
L ST -9.0M Hz 晶体滤波器的研制□靳宝安1,牟 强1,王林力2(1.陕西科技大学,陕西咸阳712081;2.陕西北川无线电器材厂,陕西咸阳712099)摘 要:设计制作了一种以A T 切基频压电石英晶体振子为滤波元件的L ST -9.0MHz 型分立式带通晶体滤波器。
滤波电路采用两节差接桥型电路即格型网络,输入信号在输入端为双路平衡输入,网络输入/输出端阻抗不对称,直流不共地,具有在-55~+85℃工作环境温度范围内、工作频率9.0MHz 时,中心频率偏差≤200Hz 、矩形系数≤2.5的特性。
关键词:滤波晶体;中心频率偏差;带通网络中图分类号:TN713+.91 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-7022(2004)12-0061-03The Design and manufacture of LST -9.0M H z Crystal Filter□J IN Bao 2an ,MU Qiang 1,WAN G Lin 2li 2(1.ShaanXi University of Science and Technology ,Shaanxi Xianyang 712081,China ;2.Shaanxi Beichuan Radio Component Factory ,Shaanxi Xianyang 712099,China )Abstract :Using A T cut thickness oscillate mode piezoelectricity quartz resonator and the normal crossed network at the crystal filter design ,It was designed L ST -9.0MHz two channel message balance input ,input/output resistance dissymmetry ,two stage bridge circuit segregative net of band pass.when the oper 2ation temperature is at the range from -55to +85℃,the operation frequency is 9.0MHz ,the center fre 2quency deviation will less than 200Hz ,the rectangle coefficient will less than 2.5.K ey w ords :Resonator for Filter ;Center Frequency Ceviation ;Net of Band Pass1 序言在通信、导航、频率综合等设备及仪器中,晶体滤波器作为频率选择的关键器件,具有损耗小、精度高、性能稳定及频率点分布丰富而利于应用选择的优点,因而应用非常广泛。

Crystal Motional ParametersA Comparison of Measurement ApproachesJack R. Smith K8ZOA11 June 2006This paper compares results of a variety of alternative techniques to measure the motional parameters of a quartz crystal.The measured crystal is a Saunders & Associates Reference Crystal, model 7000022, with the following parameters, as characterized with an S&A 250B automated parameter test set:The key parameters for our purpose are:C0: Static (holder) capacitanceC1: Motional capacitanceL: Motional inductanceRR: Motional resistanceIn this study, the motional parameters will be identified with the subscript M, e.g., C M.The reference crystal has the following features:• 20 MHz AT cut fundamental mode crystal• Low aging design (<0.5ppm/year)• Zero temperature coefficient at room temperatureAll errors are calculated with respect to the parameters provided by S&A.The following table summarizes the results of 18 measurements:MethodT e s t N u m b e rF i x t u r eM e t h o d o l o g yC o (p F )C 1 (f F )L 1 (m H )R 1 (o h m s )C 1 E r r o r %R 1 E r r o r % Saunders & Associates Calibration Standard0 N/A N/A 5.4 25.4 2.49 5.5 Std StdBoonton 250RX Meter C0 only @ 1 MHz 1 N/A N/A 5.52 G3UUR2 N/A 1 -- 24.73 2.65 -- -2.6% -- 09 Jun Pi Fixture & HP8752B 3 a 2 5.46 25.987 2.4336.77 2.3% 23.1%50 Ohm Transformer Fixture & HP8752B4 d 2 --28.91-- 6.5275 13.8% 18.7% Pi fixture SN-002 remeasure w/ HP8752B5 a 2 -- 26.446--6.392 4.1% 16.2%87510A with Fixture SN-001, 300 KHz Span, AUTO mode 6 a 5 -- 25.883 2.4475 6.6023 1.9% 20.0% 87510A with Fixture SN-001, 10 KHz span, power out: +20 dBm7 a 5 -- 26.463 2.3892 6.65 4.2% 20.9% 87510A with Fixture SN-001, 10 KHz span, power out: +10 dBm8 a 5 -- 26.468 2.3888 6.644 4.2% 20.8% 87510A with Fixture SN-001, 10 KHz span, power out: 0 dBm9 a 5 -- 26.4552.396.665 4.2% 21.2% 87510A with Fixture SN-001, 10 KHz span, power out: -10 dBm10 a 5 -- 26.479 2.3889 6.659 4.2% 21.1% Fixture SN-002, HP8752B, +/- 45 degree method 11 a 3 --26.26-- 6.659 3.4% 21.1% Remeasure 50 ohmtransformer fixture, HP8752B 12 d 3 -- 28.872 -- 3.72 13.7% -32.4% 12.5 Ohm Xfmr Fixture, HP8752B13b350.55--2.719 99.0% -50.6%50 ohm die-cast fixture, with 20 dB (in) & 6 dB pads (out), 0 dBm out of HP8752B, +/- 45 degree phase method 14 c 3 25.792 6.2916 1.5% 14.4%Same setup as 14, except measure fr & fs and calculate based on C0; shunting C only C0 and stray fixture15 c 3 -- 28.65 -- -- 12.8% --Same setup as 15, but with known 10.11 pF shunting capacitor16c3--28.50--5.83 12.2%5.9%HP8752B, 10 dB pad, Pi fixture sn-002, resistance via