学术英语写作Unit 5 Abstract
Unit 5: Academic WritingAcademic writing is an essential skill for graduate students. Whether it's writing research papers, essays, or dissertations, the ability to conveyplex ideas in a clear and organized manner is crucial for success in academia. In this unit, we will delve into the keyponents of academic writing, including structure, language, and style, and offer practical tips for developing your skills in this area.1. Understanding the Structure of Academic WritingAcademic writing typically follows a specific structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should provide background information on the topic and clearly state the purpose of the paper. The body should present evidence, arguments, and analysis to support the m本人n thesis, while the conclusion should summarize the key points and reiterate the significance of the research. Understanding and following this structure is essential for producing coherent and persuasive academic writing.2. Developing an Academic Writing StyleAcademic writing requires a formal and objective tone. This means avoiding colloquial language, personal opinions, and emotional language. Instead, focus on using clear, precise, and formal language to convey your arguments and ideas. Additionally, pay attention to the use of citations and referencing to acknowledge the sources of your information and evidence. Developing a strong academic writing style takes practice, but it is a crucial skill for graduate students to master.3. Using Language Effectively in Academic WritingIn academic writing, it is important to use language that is precise and unambiguous. Avoid vague or ambiguous language, as this can weaken the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. Additionally, pay attention to the use of transitions and cohesive devices to ensure smooth and logical connections between ideas. By using language effectively, you can enhance the coherence and flow of your academic writing.4. Incorporating Research and EvidenceAcademic writing is heavily reliant on research and evidence tosupport arguments and cl本人ms. As a graduate student, it is important to develop strong research skills and the ability to critically evaluate sources. This includes identifying reliable and credible sources, synthesizing information from multiple sources, and effectively integrating evidence into your writing. By incorporating research and evidence, you can strengthen the validity and persuasiveness of your academic writing.5. Editing and Revising Academic WritingEffective academic writing is the result of careful editing and revision. After drafting your paper, take the time to review and revise it for clarity, coherence, and organization. Pay attention to the overall structure and flow of the paper, as well as the language, style, and tone. Additionally, proofread your work for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. By editing and revising your academic writing, you can ensure that it meets the highest standards of clarity and accuracy.ConclusionAcademic writing is a fundamental skill for graduate students, and mastering this skill is key to success in academia. Byunderstanding the structure of academic writing, developing a formal and objective writing style, using language effectively, incorporating research and evidence, and editing and revising your work, you can produce high-quality academic writing that is clear, coherent, and persuasive. With practice and dedication, you can continue to refine your skills in academic writing and excel in your academic pursuits.。
How Do Computer Hackers “Get Inside” a Computer? Abstract: It is very difficult if you want to simply explain how computer hackers “get inside” a computer. In this text, we will provide lots of details and analyze the way hackers use to invade into the computer. Generally speaking, there’re three patterns of getting inside the computer, which refer to gaining access to the stored contents of a computer system, gaining access to the processing capabilities of system, or capturing information being communicated between systems. As for the method, concisely, we can describe it as exploiting vulnerabilities, which includes known vulnerabilities, exist as the result of needed capabilities, and the unknown vulnerabilities, the result of poor engineering or arise from unexpected consequence of the needed capabilities. On the other hand, the unauthorized user must determine the specification of the target system, and then they can exploit the configuration’s known vulnerabilities. Of course, from the hackers’ method, we can also be enlightened how to limit and manage the vulnerabilities of your system in order to assure the security of the computer.Keywords: computer, unauthorized user, vulnerabilities, security.。
unit5蔡基刚 学术英语 答案
Unit 5 Writing a Discussion Section and an Abstract1Critical ReadingU n d e rs ta n d in g th e te x tT A S K 1Key words fraud in medical research, survey o f biostatisticiansObjective to investigate fraud in medical researchResearch questions What are the situation and characteristics o f fraud in medical research? Whyis it prevalent?Methods used questionnaires and interviews among biostatisticiansT A S K 21Because they routinely work closely w ith physicians and scientists in many branches o f medical research and have unique insight into data. In addition, they have the methodological competence to detect fraud and could be expected to have a special professional interest in the validity o f results. Biostatisticians therefore could provide unique and reliable information on the characteristics o f fraud in medical research.2To ensure the validity and reliability o f the data.3 Career and power instead o f financial reward.4 Most responders have expertise and opportunity to contact data. They may judge criticallyscientific collaborators’ optim istic interpretation o f data.T A S K 3Paras. 