


日本厚生劳动省研究表明,为保持身体健康,每周运动强度应保持在3 METS以上,总量至少达到23 EX。本品不计量运动强度3 METS以下,总量低于23 EX的运动。



关于 HJ-302
本产品在原先的“步数”及“卡路里”等测量的基础 上,增加采用了步行的“强度”和“量”等新指标的测 定。为了更有效地步行, “运动的强度和量”成为更有用 的指标。把这些指标数值化来表示的值就是“Mets”和 “Exercise” 。
■ METs(Mets) :强度的单位

包装盒内附有以下物品。 如果发现缺少任何一个物品,请与欧姆龙健康 咨询室联系。
1. 本体
৔ህ მ໯ ෼‫ڼ‬
2. 挂绳 3. 挂绳用的锁扣 4. 试用电池 (CR2032×1 个)
‫ૣد‬ • 本体内已装有电池。
疑 问 时 ·保 修 等
• 附属电池是试用电池。 电池的寿命可能会提前结束。

按钮直到与现在的“分 按钮进行设定。
მ໯ 钟”相符合,按
・设定范围为 00 ~ 59 分钟 ෼‫ڼ‬ ・超过 59 将返回到 00 ・快进以 10 分钟为单位
该单位表示身体活动的强度,相当于安静时消耗能量的 几倍。 静坐时为 1 METs, 一般步行时则为 3 METs (4 km/ 小时) 。
■ Ex(Exercise) :活动量单位(METs× 时间)
该单位表示身体活动的量。 因为是活动强度(METs)乘以时间得到的数值,所以越 是强劲的活动,越是可以在更短时间内达到 1Ex。 一般步行(4 km / 小时)为 3 METs。因此步行一个小时 就是 3 METs × 1 小时,等于 3 Ex。



H512人体秤说明书V10篇一:H512 人体秤说明书 V10 H512 人体秤说明书 V1.0 一、简述 1. 重量显示精度:1500分度数(可设定); 2. 最大称量:150Kg(可设定); 3. 14bit ADC 分辨率; 4. 1/3 bias、1/4 duty LCD驱动电路; 5. 秤重单位:Kg,lb,ST (按键选单位无ST);单位转换可选按键或拨动开关; 6. 2 - 4点标定,标定位置任选; 7. 传感器分时供电功能(省电30%左右); 8. 省电模式:10S内(可设定)不操作系统进入TURN OFF; 9. 功耗:(条件:采用1K欧姆LoadCell, HT24LC02) 10. LoadCell的供电方式可选:用IO口供电或VS供电。


11. 电力不足警告,过载声音报警;二、 I/O 口定义 1. 功能键:P10、P13、P14; 2. EEPROM接口:WP(P15)、SCL(P17)、SDA(P16); 3. 校正使能(P14); 4. 开关选单位(P11、P12); 5. Buzzer推动:P27; 6. Loadcell电源E+:P26。

7. WDTEN (P3):看门狗定时功能,若选开机归零则不使用(该脚接地);若选定时归零(开机不归零)则该脚接电源。

三、基本功能 1.按键操作 P10:ON键; P13:(单位状态存于RAM而未存EEPROM);(EEPROM选)称重模式下为单位转换键(UNIT)校准模式下无定义。


2. 开关选单位(P11,P12)(可选):JMP2、JMP1:11—Kg,10—LB;(JMP断开为1,短路接地为0) 01—ST,00—ST。

3.开机自检项目: (1) 在校准使能下(JMP3短路)开机,LCD全亮2S,然后进入校准模式。

欧姆龙 HJ-106 说明书

欧姆龙 HJ-106 说明书

哈尔滨:0451-53009752 重 庆:023-63726722 石家庄:0311-86918693 郑 州:0371-67717881 广 州:020-87322115 武 汉:027-82656656 西 安:029-87203267 昆 明:0871-3571933 长 沙:0731-4462578 成 都:028-86528209 福 州:0591-87674829 杭 州:0571-85775948 深 圳:0755-83665528 南 宁:0771-5879402
2. 我方对因下列使用者个人的原因而造成的故障将不提供免费 保修服务。如: a) 擅自拆装、改装该产品而造成的故障; b) 在使用、搬运的过程中不慎跌落而造成的故障; c) 因缺乏合理的保养而造成的故障; d) 没有按照使用说明书的正确指示进行操作而造成的故障;

