
鉴别:配制1.0mg/ml辣椒碱甲醇溶液,配制符合美国药典标准的辣椒碱1.0mg/ml甲醇溶液作为对照液,分别点样于0.25mm厚硅胶、凝胶混合薄层板上,点样量为10礚,将薄层板放于乙醚-甲醇(19:1)展开剂中展开,待展开剂前沿至薄层板3/4处时将薄层板取出,晾干,用0.5% 2,6-二溴苯醌-氯化亚胺甲醇溶液喷雾显色,放于氨气中片刻,取出,鉴别色谱图:供试液主要斑点颜色(兰色)及R值与对照液主要斑点颜色(兰色)及R值一致。
熔点〈741〉: 57°-66°, 一般熔融起始温度至结束温度温差不超过5°。
干燥失重〈731〉: 置40°P2O5真空干燥器中干燥5小时,失重不超过1.0%。
辣椒素,二氢辣椒素及其它辣椒二萜类化合物含量测定:流动相:磷酸水溶液(l :1000,V/V):乙腈(600:400)混匀,0.5祄微孔滤膜滤过,脱气。
辣椒素对照液:精密称取美国药典标准的辣椒碱适量溶于甲醇中,配制约0.1 mg/mL的辣椒甲醇溶液。

美国药典USP31无菌检查71 STERILITY TESTS 无菌检查法Portions of this general chapter have been harmonized with the corresponding texts of the European Pharmacopeia and/or the Japanese Pharmacopeia. Those portions that are not harmonized are marked with symbols () to specify this fact.此通则的各部分差不多与欧洲药典和/或日本药典的对应部分做了和谐。
The following procedures are applicable for determining whether a Pharmacopeial article purporting to be sterile complies with the requirements set forth in the individual monograph with respect to the test for sterility. Pharmacopeial articles are to be tested by the Membrane Filtration method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined where the nature of the product permits. If the membrane filtration technique is unsuitable, use the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined. All devices, with the exception of Devices with Pathways Labeled Sterile, are tested using the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method. Provisions for retesting are included under Observation and Interpretation of Results.下面这些步骤适用于测定是否某个用于无菌用途的药品是否符合其具体的各论中关于无菌检查的要求。

美国药典USP31无菌检查简介美国药典(United States Pharmacopeia,简称USP)是美国公认的医药行业标准组织,负责制定和发布有关医药品质量的标准和方法。

鉴别:配制1.0mg/ml辣椒碱甲醇溶液,配制符合美国药典标准的辣椒碱1.0mg/ml甲醇溶液作为对照液,分别点样于0.25mm厚硅胶、凝胶混合薄层板上,点样量为10礚,将薄层板放于乙醚-甲醇(19:1)展开剂中展开,待展开剂前沿至薄层板3/4处时将薄层板取出,晾干,用0.5% 2,6-二溴苯醌-氯化亚胺甲醇溶液喷雾显色,放于氨气中片刻,取出,鉴别色谱图:供试液主要斑点颜色(兰色)及R值与对照液主要斑点颜色(兰色)及R值一致。
熔点〈741〉: 57°-66°, 一般熔融起始温度至结束温度温差不超过5°。
干燥失重〈731〉: 置40°P2O5真空干燥器中干燥5小时,失重不超过1.0%。
辣椒素,二氢辣椒素及其它辣椒二萜类化合物含量测定:流动相:磷酸水溶液(l :1000,V/V):乙腈(600:400)混匀,0.5祄微孔滤膜滤过,脱气。
辣椒素对照液:精密称取美国药典标准的辣椒碱适量溶于甲醇中,配制约0.1 mg/mL的辣椒甲醇溶液。

Many Pharmacopeial articles either are hydrates or contain water in adsorbed form. As a result, the determination of the water content is important in demonstrating compliance with the Pharmacopeial standards. Generally one of the methods given below is called for in the individual monograph, depending upon the nature of the article. In rare cases, a choice is allowed between two methods. When the article contains water of hydration, the Method I (Titrimetric), the Method II (Azeotropic), or the Method III (Gravimetric) is employed, as directed in the individual monograph, and the requirement is given under the heading Water.很多药典物品要么是水合物,要么含有处于吸附状态的水。

