
His experience
His experience
Miyazaki returned to animation with Spirited Away .The film topped Titanic ' s sales at the Japanese box office, also won Picture of the Year at the Japanese Academy Awards and was the first anime film to win an American Academy Award .
Themes and devices
Miyazaki‘s films emphasize environmentalism and the Earth’s fragility [frəˈdʒiliti] (脆弱性).
Valley of the Wind, 1984 film Castle in the Sky, 1986 film My Neighbor Totoro, 1988 film Kiki's Delivery Service, 1989 film Princess Mononoke, 1997 film Spirited Away, 2001 film Howl's Moving Castle, 2004 film Ponyo, 2008 film Arrietty,2010 film The Wind Rises,2013 film
宫崎骏 英文介绍ppt

Nausicaäof the Valley of the Wind(风之谷) 1984 film Castle in the Sky(天空之城)1986 film My Neighbor Totoro(龙猫)1988 film Kiki‘s Delivery Service(魔女宅急便)1989 film Princess Mononoke(幽灵公主)1997 film Spirited Away(千与千寻)2001 film The Cat Returns(猫的报恩)2002 Film Howl‘s Moving Castle(哈尔的移动城堡)2004 film Ponyo(悬崖上的金鱼姬)2008 film
Miyazaki is a famous Japanese animation director , who was born on January 5,1941 in Tokyo. And began his animation career in 1961. Miyazaki can be a legend in Japanese animation industry. It can be said that without him is the cause of Japanese animation industry will be greatly inferior.
• I can only send you here, the rest of the way you have to go, don't look back.
——Spirited Away
The only beauty thing for man is too old to lose.
• He is like a dream maker . With his brush ,he paints a piece of sky in our mind.

Nigihayami Kohakunushi (赈早见琥珀主)
Chihiro became more and more brave and independent after experiencing various adventures,which was totally different from past.
She did lots of meaningfui things for bathhouse and her friends when worked. For instance,she helped No-face find endresult and Haku rememble his real name.
In the second level, Miyazaki thinks that the vitality of civilization will be given by nature , then the vitality will be destroyed by greed until completely destroyed.
This film has touched numerous audience, also caused the audience's reflection and thought to human civilization.