1-31-5e c d i a6-10b f h j gParas.4-81-7f h a c m d b8-14k e g l i j nParas.9-151-6d g b i m k7-13h c l j e f aT A S K 41-5321456-1091087611-151315141211T A S K 51It is d ifficu lt to investigate scientific fraud which is characterized by its secrecy and lack of reliable evidence. Therefore not many people are fam iliar w ith its characteristics, frequency and impact on medical research.2 Biostatisticians cooperate frequently w ith physicians and scientists in many branches o f medicalresearch and have a unique opportunity to understand data. Furthermore, they have expertise todiscover fraud and interest in checking the validity o f results.3 As biostatisticians can access inside information and confidential data, they have a betterunderstanding o f the implications o f data. Hence they know the detailed process before the result is published.T A S K 6Science fraud or scientific misconduct is detrimental to scientific progress in many ways.T A S K 7The paper is to conduct a survey o f biostatisticians, who were members o f the International Society fo r C linical Biostatistics. The objective is to assess the characteristics o f fraud in medical research. [the objective] The survey was performed between A p ril and July 1998. The participation rate was only 37%. We report the results because a m ajority (51%) o f the participants knew about fraudulent projects, and many did not know whether the organization they w ork fo r has a form al system fo r handling suspected fraud or not. D ifferent forms o f fraud (e.g., fabrication and falsification o f data, deceptive reporting o f results, suppression o f data, and deceptive design or analysis) had been observed in fa irly sim ilar numbers. [the methods used] We conclude that fraud is not a negligible phenomenon in medical research, and that increased awareness o f the forms in which it is expressed seems appropriate. [the m a jo r findings]E n h a n c in g la n g u a g e a b ilityT A S K 21implication, undermine2deceptive, episodes3 confidential, disclose4 in a position5 Respondents, mislead6reiterated, intervene7endemic, fabricate8optimistic, are amenable to9 motive, suppress10occurrencesT A S K 31endemic: widespread, rife, pervasive, common, sweeping, extensive, prevalent2episode: event, experience, happening, incident, occurrence3 detect: ascertain, uncover,discover, track down4 m otive: purpose, intention, motivation, grounds, reason,cause5 borderline: ambiguous, indefinite, doubtful, inexact, indeterminate, marginal, problematic6disclose: publish, reveal, unveil, expose, unmask, exhibit, uncover, make public7deceptive: treacherous, fraudulent, deceiving, unreliable, false, misleading, fake8methodology: method, techniques, approach9 explanation: analysis, exposition, reason, interpretation10underm ine: worsen, damage, compromise, harm, jeopardize, endangerC r itic a l th in k in g (e x a m in in g e vid e n ce)T A S K 11An investigation o f an internatinal society fo r biostatisticians because they could provide unique and reliable information on the characteristics o f fraud in medical research.2 A survey o f scientists themselves who know more o f scientific misconduct in their disciplinesboth at home and abroad.T A S K 21Case examples2Statistic evidence from a survey3 Exmples4 Quotations from the expertsT A S K 3The evidence is not reliable as both Dr. W orries and the association o f cosmetic surgeons are com m ercially involved in the matter. Their claims are not objective.D o in g re s e a rc h p ro je c ts1Misconduct was more tight and rigid definition which did not need define or interpretation.2It involves three areas such as fabrication, falsification and plagiarism.3 C iting previous works, accessing and sharing data, and collaborative and authorship.4 There is growing attention paid to the ethics problems.2|Academic WritingW r itin g a d iscu ssio n se ctio nT A S K 1Contents Text I Text I IM ajor findings Para. 9Para. 1Comparison w ith other studies Para. 10,12,13Para. 2Explanations Para. 11Para. 2Lim itations or future direction Para. 14Para. 3Implications or suggestions Para. 15Para. 4T A S K 2Para. 2 Compare w ith the studies o f Europe about fearsPara. 3 SuggestionsPara. 4 M ajor findingsPara. 5 Possible im plicationsPara. 6 Lim itations and future directionsT A S K 31-7 B C G D E F AT A S K 4Academ ic Dishonesty Am ong College StudentsDiscussion (Introduction section P. 124 )1I hypothesized that the participants would be most likely to cheat in the 20 dollar reward group.However, I did not find a significant difference between the different reward levels, which could either mean that the type o f reward did not affect the likelihood o f cheating or that the sample size was not large enough to yield significant results. [explain the unexpected result]2 The pattern that emerged between participants,self-reports o f cheating behaviors and theirdishonesty ratings revealed that participants were w illin g to say that behaviors in which they had not engaged were “extremely wrong,” but behaviors in which they had engaged were rated as “not wrong” or “somewhat wrong.” It could be that the participants were trying to ju stify their behaviors by saying that they only engaged in the more acceptable types o f cheating and never took part in anything that was really dishonest. [explain the result]3Participants who cheated on the puzzle task also had higher self-efficacy scores, which means that they feel like they have more control over their success. Perhaps participants who have higher levels o f self-efficacy are more confident that they w ill succeed. The puzzle task in this experiment, however, was designed so that the participants could not successfully solve all o f the puzzles without cheating. Refusing to fa il such a simple task, they decided cheating was an acceptable tactic fo r success. [explain the result]4 This study contained only 34 participants, hence it is important to note that all o f these findingsshould be approached w ith caution. Further investigation is necessary in order to strengthen the significance o f the findings. However, the findings o f this study could be the first steps to uncovering the motivations behind academic dishonesty. A suggestion fo r future research is closer examination o f the differences