许 峰(1971—),男,高级工程师,主要从事电力AI、能源网络与信息网络融合技术研究。
张 涵(1979—),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为低压直流故障电弧智能检测技术。
光伏系统直流故障电弧特性与检测装置研究高汉林1, 许 峰1, 张 涵2(1.上海永继电气股份有限公司,上海 201515;2.西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室,陕西西安 710049)摘 要:为避免故障电弧造成的危害,概述了国内外直流故障电弧相关标准及检测方法、产品,并分析方法及产品优缺点。
关键词:光伏系统;故障电弧;实验分析;产品研制中图分类号:TM501+.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095 8188(2022)11 0046 08DOI:10.16628/j.cnki.2095 8188.2022.11.008ResearchonDCArcFaultCharacteristicsandDetectionDeviceinPhotovoltaicSystemGAOHanlin1, XUFeng1, ZHANGHan2(1.ShanghaiYongjiElectricCompanyLimited,Shanghai201515,China;2.TheStateKeyLaboratoryofElectricalInsulationandPowerEquipment,Xi’anJiaotongUniversity,Xi’an710049,China)Abstract:Inordertoavoidhazardscausedbyarcfaults,therelevantstandards,detectionmethodsandproductsproposedathomeandabroadareoverviewed,andtheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofthesedetectionmethodsandproductsareanalyzed.Theinterferencesofarcfaultdetectionarediscussed,whicharecausedbythesystemfactorssuchasthetimechangepropertyofthePVarrayandtheinverterswitchnoise.BasedonMATLABsimulationplatform,theDCarcfaultcharacteristicsarediscussed.Thefeaturesareextractedbytime frequencytransformationmethod,andthefeaturequantitiesareobtained.Finally,aproductprototypeisdeveloped,whichistestedintheapplicationscenariowith375Vvoltage.Inordertocheckwhetherthedesignedarcfaultdetectionalgorithmcanbetteravoidtheinterferenceofswitchingnoise,thetestiscarriedoutunderthreeconditions:DC/DCarcfault,inverterloadarcfault,andinverterloadnormalstartup.Theresultsshowthatthedevelopedprototypeisabletocutfaultsaccuratelyandquickly.Thetimerequiredtocutoffthefaultsisabout0.85s,whichmeetUL1699Bstandard.Keywords:photovoltaicsystem;arcfault;experimentanalysis;productdevelopment0 引 言随着全球可再生能源的日益紧缺,我国政府对可再生能源的开发利用加强重视。
综合考虑算法分辨率和实时性要求,采用200us 的时间窗口对电弧电流进行分析。
Arc Detector直流故障电弧检测
Berner Fachhochschule Technik und Informatik Labor für Photovoltaik, Prof. Dr. H. Häberlin
Berner Fachhochschule Technik und Informatik Labor für Photovoltaik, Prof. Dr. H. Häberlin
Increasing string voltages and currents rapidly increasing number of plants, increasing age of many plants, ⇒ Increasing risk of DC arcs ⇒ additional safety device required, which eliminates
e-Mail: heinrich.haeberlin@bfh.ch, Internet: www.pvtest.ch International workshop
″Arcing in Photovoltaic DC-Arrays – Potential Dangers and Possible Solutions″,
Heinrich Haeberlin Berne University of Applied Sciences (BFH-TI), Division of
Electrical- and Communication Engineering, Laboratory for Photovoltaics, Jlcoweg 1, CH-3400 Burgdorf, Switzerland
Berner Fachhochschule Technik und Informatik Labor für Photovoltaik, Prof. Dr. H. Häberlin
第37卷第3期2021年3月电网与清洁能源Power System and Clean EnergyVol.37No.3Mar.2021——————————基金项目:中国博士后科学基金项目(2020M681928)。
Project Supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2020M681928).ABSTRACT :As arc faults have become a common cause of electrical fire accidents in photovoltaic (PV )systems ,it is of great significance to investigate a reliable DC arc fault detectionmethod to ensure the PV system operation and personal safety.In this paper ,an experimental platform of DC arc faults is builtin the PV system ,and typical arc fault current signals are collected.Next ,the stability analysis ,time-varying analysis ,correlation analysis and randomness analysis are carried out.Considering the global effective separation in whole arc faultburning stage ,less calculation loads and stronger anti-interference requirements ,Euler features are selected as theoptimal arc fault characteristic.Then an arc fault detection algorithm is constructed based on the above optimal Euler feature.The algorithm takes the multi-threshold judgment system as the core rule to discover the arc fault characteristic mode differentfrom the system transient processes.Finally ,the accuracy of the proposed arc fault detection algorithm is verified under conditions of different arc generation modes and system operating points ,and the result shows that the arc faults can be detected successfully in 0.5s under the conditions of different working points and arc generation modes of the photovoltaic system.KEY WORDS :photovoltaic system ;DC arc fault ;feature extraction ;detection method ;hardware implementation 摘要:故障电弧是光伏系统电气火灾事故的常见原因,研究可靠的光伏系统直流故障电弧检测方法对保障系统运行和人身安全有重要意义。