宫崎骏英文演讲稿宫崎骏英文演讲稿篇一:宫崎骏简介英文版Hello, everyone! Today I’ll introduce a famous Japanese film director 宮崎駿みやざきはやおto China,we call him宮崎駿.He is considered as one of the most popular and influential animators in the history of cinema and founded Studio ['stju:d] he was retired in September XX,the various film characters he had created made his movies enjoy both commercial and critical success all over the I think most of you must have seen his films,such as Totoro,Princess Mononoke,Spirited Away,Castle in the Sky,Kiki’s Delivery Service,Hawl’s Moving Castle.Born in , Miyazaki began his animation [nmen]career in 1963, when he joined 东映动画公司From there, Miyazaki worked as an 动画师for Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon where he pitched his own ideas that eventually became the movie's ending. He continued to work in various roles in the animation industry over the decade until he was able to direct his first feature film which was released in 1979. After the success of his next film, he co-founded Studio Ghibli, where hecontinued to produce many feature films besides during a 'temporary retirement' in 1997 following .Princess Mononoke was the highest-grossing film in Japan—until it was eclipsed['klps] by another 1997 film, —and the first animated film to win Picture of the Year at the . Miyazaki returned to animation with . The film topped Titanic's sales at the Japanese box office, also won Picture of the Year at the Japanese Academy Awards and was the first animation film to win an .Miyazki often takes his inspiration from his Spirited Away forthis period of semi-retirement, Miyazaki spent time with the daughters of a friend. One of these friends would become his inspiration for Miyazaki's next film which would also become his biggest commercial success to date, Spirited Away is the story of a girl, forced to survive in astrange spirit world, who works in a bathhouse for spirits after her parents are turned into pigs by the sorceresss:srs] who owns it.[psfst]Miyazaki's films often contain recurrent themes, like humanity's relationship with nature andtechnology and the difficulty of maintaining a pacifist ethic [eθk]. The main characters of his fi lms are often strong, independent girls or young women. While two of his films, The Castle of Cagliostro and Castle in the Sky, involve traditional villains['vln], his other films like Princess Mononoke present morally [mbgjus] antagonists[ntgnst] with[r'di:m] qualities. Miyazaki's newest film The Wind Rises was released in ambiguousredeeming July , XX and is planned for an international release. Miyazaki announced on September 1, XX that this would be his final feature-length film. In addition to his acclaimed [klem] film work, Miyazaki has created animation that have reached worldwide audiences.Miyazaki has claimed he was retiring several times, but he assured his fans that he is 'quiteserious' this time. He believes he is getting too old for the business, and wants to make room for new animators. He also says that the task of animating is "quite strenuousstrnjus] " and that he cannot work aslong as he was once able to. However, he plans on pursuing new goals, such as working on the Studio Ghibli museum, onwhich he commented "I might even become an exhibit myself".篇二:宫崎骏英文简介The Carton King of JapanTelevision cartoons are big business in Japan, where around 40 new animated TV series are produced every week. One of the country’s most popular animators, Hayao Miyazaki, has produced some of the great classics of Japanese TV animation. Nevertheless,he finds television too restrictive, and prefers to make full-length animated movies.Though he is not well-known outside Asia, Hayao Miyazaki is a household name in his homeland. His amazing drawing skills, entertaining plots, and well-rounded characters have made timeless masterpieces out of films such as “Pri ncess Mononoke”and “My Neighbor Totoro.” He is widely respected by Japanese of all ages, and has won the admiration of animators and filmmakers around the world.Hayao Miyazaki was born in T okyo in 1941. Hisfamily owned a factory that built airplanes, and he fell in love with planes and flying at an early age. Anyone familiar with his films has seen the often breathtaking flying scenes that are his personal trademark.Miyazaki’s career as an animator began in 1963 when he joined T oei Animation to work on a TV series called “Wolf Boy Ken.” While there, he fell in love with a fellow animator, Akemi Ota, who later became his wife.At Toei, he also teamed up with Isao Takahata, beginning a partnership that would last many years and lead to some of the great success stories of Japanese animated film. Miyazaki and Takahata changed studios several times and worked on a number of successful TV series in the 60s and 70s. Both men were,however, more interested in the challenge of producing feature-length animated movies.In 1984, Miyazaki released a film based on his own manga series, “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.”It was a huge success, enabling Miyazaki and Takahata to set up their own company, Studio Ghibli. They werefinally free to concentrate on doing what they liked best: making high-quality animated feature films.Studio Ghibli got its name from an Italian word meaning “a hot wind that blows through the Sahara Desert.” It was used by Italian pilots during World War II in reference to their planes, and Miyazaki, who loves both flying and Italy, felt the name captured the spirit of his work.Since it opened in 1985, Studio Ghibli has gone from strength to strength. “Princess Mononoke” is the second-biggest box-office hit in Japanese movie history, and “My Ne ighbor Totoro,”as well as attracting huge audiences, was successful in another way. Sales of stuffed toys based on its odd central character helped the studio build asound financial base.Throughout his career, Miyazaki has traveled widely in search of inspiration. Now, he is firmly established as a figure who provides inspiration to others. Skilled animators at the Disney Corporation,with whom Ghibli recently set up a partnership, have acknowledged their debt to HayaoMiyazaki. He has, without a doubt, earned his place in the animators’ hall of fame.动画大师宫崎骏在日本,电视卡通是个大生意,每个星期会制作出大约40部新的电视动画系列剧。

she was a cowardly girl before the things happend
she learned to be strong later
In order to not became animal, Chihiro worked very hard. She plucks up her courage to break the curse for helping her new friend called Haku and return her family to the outside world. During in various of adventures , she become more and more brave and independent , which is totally different from past. 为了不被变成动物,千寻在那里拼命地工作 。她 必须帮助她 的新朋友白龙打破诅咒,还要设法 让一 家人返回外面的世界。在 这个过程中,千 寻变得越来越 勇敢独立,完全与过去不同了。
leading actor and actress
Spirited Away
【Hayao Miyazaki quotes 】【宫崎骏语录
we may be uneasy, struggling, screaming, but still be alive. 我们或许会不安、挣扎、尖叫,但是依然会活着。
他的 影片《千与千寻》在日本的票房超过《泰坦尼克号》,还赢得了日本电影金 像奖最佳影片奖,也是第一部赢得美国奥斯卡奖奥斯卡最佳动画长片奖的日本动 画。他执导的许多其他电影也获得许多不同的国际奖项。 Miyazaki returned to animation with Spirited Away. The film topped Titanic's sales at the Japanese box office, also won Picture of the Year at the Japanese Academy Awards and was the first anime film to win an American Academy Award.