3. 取出旧电池。
• 去除污垢时,请勿使用化学药剂、 稀释剂和汽油等物品。 • 请勿放在以下地方保管。 ・经常接触到水的地方。 ・周围空气为高温、潮湿、阳光直射、 灰尘、含盐分的地方。 ・倾斜、振动、受冲击的地方。 ・化学药品的保管地方和经常有腐蚀性 气体的地方。 • 请勿放在幼儿能够拿到的地方。 • 长期(3个月以上)不使用的时候,请 将电池取出后保管。
汽 油
稀 电池盖的螺丝
8 使用中感到疑问时
疑问 产生原因 解决办法
9 规格
名 型 电 称 欧姆龙电子计步器 号 HJ-106 源 DC1.5V(LR43/1个) 步 数 0~99,999步 有 效 步 数 0~99,999步 有效步行时间 0~1,440分 测 定 消 耗 能 量 0~99,999Kcal 脂肪消耗量 0.0~999.9g 时 间 0:00~23:59 步 数 1~7 天前 有 效 步 数 1~7 天前 记 忆 有效步行时间 1~7 天前 消耗卡路里 1~7 天前 脂肪消耗量 1~7 天前 时间 0:00~23:59(24小时显示) 设 置 体重 30~136kg(1kg单位) 步幅 30~120cm (1cm单位) 使 用 温 湿 度 范 围 –10℃~+40℃ 35 ~ 85%RH 运输和保存温湿度范围 -20℃ ~ +60℃ 10 ~ 95%RH 运行大气压力 860hPa ~ 1060hPa 运输和保存大气压力 500hPa ~ 1060hPa 步数精度 ±5%以内 (振动试验机报告) 时钟精度 平均月差±90秒之内(常温) 电池寿命 约一年(1日1万步使用时) 外形尺寸 约63.5X36.3X23.0mm 重 量 约24g(包含电池) 试用电池(LR43型钮扣电池1个)、合格证、 附 属 品 使用说明书(附欧姆龙健康产品保证书)、欧姆龙顾客服务一览表、 有毒有害物质或元素含有表


显示运动强度在3 METS以上的步数和一周累计的EX量
身体在静坐状态下为1 METS
普通步行一般为3 METS
EX :活动量单位(METSⅹ时间)
日本厚生劳动省研究表明,为保持身体健康,每周运动强度应保持在3 METS以上,总量至少达到23 EX。本品不计量运动强度3 METS以下,总量低于23 EX的运动。
办公室工作 :1.5METS
使用吸尘器 :3.5METS

