
Visual Basic程序设计实验CAI系统使用说明书一、实验模块操作说明当程序安装后,在“开始/程序”中就建立了一个“VB程序设计实验CAI系统”的快捷方式。
启动后系统的用户界面如图1.1所示:图1.1 程序用户主界面当学生输入学号(学号是给序的学生上机的唯一标识,系统将在指定的工作盘(D:或E:在系统配置文件Config.fg指定)的Vbsy01\文件夹中建立以学号为名建立一文件夹,学生操作后将其程序文件保存到该文件夹中)。
按回车或单击确定,即进入程序的主控模块,如图1.2所示:图1.2 主界面本系统分为两大模块:一是实验模块,主要用于学生在初步入门阶段,循序渐进的学习。
图1.3 选择实验内容单击主界面上的实验-X进入实验模块,如选择“实验四循环结构程序设计”,就会出现该类实验问题的一系列实验题目,界面如图1.4所示。
图1.4 循环结构程序设计实验界面“操作实例”由精心设计的两个以上的上机操作实例组成,每一个实例都列出了比较具体的操作步骤、程序代码及必要的分析和注释说明,力求给读者一个操作示范,使读者通过这些例子能够加深对实验内容的理解和掌握,培养读者实际编程能力。

实验室信息管理系统操作手册v.0目录.引言 (1)..编写目的 (1).2.适用范围 (1).3.参考档 (1).4.运行环境 (1)2.系统综述 (2)2..系统简介 (2)2...系统目的.. (2)2..2.系统内容 (2)2..3.系统成果 (3)2.2.系统用途 (3)2.3.系统性能 (4)2.4.流程概述 (4)3.操作说明 (5)3..公共操作 (5)3...访问系统的URL地址. (5)3..2.系统登录 (5)3..3.系统主菜单简介 (5)3..4.个人资料管理 (6)3..5.退出登录 (6)3.2.业务流程(业务人员) (7)3.2..客户资料 (7)3.2.2.信息管理 (10)3.2.3.现场管理 (13)3.2.4.检测方案(方案编写) (13)3.2.5.预算管理 (16)3.2.6.合同管理 (18)3.2.7.项目管理 (20)3.2.8.任务管理 (20)3.3.业务流程配置介绍 (21)3.3..分析项目.....................................................错误!未定义书签。


Study on Virtual Simulation Experiment System of Fire Escape and Emergency EvacuationWenqi Zeng 1 and Fengtao Hao 2,*1 Teachers’ College of Beijing Union University 2Teachers’ College of Beijing Union University *Corresponding author. Email:ABSTRACTOnce the fire accident happens, it will seriously threaten people's lives. So it is very important to learn how to deal with dangerous situation. However, it is impossible to directly acquire the experience of fire escape and emergency evacuation by repeatedly experiencing the real situation of fire accident. So it is difficult to carry out practical teaching of fire-related knowledge. In this paper, a virtual simulation experiment system is constructed to reproduce the virtual scenes of fire accident and establish the virtual environment for fire escape and evacuation drills. The system provides learners with an intuitive learning method and creates an immersive real experience environment, so as to enhance their ability to cope with emergencies.Keywords: Virtual simulation, Fire evacuation, Experiment teaching, Open sharing.1. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF VIRTUAL SIMULATION EXPERIMENT OF FIRE ESCAPE AND EMERGENCY EVACUATIONOnce the fire accident happens, it will seriously threaten people's life. People need to know how to deal with fire hazards, learn to escape quickly and evacuate in an emergency. However, due to the particularity and danger of fire accidents, it is difficult for the public to gain practical learning experience through personal experience in real life. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study and apply the corresponding virtual simulation experiment system.The fire environment can be simulated and realized in the experimental system. Fire escape scene is usually difficult to reproduce in real practice, and due to the limitations of space, the on-site escape drills cannot be repeated for many times. What's more, the skills learned in the occasional escape drill may not translate into the right actions in a crisis situation, especially when you face a real fire.Therefore, the self-rescue process of fire escape can be presented through virtual simulation technology, which can solve this problem well. In the virtual simulation system, complex building environments can be constructed, in which people are crowded and it isdifficult to evacuate and escape in case of fire. The system can guide the experimenters to adapt to the unfamiliar environment quickly, protect their own "safety" and organize evacuation at the same time. Also, relevant experiments can be set up for special experimenters. In addition to fire escape self-rescue, the virtual simulation experiment of emergency evacuation is mainly aimed at some specific occupation, such as teachers, security personnel, building administrators and so on. For example, it is more important and difficult for teachers to organize the students to evacuate than personal safety in a fire accident. However, in a real fire emergency evacuation drill, a large number of people are involved, so repeated training and drills are not allowed.By adopting virtual simulation technology, the fire scene and crowd can be presented virtually, and the virtual environment of escape drill and emergency evacuation can be created, so as to create an immersive teaching and training environment and provide an intuitive and effective learning means for participants. The integration of virtual simulation technology and education can better meet the practical needs of science education curriculum, and it is also a comprehensivetraining of practical ability to deal with emergencies.Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Diversified Education and Social Development (DESD 2021)2. TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE OF VIRTUAL SIMULATION EXPERIMENT SYSTEM FOR FIRE ESCAPE AND EMERGENCY EVACUATIONThe operation of the virtual simulation experiment projects for fire escape and emergency evacuation relies on the support of the open virtual simulation experiment teaching management platform. Based on computer simulation technology, multimedia technology and network technology, the platform adopts service- oriented software architecture, integrates physical simulation, innovative design, intelligent guidance, automatic correction and teaching management. Therefore, it is a great virtual experimental teaching platform with good autonomy, strong interactivity and expansibility.The specific experimental project is seamlessly connected with the management platform through the data interface to ensure that users can access the project through the browser at anytime and anywhere. Besides, various user-oriented functions provided by the platform are utilized to strengthen the open service capability of the experimental project, improve the open service effect and realize independent experiments.The overall architecture of the virtual simulation experiment teaching management platform is as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 The overall architecture of the system The overall architecture of the experimental system is divided into five layers, each of which provides services for the upper layer to complete the construction of specific virtual experimental teaching environment. The specific functions of each layer are as follows: 2.1. Data LayerThe virtual simulation experiments of fire escape and emergency evacuation involves various types of virtual experiment components and data. The system includes the basic elements library, experimental courses library, typical experiments library, standard answers library, rules library, experimental data and users’ information o f the virtual experiments and so on for the storage and management of the relevant data. 2.2. Support LayerAs the core framework of virtual simulation experiment system, the support layer is the basis for the normal open operation of experimental projects and is responsible for the operation, maintenance and management of the entire system. The supporting platform includes the following functional subsystems: security management, service container, data management, resource management and monitoring, domain management, inter-domain information service, etc.2.3. General Service LayerThe general service layer provides the user interface of the open virtual simulation experiment system and the general support components of the virtual experiment teaching environment, so that users can quickly complete the virtual simulation experiment in the virtual experiment environment. General services include experiment educational administration, experiment teaching management, the theory knowledge learning, experiment resource management, intelligent guidance, interactive communication, automatic correction function, experiment report management, teaching effect evaluation, open and shared modules, etc. The general service layer also provides the relevant integrated interface tools, so that the system can integrate the third-party virtual experiment software to carry out unified management.2.4. Simulation LayerThe simulation layer mainly creates models of experimental equipment, constructs the experiment scene, develops the virtual instrument, and provides the universal emulator. Finally, it provides the formatted output of experimental data for the upper layer.2.5. Application LayerBased on the services provided by the underlying layers, finally the virtual simulation experiment project of fire escape and emergency evacuation is taught and shared in the application layer. The application layer of the framework has good expansibility. Accordingtoteaching needs, teachers can design various typical experimental examples by using various tools provided by the service layer and corresponding equipment models provided by the simulation layer, and finally carry out experimental teaching for schools.3. PRINCIPLE AND PROCESS OF VIRTUAL SIMULATION EXPERIMENT OF FIRE ESCAPE AND EMERGENCY EVACUATIONIn the experiments of fire escape and emergency evacuation virtual simulation, the modern information technology is used to promote the reform of experiment teaching, which applied immersive, problem-based, interactive, autonomous and reflective teaching methods. So as to improve the ability of innovation, active learning and self-reflection for experiment participants.3.1. The Purpose of the Experiments(1) To virtualize the unrealizable real fire environment, intuitively feel the fearfulness and severity of fire, and conduct safety education for the experiment participants.(2) To make the experiment participants experience the danger of fire firsthand and improve their safety awareness.(3) To improve the ability of the experiment participants to respond to fire, rescue themselves and organize evacuation.(4) To make the experiment participants master the use of fire extinguishers and other equipment, so as to reduce the experimental cost.3.2. The Teaching Knowledge Points of the Experiments(1) Personal safety knowledge and fire escape knowledge.(2) Equipment operation knowledge.(3) The design of escape route and the choice of escape method.(4) The design of evacuation plan.(5) Escape skills and evacuation under the condition of not serious fire.(6) High-rise building escape skills and evacuation.(7) Escape skills and evacuation in heavy smoke.