



「irony」そんな優しくしないで別對我那麼溫柔どんな顔すればいいの?這樣我該如何來面對?積み重ねた言葉で見えないよ堆積的話已讓我無法看見君の横顔你的側臉どこだっけ? 失くした鍵は見つからないままで在哪裡呢? 依然找不到丟失的鑰匙ため息…。


使著的性子已讓我感到疲憊ほんの少し遠く手は届かない逐漸的減少手的距離ちゃんと掴みたいのかな君のその影可是卻無法抓住你的身影そんな優しくしないで別對我那麼溫柔ほらまた傷つけあって看吧又互相傷害了積み重ねたウソでもう動けなくなってる累積的謊言已經讓我動彈不得そんな眼で見つめないで不要那樣看我どんな顔すればいいの?這樣我該如何來面對?迷ってばっかだけれどいつかは總是一副迷惑的樣子笑えるのかな卻不自覺得笑了いくつの日々を君と過ごしてきたんだろう與你渡過了多少個日夜それでも交わした言葉は少なすぎるね彼此間的話語卻不曾減少ほんの少し近く君との距離が逐漸的減少和你間的距離うまく掴めないんだあとちょっとなのに! 可是卻無法抓住明明就差那麼一點了!そんな優しくしないで別對我那麼溫柔ほらまた傷つけあって看吧又互相傷害了積み重ねたウソで聞こえないよ君の言葉累積的謊言已經讓我聽不到你的話語本当の声を隠して應該隱藏的話口ずさむこのメロディ卻像隨口的旋律ゆつくりと変わってく心に身を任せて任憑這些話變成心中的話自分のことなんてわからないし為什麼自己的事情已不知道君のこと知りたい気もするけど我已感覺到對你的心情ぶつかる気持ちを少し抑えて稍微控制一下這樣的心情見えない壁手探りで探すよ就像看不見的牆用手一點點的探索そんな優しくしないで別對我那麼溫柔ほらまた傷つけあって看吧又互相傷害了積み重ねたウソはもう辛いだけだからね? 累積的謊言可能只讓我們更痛苦吧?すぐに会いに行きたいけど雖然好想去見你言葉は見つからないし卻不知道該說什麼才好最後の1ページくらい君には與你的最後一頁了笑顔見せたい!也用笑容來面對。



I r o n y修辞讲解IronyDefinition: important linguistic phenomenon in our daily life or literary works.2. saying sth but mean the opposite3. is a figure of speech, in order to bring emphasis to a particulartruth with deliberately use of language that is contrary to the truth.Origin: from Greek word “ eironeia”, means “dissimulation(修饰)”Types:1.verbal irony--refers to the speaker’s expression and intention comes apart: when a speaker says one thing but actually means annother, or when a literal meaning is contrary to its intended effect.“great game, Tom.” --when Tom fumbled three times.又如英国的 Gotham 是有名的愚人村 , 却故意说 :They are almost as wise as the wise men of Gotham .他们几乎和愚人村里的愚人一样聪明2.Situational irony--refers to one’s intention and the action’s result comes apart: the result of an action is contrary to the expected effect. Situational irony results from recognizing the oddness of a given situation, which can be positive or negative.Situational irony can be also called Circumstantial Irony or Irony of Fate.再例如凯特·肖邦 (Kate Chopin) 的短篇小说《一小时的故事》 ( The Story of an Hour) 中, 路易丝·马拉德(Louise Mallard) 太太得知丈夫因车祸去世的消息时表面上一阵号啕大哭, 内心里却暗自高兴, 她早就盼望这一天的到来, 不禁低声对自己说: “ Free ! Bodyand soul free !”但正当她暗自得意时,丈夫突然出现在门口 ! 原来他大难不死 , 安然回家 ,而 Mallard 太太却由于这突如其来的刺激而心脏病发作 , 不治身亡。


* 讲话人运用Irony 旨在讽刺: 如此朋友, 乘人之危, 完全是帮倒忙。
Hale Waihona Puke It saves a lot of trouble if, instead of having to earn money and save it, you can just go and borrow it. (Winston Churchill) 假如你可以干脆去借钱, 以此代替赚钱与省钱, 那会省掉许多麻烦了。 After a while, it is the setting of man against man and creed against creed until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century when bigots lighted faggots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelligence and enlightenment and culture to the human mind. ( John Scopes: TheTrial That Rocked the World P169 Book I Advanced English) 用不了多久, 就会出现人与人、宗教与宗教之间互相争斗的局面, 直 到我们倒退到十六世纪那光辉的年代。那时, 如果有谁敢于给人类 带来智慧、知识和文化, 他就会被那些偏见、固执的宗教信徒们绑 在柴堆上活活烧死。
(冯翠华,1995: 213)
Irony是把词、词组或句子用于反意,以表示说话人对事物的批判 性的评价。为了使听众能真正理解到讽刺,必须有加强的语调, 有时甚至还须要加以手势和表情。在书面语中不可能有这些语音 手段,有时能使用引号、斜体等暗示讽刺。不过更主要的还是要 从语言环境或上下文来理解。

