



‎‎‎‎商务英语信‎函的7c原‎则篇一:‎商‎务信函的7‎C原则 P‎r inci‎p les ‎o f Bu‎s ines‎s Let‎t er W‎r itin‎g商务信‎函写作原则‎为达到通‎过信函有效‎沟通的目的‎,有必要掌‎握写好国际‎商务函电的‎原则。

一般‎地,商务信‎函有以下七‎个方面的写‎作规则,通‎常被称为“‎7C原则”‎:‎1‎.Clea‎r ness‎[ kl‎?rn?s‎]清楚‎清楚原则包‎括两个方面‎的内容,‎一是写‎信者在拟文‎前知道自己‎要写什么;‎二是‎对文收到信‎函时可以完‎全了解写信‎者要表达的‎意思,不会‎产生误解。


‎2.Co‎n cise‎n ess ‎[k?n ‎s a?sn‎?s]简洁‎简洁是指‎用最少的语‎言表达最丰‎富完整的内‎容,并且不‎影响信函的‎礼貌性。




‎ 3.C‎o rrec‎t ness‎[k? ‎r?ktn‎?s]准确‎商务英语‎的信函与买‎卖双方的权‎力、义务、‎利害关系、‎企业形像等‎息息相关,‎是制作各种‎商业单据的‎依据,以及‎进行商业活‎动往来的重‎要凭证。




‎ 4.‎C oncr‎e tene‎s s [ ‎kɑnkr‎i tn?s‎]具体具‎体原则是指‎信函中涉及‎的内容要言‎之有物,信‎息要详实具‎体、丰富生‎动,表达要‎完整。















商务信函写作中留意避开类似:soon, at an early date,good,nearly等笼统的、含混不清的表达法。

例如:I will send the samples to you soon.就不如I will send the samples to you in two weeks.假如能再详细,那就更好了,例如I will send the samples to you next Monday.5.Courtesy 礼貌原则为了建立、保持一个友好贸易关系,商务英语信函往来一般要留意礼貌原则,以理待人。



1. 清晰性(Clarity):文章的内容必须清晰明了,表达直接,读者能够快速理解作者的意图和信息。

2. 简洁性(Conciseness):文章应简洁明了,避免冗余和复杂的表达方式,使读者能够快速理解文章的主旨。

3. 具体性(Concreteness):文章应使用具体、明确的词汇和表达方式,避免抽象和模糊的表达。

4. 准确性(Correctness):文章的语言和信息必须准确无误,避免使用错误的语法、拼写或表达方式。

5. 一致性(Consistency):文章在逻辑和语言表达上必须保持一致,避免前后矛盾或不确定的表达。

6. 正式性(Cordiality):在商务英语写作中,文章的语言和语气应保持正式和礼貌,尊重读者的感受和利益。

7. 完整性(Completeness):文章必须完整地传达作者的意思,不遗漏任何重要信息或细节。
























The 7Cs of Business English Letter WritingWhen writing a business English letter, it is essential to adhere to the 7Cs principle: clarity, conciseness, correctness, consideration, concreteness, courtesy, and completeness. Here's an example of a business letter that follows these guidelines:Subject: Inquiry Regarding Product SupplyDear [Recipient's Name],I hope this message finds you well. I am writing from [Your Company Name] to express our interest in exploring a potential business partnership with your esteemed organization.We have been impressed with your range of products and are particularly interested in [Specific Product or Service]. We would like to inquire about the possibility of obtaining a supply of these products on a regular basis.Could you please provide us with detailed information regarding pricing, availability, and terms of payment? We would also appreciate it if you could share any relevant promotional materials or brochures that would assist us in understanding your products better.We value your time and look forward to your prompt response. Thank you for considering our inquiry.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Contact Information]中文版本:商务英语信函写作的7C原则在撰写商务英语信函时,必须遵循7C原则:清晰性(Clarity)、简洁性(Conciseness)、正确性(Correctness)、礼貌性(Consideration)、具体性(Concreteness)、礼貌性(Courtesy)和完整性(Completeness)。



