Unit 6 物流英语解析


新编商务英语阅读教程Unit 6 Logistics

新编商务英语阅读教程Unit 6 Logistics
out the logistics after World War Ⅱ, though many of the logistical techniques were temporarily ignored.
transportation costs rose rapidly. Second, Production efficiency was reaching a peak. Third , a fundamental change in inventory philosophy. Fourth, product line Fifth, computer technology Sixth, the increased use of computers.
Thank you for your listening
simultaneously 同时 coordinate 使协调 apparent 显然的 deregulation 违反规定 common-carrier 共同承运人 long-established shipper 承运商,承运人 untouched 原样的

New words and expressions
Logistics first appeared…..
Associated The
with the military.
branch of Art of War pertaining to the movement and supply of armies is called logistics.
the increased public concern for the recycling of products Eighth, large retailers and mass merchandisers

电商物流英语课文翻译unit 6

电商物流英语课文翻译unit 6

Unit6 Logistics Packing

















( F ) 1. bulky
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Unit 6 Transportation
LL-Task 2-1 Lab Language
Task 2 Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases from Task 1. Change the form if necessary.
Unit 6 Transportation
Language Lab LL-Task 5-1
Task 5 Translate the following into English using the given words or phrases. 1. 这家航空公司今年开始办理货运业务。(freight) This aircraft company began to deal with freight this year.
A. the act of taking goods, letters, etc. to a particular person or place ( H ) 2. volume B. the act of keeping something in good condition by checking or repairing it ( E ) 3. transport regularly ( C ) 4. namely C. that is (to say) ( D ) 5. advantageous D. good or useful in a particular situation E. movement of people or goods from one ( A ) 6. delivery place to another F. large and difficult to move or carry ( J ) 7. economical G. be replaced by ( B ) 8. maintenance H. the amount of something ( I ) 9. lie in I. exist or be found J. not spending more money than ( G ) 10. give way to necessary


7 Apportionment is the function of dividing the original volume of manufactured goods into smaller and more manageable units. Different sizes can meet customers needs for different
Logistics Functions of Packaging
❖ 2Packaging is the material (for example, carton, wood and steel) in which a product or a group of products are wrapped and consists of the containment, protection, apportionment and unitization of goods. It adds convenience for customers and provides them with necessary information regarding the packed goods. It enhances the handling and appearance of the goods and leads to the improvement in the flow of goods through the logistics channel.
❖ 3Packaging performs six important logistics functions, namely contaization, convenience, and communication.
❖ 4 Containment is the function of packing products into boxes or other containers and of packing these boxes or containers into bigger containers, in order to transport the products effectively.

Unit 6_Shipment

Unit 6_Shipment

To effect shipment 的相关例句

1. We'll open a letter of credit if you promise to effect shipment one month earlier. 如果你方答应提前一个月交货,我们就同意开信 用证. 2. Is it possible to effect shipment during October? 能不能在10月份交货? 3. Now that we've settled the terms of payment, is it possible to effect shipment during September? 我们已经谈妥了付款条件.是否能在九月份装运?

Q3: What should be made clear when the seller and the buyer talk about shipment during business negotiation? When talking about shipment of the goods, the seller and the buyer should make clear the time of delivery, the port of shipment, the port of destination, method of delivery, partial shipment and transshipment, and finally the shipping documents.

Effect 在这里是“实现”、旅行“解释,只是 翻译时没有把这两个字翻译出来。 同样的:effect payment; effect delivery; 这里的effect可以用make代替。

物流英语Unit 6

物流英语Unit 6
temperature之后. a.过去分词首先它本身词性是动词,以过去分词的形式(一般是依动词+ed)形
b.过去分词是非谓语动词的一种形式,表示完成和被动的动作.在句中充当表 语,定语等成份. 例2 Who were the so-called gests invited (=who had been invited) to your party last night? 昨晚被邀请参加你的晚会的那些所谓的客人是谁呀?
Unit 6 Purchasing
Ⅴ Grammar 语法 过去分词做后置定语
过去分词做后置定语相当于一个定语从句,(通常放在被修饰的名词之后) 例1 The room temperature needed is 15 de.此例中needed是过去分词在文中做定语,主要来修饰温度的,所以放在
Unit 6 Purchasing
1. According to paragraph 1, what does a manufacturer , wholesaler or retailer have to do to support the operation of his organization. To support his organization, he has to buy materials ,services ,and supplies from outside suppliers. 2. What does supply management mean for most organizations? For most organizations, supply management means purchasing. 3. What has given more knowledge about the role played by purchasing to many managers? The concept of supply chain management has given more knowledge about the role played by purchasing. 4. What is one of the largest elements of costs for many firms? For many firms ,one of the largest elements of costs are purchased goods and services. 5. What percentage do purchased goods and services account for in the total sales in the average manufacturing firm in North America? Purchased goods and services account for about 55 cents of every sales dollar.



