Li g i tc F at e n a sa i n e h d fEn ls v r ie e t n u si e ur s a d Tr n l to M t o s o g i h Ad e ts m n s
S G n - i Z NG Xu - i oN Ho g j HA e d e
语 广 告将 在 市 场推 广 中扮 演 更 重要 的 角 色。译 者 应该 了解 英语 广告 的 语 言特 征 , 总结 常 用 的翻 译 方 法 , 能把 英 语 广 告 的翻 译 工 作做 好 。它对 才 广告 英语 的主 要 特征 进 行 了研 究 , 并概 括 了英语 广告 常 用 的 翻译 方法
21 年 00
第 3 期 3
科技信 息
宋 洪 杰 ’ 张 雪 迪 (. 1曲阜师 范大 学杏坛学 院 山东 曲阜 2 3 O ; . 7 1 0 2南京师 范大学 江苏 南京
e o o c l e e i e h e e a f a t e ta v rie n s En ] h a v rie n s h v wn lx e la d s n a t e t r s c n mi i .B sd s t e g n r l e ti s o d e i me t. g i d e t me t a e o e ia n y te i fa u e .W i h d e to h f r s I s s e t te a v n fte h
【 摘
2 04 ) 10 6
要 】 告是 商品 经 济发 展 的 产 物 , 广 已经成 为 人 们 经 济生 活 中不 可缺 少的 一 部分 . 了有一 般 广 告 的特 点 以外 。 语广 告 还 具 有 独特 的 . 除 英
广告英语的词汇特征主要表现为:1 广告英语多用词义浅显的词汇,少用晦涩、深奥的词语,拉近和迅速吸引消费者。
例如:“nike,just do it。
”(耐克广告);“i love it!”(麦当劳)这两个国际大品牌的广告词都选用了极其通俗、易懂的浅显词汇,但却能一把抓住消费者,引起广泛共鸣。
2 广告英语运用创新词汇,借以使广告语标新立异,给人耳目一新的感觉。
例如:“the orangemostest drink in the world.世界最高品质的橙汁。
”这里的orangemostest,实际是“orange +most +est”,most和est都是表示形容词最高级,表示这种橙汁饮料的高品质、高纯度,给人留下十分深刻的印象;(2)错拼。
在英国随处可见这样的广告:“drinka pinta milk a day.”这是一则劝人每天喝一瓶牛奶的广告。
如: nothing is impossible.-nike;又如:we bring high technology home.-nec (2)祈使句。
如:come to where the flavor is. come to marlboro country.-marlboro;go well. go shell- shell oil等。
如:do you…yahoo?-yahoo; where’s the beef?-wendy’s;hungry? grab a snickers” - snickers; same time tomorrow?”- diet pepsi等。
4. 双关语 We take a load off your mind. (航运公司广告)
I am more satisfied!
Make Time for Time
5. 排比
If your walls are in bad shape, if the idea of a careless, durable wall covering tempts you, if you want to up-to-date a room fast, Plywood paneling is for you. 如果您的墙壁式样不佳,如果您想一劳永逸地装 饰您的墙壁,如果您想在较短时间内把墙壁装饰 得时髦,请使用墙壁装饰板。
欲寻一位不抽烟的研究生或教授 共租一套两卧室住房,月租275美元。 位置在圣保罗校园附近。交通方便,可 乘校车。有意者,请与约翰联系。
翻译此类广告,应弄清文中的缩 略词、 独词句和省略句的实际含义, 应了解有关地区的习俗与背景,并参照 汉语同类广告的表达习惯。
Tenders are hereby invited by the Chairman, Tender Board, Smith International Company, Ltd, from builders of all the eligible source countries or well reputable and experienced manufactures of trading companies organized and registered in and controlled by the eligible source countries to participate in the Bid for the supply of the two Nos. Deep Hold Cargo Ships (DHCS) to the Smith International Co, Ltd.
Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest.
Make your every hello a real good—buy.
A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play.
