


2. 19th_century American Literature 1) Romanticism; 2)Realism; 3)Naturalism 3. American Literature of the 20th century and the
present 1)modernism; 2)postmodernism
— John Updike: “Bitter Bamboo”
What is the implication of Updike’s comment ? Do you agderstanding about American literature and culture at present?
B) Simple, fresh, direct, plain, a touch of nobility
Periodization of American Literature Key Themes in American Literature
Periodization of American Literature
A General Introduction to American Literature
China, experts agree, is the nation of the future […] The commercial and intellectual success its emigrants have enjoyed in nations from Malaysia to the United States all augur (预示) impending global dominance. In literature, however, the Chinese mainland, as far as Western ears go, is pretty quiet. […] Bookstores, the Times reports, are bustling, but nearly half the purchases consist of textbooks and half the translations are of American books.



● When he was born, his family declined. He was aware of his ancestors’ misdeeds and thus “blackness of Hawthorne” formed. He thought that the reason of his family’s decline is his ancestors’ misdeeds. And he didn’t agree with the optimism held by Transcendentalists towards human nature. He wrote lots of works on everlasting evil side in human nature.
● Like Emerson, Hawthorne thinks that man’s eyes should pierce the veil of surfaces to discover the human nature.
● For Hawthorne, as for Emerson, external reality, nature, objects, tangible forms are merely symbols of a deeper, more inward, ultimately spiritual reality, and Hawthorne’s language, like Emerson’s, is an attempt to extract the secret meaning from reality.
● He graduated from Bowdoin College. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Mr. Pierce, the 14th American president were his classmates.

American literaturePPT课件

American literaturePPT课件
2. Exclusion of the literature of women and colored people (American Indians, AfricanAmericans, Asian Americans, etc)
Nationalistic Orientation (2)
3. “Good” literature: embodiment of American national spirit – e.g. F. O. Matthiessen in American Renaissance (1941) enshrines five writers for their devotion to “democracy”, dismissing Mrs. Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) as second rate popular writing only. cf. The Scarlet Letter (1850) Moby Dick (1851) Walden (1854) Leaves of Grass (1855) Americanness vs Excellence
Indians? • Literature most representing American
national spirit by American citizens? • – women’s domestic / private literature? • Literature created by American citizens
Hawthorne: cultural production
1. Evert Duyckinck, who managed the magazine United States Magazine and Democratic Review , advocate of American literary nationalism, proponent of high culture


通过对英美文学作品的主题和思想内涵的分析,可以培养 我们的人文素养,提高对文学、文化和社会的认识和理解 。
艺术手法和语言特色是文学作品的重要组成部分,通过 探讨作品的艺术手法和语言特色,可以更好地欣赏文学 的技巧和魅力。
通过对作品艺术手法和语言特色的探讨,可以增强我们 的审美能力,提高对文学作品的鉴赏水平。
英美文学作品的语言表达富有特色,通过学习作品的艺 术手法和语言特色,可以学习到地道的语言表达方式, 提高英语语言表达能力。
英美文学选读课件ppt课 件
• 英美文学概述 • 英美文学作品选读 • 英美文学作品的赏析方法 • 英美文学作品在当代的影响和价值 • 总结与思考
从盎格鲁-撒克逊时期到文艺复兴时期, 英美文学逐渐形成和发展,涌现出许 多杰出的作家和作品。
从20世纪末至今,英美文学呈现出多 元化的发展趋势,涵盖了各种文学流 派和风格,如后现代主义、魔幻现实 主义等。
通过阅读英美文学作品,人们可以拓展视野、丰富内心世界,增强自我认知和自我成长的能力。同时 ,文学作品中所蕴含的人生哲理和智慧,也能为人们在生活中提供指导和启示。
英美文学在世界文学中的 地位
英美文学作为世界文学的重要组成部分,具 有深远的影响力和独特的魅力。通过学习和 研究英美文学,可以深入了解西方文化、历 史和社会背景,拓宽视野,提高跨文化交流 的能力。

