



国际会计题答案《国际会计》第一章国际会计的形式与发展一、单项选择题1、国际会计成为一门新的会计学科,大致在(A)A 20世纪70年代B 20世纪60年代C20世纪90年代D20世纪50年代2、跨国公司兴起导致的独特的会计问题是()A 国际物价变动影响的调整B 国际财务报表的合并C 外币报表的折算D 国际税务会计3、“四大”会计师事务所的业务扩展与委托人的联系使用的是(A)A 同一名称和同一语言B 不同名称和同一语言C 不同名称和不同语言D 同一名称和不同语言4、第一次国际会计师大会举行的时间、地点是(A )A 1904年圣路易斯B 1952年伦敦C 1962年纽约D 1972年悉尼5、1977年于慕尼黑举行的第十一次国际会计师大会上创建的国际会计师联合会(IFAC)的前身是(A )A 会计职业界国际协调委员会(ICCAP)B 国际会计准则委员会(IASC)C 国际审计事务委员会(IAPC)D 国际会计师大会技术委员会二、多项选择题1、国际会计的三大课题是(ABC )A 国际物价变动影响的调整B 国际财务报表的合并C 外币报表的折算D 国际税务会计2、现有的国际性会计事务所(会计公司)中所谓的“四大”包括(A B C D )A普华永道B毕马威国际C德勤D永安国际E安达信国际3、国内性质的会计师事务所为从事国际业务而进行的临时协作一般要通过哪些途径联系?()A 国际性的职业届会议B 双方直接联系C 各国的执业会计师协会下设的国际联络委员会D 各国政府4、我国注册会计师考试的报考者的条件包括(AB )A 具有大专或大专以上学历B 具有会计、审计、统计、经济中级或中级以上的专业技术职称C 有两年的会计师事务所工作经验D 必须是中国公民5、自1994年,我国已允许(ABCD)参加我国注册会计师统一考试。

A 我国大陆公民B 香港居民C 澳门居民3D 台湾居民E 外国籍公民(该国法律允许中国公民参加该国注册会计师考试)6、20世纪70年代国际会计的研究中,悲观主义者的“国别会计”观的主要观点包括(ABC )A 各国会计的差异是各国不同的经济、政治、社会、法律、文化等环境影响所形成,不可能协调一致。




[单选题] *A.项目重要性B.项目流动性(正确答案)C.项目时间性D.项目收益性企业财务会计12、资产负债表中“货币资金”项目中包含的项目是()。

[单选题] *A.商业承兑汇票B.交易性金融资产C.银行承兑汇票D.银行本票存款(正确答案)企业财务会计13、以下项目中,属于资产负债表中流动负债项目的是()。

[单选题] *A.长期借款B.长期应付款C.其他应付款(正确答案)D.应付债券企业财务会计14、某企业固定资财产帐户余额为3000万元,累计折旧帐户余额为900万元,固定资产减值准备帐户余额100万元,工程物资帐户余额200万元。


[单选题] *A.3200B.3000C.2200D.2000(正确答案)15、我国利润表的格式为()。

[单选题] *A.多步式(正确答案)B.单步式C.报告式D.账户式16、企业期末结账后,“无形资产”科目的余额为100万元,“累计摊销”科目的余额为20万元,“无形资产减值准备”的余额为10万元,资产负债表的“无形资产”项目的金额为()万元。

[单选题] *A.100B.80C.70(正确答案)D.9017、能够反映企业一定期间经营成果,分析企业获利能力的报表是()。

[单选题] *A.资产负债表B.利润表(正确答案)C.现金流量表D.所有者权益变动表企业财务会计18、在下列各项税金中,应在利润表的“税金及附加”项目反映的是()。

[单选题] *A.车辆购置税B.消费税(正确答案)C.增值税D.所得税19、某企业从银行借入期限为3年的长期借款400万元,编制资产负债表时,此项借款应填入的报表项目是()。

[单选题] *A.短期借款B.长期借款C.其他长期负债D.一年内到期的非流动负债(正确答案)20、资产负债表的下列项目中,只需要根据1个总分类帐户就能填列的项目是()。

《国际结算》第三章 结算方式习题答案

《国际结算》第三章 结算方式习题答案






















国际会计课后题答案版 Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】第1章国际会计的形成与发展一、讨论题为什么说市场国际化,特别是货币市场和资本市场的国际化是会计国际化的主要推动力国际贸易和国际经济技术合作,促使会计成为一种国际商业语言。















会计学原理第三章课后答案第三章3-1:练习借贷记账法的运用(一)编制会计分录:题号分录题号分录借:库存现金 300 借:银行存款 15,000 1 6 贷:银行存款 300 贷:短期借款15,000借:其他应收款 300 借:应付账款 12,000 2 7 贷:库存现金 300 贷:银行存款12,000借:应交税费 2,000 借:生产成本 16,000 3 8 贷:银行存款 2,000 贷:原材料16,000借:原材料 8,000 借:银行存款 2,900 4 9 贷:应付账款 8,000 贷:应收账款2,900借:固定资产 2,000 借:短期借款 9,000 5 10 贷:银行存款 2,000 贷:银行存款 9,000(二)开设并登记T型账(没有发生额的省略):借库存现金贷借银行存款贷期初余额 100 期初余额 18,0001、 3002、 300 6、 15,000 1、 3009、 2,900 3、 2,0005、 2,0007、 12,00010、 9,000本期发生额 300 本期发生额 300 本期发生额 17,900 本期发生额 25,300 期末余额 100 期末余额 10,600借应收账款贷借其他应收款贷期初余额 2,900 期初余额 1,0009、 2,900 2、 300本期发生额 2,900 本期发生额 300 期末余额 0 期末余额 1,300借原材料贷借生产成本贷期初余额 26,000 8、 16,000 4、 8,000 8、16,000 本期发生额 8,000 本期发生额16,000 本期发生额16,000 期末余额18,000 期末余额 16,000借固定资产贷借短期借款贷期初余额 450,000 期初余额 9,000 5、2,000 10、 9,000 6、 15,000 code certificate, tax registration certificate, legal persons or persons in charge of identity documents, articles of incorporation, verification report, credit card and other information; 2, the business unit financial information, including financial reports, accounting records, bank account statements, or the transaction flow, upstream and本期发生额 2,000 本期发生额 9,000 本期发生额 15,000 期末余额 452,000 期末余额 15,000借应付账款贷借应交税费贷期初余额 4,000 期初余额 2,000 7、 12,000 4、 8,000 3、 2,000本期发生额12,000 本期发生额 8,000 本期发生额 2,000期末余额 0 期末余额 0期初余额本期发生额期末余额账户名称借方贷方借方贷方借方贷方库存现金 100 300 300 100 银行存款 18,000 17,900 25,300 10,600 应收账款2,900 2,900 0 其他应收款 1,000 300 1,300 原材料 26,000 8,000 16,000 18,000 库存商品 10,000 10,000 生产成本 16,000 16,000 固定资产 450,000 2,000 452,000 短期借款 9,000 9,000 15,000 15,000 应付账款 4,000 12,0008,000 应交税费 2,000 2,000 实收资本 450,000 450,000 盈余公积 32,00032,000 本年利润 11,000 11,000合计 508,000 508,000 67,500 67,500 508,000 508,000第五章:练习账户按经济内容和用途结构分类经济内容资产负债所有者成本损益用途结构账户账户权益账户账户账户 1、盘存账户 5、9、20、22 2、结算账户 1、6 2、3、13 3、资本账户 11、16 4、跨期摊配账户 15 10 5、对外投资账户 23 6、集合分配账户 4 7、成本计算账户 18 8、集合配比账户 8、12、14、17 9、财务成果账户 7 10、计价对比账户 11、待处理账户 24 12、调整账户 19 21 code certificate, taxregistration certificate, legal persons or persons in charge of identity documents, articles of incorporation, verification report, credit card and other information; 2, the business unit financial information, including financial reports, accounting records, bank account statements, or the transaction flow, upstream andcode certificate, tax registration certificate, legal persons or persons in charge of identity documents, articles of incorporation, verification report, credit card and other information; 2, the business unit financial information, including financial reports, accounting records, bank account statements, or the transaction flow, upstream and。