Only Yesterday is significant among progressive anime films in that it explores a genre traditionally
thought to be outside the realm of animated
The film topped Titanic's sales at the Japanese box
office, also won Picture of the Year at the Japanese
Academy Awards and was the first anime film to win an American Academy Award. It tells the story about a sullen ten-year-old girl , who while moving to a new neighborhood, enters the spirit world. After her parents are transformed into pigs by the witch, Chihiro takes a job Japanese working in: Yubaba's Name 千と千寻の神隠し
allows Miyazaki to combine a plucky young woman and a
mother figure into a single character , Sophie. She starts out as an 18-year-old hat maker, but then a witch's curse transforms her into a 90-year-old grey-haired woman.

• English name: Miyazaki Hayao • Place of birth: Tokyo, Japan • Career: animation director, screenwriter writer, character designer • Date of birth: jan. 5, 1941 • He is a well-known Japanese animation director, the animator and cartoonist. Every of his works, though the topic is different, but it express dream, environmental protection, life, survival such remarkable message. • 他是一位知名日本动画导演、动画师及漫 画家。他的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但 却将梦想、环保、人生、生存这些令人反 思的讯息,融合其中.
• 19世紀末歐洲,18歲少女蘇菲被荒野 惡毒的女巫施下魔咒變成90歲老婆婆。 為找尋解除咒語的方法,她偶然闖入 四處遊走、充滿機關和魔法的移動城 堡,裡面一道魔法門,更可通往四個 神奇世界……一段交織了愛與痛、樂 與悲的愛情故事在戰火中悄悄展開。
Let's appreciate Hayao Miyazaki's animation world!
Spirited Away 千与千寻(2001)
• Logo: go through the tunnel, there will be a strange town • 宣传语:穿过隧道,是一个奇异 的小镇
• The film is known as hayao miyazaki's "Alice in wonderland". It was originally created for children, but it let more adults wake up to notice the lost innocence and enthusiasm. This is my favorite animation, when I’m older, I would take my children to see the animation. • 它被誉为宫崎骏的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》。它本来是为孩子创作的,但却 让更多的大人醒悟到已经失去的纯真与热情。这是我小时候最爱看的动 画,即使以后老了,我也会带着孩子重看这部动画。
宫崎骏动画作品英文介绍 版本1

Spirited Away(2001) is a wondrous fantasy about a timid young girl, Chihiro, trapped in a strange new world of spirits. She must call upon the courage she never knew, in order to break the curse on her new friend, Haku, and return her family to the outside world. In various of adventures, chihiro become more and more brave and independent , which is totally different from past. It’s a fantastic tale, you will want to experience over and over again. This of course results in the fact that there are quite some nice .
她不是一个漂亮的女孩儿,也 没有特别吸引之处,而她那怯 懦的性格,没精打采的神态, 更是惹人生厌。
最终凭着自己的勇气,千寻获 得了朋友的认可,并从他们那 里学会了成长
“这是一个没有武器和 超能力打斗的冒险故事, 它描述的不是正义和邪 恶的斗争,而是在善恶 交错的社会里如何生存。 学习人类的友爱,发挥 人本身的智慧,最终千 寻回到了人类社会,但 这并非因为她彻底打败 了恶势力,而是由于她 挖掘出了自身蕴涵的生 命力的缘故。现在的社 会越来越险恶,好恶难 辨,用动画世界里的人 物来讲述生活的理由和 力量,这就是我制作电 影时所考虑的。”—— (《千与千寻》 宫崎 骏)

Spirited away
A fable about the lost and the growth
哈尔的移动 城堡
Howl’s Moving Castle
A romantic and gorgeous love adventure
The Wind Rises
The Attraction of Cartoon Movie
-about Hayao Miyazaki(宫崎骏)
English Name:Miyazakl Hayao Birthplace : Tokyo, Japan Date of birth : January 5,1941 Occupation : Animation Director
Hayao Miyazaki and his colleagues Takahata, Suzuki Toshio
Hayao Miyazaki's works
Laputa:Castle in the sky
The theme song “the city of the sky” was composed by musician Joe Hisaishi, due to its wonderful temperament, the song is famous in the world, was adapted into a variety of versions, has become a popular movie music.
My Neighbor Totoro

