车子的一些英语口语对话(一篇)车子的一些英语口语对话 11.Can you pop the trunk?你能不能打开行李箱.就是这么简单的一句英文让小笨霖出了名. 因为一般打开行李箱都是说open the trunk 但是老美也喜欢说成pop the trunk. Pop 是指某样东西突然跳起来的动作, 因为开行李箱时行李箱通常都是“碰" 一下跳起来, 所以打开行李箱才会说成pop the trunk.2. Do you need a ride? We can car pool.你需不需要我载你啊? 我们可以共乘一辆车啊.你要开车去载某人, 就是give someone a ride. 这是很常用的说法. 另外关于car pool, 指的就是二人以上共乘一辆车. 由于美国的交通阻塞问题也是十分严重, 所以有很多鼓励共乘的措施. 所以Highway 上有所谓的car pool lane, 就是共乘车辆才可以走的专用道, 而我们学校共乘车辆的停车费也可以减免.注意一下car pool 在这里可以当成动词或是名词, 如你说We can car pool, 这是动词的'用法, 或是你也可以说I am in car pool with someone, 这是名词的用法. 二者都很常见.3. I'll pick you up tomorrow.我明天会去接你.Pick up 这个字实在是很好用. 从以前介绍过的, 去拿作业叫pick up the homework, 去摘水果也叫pick up the fruit. 开车去接某人, 也叫pick up.接人叫pick up, 那放某人放下来要怎么说呢? 就是drop someone off. 例如你可以跟被你载的人说, Where do you like me to drop you off. 或是光说drop 也成, 例如, You can drop me around the corner.4. Come on, jump in. (hop in)快点上车.一般我们认为上车叫get on, 但是其实get on 只用在大的巴士, 例如坐公车是get on the bus 或是骑马你可以说get on the horse. 但一般小汽车是不能用get on the car. 只有在有往上爬的动作时才能用get on. 那要用什么才对呢? jump in 就是一个不错的字眼. 或是hop in 也很常用. 有一次我同学开车来接我, 他就是说, Come on, jump in the car.同样的, 下车也分二种, 如果是从大车上下来, 如巴士, 就像我们以前所学的用get off. 但是从小轿车中出来就不叫get off, 要讲get out. 例如, Everybody gets out. 就是大家都下车吧.5. There's something wrong with my car, I think we have a flat tire here.我的车是怎么呢? 我想我的车爆胎了.出了什么状况, 在口语中最常讲的就是, What's wrong? 或是What's going on? 我在美国就有一次爆胎的经验, 害我这个新任的__同学会会长蹲在马路旁边换轮胎搞得满身大汗还被学弟看到, 实在是丢脸啊. 爆胎就叫flat tire, 算是固定用法.6. Can we take it to the workshop and ask them to fix it?我们能不能拿去汽车保养场叫他把它补一补?那次轮胎破了怀著惶恐的心情去汽车保养场补胎. 我真的是非常惶恐因为我不知道"补胎" 这个英文要怎么说. 结果我当然就把它说成了I have a hole on my tire, can you patch it? 嘿. 没想到那个老黑居然还听得懂. 不过后来我才知道原来补胎就是fix the tire 就好了.经验之谈, 十个人去补胎其中大概会有八个人他会告诉你这个胎不能补. 试想, 补一个胎$8 换一个新的$120, 我实在不相信这么小小的一个小洞会花去我$120, 所以我还是坚持要补. 结果呢? 这个轮胎不是又跑了5000 mi 了? 所以不要当冤大头啊! 当然啦~ 真的要换时还是得换的.7. We have a dead battery now. I'd better put this car in service.电池也没电了, 我想我该把我的车拿去保养了.通常车子会发不动都是由于电池的关系. 而电池没电就叫Dead battery. 通常遇到这种情况就只能推车或是从别台车接电过来. 只要车子能发动, 车子的发电机会自行把电池充电, 所以就没问题了.Put something in service 也是个不错的用法, 指的是把某样东西送去保养或是修理. 像是有一次我坐一个同学的车, 他的车是十几年的老爷车, 但是冷气还很好. 我说, Why is it still working so well?他就说I put it in service.8. I have a dead battery, can you jump my car?我的车子电池没电了, 能不能接电给我?Jump my car 跟jump in the car 是完全不同的意思. 所谓Jump my car 就是指你车子的电池没电了, 你可以拿一条接电线(jumper) 从别人的车子接电过来. 相信会开车的人或多或少都有这种jump my car 的经验吧! 尤其在军中, 能够自己发动的车子实在是没几台, 所以jumper 就成了每台车必备的工具了.9. My car won't start, I don't know why, it just won't crank up.我的车就是发不动, 我不知道为什么, 它就是发不起来.发动车子一般用start 这个字眼, 但是有一个口语的讲法值得一学就是crank up. 也是发动车子的意思. 为什么叫crank up 呢? 因为很早以前的车子或飞机它们的引擎是没有起动装置的, 所以要发动引擎都要先用一个马达连接一个曲柄(crank) 去发动引擎, 所以久而久之, 发动车子就变成了crank up.10. You can back your car now, my side is clear.你现在可以倒车了, 我这边己净空了.别人在倒车时, 我都习惯帮别人看看后面有没有车子. 以前我都会说, There is no car now. 听来是不是不太顺. 后来有一次听老美在指挥, 我才知到原来他们说成, My side is clear. 或是you are safe now. 或是all clear 都可以11. There is one auto part store around the spaghetti junction.我知道在交流道那里有一家汽车修理店.来美国自己开车才知道, 原来汽车修理店还分很多种. 卖汽车零件兼修理的叫auto part store, 作钣金的叫body shop. 还有专门换轮胎和换机油的店. 有时我就自己把它们总称workshop.另外Spaghetti junction 也是个很有意思的字. Spaghetti 的原意是意大利面, 而spaghetti junction 则是指二条高速公路交会的地方那些错综复杂的立体交流道. 我想是那些交流道看起来就像是面条一样看起来乱乱的, 故因而得名吧.。
