跨文化交际背景下的中英文禁忌语对比研究---毕业论文 精品




跨文化交际中中英禁忌研究文献综述一、跨文化交际中的中英禁忌情况1. 礼貌用语的差异:中英两种文化中,礼貌用语的表达方式存在差异。



2. 饮食习惯:中英两国的饮食习惯也存在差异。

例如,在英语中,“鸡肉”通常被称为“chicken”,而在中国文化中,“鸡肉”会被称为“live chicken”,这被认为是不禁忌的。






















关键词:禁忌语; 跨文化交际; 文化; 相关因素a comparative study of chinese and english taboos1. difference between english and chinese taboos1.1 taboos in numberbelief provides the motivations and the reason for doing things. to some extent, taboo topics have a tight association with christianity. the number 13 is not considered as a propitious one in english-speaking societies, for it was recorded in bible that jesus was killed by a disciple named judas who was the 13th man attending the dinner that held by jesus on friday. thus, the number 13 and the day of friday were taboos, which gradually were inherited from generation to generation.in chinese culture, there are also taboo numbers such as4, 73, 84. in chinese, the number 4(si) has a same pronunciation with the word death(si), accordingly, we usually think the number 4 is unlucky and should be avoided, which customs are reflected in the chinese language use. 1.2taboos in privacy regarding age, weight, income and so on.as is known to all, the westerners place a high value on privacy. they are self-centered and hold the views that their individual interests can’t be invaded at any time. the questions related to one’s age, weight, income, marriage will never be asked; otherwise they will entice more prejudice, and offence. yet, it is not the case in china. in fact, there is no equivalent term for “privacy”in chinese. the spirit of collectivism is treasured by chinese people from one generation to another. on the other hand, chinese people enjoy living together with their family members because it is a way to show harmony in the chinese view of thinking. it is not strange for us to find that even people from different families share a big courtyard in china. further, people in china don’t favor changing their homes frequently from one place to another. consequently, the chinese family members always live in one place through the whole life and they areought to be very family with people who share the courtyard with them. we have a saying to the effect that”远亲不如近邻”, which means when in trouble, the one who can help you is not the relatives who live far away from you, but your neighbors.2. similarities between english and chinese taboos2.1 religion and godin many western countries, a large number of people believe in christianity or catholicism, which is widely accepted and became the source and fertile soil of english taboos. as for english-speaking societies, people have a strong sense of religion and they think thoughts are controlled by religious belief and feudal ethical codes. further, owing to the productivity in the remote times was so low that some natural phenomena could not be explained, people at that time held that some religious words or expressions had a mysterious and supernatural power, so names of god and devil such as jesus, christ, joseph, heaven, hell have to be completely avoided on many occasions. yet, it is inevitable to mention the word “god”during the communication sometimes, so euphemism was created by the westerners to avoid directly mentioning the holy names. compared with religious verbal taboos inenglish-speaking countries, there are similar taboos about god in chinese as well. in the chinese view of thinking, god enjoys such an absolutely high power that no one or other things have a capability to exceed. if a person wants to cite god as his witness while making his vows, such phrases as “天”(sky)“上天作证”,”对天发誓”,or “上苍见证”will be chosen to express his feeling. besides, people have such expression in chinese as “妖魔鬼怪”,”钟馗捉鬼”and “鬼来了”.2.2 secretions and excretionsin western countries, words related to the behavior of excretions seem to be vulgar, they are always substituted by so-called elegant words in the conversation of sociality, since words about secretions and excretions are considered to be tabooed and should be absolutely banned from general use in public. both in english-speaking countries and in china, words concerning the behavior of urination and defecation are entirely abstained especially in eating; otherwise, they seem to be lousy. in terms of the chinese expression, there are a large number of words that used to substitute urination and defecation in chinese culture. the following phrases oftenoccur in our daily conversations or in novels. for example: “出去一下”, “方便一下”,”方便方便”,”去盥洗室”,”有点儿急事”,”解手”,”大号”,”小号”,”出恭”,”去唱歌”,etc.3. strategies of avoiding taboo3.1 unobtrusive observationin intercultural communication, uncertainly often occurs when we encounter people different from us. to communicate properly and effectively, we also need to know the information of the individuals we will encounter and the information of what and how we should say to them in a given situation. under such circumstances, we can take the role of unobtrusive observes, widely used in sociolinguistics and other scientific studies, to gather information about them, to induce how they will interact with us and to decide how we should interact with them by observing and comparing how they interact with people like us and people different from us.3.2 question-asking strategythere is a proverb in chinese “rujingwensu/入境问俗(on entering inquiry about its customs”. however, we should be careful when asking people questions if we don’t want to appear stupid or rude since what is considered acceptable maybe unacceptable in the eyes of our communication partners.3.3 euphemismeuphemism is an effective way of replacing unpleasant expression with pleasant ones. when confronting linguistic taboos in intercultural communication, one should either avoid them or try his best to use euphemisms so as not to offend others or threaten their face wants. in this way, we show respect for others and will be respected so that the communication may continue in the harmonious and pleasant atmosphere.bibliography[1]brown, p. &s. levinson. 1987. politeness: some university in language usage. cambridge: cambridge university press.[2]freud, sigmund. 1913. totem and taboo. london: macmillan.作者简介:孙晓华女咸宁职业技术学院中专部,籍贯:山西太原,1981年10月出生,学历:英语本科。







此外,中英文在表达感受和态度上也存在一定差异,如中文中的“不好意思”、“没关系”等词汇的使用与英文中的“sorry”、“never mind”等表达方式有区别。



















在英语里通常用"long illness"或是"the big C"等词,避而不用“癌(cancer)”一词。



如在英文中通常用“be gone,be no more,,ent off,,ent the,ay of all f lesh”等词。









Help-information:Identify applicable sponsor/s here(sponsors)2禁忌与交际失误2.1 禁忌的定义禁忌指被禁止或忌讳的言行,英语中的表达为“taboo”,源于波利尼西亚语。

2.2 禁忌的特点差异性、原始性、约束性是禁忌最重要的特点。








2.3 交际失误的成因2.3.1 语言性因素语言性因素常常是针对同一国家中的不同民族即语言结构相对比较一样的国家之间来说的。



2019年39期总第479期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS跨文化交际中汉英禁忌语的对比研究 文/卢绍迎全球化政治经济的不断发展,各国之间在文化上的交流也日渐密切。







在谈及排泄物时,汉语中为了避免尴尬常将“大便”“小便”用去方便一下来代替,而英语中则说“go to restroom”。










在英国当询问某个人身体怎么样时,也会直接问“Are you ill?”而是采用Are you feeling good?来代替。








随着社会语言学的产生和发展,20世纪80年代后,禁忌现象在西方受到更多社会语言学家和研究者的关注,其中有影响力的著作有D on’t Do It: A Dictionary of the Forbidden, Sociolinguistics 和An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.由于封建思想的根深蒂固,我国对禁忌现象的研究比西方较晚。

1980年三联书店出版的《语言与社会生活》第一次涉及“塔布”, 1983年学林出版社出版的《社会语言学》专门论述了语言禁忌。



















1 个人隐私用语在西方各个国家中,人们十分关注个体的价值,强调个体的利益并且保障个体的隐私,所以出现了“A man’s home is his castle”这一常见的用语,充分体现了对个体及其家庭隐私保护的重视。









禁忌这一词,来源于18 世纪南太平洋群岛波利尼西亚的Tongan(汤加语)中的Taboo 一词,在现代英语中意为an inhi-bition or ban resulting from social custom or emotional aversion,而对应到汉语的意思就是被禁止或忌讳的言行.在当地的风俗是严格禁忌人们接触或者谈论神圣的或是卑贱的东西。





1. 禁忌语的时代性。




2. 禁忌语的民族性。



所以,遇到英美国家的同事或者朋友,绝对不要问:How old are you?还有就是,他们甚至在面试的时候也不会特意提及年龄问题。



























目前,人们在谈到黑人时往往会使用Colored people或者Blacks进行描述,在种族歧视方面也不仅仅只局限于黑人,如将犹太人称之为Kikes,将美籍华人称之为Chinks 等,目前都成为交流中的禁忌语。




