



New Beetel 新甲壳虫
目前,甲壳虫已经卷 土重来,大众汽车公 司再度推出甲壳虫车 ,并取名新甲壳虫( New Beetel),引起 了人们的极大兴趣。 大众甲壳虫车的优点 同样是结实耐用,不 讲究豪华,而且价格 大众化。
Mini automobile 迷你汽车
Model T T型车
自1908年10月1日 第一辆T型车交货以 来,直至1927年夏 天T型车成为历史, 共售出
1500多万辆。T型车 在全世界倍受青睐,
它成了便宜和可靠交 通的象征。
front-wheel drive automobile 前轮驱动汽车
法国汽车俱乐部的秘书长保 罗.梅昂说:我们进入了梅塞德 斯时代。从此,德国人就喜欢将 戴姆勒-奔驰的汽车叫梅塞德斯 。
Pipelining 流水线
1908年10月1日,汽车技术 史上树起了第二个里程碑, 底特律(美国的汽车城)开 始生产一种以福特命名的汽 车,型号为T型。这种少见 的汽车推动了一个新的工业 时代的到来,在这个时代, 工人们首次用大批量生产的 部件在流水线上组装汽车。
1934年3月24日,安德烈 .雪铁龙委托安德烈.勒费弗尔及 其助手莫里斯.圣蒂拉,创造一 种新型的汽车结构:前轮驱动 、无底盘的车身结构、通过扭 杆实现单轮减振以及液压制动 等技术集中在一辆汽车(雪铁 龙7A )上,并且成批生产的。 其设计方案即使在60多年后的 今天也没有过时。前轮驱动汽 车至少在行车安全方面证明了 它优于常规构造方式。



现代汽车演变英文作文英文:The evolution of modern cars has been a fascinating journey. From the first steam-powered vehicles to the sleek and sophisticated cars of today, the automobile industry has come a long way. In the early days, cars were seen as luxury items, only affordable by the wealthy few. However, with the advent of mass production techniques, cars became more affordable and accessible to the general public.One of the biggest changes in the modern car industry has been the shift towards electric and hybrid vehicles. With concerns about climate change and the need for more sustainable transportation options, many car manufacturers are investing heavily in developing electric and hybrid cars. These vehicles are powered by rechargeable batteries and emit little to no pollutants, making them a more environmentally friendly option.Another major development in the modern car industryhas been the integration of advanced technology. From GPS navigation systems to driver assistance features, modern cars are equipped with a wide range of high-tech features that make driving safer and more convenient. For example, many cars now come with automatic emergency braking, which can help prevent accidents by applying the brakes if the driver fails to do so.Overall, the evolution of modern cars has been drivenby a desire for more efficient, sustainable, and convenient transportation options. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the automotive industry in the years to come.中文:现代汽车的演变历程是一段迷人的旅程。



Top of automobile
Future automobile
Characters of future cars
Diesel engine was absorbed by more cars; Electric automobile will move into the practical stage; Automobile safety standards will be more strict; New materials which may replace steel car bodies to lower the weight; Various electronic device will be applied on the automobile;
The most expensive automobile
Silver ghost which was made by Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯) was the most expensive and famous automobile in the world. Silver ghost’s price is over 20 million pounds。It was the vehicle of the britain's queen Elizabeth. And it stopped producing at 1925.
The first motor bike
In 1885, the Germany’s engineer Daimler install the 1.1hp engine made by himself on a wood bicycle,then the first motor bike appeared.


English Speech: The Evolution of
PPT Cars
• Introduction • The Origin and Early Development of
Automobiles • Technical innovation and industrial upgrading
The automotive industry quickly expanded with new companies and brands emerging, and a growing network of dealerships and service centers
Technical innovation and industrial upgrading of automobiles
In recent years, we have seen the emergence of electric vehicles and autonomous driving technology, which are raised to further transform the automotive industry in the coming decades
They were also noisy and clever, due to the cruise oil used as fuel and the lake of emission controls
The preliminary formation of the automotive industry
Early internal combustion engines were inefficient and unrelated, but continuous improvements in design and manufacturing technologies led to more powerful and effective engines