外研社美国文学史及选读(第三版)(第一册)教学课件Chapter 26 Sherwood Ander

外研社美国文学史及选读(第三版)(第一册)教学课件Chapter 26 Sherwood Ander
born in Camden, Ohio His works pay much attention to the psychological and emotional aspect of American small-town life, with emphasis on lower-class people. His works reveal the important transnational period in the American history, that is, from a rural to a predominantly industrial society. Anderson received little formal education.
Chapter 21 Henry James Chapter 22 Kate Chopin Chapter 23 O. Henry Chapter 24 Theodore Dreiser Chapter 25 Jack London Chapter 26 Sherwood Anderson
Wing Biddlebaum, forever frightened and beset by a ghostly band of doubts, did not think of himself as in any way a part of the life of the town where he had lived for twenty years. Among all the people of Winesburg but one had come close to him. With George Willard, son of Tom Willard, the proprietor of the new Willard House, he had formed something like a friendship. George Willard was the reporter on the Winesburg Eagle and sometimes in the evenings he



Jazz Age
After WWI, people found that the war which
cost millions of lives failed to provide an abiding
solutions to the world’s problems, that the war
to Arms, 1929, William Faulkner The Sound and the Fury, 1929,
Drama: Eurgene O’Neill, The Emperor Jones, 1920, Anna
Christie, 1921, The Hairy Ape 1922,
Part V. Twentieth-Century Literature
1920s, Jazz Age.
I. Historical Background: WWI, peace-making period/boom time.
Politically, US entered WWI in 1917 for purity and democracy. The period of peace-making ended with general disillusionment about the value of war: only a sense of the failure of political leaders and a belief in the futility of hope. No abiding solutions to the world’s problems was found. And the resurgence of nationalism and the rise of new totalitarianism produce a second world war.

美国文学 PPT课件

美国文学 PPT课件
➢ Chapter II Revolutionary Period
Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
➢ Chapter III American Romanticism
Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper William Cullen Bryant Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brief Outline of American literature
1. Colonial period (1607-1775)
Anne Bradstreet Edward Taylor
2. Revolutionary period
(1775-1783) Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
The early settlers
❖ Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492.
❖ Captain John Smith reached Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.
❖ Puritans came the New England area, by Mayflower in 1620.
❖ Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.
2. Forms (genres) of literature? Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, essay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, ts, novelette, etc.


人之福,也是众人之父“a common blessing and father to them all”
John Winthrop
John Winthrop:《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”. 1630年登上“阿贝亚”(Arbella)to Massachusetts并开始写日记keep a journal
其还是美国第一位主要作家the first major writer非凡表达能力,简洁明了,有点幽默,还是一位讽 刺天才as an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor. He was also sarcastic.
美国早期文学主要为the narratives and journals of these settlements采用in diaries and in journals(日记和日志),他们写关于the land with dense forests and deep-blue lakes and rich soil.
Edward Taylor
清教徒诗人中最杰出的一位the best of the Puritan poets 他的作品遵循了十七世纪中期一些杰出诗人风格和形式his work followed they
style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century。 他大部分作品关于宗教的,大部分诗歌直接以赞美诗为基础进行创作的most of



• 马克 · 吐温是 19 世纪美国现实主义 文学的主要奠基 人之一,他在现实 主义小说语言风格方面为美国文 学 的发展做出了卓越的贡献。用美国 小说家和评论 家威廉· 狄恩· 豪威尔 斯的话来说 ,他是 “ 美国 文学 的 林肯”。 • 马克 · 吐温是第一位用地道的美国 口语写作 的美国作家,他的《哈克 贝利 · 费恩历险记》为美国 小说的 语言带来意义深远的变化,奠定了 美国文学 口语化风格的基础。他那 清新幽默的文笔,毫无雕 琢的朴素 语言开创了美国小说口语化的先河, 对后 世作家产生巨大影响。
海伦· 凯勒曾言:“我喜欢马克· 吐 温 ——谁会不喜欢他呢?即使是上帝,
亦会钟爱他,赋予其智慧,并于其心 灵里绘画出一道爱与信仰的彩虹。”
威廉· 福克纳称他为“第一位真正的美 国作家,我们都是继承他而来 ”。他 是美国乡土文学的集大成者。 海明威曾经说过“ 一切当代美国文学 都起源于马克 · 吐温一本叫《哈克贝 里· 费恩历险记tion
However , he lacked financial acumen. Though he made a great deal of money from his writings and lectures, he squandered it on various ventures, and was forced to declare bankruptcy. Twain worked hard to ensure that all of his creditors were paid in full, even though his bankruptcy had relieved him of the legal responsibility.