但是,传统的断路器是根据电流的过载情况(ft图片:image002. gif)设计的,而许多严重的电气事故却是山低电流的故障电弧引起的,传统的断路器并不能检知或防止这种故障。
故障电弧根据弧产生的位置乂可分为3类:串型电弧、对地电弧以及线线电弧(见图Do图片:imageOOd・ jpg @)串型电弧(b)对地电弧(c)线线电弧图1故障电弧分类电弧的特点是温度很高,电流很小,持续时间短,一旦出现击穿点则会频繁出现。
比如,《中国火灾统计年鉴》显示,因电气原因引发的火灾在各类火灾中高居榜首,约有30%的火灾是111住宅电气线路老化或配置不合理造成的,并正以平均每年1%的速度持续上升,6. 6%的人在使用插座板时曾有被电击的经历;美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)指出电气故障是无数商业飞机事故的主要问题;军方也认为电气故障是造成安全问题和飞机不能准时起飞的重要原因。
光伏直流电弧故障检测方法研究综述发表时间:2019-06-20T17:11:23.857Z 来源:《河南电力》2018年22期作者:陈雯雯井立刚[导读] 随着社会经济的快速发展,我国的科学技术也在迅速进步。
(山东联创建筑设计有限公司 250100)摘要:随着社会经济的快速发展,我国的科学技术也在迅速进步。
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8972.2021.06.030可实现度可替代行业曲线appraisement industry王利栋1王颖21•大同煤矿集团有限公司同大科技研究院;2.国网河北省电力有限公司邯郸市肥乡区供电分公司影响力行业关联度王利栋(1985-)男,硕士,毕业于太原理工大学矿业工程专业,研究方向煤矿机电。
1 故障电弧的分类与特性1.1 故障电弧的分类电弧故障按照发生原因和形式,可以分为串联电弧故障、并联电弧故障和接地电弧故障三种[1]。
1.2 直流故障电弧特性直流电弧产生装置如图1所示。
基于机器学习方法的直流电弧故障检测丁鑫;竺红卫;殷浩楠;王一闻【摘要】为了解决传统分析方法在直流供电系统中电弧故障检测的精确度不足及过程繁琐的问题,将直流电弧故障检测归为二分类问题,引入机器学习方法,通过直流电弧实验得到正常状态和电弧状态的数据,从时域中提取电流均值等4个特征,从频域中提取高频分量标准差等3个特征.利用提取到的特征对支持向量机(SVM)进行训练,利用求解得到的模型对测试数据集进行分类,分类准确率为94.483%.结果证明:所提方法能有效检测直流电弧故障,提高故障检测精度,且步骤精简,易于推广.%In order to solve the problems that in direct current(DC)power supply system,accuracy of arc fault detection is insufficient and the process is tedious with the traditional analysis method. The DC arc fault detection is classified into two classification problems while the machine learning method is used. The data of normal state and arc fault state are obtained by DC arc experiment. Extract four features from time domain,including the average current and so on. At the same time,extract three characteristics from frequency domain,such as standard deviation of high frequency component,etc. By training support vector machine(SVM)using the extracted features above,classification model is obtained. The accuracy of classification of the test data set by the model is 94. 483%,the result proves that this method can be used to detect DC arc fault effectively,improve detection precision,and can be popularized easily because of simple steps.【期刊名称】《传感器与微系统》【年(卷),期】2017(036)011【总页数】5页(P123-127)【关键词】直流电弧;故障检测;特征提取;机器学习;支持向量机【作者】丁鑫;竺红卫;殷浩楠;王一闻【作者单位】浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江杭州310000;浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江杭州310000;浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江杭州310000;浙江大学电气工程学院,浙江杭州310000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391;TM501.2直流电源广泛应用于航天器的供电系统[1]、汽车的电气系统[2],这些电力电子系统也是发生直流电弧故障的重灾区[3],如果不能及时检测并排除故障,直流电弧将危害电源系统和控制系统,严重时还会引发火灾。
直流拉弧故障检测方法科华直流拉弧故障检测方法科华1. 引言直流拉弧故障是一种在直流电力系统中常见的故障,它可能会给电网带来严重的影响,导致系统运行不稳定甚至损坏设备。
2. 直流拉弧故障的定义和特点直流拉弧故障是指在直流电力系统中,由于电弧的出现而造成的电力故障。
3. 基于电流变化的直流拉弧故障检测方法基于电流变化的直流拉弧故障检测方法是最常用的一种方法。
4. 基于电压变化的直流拉弧故障检测方法除了基于电流变化的方法外,还有一种基于电压变化的直流拉弧故障检测方法。
5. 综合方法的应用和展望除了以上提到的单一方法外,还有一些综合方法被应用于直流拉弧故障的检测中。
2018年 / 第2期 物联网技术270 引 言直流电弧故障多发于直流供电系统,倘若直流电弧发生故障,会产生比较稳定的持续燃烧环境,若未及时发现并切断火源,则易因电气设备着火而引发火灾。
本文提出一种基于支持向量机SVM 分类器的直流电弧故障检测方法。
首先提出了若干可用于直流电弧故障检测的时域、频域特征量,特别提出了基于希尔伯特-黄变换的时频域特征,并设计了具有检测直流电弧故障功能的SVM 分类器,采用特征量训练的SVM 分类器可根据输入的电流特征量数据判断是否发生直流电弧故障。
1 用于直流电弧故障检测的电流特征本文采用时间窗口对电流进行特征提取,每个窗口为0.2ms ,包含1 000个电流采样数据。
1.1 时域特征本文将以下两个时域特征作为用于直流电弧故障检测的电流时域特征。
(1)电流波动特性:在一个时间窗口中电流最大值和最小值的差值(峰峰值):F =I max -I min(1)(2) 波形因数:在一个时间窗口中电流波形的有效值和绝对均值的比值:F n I 1i i 1=(2)1.2 频域特征本文使用快速傅里叶变换对正常工作时和发生电弧故障时的电流进行频域特性对比,确定可用于直流电弧故障检测的电流频域特征。
从原始电流采样数据里取出正常工作和发生电弧故障的电流各20 ms 进行对比分析。
因为数据采样频率为5 MHz ,由采样定理知,只需分析0~2.5 M Hz 内的谐波分量即可。
一、直流拉弧故障的特点直流拉弧故障具有以下几个特点:1. 高温:直流拉弧故障的温度可达数千度,导致设备局部熔化、融化,严重时可能引发火灾。
2. 高能量释放:直流拉弧故障会释放大量能量,造成设备破坏,甚至爆炸。
3. 瞬间性:直流拉弧故障发生后,持续时间通常很短,仅为毫秒级别。
4. 难以检测:直流拉弧故障在发生时不会引起系统的瞬时故障,因此很难通过常规的保护装置进行检测和判断。
直流拉弧检测系统的主要组成部分包括:1. 信号采集装置:负责采集直流设备上的电压和电流信号,并将其传输给后续的处理单元。
