



初三历史英国资产阶级革命检测试题及答案第一部分:选择题1.阿斯科特信仰是指: A. 基督教新教派 B. 罗马天主教 C. 路德宗教 D. 支持国教信仰的教派答案:A2.以下哪个人物是英国市民革命的代表人物? A. 洛克 B. 华盛顿 C. 罗US D. 华托答案:A3.英国资产阶级革命不包括以下哪个内容? A. 政治改革 B. 科技革新 C. 经济发展 D. 文化进步答案:D4.下列哪个事件标志着英国草民长期压迫爆发? A. 五月法令 B. 恢复旧贵族特权 C. 激发市民运动 D. 罗马教廷的独立性答案:C5.谁是英国议会革命的领袖? A. 克伦威尔 B. 洛克 C. 华盛顿 D. 霍布斯答案:A6.维也纳会议期间,哪个国家在老秩序中获得了持续发展的优势? A. 法国 B. 英国 C. 普鲁士 D. 奥地利答案:B7.“洛克的自由主义思想在美国独立战争中发挥了决定性的作用”是否属实? A. 是 B. 否答案:A8.英国议会革命具有很大的历史意义,因为: A. 标志着英国的政治独立 B. 是世界文化的顶峰 C. 引领了欧洲的思想革命 D. 打造了现代国家的基础答案:D第二部分:填空题1.英国议会革命发生于17世纪()年代。








(大国历史练习题2)英国史专项练习题 答案

(大国历史练习题2)英国史专项练习题  答案









(大国历史练习题2)英国史专项练习题学校:姓名:____________________ 班级:__________ 考号:一、单选题1.(2018 •浙江杭州高二第二学期期末・18)自英国“脱欧”全民公投的结果公布后,英国人在谷歌上搜索“欧盟”这一关键词,排名第二的问题令人大跌眼镜:“欧盟是什么?”有专家说,这从一定程度上折射了“雅典式民主”的弊端,这里所指的“雅典式民主的弊端”主要体现在()A.滥用误用国家权力B.雅典公民的素质普遍较低C.民主范围比较狭隘D.公民大会是最高权力机关2.(2018 •浙江金华十校高一第二学期期末-21)文艺复兴期间,有一位代表人物的作品以“歌颂人间的仁爱和友谊,提升人性的高尚与尊严”为主旨,该人物是()A.但丁B.薄伽丘C.莎士比亚D.彼特拉克3.(2018 •浙江温州”十五校联合体”高二下学期期末-29)【加试题】洛克说,在母猎捕野兔时,谁花费劳动去发现和追赶它,使它脱离原来共有的自然状态,那么,它就成为他的财产。


洛克的以上思想()①体现了他对英国革命成果的辩护②渗透了自然权利学说和社会契约论③代表了英国工业无产阶级的利益④指出了私有财产制是不平等的根源A.①②B.①④C.②③D.③④4.(2019 •浙江名校协作体高三9月联考-18)17世纪下半期,因为茶叶价格的昂贵以及输入英国的茶叶数量小等因素,饮茶在英国并不流行,茶只是英国上层社会追逐的时尚品。




这些变化表明()A.世界市场逐步形成B.中国自然经济解体C.价格革命来势汹汹D.国际劳动分工格局确立5.(2018 •浙江名校协作体3月联考-19)蒙克莱斯钦在《贸易的经济政策》中写道:“第一个说金钱是战争之本的人说到了点子上,因为尽管金钱不是唯一的因素,优秀的战士也是绝对必需,然而几个世纪的经验告诉我们,金钱总是主要的。



英国历史试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 英国历史上的“光荣革命”发生在以下哪一年?A. 1642年B. 1688年C. 1701年D. 1721年答案:B2. 英国工业革命开始的标志是什么?A. 蒸汽机的发明B. 纺织业的机械化C. 铁路的建设D. 电力的广泛应用答案:B3. 英国历史上的“玫瑰战争”主要涉及哪两个家族?A. 都铎家族和斯图亚特家族B. 约克家族和兰开斯特家族C. 汉诺威家族和温莎家族D. 诺曼家族和萨克森家族答案:B4. 英国历史上的“黑死病”大流行发生在哪个世纪?A. 14世纪B. 15世纪C. 16世纪D. 17世纪答案:A5. 英国的议会制度起源于哪个时期?A. 罗马时期B. 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期C. 诺曼征服后D. 工业革命时期答案:C二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 英国历史上的“大宪章”是在________年签署的。

答案:12152. 英国历史上的“都铎王朝”开始于________年。

答案:14853. 英国的“维多利亚时代”开始于________年,结束于________年。

答案:1837,19014. 英国历史上的“拿破仑战争”开始于________年,结束于________年。

答案:1803,18155. 英国历史上的“第二次世界大战”开始于________年,结束于________年。

答案:1939,1945三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述英国的“议会制”是如何形成的。

答案:英国的议会制起源于中世纪的“大议会”(Magnum Concilium),随着时间的推移,逐渐发展成由贵族、神职人员和平民代表组成的议会。


2. 描述英国工业革命对英国社会和经济的影响。




英国大学往年考试题及答案英国大学考试题及答案:历史学入门一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 英国资产阶级革命发生在哪一年?A. 1640年B. 1688年C. 1789年D. 1848年2. 下列哪位历史人物不是英国首相?A. 丘吉尔B. 撒切尔C. 克伦威尔D. 布莱尔3. 英国的《大宪章》签署于哪个世纪?A. 12世纪B. 13世纪C. 14世纪D. 15世纪4. 英国工业革命开始的标志是什么?A. 蒸汽机的发明B. 纺织机械化C. 电力的广泛应用D. 铁路的建设5. 以下哪个事件导致了英国对法国的百年战争?A. 玫瑰战争B. 诺曼底征服C. 百年战争D. 滑铁卢战役6. 英国的哪个地区在18世纪成为工业革命的中心?A. 苏格兰B. 威尔士C. 英格兰北部D. 爱尔兰7. 英国君主立宪制的确立与哪部法律文件有关?A. 《权利法案》B. 《大宪章》C. 《人权宣言》D. 《独立宣言》8. 英国的哪个政党与工业革命后工人阶级的利益密切相关?A. 保守党B. 工党C. 自由党D. 民主党9. 英国的哪个历史事件导致了大量爱尔兰人移民美国?A. 土豆大饥荒B. 玫瑰战争C. 英国内战D. 滑铁卢战役10. 下列哪位作家不是英国人?A. 莎士比亚B. 狄更斯C. 简·奥斯汀D. 马克·吐温二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)11. 简述英国内战的起因及其对英国历史的影响。

