
某某八中2008-2009学年度(上)半期考试初三年级英语试题(考试时间:120分钟满分:150分)命题:陈媛审核:罗兴平打印:陈媛校对:罗兴平第I卷(共100分)I.听力部分(共30分)A)情景反应(每小题1分,共6分)1. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, she will. C. Who’s that speaking?2. A. He is mending the bike. B. He is a police man. C. No, I haven’t.3. No, I am not. B. No, I didn’t. C. No, I haven’t.4. A. That’s a good idea. B. I am fine. C. Don’t be late.5. A. Goodbye. B. Don’t worry. C. Wish you a good trip.6. A. That’s all right. B. Thank you. C. No, you’re wrong.B)对话理解(每小题1分,共6分)7. A. The black one. B. The Blue one C. The green one.8. A. December 9th. B. December 10th. C. December 11th.9. A. Reading. B. Singing. C.Dancing.10. A. In Australia. B. In ChinaC. In America.11. A. Tom works in a post office. B. Tom is a businessman C. Tom collects stamps.12. A. It’s 10:05. B. It’s 10:15. C. It’s 10:25.C)短文理解(每小题2分,共18分)(A)13. What’s the population of London?A. About 6,000,000.B. About 7,000,000.C. About 8,000,000.14. Why do tourists from all over the world would go to London?A. To taste delicious food.B. To buy cheap things.C. To visit its famous building15.Which is the most popular way of transportation(交通) in London?A. The underground.B. The bus.C. The car.16. How many big parks are there in the center of London?A. FourB. Five.C. Six.17. What place is Hamleys?A. A toy shop.B. A park.C. A cinema.(B)18. My grandma is _________ years old.A. 57B. 67C. 7619. There are ___________ people in the walking club.A. over 20B. 20C. about 1020. They walk __________ when it is cold in winter.A. along the streetB. in the parkC. in the club21. The people in the club love walking NOT because it’s good to __________.A. keep healthyB. enjoy the cityC. lose weight (减肥)II.单项选择。

重庆八中2018—2019学年度(上)初三年级第一次月考英语试题(本卷共九大题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟)第I卷(共100分)I. 听力测试。
1. A. It’s 8:00. B. It’s Sunday. C. It’s May 1st.2. A. It doesn’t matter. B. All right. C. I’m sorry, too.3. A. Sure. B. Thank you. C.That’s all right.4. A. You’re right. B. The same to you. C.Have a good time.5. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I have. C. Yes, I did.6. A. Don’t say that. B. Thank you. C. Yes, it is.第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍。
7. A. In the classroom. B. In a shop. C. In the library.8. A. A scarf. B. Nothing. C. A CD player.9. A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.10. A. 4:30. B. At 5:30. C. At 5:00.11. A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus.12. A. Rosa. B. The boy. C. Rosa’s parents.第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。

重庆八中2018-2019(上)期末考试初三年级数学试题(全卷共五个大题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟)2018年1月注意事项:1.试题的答案书写在答题卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答.2.作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项.参考公式:抛物线2(0)y ax bx c a =++≠的顶点坐标为(2b a -,244ac b a -),对称轴公式为2b x a=-.一、选择题(本大题12个小题,每小题4分,共48分)在每个小题的下面,都给出了代号为A 、B 、C 、D的四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的.请将答题卡...上对应题目的正确答案标号涂黑. 1.下列各数中最小的数是( )A .5-B .1-C .0D .1 2.下列图形中是轴对称图形的是( )3.计算()322y x 正确的结果是( )A .366y x B .368y x C .y x 28 D .y x 68 4.下列调查中,最适合采用全面调查(普查)方式的是( ) A .对重庆市初中学生每天自主学习时间的调查 B .对渝北区市民观看电影《芳华》情况的调查C .对重庆八中男生311寝室本学期期末体育考试成绩的调查D .对江北区市民了解江北区创“全国文明城区”情况的调查 5.估计231-的值应在( )A .2和3之间B .3和4之间C .4和5之间D .5和6之间 6.若,,412-==b a 则代数式182-+b a 的值为( ) A .5 B .3 C .1 D .1-7.如果分式63-x x有意义,则x 需要满足的条件是( )A .2=xB .2>xC .2≠xD .2<x8.若ABC ∆~DEF ∆,且两三角形对应中线的比为3:4,则它们的面积之比为( ) A .3:4 B .6:8 C .9:16 D .9:129.如图,等边三角形ABC 的边长为2,AB CD ⊥于D ,若以点C 为圆心,CD 为半径画弧,则图形阴影部分的面积是( )A .π213-B .π-32C .π3432-D .π3232-10.下列图形都是由同样大小的黑色圆点按照一定规律所组成的,其中第①个图形中一共有6个黑色圆点,第②个图形中一共有15个黑色圆点,第③个图形中一共有28个黑色圆点,……,按此规律排列下去,第⑥个图形中的黑色圆点的个数为( )A .45B .61C .66D .91 11. 如图所示是某游乐场“激流勇进”项目的示意图,游船从D 点水平运动到A 处后,沿着坡度为1:3=i 的斜坡AB 到达游乐场项目的最高点B ,然后沿着俯角为030,长度为m 42的斜坡BC 运动,最后沿斜坡CD 俯冲到达点D ,完成一次“激流勇进”.如果AD CDA ,037=∠的长为()m 32152+,则斜坡CD 的长约为( ).(参考数据:75.037tan 8.037cos 6.037sin 0≈≈≈,,) A .m 36 B .m 45 C .m 48 D .m 5512.若关于x 的方程x xx a x ax ---+=-3333的解为整数,且不等式组⎩⎨⎧<->-0732a x x 无解,则所有满足条件的非负整数a 的和为( )A .2B .3C .7D .10二、填空题(本大题6个小题,每小题4分,共24分)请将每小题的答案直接填在答题卡...中对应的横线上. 13.2017年12月24日“八中之春”在重庆市大剧院成功演出,其中播放的王俊凯祝福母校八十周年庆的视频,当天网络点击量达到350000次,数字350000用科学计数法表示为 .14.()=--+0230sin 212π .15.如图,AB 是圆O 的直径,C 、D 为圆上的两点,若∠BAC =55°,则∠ADC 为 度.16.在重庆八中“青春飞扬”艺术节的钢琴演奏比赛决赛中,参加比赛的10名选手成绩统计如图所示,则这10名学生成绩的中位数是 .17.小明和小亮分别从同一直线跑道A 、B 两端同时相向匀速出发,小明和小亮第一次相遇后,小亮觉得自己速度太慢便提速至原速的35倍,并匀速运动达到B 端,且小明到达B 端后停止运动,小亮匀速跑步到达A 端后,立即按原速返回B 端(忽略调头时间),回到B 端后停止运动,已知两人相距的路程S (千米)与小亮出发时间t (秒)之间的关系如图所示,则当小明到达B 端后,经过 秒,小亮回到B 端.18.正方形ABCD 中的边长为4,对角线AC 、BD 交于点O ,E 为DC 边上一点,连接AE 交BD 于F ,BG ⊥AE于点G ,连接OG ,若,045=∠DGE 则=∆FGO S .三、解答题(本大题共2小题,每小题7分,共14分)解答时每小题必须给出必要的演算过程或推理步骤,画出必要的图形(包括作辅助线),请将解答过程书写在答题卡...中对应的位置上. 19.如图,已知射线BM 平分∠ABC ,点D 是BM 上一点,且DE ∥BC 交AB 于E ,若∠EDB =28°,求∠AED 的度数.20.随着迪士尼公司出品的电影《寻梦环游记》的热播,公司现需要了解该节目在中学生中的受欢迎程度,走进重庆八中随机抽取部分学生就“你是否喜欢看《寻梦环游记》?”进行问卷调查,并将调查后的结果统计后绘制成如图所示的不完整条形统计图和扇形统计图,请你结合图中信息解答下列问题. (1)参与调查的学生共有 人,并请补全条形统计图;(2)现在了解到3名不喜欢的学生分别是小王、小李、小张,若从他们3人中随机抽取2名同学进行座谈,请用列表法或画树状图法,求小王和小李同时被选中的概率.四、解答题(本大题共5小题,每小题10分,共50分)解答时每小题必须给出必要的演算过程或推理步骤,画出必要的图形(包括作辅助线),请将解答过程书写在答题卡...中对应的位置上. 21.计算(1)()()y x x y x 2322--- (2)aa a a a a 32313432+-÷⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+---22.如图所示,在平面直角坐标系中,一次函数()01≠+=a ax y 与反比例函数()0≠=k xky 的图像交于D A 、两点,x AB ⊥轴于点B ,AOB AOB ∆=∠,23tan 的面积为3.(1)求反比例函数和一次函数的解析式; (2)求AOD ∆的面积.23.2017年11月,重庆八中为了更好第打造“书香校园”,从新华书店采购了一批文学著作.其中,A 著作180本,每本单价40元,B 著作350本,每本单价60元.(1)新书一到学校图书馆,A 、B 两著作很快便被借阅一空.于是,学校再用不超过13800元的资金从新华书店增购270本A 、B 两著作,问A 著作至少增购了多少本?(2)八中学生对A 、B 著作的阅读热情被媒体报道后,获得了社会好评,新书书店为了满足更多读者的阅读需求,决定将A 著作每本降价10元,B 著作每本降价()0%>a a .于是,仅在12月第一周,A 著作的销量就比重庆八中第一次采购的A 著作多了%914a ,B 著作的销量比重庆八中第一次采购的B 著作多了()%20+a ,且12月份第一周A 、B 两著作的销售总额达到了30600元.求a 的值.24.已知:在Rt △ABC 中,CD 是斜边AB 上的中线,点E 是直角边AC 上一点,连接DE 、BE . (1)若DE ⊥AB 且BC =3,AC =4,如图1,求△CDE 的面积; (2)∠AED =∠BEC ,如图2,求证:F 是CD 的中点.25.一个三位自然数是s ,将它任意两个数位的数字对调后得到一个首位不为0的新三位自然数's ('s 可以与s 相同),设xyz s =',在's 所有的可能情况中,当z y x -+3最大时,我们称此时的's 是s 的“梦想数”,并规定()2223z y x s P -+=.例如125按上述方法可得到新数有:217、172、721,因为,,,,20122121672022112732 =-+=-+=-+ 所以172是172的“梦想数”,此时,()1442731127222=-⨯+=P .(1)求512的“梦想数”及()512P 的值;(2)设三位自然数,ab s 1=交换其个位与十位上的数字得到新数's ,若4887'729=+s s ,且()s P 能被7整除,求s 的值.五、解答题(本大题共1小题,每小题12分,共12分)解答时每小题必须给出必要的演算过程或推理步骤,请将解答过程书写在答题卡...中对应的位置上. 26.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线332232-+-=x x y 与x 轴交于A 、B 两点(点A 在点B 的左侧),与y 轴交于点C ,顶点为D ,对称轴与x 轴交于点E ,直线CE 交抛物线于点F (异于点C ),直线CD 交x 轴交于点G .(1)如图①,求直线CE 的解析式和顶点D 的坐标;(2)如图①,点P 为直线CF 上方抛物线上一点,连接PC 、PF ,当△PCF 的面积最大时,点M 是过P 垂直于x 轴的直线l 上一点,点N 是抛物线对称轴上一点,求NO MN FM ++的最小值;(3)如图②,过点D 作DG DI ⊥交x 轴于点I ,将△GDI 沿射线GB 方向平移至'''I D G ∆处,将'''I D G ∆绕点'D 逆时针旋转()01800<<αα,当旋转到一定度数时,点'G 会与点I 重合,记旋转过程中的'''I D G ∆为'''''I D G ∆,若在整个旋转过程中,直线G ’’I ’’分别交x 轴和直线GD ’于点K 、L 两点,是否存在这样的K 、L ,使△GKL 为以∠LGK 为底角的等腰三角形?若存在,求此时GL 的长.重庆八中2018-2019学年度(上)期末考试初三年级数学试题答案1-12 ABBCB CCCAD BC13、5105.3⨯ 14、 32 15、 35 16、8.5 17、 54 18、1514 19、56°20、 30,喜欢处补9 概率为31 21、222y xy x +- a a 22-22、x y 6=,1+=x y (2)25 23、至少120 (2) a=20 24、3221延长FE 过D 作DM 垂直AC 交FE 延长线于M 证DMF ≌CBF 得到结论 法二:过D 作DH ⊥CB 于H 交BF 于N 证CEDN 为平行四边形 25、(1)152,()72512=P(2)3a+b=13 得到s=134 ,141 127 最后只有s=134 26、(1)323-=x y D ()32, (2)⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛837,2323,3P F , 最小值为8197 (3)略。
重庆八中 2018-2019学年 九年级上 半期测试卷