substitution method, Lm via Q measurement17 a 3 -- 26.152.426.18 2.9% 12.3% Resistance only via reflection, HP8752B18f66.82-- 24.1%Fixture a 12.5 ohm resistive pib 12.5 ohm transformerc 50 ohm - no transformerd 50 ohm transformere Reflection holderMethodology 1 G3UUR Oscillator frequency shift2 +/- 45 degree phase shift3 -3 dB bandwidth4 series and parallel resonance5 HP87510A Automatic characterization6 Reflection measurementThe methodologies and test fixtures are described in more detail later in this document.The following test equipment was used in these tests:HP8752B network analyzer, 300 KHz-3 GHz, with Minicircuits model UNMP-5075 75 ohm : 50 ohm matching padsHP87510A gain/phase analyzer, 100 KHz – 300 MHzMiscellaneous Minicircuit 50-ohm standards and pads, and miscellaneous adapters and cables. Boonton RX meter Type 250AHP 6205C DC power supplyHeath IM-2420 frequency counterBP Model DCM-601 digital capacitance meterHomebrew G3UUR oscillatorHomebrew test fixtures as described.Part I – Measurement Methodologies1. G3UUR Oscillator – Frequency Shift MethodThis method was developed by David Gordon-Smith, G3UUR, and popularized by Wes Hayward, W7ZOI. 1The above schematic shows the circuit I built. It follows the design of Reference 1, substituting2N4401s for the 2N3904s in the original design. I used Manhattan-style construction to build my unit.The procedure is to measure the frequency with the switch open and closed. When open, the crystal is in series with C2 and C0, the crystal’s holder capacitance.1 Hayward, Wes, Campbell, Rick, and Larkin, Bob, “Experimental Methods in RF Design,” (2003) American Radio Relay League, Hartford, CT at Page 3.19.To calculate the motional parameters, use the following equations:f fC C C S MD +=)(20MM C f L 2)2(1p =Cs should also include the strays associated with the switch and wiring. I measured Cs=34.1 pF in my oscillator. (To reduce stray capacitance, I used a two-pin header and shunt jumper instead of a standard switch.)C0 is the crystal holder capacitance.Δf is the shift in frequency between switch open and switch closedf is the frequency with switch closed.Remember to use proper units; capacitance is in farads (1pF = 10-12 Farads), f and Δf are in Hz, Lm is in Henries.Sample calculation with S&A calibrated crystal:Measured ParametersSwitch closed: 20016843 Hz Switch open: 20023109 Hz Δf = 6266 HzC0 = 5.52 pF = 5.52*10-12F (measured with Boonton model 250A RX meter at 1 MHz)Cs = 34.1 pF = 34.1*10-12F (measured with BP model DCM-601 digital capacitance meter)Calculated ParametersfF F C M 73.241073.24200168436266)101.341052.5(2151212=´=´´+´´=---mH H L M 56.21056.21073.24)200168432(13152=´=´´´´=--pA useful unit for motional capacitance is the femto farad, where 1000 fF = 1pF.We may compare the measured parameters with the calibration information:Parameter Measured Calibration Standard Error Cm 24.73 fF 25.4 fF -2.6% Lm 2.56 mH 2.49 mH +2.8% C0 5.52 pF 5.4 pF +2.2% Rm Not measured 5.5 ohms N/A2. Phase Shift MeasurementThe method recommended in international standards is to install the crystal in a low impedance test fixture, fed with an accurate, stable signal generator and measure the phase shift of the transmission signal near resonance.Historically, a stable signal generator and a vector voltmeter have been used to measure the phase of the transmission signal. In my case, I used either an HP8752B network analyzer, or an HP87510A gain/phase analyzer to generate the signal and measure the amplitude and phase of the transmission signal.Methodology and Equationsright shows theamplitude (toppanel) and phase(bottom panel) ofthe S&A calibrationcrystal in Fixture(a), the 12.5 ohmresistive pi designThe bottom tracehas markers at the+45 and –45 degreepoints.The +45 degreepoint is at –972 Hzbelow the zeroangle reference,whilst the –45degree point