2018年9-12月雅思口语Part2话题:乘坐交通工具的旅行A trip that you took by public transportationP2Describe a trip you took by public transport.You should say:when and where you went;why you chose this form of transportation;what you did or saw on the trip;and explain how you felt about the trip.P3What kinds of transportation are there in your hometown?What kinds of vehicle (or car) do people in your hometown buy?How do you think transportation will (or might) change in the future?Compare vehicles today with vehicles in the past.How do you think vehicles could be improved? (Perhaps, the word “cars" or"motor vehicles” is used?What do you think about the traffic conditions in your hometown?How can we solve the problems of traffic jams during the rush hours?What kind of transportation do most people take?Should people who buy cars be taxed?范文This last winter we escaped the cold and headed off to the warmth of a tropical climate in Bangkok, Thailand. On the second day we headed to a night bazaar by bus and it was a fantastic experience. We got some basic directions from our hotel front desk and headed off for to explore. Bangkok is very tourist-friendly so getting around was a breeze.We chose to go by bus, because this gave us a bird's eye view of the sights and sounds of this famous city. The bus was a bit hot and stuff and without a/c so by the time we got to the night market we were sweating like pigs. The experience was one I don't think I would like anytime soon.We saw some amazing sights, from the historic palaces through to tuk-tuks and backpackers spread throughout the city. The night market was really a great experience. We bought a bunch of souvenirs and Thai snacks and ate some of the local delicacies. Bangkok is a city that never sleeps, and we were like kids in a candy store.The trip made me feel really energized and motivated to travel more in the future. It sparked my interest in southeast Asia and since then I have been to a few more similar countries. I feel alive when I travel and experience new adventures.雅思口语高分范文:一个重要的交通工具Describe an important form of transport for youI want to describe the bus, which is probably the most common form of transport for most of us in Suzhou. I probably use the bus about 10 or more times in a week.I use it not just to go back and forth to work but also to go shopping. I have a monthly pass and so I can travel freely on one without having to pay each time I go on. I also use a bus when Iwant to go traveling from one place to another for distances that do not last fur more than a day. I do have a bicycle, but I use that only for very" short distance" things, like getting some vegetables at the local grocery store or things like that. I prefer taking the bus. I always feel safe taking a bus because it is a big vehicle and it moves more slowly than a taxi. It is quite convenient, since there are enough lines. Even though it is not as convenient as a car, it allows you to work while you are traveling. It is relatively cheap compared to a car and a subway, and it can be comfortable, although it can be a bit crowded, and it's not so nice if you have to stand for long distances. I like buses most because I can talk with people and make more friends. Riding a bus also has its disadvantages, like sometimes it can be a bit crowded, and you do have to watch for pickpockets. But overall it's the best option I have. Besides, if everyone were to drive a car, then the environment would be severely polluted.雅思口语必备词汇(交通篇)1. airport 机场2. bicycle 自行车3. bus 公共汽车4. coach 长途客车5. compact 小轿车6. compartment 车厢7. corridor 走廊8. arrival time 到达时间9. delay 晚点10. elevator 电梯11. entrance 入口12. exit 出口13. flight 班机14. lobby 大厅15. overpass 天桥16. passenger 乘客17. pedestrian 行人18. sleeper 卧铺19. rack 行李架20. spaceship 宇宙飞船21. staircase 楼梯22. underground/subway 地铁23. underpass 地下通道24. departure lounge (出发)休息室25. departure time 出发时间26. drink-driving /drunk-driving 酒后开车27. be stuck in the traffic jam 塞车28. boarding pass/card 登机牌/卡29. bus pass 公交一卡通30. dead(right ) on time 准点31. economy class 经济舱32. E-ticket(electronic ticket ) 电子票33. fatigue driving 疲劳驾驶34. first class 头等舱35. flight