
2.现值(present value)
5.风险厌恶(risk averse)
9.基本面分析(fundamental analysis)
宏观经济学原理 第六版


3.未来值(future value)
10.有效市场假说(efficient markets hypothesis)
11.信息有效(informationally efficient)

铝的 价格 供给 (私人成本)
需求 (私人价值) 0
需求曲线反映买者的评价,而供给曲线反映卖者的 成本。均衡数量,即市场量,使买者总价值最大化。 因此,没有外部性时,市场均衡是有效率的。 如果铝工厂排放污染(负外部性),这时生产铝的 社会成本大于铝生产者的成本。
行为,如要求所有学生注射疫苗、要求实施 污染排放标准、强行建立休渔期、公共场所 禁烟等。 以市场为基础的政策:政府利用税收和补贴 手段给私人部门以激励,实现社会效率。
搭便车:就是享有物品的好处,却避开付费的行为。 它是公共物品使用中必然出现的问题。 搭便车者( free-rider ):得到一种物品的收益 但避开为此支付的人。 问题启示:由于公共物品的消费没有排他性,人们 总是希望免费使用,搭便车行为的存在使私人市场 无法提供公共物品。但是,政府可以潜在地解决这 个问题,并使每个人的状况变好。
正是因为看到了政府提供公共物品的低效率,科斯特 意从美国跑到英国,实地考察英国灯塔制度的历史演变, 看看在政府经营之前英国的灯塔制度是如何运转的。他了 解到英国早期实行的都是私人灯塔制度,只是由于收费困 难才被公共灯塔制度取代。 在分析了私人灯塔制度和公共灯塔制度的利弊得失之 后,科斯提出了一个新观点,即公共灯塔制度对资源使用 的浪费和低效率表明,由政府代替私人生产公共物品并不 一定是最好的解决方案。实际上,英国早期的私人灯塔之 所以演变为公共灯塔,原因就在于制度的缺失。只要有关 制度足够完善,私人灯塔的效率是很高的。譬如,政府应 该制定有关对灯塔使用强制收费的制度,对逃避付费的行 为予以严厉惩罚以保证制度的顺利执行。


我们知道这是由于国民储蓄的定义式:国民储蓄 = 私人储蓄 + 公共储蓄 [Y - T - C (Y - T )] + [T - G ] Y - C (Y - T ) - G消费的增加降低了私人储蓄,因此国民储蓄也下降。
图 3-2 描述了作为实际利率函数的储蓄和投资。
6.考虑下列式子描述的一种经济体的情况:Y =C +I +G 、Y =5 000、 G =1 000、 T =1 000、 C =250+0.75(Y -T )、 I =1 000-50rA 、 在这种经济中,计算私人储蓄、公共储蓄和国民储蓄。
B 、 找出均衡利率。
C 、 现假设 G 增加到 1 250。
D 、 找出新的均衡利率。
【答案】A 、私人储蓄即没有消费的可支配收入S 私人 = Y - T - C = 5,000 - 1,000 - [250 + 0.75(5,000 - 1,000)] = 750实际利率投资,储蓄S 1S 2r 1r 2I (r )图 3-1实际利率图 3-2 投资,储蓄S 1S 2r 2r 1I (r )考易KAOEASY 上面的等式S 私人 = 750S 公共 = T - G = 1,000 - 1,250 = -250因此, S = S 私人 + S 公共 = 750 + (-250) = 500D 、借贷市场再一次出清的均衡利率:S =I500=1,000-50r解这个等式得:r =10%7.假设政府等量地增加政府税收和政府购买。
由于这种平衡预算的变动,投资和利率会发生什么变动?你的答案取决于边际消费倾向吗?【答案】为了弄清等量的增加税收与政府购买对投资的影响,需要考虑国民储蓄的收入恒等式:国民储蓄 = [私人储蓄] + [公共储蓄] = [Y - T - C (Y - T )] + [T - G ] = Y - C (Y - T ) - G 因为 Y 是由生产要素决定的,同时消费的变化由可支配收入乘以边际消费倾向,所以可得到:ΔY = [-ΔT - (MPC ⋅ (-ΔT ))] + [ΔT - ΔG ] = [-ΔT + (MPC ⋅ ΔT )] + 0 = (MPC - 1) · ΔT 上面的表达式表示同时增加 T 和 G 对储蓄的影响取决于边际消费倾向。

目 录第一部分 笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解[视频讲解]第8篇 宏观经济学的数据第23章 一国收入的衡量23.1 复习笔记23.2 课后习题详解23.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第24章 生活费用的衡量24.1 复习笔记24.2 课后习题详解24.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第9篇 长期中的真实经济第25章 生产与增长25.1 复习笔记25.2 课后习题详解25.3 考研真题详解第26章 储蓄、投资和金融体系26.1 复习笔记26.2 课后习题详解26.3 考研真题详解第27章 基本金融工具27.1 复习笔记27.2 课后习题详解27.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第28章 失 业28.1 复习笔记28.2 课后习题详解28.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第10篇 长期中的货币与物价第29章 货币制度29.1 复习笔记29.2 课后习题详解29.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第30章 货币增长与通货膨胀30.1 复习笔记30.2 课后习题详解30.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第11篇 开放经济的宏观经济学第31章 开放经济的宏观经济学:基本概念31.1 复习笔记31.2 课后习题详解[视频讲解]31.3 考研真题详解第32章 开放经济的宏观经济理论32.1 复习笔记32.2 课后习题详解[视频讲解]32.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第12篇 短期经济波动第33章 总需求与总供给33.1 复习笔记33.2 课后习题详解33.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第34章 货币政策和财政政策对总需求的影响34.1 复习笔记34.2 课后习题详解34.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第35章 通货膨胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍35.1 复习笔记35.2 课后习题详解35.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第13篇 最后的思考第36章 宏观经济政策的六个争论问题36.1 复习笔记36.2 课后习题详解36.3 考研真题详解[视频讲解]第二部分 模拟试题及详解曼昆《经济学原理(宏观经济学分册)》(第6版)模拟试题及详解(一)曼昆《经济学原理(宏观经济学分册)》(第6版)模拟试题及详解(二)第一部分 笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解[视频讲解]第8篇 宏观经济学的数据第23章 一国收入的衡量23.1 复习笔记1.经济的收入与支出在一国的宏观经济中,收入必定等于支出。

一、概念题1.菲利普斯曲线〔Phillips curve〕〔师大学2004研;工业大学2005、2006研;大学2006研〕答:菲利普斯曲线是指货币工资变动率与失业率之间交替关系的曲线。
图35-1 菲利普斯曲线新古典综合派经济学家把菲利普斯曲线作为调节经济的依据,即当失业率高时,实行扩性财政政策与货币政策,以承受一定通货膨胀率为代价换取较低的失业率;当通货膨胀率高时,实行紧缩性的财政政策与货币政策,借助提高失业率以降低通货膨胀率。


一、概念题1.流动性偏好理论〔theory of liquidity preference〕答:流动性偏好理论是解释实际货币余额的供给与需求如何决定利率的理论。
2.财政政策〔fiscal policy〕答:财政政策指政府变动税收和支出以便影响总需求进而影响就业和国民收入的政策。


❖ 生产要素:
K=资本 L= 劳动经济的技术水平 用生产函数可表示为:
Y= F (K,L) ❖ 其中MPL是劳动的边际产
量,即: MPL= F(K,L+1)–F(K,L) 当某种投入要素增加,其边
1. 目光短浅
2. 借贷约束
3. 子孙后代
❖消费函数:C=c(Y-T) 0﹤c﹤1
❖ 凯恩斯的猜想
1. 边际消费倾向MPC:边际消费随收入的增加而增加,但小 于收入增加量
2. 平均消费倾向APC:平均消费随收入的增加而减少 3. 收入决定消费,利率没有重要作用(而古典主义认为:
2. 资本资产 3. 未计算的负债 4. 经济周期
当政府减税国民储蓄减少 并有预算赤字时,消费者 对他们税收后的收入的增 加的反应是更多的支出
❖ 李嘉图等价----用债务 筹资的减税方法并影 响消费
❖ 封闭经济中,GDP只由三 个部分组成即消费C,投 资I和政府购买G
❖ 关于消费: 可支配收入是扣除全部税 收后的总收入,即Y–T 消费函数: C= C (Y–T ), 当↑(Y–T ) ⇒↑C,其中C是 边际消费倾向,是每增加 一单位的可支配收入所引 致的消费的增加

本书特别适用于参加研究生入学考试指定考研参考书目为曼昆《经济学原理(宏观经济学分册)》的考生, 也可供各大院校学习曼昆《经济学原理(宏观经济学分册)》的师生参考。曼昆的《经济学原理》是世界上最流 行的初级经济学教材,也被众多院校列为经济类专业考研重要参考书目。为了帮助学生更好地学习这本教材,我 们有针对性地编著了它的配套辅导用书(均提供免费下载,免费升级):1.曼昆《经济学原理(微观经济学分 册)》(第6版)笔记和课后习题详解(含考研真题)[视频讲解]2.曼昆《经济学原理(微观经济学分册)》 【教材精讲+考研真题解析】讲义与视频课程【35小时高清视频】3.曼昆《经济学原理(微观经济学分册)》 (第6版)课后习题详解4.曼昆《经济学原理(微观经济学分册)》(第5版)课后习题详解5.曼昆《经济学原 理(微观经济学分册)》配套题库【名校考研真题(视频讲解)+课后习题+章节练习+模拟试题】6.曼昆《经济 学原理(宏观经济学分册)》(第6版)笔记和课后习题详解(含考研真题)[视频讲解]7.曼昆《经济学原理 (宏观经济学分册)》【教材精讲+考研真题解析】讲义与视频课程【27小时高清视频】8.曼昆《经济学原理 (宏观经济学分册)》(第6版)课后习题详解9.曼昆《经济学原理(宏观经济学分册)》(第5版)课后习题 详解10.曼昆《经济学原理(宏观经济学分册)》配套题库【名校考研真题(视频讲解)+课后习题+章节练习+ 模拟试题】本书是曼昆《经济学原理(宏观经济学分册)》(第6版)教材的配套e书,参考国外教材的英文答案 和相关资料对曼昆《经济学原理(宏观经济学分册)》(第6版)教材每章的课后习题进行了详细的分析和解答, 并对个别知识点进行了扩展。课后习题答案久经修改,非常标准,特别适合应试作答和临考冲刺。另外,部分高 校,如武汉大学、深圳大学等,研究生入学考试部分真题就来自于该书课后习题,因此建议考生多加重视。

这种关系用费雪方程式表示为:i rπ=+(其中i代表名义利率,r代表真实利率,π代表通货膨胀率)。
一般情况下,政府得到的税收收入用T表示,政府用于物品与劳务的支出用G 表示。