1 重庆市第八中学初2019级2018-2019学年(上)半期测试一、选择题(本大题12个小题,每小题4分,共48分) 1. 单项式2a 的系数是( )A.3B.2C.1D.0 2. 在下列四个图形中,属于轴对称图形的是( )3. 下列计算,结果等于a 3的是( )A.a+a 2B.a 4-aC.2a ·aD.a 5÷a 2 4. 下列说法正确的是( )A.一组数据的方差越小,则这组数据的波动也越小B.了解我国中学生的课外阅读情况适宜采用全面调查C.了解一批电视机的使用寿命适宜采用全面调查D.旅客上飞机前的安检适宜采用抽样调查 5. 下列几何体中,主视图为三角形的是( )6. 使x -2有意义的x 的取值范围是( )A.x ≥2B.x>2C.x ≤ 2D.x<2 7. 下列命题错误的是( )A.平行四边形有两条对称轴B.对顶角相等C.角平分线上的点到角两边的距离相等D.菱形的对角线互相垂直平分 8.如图,CD 为圆O 的直径,弦AB ⊥CD ,垂足为E ,CE=1,半径为25,则弦AB 的长为( )A.24B.14C.10D.7 9.如图,在平行四边形ABCD 中,E 是DC 上的点,DE:EC=2:1,连接AE 交BD 于点F,则△DEF 与△BAF 的面积之比为( )A.3:2B.2:3C.9:4D.4:9第8图 第9图10. 某班的同学想测量一教楼AB 的高度.如图,大楼前有一段斜坡BC,已知BC 的长为16米,2 它的坡度i=1:3.在离C 点45米的D 处,测得一教楼顶端A 的仰角为37°,则一教楼AB 的高度约为( )米(结果精确到0.1米)(参考数据:sin37°≈0.60,cos37°≈0.80,tan37°≈0.75,3≈1.73)A.44.1B.39.8C.36.1D.25.911. 如图,抛物线y=ax 2+bx+c(a ≠0)与x 轴交于A(-1,0),B(3,0)两点,与y 轴 交于点C,顶点为D.下列结论正确的是( ) A.abc<0 B.3a+c=0C.4a-2b+c<0D.方程ax 2+bx+c=-2(a ≠0)有两个不相等的实数根 12. 如图,反比例函数y=xk(k>0)的图象与矩形AOBC 的边AC 、BC 分别相交于点E 、F,点C 的坐标为(8,6).将△CEF 沿EF 翻折,C 点好落在OB 上的点D 处,则k 的值为( ) A.421 B.6 C.12 D.221二、填空题:(每小题4分,共24分) 13. 计算:|-3|-(-2)0=_______.14. 若正多边形的一个外角是72°,则该正多边形的边数为_______.15. 小李老师为了了解学生的数学周考成绩,在班级随机抽查了10名学生的成绩,其统计数据如下表:3则这10名学生的数学周考成绩的中位数是_______分.16.把两块同样大小的含45°角的三角尺按如图所示的方式放置,其中一块三角尺的锐角顶点与另一块的直角顶点重合于点A,且另三个锐角顶点B,C,D 在同一直线上,若AB=23,则CD=_______.17.一辆快车从甲地出发到乙地,一辆慢车从乙地出发到甲地,两车同时出发,匀速行驶,慢车到甲地后停止行驶,快车到乙地后休息半小时,然后以另一速度返回甲地两车之间的距离y(千米)与快车行驶的时间x(小时)之间的函数关系如图所示,当慢车到达甲地时,快车与乙地的距离为_______千米18. 一间手工作坊,分成了两块区域,第一块区域里摆了一张四方桌(四条腿)和若干圆凳(三 脚凳),第二块区域里摆了一张圆形桌(六条腿)和若干方凳(四脚凳)。

重庆八中 2017~2018 学年度(下)初三年级第一次全真模拟考试英语试题第 I 卷(共 95 分)I.听力测试。
(共 30 分)第一节(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分)听一遍。
根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
1. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Many thanks. C. The same to you.2. A. Yes, please. B. I like it. C. Tea, please.3. A. Never mind. B. Good luck! C. No problem.4. A. Hold on, please. B. Yes. Who are you? C. Why not?5. A. It doesn’t matter. B. You are welcome. C. I’m sorry.6. A. Yes, I can. B. Good idea. C. No, it isn’t.第二节(每小题 1.5 分,共 9 分)听一遍。
根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
7. A. Go shopping. B. Go bike-riding. C. Go swimming.8. A. To the supermarket. B. To the restaurant. C. To the bank.9. A. Jane. B. Jane’s father. C. Jane’s friend.10. A. Apples. B. Milk. C. Mild shake.11. A. A day. B. Six days. C. Seven days.12. A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Snowy.第三节(每小题 1.5 分,共 6 分)听两遍。

21cb a A BD C 重庆八中2018年初中毕业暨高中招生考试全真模拟三数学试题(全卷共五个大题,满分150分,考试时间120分钟)参考公式:抛物线y=ax 2+bx+c (a ≠0)的顶点坐标为(-b 2a ,4a c -b 24a ),对称轴为x=-b2a .一、选择题:(本大题共12个小题,每小题4分,共48分)在每个小题的下面,都给出了代号为A 、B 、C 、D 的四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请将答题卡上题号右侧正确答案所对应的方框涂黑。
1.4的倒数是( ) A 、-4;B 、4;C 、41-;D 、41。
2.下列交通指示标识中,不是轴对称图形的是( )3.据重庆商报2016年5月23日报道,第十九届中国(重庆)国际投资暨全球采购会(简称渝洽会)集中签约86个项目,投资总额1636亿元人民币,将数1636用科学记数法表示是( )A 、0.1636×104;B 、1.636×103;C 、16.36×102;D 、163.6×10。
4.如图,直线a,b 被直线c 所截,且a ∥b ,若∠1=55°,则∠2等于( ) A 、35°;B 、45°;C 、55°;D 、125°。
5.计算(x 2y)3的结果是( )A 、x 6y 3;B 、x 5y 3;C 、x 5y ;D 、x 2y 3。
6.下列调查,最适合采用全面调查(普查)的是( ) A 、对重庆市居民日平均用水量的调查; B 、对一批LED 节能灯使用寿命的调查;C 、对重庆新闻频道“天天630”栏目收视率的调查;D 、对某校九年级(1)班同学的身高情况的调查。
7.若二次根式2a -有意义,则a 的取值范围是( )A 、a ≥2;B 、a ≤2;C 、a>2;D 、a ≠2。
8.若m=-2,则代数式m 2-2m-1的值是( ) A 、9;B 、7;C 、-1;D 、-9。