国际会计 第1-3章习题

国际会计 第1-3章习题













国际财务管理课后习题答案chapter 3

国际财务管理课后习题答案chapter 3

CHAPTER 3 BALANCE OF PAYMENTSSUGGESTED ANSWERS AND SOLUTIONS TO END-OF-CHAPTERQUESTIONS AND PROBLEMSQUESTIONS1. Define the balance of payments.Answer: The balance of payments (BOP) can be defined as the statistical record of a country’s international transactions over a certain period of time presented in the form of double-entry bookkeeping.2. Why would it be useful to examine a country’s balance of payments data?Answer: It would be useful to examine a country’s BOP for at least two reaso ns. First, BOP provides detailed information about the supply and demand of the country’s currency. Second, BOP data can be used to evaluate the performance of the country in international economic competition. For example, if a country is experiencing per ennial BOP deficits, it may signal that the country’s industries lack competitiveness.3. The United States has experienced continuous current account deficits since the early 1980s. What do you think are the main causes for the deficits? What would be the consequences of continuous U.S. current account deficits?Answer: The current account deficits of U.S. may have reflected a few reasons such as (I) a historically high real interest rate in the U.S., which is due to ballooning federal budget deficits, that kept the dollar strong, and (ii) weak competitiveness of the U.S. industries.4. In contrast to the U.S., Japan has realized continuous current account surpluses. What could be the main causes for these surpluses? Is it desirable to have continuous current account surpluses?Answer: Japan’s continuous current account surpluses may have reflected a weak yen and high competitiveness of Japanese industries. Massive capital exports by Japan prevented yen from appreciating more than it did. At the same time, foreigners’ exports to Japan were hampered by closed nature of Japanese markets. Continuous current account surpluses disrupt free trade by promoting protectionistsentiment in the deficit country. It is not desirable especially when it is brought about by the mercantilist policies.5. Comment on the following statement: “Since the U.S. imports more than it exports, it is necessary for the U.S. to import capital from foreign countries to finance its current account deficits.”Answer: The statement presupposes that the U.S. current account deficit causes its capital account surplus. In reality, the causality may be running in the opposite direction: U.S. capital account surplus may cause the country’s current account deficit. Suppose foreigners fin d the U.S. a great place to invest and send their capital to the U.S., resulting in U.S. capital account surplus. This capital inflow will strengthen the dollar, hurting the U.S. export and encouraging imports from foreign countries, causing current account deficits.6. Explain how a country can run an overall balance of payments deficit or surplus.Answer: A country can run an overall BOP deficit or surplus by engaging in the official reserve transactions. For example, an overall BOP deficit can be su pported by drawing down the central bank’s reserve holdings. Likewise, an overall BOP surplus can be absorbed by adding to the central bank’s reserve holdings.7. Explain official reserve assets and its major components.Answer: Official reserve assets are those financial assets that can be used as international means of payments. Currently, official reserve assets comprise: (I) gold, (ii) foreign exchanges, (iii) special drawing rights (SDRs), and (iv) reserve positions with the IMF. Foreign exchanges are by far the most important official reserves.8. Explain how to compute the overall balance and discuss its significance.Answer: The overall BOP is determined by computing the cumulative balance of payments including the current account, capital account, and the statistical discrepancies. The overall BOP is significant because it indicates a country’s international payment gap that must be financed by the government’s official reserve transactions.9. Since the early 1980s, foreign portfolio investors have purchased a significant portion of U.S. treasury bond issues. Discuss the short-term and long-term effects of foreigners’ portfolio investment on the U.S. balance of payments.Answer: As foreigners purchase U.S. Treasury bonds, U.S. BOP will improve in the short run. But in the long run, U.S. BOP may deteriorate because the U.S. should pay interests and principals to foreigners. If foreign funds are used productively and contributes to the competitiveness of U.S. industries, however, U.S. BOP may improve in the long run.10. Describe the balance of payments identity and discuss its implications under the fixed and flexible exchange rate regimes.Answer: The balance of payments identity holds that the combined balance on the current and capital accounts should be equal in size, but opposite in sign, to the change in the official reserves: BCA + BKA = -BRA. Under the pure flexible exchange rate regime, central banks do not engage in official reserve transactions. Thus, the overall balance must balance, i.e., BCA = -BKA. Under the fixed exchange rate regime, however, a country can have an overall BOP surplus or deficit as the central bank will accommodate it via official reserve transactions.11. Exhibit 3.3 indicates that in 1991, the U.S. had a current account deficit and at the same time a capital account deficit. Explain how this can happen?Answer: In 1991, the U.S. experienced an overall BOP deficit, which must have been accommodated by the Federal Reserve’s official reserve action, i.e., drawing down its reserve holdings.12. Explain how each of the following transactions will be classified and recorded in the debit and credit of the U.S. balance of payments:(1) A Japanese insurance company purchases U.S. Treasury bonds and pays out of its bank account kept in New York City.(2) A U.S. citizen consumes a meal at a restaurant in Paris and pays with her American Express card.(3) A Indian immigrant living in Los Angeles sends a check drawn on his L.A. bank account as a gift to his parents living in Bombay.(4) A U.S. computer programmer is hired by a British company for consulting and gets paid from the U.S. bank account maintained by the British company.Answer:_________________________________________________________________Transactions Credit Debit_________________________________________________________________Japanese purchase of U.S. T bonds √Japanese payment using NYC account √U.S. citizen having a meal in Paris √Paying the meal with American Express √Gift to parents in Bombay √Receipts of the check by parents (goodwill) √Export of programming service √British payment out its account in U.S. √_________________________________________________________________13. Construct the balance of payment table for Japan for the year of 1998 which is comparable in format to Exhibit 3.1, and interpret the numerical data. You may consult International Financial Statistics published by IMF or research for useful websites for the data yourself.Answer:A summary of the Japanese Balance of Payments for 1998 (in $ billion)Credits DebitsCurrent Account(1) Exports 646.03(1.1) Merchandise 374.04(1.2) Services 62.41(1.3) Factor income 209.58(2) Imports -516.50(2.1) Merchandise -251.66(2.2) Services -111.83(3.3) Factor income -153.01(3) Unilateral transfer 5.53 -14.37Balance on current account 120.69[(1) + (2) + (3)]Capital Account(4) Direct investment 3.27 -24.62(5) Portfolio investment 73.70 -113.73(5.1) Equity securities 16.11 -14.00(5.2) Debt securities 57.59 -99.73(6) Other investment 39.51 -109.35Balance on financial account -131.22[(4) + (5) + (6)](7) Statistical discrepancies 4.36Overall balance -6.17Official Reserve Account 6.17Source: IMF, International Financial Statistics Yearbook, 1999.Note: Capital account in the above table corresponds with the ‘Financial account’ in IMF’s balance of payment statistics. IMF’s Capital account’ is included in ‘Other investment’ in the above table.MINI CASE: MEXICO’S BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROBLEMRecently, Mexico experienced large-scale trade deficits, depletion of foreign reserve holdings and a major currency devaluation in December 1994, followed by the decision to freely float the peso. These events also brought about a severe recession and higher unemployment in Mexico. Since the devaluation, however, the trade balance has improved.Investigate the Mexican experiences in detail and write a report on the subject. In the report, you may:(a) document the tr end in Mexico’s key economic indicators, such as the balance of payments, the exchange rate, and foreign reserve holdings, during the period 1994.1 through 1995.12.;(b) investigate the causes of Mexico’s balance of payments difficulties prior to the peso devaluation;(c) discuss what policy actions might have prevented or mitigated the balance of payments problem and the subsequent collapse of the peso; and(d) derive lessons from the Mexican experience that may be useful for other developing countries.In your report, you may identify and address any other relevant issues concerning Mexico’s balance of payment problem.Suggested Solution to Mexico’s Balance-of-Payments ProblemTo solve this case, it is useful to review Chapter 2, especially the section on the Mexican peso crisis. Despite the fact that Mexico had experienced continuous trade deficits until December 1994, the country’s currency was not allowed to depreciate for political reasons. The Mexican government did not want the peso devaluation before the Presidential election held in 1994. If the Mexican peso had been allowed to gradually depreciate against the major currencies, the peso crisis could have been prevented.The key lessons that can be derived from the peso crisis are: First, Mexico depended too much on short-term foreign portfolio capital (which is easily reversible) for its economic growth. The country perhaps should have saved more domestically and depended more on long-term foreign capital. This can be a valuable lesson for many developing countries. Second, the lack of reliable economic information was another contributing factor to the peso crisis. The Salinas administration was reluctant to fully disclose the true state of the Mexican economy. If investors had known that Mexico was experiencing serious trade deficits and rapid depletion of foreign exchange reserves, the peso might have been gradually depreciating, rather than suddenly collapsed as it did. The transparent disclosure of economic data can help prevent the peso-type crisis. Third, it is important to safeguard the world financial system from the peso-type crisis. To this end, a multinational safety net needs to be in place to contain the peso-type crisis in the early stage.。

国际会计课后答案 重点

国际会计课后答案 重点


这种分类的优点和缺点是什么?你能提出其他有效的分类吗?Advantage: Some might argue that measurement, disclosure, and external auditing are three distinct (although related) processes, involving different members of the company. For example, corporate attorneys often are involved in disclosure issues, but seldom intervene in measurement ssues. The Board of Directors works with the external auditors but not necessarily with the comptroller s office. Thus, discussion of accounting requirements and voluntary accounting choices in different jurisdictions is simplified by focusing on the three components of accounting. Disadvantage: measurement, disclosure and auditing are interdependent, and should not be viewed in isolation of one another. A company choosing to disclose as little as possible, for example, may use accounting measurement approaches that reduce the information content of financial statements, and select an external auditor who will be relatively lenient in enforcing accounting requirements. One alternative classification might include accounting (measurement and disclosure), and auditing. A second classification might include financial reporting (annual and interim reporting, regulatory filings) and ad hoc disclosure (press releases, analyst meetings, etc). Any classification is arbitrary, and potentially useful depending on its purpose.优势:一些人可能认为测量,披露和外部审计是三个不同的(虽然相关)流程,涉及公司的不同成员。



