哈佛公开课 幸福 第一课 中英文对照字幕整理

哈佛积极心理学幸福课【中英文实用版】英文文档:Harvard"s Positive Psychology Course on HappinessHarvard University offers a popular course on positive psychology, which focuses on the study of what makes life worth living.This course delves into the factors that contribute to happiness and well-being, providing valuable insights for students seeking to improve their own lives.The course covers various topics, including the science of happiness, positive emotions, strengths and virtues, relationships, and meaningful activities.Students learn about the latest research in the field of positive psychology and explore practical strategies for enhancing their own well-being.One of the key aspects of the course is its emphasis on self-reflection and personal growth.Students are encouraged to explore their own values and beliefs, and to identify their strengths and areas for improvement.Through assignments and discussions, they develop a deeper understanding of themselves and learn how to apply positive psychology principles to their daily lives.The course also provides practical tools for stress management and resilience, helping students to navigate life"s challenges with greaterease.By the end of the course, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles of positive psychology and how to apply them to their own lives to achieve greater happiness and fulfillment.中文文档:哈佛积极心理学幸福课哈佛大学的这门积极心理学课程非常受欢迎,它专注于研究什么让生活更有价值。
幸福课 第一讲(字幕) 人人版

幸福课第一讲(字幕) 人人版早上好很高兴回到这里很高兴在这里见到你们我之所以教这门课是因为我在像你们一样还是本科生时很希望有人能给我上这样一门课但这并不意味着它也是你想上的课也不是说这课适合你们我希望在接下来的几堂课中告诉你们这门课到底讲的是什么这样你们就能确定它是否适合你1992年我来到哈佛一开始我学的是计算机集中器大二读到一半的时候我突然灵光一闪我意识到自己在一个人杰地灵的地方与优秀学子共处周围都是杰出的教师我在学业方面表现优异体育表现也很出色当时我在打快速壁球壁球按球飞行的速度快慢而分为快速中速慢速和超慢速在社交方面我也游刃有余一切都很顺利可我却并不幸福而我也不明白这是为什么就在那一段时期我决定找出原因让自己变得更幸福于是我将注意力由计算机科学转向哲学及心理学并思考这样一个问题"我如何才能更幸福"时光荏苒我的确变得更幸福了而使我幸福的秘方就是...当我涉足这个新领域时那时它还没有我们今天所说的这个名字但本质上还是隶属于积极心理学的范畴研究积极心理学并将其应用到生活中这使我变得更幸福了并且一直使我继续幸福下去当我意识到产生在自己身上的这些影响我决定与他人分享我的收获于是我决定要成为一名教师并教授这门课这里是积极心理学心理学1504课我们将探索这个相对新兴且引人入胜的领域希望我们能从中悟出课程之外的东西即我们自己我第一次教这门课还是在2002年我当时教的是研讨班只有八个学生其中还有两人中途退出只剩六个学生一年后班级规模稍微大了些有三百多个学生然后是第三年也是我最后一次授课班里有850名学生以至于它成为当时哈佛中最大的一门课于是媒体也闻风而动因为他们想知道原因他们想弄清楚这个现象居然有一门课的规模比经济学导论还大这怎么可能于是有很多媒体采访我包括报纸电台还有电视台在采访过程中我开始注意到这样一种模式我走进采访间并接受采访之后制作人或采访者送我出来时会说些大意是"泰勒很高兴你能接受采访但我原以为你不是这样的"我就会问当然我问得很随意我并不在乎但我总得回他一句嘛"如何不一样呢"他说"我们原以为你会更活泼一些的" 在下一次采访结束时情况还是一样"感谢你接受采访但泰勒我原以为你不是这样的"再一次当然也是随口一问"如何不一样呢" 于是她说"你知道的我们原以为你没那么内向的"下一次采访历史再次重演"如何不一样呢" "你应该更活泼些更外向些" 下一次采访"你不要那么害羞"因为采访中我会变得很紧张接连不断很多次采访都是如此你应该更活泼更开朗别内向更外向诸如此类最绝的是这一次有一回波士顿的一家当地电台采访我我去参加了这次采访采访持续了很长时间我认为这确实是一次很棒的采访在采访结束时采访者是一个非常快乐的小伙子他送我出来并揽着我的肩膀说"泰勒十分感谢你来参加采访"一如既往"但你知道么泰勒我原以为你不是这样的" 于是我说"如何不一样呢" 你们懂的那时我已经被打击惨了但我仍然漫不经心地问道"如何不一样呢" 他看着我然后说"我也不知道泰勒我还以为你是个身材高大的人呢"身材高大搞什么啊难道一米七四... 好吧一米七二就不能教幸福课了吗关于这种对话模式我想了很多我思考了这种模式的始末我想我明白了为什么他们都以为我会是另一副样子他们在向观众解释的同时也要说服自己为什么这门课比经济学导论还受欢迎而对这一现象的解释必然是授课者十分活泼魅力四射开朗外向当然还得身材高大可惜我的名字中少了一个L但是是啊要真是就好了问题在于他们在寻找解释的过程中找错了地方换句话说他们将注意力放在了知识传播者的身上而其实他们应该关注的是知识本身我是怎么知道这一点的呢因为我在世界上其他大学中旁听过积极心理学课程在美国超过二百所学校都开设了积极心理学这门课而几乎在每一所开设这门课程的学校中它都是最受欢迎的课程这就是知识的力量我看到有越来越多的组织开设了积极心理学课程包括咨询公司其中不乏咨询行业当中的领头羊越来越多的高中也引入了积极心理学课程小学也是一样世界各国政府都对这一新兴领域很感兴趣为什么因为它很管用它确实能起作用你们看直到最近自助运动都还是自助运动是一种自我完善运动一般通过派发流行的自助书籍传播人生繁荣快乐幸福的主导精神在自助运动中我们能收获什么我们可以看一些有趣的书籍这些书籍十分通俗易懂演讲者也十分外向活泼魅力四射且身材高大能将大众吸引到他们的工作室讲座和课堂上但是这个"但是"很重要很多这种书很多这种工作室和讲座都言之无物往往都是语言上的巨人行动上的矮子比如《获得快乐你要知道的五件事》《成功领袖的三要素》《成功幸福和完美之爱的秘诀》语言上的巨人行动上的矮子另一方面我们的学术界也在研究学术界给我们带来了什么我们获得了大量精确的实质内容我们将数据一而再再而三地反复分析这样做确实有效这些知识很不错但是这里也有一个大大的转折读学术期刊的人并不多试想一下在这个课堂之外还有多少人读过最近十二期的《人格与社会心理学杂志》JPSP是美国心理学会出版的一份心理学学术月刊很多人甚至都没听说过这本杂志我的博士课题的带头人曾经估算过平均每篇学术期刊上的论文只有7个人读要知道这其中还包括作者的妈妈我只是半开玩笑但事实很可悲因为我作为学术界的一员确实觉得很可悲因为这些文章很优秀也很重要能够产生重要的影响有着深远的意义但却不太能为大众所接受于是就引入了积极心理学这也是我们上这门课的原因积极心理学以及这门课的宗旨在于搭建能够沟通象牙塔和大众的桥梁换句话说就是要将精确事实经验基础这些源于学术界的知识结晶与自助运动和新时代运动相结合新时代运动是一个非宗教的西方精神的运动从而两全其美这解释了积极心理学受欢迎的原因因为它是一门实用科学这门课程的教学分为两个阶段第一阶段的教学同其它心理学课程或是你们在学校里上过的任何课程一样我会在这里给你们上课引导你们进行研究向你们介绍严谨的学术工作你们要写论文学术论文像其它课程一样你们也得参加考试而第二阶段的教学是你们读每一篇文章写每一篇文章时你们要时刻想着我如何才能汲取这些思想并应用到生活中如何应用到我的交往中应用到我的社交中两个阶段学术阶段应用阶段我所讲到的观点无论是在阅读材料中还是在讲座上提到的都不会仅仅因为他们有趣就讲这些观点既严谨又实用再说几句题外话在上课之前有人向我提了一些问题很不幸这将是我最后一次在哈佛讲授积极心理学或其它任何课程了希望在两年内明年是不太可能了但在两年内会开设积极心理学这门课程的但我不能保证这一点关于反馈和提问如果你有任何问题任何不清楚的地方如果你赞同或者反对某些观点你可以发邮件给我或者助教我们会回答你的有时如果有很多人同时问一个问题我们会公开回答的以不记名的方式除非你明确指出要提及你的名字有时你在听课中途会遇到一些突发情况比如不得不提问某些问题或者遇到火烧眉毛的事那样的话请你举手因为比如像你得去洗手间这种情况憋不住了实在不能等了那么你想去就去吧我们也会中断课程稍作休息直接打断我我就会回答你的问题了课程用到的幻灯片和视频都会挂在网上在几天内都可以下载幻灯片在上课之前就会给出在这堂课之前给你们这样在上课时你们就能用上它而视频很可惜不能在课前给你们我们以前这样试过但效果不好所以视频要在一两天之后才能下载为什么要把资料放到网上呢首先我的确希望你们能来上课我希望你们能出现在课堂上在课堂环境中与其他学生一起学习而不是对着电脑自娱自乐而我把它放到网上是因为你们如果想再看一遍或是有时你们不得不翘课的话这样就没问题了同时也因为... 这也是把幻灯片一直放在网上的原因我希望你们能充分理解课堂内容我希望你们能全情投入到课堂讨论的所有内容当中而无需惦记着把我说过的每个字都记下来事无巨细地全部记下来我不希望你们被动地记笔记照抄幻灯片或者记录我说的每个字我希望你们主动地记笔记这就需要你们融入到课堂内容当中比如如果你听了一种观点后想到"哦真有意思" 那就标个记号把它记下来或者"我觉得我要应用这个" 记下来或者"我等会儿想把它讲给我妈听" 再或"我想与室友队友讨论这个观点" 那就记下来主动记笔记与被动记笔记截然不同原因有二首先正如我刚才所说这门课是关于如何改变生活虽然这一领域的确有许多学术之美但我不会仅为了学术之美而教授此课所以把你认为自己能够应用的东西记下来第二个原因是如果你主动参与的话比起被动地记笔记你会记得更多更牢更好地理解材料贯穿整门课程从下周开始我们会安排"练习时间" 而不是"休息时间" 其实它和"休息时间"很像这段时间我们会停止课程进行内省这是真正的课堂上的安静时刻我会停一两分钟你们可以盯着我看或者看其他任何人或者思考一下之前讨论的内容或者思考我让你们课上回答的导引问题这是今年新提出的上次还没有之所以进行"练习时间"的原因是上次课程结束后的两年来我做了大量关于静谧的研究我读了很多关于安静时刻的重要性的研究无论是在课堂讲座还是在家中无论是对商界领袖爱情关系还是对学龄前儿童如果你们决定来上这门课的话或许很多人在进行"练习时间"时会疑惑"我一年付四万美金就是为了这个? 坐在教室里安安静静的?"首先每次只有一两分钟一堂课一到两次其次这可能是你从这门课中学到的最重要的东西即拥抱静谧这一观念我来读一段研究摘要由麻省理工大学的两位教授负责研究我所提到的名字不会出现在幻灯片上不必背诵或记录只是为了启发你们大卫·福斯特和马修·威尔森都来自麻省理工大学实际上我认为他们的研究证实了"练习时间"的重要性即内省时间他们所做的是当老鼠在迷宫中时以及脱离迷宫后分别对他们进行了脑扫描以下是他们的发现试验结果表明当某种经历正在进行时在这个实验里即老鼠身处迷宫时真正的学习阶段即当你尝试分辨什么重要什么该舍什么该留是发生在经历之后的是在安静地自省时发生的他们的实验表明那些反复进入迷宫的老鼠要比进入迷宫后休息一阵稍事放松甚至来点小酒经历享受安静的老鼠学到的少得多这个实验深有涵义对人类也一样不仅仅是试验小白鼠所有人类都是他们认为重现可能形成一种学习记忆机制包括学习理解还有记忆保留当我们回想重现材料时我们更能去记牢去记住我们之前的经历所以休息时间的意义再怎么强调都不为过帕克·帕尔默在他的教学著作帕克·帕尔默美国作家教育家《教学的勇气》一书中说了如下一段话"语言不是教育和学习的唯一交流媒介我们不说话也同样可以进行教育静谧让我们有机会反省我们的所说所闻在真正的教育中静谧被视为可靠环境以便让学生进行内省它是一种最深层次的学习媒介"而静谧恰恰是我们的文化所缺失的很多人可能读过《万里任禅游》作者罗伯特·M·波西格他还写过另一本书没那么知名叫《寻找莱拉》该书是对美洲原住民的人类学研究在这本书里作者将美洲原住民的文化与美国传承的欧洲文化进行对比两种文化间的显著区别之一就是美洲原住民崇尚静谧他发现和美洲原住民坐在一起他们可以围坐在篝火边两三个小时一句话也不说只是坐在那互相看着微笑享受美好时光内省就这样几个小时反之他指出在我们文化中我们很不习惯沉默不语或是寂静无声我们总是要打破沉默这是一项重要的文化差异而我们为静谧的缺失付出了代价当我们讲到恋爱美德道德以及快乐与幸福时我们会重点讨论这一代价下面介绍一下积极心理学的背景它是如何产生的这门课是如何诞生的从很多方面来说积极心理学是人本主义心理学的产物和衍生人本主义心理学本质上是对当时已有的各种心理学派的一种反应人本主义心理学的创始人称其为心理学界的"第三势力" 为什么是"第三势力"因为第一势力是行为主义代表人物有斯金纳斯金纳美国心理学家新行为主义的主要代表人物华生华生美国心理学家行为主义心理学的创建人早期行为主义的代表人物桑代克桑代克美国心理学家动物心理学的开创者心理学联结主义的建立者和教育心理学体系的创始人这是第一势力第二势力是精神分析学创建者包括弗洛伊德弗洛伊德奥地利精神病医生及精神分析学家精神分析学派的创始人荣格荣格瑞士心理学家和精神分析医师分析心理学的创立者以及阿德勒阿德勒奥地利心理学家这是第二势力第三势力人本主义心理学作为对其的异议出现首先是对行为主义的异议行为主义认为人的主体性认为人是一个行为的集合就像一只被强化惩罚奖励击打得四处滚动的台球而人本主义心理学认为我们不只是被击打的台球我们有精神有灵魂我们有重要的认知与思想行为不是理解并改善生活的唯一决定因素然后是精神分析学第二势力精神分析学主要通过潜意识来分析基本理解即你的理解方式如何改善生活质量还有防卫机制生物本能神经症如果你能理解这些往往是负面的影响力量就能更好地处理生活了解并改善生活质量人本主义心理学认为人类不只如此不仅仅是生理本能不仅仅是神经症不仅仅是存在于牛顿学说里的人就像台球一样我们要重视人的本质给予人更多的尊严和自由但有一个问题人本主义心理学缺乏严谨的方法论虽然他引入了许多精彩的理念比如对幸福感的研究乐观主义的研究善良道德美德爱恋爱关系高峰体验自我实现移情所有这些精彩概念都会在本学期中探讨但人本主义心理学的认识论并不严谨即如何形成理念如何学习所以在很多方面大部分不完全但大部分变为了自助运动有趣有益重要的理念意图当然是好的但在某种程度上缺乏学术严谨性所以它在学术界影响甚小这也是为什么现在很少有大学开设人本主义心理学的原因几乎没有这也是为什么许多都演变成了新时代运动的本质原因但是我们很快会了解到人本主义心理学孕育了积极心理学那么让我们先见见祖父母们比如罗洛·梅罗洛·梅美国人本主义心理学家也是存在心理治疗的代表之一卡尔·罗杰斯卡尔·罗杰斯人本主义心理学的理论家和发起者还有最著名的亚伯拉罕·马斯洛亚伯拉罕·马斯洛美国著名心理学家第三代心理学的开创者他曾任美国心理学学会主席是布兰迪斯大学教授他于1954年提出了人本主义心理学他写了一章《走进积极心理学》他于1954年在其中写到"我们需研究善良美德快乐与乐观"可以说他走在了时代的前面如果说马斯洛是祖父那卡伦·霍妮就是祖母了卡伦·霍妮德裔美国心理学家和精神病学家新弗洛伊德主义的主要代表人物她最初是精神分析学者学习弗洛伊德的理论然后意识到其过分注重消极面神经症精神病她认为还必须关注那些在人体内起作用的东西我们需要研究并培养那些好的品质因为他们也是我们的一部分从而拓展了人本心理学并由此产生了积极心理学还有阿隆·安东诺维斯基阿隆·安东诺维斯基美裔以色列社会活动家及学者第三位祖父级人物提出了关注健康的理念他提出了一个新概念或者说他引入了一个新概念我还在别担心他引入了一个新概念他称之为他个人创造的新词"健康本源学" 健康本源学saluto即健康genesis即起源健康的起源这是病理学常规模型的替代模型也就是说除了研究病理学无论是生理健康还是心理健康还需要研究健康的起源这也是预防医学所关注的这在十九世纪七十年代是一个全新的理念我们以后会仔细讨论阿隆·安东诺维斯基现在来谈谈父辈马丁·塞利格曼被称为积极心理学之父马丁·塞利格曼美国心理学家曾获美国应用与预防心理学会的荣誉奖章终身成就奖与一些学者于1998年确立了这一领域和马洛斯一样他也是美国心理学会会长在他任职期间他有两个目标第一个目标让学院式心理学变得通俗也就是说搭建起连接象牙塔和大众的桥梁这是他任职期间的第一个目标第二点是引进一种积极的心理学一种行之有效的心理学不仅仅是研究抑郁焦虑精神分裂神经症一种关注爱恋爱关系自尊动机恢复以及幸福的心理学以及其学者他提出的那些理念从那时起就开始蓬勃发展在马丁·塞利格曼之前这些都发生于1998年下次我们会详谈这些都发生于1998年而在远远早于1998年的时候我们的艾伦·朗格教授就已研究了这些领域将人本主义精神与学术科学的严谨性相结合我们对她的讨论会比对其他任何人都多还有一位哈佛的教授积极心理学的另一位父辈菲利普·斯通两年前的昨天去世了这两位都是我的物理主义导师并引领我走进了积极心理学领域的研究当1998年第一次举办积极心理学峰会时斯通教授带我同去我那时是他的研究生1999年他首次在哈佛开设了本课程在全球范围内也是首批我是他的助教两年后他再度授课我仍旧担任他的助教后来我毕业了他建议我接手他的课程直到今天这就是1504课我再来讲讲... 在接下来的半小时内我会向你们介绍下这门课的内容首先这门课不仅仅是传授信息这门课还明确指出要变形我说这话是什么意思如今大多数教育都只是传达信息什么是信息假设我们有一个容器也就是我们的思想信息就是接收数据接收科学接受信息并将其储存到容器里这就是我所说的信息等容器填满了我们就毕业了信息数据越多越好但这还不够因为信息本身无法决定我们的幸福感成功自尊动机水平恋爱关系及其质量除了信息之外还有其它因素所谓"变形"就是改变这个容器的形状trans即改变form即形状改变形状这就是变形我第一次听到这个概念是在上学时罗伯特·卡根教授提出的只有信息还不够举个例子你去参加运动会目标是进入前三获得奖牌结果你得了第八名你会怎样分析如何解读"真糟糕我失败了"你垂头泄气感到无力换一个角度相同的比赛你期望进前三却只得了第八名你可以解读为"我从中学到了什么我还需要更努力地训练"你会变得更有动力从经验中学习也就是说同样的客观信息"我得了第八名我期望前三名"相同的信息解读却截然不同一个解读为灾难另一个则视为机遇一个使人失去动力另一个则使人充满动力还有一个很常见的例子世界上有很多人似乎已经拥有了一切他们过得很好生活富庶可他们却并不快乐世界上还有另一些人他们拥有的很少却从未停止热爱生活还有另一种情况拥有一切的人心怀感恩并享受生活生活窘迫的人把自己当做受害者也就是说重要的不仅是获得的信息还取决于容器的形状如何解读如何理解关注的焦点都取决于容器的形状我在这儿读大学时就意识到了这点表面上在外界眼里我拥有一切体育好学习好社交好但是我对生命的理解对生命的关注和解读却并不好我当时并不幸福。

