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Book2 unit5学后小测试


1folk adj _________ 2musician_________ 3pretend v _________

4 form vt _________

5 earn vt_________

6 extra adj_________

7 instrument n_________ 8 perform vt_________ 9 studio n_________

10 millionaire n_________ 11 humorous adj _________

12familiar adj ________ n_________; 13 attractive adj_________

14 excite vt ______, n______15 dip vt_________16 confident adj ________n______

17 brief adj/n _________ adv. _________ 18 devotion n _________

19 invitation n_________ 20 beard n_________

21 sensitive adj_________ 22 painful adj_________

23 broadcast vi_________ pt_________ pp_________


1 dream of _________ dream a ----dream _________

2 Or so _________

3 attach----- to. _________ attach importance/value to_____________

4 In cash(= ) _________

5 play jokes on _____

6 earn/make money _________ (筹款,募捐_________)

7 be/ get familiar with _________ be/ get familiar to _________

8to be honest ______ to be frank______ . 9 break up . _________

10 in addition(to)_________ 11 earn sb a place_____

12 put on performances _________ 13 rely on it that _________

14 break down _________ 15be sensitive to _________ 16 above all. ______

17pretend to be doing_______ (pretend to have done_____)

18have confidence in_______19earn one’s living_______20sort out______________ 21in brief________22 be popular with__________ 23form the habit of ____

24 come up with______________ 25 rely on_______


1 I am familiar _____this car, which is not familiar ____you.

2 It is ____ of you to avoid this ___topic at the meeting.(sense)

3The trip will take about five months; that means that it will be a long time _____we meet again. It is/has been five months ____we met last time.

4 He said it angrily _____(point) at the notice on the wall.

5His ____(familiar) with the language helped him enjoy his stay in France.

6I wish to thank Professor Smith, _____()I would never have got this far.

7 As a result, I had no choice but_____(focus) on my study

8He is a _____teacher, and his ____to the cause of education is highly thought of by his workmates.(devote)

9 I don’t think we should attach too much importance to ____(earn)a lot of money.

10 He is a ____man, so you can ____him to help you.(rely)

11 I am not _____the lines of the song, but the background music of it is ____me.(familiar)

12 Both students and parents appreciate the great importance schools have___(attach)to eyesight.

13 The move once ____a whole generation of people, which proved to be of much _____in the education of people.(affect)

14She can speak French and German ______ English.

The products are nice. _____, the price is low.(add)

15 I‘ll _____(brief) introduce myself to you.

16He has great _____(able) in teaching Chinese.

17The doctor _____the operation quite well and the director was very satisfied with his_____ and praised him as a real _____of difficult operations.(perform.)

18 No one likes _______(被嘲笑)

19 It was a pity that their marriage ______(破裂)

20We were having dinner when the lights _______(灭了)

21I have never _____(梦想有)such a wonderful place.

22The news______(broadcast)in English this morning made us ______(难过)

23You’d sound a lot more polite if you make a request ______(以---形式)a question.

24______(说实话)a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.


1I have a wonderful news to tell you

2 I happened to find a chatting room in my QQ, there people were chatting in English. 3With the time went by, I found I could communicate with some good students free.

4To my surprised, I find learning something by heart isn’t hard if you are devoted to it.

5To many children who spend too much time watch TV, it can do harm to their sight and healthy.

6Your problem is common one among the middle school students

7If you want to learn English well the first thing you must do it is to practice as much as possibly


I often read English aloud and trying to learn something importance by heart. It help me remember what I have learned and form a good habit of thinking in English. I Listen a lot and communicate with others with English. In this way, I have been improved both my listening ability and my speaking English. I keep a diary in English every day and my written English is becoming better and better. I also try my best
