Unit 5 Creativity and Innovation

Unit5 Creativity and Innovation Creativity is now an economic force, reshaping the work world, putting the Industrial Age to bed. Creativity is now an economic force, reshaping the work world, sending the Industrial Age on to the next step.The creative edge is now where competitive advantage is achieved through startling innovation and paradigm-shifting thought.The advantage of being creative is now where competitive advantage is achieved through amazing innovation and thought bringing about a radical change to accepted patterns.Yet we've found that creative brands transcend their skepticism of marketing, allowing them to believe with no sense of hypocrisy, thus resolving this conflict.Yet we’ve found that creative brands go beyond their disbelief of marketing, allowing them to believe without feeling hypocritical, thus resolving this conflict.In some fashion, creativity acts as a quality or ingredient that, when sprinkled over life, inexplicably makes it more joyous.In some way, creativity acts as a quality or element a sprinkling of which makes life more delightful for some unknown reasons.Innovation experts have long beat the drum that innovation must drive corporations of the future. Innovation experts have long expressed their support for the opinion that innovations must provide driving force for the corporations in the future.Today there is growing recognition that creativity, art and culture are far more than just decorative. Today it is increasingly widely recognized that creativity, art, and culture are far more than diversions.Like Radiator Springs, old factory cities like White River Junction, Vermont and Pittsfield, once thought dead and depopulated, have started a revival process based on bringing in creative industries. Like Radiator Springs, creative industries brought into White River Junction, Vermont and Pittsfield have made these old factory cities start a revival process.Intellectually and spiritually, we no longer feel we understand the human purpose; deriving meaning out of life eludes many of us day by day.Intellectually and spiritually, no longer do we feel we understand the human purpose; day by day, many of us escape the understanding of how to derive meaning out of life.Creativity is embedded in the spirit of irresistible brands.The spirit of irresistible brands includes creativity as an integral part.They don't take their reference from the past; they take it from the future, where anything is possible. They would rather take their reference from the future where nothing is impossible, than take it from the past.1.exemplify (Para. 1) [常用被动态]1) to be a typical example of sth是…的典型(或典范、榜样)Her early work is exemplified in her book, ‘A Study of Children's Minds ’.她的《儿童思维研究》一书是她早期的代表作。
新版大学英语(三)(Unit 5)

Key Words (paras 4-8)
• 7. innovation (n.) – 革新;创新(para 6) • E.g. The duty of every teacher is to encourage creativity and innovation in the classroom. • 8. upcoming (adj.) (only before noun) – 即 将来临的;即将发生的 (para 6) • E.g. I feel very confident about the upcoming debate because I believe that I can defeat my opponent’s argument easily.
Key Words (paras 4-8)
• 1. prone (adj.) – 易于发生某事(尤指不好或有害 的事)的;很可能…的;有…倾向的 (para 4) • E.g. Most children are prone to junk food. • 2. dedicate (vt.) – (为某一目的而) 使用 • E.g. The newspaper dedicated three whole pages to pictures of the princess. (para 4) • 3. foster (vt.) – 促进;培养;助长(para 5) • E.g. All classroom practice will be geared to encouraging and fostering not only students’ learning habits but also students’ creativity.
Key Words (paras 1-3)

UNIT5 Learning from nature一、重点短语1.inspire v.使产生某种感情或者反应;给人灵感;鼓励,激励inspire sb to do sth激发某人做某事draw inspiration from从……中吸取灵感under the inspiration of sb在某人的鼓舞下He draws inspiration from ordinary scenes.他从日常生活中获得灵感。
2.shape v.塑造,使成形take shape成形in shape健康状况良好out of shape健康状况不好keep/stay in shape保持健康An idea was beginning to take shape in his mind.一个想法开始在他的脑子里形成。
Help came in the shape of money.帮助以钱的形式到来。
3.appear v.似乎It appears that...……显得appearance n.出现,露面disappear v.消失,不见disappearance n.消失,不见appear from nowhere/out of nowhere突然冒出来physical appearance外表judge by appearance以貌取人disappear v.消失,不见disappearance n.消失,不见It appeared that she had committed suicide.她像自杀。
4.base v.以……为基础base...on...在……的基础上建立base n.底部,根基;大本营5.absorb v.吸收;理解;吸引absorb sth into sth把……吸收入……be absorbed in/into吸引I don’t understand James’ absorption with military history.我不理解詹姆斯为何对军事历史那么着迷。