UNIT 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO LOGISTICSⅥ.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. It is through the logistical process that materials flow into the vast manufacturing capacity of an industrial nation and products are distributed through marketing channels to consumers.正是通过物流过程原材料才得以流到工业国家巨大的制造机器中,产品才能通过市场这个渠道流到客户。

2. Logistics is complex. In China alone, the market structure involves more than 20 million retailing networks and more than 2 million wholesalers’ networks.物流极为复杂,仅在中国市场上就有2000多万零售商网点和200多万批发商网点。

3. One expert holds the view that logistics is an iceberg, only the top of which is seen. What is unseen is much bigger.有一个专家认为物流是一座冰山,人们只看到它的顶部,未见到的那部分更大。

4. The overall goal of logistics is to achieve a targeted level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost.物流的总体目标是以尽可能低的总成本取得预期的客户服务的水平。



一单元A篇Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”[1] that operates 24 hours a day;seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating the transport and delivery of products and services to customers all over the world.物流是一个独特的全球性的“管道”,即每天24小时运作;一星期7天,一年52周,计划和协调着产品的运输和配送以及对全球客户的服务。

Coming into being with the advent of civilization, logistics is anything but a newborn baby[2]. However, when it conies to modem logistics, most professionals in the business consider it one of the most challenging and exciting jobs, invisible as it is[3].文明伊始,物流就已经存在,因而不是新鲜事。


Modem logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information that are of vital importance to customers and clients in various sections of the economic society[4], which may include but by no means is limited to:packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory, transport,forecasting, strategic planning, and customer service.现代物流关系到货物流和信息流的有效性和高效率。


全句译为:因此,在供应链中有关企业的 原材料和组件的供货以及顾客的交货过 程中,物流功能就变得更加重要。
[3] Companies have therefore adopted various strategies(Partnering, In-Transit Inventor Cost) to compensate for the longer supply chain. For example, companies are locating distribution centers closer to customer markets so they can better serve these markets.
全句译为:客户与供应商关系的紧密程度 在很多方面因供应链类型而异。
[8]The adoption of the term supply chain management in lieu of materials management or purchasing reflects top management’s recognition of the strategic role of suppliers in contributing to the long-term success of the firm.
• 全句译为:只要得知已存在的实际需求,供应 链上企业可以降低库存地更加精益地生产和服 务,从而,提高对市场变化的快速反应。
in terms of adv.根据, 按照, 用...的话, 在...方面,“it”在此是“in a firm’s supply chain”中的“firm”。
全句译为:围绕与其直接交易的这些企业 来说,图15-1 所示的就是构成企业供应 链的主要成员。

物流英语unit six

物流英语unit six
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Text: Packaging Types Packaging is the science, art, and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale, and use. Packaging also refers to the process of design, evaluation, and production of packages. Packaging can be described as a coordinated system of preparing goods for transport, warehousing, logistics, sale, and end use.
*Consumer packaging is also referred to as the interior, or marketing package, because it is what the customer sees when the product is on the shelf. It is designed to appeal to and inform the final customer. These two types of packaging, industrial and consumer, differ in terms of their primary objectives, but they are not mutually exclusive. For example, package design must be concerned with both exterior as well as interior considerations. Protection also is basic to both types. Although marketing or production priorities may prevail far one type of packaging, input is required from both departments as well as from logistics.

物流英语unit 6 wh

物流英语unit 6 wh
Why is warehousing desirable?
1. Regrouping function in quantities and assortments:
• Accumulating (bulk-making): bring together similar stocks from different sources
3. Storage for surplus purchase 4. Value-added services: assembly, light-manufacturing,
product testing, affixing state tax stamps, repackaging and labeling
•Better utilization of capacity
2020/10/17•Improved picking procedures and better services
Other issues
•Employee safety problems due to bad operation, large volumes of waste generated, fire, and etc. •Hazardous materials •Warehousing security: theft and pilferage •Stock control
Warehouse management system (WMS)
•Functions: inventory management, product receiving, determination of storage locations, order selection, and order shipping.

