:________日期:________英文文本:PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMATDate :To :Dear Sirs,PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT NO:TITLE:________(Company Name)That in consideration of (hereinafter referred to as "NPOG") entering into a contract for the Construction, Commissioning and Handover of Field SurfaceFacilities.("CONTRACT") dated________ day-of________ ________with________ hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR (S)"'We, ________a company incorporated under the laws of ________with a principal business address at________(hereinafter referred to as " GUARANTOR") do hereby enter into the following undertakings with NPOG:(a) Guarantee full and complete performance of all obligations of CONTRACTOR(s) under the said CONTRACT and all change orders thereunder and amendments thereof which may subsepuently be duly executed by CONTRACTOR(s).(b) Should CONTRACTOR in any respect fail to perform the said obligations contained in the said CONTRACT or commits any breach thereof, we as GUARANTOR shall ourselves perform or take whatever steps as may be necessary to achieve performance of the obligations thereof, in accordance with terms of the said CONTRACT and the GUARANTOR shall assume any loss, damages, costs and expenses arising from the said failure or breach for which CONTRACTOR(s) may be made available thereunder;MUGLAD BASIN OIL DEVELOPMENT PROJEDTELELD SURFACE FACILITIES (FSF)CONTRACT NO:NPOG/30/98-163(c) we the GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from our undertakings hereunder by any waiver or forebearance by NPOG whether as to payment, time , performance, or otherwise.(d) In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligatinos of CONTRACTOR under the said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT.(e) For the purpose of this Guarantee and the said CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British Courts.(f) This Guarantee shall inure to the benefit of NPOG and its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the GUARANTOR and its successors and assigns.(g) This guarantee shall be effective as of the________ day of____________199_____.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTOR has caused this Guarantee to be duly executed by its authorized representative on this ____________day of____________199____________.For and on behalf:____________(Company)signature : ____________name :designation :WITNESSSignature: ____________Name: ____________Designation: ____________Date: ____________(二)国际工程履约保函格式(银行)致:________________公司,该公司执行________国家法律,注册办公地址为________(以下简称"NPOG")。

Sanctions Warranty and Indemnity Letter客户保函Airbill Number运单号…602269762………Shipment Date发件日期2016-2-4……[Customer Name/Company Name客户名称/公司名称__TOAVONE902 ZANBOR DARE ROSTAM, is hereby providing this Sanctions and Warranty Indemnity Letter pursuant to the UN Sanctions. 依照如下条款在此提供此保函。
1. Customer warrants that neither the receipt nor the delivery of the Shipment will expose DHLor their employees, servants, agents, insurers or reinsurers to any sanction, prohibition or penalty (or any risk of sanction, prohibition or penalty) whatsoever imposed by any state, country, international governmental organization or other relevant authority (collectively "Sanctions") by reason of the content of the Shipment, any insurance of the Shipment taken out by the Customer or any other person with an interest in the Shipment, the destination of the Shipment, the intended consignee of the Shipment or the purchaser or end user of the content of the Shipment, provided that such warranty shall not extend to any issues of non-compliance which result from any act, decision or omission by DHL (or its sub-contractors or any company engaged by DHL to transport the Shipment), other than where following the Customer's instructions.客户保证,快件的接收和递送均不会由于快件内容的原因,或者由于任何客户或任何其他与此票快件有利益关系的人为此票快件购买了保险的原因,或者由于发生在快件目的地的情况,或者由于预期收件人或快件内容的购买人/最终用户的原因,使DHL或其雇员,提供服务的相关方,代理,保险人或再保险人面临来自任何国家,地区,国际政府机构或其他相关权力机构的任何制裁,禁止令或处罚(或任何制裁,禁止令或处罚的风险)(统称为“制裁”)。

