下级:lieutenant commander mate copilot 中尉 中校 大副 副机长
II. 词与词之间的同义关系
词与词可以因表达同一的逻辑概念结合在一起,这 些词称之为同义词(synonyms)。 同义词只是意义相同,但形位结构、音位形状和用 法不同。 一对或一组同义词并不是一成不变,一个词可与 一部分或另一部分词构成同义词。如: look与see, watch, observe 构成同义词,表示“看”的概念, 也可以与seem, appear 构成同义词,表示“看上 去”的概念。
词可以在一个共同概念的支配下结合在一起形成 一个语义场
支配语义场的共同概念可以用语义特征来表 示
honesty sincerity chastity fidelity
语义场中词与词之间的关系是互相依存的。 每个词在很大程度上取决于此次在语义场上 所占的位置。
• 差异主要体现在 文体方面,短语口语化;单 词中性,带有书面语气。
1、定义: 随着英语词汇的不断丰富,同义词群随之形成,由两个 或三个组成的词义群就扩大成由四个、五个或十来个构 成的词义群。同义群中有一个起支配作用的词,体现了 其他同义词所共有的特征,这种词叫主导同义词,受其 制约的语义场称之为语义同义场(semantically synonymous field)。 2、同语义场的区别 语义场中各个词所表示的意义不同,而语义同义场中 的词所表达的意义基本相同或相似的。 如:leave*, depart, quit, retire, withdraw
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Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion. Pairs of antonyms are seen as unmarked and marked terms respectively, on the grounds that one member is more specific than the other and the meaning of the marked term is found in that of the unmarked. 反义词在语义包孕方面有所不同。成对反义词的两 方分别被看作无标记项和有标记项,其根据是一方比另一方更 加具体,无标记项的意义存在于有标记项的意义之中。
very big / big / quite big / medium-sized / quite small / small / very small llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
2) Contraries 相对反义词
Contraries are best envisaged in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes. 相对反义词最好被想像为处于 两极之间的一个标尺。
scale: a piece of wood, plastics, etc, with marks along the edge 标尺,刻度尺
Many words, though having synonyms, do not find their semantic opposites. 许多词虽然有同义词,但却没有语义上的 对立词(即反义词)。
6、易混淆的词 英语中有些词的拼写和发音相似,又是常用词, 所以容易混淆,被称为“容易混淆的 词”(confusable words). 详参P174-P175.
1. 2.
练习一至练习五; 练习九 on P133.
1、概念 The vocabulary of a given language 客观世界的矛盾对立现象反映在词汇里,就是词义 的反义关系 。互相矛盾对立的一对词就 is not (antonymy) simply a list of independent 是反义词 (antonyms) 。 items, but is organized into fields, within which words interrelate and 2、反义词的类型(P1824-P185) define each other in various ways.
Differences in stylistic level Your report on child abuse has evoked serious concern. He gave a vivid account of the car accident.
Report:Formal. often used to refer to information about recent events, esp. in newspapers and on television and radio; what’s in it is often more or less authoritative. Account: Common. often used to refer to the written or spoken detailed description of what happened to oneself or what one saw or experienced.
exclusive and admit no possibility between them(相互反义) (non-gradable).
eg. A. like: mortal
B. Prefixes: dis-, in-, il-, ir-, im-, un-……
1) Complementaries绝对反义词 2) Contraries两极反义词 3) Conversives关系反义词 4) Semantic incompatibles多项不相容词
–These antonyms truly represent oppositeness. They are so opposed to each other that they are mutually
words ◆ d) Coincidence with idiomatic
8Leabharlann a)Borrowing.Native room foe help leave wise buy
Foreign chamber enemy aid depart sage purchase
b) Dialects and regional English,
–Antonyms of this type are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes. The two opposites are gradable.