is1109 Hz above thezero reference.The ±45 degree bandwidth is thus 2081 Hz.We also use the same setup to measure Rm, by measuring the insertion loss at the zero phase point.When phase = 0 (marker 2), the insertion loss is 2.01131 dB.Note that the zero phase point is not the minimum loss point. In fact, the two are 89 Hz separated in this measurement.The relationship between attenuation and series resistance is:÷÷øöççèæ-=110220a L M R RWhereR M is the motional resistanceR L is the source and load resistance seen by the crystal (a function of the test fixture) α is the loss in dBApplying the measured data, we calculate R M :W =÷÷øöççèæ-´´=521.61105.122200131.2M RThe total resistance, R EFF , seen by the crystal is the sum of the load resistance (input and output) and the motional resistance, R M :R EFF = 2 R L + R M = 2 * 12.5 * 6.52 = 31.52 Ohms.The following formulas may be used to compute the motional parameters.)tan(2)(2J p J EFF R M R f f C ±D =)tan()(2J j p ±D =f R L EFFMThe standard calls for measurement at the ±45°, so φ = 45°WhereΔf is the frequency diffrerence between the ±45° points, measured at 2081 Hz. φ = 45°, so tan(45) = 1.R EFF = 31.52 ohms, as determined abovef R is the series resonant frequency , i.e., the frequency at which φ=0°.We now calculate the motional parameters:fF F C M 23.261023.26152.312001575722081152=´=´´´´=-pmH H L M 411.210411.212081252.313=´=´´´=-pWe now compare these measured values with the calibration standard:Parameter Measured Calibration Standard Error Cm 26.23 fF 25.4 fF +3.3% Lm 2.411 mH 2.49 mH -3.2% C0 Not measured 5.4 pF Rm 6.52 5.5 ohms +18.5%3. -3 dB Bandwidth MethodMeasuring the ±45°bandwidth requires equipment not easily available to all experimenters.2It’s also possible to derive motional parameters from a 3 dB bandwidth measurement. This may be made with much simpler equipment.The figure at the right shows the -3dB bandwidth data for thecalibration crystal. The crystal isinstalled in the type (a) 12.5 ohmresistive pi fixture.The network analyzer calculates the 3 dB bandwidth as 2056 Hz, and the measured Q as9737.5,with a center frequency of 20.015627 MHz. The attenuation at the point of minimum loss is 1.9733 dB.We base the motional parameter calculation on the definition of Q:EFFMr dB R R L f f f Q p 23=D =-Solving for L M we find:REFFM f QR L p 2=WhereR EFF is the effective series resistance seen by the crystal, R M + 2 * R L .f R is the series resonant frequency, i.e., the frequency of minimum loss, 20.015627 MHz. Δf is the –3dB bandwidth, displayed as 2056 Hz.Q is the ratio of f R to the –3dB bandwidth, displayed as 9737.5 (or can be calculated as 20015627 / 2056 = 9735)2See K8IQY’s low-cost approach to 3 dB crystal parameter measurements at /testequipment/pvxo/pvxopage.htm and/testequipment/pvxo/Atlanticon2002V1R5.pdf .MR M L f C 2241p =Using the methodology described before, we calculate R M and R EFF using the measured 1.9733 dB loss at the center frequency.R M = 6.38 ohms, REFF = 31.38 ohms.Calculating L M :mH H L M 429.210429.210015627.20238.315.973736=´=´´´´=-pfF F C M 03.261003.2610429.2200156274115322=´=´´´´=--pWe now compare these measured values with the calibration standard:Parameter Measured Calibration Standard Error Cm 26.03 fF 25.4 fF +2.5% Lm 2.429 mH 2.49 mH -2.4% C0 Not measured 5.4 pF Rm 6.38 5.5 ohms +16.0%4. Series and Parallel Resonant FrequenciesA variant on the two frequency method used in the G3UUR oscillator is to measure the series andparallel resonant frequencies of the crystal, and from their ratio determine the motional parameters.The figure at the right shows the series f S (at marker 1) and parallel f P (marker 2) resonantfrequencies of the calibrated crystal.The precise frequencies measured are:The relationship between motional parameters and the series and parallel resonant frequencies