Sentences 多用省略句和简单句
为减少广告费用,应做到用最少的版面,最精练 的语言,传递出最多的信息。
Quality first. Customer supreme.质量第一,用 户至上。(金龙电扇) Perfect care for you and your family—soft and comfortable.(手帕纸广告) 对您和家人的呵护—柔软舒适。
3.弥补法( Supplementary Translation)
:对不能译的辞格,尽可能补救。属此 范围的一般是在文字、字音、词汇、词 的结构、词的缩减、词义更换、字的排 列等方面做文章的辞格。对原文中无法 传达到译文中去的这类修辞特点可采用 不同策略:对那些内容重要非译不可的 可通过换格、加重语气、加上脚注等办 法补救。
Eg.Sophisticated, sweet-to-drink Pink Lady . 译为:高级、可口的粉红佳人。
More Use of Adjectives 大量使用形容词
广告语言要求形象生动。为了推销商品,广告 商极力对商品进行粉饰、美化。积极、肯定和 褒义的形容词占有绝对优势。
Eg1.Finest food, most attractive surroundings and a friendly disposition(餐馆广告)
1.英语广告语的特点1.1简练 Brief广告,由于受到时间、资金等多方面因素的影响,总是希望在最短的时间内吸引观众的注意力。
很多世界驰名的英语广告,都是以简练取胜的:Drives wanted. (大众汽车) Your true choice. (AT&T电话公司) Passion for the road. (马自达汽车) Makes dreams come true. (迪斯尼乐园)Let us make things better. (飞利浦电器)在简练这方面,广告有以下特点:1.1.1多用口语: 口语的运用,使广告具亲和力。
在广告中会尽量采取人们在日常生活中使用的口语,并多使用一些小词汇(small words),以更贴近观众。
My goodness! My Guinness!Guinness啤酒的广告,“my goodness”表示惊讶,这个组合形象生动,易于记忆。
“gotta”为俚语,相当于“got to”,让人觉得很贴近生活。
I couldn’t believe it! Until I tried it!I’m impressed by it!You’ve gotta try it! I love it!1.1.2多用简单句,明快有力: 简单句地运用,能使顾客的心与广告一起舞动。
下面这则广告就体现了简明的特点:The Armco vacuum learner cleans rugs and drapes. It cleans hard surfaces like woods and vinyl floors. Even cement. The Armco vacuum cleaner is smooth and quiet. Try it! Make your floorssparkle with new cleanliness.1.1.3多用省略句,突出关键词。
广告英语语言特点及其翻译策略一、广告英语语言特点1. 浓缩精炼广告英语以精炼简洁著称,通过简洁、直接、富有表现力的语言,快速传达产品或服务的信息,并唤起受众的购买欲望。
在广告文本中,常出现一些简短而具有冲击力的口号和标语,例如Nike的"Just do it",可口可乐的"Open happiness"等。
2. 情感化广告英语注重情感表达,通过美学手法和情感色彩,唤起受众的共鸣和共情,引发购买欲望。
3. 诱导性广告英语具有很强的诱导性,其目的是为了促使受众产生购买行为。
4. 社会化广告英语紧跟时代潮流,融入当下社会文化和流行趋势,通过话题热点和时尚元素来吸引受众的注意力。
二、广告英语翻译策略1. 保持语言简洁在翻译广告英语时,应力求保持语言的简洁明了,避免翻译过于冗长,以免丧失广告文本原有的冲击力和直接性。
2. 重视情感表达在翻译广告英语时,要注重情感表达,保持译文的美感和感染力,使其能够唤起目标受众的共鸣和共情。
3. 强化诱导性翻译广告英语时,应注意强化译文的诱导性,突出产品或服务的优势和特点,引导目标受众产生购买欲望。
4. 结合当地文化在翻译广告英语时,应该结合当地文化和流行趋势,加入适当的话题热点和时尚元素,以吸引目标受众的注意力。
5. 注重翻译质量在翻译广告英语时,需要注重翻译质量和准确性,确保译文与原文保持一致性和准确性。
“Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by indentified sponsors through the various media.” 根据这一定义,广告应具备传递信息的信息功能,诱使读者在获得信息后作出广告所期望的反应的诱导功能,以及对商品进行粉饰美化的美感功能和表情功能。
如,Nike, just do it. ( 耐克,想做就做)。
再如,Scots Whisky Uncommonly smooth. ( 苏格兰威士忌口感滋润非同凡响 )。
• 1.1广告英语的词汇特点 • 1.1.1用词简单,针对性强。 • 广告语中所使用的几乎都是一些常用的口语化的 词,简单而富于感染力。例如: • (1)Tide’s in, Dirt’s out.(汰渍放进去,污垢洗 出来。———汰渍洗衣粉) • (2)Enjoy Coca-Cola(.请喝可口可乐。—— —可口可乐)
• 1.1.3创新拼写,巧用新词。 • 创造新词、怪词以引起新奇感,突出产品的新、奇、特, 满足消费者追求新潮,标榜个性的心理。例如: • (1)For twogether the ultimate all inclusive one price • sunkissed holiday. • (两人共度一个阳光灿烂的假日,一切费用均包括在单人 价格之内。)分析:其中的“twogether”一词取自 “together”之音,又取“两人”之意,比“together”更形 象,倍增情趣。 • (2)Give a Timex to all, to all a good time. • (拥有一块天美时表,拥有一段美好时光。———天美时) 分析:这是“天美时”表的广告标语。“Timex”=“time +excellent”,由此对表的计时准确等特点给予充分的强调。
• 1.2.3并列的短语结构多,更具号召力。 • 短语结构并列,有时比完整的句子更有号召力 说服力。例如: • (1)To laugh, to love, to understand each other. • 分析:这则公益广告巧用并列的三个不定式短语, 读起来节奏感强,易于记忆,很有感染力。 • (2)In China, for China. • 分析:这是一则外资企业的宣传广告,两个并列 的介词短语明确地道出了公司的宗旨,给人以极 深的印象。
例如: 珠宝广告:Shangha's first pearl dealer;Highestquality pearls with a widest selection of classic &creative designs;Excellent after-sales service;Fairprice to every customer本例广告中使用了first,Highest,widest等多个褒义形容词,非常具有吸引力。
钓鱼广告:What can be delisher than fisher?delisher 是指delicious之音杜撰出来的,目的是与后面的fisher造成押韵的效果,突出钓鱼的乐趣。
关键词:英语广告,词汇特点,翻译技巧Lexical Features and Translation Skills of EnglishAdvertisementsABSTRACTEnglish advertisements are applied to make the products and services known by consumers and attract more people to buy the goods, therefore a plenty of words which are monosyllabic, short and constructed simply are used for conveying the commodity information more accurately with a simpler and shorter passage. Meanwhile, in order to bring the advertisements closer to daily life and have people remember the content of the advertisements easier, an increasing number of slangs, fashion terms are used in English advertisements; furthermore, many new words have been created and many new unconventional usages of existing words have been innovated. To highlight the advantages of commodity and strengthen the persuasion of advertising, many adjectives are used in English advertisements. About translation skills, translation methods like literal translation, free translation, recreative translation and their combination is applied to ensure the function and purpose of the translated texts consistent with those of the original ones. And in the process of English advertisements translation, more attention should be paid to the impacts leaded by social and cultural factors.KEY WORDS: English advertisements, lexical features, translation skillsC o n t e n t sIntroduction (1)Chapter 1 Resource of English Advertisement V ocabulary (2)1.1 Words from Common English (2)1.2 Borrowed Words (2)1.3 Words from Slangs (3)1.4 Words from Fashion Terms (4)1.5 Coinage (4)1.5.1 Words with Appropriate Prefixes or Suffixes (4)1.5.2 Words Compounded Skillfully (4)1.5.3 Words Misspelled on Purpose (5)Chapter 2 Properties of Words used in English Advertisements (6)2.1 Adjectives (6)2.1.1 Strong color Adjectives (6)2.1.2 Comparatives and Superlatives (7)2.2 Verbs (8)2.3 Pronouns (9)Chapter 3 Characteristics of English Advertisements (11)3.1 Simple to Understand (11)3.2 Easy to Remember (12)3.3 Using Vague Words Skillfully (13)Chapter 4 Translation Skills of English Advertisement from English to Chinese (15)4.1 Literal Translation (15)4.2 Free Translation (16)4.3 Recreative Translation (17)4.4 Supplementary Translation (18)4.5 Condense Translation (18)Chapter 5 Cultural Impacts to Translation of English Advertisement (19)5.1 Avoiding to Use Ambiguous Words (19)5.2 Avoiding to Use Incorrect Words (20)Conclusion (21)Acknowledgement (22)Bibliography (23)IntroductionNowadays, the world is developing rapidly and constantly trending towards integration, every country, especially China, is glutted with products imported from and made in other countries and services supported by the people in other countries. Market competition is getting fierce that never seen before. To sell more products and expand market share, all companies are trying every method they have to improve the visibilities of their products and services in China, and advertising seems to be the most widely used way to achieve that goal. Then more and more advertisements in various languages get in Chinese people’s daily life, in which, English advertisement is the most common one.English advertisement language possesses characteristics of attractiveness and persuasion. To create these characteristics, English advertisement has its own style on the aspects of vocabulary, syntax and rhetoric. In terms of English advertisement vocabulary, as a tool of attracting customers, advertising language has to be different far from other practical English and be simple, clear and vivid, rich in emotion and appeal.As a kind of practical English, English advertisement is also influenced by deeper level of language like words and sentence, paragraph and context, therefore translation theory and principle are needed to guide in the process of translating. Eugene Nadi, an authority in western translation theory, thinks “The key point of translation shouldn’t be the form of language, but the readers’ responses of the translated text.” In other words, translated text should be equal to original text on the level of language function, but not on the level of language form, and that’s dynamic equivalence. During translating, translator must have a good knowledge of the feature of English advertisement and change the information form according to different response from the receiver of both the translated and original text.Chapter 1 Resource of English Advertisement VocabularyEnglish advertisement is a kind of practical style, which is used for increasing the sales volume of the commodity. The variety of commodity classifications and consumer groups needs various different English advertisements, and this requires a very wide range of resources of English advertisement vocabulary. In essence, the vocabulary of English advertisement mainly comes from common English, borrowed words, slangs, fashion terms and coinage.1.1 Words from Common EnglishEnglish advertisement is just a little portion of practical English; the words used in it come from common English mostly. Especially in the advertisements used by large firms:It’s hard to imagine how you could mean more to one another than you do right now. But the great meaning of family becomes ever greater as the years pass. Bring the family together now and for the years ahead in a professional portrait. Look for a professional photographer who displays the “For the Time of Your Life” symbol. And arrange for your portrait today. (Kodak)Just do it. (Nike)Impossible is nothing. (Adidas)Connecting people. (Nokia)All the words used in the four advertisements above are very simple and common in English vocabulary, but with the skillful combination of them, an persuasive advertisement was made out.1.2 Borrowed WordsIt is common that words in Old English, Latin, French, Germany or other non-English languages are used to create a certain atmosphere of classic, solemn, exoticism or any others in many English advertisements which are used by brands of non-English countries and regions, and even the brands of English countries.In