Chapter 2Development and ClassificationDiscussion Questions1.a)Sources of finance. Where capital markets/shareholders are the principal source offinance, accounting focuses on profitability, stewardship, and a fair presentation ofresults and financial position. There are high levels of disclosure in publishedfinancial statements. When banks are the principal source of finance, accountingtends to be conservative and disclosures are usually relatively low (banks have directaccess to information). When governments are the principal source of finance,accounting is aimed at the information needs of government agencies such as taxcollection, assembling macroeconomic statistics, or compliance with macroeconomicgoals.b)Legal system. Accounting in code law countries tends to be highly prescriptive,detailed, and procedural, designed to cover every possible circumstance. Accountingstandards are a part of national laws. Accounting in common law countries is moreadaptive and innovative and tends to allow more judgment to suit the circumstance.Accounting standards are set in the private sector.c)Taxation. This tends to parallel the legal system. In common law countries (whereaccounting standards are set by the accounting profession), accounting and taxationare separate. In code law countries (where accounting standards are national laws),accounting and taxation are essentially the same.d)Political and economic ties. Accounting technology and expertise is imported andexported based on the contacts that nations have with each other through commerce,conquest, etc.e)Inflation. Historical cost accounting is the basis for initially recording transactionsaround the world. Inflation puts stress on the historical cost principle. Whereinflation is high, accounting adjusts recorded amounts to reflect price level changes.f)Level of economic development. This factor defines the difficulty and types of theaccounting issues that are faced in a nation. Accounting is complex where businesstransactions are complex (in highly developed economies); it is simpler wheretransactions are simpler (in less developed countries).g)Education levels. This factor defines the limits of accounting sophistication in anation. Accounting cannot get very sophisticated where education levels arerelatively low (unless the country imports accounting training or its citizens are sentelsewhere for it).2.The text lists seven environmental circumstances asserted to have direct effects on accountingdevelopment. We judgmentally rank the list as follows:a.Sources of financeb.Legal systemc.Taxationd.Political and economic tiescation levelsf.Inflationg.Level of economic developmentStudents may wish to alter this ranking and justify their own. It should also be pointed out that the rankings for certain countries may be quite different.Capital markets as a source of finance are driving accounting development today. This phenomenon is the reason why the European Union decided to abandon its own effort at developing European accounting principles and require IFRS for EU listed companies. It is behind the convergence movement described in Chapter 8. The chapter argues that the fair presentation versus legal compliance classification describes accounting today better than the one based on legal system. This argument is consistent with sources of finance as the driver of accounting development today.Level of economic development exerts only a moderate effect. This is because developing economies tend to import accounting technologies (and training) from developed countries. For example, many countries in emerging market economies are adapting sophisticated Western accounting systems in order to enhance their development efforts.3.Culture underlies institutional and other arrangements in a nation that directly affect accountingdevelopment. Individualism, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance are likely to be the most important influences. Individualism, small power distance, and weak uncertainty avoidance tend to be correlated with and found in common law countries with fair presentation accounting. There is a strong accounting profession, accountants rely on professional judgment, and capital markets are the principal source of finance.Collectivism, large power distance, and strong uncertainty avoidance tend to be correlated with and found in code law countries with legal compliance accounting. The profession is relatively weak - accounting is influenced by law, instead. Accounting is more conservative and prescriptive, and banks and governments are the principal sources of finance.4.This question is controversial and there is no consensus of opinion at present. However, as notedin the answer to question 3, culture exerts a second-order effect on accounting. It underlies institutional and other arrangements in a nation that directly affect accounting development. We feel that economic and legal factors are more clearly linked to specific features of accounting, whereas cultural variables are linked to broader generalizations about accounting. Thus, we argue that economic and legal factors explain national differences in accounting practice better than culture.5.Generally speaking, these patterns of accounting development are still valid today, but less sothan in 1967. The descriptions of accounting in the chapter for the respective exemplar countries are broadly true. However, note that the Netherlands is really the only country that can be described by the microeconomic pattern. There are also only a few countries that follow the macroeconomic pattern. The independent discipline approach is not as ad hoc as it was in 1967.Most of these countries (in particular, the United Kingdom and United States) now have conceptual frameworks to guide accounting policy formulation. The uniform accounting approach is less relevant as more and more countries privatize their economies.We expect these patterns to break down in the future as financial reporting converges around International Financial Reporting Standards. As discussed in this chapter, the trend is for fair presentation accounting at the consolidated financial statement level. The macroeconomic and the uniform approaches will persist in certain code law countries at the individual company financial statement level (for example, for tax collection purposes). The microeconomic andindependent discipline approaches have always been fair presentation oriented. So, they will likely disappear due to convergence, as discussed above.6.Conservative measurements and secretive disclosures tend to be correlated. At the same time,less emphasis on conservative measurements and transparent disclosures also tend to be correlated. This is largely to due to the principal source of finance in a country. Banks and governments are concerned about the safety net that conservatism affords; and because they tend to have direct access to information, public disclosure is less important. Capital markets demanda fair presentation of financial position and results of operations along with high levels ofdisclosure7.Classifications are a way of viewing the world. They abstract from complexity and revealfundamental characteristics that members of the group have in common and that distinguish the various groups from each other. Classifications provide the basic structure for understanding what is alike and what is different in accounting around the world. By identifying similarities and differences, our understanding of accounting systems is improved.8.Judgmental classifications rely on knowledge, intuition and experience. Empirically derivedclassifications apply statistical methods to databases of accounting principles and practices around the world. This chapter discusses Mueller’s four approaches in acc ounting development (1967), which is essentially a judgmental classification of accounting. The fair presentation versus legal compliance classification and classifications based on legal systems are also judgmental, though largely supported by empirical data.9.The chapter discusses three major accounting classifications. The first is the one by Mueller(1967):•Macroeconomic approach, where accounting practice is designed to enhancemacroeconomic goals;•Microeconomic approach, where accounting develops from the principles ofmicroeconomics;•Independent discipline approach, where accounting develops from business practices based on judgment and trial-and-error; and•Uniform approach, where accounting is standardized so it can be used as a tool of administrative control by central government.The second classification is the one based on legal systems, which closely parallels the third classification based on practice systems. Generally speaking, the features of common law accounting (legal system) are those described for fair presentation accounting (practice system).The features of code law accounting (legal system) are those described for legal compliance accounting (practice system).Fair presentation (common law) emphasizes substance over form and is oriented toward the decision needs of external investors. Thus, it is capital markets oriented. Financial statements help investors judge managerial performance and predict future cash flows and profitability.Extensive disclosures provide additional relevant information for these purposesLegal compliance (code law) accounting is designed to satisfy government-imposed requirements such as calculating taxable income or complying with the national governmen t’s macroeconomic plan. The income amount may also be the basis for dividends paid to shareholders and bonusespaid to employees. Conservative measurements ensure that prudent amounts are distributed and smooth income brings stable tax, dividend and bonus payouts.As noted above, fair presentation accounting is associated with common law countries, while legal compliance accounting is associated with code law countries. However, many companies from code law countries now follow International Financial Reporting Standards in their consolidated financial statements. IFRS are based on the principles of fair presentation.10.The chapter contends that many accounting distinctions at the national level are becoming blurredbecause of global capital market pressures. An increasing number of companies are listing on multiple stock exchanges. This has pressured accounting policy makers around the world to harmonize (converge) reporting requirements. This has also pressured companies to devise financial reporting practices that satisfy multiple requirements and user groups. At the same time, some code law countries where accounting is aimed at legal compliance have dual reporting.Consolidated financial statements are aimed at fair presentation (IFRS), while individual company financial statements continue to be aimed at legal compliance.11.Our preference for classifying based on fair presentation versus legal compliance over legalsystem follows from the answer to question 10. Many companies from code law countries now prepare two sets of financial statements. Consolidated financial statements follow fair presentation principles, while individual company accounts follow legal compliance principles.Listed companies from the European Union now follow International Financial Reporting Standards in their consolidated financial statements. IFRS are based on fair presentation principles.12.In your authors’ opinion, the prospects for the harmonization of national systems of accounting islow. As the chapter demonstrates, accounting satisfies the information needs of its users and develops in response environmental circumstances. Unless these forces converge, there is little reason to expect accounting to converge. Also, taxation is a fundamental influence on accounting in many countries - it is the reason accounting exists in the first place. Unless governments are willing to relinquish their sovereignty over such matters, national accounting systems cannot be harmonized. At the national level, accounting systems are too entrenched.However, the story is different at the transnational (or international) level for consolidated financial statements. Convergence is occurring here, driven by the globalization of capital markets. Companies now seek capital from around the world and must appeal to the information needs of a worldwide investor group. The type of information these investors seek is similar, regardless of where they reside. This same force drove the European Union requirement for listed companies to comply with International Financial Reporting Standards starting in 2005.This means dual reporting for many companies, especially those from European countries where accounting is legalistic and tax-driven. Local financial statements will be prepared in compliance with local laws and accounting standards, but secondary financial statements will be prepared for the worldwide investor group. Consolidated financial reporting is converging onto fair presentation based on IFRS.Exercises1. a. The dominant factor influencing accounting development in Taiwan is political andeconomic ties, namely those with the United States since the 1950s. In 1949, defeated bythe Communists, Chiang Kai-shek fled to Taiwan and set up a provisional governmentthere. Taiwan soon began receiving substantial U.S. economic aid to prevent the furtherspread of Communism. Taiwan is a dynamic capitalist economy and the United States isthe country’s largest trading partner. Taiwan is an economic power that is a leadingproducer of high-technology goods. Services make up more than two-thirds of GDP.Nevertheless, small, family owned businesses are the basis for the economy. Taiwan hasa credit-based, rather than capital markets-based financial system. Its (Germanic) codelaw legal system dates from the years (1895 – 1945) when Taiwan was a Japanese colony.Given the influence of the United States, it can be expected that taxation will not directlyimpact financial reporting (despite the code law legal system). Additional developmentfactors are a low level of inflation and high education level (literacy rate approaching 100percent).b.Overall, one would expect accounting to resemble U.S. accounting, emphasizing a fairpresentation and full disclosure as opposed to compliance with legal requirements.Accountants can be expected to exercise judgment and not merely follow the rules or thetax laws.c.The above prediction is accurate according to the fifth edition of this textbook (PrenticeHall, 2005) and Ronald Ma, ed., Financial Reporting in the Pacific Asia Region,Singapore: World Scientific Publishing (1997). Accounting in Taiwan is largely basedon U.S. accounting. Accounting standard-setting is a private sector activity, modeled afterthe U.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board.2.Gambia and India (both former British colonies) have common law legal systems, while Belgium,Czech Republic, Mexico, Senegal (former French colony), and Taiwan have code law legal systems. China’s legal system is not derived from code law, but more closely resembles code law than common law. Gambia and India have fair presentation accounting because of the British colonial influence and Senegal has legal compliance accounting because of French colonial influence. As members of the European Union, both Belgium and the Czech Republic require International Financial Reporting Standards (fair presentation) for consolidated financial statements. China is also basing its reporting standards on IFRS. Because of U.S. influence, Mexico and Taiwan have fair presentation accounting.3.For each of the three comparative accounting development patterns to be identified, four U.S.examples are listed. (Students were asked to identify two examples each.)a.The macro-economic pattern1.Accounting for investment tax credits.2.Disclosure of corporate social responsibility activities.3.Selected application of accelerated depreciation methods.4.Disclosure of oil and gas reserves by oil companies.b.The micro-economic pattern1.Mark to market accounting for financial instruments.2.Segmental financial reporting according to FASB Statement No. 131.3.Pension accounting and disclosure of pension liabilities.4.Industry-specific accounting, e.g., for banks, insurance companies, public utilities,railroads.c.The independent discipline approach1.The realization principle.2.Reporting of business income as a residual between realized revenues andrecognized expenses for a given period.3.Classifying assets and liabilities as current and noncurrent on the balance sheet.4.Foreign exchange translation according to FASB Statement No. 52.4.The answer to the question depends on the countries and the companies chosen. In general, onewould expect students to discuss measurement and disclosure issues. Accounting in common law countries is based on fairness and substance over form, whereas in code law countries it stresses legal compliance, including tax laws. Thus, accounting and tax are separate in the former, but the same in the latter. Specific practices where this distinction is most obvious is in accounting for depreciation, leases, pensions, and deferred income taxes. Accounting in code law countries tends to be more conservative and it is common to see discretionary reserves used to smooth income. Of course, these are broad generalizations.Disclosure involves the amount and type. Generally, higher levels are found in common law countries and lower levels are found in code law countries. It is difficult to generalize about disclosure types. Students ought to compare such issues as disclosure of accounting policies, segment information, contingent liabilities, and social and nonfinancial matters.This exercise also lends itself to a group project where one student takes one company and another student takes the other. The length of the answer will vary depending on how in-depth the instructor wants to be.One reason why the similarities and differences may not conform to expectations is due to the type of company chosen. Large multinational corporations, especially from code law countries, often have different reporting than their domestic counterparts. Their disclosure levels are more extensive and they may not use home GAAP. All EU listed companies must now prepare consolidated statements using IFRS. It is useful to compare the two companies chosen on the basis of size, extent of multinational operations, and international listing status. Also note that the Netherlands has always followed “common law” accounting (i.e., fair presentation) even though it is a code law country.5.At the time of writing, the 2005 annual report was the most recent one available. The stockexchanges with the most foreign listed companies were New York (452), London (334), Nasdaq (332), Euronext (293), and Luxembourg (206). The attraction of New York, London, and Nasdaq for foreign companies is that these are the major capital markets in the world. Euronext and Luxembourg attract many European companies.The stock exchanges with the highest proportion of foreign to total listed companies were Luxembourg (84%), Bermuda (66%), Mexico (54%), Swiss (29%), and Euronext (23%). As noted, Luxembourg and Euronext attract many European companies. The Swiss Exchange does as well. Bermuda is known as a financial center with easy laws, which may explain its high proportion. The Mexican Exchange attracts companies from Central and South America.6.Arguably the most serious obstacle to accounting harmonization in the EU is that common andcode law countries are both represented. This determines how standards are set and the basic orientation of accounting. However, differences can be noted in every developmental factor discussed in the chapter, including the cultural dimension. Nevertheless, the economic and political ties among the member countries are a dominant force supporting EU harmonization —the group is committed to economic integration, including a single currency, the euro. EU countries are converging on fair presentation accounting for consolidated financial statements, propelled by market forces such as these.7.For the ten countries joining the EU in 2004 and the two countries joining in 2007, the level ofeconomic development and the fact that they lack developed capital markets (system of finance) is likely to be the most serious obstacles for achieving accounting harmonization with the rest of the EU. Most of these countries are still expanding their market economies from ones that were centrally planned. Accounting expertise is also still being developed.8. a. The individualism scores are: China (20), the Czech Republic (58), France (71),Germany (67), India (48), Japan (46), Mexico (30), the Netherlands (80), the UnitedKingdom (89), and the United States (91).b.Countries with high individualism scores are France, Germany, the Netherlands, UnitedKingdom, and United States. Countries with medium individualism scores are CzechRepublic, India, and Japan. Countries with low individualism scores are China andMexico.c.According to Gray, high individualism is associated with professionalism, flexibility,optimism, and transparency. (Note to instructors: After reading Chapters 3 and 4,students will recognize that these characterize Dutch, U.K. and U.S. accounting, but notFrench and German accounting. [Note also that the Netherlands, U.K., and U.S. have thehighest individualism scores of all 10 countries.]) According to Gray, low individualismis associated with statutory control, uniformity, conservatism, and secrecy. (Note toinstructors: After reading Chapters 3 and 4, students will recognize that only statutorycontrol and (to some extent) secrecy is associated with China, while only secrecy isassociated with Mexico. Gray’s prediction for these two countries is not very good.)Medium individualism scores presumably predict accounting values ‘in the middle’.(Note to instructors: After reading Chapters 3 and 4, students will recognize that theCzech Republic, India, and Japan do not really fall ‘in the middle’ on Gray’s accountingvalues. The Czech Republic and Japan generally reflect the accounting values ofstatutory control, uniformity, conservatism, and secrecy. India is generally associatedwith professionalism, flexibility, optimism, and transparency.)9. a. The uncertainty avoidance scores are: China (30), the Czech Republic (74), France (86),Germany (65), India (40), Japan (92), Mexico (82), the Netherlands (53), the UnitedKingdom (35), and the United States (46).b.Countries with high uncertainty avoidance scores are the Czech Republic, France,Germany, Japan, and Mexico. Countries with medium uncertainty avoidance scores areIndia, the Netherlands, and the United States. Countries with low uncertainty avoidancescores are China and the United Kingdom.c.According to Gray, high uncertainty avoidance is associated with statutory control,uniformity, conservatism, and secrecy. (Note to instructors: After reading Chapters 3 and4, students will recognize that Gray’s prediction describes accounting well for the CzechRepublic, France, and Germany. The prediction describes Japan before the “Big Bang”,but less so now. Except for secrecy, the prediction does not describe accounting valuesin Mexico.) According to Gray, low uncertainty avoidance is associated withprofessionalism, flexibility, optimism, and transparency. (Note to instructors: Afterreading Chapters 3 and 4, students will recognize that these are features of U.K.accounting, but not China.) Medium uncertainty avoidance scores presumably predictaccounting values ‘in the middle’. (Note to instructors: After reading Chapters 3 and 4,students will recognize that India, the Netherlands, and the United States have similaraccounting values to the United Kingdom. Gray’s prediction for these three countries isnot very good.)d.The only consistent prediction between Exercise 8 (individualism) and Exercise 9(uncertainty avoidance) is that for the United Kingdom. Gray’s model linking cultureand accounting is valid for the U.K. The model’s prediction s are exactly opposite forChina, but in neither case does it predict China’s accounting values very well. Based onindividualism, the model does a “good job” predicting the accounting values in theNetherlands, U.K., and U.S., but a “poor or moderate” job predicting accounting valuesin the other seven countries. Based on uncertainty avoidance, the model does a “good job”predicting accounting values in the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Japan, and U.K.,but a “poor or moderate” job prediction accounting in the other five countries. Overall,one would have to conclude that the success of Gray’s model linking culture andaccounting is modest at best.10.The following table summarizes the use of IFRS by domestic listed companies in the 10 countriesidentified, according to the IAS Plus Web site at the time of writing:The five countries of the European Union require their domestic listed companies to use IFRS.This EU requirement is discussed in the chapter. India, Japan, Mexico, and the United States require their domestic listed companies to use national GAAP, not IFRS. The implication is that these four countries believe that their own national standards better reflect financial reporting to various constituencies than do IFRS. (However, Chapter 4 discusses that these four countries are converging their national GAAP with IFRS.) China requires some domestic listed companies to use IFRS. The inference is that IFRS are relevant for some but not all domestic Chinese companies. (Chapter 4 notes that Chinese companies issuing so-called B-shares (shares to foreign investors) must prepare English language financial statements. One might infer that companies with B-shares would also be required to use IFRS. Chapter 4 also discusses that China is converging national GAAP to IFRS.)11.France: With banks and government as the main sources of finance, we can expectconservative and uniform measurements. With code law legal system, the focus is on complying with the law. The link to taxation means that measurements are also tax-oriented. Political and economic ties with the rest of Europe suggest that French accounting may influence and be influenced by other European countries. Low inflation indicates a low likelihood of inflationadjustments. The levels of economic development and education suggest sophisticated accounting.India: With the government and stock market as the main sources of finance, we can expect a mixed (and inconsistent) orientation –uniformity but also fair presentation. The common law legal system and separation between tax and financial accounting indicate fair presentation accounting. The political and economic ties to the U.K. and U.S.A. also suggest fair presentation accounting. (Economic ties to China are probably unimportant in describing Indian accounting.) Low inflation suggests a low likelihood of inflation adjustments. The levels of economic development and education suggest less complex accounting standards and practices.Japan: With banks as the main source of finance, we can expect conservative accounting measurements. With the code law legal system, focus is on complying with the law. The link to taxation means that measurements are also tax-oriented. Political and economic ties to theU.S.A. indicate some U.S. influence on Japanese accounting. (Economic ties to China are probably unimportant in describing Japanese accounting.) Low inflation suggests a low likelihood of inflation adjustments. The levels of economic development and education suggest sophisticated accounting.United Kingdom: With the stock market as the main source of finance, we can expect fair presentation accounting. Fair presentation accounting can also be expected because the U.K.has common law, and taxation and accounting are separate (i.e., not linked). Political and economic ties to the U.S.A. and Europe suggest accounting influence is felt to and from both areas. Low inflation indicates a low likelihood of inflation adjustments. The levels of economic development and education suggest sophisticated accounting.United States: With the stock market as the main source of finance, we can expect fair presentation accounting. Fair presentation accounting can also be expected because the U.S.A.has common law, and taxation and accounting are separate (i.e., not linked). Political and economic ties to the Canada and Mexico most likely mean that these two countries are influenced by the U.S.A., rather than the other way around. Low inflation indicates a low likelihood of inflation adjustments. The levels of economic development and education suggest sophisticated accounting.12.The irreversible globalization of capital markets and increasing trend of multiple stock exchangelistings is causing more and more companies to adopt fair presentation accounting for their worldwide audience. The chapter notes how accounting distinctions are becoming blurred.Chapter 3 also notes how Germany and Chapter 4 shows how Japan have established standard setting organizations for the purpose of adopting reporting standards for consolidated financial statements that are in line with International Financial Reporting Standards. Standard setters in the United States, Canada, Australia, and many other countries are committed to converging their financial reporting with IFRS. Finally, the European Union now requires EU-listed companies to follow IFRS in their consolidated financial statements from 2005 on.Thus, we believe that the two-way split proposed in the chapter (fair presentation versus legal compliance) will be even more significant than it is now. Countries already oriented toward fair presentation (such as Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States) will converge around International Financial Reporting Standards. Regardless of the home country of the company concerned, consolidated financial statements will be prepared on a fair presentation/full disclosure basis, as can be seen in the EU 2005 requirement. Countries that。

