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一、中英小学教育体制比较 1.教育理念不同 中国的小学教育理念与英国相比截然不同,最大的不同是:中国重视输入式授课,当然,这也表现了我们的优点,我们的学生基础扎实;中国学生在接受新事物时总是有畏惧心理,与英国学生相比,创造能力较差,不管是课后作业答案,还是设计报告,期中、期末考试,中国教育更为重视答案的标准化,以及成绩的高低。而英国小学教育重视学生的动手能力以及实践中的创造性思维。这也是中西方教育的根本区别。 中国的小学生往往有很好的记忆能力和数学基础,这也是中国学生在应试教育的环境下磨练出来的,这使孩子们从小学起就有很多压力。但英国的小学教育更多是要求学生去参与、实践、合作,英国小学的很多课程都安排有案例学习和组合合作学习的教学活动,教师在课堂上往往同学生一起思考、动手,启发式的学习。因此,英国小学教育变被动学习为主动学习,学习情境、学习态度同中国有天壤之别。 此外,在英国小学课堂上,孩子们学习比较自由、轻松。这是由英国的历史和文化原因造成的,在这种文化的影响下,孩子们的学习具有自主性,学习是他们自己的事情,怎样学习?学习什么知识?教师与家长仅仅起引导作用,剩下的都是小学生自己的事情。因此,英国的小学教育体制更看重学生的全面发展,培养学生的合作精神,而中国学生更看重的是考试成绩和自我发展,团队意识不强。 2.办学特点不同 (1)中国小学办学特点 中国现在已经普及小学六年制义务教育,学生免费享受受教育权利,学校大都是公立学校,管理相对严格,家长在孩子小学期间就注重孩子的学习成绩,并且中国的中学差别较大,学生进入好的中学需要有好的小学成绩。因此,中国学生从小学开始就背负着学习成绩以及升学的压力。学生在学校中从小就要做一个“好学生” ,自由度不高。 (2)英国小学办学特点 ①开放性强。英国的小学分为私立、公立和教会小学三种,这三种学校在教育制度、生源等方面的差别和界限较小。以圣保罗小学为例,该小学是教会学校,但也招收无宗教背景和非基督教背景的学生,而且这些学生所占的比例在逐年增加。学校课程中的宗教内容比重也比较小,注重平等、宽容、守时、诚实等习惯和品德的培养。 英国小学的开放性还表现在对外交流上,特别是与其他学校的交流特别多,充满了多样性,他们每周都会与其他学校有交流活动,形式也多种多样,例如,相互参观校园,进行球类比赛、集体互动、野餐等。通过这种方式不仅培养了小学生的社交能力,同时也提前让学生有了接触社会的机会。另外,因为英国高等教育体制的完备,世界上每年都有很多留学生或学者到英国学习访问,他们的子女就在当地学校学习。通过这种便利条件,这些小学经常邀请留学生或者学者给孩子们进行讲座,内容包括其他国家的人文环境与地域文化等,通过这种方式,大大开阔了孩子们的视野,充实了他们的头脑,给他们营造了一个缤纷的世界,为提高学生的创造能力,打下了基础。 ②自由程度高。英国小学的自由程度很高,主要表现在两个方面:一是学校有很大的自主权,学校不受教学大纲条条框框的限制,每个学校的课程编排得都比较自由,因而不同的学校都有自己的教学特色,学校可以根据学期进展的情况、家长的建议、突发性事件等状况随时调整教学内容、教学安排和教学方法,因而具有很大的灵活性。二是学生有很大的自由度。英国小学生所得到的自由可以满足他们的好奇心,以此激发学习兴趣。学生可以带自己喜欢的玩具、宠物以及自己制作的小发明等到学校,然后和老师同学一起分享,这和中国小学不准带与学习无关的东西到学校是截然不同的。此外,英国的学生们可以随时离开学校,与父母