the heart of Manila, there is Ermita. One district in Manila pulsates with life of the city- Ermita. Where rare antiques speak of Manila’s glorious past. Where great bargains tempt from every corner. Where spectacular sunsets and walks in the park soothe the sense, and where bright lights and endless nights enliven them. And in the heart of Ermita, there is the Manila Pavilion Hotel. One hotel opens its doors right into the attractions of Ermita. The Manila Pavilion. Ready to welcome you with deluxe accommodation, delectable cuisine and complete business and convention facilities. Keeping in touch with the beat of Ermita at the Manila. (A travelling advertisement) An elegant and majestic atmosphere awaits you upon first entering Tianxiang Restaurant. Your attention is immediately drawn to the interior décor which is both refined and luxurious. The restaurant comfortably accommodates 33 tables and there is ample parking conveniently located in the grounds. (A restaurant advertisement) Buy one entrée, get one free. (A course advertisement)Chinese Chaofan! Delicious Chaofan! (An advertisement for fried rice)Order it in bottles or in cans, Perrier 111 with added je ne sais quoi. (A soft drink advertisement)A certain amount of words from other languages like “deluxe”, “décor”, “entrée”, “Chaofan”and “je ne sais quoi”used in English advertisement can make it more memorable to the consumers.1.3 Words from SlangsSome advertisements of the products or services supported by young people often use words from slangs to enhance the attractiveness to the target customers.Pepsi-Cola hits the spot. (Pepsi-Cola)Hello Tosh, gotta Toshiba? (Toshiba)I’m lovin’ it. (McDonald)You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nex. (Nex nuts)But not all the English advertisement is suitable to use words from slangs; on the contrary, slang abuse may leave people a superficial and vulgar impression of the products.1.4 Words from Fashion TermsTo make the product more fashionable and attract some consumers who like vogue some fashion terms are also used in English advertisement, such as the one of LG cell phone:Born to shine! (LG)Using a fashion term “shine” makes the sentence energetic.1.5 CoinageIt is not strange to consumers that some English advertisements use some new words and odd words which are not existing words, but created on purpose. And this way of creating new words is coinage. There is a very large amount of words in English advertisement comes from coinage, and they can be roughly divided into three kinds like below:1.5.1 Words with Appropriate Prefixes or SuffixesThis approach is often used for describing the products more detailed. Not only the advertisement gets novel, but also the function and characteristic of the related product displayed better.For example, “Mininurse”, a trade mark of a kind of cosmetics. It applies the appropriate prefix “mini” to express the meaning of miniature and tiny, which gives the consumers an impression of meticulous care and excellence of the product quality.1.5.2 Words Compounded SkillfullyIt is also a familiar way in English advertisement to emphasize the specialty of product or service through compounding two existing words into combination to create a new word.The Orangemostest Drink in the world. (An advertisement for orange juice)This advertisement imparts the information that their product has the richest natural orange through using the new word “orangemostest”.Also the advertisement of Sony,“Hi-Fi, Hi-Fun, Hi-Fashion, only from Sony”, uses the prefix “Hi-” which is a homonym of the word “High” to express the meaning of super, best and extraordinary.And the advertisement of the watch from the international famous brand “Timex”, “Give a Timex to all, to all a good time.”, in it a short suffix which is only one letter “x”was used for expressing the meaning of excellence, and implying that the quality of the watch is excellent.1.5.3 Words Misspelled on PurposeIn English advertisement, many words are misspelled on purpose on the basis of some words or phrases which are similar to consumers. Although the form of the new created word is different from the original word, the pronunciation and the meaning of it are still same to the original word. And it is interesting and vivid to apply this method to attract the consumers. Such as the examples below:(1)OIC! (An advertisement for glasses)In this advertisement three simple capital letters are put together to make up the shape of a pair of glasses, and in this way it can attract the consumers’ attention with its appearance; on the other hand, its pronunciation, same as “Oh, I see”, gives consumersa feeling of surprising.