国际会计课后题答案 版

国际会计课后题答案 版

















内容第1章介绍 (1)第二章会计..........................................................在理想的条件7第三章财务报告的决策有用法 (68)第四章......................................................................有效的证券市场129第五章会计信息的价值相关性 (153)第六章决策有用性................................测量方法194第七章........................................................................测量应用237第8章有效的决策有用的契约方法 (285)第九章的分析冲突 (321)第十章高管薪酬 (371)第十一章盈余管理 (425)第十二章标准设置:经济问题 (487)第十三章标准设置:政治问题 (527)版权©2015年皮尔森加拿大公司。

第一章介绍1.1 这本书的目的1.2 一些历史的角度来看1.3 2007-2008年的市场崩盘1.4 有效的合同1.5 关于道德行为的说明1.6 基于规则的与基于原则的会计准则1.7 财务会计和报告信息的复杂性1.8 会计研究的作用1.9 信息不对称的重要性1.10财务会计理论的基本问题1.11监管作为对根本问题的反应1.12本书的组织结构1.12.1理想条件1.12.2逆向选择1.12.3道德风险1.12.4标准设定1.12.5标准设定过程1.13财务会计理论与会计实务的相关性学习目标及建议教学方法1. 这本书的概要我使用图1.1作为模板来描述这本书的大致轮廓。







