
第1篇一、基本信息与自我介绍1. 请简要介绍一下您的个人基本信息,包括姓名、年龄、学历、毕业院校等。
2. 请用1-2分钟的时间,简要介绍您的个人优势及求职意向。
3. 请谈谈您为什么选择加入我们公司?二、专业知识与技能1. 会计的6大基本要素是什么?2. 会计的3大报表是什么?请分别简述其作用。
3. 请简述资产、负债、所有者权益之间的关系。
4. 权益性支出与资本性支出的差异是什么?5. 固定资产折旧采用的方法有哪些?请分别简述其优缺点。
6. 请简述存货的计价方法及其优缺点。
7. 请简述企业会计准则中关于收入确认的原则。
8. 请谈谈您对财务报表分析的理解。
9. 请简述企业内部控制制度的重要性。
10. 请谈谈您对税务筹划的理解。
三、实际案例分析1. 某企业2019年度收入为1000万元,成本为800万元,税率为25%,请计算该企业2019年度的净利润。
2. 某企业购入一台设备,价值100万元,预计使用年限为5年,采用直线法计提折旧,税率为25%,请计算该企业每年应计提的折旧费用。
3. 某企业购入一批原材料,成本为10万元,增值税税率为13%,销售价格为15万元,请计算该企业应缴纳的增值税。
4. 某企业销售一批产品,收入为100万元,成本为80万元,税率为25%,请计算该企业应缴纳的增值税。
5. 某企业2019年度的营业收入为1000万元,营业成本为800万元,期间费用为200万元,税率为25%,请计算该企业2019年度的净利润。
四、工作经历与能力1. 请谈谈您在过去的工作中,如何处理与同事、上级和下级的关系?2. 请简述您在财务工作中遇到的最大挑战,以及您是如何解决的?3. 请谈谈您在财务工作中如何提高工作效率?4. 请谈谈您在财务工作中如何确保数据准确性和合规性?5. 请谈谈您在财务工作中如何与其他部门协调合作?6. 请谈谈您在财务工作中如何应对突发事件?7. 请谈谈您在财务工作中如何进行成本控制?8. 请谈谈您在财务工作中如何进行预算编制与控制?9. 请谈谈您在财务工作中如何进行税务筹划?10. 请谈谈您在财务工作中如何进行风险评估与管理?五、团队协作与沟通能力1. 请谈谈您在团队协作中的角色和作用。
pwc 四大Par面可能遇到的问题

Par面可能遇到的问题摘自德勤官网:面试技巧1: 先做准备如果应聘者事先已做了调查,对我们有所了解的话,他会给我们留下一个很好的印象。
面试技巧2: 留下印象注意您的衣着。
面试技巧3: 具备自信沉着镇静,在商业社会是非常重要的。
面试技巧4: 提问当您想了解我们以及我们的工作时,我们便知道您对德勤感到兴趣。
面试技巧5: 推销自己既然您已获得面试机会,说明您已具备了一定的实力。
面试技巧6: 澄清问题如果您对我们提出的问题没有弄明白,不要犹豫…可以请我们再重复一次。
面试技巧7: 跟进为了表示礼貌,您应感谢面试人员能抽空会见您。
普华永道面试经验 pwc cases

一开始就明确由谁来做两个重要角色LEADER, TIME CONTROLLER时间控制很重要!适当地提醒团队时间。
重要的点:1、自己的角色定位(L OR VL)2、要倾听他人的论点,记录!反馈!(“我是不是可以这样理解您的看法?3、归纳总结!“现在我们的思路是:1、2、3、”强调逻辑性。
要和其他人交流4、照顾一些发言少的同伴“这位同学,请问你对这个问题和你的部分还有什么补充吗?”5、做presentation时语言简明(控制时间,其他人留时间)语言有逻辑(1、2、3、)、流畅脱稿感谢(在总结的时候能明确每个人的贡献更好)有请6、利用好黑板,写下自己部分的重要点(数字等)方便总结人用板书要简介缩写即可7、身位重要:保持正面面对组员,要和HR 有眼神交流8、不必张扬,但一定要有自己的贡献!9. 要向给客户做展示一样正式,要给人信任和专业感10、整队做展示的时候可以一起站着,节省时间。

第1篇1. 请用3分钟的时间做一个自我介绍,内容包括:姓名、年龄、毕业院校、所学专业、工作经验等。
2. 请简述您对会计行业的了解,以及您选择会计职业的原因。
3. 请谈谈您在过去的工作中,遇到的最大的困难是什么?您是如何解决的?4. 您认为会计行业的发展趋势如何?您如何看待会计行业在未来的地位?5. 请谈谈您对本公司及本岗位的了解,以及您为什么对这个岗位感兴趣。
二、专业知识考察1. 请简要介绍会计的基本职能。
2. 请解释会计核算的基本原则。
3. 请说明会计凭证的编制、审核和归档流程。
4. 请阐述会计报表的种类及其编制方法。
5. 请解释资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表之间的关系。
6. 请简要介绍企业会计准则的主要内容。
7. 请说明增值税、企业所得税、个人所得税等税种的基本概念和计算方法。
8. 请谈谈您对财务分析的理解,以及如何运用财务分析方法进行企业财务状况分析。
9. 请解释会计信息质量的要求,以及如何提高会计信息质量。
10. 请谈谈您对内部控制的理解,以及如何建立和实施内部控制制度。
三、实务操作能力考察1. 请根据以下资料,编制一张记账凭证,并简要说明理由。
2. 请根据以下资料,编制一张转账凭证,并简要说明理由。
3. 请根据以下资料,编制一张现金收款凭证,并简要说明理由。
4. 请根据以下资料,编制一张银行存款付款凭证,并简要说明理由。
5. 请根据以下资料,编制一张现金付款凭证,并简要说明理由。
6. 请根据以下资料,编制一张转账凭证,并简要说明理由。
四、沟通与协作能力考察1. 请谈谈您在工作中如何与同事、领导沟通,以及如何处理同事之间的矛盾。