如果T大于G,政府的预算盈余就是(T G)。

$2.00 $2.50 $3.00
1000 1100 1200
= $6,000 = $8,250
= $10,800 30.9%
2005 2006 2007
• 微观经济学: 研究家庭和企业如何做出决策,以及它们如何在市场上相 互交易
• 宏观经济学: 研究整体经济现象
• 我们从国家的总收入和总支出开始学习宏观经济学
• 国内生产总值 (GDP) • 衡量经济中所有人的总收入 • 衡量经济中物品与劳务生产的总支出
循环流量图ຫໍສະໝຸດ 家庭: 拥有生产要素,出售或出租它们给
企业以换取收入 购买并消费物品与劳务
企业: 购买或租赁生产要素,用它们
来生产物品与劳务 出售物品与劳务
收入 (=GDP) 物品和 劳务的 销售
工资、租金和 利润 (=GDP)
主动学习 1
在下面的各种情形下,计算GDP及它受影响的组成部分 的变化量
A. Debbie在波士顿最好的饭店花了$200请他丈夫吃晚 饭

Chapter 05Saving, Investment, and the Financial SystemMULTIPLE CHOICE1. When opening a restaurant you may need to by ovens, freezers, tables, and cash registers. Economists call theseexpendituresa. capital investment.b. investment in human capital.c. business consumption expenditures.d. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: a. capital investment.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.02. When a country saves a larger portion of its GDP, it will havea. less investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.b. less investment, and so have less capital and higher productivity.c. more investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.d. more investment, and so have less capital and higher productivity.ANSWER: c. more investment, and so have more capital and higher productivity.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.03. Institutions in the economy that help to match one person's saving with another person's investment are collectivelycalled thea. Federal Reserve system.b. banking system.c. monetary system.d. financial system.ANSWER: d. financial system.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.04. Alfred’s income exceeds his expenditures. Alfred is aa. saver who demands money from the financial system.b. saver who supplies money to the financial system.c. borrower who demands money from the financial system.d. borrower who demands money from the financial system.ANSWER: b. saver who supplies money to the financial system.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.15. Lucy wants to start her own psychiatric practice, but her expenditures exceed her income. Lucy is aa. saver who demands money from the financial system.b. saver who supplies money to the financial system.c. borrower who demands money from the financial system.d. borrower who supplies money to the financial system.ANSWER: c. borrower who demands money from the financial system.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.16. A bond is aa. financial intermediary.b. certificate of indebtedness.c. certificate of partial ownership in an enterprise.d. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: b. certificate of indebtedness.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.1351352 Chapter 05/Saving, Investment, and the Financial System7. A certificate of indebtedness that specifies the obligations of the borrower to the holder is called aa. bond.b. stock.c. mutual fund.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: a. bond.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.18. If the government’s expenditures exceeded its receipts, it would likelya. lend money to a bank or other financial intermediary.b. borrow money from a bank or other financial intermediary.c. directly buy bonds from the public.d. directly sell bonds to the public.ANSWER: d. directly sell bonds to the public.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.19. If Microsoft sells a bond they area. borrowing directly from the public.b. borrowing indirectly from the public.c. lending directly to the public.d. lending indirectly to the public.ANSWER: a. borrowing directly from the public.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.110. Which of the following is correct?a. The maturity of a bond refers to the amount to be paid back.b. The principal of the bond refers to the person selling the bond.c. A bond buyer cannot sell a bond before it matures.d. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: d. None of the above are correct.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.111. Which of the following is NOT a nonsensical headline?a. British perpetuities about to mature.b. Disney issues new bonds with term of $1,000 each.c. Government bonds currently pay less interest than corporate bonds.d. Standard and Poor’s judges new junk bond to have very low credit risk.ANSWER: c. Government bonds currently pay less interest than corporate bonds.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.112. The length of time until a bond matures is called thea. duration.b. term.c. maturity.d. intermediation.ANSWER: b. term.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.113. A perpetuity is distinguished from other bonds in that ita. pays continuously compounded interest.b. pays interest only when it matures.c. never matures.d. will be used to purchase another bond when it matures unless the owner specifies otherwise. ANSWER: c. never matures.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.1Chapter 05/Saving, Investment, and the Financial System 35314. Which of the following is correct?a. Some bonds have terms as short as a few months.b. Because they are so risky, junk bonds pay a low rate of interest.c. Corporations buy bonds to raise funds.