重庆⼋中初2018级初三(上)第⼀次⽉考英语(⽆听⼒⽆答案)重庆⼋中初2018级初三(上)第⼀次⽉考英语试题第I 卷I 听⼒测试。
II 单项选择。
21.---There’s _______ useful word in this sentence. Do you know its meaning?---Sorry, I don’t. But I can _______ in the dictionary soon.A.a, look up itB. an, look up itC. an, look it upD. a, look it up22.---Excuse me, is there a _______ near here? I want to buy some books.---Sure, go along Center Street and turn left, then you can find it.A.libraryB. restroomC. restaurantD. bookstore23.If you want to learn a language _______, you should pay more attention to _______ it.A.good, useB. well, usingC. good, usingD. well, use24.It’s no nice _______ you to help me with my _______ Englis h.A.of, spokenB. for, speakingC. of, speakingD. for, spoken25.You’ll remember _______ you have learned _______ it’s a little difficult for you.A.what, becauseB. that, thoughC. what, althoughD. that, if26.---_______ nice weather it is today! Why not _______ out for a walk?---That sounds good.A.What a, goB. What, goC. How a, to goD. How, going27.---One of the drivers _______ in this car accident already.---Sorry to hear that.A.has diedB. have deadC. has been diedD. have been dead28.Because he ate _______ junk food, he _______ three pounds last month.A.too much, put onB. much too, put upC. too many, put offD. many too, put down29.---Look! There’s an old man _______ on the ground.---Let’s go and see what _______./doc/152f0bb577eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef7bb0d1268.html y, happenedB. lying, happenedC. lied, has happenedD. lying, was happened30.---He warned us _______ in the deep river.---Yes. I hear that whoever swims in it will end up _______ his life.A.don’t swim, losingB. not swim, lostC. not to swim, losingD. not to swim, to lose31.---Have you read the novel _______ A Christmas Carol?---Yes, I _______ it a month ago./doc/152f0bb577eeaeaad1f34693daef5ef7bb0d1268.html d, have readB. called, readC. is named, have readD. is calling, read32.---I wonder _______ the man is a businessman?---That’s for sure. He often goes _______ business across the country.A.that, forB. if, onC. whether, toD. that, in33.Asking for help _______ this way sounds more _______.A.by, politelyB. at, politeC. on, politelyD. in, polite34.---Excuse me, could you please tell me _______?---Sure, go along Center Street and turn left, the bank is across from the supermarket.A.how can I get to the bankB. how to get the bankC. which is way to the bankD. where is the bank35.---How about dressing up as ghosts on Halloween?---_______. What should we do to prepare for it?A.Have a good timeB. I don’t think soC. That sounds like funD. That’s too scaryIII 完型填空。

重庆八中初2018级初三(下)定时训练(三)英语试题第I卷(共95分)I.听力测试(共30分)略II.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21.Look! There’s 11-year-old boy students under the tree.A. aB. theC. anD. /22. The two sessions(两会)were held in March in Beijing. If you want to get further about it, you can search the Internet.A. informationB. newsC. messageD. words23. students enjoyed themselves yesterday in Happy Valley, Lijia, Chongqing.A. Two thousandsB. Two thousands ofC. Thousand ofD. Two thousand24.-Who taught the pop song?-Nobody. We learned it by .A. your, usB. yours, usC. you, ourselvesD. you, ourselves25. David is badly hurt, so he can move his legs now.A. hardB. hardlyC. difficultD. nearly26. You should pay attention to the traffic lights when you go the streets.A. pastB. throughC. overD. across27. It’s said that a new bridge in three months over the jialing River.A. was builtB. will buildC. would be buildD. will be built28.-Does the CD belong to Mary?-No, it be hers. Look, there’s name “Mike” on it.A.mustn’tB. mayC. can’tD. need29. The kites by hand are very popular with the foreigners. They sell very well.A.are madeB. to makeC. madeD. making30. After the people the fire, all of them felt tired out.A. put outB. put offC. put awayD. put on31. time you spend with other people, friends you’ll have.A. The more; the lessB. The less; the fewerC. The fewer; the moreD. The less; the less32.-When will the meeting begin?-It start until everybody .A. will; will arriveB. won’t; arrivesC. will; arrivesD. won’t; will arrive33.Study hard, you’ll achieve success in your exam.A. orB. butC. andD. neither34.There many trees in this forest, but now most of them have disappeared.A.are used to beB. used to haveed to beD. is used to35.We all wondered .A. that Tony got to school on time this morning.B. what’s the matter with Tony.C.whether Tony often walked to schoolD.whom was Tony talking withIII. 完型填空。