中英高等教育评估的比较研究- 摘要:英国高等教育评估体系经过长期的发展得以建立并逐渐完善,通过对英国高等教育的管理体制、拨款和质量保障体系,英国高校的研究与评估、经费筹措渠道及内部配置等进行分析,对中英高等教育评估进行比较研究,揭示我国高等教育评估中存在的问题并提出建议。 关键词:中英高等教育;教育评估;比较研究 中英高等教育评估的历史发展比较 英国高等教育评估体系经过长期的发展得以建立并逐步完善。英国高等教育评估体系的发展与政府和大学的关系变化紧密相关。19世纪之前,英国高校依靠私人捐助和学费维持发展,保持高度自治状态;19世纪中期以后,英国受德国高等教育发展经验的影响,政府开始介入高校发展;一战爆发后,英政府与高校的关系更加密切,并于1919年成立了具有世界示范效应的“大学拨款委员会”。该委员会充当政府与高校的中介,政府得以介入高校事务,但高校自治传统依然保留。20世纪60年代,英国高校数量和学生数量大幅增加,逐步向大众化发展,进而使政府对高校的质量监控成为必要。在经历规范学位证书颁发之后,1964年,英国成立了第一个高等教育质量保证的全国学位授予委员会(CNAA)。CNAA作为英国高等教育史上第一个明确以质量保证为运行目的的高等教育组织,成为英国高等教育质量保证体系确立的标志。但从高等教育评估制度的完整性看,尚处在初级阶段。 20世纪70、80年代,鉴于教育质量的下降以及效率理念的盛行,建立完善的高等教育质量评估制度被逐渐提上日程,以

确保高等教育经费的使用更加有效。1983年,英国大学校长和副校长委员会与大学拨款委员会联合成立了“学术标准小组”,开始研究大学教育和管理的质量评估,并最终在英国政府的主导下,形成以大学基金委员会(UFC)、多科技术学院与其他学院基金委员会(PCFC)和CNAA为主的“双轨制”的拨款与质量保证体系。该体系突破了将质量保证仅看作高校内部事务的传统观念,其将质量与成本作为高校拨款依据的做法,代表了英国高等教育评估制度的发展方向。但“双轨制”造成了高等教育内部的等级分化,不利于公平发展。为此,英国成立高等教育拨款委员会(HEFC)。HEFC虽非政府组织,但其成立及工作的开展,无疑加强了政府对高等教育评估制度的影响。此后,英国《继续与高等教育法》于1992年颁布实施,正式废除“双轨制”,并最终于1997年正式成立了现在的“高等教育质量保证署”(QAA),全面负责英国高等教育的评估和质量保证。QAA成立后,先后颁布了《高等教育质量保证框架-6》《学术审核及运行手册》,并对高校实行审计,继续改革学科评价。至此,英国高等教育评估制度的新框架基本建成。 与英国相比,中国特色的高等教育评估制度起步较晚。大致可分为三个阶段: 一是研究阶段。1983年,我国召开首届高等教育工作会议,第一次提出对重点高校进行评议,并组织力量对高等教育评估进行研究。随后,我国先后颁布《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》、印发《关于开展高等工程教育评估研究和试点工作的通知》,开展高等教育评估工作的试点。1988年,对35所高等工科高校进行评估,检验试点工作成果,并提出建立高等教育评估制度的意见与方案。至1993年《中国教育改革和发展纲要》颁布时,


A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China Abstract:In a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for the children . Children are the hopes of a nation , and family education is the elementary education for children . There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture . And American family education is the most famous one among them1. There are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education , methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education . This thesis will complete the comparative study from the differences , the reasons and the results of family education between America and China . The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education . At the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly . Keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around development Main Body: Ⅰ.The differences of family education between America and China: 1.The concepts of family education are different . The different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive differert education . In China , many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future , a good job , a good life or not . Based on these expectations , the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future2. Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth . In short , they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help . Therefore, in the process of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to develop their