所谓亵渎性词语就是亵渎神圣,带有宗教涵义的词语。只有在正式庄重的场合 或在宗教场合下才能接受。
引申:然而在日常生活中,有一些禁忌语又不得不表达, 如果直接用禁忌语会显得太粗俗、冒犯,于是人们选择了一些 迂回、含蓄的表达来替代那些粗俗的禁忌语,这些用来替代禁 忌语的表达成分就叫委婉语,英语称作“Euphemism ”,委婉 语也叫“美化语”或“安慰语”。

普遍性:禁忌语是每一个民族都有的一种语言现象。 民族性:民族之间的差异形成了文化的不同,而文化的不同又形成了语
炎黄子孙的神灵,因此皇帝被看作是龙的传人,而在英语 中,龙(dragon)是一种怪兽,它被看成是邪恶的象征。
辈之间,或晚辈对长辈,不可以直呼其名,只能用字、号来称呼, 否则会被视为没有礼貌、缺乏教养的表现。对于尊亲、帝王官吏 的名讳更要回避,要用其他的字来代替,否则会被视为大逆不道, 重者可能会遭来杀身之祸,这也就是所谓的姓名称谓方面的禁忌,

相对性。尽管它会引起人们的反感或不悦,但不是完全被禁止的。如蓝 领阶层的人要比白领阶层的人使用较多的禁忌语,男性要比女性使用较 多的禁忌语。

继承性:有些禁忌语经历了许多世纪,可仍然被保留了下来。 地域性:不同的地域有不同的文化和民俗习惯,这也形成了语言风格和 表达的不同。














comparison of english and chinese taboos 英汉禁忌语的比较----大学毕业设计论文

comparison of english and chinese taboos  英汉禁忌语的比较----大学毕业设计论文

Comparison of English and Chinese Taboos英汉禁忌语的比较摘要禁忌语既是人类社会普遍存在的一种复杂的文化现象,又是不同社会的人们的一种约定俗成。