仪器社区 »基础知识专区 » 专业英语 »【原创】USP-<921>水分测定法的翻译
共有29条记录 第1页,共3页 跳页:1 2 3 末页 qingtian1210 【原创】USP-<921>水分测定法的翻译 gg 本文据楼主所说乃是他本人所翻译的,为原创,我大致看了下,翻译的很专业,不过还是公示几天,如果没有异议再加精。 redanqi Many Pharmacopeial articles either are hydrates or contain water in adsorbed form. As a result, the determination of the water content is important in demonstrating compliance with the Pharmacopeial standards. Generally one of the methods given below is called for in the individual monograph, depending upon the nature of the article. In rare cases, a choice is allowed between two methods. When the article contains water of hydration, the Method I (Titrimetric), the Method II (Azeotropic), or the Method III (Gravimetric) is employed, as directed in the individual monograph, and the requirement is given under the heading Water. The heading Loss on drying (see Loss on Drying 731 ) is used in those cases where the loss sustained on heating may be not entirely water. 药典中的某些物质可能是水合化合物也可能包含着吸附水。因此,水分含量的测定对于验证样品与药典标准的一致性是很重要的。通常 在各论中所使用的下面所给出的方法是由样品的本质所决定的。某些特殊情况下,允许选择两个方法。当样品含有结晶水时,如各论 所示,方法1(滴定分析法),方法11(共沸法),或者方法111(重量分析法)常被使用,在标题下给出了必要的条件。 干燥失重(参见干燥失重<731>)用于以下情况,当持续加热时失去的不完全是水。 redanqi METHOD I (TITRIMETRIC) Determine the water by Method Ia, unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph. Method Ia (Direct Titration) Principle— The titrimetric determination of water is based upon the quantitative reaction of water with an anhydrous solution of sulfur dioxide and iodine in the presence of a buffer that reacts with hydrogen ions. 方法I(滴定分析法) 除另有规定外,使用方法Ia检测水分。 方法Ia(直接滴定法) 原理---水分滴定测定法是基于水与二氧化硫和碘的无水溶液,在能与氢离子反应的缓冲溶液下发生的定量反应。 redanqi 2008-10-21 10:16:16 2008-10-21 10:15:45 2008-10-21 10:15:18 2008-10-21 10:13:06
USP29-31 容量器具 中文译稿

USP29-<31> 容量器具<31> 容量器具在美国使用的大部分容量器具都是在20℃校正的,虽然实验室温度通常接近25℃。
容量瓶移液管USP29-<31>容量器具第2页共2页滴定管1. 参看“玻璃量器检定”,N.B.S.Circ.602,April 1,1959, NTISCOM-73-10504,国家技术信息2. 参看ASTME288,Fed.Spec.NNN-F-289,和ISO标准384。

美国药典USP31-NF26无菌检查法《71》.doc71 STERILITY TESTS 无菌检查法Portions of this general chapter have been harmonized with the corresponding texts of the European Pharmacopeia and/or the Japanese Pharmacopeia. Those portions that are not harmonized are marked with symbols () to specify this fact.此通则的各部分已经与欧洲药典和/或日本药典的对应部分做了协调。
The following procedures are applicable for determining whether a Pharmacopeial article purporting to be sterile complies with the requirements set forth in the individual monograph with respect to the test for sterility. Pharmacopeial articles are to be tested by the Membrane Filtration method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined where the nature of the product permits. If the membrane filtration technique is unsuitable, use the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method under Test for Sterility of the Product to be Examined. All devices, with the exception of Devices with Pathways Labeled Sterile, are tested using the Direct Inoculation of the Culture Medium method. Provisions for retesting are included under Observation and Interpretation of Results.下面这些步骤适用于测定是否某个用于无菌用途的药品是否符合其具体的各论中关于无菌检查的要求。