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: a. Some bonds have terms as short as a few months.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.115. Which of the following is correct?a. Lenders sell bonds and borrowers buy them.b. Long-term bonds usually pay a lower interest rate than do short-term bonds because long-term bonds are riskier.c. Junk bonds refer to bonds that have been resold many times.d. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: d. None of the above are correct.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.116. Long-term bonds are generallya. less risky than short-term bonds and so pay higher interest.b. less risky than short-term bonds and so pay lower interest.c. more risky than short-term bonds and so pay higher interest.d. more risky than short-term bonds and so pay lower interest.ANSWER: c. more risky than short-term bonds and so pay higher interest.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.117. Compared to long-term bonds, other things the same, short-term bonds generally havea. more risk and so pay higher interest.b. less risk and so pay lower interest.c. less risk and so pay higher interest.d. about the same risk and so pay about the same interest.ANSWER: b. less risk and so pay lower interest.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.118. On which bond is default most likely?a. a junk bondb. a municipal bondc. a U.S. government bondd. a corporate bond issued by Proctor and Gamble.ANSWER: a. a junk bondTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.119. Assuming that the bonds below have the same term and principal and that the state or local government whichissues the municipal bond has a good credit rating, which list has bonds ordered from the one that pays the most interest to the one that pays the least interest?a. corporate bond, municipal bond, U.S. government bondb. corporate bond, U.S. government bond, municipal bondc. municipal bond, U.S. government bond, corporate bondd. U.S. government bond, municipal bond, corporate bondANSWER: b. corporate bond, U.S. government bond, municipal bondTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.120. Other things the same, as the maturity of a bond becomes longer, the bond will paya. less interest because it has less risk.b. less interest because it has more risk.c. more interest because it has more riskd. There is no relation between term to maturity and risk.ANSWER: c. more interest because it has more riskTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.1354 Chapter 05/Saving, Investment, and the Financial System21. Which of the following bond buyers did NOT buy the bond that best met their objective?a. Mia wanted a bond with a high interest rate, regardless of the risk. She purchased a junk bond.b. Anna wanted a bond that would let her best avoid taxes. She purchased a municipal bond.c. Bill wanted to purchase a bond that was unlikely to have default. He purchased a bond that Standards andPoor’s rated a low credit risk.d. To reduce risk, Toby purchased a long-term bond rather than a short-term one.ANSWER: d. To reduce risk, Toby purchased a long-term bond rather than a short-term one.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.122. Stephanie is interested only in the rate of interest and is willing to take a great deal of risk in exchange for a highreturn. She should look for bonds witha. tax exemptions and short terms.b. tax exemptions and long terms.c. no tax exemptions and short terms.d. no tax exemptions and long terms.ANSWER: d. no tax exemptions and long terms.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.123. Municipal bonds pay aa. low rate of interest because of their high-default risk and because the interest they pay is subject to federalincome tax.b. low rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay is not subject to federalincome tax.c. high rate of interest because of their high-default risk and because federal taxes must be paid on the interest theypay.d. high rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay is not subject to federalincome tax.ANSWER: b. low rate of interest because of their low-default risk and because the interest they pay is not subject to federal income tax.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.124. Which bond would you expect to pay the highest interest rate?a. a bond issued by the U.S. governmentb. a bond issued by General Motorsc. a bond issued by New York Stated. a bond issued by a new restaurant chainANSWER: d. a bond issued by a new restaurant chainTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTON: 26.125. Jerry has the choice of two bonds, one that pays 3 percent interest and one that pays 6 percent interest. Which of thefollowing is most likely?a. The 6 percent bond is less risky than the 3 percent bond.b. The 6 percent bond is a U.S. government bond, and the 3 percent bond is a junk bond.c. The 6 percent bond has a longer term than the 3 percent bond.d. The 6 percent bond is a municipal bond, and the 3 percent bond is a U.S. government bond.ANSWER: c. The 6 percent bond has a longer term than the 3 percent bond.