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Zigbee Wireless Sensor Networkin Environmental Moni

toring Applications


Zigbeeis a wireless standardbased onIEEE802.15.4thatw as developedto address the unique needs of most wireless sensing andcontrol applications. Technology islow cost, low power,a lowdatarate,highly reliable,highly secure wireless net working protocol targeted towardsautomation and remote con trol applications.It’s depictstwo keyperformance characteristics–wireless radio range and data transmissionrateofthewirelessspectrum.Comparingto otherwireless networking protoco lssuch as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, UWB andsoon, showsexcellent transmissionabilityinlowertransmissionrate and highly capacity of network.

A. ZigbeeFramework

Frameworkis made up of a set ofblocks called layers.Each layerperformsa specific set ofservices for the layer above.As shownin Fig.1. The IEEE 802.15.4standarddefines thetwo lower layers: thephysical(PHY)layer and themediumaccess control(MAC)layer. The Alliancebuilds on this foundation by providing the network and security layer and the framework for the application layer.

Fig.1 Framework

The IEEE 802.15.4has two PHY layersthat operate in two separate frequency ranges: 868/915MHz and 2.4GHz. Moreover,MAC sub-layer c

ontrols accessto theradiochannel usingaCSMA-CAmechanism. Itsresponsibilities may also includetransmittingbeacon frames, synchronization, andproviding a reliable transmissionmechanism.

B. Zigbee’s Topology

The network layer supports star, tree,and mesh topologies, as sh own in Fig.2. Inastar topology,the network iscontrolled byone singledevice called coordinator. Thecoordinator is respons ible for initiating and maintaining the devices onthe network.All othe rdevices,knownas enddevices,directly communicatewith the coordinator. Inmesh andtree topologies,the coordinator is responsible for startingthenetwork and forchoosing certain keyne tworkparameters, but the network may beextended throughthe use ofrouters. Intreenetworks, routers move dataandcontrol messagesthrough the network using a hierarchicalroutingstrategy. Mesh networksallow full peer-to-peercommunication.

Fig.2 Meshtopologies

Fig.3is anetworkmodel,it showsthatsupports both sing le-hopstar topologyconstructedwith one coordinator in thecenter andthe end devices, and mesh topology. In the network,the intelligentnodes are composed by Full Function Device (FFD)andReduced Function Device (RFD).Only theFFN defines the fullfunctionality andcan becomeanetworkcoordinator.Coordinatormanages thenetwork,it is tosay that coordinator can start a networkandallow