(8) Safety education of fire disaster 3.3. The Implementation Process of the ExperimentsOn the simulation platform, the virtual simulation experiment teaching will set up five parts including preview, demonstration, learning, assessment and report.Preview Module: similar to experimental textbooks with experimental purposes, principles, operating steps, precautions, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to preview before conducting experiments.Demonstration Module: including the learning video of the whole process of standard operation, which is convenient for the experiment participants to quickly understand the experimental content as a whole.Learning Module: human-computer interaction can guide the experiment participants to complete the whole experiment step by step with the help of relevant prompts.Assessment Module: conducting the operation test without any prompt and the system will give the score automatically after the assessment.Report Module: After the completion of the assessment, the experimental report should be written, including the experimental purpose, principle, process, conclusion, and evaluation and suggestions for the experiment, and should be submitted to the teacher for review.3.4. Methods and Procedures of the ExperimentsThe simulation training of fire escape and emergency evacuation are constructed through simulation experiments. The experimental project recreates the scene of fire scene by 3d simulation technology and the experiment participants can carry out interactive operation in the whole scene to complete the experiment. The procedures of the experiments areshown in Figure2.Figure 2 Procedures of the Experiments4. FEATURES OF EXPERIMENTAL TEACHINGPROJECTS4.1. Diversified Teaching MethodsThe project follows the experimental teaching idea of teaching orientation, subject integration and innovative practice. Through the implementation of experiential immersion teaching method, the participants can master the escape skills in the event of fire and improve their emergency response ability, organization and coordination ability and comprehensive practice ability in the process of immersive experience, problem discrimination, interactive exercise, autonomous design and reflective evaluation.4.2. Obvious Teaching EffectsThis immersive teaching method can stimulate the learning interest of the experimental participants, deepen the knowledge experience of fire, improve the emergency response ability, and enhance the efficiency and ability of learning. The experimental method can also cultivate the habit of active learning and the ability to find, analyze, solve problems and think creatively. 4.3. Evaluation System4.3.1. Error Correction and FeedbackIn the normative practice of the project, the system will automatically prompt and correct the error when the operation is wrong. The experiment teacher can design the experiment independently, and the system automatically records the experiment process and operation steps throughout the whole process. The experiment participants can look back at their own operation records, prompting them to develop the habit of standardized practice and active thinking.4.3.2. Evaluation and ReflectionIn the assessment link, the system will automatically generate records and scores that can be traced back to the experimental process, so as to evaluate the operation of the experimental participants. The system carries out multi-dimensional assessment on the operation times, operation time, interactive operation points, etc. In addition, the theoretical knowledge of the experimental subjects is assessed through the experimental report, thus forming a comprehensive evaluation system that combines theory with practice, process and summative evaluation.4.4. The Extension and Development of Traditional TeachingSimulation system provides participants with high simulation of the virtual experiment environment, solving a series of problems, such as the risk of fire, lack of real environment, the limited experimental site, etc. which saves the cost of experiment teaching and extends the traditional laboratory with fixed class time to the network virtual laboratory and 24 hours online classroom in the air, so as to use modern information technology to extend the depth and breadth of the experimental content.5. CONCLUSIONThe Virtual Simulation Experiment System of Fire Escape and Emergency Evacuation reproduce the virtual scenes of fire accident and establish the virtual environment for fire escape and evacuation drills. So the system provides learners with an intuitive learning method and creates an immersive real experience environment, so as to enhance their ability to cope with emergencies.REFERENCES[1] Fuquan Zhu, Liping Yang, The Application ofVirtual Reality Technology in Fire Science, in: Science and Technology Innovation Herald, 2018, 15(09), pp:146-149.[2] Dechuang Zhou, Study on Fire ScenarioComputation and Simulation Based on Virtual Reality Platform, in: University of Science and Technology of China, 2009.[3] Weiguo Wang, Construction Consideration andSuggestion of Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center, in: Research and Exploration in Laboratory, 2013, 32(12), pp:5-8 [4] Yunming Zhang, Lei Chen, Fire Fighting andRescue Training System Based on Virtual Reality Technology, in: Fire Science and Technology, 2010, 29 (11) , pp:996-998.[5] Weiguo Wang, Jinhong Hu, Hong Liu, CurrentSituation and Development of Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching of Overseas Universities, in: Research and Exploration in Laboratory, 2015, 34(05), pp:214-219[6] Ling Jiang, Xiaolu Liu, Yingqi Wang, A briefanalysis in the current development of fire computer simulation technology, in: Fire Science and Technology, 2009, 28 (3) , pp:156-159。