attendant 空姐36. flight crew 机组人员37. flight number 航班号38. left luggage office 行李寄存处39. light railway/rail 轻轨40. means of transport 交通工具41. motor vehicle 机动车辆42. motorbike 摩托车43. motoring offence 违章驾驶44. mountain bike 山地车45. off-road vehicle 越野车46. on time 正点47. platform ticket 站台票48. reservation 预定49. return ticket 往返票50. rush hour 上下班高峰期51. security camera 监控摄像头52. security checks 安检53. sidewalk/pavement 人行道54. single/one-way ticket 单程票55. ticket inspector 检票员56. traffic condition 交通状况57. traffic jam/congestion 交通堵塞58. traffic/road/car accident 交通事故59. train attendant 列车员60. vehicle type 车辆类型2019年5-8月雅思口语part 2话题思路拓展:交通工具出故障雅思口语part2:Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travelYou should say:Where it happenedWhen it happenedWho you were with at that timeAnd what impacts this breakdown had先来看题目的要点:旅行中交通工具抛锚的经历。
生活英语口语:Cycling 骑行Maya: how do you usually get to school?Anthony: I usually ride my bike. Which form of transport do you prefer to use? M: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle, but when I feel lazy, I drive my car.A: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars. They produce too much pollution!M: I agree, but I would find it difficult to stop using my car. It's just so convenient.A: cars might be convenient, but they're so bad for the environment.M: do you have a car?A: no. I used to have one though. Once I started using my bicycle to get around, I found that I didn't really need it.M: maybe if I sold my car now, I wouldn't be so tempted to use it.A: you could try. It would save you a lot of money.M: that's true. Every month, I spend hunderds of dollars on gas, insurance, and repairs.A: if you got to class by riding a bicycle every day instead of driving, you will get lots of exercise, too!M: I could stand to lose a few pounds. Having a car has made me lazy. I never end up walking anywhere!A: let's go to a car dealership. I'll help you try to sell your car for a good price. M: sounds good! Let's go!你一般怎么去学校?我一般都骑自行车去.你喜欢哪种交通工具?我觉得蹬自行车的时候可以看更多的风景,但是犯懒的时候我就开车.我觉得我们应该劝人们尽量少开私家车.汽车制造的污染太严重了!我同意,不过我觉得不开车很难做到.开车实在是太方便了.开车可能是很方便,但是对环境的影响太恶劣了.你有车吗?没有.不过,以前有过.后来开始骑自行车才发现,其实我并不是特别需要汽车.没准我现在要是把我的汽车给卖了,也就不会非用它不可了.你可以试试看.那样还可以帮你省下一大笔钱.没错.我每个月都要付上百美元付那些汽油费,保险和修理费.如果你要是加入骑自行车的行列而不是开车,你还能得到很多锻炼呢!我应该坚持锻炼减掉几磅体重.有辆车都让我变懒了.我现在去哪儿都不走路了. 咱们一起去汽车交易行吧.我会帮你把这辆车卖个好价钱的.听起来真不错!走吧!Transport: a vehicle or method of travel 交通车辆;运输工具;旅行方式Applicants must have their own transport.申请人必须有自己的交通工具.Transport to and from the airport is included in the price.价格中包括往返机场的交通费.His bike is his only means of transport.自行车是他唯一的代步工具.Pedal: to ride a bicycle somewhere 骑自行车I saw her pedalling along the towpath.我看见她在纤道上骑自行车.He jumped on his bike and pedalled off.他跳上自行车就骑走了.She pedalled her bicycle up the track.她骑车上了小路.Tempt: to attract sb or make sb want to do or have sth, even if they know it is wrong 引诱;诱惑~ sb (into sth/into doing sth)I was tempted by the dessert menu.甜食菜单馋得我垂涎欲滴.Don't tempt thieves by leaving valuables clearly visible.别把贵重物品放在显眼处招贼.I was tempted to take the day off.我动了心,想那一天休假.Dealership: a business that buys and sells products, especially cars, for a particular company; the position of being a dealer who can buy and sell sth 专项商品(尤指汽车)经销店;专项商品经销a Ford dealership福特汽车经销店。