★★★高频词①charity/'tʃærɪti/ n.慈善机构,慈善团体②annual/'ænjuəl/ adj.一年一度的,每年的僻n.年刊,年鉴同yearly adj. 每年的;年度的积累annually adv.每年地词块an annual event/report/meeting 一年一度的大事/年度报告/年会③seek/siːk/ v. 寻找,寻求搭seek for 寻找,寻求词块hide-and-seek n.捉迷藏游戏积累seek one’s advice/help征求某人的意见/寻求帮助seek one’s fortune外出寻找发财机会;外出闯荡seek to d sth.设法做某事=try to do sth.seek out找出④measure/'meʒə/ v.量,测量僻估量,衡量n.措施,办法;尺度积累measurable adj.可测量的;显著的measure...by...用...衡量take measures to do sth.采取措施做某事⑤position/pə'zɪʃ(ə)n/ n.位置僻姿态;处境;职务vt.安置;使处于积累in/out of position在/不在适当的位置hold the position of担任...的职务⑥determine/dɪ'tɜːmɪn/ v.测定,确定僻决定;查明积累determined adj. 坚决的;有决心的determination n.决心搭配determine to do sth.下决心做某事⑦eventually/ɪ'ventʃuəli/ adv.终于,最终积累eventual adj. 最后的同finally adv.最终in the end 终于,最后⑧solution/sə'lu:ʃ(ə)n/ n. 解决,解决方法积累solve vt.解决;解答⑨amazing/ə'meɪzɪŋ/ adj. 惊人的,了不起的积累amaze vt.使惊奇amazement n.吃惊,惊奇amazed adj.大为惊奇的,惊讶的⑩crash/kræʃ/ v. 暴跌僻(突然)贬值;碰撞,撞击n.撞击,碰撞区分cash n.现金⑪destroy/dɪ'strɔɪ/ v. 破坏,毁掉僻杀死;消灭积累destruction n.破坏,摧毁⑫chemical /'kemɪk(ə)l/ n. 化学品积累chemistry n.化学chemist n.化学家⑬survive/sə'vaɪv/ v. 活下来,幸存僻比······活得长积累survival n.生存;幸存survivor n.幸存者词块survive the war/accident/flood/fire/earthquake在战争/事故/洪水//地震中幸免于难⑭effect/ɪ'fekt/ n. 影响,结果,效果积累effective adj. 有效的;生效的effectively adv.有效地词块have an/no effect on...对...有/没有影响take effect生效,开始实施;开始起作用come into effect生效;开始实施in effect实际上,事实上区分affect vt.影响⑮kill two birds with one stone 一举两得,一箭双雕⑯source/sɔːs/ n. 来源,出处区分resource n.资源;财力⑰found/faʊnd/ v. 创立,创建积累foundation n. 基础;地基⑱recover/rɪ'kʌvə/ v.(从糟糕经历中)恢复积累recovery n.恢复;复苏,痊愈区分discover v.发现uncover v.发现;揭露⑲shock/ʃɒk/ n.吃惊,震惊v.使震惊积累shocking adj.令人震惊的shocked adj.感到震惊的词块be in a state of shock惊魂未定;处于休克状态give sb. a shock使某人震惊come as a great shock非常震惊It shocks sb. To see/hear...看到/听到...使某人震惊⑳variety/və'raɪəti/ n. 多样化,变化积累vary vi.变化various adj.不同的,各种各样的㉑concentrate/'kɒns(ə)ntreɪt/ v. 专注,专心积累concentrated adj. 集中的;浓缩的;全力以赴的concentration n. 专心,专注词块concentrate on集中于……㉒stare/steə/ v.凝视,盯着看同glare v.怒目而视词块star e at盯着看㉓image/'ɪmɪdʒ/ n. 图像,影像僻印象;形象区分imagine v.想象㉔after all毕竟,终究㉕reaction/ri'ækʃ(ə)n/ n.(对某一情形或事件的)反应积累react v.反应;影响★★中频词①Atlantic/ət'læntɪk/ adj. 大西洋的②professor/prə'fesə/ n. 教授区分profession n. 职业③per cent/pə'sent/ n. 百分比④creature/'kriːtʃə/ n.生物,动物积累create v. 创造creativity n. 创造力creative adj.创造性的⑤flow chart 流程图,作业图⑥accommodation/əˌkɒmə'deɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 住处,工作场所积累accommodate v.容纳;使适应词块provide an accommodations for为...提供膳宿⑦idiom/'ɪdiəm/ n.习语,成语⑧when the cat's away (the mice will play )猫儿不在,老鼠作怪(指管事的不在,下面的人玩个痛快)⑨hold your horses 慢点,别急⑩rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨⑪authority/ɔː'θɒrɪti/ n.当权,权力⑫photograph·er/fə'tɒgrəfə/ n. 摄影师⑬button/'bʌtn/ n.按钮⑭element/'elɪmənt/ n. 基本部分,要素the elements 天气(尤指坏天气)brave the elements 不顾天气恶劣,冒着风雨⑮encounter/ɪn'kaʊntə/ n. 意外的相遇,邂逅积累v. 遭遇,遇到,偶然碰到⑯per/pə/ prep.每⑰path/pɑːθ/ n.小径,小道⑱breathtaking/'breθˌteɪkɪŋ/ adj. 令人惊叹的⑲freeze/friːz/ v. 突然停止,呆住(使)冻结,结冰⑳capture/'kæptʃə/ v.(用文字或图片)记录,捕捉㉑file/faɪl/ n. 档案,文件★低频词①monarch/'mɒnək/ n. 君主,国王monarch butterfly 黑脉金斑蝶②whale/weɪl/ n.鲸③migration/maɪ'greɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 迁徙区分immigration n.移居;移民人数④migrate/maɪ'greɪt/ v.移栖,迁徙区分immigrate v.(从外地)移居;移民⑤mystery/'mɪst(ə) ri/ n.难以理解的事物,谜积累mysterious adj. 神秘的⑥caterpillar/'kætəˌpɪlə/ n. 毛虫(蝴蝶等昆虫的幼虫)⑦eagle/'iːg(ə)l/ n. 鹰。
外研社,新编大学英语综合教程4,Unit4 Creativity,Quiz答案

外研社,新编大学英语综合教程4Unit4 CreativityQuiz答案1. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1. The servant was dismissed for being lazy and dishonest.A. neglectedB. ignoredC. firedD. sent2. He tried his best to mask his enmity (敌意) under an appearance of friendliness.A. faceB. concealC. revealD. present3. It rained practically all night.A. almostB. mostlyC. reallyD. actually4. Regular exercise is vital for your health.A. fatalB. energeticC. importantD. relevant5. Let's move to the next item on the agenda.A. paperB. planC. projectD. work6. She has been appointed to solve the problem.A. chosenB. appliedC. askedD. demanded7. Mere words won't help.A. ManyB. TrueC. RealD. Only8. She withdrew her eyes from the terrible sight.A. took overB. took upC. took awayD. took down9. It's often difficult to discern the truth of an event from the newspaper stories.A. understandB. distinguishC. findD. get10. The flavor of most foods can be enhanced by good cooking.A. improvedB. raisedC. changedD. forced11. In order to avoid students' utter reliance on teachers, students should be taught how to learninstead of what to learn.A. independenceB. dispensationC. dependenceD. confidence12. Young children need stimulation.A. praiseB. challengesC. understandingD. help2. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the words in brackets.13. manual menu mental metalA. Is it made of wood orB. We are sure a lot of thisC. Those who suffer an illness of the mind should be sent toD. The man ordered the most expensive items on theYour answer Correct answer(1) metal metal(2) manual manual(3) mental mental(4) menu menu14. adapt adoptB. This novel has beenYour answer Correct answer(1) adapted adapted(2) adapted adapted(3) adopted adopted(4) adopted adopted15. award rewardB. He announced a(n)Your answer Correct answer(1) award award(2) reward reward16. incident accident business issue eventA. I raised a newD. She told us about some of the amusingYour answer Correct answer(1) issue issue(2) accident accident(3) business business(4) incidents incidents(5) events events3. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.17. 我再也没有见到过他,也没有收到过他的信。