物流职业英语unit 6

物流职业英语unit 6

Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks by using the words or phrases given in the following box. delivery schedule raw retailers forecast flexible monitor updating revenue coordination 1. According to the weather _____________ , there will be a gale tomorrow. forecast 2. Furniture and carpet _____________ are among those reporting the sharpest annual retailers decline in sales. 3.We will focus on how to build an infrastructure that will help ensure _____________ of delivery quality products. 4. The company generates _____________ primarily by delivering online advertising. revenue 5.We import _____________ materials and energy and export mainly industrial products. raw 6. If we can know their frequency we will _____________ their talking. monitor 7. This is a critical question that we must answer together through consultation and _____________. coordination 8. He was back in the office, _____________ the work schedule on the computer. updating 9. Our plans need to be _____________ enough to cater for the needs of everyone. flexible 10. A tight _____________ schedule means we can’t delay any longer.

unit 6 packing解读

unit 6 packing解读
Remarks: Additionally, there are bulk cargo(散装货) and nude or unpacked cargo(裸装货)
Business Letters & Correspondence—Unit 6 Packing
I. Introduction(P102-103)
Business Letters & Correspondence—Unit 6 Packing
Commonly used expressions
3. pack sth. in A, each containing… 用A包装, 某份A含(商品的数量)
I. Introduction(P102-103)
1. Types of packing According to the function of packing, it can be divided inting 运输包装/外包装/大包装 2.Sales packing 销售包装/内包装/小包装 3.Neutral packing 中性包装
Business Letters & Correspondence—Unit 6 Packing

Please tell the following package in English.
paper bag
plastic bag
gunny bag
Business Letters & Correspondence—Unit 6 Packing
Business Letters & Correspondence—Unit 6 Packing
I. Introduction(P102-103)

Warming-up of Unit 6

Warming-up of Unit 6

Task 1难点讲解:
express company:快递公司 express 【ikˈspres】n. 快递,快车 logo 【ˈləuɡəu】n. 标识,徽标 express company logo:快递公司标志 Express Mail Service:邮政特快专递服务(缩写为EMS) United Parcel Service:联合包裹快递服务公司(缩写为UPS) Federal Express:联邦快递集团 (缩写为FedEx) China Railway Express:中铁快运股份有限公司(缩写为CRE)
Task 2 Describe the meanings of the following shipping labels.
You should isolate You should not stack You should not use
it elsewhere.
it with other stuff.
An Brief Introduction to FedEx 翻译:
FedEx Corporation (联邦快递集团) 基于美国的物流服务公司该公司目前的口号 是“世界同步”。
An Brief Introduction to CRE:
China Railway Express Co., Ltd. (中铁快运股份有限公司) is a freight company affiliated to China State Railway Group Company Ltd.
An Brief Introduction to CRE 翻译:
中铁快运股份有限公司(China Railway Express Co., Ltd. ) 是一家隶属 于中国国家铁路集团有限公司的货运公司。

物流英语unit (6)

物流英语unit (6)
Table 6-1 Determination of the Average Cost of a Stock-out Alternative Loss Probability Average costs 1. L oyal customers $0 0.10 $0 2. Comes back $37 0.65 $24.05 3. Lost $1,200 0.25 $300 Average cost of a stock-out 1 $324.05 Note: These are hypothetical figures for illustration.
The Tradeoff in Inventory Functions
• Costs of Holding Inventory
– Incur an opportunity cost represented by the return on investment the firm would have realized if money had been better invested – Incur warehousing costs – Cause significant tax expenses – Cause holding costs
• Opportunity Cost
– Firms engaging in speculative inventory
• Taxes
– The inventory on hand on a particular date
• Storage Costs
– Handling costs and insurance
Communication Convenience



The essential function of packaging (ensuring that the packed product reaches the consumer in the same state as it left the factory) is well known. We only see part of the cycle when we open the packet, take out the product and throw away the packaging. And yet it is the packading that enables us to conserve all the resources, including the energy that went into manufacturing and transporting the procuct in the first place. It is therefore imortant that we are aware of the essential reasons that are at the core of the
Chapter Six Packing
Learning objective
To understand the functions of packing To Understand advantages and
disadvantages of packing To introduce commonly used packing
Packaging and conservation
Ever more effective materials allow packaging to resist increasingly tough processing. This means that conservation can take place at temperatures as low as 0 or that packaging can withstand sterilization processes(handling and storage at 120-140 under high-pressure water vapor), pastearization processes and even irradiation.
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9.单轨(小车)输送机 Overhead Monorail Conveyors