中英教育差异初探 广西工学院 摘要:目前到英国留学已经成为许多中国学生的梦想之一,越来越多的学生和家长看到了英国教育的优势。为何中国人梦想去英国留学?中英教育存在哪些差异?本文将从教育体制、教育理念、教学方法、课外活动等四个方面探讨中英两国教育的差异,并总结各自的优势与劣势,为中国教育改革提供参考和帮助。 关键词:中英教育差异教育体制教学方法教育理念课外活动 中英两国教育制度都有着悠久的发展历史,形成了自己独具特色的教学体系。我国不断提倡教育改革,要达到真正的改革目的,中国教育制度必须放眼世界,参照西方教学模式,取长补短,彻底摆脱传统应试教育。中国教育与西方教育存在着很大的差异,现就英国教育与中国教育比较,主要从教育体制、教育理念、教学方法和课外活动方面来分析。 一、教育体制差异 教育体制是教育中非常关键的一部分,对整个教育系统起着非常重要的作用。中国教育体制从近现代以来,一直都分为小学、初中、高中、大学、研究生、博士几个阶段。在小学和初中实行义务教育,学习学校规定的科目,至高中才能自主选择自己以后继续学习的方向——文科或理科。学生在小学和高中阶段都是为高考做准备,承受很大的学习压力。 英国政府多年来为全国五至十六岁的学生提供强制教育。在十三岁到十六岁的时候,学生们进入独立学校(即类似于中国的初级中学),学生们在独立学校的任务基本上是准备GCSE的考试。GCSE是一个普通中学教育证书,学生们可以选择最多至十个不同的科目。拿到了GCSE的证书,也就标志着中学教育的结束。完成中学的课程并拿到GCSE后,学生就可以决定是要念高等学校还是为工作做准备。学生在这时候是不可以直接去大学的,GCSE的完成是相当于中国的高中一年级结束,而中国的高中二年级和三年级(年龄在约16至18岁)就是英国的延续教育(扩充教育)时期。延续教育是指中学教育以上,本科程度以下的教育,通常在延续教育学院而不是在大学修读。课程侧重职业训练方面,但亦照顾到不同年龄人士对一般学术课程的需求。 在高等教育概念上,中国高等教育分为专科生、本科生、硕士生和博士生四个层次,除此之外还有成人高等教育,学校类型分为大学和学院。在英国,高等教育


* * * *大学 课程论文 (20**-20**学年*季学期) 论文题目:A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China 课程名称:跨文化交际策略与技巧 任课教师:**** 班级:123 学号:123 姓名:123 日期:20**年*2月*0日

A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China Abstract:In a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for the children . Children are the hopes of a nation , and family educatio n is the elementary education for children . There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture . And American family education is the most famous one among them1. There are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education , methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education . This thesis will complete the comparative study from the differences , the reasons and the results of family education between America and China . The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education . At the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly . Keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around development Main Body: Ⅰ.The differences of family education between America and China: 1.The concepts of family education are different . The different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive differert education . In China , many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future , a good job , a good life or not . Based on these expectations , the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future2. Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth . In short , they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help . Therefore, in the process of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to develop their children’s intellect , except for caring chi ldren’s daily life . In order to make their children have a good performance in study , become outstanding , or even become a famous person in the future ,


中英文对照外文翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) What Do Educational Mismatches Tell Us About Skill Mismatches? A Cross-country Analysis Introduction There is a substantial research literature which deals with various aspects of imperfect matching between graduates’ e ducational attainment and the educational requirements of jobs. In the economic literature on over-education, over-utilisation and underutilisation more especially, the relationship between higher education and employment is interpreted in terms of the extent to which the higher education sector provides graduates with the knowledge and skills to match employment needs (see Borghans & De Grip, 2000; Büchel, De Grip & Mertens,2003). This match is believed to affect productivity, earnings, and work satisfaction. Most of this research concentrated on the effects of working in a job that does not match one’s level of education, the underlying assumption being that this imposes a limitation on the use of skills. In addition, many