2023学年牛津上海试用本八年级英语第一学期U5U7单词,词组复习Unit 5 EncyclopaediasP741.know about 了解2.Dinosaurs are all dead. 恐龙都死了3.a famous thinker 一个著名的思想家4.Greece is a country in Europe. 希腊是一个欧洲国家5.People go to Disneyland for fun. 人们去迪斯尼玩6.These articles are from an encyclopaedia. 这些文章来自一部百科全书7.Though Diogenes owned only a few things, he was very happy.尽管第欧根尼仅拥有很少的东西,他还是非常快乐。
8.famous Disney cartoon characters. 著名的迪斯尼卡通人物9.look up 查阅*look for查找*look at看look forward to …… 希望*look after 照顾*look out 小心*look back回顾10.有范围:(单数)只有两个one …the other…只有三个one …another… the third…(复数)有两部分one ….the others/ the other +名词(复数)/ the rest…Some…the others/ the other +名词(复数)/ the rest …没有范围:(单数)one … another…(复数) some …, some …, some …, others …U5 词性转换1.Africa(n.) African (adj& n.)2.Europe(n.) European (adj.&n.)3.Greece(n.)Greek (n.) 希腊人4.fierce(adj.) fiercer, the fiercest fiercely(adv.) more fiercely, the most fiercely5.gentle(adj.) gentler, the gentlest gently(adv.) more gently, the most gently6.harm (v.) harmless(adj.) harmlessly (adv.)harmlessness(n.)harmful(adj.) harmfully(adv.)harmfulness(n.)7.die(v.)(dieddied)dead (adj.) death (n.) dying(adj.)(将死的)8.think (v.) thinker(n.) 思想家thought (n.) 思想9.possible(adj.) possibly (adv.)10.amuse (v.) amusing (adj.)amusement(n.)11.create (v.) creation(n.) creator(n.) 创造者creative (adj.)creativity (n.)12.real (adj.) really (adv.) reality (n.) 现实1.May’s father bought her a book.May’s father bought a book for her.*buy/ make/ do… for sb.*pass/ give/ send/ deliver/ show…to sb.2.look up 查阅*look up the word in the dictionary*look forward to …… 希望*look for查找*look at看*look after 照顾*look out 小心*look back回顾3. Dinosaur all died out suddenly.die (v.)死亡(瞬间动词)death(n.) dead(a.)*He died three years ago.*He has been dead for three years.4. everywhere 每个地方anywhere 任何地方*You can’t get it anywhere else.*Let’s go anywhere that is quite.somewhere 在某个地方*e and see me than. We’ll go out somewhere.now here 没有哪儿5.harm [U] n.危害v.损害。

牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 5《Art World》说课稿6一. 教材分析《牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 5》是一篇关于艺术世界的文章,介绍了不同种类的艺术形式,如绘画、雕塑、音乐等,以及它们在人们生活中的重要性。
二. 学情分析九年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,能够理解和运用一些基本的英语语法和词汇。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握文章中出现的艺术术语和关键词汇,如pnting、sculpture、music等。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:文章中出现的艺术术语和关键词汇。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.交际式教学法:通过小组讨论、问答等形式,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的参与度。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:通过展示一些艺术作品,如绘画、雕塑等,引导学生进入艺术世界的话题。
Unit 5 Creativity and Innovation

Structural Analysis
Para. Para. 1-4
Main Topics
Para. 5-10
Para. 1118
Structural Analysis
Main Topics
Para. 1-4 The evolution of people’s perception about creativity in industrial and commercial sectors.
Para. 5-10 The growing societal attraction to creativity in a post-modern world.
Para. 11- Consumer preference for energy brands
characterized by creative bisociation.
• cost-effective • get enough return
Lead-in Discussion
2) How can breakthrough products avoid failure?
• Many managers want their organizations to develop breakthrough products and ask their R&D departments to come up with the equivalent of the iPod or iPhone.
a. The Apple Newton personal digital assistant promised but failed to recognize handwriting.

Unit 4 CreativityThe Case for Creativity—Encouraging Children to ThinkCreativity is the key to a brighter future, say education and business experts. Here is how schools and parents can encourage this vital skill in children.If Dick Drew had listened to his boss in 1925, we might not have a product that we now think of as practically essential: masking tape. Drew worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company, better known as 3M. At work he developed a sticky-side substance strong enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to pursue the idea. Finally, using his own time, Drew perfected the tape, which now is used everywhere by many people. And his former company learned from its mistake: Now 3M encourages people to spend 15 percent of their work time just thinking and developing new ideas.It is a strategy that more and more companies are employing and one that experts around the country say we ought to be following with our children, both at home and at school. The feeling is that if we teach them to think creatively, they will be better able to function in tomorrow's society.Creativity's benefits reach beyond music and art. Successful students and adults are the ones who discover a number of ways to approach problems.Creativity is not something one is just born with, nor is it necessarily a characteristic of high intelligence. Just because a person is highly intelligent does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using the resources one has to produce original ideas that are good for something.Unfortunately, schools have not tended to promote creativity. With strong emphasis on test scores and the development of reading, writing and mathematical skills, many educators sacrifice creativity for correct answers. The result is that children can give back information but can't recognize ways to apply it to new situations. They may know their multiplication tables, for example, but they are unable to apply them to story problems.In some schools, however, educators are recognizing the problem and are developing new approaches to teaching which should encourage creativity in their students. Some teachers are combining the basics with activities where the students must use their imagination. For example, instead of simply asking WHEN Columbus discovered the New World, teachers might ask students to think about what would have happened if his trip had taken him to New York first instead of to the Caribbean area. With that question, students would have to use what they know about Columbus, what they know about NewYork, and what they know about the Caribbean. Teachers feel that even if the answers seem silly, it's OK, that sometimes being silly is an essential step toward creativity. In the classroom as well as at home, children must have the right to have crazy thoughts, experts say. Then it is up to parents and teachers to work with the children to develop those thoughts into workable ideas. The best strategy is to encourage children by asking them questions, meanwhile praising their ideas and new thoughts. Experts say that it is important to create an atmosphere in which there is no risk in being creative—a place where wild ideas are honored and valued, never scorned or dismissed.There are things that parents can do at home to encourage creativity. They can involve children in decision-making if the problem is appropriate, asking the child for suggestions. Parents can help their children to understand the consequences of various decisions. Parents should also encourage their children to talk out loud about things they are doing. Thinking and language skills are closely related. Talking out loud improves language skills and thinking skills.Having a sense of humor is also important in helping to develop creativity in a child. When parents show a sense of humor, children can see creativity in its purest form. By its nature, humor crosses conventional boundaries and breaks patterns. Creativity often does the same.It is important to give children choices. From the earliest age, children should be allowed to make decisions and understand their consequences. Even if it's choosing between two food items for lunch, decision-making helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money, but not automatically help them too much if they make the wrong decision. This may be confusing for the child, but that is all right. This is because one of the most important traits of creative people is a very strong motivation to make order out of confusion.关于创造力的培养——鼓励孩子思考1 教育界和商业界的专家们说, 具有创造性是通向光明前程的关键。