Chapter 1IntroductionDiscussion Questions1.In the domestic case, accounting is an information service that provides financialinformation about a domestic entity to domestic users of that information. Internationalaccounting is distinctive in that the entity being reported on is either a multinationalcompany with operations and transactions that transcend national boundaries or involves an entiiy with reporting obligations to readers who are located outside the reportingentity’s country of domicile.2.Advantage: Some might argue that measurement, disclosure, and external auditing arethree distinct (although related) processes, involving different members of the company.For example, corporate attorneys often are involved in disclosure issues, but seldomintervene in measurement issues. The Board of Directors works with the external auditors but not necessarily with the comptroller s office. Thus, discussion of accountingrequirements and voluntary accounting choices in different jurisdictions is simplified by focusing on the three components of accounting. Disadvantage: measurement, disclosure and auditing are interdependent, and should not be viewed in isolation of one another. A company choosing to disclose as little as possible, for example, may use accountingmeasurement approaches that reduce the information content of financial statements, and select an external auditor who will be relatively lenient in enforcing accountingrequirements. One alternative classification might include accounting (measurement and disclosure), and auditing. A second classification might include financial reporting(annual and interim reporting, regulatory filings) and ad hoc disclosure (press releases,analyst meetings, etc). Any classification is arbitrary, and potentially useful depending on its purpose.3.Factors contributing to the internationalization of the subject of accounting include: thegrowth and spread of multinational operations around the world, the phenomenon ofglobal competition, the increasing number of cross-border mergers and acquisitions thatoccur almost daily, continued advances in information technology, and theinternationalization of the world’s capital markets.4.International trade involves importing and exporting activities. The major accountingissue associated with foreign trade involves accounting for foreign currency transactions.Foreign direct investment, on the other hand, involves conducting operations abroad.This activity exposes accountants to a new set of issues that run the gamut from having to consolidate foreign currency accounts based on diverse measurement rules to issues ofevaluating the performance of foreign subsidiary managers.5.Students will overwhelmingly argue in favor of harmonization. This is probably a goodstarting point for the course. After they are introduced to the chapters leading up toChapter 8, some may no longer feel that harmonization is necessarily the answer to all of their international accounting problems.6.Recent developments such as the growth and spread of multinational operations,Internationalization of the world’s capital markets, increased cross border mergers andacquisitions, the phenomenon of global competition and financial innovation haveincreased reader dependence on foreign financial statements. An understanding ofaccounting differences and their effect on reported measures of profitability, efficiency, solvency and liquidity are critical if proper decisions are to be made. Internationalaccounting issues have become more complex in recent years for several reasons.Financial transactions are becoming more complex, affecting both national andinternational accounting. For example, the use of complex financial instruments anddeveloping accounting standards for these exotic instruments has been problematic.Global financial markets also are becoming more volatile, leading to large changes in asset and balance sheet amounts (such as related to investments) and major sources of income and expense. The related accounting issues are difficult. The growinginternationalization of business also promotes complexity. Foreign currency transactions and translation have been troublesome accounting issues for years, and are becoming more important as cross-border business and finance increase. Also, differences innational accounting principles potentially are more troublesome as business becomes more international. However, as convergence efforts worldwide accelerate, and more and more companies and countries adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), complexity arising from differences in national accounting principles will decrease.7.Examples of external reporting issues include:a. Does translation from one set of measurement rules to another change theinformation content of the original message?b. Should accounts of foreign operations be translated to parent currency whenconsolidated statements are prepared?c. Which exchange rates should be employed when translating from one currency toanother?Examples of internal reporting issues include:a. Which exchange rates should be used for budgeting purposes?b. Should foreign managers be evaluated in terms of parent currency or the localcurrency of the country in which the manager operates?c. Which prices should one use when transferring goods or services betweenmembers of the multinational enterprise- cost, market, cost-plus or some othermetric?8.Global capital market activities and transactions reach beyond single political or legaljurisdictions. For example, global capital market transactions include the following: (1) an American tourist buying Australian dollars for travel purposes in the South Pacific; (2)a Japanese insurance company buying German government bonds as an investment; and(3) a Nigerian agricultural development project receiving cash subsidies from theEuropean Union (EU).The international equities market is one global capital market. A second such market covers foreign exchange transactions, that is, when one national currency is exchanged into, traded forward, hedged, swapped, or otherwise converted to another nationalcurrency. This market is estimated at hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars per day. The total world foreign exchange market is the largest market on earth. The international bond market is still another global capital market. The bonds constituting this market areunderwritten by international syndicates of banks and are marketed and traded all over the world. Global capital markets are a vital part of the world economy.9.English should be designated as the formal international accounting language. Technicalaccounting terms ( terms of art) do not travel well internationally. Since technicalaccounting terms often have attributed meanings (for example, generally acceptedaccounting principles are neither generally accepted nor principles ), it is difficult orimpossible to translate these terms into other languages and retain their original meanings.In other disciplines, such considerations have caused the establishment of Latin as the universal language for botanical classifications, Italian as the language for specifying the tempo (and other matters of interpretation) of musical compositions, and English as the language of electronic computing. Since accounting is used worldwide, a singleworldwide language for accounting makes sense.Why should English be the worldwide language for accounting? English already hasbecome the language of world commerce and multinational business. Thus, the universal use of English in accounting would parallel a well-established business practice. Also, the accounting discipline was in many respects developed as an offshoot of Anglo-American economics, which means that the language roots of many accounting terms and concepts are English. Among non-English speaking people, English is the mostcommon second language. The vast majority of the world’s accounting literature iswritten in English, and nearly all international accounting conventions and conferences use English as the official language. Multinational corporations generally use English in their accounting and financial operating manuals, as well as for corporatecommunications, without regard to national domiciles. Therefore, the worldwide benefits of adopting English as the universal language of accounting are likely to be greater than for any other language, and the worldwide costs are likely to be less.10.Emerging markets are those whose financial systems are emerging from state dominationthrough a process of liberalization. Developed countries are those with liberalizedfinancial systems. Many people believe that liberalization is highly beneficial to sustained economic growth. Many different classifications of developed versus emerging market countries are used, and often the terms are not defined, although no one correct set of definitions for developed and emerging markets exists.Students should be encouraged to suggest their own criteria as to what constitutes adeveloped as opposed to an emerging market. The emerging market countries are in geographic regions that are generally not highly industrialized. But one cannot generalize here as extensive economic liberalization is taking place in these countries (in some more than in others). For example, entry barriers to foreign businesses, government regulation of banking operations, and credit controls have been eased in many of the countries once classified as “emerging.”11.Privatizations of state-owned corporations have had dramatic effects on global capitalmarkets. Often, the privatized entities are large, well-known companies in which thenational government retains a large ownership interest, and retail (individual, non-institutional) investors often are encouraged to buy shares in newly privatized entities. Asa result, the shareholder base in the market grows dramatically, investors become moreactive market participants, and market capitalization increases.Privatizations also mean that management must now compete in the market place formarket share, external capital and corporate control. In such a world, accounting systems must properly motivate managers to work toward the accomplishment of theorganization’s overall goals in an efficient manner while putting together credibleexternal financial statements that will enable it to secure the necessary capital to financecorporate growth. Many of these external and internal reporting issues are covered in the balance of the chapters in this book.12.Those opposed to outsourcing see it as a threat to domestic jobs and a form ofexploitation by companies engaged in the practice. Some even see it as a moral issue.However, they miss the point of international trade. While outsourcing may reduce jobs in one sector, they reflect differences in comparative advantage, which ultimately makes possible greater employment in other sectors and or lower consumer prices whichincreases real wealth. One need only look at higher education in America. Whereasstenographers in the U.S. may be losing jobs to stenographers in India, more and moreIndian families are sending their children to the U.S. for their higher education,increasing the demand for support services in the higher education sector.A look at Exhibit 1.2 shows that over time, countries with greater exports than importseventually become net importers and vice versa. The importance of internationalaccounting will not diminish. Countries have been trading with each other since antiquity and will continue to do. Even if the volume of trade were to diminish, an unlikely event, the network of trading partners continues to expand globally and with it accounting issues associated with international trade.Exercises1.For steps one and two in which the idea for the Proliant ML150 is spawned in Singaporeand approved in Texas, differences in legal practices regarding rights and compensationschemes for intellectual property development may vary between the U.S. and Singapore as the latter’s legal system has been influenced by the U.K. system. Internat ional taxissues also surface in terms of royalty payment arrangements and their tax consequences in both Singapore and the U.S.For step 4, language communications between Singapore and Taiwan could pose someissues of interpretation. Production in Taiwan raises internal reporting issues such asshould exchange rate fluctuations between the Taiwanese dollar and the U.S. dollar beincorporated into the cost of production or accounted for separately as a non-operatingforeign exchange gain or loss. In evaluating the creditworthiness of the Taiwanesemanufacturer, should the financial statements of the Taiwanese manufacturer betranslated to U.S. GAAP or not. If a ratio analysis is performed, should Taiwaneseliquidity and solvency ratios be interpreted based on U.S. financial norms or Taiwanesenorms?For step 5, should clients in Southeast Asian countries be charged identical prices orshould prices be flexed for differences in exchange rates, transportation arrangements and “facilitating” payments. What legal issues are raised in the case of bribes expected on the part of commercial buyers and how would these payments be treated under the U.S.Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?2. A suggested index might look like the following. The instructor should focus on thestudent’s rationale for his or her rating as some students may have more knowledge ofspecific country developments than others and students will naturally exhibit differentdegrees of risk-aversion.Industrialized CountriesUnited States 1Canada 1Japan 1United Kingdom 1France 1Germany 1Italy 1Australia 2New Zealand 2East AsiaHong Kong 1Indonesia 3South Korea 2Malaysia 2Phillipines 1Singapore 1Taiwan 3Thailand 2Latin AmericaArgentina 2Brazil 2Chile 2Colombia 2Mexico 1Peru 1Venezuela 2Middle East and AfricaEgypt 3Israel 2Morocco 2South Africa 1Turkey 2South AsiaBangladesh 2India 2Nepal 3Pakistan 3Sri Lanka 33.The compounded annual growth rate for merchandise exports from 1985 to 2005 wasapproximately 8.7%. The growth rate for merchandise imports was also 8.7% . The comparable growth rates for exports of services was 9.6% over the same 20 year period.It was 9.2% for imports. The outlook for accounting services to travel internationally are very good. Students interested in accounting careers should take note.4.The purpose of this exercise to get students to check out the wealth of stock relatedinformation available on the web. They will probably choose the five whose countriesare most familiar to them. Their exchanges will probably be located in highlyindustrialized economies and which afford access to relatively deep pools of capital. As one example, Luxembourg has long been popular because of its accommodating listingrequirements. However, students should note that the numbers of foreign companieslisted in markets other than the NYSE have been declining. This suggests that manyissuers question the benefits of such listings, and that the benefits of a foreign listinggenerally are greater in the United States. In particular, the U.S. represents a well-established market with strong investor protection. This is especially important in adown economy, as stringent disclosure requirements help to minimize perceivedinformation risk which, in turn, reduces price volatility.5.This exercise will require that students combine certain geographic categories ofmerchandise exports to achieve some comparability with Henekin’s disclosures. It would be interesting to poll students’ ex ante predictions of the correlations and have themponder reasons for any differences they find.Geographic Region Merchandise Exports Geographic Sales for HeinekenAfrica and Middle East 7.9% 12.6%Asia 29.2% 9.1%Europe 41% 65.5%Americas 17.6% 12.7%While correlations between percentage geographic distributions of merchandise exportsand beer sales are closer for Africa and the Middle East and for the Americas, there arebig differences in beer sales and merchandise export patterns for Asia and Europe.Obviously one cannot generalize microeconomic behavior from macroeconomic data.However, some students will be inclined to hypothesize similar patterns given thepopularity of beer consumption around the world. It will be fun brainstorming reasonsfor the observed differences. Might observed differences be due to national differencesin consumer tastes, import restrictions and perhaps the success of national advertisingcampaigns? More important, this exercise should reinforce the notion of environmentaldifferences as explanatory variables.6.The geographic spread of Heineken’s revenue streams suggest that the co mpany isexposed to foreign exchange rate risk. This complicates the process of forecasting thecompany’s future earnings and resultant cash flows. Moreover, the numbers beingreported are the results of a consolidation process. The cardinal rule to remember here is that when exchange rates change, data in parent currency may change even though local currency amounts may not. For managerial accountants, the conduct of foreignoperations raises numerous issues of financial control. For example, which currencyshould be used to evaluate foreign subsidiary performance, the parent currency or thelocal currency? In preparing operating budgets, which exchange rate combination should be used to translate original budgets and subsequently track performance? Whenplanning capital expenditures, how do you factor inflation, foreign exchange rate risk and sovereign risk into measures of future project cash flows, cost of capital estimates andplanned investment outlays? Should capital budgeting decisions be made from theproject’s perspective or a company perspective? Again, this exercise is designed to raise questions that will be addressed in subsequent chapters.7.Issues triggered by Exhibit 1-5 include :a. What criteria are used to determine when a foreign affiliate is to be consolidatedwith that of the parent company? While majority ownership is one criterion forconsolidation, do other criteria exist internationally and why?b. When consolidating the accounts of a foreign affiliate with that of the parentshould accountants first restate the accounting measurement rules of the foreignaffiliate to the reporting requirements of the parent company or should thereporting requirements of the affiliate’s country of domicile prevail? Whichmethod produces the more meaningful information for statement readers?c. When consolidating the accounts of a foreign affiliate should the accountanttranslate the currency of the affiliate to the reporting currency of the parentcompany? If so, which exchange rates should be employed for each balancesheet account? For each income statement account?d. If fluctuating exchange rates produce foreign currency gains and losses duringthe consolidation process, how should these gains and losses be accounted for?8.The ROE ratios for Electrolux based on IFRS and U.S. GAAP was derived as follows:IFRS U.S. GAAPROE 1,763/25,888 + 23,636 1,518/25,057 + 23,5672 2= 1,763/24,762 =1,518/24,3129.For this exercise, we consider information provided by three stock exchanges: TheLondon Stock Exchange, the Deutsche Boerse and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. TheLondon Stock Exchange Web site () provides highly useful information. However, under the U.K. regulatory structure, the Financial Services Authority, not the LSE, is responsible for the admission of securities to official listing and continuing obligations of listed companies.The Deutsche Boerse ()has a 117-page document covering insider trading and required ad hoc disclosure, but nothing in any detail concerning periodic financial disclosures. There is a bar chart that claimed to show the relative transparency of the various Deutsche Boerse exchanges. Without even the most basic frame ofreference, it s hard to describe such a chart as anything but opaque.It might be well to advise students not to investigate financial disclosure requirements for the Tokyo Stock Exchange (www.tse.or.jp). The TSE does not have independentfinancial disclosure requirements. Rather, companies must conform with therequirements of Japan’s Securities and Exchange Law and regulations. The TSE provides this brief summary: Under the Securities and Exchange Law, the registrants are required to file annual and semi-annual reports with the Ministry of Finance, with copies to the stock exchanges where the securities are listed. The financial statements to be included in security registration statements and annual reports must comply with a wide range of formats and contents relating to disclosures prescribed in the regulations. The regulations require both the consolidated financial statements and non-consolidated financialstatements of the registrant. The financial statements prepared under the Securities and Exchange Law and relevant regulations are in major areas equivalent to those prevailing internationally.This summary obviously raises many more questions than it answers. The TSE alsoprovides a flow chart showing which documents are required to be filed, and their filing deadlines, but nothing concerning the required contents of these documents.For an illustrative example, consider the Deutsche Boerse and the London StockExchange. Note that Web sites change continuously. Therefore, the responses shown below are indicative only.Ratings (obviously) will be subjective. Students should be evaluated on the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of their evaluations10.If we divide the total foreign company listings for each region by the total listings for thatregion as one measure of foreign listings, we would obtain the following results: The Americas: 1,174/3,758 = 31.2%Asia-Pacific: 274/2,375 = 11.53%Europe-Africa-Middle-East 1,188/10,383 = 11.4%Student answers to the second part of the question will vary depending on which region of the world they expect to experience the most rapid growth in the years ahead.11.In addition to eliciting a variety of investment strategies, this question should drive homethe connection between accounting information and international investing. Theaccounting issues that will influence country investment allocations will be the extent oftransparency of a company’s accounts, the degree to which its accounting standards areoriented toward investor decisions and the quality of the audit functions in each country. Case 1-1E-Centives, Inc.e-centives, Inc. — Raising Capital in Switzerland1. Possible factors (from Exhibit 1.7) relevant in e-centives decision to raise capital and list on the Swiss Exchange s New Market:•Ease of raising capital (point 3). The Swiss Exchange s New Market has simple listing requirements designed to appeal to small companies. The contrast with the complex,detailed listing and reporting requirements in the United States is striking.•Availability of capital (point 4). Switzerland has a large, well-developed capital market.•Reputation of the exchange (point 5). The Swiss Exchange is well known for providing a high quality, efficient trading environment.•Corporate profile and brand identity (point 6). A listing on the New Market would dovetail with the company s possible expansion into Switzerland by giving it a higherprofile in the Swiss market. While e-centives is interested in expanding into Switzerland, it also is considering Germany and the United Kingdom, which have much largerconsumer markets. Therefore, this is not an overwhelming point in Switzerland s favor.•Regulatory environment (point 7). It is highly likely that e-centives chose Switzerland because its regulatory environment is unlike that of the United States.•Availability of investors (point 9). e-centives might be interested in possible investment from large Swiss pension funds, but it s not likely that such funds would invest in aspeculative, start-up enterprise.2. a. Possible reasons why e-centives chose not to raise public equity in the United States:•One possible reason would be to avoid the complex and expensive process of registering securities with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and keeping up with theCommission’s periodic reporting requirements.•e-centives probably would not satisfy the listing requirements of a U.S. stock exchange (such as Nasdaq or a regional stock exchange).•Management might think that raising money in Switzerland rather than the U.S. might give them an appearance of quality, cleverness, and exclusivity that would not bepossible with a U.S. listing. (Your authors believe that such reasoning is far-fetched, but it s not unknown.)b. Possible drawbacks to not raising capital in the U.S. public markets.•Lack of access to the largest pool of investment capital in the world.•Lack of following by U.S. investment analysts, and lack of access to individual U.S.investors.•Trading volume on the Swiss Exchange New Market is much smaller than on the U.S.exchanges.•Listing in Switzerland does little to establish the reputation or raise the profile of e-centives in the United States.•The degree to which (mostly European) investors in the New Market would be interested in a struggling U.S. start-up certainly can be questioned.3. Advantages and disadvantages to e-centives of using U.S. GAAP.Advantages: U.S. accounting standards are highly credible and well known, which is important to a new company seeking investment capital, and would be much more familiar to the company’s management, outside auditors, and investors domiciled in the U.S. than any other set of standards. Use of U.S. GAAP would eliminate some suspicions of the company trying to put something over on investors by using some other set of GAAP, and U.S. GAAP is accepted explicitly by the Swiss Exchange.Disadvantages: U.S. accounting standards are not particularly well known to investors participating on the Swiss Exchange, who would be expected to know Swiss GAAP, GAAP of other major European markets, and possibly IAS (International Accounting Standards). Compliance with U.S. GAAP is more complex and expensive than compliance with other standards (such as IAS), and the company might see some cost savings by avoiding U.S. GAAP if it isn’t required to use them.4. Should the Swiss Exchange require e-centives to prepare its financial statements using Swiss accounting standards?This is a debatable point. One would expect that investors on the Swiss Exchange would be more familiar with Swiss accounting standards than with any other, and that requiring Swiss accounting standards would make financial disclosures more easily understood toth em than any others. This wouldn’t be true, however, for non-Swiss investors participating on the exchange, and ignores the fact that IAS increasingly are becoming a common language for financial accounting disclosures. Accepting IAS almost certainly would increase the pool of investors that would be able readily to understand disclosures by listed companies, and this would give the exchange a powerful reason to accept IAS in addition to (if not instead of) Swiss accounting standards.5. What are listing and financial reporting requirements of the Swiss Exchange s New Market? Does e-centives appear to fit the profile of the typical New Market company?From the case: The New Market is designed to meet the financing needs of rapidly growing companies Listing requirements are simple. For example, companies must have an operating track record of 12 months [note: not necessarily a profitable operating track record], [and] the initial public listing must involve a capital increase. All of these conditions apply well to e-centives, and on that basis the company does appear to fit the profile of the typical New Market company. The uniqueness of e-centives is in its decision to skip the U.S. capital markets.Case 1-2Infosys Technologies LimitedThis case is designed to get students into reading non-domestic financial statements. Many students will be surprised at the information content of Infosys’ financial statements as the company does not fit the typical stereotype of sub-par financial reporting in emerging markets. Indeed the company illustrates how competitive the world of business has become and the success that accrues to firms that base their futures on innovative thinking and adaptability. Students unused to seeing the report form of balance sheet will find it at odds with the classified balance sheet format that they were taught in class. Other things they will note include but are not limited to: use of a fiscal as opposed to a calendar year, the fact that the financial statements。