2018-2019学年重庆八中九年级(上)基础能力训练数学试卷一、选择题(共9小题,每小题3分,满分27分) 1.(3分)5的相反数是( ) A .5-B .5C .15-D .152.(3分)下列图形中,是中心对称图形的是( )A .B .C .D .3.(3分)32(5)x y -计算的结果是( )A .5225x yB .6225x yC .325x y -D .6210x y -4.(3分)下列调查中,适宜采用全面调查(普查)方式的是( ) A .调查一批新型节能灯泡的使用寿命B .调查重庆全市中小学生的课外阅读时间C .调查我市初中学生的视力情况D .调查“神州十一号”飞船零部件的安全性能5.(3分)若一个多边形的每个内角都相等,且都为160度,则这个多边形的内角和是()度 A .2520B .2880C .3060D .32406.(3分)下列命题中,是真命题的是( ) A .菱形对角线相等B .事件“明天一定是雨天”是必然事件C .若57y x -=,则57x y -=-D .函数y =的自变量取值范围是3x -…7.(3( ) A .在1和2之间B .在2和3之间C .在3和4之间D .在4和5之间8.(3分)将一些半径相同的小圆按如图所示的规律摆放,第1个图形有4个小圆,第2个图形有8个小圆,第3个图形有14个小圆,⋯,依次规律,第7个图形的小圆个数是()A .56B .58C .63D .729.(3分)如图,在半径为3,圆心角为90︒的扇形ACB 内,以BC 为直径作半圆交AB 于点D ,连接CD ,则阴影部分的面积是( )A .5392π- B .9944π- C .9944π+ D .9984π- 二、填空题(共4小题,每小题3分,满分12分)10.(3分)经过多年的成长,中国城市观众到影院观影的习惯已经逐渐养成:2016年,某影院观众人次总量才23400,但到2017年已经暴涨至1370000.其中1370000用科学记数法表示为 .11.(3分)计算:0217()3---= .12.(3分)唐老师为了了解学生的期末数学成绩,在班级随机抽查了10名学生的成绩,其统计数据如下表:则这10名学生的数学成绩的中位数是 分.13.(3分)如图,是一个高速公路的隧道的横截面,若它的形状是以O 为圆心的圆的一部分,路面12AB =米,拱高9CD =米,则圆的半径为 米.三、解答题(共4小题,满分0分)14.如图,已知//EF GH ,Rt ABC ∆的两个顶点A 、B 分别在直线EF 、GH 上,90C ∠=︒,AC 交EF 于点D ,若BD 平分ABC ∠,28BAH ∠=︒.求BAC ∠的度数.15.为了了解重庆市的空气质量情况,我校初2017级“综合实践环境调查”小组从环境监测网随机抽取了若干天的空气质量作为样本进行统计,绘制了如图所示的条形统计图和扇形统计图(部分信息未给出):(1)课题小组随机抽取的天数为 天,请将条形统计图补充完整;(2)为找出优化环境的措施,“环境治理研讨小组”的同学欲从天气质量为“中度污染”和“重度污染”的样本中随机抽取两天分析污染原因,请用列表或画树状图的方法求出所抽取的两天恰好都是“重度污染”的概率. 16.计算:(1)222()()()b a b a b a b ++--- (2)22224431()x xy y y x y x xy x y x-+÷+-+-- 17.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,O 为坐标原点,过点(6,0)B 的直线AB 与直线OA 相交点(4,2)A ,动点M 在直线OA 上运动.(1)求直线AB 的解析式. (2)求OAC ∆的面积.(3)是否存在点M ,使O M C ∆的面积是OAC ∆的面积的14?若存在求出此时点M 的坐标;若不存在,说明理由.四、选择题(共3小题,每小题3分,满分9分)18.(3分)如图,CD 是一长为5米的斜坡(坡度为1:0.75i =,AB 是与CD 底部相平的一棵树.在坡顶C 处测得树顶A 点的仰角31α=︒,在坡底部D 处测得树顶A 点的仰角60β=︒,则树高AB 为(结果精确到0.1,sin310.52︒=,tan310.6︒=1.73)(= )A .8.2B .8.3C .8.8D .8.919.(3分)若关于x 的不等式组13231x ax -⎧⎪⎨⎪--⎩……无解,且关于y 的方程2122y a y y ++=--的解为正数,则符合题意的整数a 有( )个. A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个20.(3分)如图,反比例函数(0)ky x x=>的图象经过矩形OABC 对角线的交点M ,分别于AB 、BC 交于点D 、E ,若四边形ODBE 的面积为24,则k 的值为( )A .2B .4C .6D .8五、填空题(共2小题,每小题3分,满分6分)21.(3分)甲、乙两车分别从A 、B 两地同时出发,相向行驶,已知甲车的速度大于乙车的速度,甲车到达B 地后马上以另一速度原路返回A 地(掉头的时间忽略不计),乙车到达A 地以后即停在地等待甲车.如图所示为甲乙两车间的距离y (千米)与甲车的行驶时间t (小时)之间的函数图象,则当乙车到达A 地的时候,甲车与A 地的距离为 千米.22.(3分)正方形的1112A B PP 顶点1P 、2P 在反比例函数2y x=(0)x >的图象上,顶点1A 、1B 分别在x 轴、y 轴的正半轴上,再在其右侧作正方形2322P P A B ,顶点3P 在反比例函数2y x= (0)x >的图象上,顶点2A 在x 轴的正半轴上,则点3P 的坐标为 .六、解答题(共4小题,满分0分)23.每年的3月15日是“国际消费者权益日”,许多家居商城都会利用这个契机进行打折促销活动.甲卖家的某款沙发每套成本为5000元,在标价8000元的基础上打9折销售. (1)现在甲卖家欲继续降价吸引买主,问最多降价多少元,才能使利润率不低于20%? (2)据媒体爆料,有一些卖家先提高商品价格后再降价促销,存在欺诈行为.乙卖家也销售相同的沙发,其成本、标价与甲卖家一致,以前每周可售出5套,现乙卖家先将标价提高%m ,再大幅降价40m 元,使得这款沙发在3月15日那一天卖出的数量就比原来一周卖出的数量增加了1%2m ,这样一天的利润达到了31250元,求m .24.如图,在菱形中ABCD 中,60ABC ∠=︒,点F 为AD 边上一点,连接BF 交对角线AC于点G .(1)如图1,已知CF AD ⊥于F ,菱形的边长为6,求线段FG 的长度;(2)如图2,已知点E 为AB 边上一点,连接CE 交线段BF 于点H ,且满足60FHC ∠=︒,2CH BH =,求证:AH CE ⊥.25.我们知道“任何不小于4的偶数都可以表示为两个质数之和”(质数是指除了1和它本身以外不再有其它因数的数),这就是著名的哥德巴赫猜想.根据哥徳巴赫猜想,任何不小于4的偶数m ,都可以进行这样的拆分:(m a b a =+、b 均为质数,且)a b …如果ba最小,我们就称a b +是m 的差异质数和,并规定()34F m a b =-.如果ba最大,我们就称a b +是m 的最佳质数和,并规定()34M m a b =-.例如:22有319+、517+、1111+三种表示成两个质数之和的形式,因为3511191711<<,所以319+是22的差异质数和,1111+是22的最佳质数和,所以(22)3194345F =⨯-⨯=,(22)311411M l l =⨯-⨯=-. (1)由上述条件求出(36)(36)F M +的值;(2)t 是一个两位正整数,且10(19t x y x y =+剟?,x ,y 为自然数),交换其个位和十位上的数得到新数t ',若新数的2倍加上原数,再减去2x y +所得的差为170,则我们称这个t 为“耀阳数”,求所有“耀阳数”中()F t 的最小值.26.如图1,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线2133y x x =-+与x 轴交于A ,B 两点(点A 在点B 左侧),与y 轴交于点C ,抛物线的顶点为点E . (1)判断ABC ∆的形状,并说明理由;(2)经过B ,C 两点的直线交抛物线的对称轴于点D ,点P 为直线BC 上方抛物线上的一动点,当PCD ∆的面积最大时,Q 从点P 出发,先沿适当的路径运动到抛物线的对称轴上点M 处,再沿垂直于抛物线对称轴的方向运动到y 轴上的点N 处,最后沿适当的路径运动到点A 处停止.当点Q 的运动路径最短时,求点N 的坐标及点Q 经过的最短路径的长;(3)如图2,平移抛物线,使抛物线的顶点E 在射线AE 上移动,点E 平移后的对应点为点E ',点A 的对应点为点A ',将A O C ∆绕点O 顺时针旋转至△11A OC 的位置,点A ,C 的对应点分别为点1A ,1C ,且点1A 恰好落在AC 上,连接1C A ',1C E ',△1AC E ''是否能为等腰三角形?若能,请求出所有符合条件的点E '的坐标;若不能,请说明理由.。

重庆市重点中学八校2018届九年级英语上学期第二阶段测试试题(满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟)Ⅰ. 听力测试(每小题1.5分,共30分)第一节:情景反应。
( )1. A. No, I don’t. B. Math. C. Yes, I do.( )2. A. I went to a park. B. I’ve finished it.C. An English teacher.( )3. A. I’d like some books. B. I’d wear a shirt.C. Give some money to charity.( )4. A. It’s red. B. It must belong to Dave.C. It is a blue T-shirt.( )5. A. I would go on a trip. B. I would go next Monday.C. I’d like to visit Beijing.( )6. A. It’s not bad. B. It’s all right. C. It doesn’t matter.第二节:对话理解。
( )7. A. A teacher. B. A nurse. C. A clerk.( )8. A. They are workers. B. They are old friends.C. They are teachers.( )9. A. Lucy’s. B. Lily’s. C. Lucy and Lily’s.( )10. A. For about 3 years. B. For 10 years. C. For 11years.( )11. A. In 1874. B. In 1879. C. In 1885.( )12. A. Two. B. Ten. C. None.第三节:长对话理解。

重庆八中2017-2018学年度(下)初三年级第一次全真模拟考试数学试题一、选择题1.5-的相反数是()A.5B.5-C.15D.15-2.下列图形中,既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形的是()A. B. C. D.3.x的取值范围是()A.2x≠ B.2x> C.12x> D.2x≥4.下列调查中,最适宜采用全面调查....(普查)的是()A.了解某市市民对中美贸易争端的知晓情况B.了解一批导弹的杀伤半径C.对“神州十一”号各零部件的检查D.了解重庆市民生活垃圾分类情况5.下列命题中:①甲乙两人各进行了十次射击练习,若成绩的方差S S>甲乙,则甲比乙发挥得稳定;②单项式2rπ的次数是3次;③相等的角是对顶角;④所有实数都有倒数。
真命题的个数是()A. 0B. 1C.2D. 36.)A. 0和1之间B.1和2之间C.2和3之间D.3和4之间7.如图,在ABC∆中290C A∠=∠=︒,分别以点A和点B为圆心,以AC的长为半径画弧交AB于,D E两点,若BC=)第7题图EA BDA. 1π- B. 2π- C. 2π- D. 1π-8.若220x xy -+=,240y xy --=,则x y -的值是( ) A. 2-B. 2C. 2±D.9.观察下列图形规律,其中第1个图形由6个○组成,第2个图形由14个○组成,第3个图形由24个○组成,…,照此规律下去,则第8个图形○的个数一共是( )图③图②图①A. 84B. 87C. 104D. 12310.如图所示,在同一水平面从左到右依次是大厦、别墅、小山、小彬为了测得小山的高度,在大厦的楼顶B 处测得山顶C 的俯角13GBC ∠=°,在别墅的大门A 点处测得大厦的楼顶B 点的仰角35BAO ∠=°,山坡AC 的坡度1:2i =,500OA =米,则山顶C 的垂直高度约为( )(参考数据:sin13°0.22≈,tan13°0.23≈,sin35°0.57≈) A. 161.0 B. 116.4 C. 106.8 D. 76.211.若关于x 的分式方程412a x x -=-的解为正整数,且关于x 的不等式组128263x x a x -⎧+>⎪⎨⎪-≤⎩有解且最多有6个整数解,则满足条件的所有整数a 的值之和是( )A. 4B. 0C. 1-D. 3-12.如图,点A (,1m ),B (2,n )在双曲线ky x=(0k ≠),连接OA ,OB .若8ABC S ∆=,则k 的值是( ) A. 12- B. 8- C. 6- D. 4- 二、填空题13.据报道,我国目前“天河二号”超级计算机的运算速度位居全球第一,其运算速度达到了每秒338000000亿次,数据338000000用科学计数法可表示为__________________.14.计算:2018211()22--+-+-+=_______________.15.4月18日,初2018级的同学们迎来了中考第一科体育考试,某班体育委员记录了小组七位同学一分钟跳绳的情况,跳绳个数为206,210,205,203,204,208,204,这组数据的中位数是___________. 16.如图,线段AB 是圆O 的直径,弦CD ⊥AB 于点E ,30CAB ∠=︒,BE =4,则CD 的长为_________.16题图17题图50017.A 、B 两地之间有一条笔直的公路,小王从A 地出发沿这条公路步行前往B 地,同时小李从B 地出发沿这条公路骑自行车前往A 地,小李到达A 地后休息一会,然后掉头原路原速返回,追上小王后两人一起步行到B 地,设小王与小李之间的距离为y (米),小王行走的时间为x 分钟,y 与x 之间的函数图像如图所示,则小王与小李第一次相遇时距离A 地_________.18.已知a 、b 、c 是非负数,且2310a b c ++=,4a b c +-=,如果22S a b c =+-,那么S 的最大值和最小值的和等于_________.三、解答题19. 如图,DE ∥CF ,点B 在DE 上,连接BC ,过点B 作BA ⊥BC 交FC 于点A . 过点C 作CG 平分∠BCF 交AB 于点G ,若∠DBA =38°,求∠BGC 的度数.DF20.为庆祝重庆八中建校八十周年,学校要举行一系列的庆祝活动. 庆祝活动的主要方式有四种,分别是A :“我与八中同成长”诗歌征文比赛、B :“舞动八中”街舞比赛、C :“水墨校园”绘画比赛、D :“历史名人cosplay ”比赛. 学校围绕“你最喜欢的活动方式是什么?”在全校学生中随机抽样部分学生进行调查(四个选项中必须且只选一项),根据调查统计结果,绘制了如下两种不完整的统计图表:选项906030“最喜欢的活动方式”条形统计图 “最喜欢的活动方式”扇形统计图(1)本次抽查的学生共_______人,m =__________,并将条形统计图补充完成;(2)学校采用抽签方式让每班在A ,B ,C ,D 四项宣传方式中随机抽取两项进行展示,请用树状图或列表法求某班所抽到的两项方式恰好是A 和B 的概率.四、解答题21.(1)()()()()2x y x y x y x y -+-+-;(2)2221+11a a a a a a --⎛⎫÷+- ⎪+⎝⎭22.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,直线AB ()40y kx k =+≠与x 轴,y 轴,交于A 、B 两点,点C 是BO 的中点且1tan 2ABO ∠=(1)求直线AC 的解析式;(2)若点M 是直线AC 的一点,当2ABM AOC S S ∆∆=时,求点M 的坐标.23.4月份,重庆市果桑(俗称桑泡儿)将进入采摘期,预计持续1个月左右,届时全市25个成规模的果桑采摘园将陆续开园迎客,某区有一果园占地250亩,育有56个品种的果桑,其中台湾超长果桑因果形奇特、口感佳而大面积种植,售价30/斤,其它各个品种售价均为20元/斤(1)清明节当天,该果园一共售出500斤果桑,其中售出其它品种的果桑总重量不超过售出台湾超长果桑重量的3倍,问至少售出台湾超长果桑多少斤?(2)为了提高台湾超长果桑的知名度,商家对台湾超长果桑进行广告宣传,4月14日售出其它品种的果桑总重量是售出台湾超长果桑重量的2倍。
重庆八中 2017-2018学年 九年级上 半期测试卷(含答案)

