


假如你是校报负责人,急需在学校内聘一位同学任英语版的编辑,请你用英文以―An English Editor Wanted‖为题目写一则招聘启事。内容要点如下:








参考词汇:满足要求 meet the requirements



An English Editor Wanted

Our school newspaper is looking for an editor for its English edition….

Students’ Uni on


An English Editor Wanted

Our school newspaper is looking for an editor for its

English edition. The job mainly includes two parts: One is to choose proper English articles from other newspapers, magazines or Internet for us students. The other is to pick out articles from students in our school and edit them for use.

We hope that he/she could meet the following requirements: First, he/she is willing to devote some of the spare time to serving the others. Second, it's necessary for him/ her to be good at both English and fine art. Needless to say that the ability to use the computer is important as well.

Those who are interested in the job, please get in touch with the Students' Union this week.

Students' Union

Passage 5




问候: How is it going/ How are you

表达收到来信的心情: I am glad to receive your letter.

How great it is to hear from you.

I am so sorry to hear that ….

自我介绍: I am Li Hua, monitor of Class One, Grade Three.

a seventeen-year-old boy.

写作目的: I am writing this letter in order to ask some information about…

客气询问对方的意见期待回信: I am looking forward to your reply/coming.

祝福: wish you a pleasant journey.

Wish you happy every day.


假设你是晨光中学高二(1)班的班长李津,得知美国学生Chris 作为交换生,下学期将到你班学习。请你根据以下提示,给他写封邮件:







(3)词数不少于100; 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Chris,

I'm Li Jin, monitor of Class One, Grade Eleven.__________________________________

_______________________________________________________ _________________

_______________________________________________________ _________________

_______________________________________________________ _________________

_______________________________________________________ _________________

_______________________________________________________ _________________


Li Jin


Dear Chris,

I'm Li Jin, monitor of Class One, Grade Eleven. I'm glad

to hear that you will come to our school as an exchange student. You're welcome to stay with us.

Our school is located in a northern city of China, where you can taste many kinds of delicious food, because it is well famous for its snacks. Our city witnesses four different seasons, plenty of sunshine and good rainfall, but in winter you may feel a little cold.

Our class is made up of 50 lively boys and girls, who are warm and generous and ready to offer help. They are very friendly and easy to get along with. You will have a good time and get used to the life soon.


Li Jin










Dear American guests,






_________________ 参考词汇:交换生 exchange student 参考范文:

Dear American guests,

On behalf of our school,I would like to express our warm welcome to are lucky to have you here in the middle of our English Week activities.

As scheduled,we have English Talent Show purpose of this programme is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and programme consists of the following activities: recitation,singing,word spelling,storytelling and so Show will

begin at two o'clock this afternoon at the Student guests, you are welcome to take part in some activities. I hope we students will benefit from your presence.

I sincerely wish you a pleasant time with you.










参考词汇:temper n. 脾气,情绪

Hi Worried,

I’m sorry to know that you’re having such a bad time at the moment.______________

_______________________________________________________ _________________

_______________________________________________________ _________________




Hi Worried,

I’m sorry to know that you’re having such a bad time at the moment. The truth is everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, so you don’t have to worry so much. The important thing is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything you’ll regret. Here are three useful tips:

First, talk to someone you trust about how you feel. This is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself. Second, go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise, which is an effective way to get rid of your anger. And third, remain optimistic about your future. Such a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits.

I hope you’ll soon feel calmer and carry on as normal.








注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头语和结束语已为你写好。

Dear Peter,

How are you doing

_______________________________________________________ _________________

_______________________________________________________ _________________



_______________________________________________________ _________________

_______________________________________________________ _________________

_______________________________________________________ _________________

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

I'm writing to tell you that my uncle Li Ming is going to your city for a conference, and I've asked him to bring you the Chinese painting you've asked for before.

Also, I'd like you to do me a favor. Would you please meet my uncle at the airport and take him to his hotel since this is his first visit to the USThank you in advance!

His flight number is CA985, and it will arrive at 11:30 am, August 6. My uncle is tall and he is wearing glasses. And he will be in a blue jacket.