is:)(210STRAY S P M C C f f C +÷÷øöççèæ-=MR M C f L 2241p =Wheref P and f S are the parallel and series resonant frequencies as described above C0 is the holder capacitanceC STRAY is the stray shunting capacitance of the test fixtureTo measure C STRAY , we determine the attenuation through the test fixture with the crystal removed.Assuming that the stray capacitance is small, we can use the attenuation to determine thecorresponding capacitive reactance and from that the value of Cstray.With the crystal removed, the attenuation has a mean value of 44.3 dB at 20.03 MHz.This corresponds to a capacitive reactance of 4.08 K ohm,corresponding to1.95 pF stray capacitance shunting the crystal socket.As previouslymentioned, measuring the calibrated crystal at 1.0 MHz with a Boonton 250 RXmeter showed the C0 = 5.61 pF.Hence, C0 + C STRAY = 5.52 + 1.95 pF = 7.47 pF.We now are in a position to calculate the motional parameters:fF pF C M 63.2447.7212001562520048625=´´÷øöçèæ-=mH L M 57.21063.2420015625411522=´´´´=-pWe now compare these measured values with the calibration standard:Parameter Measured Calibration Standard Error Cm 24.63 fF 25.4 fF -3.0% Lm 2.57 mH 2.49 mH +3.2% C0 5.61 5.4 pF +3.9% Rm 6.35 5.5 ohms +15.4%(Rm is computed from the marker 1 attenuation value of 1,9649 dB)measuring theseries andparallelresonantfrequencies, besure you don’tinadvertentlymeasure aspuriousresonance, asmost crystalsexhibit severalspuriousresonancepoints abovethe true parallelresonancepoint.The calibrated crystal, for example, shows two major and one minor spurious resonance points.5. HP87510A Automatic characterizationThe HP87510A gain/phase analyzer has an internal firmware crystalresonator characterization routine that computes and displays a six-parameter model. To use theautomatic characterization function, the crystal must be installed in a transmission fixture.The primary advantage of the87510A’s automatic characterization function is that its analysis is based upon curve fitted data involving at least 8 measurement points. It thusoffers the prospect of increased accuracy by leveraging multiple data points.The 87510A’s Operation Manual describes the methodology used to calculate the six parameter values:1. Obtains the admittance characteristic circle diagram2. Obtains the maximum conductance (G max )3. Obtains frequencies f 1 and f 2 (f 1<f 2) of two points where conductance is half the maximumconductance. 4. Calculate f s by 21f f f s ´=5. Obtains susceptance B fs at f s6. Calculate ωS by S S f 2p w =7. Assumes that the frequency at which the phase difference becomes 0° near the parallelresonance frequency is f a and obtains its conductance G a . 8. Calculate ωa by a a f 2p w =9. Assumes that the frequency at which the phase difference becomes 0° near the seriesresonance frequency is f r .10. Calculates the constants using the above values and the following equations:12f f f Q SS -=SB BC w 221'0+=max 1G Q L S Sw =max 0'01G C C R =S S Q G C w max1= 1max01R G R -=SfsB C w =2210202101C R R C R G G a a a w w +-=Applying these equations by pressing the 87510A’s appropriate soft key produced the followingmotional parameters and errors:Parameter Measured Calibration Standard Error Cm 25.883 fF 25.4 fF +1.9% Lm 2.4475 mH 2.49 mH -1.7% C0 N/A 5.4 pF Rm 6.60 5.5 ohms +20.0%The measured parameters are sensitive to the span used and the above data represents the best case. Other 87510A measurements are summarized in the measurement table and display errors up to 4.2%.6. Reflection Resistance MeasurementThe final measurement approach was an attempt to resolve the wide gap between the reference crystal’s stated motional resistance of 5.5 ohms, whilst all my measurements were in the range 6.3 to 6.8 ohms, with 6.6 ohms being the most common value.In this mode, the network analyzer is successively calibrated, at the