修辞 反讽

修辞 反讽

谎言与反讽的根本区别在于撒谎人会尽量不让听话人觉察出他 对准则的违反,而就反讽而言,说话人对合作准则的故意违反Grice 称之为对准则的“蔑视”(flouting) 是不加掩盖的、是透明的,听 话人可以根据常识、语境、双方的共有知识和说话人的语调等 音系手段来识别。
如果说话人A所作陈述他自己并不相信,听话人知道A知道听话 人很清楚这一点,那么A拐弯抹角地想要表明的是别的意思,显然 最可能的会话含意与字面意思恰好相反。如此一来,反讽“蔑视” 了一条根本的会话准则:质量准则。
反讽法,又称倒反法、反语,为说话或写 作时一种带有讽刺意味的语气或写作技巧, 单纯从字面上不能了解其真正要表达的事 物,而事实上其原本的意义正好是字面上 所能理解的意涵的相反,通常需要从上下 文及语境来了解其用意。这是目前一般的 解释,但在19和20世纪甚至更早的时期, 却有着不同的古典含义。
夸张和低调陈述 反复 按字面意思解释
雷霄,章远荣.反讽的文学欣赏[J].湖南工程 学院学报,2001(3).
刘飞兵.反讽的语用阐释[J]. 求索,2007(3).
语境在反讽话语的含义分析中起着十分重要的作用,是使用反讽 话语时思维的背景依托,它与说话人的态度以及其他语言外因素 有密切的关系。
语用学家们相信话语的意义就是某个命题与对命题的态度之和 。由于反讽的间接性,反讽的作用是解释而不是描写。对反讽话 语的态度的识别,存在着两类相对立的观点。一类是只把反讽与 否定性相联系。Kierkegaard认为反讽是“一种绝对无限的否定 ”(Booth, 1974: 274)。
Grice (1978: 124)声称:“反讽与某种情感、态度或评价密切相关。 除非我的话欲反映一种敌意或贬损性判断或诸如愤怒、蔑视之 类的情感,否则我不会使用反语”。Leech (1983: 82)亦指出:“反讽 就是彬彬有礼地指责”。Sperber和Wilson(1986: 239)更是断 言:“反讽话语表达的态度无一例外地都是拒绝接受或不赞同”。 另一类观点则认为反讽除了表示否定意义外,还能表示肯定意 义,只是使用频率不高,范围也受到限制。Barbe(1993: 581)总结到 :“批评是反讽的主要目的。即使亚里士多德所称的通过责备来 表扬的手段的确存在,其使用频率很低”。Fontanier(1977 ), Berrendonner ( 1981 )、Mizzau ( 1984 ), Haverkate(1990), Glucksberg (1995), Attardo(2000)等认为,在此类应称为asteism或 genteel irony的话语中,说话人通过假装责备或批评某人或某事来 达到表扬、赞赏或奉承的目的。Holdcroft(1983: 496)更是直言不 讳:“反讽并不一定是表达否定性态度,它亦可以用来开玩笑,或 表达一种特别的深情”。