重庆八中2017-2018学年度(上)半期考试初三年级数学试题(满分150分,考试时间120分钟)参考公式:抛物线y =ax 2+bx +c (a≠0)的顶点坐标是(-b 2a ,4ac -b 24a ),对称轴是x =-b2a。
一、选择题:(本大题12个小题,每小题4分,共48分)在每个小题的下面,都给出了A 、B 、C 、D 的四个答案,其中只有一个是正确的,请将答题卡上题目右侧正确答案所对应的框涂黑。
1.8的相反数是( ) A .-8B .-18C .18D .82.下列四个图标中,是轴对称图形的是( )3.计算(-x 2y 3)2的结果是( )A .-x 4y 6B .x 4y 6C .-x 4y 5D .x 4y 94.下列调查中,最适合采用普查方式的是( )A .调查某校九年级一班学生的睡眠时间B .调查某市国庆节期间进出主城区的车流量C .调查某品牌电池的使用寿命D .调查某批次烟花爆竹的燃放效果5.估计7 +1的运算结果应在哪两个连续自然数之间( ) A .1和2 B .2和3 C .3和4 D .4和56.若△ABC~△DEF ,相似比为2:5,则△ABC 与△DEF 的面积之比为( ) A .2:5 B .5:2 C .4:25 D .25:4 7.要使分式1x -5有意义,则x 应满足的条件是( )A .x >5B .x ≠5C .x ≥5D .x =5 8.已知a =-1,b =2a ,则a +2b 的值是( )A .-5B .-3C .3D .59.如图,在Rt△ABC 中,∠BC=90°,∠C=30°,AB =1,BD 是AC 边上的高。
以点B 为圆心,线段BD 的长度为半径画弧交AB 于点E ,交BC 于点F ,则图中阴影总分的面积是( )A .3-34πB .3-316πC .32-34πD .32-316π10.下列图形都是用同样大小的黑点按一定规律组成的,其中第①个图形中一共有3个黑点,第②个图形中一共有8个黑点,第③个图形中一共有14个黑点,…,则第7个图形中黑点的个数是()A .29B .38C .48D .5911.如图,为了测量小河AE 的宽度,小明从河边的点A 处出发沿着斜坡AB 行走208米至坡顶B 处,斜坡AB 的坡度为i =1:2.4,在点B 处测得小河对岸建筑物DE 顶端点D 的俯角为∠CBD=11°,已知建筑物DE 的高度为30米,则小河AE 的宽度约为( )(精确到1米,参考数据:sin11°≈0.19,cos11°≈0.98,tan11°≈0.20) A .34米 B .42米 C .58米 D .71米12.使得关于x 的分式方程ax -14-x +34-x =-2的解为正数,且关于x 的不等式组x >0a +x 2≥x -32有解的所有整数a的和为( )A .-2B .-3C .-5D .-6 二、填空题:(本大题6个小题,每小题4分,共24分)请将每小题的答案直接填在答题卡中对应的横线上。

重庆市八校2018届九年级英语下学期第一阶段考试试题(满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟)第I卷(90分)I、听力测试(共30分)第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。
( )1.A. Yes, we can. B. No, we can’t. C. By working with a group.( )2.A. I think so. B. Not at all. C. She is going to London.( )3.A. Yes, I could. B. No, I couldn’t. C. Sure.( )4.A. Yes, she didn’t. B. No, she didn’t. C. I’m afraid not.( )5.A. Cotton. B. Korea. C. In 1856.( )6.A. It is Sunday. B. It’s sunny. C. Good idea.第二节对话理解(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。
( )7. A. America. B. England. C. Australia.( )8. A. The time. B. The weather. C. The date.( )9. A. Wash all his clothes. B. Wash all the plates. C. Clean the house.( )10.A. By plane. B. By ship. C. By train.( )11.A. Because he had to clean his room.B. Because he had to do some shopping.C. Because he had to look after her mother.( )12.A. At 2:00 B. At 5:00. C. At 6:00.第三节对话理解(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。

1 .A.Nicetomeetyou,too.B.Manythanks.C .Thesame o you.2 .A.Yes,please. B.likeit.C.Tea,please.3 .A.Never mind. B.Goodluck! C.No problem.4 .A.Holdon,please.B.Yes.Whoareyou?C.Why not?5 .A.Itdoesn’tmatter..Youarewelcome.C.I’msorry.6 .A.Yes,I can. B.Goodidea. C.No,itisn’t.第二节(每题分,共9分)听一遍。
7 .A.Go shopping. B.Gobike-riding.C.Goswimming.8 .A.Tothesupermarket.B.Totherestaurant.C.Tothebank.9 .A.Jane.B.Jane’sfather.C.Jane’sfriend.1 0.A.Apples.B.Milk. C.Mildshake.1 1.A.Aday.B.Sixdays. C.Sevendays.1 2.A.Sunny.B.Rainy.C.Snowy.第三节(每题分,共6分)听两遍。
13. What’s the matterwiththe young man?A. He catchesa cold.B.He has a fever.C. He can’t walk. 11 4.Howoftenshouldtheyoungmantakethemedicine?A .Threetimesday.B.Twice a day.C .Threetimesweek.听下边一段资料,回答第15和16小题。