下面为同学们整理了新视野大学英语第三版第二册Unit1、Unit2、Unit3、Unit4、Unit5、Unit6、Unit7、Unit8、Unit9、Unit10课后答案和翻译,第2版同样适用,供大家参考!新视野大学英语(第3版)第三册Unit 1课后答案:跳转第12345678910单元III1 beneath2 disguised3 whistles4 restrain5 grasp6 longing7 praying8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drainIV1 tell on you2 track down3 work it out4 picking on me5 reckoned with6 call on7 on his own8 get through9 in disguise 10 revolves aroundVG O D I K L B F A NVI1 advise2 level3 problems4 necessity5 skills6 experience7 solution8 value 9 tool 10 mannerVII1 air-conditioned(装空调的;有冷气的)2 handmade(手工制作的)3 thunderstruck(非常吃惊的)4 heartfelt(衷心的;诚挚的)5 data-based(基于数据的)6 self-employed(自主经营的)7 custom-built(定制的;定做的)8 weather-beaten(饱经风霜的)VIII1. well-informed(对非常熟悉的)2 new-found(新获得的)3 hard-earned(辛苦挣得的)4 soft-spoken(说话温柔的)5 newly-married(新婚的)6 widely-held(普遍认为的)7 well-meant(出于好意的)8 well-educated(受过良好教育的)IX1 no matter how different it may seem form any other substance2 no matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation3 no matter what excuse he gives4 no matter what anyone else may think5 no matter how they rewrite historyX1 just as we gained fame in victory, we lost nothing in defeat2 just as the head teacher plays a significant role in the school, Jane plays a significant role f leader in the classroom.3 whoever was out there obviously couldnt see him just as he couldnt see them.4 she has been searching all her life for the perfect chocolate just as I have been searching for the perfect beer.5 you can make those kinds of comparisons just as you were doing the analyses a minute ago.XI1. No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.2. Just as all his sisters friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them.3. Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.4. If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I wont saya word to you any more.5. Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.6. Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how toget the necessary finances to establish the company.XII1. 每当有人帮了你,无论事情大小,无论他地位高低,你都应该对他说声谢谢。
EIM Book 1 Unit 5 Successful people 单元知识要点

Unit 5 Successful peoplePart 1 (p40-41)New Wordbusiness [ˈbɪznəs] n. 商业,生意host [həʊst] n. 主人,主持人common [ˈkɒmən] adj. 普遍的,共有的recognize [ˈrekəgnaɪz] v. 认出,认可none [nʌn] pron. 没有一个matter [ˈmætə(r)] v. 事关紧要;n. 事情above [əˈbʌv] prep. 在...上面,超出similar [ˈsɪmələ(r)] adj. 相似的respect [rɪˈspekt] n./v. 尊重intelligent [ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt] adj. 聪明的,有才智的necessary [ˈnesəsərɪ] adj. 有必要的;n. 必需品unnecessary [ʌn'nesəs(ə)rɪ] adj. 没有必要的result [rɪˈzʌlt] n. 结果anyway [ˈeniweɪ] adv. 无论如何wealthy [ˈwelθi] adj. 富裕的;n. 富人creator [kriˈeɪtə(r)]n. 创造者,创作者presenter [prɪˈzentə(r)] n. 主持人discuss [dɪˈskʌs] v. 讨论To be understand:Jeff Bezos 杰夫·贝佐斯Ana Ivanovic 安娜·伊万诺维奇Oprah Winfrey 奥普拉·温弗瑞Amazon [ˈæməzən] 亚马逊(河)Word Form1.busy adj. 忙碌的---business n. 商业---businessman/businesswoman n. 商人2.host n./v. 主持人---hostess n. 女主人3.intelligent [ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt] adj. 聪明的,有才智的---intelligence [ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns] n. 聪明,智力4.create [kriˈeɪt] v. 生产,创造---creator [kriˈeɪtə(r)]n. 创造者,创作者---creation[kriˈeɪʃn] n. 创造,创造物---creative [kriˈeɪtɪv] adj. 创造性的,有创造力的---creativity [ˌkri:eɪ'tɪvətɪ] n.创造性,创造力5.wealthy [ˈwelθi] adj. 富裕的---wealth [welθ] n. 财富,富有6.necessary [ˈnesəsərɪ] adj. 有必要的---unnecessary [ʌn'nesəs(ə)rɪ] adj. 没有必要的7.respect [rɪˈspekt] n./v. 尊重,仰慕---respected [rɪ'spektɪd] adj. 受尊重的,受重视的8.discuss [dɪˈskʌs] v. 讨论---discussion [dɪˈskʌʃn] n. 讨论Phrases and Sentences1.after all 毕竟After all, she is your boss, so invite her to the party please.2.in some way 在某个(单数)方面/以(某种)方式We might be able to help you in some way.The girl called Tina is better than me in some way.3.in common (have...in common) 有共同之处He had very little in common with his sister.4.on this page 在这一页上5.without sb doing 在某人没有做......的情况下6.shout sth. out 大声喊出sth.7. A is the same as B A和B一样8.women’tennis 女子网球9.be respected by sb. 被某人尊重have the respect of other people 尊重某人10.It’s necessary for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是必要的。
牛津上海8年级上册 Unit5 Encyclopaedias重要知识点及语法点复习