常用标准保函Appendix - Model FormsAnnex 1 EXAMPLE FORM OF PARENT COMPANYGUARANTEEBrief description of ContractName and address of Employer(together with successors and assigns).We have been informed that ________________(hereinafter called the “Contractor”) is submitting an offer for such Contract in response to your invitation, and that the conditions of your invitation require his offer to be supported by a parent company guarantee.In consideration of you, the Employer, awarding the Contract to the Contractor, we (name of parent company) ____________irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee to you, as a primary obligation, the due perfor mance of all the Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract, including the Contractor’s compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent and meaning.If the Contractor fails to so perform his obligations and liabilities and comply with the Contract, we will indemnify the Employer against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) which arise from any such failure for which the Contractor is liable to the Employer under the Contract.This guarantee shall come into full force and effect when the Contract comes into full force and effect. If the Contract does not come into full force and effect within a year of the date of this guarantee, or if you demonstrate that you do not intend to enter into the Contract with the Contractor, this guarantee shall be void and ineffective. This guarantee shall continue in full force and effect until all the Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract have been discharged, when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us, and our liability hereunder shall be discharged absolutely.This guarantee shall apply and be supplemental to the Contract as amended or varied by the Employer and the Contractor from time to time. We hereby authorise them to agree any such amendment or variation, the due performance of which and compliance with which by the Contractor are likewise guaranteed hereunder. Our obligations and liabilities under this guarantee shall not be discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the Employer to the Contractor, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the constitution of the Contractor or the Employer, or by any other matters, whether with or without our knowledge or consent.This guarantee shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other jurisdiction) as that which governs the Contract and any dispute under this guarantee shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. We confirm that the benefit of this guarantee may be assigned subject only to the provisions for assignment of the Contract.Date ___________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________参考译文附件1 母公司保函范例格式合同简要介绍雇主名称和地址(注明继承人和受让人) 我方已经得知,(以下称“承包商”)应你方邀请正在对上述合同提交报价,并且,你方邀请条件中要求其报价有母公司的保函支持。

保函中英文对照保函(Guarantee Letter)是一种在商业活动中常见的担保方式,它以书面形式对一方的债务承担进行保证。
一、保函的定义及种类保函(Guarantee Letter)是指银行或金融机构以书面形式向受益人作出担保承诺的文件。
保函分为两种类型:信用证保函(Letter of Credit Guarantee)和非信用证保函(Non-Letter of Credit Guarantee)。
二、保函的内容及重要条款保函由以下几个重要条款构成:1. 受益人信息(Beneficiary):保函中必须清楚指明受益人的名称、地址、联系方式等信息。
2. 保函的类型(Type of Guarantee):明确保函是履约保函、投标保函还是支付保函等,以确保受益人了解保函的具体用途。
3. 金额与币种(Amount and Currency):保函中应明确规定保函所涉及的金额和货币类型,以确保受益人能够按照约定得到相应的支付。
4. 有效期限(Validity Period):明确保函的有效期限,保函在有效期内才具备法律效力。
5. 担保责任(Liabilities):详细列明银行或金融机构对于保函所涉及的责任和义务。
6. 风险提示(Notice):保函中应明确说明风险提示内容,提醒受益人应注意的风险和注意事项。


银行借款保函致:受益人To: The beneficiary 保函编号Our Ref. No.出具日期Date:经通知ADVISED THROUGH_____敬启者Dear Sirs,我行第号不可撤消保函Our Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.根据贵方于年月日与(以下简称甲方)在地签署的第号贷款协议,应甲方的要求,我们特此开立以贵方为受益人的第号,金额不超过的不可撤消担保函。
With reference to the Loan Agreement No. _____ signed between your good selves and______ (hereinafter referred to as Party A) in place on date and at the request of Party A, we hereby establish in your favor an Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.______ for an amount not exceeding______ (in words).我们保证,在贵方向甲方提供了协议所规定的贷款后,甲方将在协议规定的期限内偿还贵方上述贷款及其按年利率百分之计算的利息。
We guarantee that, after you provide Party A with the loan as stipulated in the Agreement, they will repay you the principal as well as the interest accrued thereon at______ % p.a. within the time in accordance. with the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Should Party A fail to repay you the loaned amount plus interest wholly or partially within the time limit, we undertake to effect the aforesaid repayment plus interest on their behalf, after we have received from the advising bank within the validity of this L/G your written demand to be verified by Party A.本保函的担保金额将随甲方或我方已向贵方偿还的本息金额而同比例递减。

