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Environmental Information Systems
Urban Water Cycle
Land Resource Assessment
Biodiversity Sciences
Environmental Reporting
Aquatic Ecosystem Health
Hydrographic Support Unit
Remote Sensing
Ecological Sciences
Modelling & Assessment
Aquatic Ecosystem Risk & Decision Support
Soil Process
Plant Systematics & Herbarium
Highlights continued…
Murray Darling Basin Water Resource Planning Water quality and aquatic ecosystems health processes modelling in streams, estuaries and groundwater for water resource plans Support for leasehold land assessment by satellite mapping of ground cover Queensland Herbarium collections and data bases (including the Australian Tropical Herbarium) Statewide mapping of regional ecosystems and wetlands
Chemistry Centre
Regional Ecosystem Survey & Mapping
Science Strategy & Integration
Water Planning Ecology
Current Science Highlights
Monitoring and assessment of the impact of recent floods and cyclones “Paddock to Reef” monitoring and modelling program – a major investment in understanding land management practice impacts on Reef water quality Statewide remote sensing of vegetation resources, including monitoring of clearing Interactions between land condition and water quality Air quality monitoring programs for priority industrial and mining areas Emergent water quality monitoring programs for Fitzroy Basin – impacts of mining on river water quality Monitoring of iconic marine species e.g. turtles, dugong
Environment and Resource Sciences (ERS)
Delivering the science to support the policy, planning and management decisions of DERM and the Queensland Government. Provides a broad range of sciences for the management of natural resources (land, water, vegetation, air) and protection of the natural environment. Predominantly applied science using innovative techniques.
Key policy issues that drive DERM Environment and Resource Science
Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems Coal Seam Gas impacts on water National Water Initiatives and Reform Compliance and Investigations (water, air and land) Protection of Biodiversity and threatened species Rural Leasehold Land (Delbessie) Protection of Strategic Cropping Land Vegetation Management and Carbon sequestratiຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidun Air quality issues Response to Incidents and Emergent Issues e.g. Marine oil spills, recent flooding and cyclonic events
Current DERM Science
Associate DirectorGeneral OER Terry Wall Assistant DirectorGeneral Christine Williams Water Quality & Aquatic Ecosystem Health Science Co-ordination & Information
Water Planning Sciences
andscape Sciences
Biodiversity & Ecosystem Sciences
Air Quality Sciences
Aquatic Threatened Species
South West Queensland Hydrology North & Central West Queensland Hydrology South East Queensland Hydrology
The Future
Continue to develop the evidence base for policy, planning and management, using innovative approaches Whole of landscape – integrated view Complexity of policy decisions – multiple assessment criteria and trade offs Ecology of threatened species e.g. turtles and dugongs Developing comprehensive inventories of landscape features and land use through remote sensing Urban water science including design options for flood prone areas and water sensitive cities New initiatives in earth science e.g. including geochemistry and geomorphology Restoration ecology and future rural landscape design