1. 要写好开头,提一提来信里谈到的各项事情,顺笔写来。

2. 一般要先答复对方的问题,然后再谈自己想要说的话。

3. 结束信时要向对方表示友善或亲切的问候。

Useful Expressions:

1. I’m very pleased to hear from you yesterday.

2. When I received your letter I was so happy.

3. I’m sorry I’ve taken so long to answer your last letter.

4. We were all so pleased to hear you will be coming to visit us.

5. We’ve been friends for too long to let a misunderstanding come between us.

6. Wh en it gets to the point where I can’t get you out

of my mind, I know it’s time to write you a letter.

7. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

8. Please write back soon.

9. Counting the hours till next weekend.

10. Do write to us when you have time.

11. We hope to hear from you soon.

12. Give my best wishes to the family.

13. I do hope you will be up and about soon.

14. I am sure you will soon settle down.


the writer’s address

the date






16 Market St.


th May 18, 2002

Dear Jim,

It was so nice to hear from you at last. We were all

very happy to know that you are doing well in the new place.

Everything is fine at home. Mom is knitting a new sweater for you. Dad is busy as usual. His doctor says he needs a rest, but you know he never listens. I’m all ready for my first trip to China. I will let you know when I leave.

Try to write to us more often . We want to know everything about your school life.




假如你叫王东,你的澳洲笔友Gerry 今年暑假打算到中国来学习汉语,你得知师范大学将于7月20 日举办为期六周的“暑假汉语口语培训班”,请将此信息写信告诉他。内容包括以下几点:

1. 时间,地点,性质,学费

2. 如果他决定来,你愿意提供住宿并帮助他练习汉语。

3. 请他帮你买一盘英文儿歌的磁带以辅助英语学习。

Dear Gerry,

How have you been I’m glad to know that you’re coming to China to learn Chinese this summer holiday. Here is some information from the Teachers’ University.

There is going to be an oral Chinese training course

for beginners. It will start on July 20 and last six weeks. It will cost $60 a week. If you could come, you can stay with me and I’d be glad to help you practice Chinese.

By the way, I enjoy English songs. Would you please get me a tape of English songs for children That will be a help to my English study.

I’m really looking forward to meeting you soon.

With best wishes,

Wang Dong



1. 信文以第一人称书写,称呼比较自由。

2. 信的特点是简短,热情。

3. 信的主要内容是说明邀请的原因,活动的地点和时间。

Useful Expressions:

1. How about coming to stay with us

2. Why d on’t you celebrate the holiday with us

3. I would like to invite you.

4. We wonder if you’d like to come

5. We would be very glad if you could come

6. You can stay at our apartment for two weeks.

7. You can use our kitchen and cook your own food.

8. We can take you here and back in our car.

9. You can bring one or two friends with you.


1. 午/ 晚餐会的邀请:

Dear Mrs Smith,

John and I would be very happy if you and Mr. Latimer could come to dinner on Saturday the nineteenth at seven o’clo ck. We do hope you can join us.

Sincerely yours,

Dear Miss Thompson,

John and I are wondering if you can dinner with us on Tuesday, the fifteenth, at half-past six. Afterward, we plan to hear the performance given by the Students’ Union.

I hope that you will be able to come.

Most sincerely,

2. 舞会邀请:


Dear Ruth,

Next Friday, September 5th, is Tom’s birthday --- and I thought it would

be pleasant to have some of his friends here to help him celebrate. Will you an d Bill comeWe’ll have dancing from until midnight, and then cut the birthday cake!

Tom and I are both very eager to have you here, so don’t disappoint us.

Affectionately yours,

3. 邀请看电影, 观剧,看球赛等:

Dear Helene,

I should like very much to take you to the Army Columbia game at West Point

at the twenty-eighth of this month. If you are free to go, mother will write your mother to request

Permission from the authorities of your school. Dad and mother will pick me

up early in the morning and we shall all call for you about ten-thirty. That will allow us plenty of time for luncheon and to take a look at the Academy before the kick-off.

Yours sincerely,


1. 假定你是李华,你所在的学校要在下个月举办美国电影节,请你根据以下要点给你的美国朋友写一封短信,邀请他给学




讲座时间:1 小时30 分钟左右



Dear Peter,

Our school is planning to hold an American Film Festival next month. I’m writing to ask you to come and give a talk on American films and filmmaking industry. It will help us understand how the industry has developed into such a big business as it is today. This understanding should go a long way toward increasing their knowledge of American culture in general. Do you think one and a half hours will be enough Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangements.