U5 Encyclopaedias 重点词汇重点词汇拓展11.look up 查阅look up sth. in the dictionary 查字典12.exist v.存在;实际上有【形近词】exit n. 出口反义词:entrance n.入口13.die out 灭绝die of 死于(内因)die from 死于(外因)14.know about = know of知道know v. 了解【课堂小练】Ⅰ.用所给单词的适当形式填空2. There’s nothing ______________ going on.(harm)3. Tom is very __________ ,and he often makes some interesting models for his little brother.(create)7. I have been to _______________ for many times.(Greek)8. We should learn knowledge as much as especially when we are young(possibility)Ⅱ.将下列单词或词组填入空格。
每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次Dear Li Yang,Thank you for your e -mail. I am fine, and enjoying my time at university in Manchester very much. I am happy to answer your questions about studying here in the UK.I was also a little nervous before I got here, but once I arrived I soon felt happy. You asked me about the kinds of clothes you should bring. You should bring at least one formal outfit(外套)for important dinners’ and remember to bring lots of warm and comfortable clothes 1 .Yes, I did say ‘warm’, because it is a bit cold here until the summer!My mum wanted to make sure that I packed lots of special food so that I would not miss her Chinese cooking too much. However, there are many different kinds of food in the UK, and I can buy all my favourite foods at small Chinese shops. There are also lots of cheap restaurants near the university.Anothersuggestion is to learn how to cook some of your 2 foods before you come. Chinese food in England is very different to the food back home. You can also go to the university canteen—eating with 3 is a great way to make new friends.You will probably live in the halls of residence in your first year. People usually have their own room, with a desk and a bed. The bathrooms and kitchen are usually near the corridor (走廊).The kitchen is also a great place to meet the students in your hall. Remember that everyone is nervous, so don’t be 4 to talk to the people you meet.Good luck! I am sure you will have a wonderful time.Wang Dong 重点短语1. buy her an encyclopedia 给她买一本百科全书2. much fiercer than tigers 比老虎凶猛得多3. as gentle as sheep 性情温和如羊4. know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons, eggs and footprints从恐龙留下的骨架、蛋和脚印中了解它们的生活5.die out suddenly 突然灭绝6.be harmful to … 对……有害(= be bad for …= do harm to …)be harmless to… 对……无害7. an amusement park in the USA 美国有名的乐园8. be famous for his cartoon characters 因为他的卡通人物而闻名9. win a free trip to Disneyland 赢得一次迪士尼免费之旅10. He taught that the way to be happy was to own as few things as possible.他教导快乐的方式就是尽可能少地拥有物品。
北师大版高中英语选择性必修第二册UNIT5 EDUCATION 高考练含答案

UNIT 5EDUCATION阅读理解A(2021新高考Ⅱ,C)A British woman who won a $1 million prize after she was named the World's Best Teacher will use the cash to bring inspirational figures into UK schools.Andria Zafirakou, a north London secondary school teacher, said she wanted to bring about a classroom revolution(变革). “We are going to make a change,” she said. “I've started a project to promote the teaching of the arts in our schools.”The project results from the difficulties many schools have in getting artists of any sort—whether an up-and-coming local musician or a major movie star—into schools to work with and inspire children.Zafirakou began the project at Alperton Community School, her place of work for the past twelve years. “I've seen those magic moment s when children are talking to someone they are inspired by—their eyes are shining and their faces light up,” she said. “We need artists more than ever in our schools.”Artist Michael Craig-Martin said:“Andria's brilliant project to bring artists from all fields into direct contact with children is particularlywelcome at a time when the arts are being downgraded in schools.” It was a mistake to see the arts as unnecessary, he added.Historian Sir Simon Schama is also a supporter of the project. He said that arts education in schools was not just an add-on.“It is absolutely necessary. The future depends on creativity and creativity depends on the young. What will remain of us when artificial intelligence takes over will be our creativity, and it is our creative spirit, our visionary sense of freshness, that has been our strength for centuries.”1.What will Zafirakou do with her prize money?A.Make a movie.B.Build new schools.C.Run a project.D.Help local musicians.2.What does Craig-Martin think of the teaching of the arts in UK schools?A.It is particularly difficult.B.It increases artists' income.C.It opens children's mind.D.It deserves greater attention.3.What should be stressed in school education according to Schama?A.Moral principles.B.Interpersonal skills.C.Creative abilities.D.Positive worldviews.4.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.Bring Artists to SchoolsB.When Historians Meet ArtistsC.Arts Education in BritainD.The World's Best Arts Teacher高考词汇站派生/合成词汇1.inspire v.激励;鼓舞→inspiration n.灵感;启发灵感的人(或事物)→adj.启发灵感的;鼓舞人心的2.particular adj.特别的→ adv.特别3.support v.支持→ n.支持者4.absolute adj.完全的;绝对的→ adv.完全地;极其5.create v.创造→ adj.创造的→ n.创造力6.vision n.视野;远见卓识→ adj.有远见卓识的7.fresh adj.新鲜的→ n.新鲜8.strong adj.强的;强壮的→ n.优势;力量9.downgrade v.10.add-on n.熟词生义11.figure n.12.field n.B(2020全国Ⅱ,B)Some parents will buy any high-tech toy if they think it will help their child, but researchers said puzzles help children with math-related skills.Psychologist Susan Levine, an expert on mathematics development in young children at the University of Chicago, found children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develop better spatial skills. Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition(认知)after controlling for differences in parents' income, education and the amount of parent talk, Levine said.The researchers analyzed video recordings of 53 child-parent pairs during everyday activities at home and found children who play with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of age have better spatial skills when assessed at 54 months of age.“The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not, on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate(旋转) and translate shapes,” Levine said in a statement.The parents were asked to interact with their children as they normally would, and about half of the children in the study played with puzzles at one time. Higher-income parents tended to have children play with puzzles more frequently, and both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skills. However, boys tended to play with more complex puzzles than girls, and the parents of boys provided more spatial language and were more active during puzzle play than the parents of girls.The findings were published in the journal Developmental Science.5.In which aspect do children benefit from puzzle play?A.Building confidence.B.Developing spatial skills.C.Learning self-control.D.Gaining high-tech knowledge.6.What did Levine take into consideration when designing her experiment?A.Parents' age.B.Children's imagination.C.Parents' education.D.Child-parent relationship.7.How do boys differ from girls in puzzle play?A.They play with puzzles more often.B.They tend to talk less during the game.C.They prefer to use more spatial language.D.They are likely to play with tougher puzzles.8.What is the text mainly about?A.A mathematical method.B.A scientific study.C.A woman psychologist.D.A teaching program.高考词汇站派生/合成词汇1.research n.& v.研究→ n.研究员2.psychology n.心理学→ n.心理学家3.develop v.发展→ n.发展→ adj.发展的;成长的;进化的4.space n.空间→ adj.空间的5.predict v.预言→ n.预示物6.state v.说明;声明→ n.声明;报告7.normal adj.通常的→ adv.通常8.frequent adj.频繁的→ adv.频繁地9.high-tech adj.10.math-related adj.11.interact v.12.higher-income adj.答案与分层梯度式解析UNIT 5EDUCATION练A◎语篇解读这是一篇说明文,作者主要描述了Zafirakou创办艺术项目,将艺术家带入课堂,以促进学校艺术教学的发展。
Unit 5 Creativity and InnovationLead-in2. Case Study1) E2) Alex personifies important characteristics of a new world where creative consumers have unprecedented technology at their fingertips to envision ambitious dreams.Text AI.Reading Comprehension1. Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Write a T for true, an F for false, and an NG for not given.1) T 2) F 3) NG 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) NG 9) T 10) T2. Essay Questions1) Radiator Springs is implicative of the power of creativity from two perspectives. Firstly, the depiction of Radiator Springs in the animated movie Cars sprang from the imagination of Pixar, the animation house renowned for its creativity in filmmaking. Secondly, in the movie Cars, Radiator Springs is symbolic of the pure creativity instilling energy and enthusiasm into what used to be considered obsolete and dead.2) Modernism intoxicated us with the idea that we are on the way to a brighter future in the light of material possessions. It reassures us that we deserve the progress and improvement by material acquisition. Postmodernism dismisses what is taken for granted by modernism. With the dawning of the postmodern era, Western culture is involved in a state of turbulence due to the loss of a centralized principle. We are led astray by complexity, cynicisms and doubt in our quest of purpose and meaning of life. Consumerism and materialism offer no elixir for our bewilderments.3) In the postmodern era of amazing technology and knowledge-based progress, there is a significant negative correlation between happiness and material wealth. Many studies have shown that the material wealth doesn’t spontaneously give rise to happiness. On the contrary, people find energy brands imbued with creativity irresistible because they feel delighted, inspired, elevated, empowered and amused. Creativity brings consumers a sense of well-being, the perception of a joyous life and the belief in a brighter future ahead.4) An incremental idea refers to an innovative idea that employs existing technology and aims at a regular improvement in existing processes, products and services. On the contrary, an exponential idea can produce radical innovations embracing breakthrough technologies and targeting dramatic performan ce improv emen t.5) Following the lure of creative brands, consumers get more actively involved in building deeper and more meaningful relationships with energy brands. They soberly stay away from blind consumerism and give priority to brands that continuously surprise, inspire, and lead them forward.II.Vocabulary1. Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.1) diversions 2) sprang from 3) instill 4) paradigms 5) depopulated 6) posited 7) proclaims 8) subliminally 9) suspend 10) perpetu ate 2. W ord Derivation1) elusive 2) hypocritical 3) skeptical 4) subtlety 5) inspiration al III.Paraphrasing1.Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.1) Creativity is now an economic force, reshaping the work world, sending the Industrial Age on to the next step.2) The advantage of being creative is now where competitive advantage is achieved through amazing innovation and thought bringing about a radical change to accepted patterns.3) Y et we’ve found that creative brands go beyond their disbelief of marketing, allowing them to believe without feeling hypocritical, thus resolving this conflict.4) In some ways, creativity acts as a quality or element, a sprinkling of which makes life more delightful for some unknown reasons.5) Innovation experts have long expressed their support for the opinion that innovations must supply motive force for th e corporation s in th e fu ture.2.Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.1) Today it is increasingly widely recognized that creativity, art, and culture are far more than a mere ornament.2) Like Radiator Springs, Creative industries brought into White River Junction, V ermont and Pittsfield have led these old factory cities to start a revival process.3) Intellectually and spiritually, no longer do we feel we understand the human purpose; day by day, many of us escape the understanding of how to derive meaning out of life.4) The spirit of irresistible brands involves creativity as an integral part.5) They would rather take their reference from the future, where nothing is impossible, than take it from the past.IV.Translation1. Sentence Translation1) 温泉镇探寻到的创新之路吸引人们和商业重新回到了这个一度变为鬼城的小镇, 使它恢复了往日的时运,从这个例子我们见识到完美的创造力。