同义配置修辞将词典中的同义语词或 临时同义的言语单位安排在同一话语的 上下文中,在替换中寻求变化, 上下文中,在替换中寻求变化,强调语 营造特殊韵味等。 义,营造特殊韵味等。具体表现形态有 同义词、同义短语、同义句、 同义词、同义短语、同义句、同义段及 不同层次同义形式等连续出现或间隔呼 应。
上下义配置修辞在日常表达中用于按总分式 逻辑顺序描述事物和环境等, 在科技论著、 逻辑顺序描述事物和环境等 , 在科技论著 、 法律文本等中用于正确定义和解释, 法律文本等中用于正确定义和解释 , 也用于 正确分类和划分、 正确列举, 正确分类和划分 、 正确列举 , 上义言语单位 和下义言语单分别出现在主词和宾词的位置, 和下义言语单分别出现在主词和宾词的位置 , 形成判断或举例等关系。 形成判断或举例等关系。 ⒆ 词义就是某一语言的词汇系统中和词的语 音形式相结合的、 人们对客观对象的概括反 音形式相结合的 、 高名凯、石安石《语言学概论》) 映。(高名凯、石安石《语言学概论》) 在我的后园,可以看见墙外有两株树, ⒇在我的后园,可以看见墙外有两株树,一 株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树。 鲁迅《 株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树。(鲁迅《秋 夜》)
语义配置换个角度看, 语义配置换个角度看,也可以认为是对较大言 语单位的选择, 语单位的选择,着眼点都在较大言语单位意义 的现实构成和语境实现情况。 的现实构成和语境实现情况。 (21)谁说中国人不善于改变呢 谁说中国人不善于改变呢? (21)谁说中国人不善于改变呢?每一新的事物 进来,起初虽然排斥,但看到有些可靠, 进来,起初虽然排斥,但看到有些可靠,就自 然会改变。不过并非将自己变得合于新事物, 然会改变。不过并非将自己变得合于新事物, 乃是将新事物变得合于自己而已。(鲁迅《 。(鲁迅 乃是将新事物变得合于自己而已。(鲁迅《华 盖集·补白 补白》) 盖集 补白》) 上句固然可以看作是句义选择,但把它视为与 句固然可以看作是句义选择, 下文的配合,即先有意反话正说, 下文的配合,即先有意反话正说,进而揭穿堂 皇表象背后的阴暗本质, 皇表象背后的阴暗本质,使讽刺意味烘托渲染 得浓重而深刻,也未尝不可。 得浓重而深刻,也未尝不可。
root prefix inflectional affix eg. books affix infix suffix derivational affix eg. careful The majority of roots are free forms, and bound roots are relatively few ,but they do exist, such as -ceive, -tain and -cur in receive, retain and recur. 3 、 morpheme
3)语素变体(allomorph) )语素变体( ) An allomorph is a positional variant of a morpheme occurring in a specific environment and so characterized by complementary distribution. eg. ir-, im-,in -, etc; -ion,-tion, etc. (2)词(omission) ) ) (3)固定短语(omission) )固定短语( )
6、2、3 Differentiation of Homonyms from Polysemants 同形 同音异义词与多义词得区别
❖ Homophones are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning、 Of the three types, homophones constitute the largest number and are most mon、同音异形异 义词就是读音相同但拼写与词义不同得词。
sense relations 语义关系
❖ A word which is related to other words is related to them in sense, hence sense relations、一个与其她单词关联得词就是在 语义上与她们相关得, 因而有了语义关系。
6、1 Polysemy 多义关系
❖ When a word is first coined, it is always monosemic、 当一个词最初被创造出来得 时候,一律就是单语义词。
6、1、1 Two Approaches to Polysemy 两种多义关系得研究方法
❖ The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: diachronic approach and synchronic approach、 同一词得各种意义之间相互关 联得问题可以从历时方法与共时方法两个角 度来研究。
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true — false,
perfect — imperfect,
same — different
single — married
Noun: boy — girl, man — woman
Features of complementaries 互补反义词的特点
(1) They are so opposed to each other that they are mutually
Words such as rich--poor, old--young, big--small represent two points at both ends of the pole. The existence of one is in relation to the other. ..….This shows what is called semantic relativity. 像富—穷、老—少、大—小这样的词表示了一根杆 子的两端。一方的存在与另一方有关。…… 这就是所谓的语义 相对性。 Example: (1) poor —— rich, good —— bad
exclusive and admit no possibility between them. The assertion of one is the denial of the other or vice versa. 它们互相完全 对立,互相排斥,之间不允许有任何可能项。肯定一方就等 于否定另一方,反之也一样。
Chapter 6
Sense Relations 语义关系
6.4 Antonymy 反义关系
6.4 Antonymy 反义关系
本节重要术语和概念: 1. antonymy 反义关系 3. complementary 互补反义词 5. converse 逆反反义词 6. semantic relativity 语义相对性 7. semantic polarity 语义二极性 8. relational opposite 关系对立词 9. reverse term 反向词 10. marked term 有标记项 11. unmarked term 无标记项 2. antonym 反义词 4. contrary 相对反义词