第一课 各位,早上好。
很高 兴 能回到 这里。
高兴见 到你们。
我教授 这门课是因 为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学 习这样 一门课程。
可能这门课 并不是你希望的那 样也可能并不适合你。
一切都很 顺利除了一点我不快 乐。
而且我不明白 为什么。
也就是在那 时我决定要找出原因 变得快 乐。
于是我将研究方向仍 计算机科学 转 向了哲学及心理学。
目标只有一个 :怎么 让自己开心起来。
渐渐的,我的确 变得更快 乐了主要是因 为我接触了一个新的 领域,那 时并未正式命名。
研究 积枀心理学把其理念 应用到生活中 让我无比快 乐。
而且这种快乐继续 着。
选择教授 这门学科。
这就是积枀心理学, 1504 号心理学 课程。
我们将一起探索 这一全新相 对新兴令人 倾倒的 领域。
希望同 时还 能探索我 们自己。
我第一次开 设这门课 程是在。
是以讨论会的形式,只有 8 名学生。
有 到了第三年,也就是上一次开 课。
有 850 名参加是当 时哈佛大学人数最多的 课 程。
这 引起了媒体的注意。
因 为 他 们想知道 为什么。
他们对这 一奇特 现象非常好奇竟然有比 经济学导论 更热门 的课程。
怎么可能呢? 于是我被 请去参加各类媒体采 访,报纸 ,广播, 电视。
在这些采访中,我 发现了一种有趣的模式。
我前去参加采 访。
进行采 访。
说些诸如 Tal 多谢你抽空参加采 访 。
不 过 你跟我想象的不太一样 的 话。
我漫不 经心的 问。
我无所 谓,不过总 得回应“有何不同?” 他们会说“这个嘛,我 们会以 为你很外向”。
下一次采 访结束时仌是如此“多 谢接受采 访”。
不过 Tal ,你跟我想象得不太一 样。
又一次,我漫不 经心地 问有何不同。
这个嘛,我 们没想到你会 这 么内向”。
但希望几堂 课 后,你能有个大概印象 我 1992 年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修 大二期 间,突然 顿 悟了。

Wonderful to see you here.高兴见到你们。
I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。
Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today.渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域,那时并未正式命名。
And we’ll be exploring this new, relatively new and fascinating field.我们将一起探索这一全新相对新兴令人倾倒的领域。
And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.希望同时还能探索我们自己。
But you know I expected you to be different. 不过你跟我想象的不太一样的话。
And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course. 我漫不经心的问。