英语_2018年重庆八中中考英语一模试卷(含答案)(2)2018年重庆八中中考英语一模试卷二、单项选择.(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.1. __________ man under the big tree is my cousin Tony.()A AB AnC TheD /2. Middle school students must learn to study by __________.()A themB theirC theyD themselves3. ﹣﹣﹣ Why are you so upset?﹣﹣﹣I'm expecting a call from my son.He __________ Australia for two weks.()A has gone toB has been toC has been inD has gone in4. ﹣﹣﹣ There used to be a quite poor village, but you see,there are so many tall buildings now.﹣﹣﹣ Yes, great __________ have taken place there.()A chancesB changesC choicesD competitions5. ﹣﹣﹣ Cindy, could you help me out with the homework?﹣﹣﹣ Sorry, mom. I am quite busy __________ my model plane.()A makeB makingC madeD to make6. ﹣﹣﹣ Must I finish the work before leaving, sir?﹣﹣﹣__________.It's more important to visit your sick friend.()A Yes, you mayB No, you mustn'tC Yes, you canD No, you needn't7. The Maritime Silk Road ______ to improve the trade between China and Southeastern Asia in 2013.A buildsB builtC is builtD was built8. ﹣﹣﹣ Miss Tian, a police woman, died in order to savea little girl in a car accident.﹣﹣﹣ __________ policewoman she is!()A What a greatB What greatC How greatD How a great9. ______ September, 2018, we will have a great ceremony of the 80 anniversary of Chongqing No.8th Secondary School.B InC AtD Of10. I can ______ something sweet! I can't wait to eat it.A tasteB lookC smellD sound11. It is raining hard outside. Your plan is wonderful, but we have to __________ until tomorrow.()A put it upB put up itC put it offD put off it12. Every one of these students tried very hard. However, the disabled one tried even ______.A hardB hardlyC hardestD harder13. ﹣﹣﹣ You leave home very early every day. __________ is it from your home to workplace?﹣﹣﹣ About 30 minutes' but ride.()A How farB How manyC How soonD How long14. Whatever difficulties she __________, Sophie always put her heart into solving them.()B faceC will faceD faced15. When going to school, Sally wondered __________.()A what's the best way to learn a foreign languageB that she would go to the best university in three yearsC if she did a good job in the examinationD where did her father go to this morning三、完形填空.(每小题1.5分,共15分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.16. I grew up in a poor family where none of us kids believed in Santa Claus.My parents refused to let us believe in him.They couldn't provide us(1)_______expensive presents. And they didn't want us to think we weren't as good as other kids who, on Christmas morning, found all kinds of toys under the tree that were(2)_______to be left by Santa Claus.That year when Christmas came, we had no money at all. On Christmas Eve, Dad took us three kids out into the night one after(3)_______.I had a blanket(毛毯)with me, and when it was my turn, I offered to share it with Dad, but he said "No, thanks." The(4)_______never troubled him. I sat next to Dad and we looked up at the sky."Pick out your(5)_______star.It'll be your Christmas present." Dad said."You can't give me a star! No one owns a star.""That's right, " Dad said. "No one else owns a star. Youjust have to claim(认领)it(6)_______anyone else does, just like Columbus claimed America."I(7)_______it for a while. "I want that one, " I said."That's Venus(金星). It is a planet. It shines only from reflected(反射的)light.""I like it anyway, " I said."It's Christmas. You can have a planet if you want."That evening, we discussed outer space and I realized Dad was a man with much(8)_______of the stars and planets. We all(9)_______about the other kids who believed in Santa Claus and got nothing for Christmas but some cheap plastic toys. "Years from now, when all that they got are broken and long forgotten, " Dad said, "you'll(10)_______have your stars. "(1)A toB withC forD of(2)A usedB reportedC supposedD chosen(3)A anotherB otherC the otherD othersA heatB nightC coldD stars(5)A bigB firstC differentD favorite (6)A whenB beforeC afterD until(7)A heard ofB waited forC thought aboutD looked for (8)A informationB adviceC experienceD knowledge (9)A laughedB talkedC caredD worriedA alsoB evenC stillD already四、阅读理解.(每小题6分,共30分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.17. Are you a sports lover? There are many things to look forward to in 2018. Here we list two most exciting events for you. Let's have a look!(1)The 2018 FIFA World CupTM will be held in________.A Russia.B China.C the UK.D Indonesia.(2)The Asian Games will start on________.A June 14.B July 15.C August 18.D September 2.(3)________ countries will compete in the Asia Games this year.A 11.C 45.D 64.18. 49、It's not amazing to see paintings on paper, on the walls and even on people's faces. But have you ever thought of creating art in the fields? In Japan, every year farmers plant different kinds and colors of rice to "grow" pictures in the fields. This is called Tanbo art. It started in 1993. At that time the village of Inakadate was trying to do something to help the villagers make more money.They needed a way to attract(吸引)tourists and then the rice field art came into being.During the first few years, the famers created simple pictures. Later they were able to make more ________ ones.Every April, the villagers meet and decide what to plant for the year.Before planting, farmers design(设计)the pictures on computers to work out where and how to plant the rice. After that, farmers plant different kinds of rice in different areas of fields. When rice grows tall, different colors will appear in the fields.Now, Inakadate has become one of the most popular places of interest for both the young and old. So what are you waiting for? Just bring your camera, go and enjoy the beauty of nature for yourself this summer!(1)Tanbo art is about painting________.A on paper.B on the walls.C on people's faces.D in the fields.(2)Tanbo art was first started to help the villagers________in 1993.A make more money.B deal with the pollution.C enjoy the beauty of nature.D grow better rice.(3)The Chinese meaning of the word "________" in this passage is probably "________".A 迷人的.B 复杂的.C 环保的.D 怪诞的.(4)You may probably read the passage in a________.A sports newspaper.B school notice.C travel magazine.D book review.19. It was on a cold winter night that I knew my mother was dying. I travelled miles from home to spend thelast night with her. I sat right next to her sick body, reading her long﹣loved books.It was one of the most difficult and painful times in my life. After she died, for many days, I stayed alone in her room, with a lonely and empty heart. Everything was in silence.But one evening the silence was broken: I heard crying outside. I opened the door to find a little dog on the steps. He was thin and poor. I brought him inside, fed him with some fish, and then he fell asleep.The next morning I learned that the dog's owner had moved out, so the little dog was there all alone, just like I was.As I walked back to the house, I tried to work out what to do withhim. ________. But as soon as I opened the door, he ran to me and jumped into my arms. It was clear that he didn't want to go anywhere. When the time finally came for me to return home, I had to decide what to do about him. There was no way I would leave without him. From then on, things grew easier. With him around, time seemed to pass much faster.Five years has gone since my mother died. Over the years, many people have said how nice it was of me to save the dog.But I know that we rescued(拯救)each other.I may have given him a home but he gave me something greater.(1)After his mother's death, the writer________ for many days.A cried hard.B stayed alone.C travelled around.D read books.(2)The writer gave the dog some________ to feed him.A fish.B bread.C noodles.D meat.(3)From the underlined sentence in paragraph 3, we can infer that________.A the dog needed taking good care of.B the writer missed his mother a lot.C the writer didn't want to bring the dog home at first.D the writer felt quite sorry for the dog.(4)The best title for this passage may be________.A Dogs: Humans' Best Friends.B A Dog Saved, A Heart Rescued.C The Last Night With My Loving Mom.D Happiness From Offering Help.20. AI(人工智能)can help us make phone calls, find the place we want to go and play games. And now, AI can do even more things.Researchers have created the first translation system which makes sure you'll have no difficulty in communicating in a foreign country.The system, called the Pioneer, will enter the market in 2019. When set in an earbud (耳塞), it fits comfortably in the ear. A pair of earpieces(听筒)is needed, one for each user. When the speaker talks, the Pioneer in the ear picks up the sound. And then the sound goes through the translation system that changes it into text in the listener's language. Then, the text is translated into a spoken form, and at last the Pioneer "whispers (私语)" it back to the listener in his or her language.As a result, the listener can understand the other person even though he or she doesn't know the speaker's language at all.But how can the Pioneer make sure the translation is correct? Researchers tried many ways to improve the system's translation abilities. In one method, the system translates every sentence from Language A to Language B, and translates the sentence back from Language B into Language A. This way, the system can improve itself and learn from its own mistakes.Another way needs the system to repeat the process of translating the same sentence over and over again.This takes about three months and then the system can improve the ability of its translation.(1)About the things AI can now help people do, which isNOT mentioned?________A Make phone calls.B Find the place.C Shop online.D Play games.(2)Which shows the way the Pioneer works when a Frenchman is talking to a Chinese?________A French spoken language → French text → Chinese spoken language.B French spoken lan guage → Chinese text → Chinese spoken language.C Chinese spoken language → French text → French spoken language.D Chinese spoken language → Chinese text →French spoken language.(3)After repeating the process of translating for________,the system can improve its ability.A two weeks.B two months.C three weeks.D three months.(4)If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?________①=Para.(自然段)1②=Para. 2③=Para. 3④=Para. 4⑤=Para. 5⑥=Para. 6A ①②;③④;⑤⑥.B ①②;③;④⑤⑥.C ①;②③;④⑤⑥.D ①;②③④;⑤⑥.五、口语应用.(每小题5分,共5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.21. A. I won't do it!B.Not at all.C.What's wrong?D.Is it helpful to me?E.It's so terrible!F.I don't know how to deal with it!G.But what if my parents don't let me do it?A: Hey, Stephen.B: Hi! How is it going recently?A: Terrible! I always feel worried.B:(1)_______A:My parents ask me to study hard and encourage me before exams.But actually it makes me stressed out.(2)_______B:Don't worry.Why don't you share your feeling with your friends on WeChat?A: Really?(3)_______B:Yes,I think so.It's very popular among us young people.You can get many replies from friends in the same situation, which may make you feel better.A:(4)_______B: Let me see. Well, you'd better have a try first. If you have a chance,you should suggest your parents read your WeChat, and they'll know you better.A: Sounds great. Thank you very much.B:(5)_______六、任务型阅读.(每小题9分,共9分)阅读下文并回答问题.22. Stephen Hawking was born in 1942 in Oxford,England. When he was young, he wanted to be a scientist.When he was in the University of Cambridge,doctors discovered that he had ALS(肌萎缩性骨髓侧索硬化症).Most people with ALS can only live for five years.The doctors thought Hawking would live only two and a half more years. When Hawking heard this, he became very sad.At about this time he met Jane Wilde, a language student at Cambridge.They fell in love and got married in 1965. Hawking does research about how the universe(宇宙)began. He sees connections and works out explanations that other people cannot. His research has influenced many other scientists as well. As his disease got worse, Stephen Hawking was in short of money. He needed special wheelchairs, nurses 24 hours a day,and machines to help him read and speak. So Hawking gave speeches and wrote articles.Hawking wrote A Brief History of Time.Even though most people could not understand Hawking's ideas,he surprised them and became world famous.Hawking died on March 14 at the age of 76 after living with ALS for 30 years. He has given us many things to think about and lessons to learn from.(1)What did Hawking want to be when he was young?________(2)Was Hawking's wife from Cambridge?________(3)When money became a problem for him,how didHawking deal with it?________(4)What can you learn from Stephen Hawking?(Answer with less than 30 words)________七、完成句子.(每空1分,共10分)根据所给的提示,完成句子.每空一词,含缩略词.23. Jimmy has to finish his homework first.(改为否定句)Jimmy________ to finish his homework.24. They solved the problem quite well ________.(对划线部分提问)________ they solve the problem quite well?25. I am so tired. And I can't walk any farther.(改为同义句)I am________ tired________ walk any farther.26. 千里之行,始于足下.A journey always________the first step.27. 约翰和彼得家都有严格的家规.(完成译句)________ John's________ Peter's family have quite strict family rules.八、短文填空.(每空2分,共16分)根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺.28. I teach at a college three times a week. Besides teaching there, I also teach at another college in Henderson, 17 miles down the road from(1)________I live. One day a few weeks ago I drove to Henderson.I left the freeway and turned onto College Drive. I only had to drive a quarter mile down the road to the college. But just then my car died. I tried to start it again,but the engine(引擎)wouldn't work.So Igot out of the car and(2)________down the road to the college.As soon as I got there, I went to the nearest police station and asked for a tow truck(拖车)to meet me at my car after class.The police officer asked(3)________what had happened. After I told him, I said with a smile, "This is my day!" "Oh? Your car breaks down but why do you say today is your(4)________day?" He asked in doubt."I live 17 miles from here," I explained. "My car could have broken down anywhere(5)________the way to the collage. It didn't. Luckily, it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway, not very far to walk here,(6)________I'm still able to teach my class as well as ask for the tow truck to meet me after class in time. Right?"Hearing my words,the police officer's eyes opened wide. A few seconds later, he understood and smiled to me. I continued: "Every morning when you get up, you have a (7)________about how you want to spend your life that day.I choose to be cheerful." After this,I smiled gently(8)________to him and headed for class.九、书面表达.(20分)29. 假设你是Lin T ao,你在八中校报上看到了下面这则新闻,请你按要求以一名读者的身份给编辑写封信.The Chinese actor Chen Xiaochun wrote on his Weibo:I hope drivers can care about the children withorange schoolbags. Wearing the orange schoolbag means the children can't hear or listen clearly.In China,there are about 4,600,000 such children.So an organization named CHDO was set up to help them in the "OrangeSchoolbag" activity.Orange is one of the warmest colors.The "Orange Schoolbag" is a good way to call on people to helpthese special children in daily life.参考要点:(1)请谈谈你看到这则新闻的感受(同情、温暖、感动……).(2)谈谈我们还可以做些什么来帮助残疾儿童(个人、组织、政府……).(3)…….要求:(1)语言通顺、行文流畅,语法正确;(2)字数 80~120 词左右.(3)文中不能出现个人真实信息.Dear Editor,________________I hope to hear from you soon!Lin Tao2018年重庆八中中考英语一模试卷答案1. C2. D3. A4. B5. B6. D7. D8. A9. B10. C11. C12. D13. A14. A15. C16. BCACDBDDAC17. AAC18. DABC19. BACB20. CBDD21. C,F,D,G,B22. Ascientist,Yes ,she was.,Hawking gave speeches andwrotearticles.,Bebravewhenwehavedifficulties23. doesn'thave24. by communicating with each other,Howdid25. too,to26. startswith27. Both,and28. where,walked,me,lucky,on,so,choice,again29. WhenIsawthenews,IwasdeeplymovedTheactorChenxiaohassetagoodexampleforusC hildrenarethefutureofourcou ntryWeshouldtakegoodcareofthemIalsohopedriverscancareabo utthechildrenwithorangesch oolbagsInfact,notonlythedriversbutalsoeveryoneshoulddolikethisManychildre nneedslove,especiallythedisabledandstay﹣at﹣homechildrenThegovernmentistryingtodosomethingtoprotectth echildrenathomeWecanalso dosomethingusefultohelpthem,Aslongaseveryonegivesalittlelov e,theworldwillbecomeabeautifulworld。