关键词:禁忌语比较防范对策ABSTRACTTaboo is not only a complex cultural phenomenon of human society, but also established by usage. In the long-term practice, the human built and developed constantly with their own language and culture, while established different language patterns and cultural circles. In cross-cultural communication, taboo exists everywhere and has a strong practical binding to people.On the basis of previous studies, this thesis compares taboo words in English and Chinese. With the method of ensample, people can analyze and summarize the commonness between English and Chinese taboo words over voice, vocabulary, and the conceptual differences in privacy, number and name between China and English-speaking countries. This thesis analyzes the factors leading the differences among taboo words based on the impact of national culture on taboos words and the participants’ personal circumstances, and propose preventive measures to solve the conflicts caused by taboo words in intercultural communication. Thus the communication in cross-culture communication can achieve higher level.KEY WORDS: taboo words comparison preventive strategyCONTENTSAcknowledgements-------------------------------------------------------------------------------i Abstract (Chinese) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii Abstract (English) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------iii1. Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Aspects of Taboos----------------------------------------------------------------------3 2.1 Origin and History-----------------------------------------------------------------------3 2.2 Performance-------------------------------------------------------------------------------42.2.1 Appellation---------------------------------------------------------------------------42.2.2 Question Words----------------------------------------------------------------------42.2.3 Sensitive Topics----------------------------------------------------------------------52.2.4 Obscene, Profane and Abusive Words--------------------------------------------5 2.3 Pragmatic Features of Taboos in Intercultural Communication--------------------62.3.1 Universality--------------------------------------------------------------------------62.3.2 Transmutability----------------------------------------------------------------------62.3.3 Nationality----------------------------------------------------------------------------72.3.4 Succession----------------------------------------------------------------------------72.3.5 Class Character----------------------------------------------------------------------72.3.6 Circumbendibus---------------------------------------------------------------------83. The Similarities between Chinese and English Taboo Words---------------------------8 3.1 In Pronunciation--------------------------------------------------------------------------8 3.2 In V ocabulary----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93.2.1 Death---------------------------------------------------------------------------------93.2.2 Toilet---------------------------------------------------------------------------------93.2.3 Curse---------------------------------------------------------------------------------93.2.4 Disease and Disability-------------------------------------------------------------93.2.5 Sexism-------------------------------------------------------------------------------104. The Differences between Chinese and English Taboo Words-------------------------10 4.1 In Privacy-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 4.2 In Numbers------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 114.3 In Names----------------------------------------------------------------------------------115. Reasons to Cause Conflict------------------------------------------------------------------11 5.1 The Impact of National Culture on Taboo Words---------------------------------- 12 5.2 The Impact of Participants’ Personal Circumstances------------------------------ 145.2.1 Age---------------------------------------------------------------------------------145.2.2 Sex---------------------------------------------------------------------------------145.2.3 Cultural Training-------------------------------------------------------------------145.2.4 Relationship between Communicators----------------------------------155.2.5 Occasions---------------------------------------------------------------------------155.2.6 Social Factors---------------------------------------------------------------------156. The Solutions to Avoid Conflicts----------------------------------------------------------15 6.1 Avoidance-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 6.2 Euphemism------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 6.3 Hiding Truth-----------------------------------------------------------------------------186.4 Neutral------------------------------------------------------------------------------------187. Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 7.1 Summary--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 7.2 Suggestions for Further Research---------------------------------------------------- 20 Bibliography-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------211.IntroductionLanguage is a social phenomenon, which determines that language system is not a closed system, but linked inextricably with others. Chomsky once said“People's language is always affected by various forms of social and cultural factors. When we study the language, it is of some people that might be called human nature of things, that the psychological characteristics with humans, as far as we know, these features are unique to humans.” Obviously, l anguage is the embodiment of human nature. It reflects a culture and the mode of thinking. As we all know, culture is the sum of beliefs, habits, living patterns and behaviors for different nationalities. Different nations have different cultural backgrounds, which influence the development of their language. As the carrier of culture, a language also shows the specific character to its nation. Meanwhile, language is a tool for human’s thought and communication. Though arbitrary is the nature of language, when certain words have been mentioned, certain scene will present in people's eyes and cause psychological reactions. As a result, people expect to avoid or indirect reference the unhappy words. This is the phenomenon of taboo language. For foreign language learners, learning a foreign language is not only to learn the language, but also to understand its culture. It is the combination of going through complex psychological processes and exploring ways of thinking and psychological characteristics under different cultural background.In the past two decades, with the process of human globalization and information, people in different regions with different cultural backgrounds communicated with each other more and more frequently. Cross-cultural communication has become an important feature to the world. In human’s lifetime, they receive or send information all the time. Verbal language becomes the most important form of communication. However, in cross-cultural communication, lacking the knowledge of foreign language and the understanding of alien culture often lead the failure and errors. For example, making a circle with the thumb and forefinger and straightening the other three fingers represent “Victory” in the United States, “Insulting” in Brazil and “Money” in Japan. If people only know its meaning as “Victory”, it will bring puzzle and misunderstanding to Japanese people and Brazilians.Clearly, cultural discrepancy of communicators has seriously affected communication, and is an important feature which causes the failure of cross-cultural communication. Taboo is one of the most important factors leading culture conflict.Therefore, the study of taboos is an important theoretical and practical issue in the study of cross-cultural pragmatic. Though, the study of taboos on intercultural communication has important theoretical significance and value in the studies of contemporary linguistics. The academia does not pay enough attention to this subject.Some western scholars began to focus on relevant topics from the 50th in the 19th century. Then, the study gradually expanded all around the world. From the contents view of cross-cultural communication study, mainly related to: the Cultural Differences of Speech Communication and the Differences of Non-verbal Communication. The emphasis of researches biased toward experience and practice. The substance is extensive, but the system is bulky. In brief, the study went according to linguistics-strict system with narrow content. Studies of cross-cultural pragmatics started relatively late in our country. He Daokuan and Hu Wenshi are the earliest scholars of this field at home. Together with other scholars promoting, the development of this field and plays an active role in this area. However, there are still problems on this subject in domestic research. Some researches talked in generalities. Lacking of profound and comprehensive on a particular topic is still restricted the development of the subject. This thesis discusses a particular topic on taboos in Sino-British cross-cultural issues.To let the readers understand clearly, it is necessary to inform the organization of this thesis at the beginning of discussion. First of all, talk about taboos from different aspects, including origin, performance, classification and pragmatic features. Secondly, compare taboos in Sino-British cross-cultural communication in terms of cultural traditions, personal training, social customs, communication needs and so on. Find out the differences and similarities of Chinese and English taboos under different cultural background. Finally, summarize the problems and causes led by taboos in Sino-British inter-culture conflicts, and put forward some constructive preventive strategies.Ultimately, the author hopes the study will help Chinese and English learners and users deepen the understanding of language and culture and achieve the desired effect in cross-culture communication.2.Aspects of TaboosTaboo is regarded as one of the greatest obstacles in cross-cultural communication. Neglecting taboo will result in cultural conflict or even serious consequences. In order to avoid cross-cultural communication conflicts, it is necessary for us to understand taboo completely.2.1 Origin and History“Taboo”, literally translated as “塔布” in Chinese, means “need extreme attention to do”. It belongs to Tonga in Polynesia. Researchers can also find the original form of the word in Micronesia and Melanesia. In the 18th century, an English navigator, named as James Cook (1728-1779), sailed to the South Pacific island of Tonga in 1777. He discovered and documented the various phenomena of “Taboo”. Later, he introduced the term from Polynesian to English. The original meaning of “Taboo” in Polynesian had strong sense of religious, which means “scared”, or “accursed”, including the following two aspects. Firstly, the respected biology cannot be used unceremoniously. Secondly, despised things can not be touched random. The so-called verbal taboo also includes two aspects: Fetishism and Taboo. As semiotic system, language is the tool of communication, which does not have mysterious force by itself. Why do people worship language? Why do the forbidden and the alternative of language exist? We can find the basis from people’s initial understanding of language. In ancient times, people can not have a clear understanding to the nature of language. They do not know what language is. They thought language has the same supernatural divine power as the wind and the rain in nature. They also believed that voice a nd semantic in language exist “a kind of internal correspondence”. Thus, there must be an equivalent relationship between language and certain things. Because of the extremely backward productivity, humans can not understand lots of phenomena in nature. As a result, they began to adore and fear the so-called “supernatural power”. It seems that the universe has magic power which is owned by God and Devil. With the influence of this thought, appeared the “Fetishism”. In this way, language becomes a symbol of super power. If the sailing people said words like “翻(帆),陈(沉)”, it will bring trouble or disaster. If the writing people separated the spelling of one’s name, it will take the person’s life, as the name and people belong to one unity. This kind of fetishism is the origin of “Taboo”. “Language” became the object of worship that can not be violated, so thatwas possible to avoid the harm from taboos, and appeared euphemisms and taboo words.With the development of society, international exchange has become increasingly frequent. Cross-cultural communication is increasingly important to all the countries. Meanwhile,taboos have already restricted cross-cultural exchange. Some taboos, like Achilles Heel’s ankle, are forbidden to touch. Moreover, the affecting fa ctors are no longer confined to religious. Social customs, cultural traditions, personal training, communication needs and other factors also had a great impact during the development of taboo words.2.2 PerformanceIn cross-cultural communication, by the influence of different cultural background, the