histories, travel accounts, diaries,
biographies, letters, autobiographies, sermons,
and poems.
Major writers:
Captain John Smith (约翰·史密斯)
? the first American
? The “newness” of Americans as a nation is in connection with American Romanticism.
? As a logical result of the foreign and native factors at work, American romanticism was both imitative and independent
Politics dominated the revolutionary phase of American writing.
The crisis in American life carried by the Revolution made
artists self-conscious about American subjects.
?“Poet of the American
?“Father of American
?“Pioneer of the New
?“A gifted and versatile lyric
? “The Rising Glory of America” (1772)

美国文学-Colonial_America PPT

美国文学-Colonial_America PPT
John Winthrop: first governor of Boston, The History of New England, A Model of Christian Charity (speech) candid simplicity, honesty.
(3) Colonial Poets:
and personal comments are written)
2. Early American Writers and Poets
(1)South, Jamestown, Virginia: Captain John Smith--first American writer; A
Description of New England. Contributions: his description of America was
I. Historical Introduction
The native American--Indians and their culture
Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492
Captain Christopher Newport reached Virginia in 1607.
Puritanism’s influence on American literature (p.14)
Purpose of writing: pragmatic Contents: practical matter-of-fact accounts of life in
the new world; highly theoretical discussions of religious questions. Style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery, simplicity of diction.

《美国文学史及选读》(第三版)(第一册)教学课件Chapter 1 John Smith

《美国文学史及选读》(第三版)(第一册)教学课件Chapter 1 John Smith
General History of Virginia (1624) contains his most famous tale.
CChhapatpert3er 1 John Smith
Brief Comment
Smith was an English soldier, explorer, colonial governor, Admiral of New England, and author.
Smith played an equally important role as a cartographer and a prolific writer who vividly depicted the natural abundance of the New World, whetting the colonizing appetite of prospective English settlers.
He played an important role in the establishment of the colony at Jamestown, Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in America, in the early 17th century.
Thank you
Part I The Literature of Colonial America
Introduction Chapter 1 John Smith Chapter 2 Anne Bradstreet Chapter 3 Edward Taylor
Chapter 1 John Smith

英语专业美国文学课件History of American Literature part 1

英语专业美国文学课件History of American Literature part 1
And Selected Readings
Marcus Cunliffe, The Literature of the United States Robert Spiller, The Cycle of American Literature Rod W. Horton and Herbert W. Edward, Backgrounds of American Literary Thought 常耀信,美国文学简史 常耀信,美国文学选读 童明,美国文学史 5.Rubinstein, Annette. American Literature, Root and Flowering(《美国文学的源和流》 6.史志康主编,《美国文学背景概观》 7.刘海平、王守仁等 “It is worth reiterating that those who colonized America during the 17th and the 18th centuries were part of a great migration initiated not only from all parts of England but also from Africa, from the Scottish Highlands, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland and other regions in Europe. While some of the settlers came in response to economic forces, others came in search for political and religious freedom. Africans were forced to come as slaves. This diversity of situations, when blended into specific environments, contributed to the development of regional cultures and to the cultural pluralism of America.” New England, Puritan literature: journals (diaries), hymns, sermons, home letters, histories; the South, Virginia: promotional tracts, journals, poems, letters, sermons (satire, a spirit of exploration inherent in the Renaissance); the Middle Colonies, culturally and ethnically more diverse: better reflecting the diversity of colonial life and anticipating the pluralism of America