I’m looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the talk.

With best wishes,


2. 假如你是北京兴华中学的学生,2002 年4月 18 日要由你校召集一次中学素质教育研讨会。为此校方邀请兴华中学姊妹

学校,美国纽约 Pace 中学校长 Hopkins 到校。请你根据提示给校长写一封邀请信:





Dear Mr Hopkings,

The conference on the holistic education in middle schools will be sponsored

by our school on April 18, 2002. We take great pleasure in inviting you to the conference. We will take care of your accommodations and meals, but not your airfare. During the conference you will be shown around Beijing University and Beijing No. 4 Middle School, the most famous middle school in China.

We will also arrange a visit to the Great Wall and the Summer Palace . We’ll

be very thankful if you could talk about your experience in holistic education in your school. We’ll meet you at Beijing International Airport on September 17.

I’ll be looking fo rward to your arrival.

Yours sincerely




历年英语作文题目 2009年04月27日 1996年1月至2008年6月的二十八套CET6 的真题作文题目 2008年6月六级作文题 Will E-books Replace Traditional Books? 1x 随着信息技能的发展,电子图书越来越多 2x 有人认为电子图书会代替传统图书,理由是 3x 我的观点 2007年12 月六级作文题 digital age 1x 如今数字化产品获患上越越广泛应用,例如; 2x 数字化产品使用对于人们工作,学习和生活影响! 2007年 6月六级作文题 Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given belowx 1x 有人做功德期望获患上回报; 2x 有人认 为应该像雷锋那样做功德不图回报; 3x 我的观点。 2006年12月24 首次大学英语新六级作文 The Importance of Reading Classics 阅 读经典著作的重要性【提纲outlines】 1、阅读经典著作对于人的成长至关重要 二、现在人们越来越少阅读经典著作,原因是 3、作为大学生, 你应该怎么做 2006年12月23日大学英语旧六级测验作文【Direction】1.人们喜欢在除夕夜观看过年晚会2.但有些人提 出取消过年晚会.3.我的观点. 2006年6月17日六级作文题国 外旅游 1、近十年来某城市越来越多挑选出的人择出去旅游二、出现 这类现象的原因 3、这类现象有可能孕育发生的影响表格: 1995 2000 2005 1万人近4万 12万以上 2005年12月24日六级作文题declining a job offerx You should write at Least 150 words following the outline given below: 1x对于公司提供官位暗示感 谢 2x诠释为什么不克不及接管所提供官位的原因 3x希望予以谅解, 并抒发对于公司的良好祝愿x 2005年6月六级作文题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 mins to write a short essay entitled Say No to Pirated Productsx You should write at Least 150 words following the outline given below: 1x 当前盗 版的现象比力紧张 2x 造成这类现象的原因及风险 3x 我们应该怎么


英语作文题目及范文 作文假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Linda来信说她家搬到了一个新城市,她几乎没有朋友,每天除了上课就是在家上网,感觉很孤独。请你给她写一封信,劝她多结交朋友,参加社会活动。 Dear Linda, I know it’s hard to start a new life in a strange city. However, just staying at home doing nothing but surf the Internet is not good for you. You’d better go out and join in some social activities. By doing this, you can get to know more people around. And it would be a good idea to help others if possible and show them you are open and friendly as well. With time going on, people will know you better and like to make friends with you. Best wishes! Yours, Li Hua 作文2 假设你是某大学的学生李津,你校英语俱乐部将选举新一届副主席,负责规划、组织俱乐部的相关活动,你欲参选,请按以下提示,写一篇竞选演讲稿。 ?个人的优势介绍(如性格、特长等) ?组织校内的活动的设想(如举办讲座、英语晚会等) ?组织校际交流活动的设想(如举办辩论赛、演讲比赛等) ?表达竞选的愿望。 注意:1 词数不少于100;2 请勿提及真实学校姓名3可适当的加入细节,以使内容充实,行文连贯; 4 开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇: 副主席:vice presiden竞选:run for Good afternoon,my dear friends,My name is Li Jin, 作文3 假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李华。你校将于6月26日接待来自于美国某中学的学生访问团。你受学校委托,负责安排在津的一日活动。请根据以下提示,用英语给该团的领队Smith 先生写一封电子邮件,介绍活动计划并简要说明理由,最后征求对方意见。 ?上午与我校学生座谈(话题如校园生活、文化差异等); ?中午与我校学生共同进餐(午餐包括饺子、面条等); ?下午与我校学生游览海河。 参考词汇:海河the Haihe River