12. 描述英国帝国的兴衰过程及其对世界历史的影响。

13. 解释英国议会制度的工作原理及其在英国政治生活中的作用。

三、论述题(每题25分,共50分)14. 论述英国工业革命对社会结构和日常生活的影响。

15. 分析英国在20世纪的外交政策,并讨论其对欧洲乃至世界格局的影响。

四、答案1. A2. C3. B4. B5. C6. C7. A8. B9. A10. D11. 英国内战起因于国王与议会之间关于权力的斗争,特别是关于征税和宗教事务的争议。







詹姆士一世的思想核心是()A.君权来自上帝、教权高于王权B.君权神授、王权至上C.权力必须集中在国王手中D.国王不对任何人负责(包括上帝)3. 斯宾诺莎认为,“神学不一定要听理智的使唤,理智也不一定要听神学的使唤,二者各有其领域……”。



下列各项中最能够表明这性质的是()A.采取武装斗争的方式打败了王军B.没收出卖王室土地,废除地主对国王的封建义务C.处死国王查理一世D.1649年5月宣布成立英吉利共和国8.1688年,女婿登基,丈人逃亡的那场“光荣革命”,是英国资产阶级与() A.封建贵族斗争的原因B.新旧贵族妥协的结果C.封建贵族斗争的标志D.新兴贵族妥协的条件9. 光荣革命是指1688--1689年英国资产阶级和新贵族发动的推翻詹姆斯二世的统治、防止天主教复辟的非暴力政变。

英国历史 练习题

英国历史 练习题

第一章 Land and People 考题I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts:1. The British Isles are made up of________A. two large islands and hundreds of small onesB. two large islands and Northern IrelandC. three large islands and hundreds of small onesD. three large islands and Northern Ireland2. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They are_______A. Britain, Scotland and WalesB. England, Scotland and WalesC. Britain, Scotland and IrelandD. England, Scotland and Ireland3. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries______A. that have a large number of British immigrantsB. that fought on the side of Britain in the two world warsC. that speak English as their native languageD. that were once colonies of Britain4. About a hundred years ago, as a result of imperialist expansion,Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world's people and ______of the world's land area.A. one thirdB. one fifthC. one fourthD. two fifths答案:选择: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2. 1949, Dublin简答1.What are the differences between Britain and the British Isles,Great Britain, England, the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth?The British Isles, Great Britain and England are geographical names,no the official names of the country, while the official name is the United Kingdom, but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain.2. Describe the geographical position of Britain?Britain is an island country. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.3.Whereabouts in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland?The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands.4. Does Britain have a favorable climate? Why?Yes, it has a favorable climate, because it has a maritime type of toonot ,coolare summers and cold too not ,mildare winters ——climate hot. It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. It hasa small range of temperature, too.5. What are the factors which influence the climate in Britain?Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest? The factors which influence the climate in Britain are the following three:1) The surrounding waters balance the seasonal differences;2) The prevailing south-west winds bring warm and wet air in winter and keep the temperatures moderate;3) The North Atlantic Drift, a warm current, passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.The northwestern part has the most rainfall, while the south-eastern corner is the driest.6. Describe the distribution of Britain's population.Britain has a population of 57 million. It is densely populated, with an average of 237people per square kilometer. It is also very unevenly distributed, with 90%of the population in urban areas, 10% in rural areas.Geographically, most British people live in England. Of the total of 57 million people, 47 million live in England; 14 million live in London and Southeastern England.7. What are the three natural zones in Scotland?The three natural zones in Scotland are: the Highlands in the north,the central Lowlands, and the southern Uplands.8. What is the difference between the ancestors of the English and Scots, Welsh and Irish?The ancestors of the English are Anglo-Saxons, while the Scots, Welsh and rash are Celts.9. What are the differences in character and speech between southern England and northern England? How do the Welsh keep their language and culture alive?The Welsh are emotional and cheerful people. The Scots are hospitable,generous and friendly. Irish are known for their charm and vivacity as well as for the beauty of their Irish girls. Throughout the year they havefestivals of song and dance and poetry called Eisteddfodau. On these occasions competitions are held in Welsh poetry, music, singing and art and in this way they keep the Welsh language and Welsh culture alive.10. What is the main problem in Northern Ireland?Hundreds of years ago Scots and English Protestants were sent to live in Northern Ireland. Since then there has been bitter fighting between the Protestants and the Roman Catholics. The former are the dominant group, while the latter are seeking more social, political and economic opportunities. The British Government and the government of Ireland are now working together to bring peace to Northern Ireland.第二章 Origins of the Nation 考题Arrival and settlement of the CeltsBasis of modern English race: the Anglo-SaxonsThe Viking and Danish invasionsKing Alfred and his contributionsThe Norman Conquest and its consequences1 The earliest invasion of England is that by _____.A. the IberianB. the DanesC. the CeltsD. the Anglo-Saxons2 the Celts religion was _____.A. ChristianityB. DruidismC. Norman beliefD. Roman Catholic3 the Anglo-Saxons brought _____ religion to Britain.A. ChristianB. DruidC. Roman CatholicD. Teutonic4 The Anglo-Saxons established _____ system, whereby the lord of the manor collected taxes and organized the local army.A. salveB. feudalC. manorial(采邑制度)D. Capitalistic5. The Anglo-Saxons created the _____ to advise the king, the basis of the Privy Council.A. SynodB. Witan(议会)C. Whit byD. Shirt court6. ______ was known as “the father of the British navy”。



初三历史上英国练习题第一部分:选择题1. 英国工业革命的起始时间是:A. 18世纪中叶B. 17世纪末C. 19世纪初D. 16世纪初2. 英国工业革命的主要原因是:A. 农业革命的成功B. 政府的积极推动C. 商业资本的迅速积累D. 科技与机械的进步3. 工业革命对英国农业的影响是:A. 农田面积的扩大B. 农产品价格的上涨C. 农业劳动力的减少D. 农业生产效率的提高4. 英国工业革命的结果之一是:A. 农村人口迅速增加B. 工业生产出现大规模价格波动C. 建立了较完善的工业法律体系D. 城市迅速扩张,形成了现代城市5. 英国工业革命对全球的影响主要体现在:A. 首次实现了全球统一市场B. 促进了殖民主义的发展C. 使欧洲成为世界工厂D. 改变了社会阶级结构第二部分:判断题请判断以下叙述的正确与否,并在括号内写下“√”或“×”。