广东正圆私募基金管理财务经理岗位面试真题及解析含专业类面试问题和高频面试问题,共计30道一、请简单自我介绍一下,包括您的教育背景、工作经验以及为什么选择从事财务工作?面试问题:请简单自我介绍一下,包括您的教育背景、工作经验以及为什么选择从事财务工作?考察点:1. 应聘者的自我认知和表达能力:通过自我介绍,了解应聘者的基本信息、教育背景和工作经历,评估其语言组织和表达能力。
2. 应聘者的教育和工作经历:通过了解应聘者的学历和专业,以及过往的工作经历,评估其是否具备胜任该岗位的能力。
3. 应聘者的职业规划和兴趣:通过应聘者选择财务工作的原因,了解其职业规划和兴趣爱好,判断其对财务工作的热情和持续发展的可能性。
二、您如何看待私募基金行业的发展前景?面试问题:您如何看待私募基金行业的发展前景?【考察点】1. 对私募基金行业的了解:面试官希望通过这个问题了解应聘者对私募基金行业的认知程度,了解其对行业整体发展趋势的理解。

第1篇一、基本信息与自我介绍1. 请简要介绍您的个人基本信息,包括姓名、年龄、籍贯、教育背景等。
2. 请用一分钟的时间,用简洁的语言介绍您自己,包括您的专业背景、实习经历、兴趣爱好等。
3. 您认为您最适合我们公司的理由是什么?二、专业知识与技能1. 请简述会计的基本职能。
2. 会计核算的四个基本步骤是什么?3. 会计科目按其反映的经济内容可以分为哪几类?4. 会计分录的编制原则是什么?5. 请解释权责发生制和收付实现制的区别。
6. 请简述现金流量表的结构和编制方法。
7. 请解释资产负债表和利润表的关系。
8. 请简述审计的基本原则和审计程序。
9. 请解释审计意见的类型。
10. 请解释内部控制的基本要素。
11. 请解释审计风险的三要素。
12. 请简述资产评估的基本方法。
13. 请解释财务报表分析的基本方法。
14. 请解释非营利组织的会计处理。
15. 请解释企业合并的会计处理。
三、实习与项目经验1. 请描述您在实习期间的主要工作内容。
2. 请简述您参与的一个具体项目,包括项目背景、您的职责、项目成果等。
3. 在实习过程中,您遇到过哪些困难?您是如何克服的?4. 请描述一次您在实习过程中与团队成员合作的经历,包括您在团队中的角色、您对团队的影响等。
5. 请描述一次您在实习过程中解决的一个问题,包括问题背景、您采取的措施、结果等。
四、团队协作与沟通能力1. 请描述一次您与团队成员意见不一致的经历,您是如何处理的?2. 请描述一次您在团队中发挥领导才能的经历。
3. 请描述一次您通过沟通技巧解决工作中问题的经历。
4. 请描述一次您在团队中发挥协调作用,促进团队协作的经历。
5. 请描述一次您与上级或客户沟通的经历,包括沟通内容、沟通方式、沟通效果等。
五、应变与解决问题能力1. 请描述一次您在实习过程中遇到的一个突发事件,您是如何处理的?2. 请描述一次您在实习过程中遇到的一个技术难题,您是如何解决的?3. 请描述一次您在实习过程中遇到的一个管理难题,您是如何解决的?4. 请描述一次您在实习过程中遇到的一个人际关系问题,您是如何解决的?5. 请描述一次您在实习过程中遇到的一个时间管理问题,您是如何解决的?六、职业规划与个人发展1. 您的职业规划是什么?2. 您为什么选择会计行业?3. 您认为在会计师事务所工作有哪些优势和劣势?4. 您认为在会计师事务所工作,您需要具备哪些素质和能力?5. 您如何平衡工作与生活?七、公司文化与价值观1. 您对我们公司有什么了解?2. 您认为我们公司的企业文化是怎样的?3. 您如何理解我们公司的价值观?4. 您认为您如何融入我们公司的文化?5. 您对我们公司的未来发展有什么期望?八、其他问题1. 您有什么问题想问我们吗?2. 您认为您在面试中的表现如何?3. 您认为您在未来的工作中会遇到哪些挑战?4. 您如何看待加班?5. 您如何看待跳槽?通过以上这些问题,我们可以全面了解应聘者的专业知识、技能、实习与项目经验、团队协作与沟通能力、应变与解决问题能力、职业规划与个人发展、公司文化与价值观等方面的素质和能力。


1. 介绍自己
2. 描述财务报表分析的经验
3. 解释会计准则和规范
4. 解释会计信息系统
5. 描述财务审计的过程和目的
6. 解释购买和销售资产的会计处理
7. 解释预算编制和管理
8. 描述您解决复杂会计问题的能力
9. 描述您在团队合作中的角色
10. 自由发挥

【留学生找工作】普华永道笔试面试真题笔试真题 & 详解真题 1(问答):1. What are the advantages anddisadvantages of a freely convertible currency? Do you think China will allowthe RMB to freely float on the international market in the next 5 years?2. What must China do to improve theconfidence of foreign investors and create a stable and open market economy?3. Comment on Chinese consumer confidencein internet-based commerce.4. Can Shanghai ever truly become thefinancial center to rival Hong Kong? If so, when and how?5. The EXPO 2010 is coming to Shanghai.What is the long term viability of the costly buildings and infrastructure atthis venue?6. How can the employment market in citieslike Shanghai and Beijing accommodate the increasing numbers of migrant workersrelocating there?7. 如何吸引外资来建立一个稳定开放的市场经济?真题 2(作文):技术进步:1. The computer is widely used in modernsociety. What are the disadvantages if one cannot use the computer? What shouldthe government do?2. 你认为你的大学为学生购置电脑和买书充实图书馆那个更加可取?3. 有关是不是该在学校使用电脑和计算器4. 你是否同意下述观点:技术能使学生们掌握更多信息并学习更快。