7c原则在商务英语函电中的应用The 7Cs Principle in Business English CorrespondenceIn the fast-paced world of business, effective communication is key to success. Whether it's through emails, letters, or memos, the way we communicate can make a significant impact on how we are perceived by our colleagues and clients. One principle that can help us improve our communication skills is the 7Cs Principle. This principle outlines seven key elements of effective communication that can be applied to any form of business English correspondence.1. ClearnessThe first C in the 7Cs Principle is clearness. Clear communication is essential in business English correspondence to ensure that the message is easily understood by the recipient. When writing a letter or email, it is important to be concise and to the point. Avoid using jargon or complex language that might confuse the reader. Instead, use simple and straightforward language to convey your message clearly.2. ConcisenessConciseness is another important element of effective communication. In business English correspondence, it is crucialto get to the point quickly and succinctly. Avoid unnecessary details or filler words that can make your message unclear or difficult to follow. Keep your sentences short and to the point, and use bullet points or lists to highlight key information.3. ConcretenessConcreteness refers to the use of specific examples, facts, and details to support your message. In business English correspondence, it is important to provide concrete information that helps the recipient understand the context and purpose of your communication. Use specific examples, data, and evidence to support your arguments and make your message more persuasive.4. CorrectnessCorrectness is essential in business English correspondence to maintain a professional image and convey credibility. Check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation carefully before sending any correspondence. Use a spell checker or grammar checking tool to catch any errors, and proofread your message for clarity and accuracy. Additionally, make sure to use the appropriate tone and style for the recipient and context of the communication.5. CourtesyCourtesy is an important aspect of communication that can help build positive relationships with your colleagues and clients. In business English correspondence, it is essential to be polite, respectful, and considerate towards the recipient. Use appropriate greetings and salutations, and express gratitude or appreciation when necessary. Avoid using rude or aggressive language that can alienate the reader and undermine the purpose of your communication.6. CompletenessCompleteness refers to the inclusion of all necessary information in your communication. In business English correspondence, it is important to provide all relevant details, instructions, and contact information to ensure that the recipient has everything they need to respond or take action. Be thorough in your communication and address any potential questions or concerns that the recipient may have.7. ConsiderationConsideration involves thinking about the recipient's perspective and needs when communicating. In business English correspondence, it is important to consider the recipient'sbackground, preferences, and expectations to tailor your message effectively. Anticipate any potential misunderstandings or objections that the recipient might have and address them proactively in your communication. Additionally, show empathy and understanding towards the recipient's situation to build rapport and trust.In conclusion, the 7Cs Principle is a valuable tool for improving communication skills in business English correspondence. By applying these seven elements – clearness, conciseness, concreteness, correctness, courtesy, completeness, and consideration – you can enhance the effectiveness and impact of your communication with colleagues and clients. By following these principles, you can ensure that your messages are clear, concise, and appropriate for the intended audience, leading to better outcomes and stronger relationships in the business world.。



• 看下面的例子。 • Thank you for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter in to business relations with your company. In compliance you’re your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us. Your prompt reply would be highly appreciated. • 这是一封建立贸易关系函,尽管函件本身的篇幅很短, 但表示礼貌的表达方式或词汇先后出现了4次(见下划 线部分),可以看出礼貌用语在商务英语信函中出现的 频率很高。
• Brown和Levinson(1987)曾经指出,表达一个可能威胁对方面子的言语 行为时,说话者可以使语言模糊一些,以此来避免伤害对方。商务信 函中可以灵活使用一些模糊措词,提高语言表达的效率和灵活性,使 语言表达更委婉、含蓄,让对方更乐于接受。这种措词并不是指语言 的歧义性,意义含糊不清,读者不容易明白的词语,而是融词汇内涵 的可塑性、有限性与外延的模糊性、无限性于一体,既可表达言外之 意,又留有回旋的余地,符合商务信函的语旨特点。例如: • (1)We think It fair to point out that recent changes in import quot as may cause us difficulty in executing contract order sand that some delay is inevitable. • 本公司必须指出,近来进口限额的改变,可能使我们在履行进口合约 方面遇到困难;而且稍微迟误也是在所难免的。(到底多长时间是稍 微迟误呢?这里并不清楚,一方面给自己留有一定的回旋余地,另一 方面,也让对方感觉时间不会很长,只是“稍微”。) • (2)As far as we know, they are sound enough, but we have no certain knowledge of their true financial position.




一般地,商务信函有以下七个方面的写作规则,通常被称为“7C原则”:1.Clearness 清楚原则清楚包括两个方面的内容,一是写信者在拟文前知道自己要写什么;二是对文收到信函时可以完全了解写信者要表达的意思,不会产生误解。


2.Conciseness 简洁原则简洁是指用最少的语言表达最丰富完整的内容,并且不影响信函的礼貌性。




3.Correctness 准确原则商务英语的信函与买卖双方的权力、义务、利害关系、企业形像等息息相关,是制作各种商业单据的依据,以及进行商业活动往来的重要凭证。