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.126. Lacey, a financial advisor has told her clients the following things. Which of her statements is incorrect?a. “U.S. government bonds generally have a lower rate of interest than municipal bonds.”b. “The interest received on most bonds is taxable.”c. “U.S. government bonds have the lowest default risk.”d. “If you purchase a bond, you don’t have to hold it until it matures.”ANSWER: a. “U.S. government bonds generally have a lower rate of interest than municipal bonds.”TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.1Chapter 05/Saving, Investment, and the Financial System 35527. The sale of stocksa. and bonds to raise money is called debt finance.b. and bonds to raise money is called equity finance.c. to raise money is called debt finance, while the sale of bonds to raise funds is called equity finance.d. to raise money is called equity finance, while the sale of bonds to raise funds is called debt finance. ANSWER: d. to raise money is called equity finance, while the sale of bonds to raise funds is called debt finance. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.128. Papa Mario's Pizza Company sells common stock.a. They are using equity financing and the return shareholders earn is fixed.b. They are using equity financing and the return shareholders earn depends on how profitable the company is.c. They are using debt financing and the return shareholders earn is fixed.d. They are using debt financing and the return shareholders earn depends on how profitable the company is. ANSWER: b. They are using equity financing and the return shareholders earn depends on how profitable the company is.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.129. Stock representsa. a claim to the profits of a firm.b. ownership in a firm.c. equity finance.d. All of the above are correctANSWER: d. All of the above are correctTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.130. People who buy newly issued stock in a corporation such as Rockwood Pottery providea. debt finance and so become part owners of Rockwood.b. debt finance and so become creditors of Rockwood.c. equity finance and so become part owners of Rockwood.d. equity finance and so become creditors of Rockwood.ANSWER: c. equity finance and so become part owners of Rockwood.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.131. If Huedepool Beer runs into financial difficulty, the stockholders asa. part owners of Huedepool are paid before bondholders get paid anything at all.b. part owners of Huedepool are paid after bondholders get paid.c. creditors of Huedepool are paid before bondholders get paid anything at all.d. creditors of Huedepool are paid after bondholders get paid.ANSWER: b. part owners of Huedepool are paid after bondholders get paid.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.132. People who buy stock in a corporation such as General Electric becomea. creditors of General Electric, so the benefits of holding the stock depend on General Electric’s profits.b. creditors of General Electric, but the benefits of holding the stock do not depend on General Electric’s profits.c. part owners of General Electric, so the benefits of holding the stock depend on General Electric’s profits.d. part owners of General Electric, but the benefits of holding the stock do not depend on General Elect ric’s profits. ANSWER: c. part owners of General Electric, so the benefits of holding the stock depend on General Electric’s profits. TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.133. Which of the following people purchased the correct asset to meet their objective?a. Michelle wanted to be a part owner of Mamma Rosa’s Pizza, so she purchased a bond issued by Mamma Rosa’sPizza.b. Tim wanted a high return, even if it meant taking some risk, so he purchased stock issued by Specific Electricinstead of bonds issued by Specific Electric.c. Jennifer wanted to buy equity in Honda, so she purchased bonds sold by Honda.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: b. Tim wanted a high return, even if it meant taking some risk, so he purchased stock issued by Specific Electric instead of bonds issued by Specific Electric.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.1356 Chapter 05/Saving, Investment, and the Financial System34. Compared to bonds, stocks offer the holdera. lower risk.b. partial ownership.c. the likelihood of a lower return.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: b. partial ownership.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.135. The price of stock traded on exchanges are determined bya. the Corporate Stock Administration.b. NASDAQ.c. the supply and demand for the stock.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: c. the supply and demand for the stock.