A E2000B1型过程控制实验系统使用手册系统说明书目录第一章硬件系统 (3)1.1系统主要特点 (4)1.2实验对象组成结构 (5)1.2.1 检测装置 (6)1.2.2 执行装置 (8)1.3控制台组成结构 (9)1.3.1 电源和I/O信号面板 (9)1.3.2 智能调节仪面板 (10)1.3.3 远程数据采集模块ICP-7017、ICP-7024面板 (13)1.3.4 S7200PLC模块面板 (15)1.3.5 流量积算变送仪面板 (21)1.3.6 变频器面板 (22)1.4RS-485接口转换器与通讯电缆 (24)1.4.1 RS-485接口转换器 (24)1.4.2 通讯电缆 (24)第二章软件系统 (25)2.1S7200PLC下位机程序软件 (25)2.1.1 STEP 7-Micro/WIN32软件简介 (25)2.1.2 S7200PLC程序的下载 (27)2.1.3 程序中开放的变量 (29)2.2MCGS组态软件 (31)2.2.1主控窗口 (31)2.2.2 设备窗口 (31)2.2.3 用户窗口 (32)2.2.4 实时数据库 (32)2.2.5 运行策略 (33)第一章硬件系统生产与生活的自动化是人类长久以来所梦寐以求的目标,在18世纪自动控制系统在蒸汽机运行中得到成功的应用以后,自动化技术时代开始了。

Mem.S.A.It.Suppl.V ol.11,57c SAIt2007Memorie dellaSupplementiThe Ground System of the SHAllow RADar(SHARAD)ExperimentG.Alberti1,D.Biccari2,B.Bortone1,C.Caramiello1,C.Catallo3,A.Croce3,S. Dinardo1,E.Flamini4,M.Guelfi3,A.Masdea2,S.Mattei1,R.Orosei5,C.Papa1,G.Pica1,G.Picardi2,G.Salzillo1,M.R.Santovito1,and R.Seu21Consorzio di Ricerca Sistemi di Telesensori Avanzati,Via John Fitzgerald Kennedy5,I-80125Napoli,Italy2Alcatel Alenia Space,Via Saccomuro24,I-00131,Roma,Italy3Universit`a di Roma“La Sapienza”,Dipartimento INFOCOM,Via Eudossiana18,I-00184Roma,Italy4Agenzia Spaziale Italiana,Viale Liegi26,I-00198Roma,Italy5Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica,Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica,Via delFosso del Cavaliere100,I-00133Roma,Italye-mail:****************Abstract.A primary scope of Mars exploration is the research of underground water.Knowledge of water and ice quantity and distribution has enourmous impacts on our under-standing on gelogic,hydrologic and climate evolution of Mars and of its origin.To this aim,high resolution observations of geophysical parameters can address these items expeciallywhen conducted by means of penetrating radar systems orbiting around the planet,due totheir intrinsic capabilities to detect underground water/ice.In this framework,SHARAD(SHAllow RADar)on-board NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter(MRO)assumes a keyrole within Mars exploration activities.SHARAD is a wideband radar sounder transmittingat a centre frequency of20MHz within15-25MHz spectral range.SHARAD has beenlaunched on August’05and will start its nominal observation phase from November’06.To guarantee its operations,commands and data analysis and processing,the SHARADGround Data System(GDS)has been designed and developped.SHARADA GDS is aground system equipped with ad-hoc sw tools to allow instrument operations and data pro-cessing during the two-year mission duration.The present paper is focused on SHARADGDS description of its architecture and of instrument planning,commanding and data pro-cessing sofwtare tools.Key words.Space vehicles:instruments–Techniques:radar astronomy–Planets andsatellites:individual:MarsSend offprint requests to:G.Alberti 1.SHARAD Instrument OverviewThe SHAllow RADar(SHARAD)experiment (Seu et al.2004)is a sub-surface sounding58Alberti et al.:SHARAD Ground Systemradar provided by the Italian Space Agency (ASI)as a facility instrument to NASA’s2005 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter(MRO)(Graf et al.2005).SHARAD is a wideband radar sounder transmitting at a centre frequency of 20MHz.The bandwidth of the radar pulse is equal to10MHz.The transmitted waveform is a chirp,a long pulse that is linearly modulated in frequency. The chirp allows a resolution that depends on the bandwidth of the pulse rather than on its duration,but requires processing of the re-ceived signal:with a bandwidth B,the approx-imate time resolution of the output pulse,af-ter processing,is1/B.The10MHz bandwidth of the transmitted pulse provides a theoretical range resolution of15m in free space propa-gation.Horizontal resolution is300-1000m along-track,and is achieved by means of a conven-tional focused synthetic aperture processing, compensating for the spacecraft radial and tan-gential velocities and a possible average slope of the observed surface.Horizontal resolution across-track is1500-8000m,depending on spacecraft altitude and terrain roughness.In Tab.1,SHARAD main characteristics are summarized.The primary objective of the SHARAD in-vestigation is to map,in selected locales,di-electric interfaces to depths of up to one kilo-meter in the Martian subsurface and to inter-pret these interfaces in terms of the occurrence and distribution of expected materials,includ-ing rock,regolith,water,and ice.SHARAD can be operated in different Operational(or Measurement)Modes.An op-erational mode corresponds to an action that the instrument may perform under the guid-ance of OST entries.Each OST entry speci-fies details for the transition to,and the execu-tion of,a given Operational Mode.Telemetry is always generated during Operational Modes and monitoring is active.In case of other er-ror or anomalies during Operational Modes processing,an automatic transition is per-formed to Safe/Idle State.Two main op-erational modes are envisaged,Subsurface Sounding(SS)Mode and Receive Only(RO) Mode.Subsurface Sounding Mode is the main