初三英语第五单元作文Unit 5 of Grade 9 English: My Hobbies。
As a Grade 9 student, I have many hobbies that I enjoy doing in my free time. In this article, I will share with you some of my favorite hobbies and why I love them.First of all, I love reading. I find it a great way to escape from reality and enter a world of imagination. Whenever I read a book, I feel like I am transported to a different place and time. Reading also helps me to improve my vocabulary and writing skills. I usually read novels, biographies, and self-help books. My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I have read it several times, and each time I discover something new.Another hobby of mine is playing the piano. I have been playing the piano since I was six years old, and it has become a part of my life. Playing the piano helps me to relax and express myself. I enjoy playing classical music,especially Chopin's pieces. I also like to improvise and create my own music. Whenever I feel stressed or anxious, I sit down at the piano and play for a while. It always makes me feel better.In addition to reading and playing the piano, I also love to draw and paint. I find it a great way to express my creativity and emotions. When I draw or paint, I feel like I am in my own world, and nothing else matters. I usually draw portraits or landscapes, and I use watercolors or acrylics. My favorite painting is "Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh. I love the colors and the movement in the painting.Lastly, I enjoy playing sports, especially basketball.I find it a great way to stay active and healthy. I also like the competitive aspect of sports. Whenever I play basketball, I feel like I am part of a team, and we are working towards a common goal. I also enjoy watching basketball games on TV, especially the NBA playoffs. My favorite player is LeBron James, and I admire his leadership and skills on the court.In conclusion, these are some of my favorite hobbies that I enjoy doing in my free time. Reading, playing the piano, drawing and painting, and playing sports all bring me joy and help me to relax. I believe that having hobbies is important for everyone, as they help us to develop our skills, express ourselves, and improve our mental and physical health.。