Bank GuaranteeFOR CONTRACT PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE BOND合同履约担保银行保函PROFORMA FOR PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE银行履约保函格式(TO BE ISSUED ON STAMP PAPER OF REQUIRED VALUE)(将按照要求值将保函在印花纸上开出)This Guarantee (“Guarantee”) made on this ____day of _________, 2011, by _________ registered under the laws of _________ having its head office at _________ and a branch office at ________ _________, hereinafter referred to as the “BANK” (which expression shall unless it be contradict to the context or meaning thereof mean and include its successors and assigns)本保函(“保函”)由_________银行制于2011年_________月____日,该银行依照印度尼西亚法律注册成立,银行总部位于_________及其________ _________分行,以下称作“银行”(除非与其语境和含义矛盾,否则该表述亦包括其继承者和指定人)。
IN FAVOUR OF:受益人:_________ _________a company registered under the law of _________ with its registered office at _________ _________ _________ _________, hereinafter referred to as the “BUYER” (which expression shall unless it be contradicted to the context or meaning thereof mean and include its successors and assigns)._________ _________该公司根依照_________法律注册,注册办公地点_________ _________ _________,以下称为“买方”(除非与其语境和含义矛盾,否则该表述亦包括其继承者和指定人)WHEREAS the BUYER has entered into a contract ref: ________ _________ _________ dated _________ _________, 2011 for supply and purchase of impor ted steam coal (hereinafter referred to as the “Coal”) on the terms and conditions mentioned therein, (the “Contract”) with _________ _________ _________, a company registered under the laws of _________ and having its Registered Office at _____________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "SELLER" which expression shall unless it be contradict to the context or meaning thereof, include its successors and assigns); AND WHEREAS it is a condition of the Contract that the SELLER shall provide a guarantee of a bank for a sum of US$ _________ (US Dollar _________ _________ Only) to the BUYER on or before ______________ to ensure the BUYER of the due and faithful performance of the entire Contract by the SELLER;鉴于买方与依照_________法律注册的注册办公地点位于_____________________________的_________ _________ _________公司(以下简称“卖方”,除非与其语境和含义矛盾,否则该表述亦包括其继承者和指定人),于2011年_________月_________日,签订了有关进口动力煤(以下称为“煤炭”)的采购与供应合同_______(以下称作“合同”),合同编号_________,遵照相关条款;并且合同中有规定,卖方应当在在2011年_________月_________日或之前向买方提供金额为US$ _________(_________美元整)的银行担保,以向买方确保卖方可以适当的并且忠实的履行整个合同;并且AND WHEREAS the Bank under instructions from the SELLER has agreed to give in favor of the BUYER this Guarantee for payment of the said Guaranteed Amount on demand, without demur, as hereinafter appearing.还鉴于银行按照卖方的说明,已经同意以买方为受益人给出保函,以便在今后违约出现时一经要求就支付上述担保金额,并且不持异议。

LOAN GUARANTEETo:(Name and Address of Beneficiary) (Hereinafter referred to as the “Lender”)Date :(Issuing Date)No.:(Guarantee Number)Referring to the Loan Agreement dated (Date Of The Agreement), (hereinafter referred to as the Loan Agreement) between you and (Name Of The Borrower), (hereinafter referred to as the Borrower), we hereby issue this Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee in favor of yourselves.We, BANK OF ZHENGZHOU CO.,LTD, (Address Of The Bank) (hereinafter referred to as the “Guarantor”), hereby irrevocably guarantee the punctual payment for the principal amount (Amount In Figures) (say: Amount In Words) plus interest accrued from the aforesaid principal amount (such interest to be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement), and relevant banking charges payable by the Borrower in accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement . We shall, within (Agreed Number Of Days) business days after receipt of your written demand, pay the amount stated in such demand in (Name Of The Currency). The guaranteed sums will be reduced correspondingly as and when payments thereof are made by the Borrower pursuant to the Loan Agreement or by the Guarantor.Any amendment or modification of, consent or, extension or renewal with respect to the Loan Agreement could only be made at our prior written consent.We hereby consent that the Lender may at any time assign its rights and benefits hereunder or parts thereof to any one or more banks or financial institutions at our prior written consent.Each notice and communication hereunder shall be made in the English language and shall be made in writing by telex, SWIFT or letter. Each notice or communication shall be deemed duly given or made when dispatched (in the case of letter) or when dispatched and the appropriate answerback received (in the case of telex or swift), at the address or telex number specified herein or to such other address as you may from time to time designate in writing. All notices to us shall be sent to (Address Of The Guarantor).This Letter of Guarantee shall become effective on the date hereof and expire on the earliest of (i) expire date; (ii) the time when all payments and other amounts due under the Loan Agreement have been paid in full; (iii) the time when there is no amount remaining payable under this Loan Guarantee. Any claim for payment under this Letter of Guarantee must be received by us at our office on or before (Agreed Date).This Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees (URDG)2010 revision, ICC Publication No.758.BANK OF ZHENGZHOU CO.,LTD。