汽车发展史 (英文)PPT

汽车发展史 (英文)PPT

In 1883, Daimler invented the world's first successful internal combustion engines with high compression ratio which is the originator of the modern automobile engine. In 1885, he single-cylinder engine fitted to the bike, made of the world's first motorcycle. Assistance in the Maybach, in a carriage installed on the engine of their own, this is the world's first four-wheel petrol car. 1926 Mercedes-Benz merged with his establishment which is called Daimler - Benz.
The rise of Ford
1913 Ford Motor Company introduced the moving assembly line for the first time .In this mode of production, the cost of the automobile crash. so car prices became low, and gradually become a popular commodity. Ford car has thus become a veritable kingdom.
Before the aotomobile come out, the carriage is the best land-based human transport.



The rise of Ford
1913 Ford Motor Company introduced the moving assembly line for the first time .In this mode of production, the cost of the automobile crash. so car prices became low, and gradually become a popular commodity. Ford car has thus become a veritable kingdom.
After Watt improved the steam engine ,French Army Engineer Cugnot produced the first steam engine driving a car.
Carl. Mercedes-Benz,now Germany's famous car company that is the first generation of fathers.
Development in china
explore and Growth stage
❖ late 1950s to 1960s: Several automobile factories were set up in Nanjing Shanghai Jinan and Beijing
❖ 1967: The Second Automobile Works (later Dongfeng Motor Corporation) was founded.
Technical Background---the carriage
Before the aotomobile come out, the carriage is the best land-based human transport.


The history of the car development
• Auto
Is the power equipment has its own device driver, Generally has four or more than four wheels, not Rely on the track or land-line and in car. Is often used as a vehicle to carry passengers, cargo and Traction passenger, cargo trailers, but also for the completion of a specific task or tasks in which the transport of its modification . Equipped with special equipment as a dedicated vehicle, but does not include special machinery for agricultural use
Steam car early condition
• Steam cars were called horseless carriage, apparently on the
carriage transport threat, which caused the owners against • Steam car bulky, inconvenient operation, the number of vehicles is increasing at the same time, the traffic accident and the boiler explosion accidents • Boiler combustion exhaust ash, black smoke on the street residents and pedestrians caused harm, also caused the dissatisfaction of the citizens



04 现代豪华轿车的发展
汽车的演变历程 从马车到豪华轿车,汽车经历了漫长的历史和科技的进步。 豪华轿车的定义和特点 豪华轿车通常具有豪华的内饰、先进的技术、舒适的驾驶体验以及 较高的价格。 汽车的演变历程对环境的影响 随着汽车技术的不断进步,汽车的碳排放量逐渐减少,有助于应对 全球气候变化。 豪华轿车的市场需求 随着人们生活水平的提高,豪华轿车的需求也在不断增长,尤其是 在高端市场。
马车在社会中的重要性 马车是早期交通工具,为人们提供了便捷的出行方式。 汽车的演变历程 从马车到豪华轿车,汽车经历了多次技术革新和市场变革。 马车对现代社会的影响 马车在历史上曾扮演重要角色,如运输货物、运输人员等,对现代社会仍有影响。 汽车对社会发展的影响 汽车的出现极大地推动了社会进步,改变了人们的出行方式,促进了经济发展。
01 马车的发明与早期发展
18世纪末,英国发明家乔治·史蒂芬森设 计出世界上第一辆蒸汽机车,标志着工 业革命的开始。
从马ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้到豪华轿车,汽车经历了多次技术革新和市 场变革,如内燃机、电力驱动、电子控制等。
根据统计数据,2019年全球汽车保有量 达到约2.5亿辆,其中豪华轿车占比约为 30%。
• 豪华轿车市场庞大,消费者群体多样化, 包括商务人士、高收入家庭和追求舒适 驾驶体验的人群。
技术进步 从马车到豪华轿车,汽车的演变历程中,技术进步起到了关键作用。例如,从18世纪 末的蒸汽机驱动到20世纪初的内燃机,再到现在的电动汽车和自动驾驶技术,每一次 技术的革新都极大地推动了汽车的发展。 环保需求 随着环保意识的提高,豪华轿车的未来发展趋势将更加注重环保。例如,电动汽车的普 及就是对传统燃油车污染问题的有力回应。预计未来几年,电动汽车的市场份额将持续 增长。