【人教版新目标】英语八年级上册Unit5单元教学案例第一部分:教学目标1. 研究家庭成员的称呼和关系。
2. 研究家务活动的动词和短语。
3. 学会描述家人的外貌特征和性格特点。
4. 能用现在进行时来描述家务活动。
5. 能够展开讨论并谈论家人、家庭与家务活动的话题。
第二部分:教学重难点1. 学生理解并掌握家庭成员的称呼和关系,结合自己的实际家庭情况加以运用;2. 学生能在能力范围内描述家庭成员的外貌特征、性格特点,及这些特征的体现;3. 学生掌握家务活动的动词和短语,能够用现在进行时来描述家务活动。
第三部分:教学过程Part 1 Warm-up and Lead-in Warm-up and Lead-in1. Show some pictures of family members and let students name them.2. Lead in the topic by asking students to talk about their family and family members.3. Ask students to introduce their family members and talk about their family.Part 2 Presentation and Practice Presentation and Practice1. Teach family member words and relationships by showing flashcards.2. Teach verbs and phrases related to housework by showing pictures and realia.3. Teach adjectives to describe people's appearance and character by showing pictures of celebrities and family members.4. Students practice using present continuous tense to describe housework with the teacher's guidance.5. Students create dialogues using the target language prompts provided by the teacher.Part 3 Group Work Group Work1. Divide the class into groups and ask each group to roleplay a family's daily life.2. Students will have to use the target language in their dialogues and describe the actions and appearance of family members.3. Encourage students to use their creativity and make the roleplay interesting.Part 4 Summary and Homework Summary and Homework1. Review the new vocabulary and structures learned in class.2. Ask students to write a paragraph describing their family and using the target language.3. Assign exercises from the textbook or supplementary materials.第四部分:板书设计- Family members and relationships:father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin- Housework verbs and phrases: do the laundry, water the plants, clean the room, cook the meals, wash the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash- Adjectives to describe people's appearance and character: tall, short, outgoing, timid, kind, strict, hardworking第五部分:教学反思本节课采用了多媒体展示的方式,将生动的图片、实物和动画有机地结合,并通过图片、视频等直观的模式,生动活泼地介绍了本课的教学内容,使学生保持高度的兴趣和热情。
牛津译林版8A Unit5知识点及语法点讲解(有答案)

DinosaursDinosaurs lived on the Earth over sixty million years ago. This was a long time before people _____1_____. Dinosaurs lived everywhere. Some were as small as chickens. Others were as big as ten elephants. Some dinosaurs even had wings and could fly.Many dinosaurs were _____2_____. They were as gentle as sheep and ate plants. Other were hamful. They were fiercer than tigers and ate meat.Dinosaurs all died out suddenly. Nobody knows why. We know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons, eggs and _____3_____ they left behind.DiogenesDiogenes was a famous thinker.he lived in Greece about two thousand years ago. He taught that the way to be happy was to own as few things as _____4_____. All he owned was a big jar that he lived in , a coat, a bag and a cup. He was very happy. One day, Diogenes saw a boy drinking water form his hands by a ______5_____, so he threw away his cup and became even happier.Disney, WaltDisneyland is a famous amusement park in the USA. Disneyland was created by Walt Disney, who is famous for his cartoon _____6_____: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck,Goofy, Snow White and many others.Disney was born in the USA. After leaving school, he sold newspapers and _____7_____ mail. At the same time, he studied art at night. Finally he got a job that he really liked-drawing cartoons for films.Disney’s most famous cartoon character, Mickey Mouse, was a real mouse. It sometimes saton Disney’s desk while he was working. Disney drew the mouse and put it in a cartoon. Soon Mickey became a star and Disney became rich and famous.【答案】1.existed 2.harmless 3.footprints 4.possible 5.fountain 6.characters 7.deliveredPart 2 根据音标写单词8A U5Vocabulary【答案】1.Africa 2.Europe 3.fierce 4.encyclopedia 5.dinosaur 6.exist7.even 8.harmful 9.die out 10.skeleton 11.footprint 12.thinker 13.Greece 14.as soon as possible 15.jar 16.amusement park 17.create 18.character 19.while 20.cause 21.disease ernment 23.repair 24.fee 25.journey Part 3 词汇复习(1)8A U5词性转换整理【答案】1.Africa African 2.Europe European3.Greece Greek4.harm harmful harmless 5.create creative creation creativity6.real really realize7.exist existenceU5知识点梳理根据中文写出相应的英文1.though conj.虽然,尽管,即使E.g.1)I felt very cold, ________(虽然)I was wearing a thick coat.2)__________(尽管)she was in a hurry, she stopped to talk to me.【答案】1) though 2)Though2.create v.创造,创建E.g.1)Some people believe God __________(创造)the world.2)Who was the ___________(创造者)of the electric?3)My brother is a ___________(有创造力的)boy because he is always makes some strange things.【答案】1) created 2) creator 3) creative3.exist v.存在E.g.1)The old lady _________(生存)only on coffee and bread.2)Such an idea _________(存在于……之中)only __________ the minds of poets.3)She __________(靠……生存)only __________ milk.【答案】1) exists 2) exists, in 3) existed, on4.even adv.甚至E.g.1)___________(甚至)Mrs Smith could not help laughing.2)This dictionary is __________ ________ ________(更有用)than that one.3)I have explained everything, but _________(甚至)now she doesn’t understand.【答案】1) Even 2) even more useful 3) even5.harmful adj.有害的harmless adj.无害的E.g.1)The new drug has no ___________(有害的)side effects.2)Their dog seems fierce, but he’s ___________(无害的).3)The flood _________ _________ _________ _________ _________(严重损坏)to the crops.【答案】1) harmful 2) harmless 3) did a lot of harm6.nobody pron.没有人E.g.1)There was ___________(没有人)at home.2)____________(一点也没有)of the food was left.【答案】1) nobody 2) None7.while conj.与……同时E.g.1)The telephone rang ___________(当……的时候)I was having a shower.2)I listen to the radio ___________(同时)I’m eating my breakfast.3)____________(当……时)he was eating, I asked him to lend me 20 yuan.【答案】1) while 2) while 3) While8.cause v./ n.引导,导致,原因E.g.1)The fire _________ __________ __________(由……引起)a cigarette end.2)Bad driving is the ___________(原因)of most road accidents.【答案】1) was caused by 2) cause9.believe v.相信E.g.1)Long ago, people __________(相信)that Earth was flat.2)He __________ __________(相信)getting plenty of exercise.3)__________ ___________(相信我), you will get well very soon.【答案】1) believed 2) believes in 3) Believe me可数名词&不可数名词语法重难点1)规则变化2)不规则变化(1)单数变复数记忆口诀:单数变为复数式,后加s统言之。
2019年新版外研社高中英语教材必修一unit 2 Exploring English词性转换