制作人:心舟 QQ:1129441083第一讲《杀人的道德侧面》这是一门讨论公正的课程This is a course about justice我们以一则故事作为引子and we begin with a story.假设你是一名电车司机\Suppose you're the driver of a trolley car你的电车以60英里小时的速度\and your trolley car is hurtling down the track 在轨道上飞驰\at 60 miles an hour.突然发现在轨道的尽头\And at the end of the track you notice有五名工人正在施工\five workers working on the track.你无法让电车停下来\You try to stop but you can't因为刹车坏了\your brakes don't work.你此时极度绝望\You feel desperate因为你深知\because you know如果电车撞向那五名工人\that if you crash into these five workers他们全都会死\they will all die.假设你对此确信无疑\Let's assume you know that for sure.你极为无助\And so you feel helpless直到你发现在轨道的右侧until you notice that there is off to the right有一条侧轨\ a side track而在侧轨的尽头\and at the end of that track只有一名工人在那施工\there is one worker working on the track.而你的方向盘还没坏\Your steering wheel works只要你想\so you can turn the trolley car就可以把电车转到侧轨上去\if you want to onto the side track牺牲一人挽救五人性命\killing the one but sparing the five.下面是我们的第一个问题:\Here's our first question:何为正确的选择\what's the right thing to do?换了你会怎么做\What would you do?我们来做个调查\Let's take a poll.有多少人会把电车开到侧轨上去\How many would turn the trolley car onto the side track?请举手\Raise your hands.有多少人会让电车继续往前开\How many wouldn't? How many would go straight ahead? 选择往前开的请不要把手放下\Keep your hands up those of you who would go straight ahead.只有少数人选择往前开\A handful of people would绝大多数都选择转弯\the vast majority would turn.我们先来听听大家的说法\Let's hear first探究一下为何\now we need to begin to investigate the reasons你们会认为这是正确的选择\why you think it's the right thing to do.先从大多数选择了转向侧轨的同学开始\Let's begin with those in the majority whowould turn to go onto the side track.为何会这样选择\Why would you do it?理由是什么\What would be your reason?有没有自告奋勇的\Who's willing to volunteer a reason?你来站起来告诉大家\Go ahead. Stand up.我认为当可以只牺牲一个人时\Because it can't be right to kill five people牺牲五人不是正确之举\when you can only kill one person instead.当可以只牺牲一人时牺牲五人不是正确之举\It wouldn't be right to kill five if you could kill one person instead.这理由不错\That's a good reason.不错\That's a good reason.还有其他人吗\Who else?人人都赞同这个理由\Does everybody agree with that reason?你来\Go ahead.我认为这和9·11的时候是一种情况\Well I was thinking it's the same reason on9 11 那些让飞机在宾州坠毁的人被视为英雄\with regard to the people who flew the plane into the Pennsylvania field as heroes因为他们选择了牺牲自己\because they chose to kill the people on the plane而不是让飞机撞向大楼牺牲更多人\and not kill more people in big buildings.这么看来这条原则和9·11的是一样的\So the principle there was the same on 9 11. 虽然是悲剧\It's a tragic circumstance但牺牲一人保全五人依然是更正确的选择\but better to kill one so that five can live 这就是大多数人选择把电车开上侧轨的理由吗\is that the reason most of you had those of you who would turn? Yes?现在我们来听听少数派的意见\Let's hear now from those in the minority那些选择不转弯的\those who wouldn't turn.你来\Yes.我认为这与为种族灭绝以及极权主义正名\Well I think that's the same type of mentality that justifies genocide是同一种思维模式\and totalitarianism.为了一个种族能生存下来\In order to save one type of race以灭绝另一个种族为代价\you wipe out the other.那换了是你在这种情况下会怎么做\So what would you do in this case?为了避免骇人听闻的种族灭绝\You would to avoid the horrors of genocide你打算直接开上去把这五个人撞死吗\you would crash into the five and kill them? 大概会吧\Presumably yes.-真的会吗 -对\- You would? - Yeah.好吧还有谁\Okay. Who else?很有勇气的回答谢谢\That's a brave answer. Thank you.我们来考虑一下另一种情况的例子\Let's consider another trolley car case看看你们\and see whether大多数的人\those of you in the majority会不会继续坚持刚才的原则\want to adhere to the principle即"牺牲一人保全五人是更好的选择"\"better that one should die so that five should live."这次你不再是电车司机了\This time you're not the driver of the trolley car只是一名旁观者\you're an onlooker.你站在一座桥上俯瞰着电车轨道\You're standing on a bridge overlooking a trolley car track.电车沿着轨道从远处驶来\And down the track comes a trolley car轨道的尽头有五名工人\at the end of the track are five workers电车刹车坏了\the brakes don't work这五名工人即将被撞死\the trolley car is about to careen into the five and kill them.但你不是电车司机你真的爱莫能助\And now you're not the driver you really feel helpless直到你发现在你旁边\until you notice standing next to you靠着桥站着的\leaning over the bridge是个超级大胖子\is a very fat man.你可以选择推他一把\And you could give him a shove.他就会摔下桥\He would fall over the bridge onto the track正好摔在电车轨道上挡住电车\right in the way of the trolley car.他必死无疑但可以救那五人的性命\He would die but he would spare the five. 现在\Now有多少人会选择把那胖子推下桥\how many would push the fat man over the bridge?请举手\Raise your hand.有多少人不会\How many wouldn't?大多数人不会这么做\Most people wouldn't.一个显而易见的问题出现了\Here's the obvious question.我们"牺牲一人保全五人"的这条原则\What became of the principle到底出了什么问题呢\"better to save five lives even if it means sacrificing one?" 第一种情况时\What became of the principle大多数人赞同的这条原则怎么了\that almost everyone endorsed in the first case? 两种情况中都属多数派的人你们是怎么想的\I need to hear from someone who was in the majority in both cases.应该如何来解释这两种情况的区别呢\How do you explain the difference between the two?你来\Yes.我认为第二种情况\The second one I guess牵涉到主动选择推人\involves an active choice of pushing a person down而被推的这个人\which I guess that person himself本来跟这事件一点关系都没有\would otherwise not have been involved in thesituation at all.所以从这个人自身利益的角度来说\And so to choose on his behalf I guess他是被迫卷入这场无妄之灾的\to involve him in something that he otherwise would have escaped is而第一种情况不同\I guess more than what you have in the first case第一种情况里的三方电车司机及那两组工人\where the three parties the driver and the two sets of workers之前就牵涉进这事件本身了\are already I guess in the situation.但在侧轨上施工的那名工人\But the guy working the one on the track off to the side 他并不比那个胖子更愿意牺牲自我不是吗\he didn't choose to sacrifice his life any more than the fat man did he?对但谁让他就在那侧轨上而且...\That's true but he was on the tracks and... 那胖子还在桥上呢\This guy was on the bridge.如果你愿意可以继续说下去\Go ahead you can come back if you want.好吧这是一个难以抉择的问题\All right. It's a hard question.你回答得很不错\You did well. You did very well.真的难以抉择\It's a hard question.还有谁能来为两种情况中\Who else can find a way of reconciling大多数人的不同选择作出合理解释\the reaction of the majority in these two cases? 你来\Yes.我认为在第一种情况中是撞死一个还是五个\Well I guess in the first case where you have the one worker and the five你只能在这两者中选择\it's a choice between those two不管你做出的是哪一个选择\and you have to make a certain choice总得有人被电车撞死\and people are going to die because of the trolley car而他们的死并非你的直接行为导致\not necessarily because of your direct actions.电车已失控而你必须在那一瞬间做出选择\The trolley car is a runaway thing and you're making a split second choice.而反之把胖子推下去则是你自己的直接谋杀行为\Whereas pushing the fat man over is an actual act of murder on your part.你的行为是可控的\You have control over that而电车则是不可控的\whereas you may not have control over the trolley car.所以我认为这两种情况略有不同\So I think it's a slightly different situation. 很好有没谁来回应的有人吗\All right who has a reply? That's good. Who has a way?有人要补充吗刚才那个解释合理吗\Who wants to reply? Is that a way out of this? 我认为这不是一个很好的理由\I don't think that's a very good reason因为不论哪种情况你都得选择让谁死\because you choose to- either way you have to choose who dies或者你是选择转弯撞死一名工人\because you either choose to turn and kill theperson这种转弯就是种有意识的行为\which is an act of conscious thought to turn或者你是选择把胖子推下去\or you choose to push the fat man over这同样是一种主动的有意识的行为\which is also an active conscious action.所以不管怎样你都是在作出选择\So either way you're making a choice.你有话要说吗\Do you want to reply?我不太确定情况就是这样的\I'm not really sure that that's the case.只是觉得似乎有点不同\It just still seems kind of different.真的动手把人推到轨道上让他死的这种行为\the act of actually pushing someone over onto the tracks and killing him就等于是你亲手杀了他\you are actually killing him yourself.你用你自己的手推他\You're pushing him with your own hands.是你在推他这不同于\You're pushing him and that's different操控方向盘进而导致了他人死亡...\than steering something that is going to cause death into another...现在听起来好像不太对头了\You know it doesn't really sound right saying it now. 不你回答得不错叫什么名字\No no. It's good. It's good. What's your name? 安德鲁\Andrew.我来问你一个问题安德鲁\Andrew. Let me ask you this question Andrew.您问\Yes.假设我站在桥上胖子就在我旁边\Suppose standing on the bridge next to the fat man我不用去推他\I didn't have to push him假设他踩在一扇活板门上方\suppose he was standing over a trap door而活板门可以通过转动方向盘来开启\that I could open by turning a steering wheel like that.你会转动方向盘吗\Would you turn?出于某种原因我觉得这样似乎错上加错\For some reason that still just seems more wrong.是吗\Right?如果是你不小心靠着方向盘导致活门开启\I mean maybe if you accidentally like leaned into the steering wheel或是发生之类的情况\or something like that.但是...或者是列车飞驰而来时\But... Or say that the car is hurtling正好可以触发活门开关\towards a switch that will drop the trap.-那我就赞同 -没关系好了\- Then I could agree with that. - That's all right. Fair enough.反正就是不对\It still seems wrong in a way而在第一种情况这样做就是对的是吧\that it doesn't seem wrong in the first case to turn you say.换个说法就是在第一种情况中\And in another way I mean in the first situation你是直接涉及其中的\you're involved directly with the situation.而第二种情况中你只是旁观者\In the second one you're an onlooker as well.-好了 -所以你有权选择是否把胖子推下去\- All right. - So you have the choice of becoming involved or not-从而牵涉其中 -好了\- by pushing the fat man. - All right.先不管这个情况\Let's forget for the moment about this case.你们很不错\That's good.我们来想象一个不同的情况\Let's imagine a different case.这次你是一名急诊室的医生\This time you're a doctor in an emergency room有天送来了六个病人\and six patients come to you.他们遭受了一次严重的电车事故\They've been in a terrible trolley car wreck.其中五人伤势不算严重\Five of them sustain moderate injuries另外一人受重伤你可以花上一整天时间\one is severely injured you could spend all day来医治这一名受重伤的病人\caring for the one severely injured victim但那另外五个病人就会死\but in that time the five would die.你也可以选择医治这五人\Or you could look after the five restore them to health 但那样的话那名受重伤的病人就会死\but during that time the one severely injured person would die.有多少人会选择救那五人\How many would save the five?作为医生又有多少人选择救那一人\Now as the doctor how many would save the one? 只有极少数人\Very few people just a handful of people.我猜理由还是一样\Same reason I assume.牺牲一个保全五个\One life versus five?现在来考虑一下另外一种情况\Now consider another doctor case.这次你是一名器官移植医生你有五名病人\This time you're a transplant surgeon and you have five patients每名病人都急需器官移植才能存活\each in desperate need of an organ transplant in order to survive.分别需要心脏移植肺移植肾移植\One needs a heart one a lung one a kidney肝移植以及胰腺移植\one a liver and the fifth a pancreas.没有器官捐赠者\And you have no organ donors.你只能眼睁睁看他们死去\You are about to see them die.然后你突然想起\And then it occurs to you在隔壁病房\that in the next room有个来做体检的健康人\there's a healthy guy who came in for a check-up.而且他...\And he's...你们喜欢这剧情吧\you like that...而且他正在打盹\... and he's taking a nap你可以悄悄地进去取出那五个器官\you could go in very quietly yank out the five organs这人会死但你能救那另外五人\that person would die but you could save the five. 有多少人会这么做\How many would do it?有吗\Anyone?选择这么做的请举手\How many? Put your hands up if you would do it.楼座上的呢\Anyone in the balcony?我会\I would.你会吗小心别太靠着那栏杆\You would? Be careful don't lean over too much.有多少人不会\How many wouldn't?很好你来\All right. What do you say?楼座上那位\Speak up in the balcony就是支持取出那些器官的为什么这么做\you who would yank out the organs. Why? 其实我想知道可否稍微变通一下\I'd actually like to explore a slightly alternate possibility就是选择五人中最先死的那人\of just taking the one of the five who needs an organ who dies first利用他的器官来救其他四人\and using their four healthy organs to save the other four.这想法很赞\That's a pretty good idea.想法不错\That's a great idea只不过\except for the fact你避开了我们今天要谈论的哲学问题\that you just wrecked the philosophical point. 让我们暂时先不忙讨论这些故事以及争论\Let's step back from these stories and these arguments来关注一下这些争论是怎样展开的\to notice a couple of things about the way the arguments have begun to unfold.某些道德原则已经随着我们讨论的展开\Certain moral principles have already begun to emerge逐渐开始浮现出来了\from the discussions we've had.我们来细想下这些道德原则都是怎样的\And let's consider what those moral principles look like.在讨论中出现的第一条道德原则\The first moral principle that emerged in the discussion正确的选择道德的选择\said the right thing to do the moral thing to do取决于你的行为所导致的后果\depends on the consequences that will result from your action.最终结论: 牺牲一人保全五人是更好的选择\At the end of the day better that five should live even if one must die.这是后果主义道德推理的一则例子\That's an example of consequentiality moral reasoning.后果主义道德推理\Consequentiality moral reasoning认为是否道德取决于行为的后果\locates morality in the consequences of an act取决于你的行为对外界所造成的影响\in the state of the world that will result from the thing you do.但随着谈论的深入我们发现在其他情况中\But then we went a little further we considered those other cases人们不再对后果主义道德推理那么确定了\and people weren't so sure about consequentialist moral reasoning.当人们开始犹豫是否要推胖子下桥\When people hesitated to push the fat man over the bridge或者是否切取无辜病人的器官时\or to yank out the organs of the innocent patient 他们更倾向于去评判行为本身的动机\people gestured toward reasons having to do with the intrinsic quality of the act itself而不是该行为的后果\consequences be what they may.人们动摇了\People were reluctant.他们认为杀掉一个无辜的人\People thought it was just wrong categorically wrong 是绝对错误的\to kill a person an innocent person哪怕是为了拯救五条生命\even for the sake of saving five lives.至少在每个故事的第二种情况中是这样认为的\At least people thought that in the second version of each story we considered.这表明有第二种绝对主义方式的道德推理\So this points to a second categorical way of thinking about moral reasoning.绝对主义道德推理认为\Categorical moral reasoning是否道德取决于特定的绝对道德准则\locates morality in certain absolute moral requirements取决于绝对明确的义务与权利\certain categorical duties and rights而不管后果如何\regardless of the consequences.我们将用以后的几天到几周时间来探讨\We're going to explore in the days and weeks to come后果主义与绝对主义道德原则的差别\the contrast between consequentiality and categorical moral principles.后果主义道德推理中最具影响的就是功利主义\The most influential example of consequential moral reasoning is utilitarianism由18世纪英国政治哲学家杰里米·边沁提出\a doctrine invented by Jeremy Bentham18th century English political philosopher而绝对主义道德推理中最为著名的\The most important philosopher of categorical moral reasoning则是18世纪德国哲学家康德\is the18th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant. 我们将着眼于这两种迥异的道德推理模式\So we will look at those two different modes of moral reasoning评价它们还会考虑其他模式\assess them and also consider others.如果你有留意教学大纲就能发现\If you look at the syllabus you'll notice教学大纲里列出了不少人的著作\that we read a number of great and famous books包括亚里士多德约翰·洛克伊曼努尔·康德\books by Aristotle John Locke Immanuel Kant约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒及其他哲学家的著作\John Stewart Mill and others.在教学大纲中还能看到\You'll notice too from the syllabus我们不仅要读这些著作\that we don't only read these books;还会探讨当代政治及法律争议\we also take up contemporary political and legal controversies所引发的诸多哲学问题\that raise philosophical questions.我们将讨论平等与不平等\We will debate equality and inequality平权行动自由言论与攻击性言论同性婚姻\affirmative action free speech versus hate speech same-sex marriage兵役制等一系列现实问题\military conscription a range of practical questions. 为什么呢\Why?不仅是为了将这些深奥抽象的著作形象化\Not just to enliven these abstract and distant books还为了让我们通过哲学辨明\but to make clear to bring out what's at stake日常生活包括政治生活中什么才是最关键的\in our everyday lives including our political lives for philosophy.所以我们要读这些著作讨论这些议题\And so we will read these books and we will debate these issues并了解两者是怎样互相补充互相阐释的\and we'll see how each informs and illuminates the other.也许听起来蛮动人不过我要事先提个醒\This may sound appealing enough but here I have to issue a warning.那就是通过用这样的方式阅读这些著作\And the warning is thisto read these books in this way来训练自我认知\as an exercise in self knowledge必然会带来一些风险\to read them in this way carries certain risks包括个人风险和政治风险\risks that are both personal and political每位学政治哲学的学生都知道的风险\risks that every student of political philosophy has known.这风险源自于以下事实\These risks spring from the fact即哲学就是让我们面对自己熟知的事物\that philosophy teaches us and unsettles us 然后引导并动摇我们原有的认知\by confronting us with what we already know.这真是讽刺\There's an irony.这门课程的难度就在于\The difficulty of this course consists in the fact传授的都是你们已有的知识\that it teaches what you already know.它将我们所熟知的毋庸置疑的事物\It works by taking what we know from familiar unquestioned settings变得陌生\and making it strange.正如我们刚举的例子\That's how those examples worked那些严肃而又不乏趣味的假设性问题\the hypotheticals with which we began with their mix of playfulness and sobriety.这些哲学类著作亦然\It's also how these philosophical books work.哲学让我们对熟知事物感到陌生\Philosophy estranges us from the familiar不是通过提供新的信息\not by supplying new information而是通过引导并激发我们用全新方式看问题\but by inviting and provoking a new way of seeing但这正是风险所在\but and here's the risk一旦所熟知的事物变得陌生\once the familiar turns strange它将再也无法回复到从前\it's never quite the same again.自我认知就像逝去的童真 \Self knowledge is like lost innocence不管你有多不安\however unsettling you find it;你已经无法不去想或是充耳不闻了\it can never be un-thought or un-known.这一过程会充满挑战又引人入胜\What makes this enterprise difficult but also riveting因为道德与政治哲学就好比一个故事\is that moral and political philosophy is a story你不知道故事将会如何发展\and you don't know where the story will lead.你只知道这个故事与你息息相关\But what you do know is that the story is about you. 以上为我提到的个人风险\Those are the personal risks.那么政治风险是什么呢\Now what of the political risks?介绍这门课程时可以这样许诺:\One way of introducing a course like this would be to promise you通过阅读这些著作讨论这些议题\that by reading these books and debating these issues你将成为更优秀更有责任感的公民\you will become a better more responsible citizen;你将重新审视公共政策的假定前提\you will examine the presuppositions of public policy你将拥有更加敏锐的政治判断力\you will hone your political judgment你将更有效地参与公共事务\you will become a more effective participant in public affairs.但这一许诺也可能片面而具误导性\But this would be a partial and misleading promise.因为绝大多数情况下政治哲学\Political philosophy for the most part并不是那样的\hasn't worked that way.你们必须承认政治哲学\You have to allow for the possibility可能使你们成为更糟的公民\that political philosophy may make you a worse citizen 而不是更优秀的\rather than a better one至少在让你成为更优秀公民前先让你更糟\or at least a worse citizen before it makes you a better one因为哲学使人疏离现实甚至可能弱化行动力\and that's because philosophy is a distancing even debilitating activity.追溯到苏格拉底时代就有这样一段对话\And you see this going back to Socrates there's a dialogue在《高尔吉亚篇》中苏格拉底的一位朋友\the Gorgias in which one of Socrates' friends《高尔吉亚篇》柏拉图著古希腊哲学家卡里克利斯试图说服苏格拉底放弃哲学思考\Callicles tries to talk him out of philosophizing.他告诉苏格拉底:\Callicles tells Socrates如果一个人在年轻时代\"Philosophy is a pretty toy有节制地享受哲学的乐趣那自然大有裨益\if one indulges in it with moderation at the right time of life.但倘若过分沉溺其中那他必将走向毁灭\But if one pursues it further than one should it is absolute ruin."听我劝吧卡里克利斯说收起你的辩论\"Take my advice" Callicles says "abandon argument.学个谋生的一技之长\Learn the accomplishments of active life别学那些满嘴谬论的人\take for your models not those people who spend their time on these petty quibbles要学那些生活富足声名显赫及福泽深厚的人\but those who have a good livelihood and reputation and many other blessings."言外之意则是\So Callicles is really saying to Socrates放弃哲学现实一点去读商学院吧\"Quit philosophizing get real go to business school."卡里克利斯说得确有道理\And Callicles did have a point.因为哲学的确将我们与习俗\He had a point because philosophy distances us from conventions既定假设以及原有信条相疏离\from established assumptions and from settled beliefs.以上就是我说的个人以及政治风险\Those are the risks personal and political. 面对这些风险有一种典型的回避方式\And in the face of these risks there is a characteristic evasion.这种方式就是怀疑论大致的意思是\The name of the evasion is skepticism it's the idea...It goes something like this.刚才争论过的案例或者原则\We didn't resolve once and for all没有一劳永逸的解决方法\either the cases or the principles we were arguing when we began如果亚里士多德洛克康德以及穆勒\and if Aristotle and Locke and Kant and Mill 花了这么多年都没能解决这些问题\haven't solved these questions after all of these years那今天我们齐聚桑德斯剧院\who are we to think that we here in Sanders Theatre 仅凭一学期的课程学习就能解决了吗\over the course of a semester can resolve them?也许这本就是智者见智仁者见仁的问题\And so maybe it's just a matter of each person having his or her own principles多说无益也无从论证\and there's nothing more to be said about it no way of reasoning.这就是怀疑论的回避方式\That's the evasion the evasion of skepticism对此我给予如下回应\to which I would offer the following reply.诚然这些问题争论已久\It's true these questions have been debated for a very long time但正因为这些问题反复出现\but the very fact that they have recurred and persisted也许表明虽然在某种意义上它们无法解决\may suggest that though they're impossible in one sense但另一种意义上却又无可避免\they're unavoidable in another.它们之所以无可避免无法回避\And the reason they're unavoidable the reason they're inescapable是因为在日常生活中我们一次次地在回答这些问题\is that we live some answer to these questions every day.因此怀疑论让你们举起双手放弃道德反思\So skepticism just throwing up your hands and giving up on moral reflection这绝非可行之策\is no solution.康德曾很贴切地描述了怀疑论的不足\Immanuel Kant described very well the problem with skepticism他写道怀疑论是人类理性暂时休憩的场所\when he wrote "Skepticism is a resting place for human reason}参见康德的《纯粹理性批判》是理性自省以伺将来做出正确抉择的地方\where it can reflect upon its dogmatic wanderings但绝非理性的永久定居地\but it is no dwelling place for permanent settlement." 康德认为简单地默许于怀疑论\"Simply to acquiesce in skepticism" Kant wrote 永远无法平息内心渴望理性思考之不安\"can never suffice to overcome the restlessness of reason."以上我是想向大家说明这些故事和争论\I've tried to suggest through these stories and these arguments展示的风险与诱惑挑战与机遇\some sense of the risks and temptations of the perils and the possibilities.简而言之这门课程旨在\I would simply conclude by saying that the aim of this course唤醒你们永不停息的理性思考探索路在何方\is to awaken the restlessness of reasonand to see where it might lead.谢谢\Thank you very much.在那样的绝境之下\Like in a situation that desperate为了生存你不得不那样做\you have to do what you have to do to survive.。