2. 信号处理单元:对采集到的信号进行滤波、放大、数字化等处理,提取出直流拉弧故障的特征信号。
3. 特征提取算法:根据直流拉弧故障的特点,设计相应的特征提取算法,用于判断是否发生拉弧故障。
4. 判断单元:根据特征提取算法的结果,判断当前是否发生直流拉弧故障,并进行相应的保护措施。
三、直流拉弧检测方法根据直流拉弧检测原理,可以采用以下几种方法进行检测:1. 电流比值法:通过对电流信号进行采样和比较,判断是否存在拉弧故障。
2. 频率分析法:对采集到的电压和电流信号进行频谱分析,提取出故障频率的成分,从而判断是否发生拉弧故障。
3. 波形分析法:对采集到的电压和电流波形进行分析,观察是否存在拉弧故障特征,如高频振荡、脉冲等。
4. 特征提取法:通过对采集到的信号进行数学处理和特征提取,提取出拉弧故障的特征参数,如能量、幅值、频率等,从而判断是否存在拉弧故障。
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PHOTOVOLTAIC DC ARC FAULT DETECTOR TESTING AT SANDIA NATIONALLABORATORIESJay Johnson1, Birger Pahl2, Charles Luebke2, Tom Pier2, Theodore Miller3,Jason Strauch1, Scott Kuszmaul1, and Ward Bower11Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA2Eaton Corporation, Milwaukee, WI, USA3Eaton Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA, USAABSTRACTThe 2011 National Electrical Code®(NEC®) added Article 690.11 that requires photovoltaic (PV) systems on or penetrating a building to include a listed DC arc fault protection device. To fill this new market, manufacturers are developing new Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs). Comprehensive and challenging testing has been conducted using a wide range of PV technologies, system topologies, loads and noise sources. The Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory (DETL) at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) has used multiple reconfigurable arrays with a variety of module technologies, inverters, and balance of system (BOS) components to characterize new Photovoltaic (PV) DC AFCIs and Arc Fault Detectors (AFDs). The device‘s detection capabilities, characteristics and nuisance tripping avoidance were the primary purpose of the testing. SNL and Eaton Corporation collaborated to test an Eaton AFD prototype and quantify arc noise for a wide range of PV array configurations and the system responses. The tests were conducted by generating controlled, series PV arc faults between PV modules. Arc fault detection studies were performed on systems using aged modules, positive- and negative-grounded arrays, DC/DC converters, 3-phase inverters, and on strings with branch connectors. The tests were conducted to determine if nuisance trips would occur in systems using electrically noisy inverters, with series arc faults on parallel strings, and in systems with inverters performing anti-islanding and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms. The tests reported herein used the arc fault detection device to indicate when the trip signal was sent to the circuit interrupter. Results show significant noise is injected into the array from the inverter but AFCI functionality of the device was generally stable. The relative locations of the arc fault and detector had little influence on arc fault detection. Lastly, detection of certain frequency bands successfully differentiated normal operational noise from an arc fault signal.INTRODUCTIONArc faults in photovoltaic systems have ignited a number of fires in residential, commercial, and utility installations [1-3]. Article 690.11 in the 2011 National Electrical Code requires new photovoltaic (PV) systems on or penetratinga building to include a listed DC arc fault protection device[4]. To enter this new market, PV DC Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) designs must be compatible with a wide range of PV technologies, inverters, and other BOS components.The Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory (DETL), at Sandia National Laboratories, shown in Figure 1, has been used as a test bed to integrate novel technologies into renewable energy systems for decades. SNL has partnered with inverter, module, and—most recently—AFD and AFCI manufacturers. With the adoption of the 2011 NEC, SNL is testing new AFDs and AFCIs on PV systems. SNL facilities have reconfigurable PV arrays with PV modules from different manufacturers and a diverse portfolio of PV technologies, ages, and I-V characteristics, along with a range of connectors, DC disconnects, combiner boxes, line lengths, and inverters. The