(2)Drinka Pinta Milka Day. (An advertisement for milk from “Pinta” brand)In this advertisement, the three initial letters are all followed by a letter “a”to make the sentence rhyming, and this make the advertisement easier to remember. The correct spelling of it is “Drink a pint of milk a day”. The measure word “pint”is replaced by the product brand “Pinta”, and then the brand is emphasized.(3)Easier dusting by a stre-e-tch. (An advertisement for dust cloth from “Stretch”brand)This is an advertisement of dust cloth. “Stretch”means make something longer, and is not just the brand name here, but also is misspelled to be longer by doubled “e”, then gives the readers an imagination that the dust cloth have elasticity and can clean every corner where is hard to get with other dust cloth.Chapter 2 Properties of Words used in EnglishAdvertisementsTo achieve the marketing purpose, English advertisements always use several main word properties, including adjective, verbs and pronouns. Majority of the adjectives used have strong emotional color, or are comparatives and superlatives. Verbs involved often are simple but inflammatory. While the primary pronouns used are first person and second person.2.1 AdjectivesTo promote commodity, English advertisement can not avoid describing and beautifying the commodity, then a very large number of adjectives are needed. According to the statistics conducted by G. H. Leech, famous English phonetician, the most familiar adjectives used in English advertisement can be listed in the frequently of being used from high to low like this: new, crisp, good, fine, big, fresh, great, delicious, real, full, sure, easy, bright, clean, extra, safe, special, rich.Adjectives, as emotive and exciting words, are used to enhance the facts of a certain products or services. To let the consumers feeling the quality, price, amount and other characteristics of the product or service, English advertisement often use words which are descriptive and commentary.2.1.1 Strong color AdjectivesWords with strong color often give the consumers an objective comment, and can guide the consumers to find the right points of feeling which the advertisement would like them to get. In another words, these words can give the consumers a thought like this: “Oh! This product (or service) is what I have been seeking for a long time; it can satisfy my entire requirement. Why not get one home?”Tangy. Zesty. Spicy Baked. It’s also delicious! (An advertisement for kind of baked chicken)In this English advertisement, three adjectives are used continuously to give theconsumers a quite strong feeling that the baked chicken tastes pretty good, then another adjective “delicious”follows, the strength of persuading consumers to buy has been pushed to a peak.You will enjoy relaxed sunny days. Warm crystal clear lagoons. Cool green foliage. Waterfalls. Flowers. Exotic scents. Bright blue skies. Secluded beaches. Graceful palms. Breathtaking sunsets. Soft evening breezes. And food that’s simply outstanding.(An advertisement for travelling)In this advertisement, the objective and the subjective both are left out, though the sentence is not complete in the aspects of linguistics and grammar, it still reflects the features of the product in its highest degree.In this kind of English advertisements listed above, to win the consumers’ favor, several common adjectives were used, and there are more common strong color adjectives are compliment in English advertisement, these are :latest, up-to-date, fragrant, attractive, golden, successful, charming, comfortable, perfect, great, wonderful, first- rate, ever-lasting, super, unique, ideal and so on. All of them can give a thought that the product or service is useful for them to the consumers.These adjectives often make an advertisement suddenly enriched, and then it is not strange that the English advertisement is often joked as a “never ugly, no suffering, no wild wonderful world.” For example:Agile, powerful and refined, the BMW 3 Series Coupe is an irresistible blend of pour excitement and sophisticated technology. Its powerful engines and superbly balanced chassis deliver a driving experience that will quicken the pulse of any keen driver. (An advertisement for BMW )2.1.2 Comparatives and SuperlativesThe using of comparative and superlative aims at emphasizing the product or service of one brand is better than the same product or service of other brands. The comparatives and superlatives related to English advertisement are often used as subjective description. Sometimes, only using the common adjectives can not meet the demands of promoting the products or services, so the comparatives and