国际会计准则委员会(IASC)承诺制定的核心准则(core standard)于2000年5月经证券委员会国际组织(I0SC0)认可并向各国资本市场推荐在跨境融资使用后,IASC的声誉空前提高,不仅伦敦证券交易所公开采用国际会计准则(IAS),欧盟还公告至2005年全体企业实施IAS.但是,美国SEC发表声明认为IAS 不是质量最好的准则,言下之意,美国是经济最发达的国家,因而美国FASB的准则是质量最高的。

在此情况下,IASC理事会(IASC Board)于1999年12月决议采纳战略工作组(Strategy Working Party)的未来规划建议,同意重组并投票选出7人组成的托管会提名委员会(Nominating Committee),提名委员会主席为时任美国SEC主席Arthur Levitt.提名委员会在2000年1月7日召开了第一次会议,决定设立由19人组成的托管会(Trustees),其主要职责是筹集资金、任命人员和日常监督。

2000年5月22日宣布选出的托管会成员,其主席为美国联邦储备局前主席Paul A.Volcker.2000年5月24日,IASC成员组织通过了重组决定和新章程(Constitution)。

2000年6月28日托管会任命英国ASB主席David Tweedie为重组后IASC 理事会(IASB)主席,于2001年1月1日起任职。


















第1章总论教材习题解答一、思考题1.会计工作的特点是什么?答:会计是经济管理的重要组成部分,它是通过建立会计信息系统,收集㊁加工和利用以一定的货币单位作为计量标准来表现的经济信息,通过确认㊁计量等专门技术方法将经济信息转换为会计信息,使其进入会计信息系统,通过记录和计算加工并且对外进行报告,达到对经济活动进行组织㊁控制㊁调节和指导的目的,促使人们比较得失㊁权衡利弊㊁讲求经济效益的一种管理活动㊂会计工作的特点就是进行价值管理,主要是利用会计信息对经济过程中使用的财产物资㊁劳动耗费㊁劳动成果进行系统的记录㊁计算㊁分析㊁检查,以达到加强管理的目的,其中,确认㊁计量㊁记录㊁报告㊁分析㊁检查都是手段㊂通过会计信息,计算和分析利用财产物资的有效程度以及劳动耗费的合理程度,据以判断得失,调整偏差,采取相应措施改善经营管理㊂2.会计的基本职能是什么?它们之间有什么联系?答:会计的职能是指会计作为经济管理工作所具有的功能或能够发挥的作用㊂会计的基本职能是核算与监督㊂会计核算是会计的首要职能,也是全部会计管理工作的基础,它是在将经济活动信息转换为会计信息的过程中,进行确认㊁计量㊁记录并进行公正报告的工作㊂会计监督是会计的另一个基本职能,它是通过预测㊁决策㊁控制㊁分析㊁考评等具体方法,促使经济活动按照规定的要求运行,以达到预期的目的㊂2㊀‘初级会计学(第七版)“学习指导书会计的核算职能与监督职能是相辅相成的,只有在对经济业务活动进行正确核算的基础上,才可能提供可靠的资料作为监督的依据;同时,也只有搞好会计监督,保证经济业务按规定的要求进行,并且达到预期的目的,才能发挥会计核算的作用㊂3.会计要素包括哪些内容?答:会计要素是从会计的角度解释构成企业经济活动的必要因素,也是根据交易或事项对于可确定的财务会计对象的分类或概括㊂企业的经济活动可分为资产㊁负债㊁所有者权益㊁收入㊁费用㊁利润六个会计要素㊂资产是指过去的交易或者事项形成的并由企业拥有或者控制的,预期会给企业带来经济利益的资源㊂负债是过去的交易或事项形成的,预期会导致经济利益流出企业的现时义务㊂所有者权益是指所有者在企业资产中享有的经济利益,是企业资产扣除负债后,由所有者享有的剩余权益㊂收入是指企业在日常活动中发生的㊁会导致所有者权益增加的㊁与所有者投入资本无关的经济利益的总流入㊂费用是指企业在日常活动中发生的㊁会导致所有者权益减少的㊁与向所有者分配利润无关的经济利益的总流出㊂利润是指企业一定会计期间的经营成果,全部收入与全部费用相比较的结果就是利润(如果是负数就是亏损)㊂4.会计恒等式的内容是什么?答:从资产与权益的关系来看,企业有多少资产就有多少权益,或者反过来说,有多少权益就有多少资产,在任何情况下资产与权益都保持着数额相等的关系㊂这样的数量关系用等式表示就是:资产=权益㊂由于企业的权益又分为债权人权益和所有者权益,上述会计等式又可变换为:资产=债权人权益+所有者权益=负债+所有者权益㊂这个等式将资产㊁负债㊁所有者权益三个会计基本要素用数学符号联系起来,清晰地反映了三者之间的关系,我们称之为基本会计等式㊂会计等式反映了企业经营过程中,在任何一个时点上资产和负债与所有者权益之间都保持着数额相等的平衡关系㊂5.会计核算的基本准则包括哪些内容?答:会计核算的基本准则包括三个方面的内容:第一,会计核算的基本假设;第二,会计记账基础;第三,会计信息质量要求㊂会计核算的基本假设是组织会计核算工作需要具备的前提,即在组织核算工作之前,首先要解决与确立核算主体有关的一系列重要问题,这是全部会计工作的基础,具有非常重要的作用㊂关于会计核算前提的具体内容,国内外会计界多数人公认的会计核算基本假设有四个:会计主体㊁持续经营㊁会计分期和货币计量㊂在会计核算时选择记账基础是非常重要的㊂会计记账基础分为权责发生制和收付实现制㊂权责发生制是指对于会计主体在一定期间内发生的交易或事项,凡第1章㊀总论3㊀是符合收入确认标准的本期收入,不论现金或者银行存款等款项是否收到,均作为本期的收入处理;凡是符合费用确认标准的本期费用,不论现金或者银行存款等款项是否支付,均作为本期的费用处理㊂权责发生制的核心是按交易或事项是否影响各个会计期间的经营成果和受益情况,确定其归属期㊂收付实现制是指对于会计主体在一定期间内发生的交易或事项,收入和费用都是按照现金或银行存款等款项的收付日期确定其归属期㊂将收入确认的会计期间确定为收到现金或者银行存款等款项的期间,将费用确认的会计期间确定为支付现金或者银行存款等款项的期间,而不论其是否应归属本期㊂凡是本期未收到现金或者银行存款等款项的收入和未支付现金或者银行存款等款项的费用,即使应归属本期,也不能作为本期的收入和费用㊂会计信息质量要求是对企业所提供的会计信息质量的基本要求,是使会计信息对其使用者决策有用所应具备的基本特征,包括可靠性㊁相关性㊁可理解性㊁可比性㊁实质重于形式㊁重要性㊁谨慎性和及时性等㊂6.什么是会计核算的基本假设?它们的具体内容是什么?答:会计核算的基本假设是组织会计核算工作需要具备的前提,即在组织核算工作之前,首先要解决与确立核算主体有关的一系列重要问题,这是全部会计工作的基础,具有非常重要的作用㊂关于会计核算前提的具体内容,国内外会计界多数人公认的会计核算基本假设有四个:会计主体㊁持续经营㊁会计分期和货币计量㊂会计主体是指企业会计确认㊁计量㊁记录㊁报告的空间范围,在会计主体假设下,企业应当对其本身发生的交易或者事项进行确认㊁计量㊁记录㊁报告,反映企业本身所从事的各项生产经营活动㊂持续经营作为基本前提,是指企业在可以预见的将来,如果没有明显的证据证明企业不能经营下去,就认为企业将会按照当前的规模和状态继续经营下去,不会停业,也不会大规模削减业务;它为正确地确定财产计价㊁收益以及会计计量提供了理论依据㊂会计分期这一假设是从持续经营基本假设引申出来的,也可以说是持续经营的客观要求;会计分期是指将一个企业持续经营的生产经营活动期间划分为若干连续的㊁长短相同的期间;企业的经营活动从时间上来看是持续不断的,但会计为了确定财务状况及经营成果并编制财务报表,定期为会计信息使用者提供信息,就必须将持续不断的经营过程划分成若干期间㊂货币计量是指会计主体在进行会计确认㊁计量㊁记录㊁报告时以货币作为计量单位,反映会计主体的财务状况㊁经营成果和现金流量㊂7.企业会计准则中会计信息质量要求的具体内容是什么?答:会计信息质量要求是对企业所提供的会计信息质量的基本要求,它包括使会计信息对其使用者决策有用所应具备的基本特征,包括可靠性㊁相关性㊁可4㊀‘初级会计学(第七版)“学习指导书理解性㊁可比性㊁实质重于形式㊁重要性㊁谨慎性和及时性等㊂可靠性要求企业应当以实际发生的交易或事项为依据进行会计确认㊁计量㊁报告,如实反映符合会计确认和计量要求的会计要素及其他相关信息,保证会计信息真实可靠㊁内容完整㊂相关性要求企业提供的会计信息应当与会计信息使用者的经济决策需要相关,有助于会计信息使用者对企业过去㊁现在或未来的情况作出评价或预测㊂可理解性要求企业提供的会计信息应当清晰明了,便于会计信息使用者理解和使用㊂可比性要求企业提供的会计信息应当能够进行纵向或横向的比较分析㊂实质重于形式要求企业应当按照交易或事项的经济实质进行会计处理,不应仅以交易或事项的法律形式为依据㊂重要性要求企业提供的会计信息应当反映与企业财务状况㊁经营成果和现金流量有关的所有重要交易或事项㊂谨慎性要求企业对交易或事项进行会计处理时应当保持应有的谨慎,尽可能地不高估资产或者收益,不低估负债和费用㊂及时性要求企业对于已经发生的交易或事项,应当及时进行会计处理,不得提前或延后㊂8.会计方法包括哪些内容?答:会计方法是指用何种手段去实现会计的目标,完成会计核算与监督的职能㊂会计方法究竟包括哪些方面内容,在会计理论界与实务界存在不同的看法,大多数人认为它至少包括五个方面的内容:会计核算㊁会计分析㊁会计考核㊁会计预测及会计决策㊂其中,会计核算是最基本㊁最主要的方法㊂会计核算是通过将经济活动信息转换为会计信息,进行确认㊁计量㊁记录并进行公正报告的工作㊂会计分析要依照会计核算提供的各项资料及经济业务发生的过程,运用一定的分析方法,对企业的经营过程及其经营成果进行定性或定量的分析㊂会计考核(会计监督㊁控制)是通过会计核算及会计分析所提供的资料与原定目标进行比较,来考核㊁检查企业的生产经营过程或单位的经济业务是否合理㊁合法,与原定目标有多大偏差,考核会计主体的经营业绩,监督经济运行的全过程,保证经济按预定的轨道运行㊂会计预测是通过会计核算及会计分析所提供的资料与市场环境诸因素的相关性,运用一定的预测方法,对会计主体的财务指标未来发展趋势作出测算㊁预计和估价,为会计决策提供可选择方案㊂会计决策是企业经营决策的重要组成部分,它具有综合性的特点㊂9.会计工作在经济管理工作中能够发挥什么作用?答:会计在经济管理工作中能够发挥的作用很多,但大多数人认为会计基本的作用是核算与监督㊂会计核算是全部会计管理工作的基础,它是通过将经济活动信息转换为会计信息,进行确认㊁计量㊁记录并进行公正报告的工作㊂会计监督是通过预测㊁决策㊁控制㊁分析㊁考评等具体方法,促使经济活动按照规定的要求运行,以达到预期的目的㊂10.在现实经济生活中是否存在打破会计恒等式的经济业务?