in academic motivations o f people who cheat and those who do not. [lim itations and future research]H ealth-related Q u a lity o f L ife and H ealth R isk Behaviors Am ong SmokersDiscussion1This is the first national population-based study o f U.S. adults examining associations among smoking status, HRQOL (Health-related Quality o f Life), and health risk behaviors. The relationship between smoking and impaired physical health is corroborated by the results o f this study. Specifically, compared to persons who never smoked, current smokers are more likely to report fairly poor general health, frequent physical distress, frequent activity lim itations, and frequent pain. [M ajor findings] W hile previous research suggests that people w ith poor mental health are more likely to smoke than those without, few previous studies have examined whether those who smoke are more likely than those who do not to report poor mental health. Additionally, previous research in this area has yielded inconsistent results. In particular, while some prior studies reported mental health impairments among smokers, others found associations in women but not men or found no association. These results suggest that there is a significant association between smoking and impaired mental health among both men and women residing in thecommunity. Specifically, those who currently smoked were significantly more likely than those who formerly smoked or never smoked to report frequent mental distress, frequent depressive symptoms, frequent anxiety symptoms, and infrequent vitality. [Comparison w ith previous studies]2 Respondents who currently smoked were more likely than former smokers or never smokers to beheavy or binge drinkers, but were less likely to be obese. It is w ell known that smoking is frequently associated w ith alcohol consumption, and that smoking cessation is often associated w ith weight gain. Research suggests that fears about weight gain may motivate the initiation or continuation o f smoking, especially among women. However, cognitive behavioral therapy techniques have been demonstrated to improve smoking cessation rates among smokers concerned w ith gaining weight.3Most notably, these results reveal that in addition to being associated w ith increased alcohol consumption and affective disturbance, smoking among community dwellers is also associated w ith physical inactivity, sleep impairment, and inadequate consumption o f fru it and vegetables.Thus, smoking appears to be associated w ith a constellation o f health behaviors, potentially further compounding its adverse effects. As physical inactivity, inadequate sleep, and low consumption o f fru it and vegetables have each been associated w ith increased morbidity and mortality, the presence o f smoking should alert physicians to the possible coexistence o f other adverse health behaviors that may compound its deleterious consequences. In short, smoking may represent the “tip o f the iceberg” o f a number o f modifiable risk factors meriting intervention. [Explanation of the result]4 This study has several limitations. First, it is d ifficu lt to estimate the association between HRQOLand smoking without assessing physical and psychiatric comorbidities (并发症).Because the survey did not assess medical comorbidities, adjustments could not be made for these factors.Second, because the study was cross-sectional, causality cannot be inferred. Nonetheless, these findings demonstrate a strong association between smoking and HRQOL, suggesting that clinicians should be alert to the potential presence o f psychiatric comorbidities among their patients who smoke as w ell as to the presence o f smoking among patients w ith psychiatric disorders. Third, these analyses are based on self-reported data, and therefore these results could be influenced by reporting biases. However, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data on cigarette smoking measures have moderate to high validity and high reliability, and self-reports o f smoking have been found to be valid in other population based surveys.Fourth, because the analysis was based on data from 23 states and the D istrict o f Columbia, the results may, conceivably, not be representative o f the entire United States. Finally, while psychiatric symptoms were assessed, there was no assurance that these symptoms necessarily met diagnostic criteria fo r affective or anxiety disorders.5 These results indicate that in addition to implementing smoking cessation efforts among patientswho smoke, physicians should view smoking as a marker o f a potential array o f health risk behaviors. The results o f this investigation also suggest that physical activity, sleep, and dietary characteristics may be important areas fo r physician assessment and, potentially, intervention among patients who smoke. [Implication]T A S K 51-5 D C B A E FW r itin g an a b s tra c tT A S K 2A cadem ic D ishonesty A m ong C ollege StudentsA bstractThe present study investigated the effects o f academic m otivation, academic integrity, attitude toward cheating, and self-efficacy on cheating behaviors o f college students. [the objective] Participants completed a puzzle-solving task in which some puzzles were not solvable unless a participant cheated. One group was offered a 20 dollar reward fo r the highest score, the second group’s scores were made public, and the third group served as the control. [methods employed] There was not a significant difference in the cheating behaviors o f the three groups. A significant negative correlation was found between participants’ self-reports o f cheating behaviors and how dishonest they rated those behaviors. Participants who cheated on the puzzle task had significantly higher self-efficacy scores than those who did not cheat. Im plications fo r these findings are discussed. [m ajor findings]Laypeople’s U n derstand ing o f R a d io a c tiv ity and R a d ia tio nA bstractIt may be argued that the population should have sufficient understanding o f radiation phenomena to secure individual safety as w ell as democratic