●Synonymy 同义关系●synonym 同义词●Antonymy 反义关系●antonym 反义词●Polysemy 多义关系●polyseme 多义词●Homonymy 同音(同形)异义关系●homonym 同音同形异义词,homograph同形异义词,homophone 同音异义词●Hyponymy 上下义关系●superordinate 上义词, hyponym下义词●Taxonymy 分类关系●superordinate上类词, taxonym 分类词●Meronymy 部分整体关系●superordinate 总项词, meronym 分项词幻灯片3Synonymy●Synonymy is a relationship of ‘sameness of meaning’that may hold between two words.●Synonym: a word that means the same as another.●Linguists make a distinction between ‘strict’or ‘absolute’synonymy and ‘loose’or‘relative’synonymy.幻灯片4Strict synonymy●Strict synonyms refer to two words which are identical in meaning in all its aspects. They areinterchangeable in all contexts.●Strict synonyms are very rare, and some linguists even argue that strict synonyms do notexist.●Strict synonymy is uneconomical; it creates unnecessary redundancy in a language.幻灯片5Loose synonymy●When we speak of synonymy, we mean ‘loose’or ‘relative’synonymy, where we find notonly a significant overlap in meaning between two words, but also some contexts where they cannot be used interchangeably.●John found/discovered the basketball in the grass.●Maria Curie discovered radium in 1898.●*Maria Curie found radium in 1898.discover: be the first one to come across somethingfind: experience something in some way幻灯片6Distinguishing synonyms●We often take the following things into consideration when we try to find the differencesbetween synonyms.●Different English dialects●Different stylistic meanings●Different connotative meanings幻灯片7Synonyms from different dialects●Some synonym pairs differ in that they belong to different dialects of English. Here are someexamples of synonyms from British and American English:BrE AmE BrE AmElift elevator farm ranchlawyer attorney biscuit cookierubbish garbage pavement sidewalk幻灯片8Synonyms with different stylistic meanings●One of a pair of synonyms may be used in a more formal context than the other. Here aresome examples of synonym pairs.Informal Formal Informal Formaldie decease daddy fatherblame chide guy manwest occidental praise eulogy幻灯片9Synonyms with different connotative meanings●Synonyms may have different emotive associations (connotative meanings).famous notorious(disreputably) misuse abuse(of privilege orpower)ambiguous equivocal(deliberately) new novel(strikingly)hate loathe(with disgust) obtain procure(with effort)幻灯片10Source of synonyms●Why are there so many synonyms in English?●The primary reason for this has to do with the heavy borrowing from other languages,especially from French and Latin.English French Latinask question interrogatetime age epochbegin commencebuy purchase幻灯片11Antonymy (反义关系)●Antonymy is a relationship of ‘meaning opposition’ that may hold between twowords.●Antonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning.●Major types of antonyms:●Gradable antonyms●Contradictory or complementary antonyms●Converse antonyms幻灯片12Gradable antonyms●Gradable antonyms include pairs like the following:●beautiful ugly●expensive cheap●fast slow●hot cold●long short●rich poor●wide narrowThese pairs are called gradable antonyms because they do not represent a more/less relation. The words can be the end-points of a continuum (连续体).Since they are gradable, they allow comparison.幻灯片13Contradictory (complementary) antonyms●Contradictory antonyms include pairs like the following:●asleep awake●dead alive●on off●remember forget●win lose●true falseThese pairs are called contradictory antonyms because they represent an either/or relation.If you permit some behavior, then it is not forbidden.Since they are not gradable, they do not allow comparison.