reflection measurement port, with an open, short and load (50 ohm) standard. The unknown is attached to the reflection measurement port and the instrument set to internally convert the complex reflection coefficient to either Z/theta or R and jX values.The data confirms the transmission-mode values in the 6.5 ohm range. At the point where the imaginary (reactive) part of the impedance is zero, the real (resistive) value is 6.8 ohms.Somecrystalsexhibitsignificantchange inmotionalresistanceas drivelevelchanges.To test thisas apossiblereason forthe consistent divergence between measured and calibration motional resistance, I ran a power sweep test using the HP87510A gain/phase analyzer.As shown, over the range -50 dBm to +20 dBm, R M changes less than 0.04 ohms and stays in the 6.6 ohm range.The crystal is held in a (a) type resistive fixture, with 10 dB attenuation between the 87510A’s output and the fixture.The extra attenuation, plus the fixture’s loss, means that the power delivered to the crystal is much less than the 87510A’s output shown on the horizontal axis. +20 dBm corresponds to approximately 4 mA crystal current, or about 100 microwatts.Marker 1, at +19.26 dBm corresponds to 88 microwatts, the power level at which the calibrated crystal was tested by S&A. The measured value at this point is 6.62 ohms.To verify the accuracyof the power sweepand test fixture, Isubstituted a 1% 10ohm, 1206 surfacemount resistor for thetest crystal.Although there issome variation, the87510A results arequite close to the testresistor’s 10.0 ohmmarket value.At DC, a four-wiremeasurement showsthe test resistor is10.03 ohms.Part II – Test FixturesI built and used five test fixtures:(a) Resistive Pi Fixture:The resistive pi fixture matches the 50 ohm input and output to 12.5 ohms. The ones I built follow the standard design in IEC standard, except that the phase compensation trimmers across the 14.3 ohm resistors are not used and I used the nearest 1% standard resistor values.The photo to the right shows the prototype pad unit I built, using Manhattan-style construction. The pad is constructed with re 1%, 1206 size surface mount resistors.It’s important to shield the input and output ports.The three photos show the printed circuit version of the prototype.The resistors provide a reasonably good impedance match and hence external stabilizing pads are less necessary than for other fixtures.(b) Transformer Pi FixtureIn addition to a resistive pad matching approach, it’s possible to use a 2:1 winding transformer to provide a 50ohm to 12.5 ohm impedance transformation.My transformer fixture uses two Coilcraft WB1040transformers. The transformers have a bandwidthof 200 KHz – 300 MHz.Any error in impedance on the 50 ohm side will bereflected in errors in the 12.5 ohm transformedside, so stabilizing pads will normally be employedon both sides of the fixture.(c) 50 Ohms, no Matching, no LossThe simplest fixture simply breaks theconnection between signal generatorand receiver and inserts the crystal.I built one into a Hammond die-castbox and brought the connections out tobinding posts.In order to accurately compute the crystal motionalparameters, it’s important that the impedance seen bythe crystal be accurately known. With a simple fixtureof this type, it’s important to use pads on both the inputand output in order to provide accurate and stable impedance.(d) 50 Ohm Transformer FixtureI also built a variant of the 12.5 ohmtransformer fixture described at (b),but with Coilcraft model WB1010transformers providing a 1:1impedance ratio.It is otherwise identical with the fixturediscussed in section (a). This fixture isalso to be used only with a controlledimpedance environment, as thetransformers reflect actual input andoutput impedance.(e) Reflection Test Fixturevia reflection, the reference crystal wasTo measure Rattached to the 8752B network analyzer using a standard BNC-to-binding post adapter, HP model 10110A.。