OMRON SC-150 Bluetooth 体重秤说明书

OMRON SC-150 Bluetooth 体重秤说明书

Scale with Bluetooth®Model: SC-150®E N G L I S H5666064-4EINTRODUCTION (3)IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION (4)1. KNOW YOUR DEVICE (7)2. BEFORE TAKING A MEASUREMENT (9)3. TAKING A MEASUREMENT (12)4. TRANSFERRING YOUR READING (13)5. RESTORING THE SCALE TO THE DEFAULT SETTINGS (14)6. ERROR MESSAGES AND TROUBLESHOOTING (15)7. MAINTENANCE (17)8. CALIBRATION (18)9. SPECIFICATIONS (19)10. FCC/ISED STATEMENT AND TRADEMARKS (21)11. LIMITED WARRANTY (22)12. GUIDANCE AND MANUFACTURER’S DECLARATION (23)Thank you for purchasing the OMRON SC-150 Scale with Bluetooth®.This product is mainly designed for general household use.Safety InstructionsThis instruction manual provides you with important information about the OMRON SC-150. To ensure the safe and proper use of this product, READ and UNDERSTAND all of these instructions. If you do not understand these instructions or have any questions, contact 1-800-634-4350 before attempting to use this product. For specific information about your own weight, consult with your physician.Intended UseThe OMRON SC-150 Scale with Bluetooth® is intended to measure and display body weight. It is intended for home use only.Receiving and InspectionRemove this product and other components from the packaging and inspect for damage. If this product or any other components are damaged, DO NOT USE and contact 1-800-634-4350. Symbols GlossaryFor symbol information, visit:/symbols-glossaryOmronHealthcare.ca/symbols-glossaryRead the Important Safety Information in this instruction manual before using this device.Follow this instruction manual thoroughly for your safety.• Consult with your physician or healthcare provider before beginning a weight reduction or exercise program.• Stop using the scale and consult your doctor if you experience skin irritation on your foot or feet.• DO NOT use the scale on slippery surfaces, such as a wet floor.• Keep the scale out of the reach of infants, toddlers and children.• DO NOT jump on the scale. Doing so may cause you to fall or slip, resulting in serious injury.• DO NOT use the scale when your body and/or feet are wet, such as after taking a bath or shower.• DO NOT step on the edges or display area of the scale because you may lose your balance and fall, resulting in serious injury.• Persons with disabilities or persons who are physically frail should be assisted by another person when using the scale to prevent falling when stepping on and off the scale.• DO NOT put your fingers into any openings or inside the scale.• Use indoors.• DO NOT use the scale for purposes other than described in this manual.• DO NOT use the scale with other medical electrical (ME) equipment simultaneously. This may result in incorrect operation of the devices and/or cause an inaccurate reading.• DO NOT damage the glass because it may break and result in an injury.Battery Usage• If battery fluid leaks and contacts your eyes, skin or clothing, immediately rinse with plenty of clean water. Contact your physician if battery fluid contacts your eyes or skin.Data Transmission• This product emits radio frequencies (RF) in the 2.4 GHz band. DO NOT use this product in locations where RF is restricted, such as on an aircraft or in hospitals.For further information on potential restrictions refer to documentation on the Bluetooth usage by the FCC/ISED.• DO NOT share the scale with others because your weight data accuracy may be impacted.• Clean the scale before use if it has been used by people with a skin disease on their feet.• DO NOT place the scale against a wall because an injury or malfunction of the scale may occur.• DO NOT attempt to disassemble, modify or repair the scale.• Ensure that the scale has acclimated to room temperature before taking a measurement. Taking a measurement after an extreme temperature change could lead to an inaccurate reading. OMRON recommends waiting for approximately 2 hours for the scale to warm up or cool down when the scale is used in an environment within the temperature specified as operating conditions after it is stored either at the maximum or at the minimum storage temperature. For additional information of operating and storage/transport temperature, refer to section 9.• DO NOT place the scale on a cushioned floor surface such as a carpet or mat because a measurement may not be accurate.• DO NOT submerge the scale or any of the components in water.• DO NOT place the scale near heat sources or below air conditioners.• Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.• Avoid excessive impact, vibration and strong shock to this scale.• DO NOT wash the scale with water.• DO NOT wipe the scale with benzene, gasoline, paint thinner, or other volatile solvents.• DO NOT place the scale where it will be exposed to chemicals or corrosive vapors.• Store the scale on a level surface.• DO NOT store any objects on the scale.Battery Usage• Replace worn batteries with new ones immediately.• DO NOT expose the batteries to flames or fire.• DO NOT insert the batteries with the polarities in the wrong direction.• ONLY use 4 “AAA” manganese or alkaline batteries with the scale. DO NOT use other types of batteries. DO NOT use new and used batteries together. Replace all 4 batteries at the same time.• DO NOT use different types of batteries together.• Dispose of the device, batteries, components according to applicable local regulations. Unlawful disposal may cause environmental pollution.• Remove the batteries if the scale will not be used for three months or more.• DO NOT use batteries after their expiration date.Data Transmission• During measurement, make sure that no mobile device or any other electrical devices that emit electromagnetic fields is within 12 inches (30 cm) of the scale. This may result in incorrect operation of the scale and/or cause an inaccurate reading.• DO NOT replace the battery while your measurement result is being transferred to your smart device. This may result in the incorrect operation of the scale and failure to transfer your measurement result.• DO NOT place integrated circuit cards, magnets, metal objects, or other devices that emit electromagnetic fields near the scale while your measurement result is being transferred to your smart device. This may result in the incorrect operation of the scale and failure to transfer your measurement result.Contents:• Digital Weight Scale • 4 “AAA” Manganese Batteries • Instruction Manual • Quick Start GuideMain Unit:FrontDisplay:ABsymbolDisplay symbols:2.1 Installing Batteries1.2. Install the batteries following the correct polaritiesas shown to the right and inside the batterycompartment.3. Close the battery cover.Note:• When the “ ” symbol and “A1” appear, replace all 4 batteries with new ones. Items stored in memory will be saved even if the batteries are removed.• Place the scale on a hard, flat and level floor immediately after installing the batteries.The scale is calibrated automatically.• Disposal of used batteries should be carried out in accordance with your local regulations for the disposal of batteries.2.2 Selecting the Weight Metric1. When the scale is off, press the [SET] button to select your preferred weight metric“lb” or “kg”. (Weight is set to “lb” as the default metric.)The weight metric will be saved after 10 seconds.The scale will automatically turn off after 3 seconds.2.3 Pairing the Scale with a Smart DeviceIf you want to transfer the reading, follow the below instructions.1. Enable the Bluetooth on your smart device.2. Scan the code on the right with your smart devicecamera or visit /app to find theOMRON compatible app for this product.3. Open the app and follow the pairing instructions shownon your smart device.• Make sure that your scale is within 5 m of your smart device.4. Press the [Bluetooth] button (the side of the scale) formore than 2 seconds to connect to your smart device.The “ ” symbol and “P” symbol flash on the display.5. Confirm that the scale is connected successfully.When the scale is connected successfully to your smartdevice, the “ ” symbol flashes.Note:• When the “Err” appears, follow the instructions in the app.• The scale will automatically turn off after 10 seconds.• Be aware that OMRON will not be responsible for the lossof data and/or information in the app.• This scale can be paired with one smart device and onlyone user can manage the measurement data. Do not use the multiple apps.• Only compatible OMRON apps should be used with this scale to help ensure correct data transfer.It is recommended to measure your weight at the same time each day for consistency.1. Place the scale on a hard, flat and level floor.Note:• This scale is recommended for use by one person.