performance of taboos is complex different. Main performed in the following aspects.2.2.1 AppellationAppellation is the beginning of communication. Different nationalities have different preferences and taboos. Based on traditional Chinese cultural background, Chinese people respect ancestors and seniorities. The juniors are forbidden to call the ancestors’ and the seniorities’ name. People decide how to call their ancestors and seniorities depending on their position in the family hierarchy and their relationship. In interpersonal communication, people do not call each other’s name out of respect. They would call “老师” or “师傅” instead of their name when they meet in the first time. To the seniorities, peop le could call the seniorities “爷爷”,“奶奶”,“叔叔”,“阿姨” and so on, even they are not consanguinity. In the western countries, there are no strict boundaries between young and old. In most informal occasions, people can call each other’s name, or even nickname. For the first time to meet, people generally call each other with Mr., Mrs., Miss., or Ms.. To “Doctor”, “Professor”, “Nurse”, “Judge”, “Pastor”, “President”, “Director” and “Soldier”, people call them depending on profession.2.2.2 Question WordsIt is normal for acquaintances or strangers to ask questions to each other. In China,people can talk about each other's age, wage, marriage or weight. In contrast, the above topics belong to private matters for westerners. People should not inquire unceremoniously, and privies do not have the duty to tell. As the old British proverb said, “Do not put your nose into your neighbor’s courtyard”, people should not interfere others’ privacy.2.2.3 Sensitive TopicsIn cross-cultural communication, some sensitive and unpleasant topics have become taboos, including death, invalidity, weight, age, private affairs, wealth, poverty, social level, occupation, deception, steal, murder, alcoholism, drug abuse, suicide and so on.2.2.4Obscene, Profane and Abusive WordsThis is the most important one,people should pay more attention to care about cross-cultural communication.(1) Obscene WordsThese words are related to sex and excretion. People are ashamed to talk about them,and considered them unrefined. In China, the issues about sex have always been restricted. When people talk about sexual organs or sexual intercourse, they would belie and be replaced with a specific word. In the west, though people keep an open mind on this problem, it is also clodhopping to talk about sex explicitly. They use “make love”, “sleep together” or “have relation” to replace direct description. For the excretion, Chinese people would say it directly, as “大便” or “小便”. Some authors call it “出恭”, “解手”. The westerns would say “go to the restroom” or “wash one’s hands”.(2) Profane WordsThese are blasphemous. For religious believers, God is sacred and inviolable. Devout religious beliefs and ideas, classic rituals and moral precepts make people worship and afraid to offend. Even people, who do not believe in ghosts, do not want to deliberately trespass against God or Devil. So, they replace God with Gosh, Golly or Gawd, replace Jessus with Gee, Jeeper or Criminey, and replace Devil with the Deuce, the Dickens or Old Nick.(3) Abusive WordsAnimal’s nam e often appears in this kind of words. For example, Chinese despise dogs, so they compare “Dog” to bad luck and use it to blame people, such as “狗腿子”, “狗仗人势”, “狗眼看人低”, “狗咬吕洞宾—不识好人心”. On the contrary, most westerners love dogs, so most of the idioms of dog are commendatory terms, such as, “Every dog has his day”, “be top dag”, “put on (the) dog”, “a lucky dog”, etc.In addition, taboo words can be divided into mention of gods, near-swearing, sex, death, disease and excretion. This thesis will not enumerate one by one. Because taboo words are reflected in all aspects of social life, different country, nationality and culture will have their specific taboos and produce different taboo words. However, the classification of taboos is not absolute. Researchers need to keep on concluding and summing up in daily life.2.3 Pragmatic Features of Taboos in Intercultural Communication Language is the representation of culture. All the language structures and language patterns are founded based on its cultural background, so as taboo words. Addition to the general characteristics of culture, there are also some specific features. This thesis analyze in six major respects.2.3.1 UniversalityTaboos exist in every field of social life and all sectors of society. No matter in which social rank, there are numerous kinds of taboos.2.3.2 TransmutabilityLanguage is in a dynamic process. It changes depending on the requirement and development of society, and the capacity of understanding and transforming of the world, so as taboo words. In the course of the evolution of taboo words, new words are emerging while old words are being phased out or given new meaning. The total number of taboos trend downward in contemporary society. The words, which used to be classified as taboo in the past, can be discussed or quoted in public. However, as long as humans could not fully understand nature, society and themselves, the phenomenon of taboo will not disappear, so as taboo words.2.3.3 NationalityIn the development progress of different nationalities, each of them has its specific characteristics which are owned by all of their national members and distinguish themselves from others. This feature has become a tradition, and affected the national members from age to age. Some taboo word has gone through many centuries, but still survives almost intact in one nation. Some ethnic descendants have moved to a new place, and lived together with other ethnic groups for years, but the taboo words of this nation are still preserved. The feature of nationality in taboo words makes people of different ethnic groups have different evaluations of the same phenomenon in cross-cultural communication.2.3.4 SuccessionHuman society evolves from one social formation to another or develops from one stage to another stage. Human activities and creativities are based on the original foundation and conditions, or dependent on the results of previous legacy. It is the same to language and culture. After forming the structure and mode of specific national la nguage and culture, it dominates people’s lives and impacts in mind and behavior. The tradition, which will not be easily changed, is known as the “Cultural Inertia”. People of all ethnic groups not only followed the previous model, but also received a set of taboo words from their ancestor, and will spread them from generation to generation.2.3.5 Class CharacterTaboos have class character. In class society, in order to pretend the political interest of certain class and social group, group members will need some taboo words to landscape themselves and to cover up the real purpose of their actions. In western society, the taboo words in magazines, newspapers and television keep strong political colors. Here are some examples. West medium replace “solitary confinement cell” with “quiet cells”. They replace “mental asylum” with “mental health center”, and called “the underprivileged”, “the have-nots”, “out of pocket” or “the disadvantaged” instead of “poor people”. When someone killed an enemy, the medium do not tell people that the army killed people, but call it “literate friends”.2.3.6 CircumbendibusImplication is the most obviously pragmatic feature in taboos. It performs as not make realistic judgments to a particular object or phenomenon, but to use the method of replacing to give equivocal answer. In order to let the two sides of communication reach a consensus that talk about things which should not be mentioned directly in an indirect way, the communicator could use metaphor, commendatory, or the opposite judgments of the concept of objective to smooth the conversation.3. The Similarities between Chinese and English Taboo WordsThere are different taboo words for religion, sex, death, disease, social bias and so on in both Chinese and Western cultures. The words are reflected in their respective language and become a kind of linguistic phenomenon. The similarities of Chinese and English- speaking countries on taboo words mainly embody in following aspects.3.1 In PronunciationBoth Chinese people and westerners believe that saying words that imply misfortunes or disasters may bring trouble. People consider that replacing taboo words with homophones would prevent misfortunes.In China, a lot of taboos are caused by superstitions. There is a custom in Shanxi province that mulberries cannot be planted in front of the house and willows cannot be planted behind the house. The reason is that the Chinese word “sang/桑” sounds the same like another Chinese word “sang/丧”, “liu/柳” sounds the same as “liu/绺”. These words may impact that there will be a funeral or something will be stolen. In China, clocks cannot be presented as gifts in ceremonies, because “clock” pronounces “zhong/钟” which has the same pronunciation as “zhong/终” which means death in Chinese. In the same way, gamblers will not say any words sound “shu”, because in Chinese they have the same sound as “shu/输” that means defeat. Many similar examples also can be found in western countries. When a word sounds the same as a taboo word, it needs to b e changed. For instance, “In earlier 18th century, the female in English and American countries always tried to avoid using the word arse (the bottom part of the body one sits on), which was considered inelegant, so people called the animal ass as donkey” (Xiang 2005:45).Anothertypical example is that “fuck (a sail)”, “feck” or “fack (fact)” are seldom used or even go out of use, because they pronounce the same as “fuck”.3.2 In V ocabulary“Roughly speaking, taboo words in English fall into three types, namely obscenities, profanities and vulgarities” (Zhuang 1990:28). Based on this classification, this part firstly analyzes the five types as follows.3.2.1DeathDeath is the most feared thing in the world. When people die, people do not use "dead" or “death” to directly talk about the death people. In China, people replace “death” with words as “安息”, “长眠”, “谢世”, “仙逝”, “夭折”, “永别”, “作古”, “逝世”, “辞世”, “寿终”, “牺牲”, “百年了”, “走了”, “出远门”, “过世”, “过辈了”, “不在了”, “没了”. Westerners have similar words to avoid “death”. Th ey would say he/she “go to heaven”, “breathe one's last”, “go to another world” or “kick the bucket”. When someone drown, people would use “落水” in Chinese and “He was los tat sea” in English to tell the misfortune.3.2.2 ToiletIn English, the commonly expression of "toilet" are washroom,Gents and the John, etc. When people want to go to the toilet, they would say “I am going to wash my hands.” In China, people would say “去方便”, “去洗手间”, “大恭” and so on to express the same mind.3.2.3 CurseMost curses in English have close relation with the name of religion and sex organs, such as “Jesus Christ”, “Shit”, “God damn you”, etc. Westerners often use animal’s name, as swine, pig, boar and stallion, to humiliate others. In China, people would say “狗娘养的” or “狗日的” to revile others.3.2.4 Disease and DisabilityBoth in Chinese and in English, the name of some serious disease and people’sdisability are looked as taboo. When someone got sick, others would say “Are you feeling OK?” to skip over “ill” or “sick”. In China,people do not say “他生病了”, but replace it with “他不舒服”, “不安乐” or “不得劲儿”. To protect the dignity of disabilities, they use “残疾人” instead of “残废人”.3.2.5 SexismBoth in English and Chinese, there is existing male-centered language. The most obvious example is, when people have to refer to the person of gender unknown in communication, it is ordinary to use “he/his” instead “she/her” in English and replace “她” with “他” in Chinese. No matter in China or western countries, women were in low status both in society and in family. The sexism shows obviously in taboo language. Some of the animal’s names are used to describe women. Ugly women and prostitutes are addressed as “bat”. The familiar young women are called “chicken”. The women with many children would be called as “cow”. Chinese men usually call their wives as “家里的”, “内人”, “后头的”or “贱内”. There are many derogatory terms with PianPang of “女(means women in Chinese)”, such as “奸”, “嫉”, “妒”, “婪”, “妖”, “嫖”, “婊”, “媚”, “姘”, etc. However, with the advancement of women, the denigration of women has generally become taboo words in public in China.4. The Differences between Chinese and English Taboo WordsAlthough there are some similarities in English and Chinese taboo words, different views on the definition of taboo words can be found in two cultures. Differences between Chinese and English taboo words embody in following aspects.4.1 In PrivacyEnglish people place a high value on privacy. “The English have a saying ‘A man’s home is his castle, meaning a man’s home is sacred to him; no one should come in without permission. So it is also with his life and personal affairs’”(Deng, Liu 2005:101). Chinese people often greet to each other like “Have you had a meal?” This common greeting indicates people to begin a conversation with acquaintance, just as foreigners say “How nice the weather!” But the Chinese greeting will make the foreigners suspect that you want to invite him to join the dinner. Talking about salary, marriage, performance or other private topics is a good way to express care to。




