随着 通信信 息技术 的发展 , 机 系统对 器 件 的 整 要求越来 越 高 , 中滤 波器 是 频 率选 择 系统 中 的关 其
键器 件 , 主要 功 能 是 作 为 各 种 电信 号 的 提 取 、 其 分 隔、 抑制 干扰 。 晶体 滤 波 器 具 有 品质 因数 Q 高 , 选

新型一维三元光子晶体滤波器设计佟悦;胥馨【摘要】This paper discussed a new type of one-dimensional three yuan photonic crystal filter,which breaking through the traditional filter only control the characteristics of the forbidden band.The most difference of the new type filter and the traditional filter,that was not to control the forbidden band,but to control the conduction band,that was the filter can control some useful light through the filter.%本文突破传统的滤波器只控制禁带的特点,研究了一种新型的一维三元光子晶体滤波器.这种滤波器与传统滤波器最大的区别在于它不是禁止某些无用的光通过滤波器,而是要控制某些有用的光透过滤波器.【期刊名称】《吉林师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(032)004【总页数】3页(P80-82)【关键词】光子晶体;禁带;滤波器【作者】佟悦;胥馨【作者单位】空军航空大学基础部,吉林长春130022;空军航空大学基础部,吉林长春130022【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O436半导体的应用,如手机、计算机、录音机等,对人类的生产和生活影响十分深远.但在其发展中也出现了一些问题,比如集成电路能量损耗大,易发热,集成器件延迟速度不能达到现在信息高速时代的要求等.为了解决这些问题,人们找到了一种新型材料,就是“光子晶体”.光子晶体本身的特性完全能够弥补半导体的不足.对于一维光子晶体滤波器的研究已经很深入了,通常人们还是以阻止某些光通过晶体为目的来进行研究的.为了突破前人,以达到更加优化滤波器的目的,本文设计了一种新型一维三元光子晶体滤波器.一维三元光子晶体就是三种介质在一个方向上周期性的交替排列,而在垂直于该方向的平面上为均匀介质的结构.图1为一维三元光子晶体示意图.图2为一维二元、三元光子晶体的透射谱的比较.从图中可以看出,三元光子晶体的中心禁带宽度比二元光子晶体的要宽,并且在短波区出现了二元光子晶体所没有的禁带,这使三元光子晶体产生了更大的实用价值.传统滤波器的设计理念是使三层介质的光学厚度取值分别为:通过改变 u和v的取值、介质折射率、晶体周期等方法来达到使某些光不能通过晶体的目的.本文旨在突破传统的设计理念,目标不在控制禁带,而是如何才能有效的控制导带,也就是控制何种光通过晶体.以此为目的,所做的设计如下.以折射率为4.10(碲化铅)、3.23(砷化镓)和1.45(二氧化硅)的三种物质组成的一维三元光子晶体为例,单块晶体周期为20,中心波长为1000纳米.三层介质的光学厚度取值分别为这样的晶体的透射谱与传统滤波器投射谱存在很大差别,如图3所示.上图为传统滤波器透射谱,下图为新型滤波器透射谱,从图中可看出,禁带区和导带区几乎完全相反,并且禁带变宽,导带也变宽,位置移动.这样我们就可以通过控制导带的边缘来控制透光范围.从图中可以看出,中心波长处在导带区,并且导带的左右边缘以及禁带都是是关于中心波长对称的.通过这一点,就可以用根据已知的波长范围求出中心波长,进而求出透带宽度:d=通过计算,画出透带宽度与N的关系图图5.从图5可以知道,当给定了透过波的范围,就可以确定N的值,从而就可以找出最合适的三种物质组成光子晶体.以可见光为例,让橙、黄、绿、青四种颜色的光通过晶体.此四种光的波长范围为450~630纳米.通过计算可得中心波长为525纳米,标度化的透带宽度为0.3333,N=8.5438.组成晶体的三种物质的最佳组合为1.35(冰晶石),1.4584(二氧化硅),4.10(碲化铅).得到的透射谱为图6.从图中可以看出,在450~630纳米波段为导带区,这与设想完全一致.本文突破传统的滤波器只控制禁带的特点,研究了一种新型的一维三元光子晶体滤波器.新型的滤波器是以改变物质的光学厚度为出发点,从而得到了与以往的研究完全不同的结果.这种滤波器与传统滤波器最大的区别在于,它不是禁止某些无用的光通过滤波器,而是要控制某些有用的光透过滤波器.这种以控制导带为特色的新型滤波器,应用前景十分广阔.【相关文献】[1]E.Yabonovitch.Inhibited Spontaneous Emission in Solid-State Physics and Electronics[J].Phy.Rev.Lett.,1987,58(20):2059~2062.[2]S.John.Strong Localization of Photons in Certain Disordered Dielectric Superlattices[J].Phys.Rev.Lett.,1987,58(23):2486~2489.[3]张道中.光子晶体[J].物理,1994,23(3):141~147.[4]Sozuer H,Haus J,Inguva R.Photonic bands:convergence problems with the plane-wave method[J].Phys.Rev.B,1992,45:13962~13972.[5]A.Van.Blaaderen.Materials science-Opals in a new light[J].Science,1988,282(5390):887~888.。

在选择Q值时,需要考虑滤波器的插入损耗和噪声性能,以确保信号的传输质量 和稳定性。
石英晶体滤波器的设计与 制作
根据产品性能要求和应用场景, 明确滤波器的性能参数,如中心
石英晶体滤波器23石英晶体滤波器的种类与选择 • 石英晶体滤波器的设计与制作 • 石英晶体滤波器的性能指标与测
试 • 石英晶体滤波器的应用案例与前
石英晶体滤波器是一种利用石英 晶体(通常为二氧化硅)的压电 效应制成的电子元件,用于筛选 特定频率的信号。
指滤波器在不同频率下对信号的传输性能,通常以频率响 应曲线表示。理想的频率响应曲线应为矩形,但在实际中 存在一定的波动和失真。
通过测量滤波器在不同频率下的传输系数或衰减系数,绘 制出频率响应曲线。
指滤波器在温度变化时性能参数的变化情况。温度稳定性是衡量滤 波器性能稳定性的重要指标,特别是在宽温范围内应用时尤为重要。
新技术的发展和应用,如 小型化、集成化、高频化 等,为石英晶体滤波器市 场带来新的增长点。
国内外厂商竞争激烈,市 场格局变化较快,企业需 要不断创新以保持竞争优 势。
随着电子设备向小型化和集成化方向发展,石英晶体滤波器也需 不断缩小体积并提高集成度。

晶体滤波器设计范文晶体滤波器(crystal filter)是一种频率选择性滤波器,利用晶体的特性来实现滤波的功能。

晶体滤波器crystal filte用晶体谐振器组成的滤波器。
与LC 谐振回路构成的滤波器相比,晶体滤波器在频率选择性、频率稳定性、过渡带陡度和插入损耗等方面都优越得多,已广泛用于通信、导航、测量等电子设备。
1921 年W. G.凯地将晶体谐振器用于各种调谐电路,形成了晶体滤波器的雏形。

§6 晶体元件和器件— 石英晶体滤波器
阻带衰减高:石英晶体滤波器具有陡峭的阻带衰减特性,一般阻带衰减都在 60dB以上,有的甚至达到90dB以上。
矩形系数好:石英晶体滤波器的矩形系数一般在2到5左右,频率较低的可达 到1.4左右,具有良好频率择性。
§6 晶体元件和器件— 工作失效率预计模型
§6 晶体元件和器件— 石英晶体滤波器
集成式(单片式): 采用集成电路工艺制作的晶体滤波器。在单块石英晶片 上,有两个以上具有耦合的谐振子,通过谐振子间的弹性耦合而实现滤波作 用,不需要外加元件。 频率覆盖范围: 4.5 MHz ~350 MHz 相对带宽: 0.01%~0.3% 特点:不需要电感、所用晶片少、体积小、重量轻、性能更稳定、可靠性高、 造价低等;但其带宽和频率受到限制 。
¾ 电阻、电感、电容组成的RLC滤波器; ¾ 晶体滤波器:利用石英晶体谐振器构成的滤波器; ¾ 表面波滤波器(SAW)利用压电效应构成的; ¾ 陶瓷滤波器等;