•2.a measurement.will start.Note:•3. When your weight flashes, your measurement iscomplete.4. Step off of the scale.The scale will automatically turn off after 10 seconds.If you want to transfer your reading, refer to section 4.Open the app on your smart device.4.1 Transferring Your Reading AutomaticallyYour reading will be transferred to your smart device automatically within 30 minutes after the scale is turned off.Note:• If your reading is transferred before the scale is turned off, the display shows as below with the “ ” symbol showing on the display during the transfer.The scale will automaticallyturn off.4.2 Transferring Your Reading ManuallyTo transfer the readings manually, press the [Bluetooth] button during the power is off.The “ ” symbol appears from the start of transferring to the end.The scale will automaticallyturn off after 10 seconds.Note:• If the “ ” symbol does not appear, refer to “The data is not being transferred.” in section 6 for more detail.• This scale will store up to 30 readings for one user. Stored readings cannot be viewed on the scaleʼs display. You can view your readings on the app after transferring.• When the “ ” symbol appears on the display, your reading was not transferred. Transfer the readings immediately before the oldest reading is deleted.To delete all information stored in the scale, follow the instructions below. Make sure that the scale is turned off.1. Press the [Bluetooth] button for more than 2 seconds.The display flashes as shown on the right.2. Press the [Bluetooth] button again for more than 5 seconds.The display flashes as shown on the right and the“ ” symbol stops flashing.3. Press the [SET] button.When the display stops flashing, the scale is restored to thedefault settings.Note:• The scale will automatically turn off after 10 seconds.• Restoring to the default setting of the scale does not delete the information in the app.If any of the below problems occur during a measurement, check to make sure that no other electrical device is within 12 inches (30 cm). If the problem persists, refer to the table below.7.1 MaintenanceTo protect your scale from damage, follow the directions below:• Use a soft dry cloth, or a soft cloth moistened with mild (neutral) detergent to clean the scale.• Store the scale in a clean, safe location.• Do not use any abrasive or volatile cleaners, gasoline, thinners or similar solvents to clean the scale.• Do not clean the scale by immersing it in water.7.2 Proper storageThe scale recalibrates automatically when it is not in use.If the automatic calibration does not work, see section 8 for instructions on how to manually calibrate your scale.To help ensure automatic calibration, do not store your scale as shown in images below:The scale is leaning against the wall or other objectsThe scale is placed upside downon the carpet or mat The object is placed on the scaleTo calibrate your scale, follow the instructions below.1. Place the scale on a hard, flat and level floor.2. Press the surface of the scale with your hand to turn on the power.3. When “0.0 lb” (or “0.0 kg”) is displayed, wait for 1 minute to turn the scale off.Then you can take a measurement.®(5 to 150 kg with an increment of 0.1 kg) Weight accuracy11.0 to 330.0 lb : ±(1 %+0.2 lb)(5 to 150 kg : ±(1 %+0.1 kg)) Transmission method Bluetooth® Low EnergyWireless communication Frequency range: 2.4 GHz (2400 - 2483.5 MHz) Modulation: GFSKEffective radiated power: <20 dBmDurable Period 5 yearsIP classification IP21Power supply 4 “AAA” batteriesBattery life Approximately 3 months: using manganese batteriesApproximately 6 months: using alkaline batteries(When each types of batteries are used in two measurement, two datatransfer a day at a room temperature of 73.4 °F (23 °C))Operating conditions+41 to +104 °F (+5 to +40 °C), 30 to 85 % RH (non-condensing),860 to 1060 hPaStorage conditions-4 to +140 °F (-20 to +60 °C), 10 to 95 % RH (non-condensing) Weight Approximately 3.3 lb (1.5 kg)including batteriesExternal dimensions Approximately 10 5/8" (W) × 1 1/32" (H) × 11 27/64" (D)270 (W) × 26.4 (H) × 290 (D) mmContents Digital weight scale, 4 “AAA” manganese batteries, instructionmanual, quick start guideApplied part Type BF (Plate)Notes:• These specifications are subject to change without notice.• IP classification is degrees of protection provided by enclosures in accordance with IEC 60529. This device is protected against solid foreign objects of 0.5 inch (12.5 mm) diameter and greater such as a finger. This device is protected against vertically falling water drops which may cause issues during a normal operation.About a wireless communication interferenceThis product operates in an unlicensed ISM band at 2.4 GHz. In the event this product is used near other wireless devices such as microwave and wireless LAN, which operate on the same frequency band as this product, there is a possibility that interference may occur. If interference occurs, stop the operation of the other devices or relocate this product away from other wireless devices before attempting to use it.FCC CAUTIONChanges or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with part 15 of FCC Rules and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This equipment complies with FCC/ISED radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and meets the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines and RSS-102 of the ISED radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules as this equipment has very low levels of RF energy.The OMRON SC-150 Scale with Bluetooth® excluding batteries, is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship appearing within 1 year from the date of purchase, when used in accordance with the instructions provided with the scale. The above warranty extends only to the original retail purchaser, and only to products purchased from an Omron authorized seller who is subject to and follows Omron’s quality control standards, unless otherwise prohibited by law. We will, at our option, replace without charge any unit covered by the above warranty. Replacement is our only responsibility and your only remedy under the above warranty.To obtain warranty service contact Customer Service by calling 1-800-634-4350 for the address of the inspection center and the return shipping and handling fee.Enclose the original printed receipt. Include a letter, with your name, address, phone number, and description of the specific problem. Pack the product carefully to prevent damage in transit. Because of possible loss in transit, we recommend insuring the product with return receipt requested.FOREGOING IS THE SOLE WARRANTY PROVIDED BY OMRON IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PRODUCT, AND OMRON HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND OTHER TERMS THAT MAY BE IMPOSED BY LAW, IF ANY, ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE PERIOD OF THE ABOVE EXPRESS WARRANTY.OMRON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF USE OR ANY OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT COSTS, EXPENSES OR DAMAGES.This warranty provides you with specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary by jurisdiction. Because of special local requirements, some of the above limitations and exclusions may not apply to you.FOR CUSTOMER SERVICEVisit our web site at:For USA - For Canada - OmronHealthcare.ca Call toll free: 1-800-634-4350OMRON SC-150 Scale with Bluetooth® Information for Accompanying Documents in the Scope of IEC60601-1-2:2014Important information regarding Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)SC-150 conforms to IEC60601-1-2:2014 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard. Further documentation in accordance with this EMC standard is available at /emc. Refer to the EMC information for SC-150 on the website.The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd. is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.OMRON HEALTHCARE Co., Ltd.53, Kunotsubo, Terado-choMuko, Kyoto, 617-0002 JAPANDistributed by :OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC.2895 Greenspoint Pkwy. Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 USAFor USA - For Canada - OmronHealthcare.ca© 2021 OMRON HEALTHCARE, INC.Made in ChinaOmron Healthcare helps you make positive lifestyle changes with innovative home health products that you can use safely and accurately at home. OmronHealthcare.ca For questions: 1-800-634-4350 Get general pain info: OmronHealthcare.ca。