decisions. To attain this, it is necessary fo r the communicators o f radiation inform ation to be fam iliar w ith the lay person’s perceptions o f these phenomena. [the objective]A questionnaire survey was conducted to examine non-experts’ conceptions o f radiation phenomena. [the method] The survey revealed incomplete understanding o f concepts such as radioactive decay, h a lf-life and absorption o f radiation and a lack o f differentiation o f between radiation and radioactive material. Many respondents did not distinguish between sources o f ionizing radiation and other environmental hazards. Nuclear power plants and submarines were the most feared sources o f radiation. There are indications that the lay understanding o f radiation phenomena and risk is to a large extent formed by mass media and that “school knowledge” o f these phenomena is not applied in situations belonging to the “real w orld”[m ajor findings] To resolve this problem, new teaching and inform ation procedures are needed. These should take into account the learners’ perceptions and should integrate ‘school knowledge’ w ith considerations belonging to the “real w orld”.[the suggestion]U sing In te ra c tiv e Technology to S u p p o rt S tudents’ U nderstand ing o fthe G reenhouse E ffe ct and G lo b a l W a rm in gAbstractIn this work, we examine middle school students’ understanding o f the greenhouse effect and global warming, [the objective]We designed and refined a technology-enhanced curriculum module called G lobal Warming: V irtu al Earth.In the module activities, students conduct virtual experiments w ith a visualization o f the greenhouse effect. They analyze data and draw conclusions about how individual variables effect changes in the Earth’s temperature. They also carry out inquiry activities to make connections between scientific processes, the socio-scientific issues, and ideas presented in the media.[the method]Results show that participating in the unit increases students,understanding o f the science. We discuss how students integrate their ideas about global climate change as a result o f using virtual experiments that allow them to explore meaningful complexities o f the climate system. [major findings]In flu e n ce o f G e netically M o d ifie d Soya on the B irth W e ig h t and S u rviva l o f R at PubsA bstractInvestigation o f the influence o f GM soya on the birthrate and survival o f the offspring o f W istar rats were performed in this paper. [the objective] A group o f female rats were fed GM soya flo u r before mating and pregnancy. The control group o f females were fed traditional soya and the third group o f females, the positive control group, received feed w ithout any soya. The weight and the m ortality rate o f the newborn pups were analyzed. [the methods employed]The study showed that there was a very high rate o f pup m ortality (55.6%) in the GM soya group in comparison w ith the control group and the positive control group (9% and 6.8% respectively). Moreover, death in the firs t group continued during lactation, and the weights o f the survivors are low er those from the other two groups. [findings] It was revealed in these experiments, that GM soya could have a negative influence on the offsprings o f W istar rats. [the conclusion]The Im p a ct o f U rb a n iza tio n and Socioeconom ic Status onIn fa n t-fe e d in g P ractices in Lagos, N ig e riaA bstractBreast-feeding, a traditional infant-feeding practice in Nigeria, has undergone a serious decline recently. [the background] In order to explore the factors responsible fo r the negative change and offer some suggestions based on the result, a survey was conducted among N igerian women resident in Surulere [the objective].The feeding practice and attitudes o f 558 mothers were examined via questionnaires and personal interview. [the methods employed]The result showed that despite the women’s awareness o f the importance o f breast-feeding practice which should continue fo r up to one year (38 %) according to their expressed opinion, only about 24.6 % o f the mothers practiced breast-feeding fo r that long and 81 % used supplementary foods fo r infants from birth to three months. It is suggested that economic and social pressures were responsible fo r the change in traditional infant feeding practices. [findings]Hence unless the poverty o f urban women was solved any nutrition education program was meaningless. [the conclusion]__________U s in g th e c o rre c t tense, v o ic e a n d la n g u a g e in a b s tra c tsT A S K 1The paper is to conduct a survey o f biostatisticians, who were members o f the International Society fo r C linical Biostatistics. The objective is to assess the characteristics o f fraud in medical research. [the objective] The survey was performed between A p ril and July 1998. The participation rate was only 37%. We report the results because a m ajority (51%) o f the participants knew about fraudulent projects, and many did not know whether the organization they w ork fo r has a form al system fo r handling suspected fraud or not. D ifferent forms o f fraud (e.g., fabrication and falsification o f data, deceptive reporting o f results, suppression o f data, and deceptive design or analysis) had been observed in fa irly sim ilar numbers. [methods em ployed] We conclude that fraud is not a negligible phenomenon in medical research, and that increased awareness o f theforms in which it is expressed seems appropriate. [the conclusion] Further research, however, is needed to assess the prevalence o f different types o f fraud, as w ell as its impact on the va lid ity o f results published in the medical literature. [fu tu re research]T A S K 21-6 A D C F E B3Literacy SkillsF o llo w in g th e a p p ro p ria te a ca d e m ic w r itin g s ty leU sing hedging languageT A S K 1C ertainty Degree ExpressionsStrong modality is, w ill, must always, never, definitely, certainly, clearly,obviously, unavoidably, it is certain/clear/obvious, to agreat/large extentModerate modality should, most would, can, tend