measurement mode for SHARAD.In this Mode the instrument shall perform scientific measurements by transmitting radar pulses and collecting,processing and formatting received echoes.Pulse repetition interval and duration are variable depending on parameters specified in each OST entry.A variable Science Data rate will be produced in this Mode depending on the specific processing parameters.Receive Only Mode is used to perform pas-sive measurements mainly during the on-orbit phase,but can also be used to check the per-formances of the instrument during the cruise phase(even with the antenna folded).No trans-missions will be performed.A variable Science Data rate will be produced in this Mode de-pending on the specific processing parameters.2.SHARAD GDS DescriptionThe SHARAD Ground Data System(GDS)is the element of the Internet-distributed architec-ture defined for controlling and monitoring the instrument,and for receiving and processing the downlinked Science Data.From a network point of view,SHARAD GDS exchanges data fromt/to JPL/NASA and ASI rmation on S/C orientation and trajectory and on MRO payloads activities as well as S/C and instrument telemetries,are re-trieved from MRO ground data system(GDS) sited at JPL,while planning and command-ingfiles are sent to MRO GDS.On the other hand,processed datafiles are delivered to the ASI Data Center(ASDC)of the Italian Space Agency.Relationship between the entities di-rectly involved with the SHARAD GDS is per-formed entirely via the Internet public net-work.All communications are performed via file exchanges and/or via E-mail messages.From a functional point of view SHARAD GDS has to fulfil the following main activities:–Planning and commanding,aimed atflight instrument operation definition taking into account S/C constraint(in terms of bit rate,data volume,power budget)orbital information and Mars surface characteris-tic.This functionality will be provided by Planning Tool and Commanding Tool.Alberti et al.:SHARAD Ground System59 Table1.SHARAD main characteristicsParameter ValueVertical resolution15mHorizontal resolution300-100m along ground track,1500-8000m across ground trackDepth of penetration100’s of meters,up to≈1kmAntenna efficiency>10%Center frequency20MHzRadiated peak power10WPulse length85µsPulse bandwidth10MHzPulse repetition frequency335,350,387.6,670,700,775Hz–Instrument checking,devoted to verify the health status of the instrument;from a en-gineering point of view(Monitoring Tool), and from instrument performance point of view(Quick Look Tool).–Data processing,devoted to a scientific product ly,two levels of processing and PDS generation are envis-aged.–Archiving,devoted to data storing and ex-traction into/from GDS Repository.–External entities data exchange,aimed at data retrieving and submission from/to ex-ternal entities.–Supervision,aimed at GDS status check, either HW and SW,and mission status check.Starting from the functional activities and following a top-down approach,the GDS ar-chitecture has been design in order to be com-posed of the following main subsystems:–Data Archive Subsystem,composed by the necessary resources,procedures,events and sw to execute mission data archiving, browsing,and administration tasks.–I/O Manager Subsystem,composed by the necessary resource,procedures, events and sw to execute data/file retriev-ing/submission from/to external entities management.–Mission Operation Subsystems,composed by the uplink/downlink subsystems,pro-cessing subsystems and supervisor subsys-tems.The uplink/downlink subsystems consist of all resources,procedures and events about uplink/downlink phase are managed by these S/Ss and by the following dedicated sw tools::–Planning tool(PLN)–Commanding tool(CMD)–Monitoring and L1A tool(MON)The processing subsystems consist of all resources,procedures and events about moni-toring,to process scientific and engineering in-strument data are managed by these S/Ss and by the following dedicated sw tools:–Quick-Look tool(QLK)–Processing“Level1B”tool(L1B)–Processing“Level2”tool(L2P)The supervisor subsystems consist of all the information about mission status and SGS status are collected and visualized by these S/Ss,and particularly by the following dedi-cated tools–System supervisor(SSP)–Mission supervisor(MSP)The SHARAD GDS architecture is de-picted in Fig.1.The architecture builds a dis-tributed application in order to match all user requirements and operate according to external and internal interfaces constraints.60Alberti et al.:SHARAD GroundSystemFig.1.SHARAD Ground Data System architecture2.1.Planning ToolThe GDS Planning Tool is a software that an-alyze the feasibility of scientific requests for SHARAD instrument operations,optimize the radar utilization for scientific purposes,and consequently define the mission plan for the SHARAD instrument.This tool is used to plan and schedule SHARAD operations all along the mission.Planning Tool main function is to generate a Payload Target File (PTF)in which are sequen-tially reported all instrument proposed opera-tion modes.SHARAD activities are planned taking into account spacecraft position and trajectory,other MRO payloads activities and on-board resources,Mars surface characteristics and sci-entific targets (Fig.2).PTF is compared with other instruments re-quest