1. 英国工业革命是指从17世纪末到18世纪中叶,英国工业和手工业生产方式发生重大变革的历史阶段。

(√)2. 英国工业革命的原因主要是由于农业生产的新技术和手段的引进。

(×)3. 英国工业革命期间,农村人口减少,城市人口迅速增加。

(√)4. 英国工业革命对全球的影响主要体现在经济和社会领域。

(√)5. 工业革命对英国农业几乎没有任何影响。


1. 英国工业革命的主要原因是什么?它对英国经济和社会产生了怎样的影响?答:英国工业革命的主要原因是农业革命的成功、商业资本的迅速积累、科技与机械的进步。




2. 英国工业革命对农业有何影响?答:英国工业革命对农业产生了深远的影响。




第一章Land and People 考题I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts1. The British Isles are made up of ______A. two large islands and hundreds of small onesB. two large islands and Northern IrelandC. three large islands and hundreds of small onesD. three large islands and Northern Ireland2. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain. They areA. Britain ,Scotland and WalesB. England ,Scotland and WalesC. Britain ,Scotland and IrelandD. England ,Scotland and Ireland3. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countriesA. that have a large number of British immigrantsB. that fought on the side of Britain in the two world warsC. that speak English as their native languageD. that were once colonies of Britain4. About a hundred years ago ,as a result of imperialist expansion ,Britain ruled an empire that had one fourth of the world's people and of the world's land area.A. one thirdB. one fifthC. one fourthD. two fifths答案:选择: 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.2. 1949 ,Dublin简答1.What are the differences between Britain and the British Isles ,Great Britain ,England ,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth?The British Isles ,Great Britain and England are geographical names,no the official namesof the country ,while the official nameis the United Kingdom,but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain.2. Describe the geographical position of Britain ?Britain is an island country. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.3. Wher eabouts in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland ?The north and west of Britain are mainly highland ,while the southand south-east are mostly lowlands.4. Does Britain have a favorable climate ?Why?Yes,it has a favorable climate ,because it has a maritime type of climate ——winters are mild,not too cold and summersare cool,not toohot. It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. It hasa small range of temperature ,too.5. What are the factors which influence the climate in Britain ?Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest ?The factors which influence the climate in Britain are the following three :1) The surrounding waters balance the seasonal differences ;2) The prevailing south-west winds bring warmand wet air in winter and keep the temperatures moderate ;3) The North Atlantic Drift ,a warm current ,passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.The northwestern part has the most rainfall ,while the south-eastern corner is the driest.6. Describe the distribution of Britain's population.Britain has a population of 57 million. It is densely populated ,with an average of 237people per square kilometer. It is also very unevenly distributed ,with 90%of the population in urban areas ,10% in rural areas. Geographically ,most British people live in England. Of the total of 57 million people ,47 million live in England ;14 million live in Londonand Southeastern England.7. What are the three natural zones in Scotland ?The three natural zones in Scotland are :the Highlands in the north ,the central Lowlands ,and the southern Uplands.8. What is the difference between the ancestors of the English and Scots ,Welsh and Irish ?The ancestors of the English are Anglo-Saxons ,while the Scots ,Welsh and rash are Celts.9. What are the differences in character and speech between southern England and northern England ?How do the Welsh keep their language and culture alive ?The Welsh are emotional and cheerful people. The Scots are hospitable ,generous and friendly. Irish are known for their charm and vivacity aswell as for the beauty of their Irish girls. Throughout the year they have festivals of song and dance and poetry called Eisteddfodau. On these occasions competitions are held in Welsh poetry ,music ,singing and art and in this way they keep the Welsh language and Welsh culture alive.10. What is the main problem in Northern Ireland ?Hundreds of years ago Scots and English Protestants were sent to live in Northern Ireland. Since then there has been bitter fighting between the Protestants and the Roman Catholics. The former are the dominant group ,while the latter are seeking more social ,political and economic opportunities. The British Government and the government of Ireland are now working together to bring peace to Northern Ireland.第二章Origins of the Nation 考题Arrival and settlement of the CeltsBasis of modern English race :the Anglo-SaxonsThe Viking and Danish invasionsKing Alfred and his contributionsThe Norman Conquest and its consequences1 The earliest invasion of England is that by ____ .A. the IberianB. the DanesC. the CeltsD. the Anglo-Saxons2 the Celts religion was ___ .A. ChristianityB. DruidismC. Norman beliefD. Roman Catholic3 the Anglo-Saxons brought ___ religion to Britain.A. ChristianB. DruidC. Roman CatholicD. Teutonic4 The Anglo-Saxons established _____ system ,whereby the lord of the manorcollected taxes and organized the local army.5. The Anglo-Saxons created the ___ to advise the king, the basis ofthe Privy Council. A. Synod B. Witan (议会) C. Whit by D. Shirt court A. Edward B. Balfe C. Canute D. Harold I7. Christmas Day ____ , Duke William was crowned in Westminster Abbey.A. 1056B. 1066C.1006D. 10608. The Celts may originally have come from eastern and central Europe now. A. France ,Belgium and SpainB.France ,Spainand southern Italy C. France ,Belgium and southern GermanyD. France ,Spain and southern Germany9. By the middle of the ninth century , ________ posed a threat to the Saxon kingdom of Essex.A. the Vikings and the DanesB. the Vikings and the JutesC. the Jutes and the DanesD .the Danes and the Vikings (是不是和 A 一样呀?) A. salve B. feudal C. manorial采邑制度) D. Capitalistic6.was known as the father of the British navy ”。


