variety of PV array technologies and configurations makes the facility ideal for testing the robustness of AFDs and AFCIs.Figure 1 A portion of the PV arrays at DETL.PV DC AFCI devices consist of an intelligent Arc Fault Detector (AFD) and an Arc Fault Interrupting Device (i.e., circuit interrupter) that physically disconnects the DC PV circuit. Some of the suggested AFCIs are installed on individual strings and detect the presence of a specific AC frequency or frequencies that are emitted by the arcing event. Based on this detection methodology, Sandia and Eaton engineers identified a set of tests—in addition to the UL 1699B testing [6]—to investigate the potential for two of the major AFD failure modes: (1) the AFD falsely indicates an arc (nuisance trips) due to antenna effects,crosstalk, or inverter noise or (2) the AFD fails to detect the arc fault because the frequency of the arcing signal was filtered, masked, or attenuated in the circuit components. Tests were conducted at DETL to measure baseline and arcing noise which the detector would encounter and be required to differentiate regardless of the arc fault location, module or inverter technology, and topology. This paper focuses on evaluating the types of noise that are encountered for various system configurations and conditions that can influence the ability of an AFD to detect arc faults. It will not report any proprietary pass/fail results or detection times of the AFD hardware under test.ARC FAULT DETECTION CHALLENGESThere are a number of challenges to remote arc fault detection. As shown in Fig. 2, the following behavior occurs during the arcing event:1. An arc fault initiates at some location in the stringand generates 1/f (―pink‖) AC noise on top of theDC current. This signal—illustrated on the left sideof Fig. 2—travels down the line through the system.2. As the signal passes through the PV modules andconnectors, a variable attenuation occurs in the PVmodules and connectors and changes thefrequency amplitudes (profile) of the electrical noiseas it propagates downstream.3. Antenna effects, crosstalk and other RFphenomena further modify the signal profile andcharacteristics.4. The modified arcing signal reaches the arc faultdetector in the AFCI. Depending on the PV celltechnology, system topology, metrologicalconditions, and health of the modules, the signalreaching the AFD is likely different than the originalarcing signal—possibly allowing an arcing conditionto go undetected.5. Inverter noise is injected onto the PV string andinverter switching generates switching frequencyand harmonics from 1kHz to >100 kHz [6].Figure 2 Arc fault signal propagation and detection block diagram.ARC FAULT DETECTION TESTSThe list in Table 1 outlines the tests performed at Sandia National Laboratories to verify the AFD was capable of arc fault detection without nuisance trips. The baseline measurements established system noise levels. Arcing tests monitored arc fault detection and nuisance events by inserting the arc fault generator (AFG) into different strings. With the diversity in PV systems, there was a need to test a number of special cases to satisfy different ―what if‖ scenarios. They include thin-film PV, 3-phase inverters, DC/DC converters, and noise from different inverter designs.Baseline MeasurementsPrior to inserting the arc fault detector or circuit interrupter into the PV system, the AC noise of the array was measured in three locations, (a) at the far end of the PV string, (b) after the combiner box, and (c) at the inverter. Repositioning the data acquisition (DAQ) system identified if there were any RF effects or filtering due to line lengths, connectors, disconnects, and switchgear between the string and the inverter. The noise injected into the system from different inverters was measured and quantified to determine if this influenced arc fault detection time or nuisances trips. Last, the number of strings that were connected within the combiner box and with branched connections was varied to determine