校园英语 / 翻译研究公开课字幕翻译新探——以《网易名校公开课》为例中南林业科技大学涉外学院/彭辉【摘要】本文结合当前国内字幕翻译现状和公开课字幕翻译存在的问题,根据网易名校公开课的字幕翻译进行分析,归纳出公开课字幕翻译的有效措施和方法,从而提升名校公开课字幕翻译的有效性。
【关键词】公开课 字幕翻译 网易课程实例【Abtract】The paper,based on the current situation of subtitle translation and its problems,at the same time,with typical examples in NETEASE,will elaborate on effective measures in subtitle translation and increase the influence of NETEASE’s public courses.【Key words】public courses; subtitle translation; examples in NETEASE网络的兴起给文化传播和教育开展带来了很大的便利。

Great persons:Marvacollions Tomas SowellBook:way of the peaceful warriorClass2Abraham Maslow:The science of phychological has been far more successful on the negative than on the positive side.It has revealed to us much about man’s shortcomings,his illness,hissins,but little about his potentialities,hisvirtues,his achievable aspirations or his psychological height.It is as if psychology had voluntarily restricted itself to only half its rightful jurisdiction and that darker,meaner half.Class 3Abraham Maslow:Neurosis is a falling short of what one could have been and even one could say,of what one should have been,biologically speaking that is if one had grown and developed in an unimpeded way.Human and personal possibilities have been lost.The world has been narrowed and so has consciousness.Capacities has been inhibited.Muzafer:What you need is a superordinate goal——a goal you have carry out together,you can’t do by yourself——carry out together with a conflicting group.And that’s how over time you resolve conflicts,not just bring people together.Lykken and Tellegen:Happiness is Stochastic Phenomenon(theme)It may be that trying to be happier is as futile as trying to be taller and is therefore counterproductive.Error of average(教授认为是错的the point referred)Meslow:few in number though they be,we can learn a great deal of values from the direct study of these highly evolved,highlymature,psychologically healthiest individuals,and from the study of the peak moments of average individulas,moments,in which they become transiently self-actualized.(自我实现)CLASS 4Ralph Waldo Emerson:All history is a record of the power of minorities,and minorities of one(一个人的少数派)Extreme circumstances make very little difference to our wellbeing(幸福)What will make a difference to our levels of wellbeing is if we have right versus wrong expectations.The right expectation is to believe in change from within.It is about changing our perception(state of mind).It’s about changing our interpretation of the world,of what’s happening to us,of ourachievements,of our failures.It’s about what we choose to perceive,whatwe choose to focus on.It’s about transformation,as opposed to the external information or the external success.We will have the permission to be human.God,give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;the courage to change the things I can change;and the wisdom to know the difference.Class5The optimal way spreading happiness is to work on your own happiness because then you are leading by example.Be the change you want to see in the world,by example.Belief as self-fulfilling propheciesThis topic ignite my imagination.We are what we think.All that we are arises with our thoughts.With our thoughts,we make our world.Class 6Camus:In the depth of winter,I finally learned that there was within mean invincible summer.Talk is no substitute for action.People who regard themselves as highly efficacious act,think,and feel differently from those who perceive themselves as inefficacious.They produce their own future,rather than simply foretell it.Self-concept is destiny.Class 7:SorenKierkegarrd:To dare is to lose one’s footing momentarily .Not to dare is to lose oneself.We create our own reality.RlSharpe:It isn’t strange,howprinces and kings,and clowns that caper in sawdust rings,and common people like you and me,are builders for eternity?Each is given a list of rules,a shapeless mass and a bag of tools;and each must fashion your life is flown,a stumbling block or a stepping stone.Much of our experience,we cooperate.Summary:In this class,the professor told three stories about himself.god,I am so unlucky.God,I’m so lucky.so,the interpretations determine what our experiences will be.Class 8:Aristotle:fiction is more important than history.Because history depicts life as it is,where the fiction depicts as it can or ought to be.。


Positive Psychology – Lecture 1Tal Ben-ShaharHi Good morning. It's wonderful to be back here. Wonderful to see you here. I'm teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergrad here. This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught, nor does it mean that it is the right class for you. But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you. I came here in 1992 And then I had a mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year. I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers. I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially. Everything was going well.Except for the fact. That I was unhappy. And I didn't understand why. It was then in a matter of moments, that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier.And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology with a single question: how can I become happier? Over time I did become happier. What contributed most to my happiness was when I encountered a new emerging field But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology. Positive psychology, studying it, applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier. It continues to make me happier. And it was when I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others. That's when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and teach in this field. So this is positive psychology, psychology 1504. And we'll be exploring this new, relatively new and fascinating field. And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.When I first taught this class that was back in 2002, I taught it at a seminar and had eight students. Two dropped out. That left me with six. The year after, the class became slightly larger. I had over three hundred students. And then third year when I taught it which was the last time, I had 850 students in the class, making it at that point the largest course at Harvard. And that's when the media became interested. Because they wanted to understand why. They wanted to understand this phenomenon that "here you have a class, that's larger than Introduction to Economics". How could that be? So I was invited by the media for interviews, whether it was newspapers, radio, television. And I started to notice a pattern during those interviews. So I would walk into the interview. We would have the interview. And afterwards, the producer or the interviewer would walk me out and say something to the effects of "well thank you Tal for the interview. But you know I expected you to be different".And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course. I didn't really care but had to ask anyway, "how different?" And they would say, "Well you know, we expected you to be more outgoing."Next interview, the end of the interview, same thing. "Thank you for doing the interview. But you know Tal, I expected you to bedifferent." And once again, nonchalant of course. "Well you know, we expected you to be less, less introversit." Next interview, same thing. "How different?" "Well, you know, more extroverted. More outgoing." Next interview. "Well, you know, less shy." Coz I get very nervous in interviews.Interview after interview, literally dozens. More outgoing, more cheerful. Less introverted, more extroverted. And on and on. But here is the best one. So this is one of the local channels here around Boston. I was going to the interview. We had a quite long interview, which I thought was actually pretty good. And at the end of the interview, the interviewer is a very jolly guy. He walks me out and puts his hands on my shoulder, and says, "thank you very much for doing the interview." And then the usual comes. "But you know Tal, I expected you to be different." And I said, "How different?" Just so you understand, by this time, my self-esteem is short. But still with some resemblance of nonchalance I asked, "how different?" And he looks at me and says, "Well I don't know Tal. I expected you to be taller." Taller? What? Five seven, well ok five six and a half is not enough to teach happiness? And I thought about it. I thought about it a lot. The whole pattern from the beginning.And I think I understand why they expected someone different. You see they had to explain to themselves as well as the audience, "how come this lecture is larger than the Introduction to Economics?" And the way to explain it must be that the teacher is very outgoing, extremely charismatic, very cheerful and extrovert and of course, tall. Well, there is one L missing there. But... Yeah. If only. So the problem though is that they were looking in the wrong place for the explanation. In other words, they were looking at the messenger. What they needed to look at was the message. Now how do I know that? You see because I see other positive psychology classes on other campuses around the country and around the world.There are over 200 hundred campuses here in United States that teach positivepsychology. On almost every campus where this class is taught, it's either one of the or the largest class. It's about the message. I see more and more organizations taking up positive psychology in their, as consultant companies, some of them the leading big consultant companies are taking it on. More and more high schools are introducing positive psychology class. ***** Elementary schools are introducing it. The governments around the world are expressing interest in this new emerging field. Why? Because it works. Because it really works. You see this whole realm on life flourishing, on happiness, on well-being has been until recently dominated by the self-health movement. What do we have in the self-health movement? We have books that are very interesting, that are very accessible. We have speakers who are very outgoing, very charismatic and tall, attracting the masses into these workshops, seminars and lectures. But, there is a very big "but" here. Many of these books, many of these workshops and seminarslack substance. Very often, overpromising and under-delivering.So these are five things you need to know to be happy. The three things to be the great leader. The one secret of success, happiness and a perfect love life. Overpromising. Under-delivering. On the other hand, we have academia. What do we have in academia? We have a lot of rigor, a lot of substance. We have datas analyzed, reanalyzed and meta-analyzed. Things that actually work, good stuff. But, and there is also a very big "but" here. Very few people read refereed academic journals. I mean Think about it: how many people outside this room of course have read the last twelve issues of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology? Most people don't even know what that means. The head of my PHD programs actually estimated the average academic journal article is read by seven people. You know... And that includes the author's mother. So you know I say half in jest but it's actually really sad. Because...certainly sad for me, as an academic. Because these things are good. TheyBut not accessible to most people. And this is where positive psychology comes in. And this is also where this class comes in. The explicit mandate of positive psychology as well as of this class is to create a bridge between Ivory tower and mainstreet. In other words, it is to bring the rigor, the substance, the empirical foundation, the science from academia and merge it with accessibility of the self-help or New Age movement.In a way the best of both worlds. And this explains the popularity of the field of positive psychology: science that works. This class will be taught on two levels. The first level it will be taught as any other class in psychology or any of the classes you've taken here. You'll be introduced here to studies, to research, to rigorous academic work. You'll be writing paper, academic paper. You'll be taking exams. Just like every other class. But then it will also be taught at the second level, which is for every paper that you'll read, every paper that you'll write, you'll always be thinking, "Ok, how can I take these ideas and apply them to my life? How can I apply them to my relationship? How can I apply them to my community?" Two levels. The academic. Applied. I did not just introduce whether it's in the readings or in the lectures ideas just because they are interesting for the sake of the idea. It is always an idea that is both rigorous and can be applied. Just a few words about housekeeping.。