【留学硕士回国就业】普华永道的面试分享LZ投的普华tax and business advisory的补招,这个岗位虽然是在tax 的SOL下,但其实带了一点咨询性质。
值得一提的是性格测试部分,题目比较多,而且前后会有一定的测谎题,所以如果不是Be yourself也至少要记得自己大概选了啥。
二、Super day可能是因为补招的原因,总共只有两天的面试安排,一天十个人,男女目测比较均衡。
Super day的环节还是照常,Ice break - Group case study - E-mail Writing - Individual Presentation - Par面。
1. Ice break这一部分的表现不计入测评,就是让大家放松一下吧。
每个人写一个if what 的问题,然后交换纸条。
2. Group case study之前看到有面经说,case study之后拿OFFER的人就差不多定了,但从我自身的感觉来讲,好像不是这样。
所以我的建议是,忘掉那些issue tree,忘掉那些4P4C波特五力,老老实实从材料里找观点定框架。
以及在讨论中,建议不要过于aggresive,尽量保证你的行为让小组的每个人都感到舒服,just be intelligent and supportive.3. E-mail Writing我不太知道其他部门如何,但par明确说了,E-mail对于tax and business advisory是非常非常重要的,只有你的writing过关了,他们才会考虑你的其他表现。


会计师事务所面试问题及答案会计面试经典问题一1,会计的6大基本要素是什么?2,会计的3大报表是什么?3,权益性支出与资本性支出的差异是什么?3,固定资产折旧采用的方法有哪些?4,固定资产账面价值在什么情况下会出现负值?5,新会计准则出台后,对企业的影响有哪些?6,企业所得税的改革对国内企业的影响是什么?7,企业应该如何面对金融危机?8,面对金融风暴,作为一名管理人员,集体减薪和裁员你会选择哪一个?9,市场前景,加薪和升职,你更重视哪一个?10,账务核算系统有哪几种?11,对于成本控制你怎么看待?12,费用与支出的区别是什么?13,面对新人排挤问题,你怎么看待和解决?14,你会做假账吗?15,怎么理解“坐支”?你认为坐支合理吗?16,用友和金蝶软件,你更倾向于那一款?17,你认为自己比和你同届毕业的毕业生优在哪里?18,你认为会计理论知识重要还是实践重要?会计面试经典问题二1、(please introduce yourself brief or describe yourself in three words。
万一出现冷场,这些有趣而充满个人印记的逸事将是break the ice的最好方法。