to, usually, likely, probably,regularly, generally, normally, presumably, frequently, asignificant proportion, numerous, it appears certain, it isusually the case thatWeak modality May, might, could, possible, conceivable, occasionally,seldom, perhaps, maybe, uncertainly, somewhat, potentially,apparently, it is possible/unlikely that, it seems that, it maybe the case thatT A S K 41In spite o f its limitations, the study may have a number o f important strengths.2 It seems to prove that animals become old because, if they did not, there were no successivereplacement o f individuals and hence no evolution.3 It suggests that the effect o f these small particles is to cool the climate and to partially offset thewarming o f increasing concentrations o f greenhouse gases.4 Very high radiation doses might destroy body functions and lead to death w ithin 60 days.5 The effects o f routine releases o f radioactivity from nuclear plants tend to depend on how thespent fuel is handled.6Although they also began to eat the GM soya, the effect might be mediated by the two first factors.7 It seems that all unethical behavior tents to be potentially criminal.8Mars rock might not be melted even at high temperatures.W r itin g an e n d-o f-te x t re fe re n ce s lis tT A S K 1One o f the main problems tourists cause in Antarctica is the disruption o f scientific research being conducted there. W hile scientific study in Antarctica was once the main purpose fo r humanpresence there, science seems to have given way to tourism. In fact, from1990, the number o f tourists began to increase to a point where their numbers now exceed the number o f scientists (Shaik, 2010). In itia lly, this was welcomed by research staff whose projects saw a potential finding boost through an increase in visitors, and scientists who stay in Antarctica all year round welcomed the idea o f more human contact (Larson, 2012). However, it quickly became apparent that the large number o f tourists was beginning to have negative impacts on the scientists. According to American U niversity, which funds research in the Antarctica, independent tour companies are often unaware o f research schedules and bring hundreds o f tourists to scientific sites requesting explanations and tours (G rall, 1992). In addition, scientists staff sometimes have to stop their w ork to aid tourists who have either ignored the risks or underestimated the extreme conditions o f Antarctica.ReferencesG rall, J. (1992). A ntarctic tourism impacts. TED Case Studies, 2(1).Retrieved from./TED/antarct.htmLarson, S. (2012). More tourists head to Antarctica, affecting the region’s ecosystem and science.P eninsula Press.Retrieved from: /2012/05/11Shaik, A. (2010). Antarctic wanderlust. E J M agazine,2010, Spring. Retrieved from /ejmagazine/2010/05/04/。
大学学术英语教材答案Unit 1: Reading ComprehensionPart A1. C2. B3. D4. A5. CPart B6. The main idea of the passage is that there are several effective strategies to help non-English speaking international students improve their academic English writing skills.7. The author suggests that non-English speaking international students should read extensively, practice writing regularly, seek feedback from professors or writing centers, and participate in academic writing workshops.8. The term "discourse community" refers to a group of people who share common goals, knowledge, and ways of communication within a specific academic field or profession.9. Non-English speaking international students may face challenges in academic writing due to language barriers and cultural differences. They may struggle with vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and academic conventions.10. The author emphasizes the importance of perseverance and continuous practice in improving academic writing skills. Students should not get discouraged by initial difficulties but rather seek assistance and keep working on their writing abilities.Unit 2: Vocabulary and GrammarPart A11. intensify12. abstract13. biased14. acquire15. fundamental16. authentic17. subtle18. context19. coherent20. graspPart B21. The internet has revolutionized the way we access information.22. The new manager aims to streamline the company's operations and increase efficiency.23. The scientist conducted a comprehensive study on the impact of climate change.24. The concert attracted a diverse audience of all ages and backgrounds.25. The legal system should ensure equal treatment and justice for all individuals.Unit 3: Listening ComprehensionPart A26. B 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. DPart B31. The main purpose of the presentation is to inform the audience about the benefits of studying abroad.32. The presenter mentions that studying abroad can help students develop cross-cultural communication skills and enhance their global perspectives.33. The presenter mentions that studying abroad can provide students with opportunities to immerse themselves in a different academic environment and gain a deeper understanding of their field of study.34. The presenter suggests that studying abroad can contribute to personal growth and self-confidence, as students face challenges and adapt to a new cultural context.35. In conclusion, the presenter encourages students to consider studying abroad as a valuable and transformative experience that can enrich their personal and academic lives.Unit 4: SpeakingPart A36. There are several potential advantages of group work in academic settings. First, it promotes collaboration and teamwork skills, which are highly valued in many professions. Second, it allows for the sharing of diverse perspectives and ideas, which can lead to deeper learning and innovative solutions. Third, it helps develop communication and interpersonal skills as students interact and negotiate with their peers. Overall, group work provides a more engaging and interactive learning experience.Part B37. In my opinion, the most effective method of note-taking depends on individual preferences and learning styles. For visual learners, using mind maps or diagrams can be helpful in organizing information. For auditory learners, recording