Positive Psychology – Lecture 3Good morning, everyone. This semester has started, officially today. Glad to see you here. Just a couple of announcement and also hi to the extension school students. Last time we say hi to New Zealand. Today we are saying hi to Ireland. In terms of sectioning for the undergrads and graduate students here, you'll get an email from Sean Achor tomorrow. And you'll put in your section preference. We are sectioning this weekend. So it will be important that you submit your top preferences. And next week we are starting早上好,同学们。
你们明天会收到Sean Achor的邮件,你们填好各自的想加入的小组,我们本周会分好小组,选择你最想加入的组非常重要。
.Last time, if you remember the question that we ask, the guiding question was "why positive psychology?" And I mentioned three reasons, Why we need it as an independent field as opposed to just being "well, let’s do some studies on happiness, on relationships" as it is always being done? The reason why we need positive psychology is to shift the pendulum from the 21:1 ratio that we have today: for every one study on depression or anxiety, we have 21 studies on-- sorry, for one study on happiness or wellbeing, we have 21 studies on depression and anxiety. We want to shift the pendulum slightly. And I mentioned three reason why we want to shift this pendulum despite the fact that there are rising levels of depression around the world, that anxiety has become epidemic globally—on college campuses in United States, China, Australia, UK. Despite that fact, I argue that we need to shift the pendulum and do more "positive research‖, or in other words, research that focuses on what works. And the reason is—the first reason that we gave and we are just finishing up is because the question that we ask, whether it's the research questions that we ask, or the questions that we ask of ourselves, or our partners, matter. And if our only questions, or primarily our questions are "what is not working? What is the problem? Why are so many kids failing as a result of their circumstances?" If we only ask these questions, we will miss, literally miss an important part of reality, just like you missed the children on the bus in the exercise. Most of you did. And if we also ask the positive question, then some new possibilities, new quests open up, just like they did for the researchers when they started to ask no longer "why do so many individuals fail?" but started to ask "what do some individuals do and succeed? Why do some individuals succeed despite the unfavorable circumstances?" 还记得上节课的问题吗,最主要的问题是―为什么要学习积极心理学?‖我提到了三个原因,为何我们把它作为独立的研究而不是简单地―研究一下幸福和爱情‖,不像一贯人们所做的那样?我们需要积极心理学是为了改变,现在的21比1这个比率,每有一项关于抑郁或焦虑的研究,就有21项——对不起,应该是每有一项关于快乐或幸福的研究,就有21项关于抑郁或焦虑的研究。
哈佛公开课Justice 第一课字幕 中英对照精解

JusEpisode OnPART ONE If you ha five oth would di What wou Professo After the to save conundru difficul becomes contradi always b PART TWO Sandel i Bentham,shipwrec decides the rest a classr doctrine for the stice: What’s One E: THE MORAL S ad to choose b ers and (2) d e right befor ld be the rig r Michael Sane majority of the lives of ms—each one t. As studen clear that th ctory, and th lack and whit O: THE CASE FO introduces the with a famou cked crew of f to kill the w t can feed on room debate ab e that the righ greatest numb s the Right T SIDE OF MURDE between (1) ki oing nothing re your eyes i ht thing to d ndel uses to l students vote five others, artfully desi nts stand up to he assumptions e question of te.OR CANNIBALISM e principles o us nineteenth four. After n weakest amongs his blood and bout the moral ht thing to do ber.Thing to Do?ER 谋杀的道德侧illing one per even though y f you did not o? That’s t launch his co es for killing Sandel prese igned to make o defend their s behind our m what is right SM 食人肉案件of utilitaria h century lega nineteen days st them, the d body to sur l validity of is whatever p侧面rson to save t you knew that thing—what wo the hypothetic urse on moral g the one pers nts three sim the decision r conflicting moral reasonin t and what is w an philosopher al case involv lost at sea, young cabin b rvive. The c f utilitariani produces the gr the lives of five people ould you do? cal scenariol reasoning. son in order milar moral n more choices, it ng are often wrong is not r, Jeremy ving a the captain boy, so that case sets up ism—and its reatest good episode ['epi moral ['m ɔr hypothetical ['scenario [si'na reasoning ['ri:vote [v əut] n conundrum [k artfully ['a:tful defend [di'fen conflict ['k ɔnfl conflicting [k defend [di'fen assumption [contradictory cannibalism ['utilitarian [.ju legal ['li:g əl]shipwrecked [crew [kru:] amongst [ə'm cabin ['kæbi survive [s ə'vdebate [di'be validity [væ'l doctrine ['d is əud] n. 插曲əl] adj. 道德的'haip əu'θetik əl]a:ri əu] n. 情节zni ŋ] n. 推论n. 投票, 选举v k ə'n ʌndr əm] n li] adv.艺术地,有d] v. 防护, 辩likt] n.冲突,矛ən'flikti ŋ] adj d] v. 防护, 辩护ə's ʌmp ʃən] n.假 [.k ɔntr ə'dikt əri 'kænib əliz əm] n u:tili't ɛəri ən] n.功 adj. 法律的, 合'ʃiprekt] adj. 失 n. 全体船员ʌŋst] prep. 在 n] n. 船舱, 机vaiv] 活下来, 幸eit] n.v. 辩论liditi] n. 有效性ɔktrin] n. 教义曲, 一段情节, 片的 ] adj.假设的,假节梗概, 剧本 论, 推理, 论证 v. 投票, 选举, n. 谜语, 难题 有技巧地,熟练地辩护, 防守 矛盾vi. 冲突,争. 相冲突的 护, 防守 假定,设想,担任(职i] adj. 矛盾的n n.吃人肉的习性功利主义者adj 合法的, 法定的失事的, 遭海难... 之中,在...之机舱, 小木屋幸存; 残留 论, 讨论 性, 正确性, 正当义, 主义, 学说片段, 轶事假定的,爱猜想的表决 地,狡诈地 争执 职责等),假装 n.矛盾 性, 同类相食 j.功利的,实用的的 难的 之间(=among) 当的Funding for this program is provided by... 此节目由以上公司 fund [fʌnd]资金,基金,专款Additional funding provided by... 以上人士提供赞助This is a course about justice 这是一堂关于公平与正义的公共课 course [kɔ:s]学科,课程,教程and we begin with a story. 让我们先从一个故事讲起 hurtle ['hə:tl] v.猛冲;飞驰,猛烈碰撞Suppose you’re the driver of a trolley car, 假设你现在是一辆有轨电车的司机 suppose [sə'pəuz] 假定; 设想,料想and your trolley car is hurtling down the track at 60 miles an hour. 而你的电车正在铁轨上以时速60英里疾驶 trolley ['trɔli] 〔英〕手推车;〔美〕(有轨)电车And at the end of the track 在铁轨末端 brake [breik]制动器<->break [breik]毁坏,打破you notice five workers working on the track. 你发现有五个工人在铁轨上工作You try to stop but you can't, 你尽力想停下电车, 但是你做不到your brakes don’t work. 电车的刹车失灵了 美剧绝望的主妇Desperate HousewivesYou feel desperate because you know 你觉得十分绝望,因为你知道 desperate:绝望的,穷途末路的,拼命的that if you crash into these five workers, they will all die. 如果你就这样撞向这5个工人,他们必死无疑 crash into 碰到,撞在Let’s assume you know that for sure. 假定你很清楚这一点 assume [ə'sjuːm] 假定,想像,设想And so you feel helpless until you notice 正当你感到无助的时候, 你突然发现that there is, off to the right, 就在右边a side track and at the end of that track, 一条岔道,那根轨道的尽头there is one worker, working on the track. 只有一个工人在那里工作Your steering wheel works, so you can turn the trolley car, 你的方向盘没有失灵, 只要你愿意 steering ['stiəriŋ] 舵把,方向盘;掌舵,驾驶,转向。

本次演讲者Robert Waldinger先生是第四任负责此项目的主管。

(完整版)哈佛大学幸福公开课哈佛大学幸福公开课笔记第一课什么是积极心理学 (2)第二课为什么要学习积极心理学? (3)第三课幸福是一种随机现象么? (5)第四课积极的环境能改变人 (6)第五课环境的力量 (7)第六课乐观主义 (9)第七课逆境还是机遇 (11)第八课感激 (13)第九课积极情绪(上) (16)第九课积极情绪(下) (17)第十课如何去改变 (18)第十一课养成良好习惯 (20)第十二课写日记 (23)第十三课面对压力 (24)第十四课过犹不及 (27)第十五课完美主义 (29)第十六课享受过程学习 (31)第十七课运动与冥想 (33)第十八课睡眠、触摸和爱情的重要性 (34)第十九课如何让爱情天荒地老 (36)第二十课幸福与幽默学习 (38)第二十一课爱情和自尊 (41)第二十二课自尊与自我实现 (43)第一课:什么是积极心理学1.学术论文的平均读者是7个人,其中包括作者的妈妈。
2.关于积极笔记:1)上课的时候,学会记积极笔记(acitve notes)而不是消极笔记;2)记笔记的方式是:将自己投入(engaging)进去。
关于time-in 和time-out:a)我们现在的时间大多花在time-out,花在look into yourself 的 time-in 太少了。
b)time-in和沉默(silence)有很大关系,沉默/安静对于我们的生活、工作、修身等等方面非常重要;c)3)《the courage to teach》中说道:“语言信息的交流并不是教与学的全部,we eductatewith silence as well。
Silence gives changes to reflect what we said and heard.Silence is a media of learing deepest thoght。

―The one real object of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions.‖
Bishop Creighton
The Question of Questions问题的问题
Martin Seligman
Ellen Langer
Philip Stone
Meet 1504 1504教室诞生
It is not merely about information不仅 仅是信息 about transformation也关于转 It is also 变
• Covering less; uncovering more
How can we help ourselves and others— individuals, communities, and society— become happier? 怎样帮助我们自己和其 他人——个人,团体,和社会变得更幸福
It is not a survey of positive psychology它不 是积极心理学的调查 It is a selective exploration of the ‗question of questions.‘它是对问题的问题选择性的探 索
The Road to Positive Psychology 积极心理学的发展之路
• Humanistic Psychology (50‘s)人本主义
• The Third Force第三势力
– Reaction to behaviorism (First Force)行为主义 – Reaction to psychoanalysis (Second Force)精 神心理学

○哈○佛○大○学○公○开○课整理:耿加稳校对:小帅哥I'm teaching this class because i wish a class like this had been taught when I was sittingin your seat as an undergrad here.I came here in 1992,and started at computer science.And then I had a mini epiphany halt way through my sophomore year.I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me,wonderful teachers.I was doing well acedemically.I was doing well in athletics.I was doing well socially.Everything going well.Except for the fact that I was unhappy.And I didn't understand why.It was then in a matter of moments that I decided to find out why and became happier.And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology.With single question how can I became happier.Overtime I did became happier,what contrbuted most to my happiness was when I encounted a new emerging field that time didn't have a name that it has today.But essentially research that falls uder or with the field of positive psychology. Positive psychology studying it,applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier,It continues to make me happier,And I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others.So this is positive psycology,and we will be exploring this new,relatively and fascinating field.And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.“How can this lecture is larger than the Introduction to Economics”.And the way to explain it must be that the teacher is very outgoing,extremly charismatic,very cheerful and extrovert and of course ,tall.Why is it so popular,because it works,You see this whole realm on life flouring on happiness,on well being has been until recently dominated by the self-health movement(心理自助运动).what do we have in the self-health movement?We have that books are very intering,that are very accessible,we have speakers are very outgoing attracting the masses into these workshops,seminars and lectures.But there is a big “but”here.Many of those books,many ot these workshop and seminars lack of substances(缺少实际内容).very often,overpromising and under-delivering.So those are five things you need to know to be happy.The three things to be the greatl eader.The one secret of success,happiness and a perfect love life. overpromising and under-delivering(夸大其词,效果甚微).On the other hand, we have academica(学术界),what do we have in academia?We have a lots of rigor, a lot of substances.We have datas analayzed,reanalyed and meta-analyzed.things really work,really good stuff.But there is also a big “but”here.Very few people read refereed acedemic journals.I mean think about it:how many of people outside this room of course have read the last twelve issues of the Journal of Personnality and Social Psychology(个性与社会心理学)?Most pepple don’t even know what that means.The head of my PHD programs actually estimated the average academic journal arctical is read by seven people.You know…and that include the author’s mother.So you know I say half in jest but it’s atually really sad。
MIT open courses

耶鲁、哈佛、剑桥、牛津等世界名校以及财力丰厚的基金会的陆续加入,犹如水滴汇成浪花,将“公开教育资源”(Open Educational Resources,O.E.R)运动推向了正轨,并且一发不可收。
哈佛公开课Justice 第一课字幕 中英对照精解