4.Concreteness 具体原则具体原则是指信函中涉及的内容要言之有物,信息要详实具体、丰富生动,表达要完整。

商务信函写作中注意避免类似:soon, at an early date, good, nearly 等笼统的、含混不清的表达法。

例如:I will send the samples to you soon. 就不如 I will send the samples to you in two weeks. 如果能再具体,那就更好了,例如 I will send the samples to you next Monday.5.Courtesy 礼貌原则为了建立、保持一个友好贸易关系,商务英语信函往来一般要注意礼貌原则,以理待人。


写信的原则(Writing Principles)已从原来的3个“C”(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy)发展到目前的7个“C”: Completeness, Clearness, Concreteness, Conciseness, Correctness, Courtesy, Consideration
Dear Sirs,
With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 tons of Copper Wire as per your Offer Sheet No.8/070/02B. Please go ahead and apply for your Export Licence. As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export Licence we will open the L/C by cable.
关于你们四月九日涵,我们高兴地接受你们第8/070/02B号报盘单所报100吨紫色铜丝。 请着手办理申请出口许可 证。一经接到出口许可证号码的通知,当即电



商务信函7C原则写信的原则(Writing Principles)已从原来的3个“C”(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy)发展到目前的7个“C”:Completeness, Clearness, Concreteness,Conciseness, Correctness, Courtesy, Consideration商务函电的作用,一是索取信息或传递信息,二是处理商务交流中有关事宜,三是联络与沟通感情。
















商务英语函电的7c原则In the realm of business communication, the 7Cs principle stands as a guiding framework to ensure that messages are clear, concise, and effective. This principle is particularly crucial in the context of business English correspondence, where clarity and professionalism are paramount. Below, we delve into each of the 7Cs and how they apply to crafting impactful business emails.Clarity: The first C stands for clarity. Business emails should be written in a manner that is easily understood bythe recipient. Avoid jargon and complex language that may confuse the reader. The message should be straightforward and to the point.Conciseness: The second C emphasizes the importance of being concise. In a world where time is a precious commodity, a business email should be brief yet comprehensive. It should convey the necessary information without unnecessary details that may dilute the message.Correctness: This C highlights the need for accuracy inthe content of the email. Facts, figures, and information should be checked and verified to ensure they are correct. Mistakes can lead to miscommunication and loss of credibility.Completeness: A complete email addresses all aspects ofthe topic at hand. It should provide all the information therecipient needs to understand the context and take the necessary action. Leaving out important details can lead to follow-up queries and delays.Conciliation: This principle encourages a tone of reconciliation and cooperation. Even in contentious situations, business emails should aim to resolve issues amicably and maintain a professional relationship.Courtesy: Courtesy is key in all forms of communication, but it is especially important in business correspondence. Emails should be polite and respectful, even when discussing sensitive or difficult topics.Consideration: The final C reminds us to consider the reader's perspective. This means tailoring the email to the recipient's needs and expectations. It also involves considering the cultural and professional context in which the email will be read.By adhering to these 7Cs, business professionals can craft emails that are not only effective in conveying information but also in building and maintaining strong business relationships. These principles serve as a foundation for clear, concise, and courteous communication, which is essential for success in the global business environment.。



















一、Conrtasy 礼貌语气要有礼、谦虚,及时地回信也是礼貌的表现。

We have received with many thanks your letter of May 20th,and we take the pleasure of mending you our latest catalog. We wish to draw your attention to a special offer which we have made in it.我们希望我们在目录里的优惠可以吸引你的注意。

You will be particularly interested in a special offer on page 5 of the latest catalog enclosed which you requested in your letter of May 20th.对新目录第5页的优惠,您将会非常感兴趣,那是您在5/20的邮件里要求的。

二、Consideration 体谅写信时要处处从对方角度去考虑有什么需求,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。

You earn 2 percent discount when you buy more than 1000 pcs, we will send you the catalog next month(For the catalog, we will send you next month).如果你买1000个以上就可以赚取2%的折扣,我们将在下个月发送目录给您。

对比:We allow 2 percent discount for buying more than 1000 pcs. We won’t be able to send you the catalog this month.三、Completeness 完整对商业信函应概括了各项必要的事项Dear Sir or Madam,Could you help me to check below detail?具体确认的事情以及为什么要确认结束语Dear Sir or Madam,Have a nice day!BodyLook forwards to your reply/ receving your early replyThank you & Best regardsChloeSALES MANAGERCAMPANY NAMEEMAIL ADDTELFAXMSN&SKYPE四、Clarity 清楚意思表达明确,要注意1、避免用词错误As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to San Francisco. We have bimonthly(两个月/半个月) direct services改为:We have two direct sailings every month from Hong Kong to San Francsico.从香港到旧金山我们每个月有两次直接航班。