3. 德勤(Deloitte):面试流程通常包括初试和复试两个阶段。

PricewaterhouseCoopersCASE DISCUSSIONBUSINESS CASEInterview Case Study #1Roane & Hickey, Inc.You have been recently hired into the Strategic Change (SC) group, a business unit of PricwaterhouseCoopers. SC is the strategy thought leader in PwC. The engagement partner in Consumer Products has come to SC to help develop a strategy for Roane & Hickey, Inc. (R&H). This engagement has the potential of positioning PwC to R&H and its parent conglomerate for the next five, possible ten years.Company BackgroundR&H is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a multi-national conglomerate. The conglomerate owns ten companies operating in the . R&H is the largest of the ten. R&H is a consumer goods company distributing well-known branded products through grocery, drug, mass merchant and club channels. With $4 billion in revenues in the ., R&H is one of the top three players in the consumer goods industry. The company has been marginally profitable over the past ten years. Last year the company made a profit due largely to an accounting change.Although R&H only operates in the ., it owns several manufacturing and distribution facilities around the world to support its production and distribution systems. R&H takes advantage of lower labor costs in Mexico, Canada and Southeast Asia to lower its manufacturing costs. R&H still maintains three plants in the . Because of the over-capacity that R&H has experienced, R&H has negotiated deals with sister companies overseas to manufacture and direct-ship product.R&H has four market segments that operate as profit centers. The market segments are: Personal Hygiene, Consumer Tissue, Soaps and Detergents and Personal Care. Even though the revenues are roughly evenly divided among all four market segments, Personal Care contributes 90% of the company's profits. In Personal Care, R&H owns the two top branded products, in the other categories the company has the number two brand, and in one segment, number three. R&H has committed to building a consumer franchise through aggressive advertising and in-store merchandising support.Industry TrendsIn the ., brands are under attack from private labels, who are now competing on both price and quality. Brands are looking to justify their price premiums. The value of being the number one brand cannot be taken lightly. The return on sales of the top brand is almost twice that of the number two brand. The return on sales for the number two brand is twice that of the number three brand.The power of the retail industry in the . has increased dramatically over the past five years. The retailers are driving additional costs upon manufacturers. With established products, retailers are demanding a minimal level of turns per year. With new products, retailers are demanding slotting fees and ever-increasing promotional support. Product managers are forced to achieve current product revenue and market share goals while stimulating demand for new products. Many industry experts feel that there will be consolidation of brands within many of the market segments in which R&H competes and, as a result of this brand consolidation, that R&H will lose critical sales mass and become a major casualty.In the last two years the allocation of marketing dollars has changed dramatically; trade promotion has risen to 40% of total marketing spending, consumer promotion has climbed slightly and advertising has declined. Industry analysts have pointed to R&H's trade promotion strategy as being the catalyst for the growth in trade promotion in the industry as competitors have been forced to respond.R&H is widely regarded as a retail-oriented company. With a sales force that is twice the size of anyone else's in the industry, R&H has forged great retail relationships over the years. R&H traditionally had the best order fill rate in the business; however, recently some of the efforts to reduce inventory has caused shortages in key promoted products.R&H OrganizationThere are six Executive Vice Presidents (EVPs) in R&H responsible for functional areas. All the EVPs report to the President, who is also CEO. The Executive Vice Presidents represent Marketing, Sales, Finance, Manufacturing, Engineering and Human Resources. The EVP of Finance has responsibility for financial reporting and analyses as well as managing Procurement, Deployment, Scheduling and Logistics. All the market segment managers report directly to the Executive Vice President of Marketing.Much of the blame for the performance of the company over the last ten years fell on the shoulders of the former president. It was whispered that he was from the "old school" and could not change his ways. The new president of R&H, an American, joined the company six months ago. He was the Executive Vice President of an important European division of a sister company. The conglomerate has always prided itself on being able to leverage itsmulti-national resources.Current SituationVenn Teldren, the Executive Vice President of Finance, is considered to be a brilliant man by many in the industry. Born and raised in Europe, Mr. Teldren rose quickly through the organization. However, because of his outspoken nature, he angered enough senior level executives ("showed up" as Mr. Teldren would say) that he has never received a position of president, even though his name is mentioned every time an opening appears.Recently the vice chairperson of the conglomerate responsible for the group in which R&H is a member, sat down with the R&H President and EVPs. The vice chairperson stated that the company needed to improve performance within one year. He offered a couple of scenarios of what the conglomerate was considering in the event that the management failed to improve profitability.Scenario 1: Drop unprofitable brands and reduce the size of the companyScenario 2: Merge the company with a sister company that has similardistribution requirements and have proven profitabilityRecent InitiativesR&H has recently taken part in an industry-wide study called Efficient Customer Response or ECR. The study found that an industry-wide effort to develop more efficient trade practices and delivery systems could save an aggregated $30 billion dollars a year. PwC assisted R&H in this study. All the EVPs agree that there are huge dollar savings that can be achieved with efficiency improvements.Venn believes that the supply chain ., Procurement, Manufacturing, Deployment, Scheduling, Logistics, and Warehousing) can become a strategic advantage for the company if it can outperform its competitors. PwC studies have shown that improvements cannot be made without the input or the support of all the functional areas of the company, especially Marketing and Sales. The EVPs from Marketing and Sales do not always see the Supply Chain as key players; in fact, the EVPs of Marketing and Sales see the Supply Chain as only a vendor to them.Venn knows that the results of the ECR initiative may not be enough to rally support among the EVPs. Venn knows that whatever strategy is accepted needs to define the roles of each of the EVPs and to provide an outlet for each EVP to demonstrate his and her skills. He is also aware that the other EVPs are very conscious of the growth of Venn's power. Each EVP will initiate a project with the assumption that the architect of the solution to R&H's current situation will be in position for the next presidency.The EVP of Human Resource has championed the need to implement a whole new way of envisioning the company working together. She has envisioned a flatter organization and has spent years developing studies with another leading consultancy to support her vision. She has a strong supporter in the EVP of Sales. The present EVP of Sales was originally from Human Resources. Her vision has always entailed an extensive re-structuring and re-training effort.The EVP of Engineering feels that the company needs to invest in its new product capability. The strategy is to acquire smaller, regional companies that are producing differentiated products. "We can absorb them into us and stimulate our new product pipeline," he stated. "With these new, regionally proven products, we can fill capacity and leverage our distribution and sales strength. I can also energize my area with fresh ideas. It's win-win, no doubt about it."The EVP of Manufacturing is sick and tired of hearing that manufacturing is the problem. He points to the fact that they re producing and shippingthree times the product they were five years ago with the same number of people they had eight years ago. If things don't change in other areas, then things won't change in Manufacturing, other than the inability to support the orders coming in.The EVP of Marketing believes that a combination of re-structuring and acquisition is needed. He wants to reduce the salesperson's role with the retailer and focus on consumer spending behind a "high quality" message grounded in tangible product benefits across all product segments. He wants to broaden the product mix with new products from acquisition.The EngagementVenn has mentioned to Gary Forstman, the PwC engagement partner, that he is willing to devote the necessary resources in his functional areas to prove out the right strategy to the other EVPs. Venn has also indicated that the company is willing to devote significant resources and capabilities to the right effort. "All the EVPs know," he said, "that there will be whole-scale changes if the company doesn't turn itself about."Mr. Forstman has called Grady Means, ISS SBU leader and partner, and said, "This is PricewaterhouseCoopers’ first major engagement with R&H after several years of smaller engagements where we were able to demonstrate our ability to implement solutions. Now we have an opportunity to really shine. The company is re-evaluating its strategic position and has asked several consulting firms to talk to them." Grady discussed the situation with ISS partner, Michael Hanley, and they agreed that you would be a great person to work on this project. You receive a call from Grady. Hello, How are you doing After exchanging pleasantries, Grady explains the situation to you. "We need some dynamic thinking on this one. I know Venn Teldren from years ago. Venn is going to be all over us if we don't get this right. What's important is that we show Venn that we have a vision of where the company needs to go, how the parts fit together and how they are going to get there. What is important is that our analysis is fact-based. We need to be ready to say to Venn, "This is the situation, this is the problem, this is the solution and this is step one, step two, step three on what you need to do tomorrow." This is a big opportunity for us and I'm counting on you. See what you can come up with by this time next week. Feel free to call Michael or myself with any questions. Okay, talk to you soon.Questions1. What is your assessment of the present situation2. What are the key areas for change Why do you believe so3. What do you envision your product to be in a week4. What type of additional information would you want5. What type of analysis do you believe needs to be performed6. Do you have an idea concerning the analytical structure7. What type of framework might you envision for this strategy8. What are the key elements you would include in designing a strategy9. What are the key elements you would include in implementing a strategy10. What is your assessment concerning R&H's ability to implementa strategy11. What are some key performance indicators that you would suggest12. What are the key issues between the Supply Chain and other areas of the company(such as Marketing and Sales) that must be addressed13. What are some ways that improvements in the Supply Chainwill impact the other areas of the company, especially Marketing and Sales14. How does Supply Chain effect the value of the company's brands15. What are the risks that the PwC team faces in this engagementPricwaterhouseCoopersCASE DISCUSSIONBUSINESS/STRATEGYInterview Case Study #2Telekenesis Inc.PricewaterhouseCoopers has recently proposed on, and appears to have won, a major engagement to create an information technology strategy for Telekenesis. PricwaterhouseCoopers has worked for Telekenesis in the past, but has not done any significant work for over a year and a half. This is PricwaterhouseCoopers' first substantial engagement with the company.Company BackgroundTelekenesis was formed in 1992 by executives from four former Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs) and two principals in Silicon Valley technology start-ups. One of the principals is from a start-up company that pioneered a new kind of wireless propagation technology.Telekenesis was founded on the principle that the current telecommunications industry is populated with companies who are almost congenitally incapable of optimizing their form of organization and culture to meet the competitive challenges of the 1990s. The founders believe that local loop technology, which relies on communication devices which are peers in a large technology community, where every device has a permanent and unchangeable identification, is the silver bullet of the telecommunications industry, and that the RBOCs are not ready or willing to exploit it. Local loop technology (LLT) is considered by RBOC management to be radical, unproven and unreliable.Telekenesis Inc. is modestly profitable, with $131,000,000 in sales and approximately 200,000 customers spread out over four adjacent, mostly rural geographies. Approximately 90% of its sales come from four small local telephone companies. The company's strategy is to use the operating experience and customer positioning of the four local telephone companies to develop and implement local loop wireless service or LLWS (often pronounced "laws"). The concept behind this service is based on the fact that the current phone companies control wiring to and from a central office facility. This facility is in effect a big switching box. The central office acts like a big hub with many spokes radiating from it. LLWS eliminates the central office and substitutes simple, unobtrusive, premises wireless relay equipment. There is at least one local loop server facility that is somewhat analogous to a central office but not needed to maintain service. The server facility is used to monitor quality and provide a trap for billing.Local loop wireless services are fully integrated. They include telephonic communication as well as cellular, pager, on-demand video, and "highway" services. Highway services permit companies within the local loop to communicate with each other as if they were on a large universal local area network. Computers located in both home and office are immediately interconnected by the local loop. Importantly, there are literally no wires involved in any of these services (except of course for plugging into the wall to getelectricity). Physical customer hook-ups are non-existent. Customers are granted access, and services and information are secured through software interfaces in LLWS devices, such as television sets, laptop computers, pagers, etc. Telekenesis has a number of arrangements with software and hardware vendors to create LLWS devices.Understandably, the industry discounts LLWS as another "high tech California fantasy." Bell Core engineers, while acknowledging the future potential of local loop technology, dispute Telekenesis's claims that the bandwidth and quality is actually present in production, commercially available products to be installed in the real world.Telekenesis' doctrine is to completely convert all 200,000 current subscribers of the four local phone companies at once, with no phase in. Each of the four local companies will be converted separately.Telekenesis bought the four local phone companies in order to have large scale pilot sites for local loop wireless services. Telekenesis' fundamental business proposition is that the changing regulatory landscape will allow it to compete with local Bell telephone companies, providing a higher performance, lower cost alternative to the existing local phone companies for local and long-distance telephone service, paging, cable ., and cellular phones.Industry TrendsThe early 1980s were a time of turmoil for the telecommunications industry. For the first time in history, AT&T was deregulated and lost its monopoly status. This meant competition for AT&T where none had existed before. Long-distance was the arena of competition."Telecommunications" includes much more than simply making a phone-call. It encompasses cable television service and network connectivity which brings interactive television, shopping forums, education and information services into the home. The phone lines that the telecommunications companies control enable computers to communicate from remote locations, and can gather information from databases and news services around the world within seconds.The possibilities for profits in this arena are practically limitless, and the sphere of competition is expanding. Up to 1994, only long-distance carriers were in competition, but local calling areas are going to be opened up for competition in the late 1990s.Telekenesis OrganizationThere are currently three business units: 1) residential, which is divided into the "plain vanilla" customers that have only one phone line into the house and no add-ons such as cellular phones, pagers, additional lines, etc. and 2) residential customers who have add-on services and are good candidates for taking advantage of the new technology; and 3) small business. Each of Telekenesis's business units has a President who reports to the CEO. In addition, R&D and Technology Assurance, essentially a quality management program, also report directly to the CEO. Telekenesis is tightly controlled by the principals who founded the company and all the senior positions just described are held by the founders.There are really no Corporate functional areas such as Finance, Purchasing, Distribution, and Human Resources. These functions exist in the original phone companies as they did before the companies were acquired. An outsider with the title of Chief Financial Officer runs the Corporate functional area. She had a brief tenure as the CFO of an RBOC. The Technology Assurance Group helps support the existing communications and networking infrastructure.Telekenesis Current SituationPricewaterhouseCoopers was retained because of their knowledge of the RBOCs and an audit relationship with the four local phone companies. They were retained by Telekenesis for special start-up services, legal and regulatory counsel and assistance in dealing with obtaining additional venture capital financing. Because of the technology nature of Telekenesis, the PricwaterhouseCoopers Financial Advisory Services partner contacted IT Strategic Services. The Firm has now been asked to deal with the operational dimensions of Telekenesis as it commences detailed tactical planning for LLWS activation. Another management consulting firm is providing some business strategy consulting to Telekenesis.PricewaterhouseCoopers has been asked to propose on three major stages of work: 1) process vision; 2) tactical doctrine; 3) infrastructure and value. These are meant to give Telekenesis "process efficacy." This is their language.The current company is, in effect, the combination of the four small southern telephone companies that were acquired and are now operated by Telekenesis. However, except for top management, the vast majority of employees of the telephone companies were retained, as were the administrative and operational support systems. Some of those employees are very excited to be able to participate in this opportunity, but a lot of the old timers are dubious and apprehensive.All telephone company processes and functions are essentially the same as before the acquisition by Telekenesis. Telekenesis concentrated on establishing a simple, "no frills" system for collecting financial and operating information on the telephone companies but did virtually nothing to change the actual operations of the companies.Marley and Cratchet (the two silicon valley entrepreneurs) expect that the consultant selected will be able to bring fresh creative ideas to the process of what they term is "...creating a 21st Century company for a 21st Century business." Included in their definition of process efficacy is the notion of "enterprise extensibility," or put more simply put the capability to seamless team with external suppliers in a variety of value-adding, integrative relationships that can be episodic or persistent. Particularly important is the aspect of Telekenesis strategy in which vendors will provide LLWS compatible devices to customers who will pay a one-time $15 fee for the equipment.All four Telekenesis executives expect that the process efficacy initiatives will include information systems and technology strategy and planning. They want the consultant to provide a guaranteed "operational profile" that states that the recommended configuration of hardware and software, costing $xx and operational by 19yy will be able to support the local loop wireless service business.There are four distinct flavours of legacy systems across the four companies. Hardware and software is different, with three of the companies having an IBM mainframe in addition to other computers. Telekenesis installed IMRS on a high end x486 computer to provide financial consolidation and reporting of the four companies. Spreadsheet disks prepared at month end are FedExed to Telekenesis home office in Bernardsville, New Jersey and loaded into IMRS.QuestionsDo you believe you have enough information to develop an Business/IT strategy for this client If no, what additional information would you requireWhat skills would the consulting team need to successfully complete this engagement How would you structure the work for this engagementWhat are the risks that Telekenesis facesShould PwC guarantee an "operational profile" If so, should there be any caveats included in the guaranteeWhat types of business processes will be neededHow would you integrate the processes of the four existing local phone companies and TelekenesisWhat kinds of information systems will the company requireWhere can PwC add the most value in the engagement ., of all the items that Telekenesis requested assistance with, where should we focus)。