lectures and listening to them later can aid in comprehension. For kinesthetic learners, hands-on activities such as drawing or writing summaries can facilitate retention. Ultimately, students should experiment with different methods and find what works best for them.Unit 5: WritingPart A38. Introduction: The purpose of this essay is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in education.39. Advantages: Social media can facilitate communication between students and professors, allow for easy access to educational resources, and promote collaborative learning.40. Disadvantages: Social media can lead to distractions, privacy concerns, and potential misinformation or lack of credible sources.41. Conclusion: In conclusion, the use of social media in education has both positive and negative implications. It is crucial for educators and students to approach it mindfully, making use of its benefits while being aware of its drawbacks.Part B42. In my opinion, it is essential for universities to provide academic English courses for non-English speaking students. These courses can help students improve their language skills, particularly in academic writing and speaking. Proficiency in academic English is crucial for success in higher education and future careers. Additionally, these courses can also provide cultural orientation and support, helping international students navigate the challenges of studying in a foreign country. Overall, academic English courses contribute to a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.Note: This sample answer is for reference only and may vary depending on the specific questions and content of the textbook. It is recommended to refer to the actual textbook or teaching materials for accurate and complete answers.。
简明扼要(conciseness):去除文献中的次要 材料或辅助细节。
客观公正(objectivity):摘要中不应有原文中 没有的信息资料。
全面完整(completeness):要包括主题思想, 主要资料,结论或建议。
������ 字少、错选:提示 性、报道性、资料性 ������ 结构要素残缺:目 的,方法,结果,结论 ������ 丧失摘要特点������
· Omit obscure abbreviations.
· Write the paper before you write the abstract.
Feedback and assessment play an important role in teaching and learning of oral presentation skills. This study describes the implementation and evaluation of an innovative instruction that uses a Student Response System for peer assessment of oral presentations. A large number of oral presentations were assessed and students’ perceptions and learning what
有时由于篇幅的限制,摘要的内容不一定包括有五 个要素,因而需要缩减摘要的字数和内容。经过压 缩的摘要通常只能突出两个或三个要点,其中最重 要的应该是阐明研究的结果。简要的资料性摘要往 往省略背景知识。如果允许的字数范围内,摘要可 以在最后用一到两句话进行总结并提出建议。一篇 简要的资料性摘要的内容通常包括:
Unit 5 Writing an Academic Essay
4 Writing the body of the secondary research essay
Common types of organization:
D. Comparison analysis
Steps to write the body section of the secondary research essay:
1) Evaluate all source materials you have gathered; 2) Design the structure or organization of you essay according to research questions, such as cause and effect, or comparison and contrast; 3) Arrange the arguments in a logical order according to the chosen structure; 4) Select and organize source materials to illustrate the ideas of the topic sentences respectively.
Common types of organization:
C. Pro-and-con analysis
Unit 5 Writing an Academic Essay
4 Writing the body of the secondary research essay
Common types of organization:
126of the influence of GM soya on the birthrate and
3 of the offspring of Wistar rats?
① A group of female rats fed by GM soya flour before
mating and pregnancy; ② A control group of females fed by traditional soya; ③ A positive control group received feed without any soya.
Unit 5
Writing an Academic
1 Definition
2 AWdhdaittioanraeltqhueefsotuiornmsafoinr syourcuensdoefrshtaaznadridnsgooffGTeMxOt
1th6at are discussed by scientists worldwide?
In developing countries, lost crops are only one cause of hunger. Poverty plays the largest role.
Unit 5
Writing an Academic
Hale Waihona Puke 1 DefinitionMaEtcnhathnecinwgorydosuwr aitchatdhemir idcelfainigtiuoangse.
The author means that in fact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives.
AbstractIT ,A hot topic,which lasts for several years.That,s is sure ,as one of IT area,cloud storage has become more and more popular.After some enquiring comprehending aroudsdudents.It authenticate that although many students are using cloud storage,but they don,t understand pared the capacitance,they pay more attention to the advantages,disadvantages,secure,sustainability and internet speed.Andthen Searching for Google for some hours,it found that almost the big companies have advanced cloud storage technologies,some of them provide customer free storage enclosure,other gather some lease fee.Once some experts forecast cloud storage unsupersedetate.So,both customer angle and supplier angle,studying cloud storage has giant significance.This article is about enterprise-level cloud data storage. For consumer-level file hosting services, see file hosting service.Based on investigating quantities of materials,With self analysis and elaborative arrange,formed this article,which aim at helping the cloud storage customers understandthe details of their commodity.This article will show you the glamour of cloud storage.Meanwhile,promting the development of cloud storage.Key words: History Architecture Advantages concerns翻译:IT 行业,一个已经持续了几年的脱手可热的话题。
英语学术写作_Unit 5 Writing a Research Proposal_
1 Seven steps 2 Writing style
1. Seven steps for writing a research proposal
Step (1): Choose a Title for Your Paper
The title must be concise and to the point. e.g.,
Academic Writing in English
5.1 Introduction to Research Proposal
In this section, students are expected to understand: 1 the definition of research proposal 2 the purpose of writing a research proposal 3 types of research proposal
Step (3): Write the Introduction
a brief research background reasons behind choosing the research topic its significance in the field a short description of major issues the paper will be addressing
1. 背景知识或文献回顾(Background Information/Literature Review)
2. 研究的主要目的和范围(Principal Purpose) What is the problem to be solved? What has been done? What are the results?