偿还贷款保函致:To:号码Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.鉴于你方向借款人提供了一笔贷款,我行特此为借款人出具本保函并保证如下:In consideration of your making a loan available to the Borrower _____ we hereby issue this guarantee for the account of the Borrower and agree as follows:1.我行在此无条件地不可撤消地保证,借款人在贷款到期或发生加速还款或其他情况下,按时偿还贷款协议(包括经我行书面同意的对该协议的修改和补充)项下现时或将来的到期款项。
保证金额最高不超过_____ 美元(即贷款本金加利息的110%)。
1. We hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee to make repayment on time (the due and punctual payment—1) up to the amount of USD_____ (110% of the principal plus accrued interest) which is or may become repayable ( payable —2 ) by the Borrower under the Loan Agreement between the Lender and the Borrower which shall include all subsequent amendments and supplements made to the Loan Agreement (the Loan Agreement as amended or supplemented from time to time —3) with our consent in writing, whether at maturity or upon acceleration or otherwise. If the Borrower fails to repay (pay —4) any such sumwhen due, we shall pay you the amount on the date of our receipt of your claim in writing. Any statement signed by your duly authorized officer that gives (setting out —5) details and the due date of any such claim shall be conclusive and binding on us except in the case of manifest error.2.本保函自开立之日起生效,直至_____ (贷款协议到期后6个月)失效。

投标保函模板中英文对照Form of Bid Security (Bank Guarantee)__________________________ [Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office] Beneficiary: __________________________ [Name and Address of Employer]Date: __________________________BID GUARANTEE No.: __________________________We have been informed that __________________________ [name of the Bidder] (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submitted to you its bid dated ___________ (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the execution of ________________ [name of contract] under Invitation for Bids No. ___________ (“the IFB”).Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bid guarantee.At the request of the Employer, we ____________________ [name of Bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of ___________ [amount in figures] (____________) [amount in words] upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bid conditions, because the Bidder: (a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Form of Bid; or(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Employer during the period of bid validity, (i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form, if required, or (ii) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with ITB 50.This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt of copies of the contract signed by theBidder and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of the Bidder; and (b) if the Bidder is not the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy your notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) twenty-eight days after the expiration of the Bidder’s bid. Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on or before that date.This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 458._____________________________[signature(s)]投标保函的格式(银行保函)__________________________ [银行名称, 以及发行部门,机构的地址] 受益人: __________________________ [业主名称和地址]日期:__________________________投标保函编号: __________________________我们被已经告知,________________________ [投标人姓名](以下简称“投标人“ )为执行________________(合同名称)于_____日期向你方提交投标(以下简称“投标”),招标编号___________ (以下简称” IFB “ )。


TheDemandforPaymentshallbeinwritingandsetouttheamountclaimed,affixedwithyourcompanychopandsignedbyyourlegal representative(principalofficer)orauthorizedrepresentative;(二)索赔通知必须同时附有:1.一项书面声明,声明索赔款项并未由保函申请人或其代理人直接或间接地支付给你方;2.证明保函申请人违反上述合同或协议约定而未向你方退还预付款以及有责任支付你方索赔金额的证据。