制造商 展科电子(深圳)有限公司 深圳市宝安区西乡臣田工业村 第 31 栋 2 楼靠西 电话 :0755-29701188 邮编 :518102
※ 请勿放入裤子后侧的口袋,以免坐下时损坏 本产品。
※ 请使用附属的挂绳。
为防止摔落或在洗衣服时忘记将计步器 取出,请使用附属的挂绳和锁扣。
按 按钮,则可从任何一个画面返回到当 日数据。
在记忆画面显示下,无法开始区间计步。 “区间计步模式”( 17 页)
在不进行任何按钮操作的状态持续 1 分 钟以上,则返回到当日数据。
按下 按钮,切换显示
按下 按钮,切换显示 按下
■ 本说明书上的插图均为效果图。 企业标准编号 :Q/SZK 01-2010
关于 HJ-204
本产品不仅可放在口袋及包中使用,即使是挂 在脖子上,也能够计算步数,是一款自由佩带 型计步器。每天佩带本产品步行,轻松惬意的 开始健康管理吧。
●消耗卡路里·燃烧脂肪量 根据步行的强度与步行时间,显示正确的消耗 卡路里·燃烧脂肪量。 ●区间计步模式 记录任意区间的测量结果 * 。由于每天的步行计 数是独立测量,所以便于在参加活动时以及旅 行时计步。 * 步数·消耗卡路里·燃烧脂肪量 ●达到 10,000 步显示 标记 当 1 天的步数达到 10,000 步时,显示 标记。 ※ 在区间计步模式和区间计步记忆画面下不显示。