幻灯片14Converse antonyms (逆行)●The following are examples of converse antonyms:●lend borrow●husband wife●above below●before after●behind in front of●buy sell●give receive●parent child●speak listenLend is the converse of borrow and vice versa; i.e. the substitution of one member for the other does not change the meaning of a sentence if it is accompanied by the change of subject and object.John lent Mary five dollars.=Mary borrowed five dollars from John.幻灯片15Contradictory antonyms vs. Converse antonyms1,The bridge is above the river.The river is below the bridge. Converse antonyms are relational antonyms.2,This behavior is allowed.This behavior is not prohibited. Contradictory antonyms are either/or antonyms.幻灯片16Polysemy●When a word is first coined, it is always the case (true) that it has only one meaning(monosemic). But in the course of development, the same symbol may be used to express new meanings. The result is polysemy.●Polysemy shows the economy and efficiency of human languages.幻灯片17Two processes leading to polysemy●There are two important processes in the development of meaning:●Radiation (发散)●Concatenation(串联)幻灯片18Radiation●Radiation is a process in which the primary meaning stands in the center, and the derivedmeanings radiate from it in every direction like rays.●All the derived meanings can be traced back to the primary meaning.幻灯片19Radiation Example: faceWe can get the derived meanings by extension, narrowing, analogy, transfer, etc.the front of the head(Primary Meaning): 1a person,2self-respect,3outward appearance,4the surface of a thing,5countenance(Derived Meaning)幻灯片20Concatenation●Concatenation is a process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually from its primarymeaning by successive shifts, like the links of a chain, until there is no connection between the meaning that is finally developed and the primary meaning.●Unlike radiation where each of the derived meaning is directly related to the primarymeaning, concatenation is a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one.1→2→3→4→5→6幻灯片21Concatenation Example: candidateA a person dressed in whiteA+B(bridging context) a white robed applicant for office (because the Romans wore white robes when standing for office)B a person taking an examinationThere is no connection between A and B, because the middle link (A+B) has vanished.The primary meaning A has also vanished. Now the derived meaning has become the central meaning.幻灯片22Homonymy●Homonymy is the relation between two words that are spelled or pronounced in the sameway but differ in meaning.●Such words are called homonyms.●lie vi. / lie vi. -- perfect homonyms●tear n./ tear vt.--homographs●coarse/course --homophones幻灯片23Perfect homonyms●Perfect homonyms: words identical in both sound and spelling, but different in meaning●bank: n./ bank: n.●bear: n./ bear: vt.幻灯片24Homographs●Homographs: words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning.●bow: vi. to bend one’s head as a greeting●bow: n. the device used for shooting arrows●sow: n. female pig●sow: vi. to scatter seeds●perfect: v. /- ’-/●perfect: adj. /’- -/幻灯片25Homophones●Homophones: words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning.●sun/son●deer/dear●right/write●pair/pear●stationary/stationery幻灯片26Differentiation of perfect homonyms from polysemous wordsthe same lexeme which has several different meaningsperfect homonymshaving different sourcespolysemous wordsdeveloped from the same sourcedifferent lexemes which have the same form幻灯片27The use of polysemy and homonymy●Polysemous words and homonyms are often used as puns, to achieve certain literary effect,such as humor, irony, etc.●Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland●“How is bread made?”●“I know that!”Alice cried eagerly. “You take some flour.”●“Where do you pick the flower?”the White Queen asked. “In a garden, or in the hedges?”●“Well, it isn’t picked at all,”Alice explained: “it’s ground.”●“How many acres of ground?”said the White Queen.幻灯片28Hyponymy●Hyponymy is the sense relationship that relates words hierarchically. The underlyingobservation is that some words have a more general meaning, while others have a morespecific meaning, while referring to the same entity.We are not going to have any food today.We are not going to have any vegetables today.幻灯片29FOOD have a more general meaning(superordinate): FRUIT, MEAT, VEGETABLE(They are subordinate terms. They are hyponyms of the superordinate term FOOD.)MEAT: BEEF, PORK, MUTTON(They are subordinate terms. They are hyponyms of the superordinate term MEA T.)VEGETABLE have a more specific meaning:(CABBAGE,CELERY,SPINACH)FRUIT: APPLE, PEACH, ORANGE(Reading from the bottom of the hierarchy, ORANGE is a ‘kind of’ fruit, which is a kind of food.)幻灯片30Taxonymy●Taxonymy is the relationship in which “X is a kind of Y”(Cruse 1986).●Not all hyponyms are good taxonyms.●Hyponyms large spoon, deep spoon are not “a kind of spoon”●Taxonyms teaspoon, soup spoon are “a kind of spoon”幻灯片31Taxonymy - Focal orientation●Focal orientation: this is a perspective that the taxonym and superordinateterm must share so that the relationship works● A blonde is not a kind of woman because blonde has a hair color focalorientation that woman lacks.幻灯片32Taxonymy –distinctive feature●It appears that a taxonym must engage with the meaning of its superordinate ina particular way, by further specifying what is distinctive about it. (p.121)● A strawberry blonde is a type of blonde.●(Distinctive f. of blonde: fair hair)●?A blonde is a type of woman.●(Distinctive f. of woman: sex)●?A stallion is a type of horse.●(Distinctive f. of stallion: sex)幻灯片33Hierarchical characteristic of Taxonymy●Pine is a kind of conifer, which is a kind of tree, which is a kind of plant.幻灯片34Taxonymy vs HyponymyHyponymy分类关系具有严格的层次性,一般不超过五层,每个层次的词项必须严格地遵守同一分类标准;而上下义关系中的词项虽然也能够划分层次,但没有严密的定义标准,对层次的数目也没有规定。
词与词之间表示同一意义或概念,这些词称为同义词(synonyms),也就是说同一意义或概念,可以 用一个以上的词表示,如head, ruler, leader都可以指“领导”,这就是同义现象〔synonymy〕,这样的词 叫同义词。几乎全部的词都有同义词。
〔一〕同义词的来源〔sources of synonyms〕 英语中同义词特别丰富,这是英语进展的几个世纪中奇妙结合了其它语言,如盎格鲁-撒克逊语、 法语、拉丁语和希腊语。有的结合成一对〔doublets〕,有的组成三词一组〔triplets〕。例如成对的同 义词有:
词的比方用法也增加了同义 occupation—walk of life lie—distort the fact dreamer—star-gazer the creeps—pins and needles
chemist druggist
除此,一些固定词组往往有单个词与它们同义 gain the upper hand—win
完全同音同形异义词和多义词在拼写和读 音上是一样的,因此两者有如何区分的 问题。同音同形异义词和多义词的根本 区分是前者指在形式上间或一样但并不 是一个词的词,而后者指具有几个可区 分义项的同一个词。两者之间的一个重 要区分标准是看它们的词源。同音同形 异义词的词源不同,而多义词是一个起 源,但在词义进展过程中产生了不同的 意义。其次个重要标准是语义是否相关 。多义词的词义与原始意义多少都有关
8〕an army force, a troop 〔一支部队,现废弃不用〕
9〕a unit of counting
1.Relational opposites关系反义词
The pairs of words indicate such a reciprocal social relationship社会关系 that one of them cannot be used without suggesting the other. 相互依存
• Verb
Love attachment 依恋
匡 威? 鞋 子?