常用标准保函Appendix - Model FormsAnnex 1 EXAMPLE FORM OF PARENT COMPANY GUARANTEEBrief description of ContractName and address of Employer(together with successors and assigns).We have been informed that ________________(hereinafter called the “Contractor”)is submitting an offer for such Contract in response to your invitation, and thatthe conditions of your invitation require his offer to be supported by a parent company guarantee.In consideration of you, the Employer, awarding the Contract to the Contractor,we (name of parent company) ____________irrevocably and unconditionally guaranteeto you, as a primary obligation, the due performance of all the Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract, including the Contractor’s compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent and meaning.If the Contractor fails to so perform his obligations and liabilities and comply with the Contract, we will indemnify the Employer against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) which arise from any such failure for which the Contractor is liable to the Employer under the Contract.This guarantee shall come into full force and effect when the Contract comes intofull force and effect. If the Contract does not come into full force and effect within a year of the date of this guarantee, or if you demonstrate that you do not intend to enter into the Contract with the Contractor, this guarantee shall be voidand ineffective. This guarantee shall continue in full force and effect until allthe Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract have been discharged, when this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us, and our liability hereunder shall be discharged absolutely.This guarantee shall apply and be supplemental to the Contract as amended or variedby the Employer and the Contractor from time to time. We hereby authorise them to agree any such amendment or variation, the due performance of which and compliance with which by the Contractor are likewise guaranteed hereunder. Our obligationsand liabilities under this guarantee shall not be discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the Employer to the Contractor, or by any variation or suspension of the works to be executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the constitution of the Contractor or the Employer,or by any other matters, whether with or without our knowledge or consent.This guarantee shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other jurisdiction) as that which governs the Contract and any dispute under this guarantee shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of theInternational Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with such Rules. We confirm that the benefit of this guarantee may be assigned subject only to the provisions for assignment of the Contract.Date ___________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________参考译文附件1 母公司保函范例格式合同简要介绍雇主名称和地址(注明继承人和受让人)我方已经得知, (以下称“承包商”)应你方邀请正在对上述合同提交报价,并且,你方邀请条件中要求其报价有母公司的保函支持。

PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FORMATDate :To :Dear Sirs,PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE FOR CONTRACT NO:TITLE:________(Company Name)That in consideration of (hereinafter referred to as "XXX") entering into a contract for the Construction, Commissioning and Handover of Field SurfaceFacilities.("CONTRACT") dated________ day-of________ ________with________ hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR (S)"'We, ________a company incorporated under the laws of ________with a principal business address at________(hereinafterreferred to as " GUARANTOR") do hereby enter into the following undertakings with XXX:(a) Guarantee full and complete performance of all obligations of CONTRACTOR(s) under the said CONTRACT and all change orders thereunder and amendments thereof which may subsepuently be duly executed by CONTRACTOR(s).(b) Should CONTRACTOR in any respect fail to perform the said obligations contained in the said CONTRACT or commits any breach thereof, we as GUARANTOR shall ourselves perform or take whatever steps as may be necessary to achieve performance of the obligations thereof, in accordance with terms of the said CONTRACT and the GUARANTOR shall assume any loss, damages, costs and expenses arising from the said failure or breach for which CONTRACTOR(s) may be made available thereunder;MUGLAD BASIN OIL DEVELOPMENT PROJEDTELELD SURFACE FACILITIES (FSF)CONTRACT NO:XXX/30/98-163(c) we the GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from our undertakings hereunder by any waiver or forebearance by XXX whether as to payment, time , performance, or otherwise.(d) In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligatinos of CONTRACTOR under the said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT.(e) For the purpose of this Guarantee and the said CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British Courts.(f) This Guarantee shall inure to the benefit of XXX and its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the GUARANTOR and its successors and assigns.(g) This guarantee shall be effective as of the________ day of ____________199_____.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTOR has caused this Guarantee to be duly executed by its authorized representative on this ____________day of____________199____________.For and on behalf:____________(Company)signature : ____________name :designation :WITNESSSignature: ____________Name: ____________Designation: ____________Date: ____________(二)国际工程履约保函格式(银行)致:________________公司,该公司执行________国家法律,注册办公地址为________(以下简称"XXX")。