在特定的空中轨道上运行的电动小车,可组成一个承载的、全 自动的物料搬运系统。其特点是: 1、系统中的各个小车,独立驱动; 2、物料有轨道、平移道岔、转盘、升降机段等组成,形成立 体输送网络; 3、多种控制方式,可采用集中控制、 分散控制或集散控制方式,小车 按设定程序实行全自动作业; 4、随机物料供应系统,工位要车可 随机提出申请,通过小车随机编 写要车工位特征地址码,直达要 车工位,供应物料; 5、分拣配送系统 载物小车根据承 载货物的不同种类携带的特征地 址码,地面设立读址站,可实现 自动分拣和配送作业等。 广泛应用于汽车、邮电行业,工厂企业的装配线、检测线等。
辊道输送机 Roller Conveyors
输送机由一连串的滚辊来承载物品,滚辊由轴承支撑,承载 物品置于两侧栏杆间,滚辊间的距离由承载物大小决定,由重力 或动力带动。它可沿水平或曲线路径进行输送,对不规则的物品 可放在托盘或者托板上进行输送。 特点: • 滚辊多为圆柱状,两端露出轴承,每一承载物至少需三个滚辊 • 便宜、易安装,维护成本低,寿命长。 • 以滚辊滚动来移动物品,可上升或下 降少许倾斜度。 适用范围: • 适合地区间、机器间、建筑 物间的物料移动。 • 为常用的搬运设备,适合装 载与卸货。 • 工作台内的物料移动。 • 工作站间的储存。 • 可与其他搬运方式合并运用。
Hand truck 人力搬运车
Forklift 叉车
Crane 起重机
Pallet 托盘
Stacker 堆垛机
Scissor lift 剪刀式升降机
Lifter 升降机
Ladder 梯子
Conveyor 输送机
Lift table 升降台
Rack 货架
二、起重机及吊车 三、工业用车辆 四、升降台 五. 托盘 六. 货架
一般输送机适用于固定路线的运输,其物料移动 速度一定,方向一致且有连续性,并可在输送中达成 冷却、定型、装配等配合作业的完成。 1.带式输送机 2.链条输送机(裙板输送机、拖索输送机、悬吊输送 机、链斗式输送机、托盘升降机、) 3.螺旋输送机 4.滑槽 5.辊式输送机 6.轮式输送机 7.振动、摆动输送机 8.气压输送机
带式输送机(Belt Conveyor)
由多层构造的特殊皮带作为传送物料的输送带并以 动力带动。 特点: 1.装机费用较低 2.省能源且较易维护 3.桡性较佳可以水平或向上、 下倾斜至28°从事操作。 4.不易渗漏 5.能量极易调整 适用范围: 1.适合粉状、粒状等物料的搬运 2.适合装箱、袋装、包装的搬运 3.适合轻形物品的装配线装置

New Words
pallet [‘pæ lət] n. 托盘 8. ladder [‘læ də(r)] n. 梯子 9. crane [kreɪn] n. 起重机 10. lifter [‘lɪftə] n. 升降机 11. lift table n. 升降台 12. conveyor [kən’veɪə(r)] n. 输送机

Material Handling Equipment

物料搬运:是指在同一场所范畴内进行的, 以改变物料存放状态和空间位置为主要目 标的活动。物料搬运对仓库作业效率的提 高是很重要的,物料搬运也直接影响到生 产效率。 物料搬运设备可概括为四大类: 即搬运车辆,输送机械,起重机械和升降 机械。

New Words

1. Handle [‘hæ ndl] v. 搬运 2. store [stɔ:(r)] vt. 储存 ,储藏 3. warehouse [‘weəhaʊs] n. 仓库,货栈 4. storage [‘stɔ:rɪdʒ]n. 储存,储藏 5. industrial truck 工业卡车 6. position [pə’zɪʃn] n. 位置,方位 7. stable [‘steɪbl] adj. 稳定的 8. supplier [sə’plaɪə(r)] n. 供应厂商
New Words

1. receiving space 收货区 2. shipping space 发货区 3. order picking space 拣选区 4. order assembly space 配装区 5. storage space n. 堆货场 6. result in 带来….结果 7. story [‘stɔ:rɪ] n. 楼层 8. maximum [‘mæ ksɪməm] n. /adj. 最高/最 大…的 9. aisles [ailz] n. 走廊,过道 10. straight [streɪt] adj. 直的.
Warm up
New Words
1. scissor lift 剪刀式升降机 scissors [‘sɪzəz] n. 剪刀; lift [lɪft] n.电梯; 起重机 2. hand truck 人力搬运车 3. rack [ræ k] n. 货架 4. trailer [‘treɪlə(r)] n. 挂车,拖车 5. stacker [stæ kə] n. 堆垛机 6. forklift [‘fɔ:klɪft] n. 叉车
轮式输送机 Wheel Conveyors
由许多同规格的活动轮子组成,用 以支撑负载,轮子装在框架之上,靠轮 子的转动来搬运物料。 特点: 1. 与辊式输送机的特点相似,但重量 较轻,可承载的物品重量也较轻。 2. 费用较辊式输送机便宜。 3. 由人力或重力移动物品。 4. 轮子的多寡决定负荷量。 5. 易装置、拆卸或搬运。 6. 维护极少。 适用范围: 1. 仓库。 2. 装货品。
Unit 6
Material Handling Equipment
Байду номын сангаас
1. Learning names of material handling equipment 了解物料搬运设备的名称 2. Learning functions of material equipment 了解物料搬运设备的功能 3. Talking about material handing equipment 谈论物料搬运设备