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.136. Which of the following is not an important stock exchange in the United States?a. New York Stock Exchangeb. American Stock Exchangec. Chicago Mercantile Exchanged. NASDAQANSWER: c. Chicago Mercantile ExchangeTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.137. All else equal, when people become more optimistic about a company's future, thea. supply of the stock and the price will both rise.b. supply of the stock and the price will both fall.c. demand for the stock and the price will both rise.d. demand for the stock and the price will both fall.ANSWER: c. demand for the stock and the price will both rise.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.138. Suppose that the government finds a major defect in one of a company’s products and demands that they take it offthe market. We would expect that thea. supply of the stock and the price will both rise.b. supply of the stock and the price will both fall.c. demand for the stock and the price will both rise.d. demand for the stock and the price will both fall.ANSWER: d. demand for the stock and the price will both fall.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.139. World Wide Delivery Service Corporation develops a way to speed up their deliveries and reduce their costs. Wewould expect that this woulda. raise the demand for existing shares of the stock, causing its price to rise.b. decrease the demand for existing shares of the stock, causing its price to fall.c. raise the supply of the existing shares of stock, causing its price to rise.d. raise the supply of the existing shares of stock, causing its price to fall.ANSWER: a. raise the demand for existing shares of the stock, causing its price to rise.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.140. Other things being constant, when a business issues more stock, thea. supply of the stock is greater and thus the price will fall.b. supply of the stock is less and thus the price will rise.c. demand for the stock is greater and thus the price will rise.d. demand for the stock is less and thus the price will fall.ANSWER: a. supply of the stock is greater and thus the price will fall.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.1Chapter 05/Saving, Investment, and the Financial System 35741. Which of the following statements is most likely to be correct?a. A general, persistent decline in stock prices is a signal that the economy is about to enter a boom period becausepeople will be able to buy stock for less money.b. A general, persistent decline in stock prices is a signal that the economy is about to enter a recession because lowstock prices may mean that people are expecting low corporate profits.c. A general, persistent decline in stock prices does not tell us anything about the business cycle because stockprices can fall for many reasons.d. A general, persistent decline in stock prices is a signal that the economy is about to enter a recession because lowstock prices mean that corporations have had low profits in the past.ANSWER: b. A general, persistent decline in stock prices is a signal that the economy is about to enter a recession because low stock prices may mean that people are expecting low corporate profits.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION 26.142. Stock indexes area. the average of a group of stock prices.b. the average of a group of stock yields.c. reports in the newspaper that report on the price of the stock and earnings of the corporation.d. measures of the risk relative to the profitability of corporations.ANSWER: a. the average of a group of stock prices.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.143. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has been computed regularly sincea. 1976.b. 1948.c. 1913.d. 1896.ANSWER: d. 1896.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.144. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is now based on the prices of the stocks ofa. 30 major U.S. corporations.b. 100 major U.S. corporations.c. 500 representative U.S. corporations.d. 1000 representative U.S. corporations.ANSWER: a. 30 major U.S. corporations.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.145. The single most important piece of information about a stock is thea. price-earnings ratio.b. dividend.c. volumed. price.ANSWER: d. price.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.146. Volume, as reported in stock tables refers to thea. number of shares traded.b. percentage of shares outstanding traded.c. number of shares traded times the price they sold at.d. number of shares of a company traded divided by the shares of all companies traded.ANSWER: a. number of shares traded.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.147. Profits paid out to stockholders area. retained earnings.b. dividends.c. the denominator in the price-earnings ratio.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: b. dividends.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.1358 Chapter 05/Saving, Investment, and the Financial System48. Profits not paid out to stockholders area. retained earnings.b. known as dividends.c. the denominator in the price-earnings ratio.