1、what do you think of the traffic in your city ? Why?你认为你们城市的交通怎么样?为什么?For the time being, the traffic in our city is very busy and crowded in my view. I usually see a lot of traffic jams on my way to school. Also there are lots of cars on the road and they all move slowly. I think, we should try taking buses instead of driving our own cars to get rid of the crowded traffic. Besides, we can also ride bicycles or walk to protect our environment. If all of us can help to improve the traffic, our city will become more beautiful.2、what do you think a student should have a mobile phone ?Why or why not?你认为一个学生应该拥有一部手机吗?为什么或为什么不行?Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the students. In my opinion, a student should have a mobile phone.As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. It is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it. If in the difficult position,we can request to parents and teachersto help Therere also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when we’re tired of our studies.3、Say something about your favorite music/pop star/singer.Why do you like him or her?谈论你最喜爱的音乐,明星或歌手。
关于交通方式的英语中考补全对话全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1A: Hi, do you know there are many different ways to travel in our city?B: Yeah, I know. We can ride our bikes, take the bus, or even walk.A: That's right! Riding bikes is fun and good exercise too. But sometimes it's too far to bike.B: Yeah, when it's too far, we can take the bus. It's convenient and we can sit down.A: That's true. And when it's really close, we can walk. It's good for the environment too.B: I agree. But sometimes I wish we could drive a car like grown-ups do.A: Yeah, that would be cool. But we have to wait until we're older and have a driver's license.B: True. But it's important to know how to use different transportation methods. It's good for us and the world.A: Absolutely. It's always good to think about ways to help the environment while traveling.B: For sure. Let's keep using bikes, buses, and walking as much as we can.A: Yeah, that's a great idea. Let's make a promise to always choose the best way to travel.B: Sounds good! Let's go ride our bikes now.A: Yay! Let's go!篇2A: Hi, Mary! How do you usually go to school?B: Hi, Jack! I usually take the school bus to school. How about you?A: I usually ride my bike to school. It's fun and good exercise.B: That sounds cool! But don't you get tired on the way to school?A: Not really. I like riding my bike and the fresh air is nice in the morning.B: Oh, I see. But sometimes it's too hot or raining, how do you get to school then?A: If the weather is bad, I'll ask my mom to drive me to school.B: That's a good idea. I'll ask my mom to drive me too when it's raining.A: Yeah, it's important to stay safe and dry on the way to school.B: Do you ever take the subway or the train to school?A: I've never taken the subway or train to school before. Have you?B: Yes, sometimes my dad takes me to school by subway. It's fast but crowded.A: I've never been on a subway before. It sounds interesting.B: Yeah, it's a different experience. Maybe you can try it sometime.A: Sure, I'll ask my parents if I can take the subway to school one day.B: That's great! Just remember to be safe and always follow the rules.A: I will. Thanks for the advice, Mary!篇3A: Hey, how do you usually go to school, Tim?B: Oh, I usually ride my bike, what about you, Amy?A: I walk to school with my mom or take the bus when it's raining.B: Cool! I wish I could take the bus too, it seems fun.A: Yeah, it's nice to sit and relax on the bus instead of pedaling all the way.B: Do you ever take a taxi to school?A: No, I think it's too expensive for me. What about you?B: Yeah, I’ve taken a taxi a few times when I was running really late. But it can be pricey.A: I heard some people ride scooters to school. Have you ever tried that?B: No, I haven’t. I think scooters are pretty cool, but I don’t have one.A: Me too. I'd love to try someday though!B: Do you know anyone who goes to school by skateboard?A: Yeah, my friend Jack sometimes rides his skateboard to school. It looks so cool!B: Wow, that’s awesome! I might consider trying that too.A: Yeah, why not? It's fun to try different ways of getting to school.B: Totally! Let's try different ways and see which one we like the best.A: That sounds like a plan! Let's have some adventure on our way to school!