高三历史英国责任制内阁测试题一、选择:1、18世纪70年代后英国政治体制发展的特点是( )A.议会权力削弱,国王权力增强B、内阁权力削弱,国王权力增强C.国王权力削弱,内阁权力增强、D.议会和国王权力增强,内阁权力削弱2、标志着英国资产阶级代议制民主政治最终确立的是( )A.《权利法案》颁布B.内阁制开始形成C. 18世纪后期和19世纪上半期,英国的责任内阁制进一步完善D.华尔波尔成为英国第一位实际上的首相3、下列关于英国责任内阁制形成的表述,不正确的是( )A.起源于都铎王朝时期的枢密院B. 18世纪初内阁制仍处于萌芽状态C.英国责任内阁制的形成与两党制度的建立密切相关D.英国的责任内阁制与托利党领袖华尔波尔密切相关4、下列关于英国责任内阁制下的政治的表述,错误的是( )A、内阁的主要职权是对提交议会讨论的政策作出最后的决定,并按照议会规定的政策行使最高行政权B.议会是最高的立法机关,内阁由议会产生,对议会全权负责C.首相既是政府首脑又是议会多数党领袖,掌握国家实权D.内阁和政府必须接受国王的监督和领导5、英国代议制民主在形成和完善过程中,形成的自身特点不包括( )A.是间接民主、B.保留着中世纪的传统特征C.基本框架较中世纪发生了根本变化D.内阁是英国现代政治权力的中心6、英国代议制民主政体建立的重要形响是( )①有利于促使英国进人一个政治稳定、经济快速发展的时期②顺应了历史发展潮流,促进了资产阶级政治文明的发展③对千欧洲和北美地区许多国家产奔了不同程度的影响④影响了英国海外殖民地的政治文明A.①②③B.②③④C.①②③④D.①③④二、阅读下列材料:根据宪法的规定,英国是一个君主制国家,世袭的国王是国家元首、政府首脑、议会的组成部分、司法首脑、武装部队总总司令和国教的世俗领袖。