1.书面表达 以“My friend XXX”为题,写一篇短文。包括以下要点: 1.名字,性别,外表简单描述。兴趣爱好。你们在一起的情况。他/她的家庭情况。总结。要求:1) 词数:100左右; 2)字迹工整,卷面整洁。 答案及解析: Zhang Dong is my best friend. He entered our class last term. He is a boy. He has short straight, black eyes and a small nose. so we often have a talk in English in our spare time. After school, we often play football together on the playground. He is an excellent student. He not only gets good marks in all subjects but also is very kind and modest. He is fond of music. There are three people in his family and he is the only child. His father is a doctor and his mother is a Beijing Opera actress. Though Zhang Dong's family is wealthy, he is usually simply dressed. Such is my friend, a clever and kind boy. He is highly praised by the teachers and students. 2.随着科技的进步,多媒体已走进很多学校的课堂。课间休息时,有些学校利用它来播放音乐。你班就“课间是否要播放音乐”展开讨论。请你根据下表所提供的信息用英语写一篇短文,陈述讨论结果及你个人的看法、建议。(字数 120 词左右,不计开头) 大多数同学认为部分同学认为个人看法 能活跃气氛; 能使大脑得到放松,减轻学习的疲劳,使大家在快乐的氛围中做好下一堂课的准备; 能给大家带来快乐课间时间太短,播放音乐达不到预 期的效果; 课间需要的是安静而不是嘈杂的声 音。 考生陈述 Our class held a discussion about whether music should be played during the break or not .The opinions are divided . Most of the students think that music should be played. As we know, music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere. Besides , after hard study , music can bring us relaxation , which reduces the tiredness. This can help us make full preparations for the next class. Listening to music also makes us feel happy . On the other hand , some students don’t think so. In their opinion , they can’t get the expected effect from playing music , for the class break time is too short .What is needed most during the class break is peace instead of noise produced by music . In my opinion , it is good to play some soft and peaceful music instead of loud music during the class break. In this way students can enjoy music as well as have a good rest. Besides, I suggest choosing


高一优秀英语作文精选 帮助他人 We have been told when we were a little child that we help others as they are in need. We often do as what we were told in the childhood, but when we grow up nowadays we are not dare to help others. Because the society becomes more and complicated. There are some people will make traps for the kind people. For example, you see an old lady falling on the ground and you would like to help her. However, you may be charged for pushing her down and ask you to give money for seeing a doctor. Yeah, this things often happen. But helping others is the traditional for our Chinese, we should carry it out on any condition. Helping others will not only help other people but also help yourself. You will feel happy and satisfy when assisting others. So please give a hand to the people in need carefully. 外表重要吗 Does Outlook Be Important? People always attach great importance on the soul, as the saying that beautiful soul overweighs everything, so in the movie, the everlasting theme is that an ugly girl wins the true love at last. Recently, a hot topic of discussing whether the girls’ outlook is important, the fact is that people reach their agreement that outlook really matters, if a person looks terrible, no one will like to make friends with him, let alone to know about him. In my opinion, beautiful soul is of great importance, but if people don’t make themselves look comfortable outside, no one wants to know his inside. We need to clear ourselves, it doesn’t mean we must make up, we should make ourselves look comfortable and confident, we should dress the tidy clothes and make our hair in order. People say outlook is not important, but it doesn’t mean we give up our outlook and let it look terrible. One possible version: These days, breaking traffic rules and littering are not uncommon, causing serious harm to life and the environment. Changing this situation requires considerable effort on the part of everyone. As for me, it should start on the way to school. I will keep traffic rules in mind al l the way. If I ride a bicycle, I’ll always keep to the right and never cross a road until the traffic light turns green. If I walk, I’ll never forget to use the pedestrian crossing. Meanwhile, I’ll regard it as my duty to help