汉英禁忌语的语用对比 英语专业毕业论文

汉英禁忌语的语用对比  英语专业毕业论文








关键词: 禁忌语;交际;语用;对比AbstractTaboo is a commonly existing cultural phenomenon among nations in the world which regulates people’s language and s ocial communication .The great difference between Chinese and western culture directly results in the great difference between Chinese and English taboo .So ,taboo exiting both in Chinese and English .With the consideration of the different cultures and customs ,we should avoid using offensive expression: taboo, in international communication. Cross-cultural communication is the important part of modern communication. The phenomenon of the taboo can make the cross-cultural communication more appropriate. Taboos in both Chinese and English reflect every corner of the different social life, so the pragmatic differences between the Chinese and English taboos can be of great help for cross-cultural communication. By analyzing the intercommunity and the otherness of the pragmatic principles, the thesis summarized three principles of using the taboos and discussed the pragmatic differences between Chinese and English taboos from angles of literature, animal idioms and the addressing words,trying to have a further discussion on the pragmatic expressions between the Chinese and English taboos.Key word: taboo; communication; pragmatic ;comparison语言既是文化载体,又是文化的一部分。



浅析中英语言禁忌[Abstract] Language, as the carrier of culture, is created during the process of human beings’ productive labor and serves as the tool of communication to convey the message between people. However, it has been endowed with magic and power in particular language acts. As the old saying goes, troubles come out of the tongue. Superstitious people think that the language itself can bring about fortune or misfortune so that taboos to restrict the use of language are created. Anyone who violates them will get punishment, whereas those who faithfully obey the restrictions of language taboo will get protection. Furthermore, linguistic taboos change with the development of society .The paper firstly analyzes the evolution of linguistic taboo. Secondly, it is indicated in the paper that linguistic taboo exists in almost every aspect of people’s life and is a universal social phenomenon in China and Britain. Both Chinese and English cultures are in agreement about linguistic taboos such as pronunciation taboo, and vocabulary taboo. However, influenced by different cultural backgrounds, ideologies and the concepts of value, Chinese and English linguistic taboos also have differences, as is discussed in the paper from the aspects of taboo subjects, taboo numbers and names. At last, this paper puts forward two effective ways of avoiding taboo, that is, using euphemism and having a good knowledge of the taboo culture. And this discussion would help English learners improve their ability of cross-cultural communication and achieve better communicational effects.[Key Words] linguistic taboo; evolution; similarities; differences【摘要】语言是人们在活动过程中产生和发展起来的一种社交工具,其功能就是沟通信息,但在特定的语言行为中,却被赋予了它自身所没有的超人的感觉和超人的力量。