7c原则在商务英语函电中的应用全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys! Do you know what the 7C principle is in business English letters? Let me tell you all about it in a fun and easy way.First of all, the 7C principle stands for Clear, Concise, Correct, Complete, Concrete, Courteous, and Considerate. These are all super important when writing business letters.Clear means that your message should be easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid jargon or complicated words. You want to make sure your reader knows exactly what you're trying to say.Concise means keeping your message short and to the point. Don't ramble on or include unnecessary information. Get straight to the point and don't waste your reader's time.Correct means checking for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Make sure your letter is professional and error-free.Complete means including all the necessary information in your letter. Don't leave out any important details that your reader might need to know.Concrete means using specific examples or details to support your message. This makes your letter more convincing and helps your reader understand your point of view.Courteous means being polite and respectful in your language. Use please and thank you, and consider your reader's feelings.Considerate means thinking about your reader's perspective and addressing their needs or concerns. Show that you care about their feelings and opinions.So remember, when writing a business letter, always keep the 7C principle in mind. Your letters will be clear, concise, correct, complete, concrete, courteous, and considerate. And that's how you nail it in business English!篇27c Principle in Business English CorrespondenceHey guys! Today I want to talk to you about the 7c Principle in Business English correspondence. It's super important when you're writing emails or letters for work!1. Clarity: Make sure your message is super clear and easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid any jargon that might confuse the reader. Be direct and get straight to the point.2. Conciseness: Keep your message short and sweet. Don't ramble on and on. Get to the point quickly and only include the necessary information. Nobody wants to read a long, boring email.3. Correctness: Check your spelling and grammar before sending your message. You want to make a good impression, so don't let silly mistakes ruin it for you. Double check everything to make sure it's perfect.4. Concreteness: Be specific in your message. Use facts and figures to support your points. Avoid vague language that can be open to interpretation. Be clear and precise in what you're trying to say.5. Consideration: Think about the reader when writing your message. Consider their needs and preferences. Be polite and respectful in your tone. Show that you value their time and input.6. Completeness: Make sure your message includes all the necessary information. Don't leave anything out that the reader might need to know. Be thorough in your communication to avoid any confusion.7. Courtesy: Always end your message on a positive note. Thank the reader for their time and input. Use polite language and show appreciation for their attention.So there you have it, guys! Remember the 7c Principle next time you're writing a business email or letter. It will help you communicate more effectively and professionally. Thanks for listening!篇3The 7C principle is super important when we write business letters in English. It helps us to communicate clearly and effectively. Let's learn more about how we can apply the 7C principle in business English correspondence!1. Clarity: In our letters, we need to be clear and concise. Use simple and easy-to-understand language. Avoid technical jargon or complicated words that might confuse the reader.2. Correctness: Check your spelling and grammar before sending the letter. Make sure all the information is accurate and up-to-date. A mistake can make a bad impression on the recipient.3. Conciseness: Keep your letter short and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details and long sentences. Get straight to the main point and make your message easy to understand.4. Completeness: Make sure you include all the necessary information in your letter. Don't leave out important details or forget to address all the points you need to cover.5. Consideration: Think about the recipient's needs and perspective when writing your letter. Be polite and respectful in your tone. Show empathy and understanding towards their situation.6. Courtesy: Always use polite language and a friendly tone in your letters. Begin and end the letter with a polite greeting and closing. Thank the recipient for their time and consideration.7. Compliance: Follow the guidelines and standards of business communication. Use the appropriate format and style for the type of letter you are writing. Make sure you are following any legal or ethical requirements.By applying the 7C principle in your business English correspondence, you can ensure that your letters arewell-written, professional, and effective. So remember to always think about clarity, correctness, conciseness, completeness, consideration, courtesy, and compliance when writing your next business letter!篇4The 7Cs principle in business English letter writing is super important, just like following the rules in a game to win! Let's dive into how we can apply the 7Cs in our letters to make them super awesome!1. Clear: Make sure your letter is easy to understand, just like telling your friend a story. Use simple words and sentences so the reader knows exactly what you're talking about.2. Concise: Keep your letter short and to the point, like a quick chat with a friend. Don't ramble on and on, just say what you need to say and move on.3. Correct: Check and double-check your letter for any spelling or grammar mistakes, just like reviewing your homework before turning it in. You want to make sure everything is perfect!4. Complete: Make sure your letter has all the information the reader needs, like giving your friend all the details for a sleepover. Don't leave anything out or they might get confused.5. Courteous: Be polite and respectful in your letter, just like saying "please" and "thank you" to your teacher. It's important to show good manners in business letters.6. Considerate: Think about the reader's feelings and perspective when writing your letter, just like trying to see things from your friend's point of view. You want to make sure they understand and feel good about your message.7. Concrete: Use specific examples and details in your letter to make your points clear, like showing your friend a picture to help explain something. This will help the reader understand your message better.By following the 7Cs in your business English letters, you'll be sure to impress your readers and communicate effectively. Just remember to keep it clear, concise, correct, complete, courteous, considerate, and concrete! Happy writing!篇5The 7C principle is super important when you're writing business emails in English. It helps you make sure your emails are clear, concise, correct, complete, courteous, coherent, and concrete. Let's break down each C and see how it applies to business emails!1. Clear: When writing a business email, make sure your message is easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms that your reader might not know.2. Concise: Keep your emails short and to the point. Don't ramble on or include unnecessary information. Get straight to the point and be brief.3. Correct: Check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation before hitting send. Errors can make you look unprofessional and careless.4. Complete: Make sure your email includes all the information your reader needs. Don't leave out important details or neglect to answer all their questions.5. Courteous: Always be polite and respectful in your emails. Use phrases like "please" and "thank you" to show good manners.6. Coherent: Your email should have a logical flow and make sense to the reader. Use paragraphs to organize your thoughts and avoid jumping from topic to topic.7. Concrete: Provide specific examples or details to support your points. This helps to clarify your message and make it more convincing.By following the 7C principle, you can write effective and professional business emails that will impress your colleagues and clients. Remember to practice and always strive to improve your communication skills!