JusEpisode OnPART ONE If you ha five oth would di What wou Professo After the to save conundru difficul becomes contradi always b PART TWO Sandel i Bentham,shipwrec decides the rest a classr doctrine for the stice: What’s One E: THE MORAL S ad to choose b ers and (2) d e right befor ld be the rig r Michael Sane majority of the lives of ms—each one t. As studen clear that th ctory, and th lack and whit O: THE CASE FO introduces the with a famou cked crew of f to kill the w t can feed on room debate ab e that the righ greatest numb s the Right T SIDE OF MURDE between (1) ki oing nothing re your eyes i ht thing to d ndel uses to l students vote five others, artfully desi nts stand up to he assumptions e question of te.OR CANNIBALISM e principles o us nineteenth four. After n weakest amongs his blood and bout the moral ht thing to do ber.Thing to Do?ER 谋杀的道德侧illing one per even though y f you did not o? That’s t launch his co es for killing Sandel prese igned to make o defend their s behind our m what is right SM 食人肉案件of utilitaria h century lega nineteen days st them, the d body to sur l validity of is whatever p侧面rson to save t you knew that thing—what wo the hypothetic urse on moral g the one pers nts three sim the decision r conflicting moral reasonin t and what is w an philosopher al case involv lost at sea, young cabin b rvive. The c f utilitariani produces the gr the lives of five people ould you do? cal scenariol reasoning. son in order milar moral n more choices, it ng are often wrong is not r, Jeremy ving a the captain boy, so that case sets up ism—and its reatest good episode ['epi moral ['m ɔr hypothetical ['scenario [si'na reasoning ['ri:vote [v əut] n conundrum [k artfully ['a:tful defend [di'fen conflict ['k ɔnfl conflicting [k defend [di'fen assumption [contradictory cannibalism ['utilitarian [.ju legal ['li:g əl]shipwrecked [crew [kru:] amongst [ə'm cabin ['kæbi survive [s ə'vdebate [di'be validity [væ'l doctrine ['d is əud] n. 插曲əl] adj. 道德的'haip əu'θetik əl]a:ri əu] n. 情节zni ŋ] n. 推论n. 投票, 选举v k ə'n ʌndr əm] n li] adv.艺术地,有d] v. 防护, 辩likt] n.冲突,矛ən'flikti ŋ] adj d] v. 防护, 辩护ə's ʌmp ʃən] n.假 [.k ɔntr ə'dikt əri 'kænib əliz əm] n u:tili't ɛəri ən] n.功 adj. 法律的, 合'ʃiprekt] adj. 失 n. 全体船员ʌŋst] prep. 在 n] n. 船舱, 机vaiv] 活下来, 幸eit] n.v. 辩论liditi] n. 有效性ɔktrin] n. 教义曲, 一段情节, 片的 ] adj.假设的,假节梗概, 剧本 论, 推理, 论证 v. 投票, 选举, n. 谜语, 难题 有技巧地,熟练地辩护, 防守 矛盾vi. 冲突,争. 相冲突的 护, 防守 假定,设想,担任(职i] adj. 矛盾的n n.吃人肉的习性功利主义者adj 合法的, 法定的失事的, 遭海难... 之中,在...之机舱, 小木屋幸存; 残留 论, 讨论 性, 正确性, 正当义, 主义, 学说片段, 轶事假定的,爱猜想的表决 地,狡诈地 争执 职责等),假装 n.矛盾 性, 同类相食 j.功利的,实用的的 难的 之间(=among) 当的Funding for this program is provided by... 此节目由以上公司 fund [fʌnd]资金,基金,专款Additional funding provided by... 以上人士提供赞助This is a course about justice 这是一堂关于公平与正义的公共课 course [kɔ:s]学科,课程,教程and we begin with a story. 让我们先从一个故事讲起 hurtle ['hə:tl] v.猛冲;飞驰,猛烈碰撞Suppose you’re the driver of a trolley car, 假设你现在是一辆有轨电车的司机 suppose [sə'pəuz] 假定; 设想,料想and your trolley car is hurtling down the track at 60 miles an hour. 而你的电车正在铁轨上以时速60英里疾驶 trolley ['trɔli] 〔英〕手推车;〔美〕(有轨)电车And at the end of the track 在铁轨末端 brake [breik]制动器<->break [breik]毁坏,打破you notice five workers working on the track. 你发现有五个工人在铁轨上工作You try to stop but you can't, 你尽力想停下电车, 但是你做不到your brakes don’t work. 电车的刹车失灵了 美剧绝望的主妇Desperate HousewivesYou feel desperate because you know 你觉得十分绝望,因为你知道 desperate:绝望的,穷途末路的,拼命的that if you crash into these five workers, they will all die. 如果你就这样撞向这5个工人,他们必死无疑 crash into 碰到,撞在Let’s assume you know that for sure. 假定你很清楚这一点 assume [ə'sjuːm] 假定,想像,设想And so you feel helpless until you notice 正当你感到无助的时候, 你突然发现that there is, off to the right, 就在右边a side track and at the end of that track, 一条岔道,那根轨道的尽头there is one worker, working on the track. 只有一个工人在那里工作Your steering wheel works, so you can turn the trolley car, 你的方向盘没有失灵, 只要你愿意 steering ['stiəriŋ] 舵把,方向盘;掌舵,驾驶,转向。

