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The Marketing Department (市场 部) creates value for customers and b uilds strong customer relationships in order to get value from customers in return. Its job includes identifying target customers, clarifying customers’ needs, keeping track of the trends of a particular field, and developing product promotion and advertising activities.
Task 2 The following are some common positions in most companies. Put theBiblioteka Baidu into Chinese.
1. CEO (Chief Executive Officer) 2. CFO (Chief Finance Officer) 3. Sales Director 4. Personnel Manager 5. Public Relations Manager 6. Chief Accountant
【5A】新视野商务英语综合教程 第二单元全套教案
Unit Overview
By studying this unit, you are expected to: • learn the common types of company structure; • describe a company’s structure; • know how to write an e-mail to introduce a new
The Production Department (生产部) is to turn input (e.g. raw materials, labor, etc) into output (goods), and to insure that the goods meet the customers’ needs.
the practices and policies that affect
the organization’s employees. It is
responsible for the attraction, selection,
training, assessment, and rewarding of
Unit 2 Company Structure
Task 1 Task 2
Task 1 In a company there are various departments with
different functions. Discuss with your classmates the
The Public Relations Department (公关系部) is responsible for giving a good Picture of the company to the public. It manages the public relations strategy, takes care of the company’s relationship with the mass media, and provides the public with necessary information so as to maintain a good relation with the public.
The Board of Directors (董事会) is very influential in a company. It decides the direction the company heads for and is directly accountable to the share holders. Each year the company will hold an annual general meeting (A G M) at which the directors make a report to the shareholders on the performance of the company this year.
employees; it oversees organizational
leadership and culture, and ensures
compliance with employment and
labor laws.
The Customer Care Department (客户服务部), also called Customer Service Department, is to attract and retain customers. People in this department consult customers about their needs via e-mail, telephone or in person. They handle and resolve customer complaints, and conduct customer satisfaction surveys on a particular product or service.
specific function of each of the following departments.
Department ( 人 力 资 源 部 ) is
responsible for the management of a
company’s workforce, and oversees