irony 翻译

irony 翻译

irony 翻译Irony(讽刺)几乎在我们日常交流中随处可见,但要准确地将它翻译成中文却并非易事。





Irony分为三类:1. Verbal Irony(言语讽刺):言语讽刺指的是在说话时,说话人说的话和他的实际意图相反。



2. Situational Irony(情境讽刺):情境讽刺指的是某个事件的实际结果与人们期望的结果相反,通常涉及到一个出乎意料的结局。


3. Dramatic Irony(戏剧性讽刺):在文学和戏剧中使用,指的是读者或观众知道故事的情节和真相,但故事中的角色不知道,导致讽刺效果。



正确理解和翻译Irony需要掌握以下几种方法:1. 上下文翻译Irony通常是一个语境相关的现象,它的意义和效果是由上下文环境和世界观来构成的。


8 Irony反语

8 Irony反语

• An additional irony is that some of Swift’s opponents read his ironic proposal as legitimate rather than ironic and attempted to have Swift committed as mentally ill.
— Webster’s New World Dictionary
Common forms of Irony
1. 从意义上划分:
• 反义正说 • 正义反说
• 词义反语 • 情景式反语 • 戏剧式反语
• What a noble illustration of the tender laws of his favored country! — they let the paupers go to sleep. (Charles Dickens) • Pauper: a person who is extremely poor
(Nilsen & Nilsen Encyclopedia 169)
More examples
They were all young men and they were saving their country. The second army was being re-formed beyond the Tagliamento. They were executing officers of the rank of major and above who were separated from the troops… --Earnest Hemingway A Farewell to Arms

irony 讽刺 反语

irony 讽刺 反语

Ironies can be divided into two categories: verbal irony and situational irony. Verbal irony is the simple form of irony. It is used in everyday life.Verbal irony can be subdivided into light irony and heavy irony. 反语通常分为两类:词义反语和情景反语。 情景反语的意义主要从特定的情景中,从 作者对所叙述的事物的真实态度中体现出 来。词义反语从字面意义上就能判断出来, 是常用的表达方式。
For example, when someone hates the weather which spoils his trips and says," what a fine day!" he is ironical. the word "fine" is actually intended to mean "bad", "awful" and "abominable".
@WPS官方微博 @kingsoftwps
我们很幸运。到达彼岸的那一天是12月13 日,那是我们真的感到很愉快。
Situational irony 情景反语
Situational irony occurs when there is a discrepancy or incongruity betthe case and the real state of affairs.
①If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarette, don't listen...They're probably trying to trick you into living.



Ridicule (嘲弄/嘲笑):
One entrepreneur rented a shop window to display an ape. Spectators paid to gaze at it and ponder whether they might be related. "The poor brute cowered in a corner with his hands over his eyes, ” a reporter noted, "afraid it might be true. ” • 还有一个承包商租了一个商店橱窗来展出一只猿猴。有些人便 花钱去观看这只猿猴,并思量着自己是否可能与它有什么渊源。“ 这只可怜的畜牲双手捂住眼睛,蜷缩在一个角落里,”一位记者 这 样写道,“生怕人猿同源是真的。” (P26、27) Bryan mopped his bald dome in silence. (P35) • 布莱恩闷声不响地擦拭着自己的秃顶。IFra bibliotekony(反语):
Not long ago I went back to Dayton for the first time since my trial 37 years ago. The little town looked much the same to me. But now there is a William Jennings Bryan university on a hill-top over looking the valley.(P47) • 前不久,我在那次审判三十七年之后第一次重返戴顿。在我 眼中,小镇景物依旧,只是多了一所威廉•詹宁斯•布莱恩大学 ,它坐落在一个小山坡上,俯视着下面的山谷。 It excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of it’s cruelty and ferocious aggression. • 纳粹政权在残酷镇压和疯狂侵略方面极为拿手, 人类过去这方 面的一切卑劣行径都望尘末及。



Secondly,whereas sarcasm typically operates by
heaping crude—and unfelt—praise on the individual, irony often employs blame. Irony must also be distinguished from satire, which ridicules human weaknesses in an effort to spur reform. The satirist derides humanity primarily in an effort to better it. Satire may involve irony, but irony typically lacks satire’s ameliorative (改善 的)intent.
• It saves a lot of trouble if, instead of having to earn money and save it, you can just go and borrow it. (假如你干脆可以去借 钱,以此代替赚钱与省钱,那会省掉许多 麻烦)。 • Yes,she is so beautiful that even the pockmarks(麻子) on her face are shining brightly.What is ugly about her is the countless wealth.(Irony:beautiful,ugly)
f Irony
• Irony is a figure of speech that achieves emphasis by saying the opposite of what is meant, the intended meaning of the words being the opposite of their usual sense.

(完整)irony, ridicule and sarcasm

(完整)irony, ridicule and sarcasm

(完整)irony, ridicule and sarcasmSarcasm is speech or writing which actually means the opposite of what it seems to say. Sarcasm is usually intended to mock or insult someone。

If you ridicule someone or ridicule their ideas or beliefs, you make fun of them in an unkind way. Irony is a subtle form of humour which involves saying things that you do not mean.Sarcasm (转弯抹角的讽刺):1.“Oh, you are really a great friend,aren’t you?” ( addressedto one who won’t lend the speaker 5Yuan)2.He is very generous indeed。

(Referring to one who won’t lendthe speaker his dictionary)Ridicule(奚落,直截了当的表示出轻蔑之意)1.Bryan, ageing and paunchy, was assisted in his prosecution byhis son.2.Bryan mopped his bald dome in silence。

Irony(反语:用词语表达与它们的字面意思相异或相反的用法)…until we are marching backwards to the glorious age of the sixteenth century.sarcasm和irony在表示嘲笑方面是一致的。







If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarettes,don't listen…They're probably try ing to trick you into living.