当幸福来敲门(中英文学习字幕)该起床了Time to get up, man.- 好的老爸- 快占八、、-All right, Dad. -Come on. 马上来了Should be here soon.-我想我该列个表-干嘛? -I thi nk I should make a list. -Whatdo mean?-想要的生日礼物?-对呀-For your birthday gifts? -Yeah.你知道只能要几个礼物对吧?You know you're only gett ing a coupleof thi ngs, right? 知道啊我只想列出来看看研究一下好好选选Yeah, I know. Just to look at and study so I can choose better. 哦很聪明那就列吧Okay, well, that's smart. Yeah, makea list. 想要的礼物你都会写吗?Can you spell everyth ing you're thinking of?- 应该吧-哦很好-I thi nk so. -All right. That's good.-小伙子你还好吧?-还好-How you doing in here, man? -Okay. 我们今天能去公园吗在上完幼儿园后?Can we go to the park today, after? 呃我还得去奥克兰或许再说吧No, I gotta go to Oakla nd. Well, maybe, we'll see. 亲亲Give me a kiss. 晚点再说I'll talk to you later. 借过Excuse me.对不起呃...Oh, excuse me... 什么时候会找人清洗...when is somebody gonna clean this off?我不会说英文...我提过的幸福的” 幸"写错了And the Y? The Y. We talked aboutthis.这里写成了辛苦的”辛”It's an I in "happ in ess. " There's noY in "happi ness. " It's an I. 我不是说过我不会说英文...我是克里斯•迦纳I'm Chris Gard ner. 我第一次见到我父亲时已经岁了I met my father for the first time when I was years old. 我儿时就决定将来我有了孩子And I made up my mind as a young kidthat whe n I had childre n... 我的孩子一定得知道他们的父亲是谁...my children were gonna know who their father was. 这里讲述的是我人生故事的一部分This is part of my life story. 这部分叫做"搭公车”This part is called "Ridi ng the Bus."[旧金山年]那是什么?What's that? 是架时光机对吧?It's a time mach in e, is n't it? 看起来是时光机Seems like a time mach ine. 像是时光机是时光机能带上我吗?That seems like a time machine. It's a time mach ine. Take me with you. 这仪器This machi ne... 我膝盖上的这台仪器...this machine on my lap... 这伙计他有架时光机This guy, he has a time machine.他他用时光机穿梭到过去He travels in the past with this mach ine an d...这不是时光机it is not a time mach ine. 而是手提式骨质密度扫描仪It' a portable bone-density scanner.是医疗器材我就靠卖这个过活A medical device I sell for a livi ng.谢谢您给我这个机会向您推介这仪器Tha nk you for the opport unity to discuss it with you.- 我不胜感激-我们真的不需要克里斯-I appreciate it. -We just don't n eedit, Chris. 没多大用处而且还很贵It's unn ecessary and expe nsive.- 哦或许下次...-谢谢-Well, maybe next...-Thank you. 它比X 光机显像更精确一点点It gave a slightly den ser picture tha n an x-ray但去卩贵了一倍for twice the money.- 嘿- 嘿宝贝-Hey. -Hey, baby.- 怎么啦?- 没没事儿-What happe ned? -No, noth in g. 只是我今天不能去接儿子Look, I can't get Christopher today.你得去我七点还要上班Oh, no, you don't, Chris. I'm back on at .我知道但我- -定要去奥克兰I know. I have got to go to Oakla nd.所以我得先接他回家做饭给他洗澡…So I gotta get Christopher home, feedhim, bathe him... 哄他睡觉然后七点前回到这儿?...get him in bed, and be back here by ?-对-今天收到了税单-Yes. -And we got the tax-bill no ticetoday.-你说怎么办?-听着就这么办-What are you gonna do about that?-Look, this is what we gotta do. 看至U 那车了吗?那辆穿着漂亮黄鞋子的车You see that car? The one with the pretty yellow shoe on it? 那是我的车That' min e.医院附近不准停车There' no park ing n ear hospitals. 赶时间的结果就是这样That' what happe ns whe n you're alwaysin a rush. 还是非常谢谢你Thanks any way. Very much.- 或许下个季度-可能哦-Maybe next quarter. -It's possible.我每个月至少得卖两台I n eeded to sell at least twosca nners a mon th 才够付房租和幼儿园费for rent and daycare. 还得再卖一台rd have to sell one more... 才够付车窗上的那些罚单...to pay off all of those tickets un der my win dshield wiper. 问题是The problem is... 我很久没卖出一台了...I have n't sold any for a while. 你什么时候开始不喜欢通心粉加奶酪的?Since when do you not like macaroni andcheese?从...我出生开始?Si nee birth?- 这是什么?-呃?-What's that? -What?- 这是什么东西?- 克里斯托弗的礼物-What is this? -It's a gift for Christopher.- 谁给的?-我同事欣西雅-From who? -Cy nthia from work. 她不知道这是给大人玩的克里斯托弗还小It's for adults. Chris can't use it.She did n't know. 要怎么玩?What are you supposed to do with it?把每一面都弄成同一颜色Make every side the same color. 你付税了吗?Did you pay the taxes? 没我要申请延后缴No, rm gonna have to file an extension.- 你已经申请过延期了-是我还要再延期一次-You already filed an extension. - Yeah, well, I gotta file ano ther one.一共是美元我下个月就有了That's...It's $. I'll have it in thenext mon th.是加上利息还有罚金的总额吧That means interest, right? And a penalty?嗯不是很多啦Yeah, a little bit. 让我处理就好你就别操心了好吗?Look, why don't you let me do this? All right, just relax. Okay?- 来别烦了-我得回去工作了-Come here. Calm dow n. -I have to goback to work. 准备上床了嗨把盘子放水池里去Let's get ready for bed. Hey, put your plate in the sink. 几天前他们递交了一份我要求的A few days ago I was prese nted with areport I'd asked for... 全面的经济现况评估报告...a comprehe nsive audit, if you will,of our econo mic con diti on. 你们不会喜欢的我也不喜欢You won't like it. I did n't like it.但我们必须面对现实But we have to face the truth... 然后去努力扭转情势...a nd the n go to work to tur n things around.决不能犯错我们一定能做到And make no mistake about it, we can turn them around. 联邦预算已经失去控制The federal budget is out of con trol.今年月日结束的预算年度And we face run away deficits of almost $ billio n... 我们将有高达亿的赤字...for this budget year that ends September th.这个赤字比年整年联邦预算还咼That deficit is larger tha n theen tire federal budget in . 今年还得支付这亿And so is the almost $ billi on... 彳衍生的利息国债...we will pay in interest this year on the n ati onal debt. 年前年Twenty years ago, in ... 联邦政府的总薪资支出不到亿...our federal gover nment payroll wasless than $ billio n. 而如今则是亿Today it is billio n. 年来人口才增长了.%During these years, our population has only in creased by . perce nt... 哇老兄请教你两个问题Man, I got two questio ns for you: 你是干什么?你是怎么干的?What do you do? And how do you do it?-我是股票经纪人-股票经纪人哦天哪-I'm a stockbroker. -Stockbroker. Oh, goodness.得上大学才能做股票经纪人对吧?Had to go to college to be a stockbroker, huh? 不用只需要精通数字会做人处世You don't have to. Have to be good with nu mbers and good with people.- 就这么简单-嘿保重-That's it. -Hey, you take care. 周末我这车就借你了I'll let you hang on to my car for the weekend.-不过星期一得还我哦-付停车费去吧-But I n eed it back for Mon day. -Feedthe meter.我还记得那一刻I still remember that mome nt. 他们全者E看起来超幸福的样子They all looked so damn happy to me.为什么我不能也满脸幸福?Why could n't I look like that? 我尽量在六点前回来rm gonna try to get home by . 下班后要去一下证券行rm gonna stop by a brokerage firm after work.- 干嘛?-看看那里有没有工作-For what? -I wanna see about a job there.哦什么样的工作?Yeah? What job?你知道我You know, whe n l... 我小时候一星期就能把算数课本念完When I was a kid, I could go througha math book in a week. 所以我想去看看有什么工作可做So rm gonna go see about what job they got down there. 什么工作?What job?股票经纪人Stockbroker.- 股票经纪人?-嗯-Stockbroker? -Yeah. 不是宇航员?Not an astro naut? 别用这种口气对我说话琳达Don't talk to me like that, Li nda. 我去看看情况利用白天的时间rm gonna go dow n and see about this, and rm gonna do it duri ng the day. 嗯你该打电话推销才对You should probably do your sales calls.还要你来告诉我琳达I don't n eed you to tell me about my sales calls, Linda.人家办公室开门前我就打了三通电话了I got three of them before the damn office is even ope n. 还记得下星期就要付房租吗?Do you remember that rent is due n ext week?大概不记得了吧?Probably not. 我们已经两个月没付We're already two mon ths beh ind. 下星期就欠三个月了Next week we'll owe three mon ths. 我已经上双份班四个月了!rve been pulling double shifts for four mon ths now, Chris. 就 ...赶快把合约规定的数额卖完咱们好脱身吧Just sell what's in your con tract.Get us out of that bus in ess. 琳达我不是正努力那么做嘛!Lin da, that is what I am trying to do.努力来改善这个家This is what I'm trying to do for my family... 为你为儿子...for you and for Christopher. 你至U 底是怎么了?What's the matter with you? 琳达Linda.琳达Linda.[迪安.维特.雷诺斯公司经纪人实习培训]现在接受申请我人生的这部分This part of my life 叫做”冒傻气” is called "Bei ng Stupid." 能帮个忙吗小姐Can I ask you a favor, miss? 帮我看下这个行吗就分钟Do you mind if I leave this here withyou just for five minu tes? 我在那儿有个会带这个进去看上去很不正式I have a meeti ng in there and I don't wanna carry that Iook ing smalltime. 先给你块钱一会我出来再多给你点Here is a dollar and ni give you more money when I come back out. 好吗? 这玩意不值钱你也卖不出去Okay? It's not valuable. You can't sell it an ywhere. 我是干这个的都卖不掉好吗?I can't eve n sell it, and it's my job.All right? 克里斯吗?我是提姆•布鲁菲人事部的Chris? Tim Brophy, Resources. 是我你好Yes. How are you?- 跟我来-好的先生-Come with me. -Yes, sir. 我看看能不能帮你找份实习申请表Let me see if I can find you an applicatio n for our intern ship. 我能做的也只有这个了这里只是分公司rm afraid that's all we can do for you. See, this is a satellite office.总部的杰•托斯特尔是全面负责人事工作的Jay Twistle in the main office, he oversees Witter Resources. 我的意思是我只负责这里I mea n, I' m...You know, I'm just this office.你看已经有一大堆人申请了所以...As you can see, we got a hell of lotof applicati ons here, so... 我这应该还有履历表的但是现在找不到了Normally I have a resume sheet, but I can't seem to find it any where.-我们...-非常感谢-We...-Tha nk you very much. 我得走了I need to go. 我我会把这个交过来的I'll bring this back.- 谢谢-好的-Tha nk you. -Okay. 把扫描仪托付给一个嬉皮女孩?Trust ing a hippie girl with my scanner.为什么我会这么做?Why did I do that? 借过借过Excuse me. Excuse me. 就像我刚说的我人生的这部分Like I said, this part of my life 叫做"冒傻气”is called "Being Stupid." 嘿!别动!呆着别动!别...Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't move! Don't move! Stay...! 停下!停下!Stop! Stop!别走!停下!停下这地铁!Don't move! Stop this...! trai n!停!停下来! Stop! Stop!这个培训每半年才招人The program took just six mon ths. 最后只有人受雇One got thejob. 申请表上有行线There were three bla nk "highschool" to list more educati on.就是多余I did n't needthat many lines.不早了Try and sleep. It's late.都是英寸乘英寸It' a puzzle measuring by in ches oneach side...组成玩法就是通过旋转...made up of multiple you twist and turn...一颜色...a nd try to get to a solid color oneach side.这小玩意是年的送礼佳品This little cube isthe sen sati on of .容易Don't expect to solve iteasily.我们确实碰到一位授Although we didprofessor at USF......who took just minu tes on his.是我尽最大努力拼的了This is as far as I've gotten on mine.大家可以看到离完成还早着呢As you can see, I still have way to go.这里是吉米•芬尼迪里士满发回的报道This is Jim Finnerty KJSFin Richmo nd.嘿Hey,wake up.快吃Eat.-妈再见-再见-Bye, Mom. -Bye,baby.- 回来-噢我正有此意-Come back without that, please. -Oh,yeah, I'm goi ng to. 快点和它道个别回来可就看不到它了So go ahead, say goodbye to it, because rm coming back without it. 再见"可喜的摆脱”Goodbye and good ridda nee. 后面那部分没必要说的You ain't had to add the "good riddanee" part.再见妈妈!Bye, Mom.再见Bye.那里写的是”辛”但是实际上应该是”幸“It's writte n as P-P-Y, but it'ssupposed to be an I in "happ in ess."-是形容词吗?-不是是个名词-Is it an adjective? -No, actually it's a nou n. 但是字写错了But it's not spelled right.-" 操”写对了吗?-对那个写的对-Is "fuck" spelled right? -Yeah, that's spelled right. 但是标语里没这词所以别学But that's not part of the motto, soyou're not supposed to learn that.那词是大人用来表达他们愤怒之类的That's an adult word to show an ger and other things.- 别用那词好吗?- 好的-But just don't use that one, okay?-Okay.你书包背后写的是什么?What's that say on the back of your bag?我的绰号My nick name.我们选了绰号We pick nickn ames.- 噢你选的是什么? -"改装高速车”-Oh, yeah? What's it say?」'Hot Rod."-你有绰号吗?-有啊-Did you have a n ick name? -Yep.- 是什么?-无-敌-大-头Stop thepeople every"高中”之后还lines after 用来填写接受过的其他教育对我来说根本这种魔方每面just in ches由多种颜色colors that最终使每面呈现同gift 但是想把它玩好可没那么尽管旧金山大学的数学教encoun ter one math只花了分钟就拼好快睡觉这个longKJSFforreporting醒醒宝贝那玩意儿卖了再-What? -"Ten-Gallon Head."- 什么意思?-我在德克萨斯州附近的路易斯安那长大-What's that? -I grew up in Louisia na,near Texas.那儿的人都戴牛仔帽那种" 加仑"牛仔帽Everybody wears cowboy hats. And a ten-gallors a big hat. 宽边软顶牛仔帽因分量重而得名我小时候很聪明所以大家都叫我”无-敌-大-头”I was smart back the n, so they calledme Ten-Gallon Head.- 霍斯也戴那种牛仔帽-霍斯?-Hoss wears that hat. -Hoss? 霍斯•卡特赖特"伯南扎的牛仔”里面的牛仔Hoss Ca n'twright on Bo nan za.- 你从哪知道"伯南扎的牛仔”的?-在朱太太家看的-How do you know Bonanza? -We watch it at Mrs. Chu's.-你在幼儿园看”伯南扎的牛仔”?-是啊-You watch Bonanza at daycare? -Yeah.是什么时候看的?When? When do you watch it?- 午餐后还是午觉后?-看完”爱之船”之后看的-After snack? After your nap? -AfterLove Boat.我生日礼物列好了I made my list for my birthday.- 你者E写了什么?-篮球或者”蚂蚁农场”-Yeah, what'd you put on there? -A basketball or an ant farm." 蚂蚁农场"为一种智趣游戏他说他一直在看电视He says he's been watching TV.是啊是看了些电视都是历史片Oh, little TV for history.-" 爱之船”也是吗?-是啊是关于海军历史的-Love Boat? -For history. Navy. 那可不是海军历史片That's not the Navy. 我的意思是他可以在家看电视I mean, he could watch television at home .我们每月付块给你要是他就坐在这儿...We're pay ing you $ a mon th. If he'sgonna be sitt ing aroun d... 一直看电视的话我们就带他走...watching TV all day, we're taking him out of here. 你要是不喜欢海军片的话就多花钱去别家幼儿园好了Go pay more at other daycare if you don't like Navy TV. 反正你总是晚付钱你抱怨You late pay any way. You compla in.我还抱怨呢I complai n. 那能不能把狗带到楼上去?关到你房间或什么地方Can you at least put the dog upstairs in your room or someth ing? 再见Bye.我在等维特公司人事部主管杰•托斯特尔I was waiting for Witter Resourcehead Jay Twistle... 他的名字听起来很可爱...whose name sounded so delightful,就好像他会给我份工作外加一个拥抱like he'd give me a job and a hug. 而我所要做的就是让他知道I just had to show him 我精通数字而且懂得待人之道I was good with nu mbers and good with people.-早上好托斯特尔先生-早上好-Morni ng,Mr. Twistle. -Good morning.-托斯特尔先生我是克里斯•迦纳-你好-Mr. Twistle, Chris Gard ner. -Hi. 我得在你进去之前亲自把这个交给您和您认识一下I wan ted to drop this off pers on ally and make your acqua intance. 希望有机会能和您坐下聊聊I thought rd catch you on the way in.rd love the opport unity to discuss...我申请表上看起来比较薄弱的几点...what may seem like weaknesses on my applicati on. 好的我们要先看下你的申请表We'll start with this, 需要面试的话会通知你的and we'll call you if we wanna sit down.-好的先生祝您愉快-你也是-Yes, sir. You have a great day. -Youtoo.嗨你好Hey, yeah, how you doing?我是克里斯•迦纳找戴尔斯医生This is Chris Gard ner calli ng for Dr.Delsey.我要晚一点才能来推销Yeah, I'm running a little late for asales call. 能不能…对国立阿斯提公司I was won deri ng if...Yeah, Osteo Nati on al.对我们能不能…半小时后?Right. We can still...? Half an hour?太好了没问题谢谢Yes. Beautiful. Beautiful. Thank you,tha nk you.嘿!嘿!Hey! Hey!嘿!Hey!我人生的这部分This part of my life... 眼前的这部分...this part here... 叫做”追赶”...it' called "Ru nnin g." 嘿!嘿!Hey! Hey!等一下!Wait!嘿!等一下!Hey! Wait!那是我被偷的仪器That was my stole n machi ne. 除非跟她在一起的那家伙也是做这行的Uni ess she was with a guy who sold them too.不过可能性不大Which was unl ikely... 因为旧金山海湾地区销售此仪器的仅我一家...because I was the only one selli ng them in the Bay Area. 我把所有的积蓄都押在这上面了I spe nt our en tire life savi ngs onthese thi ngs. 押在这个革命性的仪器上了It was such a revolutionary machine.-亲爱的你感觉到了吗?-当然了-Can you feel it, baby? -Oh, yeah. 你在叫我一个人忙活You got me doing all the work. 但是我没想到医院的医生们What I did n't know is that doctors and hospitals... 会认为它是没用的奢侈品...would con sider them unn ecessary luxuries.