最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 跨文化交际中的体态语2 从委婉语看中西方礼仪文化的差异3 中英动物习语的跨文化分析4 歇斯底里的舞台自语者——《寻找格林先生》主题解读5 浅谈中西方非言语交际中身势语差异6 融入与挑战--从生态角度看《老人与海》与《瓦尔登湖》7 浅析中西方文化差异对广告翻译的影响8 英语新词的形成特征9 《法国中尉的女人》中对维多利亚时代的批判10 莎士比亚《李尔王》中的女性角色塑造11 浅析英语体育新闻的汉译策略12 英汉数字的文化差异13 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中奶妈与《西厢记》中红娘的人物形象对比14 Analyzing How Shakespeare Created Hamlet:Shakespeare’s Reflections in His Creation of Hamlet15 哈代的女性观在苔丝中的反映16 黑人社区的替罪羊--论托尼•莫里森《最蓝的眼睛》中的黑人小女孩佩科拉17 从电视剧《绝望主妇》看委婉语的交际功能18 翻译中的文化差异19 浅析《我弥留之际》中达尔的悲剧20 从合作原则和礼貌原则的角度分析外贸函电中否定信息的传递21 平行文本比较模式指导下的公司简介翻译22 《抽彩》和《蝇王》的艺术魅力比较23 语用策略在英语商务信函中的应用24 论本杰明•富兰克林《自传》中的美国精神25 从合作原则浅析《飞屋环游记》中的言语幽默26 A Study on the Motivations of Korean Students in China: Impacts of Internationalization on Korean Higher Education27 环保宣传语翻译中的文化介入28 《失乐园》中撒旦的艺术形象解读29 论罗伯特•佩恩•沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求30 A Preliminary Study on Racial Discrimination in America31 中法身势语的文化差异研究32 中英日委婉语语言特征33 从文化价值的角度解读歌王迈克尔•杰克逊的艺术影响34 中国文化特色词汇的音译与中国文化的传播35 论《白鲸》主角的悲剧实质36 《紫色》主题的表现手法37 On the Contradiction and Conflict between Religion and Love in The Thorn Birds38 A Contrastive Study on Language Features of Chinese and English Proverbs39 对《驯悍记》中泼妇凯萨琳娜的简略分析40 外贸英文函电中委婉语的特点及应用研究41 The Real Sinner in The Scarlet Letter42 “庸人”自扰——《普鲁弗洛克情歌》主题探究43 《可以吃的女人》女性主义解读44 高中英语课堂中的文化渗透45 对小说《野草在歌唱》的功能文体分析46 试析英语专业学生英语学习焦虑成因47 中外经典英文广告的语言特征浅析48 英语中天气隐喻的认知解读49 从《傲慢与偏见》的婚姻看妇女的社会地位50 《芭芭拉少校》中的现实主义51 凯瑟琳•曼斯菲尔德《苍蝇》反映的人性创伤分析52 Analysis of Gone with the wind from the Perspective of Feminism53 论《重返巴比伦》中女性的身份的自我建构54 从认知的角度看委婉语中隐喻的理解55 试析《老人与海》的悲喜色彩56 从简爱和安娜卡列尼娜的不同命运看女性意识的觉醒57 对《傲慢与偏见》中女主人公伊丽莎白的尝试性分析58 《红楼梦》两个译本中称呼语翻译的对比研究59 英汉谚语互译中的归化与异化策略分析60 英语学习中的跨文化语用失误及其对策61 原版英语电影在大学英语教学中的使用研究62 Existentialism in Pride and Prejudice63 Analysis of the Reasons Why Jo Rejects Laurie‘s Proposal of Marriage in Little Women64 回归之路--《所罗门之歌》65 The Localization Strategy of Multinationals and Its Implications on the Chinese Multinationals Overseas66 英文姓名的起源和文化内涵67 《青春》中的孤独主题分析68 英文电影片名的汉译研究69 《太阳照样升起》中杰克•巴恩斯的形象70 中美文化差异对外贸谈判的影响71 凯瑟琳•曼斯菲尔德《幸福》中的女性主义解读72 论《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻选择的经济动因73 《灿烂千阳》中女性人物的忍耐,斗争和重生74 影视英文在初中口语教学中的运用性研究75 中美婚姻时间选择的对比研究76 以名词动用为例分析英语词汇学习中的隐喻77 论《呼啸山庄》中希思克利夫的性格78 交际教学法在高中英语语法教学中的研究79 The Influence of The New Policy of Export Tax Rebates80 换位思考在商务信函中坏消息的运用及建议81 从语体学论《一九八四》中的反极权主义82 从文化内涵的角度看汉语动物习语的英译83 跨文化视角下中西方选秀文化对比研究——以达人秀为例84 《紫色》所体现的“黑人性”85 英汉恭维语及其应答的对比分析86 从文体风格谈培根散文《论美》的翻译87 英汉工具类名转动词实时构建的整合分析--基于网络论坛语料88 On Women‘s Status in the Early th Century Seen in The Sound and the Fury89 A Comparative Analysis of English V ocabulary Teaching between China and America at the Primary and Secondary School Level90 从校园官方网站角度对比研究中美校园文化91 从《绝望主妇》析字幕翻译的目的和归化策略92 论《睡谷传奇》中的幽默元素93 信用证中英语语言特点及应用研究94 The Symbolic Meanings of Letter ―A‖ in The Scarlet Letter95 论商业广告中的翻译对等原则96 When Chinese Tradition Meets Western Culture: Comparison between Qi Xi and Valentine‘s Day97 D.H.劳伦斯《东西》中象征主义的运用98 The Research of Language Art in English Class99 论艾米莉•狄金森诗歌中的死亡观100 从语体学论《一九八四》中的反极权主义101 The Use of Symbols in A Farewell to Arms102 简爱和林黛玉的反叛性格对比分析103 从文化差异视角论旅游文本翻译中的词汇空缺104 《新编英语教程》浅析105 从童话看中西方儿童教育的差异106 浅析《藻海无边》中安托瓦内特的悲剧107 Coherence in English-Chinese Translation: A Pragmatic Study108 A Study of Nonverbal Communication109 论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的矛盾情感110 On the Conceptual Blending of Business English Word Chunks and Their Translation111 浅议《女勇士》中的个人英雄主义112 《嘉莉妹妹》之女主人公新女性形象分析113 达尔文主义视角下的《卡斯特桥市长》114 Effects of Globalization on Translation–An Analysis of Domestication and Foreignization 115 从西方讽刺剧看品特的威胁喜剧116 从《绝望的主妇》的字幕翻译中看文化因素117 A Tentative Analysis of the Reasons for McDonald‘s Success118 论《呼啸山庄》中两代人之间不同的爱情观119 From Dormancy to Revival—A Feminist Study on Kate Chopin‘s Awakening120121 中英数字习语的翻译122 《杀死一只知更鸟》中主人公的成长危机123 论托尼·莫里森《宠儿》中的模糊化现象124 从目的论角度看英语电影片名翻译——以基本颜色词为例125 从违反合作原则研究《生活大爆炸》126 论《最蓝的眼睛》中的黑人文化传统127 面部表情和目视行为的跨文化研究128 论中西教育观的差异129 乔伊斯的生活经历对其作品的影响--他是怎样刻画人物的130 A Study of Meta-cognitive Strategy Training and Its Effect on EFL Reading131 The Application of Games in English Teaching for Young Learners132 Advertising Language: A Mirror of American Value133 中外大学校训翻译分析134 模糊语言在商务英语谈判中的语用功能135 商务信函中委婉语的语用功能分析—基于xx公司商务往来信函136 中美礼貌用语的跨文化对比分析137 《到灯塔去》的意识流分析138 中西跨文化交际中的礼貌问题之比较分析139 《洛丽塔》的悲剧分析140 解读电影《刮痧》中西方文化背景下的中国父亲141 中外英语教师的优劣势比较:从中学生视角142 小王子旅途的象征意义143 On the Translation of Communicative Rhetoric in Literature—Analysis of the two Chinese versions of Jane Eyre144 论口译中的跨文化意识145 爱丽斯沃克小说《紫色》的妇女主义话语146 浅析霍桑罪恶观在《拉帕西尼的女儿》中的体现147 Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese by Analyzing Brand Names148 《老友记》中的对话分析149 斯佳丽:“旧”时代的“新”女性150 由英汉委婉语的对比研究来看中西文化的差异151 Cultural Connotation of Color Words in Chinese and Western Culture152 中西文化差异引起的语义歧义153 汉英翻译中的中国式英语产生的原因及对策154 论关联理论在商业广告翻译中的运用155 浅析《圣经》人物典故在《红字》人物形象刻画上的运用156 国内旅游景点介绍英译的策略与技巧157 从《老人与海》看海明威的硬汉精神158 论莎士比亚十四行诗的特征159 爱伦坡侦探小说的特征与影响160 关联理论视角下幽默的英汉翻译161 个体取向与集体取向对中美商务交流的影响162 浅谈《欲望号街车》所阐述的欲望163 从目的论看《红楼梦》中灯谜翻译164 弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫《达洛维夫人》中印象主义创作手法探讨165 The Importance of the Translators‘Overall Qualities In Translation166 解析电影《黑暗骑士》中的美国个人英雄主义167 汉英颜色词语的内涵语义浅析168 On the Application of Newmark‘s Theory in Tourism English Translation169 论《红字》中的清教主义思想170 An Analysis of Main Characters in Wuthering Heights171 “爵士时代”的女性--对比分析《伟大的盖茨比》和《太阳照常升起中》的女性角色172 英汉颜色词语象征意义的对比173 商务英语新词构词研究174 中西方婚礼习俗的差异和融合175 欧•亨利短篇小说人物形象分析之善良特性176 论美国情景喜剧《老友记》中的言语幽默177 论广告翻译中的跨文化因素178 “集体无意识”理论观照下艾米莉的悲剧性179 《嘉莉妹妹》中的自然主义180 《红色英勇勋章》主人公亨利•弗莱明心路历程探析181 浅析官方委婉语及其语用功能182 中美饮食文化实体行为与非实体行为的民族差异183 从文化翻译学行为论看汉语国俗语的英译过程——对林语堂和《吾国吾民》的个案考察184 解读《哈利•波特》中纳西莎•马尔福的形象185 理性主义与理想主义的结合——从“灰姑娘情结”看简奥斯汀的作品186 An Analysis of the Leading Character in ‗The Old Man and the Sea‘187 狄金森、席慕蓉爱情诗中隐喻现象对比研究188 Western Women‘s View on Love in The Thorn Birds189 “上”和“下”的意象图式及概念映射190 交际法在中学英语的应用191 浅析中国时政术语的常用英译方法192 从心理学角度试析简爱性格的对立性193 中美动画电影所折射出的文化差异194 从E.B.怀特的三部儿童文学作品看模糊叙事艺术195 从等效理论视角看汉英外宣翻译196 从跨文化的视角看旅游英语翻译197 隐喻在英语委婉语中的应用198 英汉“悲”、“喜”情感隐喻的认知比较研究199 跨文化交际下的中英文禁忌语的对比研究200 A Study on the Effective Ways to Improve Memory Efficiency in Consecutive Interpreting。