重庆八中2018年中考模拟考试测试卷化学试题(全卷共四个大题,满分70分,与物理共用120分钟)注意事项:1 •试卷的答案用钢笔或圆珠笔书写在答题卷上,不得在试卷上直接作答。
2 •答题前将答题卷上密封线内的各项内容写清楚3 •考试结束,由监考人员将试题和答题卷一并收回。
可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 Na 23 Mg 24 S 32 Cl 35.5 K 39 Ca 40Mn 55 Fe 56 Ba 137一、选择题(本大题包括16个小题,每小题2分,共32分)每小题只有一个选项符合题意,在答题卡上将正确选项的序号涂黑。
1 •制陶可视为一项最早的化工生产活动。
下列制造陶器过程中发生了化学变化的是A .开采陶土B .筛选陶土2 •肥皂水呈弱碱性,则肥皂水的A . 9.5 B. 7.0C.塑造成型pH可能是C. 5.6D .烧制陶器D. 1.23 •蔗糖颗粒加入水中最终形成无色溶液,这一现象不能说明A .分子的体积很小B .分子在不断运动着C .分子之间有间隙D .分子可以分成原子4 •钠原子的结构示意图为,下列有关说法错误的是A .钠原子核外有三个电子层B.钠离子的结构示意图为C .钠原子核内有11个质子D .氧化钠的化学式为5. 2015年10月,我国科学家屠呦呦因发现并研究青蒿素(化学式授予诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
下列关于青蒿素说法正确的是A .属于有机物B.其中氧元素质量分数最高C •含有11个氢分子D.由42个原子构成6 •物质的性质决定其用途。
对下列物质性质与其对应用途的描述不相符的是A •铁导热性良好,可制铁锅C•石墨质软,可作电极7.A.C. Na2OC15H22O5)治疗疟疾的成果而被B.氢气有还原性,可用于冶炼金属D.浓硫酸有吸水性,可作干燥剂下列关于水”的说法,正确的是水电解时正极得到氢气汽水”应低温高压保存下列关于材料的说法错误的是B.饱和石灰水属于浓溶液D .软水定是纯净物8.A •合成橡胶、合金都属于合成材料C •生铁和钢都属于铁合金9 •下图为某化学反应的微观示意图,图中B •塑料的使用易导致白色污染”D •羊毛与涤纶可用灼烧法鉴别"•表示X原子,"O表示Y原子。

重庆八中初2018级初三(下)定时训练(三)英语试题第I卷(共95分)I.听力测试(共30分)略II.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21.Look! There’s 11-year-old boy students under the tree.A. aB. theC. anD. /22. The two sessions(两会)were held in March in Beijing. If you want to get further about it, you can search the Internet.A. informationB. newsC. messageD. words23. students enjoyed themselves yesterday in Happy Valley, Lijia, Chongqing.A. Two thousandsB. Two thousands ofC. Thousand ofD. Two thousand24.-Who taught the pop song?-Nobody. We learned it by .A. your, usB. yours, usC. you, ourselvesD. you, ourselves25. David is badly hurt, so he can move his legs now.A. hardB. hardlyC. difficultD. nearly26. You should pay attention to the traffic lights when you go the streets.A. pastB. throughC. overD. across27. It’s said that a new bridge in three months over the jialing River.A. was builtB. will buildC. would be buildD. will be built28.-Does the CD belong to Mary?-No, it be hers. Look, there’s name “Mike” on it.A.mustn’tB. mayC. can’tD. need29. The kites by hand are very popular with the foreigners. They sell very well.A.are madeB. to makeC. madeD. making30. After the people the fire, all of them felt tired out.A. put outB. put offC. put awayD. put on31. time you spend with other people, friends you’ll have.A. The more; the lessB. The less; the fewerC. The fewer; the moreD. The less; the less32.-When will the meeting begin?-It start until everybody .A. will; will arriveB. won’t; arrivesC. will; arrivesD. won’t; will arrive33.Study hard, you’ll achieve success in your exam.A. orB. butC. andD. neither34.There many trees in this forest, but now most of them have disappeared.A.are used to beB. used to haveed to beD. is used to35.We all wondered .A. that Tony got to school on time this morning.B. what’s the matter with Tony.C.whether Tony often walked to schoolD.whom was Tony talking withIII. 完型填空。
重庆八中2018-2019学年度(下)初三年级月考(PDF版 无听力部分 含答案)