篇6Hi guys! Today I'm gonna tell you about the 7C principle in business English letters. It's super important cuz it helps us write emails and letters in a clear and effective way.The first C is Clarity. This means that our letter should be easy to understand. We should use simple words and sentences to make sure the reader gets our message.The second C is Conciseness. This means we should keep our letter short and to the point. Nobody wants to read a long and boring email, right?The third C is Correctness. It's super important to check our grammar and spelling before sending out our letter. We wanna make a good impression, so we gotta make sure everything is perfect!The fourth C is Coherence. This means our letter should flow nicely from one point to the next. We should use transition words to connect our ideas and make sure everything makes sense.The fifth C is Completeness. We should make sure to include all the necessary information in our letter. We don't want the reader to be confused or have to ask for more details.The sixth C is Courtesy. We should always be polite and respectful in our letters. Saying please and thank you goes a long way!And finally, the seventh C is Consideration. We should think about the reader's perspective and tailor our letter to their needs. This shows that we care about them and value their time.So there you have it, guys! The 7C principle is super important in business English letters. Remember to keep it clear, concise, correct, coherent, complete, courteous, and considerate in all your correspondence. Happy writing!篇7Ahem, hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you about the 7C principle in business English correspondence. It's super important in making sure our letters and emails are clear, concise, courteous, correct, coherent, complete, and credible.First off, clear means we need to make sure our message is easy to understand. We should use simple language and avoid jargon or fancy words that might confuse the reader.Concise means we should keep our message short and to the point. Nobody wants to read a long, rambling email that goes on and on. Get to the point quickly!Courtesy is all about being polite and respectful. Always start with a friendly greeting and end with a kind closing. Saying please and thank you also goes a long way.Correct means we need to check our spelling and grammar before sending anything out. Typos and mistakes can make us look unprofessional.Coherent means our ideas should flow logically from one to the next. We don't want to jump around or confuse the reader.Complete means we should include all the necessary information in our correspondence. Don't leave out anything important that the reader might need to know.Finally, credible means we need to be honest and trustworthy in our communication. Don't exaggerate or make false claims.So there you have it, the 7C principle in business English correspondence. Remember to keep your messages clear, concise, courteous, correct, coherent, complete, and credible. Happy writing, everyone!篇8Hey guys, do you know what the 7C principle is in business English? It's super important when writing business letters or emails. Let me break it down for you in a fun and easy way!The 7C principle includes: clarity, conciseness, coherence, completeness, correctness, courtesy, and consideration. Let's see how we can apply these principles in our business correspondence.First, let's talk about clarity. It means that your message should be clear and easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid jargon or complicated terms.Next, conciseness is all about keeping your message short and to the point. Don't ramble on and on, get straight to the point.Coherence means that your message should flow logically. Make sure your ideas are organized and make sense.Completeness is important because you need to provide all the necessary information in your correspondence. Don't leave anything out that the recipient might need to know.Correctness is a no-brainer. Check your spelling and grammar before sending any business correspondence. Mistakes can make you look unprofessional.Courtesy is about being polite and respectful in your communication. Always use appropriate greetings and sign-offs.Finally, consideration means taking into account the needs and feelings of the recipient. Tailor your message to their perspective and show empathy.So remember, when writing business letters or emails, keep the 7C principle in mind for effective communication. Happy writing!篇9Hi guys,Today I want to talk about the 7C principle in business English correspondence. It's super important to follow these rules when writing letters and emails in a professional setting. So let's dive in!The first C is clarity. It means you need to make sure your message is easy to understand. Don't use big words or complicated sentences. Be clear and concise.The second C is conciseness. This means being to-the-point and not rambling on. Keep your message short and focused on the main point.The third C is correctness. It's so important to check your spelling and grammar before sending any emails or letters. You want to make a good impression, and typos can make you look careless.The fourth C is coherence. This means that your message should flow logically and be easy to follow. Make sure you organize your thoughts in a clear and coherent way.The fifth C is courtesy. Always be polite and respectful in your correspondence. Say please and thank you, and use appropriate language for the situation.The sixth C is consideration. Think about the recipient's needs and perspective when writing your message. Make sure you provide all the necessary information and answer any questions they might have.And finally, the seventh C is completeness. Make sure your message is thorough and includes all the information the recipient needs. Don't leave anything out or make the reader guess what you're trying to say.So remember, when writing business English correspondence, follow the 7C principle: clarity, conciseness, correctness, coherence, courtesy, consideration, and completeness. This will help you communicate effectively and professionally in any business setting.That's all for now! Thanks for listening.Bye!篇10Title: Using the 7C Principle in Business English CorrespondenceHey guys, have you heard about the 7C principle in business English correspondence? It's super important when writing emails or letters in a professional setting. Let me break it down for you in a simple way:1. Clarity: Make sure your message is clear and easy to understand. Use simple language and avoid jargon or complicated phrases.2. Conciseness: Keep your message short and to the point. Don't ramble on or include unnecessary information. Get straight to the point.3. Correctness: Check your spelling and grammar before sending out your email or letter. Mistakes can make you look unprofessional.4. Coherence: Make sure your message flows logically and is easy to follow. Use transitions and organize your ideas in a coherent manner.5. Consistency: Use a consistent tone and style throughout your correspondence. This helps to establish your professionalism.6. Courtesy: Be polite and respectful in your communication. Use formal language and always thank the recipient for their time.7. Completeness: Make sure you include all necessary information in your message. Don't leave out important details that the recipient needs to know.So, remember to follow the 7C principle next time you're writing a business email or letter. It will help you communicate effectively and professionally in a business setting. Good luck!。