Miyazaki(Hayao Miyazaki ) is a famous Japanese animation director,January 5, 1941 born in Tokyo.He has no substitute in the global animation industry status, Disney called “animation industry Akira Kurosawa", he was received numerous awards.
My Neighbor Totoro,1988film (导演、编剧)
Kiki's Delivery Service,1989 film (导演、编剧、制作人)
Only Yesterday, 1991 film (制作人)
Porco Rosso(Italian), 1992 film (导演、编剧、剪辑)
Theme Song:Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind/主题曲:风之 谷主题曲
风 Or之igi谷na(l N19a8m4Ve)(a原l名lle)y:o风fのth谷eのナウシカ Wind
风之谷 English Name: Warriors of the Wind
“动画界的黑泽明”更是 Wind,1984 film (导演、编剧) 《风之谷》
Castle in the Sky,1986 film (导演、编剧)

Gong Qi Jun is a famous Japanese animation director(卡通 片导演),who born in Tokyo in January 5th,1941. Gong Qi Jun is a legend (传奇)of Japanese animation industry , and it can be said that without him the Japanese animation will be much worse.
Spirited Away(2001) 千与千寻
this is a fantasy about a timid(胆小的) young girl ,QianXun,trapped in a strange new world of spirits.She must call upon the courage she never knew ,in order to break the curse(诅咒 ) on her new friend ‘s each
work, themes are different, but the dreams of,environmental protection, life, survival of these people reflect on the message, including integration.
,and made her family return to the outside world.In various of adventures, QianXun become more and more brave and independent,which is totally different from past.

宫崎骏英语作文介绍回答1:Hayao Miyazaki is a renowned Japanese animator, filmmaker, and manga artist. He is known for his imaginative and visually stunning animated films that have captivated audiences around the world. Miyazaki's work often explores themes such as environmentalism, pacifism, and the importance of family and community.Miyazaki's career in animation began in the 1960s, where he worked as an in-between artist on various productions. He later went on to direct his own films, including "Nausicaäof the Valley of the Wind" (1984), "My Neighbor Totoro" (1988), "Princess Mononoke" (1997), and "Spirited Away" (2001), which won an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.One of the unique aspects of Miyazaki's work is his ability to blend traditional Japanese themes and aesthetics with universal themes that resonate with audiences of all backgrounds. His films often feature strong, independent female protagonists who challenge gender stereotypes and societal norms.Miyazaki has inspired a generation of filmmakers and animators around the world, and his impact on the animation industry cannot be overstated. His films have not only entertained and enchanted audiences, but have also sparked important conversations about important social and environmental issues.宫崎骏是一位著名的日本动画师、电影制片人和漫画家。

Miyazaki’s Styles
Miyazaki's works are characterised by the recurrence of progressive themes, such as environmentalism, pacifism, feminism, and the absence of villains (反派角色). His films are also frequently concerned with childhood transition and a marked preoccupation with flight.
Even though Miyazaki sometimes feels pessimistic about the world, he prefers to show children a positive world view instead, and rejects simplistic stereotypes of good and evil.
Especial creation process:
imagination 尽情的想象
In contrast to American animation, the script and storyboards are created together, and animation begins before the story is finished and while storyboards are developing.

Films :
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind,
(风之谷)1984 film Castle in the Sky, (天空之城)1986 film My Neighbor Totoro, (龙猫)1988 film Kiki‘s Delivery Service, (魔女宅急便)1989 film
Porco Rosso, (红猪侠)1992 film Princess Mononoke, (幽灵公主)1997 film Spirited Away, (千与千寻)2001 film (winner, Academy Award
for Best Animated Feature, 2002) The Cat Returns,(猫的报恩)2002 Film(release in Japan), 2003 Film (Release in United States) Howl‘s Moving Castle, (哈尔的移动城堡)2004 film (nominee, Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, 2005) Ponyo, (悬崖上的金鱼姬)2008 film
Castle in the Sky
The animator that I love the most!
Hayao Miyazaki
宫崎 骏
Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese manga artist and prominent film director and animator of many popular anime feature films.
Born on January 5, 1941