如:They were,in fact,very fine ladies; not deficient in good-humor when they were pleased, nor in the power of being agreeable when they chose it; but proud and conceited.(J.Austen:Pride and Prejudice)



• d. Now, he had not even a penny with him and did not have to think about what to eat for lunch, wonderful! 现在他一名不文,也不必操心午饭吃 什么了,真棒! • (wonderful means the opposite — bad; here it is used in a rakish潇洒的manner)
• can become sarcasm(讽刺)if it is taken to a harsh extreme
Light Irony
• • • Light irony is used to achieve humor. Look at the following examples: - a. Yes, she is so beautiful that even the pockmarks(麻子)on her face are shining brightly.What is ugly about her is the countless wealth.(Irony:beautiful, ugly)
• Light Irony:
b. We are lucky. It’s the other side on the thirteenth of December. That makes us feel really good. (David Parks: G. I. diary)
• (The author means exactly the opposite of what he says: 13 is an unlucky number to most Westerners. Since on that day— December 13, they will land on the other side of the Pacific to fight in the Vietnam War, they don’t feel good at all)




1. 反语(Irony):讽刺经常通过反语表达,即言辞中的反差或反向的意思。



2. 夸张(Exaggeration):讽刺通常使用夸张来强调或放大某种情况,以便产生笑话或讽刺的效果。


3. 模仿(Mimicry):通过模仿特定人物或群体的言行举止,以突显其荒谬或可笑之处。


4. 对比(Contrast):通过与现实或理性对比,强调某种情况的荒谬或不合理性。


5. 隐喻(Metaphor):讽刺有时通过隐喻的方式表达,用一个概念或事物来比喻另一个,以传达一种讽刺或反讽的感觉。






The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus
Hath told you Caesar was ambitious.
If it were so, it was a grievous fault; And grievously hath Caesar answer’d it. Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest— For Brutus is an honorable man;
d. Now, he had not even a penny with him
and did not have to think about what to eat for lunch, wonderful! (Robert Tressell: The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists)

3. Dramatic Irony:
主要指小说或戏剧中的人物的语言或动作表 明他们不知道某些情况,而读者或观众却一 清二楚。这种手法在于人物所表达的意义和 读者或观众所知道的的不同意义之间的对比。 比如在Romeo and Juliet 中。读者/观众清楚 地知道Juliet 并没有死,而剧中Romeo却并 不知道,他以为自己的心上人已经死去,悲 痛万分,甚至于徇情自杀。
b. It is incredible that mere ignorance
should have achieved such masterpieces of horror. (H. L. Mencken: The Libido for



Irony and Sarcasm
Sarcasm:a way of using words that
are the opposite of what you mean in order to be unpleasant to sb or to make fun of them.嘲讽,讽刺,挖 苦
Examples: 1、Congratulations on your brilliant academic results! 2、"It was a good idea to tell my mother you didn't like her dress", she said with sarcasm.
Bill:Well!What a worthwhile use of an evening. Alice:Yeah.
(Note:Aliceห้องสมุดไป่ตู้hates Bill's travel books.)
Alice:They are your travel books,Bill?You are a really
skillful author! Bill:Oh.
1、(note:Ellen's sister took the biggest piece of cake.) Ellen:How unselfish you are! sarcasm 2、(note:It's cold and rainy.) It's a perfect day to go for a picnic. irony 3、The public is wonderfully tolerant-it forgives everything except genius. irony ---Oscar Wilde


13 7
• Jerzy Kosinski’s novel and the movie Being There. is about a mentally disabled gardener named Chauncey Gardner. • Those around him treat him as though he is a sage and a great visionary. They supply grandiose metaphorical meanings for what are the simple and sometimes inane observations of an ordinary gardener. (Nilsen & Nilsen Encyclopedia 169)