¾ RC有源滤波器(含有运算放大器);
¾ 开关电容滤波器(SCF);
z 按处理的信号形式可分为模拟滤波器、数字滤波器;
§6 晶体元件和器件— 石英晶体滤波器
截止频率:相对衰耗达到某规定值的通带边缘频率; 标称频率:规定用来表征滤波器工作频率的频率值 ; 通带宽度:指相对衰耗小于和等于某一规定值时的频率宽度(如1dB、2dB、
3dB、6dB等) ; 带内波动:通带内衰耗的最大峰值与最小谷值之差 ; 插入损耗:滤波器插入前,信号源直接传送给负载阻抗的功率和插入以后传


Z n O层 厚度) 的变化 关系. 结果表 明: 当Z n O层厚 度为 9 0 . 8 a m定值 时, 波长为 8 5 0 n m 光通信 窗 口对应的 液晶层厚
度 范围为 1 3 9 n m一1 5 8 a m; 当液 晶层 厚度 为 1 4 1 . 7 a m定值时 , 波长为 8 5 0 a m 光通信 窗 口对应的 Z n O层厚度 范围为
收稿 日期 : 2 0 1 3— 0 3—0 6 网络 出版 日期 : 2 0 1 3— 0 6一 O 9 基金项 目: 国家 自然科学基金项 目( 6 1 0 6 7 0 0 2) ; 江西省 自然科 学基金项 目( 2 0 1 3 B AB 2 0 2 0 0 4 )
作者简介 : 陈蔚金 ( 1 9 8 5 一) , 男, 江西安 远人 , 赣 南师 范学 院物理 与电子信 息学 院 2 0 1 0级硕士研 究生 , 研究方 向 : 光学; 谢应 茂 ( 1 9 6 3
8 8 . 7 n m ~1 0 2 . 3 a m . 要 得 到 缺 陷模 波 长 为 8 5 0 n m, 垂 直入 射 光 与 电 场 方 向 间 夹 角 0越 小 , 液 晶或 Z n O 层 厚 度 就 越
关键词 : 可调光子 晶体滤波 器; 液 晶; 缺 陷模 ; 传输矩 阵法 中图分类号 : T N 7 1 3 文献标 志码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 4—8 3 3 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 3— 0 0 0 1 — 0 3
场来实现窄带滤波的研究已成为光子 晶体 的研究热点之一_ 4 . 其中文献 [ 8 ] 利用传输矩阵法 , 研究了一维
掺杂光子晶体滤波器 , 通过数值计算和理论分析 , 得出了一维掺杂光子晶体缺陷模随掺杂杂质的厚度和光子

【关键词】2700kHz 宽带石英晶体滤波器1 2700kHz石英晶体滤波器主要技术指标2700kHz石英晶体滤波器主要技术指标见表1。
2 滤波器的设计通过对该产品主要技术指标和结构分析,属分立式晶体滤波器,其特点是中心频率低、通带宽度要求严、阻带宽度窄、通带波动范围小、阻带衰减抑制高、中心频率偏差小、端口阻抗阻值低、温度范围宽。
2.1 电路的选择依据滤波器要求的带宽,需采用相同节不等量参数电路,即在一节滤波器电路里选用的晶体谐振器的参数不相同,按照理论设计两种晶体谐振器的参数呈倍数关系,图1为设计的电路图。
2.2 晶体谐振器的设计由于采用一臂两晶体三节六极点线路形式,共12支晶体。
选择厚度切变的AT切型,依据工作温度的要求选择35°05'的切角,石英晶片选用圆形片尺寸为Φ8.65 ,采用2种电极尺寸Φe= 3.5mm和Φe= 7.0mm2.2.1 方案确定由于该产品体积小、温度范围宽、频率稳定性要求高,给制作工作带来了很大的难度,根据主要技术指标,结合设计原理、滤波器工作原理、电路设计、结构设计及可靠性设计等方面要求及以往的设计经验,最终确定的设计方案如下:a.晶片选用厚度切变的AT切型,35°05'的切角;b.采用一臂两晶体三节六极点线路形式,共12支晶体;c.合理安排线路布局,采用电容输入方法,隔离外部电路的干扰,控制滤波器衰减幅度。

rd cn e s s m lo rb i t d e s r g p r u p ts as e u i g t yt eT rp o a l a n u n u e o tu i l . h e b i n y i n g
K yw rscyt lrnr w ad lt pl g u l ;i t nai e od :r a ft ;a o bn ; ter pe r  ̄e y h ha eutn sl e i r il i o a g t o
l cs i r u n y d man a d tme d man,a o t o 0. s t s fit n te f q e c o i n i o i n d t d c h p l ' p ea rm tst 3 .I i h e e i u p o e a i e i i tis amo tc n tn ru d ly w t i ewh l ar wb n l rb d d h, u rv d t tt sd sg man an l s o sa tg p ea hn t oe n ro a d f t a w t t s h h n o i h i e n i h
内具有 近似恒 定群 时延的特 性 , 降低 了整 机和 系统 出现误码 、 乱码 的 几率 , 确保 了输 出信 号的纯度 。 关键 词 : 晶体 滤波 器 ; 带 ; 窄 小群 时延 波动 ; 高衰减 中图分类 号 :N 1 T 73 文 献标识 码 : A di1 .9 9 jin 10 —8 3 .00 0 .1 o:0 3 6 / . s .0 1 9x 2 1 .3 0 2 s
窄 带小 群 时 延 波 动 晶体 滤 波 器 设 计
江 山
( 成都 天奥 电子有限公司 , 成都 6 13 ) 17 1

梯形晶体带通滤波器设计梯形晶体带通滤波器设计BG6RDF晶体带通滤波器(crystal band-pass filter)是短波收发信机中常见的核⼼部件,晶体滤波器的优劣直接影响到短波接收机的性能。
梯形晶体带通滤波器(crystal ladder band-pass filter,以下简称梯形晶体滤波器),见图1,是⼀种常见的晶体带通滤波器的形式。
A.电路图B.仿真结果图1:6晶体梯形滤波器⼀.晶体带通滤波器的性能描述晶体带通滤波器的性能主要指标如下:中⼼频率:fo,滤波器通带中⼼频率带宽:BW,通常指-3dB带宽,⽤于SSB的晶体滤波器的带宽通常在1.8KHz到2.8KHz 之间。
滤波器还有⼀些其他性能指标,如群延迟(group delay),参考⽂献3中指出,群延迟特性会影响收发信机的听感。

Vo . 8, . I 2 No 3
20 0 8年 6月
J n 2 0 u .08
维 光 子 晶体 滤 波 器 的 设 计
舒 森 ,陈名 松
510) 4 0 4
( 林 电 子 科 技 大 学 信 息 与通 信 学院 , 西 桂 林 桂 广
要: 利用光子 晶体 的光子禁带和 光子局 域的两点特性 , 对一 维光子 晶体带 隙和加 入缺陷后光子 禁带 中出现极
fle t e t a v l n t 3 m ,b n wi t s I w s 0 0 0 m ,t e c n e v l n t r n miso a e it rwih c n r 1wa e e g h 5 2 n a d d h a o a . 0 2n h e t r wa e e g h t a s s i n r t
c o e t 1 0 pe c nt a d o bot i s t e e a lngt r ns ison r t f 0, i sgn . W he t n i l s o 0 r e , n n h sde he c nt rw vee h ta m s i a eo sde i ed n he i c — de ng e i f e , t r ns ison pe k w a e e t s fe o s nta l s ofs t he t a m s i a v l ng h hit d t hore wa l n h, t a r ns ison r e tr ve e gt he pe k t a m s i at de r s d t o e e e c ea e o s m xt nt,t ha a t rs i h tt h f het an m is o p ak ha e s t h c hec r c e itc t a he s itoft r s s i n e s c ng sa het ikne soft s he d f c a e ha ge s a ple o m o f he s f he t a m i so pe ks c ng d w ih t ng e o n i e e e e tl y r c n s i p id t diy t hitoft r ns s i n a ha e t he a l fi c d nc .