第1篇Introduction:Pre-Written Code AI (PWCAI) is a cutting-edge field that merges the principles of artificial intelligence with the development of code. As this field continues to evolve, the demand for professionals who can understand, create, and manage PWCAI systems is increasing. This comprehensive guide will provide you with a wide array of interview questions designed to assess your knowledge, skills, and suitability for a PWCAI-related position. The questions are categorized into sections to help you prepare effectively for your interview.Section 1: Basic Knowledge and Understanding of PWCAI1. Can you explain what Pre-Written Code AI (PWCAI) is and how itdiffers from traditional AI?2. Describe the role of machine learning in PWCAI development.3. What are some common use cases for PWCAI in different industries?4. How does PWCAI integrate with existing software development processes?5. Explain the concept of code generation in PWCAI and its benefits.Section 2: PWCAI Tools and Technologies6. List and describe three popular PWCAI tools or platforms.7. What programming languages are commonly used in PWCAI development?8. How do PWCAI systems handle code quality and maintainability?9. Discuss the role of version control in PWCAI projects.10. What are some challenges associated with using PWCAI in large-scale projects?Section 3: PWCAI Development Process11. Describe the typical steps involved in the development of a PWCAI system.12. How do you ensure that the generated code is secure and free from vulnerabilities?13. What strategies can be employed to optimize the performance of PWCAI-generated code?14. Explain the importance of testing in the PWCAI development process.15. How do you handle the issue of code diversity and creativity in PWCAI systems?Section 4: PWCAI and Ethics16. Discuss the ethical implications of using PWCAI in software development.17. How can bias and fairness issues be addressed in PWCAI systems?18. What measures can be taken to ensure transparency and accountability in PWCAI-generated code?19. How do you balance the benefits of PWCAI with the need for human oversight?20. What is the role of the developer in maintaining the integrity of PWCAI systems?Section 5: Case Studies and Real-World Examples21. Provide an example of a successful implementation of PWCAI in areal-world scenario.22. Analyze a case study where PWCAI failed to meet expectations. What lessons can be learned from this?23. Discuss the impact of PWCAI on the job market and the role of developers in this changing landscape.24. How can PWCAI help in addressing the global software development skills gap?25. What are the potential long-term consequences of widespread adoption of PWCAI?Section 6: Technical Skills and Problem-Solving26. You are given a code snippet. Can you identify any potential issues or inefficiencies?27. Describe a scenario where you would use PWCAI to solve a specific problem. How would you approach it?28. What is your experience with working on collaborative projects involving PWCAI?29. How do you stay updated with the latest developments in PWCAI and related technologies?30. Describe a challenging situation you faced while working with PWCAI. How did you resolve it?Section 7: Professional Experience and Personal Qualities31. Tell us about your professional background in PWCAI or related fields.32. What motivated you to pursue a career in PWCAI?33. Describe a time when you had to adapt to new technologies or methodologies in your work.34. How do you handle stress and pressure in a fast-paced work environment?35. What are your strengths and weaknesses, and how do you plan to leverage them in a PWCAI role?Section 8: Future Outlook and Personal Goals36. What do you see as the future of PWCAI in the next 5-10 years?37. How do you envision your own role in the development and advancement of PWCAI?38. What are your long-term career goals, and how does this position fit into your plan?39. What challenges do you anticipate in the PWCAI field, and how do you plan to address them?40. Share any additional insights or experiences that you believe are relevant to your PWCAI interview.Conclusion:This comprehensive guide provides you with a wide range of questions to prepare for your Pre-Written Code AI (PWCAI) interview. By thoroughly reviewing these questions and developing well-thought-out answers, you will be well-equipped to showcase your knowledge, skills, and passionfor PWCAI. Good luck with your interview, and may your journey in the world of PWCAI be both rewarding and exciting!第2篇IntroductionPwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) is renowned for its rigorous selection process, especially for positions in AI and technology. This comprehensive guide will provide you with a detailed set of interview questions that are commonly asked during a PwC AI interview, along with tailored answers to help you prepare effectively. The questions are categorized into different sections to cover various aspects of AI, technical skills, soft skills, and company-specific inquiries.Section 1: AI and Machine Learning Fundamentals1. What is AI and how does it differ from machine learning?Answer: Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. Machine Learning (ML), on the other hand, is a subset of AI that focuses on the development of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data.2. Explain the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning.Answer: Supervised learning involves training a model on labeled data, where the input data is paired with the correct output. In contrast, unsupervised learning uses unlabeled data to find patterns and relationships within the data.3. What are the key components of a neural network?Answer: A neural network consists of layers of interconnected nodes, including an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer. Each node performs a simple computation, and the connections between nodes have weights that are adjusted during the training process.4. Describe the concept of overfitting and how to prevent it.Answer: Overfitting occurs when a model learns the training data too well, including the noise and fluctuations, and performs poorly on new, unseen data. To prevent overfitting, techniques like regularization, dropout, and cross-validation can be used.5. What are the different types of clustering algorithms?Answer: Common clustering algorithms include K-means, hierarchical clustering, DBSCAN, and Gaussian Mixture Models. Each has its own advantages and is suitable for different types of data and clustering requirements.Section 2: Technical Skills and Programming6. What programming languages are you proficient in, and why did you choose them?Answer: I am proficient in Python, as it has a strong ecosystem forAI and ML development. I chose Python because of its simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, andscikit-learn.7. Can you explain how to implement a decision tree using scikit-learn?Answer: To implement a decision tree using scikit-learn, you can use the `DecisionTreeClassifier` class. You would start by importing thenecessary library, then create an instance of the classifier, fit the model to your training data, and finally make predictions on new data.8. What is the difference between a regressor and a classifier?Answer: A regressor is used for predicting continuous values, while a classifier is used for predicting discrete classes or categories. The key difference lies in the nature of the output they produce.9. How do you handle missing data in your models?Answer: Missing data can be handled using techniques like imputation (filling in missing values with statistical methods) or by using algorithms that can handle missing data, such as K-nearest neighbors.10. Explain the concept of feature engineering.Answer: Feature engineering involves creating new input features or modifying existing ones to improve the performance of a model. This can include feature scaling, encoding categorical variables, and creating interaction terms.Section 3: Case Studies and Problem-Solving11. Describe a project where you applied AI to solve a real-world problem.Answer: In my previous role, I worked on a project to predict customer churn for a telecommunications company. I used a combination of machine learning algorithms to build a predictive model that identified customers at high risk of churn. This helped the company develop targeted retention strategies.12. How do you approach a problem when you don't have all the information you need?Answer: When faced with incomplete information, I first try to gather as much relevant data as possible. Then, I use exploratory data analysis to understand the data and identify any patterns or trends. If necessary, I will also consult with domain experts to fill in any gapsin my knowledge.13. What are some challenges you have faced while working on AI projects, and how did you overcome them?Answer: One challenge I have faced is dealing with imbalanced datasets. To overcome this, I used oversampling techniques to balancethe classes and improve the model's performance. Another challenge has been integrating AI solutions into existing systems. To address this, I worked closely with the IT team to ensure compatibility and seamless integration.Section 4: Soft Skills and Teamwork14. How do you work effectively in a team?Answer: I believe in open communication and collaboration. Iactively listen to my teammates' ideas and provide constructive feedback.I also take initiative and offer to lead projects when necessary, while also being supportive of others' leadership.15. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a team member?Answer: My strengths include strong problem-solving skills,attention to detail, and a willingness to learn. I am a good listenerand can work well under pressure. My weakness is that I can sometimes be overly meticulous, which can lead to delays. I am working on balancing thoroughness with efficiency.16. Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult situation at work.Answer: In a previous project, we encountered unexpected technical issues that threatened to delay the project deadline. I worked closely with the team to identify the root cause and develop a plan to address the issue. By communicating effectively and working collaboratively, we were able to resolve the problem and meet the deadline.Section 5: Company-Specific Inquiries17. What do you know about PwC and its AI practice?Answer: PwC is a leading professional services firm that offers a wide range of services, including audit, tax, and consulting. Its AI practice focuses on leveraging AI and ML to drive innovation and efficiency in client services. I am particularly interested in PwC's AI Lab, which conducts cutting-edge research in AI and its applications.18. Why do you want to work at PwC?Answer: I want to work at PwC because of its reputation as a leader in professional services and its commitment to innovation. I am excited about the opportunity to work with a diverse team of experts and contribute to the development of cutting-edge AI solutions for PwC's clients.19. How do you see your role evolving within PwC's AI practice over the next few years?Answer: I see myself growing as an AI expert within PwC,contributing to the development and implementation of AI solutions for clients across various industries. I am also interested in exploring new areas of AI, such as natural language processing and computer vision, and applying these technologies to solve complex business problems.ConclusionPreparing for a PwC AI interview requires a thorough understanding of AI and machine learning concepts, strong technical skills, and effective communication and teamwork abilities. By using the questions and answers provided in this guide, you can gain confidence in your preparation and increase your chances of success in your interview. Good luck!第3篇IntroductionAs the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, so does the demand for AI writers who can craft compelling content using AI tools. Preparing for an AI interview can be daunting, but with the right set of questions, you can showcase your skills and understanding of AI writing. This comprehensive guide provides a list of potential AIinterview questions, categorized into different sections, to help you prepare for your upcoming interview.I. Introduction and Background1. Can you describe your background in AI and your experience with AI writing?2. What inspired you to pursue a career in AI writing?3. How do you stay updated with the latest advancements in AI technology and AI writing tools?4. Can you explain the difference between AI-generated content and human-generated content?5. What are some common challenges faced by AI writers, and how do you overcome them?II. AI Writing Tools and Technologies6. List three AI writing tools you are familiar with and describe their functionalities.7. How do you integrate AI writing tools into your workflow?8. Can you discuss the benefits and limitations of using AI writing tools?9. What are your thoughts on the ethical implications of using AI to generate content?10. How do you ensure the accuracy and quality of content generated by AI?III. Content Creation and Curation11. Describe a project where you used AI to generate content. What was the goal, and how did you achieve it?12. How do you approach the task of curating content using AI-generated suggestions?13. Can you provide an example of a piece of content you've created that combines AI-generated elements with your own unique voice?14. How do you maintain a consistent tone and style across different types of content?15. What strategies do you use to ensure that your content is engaging and resonates with the target audience?IV. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking16. Describe a situation where you encountered a technical issue with an AI writing tool. How did you resolve it?17. How do you prioritize tasks when working under tight deadlines?18. Can you give an example of a problem you've solved creatively using AI?19. How do you ensure that your content complies with SEO best practices?20. What steps do you take to ensure the originality of your content?V. Collaboration and Teamwork21. How do you work with other team members, such as editors and project managers, when using AI writing tools?22. Can you describe a successful collaboration where AI played a significant role?23. What is your approach to handling feedback from clients or team members?24. How do you ensure that the use of AI does not hinder your ability to work effectively within a team?25. Can you discuss a time when you had to adapt your approach to a new AI tool or technology?VI. Industry Knowledge and Market Trends26. What are the current trends in the AI writing industry?27. How do you anticipate the role of AI in content creation will evolve in the next five years?28. What are some emerging AI writing tools you think have the potential to disrupt the industry?29. Can you discuss the impact of AI on the job market for traditional writers?30. How do you stay informed about the competitive landscape in AI writing?VII. Personal Skills and Qualities31. What are your greatest strengths as an AI writer?32. Can you describe a mistake you made while working on an AI writing project, and what you learned from it?33. How do you handle stress and pressure in a fast-paced work environment?34. What motivates you to excel in your role as an AI writer?35. Can you discuss a personal or professional goal you have set for yourself in the next year?VIII. Role-Specific Questions36. If you were to join our team, how would you contribute to our company's AI writing initiatives?37. What specific AI writing tools or technologies do you believe are most beneficial for our industry?38. Can you provide an example of a content strategy you would implement to improve our online presence?39. How would you handle a situation where a client requests contentthat is not factually accurate?40. What are your thoughts on the future of AI-generated content in the context of our industry?ConclusionPreparing for an AI interview requires a deep understanding of AI writing tools, technologies, and the industry as a whole. By thoroughly addressing the questions in this comprehensive guide, you can demonstrate your expertise and enthusiasm for a career in AI writing. Good luck with your interview, and may this guide serve as a valuable resource in your preparation!。