This procedure is designe arsenic (As) by converting which is then passed throu a red complex. The red co spectrophotometrically, to an amount of arsenic equi Limits are stated in terms exceed the limit given in th Two methods are provided treatment of the test subst for inorganic materials, whApparatus—The apparatus (see illustra scrubber unit (c) and an ab ball-and-socket joints ( apparatus, embodying the may be used. 211ARSENICsigned to determine the presence of trace amo erting the arsenic in a substance under test to through a solution of silver diethyldithiocarbam ed color so produced is compared, either visu ly, to the color produced similarly in a control c equivalent to the limit given in the individual m erms of arsenic (As). The content of arsenic do n in the individual monograph.ovided, the methods differing only in the prelim substance and the standard. Generally, Metho s, while Method II is used for organic materlustration) consists of an arsine generator (an absorber tube (e) with standard-taper or grb and d) between the units. However, any ot g the principle of the assembly described andArsenic Test ApparatusArsenic Trioxide Stock So previously dried at 105 hydroxide solution (1 in 5) solution with 2 N sulfuric a recently boiled and cooledStandard Arsenic Solution Solution to a 1000-mL volu add recently boiled and co Arsenic Solution contains solution in an all-glass conStandard Preparation—generator flask, and dilute Test Preparation— Unless transfer to the generator fl calculated by the formula:in which L is the arsenic lim 35 mL.Procedure— Treat the Sta as follows. Add 20 mL of 7 mL of stronger acid stanno mix. Allow to stand at room tube (c) with two pledgets acetate solution, freed from vacuum at room temperatuic trioxide,n 5 mL of sodium tralize theacid, then addxide Stockuric acid, thenh mL of Standard s). Keep thisution into amonograph, bstanceute with water toparation similarly iodide TS, 0.5 pyl alcohol, and the scrubber saturated leadd dried inthe two pledgets.Lubricate the joints (b and d) with a suitable stopcock grease designed for use with organic solvents, and connect the scrubber unit to the absorber tube (e). Transfer 3.0 mL of silver diethyldithiocarbamate TS to the absorber tube. Add 3.0 g of granular zinc (No. 20 mesh) to the mixture in the flask, immediately connect the assembled scrubber unit, and allow the evolution of hydrogen and the color development to proceed at room temperature for 45 minutes, swirling the flask gently at 10-minute intervals. Disconnect the absorber tube from the generator and scrubber units, and transfer the absorbing solution to a 1-cm absorption cell. Any red color produced by the Test Preparation does not exceed that produced by the Standard Preparation. If necessary or desirable, determine the absorbance at the wavelength of maximum absorbance between 535 and 540 nm, with a suitable spectrophotometer or colorimeter, using silver diethyldithiocarbamate TS as the blank.Interfering Chemicals— Metals or salts of metals, such as chromium, cobalt, copper, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, palladium, and silver, may interfere with the evolution of arsine. Antimony, which forms stibine, produces a positive interference in the color development with silver diethyldithiocarbamate TS; when the presence of antimony is suspected, the red colors produced in the two silver diethyldithiocarbamate solutions may be compared at the wavelength of maximum absorbance between 535 and 540 nm, with a suitable colorimeter, since at this wavelength the interference due to stibine is negligible.METHOD IINOTES—(1) Caution—Some substances may react with explosive violence when digested with hydrogen peroxide. Exercise safety precautions at all times. (2) If halogen-containing compounds are present, use a lower temperature while heating the test specimen with sulfuric acid, avoid boiling the mixture,and add the hydrogen pero loss of trivalent arsenic.(3) If the test substance re sulfuric acid before heating in 2), and add a few drops Standard Preparation—generator flask, add 2 mL percent hydrogen peroxide mixture to strong fuming, c to strong fumes. Repeat th any traces of hydrogen pe Test Preparation— Unless transfer to a generator flas by the formula:in which L is the arsenic lim beads, and digest in a fum temperature not exceeding may be necessary to wet s added should not exceed hydrogen peroxide, allowin between drops. Add the fir order to prevent a rapid re excessive. When the reac occasionally to prevent the heating unit. Maintain oxid adding small quantities of mixture turns brown or dar is destroyed, gradually rais n peroxide with caution, before charring begins nic.ce reacts too rapidly and begins charring with eating, use instead 10 mL of cooled dilute sulf rops of the hydrogen peroxide before heating — Pipet 3.0 mL of Standard Arsenic Solution 2 mL of sulfuric acid, mix, and add the total am roxide used in preparing the Test Preparation ing, cool, add cautiously 10 mL of water, and eat this procedure with another 10 mL of wate en peroxide. Cool, and dilute with water to 35 m nless otherwise directed in the individual mon or flask the quantity, in g, of the test substance 3.0 / Lnic limit in ppm. Add 5 mL of sulfuric acid and a fume hood, preferably on a hot plate and at eding 120, until charring begins. (Additional s wet some specimens completely, but the tota ceed 10 mL.) Cautiously add, dropwise, 30 per llowing the reaction to subside and again hea the first few drops very slowly with sufficient m pid reaction. Discontinue heating if foaming be reaction has abated, heat cautiously, rotating nt the specimen from caking on glass exposed n oxidizing conditions at all times during the dig es of the hydrogen peroxide solution wheneve or darkens. Continue the digestion until the org ly raising the temperature of the hot plate unti egins, to prevent g with 5 mL of e sulfuric acid (1 eating.ution into aal amount of 30 ation . Heat the and again heat water to remove o 35 mL. monograph, tance calculated d and a few glass nd at aonal sulfuric acid e total volume 30 percent n heatingent mixing, in ng becomes ating the flask posed to the he digestion by never thehe organic matter e until fumes ofsulfur trioxide are copiously evolved, and the solution becomes colorless or retains only a light straw color. Cool, add cautiously 10 mL of water, mix, and again evaporate to strong fuming, repeating this procedure to remove any trace of hydrogen peroxide. Cool, add cautiously 10 mL of water, wash the sides of the flask with a few mL of water, and dilute with water to 35 mL. Procedure— Proceed as directed for Procedure under Method I.Interfering Chemicals— See Interfering Chemicals under Method I.Auxiliary Information— Staff Liaison : Kahkashan Zaidi, Ph.D., Senior Scientist Expert Committee : (GC05) General Chapters 05USP31–NF26 Page 131Phone Number : 1-301-816-8269本过程用于确定微量的后将其通过二乙基二硫代氨觉对照或者风光光度计两种限量的砷盐的红色。