中考英语作文练习题 【篇一:中考英语作文题目集锦】 中考英语作文题目集锦. 请根据下面的提示用英语写一篇日记。 1.写作要点提示: 1)汶川发生地震,李华来襄樊和叔叔住在一起,成了我们的新 同学。 2)我们对他十分友善。送他爱心卡,鼓励他坚强;与他一起做 游戏;带他参观学校 ;他英3)我们竭尽所能给予帮助。捐出书包、作业本、字典 语学习有困难,我帮他复习功课,教他学习方法 4)李华激动地说,我们不仅是他的同学,也是他的兄弟姐妹, 这里就是他的家。 2.写作要求: 日记内容应包括所提示的要点,语言要流畅,可适当增加情节,以 使短文意思连贯;日记字数 90 词左右,日记开头已给出,但不记入总词数,也不得抄入答题卡。 monday, may 21st fine a terrible earthquake happened in wenchuan. ______________________________________ 短文写作。(本题12 分)

同学们很快就初中毕业了。马上要迎来快乐的暑假和精彩的北京奥运会,你的心中是否充满期待?请用英语写一篇短文,和大家分享你心中的暑期计划。 2008 90 词左右的 内容要求: 1.主要选择通过电视或现场观看哪(几)种比赛项目?最喜欢哪(几)位体育明星?为什么? 2.主要安排哪(几)项体育锻炼活动?(包括时间、地点和目的意 义等) 书面表达(满分20 分) 假如你是李明,你的美国笔友jack 给你发来 email ,想在暑假到北京看奥运会期间来芜湖参观旅游。请根据下表提示,为 jack 制定一份“芜湖一日游”计划,并发 email 给他,介绍相关内容。 上午游鸠兹广场、镜湖公园,去步行街购物 下午爬赭山,参观芜湖长江大桥并拍照 晚上在美食街吃晚饭,谈论各自校园生活 注意: 1. 词数 80 ~90 。开头和结尾已为你写好,但不计入总词数; 2. 参考词汇:鸠兹广场jiuzi square步行街the walking street 镜湖公园 the mirror lake park美食街the food street 芜湖长江大桥wuhu yangzi river bridge dear jack, i ’m so glad to learn that you will come to wuhu during the summer vacation.________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


Dear Lori, I’m so glad that I can help you. Here is some useful advice. Firstly, everybody needs friends because walking with friends in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. So how to make friends with other people is important. Secondly, if you make up your mind to make friends with others, you should be friendly to them. Believe it or not, smiling is a magnet that can spellbind other people. Thirdly, trying to remember other s’names is also a good way. Besides, don’t fight with others though you have arguments with them. Then you can get along well with these people by communicating with them. What’s more, always remember that friendship is based on honesty. In a word, friends are like wine, the older, the better. I hope you could be happy every day. Dear Lori, Thanks for your letter. As we all know, everyone needs friends. So it’s very important to know


高一英语作文 一篇好的作文:仔细审题,准确立义,规范行文,整洁书写 一通知写作: 1通知可以分为口头通知和书面通知两种。 2通知一般篇幅比较短小且语言简洁明了,内容只需说明何事、何时、何地、何人即可。 3书面通知的写作要求“: 1)格式:正文上方正中央需写上Notice /NOTICE 2)发通知人/单位和时间可写在左下角或右下角 4口头通知常见写作模板 呼语及开场白部分: Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. 正文部分: All the teachers and students are required to attend it. Please take your notebooks and make notes. Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups. Please come on time and don’t be late. 结束语部分: That’s all. Thank you. Thank you for your listening! 5人称和时态 1)多用第一人称复数---we,也有许多句子要用第二、三人称。 2)通知是要告诉大家即将进行的活动,因此要以一般将来时为主。但谓语形式不要过于单一,可用的谓语形式有: 1). will/ shall do 2)am/is /are going to do 3)set out to do 4). be ready to do 5)be prepared to do 6)be to do 7). will/ shall be doing 8)plan/ intend/decide to do 9)am /is /are doing 6常用句型: 1)A meeting on sth. is to be held at 2:30 p.m. Friday, October 20, in the meeting room. 2)A talk will be given on sth by sb. in the lecture hall on Tuesday. 3 )All the teachers are required to be present on time. 4)Please be on time. 5)A visit has been arranged to the East Lake Park on October 10. 6)Those who wish to go please gather at the gate of the college at 2 o’clock this afternoon. 7)通知的内容:按时间先后顺序陈述,常用的连接成分有: First … Second … Third … At last… At first … next, … then… and then … At last… 范文欣赏 校英语俱乐部准备了一次晚会,请你根据下列信息,用英语写一则通知,邀请全校学生参加。时间:9月1日晚7:30 地点:校音乐教室 晚会内容:高一学生的英语戏剧表演——《白雪公主》;高二学生用英语讲故事,朗诵诗歌;部分老师演唱英文歌曲。 其它:有免费的饮料提供,可以结交朋友,也是个提高英语的好机会。 要求:1.行文连贯,不得逐句翻译; 2.词数:120词左右。