the superlativesare introduced to get the consumers to make a comparison between the same product or service of two different brands and give the consumers a deeper impression that: “As this product or service is better than others or is the best of all the same kind of products or services, I will take one when I need it”.It’s smaller. It’s lighter. (An advertisement for Sharp copier)Two comparatives are used to highlight the advantages of the Sharp copier through comparing with other copiers.The original and still the best. (An advertisement for Dale Battery)Let’s make things better. (An advertisement for Philips)The two sentences above made use of a superlative “best”and a comparative “better”, therefore led the consumers to compare the products from these two brands to the same kinds of products from other brands naturally and unconsciously, for the first impressions are strongest. The products involved with the advertisement which is reading by the consumers will attract more attention from consumers and impress them more deeply, then the target of the English advertisement with comparatives and superlatives is achieved.Tastes…richer…mellower…more satisfying. (An advertisement for coffee)Along the way, you will enjoy the warmest, most personal service.(An advertisement for Airline company)The two examples don’t mention the rival and the scope that the comparison takes place in and with, but the comparative and superlative used in it has make it getting the target of increasing its statue already.Oranges are sweeter than lemons. Our oranges are sweeter than they used to be.The better would not appear until be compared with the common. This advertisement gets its persuasion from highlighting the emphasis on the sweet of the orange through two comparisons conducted respectively.2.2 VerbsEnglish advertisements often use some syllable words or words which are short with only several letters. Such as in English advertisement “get”is used to replace“obtain”, “buy” is used to replace “purchase”, and “use” is used to replace “utilize”, and so on. Using shorter words can make the language of English advertisement simpler and vivid, also make the advertisement easier to remember, in this way, the products related with the advertisements will become more promoted. For example:(1) Buy one pair, get one free. (An advertisement for glasses)This advertisement just uses two verbs “buy” and “get” to create a strong appeal, and is very easy to remember.(2) Take TOSHIBA, take the world. (An advertisement for TOSHIBA Electronics)This advertisement build up a link between the TOSHIBA Electronics and the world immediately through using a very common and simple verb “take” twice.(3) A Mars s day, keeps you work, rest, and play. (An advertisement for chocolate from Mars brand)The word “keeps”used in this advertisement represents the effect that the chocolate can energy a people for a whole day very successfully and expressively.(4) Impossible made possible. (An advertisement for Canon printer)(5) Honda has always made good cars. (An advertisement for Honda cars)Verbs used in the English advertisement which is common in daily life are always simple and explicit, though the meaning of them are different from each other, they all are used to indicate the relationship between the commodity providers and the consumers, such as: have, get, give, buy, keep, or to indicate the relationship between the consumers and the commodity involved with the English advertisement, such as: see, take, taste, use and so on.2.3 PronounsEnglish advertisements spend a lot of effort on using pronouns to narrow the gap between the English advertisement and the consumers and enhance the consumers’sense of participation in touching with the product or the brand involved in the English advertisement. And the first person often is used for referring the product or the brand, the second person often is used for referring the consumers. While sometimes a third person is used for referring a person who is not engaged in the product and theconsumers. For example:We lead, others copy. (An advertisement for Ricoh printer)In this advertisement, a pair of contrary combination of pronouns and verbs is used. Two pronouns, “we” and “other”, stand for the Ricoh printer and the printer from other brands, to display a powerful self-confident to the consumers and the rival of the product. This makes the Ricoh Printer get to a level that others could not get in the consumers’ mind.And there are many other English advertisements like the one above, for example, the advertisement of Mitsubishi Electronic:We integrate, you communicate.This advertisement uses a same form of the one above, but the effect of it is different from that of the above one to display the conveniences brought to the consumers by it.Making use of the pronouns “you” and“we” to shorten the distance between the seller and the consumer and avoid leading to the consumer’s dislike is also a mostly used way in English advertisement. For example:We can’t make people think alike, but we can help them think together.