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: a. retained earnings.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.149. A dividend yield is thea. dividend as a percentage of the stock price.b. stock price as a percentage of the dividend.c. dividend as a percentage of the retained earnings per share.d. retained earnings per share as the percentage of the dividend.ANSWER: a. dividend as a percentage of the stock price.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.150. Mount Adams Jazz Corporation has a price of $50, a dividend of $0.60, and retained earnings of $1.00 per share. Thedividend yield on this stock isa. 3.2 percent.b. 2 percent.c. 1.2 percent.d. .8 percent.ANSWER: c. 1.2 percent.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.151. Queen City Sausage stock is selling at $40 per share, it has retained earnings of $2.00 per share and dividends of $.50per share. What is the price-earnings ratio and what is the dividend yield?a. 20, 1.25 percentb. 20, 6.25 percentc. 16, 1.25 percentd. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: c. 16, 1.25 percentTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION: 13.152. Stock in Synergyistic Corporation is selling at $25 per share. It had earnings of $5 a share and a dividend yield of 5percent. What is the dividend and the price-earnings ratio?a. $.25, 5b. $.25, 6.7c. $1.25, 5d. $1.25, 6.7ANSWER: c. $1.25, 5TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION: 13.153. Buskins Corporation has issued 2 million shares of stocks. Their earnings were $10 million dollars of which theyretained $6 million. What was the dividend per share?a. $2.b. $3.c. $5d. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: a. $2.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.1Chapter 05/Saving, Investment, and the Financial System 35954. A corporation's earnings isa. the amount of revenue it receives for the sale of its products minus its costs of production as measured by itsaccountants minus the dividends paid out.b. the amount of revenue it receives for the sale of its products minus its direct and indirect costs of production asmeasured by its economists minus the dividends paid out.c. the amount of revenue it receives for the sale of its products minus its costs of production as measured by itsaccountants.d. the amount of revenue it receives for the sale of its products minus its direct and indirect costs of production asmeasured by its economists.ANSWER: c. the amount of revenue it receives for the sale of its products minus its costs of production as measured by its accountants.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.155. Retained earnings area. paid out as dividends.b. the amount of revenues a corporation receives for the sale of its products minus its costs of production asmeasured by its accountants.c. the single most important piece of information about a stock.d. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: d. None of the above are correct.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.156. The amount of revenue a firm receives for the sale of its products minus its costs of production as measured by itsaccountants is the firm’sa. earnings.b. retained earnings.c. economic, or real, profit.d. dividend.ANSWER: a. earnings.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.157. Historically, the typical price-earnings ratio is abouta. 3b. 8c. 15d. 26ANSWER: c. 15TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.158. A high price-earnings ratio indicates that either the stock isa. undervalued or people have become more optimistic about the corporation’s prospects.b. overvalued or people have become more opti mistic about the corporation’s prospects.c. overvalued or people have become less optimistic about the corporation’s prospects.d. undervalued or people have become less optimistic about the corporation’s prospects.ANSWER: b. overvalued or people have become more optimistic about the corporation’s prospects.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.159. PacknCamp Corporation has a price of $50, has issued 2,000,000 shares of stock, has retained earnings of $2 milliondollars, and a dividend yield of 2 percent. The price-earnings ratio of PacknCamp isa. 50, which is high compared to historical standards of the market.b. 50, which is low compared to historical standards of the market.c. 25, which is low compared to historical standards of the market.d. 25, which is high compared to historical standards of the market.ANSWER: d. 25, which is high compared to historical standards of the market.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION: 13.1360 Chapter 05/Saving, Investment, and the Financial System60. A low P/E for a stock indicates thata. people may expect earnings to fall in the future perhaps because the firm will be faced with increasedcompetition.b. its dividends have been low so that no one is willing to pay very much for it.c. the corporation is possibly overvalued.