➢The history of the car
Name: Student id:
➢ Car culture
How much do you
know about cars?
• Vehicle history • Auto and logo show • Conception car
➢ History---elder stories
➢ Modern
In the 1990 s, the world automobile industry after nearly 10 years of sustained growth. After entering the 21st century, the global auto industry growth began to slow. Because Asian car market comprehensive capacity, combined with China's auto industry booming, formation and North America, Europe, Asia is legs and stand of the auto market. In under the background of the accelerating economic globalization and technological progress, the world automobile industry presents a range of different development characteristics. The car industry still have development space, is still the leading industry of the world economic development.



Automotive industry
The automotive industry is a key sector of the global economy, employing families of people and generating significant economic output It involves the design, production, and sales of motor vehicles, including cars, trucks, buses, and related parts and services
The characteristics of automotive after-sales service English: Automotive after-sales service English requires expressing friendliness, patience, paying attention to customer experience and satisfaction, using standardized service language, and skills to solve customer problems.
Learning methods for automotive after-sales service English: By learning automotive professional English vocabulary, participating in after-sales service training, simulating customer communication scenarios and practices, etc., improve the English proficiency of automotive after-sales service personnel.


Industrial revolution
The first car
The first gasoline car
October 1885 , Carl Benz , designed and manufactured a gasoline loading threewheel car .
high-speed like planes computer control,safer
less more humanzied design
multifunctional less accident
general speed not snsitive enough
large more defects
丰田购买福特汽车的引擎,研究并研发自己的产品。 在精益生产方式的带领下,丰田走在日本汽车制造商 的前沿,然后也逐渐成为世界领先的汽车制造商。
The most famous automobile brands:
USA: General Motors 通用 Ford 福特 Europe: volkswagen 大众 daimler 戴姆勒 Japan: Toyota 丰田
(1885年10月,奔驰发明 了世界上第一台由汽油引 擎机发动的三轮车)
After the 20th century , cars no longer just the Europeans dominated , Ford , invented Ford "T" car , which built water production line ,starting a new car period. (20世纪后,汽车不再只是欧洲人主 导,美国福特公司推出T型车并且发 明了流水线生产方式,将汽车行业领 入新时代。)


• great resistance
Beetle car
First came the streamlined body, which is sold around the world. Then came the boat car, shaped like a boat, reflecting the peopleoriented spirit. The boat car is easy to handle and comfortable to ride in. With the center of gravity of the car moves forward, improving the ability to resist the transverse wind . But because the tail of the boat body extends backward, high-speed movement produces eddy current, so people put the glass behind the boat body tilting, makes it look like the back of a fish, therefore it more known as the fish car.
large number of common parts for large-scale assembly line production, so its productivity is better. Other companies are much higher. B. Secondly, in order to strengthen the workers' enthusiasm for production, Ford has greatly increased the wages of workers. The $5 a day salary makes them take the lead in owning a car and can devote more enthusiasm to their work.


The First Chinese Private Car
1902年袁世凯.(Yuan Shih - k'ai)从美国购买了一辆汽车,作为送给慈禧 (Empress Dowager Ci Xi)的生日礼物。当时中国没有会驾驶汽车的人,后 招募到给皇亲国戚赶马车的孙福龄给慈禧驾驶汽车。可后来,慈禧将该汽车打 入了冷宫,孙福龄一家逃出北京……
China's First Homemade Car
我国的第一辆汽车于1929年5月在沈 阳问世,由张学良将军掌管的辽宁迫 击炮厂制造。从美国购进“瑞雪”号 整车一辆,作为样车。到1931年5月 历时两年,终于试制成功我国第一辆 汽车,命名为民生牌75型汽车,开 辟了中国自制汽车的先河,终究是值 得钦佩的。
Leonardo da Vinci's Design
15 century
the famous Italian artist, scientist, technician Da Vinci (达芬奇)had designed: with the horizontal rotation of a toothed disc, it transfers the force to the axle with wheels connected to through the clockwork power, The car can go forward. But Da Vinci's work is limited to theoretical assumptions.
Dutchman Simon Steven's Sailing
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