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1. all修饰作主语的名词时,其位置在主语和行为动词之前,但必须放在be动词、助动词或情态动词之后。当be动词是句子中最后一个词时, all要放在be动词之前。例如: All the boys study well.

The boys all study well.

They are all English teachers. (不说: They all are English teachers.)

They would all have been invited if there had been room. (不说: They all would have been invited ...)

all也可以放在直接宾语或间接宾语之后,但这个宾语必须是us, you等人称代词。例如:

I have eaten them all. (不说: I have eaten the cakes all.)

—Are they English teachers?

—Yes, they all are.

2. all指三个或三个以上的人或物“都”,其反义词是none; both指两个人或物“都”,其反义词是neither。例如:

I have three brothers. All of them are sports fans.

比较: None of them are sports fans.

He has two sisters. Both of them major in English.

比较: Neither of them majors in English.

3. 不说“all + 代词”,应说“代词+ all”或“all of + 代词”。例如:

误: All they like English stories very much.

正: They all like English stories very much.

正: All of them like English stories very much.

但要注意: “all of + 名词”结构中的名词前面要用限定词误: All of books belong to me.

正: All of the books belong to me.

正: All the books belong to me.

4. “all + 冠词/指示代词/物主代词”相当于“冠词/指示代词/物主代词+ whole.”。例如:

Hug all the world. (= Hug the whole world.)

That is all my life. (= That is my whole life.)

注意: all可修饰不可数名词或复数名词, the whole不可修饰不可数名词或复数名词,如要修饰不可数名词或复数名词,则要将all the whole改为the whole of才行。例如:

I love all Shanghai. (= I love the whole of Shanghai.)

The cat drank all the ink. (= The cat drank the whole of ink.)

All his books (= The whole of his books) are on the shelf.

5. all与not连用时通常表示“部分否定”;要表示“全部否定”时,可用no, none, not any等词语。例如:

All my friends can not swim. (我所有的朋友并不都会游泳。)

None of my friends can swim. (我所有的朋友都不会游泳。)

I don’t know all of them. (他们我并不都认识。)

I don’t know any of them. (我都不认识他们。)

另外,人们往往更多地用not all, 而不用all not。例如: Not all English people like fish and chips.

6. all不与what连用,可把what改为that, 或去掉all。例如:

误: This is all what I want to say.

正: This is all (that) I want to say.

正: This is what I want to say.

7. “all + 表示人的名词”意为“全……的人”; “the whole of + 表示地方的名词”意为“全……的地方”。例如: All America celebrate Independence Day on July 4. 七月四日全美国(人民)庆祝独立纪念日。

8. at all作“完全”、“根本”解,多用于否定句、条件状语从句。有时也用于肯定句、疑问句,表示“真的”、“确实”的意思。例如:

If it were not for the sun, we could not live at all. 如果没有太阳,我们根本不能生存。

Do it well if you do it at all. 要做就要做好。

Do you feel ill at all? 你真地觉得不舒服吗?

You are fortunate to be able to speak even a

little Spanish at all. 你真幸运,毕竟会讲一点儿西班牙语。

9. 注意下面几组词组的区别。

(1) all in筋疲力尽; in all总共。例如:

By the time we got to the top of the mountain, we were all in. 爬到山顶时,我们大家都累极了。

In my class, there are 50 students in all. 我班总共有五十位学生。

(2) all of十足; of all所有的……中偏偏。例如:

He is all of six feet tall. 他身高足有六英尺。

They all came that day of all days. 他们偏偏都在那天来。

(3) all over到处;全部; over all从一头到另一头。例如:

He has been looking all over for his pen. 他在到处找他的钢笔。


all round = all around到处; all day long = all the day整天; all of a sudden = of a sudden突然; all the time = all the while一直; all the go = all the fashion