921WATER DETERMINATION水分测定Many Pharmacopeial articles either are hydrates or contain water in adsorbed form. As a result, the determination of the water content is important in demonstrating compliance with the Pharmacopeial standards. Generally one of the methods given below is called for in the individual monograph, depending upon the nature of the article. In rare cases, a choice is allowed between two methods. When the article contains water of hydration, the Method I (Titrimetric), the Method II (Azeotropic), or the Method III (Gravimetric) is employed, as directed in the individual monograph, and the requirement is given under the heading Water.很多药典物品要么是水合物,要么含有处于吸附状态的水。

氨苄西林钠Ampicillin Sodium(USP31-NF26第1420页)C16H18N3NaO4S 371.39按无水物计算,氨苄西林钠的效价以氨苄西林(C16H19N3O4S)计,每1mg 应为845µg~988µg。
[标贴] 本品用于制备注射剂时,标贴上应注明本品无菌或本品在制备注射剂过程中须经进一步的处理。
[USP标准物质] <11> USP氨苄西林RS、USP氨苄西林钠RS、USP内毒素RS。
[鉴别] A:红外光吸收图谱<179M>。
[结晶性] <695> 应符合要求。
(注-如为冻干粉则可不检此项)[pH] <791> 取本品,加水制成每1mL中含10.0mg氨苄西林的溶液,振摇使溶解,pH值应为8.0~10.0。
[水分] <921> 不得过2.0%。
[二甲基苯胺] <223> 应符合要求。
供试品溶液:取本品1.0g,精密称定,置适宜的离心管中,加1.25mol/L 氢氧化钠溶液2mL,振摇使溶解,精密加入内标溶液1mL和环己烷1mL,强烈振摇1分钟然后离心,取上清液,作为供试品溶液。
USP31-621色谱法 中文译稿

621CHROMATOGRAPHY色谱法INTRODUCTION介绍This chapter defines the terms and procedures used in chromatography and provides general information. Specific requirements for chromatographic procedures for drug substances and dosage forms, including adsorbent and developing solvents, are given in the individual monographs.此章节定义了色谱法中用到的术语和步骤,并提供了通用信息。
Chromatography is defined as a procedure by which solutes are separated by a dynamic differential migration process in a system consisting of two or more phases, one of which moves continuously in a given direction and in which the individual substances exhibit different mobilities by reason of differences in adsorption, partition, solubility, vapor pressure, molecular size, or ionic charge density. The individual substances thus separated can be identified or determined by analytical procedures.色谱法是应用溶质在两相或多相系统中的差速迁移来进行分离的技术,其中一相持续地向特定方向移动,而由于物质在吸附性、分配、溶解性、气体压力、分子大小、或离子电荷密度上的差异,会显示出不同的移动性。

921 WATER DETERMINATION水分测定很多药典物品要么是水合物,要么含有处于吸附状态的水。
当该物品含有水合状态的水,按照具体各论中的规定,使用方法I (滴定测量法)、方法II(恒沸测量法)、或方法III(重量分析法),这个要求在标题水分项下给出。
The heading Loss on drying (see ) is used in those cases where the loss sustained on heating may be not entirely water.在加热时的持续失重可能不全是水分的情况下,使用标题干燥失重(见干燥失重<731>)。
METHOD I (TITRIMETRIC) 方法I(滴定测量法)Determine the water by , unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph.除非具体各论中另有规定,使用方法Ia来测定水分。
Method Ia (Direct Titration) 方法Ia(直接滴定)Principle— The titrimetric determination of water is based upon the quantitative reaction of water with an anhydrous solution of sulfur dioxide and iodine in the presence of a buffer that reacts with hydrogen ions.原理:水分的滴定法检测是基于水与二氧化硫的无水溶液以及存在于缓冲液中与氢离子反应的碘之间的定量反应。