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: a. people may expect earnings to fall in the future perhaps because the firm will be faced with increased competition.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.161. Suppose Sarah Lee Corporation stock has a P/E ratio of 8. This P/E ratio is relativelya. low, indicating that buyers may expect earnings to rise.b. low, indicating that buyers may expect earnings to fall.c. high, indicating that buyers may expect earnings to rise.d. high indicating that buyers may expect earnings to fall.ANSWER: b. low, indicating that buyers may expect earnings to fall.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION: 13.1Use the following table to answer the following three questions.62. In dollar terms, which company paid the highest dividend per share?a. GenMillsb. Gillettec. Gracod. HersheyANSWER: d. HersheyTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION: 13.163. What was Hershey’s earnings per share?a. $38b. $1.64c. $1.31d. $0.61ANSWER: b. $1.64TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 3 SECTION 26.164. Assume that the closing price was also the average price at which each stock transaction took place. What was thetotal dollar volume of Gillette stock traded that day?a. $912,840,000b. $91,284,000c. $9,128,400d. $912,840ANSWER: b. $91,284,000TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 2 SECTION 26.165. Financial intermediaries area. the same as financial markets.b. individuals who make a profits by buying a stock low and selling it high.c. a more general name for financial assets such as stocks, bonds, and checking accounts.d. financial institutions through which savers can indirectly provide funds to borrowers.ANSWER: d. financial institutions through which savers can indirectly provide funds to borrowers.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.166. Which of the following is correct?a. Stocks, bonds, and deposits are all similar in that each provides a medium of exchangeb. Banks lend mostly to large and familiar companies rather than smaller local firms.c. Banks charge borrowers a slightly lower interest rate than they pay to depositors.d. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: d. None of the above are correct.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.167. Which of the following is a financial intermediary?a. a mutual fundb. the stock marketc. a U.S. government bondd. None of the above are correct.ANSWER: a. a mutual fundTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.168. Which of the following is correct?a. A large, well-known corporation like Proctor and Gamble typically uses financial intermediation to financeexpansion of its factories.b. On average, indexed funds outperform managed funds.c. Unlike corporate bonds and stocks, checking accounts are a store of value.d. Financial intermediaries are institutions through which savers can directly provide funds to borrowers. ANSWER: b. On average, indexed funds outperform managed funds.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.169. Which of the following is both a store of value and a common medium of exchange?a. corporate bondsb. mutual fundsc. checking account balancesd. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: c. checking account balancesTYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.170. A mutual funda. is a financial market where small firms mutually agree to sell stocks and bonds to raise funds.b. is funds set aside by local governments to lend to small firms who want to invest in projects that are mutuallybeneficial to the firm and community.c. sells stocks and bonds on behalf of small and less known firms who would otherwise have to pay high interest toobtain credit.d. is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy a selection of various types of stocks,bonds, or both stocks and bonds.ANSWER: d. is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy a selection of various types of stocks, bonds, or both stocks and bonds.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.171. The primary advantage of mutual funds is that theya. always make a return that “beats the market.”b. allow people with small amounts of money to diversify.c. provide customers with a medium of exchange.d. All of the above are correct.ANSWER: b. allow people with small amounts of money to diversify.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.172. As a money management fee, mutual funds usually charge their customersa. between 0.5 and 2.0 percent of assets each year.b. between 1.5 and 3.0 percent of assets each year.c. nothing, because they receive commissions from the firms whose stock they buy.d. a flat fee of about $50.ANSWER: a. between 0.5 and 2.0 percent of assets each year.TYPE: M DIFFICULTY: 1 SECTION: 13.1。
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Financial Markets
The Stock Market
Stock represents a claim to partial ownership in a firm and is therefore, a claim to the profits that the firm makes. The sale of stock to raise money is called equity financing.