2019年新版外研社高中英语教材必修一Unit 2 Exploring English词性转换1.sculpt v. 雕刻;雕塑→sculpture n. 雕像;雕刻品;雕塑作品2.opposing adj. (观点,意见等)相反的;相对立的→oppose v.反抗;阻碍→opposite adj.完全相反的;另一边的;对面的n.对立的人;对立面;反义词3.behavior n. 举止;行为→behave v.行为;表现4.confusing adj. 令人困惑的→confused adj. 困惑的;糊涂的;混乱的→confuse v.(使)糊涂;(使)困惑;混淆;弄错→confusion n.困惑;混淆5.reflect v. 显示,反映→reflection n.反射;回声;反省;反映→reflective adj.反射的;反光的;沉思的6.creativity n. 创造性,创造力→creative adj.创造的;有创造力的→creation n.创造;创建;作品→create v.创造;创建;设计7.visible adj. 看得见的,可见的→invisible adj. 看不见的;隐形的;无形的8.unfamiliar adj.不熟悉的,不了解的→familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的,通晓的anization n.组织;团体;机构→organize v. 组织;筹备→organized adj.有组织的;有条理的→organizer n.组织者;承办单位10.addition n. 增加物,添加物→additional adj.附加的;额外的→additionally adv.另外;此外→add v.添加;增加11.actually adv. 事实上,实际上→actual adj.事实的;实际的12.intend v. 计划,打算→intention n.意图;目的;打算rmal adj. (书写或言谈)非正式的→formal adj.正式的14.recognize v. 认识,辨认出→recognition n.承认;接受;认出;识别15.base v.以……为基础→basis n.基础;要素;根据→basic adj. 基本的;最重要的;必需的→basically adv.基本上;大体上16.aware adj.知道的;明白的;意识到的→awareness n.认识;意识。

A recent survey found that of hundreds of new food and beverage products introduced in the last few years in the US, 90% had failed (and were withdrawn from supermarkets within 3 months of launch).
Lead-in Discussion
1. Breakthrough products sometimes fail because they do not function correctly.
a. The Apple Newton personal digital assistant promised but failed to recognize handwriting.
Lead-in Discussion
1)What’s the difference between Creativity and Innovation? Read the next two slides for some clues.
• Many managers want their organizations to develop breakthrough products and ask their R&D departments to come up with the equivalent of the iPod or iPhone.
Unit5 Creativity&Innovation 高级综合商务英语

• • • • • • •
• • •
Unit 5 (Previewing) 社区服务 劳工统计局 世界领先者 后现代主义 基本人权 LCD a dead and depopulated town cynicism suspend disbelief negative correlation
Unit 5 (Previewing) community service Bureau of Labor Statistics a world leader postmodernism birthright 液晶显示屏 人烟稀少、死气沉沉的小镇 玩世不恭, 愤世嫉俗 抛开怀疑;停止怀疑 负相关
• •
• • • • • • • • Unit 4 (Reviewing) circuit board eschew formal medical treatment a floundering Apple milk old successes call the shots 销售部 程序图标 被痛骂一顿 大众市场 权宜之计
• Paras. 1-4 The evolution ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้f people’s perception about creativity in industrial and commercial sectors. • Paras. 5-10 The growing social attraction to creativity in a postmodern world. • Paras. 11-18 Consumer preference for energy brands characterized by creative bisociation.
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Unit 5 Creativity and InnovationLead-in2. Case Study1) E2) Alex personifies important characteristics of a new world where creative consumers have unprecedented technology at their fingertips to envision ambitious dreams.Text AI.Reading Comprehension1. Determine whether the following statements are true or false. Write a T for true, an F for false, and an NG for not given.1) T 2) F 3) NG 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) NG 9) T 10) T2. Essay Questions1) Radiator Springs is implicative of the power of creativity from two perspectives. Firstly, the depiction of Radiator Springs in the animated movie Cars sprang from the imagination of Pixar, the animation house renowned for its creativity in filmmaking. Secondly, in the movie Cars, Radiator Springs is symbolic of the pure creativity instilling energy and enthusiasm into what used to be considered obsolete and dead. 2) Modernism intoxicated us with the idea that we are on the way to a brighter future in the light of material possessions. It reassures us that we deserve the progress and improvement by material acquisition. Postmodernism dismisses what is taken for granted by modernism. With the dawning of the postmodern era, Western culture is involved in a state of turbulence due to the loss of a centralized principle. We are led astray by complexity, cynicisms and doubt in our quest of purpose and meaning of life. Consumerism and materialism offer no elixir for our bewilderments.3) In the postmodern era of amazing technology and knowledge-based progress, there is a significant negative correlation between happiness and material wealth. Many studies have shown that the material wealth doesn’t spontaneously give rise to happiness. On the contrary, people find energy brands imbued with creativity irresistible because they feel delighted, inspired, elevated, empowered and amused. Creativity brings consumers a sense of well-being, the perception of a joyous life and the belief in a brighter future ahead.4) An incremental idea refers to an innovative idea that employs existing technology and aims at a regular improvement in existing processes, products and services. On the contrary, an exponential idea can produce radical innovations embracing breakthrough technologies and targeting dramatic performance improvement.5) Following the lure of creative brands, consumers get more actively involved in building deeper and more meaningful relationships with energy brands. They soberly stay away from blind consumerism and give priority to brands that continuously surprise, inspire, and lead them forward.II.Vocabulary1. Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.1) diversions 2) sprang from 3) instill 4) paradigms 5) depopulated 6) posited 7) proclaims 8) subliminally 9) suspend 10) perpetuate2. Word Derivation1) elusive 2) hypocritical 3) skeptical 4) subtlety 5) inspirational III.Paraphrasing1.Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.1) Creativity is now an economic force, reshaping the work world, sending the Industrial Age on to the next step.2) The advantage of being creative is now where competitive advantage is achieved through amazing innovation and thought bringing about a radical change to accepted patterns.3) Yet we’ve found that creative brands go beyond their disbelief of marketing, allowing them to believe without feeling hypocritical, thus resolving this conflict.4) In some ways, creativity acts as a quality or element, a sprinkling of which makes life more delightful for some unknown reasons.5) Innovation experts have long expressed their support for the opinion that innovations must supply motive force for the corporations in the future.2.Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.1) Today it is increasingly widely recognized that creativity, art, and culture are far more than a mere ornament.2) Like Radiator Springs, Creative industries brought into White River Junction, Vermont and Pittsfield have led these old factory cities to start a revival process.3) Intellectually and spiritually, no longer do we feel we understand the human purpose; day by day, many of us escape the understanding of how to derive meaning out of life.4) The spirit of irresistible brands involves creativity as an integral part.5) They would rather take their reference from the future, where nothing is impossible, than take it from the past.IV.Translation1. Sentence Translation1) 温泉镇探寻到的创新之路吸引人们和商业重新回到了这个一度变为鬼城的小镇, 使它恢复了往日的时运,从这个例子我们见识到完美的创造力。