制药用水(USP31-NF28附录)在生产、加工、配制药品(Compendial articles)时,水是最为广泛使用的物质、原料或成份。
如水用在生产药物早期阶段,以及作为制备各种不同类别纯水的进水,则必须符合环境保护局(Environmental Protection Agency EPA)发布的国家基本饮用水规定(National Primary Drinking Water Regulations NPDWR)(40CFR141)。
水的类别饮用水(Drinking Water)——在药学中未有专论涉及饮用水这一品种,但必须符合EPA NPDWR的质量标准或者符合欧共体或日本的相类似的规定。
纯水(Purified Water)——纯水(用USP纯水)是生产法定制剂的一个辅料,用于某些设备的清洗;以及用于一些原料药的制备。

Method Ib (Residual Titration) 方法Ib(残留滴定)Principle— See the information given in the section Principle under Method Ia. In the residual titration, excess Reagent is added to the test specimen, sufficient time is allowed for the reaction to reach completion, and the unconsumed Reagent is titrated with a standard solution of water in a solvent such as methanol. The residual titration procedure is applicable generally and avoids the difficulties that may be encountered in the direct titration of substances from which the bound water is released slowly.原理:见方法Ia项下原理部分给出的信息。
Apparatus, Reagent, and Test Preparation— Use Method Ia.仪器、试剂、供试配制液:同方法Ia。
Standardization of Water Solution for Residual Titration— Prepare a Water Solution by diluting 2 mL of water with methanol or other suitable solvent to 1000 mL. Standardize this solution by titrating 25.0 mL with the Reagent, previously standardized as directed under Standardization of the Reagent. Calculate the water content, in mg per mL, of the Water Solution taken by the formula:用于残留滴定的水溶液的标准化:以甲醇或其他适当溶剂将2mL水稀释至1000mL,以配制水溶液。

美国药典USP31 71 无菌检查法中文版美国药典USP31-NF26无菌检查法《71》.doc71 STERILITY TESTS 无菌检查法此通则的各部分已经与欧洲药典和/或日本药典的对应部分做了协调。

美国药典USP31 71 无菌检查法中文版美国药典USP31-NF26无菌检查法《71》.doc71 STERILITY TESTS 无菌检查法此通则的各部分已经与欧洲药典和/或日本药典的对应部分做了协调。

Ceftriaxone Sodium(USP32)Ceftriaxone sodium contains the equivalent of not less than 795ug of ceftriaxone permg,calculated on the anhydrous(无水的) basis.本品按无水物计算,每毫克头孢曲松钠含头孢曲松不得少于795微克。
Packaging and storage-preserve in the tight containers.包装和贮藏-贮藏于密闭容器中。
Labeling(标签)-where it is intended for use in preparing injectable(血管注射剂,可注射的) dosage(剂量,用量)forms(注射剂型), the label states that it is sterile(无菌的)or must be subjected to further processing during the preparation of injectable dosage forms.标签-当预期用于注射剂时,标签应说明无菌或者必须可以用于制备注射剂的后续处理。
USP Reference standards<11>-USP Ceftriaxone Sodium RS(对照品).标准品USP Ceftriaxone sodium E-Isomer(反式同分异构体)RS.USP Endotoxin(内毒素)RS.Identification-A:Infrared Absorption<197K>B:The chromatogram(色谱图) of the Assay preparation(含量测定溶液)obtained as directed in the assay(含量测定项下的)exhibits(显示)a major peak for ceftriaxone, the retention time (保留时间)of which corresponds to(相当于)that exhibits in the chromatogram of the Standard preparation obtained as directed in the assay.含量测定项下的含量测定溶液的色谱图中头孢曲松主峰的保留时间和含量测定项下的标准溶液的色谱图中头孢曲松主峰保留时间相一致。