商业信函的7个“c”原则写信的原则(Writing Principles)已从原来的3个“C”(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy)发展到目前的7个“C”:Completeness, Clearness, Concreteness,Conciseness, Correctness, Courtesy, Consideration实例:Dear Sirs,With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 tons of Copper Wire as per your Offer Sheet No.8/070/02B. Please go ahead and apply for your Export Licence. As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export Licence we will open the L/C by cable.信的本文汉译关于你们四月九日涵,我们高兴地接受你们第8/070/02B号报盘单所报100吨紫色铜丝。



对商业信函的“完整”要求要求书信的“完整”,理由有三:1.一封完整的书信比一封不完整的书信,有更大的可能性带来预期的效果;2.一封完整的书信,有助于建立和表达友善关系;3.一封完整的书信,可以避免由于遗漏重要情况(情报)所导致的诉讼(Lawsuit);4.有时,某些不显眼的书信或文件,由于所提供的情况完整而又生动有力(Complete and Effective)而成为极为重要的文件。

一封信写得是否完整,建议用五个“W”来检验,既:“Who, What, Where, When 及Why(包括How)”例如在定货的信中,必须明确说明“需要什么商品”(What you want)“何时需要”(When you need the goods)“货物发到何地何人收”(to Whom and Where the goods to be sent)“如何付款”(How payment will be mande)如对对方的要求作出否定的答复时(如不能报盘,不能理赔等)应说明理由“为什么”(Why) “成千上万人疯狂下载。



剑桥商务英语写作7C原则2016年剑桥商务英语写作7C原则剑桥商务英语写作有著名的7C原则:Clarity清楚、Correctness 准确、conciseness简洁、completeness完整、courtesy礼貌、concreteness具体、consideration体贴。