Converse 不仅仅是匡威 更是…… 逆反反义词
III. Converses 逆反反义词
Two kinds
(1)Relational opposites关系反义词 (2)Reverse terms 逆反词
3.Middle ground中间状态
• Adj.
old middle-aged open ajar半掩 rich well-to-do小康 hot warm beautiful good-looking young close poor cool cold plain平常 ugly
hate liking 喜欢 indifference antipathy 漠不关心 反感
反义词 Antonymy [æ n'tɔnɪmɪ]
11级师范二班 向越
• ——deals with semantic opposition语义 对立
• Definition ——Words that are opposite in meaning (P131,para 2,line1)
2.Relative & Subjective
Sue Mary Anne
• 2. Dialects and regional English: • relative synonyms in British and American usage • British American lift elevator car park parking lot
• Types of synonyms • 1. Complete or absolute synonyms(完全/绝对同 义词):It refers to the two words are totally synonymous and they are fully identical in meaning and interchangeable in any context without the slightest alteration in connotative, affective and stylistic meanings. e.g. • fatherland -- motherland, word-formation -- wordbuilding. • 2. Relative synonyms or more accurate quasisynonymous words(相对同义词):It refers to the words are synonymous in meaning basically but there are some small differences. e.g. beautiful, pretty, good-looking, handsome, attractive, charming are synonymous words.
II. 词与词之间的同义关系
词与词可以因表达同一的逻辑概念结合在一起,这 些词称之为同义词(synonyms)。 同义词只是意义相同,但形位结构、音位形状和用 法不同。 一对或一组同义词并不是一成不变,一个词可与 一部分或另一部分词构成同义词。如: look与see, watch, observe 构成同义词,表示“看”的概念, 也可以与seem, appear 构成同义词,表示“看上 去”的概念。
2. Two processes of development
1) Radiation辐射型 2) Concatenation连锁型
1) Radiation辐射型
Semantically, radiation is the process which the primary or central meaning stands at the center while secondary meanings radiate from it in every direction like rays. 从语义学上讲,辐射型是这样一种过程,
Synchronic approach共时研究方法 Synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a historical period of time. 从 共时的角度看,在同一个历史时期,同一个 词可以拥有许多不同的意义。 The basic meaning of a word is called the central meaning 中心意义. The derived meanings are secondary in comparison.
From the above examples, we can see that homonyms are often employed to create puns for desired effect of humor or irony for stylistic purposes.
6.3 Synonymy同义关系
Definition of synonyms Synonyms are words different in sound and spelling but most nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning.同义词是发音和拼写不同 但在意义上极为相似或完全相同的词。 Synonyms share a likeness in denotation as well as part of speech, for a verb cannot have an adjective as its synonym.同义词在 外延意义和词性上要具有相似性。
词汇学 词义
![词汇学 词义](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a32a015d33687e21af45a985.png)
同形异义词产生的原因 1、外来词 2、词语缩略 3、音变 4、零缀派生
成年—幼种 一些单词同时包括上位 义和下位义 dog-puppy、cow-calf、 pig-piglet mam、dog、duck…… 准下义关系 Shape、round、square、 oval
细微的语义差别 例如:程度或强度不同—— surprise、astonish、 amaze、astound 角度不同:country、state、 nation …… 文体差别 正式——非正式 口语体——俚语——方言— —书面语——学术体……
情感色彩差别 褒义词——贬义词——中性 词 用法搭配差异 在某种情况下:In the situation、on the occasion、under the circumstance 一群ephants、a shoal of fish
分类关系(上类词、分类词、 共类词)
Horse is a kind of animal Chair is a kind of furniture
例如:plant由leaf、 root、flower、shoot、 bud组成
共类关系是不相容、平等 地位:apple、orange、 pear……
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同义关系 同义词(SYNONYM)
来源:希腊语、法语、拉丁语 类型:1、完全同义词(中心意义、关联意义、用法 完全相同)——多为专有名词和术语 2、部分同义词(通常所说的同义词、可以根 据就已经进行替换) *同义词不仅仅存在单个词间,还可能存在于词和成语 间、成语和成语间:remember——bear in mind、 require——call for、figure out——work out
英语词汇学教案第6章词的语义分类 (1)
![英语词汇学教案第6章词的语义分类 (1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5ccd6a2c910ef12d2bf9e727.png)