The similarities and differences between British and Chinese education China has a long history in of education. The education system is being consummated gradually,While The Great Britain is the typical r epresentative of western educator, who owns more advanced education system . 第一段,就是开头,无实质性内容 No matter the education in the UK or in the china , education is the process through schools, colleges, universities, and other institutions, deliberately transmits its cultural heritage—its accumulated knowledge, values, and skills--from one generation to another. And the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and other basic skills which they will need to become active members of society and build their future . 第二段,就是The similarities,但我也不知道该写什么,就差不多写的算是教育的本质概念吧,你说:“ 特别是第二段一会儿讲中国好一会儿讲英国好。 最好能分不同方面讲, 比如:从学生基础知识方面,学生实践能力方面分析。 或者从优缺点两方面讲,第一段讲中英教育分别有的有点第二段讲中英教育的缺点。。 这样文章更清晰一些。” 我觉得你是在说第三段吧, However there are tremendous differences about in education between United Kingdom and China. There are a number of phenomena to illustrate it. For example ,in China, students have to spend almost all their time on studying t heir major courses such as English, math, biology, geography and so on, which is boring. English, math, biology, geography and so on that are boring as their major courses W hile students in the UK are taught music, art and so on and they spend much free time on what they are interested in in the UK.;Morever, Teachers and students would like to be the friends in the UK. They enjoy discussing and solving questions in class .On the contrary in China teachers are over-strict.And Students are quiet and absolutely taught in class .;However the most attractive point in Chinese education system is that Chinese people emphasize the traditional knowledge, which makes the students have a solid foundation. While the western students learn slowly.


浅析中英高等教育的差异 摘要:随着社会的发展,中国的教育,尤其是高等教育业在不断发展,一批批高等院校如雨后春笋般呈现。在我国高等教育发展的过程中,我们在本国国情的基础上不断引进西方先进的教学模式,改变教学理念及其思维形式,探讨出了适合本国国情的高等教育发展模式,与发达国家的差距不断缩短。但是任何事物都有特殊性,我国与发达国家在高等教育方面存在着很多差异性,本文着重以中英为例来比较两国在高等教育方面的差异,并简要分析存在差异的原因。 关键词中英高等教育差异分析 一、引言 随着知识经济时代的到来,科技在国家的发展中发挥了不可替代的作用,国家的发展靠科技,科技的创新靠人才,人才的发展靠教育,这足以凸显教育尤其是高等教育在未来知识经济时代的重要性。随着我国在国际上的地位不断提高,我国的教育尤其是高等教育在教育理念、教学方法以及教学模式、教学评价方面面临着严峻的挑战,与英国发达国家教育模式相比存在着很大差异性,我们应找出中英高等教育的差异,吸取其优秀的办学经验为我国所用。 二、中英高等教育的差异 由于中国和英国这两个国家之间的具体国情都不一样,使得两个国家的高等教育工作存在的较大的差异。笔者通过查阅相关文献资料,并并结合自身对我国高等教育的认识,主要从教育理念、教学内容、教学模式以及教学评价等这几个方面进行逐一地探讨分析,具体情况如下: (一)教育理念方面的差异。 教育理念是指在教育长期发展的过程中所形成的对教育实质、教育价值以及教育功能等问题的基本看法和观点。教育理念决定着教育发展的方向以及教育的成效。中英两国由于各自的基本国情不同、高等教育发展历史不同,使得两国高等教育在教育理念方面存在着很大差别,形成了以英国为代表的“人文主义”和以中国为代表的“社会本位论”两种截然不同的教育观。以英国为代表的“人文主义”教育观认为,在教育,尤其是高等教育的过程中,学生已经成年,他们知道自己该做什么,不该做什么,已形成自己的世界观、人生观和价值观,高等教育应给予学生充分的自由,尊重其个人的价值,努力满足其各方面的需要,促进学生健康的发展;而以中国为代表的“社会本位论”则认为,在教育发展的过程中,社会的需要永远排在第一位,单纯的个人追求是不允许存在的,高等学校如何组织、实施高等教育关键看社会的需要,取决于社会发展的需要,个人永远是为社会服务的,个人的价值取决于社会价值,个人接受高等教育是为了满足社会的需求。这种“社会本位论”教育观忽视了个人需求、忽视了个人价值的实现,缺乏一定的人文关怀,长期以来会阻碍学生的兴趣、个性的发展,从而不利于我国高等教育的发展。 (二)教学内容方面的差异。 在教学内容上,英国高校不指定上课专用的教材,使用什么教材由任课老师自由选择,这样老师在授课过程中,一般会向学生推荐多种资料或参考文献,让学生了解不同学者不同的观念,开阔自己的视野、增长见识。而且老师在授课过程中除了强调知识的系统性外,更注重知识的前沿性,注重该领域的最新发展成果,该领域的新动态、新方向,保证学生跟上时代和科技发展的要求,成为时代