3、石英晶体的电特性 (1)石英晶体特有的正、反两种压电效应
正压电效应:当沿晶体的电轴或机械轴施 以张力或压力时,就在垂直于电轴的两面上产 生正、负电荷,呈现出电压。 负压电效应:当在垂直于电轴的两面上加 交变电压时,晶体将会沿电轴或机械轴产生弹 性变形(伸张或压缩),称为机械振动。
(2)石英晶体具有谐振回路的特性 因为石英晶体和其它弹性体一样,具有弹性 和惯性,因而存在着固有振动频率。当外加电信 号频率在此自然频率附近时,就会发生谐振现象。 它既表现为晶片的机械共振,又在电路上表现出 电谐振。这时有很大的电流流过晶体,产生电能
二、石英谐振器的等效电路及阻抗特性 弹性体的质
1 1 2 Z j jX e 2 r 上式在忽略 q 后可简化为 C0 p 1 2
1 1 2 Z j jX e 2 C0 p 1 2
2 q
q 时, 当 p ,
1.3 其他形式的滤波器
一、石英晶体的物理特性 1、石英晶体的结构 图1.3.1(a)表示自然结晶 体,图(b)表示晶体的横断。 为了便于研究,人们根据石 英晶体的物理特性,在石英晶体 内画出三种几何对称轴,连接两 个角锥顶点的一根轴Z,称为光 轴;在图(b)中沿对角线的三 条X轴,称为电轴;与电轴相垂 直的三条Y轴,称为机械轴。
由于各谐波频率相 隔较远,相互影响 晶体作为介质的静态 很小。对于某一具 电容。其数值一般为 体应用(如工作于 (几~几十)pF,较 基频或工作于泛 大。 图( a与石英片厚度、 )是考 音),只须考虑此 介电常数、极板面积 虑基频及各 频率附近的电路特 有关。 次泛音的等 性,因此可以用图 S 效电路。 C (b)等效。 0

晶体光滤波器设计一、用途随着波分复用光通信技术的进展,各信道中心波长之间的距离愈来愈小,目前研究和实验中已达到(50GHz )乃至更小,对波长解复用器等器件的滤波性能提出了更高的要求。
传统的基于光栅的解复用器适用于信道距离较宽的应用,而介质膜滤波器支持的信道数量较少,因此提出了一种波长交织解复用(interlaver )技术,能够知足目前和以后密集波分复用技术中波长解复用的要求,它的工作原理如图1所示。
Interleaver 能够把多个波长的光信号依照波长在空间分成信道距离更宽的两组信号,然后能够用传统的方式对两组信号进行波长解复用。
梳状滤波器是interleaver 中的关键部份,其性能决定了interleaver 的信道距离和滤波性能。
梳状滤波器的参数要紧有:信道距离或自由谱宽度(FSR :Free Spectral Range ),此值由ITU-T 标准决定;通带平坦性;串扰特性(隔离度)等。
目前研究的梳状滤波器要紧有晶体双折射型、迈克尔逊干与仪+GT 干与仪(MGTI )型、全光纤非平稳Mach-Zehnder 干与仪型和波导光栅路由器型(WGR :Waveguide Grating Router )四种。
二、结构和大体设计思路晶体光滤波器由夹在两个偏振片之间的N 个晶体波片组成(图2),光束从入射偏振片P 1进入滤波器,依次通过N 个厚度为L 的晶体波片,最后从偏振片P 2出射。
组成滤波器的晶体波片厚度能够相同,也能够是整数倍关系,实现相同阶数的滤波器,后者需要的波片数量比前λλ图1 interleave r 工作原理…P 1P 2x图2 晶体光滤波器结构示意图者少,易于调试,但由于可设计的参数减少,并非是任意倍数关系的组合都能够实现要求的频率响应。
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图5.1-9 几种切型的频率温度特性曲线由图可知AT切型在-55~+85度之间频率变化都很小,特别是在-20~+40度范围内,频率基本上与温度无关。
图5.1-11 石