Saving, Investment, and the Financial System
储蓄、投资与金融体系 储蓄、
Chapter 5
By the end of this chapter, we should understand:
☆ some of the important financial institutions in the U.S. economy.了解美国经济中一些重要的金融机构 了解美国经济中一些重要的金融机构 了解美国经济中一些重要的 ☆ how the financial system is related to key macroeconomic variables.考虑金融体系如何与关键的宏观经济变量相关 考虑金融体系如何与关键的宏观经济变量 考虑金融体系如何与关键的宏观经济变量相关 ☆ the model of the supply and demand for loanable funds in financial markets.提出一个金融市场上可贷资金供求模型 提出一个金融市场上可贷资金供求模型 提出一个金融市场上 ☆ how to use the loanable-funds model to analyze various government policies.用可贷资金模型分析各种政府政策 用可贷资金模型分析各种政府政策 用可贷资金模型分析各种 ☆ how government budget deficits affect the U.S. economy. 考虑政府预算赤字如何影响美国经济 考虑政府预算赤字如何影响美国经济 预算赤字
Financial Institutions in the U.S. Economy
The financial system is made up of financial institutions that coordinate the actions of savers and borrowers. Financial institutions can be grouped into two different categories: financial markets and financial intermediaries.
The Financial System 金融体系
The financial system consists of institutions that help to match one person’s saving with another person’s investment. 金融体系由经济中帮助一个人的储蓄与另一 金融体系由经济中帮助一个人的储蓄与另一 个人的投资相匹配的机构组成。 个人的投资相匹配的机构组成。 It moves the economy’s scarce resources from savers to borrowers. 它把经济的稀缺资源从储蓄者手中转移到借 贷者手中。 贷者手中。
大多数报纸的股票栏目提供以下信息: 大多数报纸的股票栏目提供以下信息: 每股) 价格 (每股 每股 股票销售的量) 交易量 (股票销售的量 股票销售的量 付给股票持有人的利润) 股利 (付给股票持有人的利润 付给股票持有人的利润 价格-每股赢利率( 价格-每股赢利率(P/E) )
Financial Intermediaries 金融中介机构
金融体系由帮助协调储蓄者与借贷者 的各种金融机构所组成。 的各种金融机构所组成。 金融机构可以分为两种类型:金融市 金融机构可以分为两种类型: 场和金融中介机构。 场和金融中介机构。
Financial Institutions in the U.S. Economy 美国经济中的金融机构
Financial Intermediaries: Mutual Funds
A mutual fund is an institution that sells shares to the public and uses the proceeds to buy a selection, or portfolio, of various types of stocks, bonds, or both.
Banks help create a medium of exchange by allowing people to write checks against their deposits.
• A medium of exchanges is an item that people can easily use to engage in transactions.
Financial intermediaries are financial institutions through which savers can indirectly provide funds to borrowers. 金融中介机构——储蓄者可以通过它间 储蓄者可以通过它间 金融中介机构 接地向借款者提供资金的金融机构。 接地向借款者提供资金的金融机构。
Financial Markets
The Bond Market
A bond is a certificate of indebtedness that specifies obligations of the borrower to the holder of the bond. IO Characteristics of a Bond U
Financial Intermediaries
take deposits from people who want to save and use the deposits to make loans to people who want to borrow. pay depositors interest on their deposits and charge borrowers slightly higher interest on their loans.
从想储蓄的人那里得到存款, 从想储蓄的人那里得到存款,并用这些存 款向想借款的人进行贷款。 款向想借款的人进行贷款。 向存款人的存款支付利息, 向存款人的存款支付利息,并向借款人的 贷款收取略高一点的利息。 贷款收取略高一点的利息。
Financial Intermediaries
The Stock Market
Most newspaper stock tables provide the following information: Price (of a share) Volume (number of shares sold) Dividend (profits paid to stockholders) Price-earnings ratio
• Term: The length of time until the bond matures. • Credit Risk: The probability that the borrower will fail to pay some of the interest or principal. • Tax Treatment: The way in which the tax laws treat the interest on the bond.
This facilitates the purchases of goods and services.
银行通过允许人们根据自己的存款签发支 票,帮助创造出一种交换媒介。 帮助创造出一种交换媒介。 交换媒介
• 交换媒介是人们能容易地用来进行交易的东 西。
这方便了物品与劳务的购买。 这方便了物品与劳务的购买。
They allow people with small amounts of money to easily diversify.
金融中介机构: 金融中介机构 共同基金
是一个向公众出售股份, 共同基金 是一个向公众出售股份,并用 收入购买各种股票、债券,或股票与债 收入购买各种股票、债券, 券都有的选择,或资产组合的机构。 券都有的选择,或资产组合的机构。
它们可以使钱并不多的人进行多元化投资。 它们可以使钱并不多的人进行多元化投资。
Financial Intermediaries :Other Financial Institutions
• Compared to bonds, stocks offer both higher risk and potentially higher returns.
The most important stock exchanges in the United States are the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and NASDAQ.来自金融市场股票市场
代表企业的所有权, 股票 代表企业的所有权,所以也代表对所获 得利润的索取权。 得利润的索取权。 出售股票来筹资称为股本筹资 股本筹资。 出售股票来筹资称为股本筹资。