宫崎骏!以及作品介绍英汉对照Old Master Bows Out再见了,宫崎骏!As a director, he is said to be the Akira Kurosawa of animation. As an animator, he is Japan’s Walt Disney.作为一位导演,他被称为动画界的黑泽明。
Hayao Miyazaki, the Japanese master of fantasy animation, announced his retirement on Sept 6, after the recent release of his new film The Wind Rises.9月6日,日本奇幻动画大师宫崎骏发布新作《起风了》,之后便宣布退休。
Having come to prominence in the 1970s with his animation work for TV, the 72-year-old is now one of the most respected animation directors in the world.上世纪70年代,宫崎骏凭借一系列电视动画片而声名大噪,现年72岁的他是当今全球最受尊敬的动画导演之一。
Miyazaki’s vision has remained unique throughout his many films over the years. The worlds he creates —the teeming post-apocalyptic jungle world of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, the strange 19th-century science fiction of Laputa: Castle in the Sky —are as peculiar as they are captivating.多年来,宫崎骏一直在诸多电影作品中发挥着他那别具一格的想象力。

1985年在德间书店的投资下,宫 崎骏联合高田勋共同创办了吉卜 力工作室,该名字来自二战时候 意大利的一款侦察机,意思是 “撒哈拉沙漠的热风”,由于宫 崎骏父亲曾经是在飞机制造厂工 作,从小宫崎骏就对飞行和天空 充满着向往,这也是吉卜力的由 来之一。也正因为这个宫崎骏在 日后的许多作品中始终贯穿着天 空场景和各式各样飞行器的刻画。
Production:Tokuma 制作:德间书店
Original:Kadono Eiko(awarded Andersen Award) 原作:角野荣子(荣获安徒生大奖) Original.Script.Supervisory:Miyazaki 原作.脚本.监督:宫崎骏 Music:Joe Hisaishi 久石让
Production:Tokuma 制作:德间书店
Original.& director:Miyazaki 宫崎骏
Producer:Isao Takahata高畑勋; Yasuyoshi Tokuma德间康快;原彻 はら とおる;Ned Lott;Rick Dempsey
Photographer:Mark Henley;Hideshi Kyonen Music:Joe Hisaishi久石让
Logo: Although there will be unhappy time, I still have spirit。宣传语:虽然 会有不开心的时候,但我还是佷精神。
Kiki's Delivery Service 主 题 曲
: め ぐ る 季 节
/ 更 替 的 季 节
Only Yesterday
主要作品 His main works
My Neighbor Totoro,1988film (导演、编剧)
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Grave of the Fire flies
【Hayao Miyazaki quotes 】 【宫崎骏语录】
We have no choice but to prevail in the world from the start of this flu. 我
Original / Kadono Sakae child (awarded Andersen Award) 原作/角野栄子(荣获安徒生大奖) Script. Supervisory / Hayao Miyazaki 脚本.监督
Music / Joe Hisaishi: 音乐/久石
让 Theme song / Arai from the Mira :主题歌/荒井 由実
The Borrowers 借东西的小人阿莉埃蒂(2010) Original name:借りぐらしのアリエッティ Genre: Animation Fantasy 类型:动画 奇幻 Director: Hayao Miyazaki 导演:宫崎骏 Production: Studio Ghibli 制作吉:卜力工作室 Logo:Don’t be find by humen beings is our survival law. 宣标语:不能被人类发现,是我们生存的定律.
When I decided to become an animator, I determined never copied anyone.
【Hayao Miyazaki quotes 】【宫崎骏语录】 Our children are born in an AIDS and drugs all over the world, who would know of anything else other.我们的孩子们生于一个爱滋病和毒品遍布的世
界,谁又会知道还有其它什么别的东西。Even the world‘s population of 100 million, we will still survive即使世界的人口高达100亿,我们仍然 将生存下去
we may be uneasy, struggling, screaming, but still be alive.
Each work of Miyazaki, subjects are different, but it contains a dream, environmental protection, life, survival and other information .
宫崎骏的每部作品,题材虽然不同,但却将梦想、 环保、人生、生存这些令人反思的讯息,融合其中。
box office receipts: 70 million yen 2.1 billion, the number of visitors: 2,640,619 persons
票房收入:21亿7000万日元,观众人数 :264万619人 Production: 制作 Tokuma 德间书店