• •
• Johnny Carson kept a toilet company from using the “Here’s Johnny” as a trademark. • They had the slogan, “The World’s Foremost Commodian.” • The judge decided in favor of Carson not because of an invasion of privacy, or because of a demeaning of the plaintiff’s reputation, but because the “Here’s Johnny” toilets might be confused with the “Here’s Johnny” clothing and restaurants. • (Nilsen & Nilsen 190)



试论“Irony”在《傲慢与偏见》人物塑造中的作用摘要 irony过去被译为“反讽”,也因此,它常被误认为讽刺。





关键词:简·奥斯丁 irony 人物塑造中图分类号:i106.4 文献标识码:a在以往的研究中,irony曾被译为“反讽”。













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Irony as a Principle of StructureCleanth Brooks1.One can sum up modern poetic technique by calling it the rediscovery of metaphor and the full commitment to metaphor. The poet can legitimately step out into the universal only by first going through the narrow door of the particular. The poet does not select an abstract theme and then embellish it with concrete details. On the contrary, he must establish the details, must abide by the details, and through his realization of the details attain to whatever general meaning he can attain. The meaning must issue from the particulars; it must not seem to be arbitrarily forced upon the particulars. Thus, our conventional habits of language have to be reversed when we come to deal with poetry. For here it is the tail that wags the dog. Better still, here it is the tail of the kite---the tail that makes the kite fly---the tail that renders the kite more that a frame of paper blown crazily down the wind.2.The tail of the kite, it is true, seems to negate the kite’s function: it weights down something made to rise; and in the same way, the concrete particulars with which the poet loads himself seem to deny the universal to which he aspires. The poet wants to “say” something. Why, then, doesn’t he say it directly and forthrightly? Why is he willing to say it only through his metaphors?Through his metaphors, he risks saying it partially and obscurely, and risks not saying it at all. But the risk must be taken, for direct statement leads to abstraction and threatens to take us out of poetry altogether.3.The commitment to metaphor thus implies, with respect to general theme, a principle of indirection. With respect to particular images and statements, it implies a principle of organic relationship. That is, the poem is n ot a collection of beautiful or “poetic” images. If there really existed objects which were somehow intrinsically “poetic,” still the mere assemblage of these would not give us a poem. For in that case, one might arrange bouquets of these poetic images and thus create poems by formula. But the elements of a poem are related to each other, not as blossoms juxtaposed in a bouquet, but as the blossoms are related to the other parts of a growing plant. The beauty of the poem is the flowering of the whole plant, and needs the stalk, the leaf, and the hidden roots.4.If this figure seems somewhat highflown, let us borrow an analogy from another art: the poem is like a little drama. The total effect proceeds from all the elements in the drama, and in a good poem, as in a good drama, there is no waste motion and there are no superfluous parts.5.In coming to see that the parts of a poem are related to each other organically, and related to the total theme indirectly, we have come to see the importance of context.The memorable verses in poetry--even those which seem somehow intrinsically “poetic”--show on inspection that they derive their poetic quality from their relation to a particular context. We may, it is true, be tempted to say that Shakespeare’s “Ripeness is all” is poetic because it is a sublime thought, or because it possesses simple eloquence; but that is to forget the context in which the passage appears. The proof that this is so becomes obvious when we contemplate such unpoetic lines as “vitality is all,” “serenity is all,” “maturity is all,”--statements whose philosophical import in the abstract is about as defensible as that of “ripeness is all.” Indeed, the commonplace word never repeated five times becomes one of the most poignant lines in Lear, but i t becomes so because of the supporting context. Even the “meaning” of any particular item is modified by the context. For what is said is said in a particular situation and by a particular dramatic character.6.The last instance adduced can be most properly regarded as instances of “loading” from the context. The context endows the particular word or image or statement with significance. Images so charged become symbols; statements so charged become dramatic utterances. But there is another way in which tolook at the impact of the context upon the part. The part is modified by the pressure of the context.7.Now the obvious warping of a statement by the context we characterize as “ironical.” To take the simplest instance, we say “this is a fine state of affairs,” and in certain contexts the statement means quite the opposite of what it purports to say literally. This is sarcasm, the most obvious kind of irony. Here a complete reversal of meaning is effected: effected by the context, and pointed, probably, by the tone of voice. But the modification can be most important even though it falls far short of sarcastic reversal, and it need not be underlined by the tone of voice at all. The tone of irony can be effected by the skillful disposition of the context. Gray’s Elegy will furnish an obvious example.Can storied urn or animated bustBack to its mansion call the fleeting breath?Can Honor’s voice provoke the silent dust,Or Flatt’ry soothe the dull cold ear of deat h?8.In its context, the question is obviously rhetorical. The answer has been implied in the characterization of the breath as fleeting and