Food Culture Generally speaking, we Chinese think food is very important to man. People often associate food with important holidays and the chance to meet distinguished guests. The Chinese food not only is very delicious and tasty but also very pleasing to your senses and many of dishes have very beautiful and fancy names. The Chinese have the food culture of our own which are quite different from westerners. In the west, people pay more attention to the nutrition of food rather than the looks of it. The cuisine and table manners are quite different from ours in a great extent. Greeting by Asking Your Meal in China It is a very common practice we Chinese people say "Have you had your meal?" when they meet each other around the time before or after meals. Sometimes they even ask this question everywhere even in toilets. In fact, it is a kind of greeting to communicate with each other. But foreigners cannot understand that because they think why you ask me this. They tend to think you want to invite me to dinner or I am not rich enough to feed myself regularly but that is my business not yours. Chinese think food is very important and essential to people so it shows some care and concern about you. Everything is eatable in China It seems that we eat everything and everything can be eatable in Chinese food, whether it comes from land or from the sky or from the sea or whether it is wild or domestic or whether it is inside or outside. Foreigners cannot imagine we eat the food like snakes, dogs and even frogs. When we sell the meat from the animal and poultry, we normally sell it as a whole or cut it from the whole body. I know a woman American teacher didn't want to buy and eat pork when she first came to China because she saw the meat cut from a certain part of the pig. In English, we know the animals and their meat are used different words because the words of the meat from animals originally come from French and they are used by upper class while the words of animals are Anglo Saxon, which are used by the farmer of lower class. So there are pig and pork, sheep and mutton and cattle and beef in English but it is not the case in Chinese. Name of Dishes is Implicit in Chinese Food Very often it puzzles foreigners a lot that we ask and talk so much when we order our food in the restaurant. One reason is we ask what the food or the dish is and try to clarify it because you sometimes never know what the food is just according the name of the food until it is put on your table in the restaurant just. Sometimes the food is very simple but the name is very obscure. For example one of the dishes is called "Ants Climbing the Trees." But the food is simple potato noodles and bits of meat in it, while most of western food has a simple and clear name and you know what it is when you hear the name. For instance, there is a traditional food call "fish and chips" in the UK. You see it is very obvious it is fried fish and potato chips. The reason for this in China is on the one hand to try to tell you the way it cooks such as cook, fry, grill and broil in the name and on the other it has beautiful good names so that you have a good imagination and association to let you have a good appetite. Too Much Food to Eat at meals We Chinese think it very disgraceful if we don't cook the food enough for the guests so we normally cook more food than guests eat. If you finish your food at meal, the host and hostess usually add more and more food in your dish or bowl without asking you whether you want it or not so as to show they are polite to the guests. They will keep saying, "eat more" and in English