篇4A: Hey, how do you usually go to school?B: Oh, I usually walk to school because it's not far from my house.A: That's cool. I usually ride my bike because it's faster. But sometimes I take the bus when it's raining.B: Yeah, the bus is convenient, but I don't like waiting for it.A: I know what you mean. Do you ever take a taxi?B: No, I've never taken a taxi before. It's too expensive for me.A: Yeah, taxis can be expensive. I only take them when I'm in a hurry.B: Have you ever been on a train?A: Yes, I've been on a train a few times when I went on vacation with my family. It was fun!B: That sounds exciting. I've never been on a train before, but I want to try it one day.A: Maybe we can go on a train trip together one day. It'll be so much fun!B: Yeah, that would be awesome! I can't wait to try out different modes of transportation.A: Me too! It's always fun to explore new ways to get around. Let's plan our train trip soon!篇5A: Hey Tim, how do you usually go to school?B: Hi Lily! I usually go to school by bus. How about you?A: I walk to school with my mom. Do you like taking the bus?B: Yeah, I like taking the bus because I can sit with my friends and talk on the way to school.A: That sounds fun! But sometimes, the bus is too crowded for me. I prefer walking with my mom because we can chat along the way.B: That's true. Walking is nice too. I wish I could walk to school sometimes.A: Why don't you try walking to school tomorrow? It's good exercise and it's nice to enjoy the fresh air in the morning.B: That's a great idea! I'll ask my mom if we can walk to school tomorrow.A: Awesome! I think you'll enjoy it. Walking is a healthy and eco-friendly way to travel.B: Thanks for the suggestion, Lily. I'll let you know how it goes!A: No problem, Tim. Have a great day at school!B: You too, Lily! See you tomorrow!A: Bye!篇6A: Hi Sarah, how do you usually go to school?B: Hi Lily! Well, I usually take the school bus. What about you?A: Oh, I usually ride my bike to school. It's fun and good exercise!B: That's cool! I wish I could ride a bike too, but it's too far for me.A: Yeah, I understand. The school bus is convenient for you then.B: Yeah, but sometimes it's crowded and noisy. I wish there were more school buses.A: Maybe we can ask the school to add more buses to make it more comfortable for everyone.B: That's a great idea! I'll talk to the principal about it.A: Awesome! You can also try walking to school if it's not too far. It's good for the environment too.B: I never thought about that. Walking sounds like a good idea too. Thanks for the suggestion, Lily!A: No problem, Sarah. Let's think about different ways to get to school and choose the one that's best for us.。
21.It's a shock to the public transport system.
22.I'll get a taxi for you.
23.Singapore set up a very comprehensive and convenient pubhc system.
on time(准时)save on gas(节省汽油)in handy(方便)complain(抱怨)subsidize(补贴)charge(征税)relieve(缓解)squish(挤扁)reduce(减少)
话题2:出租车 Taxi(英汉对照)
1.Front Desk. May I help you?
4.Where are you calling from?
5.There is about a15 minutes wait. It's rush hour now.
6.Could you just wait at the entrance of the hall,sir?
7.Are you going directly to the airport?
8.I need to stop by myheadquaners on 9th Street first.
9.Silver Taxi Service here, can I help you?