有时由于篇幅的限制,摘要的内容不一定包括有五 个要素,因而需要缩减摘要的字数和内容。经过压 缩的摘要通常只能突出两个或三个要点,其中最重 要的应该是阐明研究的结果。简要的资料性摘要往 往省略背景知识。如果允许的字数范围内,摘要可 以在最后用一到两句话进行总结并提出建议。一篇 简要的资料性摘要的内容通常包括:
presentations were assessed and students’ perceptions and learning
progress concerning the particular instructional approach were
investigated. Results showed that the Student Response System was an
• Use present tense, past tense and present perfect tense
• Specify any abbreviations
• Use objective, academic instead of emotional words and expressions
of oral presentation skills. This study describes the implementation and
2. Reading
•Summarize the main idea of a text and grasp the two sides of an argument
•Understand difficult sentences (e.g. sentences with abstract meaning or ambiguous reference)
Unit 5
Text A Supplementary information
2. Behaviorist
Behaviorists are people who believe in behaviorism. Behaviorism is a philosophical theory which believes that mental states can be analyzed in terms of publicly observable actions; in other words, behavior can be described and explained without reference to mental events or psychological processes. This school of thought tends to emphasize the external sources of behavior and dismiss the internal sources (the mind). The mind hence has no independent significance.
Discuss these questions with each other. Then read Text A to see how the writer might answer these questions.
Learning Method
Inquiry-based learning
Students will engage in hands-on activities and experiments to
explore the topic and develop their understanding.
Grammar and Sentence Patterns
非谓语动词在本单元中频繁出现,包括不定式、现在分词 和过去分词等。学生需要了解这些非谓语动词的用法和区 别,以便在写作中更加灵活地运用。
Reading and Writing
阅读材料难度大 写作要求高
本单元的阅读材料涉及大量专业知识和理论,语 言难度较高。学生需要具备较好的阅读能力和技 巧,如快速阅读、归纳总结等,才能有效理解文 章内容。
Vocabulary and expression
本单元涉及许多抽象的概念和理论,如量子力学、电路分析等。学生需要具备较好的逻辑思维和推理能力,才能理解这些概 念和理论的含义。
Vocabulary and expression
为了更好地理解和应用科学和工程知识,学生需要掌握多种表达方式,如公式、图表、示意图等。此 外,学生还需要了解如何将这些表达方式与英语语言结合起来,以清晰地传达信息。
Students will work in groups to complete projects and tasks,
enhancing their teamwork and协作精神.
Learning Resources
The official textbook for this unit is "Science and Technology in Society: An Introduction to the Principles and Applications".
中文含义 黑色 蓝色 棕色 绿色 深色 浅色 深蓝色 深绿色 浅蓝色 浅绿色 橙色 粉红色 紫色 红色 褐色 白色 黄色
Table 6-8 Color abbreviation of harnnesses (GM)
5.2.2 Electrical Symbols
1. battery 2. ground 3. cigarette lighter 4. horn 5. capacitor (condenser) 6. circuit breaker 7. headlight (1) headlight ,single filament (2) headlight, double filament 8. diode, Zenner 9. diode 10. LED(light emitting diode) 11. photodiode 12. motor 13. ignition coil C 14. distributor 15. meter, analog 16. meter, digital 17. light
“was”, “are”和“were”这样的弱动词。
9) 构成句子时,动词应靠近主语。避免形如以下的句子:
“The decolorization in solutions of the pigment in dioxane, which were exposed to 10 hr of UV irradiation, was no longer irreversible.”
ABS system (Jeep)
b. The purpose of contrast: to show differences
Unit Five
III. Language Focus
A. Comparison and Contrast
A. Comparison and contrast
2. The following is a result from a market survey of personal
computers. Report the result from a university student’s
perspective. First, describe the student’s needs in personal
as whereas
as well as
also different from
in the same way
the reverse
elements you find in each sentence of the paragraph.
Information Elements
Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 Sentence 4
Review of the rReesveiearwchofistshuee method Review of the mReevtiheowdof the method
What is an abstract?