制药行业常用英语1、药品生产质量管理规范GMP:Good ManufacturingPractice2、国家食品与药品监督管理局State Food andDrug Administration3、总则GeneralProvisions4、《中华人民共和国药品管理法》the DrugAdministration Law of the People's Republic of China 5、制剂Preparation6、原料药API: Active PharmaceuticalIngredient7、成品finished goods8、工序process9、机构与人员organization and personnel10、专业知识professional knowledge11、生产经验production experience12、组织能力organizational skill13、技术人员technical staff14、实施implementation15、药品生产pharmaceutical manufacturing 16、质量管理quality management17、质量检验quality inspection18、专业技术培训professional and technicaltraining 19、基础理论知识basic theoreticalknowledge20、实际操作技能practical operationskills 21、高生物活性highly potent22、高毒性high toxicity23、污染contamination24、考核评估assessment25、厂房与设施buildings and facilities 26、生产环境production environment 27、空气洁净级别clean air level28、昆虫insect29、洁净室(区)clean room(area)30、光滑smooth31、无裂缝no cracks32、无颗粒物脱落no particle shedding 33、耐受endure34、消毒disinfection35、无菌sterile36、交界处junction, joint37、弧形arc38、灰尘积聚dues accumulation 39、储存区store area40、生产规模production scale 41、设备equipment42、物料material43、中间产品intermediate product 44、待验品quarantined material 45、交叉污染cross-contamination 46、管道pipeline, ductwork 47、风口tuber48、公用设施, 公用工程utilities of publicservice 49、照明lighting50、照度illumination51、应急紧急情况emergency52、净化purification, clean53、微生物, 微生物学, 微生物的micro-organism, microbiology,microbiologic 54、监测monitoring55、记录record56、天棚天花板ceiling, roof57、密封seal58、静压差Static DifferentialPressure 59、温度temperature60、相对湿度RH: Relative Humidity 61、低漏地漏floor drainer62、青霉素penicillin63、分装室separating room, fillingroom64、相对负压relative negativepressure65、废气waste gas,exhausted air66、β-内酰胺结构类药品β-Lactasestructure drug, drugs of β-Lactic group67、避孕药品contraceptives68、激素类hormone69、抗肿瘤类anti-tumor, oncology70、放射性药品Radiopharmaceuticals71、包装packing, package72、循环使用recycling73、微粒particles74、辐射radiation, irradiation75、细菌bacteria76、病毒virus77、细胞cell78、脱毒前后pre and post detoxification 79、活疫苗与灭活疫苗active vaccine/inactivatedvaccine 80、人血液制品blood products 81、预防制品prevention products82、灌装filling83、中药Chinesetraditional medicines 84、前处理pretreatment85、提取extraction86、浓缩concentration87、动物脏器viscera of animal,organ of animal 88、蒸、炒、炙、煅steaming, frying,sunburn, testing 89、炮制concocted90、通风ventilation91、除烟smoke removal92、除尘dust removal93、降温设施temperature-reducingestablishment, cooling94、筛选screening, sift95、切片slicing96、粉碎grinding97、压缩空气compressed air98、惰性气体noble gas99、取样Sampling100、称量室weighing room, dispensingroom 101、中药标本Chinese herbal sample,exemplar of TCM 102、检定鉴定verification, identification 103、同位素Isotope104、设备equipment105、选型model/type selection 106、耐腐蚀anticorrosion107、吸附adsorption, absorption 108、润滑剂, 润滑lubricant, lubricate 109、冷却剂coolant110、流向flow direction111、纯化水PW: Purified Water 112、注射用水WFI: Water for Injection 113、滋生breeding114、储罐tank115、死角neglected portion 116、盲管blind pipe117、纤维fiber118、疏水性hydrophobicity119、仪表instrumentation 120、量具measuring tool 121、衡器weighing instrument 122、精密度precision123、维修、保养maintenance 124、不合格disqualified reject 125、物料material126、购买purchasing127、发放releasing128、产地origin129、入库loading130、固体solid131、液体liquid132、挥发性volatile133、净药材net medicine, netTCM 134、麻醉药品narcotics135、精神药品psychotropic drug 136、易燃combustible137、易爆explosive138、验收acceptance139、使用说明书instruction140、标签label 141、卫生, 清洁/消毒sanitation142、车间, 辅房workshop143、间隔时间time interval144、清洁剂detergent145、消毒剂disinfectant146、废弃物wastes147、更衣室changing room148、工作服,work clothes149、颗粒性物质, 颗粒剂granules150、耐药菌株drug-resistant strain151、传染病infectiousdisease152、皮肤病dermatitis153、验证verification, validation 154、确认qualification155、安装installation156、运行running operation 157、性能performance158、原辅料raw material and incipient 159、文件document160、投诉complaint 161、报废reject162、品名product name163、处方preion, formula164、技术参数technicalparameter165、容器container166、半成品semi-finished product,intermediate167、申请application168、稳定性stability169、起草draft170、生产管理production management,manufacturing control.171、事故accident172、混淆mix-up173、喷雾spray174、合格证certificate175、清场clearance176、质量管理quality management 177、内控internal control,on-line test 178、滴定液tartan179、培养基medium180、有效期validity, expiry