(An advertisement for Newsweek)It is worth to mention that some English advertisements apply personify by the first person to refer the product itself, and make the commodity becoming a living thing even a human which can think, talk, self-introduce and even boast. So a deeper and more vivid impression of the product’s feature is given to consumers. Such as: Time always follows me. (An advertisement for Rossini ladies fashion watch)Just call me, be happy! (An advertisement for Far EasTone Telecommunications) Come and sit with me a while! (An advertisement for an attraction)Using personify to make the products like a person can shorten the distance between the producers and the consumers.Chapter 3 Characteristics of English AdvertisementsThe aim of the most fundamental principle of English, that is to encourage the consumers pay more attention to it, is to master the publics’ willing, ideas and attitude, to convince them to change thoughts, to urge them to purchase some commodities or accept some services. The goal of using advertisement is to get the products promoted, make the brand get known by every consumer, and therefore increase the influence of the products and earn more profit for the producer of the products. English advertisements take a lot of possessions of characteristics to achieve this goal, and these are: simple to understand, easy to remember, and using vague words skillfully.3.1 Simple to UnderstandAs a kind of practical English, most of the English advertisements are very simple to understand and don’t have words too hard to understand for the consumers. Even sometimes, an English advertisement is only one very common word. Such as: Ooohh… (An advertisement for Pizza Cake)This advertisement only uses an interjection which is implicit and variational to express an feeling of having something delicious and give the consumers a strong appeal of trying.On the other hand, even for an English advertisement which is very long and has many words, the words in it is always simple enough to understand by a child under seven years old. For example:—“Hey, Abbott. I just get some Bran News.”—“Some brand new what, Lou?”—“Not brand new Bran News. It’s a cereal.”—“What’s its name?”—“That is its name.”—“What’s its name?”—“Bran News! It’s a bran cereal that stays extra crunchy in milk. And it’s honey roasted for great taste.”—“So what’s it called?”—“Bran News!”—“I know its brand new. So what’s its name?!”—“I just told you its name!”—“I see I’m getting nowhere with you.”(An advertisement for cereal of Bran News)The body of this advertisement is taking place through the dialogue between Abbott and Lou, a pair of suppositional roles, and gets a quite good influence. It constructs an imaginary situation with supposing, and that is mixing up the pronounces of the brand name “Bran News”and “brand new”, makes the developing of the advertisement body very vividly and kindly, and gives a fairly deep impression to the consumers.Va-va-voom! (An advertisement for the cars of Renault)This advertisement only have one words, the consumer will be confused for the first sight at it, but when they read it, the meaning of it will be caught at once: it’s the sound of the engine of Renault cars. It seems like have nothing with car, in fact, the connecting between it and the car is very fun and full of imagination.3.2 Easy to RememberIn most cases, the influences of English advertisements may not work instantly, and they always leave a deep and good impression to consumers and not begin working until the consumers think a kind of product is needed. And an English advertisement easy to remember can achieve this goal more simply. To make an advertisement easy to remember, several ways are mostly used.Not all cars are created equal. (An advertisement for cars of Mitsubishi)This car advertisement manifests the dignity and specialness of the car through imitating the classic sentence, “All man are created equal”, in the United State Declaration of Independence, and attracts the consumers’attention, especially the consumers in America.Pepsi-Cola hits the spot, Twelve gull ounces, that’s a lot, Twice as much for anickel, too, Pepsi is the drink for you. (An advertisement for Pepsi-Cola) This advertisement for Pepsi-Cola is