经典对话A:Isn't it obvious to you that the car is going to be the death of the big cities?A:你不觉得汽车的使⽤与发展最终将导致城市的瘫痪吗?B:That's a bit of a quantum leap. The car may be causing some problems but it is the lifeblood of our society.B:没有那么夸张吧?汽车的使⽤的确引起了⼀些问题,但汽车毕竞是我们社会正常运转的⽣命⾎液啊。
A:Life's "bloodsucker" would be closer to the truth. Not only are the exhaust fumes slowly killing us but,the cars themselves are lethal machines.A:可你看看,汽车尾⽓在慢慢残害我们的⽣命,汽车本⾝也会导致致命的事故,所以应该说汽车是“吸⾎⿁”才更加贴切吧?B:You sound like a "Luddite" from the 19th century. They hated all machines and used to stage protests to halt their introduction into factocies.B:你简直就像个19世纪时那些憎恨机械,举⾏*,阻碍⼯业发展的“勒德分⼦”⼀样。
A:Maybe they were right! But,no! That's not what I am talking about. Modern society must have transport;it's just that I don't think the car is the best solution.A:说不定他们当时的做法是对的。
交通英语口语English:As a foreigner visiting a new city, it's important to familiarize oneself with the local traffic and transportation systems. This includes learning how to use public transportation such as buses, subways, and trains, as well as understanding the traffic rules and road signs if one plans to drive or ride a bicycle. It's also helpful to have a map of the city and to know the main landmarks and key locations, so that one can navigate the transportation system more easily. Additionally, it's important to be aware of the peak hours and rush times when the traffic is heavier, so that one can plan their commute accordingly. By understanding the local traffic and transportation systems, one can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable experience while getting around the city.中文翻译:身为外国游客的重要一点是熟悉当地的交通和交通系统。
情景对话Lesson 4Pubilc Transportation第4课乘坐公共交通工具1。
询问如何乘坐公交工具A:Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the National History Museum?B: Certainly,ma'am。
It’s near the Science Museum。
Are you familiar with the streets around here?A: No。
I am a tour leader from China。
Today I'll go to visit the museum with some tourists.B: I see。
How would you like to go? Walking?A:I have no idea about it at all. Is it far from the hotel?B:Not really。
You just go straight along this street,and after 6 blocks,you will see it on your left。
A: How long will that take?B:About 30 minutes on foot。
A: How about taking the subway?B:Sure. It’s only two stops。
Do you know which train to take?A: The A train,is it right? I just looked at the city map。
B: That's right。
You get off at the second stop,CronwellRoad,and you will see the National History Museum is opposite the stop.A:What if I take a bus?B: It’s rush hour now. The traffic is terrible. If you take a bus,you may get stuck in the traffic jam.A: I see。
英语流行口语对话:Talking About Traffic 谈论交通
![英语流行口语对话:Talking About Traffic 谈论交通](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d7d7f258b7360b4c2e3f646c.png)
英语流行口语对话:Talking About Traffic 谈论交通随着全球的各国的关系越来越好,从21世纪以后英语的广泛使用,那么关于谈论交通该如何表达?以下是给大家整理的英语流行口语对话:Talking About Traffic 谈论交通,希望可以帮到大家How often does the bus run?这车多长时间一趟?A:How often does the bus run? B:Every five minutes.A:这车多长时间一趟?五分钟。
A:Oh,here comes a bus! B:It comes on the dot.噢,来了一辆车!来得正好。
Many roads are very narrow.许多街都太窄。
A:I like small towns.A:我喜欢小镇。
B:But many roads are very narrow.B:但是小镇许多街道都太窄。
A:Not always,and therere also few cars! A:也不是,车也少啊!B:Yes,because of fewer people.B:那倒是,人少嘛。
This is the rush hour.这是高峰期。
A:This is the rush hour.A:这是高峰期。
B:I notice theres a jam a few blocks away. 我注意到前几个街口正塞车。
A:Lets drive off this road.A:我们躲开这条路吧。
B:Im afraid Ill be late.B:恐怕要迟到了。
Therere traffic jam everywhere.到处都塞车。
A:Therere traffic jam everywhere this hour of the day! A:白天这个时候到处都塞车。
B:I think something must be done.B:我觉得应该采取一些措施。
为了帮助大家备考雅思口语,下面小编给大家带来雅思口语话题范文:Cars汽车,来学习一下吧!雅思口语Part1答案:Cars汽车1. Can you drive a car?No, I don’t have a driver’s license. Actually I don’t think I can handle the steering wheel properly and keep the car going straight. Also, I am bad at locality so driving would be the last thing I want to do.我不会开车因为我没有驾照。
2. Do you like cars?Yes, I like cars. There are different types of cars, such as sports car; limousine, truck, van, wagon etc. but I like SUV most.我喜欢车。
3. If you wanted to buy a car, what kind of car would you choose?My dream car is BMW X6 and because it’s multi-functional. It has got 5 leather seats and an enlarged sky window. It’s cool and the flashiest thing is that a GPS system was installed in it, so I do not need to locate the route.我的梦想之车是宝马X6,因为它是多功能的。
