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SIR —10H 型地质雷达仪数据格式

冯德山, 戴前伟, 何继善


摘 要 SIR —10H 型地质雷达勘探系统具有专用格式(即以dzt 为扩展名文件).本文对dzt 文件的数据格式作了详细的解释,尤其是对数据的文件头部分用表格的形式进行了剖析和说明.同时本文还提供了读取SIR —10H 型地质雷达数据的主程序C 语言代码.最后作者以实例的形式读取了某一SIR —10H 型雷达实测剖面,并给出了详细的文件头和各雷达扫描的数据.

关键词 SIR —10H 型地质雷达,文件头,数据格式

中图分类号 P631 文献标识码 A 文章编号 100422903(2004)0320690205

SIR —10H type geology radar data form at

FE NG De 2shan ,DAI Qian 2wei ,HE Ji 2shan

(Institute o f G eophysical Technique Exploration ,Central South Univer sity ,Changsha 410083,China )

Abstract SIR —10H type geology radar exploration system has the special data format (that ’s the dzt format ).This text explained the detailed illuminate about the dzt format ,Particularly explained about the file head with the form.At the same time this text still provided the code of main procedure with C language to read the SIR —10H type geology radar data.Finally the author read SIR —10H type Radar of exam pled form with a survey section ,and gived out the detailed file headed and the data of each radar scan.K eyw ords SIR —10H type G eology radar ,file headed ,data format

收稿日期 2004204210; 修回日期 2004205220.

作者简介 冯德山,男,汉族,1978年生,湖南祁阳人,2003年获中南大学地球探测与信息技术专业硕士学位,现为中南大学在读博士研究

生,主要从事地质雷达与地震勘探方面的研究.(Email :fengdeshan @ )

0 引 言


地雷达系统,SIR —10H 型地质雷达仪器由美国G SSI 公司生产的[1].据笔者所知,到目前为止我国从美国引进的(GIIS 生产的)SIR 系列雷达仪器就近二十台,该系统在我国的应用也有近十年的历史.为充分利用文件头信息,进一步做好从引进到二次开发工作,不可避免地要对该雷达的数据格式进行一番考究,同时在对该类型的地质雷达模型进行正演模拟并把正演模拟得出的数据导入到雷达系统过程中,同样需要了解雷达系统的数据格式,为了使广大科研人员免去从头摸索SIR -10H 型地质雷达数据记录格式的辛苦,而重复不必要的工作,作者详细地介绍了SIR -10H 型地质雷达的文件格式,并用C 语言编制了地质雷达的数据读取程序,文中提供数据读取程序的主要代码及结果.

1 数据格式概要

SIR —10H 型地质雷达数据存储是以dzt 为扩展

名的数据文件[2,3].3.dzt 文件的主要格式如下:

File Header


Data Record Ⅰfrom Channel 1


Data Record Ⅰfrom Channel 2(if recorded )


Data Record Ⅰfrom Channel 3(if recorded )


Data Record Ⅰfrom Channel 4(if recorded )


Data Record Ⅰ+1from Channel 1


Data Record Ⅰ+1from Channel 2(if recorded )



第19卷 第3期

地 球 物 理 学 进 展

V ol.19 N o.32004年9月(690~694)


Sep. 2004

每一个3.dzt文件都有一个文件头,在文件头之后,紧跟着是通道I的数据1(data record I from channel1),然后是通道I的数据2(data record I from channel2(if recorded))…等;在通道Ⅰ的数据以后,便是通道II的数据1(data recordⅡfrom channel1),接着又是通道I的数据2(data record I from channel2(if recorded))…等;各通道的扫描数据依次类推.一个数据记录可以有四个通道数据,也可以只有一个通道,这取决于用户在数据采集时的系统设置.

2 数据格式细则

SIR—10H地质雷达文件中文件头的结构struct DztHdrStruct如表1所示.

表1 Dzt H drStruct结构及说明

T able1 Dzt H drStruct struct and explain


unsigned short rh-tag0x0N ff,where N=rh-nchan-1(0-15)00 unsigned short rh-data offset to data(10243rh-nchan)02 unsigned short rh-nsam p sam ples per scan(2-65535)04 unsigned short rh-bits bits per data w ord(8,16,32,64)06 short rh-zero binary offset(-128,-32768,etc)08 float rh-sps scans per second10 float rh-spm;scans per meter14 float rh-m pm meter per mark18 float rh-position position(ns)22 float rh-range range(ns)26 Unsigned short rh-npass scans per pass for2D files30 struct DztDateS truct rh-create date create32 struct DztDateS truct rh-m odif date m odified36 unsigned short rh-rgain offset to range gain function40 unsigned short rh-nrgain size of range gain function42 unsigned short rh-text offset to text44 unsigned short Rh-ntext size of text46 unsigned short rh-proc offset to processing history48 unsigned short rh-nproc offset to processing history50 unsigned short rh-nchan number of channels52 Float rh-epsr average dielectric constant54 Float rh-top top position in meters58 Float rh-depth range in meters62 Char reserved[18]reserved66 unsigned short rh-spp scans per pass84 unsigned short rh-linenum line number86 Short rh-start-x start of the x position88 Short rh-start-y start of the y position90 Short rh-end-x end of the x position92 Short rh-end-y end of the y position94 char rh-lineorder the order of the line96 char rh-dtype bits97 char rh-antname[14]antenna name(eg:3105(300MHZ))98 unsigned short rh-chanmask active channels mask112 char rh-name[12]the name of the dzt file114 short rh-chksum checksum for header126 char variable[896]range gain,comments,and processing history128

total equal to1024bytes 196