质量保函Warranty Guarantee保函编号:Reference No.签发日期Date :致:[填入受益人公司名称]TO: [Beneficiary’s Name]敬启者,Dear Sirs,本保函是为[填入卖方名称](以下简称“卖方”1)与贵公司于[填入合同日期]第[填入合同编号]号合同(以下简称“合同”)提供的维修保函。
我行,即渣打银行(中国)有限公司xx分行(以下称“我行”),愿就卖方履行上述合同约定的质量保证或维修义务向贵公司提供如下保函:This guarantee is provided in connection with [underlying contract name] (the “Contract”) dated [ ] with reference number [ ] entered into between [Seller’s Name] (“Seller”) and you. We, Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited ________ Branch (“We”, “Our”, or “us”) hereby undertake to provide the guarantee as follows in terms of Seller’s warranty or maintenance of its obligation under the Contract.一、保函金额:累计不超过:[填入大写币种、金额] 。
A. Guarantee Amount: in total not exceeding an amount of [please specify the sum and currency] (say in words: _____________). Multi-withdraw ✍allowed;✍not allowed.二、贵公司向我行提交的书面索赔通知应当声明贵公司索赔是由于卖方未履行下述任何一项合同义务而导致贵公司的损失,该损失并未由卖方或其代理人以其他方式直接或间接地支付给贵公司:a.未遵守其作出的产品或工程质量承诺b.未能进行维修c.未能支付因修理、更换而产生的费用d.其他事由B. Requirement for demand should be in written and shall be supported by a statement indicating the demand is due to the Seller’s failure to perform any of following obligations under the1按照PPG的规定,母公司可以为子公司在基础交易项下的义务向银行申请开立相关保函,此时母公司应当作为指示方填写保函开立申请书,子公司应当作为卖方被体现在保函文本中。

致:To:号码Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No.鉴于你方向借款人提供了一笔贷款,我行特此为借款人出具本保函并保证如下:In consideration of your making a loan available to the Borrower _____ we hereby issue this guarantee for the account of the Borrower and agree as follows:1.我行在此无条件地不可撤消地保证,借款人在贷款到期或发生加速还款或其他情况下,按时偿还贷款协议(包括经我行书面同意的对该协议的修改和补充)项下现时或将来的到期款项。
保证金额最高不超过_____ 美元(即贷款本金加利息的110%)。
1. We hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee to make repayment on time (the due and punctual payment1) up to the amount of USD_____ (110% of the principal plus accrued interest) which is or may become repayable ( payable 2 ) by the Borrower under the Loan Agreement between the Lender and the Borrower which shall include all subsequent amendments and supplements made to the Loan Agreement (the Loan Agreement as amended or supplemented from time to time 3) with our consent in writing, whether at maturity or upon acceleration or otherwise. If the Borrower fails to repay (pay 4) any such sum when due, we shall pay you the amount on the date of our receipt of your claim in writing. Any statement signed by your duly authorized officer that gives (setting out 5) details and the due date of any such claim shall be conclusive and binding on us except in the case of manifest error.2.本保函自开立之日起生效,直至_____ (贷款协议到期后6个月)失效。