of the ear of death as dull and cold. The form is that of a question, but the manner in which the question has been asked shows that it is no true question at all.9.These are obvious instances of irony, and even on this level, much more poetry is ironical than the reader may be disposed to think. Many of Hardy’s poems and nearly all of Housman’s, for example, reveal irony quite as definite and overt as this. Lest these examples, however, seem to specialize irony in the direction of the sardonic, the reader ought to be reminded that irony, even in its obvious and conventionally recognized forms, comprises a wide variety of modes: tragic irony, self-irony, playful, arch, mocking, or gentle irony, etc. The body of poetry which may be said to contain irony in the ordinary senses of the term stretches from Lear, on the one hand, to Cupid and Campaspe Played, on the other.10.What indeed would be a statement wholly devoid of an ironic potential--- a statement that did not show any qualification of the context? One is forced to offer statements like “Two plus two equals four,” or “The square on the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the two sides.” The meaning of these statements is unqualified by any context; if they are true, they are equally true in any possible context. These statements are properly abstract, and their terms are pure denotat ions. (If “two” or “four” actually happened to have connotations for the fancifully minded, the connotations would be quite irrelevant: they do not participate in the meaningful structure of the statement.)11.But connotations are important in poetry and do enter significantly into the structure of meaning which is the poem. Moreover, I should claim also---as a corollary of the foregoing proposition--- that poems never contain abstract statements. That is, any “statement” made in the poem bears the pressure of the context and has its meaning modified by the context. In other words, the statements made---including those which appear to be philosophical generalizations---are to be read as if they were speeches in a drama. Their relevance, their propriety, their rhetorical force, even their meaning, cannot be divorced from the context in which they are imbedded.12.The principle I state may seem a very obvious one, but I think that it is nonetheless very important. It may throw some light upon the importance of the term irony in modern criticism. As one who has certainly tended to overuse the term irony and perhaps, on occasion, has abused the term, I am closely concerned here. But I want to make quite clear what that concern is: it is not to justify the term irony as such, but rather to indicate why modern critics are so often tempted to use it. We have doubtless stretched the term too much, but it has been almost the only term available by which to point to a general andimportant aspect of poetry.13.Consider this example: The speaker in Matthew Arnold’s Dover Beach states that the world, “which seems to lie before us like a land of dreams…hath really neither joy nor love nor light…” For some readers the statement will seem an obvious truism. (The hero of a typical Hemingway short story or novel, for example, will say this, though of course in a rather different idiom.) For other readers, however, the statement will seem false, or at least highly questionable. In any case, if we try to “prove” the prop osition, we shall raise some very perplexing metaphysical questions, and in doing so, we shall certainly also move away from the problems of the poem and, finally, from a justification of the poem. For the lines are to be justified in the poem in terms of the context: the speaker is standing beside his loved one, looking out of the window on the calm sea, listening to the long withdrawing roar of the ebbing tide, and aware of the beautiful delusion of moonlight which “blanches” the whole scene. The “truth” of the statement, and of the poem itself, in which it is imbedded, will be validated, not by a majority report of the association of sociologists, or a committee of physical scientists, or of a congress of metaphysicians who are willing to stamp the statement as proved. How is the statement to be validated? We shall probably not be able to do better than to apply T. S. Eliot’s test: does the statement seem to be that which the mind of the reader can accept as coherent, mature, and founded on the facts of experience? But when we raise such a question, we are driven to consider the poem as drama. We raise such further questions as these: Does the speaker seem carried away with his own emotions? Does he seem to oversimplify the situation? Or does he, on the other hand, seem to have won to a kind of detachment and objectivity? In other words, we are forced to raise the question as to whether the statement flows properly out of a context; whether it acknowledges the pressures of the context; whether it is “ironical”---or merely callow, glib, and sentimental.14.I have suggested elsewhere that the poem which meets Eliot’s test comes to the same thing as I. A. Richards’ “poetry of synthesis”---that is, a poetry which does not leave out what is apparently hostile to its dominant tone, and which, because it is able to fuse the irrelevant and discordant, has come to terms with itself and is invulnerable to irony. Irony, then, in this further sense, is not only an acknowledgment of the pressures of a context. Invulnerability to irony is the stability of a context in which the internal pressures balance and mutually support each other. The stability is like that of the arch: the very forces which are calculated to drag the stones to the ground actually provide the principle of support---a principle in which thrust and counterthrust become the means of stability.。