自我介绍的高一英语作文优秀范文 高一英语作文(一) Good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellows. My name is Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17 years old. I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city. Its campus is as beautiful as ours. My favorite subject is math, because it’s a complicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy. But I am a student who likes challenges and I can feel great achievement when I solve a math problem. Besides, I like various extra curricular activities, because they can bring me a colorful life. In my opinion, study is just a part of our life, so that we should not be constrained by it. The most important is that I am happy to be a classmate of you. I hope we can study as well as play together. 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家早上好。我叫秦成,今年十七岁。我毕业于天桃中学,它是我们市里的中学,校园和我们校园一样美丽。我最喜欢的科目是数学,因为它是使很多学生抓狂的复杂科目。但是,我是一个喜欢挑战的学生,每当我解答出一道数学问题的时候,我感到一种巨大的成就感。除此之外,我喜欢各种各样的课外活动,因为我它们给我带来了多姿多彩的生活。在我看来,学习只是生活中的一部分,因此我们不应该被学习束缚。最重要的是,我很高兴能成为你们的同学。我希望我们可以一起学习,一起玩。 高一英语作文(二) Good morning, my admirable professors and my dear fellows. It’s my great honor to be here to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Xing Heng and I’m in my eighteen years old. I come fromXiamen, which is a famous and beautiful city. I strongly suggest you visiting there and I can be your guide if it’s convenient. After three years’ hard work, I am so excited that I am finally enrolled by my dreaming school,SichuanUniversityand be one of you. I am outgoing and I have many interests, such as playing basketball, football, and swimming, but I am only good at basketball. I hope we can always play together in the next four years. Computer Science and Technology is my favorite subject and I am sure that it’s also a promising area in the future, with the great development of computer science and our society. I am glad to be a classmate of you and I hope we can study and make progress together in the future. I greatly expect my life to be with you in the coming four years. 亲爱的教授以及同学们,大家早上好!很荣幸能够站在这里向大家介绍自己。我叫邢恒,今年18岁。我来自美丽的城市厦门。我强烈建议大家到厦门旅游,如果方便的话,我可以做你们的导游。经过了三年的努力,我感到很兴奋,因为我最终录取了我梦寐以求的


【题目01】CET-4 (2006.1) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1、名校校园正成为旅游热点; 2、校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同; 3、我认为…… 【题目02】CET-4 (2006.12) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Spring Festival Gala on CCTV. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1、许多人喜欢在除夕观看春节联欢晚会; 2、有些人却提出取消春节联欢晚会; 3、在我看来…… 【题目03】模拟题目 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Chatting Online. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1、网上聊天在人们中间变得越来越流行; 2、网上聊天的利与弊; 3、我对这种现象的看法 【题目04】模拟题目 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My Opinion on Campus Love. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. Some people are strongly against campus love. 2. Some people accept it. 3. My view. 【题目05】模拟题目 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Computers in Students’ Flats. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1、现在大学生宿舍几乎人手一台电脑; 2、有些人认为会促进学生的学习,有些人认为会影响学生的学习; 3、你的看法 【题目06】模拟题目 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Arrange Your Time at College? . You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1、对大学生的时间安排有两种看法:有人认为大学生就应该整天读书;有人认为参加体育锻炼是大学生生活 的一部分; 2、你的看法; 3、总结全文