雀巢(Nestle) 箭牌(Wrigley) 可口可乐(Cocacola) 百事可乐(Pepsi) 金佰利(Kimberly-Clark)
英博 中粮集团 沃尔玛公司 中金(CICC) 中国邮政银行 招商银行(CMB) 中国银行(BC) 中国建设银行(CCB) 中国工商银行(ICBC) 中国农业银行(ABC) 渣打(Standard Chartered) 花旗(Citibank) 汇丰银行 恒生银行(HBC) 国家开发银行 中国交通银行 中国人民银行 中信银行 深圳平安银行 深圳发展银行 光大银行 中国迚出口银行 澳新银行(ANZ) 中信证券
行业 四大会计事
务所 消费品&零 售&服装&
公司 毕马威(KPMG) 德勤(Deloitte) 普华永道(PwC)
安永(E&Y) 宝洁(Procter&Gamble)
高露洁(Colgate) 联合利华(Unilever)
中集集团 北京首都国际机场
ABB 斲奈德(Schneider) 西门子(Siemens)
中国南斱电网 霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)
三一集团 国家电网 松下(Panasonic) 通用电气(GE) 美国国家仪器(LG NI) 泰科电子(Tyco Electronics) 美的(MIDEA) 飞利浦(PHILIPS) 索尼(SONY)
消费品&零售 通信行业 投资银行 电子电气 教育行业 小语种
汽车行业 物流行业 保险行业 机械制造 对外贸易行业