I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.T 1. Thomas Becket was killed by knights sent by Henry II because he didn’t support Henry’s Policy.F 2. The King or the Queen of England is forbidden to enter the House of Lords, but she or he can take his or her seat in the House of commons.T 3. England began to use coins during Elizabeth’s time.T 4. John Milton was a strong supporter of the Bourgeois Revolution.F 5. The first settlement on the east Australian coast took place in 1787 during the reign of George III.F 6. Alfred the Great was so forceful and fought so bravely against the Danes that the Danes had to leave England.T 7. Magna Carta was signed by King John.F 8. The Wars of the Roses were fought between the House of Lancaster and the Horse of Windsor. T 9. “Utopia” was written by Thomas More.F 10. Both Bloody Mary and Elizabeth I were Catholic Queens.F 11. Dring the Bourgeois Revolution, the supporters of the King were called Roundheads.T 12. By the Treaty of Utrecht, Spain agreed to cede Gibraltar to England forever.T 13. The House of Commons is divided according to political parties, the Stronger and the Opposition.T 14. Those who sticked to purifying the Roman Church were called the Puritans.F 15. The Danes are Christians as the English.T 16. Sweyn led a mighty army to attack England to avenge his killed sister.F 17. When Canute died, his son Edward “ the Confessor” became the king of the land.T 18. After the death of the weak king Stephen, the lords accepted Matilda’s son as the King—Henry II.T 19. Richard, the Lion Heart, was the son of Henry II and he stayed in England for only 10 months of his ten years’ rule.F 20. Geoffrey Chaucer went to France on one of the campaigns of the Hundred Years’ War, there he was captured as a prisoner and then killed.T 21. The Pope didn’t agree with the divorce of Henry VIII for he thought it was illegal.T 22. Mary Stuart mad plans to make herself Queen by murdering Elizabeth, but was imprisoned and executed for treason.II. Fill in blanks in the following sentences to make them historically correct:1. The first inhabitants in Britain were Celts at about 3,000 B.C.2. In 55 B.C. the Romans came, headed by Julius Caesar .3. When they invaded Britain, both Caesar and Plautius landed on the shores of Kent .4. The Romans occupied Britain for about 400 years.5. One of the rebellions against the Roman occupation was the one led by a queen named Boadicea .6. The Romans Brought in Christianity , tribalism , the gentile system and Latin language to places where they stayed.7. In A.D.410 the Roman soldiers in Britain sailed away to defend their capital from the attacks of Huns and Goths .8. After the Roman left, the fierce Picts and Scots swept over the undefended land.9. England means Angle-land which came from the Angles.10. The Angles and Saxons from northern German spoke a Germanic language which we callOld English .11.Alfred the Great led the people bravely against Danish invaders .12. Alfred the Great was the father of the British Navy.13. Alfred captured Guthrum, the Danish leader, and made him convert Christianity .14.The battle of Hastings on Oct. 13, 1066 change the whole course of English history.15. On Christmas Day , 1066 , William was crowned in Westminster Abbey as William I.16. The English language of the 11th to the 14th centuries is called Middle Ehglish .17. The names of almost all animals while alive are Anglo-Saxons , but when they are prepared as food are Norman French .18. “The History of the Kings of Britain”was written by Geoffrey of Monmouth and “Brut” by Layamon .19. When a son of the Sovereign succeeds to the throne, his wife becomes queen consort .20. If a daughter succeeds to the title, she becomes queen regent , her husband get the titleDuke of Edinburgh and Prince of United Kindom .21.When William died, he left Nomandy to his eldest son Robert and England to his second son William Rufus .22. Henry II is best remembered for his reform of the courts and the laws .Most important of all was Henry’s jury system .23. The two kinds of laws in England now are the laws made by the parliament called “ Acts “, and “ the Common Law ” which was first made by Henry II .24. Richard I was the first King of England who took part in the Crusades.19. The Magna Carta was signed by John at Runnymede on June 17, 1215 .20. The Magna Carta was the foundation of English liberty and beginning of parliamentary rule.21. King Henry III wanted to tear up the Magna Carta but was defteated by Simon de Montfort and put in prison.22. It was during the reign of Edward I that the old feudal tax system was gradually replaced by a tax on property.23. In 1301 Edward I gave his first son the title of Prince of Wales.24. The first Prince of Wales was Edward II24. The Hundred Years’ War was a period of intermittent war between France and England , which was ended in 1453 .25. John of Arc was a French heroine who led a French army against the English.26. The tax of one shilling a head started a peasant revolt known as Wat Tyler uprising.27. At Agincourt in1415, Henry V defeated a French army five times greater than his own.27. Geoffrey Chaucer was the founder of English Poetry.28.. Henry VII sent John Cabot to explore the coasts of Canada and Newfoundland which later became England’s first colony.29. The first great blow to the Roman Catholic Church was delivered by Henry VIII .30. People who insisted on the separation of the church form the Roman Catholic Church and wanted to change any part of the faith were called Church Council .31. The destruction of Spain’s gigantic Armada in July 1588 made it possible for England to establish a supremacy on the seas and to establish the British Empire .32. Guy Fawkes Day became a traditional holiday to remember the failure of the plot . And it is celebrated on November , 5 .33. The two main aims of the Puritan movement are personal freedom and religious liberty .34. Charles I was beheaded in 1649, and Oliver Cromwell became the leader of the government which is a quasi-republic.35. Charles II was invited back to be king of England which is know in history as Restoration .36. In May 1707 , the Act of Union was signed with the Scots which united England , Scotland and Wales into Great Brain.37. In the 18th century, the policy of the Prime Minister Walpole was “ to let the sleeping dogs lie.”38. The Seven Years’ War was settled by the Treaty of Hubertusberg in Germany, by which Britain gained Canada .39. During the reign of George III, the Americian colonies was lost and the war against Napoleon occurred.40. The industrial Revolution started with a series of mechanical inventions, the spinning machine by James Hargreaves , the steam engine by James Watt , the railway engine by George Stephenson .41. Every policeman is known as a “Bobby “and used to be called “Peeler “ after William IV’s Prime Minister Sir Rober Peel .42. In 1840 and 1842 Britain launched wars against China, known as Opium War . The Chinese Government was forced to sign the Treaty of Nanjing , by which the British troops occupied HongKong .43. The Crimean War is chiefly remembered for Florence Nightingale who established modern nursing.44. In 1875 British troops occupied Egypt to protect British interest in the Suz Canal and stayed there for 74 years when then they withdrew in 1956.45. World War I occurred on June 28, 1914 between two military blocks of the world. One was the Central Powers (principally Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey ), the other was the Allies(principally Britain , France and Russia ).III. Read the following sentence carefully. Then complete the blanks.1. The first inhabitants in Britain were Celts at about 3,000 B.C.2. The Romans first came to Britain in Kent .3. The Romans ruled England for about 400 years.4. In 1455 , the Duke of York tried to displace the Lancaster King Henry VI, and the Wars of the Roses broke out.5. The First Prince of Wales was Edward II .6. The Battle of Bosworth was the last of the conflicts in the Wars of the Roses.7. The Common Law of England was first gathered by Henry II .8. It was during the House of Hanover that American was discovered.9. The Magna Carta is regarded as the foundation stone of English Liberty.10. In England, the first blow to the Roman Catholic church was delivered by Henry VIII .11. The Glorious Revolution marked the real beginning of the constitutional monarchy in England.12. The British organized the first large migration to New Zealand and established a settlement at Wellington in the year 1840 .13. During the Crimean War, Palmerstone was Prime Minister. He was famous for highhandedness and gunboat diplomacy.14. In 1645 Cromwell defeated the king at the Battle of Naseby .15. In the reign of Elizabeth England established a supremacy on the sea.16. The Germanic language was brought to England by the Anglo-Saxons .17. Richard I took part in the 5th of the 8 Crusades.18. After the Seven Year’s War , England became stronger than ever before and dominated the world trade. Form the war England gained the whole of Canada and all French possessions westward to the Missisisippi.19. In May 1707 England and Scotland were united and the island became Britain through the Act of Union.20. Henry Tudor defteated and killed Richard III at the battle of Bosworth which marked the ending of the Wars of the Roses.21. In 1713 the Treaty of Utrecht brought peace by which Spain agreed that England should keep Gibraltar absolutely and forever.22. As Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli was noted for his tact in his dealings with Queen Victoria.23. Iraq was separated from the U.K. in 1921.24. The English Parliament passd the Act of Supremacy which declared Henry Viii head of the new Church Council .Explain the following terms.1.The Roman Conquest2.The Norman Conquest3.Old English4.King Arthur5.Alfred the Great6.Ethered the Unready7.William the Conqueror8.The Battle of Hastings9.Middle English10.Henry II11.Richard I13. The Magna Carta.14. Edward I15.The Hundred Years’ War16. Joan of Arc17. The Black Death Plague18.The Battle of Agincourt19. The Wars of the Roses20.The Battle of Bosworth21. Bloody Mary22. Elizabeth I23. Oliver Cormwell24.The Battle of Nasebay25. The Glorious Revolution26. the Restoration27. The Seven Years’ WarAnswer the following questions:1.Say what you know about the Roman influence on Britain.2.What are the consequences of the Norman Conquest?3.Who was Alfred? Say something about his great contributions to his country.4.What are the great contributions made by Henry II to the English court and law?5.Who was Thomas Becket and how was he related to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales?6.How did Henry Tudor set a new era in English history?7.What did Elizabeth I contribute to the English people?8.Give a brief account of the life of Shakespeare.9.How did the English parliament come into being?10.What is the effect of Renaissance in England?11.Tell something about the background and significance of the British Bourgeois Revolution.12.What changes did the Seven Years’ War bring about to Britain?13.In what year did the Wars of the Roses happen?14.What marked the end of the Middle Ages in England?15.What is the importance of the Industrial Revolution?16.Why did the Chartist Movement take place in Britain and what are the six points of the Charter?17.In what way were the Irish people annoyed since their union with Britain in 1801?18.Why is it said that Victorian reign saw the rapid industrialization of Britain?19.What are the agreement and disagreement between the Puritan and the Anglican?20.Why did the Victorian government buy the Suez Canal shares and even then occupy Egypt?。