美国文学史及选读 ppt课件

美国文学史及选读 ppt课件
2. character of colonial literature a. content: religious, political b. form: diary, journal, letters, travel books,
sermons, history (personal literature) c. style: simple. direct, concise d. out of humble origins
With regard to technique one naturally thinks of the simplicity which characterizes the Puritan style of writing.
John Cotton and Roger Williams Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor 小虫小物尚扬声,难道吾便如哑子。
2. John Calvin a. predestination b. original sin and totated few
3. practical , optimistic, idealistic 4. a doctrinaire opportunist
The American Puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly important in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American.
The Literature of Colonial America
Historical Introduction
1. colonial settlement(1607-1776) In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered






主要参考书目《美国文学简史》(第二版)常耀信南开大学出版社2004《美国文学选读》李宜燮南开大学出版社2000《牛津文学术语辞典》上海外语教育出版社2000《美国文学大纲》吴定柏上海外语教育出版社1998Introduction1.教学的目的和要求:简述美国文学史,包括美国文学史的5个主要阶段,每个阶段的起止时间,主要特点及代表作家,要求学生了解美国文学史概况2.教学重点:美国文学史的五个阶段及起止时间3.教学难点:各个阶段的主要特点4.教学内容Am literature is one lf the youngest national literature in the world. It became a colony of Britain in the early 17th century. And the American Independence War stretched from 1776 to 1783. The short history can be divided into several stages:• 1.the colonial period•It stretched roughly from the settlement of Am in the early 17th C through the end of the 18th. The first permanent settlement in America was established by English in 1607.(A group of people was sent by the English king James I to hunt for gold. They arrived at Virginia in 1607.They named the James River and build the James town.) Here the major topic will be about Am Puritanism .• 2.the Romantic Period•It covers the first half of the 19th C, which is a period following the national political independence. Around 1840s arose the culmination of the RomanticPeriod---New England Transcendentalism(1836-1855) .• 3.the Age of Realism•It was after the civil war (1861-1865) till the end of the 19th century, covering the latter half of the 19th C. The civil war brought the Romantic period to an end.4.Naturalism(the last decade of the 19th c)•In the last decade of the 19thc, the age of naturalism came into being. Naturalists saw man’s life as governed by two forces---- heredity & environment.5.Modernism•In the decade of the 1920s,there came the age of modernism. (here are many eminent writers in this period, such as T.S Eliot, Earnest Hemingway, William Faulkner, etc.)6.思考题:简介美国文学史Chapter I Literature of Colonial America1.教学的目的和要求:介绍对美国文学及美国文化影响重大的清教主义,要求学生理解清教主义的教义,掌握清教主义对美国文学的影响,,殖民时代的主要作家及启蒙时代的特点2.教学重点:清教主义对美国文学的影响3.教学难点:清教主义的教义,爱德华兹和富兰克林各自的哲学思想4.教学内容•I American Puritanism1.origin of PuritanIn the mediaeval Europe, there was widespread religious revolution. In the 16th C, the English King Henry VIII(At that time ,the Catholics were not allowed to divorce unless they have the Pope’s permission. Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife because she couldn’t bear him a son. But the Pope didn’t allow him to divorce because his wife is the Pope’s niece. Henry VIII became very dissatisfied with the Pope, so he )broke away from the Roman Catholic Church & established the Church of England. But there was no radical difference between the doctrines of theChurch of England and the Catholic Church. A group of people thought the Church of England was too Catholic and wanted to purify the church. Then came the name Puritans…Of course they had different religious belief from that of the Catholic Church.2.Puritanism---based on Calvinism•1)predestination: God’s electPuritans believed they are predestined before they were born.Nothing or no good work can change their fate.They believed the success of one’s business is the sign to show he is the God’s elect. So the Puritans works very hard, spend very little and invest more for the future business. They lived a very frugal life. This is their ethics.