具体保证如下:1. 货物包装:我方将确保所有货物按照国际标准进行包装,以防止在运输过程中的损坏。
2. 货物装卸:我方承诺在货物装卸过程中采取一切必要措施,确保货物安全,避免任何形式的损害。
3. 运输工具:我方将使用符合安全标准的运输工具,并定期进行维护和检查,以确保运输工具的可靠性。
4. 运输监控:我方将对货物运输过程进行实时监控,确保货物在运输过程中的安全。
5. 应急预案:我方已制定完善的应急预案,以应对可能发生的任何货物运输安全事故。
6. 保险:我方将为贵方货物投保适当的运输保险,以覆盖运输过程中可能出现的风险。
7. 责任承担:如因我方原因导致货物在运输过程中发生损失或损害,我方将承担相应的赔偿责任。
保证方(盖章):日期:Cargo Transportation Safety Guarantee LetterWe hereby guarantee that we will strictly comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and international cargo transportation safety standards to ensure the safety of your cargo during transportation. The specific guarantees are as follows:1. Cargo Packaging: We will ensure that all cargo is packaged according to international standards to prevent damage during transportation.2. Cargo Handling: We commit to taking all necessary measures during the loading and unloading process to ensure the safety of the cargo and avoid any form of damage.3. Transportation Vehicles: We will use transportation vehicles that meet safety standards and regularly maintain and inspect them to ensure the reliability of the transportation vehicles.4. Transportation Monitoring: We will monitor the cargo transportation process in real-time to ensure the safety of the cargo during transportation.5. Emergency Plan: We have developed a comprehensive emergency plan to respond to any cargo transportation safetyincidents that may occur.6. Insurance: We will insure your cargo with appropriate transportation insurance to cover the risks that may arise during transportation.7. Liability: If the cargo is damaged or lost during transportation due to our reasons, we will assume the corresponding compensation liability.This guarantee letter shall take effect from the date of signature and stamp by both parties and remain valid until the cargo is safely delivered to the destination.Guarantor (Stamp):Date:```。
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常用标准保函Appendix - Model FormsAnnex 1 EXAMPLE FORM OF PARENT COMPANY GUARANTEEBrief description of ContractName and address of Employer(together with successors and assigns).We have been informed that ________________(hereinafter called the “Contractor”) is submitting an offer for such Contract in response to your invitation, and that the conditions of your invitation require his offer to be supported by a parent company guarantee.In consideration of you, the Employer, awarding the Contract to the Contractor, we (name of parent company) ____________irrevocably and unconditionally guarantee to you, as a primary obligation, the due performance of all the Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under the Contract, including the Contractor’s compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent and meaning.If the Contractor fails to so perform his obligations and liabilities and complywith the Contract, we will indemnify the Employer against and from all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) which arisefrom any such failure for which the Contractor is liable to the Employer underthe Contract.This guarantee shall come into full force and effect when the Contract comesinto full force and effect. If the Contract does not come into full force and effect within a year of the date of this guarantee, or if you demonstrate thatyou do not intend to enter into the Contract with the Contractor, this guarantee shall be void and ineffective. This guarantee shall continue in full force and effect until all the Contractor’s obligations and liabilities under theContract have been discharged, when this guarantee shall expire and shall bereturned to us, and our liability hereunder shall be discharged absolutely.This guarantee shall apply and be supplemental to the Contract as amendedor varied by the Employer and the Contractor from time to time. We herebyauthorise them to agree any such amendment or variation, the due performance of which and compliance with which by the Contractor are likewise guaranteed hereunder. Our obligations and liabilities under this guarantee shall not be discharged by any allowance of time or other indulgence whatsoever by the Employer to the Contractor, or by any variationor suspension of the works to be executed under the Contract, or by any amendments to the Contract or to the constitution of the Contractor or the Employer, or by any other matters, whether with or without our knowledge orconsent.This guarantee shall be governed by the law of the same country (or other jurisdiction) as that which governs the Contract and any dispute under this guarantee shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration of theInternational Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators appointed inaccordance with such Rules. We confirm that the benefit of this guarantee may be assigned subject only to the provisions for assignment of the Contract.Date ___________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________参考译文附件1 母公司保函范例格式合同简要介绍雇主名称和地址(注明继承人和受让人)我方已经得知,(以下称“承包商”)应你方邀请正在对上述合同提交报价,并且,你方邀请条件中要求其报价有母公司的保函支持。
签名日期Annex 2 EXAMPLE FORM OF TENDER SECURITYBrief description of ContractName and address of Beneficiary(whom the tender documents define as the Employer)We have been informed that ____________ (hereinafter called the “Principal”) is submitting an offer for such Contract in response to your invitation, and thatthe conditions of your invitation (the “conditions of invitation”, which are set out in a document entitled Instructions to Tenderers) require his offer to be supported by a tender security.At the request of the Principal, we (name of bank) _________________ hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you, the Beneficiary/Employer, any sum or sumsnot exceeding in total the amount of _______________ (say:________________ ) uponreceipt by us of your demand in writing and your written statement (in the demand) stating that:(a)the Principal has, without your agreement, withdrawn his offer afterthe latest time specified for its submission and before the expiry of itsperiod of validity, or(b)the Principal has refused to accept the correction of errors in his offerin accordance with such conditions of invitation, or(c)you awarded the Contract to the Principal and he has failed to complywith sub-clause 1.6 of the Conditions of Contract, or(d)you awarded the Contract to the Principal and he has failed to complywith sub-clause 4.2 of the Conditions of Contract.Any demand for payment must contain your signatures(s) which must be authenticated by your bankers or by a notary public. The authenticated demand and statement must be received by us at this office on or before (the date 35 days after the expiry of the validity of the Letter of Tender) ___________________ When this guarantee shall expire and shall be returned to us.This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, published as number 458 by the International Chamber of Commerce, exceptas stated above.Date ___________________ Signature(s) _____________________________________参考译文附件2 投标保函范例格式合同简要介绍受益人名称和地址(即招标文件定义的雇主)我们已经得知(以下称“委托人”)应你方邀请正在对以上合同提交报价,并且,你方邀请条件(“邀请条件”,在名为“投标人须知”的文件中列出)中要求其报价有投标保函作为支持。