英语日常交流口语对话情景剧场景一:购物角色:客户(Customer)、店员(Salesperson)对话内容:Customer:Excuse me, where can I find the men’s shirts?Salesperson:Men’s shirts are on the second floor, just go straight and turn left.Customer: Thank you.场景二:订餐角色:顾客(Customer)、服务员(Waiter)对话内容:Customer: Could I have a menu, please?Waiter: Here you go. What would you like to order?Customer:I’ll have the steak, medium-rare, please.Waiter: Sure, anything to drink?Customer:I’ll have a glass of water, thank you.场景三:乘坐公共交通工具角色:乘客(Passenger)、车站工作人员(Station Staff)对话内容:Passenger: Excuse me, which platform is the train to London?Station Staff: Platform 3, the train will be arriving in 5 minutes.Passenger: Thank you for your help.场景四:医生诊所角色:病人(Patient)、医生(Doctor)对话内容:Patient:I’ve b een feeling dizzy lately, can you help me?Doctor: Let me check your blood pressure and temperature first.Patient: Is it serious, doctor?Doctor: It seems like you just have a minor cold, rest well and drink lots of water.场景五:交友聚会角色:朋友A(Friend A)、朋友B(Friend B)对话内容:Friend A: Have you met the new guy in our group?Friend B:Not yet, what’s he like?Friend A:He’s really friendly and funny, you’ll like him.Friend B:I can’t wait to meet him at the next gathering.以上是一些日常生活中可能会遇到的情景对话,希望对大家的英语口语交流有所帮助。
小编整理了交通工具英语对话,欢迎阅读!交通工具英语对话一Mom:Joy Chain elementary school, please.麻烦去卓成小学。
Taxi driver:Will do.好的。
Mom:How frustrating! The bus is still not coming.真让人烦躁!公交车到现在都还没到。
Taxi driver:Ma'am, take your kid to school?女士,您是送孩子上学吧?Mom:Yes. I am in a hurry. Please take a shortcut.是啊,我赶时间。
Taxi driver:No problem. Don't worry, the taxi is faster than the bus.没问题,别担心,出租车可比公交车快多了。
Mom:The traffic is terrible on Monday morning. It takes us almost 1 hour to get to school.周一早晨,交通总是很糟糕。
Taxi driver:My son is the same. But he always makes an early start in the morning, and enjoys listening to the English programmer “Let's talk in English” on the way.我儿子也是这样的。
Mom:That's wonderful. He is killing two birds with one stone. Sir, please turn right at the next corner. And s at the taxi stand.这太好了。
用交通工具说英语作文1. Taking the subway is my favorite way to travel around the city. The subway is fast, convenient, and affordable. I love the feeling of rushing through the tunnels, passing by different stations, and watching people get on and off at each stop. It's like being part of afast-paced, bustling world underground.2. Riding a bicycle is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get some exercise at the same time. I love the feeling of the wind on my face as I pedal through the streets, exploring different neighborhoods and discovering hidden gems. Cycling also allows me to avoid traffic jams and find parking easily, making it a practical choice for short distances.3. Traveling by train is a unique experience that I always look forward to. I enjoy the rhythmic swaying of the train as it speeds along the tracks, taking me to different cities and countries. The panoramic views from the trainwindow are breathtaking, especially when passing through scenic landscapes or crossing over bridges. It's a journey filled with anticipation and excitement.4. Taking a taxi is a convenient option when I need to get somewhere quickly or when I have heavy luggage. I appreciate the comfort of sitting in the backseat, watching the city pass by through the window. The sound of the radio playing softly in the background adds a touch of relaxation to the ride. Although it can be more expensive than other modes of transportation, it's worth it for the convenience and peace of mind.5. Traveling by airplane is an exhilarating experience.I love the feeling of anticipation as I board the plane, knowing that I'm about to embark on a new adventure. The takeoff is always thrilling, and once we're up in the air, the view from the window is simply breathtaking. It's amazing to think that we're soaring through the sky, high above the clouds, on our way to new destinations.6. Walking is a simple yet enjoyable way to get around.It allows me to take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the city at a leisurely pace. I can explore narrow alleys, stumble upon hidden cafes, and observe the local life up close. Walking also keeps me active and helps me stay connected with my surroundings. It's a great way to immerse myself in the vibrant energy of the city.7. Riding a scooter is a fun and adventurous way to navigate through the bustling streets. I love the feeling of freedom as I zip through traffic, weaving in and out of cars and pedestrians. It requires skill and concentration, but the thrill of the ride is