第1章㊀总论5㊀答:现实经济生活中不存在打破会计恒等式的经济业务㊂从资产与权益的关系来看,企业有多少资产就有多少权益,或者反过来说有多少权益就有多少资产,在任何情况下资产与权益都保持着数额相等的关系㊂这样的数量关系用等式表示就是:资产=负债+所有者权益㊂这个等式将资产㊁负债㊁所有者权益三个会计基本要素用数学符号联系起来,清晰地反映了三者之间的关系;反映了企业经营过程中,在任何一个时点上资产和负债与所有者权益之间都保持着数额相等的平衡关系㊂因此,在企业经营过程中,不存在任何打破会计恒等式的经济业务㊂11.作为会计要素之一的利润具有什么特点?答:利润是指企业一定会计期间的经济活动产生的经营成果,全部收入与全部费用相比较的结果就是利润(如果是负数就是亏损)㊂作为会计要素的利润具有以下特点:第一,利润是一个特定的会计概念,同时也是一个综合性指标,是通过会计方法计算出来的企业在一定期间内生产经营的财务成果,是收入与费用相抵后的盈余,它不是一个独立的要素,其计量需要依靠收入和费用㊂第二,企业所计算的利润是以权责发生制作为记账基础的,在权责发生制下,会计报表所计算的利润并不一定代表企业能够收到等额的现金,它忽略了风险的存在可能导致的坏账等因素㊂(说明:这个问题可以从不同的角度进行解答,没有唯一的答案㊂)二㊁案例题ʌ案例1ɔ答:企业的资产与权益是相互依存的,有一定数额的资产,必然有相应数额的权益;反之亦然㊂所以,在数量上任何一个企业的所有资产与所有权益的总额必定相等㊂用公式表示为:资产=负债+所有者权益㊂王先生的公司在经过这些经济活动以后,会计恒等式仍然保持平衡㊂各项经济业务对会计恒等式的影响如下:(1)以3000元存款租用办公室,减少了3000元银行存款但增加了3000元管理费用,资产类项目总额保持不变,会计恒等式仍然平衡㊂(2)支付各种办公费用6000元,银行存款减少了6000元,同时管理费用增加了6000元㊂由会计等式 资产=负债+所有者权益+(收入-费用) 可得:资产+费用=负债+所有者权益+收入㊂这笔业务导致资产类项目减少了6000元,同时费用类项目增加了6000元,会计恒等式仍然平衡㊂(3)用银行存款购入80000元商品,减少了80000元银行存款但增加了80000元存货,资产类项目总额保持不变,会计恒等式仍然平衡㊂(4)卖出商品收到货款99000元,银行存款增加了99000元,同时存货减6㊀‘初级会计学(第七版)“学习指导书少了80000元,资产类项目总额净增加19000元;这一业务能够为企业带来收入19000元(99000-80000)㊂由会计等式 资产=负债+所有者权益+(收入-费用) 可得:资产+费用=负债+所有者权益+收入㊂这笔业务使得资产类项目净增加19000元,同时损益类项目净增加19000元,等式两边同时增加相同的数额,会计恒等式仍然平衡㊂ʌ案例2ɔ答:王先生的说法没有道理㊂企业虽然有经营自主权,但是企业会计工作必须按照国家会计准则以及相关的规定来进行处理㊂会计法以及相关法律对会计工作㊁会计人员㊁会计机关有一定要求,企业会计准则又对会计核算工作有具体要求㊂根据我国企业会计准则和会计法规,企业应当根据会计准则建立企业会计制度,所提供的会计信息应符合可靠性㊁可比性等原则,企业采用的会计政策㊁会计方法也应当保持连续性㊁一贯性,不得随意变更㊂会计准则是会计人员从事会计工作的规则和指南,企业应当遵循㊂从根本上说,我国对会计人员实行职业资格认证是为了提高会计人员的素质,提高会计工作的质量㊂ʌ案例3ɔ答:税务人员的说法有道理㊂作为个体工商户的张先生,按照我国税法的规定应对经营所得缴纳个人所得税,个人所得税的计税基础是经营收入,张先生如果将自己的商品随意领用,根据税法的相关规定,这些业主自用的商品应该视同销售,在计算缴纳所得税时应当计入计税基础,张先生没有记账,因此无法正确地确定计税基础,所以有逃避缴纳税款的嫌疑㊂三㊁练习题各项经济业务对公司资产㊁负债㊁所有者权益总额的影响如表1 2所示㊂表1 2经济业务对公司资产㊁负债㊁所有者权益总额的影响业务资产=负债+所有者权益1I I N E2D D N E3I I N E4I N E I5N E N E N E6N E N E N E第2章会计处理方法教材习题解答一、思考题1.会计记录包括哪些方法?答:会计记录是在确认㊁计量的基础上对于企业经济活动轨迹进行描述的方法和手段㊂在传统的手工记账程序下,它主要包括下列专门方法:(1)设置会计科目及账户;(2)复式记账;(3)填制与审核凭证;(4)登记账簿;(5)成本计算;(6)财产清查㊂2.采用手工记账与计算机记账,会计记录方法会有差别吗?答:采取手工记账与计算机记账会有差别,例如手工记账要编制记账凭证,然后根据记账凭证或直接登记账簿,或再编制汇总记账凭证㊁科目汇总表登记账簿,计算机记账则可以省略这些程序㊂3.如何理解会计确认的意义?会计确认的标准包括哪些内容?答:会计作为一项有效及有序的管理活动,需要会计核算系统不断提供正确的财会信息数据㊂企业日常发生的大量经济业务,包含着大量的经济信息㊂将经济信息按照会计的规则与方法加工成会计信息,提供给有关使用者,是一个十分复杂的过程,这一过程的实质就是信息转换㊁加工和传输㊂会计确认是按照规定的标准和方法,辨认和确定经济信息是否作为会计信息进行正式记录并列入财务报表的过程,它是信息转换的关键环节㊂会计确认包括初次确认和再次确认㊂会计确认(包括初次确认和再次确认)的核心问题是根据什么标准进行确认,在什么时间㊁以多少金额对输入会计核算系统的经济信息加以初次确认,对8㊀‘初级会计学(第七版)“学习指导书会计核算系统输出的信息进行再次确认㊂概括地讲,确认的标准有以下几个方面:可定义性㊁可计量性㊁可靠性和相关性㊂可定义性首先确认发生的经济业务能否进入会计核算系统,然后对能够进入会计核算系统的经济业务按照会计要素的定义将其具体确认为某一会计要素㊂可计量性是将已经确认为具体会计要素的经济信息进行货币计量㊂可靠性是指会计信息要真实可靠,应如实㊁完整地反映应当反映的交易或事项,而且这些交易或事项必须根据它们的实质和不带偏向的经济现实,而不仅仅根据它们的法律形式进行核算和反映㊂相关性是指会计信息应当与使用者的决策相关㊂4.初次确认与再次确认应分别完成哪些任务?答:初次确认是指对输入会计核算系统的原始经济信息进行的确认㊂初次确认要依据会计目标或会计核算的特定规范要求,筛掉多余的或不可接受的数据,将有用的原始数据进行分类,运用复式记账法编制记账凭证,将经济信息转化为会计信息,并登记有关账簿㊂它实际上是决定经济信息能否转化为会计信息,并进入会计核算系统的筛选过程㊂再次确认是指对会计核算系统输出的经过加工的会计信息进行的确认㊂再次确认是依据管理者对于会计信息的需要,确认账簿资料中的哪些内容应列入财务报表,或者在财务报表中应揭示多少财务资料和何种财务资料㊂再次确认还包括对已确认过的经济信息在日后由于物价变动影响而进行的再次确认,如企业购入的各种存货,经初次确认后,以实际成本记录在账簿中,若物价发生比较大的变动,在按照谨慎性原则核算时,须对价格变动影响存货成本的程度以及对于利润形成的影响进行再次确认㊂再次确认实际上是对已经进入会计信息系统的信息再提纯㊁再加工,以保证其真实性及正确性,满足各会计信息使用者对于可靠性和相关性的需要㊂5.资产确认的具体标准是什么?答:在具体确认资产时,必须按三个重要的标准来进行衡量:(1)符合资产的定义㊂资产应是由过去的交易或事项形成的㊁由企业拥有或者控制的㊁预期会给企业带来经济利益流入的资源㊂如果不符合资产的定义,不能将其确认为资产㊂(2)与该资源有关的经济利益很可能流入企业㊂如果一项支出已经发生,但在本会计期间及以后的会计期间都不会形成经济利益流入企业,则这项支出不能作为资产㊂(3)该资源的成本或价值能够可靠地加以计量㊂凡是作为资产的,必须能够可靠地计量其成本或价值,若虽不能准确地计量,但能使用合理的估计,也可以确认为资产㊂6.负债确认的具体标准是什么?答:在负债的具体确认中,应该按以下标准来进行判断:(1)符合负债的定义㊂负债应是由企业过去的交易或事项形成的㊁预期会导致经济利益流出企业的现时义务㊂如果不符合负债的定义,不能作为负债加以确认㊂(2)与该义务有关第2章㊀会计处理方法9㊀的经济利益很可能流出企业,一项债务的偿还,企业必须付出债权人能够接受的资产或劳务,导致企业所拥有的经济利益的资源流出㊂(3)未来流出的经济利益的金额能够可靠地计量㊂作为负债,一般都有一个到期偿还的确切金额,即使没有确切的金额,也应该能合理地估计偿还金额㊂7.收入确认的具体标准是什么?答:收入是企业补偿费用开支㊁取得盈利的源泉㊂在收入的具体确认中,应该按以下标准来进行判断:(1)符合收入的定义㊂收入应是企业在日常活动中形成的㊁会导致所有者权益增加的㊁与所有者投入资本无关的经济利益的总流入㊂如果不符合收入的定义,则不能确认为收入㊂(2)收入只有在经济利益很可能流入企业,从而导致资产增加或负债减少时才能确认㊂(3)与收入相关的经济利益流入企业具体表现为资产增加或负债减少㊂(4)经济利益流入额能够可靠地进行计量㊂8.费用确认的标准是什么?答:在费用的具体确认中,应该按以下标准来进行判断:(1)符合费用的定义㊂应是企业在日常活动中形成的㊁会导致所有者权益减少的㊁与向所有者分配利润无关的经济利益的总流出㊂如果不符合费用的定义,则不能确认为费用㊂(2)费用只有在经济利益很可能流出企业,从而导致资产减少或负债增加时才能确认㊂(3)与费用相关的经济利益流出企业的结果导致资产的减少或负债的增加㊂(4)经济利益流出额能够可靠地进行计量㊂9.什么是会计循环?答:会计作为一个信息系统,是由会计人员通过运用复式账簿系统对经济业务进行处理,并在此基础上编制财务会计报告来完成的㊂在这个系统中,确认㊁计量㊁记录是会计人员 生产 会计信息的过程,财务会计报告是会计人员 生产 的产品㊂习惯上,人们将这种依次发生㊁周而复始的以记录为主的会计处理过程称为会计循环㊂对会计循环的理解可以从两个方面进行:第一,从会计期间的角度理解会计循环,或者从广义的角度理解会计循环,是从交易或事项的确认开始,依次经过计量㊁记录,实现对交易或事项的会计处理,到最后编制财务会计报告,完成一个会计期间的会计循环,下一会计期间依然按此顺序进行会计循环;第二,从具体记录方法的角度理解会计循环,或者从狭义的角度理解会计循环,是从填制和审核凭证开始,依次经过登记账簿㊁成本计算㊁财产清查等加工程序,到最后编制财务会计报告,完成一次会计循环㊂10.如何理解会计循环中每一个环节对于信息加工的意义?答:会计信息的收集和进入会计系统是从确认㊁计量开始的,从具体记录方法来看,是从填制和审核凭证开始的㊂会计信息的进一步加工是通过登记账簿㊁。