21.--I hurt my leg by accident. Should I take _______ X-ray? –Of course, you should. The doctor will usually check _______X-ray you take first.A.an, \B.a, aC.an, theD.a, the22.--Y ou’re playing the violin so beautifully! –Thank you! I practice it very hard every day so that I can be a _______ one day.A.pianistB.dentistC.scientistD.musician23.—Uncle Lee, did you see my father? –Y es, I happened _______ him at Y onghui supermarket half an hour ago.A.meetB.meetingC.metD.to meet24.My teacher Amy is a beautiful lady and looks much _______ than her age because she does exercise a lot.A.niceB.energeticC.youngerD.older25.—What do you think of the science fiction movie”The wondering Earth” made in China? –I found _______ a great success for Chinese to make such a wonderful film like that.A.itB.it’sC.thatD.that’s26._______ visitors come to Chongqing to take cable cars(缆车)during the vacation because Chongqing has become a popular destination on the Internet(网红城市)now.A.ThousandB.ThousandsC.Thousand ofD.Thousands of27.—Haven’t you seen the sign” No Smoking In The Ronn” here? –Sorry, _______ when I came in.I ‘ll put out the cigarette right away.A.I didn’t see it.B.I haven’t seen it.C.I will see it.D.I was seeing it.28.Remember not to go across the street _______ the traffic light turns green.A.becauseB.afterC.whenD.until29.One of my familly rules is that I can’t watch TV unless my homework_______.A.was finishedB.is finishedC.will be finishedD.finishes30.—I’m so excited about Huawei’s new foldable(可折叠的)smartphone. Do you know _______? –V ery soon. We’ll see.A.how can I get oneB.how I can get oneC.when will it come outD.when it will come outIII.完型填空。
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重庆八中2018年初三年级(下)中考上手训练英语试题第I 卷(共95分)I.听力测试。
(每小题1分,共15分)21.The movie Ready Player One is so interesting that I want to see it second time.A. aB. anC. theD. /22. Ann lives on a farm, but now she is in New York business.A. atB. inC.onD. from23.In the nice restaurant across from the street, there are many and their food is delicious.A. man cooksB. man cookersC. men cooksD. men cookers24.As a Chinese saying goes, “It is better to travel thousand miles than to read thousand books”. Travelling can help us get unforgettable experiences.A. tenth; tenthB. tenth; tenC. ten; tenthD. ten; ten25.There are three books on my table yesterday. One is here. Where are ?A. othersB. anotherC. the othersD. the other26.- have you visited our new school in Yubei?-Twice.A. How longB. How farC. How oftenD. How many times27.With a lot of students about too much homework, our teachers have tried some ways to solve this problem.A. complainB. complainingC. complainD. complaining28. the high temperature is a challenge to everyone in my family, we still decide to travel around the country.A. ThoughB. BecauseC. WhileD. If29.The new socks so soft that my mother likes them very much.A. tasteB. feelC. soundD. touch30.Many books and magazines to the children in the poor areas in northwestern China last month.A. sendB. sentC. were sentD. are sent31.-Did you do this morning?-Yes. I took some photos of my dog.A. everything interestingB. interesting anythingC. something interestingD. anything interesting32.Now the air in our city is than it used to be, because some useful action has been taken to improve it.A. even worseB. much worseC. much betterD. the best33.- beautiful rice fields they are!-Yeah. I took a lot of pictures of them.A. How aB. HowC. WhatD. What a34.-You don’t feel worried before the important exam, do you?-Well, I work hard all the time. I any exams.A. am afraid ofB. am ready forC. am busy withD. am surprised at35.-Have you ever heard of Hongyadong?-Of course. It is now that visitors around the country come to visit it every day.A. such a famous placeB. a such famous placeC. so a famous placeD. so famous placesIII.完型填空。
(每小题1.5分,共15分)When news came that my daughter, Alice, was admitted(录取)to Oxford University, excitement rushed to me. She 36 to make it to her dream school, which made me, a single mother, very proud but a little worried about being alone. I knew I had to do something in the summer 37 she was away from home.Alice had many colorful shirts that she would no longer wear. So I decided to make a quilt out of 38 . That summer, she was always busy with her friends. Even when she was at home, her door was 39 more than usual. This made me feel a bit hurt. 40 , we didn’t have much time together before she went to college.When we arrived at the college, sadness buried me. Alice saw it in my face. She took out a beautiful book from her bag. “I made this for you, Mom.” She said. Then I knew 41 she always stayed behind a closed door that summer. It was a book of photos recording the life of our family over the past 17 years.I broke into tears. Some of it was sadness at 42 to let her go, while some of it was joy. I knew that our relationship was stronger than I could 43 imagine. We would always be connected by the love that went into every stitch(针脚)of her quilt and every 44 in my book.In Alice’s dormitory room I unfolded the quilt on her bed. She threw her arms 45 me. “Mom, I love you,” she said. Her new friends were calling her outside. Alice turned, and I let her go.36. A. wanted B. failed C. managed D. decided37. A. before B. unless C. after D. since38. A. it B. them C. her D. us39. A. open B. broken C. cleaned D. shut40. A. After all B. Of course C. In the end D. For example41. A. that B. how C. why D. when42. A. wishing B. having C. planning D. allowing43. A. ever B. already C. never D. still44. A. word B. photo C. smile D. sentence45. A. across B. through C. over D. aroundIV. 阅读理解。
(每小题2分,共30分)ADragons(龙) are not real animals, but look like a combination(组合体)of many animals such as snakes, fish and deer. With fantastic powers, they fly in the sky or swim in the sea. They can make rain, too. The Chinese dragon is a symbol of power and good luck. The emperors of ancient China loved dragons. Their clothes were covered with pictures of dragons.We are proud to call ourselves the “descendants of the dragon”. In Chinese culture, excellent and successful people are often called “dragons”. That’s why Chinese parents always want their children to be “dragons”.There are also some traditional festivals about dragons in China, such Dragon Head-Raising Day and Dragon Boat Festival. We have different kinds of activities to celebrate them.46.According to the passage, dragons can do all the following Except .A. flying in the skyB. swimming in the seaC. fighting with bad peopleD. making rain47.In Chinese culture, dragon is seen as a symbol of .A. good luckB. good wishesC. friendshipD. money48.Chinese people believe that “dragons” are usually people.A. badB. successfulC. friendlyD. lazeBTV Ears has helped thousands of people with hearing problems hear the television clealy without turning up the volume(音量)! Now, you can set your own headset(耳机)volume, while other TV listeners hear that the television at a volume that’s comfortable for them. You can even listen through the headset only and put the TV on mute(静音)if the situation needs a quiet environment, like when the baby is sleeping. Different from any other headset, TV Ears can cut down the outside noise so that the television dialogue is clear enough to understand. Ears can help you .A. improve the volume of your TVB. listen to the TV more clearlyC. have a better sleepD. play a part in the TV Ears is different from the other headsets because .A. it can easily set TV on muteB. it’s much cheaperC. it helps you easily choose what to watchD. it can cut down the outside noise51.The writer tries to make more people trust TV Ears by .A. showing the result of a researchB. explaining how it is madeC. introducing users’ good experience with itD. comparing it with other similar products52.The passage is probably a/an .A. adB. letterC. noticeD. interviewCIt can be painful to talk about China’s left-behind children. But the film The Taste of Rice Flower deals with the topic in a light and touching way.The film came out on April 20. It is a mother-daughter story. Ye Nan is a woman of the Dai ethnic group(傣族). She returns to her home village in Yunnan after working in Shanghai for a few years. During her time away, her daughter has grown into a rebellious 13-year-old. The old film shows how Ye Nan and her daughter tries to reconnect.55 . In the beginning, the girl often hides herself inside a quilt, as she can’t get used to seeing her mother’s face again. And as a troublemaker, she often drives her mother crazy. She secretly plays computer games in the middle of the night, makes trouble in her classes at school and even steals money.But the tension(紧张状态)between the two is not the film’s focus. It presents their daily lives in great detail and how their relationship changes over time. When the mother finds her daughter at an Internet bar, instead of beating her, she stays in the car outside for a whole night to wait for her daughter patiently. Gradually, they rebuild their love for each other.As a review on said, the film doesn’t offer solutions to the problem of left-behind children, but only presents what’s happening. It encourages people to feel, think and take action.53. The film The Taste of Rice Flower is a story about .A. a mother and a sonB. a mother and a daughterC. a father and a sonD. a father and a daughter54.The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “rebellious”is probably “ ”.A. 孝顺的B. 刻苦的C. 叛逆的D. 可怜的55. Which of the following is the best to be put into the black in paragraph 3?A. The film has caught a lot of attention from the public.B. Many people are deeply moved by this story.C. However, it’s been several years since Ye Nan left home.D. It’s clearly not easy for them to get along with each other.56. When Ye Nan found the 13-year-old child in the Internet bar, Ye Nan .A. bear her angrilyB. shouted at her angrilyC. waited for her patientlyD. talked with her patientlyDHow do you usually read? Smartphones and e-readers have become more common recently. Some people worry that the days of paper books will be gone. But recent surveys have shown that traditional books are still popular among reader. Research company Nielsen found that in the UK, sales of e-books are falling while sales of paper books are rising. Another survey of university students from the US, Japan and Germany also showed that 92 percent of them preferred paper books. So what’s behind the paper book comeback?The most popular reason given was that paper books bring a very different reading experience. US students said that they liked the smell of paper books. Other students said that they get a sense of achievement when they finish reading a paper book.Paper books can also be very personal objects to lovers of reading. Many people like to write down their names on the inside cover. If there’s stain(污点)from coffee or food, it’s all right. Theseaccidents make the book even more personal. It’s as if readers of paper books make friends with them.This “friendship” people develop with books isn’t just sentimental(情感的). Research has shown that readers remember more information reading from paper books than e-books. People also more easily end up with headaches or sore eyes while reading e-books.It seems that paper books, which have been in production(生产) since the 15th century, still have an attraction. So why not pick up a book, start reading and become a full man?57.The company Nielsen found sales of paper books are rising .A. in the USB. in the UKC. in JapanD. in Germany58.The most popular reason for people to choose paper books instead of e-books is that .A. paper books bring a very different reading experience.B. paper books can be much cheaper than e-books.C. people will more easily have headaches or sore eyes while reading e-books.D. people remember more information reading from paper books than e-books.59.If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?(①=Para 1;②=Para 2; ③=Para 3; ④=Para 4; ⑤=Para 5)A. ①;②③;④⑤B. ①②;③④⑤C. ①②③;④;⑤D. ①;②③④;⑤60.The best title for this passage may be “ ”.A. Paper Books Come BackB. Reading Makes a Full ManC. A Hard Choice:Paper Books or E-books?D. A New Book, A New FriendV.口语运用。