and then,after some iteration if neces-sary for conflicts solving,it is integrated with all instrument requests to form the Integrated Payload Target File (IPTF).Finally Payload Operations Support (POST)produces conflict-free IPTF to be used in the weekly planning.The Planning Tool makes use of Graphical Use Interfaces (GUIs)to show s /c tracks,tar-gets position and Mars surface characteristics,as well as planned timelines.On the basis of specific user needs,the Planning Tool allows also manual modification to be done.The tool generates as output the timeline file.This plan is submitted to MRO GDS at JPL and,when approved,the MRO GDS up-links to the spacecraft the binary file that con-tains the plans of all MRO payloads.Planning Tool has been designed follow-ing a Client /Server architecture in which client side implements basically the graphical user interface services managing the interaction be-tween user and the rest of S /S and system,Alberti et al.:SHARAD Ground System61while the Server side implements all services dedicated to extract and process data.Client/Server architecture makes Planning functionalities accessible from remote sites through VPN connections reducing computa-tional overload on the client and dataflow through the network.manding ToolOnce the payload observation plan has been approved,the uplink phase is characterized by the generation of command sequences to be executed by mands are consti-tuted either by single radar operational modes and radar parameters necessary to execute its onboard processing(Seu et al.2004).In fact, the Commanding Tool generates two differ-ent kinds offiles:one for operational modes (Operational Sequence Tablefiles),where the approved timeline is traslated into instrument commands sequences,and one for param-eters(Parameters Tablefiles).To generate Parameters Tablefiles,the tool basically esti-mates polynomial coefficients of sixth and sev-enth order polynomials approximating Mars surface topography and terrain slope trends over the area to beflown to allow radar to esti-mate its distance from Mars surface.These commandsfiles are submitted to MRO GDS that checks and uplinks them to S/C. Commanding Tool uses GUI interfaces to show results and allow users to manually modify commanding sequences and instrument param-eters.As for Planning Tool,Commanding Tool has been designed following a Client/Server archi-tecture in which client side implements basi-cally the graphical user interface services man-aging the interaction between user and the rest of S/S and system,while the Server side im-plements all services dedicated to extract and process data.2.3.Monitoring/L1A ToolAfter commands uplink,SHARAD begins data acquisition.Collected data are sent to the spacecraft and then transmitted to ground as telemetryfiles.The Telemetryfiles are col-lected from MRO GDS that makes them avail-able to the GDS.Two kinds of TM are foreseen:house-keeping(HK)TM,subdivided in S/C HK and SHARAD HK,and scientific TM.The HK TM contains information about instrument status, in terms of voltages,currents and other en-gineering parameters.The scientific TM are characterized by scientific contents related to the signals transmitted/received by SHARAD. During this phase(named Downlink phase), GDS performs a set of check on TM data.A first check is related to the instrument health assessment:critical engineering parameters are monitored and their incorrect behavior(for ex-ample,voltage values out of range)is high-lighted.Other checks regard the syntactic and se-mantic integrity of TMfiles,in term of cor-rupted or missing packets,and the coherence between commands really executed and com-mands generated during uplink phase.Then, the tool packs them into PDS Level1A(L1A) datafiles(Hughes et al.2004).Level1A data consist of the instrument telemetry correlated with the auxiliary information needed to locate observations in space and time and to process data further.2.4.Quick Look ToolThe Quick Look Tool is a GDS software specifically designed to perform SHARAD in-strument performance analysis and an overall instrument monitoring.The tool can process L1A data products either when the instrument is operated in Receive-Only operative mode and in Sub-Surface operative mode.In case of Receive-Only operative mode,the Quick Look Tool evaluates power spectral density of the signal in order to give noise level estimation.In case of Sub-Surface operative mode,the tool performs a quick range compression process-ing and evaluates echo SNR.Monitoring SNR parameter,in fact,gives an idea on instrument current performance wrt the expected one.Processed data can be visualised and plot-ted to allow data verification and comparison.62Alberti et al.:SHARAD GroundSystemFig.2.Planning Tool GUI -MRO spacecraft ground tracks and targets2.5.Level 1B ToolThe Level 1B Tool is the GDS sofwtare devoted to basically accomplish Range and Doppler processing in order to produce radar-grams of Mars sub-surface.It generates as out-put PDS Level 1B data files.SHARAD is quite di fferent from a clas-sic SAR,because Doppler bandwidth and cen-troid are stricly dependent on surface scatter-ing.In particular Doppler bandwidth is a di-rect conseguence of surface roughness,while surface slope a ffects tightly Doppler centroid.This has lead to design