海淀区高一期末英语作文题2021年 每一个学期都会有考试,你想知道高一期末考试必考的英语作文有哪些吗?那么你又是下手你呢?下面是WTT给大家带来的海淀区高一期末英语作文题,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧! 海淀区高一期末英语作文题1 How to Improve Student’s Mental Health More and more people has begun to consider their mental health that plays an important role in our daily life. Nowadays ,many students suffer from mental illness ,which seriously influence on their study and daily life. 越来越多的人开始担心在日常生活中起着重要作用的心理健康。如今,许多学生都有严重影响他们学习和生活的心理问题。 Consequently, schools should take effect measures to solve this problem. The mental health consul department should be built in school to help those students who suffer from mental illness. In this way, those who are subjected to the mental illness can get rid of the unhealthy shadow and build up their confident. On the one hand, school can provide a chance for students to show


介绍一个人的高中英语作文 好的自我介绍就是推销自己、包装自己的过程,可以大大提高你在老师和同学们心目中的好感度,从众多的同学中脱颖而出,下面是小编整理的介绍一个人的高中英语作文,欢迎大家阅读。 介绍一个人的高中英语作文篇1 My name am Li Rong , is a ClaOne Grade Six student of Hongshan elementary school. I like dancing,performing, managing, and singing! The hobbies are much more. I have written a good character, obtains teacher's performance frequently. From the first grade, I has been being various branches group leader. I had obtained many certificates,and have published many articles. Hoped that my performance can make you to satisfy! Hoped that my name can keep in your heart! 介绍一个人的高中英语作文篇2 Good morning, my admirable teacher and my dear fellows. My name is Qing Cheng and I’m in my 17 years old. I graduated from theTianTaoMiddle school, which is one of the best middle schools in my city. Its campus is as beautiful as ours. My favorite subject is math, because it’s a co mplicated subject that drives a lot of students crazy. But I am a student who likes challenges and I can feel great achievement when I solve a math problem. Besides, I like various extra curricular activities, because they can bring me a colorful life. In my opinion, study is just a part of our life, so that we should not be constrained by it. The most important is that I am happy to be a classmate of you. I hope we can study as well as play together. 介绍一个人的高中英语作文篇3 Good morning, my admirable professors and my dear fellows. It’s my great honor to be here to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Xing Heng and I’m in my eighteen years old. I come fromXiamen, which is a famous and beautiful city. I strongly suggest you visiting there and I can be your guide if it’s convenient. After three years’ hard work, I am so excited that I am finally enrolled by my dreaming school,SichuanUniversityand be one of you. I am outgoing and I have many interests, such as playing basketball, football, and swimming, but I am only good at basketball. I hope we can always play together in the next four years. Computer Science and Technology is my favorite subject and I am sure that it’s also a promising area in the


1.沉迷网络游戏 题目:李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。 提示词:give up, concentrate on, be (become)interested in ★范文Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him. Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon. 2.怎样学好英语 世界在发展,文化在交融,英语已经成为人们沟通的桥梁。怎样学好英语是我们一直在探索的问题。几年的学习经历你一定积累了许多成功的经验,请从听、说、读、写四方面谈谈你的建议。 要求:1. 词数:80—100词(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 2. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。 ★范文How to learn English well


高一期末英语作文加翻译 英语是初高中最基础的课程之一,是为以后更高层次的英语学习以及工作生活打基础阶段,因为当今英语在工作、生活中的重要性越来越突出。下面,是为你整理的高一期末英语作文加翻译,希望对你有帮助! 高一期末英语作文加翻译篇1On October 6th, 2013, I went Xiao Meisha with my fellows to spend a nice seaside holiday. On our arriving at Xiao Meisha, we were all filled with excitement, since this was our first trip to the seaside. Xiao Meisha was an excellent seaside resort indeed. There the sky was clean and bright, the wind was mild and pleasant, the sandy beach was soft and comfortable, and the sea was so magnificent. We felt refreshed at that moment. It seemed as if we traveled in the heaven. 2013年10月6日,我跟朋友们一起去小梅沙度过了一次愉快的假期。在到达小梅沙时,我们激动不已,因为这是我们的首次海边度假。小梅沙确实是一个度假的好去处。那里天空明亮又干净,清风温和宜人,沙滩柔软舒适,大海又是如此地壮丽。那一刻我们都神清气爽,仿佛置身天堂。 We did many kinds of activities at the seaside. Some of us