date,shelf life 181、产品销售与收回product sales andrecovery/recall 182、投诉与不良反应报告complaints and adversereaction 183、自检self-inspection184、附则schedule appendix185、平衡balance186、饮用水drinking water, potablewater 187、蒸馏法distillation188、离子交换法ion exchange189、反渗透法RO: Reverse Osmosis190、附加剂添加剂additives191、滞留stranded resort192、批batch, lot193、组分, 组成component194、无纤维脱落的过滤器non-fiber-releasingfilter195、活性成份Active Ingredient196、非活性成份Inactive ingredient197、中间产品in-process product,intermediate product 198、批号batch number199、药用物料medicated feed200、药用预混合料medicated premix 201、质量控制部门Quality control department 202、理论产量Theoretical yield203、实际产量Actual yield204、比率Percentage, rate205、验收标准可接受标准Acceptance criteria206、代表性样品Representative sample 207、微粒状的particulate208、污染物contaminant209、石棉asbestos210、诊断diagnosis211、缓解mitigation212、化学变化chemical change 213、组分ingredient, component 214、制备fabricate preparation 215、复合compound216、混合blend217、加工processing218、浓度concentration219、单位剂量unit dose220、药品包装容器drug product containers 221、密封件, 封盖closure222、效价Titer223、纯度purity224、规格strength225、监督supervise, monitor226、实验室laboratory227、无菌操作aseptic operation,sterile operation 228、层流laminar flow229、湍流turbulent air flow230、空气过滤air filtration231、空气加热air heating 232、预过滤器profiler233、排气系统exhaust system 234、管件plumbing 235、虹吸倒流back-siphon age 236、污水sewage237、废料refuse238、盥洗设备toilet facilities 239、空气干燥器air drier240、垃圾trash 241、有机废料organic waste242、杀鼠剂rodenticides243、杀昆虫剂insecticides244、杀真菌剂fungicides245、熏蒸剂fumigating reagents246、去垢剂cleaning agents247、消毒剂sanitizing agents248、滂沱剂lubricant249、自动化设备、机械化设备和电子设备automatic, mechanical,or electronic equipment 250、微型胶卷microfilm251、注射剂injection252、灭菌设备sterilization equipment 253、无菌取样技术aseptic sampling techniques 254、显微镜microscope255、热源, 内毒素pyrogen, endotoxin256、偏差deviation257、变更change control258、进料charge-in259、项目代码item code260、鉴别identify 261、片剂tablet262、胶囊capsule263、颗粒剂granule264、溶解时间溶出时间dissolution time265、澄明度clarity266、隔离系统quarantinesystem, isolation system 267、返工reprocessing268、发放issuance, release269、非处方药OTC:over-the-counter270、处方药preed medicine271、皮肤科药、牙粉、胰岛素、喉片dermatological, dentifrice,insulin, or throat lozenge product272、保险包装tamper-resistant package273、明胶硬胶囊hard gelatin capsule274、顺势治疗homeopathic275、入库warehousing276、变质deteriorate277、准确性accuracy278、灵敏性sensitivity279、特异性specificity280、重复性reproducibility, repeatability 281、变应原提取物allergenic extracts282、眼膏ophthalmic ointment283、粗糙或磨蚀物质harsh or abrasivesubstances 284、控释制剂controlled-releasedosage form 285、实验动物laboratory animals286、供应商Supplier287、光谱spectrum288、测量单位units of measure289、换算系数conversion factors290、试剂reagent291、安慰剂placebo292、明确地explicitly293、取代supersede294、溶液solution295、批准approval296、(美国)食品药品监督管理局FDA: Food and DrugAdministration 297、标准操作程序SOP: Standard OperatingProcedure 298、质量保证QA: Quality Assurance299、质量控制QC:Quality Control300、批生产记录BPR: Batch ProductionRecord 301、批检验记录BAR: Batch AnalysisRecord302、工艺规程PP: Process Procedure303、健康,安全,环保EHS: Environment,Health and Safe 304、美国联邦法规CFR: Code of FederalRegulation 305、美国药典USP: The United StatesPharmacopeia 306、欧洲药典EP: European pharmacopeia307、英国药典BP: British pharmacopeia308、药物主文件DMF: Drug Master File309、验证主计划VMP: Validation MasterPlan310、验证方案VP: Validation Protocol311、验证报告VR: Validation Report312、安装确认IQ: Installation Qualification 313、运行确认OQ: Operation Qualification 314、性能确认PQ: Performance Qualification 315、超出标准(限度)OOS: Out of Specification 316、冻干产品freeze-dry product,lyophilizated product317、工厂主述文件SMF: Site Master File。
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Method Ib (Residual Titration) 方法Ib(残留滴定)Principle— See the information given in the section Principle under Method Ia. In the residual titration, excess Reagent is added to the test specimen, sufficient time is allowed for the reaction to reach completion, and the unconsumed Reagent is titrated with a standard solution of water in a solvent such as methanol. The residual titration procedure is applicable generally and avoids the difficulties that may be encountered in the direct titration of substances from which the bound water is released slowly.原理:见方法Ia项下原理部分给出的信息。