•2)original sin and total depravityMan is born sinful. This determine some puritans pessimisitic attitude toward life. •3)limited atonement (the salvation of a selected few)•4)theocracyThey combined state with religion. Their government is at least not a liberal one. •(The Puritans established Am tradition---intolerant moralism. They strictly punished drunks, adultery & heretics.Puritans changed gradually due to the severity of frontier environment.Puritannism & ConfucianismConfucianism (修身齐家治国平天下) )3.Influence on Am literature•1)its optimismAmerican literature was from the outset conditioned by the Puritan heritage. It can be said American literature is bases on the Biblical myth of the Garden of Eden.(Adam and Eve used to live a carefree life in the Garden of Eden. lured by the snake, they atethe Forbidden Fruit in the apple tree. A peice of apple choked in Adam’s throat , then came Adam’s apple. After knowing the truth, God became very angry and drove them all out of the Garden of Eden. The snake used to walk like man but after that the God force him to crawl. Then man was forced to suffer the labor to keep the whole family and Woman was forced to suffer the agony of baby bearing.) After that, man have an illusion to restore the paradise. The puritans, after arriving at America, believeing that God must have sent them to this new land to restore the lost paradise , to build the wilderness into a new Garden of Eden. Fired with such a strong sense of mission, they treated life with a tremendous amount of optimism. The optimistic Puritans has exerted a great influence on American literature,•2)Puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception changed gradually into a literary symbolismII Colonial LiteratureAmerican colonial literature is neither real literature nor Americanwhy?1.Diaries,histories,journals,letters,etc. personal literature in various forms2.Colonial Literature is mainly English literature tradition imitated & transplanted. Anne BradstreetEdward TaylorThey can be called servants of God. Their writings served either God or colonial expansion.Some other colonial writers wrote for civil and religious freedom, and some wrote for America shaking off the fetters of the savage British colonial rule.Roger WilliamsJohn WoolmanThomas PaineOne of most important American prose writers of the 18th Century. He wrote a number of revolutionary works to attack British colonial rule. 1776, he wrote “Common Sense”, which greatly encouraged the painfully fighting people.After the war, he participated in the French Revolution and wrote“The Rights of Man” and “The Age of Reason” to spread the ideals of the French revolution among the people.Philip FreneauHe is the most important poet of the 18th Century, a notable representative of dawning nationalism in American literature.“The Rising Gl ory of America” is a good example.He is the transitional role b/w the neoclassism of the 18th C and the Romanticism of the 19th C. This is clearly manifested in his “The Indian burying Ground” and “The Wild Honey Suckle”III Edwards and Franklin—two representatives of the age of Enlightenment(of the 18th Century)•(The 18th C Am history witnessed two great revolutions: one was Am IndependenceWar, the other was Enlightenment. Enlightenment was several decades earlier than the Revolution, and it helped paved the path for the Independence war in people’s war. (P.28))i.Background: the age of Enlightenment•Toward the latter part of the 17th century, with Newton’s laws of motion and the idea of gravity, a completely new view of the universe came into being. In the minds of some thinking people, the universe became something mechanical subject to certain physical laws instead of to the supervision of God. This brought about a whole set of new ideas, among which was deism(自然神论)。