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【标题】跨文化交际背景下的中英文禁忌语对比研究【作者】谢玲铃【关键词】比较;英国禁忌语;中国禁忌语;跨文化交际【指导老师】王露【专业】英语【正文】I. IntroductionIn China, “入境而问禁;入国而问俗;入门而问讳” 1 have been a norm of behavior for thousands of years.Similarly, in west,“when in Rome,do as the Romans do.”is also the norm of western.For the purpose of successful intercultural communication, both east and west people all emphasize on the studying the knowledge of taboos. And linguistic taboo exists universally in almost all of the languages and cultures.The violation of linguistic taboo is regarded impolite and offensive,but people from different cultures do not all agree on what are linguistic taboos and what should be tabooed.Even taboo in the same thing may have different implications,since people from different cultures have established different social customs and cultural orientations.In intercultural communication,they may interpret each other’s speech and behavior in accordance with their own beliefs and values and adopt different politeness strategies to achieve their goals.At the same time,with the development of transportation, information technology and the globalization of economy, communication between people from different cultures are increasingly frequent and extensive.In this process,people are increasingly conscious of the existence of cultural diversity, and they gradually notice that differences produce great barriers to social or intercultural communication.Human tolerance and desire for communication do help to reduce these differences and enhance mutual understanding but there are still some aspects such as some taboos that are beyond people’s acceptability because of its sensitiveness,misunderstanding ,unhappiness,conflict or even disastrous consequences may occur due to the violation of certain taboos.Considering what have been mentioned above, when intercultural communication occurs more frequently and more extensively, a systematic study of linguistic taboos in intercultural communication becomes an imperative.Mastering taboos knowledge in Chinese and English helps to cultivate intercultural competence.It is particular conducive to the management of interpersonal and intercultural conflicts,and enables peopleto produce harmonious relationships.As James Thurber has said in The East and The West, “Precision of communication is important, more than ever, in an era of hair-trigger balances when a false or misunderstood word may create as much a disaster as a sudden thoughtless act.”2II. Literature ReviewA. The Definitions and Features of TabooOxford English Dictionary defines taboo as:words likely to be considered offensive, shocking or indecent by certain people(though not necessarily by everyone).In Chinese taboo is regarded as the indelicate or dirty word.Taboo is explained by the Modern Chinese Dictionary as the prohibited words or actions. According to modern linguists Robinett,taboo is a principle or criterion erected by society, which can prevent people from bad action.As Wardhaugh states:“taboo is one way in which a society expresses its disapproval of certain kinds of behavior believed to be harmful to its members,either for supernatural reasons or because such behavior is held to violate a moral code”. Generally speaking, taboo has about it a sense of something unapproachable,and it is principally expressed in prohibitions and restrictions.Linguistic taboo,as a common social cultural phenomenon in both east and west, exists objectively.It has three features as below.1. TemporalityWith the development of the society, some linguistic taboos changed and some disappeared or lost their original meaning.In the Qing dynasty the poet Xu Jun(徐骏)was killed because his poem had“Qing清”in his poem“清风不识字,何事乱翻书”.B ut he wouldn’t be killed in other dynasties.The poem“清明时节雨纷纷”is widely loved before Qing dynasty.In English, the word“women” was once a taboo in Victorian Age,It meant mistress and adultery wife.But now, it lost its original meaning and became a common word.2. EthnocentricityEvery ethnic group has its own cultural pattern.Linguistic taboo,as an ethnic phenomenon, is influenced by the economy, social structure and belief of the whole group.Take age as an example.Chinese people don’t care about old age.Sometimes, we especially call someone “Zhang Lao张老”,“Wang Lao王老”,for respect.But this is totally unacceptable in English-speaking countries.In their opinion, “old老”means useless,and people will feel offended if they are described to be old.So women keep their age secret in the English-speaking countries and seldom talk about age.3. Context-reliabilityThe usage of taboos is limited by the social conditions and the psychological factors.The context confines the usage of the taboos.In formal situations like social gatherings and banquets,people will pay more attention to taboos,which can be used in private situations.A lot of Chinese taboos are confined by the special contexts .For example, “帆(Fan, has the samepronunciation with overturn) ”. In English,“nigger”is a discriminative word.The African-American can use it and it will not cause serious consequences.But if other ethnic groups use it, serious conflicts will be caused.B. The Definition and Features of Intercultural CommunicationAccording to Asante,in its most general sense, intercultural communication occurs when a member of one culture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture.More precisely, intercultural communication is a communication between people whose cultural perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event. 3 Frequently the term intercultural communication is used when referring to communication between people of different cultural backgrounds.For instance, if one talks with his or her American teacher, intercultural communication takes place.If he or she interacts with a Japanese student, there is intercultural communication.It includes international communication, interracial communication, inter-ethnic communication, inter-regional communication and so on.1. UniversalityNo nation, group,or culture can remain aloof or autonomous.If you touch one part of the world,you touch other parts.People communicate with others from other cultures in one way or another, especially in nowadays when the world has become a global village.Intercultural communication exists everywhere and all the time in our daily lives.No one can shut it off and live totally alone.2. ChangeabilityIntercultural communication is not new.Wandering nomads,religious missionaries,and conquering warriors encountered people different from themselves since the beginning of times.With the development of the new technology and information systems,changes in the world’s population and a shift in the world’s economic area, the intercultural communication has become more and more axiomatic and pervasive.The concrete way of intercultural communication today is greatly different that in the past.It’s dynamic.So we should face it in a flexible and dynamic way rather that in a static way.3. RelativityIntercultural communication is an integrated process rather than a single activity.All the components are interrelated.The change of one aspect will certainly bring about changes in other aspects as well.The study of intercultural communication and people should also take a relational approach, that is,we should study one aspect of intercultural communication in relation to other aspects.We should take all the components into consideration when study intercultural communication.C. Taboo in Intercultural CommunicationAs we can see,it is impossible to separate our use of language from ourculture.In the most basic sense,when we study another language,we will soon discover that not only the symbols(words)and the sounds for these words are different,but also the rules for using them and the factors influencing them are different.Language is the records of culture,so it is the reflection of culture.According to Wilhelm Von Humboldt who is the recognized founder of general linguistics,we can explain the relationship between language and culture as below:Every nation puts her special national intellect into language, making language become the carrier and reflection of this national culture. Meanwhile,her language confines the mind and non-verbal activity of men. That’s why some scholars hold that language is part of culture and plays a very important ro1e in it.Similarly, some social scientists consider language the keystone of culture.According to them, culture would not be possible without language.On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture.It is the reflection of culture.That means,language is the symbolic representation of a people, and it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds as well as their approach to life and their ways of riving and thinking.Linguistic taboo is a very important part of language.It has something to do with everyone from noblemen to common people.In every language,there are linguistic taboos more or less.In everyday life and work, violation of taboos is regarded as very rude and improper even cause very serious consequences.So people who are encountering people from other cultures have to pay attention to the different usage of others ’taboos.In nowadays,intercultural communication between different cultures is becoming more and more frequent and universal.Lack of knowledge in this part of language especially improper use of taboos will undoubtedly result in misunderstandings,conflicts and other unknown serious consequences in intercultural communications.In order not to cause such serious consequences, people should get a deeper understanding of foreign culture and the usage of taboos.To sum it up, intercultural communication involves different cultures and causes the cultural collision.Language has taken a significant responsibility during this process.It’s the bridge connecting different cultures.Without language,it is hard for people from different cultures to carry on intercultural communications.Taboo is part of language and plays an important role in intercultural communications.Since different cultures have different taboos,people should pay special attention to them. Ⅲ. Comparison of Chinese and English TaboosA. Chinese Taboos and English Taboos1. Taboos on SexIn the western world,there are taboos on sex,certain body parts.People find it difficult to talk about going to the toilet,and have invented numerous ways of avoiding direct reference to the topic.Among good friendsand acquaintances it may be acceptable to directly ask the location of the toilet or mention the bodily functions for which one needs to use it,but in other situations people might ask:‘‘Where could I wash my hands?’’ In movies and in television, for example,women often say in a restaurant that they need to go and powder their noses or that they need to freshen up when they need to use the toilet.There are,also a number of different ways to refer to having sex,including to sleeping with,go to bed with and make love, as mentioned by Hughes in the discussion of metaphorical means of avoiding direct reference.In China,people use a great deal of euphemisms for sexual organs and act,and even for marriage and pregnancy because they have relationship with sex.People use many euphemisms for toilet and body exertion as well,for example,夫妻之礼,鱼水之欢for sex action,出恭,大解,小解,更衣for exertion,有喜,怀珠,身子重for pregnancy.The intellectuals and the upper classes in ancient China created these euphemisms,because they thought it a shame to mention them directly.In nowadays,most of such euphemisms are not used any longer by most people.Some are kept to avoid rudeness and embarrassment in conversation,but in most situations,people just avoid mentioning them for politeness,especially in public and on formal.2. Taboo on GenderRecently due to the development of social equality, gender discrimination has become a linguistic taboo.“Gender discrimination” is often based on gender stereotypes of a particular society, i.e. considering men physically strong and women as emotionally sensitive.With wome n’s Movement in the 1960s and the criticism on the prejudice in language,a lot of traditional words that may show prejudice against women are now replaced by new created words for the females.The words showing prejudice against the females are considered to be taboos like chairmen,postman and so on.In Chinese,although women were liberated in the civil revolution,the status of women are enhanced nowadays,there are still some gender discriminations in society.Keeping females away from general education,holding that they are not supposed to participate in any economic activity so there’s no need to educate them,is one of the major examples from Asian social setups.Women are discouraged in other social concerns as well,for instance people will heartily accept a man as their leader even if he has some criminal record in the past,but for a woman it’ll be impossible to become the leader of a mass(for a social issue)if she’d been involved in a minor crime.Some companies only invite applications for a job to the male,and even in the job advertisements,reading“no female” obviously.In some areas of the state,feudal thoughts deeply influences thoughts of adults so that some people only like boys and for girls,who sometimes are confronted with miserable destinies,like abandoned, fostered,etc.3. Taboos on DeathChinese and English-spoken people tend to avoid mentioning death and illnessdirectly and intentionally.They are afraid of being ill because it brings forth sad memory.Both people try to employ roundabouts and euphemisms instead of taboos.Taboo on the dead includes the taboo against touching of a corpse and those who are caring for it;the taboo against mourners of the dead;and the taboo against anything associated with the dead(e.g.,the dead person’s name).In the US,attitudes toward death along with sexuality and a huge emphasis on Christian morality and social etiquette,was very stringent and any discussion or jokes about death was hailed a serious taboo,in part of the mourning process and death promotes “mental” gr aphic imagery.The taboo on naming the dead prohibits any utterance of a dead man’s name or any other words similar to it in sound.The Chinese have many taboos where death is concerned.You should avoid attending a funeral and a wedding on the same day.Also,avoid going to another person’s house after going to a funeral wake.English and American people seldom say He died,they will say:He went to get rewards.