我甚至请房东给我们照了相I even asked the Iandlord to take a picture.所以丢了一台仪器就意味着损失了一个月的伙食So if I lost on e, it was like los inga mon th' groceries. 嘿! 嘿! 等一下等一下!Hey, hey! Wait! Wait! 嘿!回来!Hey, man, l...- 他是谁?-就是那个...-Who's he? -He's that guy...- -忘了什么-Did you forget? -Forget what? 你不该带这东西回家的those.-是的我知道-但你现在却有台-Yeah, I know. -You have two now. 嘿Hey.嘿妈Hey, Mom.One, two, three!- 是个篮球!- 嗨什么意思?-That's a basketball! -Hey, hey. Whatdo you mean?谁说这是篮球啊?You don't know that that's abasketball. 有可能是"蚂蚁农场" 也可能是显微镜或别的什么This could be an ant farm. This couldbe a microscope or anythin g.- 不不是的-拿不到了吧-No, it's n ot. -There, there. 好吧快打开吧All right, come on. Open him up. Openhim up.-纸有点厚是吗?-是的但是我能打开-That paper's a little heavy, huh?- Yeah, but I got it. 你今天真应该在场的You should've see n me out there today.有个女孩偷了我的扫描仪我就一直追她...Somebody stole a scanner. I had to run the old girl dow n... 随便吧Hey, get back here! 嘿老兄我...你忘了吗?You're not supposed to have any ofWhatever.-什么?-随便怎么着吧克里斯-What? -Whatever, Chris. 你这是什么态度?What the hell you got attitude about?-随便什么?-每天都他妈的有逸闻-"Whatever" what? -Every day's gotsome damn story.嘿!罗伊!罗伊!Hey, Roy. Roy!能不能没人的时候再拍毯子?Can you beat your little rug nobody's out here? 尘土飞扬的There's dust and shit all over.-是在打扫房间...-嗨等一下-I'm trying to keep a clean house.- Hey, wait a seco nd. 听我说琳达when我只要花很多时间在那上面...who loved to play golf, hours every day... 我还得替他处理医疗事务...a nd I would actually performmedical procedures... 当他不在的时候...when he'd leave me in the office.我习惯于做出抉择而且...So rm used to being in a position where I haveto make decisi ons an d...Look, Linda, relax.我们会渡过难关的托斯特尔先生听我说这很重要一切都会好起来的好吗?Mr. Twistle, liste n. This is a very We're gonna come out of this. importa nt... 对不起对不起这东西不Everythi ng is gonna be fine, all 可能拼出来的right?你以前就这么说过我怀孕的时候rm sorry. rm sorry. This thi ng's You said that before, whe n 1 got impossible.- 我可以- 你不行没人可以pregnant. 你就说:"一切都会好起来的”的放松"lt'll be fi ne."- 这么说你不再相信我了?-随便我不在乎-So you don't trust me now? -Whatever.I don't care.- 出租!-托斯特尔先生-Taxi! -Mr. Twistle.- 是克里斯•迦纳-Yeah, hi. -Hi.有什么事吗?Yeah, hi. Liste n.是的-你好Chris Gardner.你好What can I do foryou?我一个月前交了份实习申请表I submitted an application for intern program about a month ago...想找机会和您坐下来简单谈谈... ...a nd I would just love to sit with听着我要赶去诺亚谷the 我you briefly... 克里斯Liste n, rm Chris.-你保重going to Noe Valley, -托斯特尔先生-Take care of yourself. -Mr. Twistle.我正好也要去诺亚谷Actually, I'm on my way to Noe Valleyalso.我搭个车怎么样?How about we share a ride?- 好吧上车吧-好的-All right, get i n. -All right. 我在海军服役时为-「个医生工作So when 1 was in the Navy, I worked for a doctor.. .他很喜欢高尔夫每天都-I can do it. -No, you can't. No onecan.-不可能的-我确定我能行的-That's bullshit. -No, sure I can doit.- 你不行-No, you can't. -Let me see it. Give ithere.rm让我看看给我pretty哦你真是拼的一团糟啊you really messed Oh, yeah. Oh, wow, it up.不好意思Sorry.看起来这些是围绕一个轴心转动It looks like it works around a swivel,中间的这部分保持不动so the cen ter pieces n ever move.说如果中间那片是黄色色的So if it's yellow that's the yellow side.所以这面就应该是黄in the cen ter,如果中间那片是红色那么这面就应该是红色的If it's red in the cen ter, that's the red side.- 好的-开慢点吧-Okay. -So...You can slow dow n. 我们可以就这么一直开下去我就不信你能拼出来Listen, we can driveI don't believe you can do this.-以的-不你不成-Yeah, I can. -No, you can't.-的-不你不成-Yes, I can. -No, you can't.around all day.我可我可以不你不行没人可以的Hey!停下!你这个王八蛋!rm telling you, no one can.看至U 没? Stop it, you son of a bitch! 停下...我就只能到这步了Stop him!停下...See? That's all I ever do. 那面快拼出Stop him!车门即将关闭来了The doors are clos ing. 请远离车门You almost have this side. 哦你拼出Please sta nd clear of the doors.不来了不不!Holy cow.-哦那面也快拼出来了- 我能No! No! No!不!全部拼出来的No!-喂-嗨-You almost had that one. -I'm gonna -Hello? -Hey, yeah. 对不起我没能及时get it. 真厉害啊赶回家Look at that. 快好了Sorry I could n't make it home on You're almost there.- 块毛-我到了time.-克里斯我误了班-是我知道-..-This is me. 拼得不错对不起Good job.-再见-回头见-Chris, I missed my shift. -Yeah, I -Goodbye. -Yeah. I'll see you soon. 先know. I'm sorry about that. 我现在就在生你要去哪里?回家路上你陪着克里斯托弗行吗? Where are you going, sir? 对不起先生?Look, rm on my way right now. Are 你要去哪里?you all right with Christopher? 我要走Excuse me, sir. Where are you going, 了克里斯我要离开这个家please?呃个几个街区就到rm leavi ng. Chris, I'm leavi ng.- 什么?Two...A couple of blocks.- 调下头-好-你听到我说的了吗?的-What? -Did you hear what I said? 我已-Just flip around. -Okay. 嘿停下! 经收拾好东西我要带上儿子Hey! Stop it! Hey!- 你到哪儿去?回来!I have my things together, and I'm -不!tak ing our son... 我们现在就走-Where are you going? Come here! - ...a nd we're gonna leave now. 我要把电No!-不不不!-你这缺德鬼给我钱话挂了-No, no, no! -You asshole, give me my rm gonna put the phone down.-琳达money!-给我钱!-另U别这样!等下-我们要走了我们走了-Give me my mon ey. -Please stop.- 别这-Lin da, wait a mi nu te. Hold it, 样!-混蛋!hold...-I'm going to leave. We are -Please, please, please! -Son of a leavi ng.那一刻我想起了托马斯•杰斐bitch.他应该付钱他应该给你钱的! 逊Please! He should've paid you!- 别跑It was right the n that I started -对不起抱歉thi nking about Thomas Jeffers on... 想-Come here! -I'm sorry.- 对不起- 我会起了”独立宣言”教训你的!...the Declarati on of In dependence..-I'm so sorry. -I'll kick your ass!- 想起了其中对生存权自由权对不起-混蛋!...a nd the part about our right to -I'm sorry! -Idiot. 我会逮到你的!life, liberty 以及追求幸福权利的描与I'll get you! 我要辛了你!我要辛了你!and the pursuit of happ in ess. 我直在rm going to kill you! rm going to 想kill you! 嘿!And I remember thinking: 他是怎么知道要把"追求幸福”那部分放进去的?How did he know to put the "pursuit" part in there? 也许幸福是只能去追求That maybe happ in ess is someth ing that we can only pursue. 但是去卩永远也追求不到And maybe we can actually never have it... 无论如何也追求不到的... no matter what. 他究竟是怎么知道的How did he know that? 琳达琳达-Okay, buddy. -All right, yes.-你了-回头见-Thank you very much.-We'll see you soon.-. 贾尼斯.Jan ice.- 克里斯-嗨-Chris. -Hey. 看到琳达和克里斯托弗了吗?Did you...? Have you seen Linda and Christopher?- 没有昨晚那场比赛看了没?-没没看I'll tell you what. Come on by day after tomorrow, in the morning. 我们要面试实习生你有纸笔吗?We're in terviewi ng for theintern ships. You got a pen and paper?我有呃...Yes. Yes, I do.- 稍等下-好的-Hold on one sec ond. -All right. 喂Hello?-克里斯?-说吧我找到了-Chris? -Go ahead. I have one. 记下这个号码打给我秘书贾尼斯Write this number down so you can call my secretary, Jani ce.- 她会告诉你具体事宜的-好的-She can give you all the specifics.-Yep.-- -Okay,.-.-- -.-.- 对转--Yeah, exte nsion .-. 对明天就打吧Right. Call her tomorrow.好的先生Wayne, Wayne, Wayne.现在不能和你谈数字Can't talk to you about nu mbers right now.-为什么?--...-What's your problem with nu mbers?--...-你欠我钱-没错-And you owe me mon ey. -Yeah. 欠我块You owe me $ .我会给你的rm gonna get that to you. 给我钱我李两I需^< -I n eed my mon ey. I n eed my mon ey. 也是数字啊Fourteers a number. 嘿别再把我儿子从我身边带走了Hey, don't you ever take my son away from me again.- 你听到没?-离我远点! -You hear me? -Leave me alone! 另U再把我儿子从我身边带走!Don't take my son away from me aga in.你听到我的话了吗?Lin da. L in da.- 喂?-克里斯吗?-Hello? -Chris.- 哪位?-杰•托斯特尔-Who is this? -Jay Twistle.-嘿-迪安•维特公司的-Hey. -Dean Witter. 对...你好吗?Yeah, of course. How are you?我很好-No. You catch the game last ni ght?- No, no.你没看?You did n't see that, , ...? 问一下琳达和克里斯托弗来过吗?听着你还想过来聊聊吗?rm fine. Liste n, do you still wanna come in and talk? 是的先生当然了Yes, sir. Absolutely. 好的你后天早上来一下Excuse me, did Linda and Christopher comein here? 没有No, I have n't see them.-.Double overtime.了个三分Moons hits asec onds left. 韦恩我没看到他们比双加时赛在还有秒结束时three-poi nter韦恩韦恩at太感谢Yes, sir. --.- 对兄弟-好的记住了Do you understand what rm saying to you?别就这么走开!我在和你说话呢!Don't you walk away from me whe n rmtalking to you. 听到我的话了吗?Do you hear me?-你想离开吗?-没错-Do you wanna leave? -Yeah.- 你想离开吗?-是的!我想离开!-You wanna leave? -Yes, I want to leave!那就快走吧琳达Get the hell out of here, the n, Lin da.快滚吧!克里斯托弗和我在一起!Get the hell out of here. Christopher's staying with me.是你把我们搞成这样的你听到了没?You're the one that dragged us down. You hear me?-你太不坚强了!-不我不再幸福-You are so weak. -No. I am not happyany more.-不再觉得幸福了!-那就去找幸福啊琳达!-I'm just not happy! -The n go gethappy, L in da! 去找幸福吧!Just go get happy. 但是克里斯托弗要跟我过!But Christopher's living with me.-闭嘴-听到了吗?-Stop! -Did you hear what I said? 克里斯托弗和我在一起!Christopher's living with me!嘿来我们走了Hey. Come on, let's go.- 你好朱太太-你好-How you doi ng, Mrs. Chu? -Hi.- 妈妈呢-去拿你的东西-Where's Mom? -Look, just get your stuff.她说今天要来接我的But she told me she was coming to pick me up today. 是我知道Yeah, I know.我之前和妈妈谈过了没事的好吗?I talked to Mom earlier. Everyth in g'sfine, okay? 我今晚睡哪儿?Where do I sleep tonight? 问你个问题你快乐吗?Let me ask you something. Are you happy?-嗯-因为我很快乐-Yeah. -All right. Because rm happy.如果你快乐我也快乐这就是好事对And if you're happy and rm happy,the n that's a good thing, right?- 是的-那好-Yeah. -All right.你今晚和我一起睡你本来就该待那儿好吗?You're stay ing bel ong, all right? Christopher.嘿Hey, liste n. I n eed the rent.下去了I can't wait anymore. 我会的查理我会...Yeah, I'm good for that, Charlie. I'mgonna get it. 你为什么不搬到个街区外的祢申汽车旅馆住?Why don't you go two blocks over at the Missi on Inn motel? 那比这便宜一半It's half what you pay here. 听着克里斯我要你明天早上就从这搬走Liste n, Chris. I n eed you out of herein the morni ng. 明天就搬走这怎么可能呢?The hell am I supposed to be out of here tomorrow?油漆工明天要来I got pain ters coming in.- 好吧但是再给我点时间-不行-All right, look. I n eed more time.-No.屋子我来刷好吗?All right, I'll pai nt it myself. 再给我点时间All right, but I just...I gotta have some more time...我儿子还在这I got my son up in here. 好吧再给你周的时间而且你要粉刷房间You're sleep ing with me .你待在家里at home, where you克里斯托弗听着你得交房租不能再拖。
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Hi, good morning. It’s wonderful to be back here.各位,早上好。
Wonderful to see you here.高兴见到你们。
I am teaching this class because I wish a class like this had been taught when I was sitting in your seat as an undergraduate here.我教授这门课是因为在我读本科阶段时非常希望能学习这样一门课程。
This does not mean it is a class you wish to be taught nor does it mean that it is the right class for you.可能这门课并不是你希望的那样也可能并不适合你。
But I hope to doing the next couple of lectures is giving you an idea what this class is about so that you can decide whether or not it is for you.但希望几堂课后,你能有个大概印象让你决定这门课程是否适合你。
I came here in 1992 and studied the computer science and concentrator.我1992年来到哈佛求学,一开始主修计算机科学。
And when I had I mini epiphany half way through my sophomore year.大二期间,突然顿悟了。
I realized that I was in a wonderful place with wonderful students around me, wonderful teachers.我意识到我身处让人神往大学校园周围都是出色的同学,优秀的导师。
I was doing well academically. I was doing well in athletics. I was playing squash at that time. I was doing well socially.我成绩优异。
Everything was going well except for the fact that I was unhappy. And I didn’t understand why.一切都很顺利除了一点我不快乐。
It was then in a matter of moments that I decided that I had to find out why and become happier.也就是在那时我决定要找出原因变得快乐。
And that was when I switched my concentration from computer science to philosophy and psychology.于是我将研究方向从计算机科学转向了哲学及心理学。
With a single question: How can I become happier.目标只有一个:怎么让自己开心起来。
Overtime I did become happier what contributed most to my happiness was when I en countered a new emerging field that time didn’t have the name that it has today.渐渐的,我的确变得更快乐了主要是因为我接触了一个新的领域,那时并未正式命名。
But essentially research that falls under or within the field of positive psychology.但本质上属于积极心理学范畴。
Positive psychology, studying it and applying the ideas to my life has made me significantly happier .研究积极心理学把其理念应用到生活中让我无比快乐。
It continues to make me happier.而且这种快乐继续着。
And it was when I realized the impact that it had on me that I decided to share it with others.于是我决定将其与更多的人分享。
That’s when I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and teach in this field.选择教授这门学科。
So this is positive psychology, psychology 1504.这就是积极心理学,1504号心理学课程。
And we’ll be exploring this new, relatively new and fascinating field.我们将一起探索这一全新相对新兴令人倾倒的领域。
And hopefully, we will be exploring more than the field ourselves.希望同时还能探索我们自己。
When I first taught this class that was back in 2002.我第一次开设这门课程是在2002年。
I taught it at a seminar and had eight students. Two dropped out that left me with six. The year after, the class became slightly larger. I had over three hundred students.是以讨论会的形式,只有8名学生。
And then third year when I taught it which was the last time.到了第三年,也就是上一次开课。
I had 850 students in the class, making it at that point the largest course at Harvard .有850名参加是当时哈佛大学人数最多的课程。
And that’s when the media became interested. Because they wanted to understand why.这引起了媒体的注意。
They wanted to understand this phenomenon that here you have a class that’s larger than Introduction to Economics. How could that be?他们对这一奇特现象非常好奇竟然有比经济学导论更热门的课程。
怎么可能呢?So I was invited by the media for interviews whether it was newspapers, radio, television. 于是我被请去参加各类媒体采访,报纸,广播,电视。
And I started to notice a pattern during those interviews. 在这些采访中,我发现了一种有趣的模式。
So I would walk into the interview. We would have the interview.我前去参加采访。
And afterwards, the producer or the interviewer would walk me out. And say something to the effects of well, thank you T al for the interview.结束后,制片人或主持人会送我出来。
But you know I expected you to be different. 不过你跟我想象的不太一样的话。
And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course. 我漫不经心的问。
I didn’t really care but had to ask anyway “How different”. 我无所谓,不过总得回应“有何不同?”And they would say: Well, you know, we expected you to be more outgoing”. 他们会说“这个嘛,我们会以为你很外向”。
Next interview, the end of the interview, same thing: Thank you for doing the interview”. 下一次采访结束时仍是如此“多谢接受采访”。
“But you know Tal, I expected you to be different”. 不过T al,你跟我想象得不太一样。
And once again, nonchalant of course so how different. 又一次,我漫不经心地问有何不同。
And she would say: “Well you know, we expected you to be less, less introversit”. “这个嘛,我们没想到你会这么内向”。
Next interview, same thing “How different?” 下一次采访,仍是如此“有何不同?”。
“Well, you know, more extroverted, more outgoing.” “这个嘛,更开朗,更外向”。
Next interview, “Well, you know, less shy”. 下一次采访,“这个嘛,太害羞了”。
Coz I get very nervous in interviews. 因为采访中我容易紧张。