练习题Chapter 1 Land and PeopleI. Multiple choice1. The geographical names for the U. K. are ____.A.the British Isles, Great Britain, EnglandB.the British Isles, Great Britain, NorthernIrelandC.the British Isles, Great Britain, the UnitedKingdomD.Britain, England, the United Kingdom2. The longest river in Britain is ____.A. the ClydeB. the MerseyC. the SevernD. the Thames3. Whose speech is closest to BBC English?A. a CockneyB. Southerners in EnglandC. Northerners in EnglandD. A Welsh4. The welsh are fond of ____.A. foodB. sportsC. fashionD. musicII. Fill in the blanks:1.T he four political divisions of Britain are ____, ____, ____, and ____.2.T he official full name of Britain is ____.3.T he English Channel between England and France is quite narrow and the narrowest part is called the Strait of ____, which is only 33 kilometers across.4.G eographically speaking, the north and west of Britain are ____, while the east and southeast are mostly ____.5.____ is the second largest and most important river in Britain. It is 336 kilometers long.6.T he ancestors of the English are ____, while the Scots , Welsh and Irish are ____.答案I. 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. DII. 1. English, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland2. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland3. Dover4. highlands, lowlands5. the Thames6. Anglo-Saxons, CeltsChapter 2 The Origins of a Nation (500BC-1066)I. Multiple choice1.T he first inhabitants in Britain were ____.A. the NormansB. the CeltsC. the IberiansD. the Anglo-Saxons2.B ritish Recorded history began with ____.A. Roman invasionB. the Norman ConquestC.t he Viking and Danish invasionD. theAnglo-Saxons invasion3.K ing ____ was known as “the father of theBritish navy.”A. EdwardB. AlfredC. CanuteD. Harold III. Fill in the blanks1.T he Romans built two walls to keep the ____out of the area they had conquered, one of which was the Hadrian’s Wall.2.T he Romans brought the new religion ____ to Britain.3.I n the mid-5th, three Teutonic tribes ____, ____, and ____ invaded Britain. Among them, the ____ gave their name to English people.4.B y the end of the 7th century, England was divided into seven kingdoms, called ____.5.I n 579, Pope Gregory I sent St Augustine to England to convert the English to Christianity, and he was the first Archbishop of ____.6.K ing Alfred was entitled ____ while King Edward was known as ____ because of his piety.Chapter 3 The Shaping of the Nation(1066-1381)I. Multiple choice1. Under William’s rule, the ____ were at the bottom of the feudal system.A. baronsB. freemenC. villeinsD. lawyers2. Henry II was the first king of the ____ dynasty.A.WindsorB. TudorC. MalcolmD. Plantagenet3. In Henry II’s reign, a ____ law was gradually established in place of the customs of the manor.A. localB. privateC. civilD. common4. The Great Charter was signed in ____A. 1251B. 1261C. 1215D. 1216,II. Fill in the blanks1.Under William, the ____ system in England was completely established.2.In 1215, the baron’s charter, known as Mangna Carta or ____ was approved, which contained 63 clauses.4. ____ was the deadly bubonic plague, which reduced England’s population from four million totwo million by the end of the 14th century.Chapter 4 Transition to the Modern Age(1455-1688)I. Multiple Choice1. The English Reformation began with ____.A. Henry VIIB. Henry VIIIC. Mary TudorD. Edward VI2. The Renaissance began in ____ in the early __century.A. England, 14B. England, 15C. Italy,14 D. Italy, 153. Three of the following were characteristics of the Elizabethan age. Which of the four is the exception?A.Queen Elizabeth advocated the DivineRight and quarreled with Parliament.B.P rotestantism gradually became the dominantfaith.C.T his was the age of literature whichShakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed.D.This was the beginning of trade andcolonization.4. The English Civil War is also called ____.A. the Glorious RevolutionB. the Bloody RevolutionC. the Catholic RevolutionD.the Puritan Revolution5. In ____, a small group of Puritans sailed from Plymouth in the ship named ____ to be the first settlers in the New Land.A. 1620, LondonB. 1621, MayflowerC. 1588, ArmadaD. 1688, PlymouthII. Fill in the Blanks1. The Wars of ____ was fought between the House of Lancaster and the House of York which lasted for 30 years between 1455 and 1485. The House of Lancaster was symbolized by ____ rose, and the House of York by ____ rose.2. In 1588, Philip II of Spain dispatched the fleet called __ the Armada __ to invade England but was defeated by the British navy.3. James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in ____.4. During the Civil War, the Cavaliers supported ____, while the Roundheads supported ____.5. After the Civil War, Oliver Cromwell declared England a _commonwealth___, later, he became Lord Protector(护国公).6. In 1707, the Act of Union united England and Scotland____.7. The Glorious Revolution marked the beginning of the age of ____ monarchy.Chapter 5 The Rise and Fall of the BritishEmpire (1688-1990)I Multiple choice1. In the 18th century, there appeared _____ in England, which owed a great deal to the invention of machines.A. the Industrial RevolutionB. the Bourgeois RevolutionC. the Wars of the RosesD. the Religious Reformation2. English colonial expansion began with the colonization of _____ in 1583.A.CanadaB. AustraliaC. IndiaD. Newfoundland3. By the Treaty of _____ of 1842, China ceded__ to Britain.A. Nanjing, Hong KongB. Tianjin, Hong KongC. Nanjing, MacauD. Tianjin, Macau4. By _____, Britain had built up a big empirewhich included _____ of the world's population and area.A. 1800,25%B.1900,25%C.1800,15%D.1900,15%5. After the First World War, _____ was established.A. the United NationsB. the Central PowersC. the AlliesD. the League of NationsII. Fill in the blanks1. The two parties originated with the Glorious Revolution were _____ and _____. The former were the forerunners of the Liberal Party, the latter were of the Conservative Party.2. In 1765, the Scottish inventor James Watt produced a very efficient _____ that could be applied to textile and other machinery.3. After the Industrial Revolution, Britain became the "_____ of the world".Chapter 6 Government and AdministrationI Multiple choice1. The system of Parliamentary government is based on ____.A. a written constitutionB. conventionsC. statute law and common lawD. both B and C2. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The Queen is the symbol of the whole nationB. The Queen is a symbol of the parliamentarydemocracyC. The Queen is the "supreme governor" of theestablished Church of EnglandD. The Queen is the centre of many nationalceremonies3. The House of Lords or the House of Commons is at present presided over respectively by _____.A. the Lord ChancellorB. the QueenC.the Speaker D. the Prime Minister4. A General Election in Britain is generally held every _____ years.A. fourB. sixC. fiveD. two5. The Prime Minister is appointed by _____ and he or she always sits in _____.A.the Archbishop of Canterbury, the House ofCommonsB.t he Archbishop of Canterbury, the House ofLordsC.t he Queen, the House of CommonsD.the Queen, the House of Lords6. The ultimate authority for law-making resides in _____.A. the QueenB. the CabinetC. the House of LordsD. the House of Common II. Fill in the blanks1. The United Kingdom is a _____ monarchy: the head of the state is a _____ or a _____.2. British constitution is made up of _____, _____ and _____.3. The Sovereign’s coronation ceremony takes place at _____ in London.4. Britain’s parliament consists of _____, _____, and _____.5. The House of Lords is made up of _____ and _____.6. The party which wins the second largest number of seats becomes the official _____, with its own leader and “_____ cabinet”.7. The Prime Minister is appointed by _____, and his/her official residence is _____.8. Ministers are appointed by _____ on the recommendation of the _____. The most senior ministers compose _____.。



I. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.1. Thomas Becket was killed by knights sent by Henry II because he didn’t support Henry’s Policy.2. The King or the Queen of England is forbidden to enter the House of Lords, but she or he c an take his or her seat in the House of commons.3. England began to use coins during Elizabeth I’s time.4. John Milton was a strong supporter of the Bourgeois Revolution.5. The first settlement on the east Australian coast took place in 1787 during the reign of George III.6. Alfred the Great was so forceful and fought so bravely against the Danes that the Danes had to leave England.7. Magna Carta was signed by King John.8. The Wars of the Roses were fought between the House of Lancaster and the Horse of Windsor.9. “Utopia” was written by Thomas More.10. Both Bloody Mary and Elizabeth I were Catholic Queens.11. Dring the Bourgeois Revolution, the supporters of the King were called Roundheads.12. By the Treaty of Utrecht, Spain agreed to cede Gibraltar to England forever.13. The House of Commons is divided according to political parties, the Stronger and the Opposition.14. Those who sticked to purifying the Roman Church were called the Puritans.15. The Danes are Christians as the English.16. Sweyn led a mighty army to attack England to avenge his killed sister.17. When Canute died, his son Edward “ the Confessor” became the king of the land.18. After the death of the weak king Stephen, the lords accepted Matilda’s son as the King—Henry II.19. Richard, the Lion Heart, was the son of Henry II and he stayed in England for only 10 months of his ten years’rule.20. Geoffrey Chaucer went to France on one of the campaigns of the Hundred Y ears’ War, there he was captured as a prisoner and then killed.21. The Pope didn’t agree with the divorce of Henry VIII for he thought it was illegal.22. Mary Stuart mad plans to make herself Queen by murdering Elizabeth, but was imprisoned and executed for treason.II. Fill in blanks in the following sentences to make them historically correct:1. In B.C. the Romans came, headed by .2. When they invaded Britain, both Caesar and Plautius landed on the shores of .3. The Romans occupied Britain for about years.4. The Romans Brought in , , the gentile system and to places where they stayed.6. In the Roman soldiers in Britain sailed away to defend their capital from the attacks of .7. The Angles and Saxons from northern Germay spoke a Germanic language which we call .8. was the father of the British Navy.9.The battle of on Oct. 13, 1066 change the whole course of English history.10. On , , William was crowned in as William I.11. The English language of the 11th to the 14th centuries is called .12. The names of almost all animals while alive are , but when they are prepared as food are .13. “The History of the Kings of Britain” was written by and “Brut” by .14. When a son of the Sovereign succeeds to the throne, his wife becomes .15. If a daughter succeeds to the title, she becomes , her husband get the titles and .16. Henry II is best remembered for his reform of the and the .Most important of all was Henry’s .17. The two kinds of laws in England now are the laws made by the parliament called ““, and “” which was first made by .18. was the first King of England who took part in the Crusades.19. The Magna Carta was signed by at on June 17, .20. was the foundation of English liberty and beginning of parliamentary rule.21. King Henry III wanted to tear up the Magna Carta but was defteated by and put in prison.22. It was during the reign of that the old feudal tax system was gradually replaced by a tax on property.23. In Edward I gave his first son the title of Prince of Wales.24. The Hundred Y ears’War was a period of intermittent war between and , which is ended in .25. was a French heroine who led a French army against the English.26. The tax of one shilling a head started a peasant revolt known as uprising.27. At in1415, Henry V defeated a French army five times greater than his own.27. was the founder of English Poetry.28.. Henry VII sent to explore the coasts of and Newfoundland which later became England’s first colony.29. The first great blow to the Roman Catholic Church was delivered by .30. People who insisted on the separation of the church form the Roman Catholic Church and wanted to change any part of the faith were called .31. The destruction of Spain’s in July made it possible for England to establish a supremacy on the seas and to establish .32. Guy Fawkes Day became a traditional holiday to remember the failure of the . And it is celebrated on , .33. The two main aims of the Puritan movement are and .34. was beheaded in 1649, and became the leader of the government which is a quasi-republic.35. Charles II was invited back to be king of England which is know in history as .36. In May , the Act of Union was signed with the which united , and into Great Brain.37. In the 18th century, the policy of the Prime Minister was “ to let the sleeping dogs lie.”38. The Seven Y ears’ War was settled by in Germany, by which Britain gained .39. During the reign of George III, the colonies was lost and the war against occurred.40. The industrial Revolution started with a series of mechanical inventions, the spinning machine by , the steam engine by , the railway engine by .41. Every policeman is known as a ““and used to be called ““after William IV’s Prime Minister .42. In and Britain launched wars against China, known as . The Chinese Government was forced to sign the , by which the British troops occupy .43. The Crimean War is chiefly remembered for who established modern nursing.44. In 1875 British troops occupied to protect British interest in the Suz Canal and stayed therefor 74 years when then they withdrew in 1956.45. World War I occurred on June 28, 1914 between two military blocks of the world. One was the(principally , and ), the other was the(principally , and ).III. Read the following sentence carefully. Then complete the blanks.1. The first inhabitants in Britain were at about 3,000 B.C.2. The Romans first came to Britain in .3. The Romans ruled England for about years.4. In , the Duke of Y ork tried to displace the Lancaster King Henry VI, and the Wars of the Roses broke out.5. The First Prince of Wales was .6. The Battle of was the last of the conflicts in the Wars of the Roses.7. The Common Law of England was first gathered by .8. It was during the House of that American was discovered.9. is regarded as the foundation stone of English Liberty.10. In England, the first blow to the Roman Catholic church was delivered by .11. The Glorious Revolution marked the real beginning of the in England.12. The British organized the first large migration to New Zealand and established a settlement at Wellington in the year .13. During the Cremean War, was Prime Minister. He was famous for highhandedness and gunboat diplomacy.14. In 1645 Cromwell defeated the king at .15. In the reign of England established a supremacy on the sea.16. The Germanic language was brought to England by .17. Richard I took part in the of the 8 Crusades.18. After , England became stronger than ever before and dominated the world trade. Form the war England gained and all French possessions westward to the Missisisippi.19. In England and Scotland were united and the island became Britain through the Act of Union.20. Henry Tudor defteated and killed Richard III at the battle of which marked the ending of the Wars of the Roses.21. In 1713 brought peace by which Spain agreed that England should keep Gibraltar absolutely and forever.22. As Prime Minister, was noted for his tact in his dealings with Queen Victoria.23. was separated from the U.K. in 1921.24. The English Parliament passd the Act of Supremacy which declared Henry V iii head of the .Explain the following terms.1.The Roman Conquest2.The Norman Conquest3.Old English4.King Arthur5.Alfred the Great6.Ethered the Unready7.William the Conqueror8.The Battle of Hastings9.Middle English10.Henry II11.Richard I13. The Magna Carta.14. Edward I15.The Hundred Y ears’ War16. Joan of Arc17. The Black Death Plague18.The Battle of Agincourt19. The Wars of the Roses20.The Battle of Bosworth21. Bloody Mary22. Elizabeth I23. Oliver Cormwell24.The Battle of Nasebay25. The Glorious Revolution26. the Restoration27. The Seven Y ears’ WarAnswer the following questions:1.Say what you know about the Roman influence on Britain.2.What are the consequences of the Norman Conquest?3.Who was Alfred? Say something about his great contributions to his country.4.What are the great contributions made by Henry II to the English court and law?5.Who was Thomas Becket and how was he related to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales?6.How did Henry Tudor set a new era in English history?7.What did Elizabeth I contribute to the English people?8.Give a brief account of the life of Shakespeare.9.How did the English parliament come into being?10.What is the effect of Renaissance in England?11.Tell something about the background and significance of the British Bourgeois Revolution.12.What changes did the Seven Y ears’ War bring about to Britain?13.In what year did the Wars of the Roses happen?14.What marked the end of the Middle Ages in England?15.What is the importance of the Industrial Revolution?16.Why did the Chartist Movement take place in Britain and what are the six points of the Charter?17.In what way were the Irish people annoyed since their union with Britain in 1801?18.Why is it said that V ictorian reign saw the rapid industrialization of Britain?19.What are the agreement and disagreement between the Puritan and the Anglican?20.Why did the Victorian government buy the Suez Canal shares and even then occupy Egypt?。