欧姆龙 GP-Pro EX GP-4402WW 和 GP-4502WW 说明书

欧姆龙 GP-Pro EX GP-4402WW 和 GP-4502WW 说明书


这些信息在GP-Pro EX参考手册或控制器/PLC连接手册中均没有描述。

•GP-Pro EX从V4.04开始支持GP-4*02 WW。


关于这些信息的详情,请参阅GP-Pro EX参考手册和控制器/PLC连接手册。

目录前言 (1)目录 (1)参考手册 (2)支持的型号列表 (2)支持的功能 (2)支持的颜色 (5)特殊功能和限制 (5)控制器/PLC连接手册 (9)GP-4402WW/GP-4502WW连接控制器/PLC (9)电缆接线图 (9)支持的驱动程序 (10)本节描述有关GP-Pro EX操作方面的规格和限制。

支持的型号列表支持的功能支持的颜色特殊功能和限制支持的型号列表支持的功能*1 取决于外接控制器/PLC的类型。

*2 指挥中心部件列在支持网站上(/otasuke/)支持的颜色•显示颜色65,536色,无闪烁•绘图时的颜色256色特殊功能和限制GP-4*02WW的特殊功能和限制如下:特殊功能不支持的功能限制特殊功能SRAM•GP-4*02WW未配备备份存储器(SRAM),因此内部存储器的一部分会被用作备份区。

GP-Pro EX参考手册中将这一区域称为“虚拟备份存储器”。






详情请参阅GP-Pro EX中的“通用设置- 时钟更新设置”。


Omron BCM-500 身体成分监测器和蓝牙连接体重秤快速指南说明书

Omron BCM-500 身体成分监测器和蓝牙连接体重秤快速指南说明书

1) Press the button and the “inchlb” blinks.
2) Press the unit.
button to adjust the measurement
3) Press the button to confirm the measurement unit.
When complete, the year will blink. 4) Repeat the same steps to adjust the year,
turn off the power.
Note: Y ou can also set your personal data on your smart device by following the instructions from the “OMRON HeartAdvisor” app.
STEP Check the measurement
1. turn on
STEP Take a measurement.
6 Correct posture during the measurement:
Step onto the monitor with your bare feet.
Place the arches of your feet onto the center of the monitor.
STEP Press the button
8 (2 seconds or longer) to turn off the power.
The power also turns off if the unit is not used for 3 minutes.
After your measurement is complete, your results will automatically rotate on the display. Note: Y ou can also confirm your measurement



1MC-510目录快速测量方法 (2)安全注意事项 (3)商品构成 (6)体温的基本常识 (8)测量方法 (9)电池更换方法 (17)有疑问时 (18)显示出错时 ................20保养与保管 ................22规格 ..........................23咨询 .. (24)产品保证书 (25)保修卡 .......................26非常感谢您购买欧姆龙速测体温宝,为了正确使 ⏹用本产品,请务必在使用之前阅读本产品说明书。