worth it. Plus, it's a great way to beat the traffic and reach my destination faster.8. Taking a ferry is a unique way to travel, especially when exploring islands or coastal areas. I enjoy the gentle rocking of the boat as it glides across the water, offering stunning views of the shoreline. The salty breeze on my face and the sound of seagulls overhead create a sense of tranquility and relaxation. It's like a mini getaway, even if it's just for a short journey.9. Traveling by bus allows me to observe the city froma different perspective. I love sitting by the window and watching the world go by, seeing people going about their daily lives. It's a great way to get a sense of the local culture and immerse myself in the rhythm of the city. Plus, buses are usually affordable and well-connected, making ita convenient choice for longer distances.10. Riding a skateboard is a cool and trendy way to get around. I love the feeling of gliding on the smooth pavement, performing tricks and maneuvers. It's a great way to stay active and have fun at the same time. Plus, skateboarding allows me to explore the city in a unique way, finding hidden spots and skate parks that are off thebeaten path.。
英语⼝语对话短⽂:交通⼯具英语⼝语对话短⽂:交通⼯具Todd: Hello, Yoko.你好,洋⼦。
Yoko: Hello, Todd.你好,托德。
Todd: How are you?你过得怎么样?Yoko: Good. How are you?挺好的,你呢?Todd: Good. OK. We're gonna talk about trains.很好。
Yoko: OK.好的。
Todd: Do you take the train everyday?你每天都乘坐⽕车吗?Yoko: Yes, I have to.是的。
Todd: Oh, really?真的吗?Yoko: Yeah, cause I don't have a car.是的,因为我不会开车。
Todd: Oh, really?哦,真的?Yoko: Yeah!真的!Todd: Are you have happy with that? Do you mind?你喜欢坐⽕车吗?你介意天天坐⽕车吗?Yoko: Actually no!其实不介意。
Todd: Yeah, well, what's the train like in the morning when you get on?你今天早上搭乘的⽕车怎么样?Yoko: It's really crowded.很拥挤。
Todd: Yeah!是吗!Yoko: Yes.是的。
Todd: OK. How much is your train fare?坐⼀次⽕车的费⽤是多少?Yoko: Almost 500 yen.差不多要500⽇元。
Todd: What's the best thing about taking the train?坐⽕车的优点是什么?Yoko: Mm, nothing.没有任何优点。
Todd: Nothing.没有。
交通工具英文作文英文:When it comes to transportation, there are many options available. Some people prefer to drive their own cars, while others prefer to take public transportation. Personally, I prefer to take public transportation because it is more affordable and environmentally friendly.One of the most common forms of public transportation is the bus. Buses are convenient because they have many stops and routes, making it easy to get to different parts of the city. They are also affordable and usually have a flat rate, regardless of how far you travel.Another form of public transportation is the subway. Subways are fast and efficient, making them a great option for those who need to travel long distances. They are also very convenient because they run on a set schedule, so you can plan your trip accordingly.Finally, there are also forms of transportation like taxis and ride-sharing services. These options are more expensive, but they offer a level of convenience that other forms of transportation do not. For example, if you are in a hurry or need to get somewhere quickly, a taxi or ride-sharing service may be the best option.Overall, there are many different forms of transportation available, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to choose the optionthat best fits your needs and budget.中文:谈到交通工具,有很多选择。
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英语口语对话短文:交通工具Todd: Hello, Yoko.
Yoko: Hello, Todd.
Todd: How are you?
Yoko: Good. How are you?
Todd: Good. OK. We're gonna talk about trains.很好。
Yoko: OK.
Todd: Do you take the train everyday?
Yoko: Yes, I have to.
Todd: Oh, really?
Yoko: Yeah, cause I don't have a car.
Todd: Oh, really?
Yoko: Yeah!
Todd: Are you have happy with that? Do you mind?
Yoko: Actually no!
Todd: Yeah, well, what's the train like in the morning when you get on?
Yoko: It's really crowded.
Todd: Yeah!
Yoko: Yes.
Todd: OK. How much is your train fare?
Yoko: Almost 500 yen.
Todd: What's the best thing about taking the train?
Yoko: Mm, nothing.
Todd: Nothing.
Yoko: Nothing. I don't think it's great. Ah, I can sleep on the train.
Todd: OK. Do you normally get a seat?
Yoko: Ah, sometimes I can.
Todd: Yeah.
Yoko: Yeah.
Todd: OK. Do you read?
Yoko: Cause I can't read a book. I'll get sick.
Todd: Oh, cause your eyes move around.
Yoko: Yeah.
Todd: Yeah, I gocha. What's the worse thing about the train?
Yoko: Ah, too crowded in Japan.
Todd: Yeah. It's terrible.
Yoko: And I have to pay.
Todd: Oh, you have to pay. Your company does not pay.
Yoko: No.