the tool in order to perform an accurate Doppler parameters esti-mation (centroid and bandwidth)before start-ing processing chain.Moreover,realignment of each range line before Doppler parameters estimation and range Doppler processing has been faced to remove very high variability of receiving window position.The Chirp Scaling Algorithm has been adopted to perform data processing.Depending on Doppler bandwidth of the received signal,this algorithm can pro-vide a maximum full resolution of 300meters by compesating range migration e ffects.Since a 55dB in signal dynamic is re-quested,each source of distortion (Mars iono-sphere,on board noise)is compensated by the tool.2.6.Level 2ToolThe Level 2Tool is devoted to calibrate L1B products and to provide additional informa-tions to scientists.Image calibration is per-formed by means of radar equation using instrument parameters data either measured on ground test and \or during commission-ing /calibration er can select multi looking option in order to obtain a degradated resolution image that exibhits improved signal to clutter ratio.Tool is able to interface with MOLA topographic products in order to re-trieve statistical parameters needed for simu-lating surface expected returns.This provides useful information to scientists to correctly in-terpretate real scientific data.ReferencesGraf,J.E.et al.2005,Acta Astronautica,57,566Hughes,J.S.et al.2004,Bulletin of the AAS,36,1097Seu,R.et al.2004,Planetary and Space Science,52,157。


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博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统使用说明书北京博导前程信息技术股份有限公司目录目录 (1)第一章博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统管理员子系统 (1)1.1 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统管理员综述 (1)1.2 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统管理员架构 (1)1.3 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统管理员使用介绍 (2)1.3.1系统管理员登录 (2)1.3.2班级管理 (3)新建班级 (3)班级资料修改 (3)班级删除 (4)1.3.3 教师管理 (5)教师信息修改 (5)删除教师 (6)教师分配 (6)教师分配查看 (7)1.3.4 在线考试 (7)1.3.5计分标准 (7)1.3.6个人信息 (8)第二章博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统教师子系统 (9)2.1 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统教师综述 (9)2.2 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统教师架构 (9)2.3 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统教师使用介绍 (10)2.3.1教师注册 (10)2.3.2教师登录 (11)2.3.3班级管理 (12)学生管理 (12)2.3.4计分管理 (14)2.3.5课程管理 (15)上课管理 (15)下课管理 (18)已上课管理 (19)2.3.6银行管理 (19)2.3.7日志管理 (22)2.3.8实验报告 (24)2.3.9 在线考试 (24) 题库维护 (24) 试卷维护 (27) 在线考试 (29)2.3.10资源中心 (30)2.3.11个人信息 (33)2.3.12邮件管理 (33)第三章博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统学生子系统 (36)3.1 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统学生架构 (36)3.2 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统学生使用介绍 (36)3.2.1学生注册 (36)3.2.2学生登录 (37)3.2.3学生个人信息 (38)3.2.4在线课程 (38)3.2.5日志管理 (38)3.2.6银行系统 (39)3.2.7实验报告 (39)3.2.8 在线考试 (41)3.2.9 资源中心 (44)3.2.10 邮件管理 (44)第四章博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统B2C模块 (45)4.1 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统B2C综述 (45)4.2 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统B2C架构 (46)4.3 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统B2C使用介绍 (51)4.3.1 财务部功能介绍 (51)财务部学生登录 (51) 商城用户订单管理 (52)缺货商品采购单管理 (53)预警商品采购单管理 (54)正常商品采购单管理 (54)银行进出帐管理 (54)帐目报表管理 (55)4.3.2商城管理员功能介绍 (55)管理员角色登录 (55)商品一级分类管理 (56)商品二级分类管理 (58)公告管理 (59)商品管理 (60)运费标准设置 (63)商城基本信息管理 (63)供应商管理 (65)物流管理 (67)本组同事 (68)浏览商城 (68)4.3.3采购部功能介绍 (69)采购部角色学生登录 (69)商品采购管理 (69)已确认商品采购单管理 (70)预警商品管理 (71)已确认预警商品采购单管理 (72)缺货商品采购单管理 (72)已确认缺货商品采购单管理 (73)已作废订单 (74)预警设置 (74)本组同事 (75)4.3.4储运部功能介绍 (76)储运部角色学生登录 (76)预警商品入库管理 (77)正常商品入库管理 (77)缺货订单入库管理 (78)付款用户订单的运输管理 (78)储运记录 (79)4.3.5销售部功能介绍 (79)销售部角色学生登录 (79)客户订单 (80)缺货订单管理 (81)未确认订单管理 (82)已确认订单管理 (82)作废订单设置 (83)查看所有已完成交易订单 (84)退货订单 (84)退货记录 (84)4.3.6商城用户角色功能介绍 (84)商城注册及登录 (85)银行帐户注册 (86)购物车 (89)订单查询 (91)4.3.7物流业务角色功能介绍 (91) 物流业务角色登录 (91)商品配送 (92)预警商品配送 (92)缺货商品的配送 (93)储运发货订单 (93)配送订单管理 (93)物流公司申报 (94)第五章博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统B2B模块 (94)5.1 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统B2B综述 (94)5.2 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统B2B架构 (95)5.3 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统B2B使用介绍 (98)5.3.1企业用户说明 (99)企业用户注册及登录 (99)企业用户后台管理 (102)5.3.2 B2B商城管理员介绍 (113)行业分类管理 (114)公告管理 (115)企业基本信息管理 (116)供求信息管理 (118)用户反馈 (119)财务日志 (119)5.3.3货场流程介绍 (119)用户注册 (119)货场管理 (121)第六章博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统C2C模块 (126)6.1 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统C2C综述 (126)6.2 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统C2C架构 (127)6.3 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统C2C使用介绍 (129)6.3.1 商城会员流程介绍 (129)商城会员注册及登录 (129)浏览目录 (130) 卖东西 (132)用户中心 (133)店铺中心管理 (138)新闻中心 (139) 关于我们 (139) 会员帮助 (140)6.3.2 C2C平台交易管理员介绍 (140)行业分类管理 (141)公告管理流程 (142)商城基本信息管理 (143)用户信息反馈管理 (144)6.4 博星卓越CA认证子系统 (145)6.4.1 关于数字认证 (146)6.4.2申请数字证书 (147) 个人数字证书申请 (147)6.4.3 数字证书管理 (148)制作数字证书 (149) 启用证书 (155) 查看证书申请 (158)访问安全站点 (159) 证书备份 (161)6.5 EDI数据交换 (169)6.5.1 EDI概念 (169)6.5.2 EDI的影响 (169)6.5.3 EDI的标准 (170)6.5.4 EDI组成结构 (171)6.5.5 EDI历史沿革 (172)6.5.6贸易EDI (172)6.5.7 金融EDI (174)6.5.8海关EDI (175) 前期调研阶段 (175)研制开发阶段 (175)试点应用阶段 (176)推广应用阶段 (176)向电子商务发展阶段 (176)6.5.9 电子合同 (177) 制作电子合同 (177)6.5.10 电子单据 (181)创建新单据 (181)已发送单据 (182) 收到的单据 (182)6.5.11 单据介绍 (183)第一章博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统管理员子系统1.1 博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统管理员综述该系统主要针对电子商务专业的专业知识对学生提供一个教学环境,本系统主要分为以下几个部分,第一个是班级管理创建班级给学生提供上课场地,第二个是教师管理创建教师的详细信息确认教师;教师分配分配班级给教师;教师分配查看全面了解教师及班级的安排情况,随时掌握教师上课情况,第三个在线考试管理员在在线考试中的功能是对题库进行维护,可以进行题库分类的新建,修改等,第四个计分标准修改设置教师上课学生掌握情况,每一细节都设置一个评分标准点做到学生上课有收获,全面了解学生上课情况,第五个是密码修改管理员修改自己的密码保证系统的安全性。