if system size and topology influenced the noise signatures.Arcing TestsThe arcing tests were designed to determine if the AFD functioned properly over a range of PV systems. First, the arc fault detector was placed on the PV array side of the combiner box, and then the arc fault was initiated at different locations within the array. The time required for detection was recorded for each location to determine if there was consistency. Other variations included:∙changing the inverter type∙changing the circuit layout with and without MC4 Y-connectors∙varying the AFD location∙testing on strings with aged modules with hot spotsThere are many possible testing permutations. Experiments focused on encompassing worst case situations: noisy inverters, long line lengths, parallel strings connected with Y-connectors, and aged modules containing hot spots from many years of degradation. The goal was to verify these variables would not affect the AFD performance. Table 2 shows a subset of the components and configurations used for the characterization tests.Special CasesAFDs and AFCIs must be robust enough to operate with various attenuation effects from the components while being exposed to external noise sources. The AFD under test was found to operate on a small—but representative—subset of PV technologies, BOS components and configurations. These special configurations included DC/DC converters, positive- and negative-grounded arrays, PV arrays with partial shading, single and 3-phase inverters, and thin-film PV systems. The susceptibility to nuisance tripping events due tomaximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms and anti-islanding fluctuations were also tested to verify they would not cause nuisance tripping. Also, there was concern that an arc fault in a parallel PV string would cause AFDs to trip due to crosstalk or other coupling. Tests were conducted to verify AFD selectivity.Data Acquisition SystemThe string current was measured with a Tektronix TCP0150A; the string voltage and arcing voltage were measured with Tektronix P5205 probes; and the AC current was measured with an Ion Physics CM-1-L current transformer. A Tektronix MSO4054 500-MHz mixed signal oscilloscope was used to visualize and record the data. The data was collected at a 10 MHz sample rate.RESULTSTesting was performed at the DETL facility at SNL to compare baseline noise and arcing noise on a range of systems. The most significant test results are presented in this paper. Baseline measurements were taken to quantify the noise in six different PV strings with different inverters, shown in Table 2. For the six configurations, the inverter places a unique noise signature on the line as shown in Figure 3.Figure 3 DC string current on different PV arrays with different inverters.The noise signatures are composed of harmonics from 60 Hz AC current being reflected onto the DC side of the inverter, 120 Hz signals (shown in Figure 4) resulting from inverter switching in the single-phase H-bridge topology, and other inverter switching frequencies and broadband noise. Inverters also update the maximum power point tracking set-point at regular intervals (often 1 second), which induces noise at that point, shown in Figure 4. Further, inverters that have active anti-islanding algorithms regularly produce a prognostic spike on the AC side that may couple to the DC side of the inverter. Many noisecomponents are identifiable by taking the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the inverter noise signatures. The resulting spectral content for the configurations in Table 2 is shown in Figure 5.Figure 4 120 Hz noise from the inverter compared to a resistive load bank noise (left) and the effect of MPPT on current (right).Figure 5 Noise in six PV arrays with different inverters.Depending on the PV system topology and components, arc faults in the PV system may result in different MPPT or anti-islanding operation. In single string tests, the operating dc current and voltage drops initially because the