为了安全正确地使用本产品,请阅读并充分理解 ⏹本说明书中的“安全注意事项”。


⏹本说明书兼作产品质量保证书,故请妥善保管勿 ⏹丢失。

快速测量方法3说明书中所表示的警告记号和警告图例,其目的 ⏹是为了使您能够安全、正确地使用本产品,并防止对您及他人造成伤害。

警告记号、图例及其含义如下:⏹※ 所谓物品损坏是指有关房屋、家产及家畜、宠物的损害。

安全注意事项45建议• 当您把所测体温告诉医生时,请说明您是用耳式体温计进行测量的。

• 请不要用于人体耳部以外的体温测量。

• 请不要强行碰撞、摔落、踩踏和摇动本体。


• 请勿拆卸、修理和改造本体。

• 本产品不防水。


6☆ 探测器保护罩是消耗品,使用完结后请购买新的探测器保护罩。

☆ 探测器保护罩脏污破损时,请更换探测器保护罩,因为表面的脏污和破损会影响测量精度。





OMRON HBF-362 体重体脂肪计 说明书

OMRON HBF-362 体重体脂肪计 说明书

測 量

■ 保管注意事項


• 可能遭水噴灑的場所
• 高溫、潮濕、陽光直射或空氣中含灰塵、鹽分等物質的場所

• 傾斜、搖晃或可能遭受撞擊的場所
疑 難
• 存放化學藥品或散發腐蝕性氣體的場所


■ 若使用者為下列人士,可能會無法正確的進行測量。 成長期的兒童/高齡者/罹患感冒等症狀而正在發燒中的人/孕婦/骨質密度非常低的骨質疏鬆症患 者/水腫症患者/人工透析患者/專業健身或運動人士,以及具有類似性質的人。 • 體內水分量等的體組成,可能與平均值有極大差異。

(作為修正重力的參考) 必須正確設定居住地區才能測得精確數值。
前 言
■ 居住地區的代碼請輸入「2」。
■BM I 此為界定肥胖程度的國際標準。理想的BMI值為「22」。 ■基礎代謝
請勿在磁磚或潮濕地板等容易滑倒的場所使用本機。 • 以免因滑倒而受傷。
(測量注意事項) 行動不便的人士,請在有看護人員的陪同下使用。 • 可能造成跌倒受傷的原因。

OMRON HEM-7112 说明书

OMRON HEM-7112 说明书

2.1 安装 / 更换电池1. 产品的组成及各部件名称安全注意事项2. 使用前的准备臂肘侧。

注:• 请注意手臂不要压到空气管,否则会 阻碍空气流向臂带。

• 臂带应位于臂肘之上 1 cm ~ 2 cm 处。

注:如果希望中止测量,按下「开始 / 停止」按钮关闭血压计,臂带的 空气排出。

2.臂带: 在右手臂上测量适用臂周范围:22 cm ~ 32 cm (上臂中央部)I. 7 号干电池 4 节1.将本体翻过来。







3.安装或更换 4 节 7 号电池,电池的正(+)负(-)极与电池盒中标注的正负极要一致。




A.显示屏B.「开始 / 停止」 按钮C.AC 电源适配器接口(用于连接另售的 AC 电源适配器)D.电池盖E.空气管接口2.2 电池的寿命与更换3.2 测量血压如果显示屏上显示电池低电量图标更换 4 节新电池。

若已经知道您的高压值高于 140 mmHg (18.7 kPa),请按照如下方法进1.3.3 关于特殊情况的说明2.臂带开始充气时,按住「开始 / 停止」按钮,直到臂带的充气压力比预计高压高出 30 mmHg ~ 40 mmHg (4 kPa ~5.3 kPa) 为止。

3.当臂带加压至目标值时,松开「开始 / 停止」按钮。


注:臂带充气压力不能超过 299 mmHg (39.9 kPa)。

(如果臂带加压至 300 mmHg (40 kPa) 以上将出现错误。


请参照“3.2 测量血压”中的步骤 3 至 5。

OMRON K3HB-V测重面板表 说明书

OMRON K3HB-V测重面板表 说明书

商品选择 (600)共通注意事项..................608技术指南......................803用语说明. (806)相关信息测重面板表K3HB-V根据测重信号输入对压力、负载、转矩及重量等进行测量,是用于判断自动及筛选设备是否合适的理想的显示器。





(范围在0.000~19.999mV)配置DC10V 100mV外部供给电源。


•深度(前面板以下)仅为95mm *的超短规格。













深度(前面板以下)为95mm的超短规格实现了深度为95mm *的超短化。



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