长江大学 实验教学管理系统 教务说明书

------------------------------------------------------- 教师用户使用手册(Teacher User’s Guide)二〇一〇年五月一日目录(CONTENTS)一、系统概览 (3)1.系统说明 (3)2.系统目标 (3)3.系统设计开发说明 (3)1.地址说明 (4)2.用户登录 (4)三、退出系统 (4)四、系统模块功能简介 (5)1.上课登记模块 (5)2.上课记录模块 (7)3、考勤管理模块 (8)4、预约管理模块 (10)4.密码管理模块 (11)5.退出登录模块 (11)五、常见问题解答 (12)1.登录时为什么显示为找不到服务器? (12)2.用户名、密码错误怎么办? (12)4.有问题该找谁来解决? (12)一、系统概览1.系统说明实验教学,是高校教学的重要组成部分,它在培养学生实际动手能力的同时,深化了学生对理论知识的理解,是学生将理论与实际相结合的重要环节。

第一章系统概述1.1 DJ-CPTH简介DJ-CPTH型计算机组成原理实验系统<以下简称系统>,是由江苏启东市东疆计算机有限公司结合国内同类产品的优点,最新研制开发的超强型实验计算机装置<以下简称模型机>。
1.2 DJ-CPTH特点1、采用总线结构总线结构的计算机具有结构清晰,扩展方便等优点。
2、计算机功能模块化设计DJ-CPTH为实验者提供运算器模块ALU,众多寄存器模块(A,W,IA ,ST,MAR,R0…R3等),程序计数器模块PC,指令部件模块IR,主存模块EM,微程序控制模块〈控存〉uM,微地址计数器模块UPC,组合逻辑控制模块及I/O等控制模块。

第1篇一、概述1.1 编写目的本说明书旨在明确实验室信息管理系统的功能需求、性能需求、用户界面需求、系统约束等,为系统的设计、开发和测试提供依据。
1.2 范围本说明书描述了实验室信息管理系统的功能需求、性能需求、用户界面需求、系统约束等,适用于实验室管理人员、实验技术人员和实验室使用人员。
1.3 定义和缩略语- 实验室:指进行科学实验、教学、科研活动的场所。
- 信息管理系统:指用于管理实验室各类信息的计算机软件系统。
- 实验室信息:指实验室的各类信息,包括实验设备、实验人员、实验项目、实验记录等。
二、功能需求2.1 用户管理- 用户注册:允许用户通过输入用户名、密码、邮箱等信息进行注册。
- 用户登录:用户输入用户名和密码登录系统。
- 用户权限管理:管理员可设置不同用户的权限,如查看、修改、删除等。
2.2 实验设备管理- 设备列表:显示所有实验设备的名称、型号、规格、状态等信息。
- 设备查询:根据设备名称、型号、规格等条件查询设备。
- 设备新增:添加新的实验设备信息。
- 设备修改:修改实验设备信息。
- 设备删除:删除实验设备信息。
- 设备借用:记录设备借用情况,包括借用时间、归还时间、借用人等。
2.3 实验人员管理- 人员列表:显示所有实验人员的姓名、性别、职称、联系方式等信息。
- 人员查询:根据姓名、职称等条件查询人员。
- 人员新增:添加新的实验人员信息。
- 人员修改:修改实验人员信息。
- 人员删除:删除实验人员信息。
2.4 实验项目管理- 项目列表:显示所有实验项目的名称、负责人、开始时间、结束时间等信息。
- 项目查询:根据项目名称、负责人等条件查询项目。
- 项目新增:添加新的实验项目信息。
- 项目修改:修改实验项目信息。
- 项目删除:删除实验项目信息。
2.5 实验记录管理- 记录列表:显示所有实验记录的编号、实验人员、实验项目、实验时间、实验结果等信息。
- 记录查询:根据记录编号、实验人员、实验项目等条件查询记录。
NC 网络通信实验管理系统 V1.0-CCS2000V3.3 版本 软件说明书

2.菜单符号约定带尖括号“< >”表示键名、按钮名以及操作员从终端输入的信息;带方括号“[ ]”表示人机界面、菜单条、数据表和字段名等,多级菜单用“→”隔开。
如<Alt,F>表示先按<Alt>键,释放后,紧接着再按<F>键4.鼠标操作约定格式意义单击快速按下并释放鼠标的左键双击连续两次快速按下并释放鼠标的左键右击快速按下并释放鼠标的右键拖动按住鼠标的左键不放,移动鼠标三、版本演进版本时间演进内容第一版 2006年07月新编目录基本内容 (1)1.1信息化综合实验室管理系统介绍 (1)1.2CCS2000组网形式 (1)1.3软件安装 (2)第二章服务器配置 (3)2.1基本概念 (4)2.2数据库建立 (4)2.2.1 建立设备和网关信息 (4)2.2.2 用户及用户计算机设置 (6)2.2.3 课程和实验 (8)2.2.4 队列数据库设置 (10)2.2.5 管理员和数据库 (11)第三章运行系统 (14)3.1服务器端运行 (14)3.1.1 队列状态 (14)3.1.2 计算机状态 (15)3.1.3 设备状态 (15)3.1.4 网关状态 (16)3.1.5 文本协助 (17)3.2用户端运行 (18)3.2.1 开始界面 (18)3.2.2 登录 (18)3.2.3 队列状态和操作 (19)3.3.4 用户操作 (19)3.2.5 远程网关和TELNET登录 (20)3.2.6 教师特别操作 (22)3.2.7 文本协助 (23)第四章升级、维护和常见故障 (24)4.1 (24)基本内容NC 网络通信实验管理系统V1.0包括其中的实验管理和资源自动分配系统CCS2000。

系统模式:采用客户端/服务器模式系统开发环境:Microsoft Visual Studio 2008数据库管理系统:Microsoft SQL Server 2008软件开发者:软件应用范围:大中小学校3.参考资料:《实验设备管理系统》需求说明书《数据库系统概论》(第四版)王珊萨师煊编著高等教育出版社《软件工程导论》(第5版) 张海藩编著《asp.net程序设计》二、数据库外部设计1.本数据库的应用软件及其与数据库的接口数据库软件:Microsoft SQLServer 2008系统要求建立的数据库名称:Experiment使用该数据库的应用软件:实验设备管理系统该应用软件在Microsoft Visual Studio 2008编程环境下设计,采用Microsoft Visual Studio 2008基于······的数据库访问接口技术,建立与数据库的通讯连接。
2.数据库管理系统SQLServer 2008 在Microsoft的数据平台上发布,可以组织管理任何数据.可以将结构化、半结构化和非结构化文档的数据直接存储到数据库中。

EL型PLC教学实验系统流程有两种:编程电缆实验箱 PLC 手持编程器分析被控对象→编程→输入程序→连接实验线路→运行PLC程序→观察现象。
实验箱 PLC 微机辅助软件分析被控对象→编程→输入程序→连接实验线→运行PLC程序→观察现象。
II 型PLC教学实验系统特点:1.安装灵活,适用于各种PLC。
II 型PLC教学实验的布局怎样使用PLC实验箱PLC实验箱的用途:PLC实验箱是为PLC提供电源、调试信号的工具。
实验箱端子与PLC请安下面方法连接:(如出厂已连接好,请检查)PLC输入、接实验箱端子INPUT 00…19;PLC输出、接实验箱端子OUTPUT 00 (19)●开关组输入模块开关量输出插孔●输出、输入显示LED灯输入、输出LED灯,用于指示开关量输入、输出的状态。

安装完成后将实验中的示例程序 Exp 文件夹复制到 THGMW-1 软件文件夹下,并去掉只读属性。
图 1-6 替换文本:该菜单产生如图 1-7 所示的替换对话框,它和查找对话框非常相似,但目的在于用新文本 替换查找到的文本。在替换目标编辑框中输入查找字符中,并在替换为编辑框内输入替找字符串,复选框 的意义完全等同查找文本中的复选项。 在同意替换之前,为了看下一个匹配,用鼠标点击查找下一个,为了替换下一个匹配,或刚找到的匹 配,用鼠标点击替换,如果确信不存在错误匹配,可以鼠标点全部替换,同时完成文件中其余部分的替换。
图 1-3 关闭:选择文件菜单中的关闭菜单项将关闭当前窗口的文件。 保存:保存当前窗口的文件,如果当前窗口文件是以新建方式建立的话,那么将弹出一个文件保存对 话框如图 1-4 所示。按下拉对话框,可以选择相应的保存文件类型过滤器。 另存为:保存当前窗口文件,并同时改变文件名,选择该菜单项,弹出一个文件保存对话框,如图 1-4 所示,按下拉对话框,可以选择相应的保存文件类型过滤器。
图 1-7 向后再查找:从当前光标处向后查找上次查找的文本字符串。 向前再查找:从当前光标处向前查找上次查找的文本字符串。 跳到指定行:该菜单产生如图 1-8 所示的对话框,在对话框输入相应的行号,按确定按钮即可。
图 1-8 改变大小写:该菜单项有 2 项子菜单,先选中文本,然后,使用该命令改变选中文本的大小写。 括号匹配:该菜单在编辑 C 语言时有效。用户可以匹配任何类型的括号。 文本书签:该菜单项有 4 项子菜单,命令项有设置或取消一个书签,查找上一个书签,查找下一个书 签,清除所有书签。 在工具栏中有一些按钮,按这些按钮可增加或删除书签,也可移除到前一个或后一个书签,以及包含 一个在文件中消除所有书签的按钮。 文件只读:设置或取消当前窗口的文件的只读方式。在只读方式下文件不可编辑修改。 2.3 查看菜单:
A3000过程控制实验系统 使用说明和产品维护

广西大学 ASEA 培训中心
确认电缆与正确的端子相连接,否则,可能会发生爆裂、损坏等事 故。 始终应保证正负极性的正确,以防止爆裂、损坏等。
4 其他注意事项
!注意。当搬运产品时,请使用正确的升降工具以防止损伤,不要过 分颠簸,绝对禁止倾斜,甚至倾倒。
环境 周围环境温度 周围环境湿度. 储存温度 环境 海拔高度, 振动 5-+50℃ (不结冰) 90%RH 以下(不凝露) -20℃~~+65℃ 室内(无腐蚀性气体,可燃性气体,油雾和尘埃等等) 海拔 1000m 以下 59m/s 以下(JIS C 0040 标准)
广西大学 ASEA 培训中心
1.1 现场系统组成
A3000 高级过程控制实验系统独创现场系统 现场系统概念,而不是对 现场系统 象系统。现场系统包括了实验对象单元、供电系统、传感器、执 行器(包括变频器及移相调压器)、以及半模拟屏,从而组成了 一个只需接受外部标准控制信号的完整、独立的现场环境。它具 备如下特点: 1. 现场系统通过一个现场控制箱,集成供电系统、变频器、 移相调压器、以及现场继电器,所有驱动电力由现场系统提供。 它仅需通过标准接线端子接收标准控制信号即能完成所有实验功 能。从而实现了现场系统与控制系统完全独立的模块化设计。 2. 现场控制箱侧面是工业标准接线端子盒。这种标准信号接 口可以使现场系统与用户自行选定的 DCS 系统、PLC 系统、 DDC 系统方便连接,甚至用户自己用单片机组成的系统都可以 对现场系统进行控制。 3. 现场系统的设计另外的优势是保证动力线与控制线的电磁 干扰隔离。 4. 现场系统的设计保证了控制系统只需要直流低压就可以 了,使得系统设计更模块化,更安全、具有更大的扩展性。 该部分结构简图如图 2-1 所示:

- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
要使用该按键对单片机进行输入时将插针INT0和INT1两对插针用短路套短接,中断的按键输入占用P3.2 (INT0)和P3.3(INT1)。
(10)AD转换输入电位器:电位器的输入为0—5V可调,使用时要将AD 转换输入与单片机接口控制端的插针用短路套短接。