string impedance suddenly increased from the arc fault event. The inductive inverter components increase the dc-side time constant, so the response is significantly slower with the inverter. Baseline and arcing measurements on a string with an inverter and with a resistive load bank are shown in Figures 6 and 7.The inverter and arcing noise can be quantified by examining the DFT of the current from 0.05-0.8 s shown in Figure 6. Arcing frequencies are characterized by 1/f (pink) noise content [5], but, as shown in Figure 8, the noise is perturbed as the signal travels to the remotely located detector by filtering from the PV modules, antenna effects, or inverter noise. Shown in the binned result in Figure 9, this particular inverter puts more noise on the line for frequencies below 1 kHz, whereas the arc fault puts more uniform broadband noise on the line. Interestingly, the arcing noise is larger than the non-arcing noise between 1 Hz and 100 kHz regardless of the inverter noise. When performing the DFT on the voltage time series, as shown in Figure 10, the differentiation between arcing and non-faulted strings is more challenging using the decade binning technique.Figure 6 DC string current for arcing and non-arcing conditions with an inverter and a resistive load bank. The arc initiated at 0 seconds and continued for more than 0.8 seconds.Figure 7 DC string voltage for arcing and non-arcing conditions with an inverter and a resistive load bank.Figure 8 Frequency content of the string current for arcing and non-arcing conditions with an inverter and a resistive load bank.Switching Frequencyfor Inverter in Configuration 660 Hz Noise120 Hz NoiseArcs, inverterNo arc, inverterArcs, load bankNo arc, load bankArcs, inverterArcs, load bankNo arcs, inverterNo arcs, load bankArc fault begins at 0 sec.Arcs, inverterArcs, load bankNo arcs, inverterNo arcs, load bankArc fault begins at 0 sec.Figure 9 Current frequency content binned each decade for arcing and non-arcing conditions with an inverter and a resistive load bank.Figure 10 Voltage frequency content binned each decade for arcing and non-arcing conditions with an inverter and a resistive load bank.To create the ignition of an arc fault, the voltage exceeds the permittivity of free space, current begins flowing between the electrodes, and the gas ionizes to create a plasma. To determine if the initial period of the arc fault contained different frequency content than subsequent time periods, the arcing time domain was subdivided into 0.10 second blocks and the DFT of each time subsection was calculated. Shown in Figure 11, there was a slight variation in the frequency domain as the arcing time increased. Over most of the frequency domain, and especially between 10-100 kHz, the arcing noise amplitudes increased slightly over the duration of the arc fault. Since the arc was ―drawn out‖ by separating opposing electrodes, the increase in noise may be caused by the increased arc gap.It was believed that the location of the arc fault and the location of the detector could affect the measured frequency content. The arc fault generator was located before and after each module in a 6-module string and the arcing current was measured. While the amplitude of allarcing frequencies was significantly larger than the baseline measurements, the location of the arc fault had little effect on the frequency content at the AFD. Likewise, when the detector was placed at the end of the string and at a location ~30 m farther along the conductor, there was no significant effect on the detected frequencies.Figure 11 DFT data for 0.10 s arc fault subsections.DETL has three subarrays connected to the same 3-phase inverter. The subarrays were composed of four 21 module strings of 90 W c-Si (crystalline silicon) modules, four 22 module strings with 80 W c-Si, and four 22 module 80 W p-Si (polycrystalline silicon) strings —each from different module manufacturers —and labeled subarray 1, 2, and 3. Baseline measurements and arcing measurements at the centers of