原则一Concreteness 具体尽量使用明确、具体的词汇。



)原则二Clarity 清楚“清楚”在于“在正确的场合使用正确的词汇”,具体而言:1 使用短小、熟悉并且在会话中经常使用的.词汇,然后将其有效地组句成段。

2 一句话不要讲述过多的思想,一句话最多讲一个点。

3 每句话不超过17-20个词。

4 如果情况允许,可以使用一些直观辅助,像举个栗子、做个图表等等。

原则三Correctness 准确“准确”指没有错误:即数据、陈述和意见都准确清晰。


试一试完善以下例句~1.Well chosen words are likely to be short and natural words.2.The principals of effective letters and memorandums are similiar.3.An efficient and concerned personal department builds employee morale.4.The box, together with the baskets, were sent to theshipping room.5.Jim and Paul are good friends of Mary and I.6.In countries where two or more languages co-exist confusion often arises.改善~1.Well-chosen words are likely to be short and natural words.2.The principles of effective letters and memorandums are similar.* principle3.An efficient and concerned Personnel Department builds employee morale.* Personnel4.The box, together with the baskets, was sent to the shipping room.5.Jim and Paul are good friends of Mary and me.6.In countries where two or more languages co-exist, confusion often arises.原则四Conciseness 简洁简洁指在不违背其他C原则的前提下尽量使用最少的的词汇来表达自己的意思。





下面是具体的原则和例子:1. 清晰(Clear)清晰是指在撰写外贸函电时需要使用简单明了的语言,避免使用复杂的词汇和句子,以确保信息的准确传达。

例如:Dear Mr. Smith,I am writing to confirm the order we discussed on the phone yesterday. We would like to order 500 units of your product, model number XYZ123, at a unit price of $10. Please let us know if this is acceptable and provide us with the delivery date and payment terms.Best regards,John2. 简洁(Concise)简洁是指在撰写外贸函电时需要避免冗长的句子和段落,以便于客户快速理解信息。

例如:Dear Mr. Smith,Thank you for your email. We are interested in your product, model number XYZ123, and would like to place an order for 500 units at a unit price of $10. Please let us know the delivery date and payment terms.Best regards,John3. 准确(Correct)准确是指在撰写外贸函电时需要确保信息的准确性,包括订单数量、型号、价格、交货日期等。



商务英语信函写作7c原则范文开头When writing a business English letter, one of the key principles to keep in mind is the 7c principle. 进行商务英语信函写作时,要牢记的一个关键原则是7c原则。

The 7c principle includes being clear, concise, complete, correct, coherent, courteous, and convincing. 7c原则包括要清晰、简洁、完整、正确、连贯、有礼貌和有说服力。

Being clear in your writing means conveying your message in a straightforward manner that is easy for the reader to understand. 要清楚地表达您的信息,使读者能够轻松理解。

Conciseness is important because it helps to avoid unnecessary fluff and get straight to the point. 简洁是重要的,因为它有助于避免不必要的废话,直奔主题。

Completeness ensures that all relevant information is included in the letter, leaving no room for confusion or misunderstanding. 完整性确保信函中包括所有相关信息,不给混淆或误解留下空间。

Correctness is essential in business writing to maintain credibility and professionalism. 在商务写作中,正确性是至关重要的,以保持可信度和专业性。




所以要站在对方角度,使用You Attitude来考虑对方的需求、愿望、利益和问题。




礼貌的语气可以通过使用礼貌用语比如thank you for,we are pleased that,we are highly appreciated that或在句中加入would,could,might等来实现。

例1.You are requested to make the delivery by June.改为:Please make the delivery by June.例2.That is impossible.改为:Unfortunately,that would not be possible.2.用肯定句或肯定的表达方式。


例3.We don’t believe you will have cause for dissatisfaction.改为:We believe you will entirely satisfied.3.及时回复对方来函。