(他去领奖了),He fell asleep.(他躺下长眠了),He passed away.(他离去了),He breathed his last.(他咽下了最后一口气). In Chinese,the emperor died,which is called Jia Beng (驾崩).If a person with some social status died,which is called Xian Shi(仙逝). In English culture,death is also substituted,like,joint the silent majority, pass away, go to heaven,fall asleep,pass beyond,fade,be at rest,close one’s eyes,breathe the last breath,be heard of no more,go to grass,go to sleep for forever etc.According to Geoffrey Hughes in A History of English Words, death is often referred to as a “metaphorical journey in comforting variants and traditional forms such as:passing on ,going to one’s Maker and joining the majority”.4Other less-dignified ways of referring to death include to resigning one’s being, moving into upper management and being no longer eligible for the census (Death).4. Taboos on SicknessBecause in different culture, people think that infractions of taboos can lead to illness or death, as well as to the lesser penalties of corporal punishment,incarceration, social ostracism or mere disapproval,they do avoid tabooed behavior unless they intend to violate a taboo.People use terminal illness in place of cancer.There are some examples,for example,AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome,Big C(Cancer),DT’S(delirium Tremens),V.D(Venereal disease),B.O(body odor).In old China, people always abstain from illness,so when they named themselves,like Huo Qubing, Xin Qiji,Zhang Zhuang, Li Kang and so on.In America, patients have rights to know his true illness and if the patient requires telling his illness,the doctor should tell in truth.In Chinese culture,if the patient gets heavy illness,the doctor and family dependents are inclined to conceal the state of his illness to relieve his pressure.If people have some mental and intelligent illness,they will periphrase,like He's not all there.He's a little bit on the slow side.5. Taboos on ColorsTaboos on colors may not been noticed easily, but they do shape the communication process.Chinese people like the color red,like the red face of Guanyu, indicating trustworthy.But to Americans,Two colors are taboos,red and black.The Biblical mason given for the aversion from anything red in their dress is that“Jesus was given a red dress by the Jews”.They think red indicates danger.Linked with this aversion from the color red,is the fact that blood according to Zionists is taboo.Black is the color of death,which is similar to Chinese taboo.White,in China, people use it to express sorrow while Americans think it to be an active and effective color:it carries with it purity and purification and acts as a guarantee that the the magical defilement had been washed away.Color is both a direct and indirect source of taboo.6. Taboos on NumbersThe last taboo we address is numbers.Numbers are associated with bad luck and even death in many countries.Curiously, it tends to be different numbers for different cultures.In China, we don’t like to mention the number 4,because the pronunciation of 4 is similar to the death “si” in Chinese.The Chinese feel that four is the most negative number because it sounds like the word for death.Hotels in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan often have no fourth floor and some Asian airports have no Gate 4.Number also has positive meanings in China.For example,the number six represents happiness,and nine represents long life.For many Chinese,having an uneven number of people in a photograph will bring bad luck,such as that the middle person in a photo of three people will die.Number Superstitions can be very important when building global relationships.Both Chinese and American have some taboos in numbers,but they are different.In consequence,in China, some people don’t like living on the fourth floor.Because of this ,some buildings do have the fourth floor, but they don’t call it the fourth f loor.In America, if they invite some friends for dinner and it happened that there are 13 people sitting at the table,the host will invite another friend for they think 13 is unlucky.While American don’t like the number 13,which is considered to be unlucky.People of the United States,for example,think that 13 is an unlucky number .Most U.S.American hotels do not have a 13th floor, and even a hotel number ending in 13 may be refused.Friday the 13th is perceived as an unlucky day, causing people to not schedule important events on this day.B. Similarities and Differences between Taboos in Chinese and English1. SimilaritiesAs human beings have a lot in common, the taboos in Chinese and English have some similarities.First, both Chinese and English-spoken people avoid mentioning death and illness intentionally.They are afraid of being ill because it is very sadmemory.Both people try to employ roundabouts and euphemisms instead of the taboos.Second, both Chinese and English have taboos on body parts as buttocks,breasts and sex organs as well as excretion actions even some related places,menstruation, pregnancy and the related terms.Both people regard it shame to speak out those words because people consider these things to be not clean and try to avoid these things in language.2. DifferencesBecause of the differences between the social development and the cultural inheritance of China and the English-speaking countries,the linguistic taboos in Chinese and in English have differences.First, generally speaking, Chinese taboos tend to show a negative use of language, to serve as a means of moral cultivation for men of noble character and a means of self-restraint for the common people, to reflect the wish for harmony of the Chinese people.However, English taboos tend to show a positive use of language, to serve as a social marker of status,to reflect the aspiration for elegance in language and the soul.Second, in Chinese, people use different euphemisms for taboo words to refer to the deaths to different people,because deaths of different people are not the same.As we stated above, the death of the emperor is called“驾崩”,and the death of the common people is called“死”.The death after longevity is regarded as a great bliss in Chinese.In English-speaking countries,people regard the deaths of all the people the same,a11 of which age the punishment from God and related with their sins.Death is equal to everybody, no matter he or she is rich, noble or not.Third, Chinese people are reluctant to refer to illness because they think the ill person can get better by doing so and they can avoid the misfortune the illness brings and to show comfort and respect to others.While English-speaking people are reluctant to refer lo illness because they believe that illness is shameful and will bring trouble to others.Fourth, English taboos on vulgarities are rampant, and more complex than those Chinese ones.There are taboos on legs,breasts and some parts of clothes.But in Chinese,taboos are not so detailed.For Chinese people,the taboo on vulgarities is more of a means of self-discipline.It is just a need for the literary men or men of noble character to cultivate their morality, not a social marker of class.As a result, there is no need for the common people to imitate the elegant language of the literary men to reach a high hierarchy of class.In English, people will define the upper class and the lower class according to the taboo in their daily speech.Fifth, taboo on ominous matter and deficiency is another important and complex aspect in Chinese which is quite different from the situation in English.Chinese people pay much attention to the taboos on departure, danger, failure in business and study because they believe they can avoid the misfortunes and get roundness by using the taboos.While in English,people are not afraid of referring these things.Sixth, in English, taboo connected with discrimination is a very important branch people should pay attention to,especially in the USA.In Chinese,people have some taboos on discrimination on minor peoples, but not as evident as that in English nowadays.Ⅳ. Strategies to Manage Taboo in Intercultural CommunicationA. Question-asking StrategyExperimental results show that generally speaking,judicious question asking can improve communicative performance.However, the study makes clear the importance of understanding the value of different types of information to learning in different contexts.Take the communication with Americans as an example,we should be careful and show no ill intent if we say something about God to someone who believes in religion.As long as they get that we just want to learn personally, they usually respond in a positive way.B. Self-revealingSelf-revealing communication is a vital bridge between cultures.Such self-revelation does entail vulnerability.Self-expression leads to more effective communication and understanding, which in turn fosters greater trust and intimacy.It can cause the other party to change their behavior by their own choice, whereas a more coercive approach would simply provoke defensiveness and distancing. Self-revealing communication has transformative potential.When we practice self-revealing expressiveness we are developing just such a capacity in ourselves,and are encouraging it in our partner also.C. Euphemism and VaguenessPeople try to avoid using words and expressions that are unpleasant, inappropriate or embarrassing to themselves or to the people to whom they are speaking.Such consciously-avoided words and expressions can be considered taboos.Taboos were originally concerned with sacred matters that could not be discussed,but nowadays taboos usually concern things that people are ashamed of.The existence of taboos throughout history has created a need to find words and expressions that enable people to talk about the subjects concerned without feeling uncomfortable or being afraid of hurting another person’s feelings.Such words and expressions are referred to as ““euphemisms”.Vagueness is one of the euphemistic strategies.Vagueness involves people using a superordinate term when referring to a sensitive topic.These include,for example institution when referring to a mental hospital,time when referring to a period spent in prison and adjust when talking about changes that are “likely to pr ove embarrassing or unpopular”.In daily conversation euphemism can be seen as a natural result of what Leech has termed the politeness principle:we will avoid unpleasantness6.We saw a polite euphemism when we discussed metaphors flouting the maxim of quality (see the cooperative principle).“It is this principle whichunderlies the use and development of euphemisms.Politeness also enters into ways of addressing people”.7So euphemisms like the elderly, senior citizen are created to refer to old people.Marriage as individual privacy in English culture,So when conversation takes place,people avoid talking about the marriage.The use of euphemisms enables people to talk about embarrassing,painful or inappropriate issues that are considered to be social taboos.However, in time the euphemistic expressions might receive the same negative connotations that the original term had;new expressions will be needed once again.As long as there continue to be unpleasant topics that people prefer not to refer to directly, people will continue to use euphemisms to talk about these topics.When we communicate with others,like foreigners,to communicate successfully, we should take fair attitudes towards different people from different cultures. Communicative skills and strategies such as the question-asking strategy and self-revealing are indispensable for promoting the effectiveness of intercultural communication.Euphemism is an effective way to dealing with linguistic taboos.In sum,knowledge in culture can help students speak politely and behave appropriately.Such knowledge together with proper communicative skills and strategies is of great help for communicators to manage linguistic taboos,reduce pragmatic failure and improve the efficiency of intercultural communication.Ⅴ.ConclusionEvery nation has its own norm of doing things or speaking.Taboo as a very important linguistic behavior constitutes a very important part of this norm.This thesis begins with a general description of the study.As this thesis aims at providing some help for the readers’ intercultural communication, some relevant terms are introduced as well as their features and the relationships between taboo and intercultural communication for the purpose of preparing readers with some cultural fluency.In the process of introducing the taboos in Chinese and English,just as the English saying goes,“there is no smoke without fire.”The differences that arise in out social interaction must have their cause deeply-rooted in each culture, so this thesis devotes some space to discussing the related factors influencing those taboos。