the strings were taken. The binned frequency content (Figure 12) illustrates that certain frequency ranges are superior for arc fault detection. From 1-100 Hz and 100 kHz to 5 MHz there is little or no difference in the arcing noise content when compared to the baseline current frequencies. However, for the frequencies between 100 Hz-100 kHz, there is a clear separation between the arcing noise and the baseline for all strings. Thus, it is likely that the same arc detection algorithm could be used for these three module technologies.Figure 12 DFT of string current for three string topologies with arcing and non-arcing conditions.Arcs, load bankArcs, inverterNo arcs, inverter No arcs, load bankArcs, inverterNo arcs, inverterArcs, load bankNo arcs, load bankThe 2011 NEC requires AFCIs to have enunciators to indicate that an arcing fault was detected. Ideally this will help identify the possible locations where the arc fault occurred so repairs can be completed quickly. However, if an arc fault on a parallel string causes the AFCI to trip, it will be more difficult to locate the fault location. To determine if the Eaton AFD was susceptible to false trips due to crosstalk, an arc fault was generated on a parallel string. The test setup is shown in Figure 13 and the frequency results for the crosstalk test and an arc fault on the monitored string are shown in Figure 14. The results show that the arcing frequency content and crosstalk noise on parallel strings is very similar. This indicates that more than just the frequency content of the string may be required to differentiate arcing noise from crosstalk noise. Figure 13 Crosstalk test experimental configuration.Figure 14 Crosstalk tests on Array.CONCLUSIONSArticle 690.11 of the 2011 National Electrical Code requires DC arc fault circuit protection on PV systems greater than 80 V mounted on or penetrating a building. Underwriters Laboratories, Inc has created Subject 1699B, which prescribes a series of tests to list the AFCI, including temperature, humidity, mechanical and electrical loads, radiation, and a representative set of arc fault tests [6]. The arc fault tests however do not cover the full range of field situations in which arc fault detectors will be required to perform. AFDs and AFCIs must function on a wide range of PV, BOS, and inverter technologies, topologies, and array sizes, while also being resistant to nuisance trips from different forms of system noise. Additional AFD and AFCI tests using various PV technologies and system topologies were performed at the Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory at Sandia National Laboratories.Eaton Corporation collaborated with Sandia to run a battery of tests with a prototype AFCI. These tests focused on verifying accurate arc fault detection without false tripping. By also capturing current and voltage time series data of the baseline and arcing cases for the range of configurations, detection strategies and variabilities were measured. Inverters injected significant signal profiles on the PV strings. From the binned DFT results, it was shown that a range of noise frequencies are emitted above the baseline level during an arc fault, indicating these may be most appropriate for arc fault detection. Arc fault and detector locations did not appreciably affect the probability of detection for tests conducted, but some abnormalities were observed and will be further investigated. Difficulties distinguishing between arcing and crosstalk noise for some PV system configurations will also be an area for future study.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. This work was funded by the US Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Program.REFERENCES[1] Haeberlin, H. ―Arc Detector as an External Accessory Device for PV Inverters for Remote Detection of Dangerous Arcs on the DC Side of PV Plants‖ European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference Valencia, Spain 2010.[2] Ji, L. 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