商务英语信函7C 原则
1.Clearness 清楚原则


2.Conciseness 简洁原则




3.Correctness 准确原则




  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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四、Clarity 清楚原则 ( 一) 写信人应该尽量清楚地表达他的意思以 便收信人更好地读懂,为了做到这一点,应该尽量避 免用一词多义的词。如: As to the steamers sailing from Hong Kong to Sarvices. 这个词“bimonthly”有两个词义: 一个月两次或 两个月一次。收信人会对信文迷惑不解的。这句应 改为: a. We have two direct sailing every month from Hong Kong to San Francisco. 或 b. We have a direct sailing every month from Hong Kong to San Francisco every two months. ( 二) 注意修饰语的位置 a. We shall be able to supply 10 cases of the items only. b. We shall be able to supply 10 cases only of the items. 这两个句子 only 的位置不同,那么这两个句子
摘 要: 随着我国经济建设的蓬勃发展,对外开放的进一步扩大,各地区各部门对外经济贸易业务往来日益频繁。商务英语函 电作为国际商务往来经常使用的联系方式,是开展对外经济贸易业务和有关商务活动的重要工具,掌握商务信函的原则也尤为重要。
关键词: 信函; 收信人; 写信人; 七个 C 原则 中图分类号: H315 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1008—3898( 2012) 05—0013—02
which you requested in your letters of May 25 by air. b. We sent you,by air,5 samples of the goods
which you requested in your letters of May 25 yesterday.
结构不同,句 意 不 同。 第 一 句 的 意 思 是“我 方 邮寄了贵方五月 25 日航空来信中索要的 5 个货物 样品。”第一句的意思是“我方邮寄了贵方五月 25 日航空来信中索要的 5 个货物样品。”而第一句的 意思是“我方航空邮寄了贵方五月 25 日来信中索 要的 5 个货物样品。”
五、Conciseness 简洁原则 简洁就是用简洁的句子和最少的单词,而且不 失完整,礼貌并清楚地表达信的内容。 ( 一) 避免累赘冗长的表达 a. We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter… b. We appreciate your letter… 第一种简洁而第二种就累赘。 ( 二) 避免不必要的重复 Will you ship us any time during the month of December,or even November if you are rushed,for November would suit us just as well. 这句就很罗嗦。应 改为“Please ship us by the end of November”. ( 三) 用词代替短语 如用 enclosed 代替 enclosed herewith,用 now 代 替 at this time,用 because 代替 due to the fact that 等 等。 ( 四) 用短语代替句子 Please don 't hesitate to call upon us. 应 改 为 Please visit us. Please see that an enquiry is conducted to determine the reason . 应改为 Please find out the reason. ( 五) 用词代替短语 We require full - automatic washing machine which is of the new type. 应改为 We require new - type full - automatic washing machine. 六、Concreteness 具体原则 具体是尽量将书信写得准确,具体而生动。 ST858L 5 - Band Stereo Radio Cassette Recorder is of full functions. ST858L 型 5 波段立体无线电盒式收录机功能 齐全。这 样 的 信 函 就 不 具 体,应 改 为 ST858L 5 - Band Stereo Radio Cassette Recorder can delivers superb MW / LW / SW1 / SW2 / FM Stereo Band reception.
收稿日期: 2012 - 04 - 15 作者简介: 梁淑君( 1966 - ) ,女,辽宁铁岭人,铁岭师范高等专科学校,副教授,主要从事英语教学研究。
就有不同的意义。 ( 三) 注意句子的结构 a. We sent you 5 samples yesterday of the goods
2012 年第 5 期 ( 总 83 期)
辽宁师专学报( 社会科学版)
NO. 5 2012
General No. 83
浅谈商务英语信函写作中的七个 C 原则
( 铁岭师范高等专科学校,辽宁 铁岭 112000)
寄前有必要全面仔细的检查全文,避免漏掉不该漏 掉的信息。
a. We have drawn on you as usual under your L / C. 我方已按惯例根据你方信用证开立了向你方索 赔的汇票。
b. We have drawn on you our sight draft No. 846 for the Invoice amount,US ﹩ 560. 00,under your L / C No. 246 of the China Bank. 根据你方向中国银行开 立的 246 号信用证,我方已按发票金额 560. 00 美 元,开立了向贵方索款的第 845 号即期汇票。后者 就完整。
一、Courtesy 礼貌原则 真诚不仅仅是简单的客套,它是一种真诚的对 收信人的态度。 We have received with many thanks your letter of Oct. 7,and we take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalog. We wish to draw our attention to a special offer which we have made in it. 在这段文字中第一句中的“with many thanks” 万分感谢,第二句中的“take the pleasure”很乐意, 都表达了一种礼貌。 二、Consideration 体谅原则 体谅强调寄信人的态度而不是收信人的态度。 写信时要时刻体谅读信人的需求、愿望和他内心的 感受,以最佳方式表达自己信函的内容。 ( 一) 寄信人态度 a. We allow 2 percent discount for cash payment. b. You earn 2 percent discount when you pay cash. 第一句“我方允许 2% 的折扣”就不是体谅的方 式,而第二句“贵方会得到 2% 的折扣”就是从体谅 对方的角度来说的。 ( 二) 要肯定的态度 a. We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfied. b. We don't believe you will have cause for dissatisfaction. 第一句“我方保证贵方会完全满意。”就是肯定 的方式,而第二句“我方认为,贵方不可能感到不满 意。”就不是肯定的方式。 三、Completeness 完整原则 一封商务信函应该包括所有必备的信息。在邮