An abstract is a stand-alone statement that briefly conveys the essential information of a paper, article, document or book; presents the objective, methods, results, and conclusions of a research project; has a brief, non-repetitive style.
Informative abstracts资料性摘要
The informative abstract, also known as the complete abstract, is a compendious summary of a paper's substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion. Usually between 100 and 200 words, the informative abstract summarizes the paper's structure, its major topics and key points. A format for scientific short reports that is similar to an informative abstract has been proposed in recent years. Informative abstracts may be viewed as standalone documents.
英文abstract范文In the realm of academic writing, an abstract is a concise summary of a research paper or study, presenting the key points and findings without delving into the details. It serves as a window into the content, enticing readers to explore further.The abstract should begin with a brief introduction of the research topic, highlighting its significance and relevance in the field. It is crucial to establish the context and purpose of the study to pique the interest of the reader.Next, the methodology section of the abstract should succinctly describe the approach taken in the research. Whether it's a qualitative study, quantitative analysis, or a mix of both, the abstract should outline the techniques used to gather and analyze data.Following the methodology, the abstract must present the main findings of the research. These should be presented in a clear and concise manner, avoiding any jargon that could confuse the reader. The goal is to convey the essence of the results without overwhelming the reader with data.The conclusion of the abstract should succinctly summarize the implications of the findings. It should highlight how the research contributes to the existing bodyof knowledge and what the potential impact might be on the field.Lastly, the abstract may include a few keywords that encapsulate the core themes of the research. These keywords help in the indexing of the paper and facilitate easy retrieval by interested readers.Remember, the abstract is often the first and sometimes the only part of a paper that readers will see. It is, therefore, the key to capturing their attention and convincing them of the value of your research.。
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What is an abstract?
An abstract is a stand-alone statement that briefly conveys the essential information of a paper, article, document or book; presents the objective, methods, results, and conclusions of a research project; has a brief, non-repetitive style. An abstract is a summary of a body of information. Sometimes, abstracts are in fact called summaries-sometimes, executive summaries or executive abstracts. There are different kinds of abstracts— your technical report uses two types: the descriptive abstract and the informative abstract.
Descriptive Abstracts
In this type of abstract, you don't summarize any of the facts or conclusions of the report. The descriptive abstract does not say something like this: Problem: Based on an exhaustive review of currently available
1. Identifying information (bibliographic citation or other identification of the document) 2. Concise restatement of the main point, including the initial problem or other background 3. Methodology (for experimental work) and key findings 4. Major conclusions
Descriptive abstracts
The descriptive abstract provides a description of the report's main topic and purpose as well an overview of its contents. It is very short—usually a brief one- or two-sentence paragraph. You may have noticed something similar to this type of abstract at the beginning of journal articles. In this type of abstract, you don't summarize any of the facts or conclusions of the report. The descriptive abstract does not say something like this:
Types of abstracts
1. descriptive abstracts: mainly direct to the original document and simply identifies basic subject of article. 2. informative abstracts: give much information about the original, summarizing the principal arguments and giving the principal arguments and summarizing the principal data. 3. evaluative abstracts: comment on the worth of the original are included. Difference between descriptive abstracts and informative abstracts The first two types of abstracts are typically used :
descriptive abstracts说明性摘要
A descriptive abstract—a summary of someone else’s paper or book—is often required by professors to give you practice in summarizing and responding to sources. The descriptive abstract, also known as the limited abstract or the indicative abstract, provides a description of what the paper covers without delving into its substance. A descriptive abstract is similar a table of contents in paragraph form.
Informative Abstracts
o communicate specific information from the report, article, or paper. o include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper. o provide the report, article, or paper's results, conclusions, and recommendations. o are short -- from a paragraph to a page or two, depending upon the length of the original work being abstracted. Usually informative abstracts are 10% or less of the length of the original piece. allow readers to decide whether they want to read the report, article, or paper.
Unit 5 Abstract
What is an abstract? Types of abstracts Why write an abstract? What should the abstract include? How do you write an abstract? What is the style of an abstract? An outline for writing an abstract Common problems in writing an abstract Difference between an abstract and an introduction The Tricks, Conclusion of the lecture
Informative abstracts
An informative abstract provides detail about the substance of a piece of writing because readers will sometimes rely on the abstract alone for information. Informative abstracts typically follow this format:
Descriptive Abstracts
• • • •
tell readers what information the report, article, or paper contains. include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper. do not provide results, conclusions, or recommendations. are always very short, usually under 100 words. introduce the subject to readers, who must then read the report, article, or paper to find out the author's results, conclusions, or recommendations.
the grammar-checking software that is currently available.
Read sample descriptive abstract:
Sample descriptive abstract
Descriptive abstracts are not much preferred for academic writing assignments as they are rather vague in nature.
products, this report concludes that none of the available grammar-checking software products provides any useful function to writers.