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Chapter 3Comparative Accounting: EuropeDiscussion Questions1.Regulating and enforcing financial reporting is a government function in France. TheNational Accounting Board (CNC) and the Accounting Regulation committee (CRC) setaccounting standards under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. TheFinancial Markets Authority (AMF) ensures compliance with French accounting rules (forlisted companies). It is also a government agency.Public and private sector bodies are involved in the regulation and enforcement of financial reporting in Germany. The German Accounting Standards Board is a private sector body that develops German reporting standards for consolidated financial statements. However, German law (the HGB) governs financial statements at the individual company level. Enforcement also involves private and public sector bodies. The Financial Reporting Enforcement Panel is a private sector body that investigates compliance and relies on companies to voluntarily correct any problems that it finds. Matters that cannot be resolved are referred to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, a government agency, for final resolution.The regulation and enforcement of financial reporting is in the public sector in the Czech Republic. The Ministry of Finance is responsible for setting accounting principles and it also oversees the Czech Securities Commission which is responsible for enforcing compliance with Czech requirements. Some observers question the effectiveness of the Czech system.A private sector group is responsible for regulating financial reporting in the Netherlands. TheDutch Accounting Standards Board issues guidelines on acceptable accounting principles.Enforcement is handled by the Enterprise Chamber, a special accounting court. It rules on whether companies have used acceptable accounting practices, but only after an interested party has brought a complaint. The Financial Reporting Supervision Division of the Netherlands Authority for Financial Markets is responsible for enforcing reporting requirements for listed companies.Regulation of financial reporting is in the private sector in the United Kingdom. The Accounting Standards Board determines Financial Reporting Standards. The authority of the ASB is set out in the law. Two groups are responsible for enforcing financial reporting standards, one in the private sector and the other in the public sector. The Financial Reporting Review Panel (private sector) and the Department of Trade and Industry (public sector) can investigate complaints about departures from accounting standards. If necessary, they can go to court to force companies to revise its financial statements.2.Given the requirement that all EU listed companies must use International FinancialReporting Standards in their consolidated financial statements, all five countries follow fairpresentation principles for this group of companies’ financial statements. The differenceamong the countries comes with listed companies’ individu al financial statements and withnon-listed companies. The overall picture is quite confusing.At the individual company level, France and Germany require local accounting standards. Both can be characterized as legal compliance, conservative, and tax-driven. Individual companyfinancial statements in the Netherlands and United Kingdom may use either local requirements or IFRS. However, in either case the result is fair presentation financial statements. The Czech Republic requires IFRS in listed c ompanies’ individual company financial statements, so the result is that they are fair presentation. In all five countries, non-listed companies may use either IFRS or local accounting standards for their consolidated financial statements. As characterized above, the resulting financial statements will be quite different for German and French companies. Czech accounting standards are mostly fair presentation, but there is still some tax influence. Thus, the resulting financial statements can also be different depending on the choice that companies make. Finally, non-listed companies’ individual financial statements must be prepared under local accounting standards in the Czech Republic, France, and Germany. Local accounting standards or IFRS may be used by this group of companies in the Netherlands and United Kingdom.3.The recently established auditor oversight bodies discussed in this chapter are:a.France –Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes (High Council of ExternalAuditors)herlands – Netherlands Authority for Financial Marketsc.United Kingdom – Professional Oversight BoardThe oversight body in France is in a government agency, while the one in the U.K. is a private sector body. The Dutch body is an autonomous administrative authority under the Ministry of Finance. They are a response to recent accounting scandals and represent efforts to the tighten control over auditors.4. Tax legislation is a significant influence on local accounting requirements in France andGermany. It is unimportant in the Netherlands and United Kingdom. Tax legislation has limited influence in the Czech Republic. Given that Czech accounting is still evolving, tax law can be expected to fill in areas where accounting standards are missing.5. Consolidated financial statements are the statements of a group of companies under commonmanagement or control. Individual company financial statements are the statements of the separate legal entities (parent and subsidiaries) that make up the group. EU countries prohibit IFRS for individual company financial statements when these statements are the basis for taxation and dividend distributions. They are “legal compliance” countries (see Chapter 2) and individual company financial statements must comply with the law. Other countries permit or require IFRS for individual company financial statements because they are “fair presentation”countries (Chapter 2). Individual company financial statements are not the basis for taxation or dividends. Local accounting standards follow fair presentation principles.6. There is no conclusive evidence linking high levels of legal accounting and reportingrequirements in a country and corresponding high quality levels of financial reporting. It appears that high legal requirements (for example, in France and Germany) lead to a certain amount of professional or bureaucratic inertia and form over substance thinking in financial reporting. Indeed, countries with significant state regulation of accounting and accountants are generally not among the innovative accounting leadership countries. If anything, comparatively high levels of legal requirements appear to depress the overall quality of reporting.7.This quote paraphrases a statement in the preamble to the charter establishing the GermanAccounting Standards Committee. We agree. Private sector initiatives (self-regulation) have。