最后结果:KP和PWC 两张OFFER,而DTT和EY则是完全鄙视我,连笔试都不给。
以下为我四大应聘过程中一些经验,文字尽量简洁明了,希望能给后面的人一些帮助~面经背景:会计和英语两个学士专业,本科,女生,无学生会经验,外企财务部实习,ACCA过8门,无CPA 经历,申请审计。
General Tips:1. 说服别人要自己前,先说服自己他们应该要我2. 怎么说话有时候比说什么更重要, 仪态举止眼神接触3. 工作看缘分,错过的,是命中注定,move on.4. Be yourself, 虽然说烂了,还是要说。
5. 狂打听各轮通过率没什么意义,一是没人知道是不是对的,二是知道又怎么样呢。
6. 非会计专业务必要准备好WHY BIG FOUR的问题7. 借用我同学MSN签名: 要有比命运更强大的耐心网申:基本信息略过,主要说OQ. OQ真正发挥作用,是在后面的面试。
1. 实质WHY AUDIT/PWC/KPMG ( 非会计可说兴趣;会计说专业+ 审计工作的好处,如见到很多企业和行业数据BLABLA + 行业前景+ 个人性格特点+ 公司特点)2. 实质问Career path. ( 一定要写CPA计划)3. 实质问个人特点. (四大想要什么人自己套一下,最好实话实说,即使没有符合的,那只能说明四大真的不适合,把机会留给真的想去的人吧)4. 过去经历. (STAR法,不懂去GOOGLE一下)5. 爱好. (不要说不喜欢出行,不要作假,经理可能聊爱好)6. 有补充信息吗?(想象自己是经理,觉得要评判这个人还缺什么?试试复制粘贴其他问题答案,但千万不要忘记改公司名)笔试:KP:千万注意时间,不会马上跳,20分钟注意是包含填答题卡时间,带好2B铅笔,注意认真(如问一月不要忘了周数据要乘4之类的)PWC我免了,但据说和托福IBT差不多,GOOGLE一下相关的TIPS应该很多一面:流程:KP: 小组讨论(15’reading+30’discussion)+ 经理单面PWC: AC ( 自我介绍0.5~1min/person + drama (7’prep+7’perform) + 小组讨论(5’reading +30’discussion +2min/person presentation) +经理单面2007.11 Big4,By CAROTips:1. Self-intro: 能出彩当然好,但更关键是不要留下坏印象,毕竟后面时间还长2. Drama: 没啥好说的……当游戏玩吧,挺有意思的。