Apparatus, Reagent, and Test Preparation— Use Method Ia.仪器、试剂、供试配制液:同方法Ia。
Standardization of Water Solution for Residual Titration— Prepare a Water Solution by diluting 2 mL of water with methanol or other suitable solvent to 1000 mL. Standardize this solution by titrating 25.0 mL with the Reagent, previously standardized as directed under Standardization of the Reagent. Calculate the water content, in mg per mL, of the Water Solution taken by the formula:用于残留滴定的水溶液的标准化:以甲醇或其他适当溶剂将2mL水稀释至1000mL,以配制水溶液。
按照下面的公式,计算此水溶液中的水分含量(单位mg/mL):V F/25,in which V' is the volume of the Reagent consumed, and F is the water equivalence factor of the Reagent. Determine the water content of the Water Solution weekly, and standardize the Reagent against it periodically as needed.其中,V'是消耗掉的试剂,F是试剂的水平衡因子。
Procedure— Where the individual monograph specifies that the water content is to be determined by Method Ib, transfer 35 to 40 mL of methanol or other suitable solvent to the titration vessel, and titrate with the Reagent to the electrometric or visual endpoint. Quickly add the Test Preparation, mix, and add an accurately measured excess of the Reagent. Allow sufficient time for the reaction to reach completion, and titrate the unconsumed Reagent with standardized Water Solution to the electrometric or visual endpoint. Calculate the water content of the specimen, in mg, taken by the formula:步骤:当具体各论中规定用方法Ib测定水分含量时,将35至40mL甲醇或其他适当溶剂转移至该滴定容器,并用试剂滴定至测电法或视觉观察的终点。
按照下面的公式,计算样品中的水分含量(单位mg):F(X'XR),in which F is the water equivalence factor of the Reagent; X' is the volume, in mL, of the Reagent added after introduction of the specimen; X is the volume, in mL, of standardized Water Solution required to neutralize the unconsumed Reagent; and R is the ratio, V'/25 (mL Reagent/mL Water Solution), determined from the Standardization of Water Solution for Residual Titration.其中,F是试剂的水平衡因子;X'是在放入样品后加入的试剂体积(单位mL);X是用于中和未消耗试剂所必需的已标准化水溶液的体积(单位mL);R是通过用于残留滴定的水溶液的标准化来测定的,V /25的比值(mL试剂/mL水溶液)。
Method Ic (Coulometric Titration) 方法Ic(库仑滴定)Principle— The Karl Fischer reaction is used in the coulometric determination of water. Iodine, however, is not added in the form of a volumetric solution but is produced in an iodide-containing solution by anodic oxidation. The reaction cell usually consists of a large anode compartment and a small cathode compartment that are separated by a diaphragm. Other suitable types of reaction cells (e.g., without diaphragms) may also be used. Each compartment has a platinum electrode that conducts current through the cell. Iodine, which is produced at the anode electrode, immediately reacts with water present in the compartment. When all the water has been consumed, an excess of iodine occurs, which usually is detected electrometrically, thus indicating the endpoint. Moisture is eliminated from the system by pre-electrolysis. Changing the Karl Fischer solution after each determination is not necessary since individual determinations can be carried out in succession in the same reagent solution.A requirement for this method is that each component of the test specimen is compatible with the other components, and no side reactions take place. Samples are usually transferred into the vessel as solutions by means of injection through a septum. Gases can be introduced into the cell by means of a suitable gas inlet tube. Precision in the method is predominantly governed by the extent to which atmospheric moisture is excluded from the system; thus, the introduction of solids into the cell is not recommended, unless elaborate precautions are taken, such as working in a glove-box in an atmosphere of dry inert gas. Control of the system may be monitored by measuring the amount of baseline drift. This method is particularly suited to chemically inert substances like hydrocarbons, alcohols, and ethers. In comparison with the volumetric Karl Fischer titration, coulometry is a micro-method.原理:库仑滴定法水分测定应用了卡尔·费休反应的原理。