理论教学教案(总第 13- 14学时)项目名称第六章词的语义分类授课学时2任务名称理解词的语义分类教学目标1. 词与词的上下义关系2. 词与词的同义关系3.词与词的反义关系4. 词与词的同形或同音异义关系教学重点词与词的上下义关系教学难点词与词的同义反义关系教学资源PPT教学过程设计教学内容时间分配教学活动设计Step1: 引入复习上一次学习内容Step2: 新课讲授-词的语义分类l.词与词之间的上下义关系概念:语义场 Semantic field类概念(genus)种概念(species)探讨词所表达的类概念与词所表达的种概念之间的关系。
特点:1. 同义词意义相同,但形位结构,音位形状和用法不同。
2. 一对一组同义词并不是一成不变的,一个词可以和一部分词构成同义词,也可与另外一部分词构成同义词。
如:look: see; watch; observe seem; appear.同义词之间的差异1. 语义上的差异eg: A teacher was amazed to find that a lazy student had gained a mark of 100 in an important testamaze:难以相信astound:难以相信的程度更高。
escape: flee: 紧急情况下的仓促逃跑2. 感情色彩和语体色彩上的差异感情色彩上:高雅(elevated)、中性(neutral)、粗俗(Vulgar)单词————感情色彩——使用场合horse———中性——----一切场合charger/steed——---高雅——-----诗歌小说plug/nag-----粗俗—-----—口语3. 词与词之间的反义关系词与词之间存在着相反或对立的语义关系——反义关系(antonymy).词义相反或对立的词叫做反义词(antonyms)1. 以词根和派生为依据所形成的的反义关系Clear——vague Large—— smallUp——down (词根反义词)Pleasant ——unpleasantPolite —— impoliteHonest —— dishonest(派生反义词)作业布置复习所学内容授课日期及授课地点明德楼205 第8周下午67节课后反思词与词的上下义关系稍难理解,建议增加案例讲解。
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• • • •
代表整体的词:holonym 代表局部的词:meronym 属于局部的词: co-meronyms共局部词 e.g: book: holonym cover/page: co-meronyms 共局部词
• leaf, bud, stem, root, flower, shoot • • Petal stamen
semantic component.
( Jost Trier / German 1930’s)
• words of a semantic field are not synonyms but are joined together by some common semantic component
(between the genus(类概念) and the species(种概念).
Note:***---grammatical structure: • He likes dogs and other animals. • There is no flower more beautiful than a rose. • I like all fruits except bananas. • She reads books all day---mostly novels.
semantic field theory 语义场理论 • vocab. of a language is not just a listing of independent items, but organized into areas or fields, the members of which are joined together by some common
• words in the same semantic field may have a number of collocations in common • pork /beef -------fry,stew, roast,raw
3. Hyponymy 词与词之间的上下义关系 (hierarchical classifications) 3.1.Hyponymy--semantic inclusion语义内包) ---- relationship which obtains between general and specific lexical items
**** meronymy(局部与整体关系)
Meronymy---a term used to describe a partwhole relationship between lexical items. cover/page → book
X is part of Y. A page is part of a book. Y has X. A book has pages. (hierarchical classifications.)
• Furniture • bed,table,sofa.chair
• (co-hyponym共下义词) • ---set of terms which are hyponyms of the same sup. relationship between superordinate and hyponym: relative Living • (plant ) (animal ) • (tree flower bush ) (tiger wolf sheep )
• (pine oak maple ) • (white pine/ yellow pine )
ram ewe lamb
3.4. use of superordinate and hyponym General terms : vague / trite ( thing, go) ---Specific words ------ add force , clarity,and evoke vivid pictures. walk
Main contents: (semantic field) 1.)definition of hyponymy 2. ) superordinate and hyponym 3. ) relationship between superordinate and hyponym 4. ) use of superordinate and hyponym 5. ) meronymy
4. synonymy
Main contents:
4.1.definition of synonymy 4.2. sources of synonyms 4. 3. kinds of synonyms # differences between relative synonyms 4.4. effects of synonyms
4.1. definition of synonymy synonymy : ---refers to the sameness relation between words.
Synonym: --a word that is equivalent in sense to another word.
• Move
Walk run jog swim
3.2. superordinate and hyponym 上义词/下义词 superordinate or upper term: ---the more inclusive words hyponym, lower term or subordinate: ---the more specific words • kinship: father /mother/brother/cousin • process of cooking: roast, boil, cook, grill