金斯利考试专题和答案一、单项选择题1. 金斯利认为,英国历史上最重要的事件是()。

A. 诺曼底征服B. 玫瑰战争C. 光荣革命D. 工业革命答案:C2. 金斯利在其著作中提到,英国君主立宪制的确立是在()。

A. 17世纪B. 18世纪C. 19世纪D. 20世纪答案:A3. 金斯利认为,英国政治制度的核心是()。

A. 君主制B. 贵族制C. 议会制D. 行政制答案:C4. 金斯利在其著作中提到,英国历史上最重要的政治家是()。

A. 伊丽莎白一世B. 威廉·皮特C. 温斯顿·丘吉尔D. 奥利弗·克伦威尔答案:D5. 金斯利认为,英国历史上最重要的战争是()。

A. 百年战争B. 玫瑰战争C. 拿破仑战争D. 第一次世界大战答案:A二、多项选择题6. 金斯利在其著作中提到,英国历史上最重要的政治事件包括()。

A. 光荣革命B. 英国内战C. 英国议会的建立D. 英国君主立宪制的确立答案:ABCD7. 金斯利认为,英国历史上最重要的文学作品包括()。

A. 《贝奥武甫》B. 《坎特伯雷故事集》C. 《哈姆雷特》D. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》答案:ABCD8. 金斯利在其著作中提到,英国历史上最重要的科学家包括()。

A. 艾萨克·牛顿B. 查尔斯·达尔文C. 詹姆斯·瓦特D. 迈克尔·法拉第答案:ABCD9. 金斯利认为,英国历史上最重要的社会变革包括()。

A. 工业革命B. 农业革命C. 宗教改革D. 议会改革答案:ABCD10. 金斯利在其著作中提到,英国历史上最重要的政治家包括()。

A. 伊丽莎白一世B. 威廉·皮特C. 温斯顿·丘吉尔D. 奥利弗·克伦威尔答案:ABCD三、判断题11. 金斯利认为,英国君主立宪制的确立是在17世纪。

()答案:正确12. 金斯利在其著作中提到,英国历史上最重要的政治家是奥利弗·克伦威尔。

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詹姆士一世的思想核心是()A.君权来自上帝、教权高于王权B.君权神授、王权至上C.权力必须集中在国王手中D.国王不对任何人负责(包括上帝)3. 斯宾诺莎认为,“神学不一定要听理智的使唤,理智也不一定要听神学的使唤,二者各有其领域……”。



下列各项中最能够表明这性质的是()A.采取武装斗争的方式打败了王军B.没收出卖王室土地,废除地主对国王的封建义务C.处死国王查理一世D.1649年5月宣布成立英吉利共和国8.1688年,女婿登基,丈人逃亡的那场“光荣革命”,是英国资产阶级与() A.封建贵族斗争的原因B.新旧贵族妥协的结果C.封建贵族斗争的标志D.新兴贵族妥协的条件9. 光荣革命是指1688--1689年英国资产阶级和新贵族发动的推翻詹姆斯二世的统治、防止天主教复辟的非暴力政变。




请按其先后顺序编排以下续写的内容() ①资产阶级不满②专制国王被斩③丈人被婿所赶④查理二世重返A.①②③④B.②①③④C.②④①③D.①②④③11.首开英国内阁制先声的国王和第一任首相分别是()A.乔治七世和撒切尔夫人B.乔治一世和沃波尔C.威廉三世和玛丽二世D.伊丽莎白二世和布朗12.1640年,英国议会重新召开,被视为是英国资产阶级革命的开始,新议会的召开是资产阶级长期斗争的结果。







”他评价的是()A.英国君主立宪制 B.德国君主立宪制 C.美国总统共和制 D.法国共和制18.安妮女王没有子嗣,她去世后王位就要复归詹姆士二世及其世系,“光荣革命”的成果将要功亏一篑。
































(8分)英国史参考答案1—5CBCBA 6—10ABBBC 11—15BDBDD 16—20AADAC 21—24BCBB25.(1)反映了英国资产阶级革命的曲折性、残酷性和反复性。