1. 请介绍一下你的会计背景和工作经验。
2. 请解释一下“财务报表”是什么,有哪些主要的财务报表?应聘者需要清晰地解释财务报表的概念,并提到主要的财务报表,如资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表和股东权益变动表,并说明每个财务报表的作用和内容。
3. 你熟悉哪些会计软件和工具?在回答这个问题时,应聘者可以提到自己熟悉的会计软件,如SAP、Oracle Financials、QuickBooks等,并举出在使用这些软件方面取得的一些成就或经验。
4. 请说明你在团队合作方面的能力。
5. 请解释一下什么是内部控制,为什么它对会计工作至关重要?应聘者需要清楚地解释内部控制的概念和意义,包括预防和检测错误和欺诈行为的机制,以及确保财务信息准确性和可靠性的重要性。
6. 你在处理复杂和紧急任务方面有什么经验?应聘者可以分享自己在之前工作中处理复杂和紧急任务的经验,包括如何制定优先级、高效地组织工作和与他人协调合作的能力。
7. 请解释一下会计准则和会计原则的区别?应聘者需要清楚地解释会计准则和会计原则的概念以及它们的区别,同时可以补充相关的国际会计准则和法律法规。
8. 你如何处理会计差错?应聘者可以说明自己对会计差错的了解和处理方式,包括如何发现差错、纠正差错、制定控制措施避免将来的差错,并展示对财务报表准确性的重视。
9. 请说明你对税法和税务规定的了解。
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1、根据这次PWC的CAREER TALK,建议他们能够更早一点到学校并且更充分地介绍公司的各方面(这次的宣讲只维持了大概半小时),并谈了一下我对校园宣讲意义和重要性的一些看法。