Logo: to live
GHIBLI时期作品 (1985—— )
Spirited Away
Box office revenue: 30.4 billion yen (about 2.2 billion yuan), viewing the number of 23.04 million person-trips)
曾有人如此评价宫崎骏:“夜空中可以没有月亮, 但在动画界不能没有宫崎骏。”足可见他在动画界的 重要性 。
GHIBLI时期作品 (1985—— )
Laputa Castle in the Sky
天空之城 (1986)
(box office: 500 million 83 million yen, the number of visitors: 774,271 people)
Miyazaki has been commented: "There was no moon in the night sky can be, but Hayao Miyazaki animation world can not do without." He can obviously see the importance of the animation industry.
Starring: Chieko Baisho the U.S. round out the macro Takuya Kimura
主演:倍赏千惠子 木村拓哉 美轮明宏
Logo: Two people living together.
GHIBLI时期作品 (1985—— )
Miyazaki is a famous Japanese animation director. He has no substitute in the global animation industry status, and he was received numerous awards . 宫崎骏是日本著名动画片导演。他在全球动画界具有无可 替堡(2004)
Japan domestic box office receipts: Super 20 billion yen (about 1.5 billion yuan), viewing trips breakthrough 1200 million
日本本土票房收入:超200亿日元(约合15 亿人民币),观影人次突破1200万人 Original name:ハウルの动く城 Genre: Animation Fantasy 类型:动画 奇幻 Director: Hayao Miyazaki 导演:宫崎骏
票房收入:304亿日元(约22亿人民币), 观影人数2304万人次) Original name原 名:千と千寻の神隠し
Production commander: between Germany Hong fast 制作总指挥:德间康快 Production: Ghibli 制作:吉卜力 Original. Script / Hayao Miyazaki 原作.脚本/
Music: Joe Hisaishi 音乐:久石
让 Producer: Toshio Suzuki 制片:铃木敏夫
Logo: go through the tunnel, is a strange town
GHIBLI时期作品 (1985—— )
Howl's Moving Castle
Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea 悬崖上的金鱼姬(2008) Original name原名:崖の上のポニョ Type: Animation 类型:动画 Director, original, script: Hayao Miyazaki 导演、原作、剧本:宫崎骏 Music: Joe Hisaishi 音乐:久石 让 Starring: Nara love pomelo Li Yang Hui p. Chidoi 主演:奈良柚莉爱 土井洋辉 山口智 Production: Studio Ghibli 制作吉:卜力工作室 Release Date: July 19, 2008 上映时间:2008年7月19日 Logo: live in the world, so good 宣传语:生活在这世上 ,真好。
Art / male and male deer
Logo: This strange creature, perhaps still living in Japan.
宣传语:这种奇怪的生物,说不定仍生 活在日本。
GHIBLI时期作品 (1985—— )
Kiki‘s Delivery Service
——《On Your
Mark》 Even in the hatred and killing, there are still some things worthy of people
in the live.即使是在憎恨和杀戮中,仍然有些东西值得人们为
之活下去。A beautiful encounter, or to the existence of beautiful things.一次美丽的相遇,或是为了美丽事物的存在。We depict hatred, are more important things to describe.我们描绘憎恨,是为 了描写更重要的东西。We depict a curse, is to describe the joy of liberation.——"Princess Mononoke" 我们描绘诅咒,是为了描写解 放后的喜悦。——《幽灵公主》
票房收入:5亿8800万日元,观众人数: 80万1680人). Original name:原名とないのトトロ Production: Tokuma 制作:德间书店 Original. Script. Supervisory / Miyazaki原作. 脚本.监督/宫崎骏
Supervising animator / Sato, Yoshiharu
Chinese Name: Hayao Miyazaki English name: Miyazaki Hayao Nationality: Japan Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan Date of birth: January 5, 1941 Occupation: Animation Director School: Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan 中文名: 宫崎骏 外文名: Miyazaki Hayao 国籍: 日本 出生地: 日本东京 出生日期: 1941年1月5日 职业: 动画片导演 毕业院校: 日本东京学习院大学 代表作品: 《风之谷》、《天空之城》、《龙猫》、《千与千寻 的神隐》等