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/562721746.html, 中英高等教育体系差异 作者:吴双 来源:《合作经济与科技》2011年第24期 提要中英教育体系,在学制、教学侧重点、成绩评定等方面都有着较大的差异。可以取 长补短,使中国高校的教学理念、教学手段、教学方法跟上时代发展的步伐。 关键词:中英;高等教育;差异 中图分类号:G5 文献标识码:A 笔者于2001年赴英留学,在英国完成了高中、大学和研究生学习,2009年回国后成为一名高校教师。通过亲身经历感受到中英两国高等教育体系中,在学制、教学侧重点、成绩评定等方面存在巨大差异,对两国创新型人才培养、对知识经济的促进产生各自不同的作用。 一、学制、培养方式差异 第一,中国大学本科学制四年,英国大学学制三年。英国大学第一年成绩不计入三年本科总成绩,英国学生在大学第一年所学课程均为各系公共课,各系派出优秀教师讲授本专业领域内经典课程,学校提供一个月时间给学生选择和决定自己的专业;相反在国内,学生踏进校门的时候就已经选定了自己的专业,极少有在大学期间改变自身专业的情况与条件。 第二,中国大学一学年分为2个学期,每学期20周,主要对课堂所学进行掌握;英国大学一学年分为3个学期,每学期10周,主要对学生进行综合能力培养,鼓励学生半工半读,且有专门老师帮助学生联系工作。英国学生愿意花更多的时间在运动、艺术、社团活动、社会实践和课外兼职等方面。 第三,英国的大学在每学年结束,都有一部分学生被要求留级或者退学,这是因为他们不适合这个专业或者这个学校。退学后他们可以更换专业或者学校,找到更适合自己的发展方向。而在中国大学,因成绩等原因被退学的情况相对较少,在同一学校顺利毕业的可能性相对较高,而学生在退学后难以更换学校或专业继续学习。 第四,中国大学课程一般分为考试和考查科目。英国没有考查课,所有科目都是以学分的形式体现,每科10~20学分不等,大学一般要修满120学分才算合格。 总体来说,中国大学注重课堂教育,以灌输式“应试教育”为主,高校教育“严进宽出”;而英国大学注重综合培养,以自主选择式“能力教育”为主,高校教育“宽进严出”。 二、教育侧重点差异


A part of western education emphasizes the teaching of students' independent thinking and the way of expressing themselves. Many factual information is found in the book, so the teacher focuses on how to help the students interpret the content in a more meaningful way. As the Greek philosopher Socrates, American teachers and students will continue to ask questions to force you to state your view, and others openly share. Based on these differences, Chinese students to the United States at the beginning of the school will have a great impact, see the American students to ask questions or answer, and even to the challenge of the professor, will feel uncomfortable, think these students how to be so arrogant and disrespect, students should absolutely comply with the authority of the professor is. Moreover, my English is so poor, why should I make a fool? With the Americans and other countries' friends. Participate in the school club, sports organizations, students will, and so can promote social life. In the local community, you can join a number of service organizations and volunteer organizations, the reception family, etc.. Although there are academic pressures, but a lot of benefits to participate in extra-curricular activities, but also the way to lift the pressure. The creative thinking in the process of American school more attention to practice and practice. This is an important distinction between domestic education and Western education. Domestic students tend to have amazing memory capability and good mathematical foundation, which is Chinese students to achieve success in the exam oriented education, but higher education in the United States more require students to participation, practice and creation, many courses are arranged a case study and the discussion of time and students of case analysis and statements with students as the center of teaching activities. The teacher to the students face a very short time, about students with learning time is about 30%. The rest of the time depends on the students themselves, the library access to information, the students to discuss each other, to learn to understand the relevant knowledge. In the process of participation and practice, students self-learning and their ability to solve the problem has been improved. Because they change from passive learning to active learning attitude, learning effect is different, there are different. American education is the combination of the universal and the elite education, you can let the students choose to be when civilians or do the elite". Own choose "elite" road and need to work hard and struggle, to choice of civilian road walk, accepts the popularization education, flat faint, madding crowd to accept society needed to survive the basic knowledge education. This is why a lot of knowledge teaching. Only to a point. Such education is the education of the mass of the populace. Chinese students have no choice in this form of society, the United States is different, choose the "elite" of the road, a few people, as long as the hard work, serious study, and strive to "essence" "deep", also can realize their "elite" education. 西方教育的一部份强调的是教导学生独立思考及各种自我表达的方式。很多事实资讯在书中就找得到,因此老师着重的是如何帮助学生以更有意义的方式来诠释课程内容。一如希腊哲人苏格拉底,美国的老师和同学会不断发问逼你陈