+ Franklin wrote many things during his lifetime:
articles for his newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette(宾夕法尼亚公报), letters about his life (later published as his Autobiography), letters on an amazingly wide range of subjects, including politics, science, libraries, even fire stations. + Sometimes he was humorous, but he always followed his own rule for writing: make it "smooth, clear and short."
节制(restrained)、沉默(silent)、 秩序(plan)、意志(strong-willed)、 节俭(thrifty)、产出(effective)、诚 恳(sincere)、公平(fair)、中道()整 洁(tidiness)、平静(calm)、洁身 (integrity)、谦逊(modest)
1.He developed and improved the postal system , making it run at a profit after years of losses.(邮政系统) . 2.He supported and aided Jefferson in writing the Declaration of Independence(独立宣言). 3.He conducted the difficult negotiations with France that support for America in the war. 4.He was a delegate to the Convention that wrote the Constitution.


◆ They were a group of serious, religious people, advocating . They wanted to purify their religious beliefs and practices. They came to America out of various reasons.
American Puritanism: the practices and beliefs of the American Puritans
◆ American Puritans were originally members of a division of the Protestant Church, who came into existence in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I.
America, they became more and more practical.
4 Make the students have a good understanding of Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin.
5 Make sure the students understand clearly about Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography and its influence on the latter Americans.
2 Help the students to know about the main literary form, content and theme in Colonial America and the representative writers of this period.
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Lecture 1 The Literature of the Colonial America and of Reason and Revolution
Teaching Objectives and Requirements
1 Make the students know clear about American Puritanism and its influence on American Literature.
◆ Life style of Puritans: pious austere of taste diligent thrift rigid sense of morality self-reliant
American Puritanism: the practices and beliefs of the American Puritans ◆ American Puritans were originally members of a division of the Protestant Church, who came into existence in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. ◆ They were a group of serious, religious people, advocating highly religious and moral principles. They wanted to purify their religious beliefs and practices. They came to America out of various reasons.
◆ They were idealists, believing the church should be restored to complete “purity” and dreaming that they would build the new land to an Eden on earth. They accepted the doctrine of predestination, original sin, total depravity, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace from God. But in the grim struggle for survival after their arrival in America, they became more and more practical. ◆ American Puritans’ lives were extremely disciplined and hard. They drove out of their settlements all those opinions that seemed dangerous to them.
1.2 Puritan Thought
Puritanism: the practices and beliefs of the Puritans ◆ Puritans: Calvinists. ◆ Puritans wanted to “purify the church” to its original state. ◆ To be a Puritan: religion—the most important thing; living for glorifying God; believing predestination, original sin, total depravity, limited atonement
2 Help the students to know about the main literary form, content and theme in Colonial America and the representative writers of this period. 3 Help the students know about the American history of Independence War and the representatives in the period of Reason and Revolution, especially their influence on American Literature. 4 Make the students have a good understanding of Jonathan Edwards and Benjamin Franklin. 5 Make sure the students understand clearly about Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography and its influence on the latter Americans.
>> back
2 Literature of Reason and Revolution (1765-End of 18th C)
2.1 Historical Background
2.2 Representatives in the period of Reason and Revolution
● Enlightenment (启蒙运动): ◆ Originated in Europe in the 17th century (1680) ◆ Resources: Newton’s theory; deism(P28); French philosophy (Rousseau, Voltaire) ◆ Basic principles: stressing education; stressing Reason (Order); employing Reason to reconsider the traditions and social realities; concerns for civil rights, such as equality and social justice
◆ Edward Taylor: the best of the puritan poets; a meditative poet; most of his work treated religious themes, with poems based directly on the Psalms ◆ Roger Williams: one of the greatest Puritan dissenters; begins with the history of religious toleration in America, and the history of the separation of church and state.
Influence of American Puritanism on literature ◆ Basis of American literature: the dream of building an Eden of Garden on earth
◆ Being instrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism (meaning using symbols in literary works. The symbol means something representing or standing for abstract deep meaning.): lots of American writers liked to employ symbolism in their works
1 Literature of the Colonial America (1607-1765)
2 Literature of Reason and Revolution (1765-End of 18th C)
1.1 Historical Background
In 1492, Christopher Columbus found the new continent called America. Spanish (the first town on the new continent) Dutch (New York city) French (French: lots of people’s mother tongue in North America); English (first settled in Jamestown of Virginia in 1607) In1620, the famous “May Flower” shipped 102 Puritans to Plymouth.
◆ Anne Bradstreet: first American woman
poet; a Puritan poet; once called “Tenth Muse”; her first collection of poems, “The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America” was the first book written by a woman to be published in the United States; her poems mainly about religious experience, family life and early settlers’ lives; her work also serves as a document of the struggles of a Puritan wife against the hardships of New England colonial life, and in some way is a testament to plight of the women of the age; her most famous poems—“Contemplations” (P17)