written according to a folk tune in Britain, and can be singed very songful, then the product, Pepsi-Cola, involved in it becomes easy to remember.And there is an advertisement same to it:To smoke or not to smoke, that’s a question. (An advertisement for tobacco)It builds up a relationship between this advertisement and the drama of Shakespeare “Hamlet”, then gives people a quite deep impression and gets an obvious effect.English is a language full of rhythm, and bring rhythm into English advertisement could make them sound more beautiful and meaningful, enhance the expressive force and the persuasion of the English advertisement language.Grace…space…pace. (An advertisement for Jaguar car)Fresh up with Seven-up. (An advertisement for Seven-up)Good time, good taste. (An advertisement for McDonald’s)These advertisements all have rhythm in themselves and make the rhythms makes the advertisement more memorable.3.3 Using Vague Words SkillfullyDrawing the support of vague words is one obvious characteristic of English advertisement. English advertisement is close to exaggerating, but also can’t be too far away from the fact. Then the words which have vague meaning will be quite useful to get this destination. The vague words mostly used are help, like, make and so on.Helps keep you young. Helps prevent caries. Helps keep your home germ free. (An advertisement for cosmetics)If this advertisement says directly like this: The cream will keep you young. This toothpaste will prevent caries, there will no one trust it because there is no thing can be so fantasy like magic, but a vague word “help” will let you get out of this embarrassing situation.It’s like getting one bar free. Clean’s like a white tornado. It’s like taking a trip toPortugal. (An advertisement for car)This advertisement uses “like”to create an analogy that compare the product to another better thing, “like” makes the advantages of the product more obvious.The final target of all the advertisements is to make the consumers to buy the products, then a “buy” can summarize the main purpose of all the advertisements, but it is little used in English advertisement for the bad imagination comes from its meaning of spending money. As a result, many other words are used for replacing of buy, such as get, use, choose, look, find, let, test, experience and so on.To experience the utmost in flight, let China Airlines take you on your next journey on the world stage. (An advertisement for China Airlines)Our growing capacity has demonstrably increased our usefulness to our clients. If you’d like to test it, we’d like to hear from you.(An advertisement in Economist magazine)Share the fantasy! Use double-sure Body Mist, the perfumed deodorant.(An advertisement for perfume of Chanel)The three English advertisements above all use other words, like experience, let, test, share and use, to avoiding use “buy’, so will not result in a dislike feeling for the consumers.We lead, others copy. (An advertisement for Ricoh printer)In this advertisement, the others may have two meaning, but it often is understood as the rivals of the Ricoh printer. In fact, on the other hand, the others can be thought like that indicating the users of the Ricoh printer. Then it becomes interesting that an advertisement illustrating two totally different meaning, but it is magic that they can work in union to deliver an influence to the consumers what is the Ricoh printer is more advanced than other printer and can give consumers more help.。
例如,著名的“Just Do It”(只管去做)这个口号,用了三个简单的词汇,却能深入人心,成为了耳熟能详的品牌标语。
例如,花旗银行的广告口号“Live Richly”(丰富你的人生),通过引发消费者的情感共鸣,激发了他们的消费欲望。
一、广告英语的语言特点1. 简洁明了:广告英语的语言特点之一是简洁明了,广告中的文字通常要求简练、直接、生动,能够迅速吸引消费者的注意力。
“Just do it”(耐克)、“Think different”(苹果)等都是简洁而具有张力的广告口号。
2. 情感渲染:广告英语往往通过情感营造来打动受众,包括使用具有感染力的词语、词组,甚至是修辞手法等,在广告中常常出现的感染力词汇有“love”、“passion”、“joy”等,这些词汇能够让消费者产生共鸣,激发他们的购买欲望。
3. 语言创新:为了吸引和引起消费者的兴趣,广告英语通常会采用一些创新的语言表达方式,包括一些新生词汇的创造、引用流行文化中的词汇、甚至是一些幽默、反讽的表达方式等。
Uber的广告口号“Get there”就融合了创新的表达方式。
二、广告英语的翻译策略1. 保持简练:在翻译广告英语时,保持广告的简洁明了是非常重要的。
2. 处理情感表达:在翻译广告英语时,译者需要特别注意情感的表达,尤其是广告中常见的情感词汇和修辞手法。
3. 语言转化:广告英语中常常出现的一些创新的语言表达方式在翻译过程中需要适当进行语言转化,使其更符合目标语言的语言习惯和文化背景,从而使译文更具有当地的吸引力和表现力。
例如:飞利浦电器的广告:Let’s make things better. 其翻译:“让我们做得更好”,飞利浦是一个享誉全球的家电品牌,这句广告词是对其产品和服务的一种承诺,他没有赞扬自己的产品有多好,而是像朋友一样,谦虚、温和地说:“让我们做的更好“,一下子拉近了和消费者的距离,使大家信赖它、选择它,不得不说飞利浦很聪明。
比如: Born To Shine. 其翻译:“我本闪耀!”(LG手机)。
1. 简明扼要:广告英语语言简洁明了,通常使用简洁的词汇和短句,以便让读者或
2. 诱人吸引:广告英语寻求通过各种手段吸引人们的注意力,例如使用生动且有趣
3. 强调特点:广告英语通常会强调产品或服务的特点和优势,以突出其与竞争对手
4. 利用感情:广告英语常常利用情感因素来吸引目标受众,通过触动人们的情感和
1. 保持简洁明了:在翻译广告英语时,要确保语言简洁明了,与原文一致。
2. 保留诱人性质:广告英语的吸引力在于其精炼而有吸引力的语言表达,翻译时要
3. 突出特点和优势:在翻译广告英语时,要充分理解产品或服务的特点和优势,并
4. 理解目标受众:在翻译广告英语时,要充分理解目标受众的文化背景和价值观念,并相应地调整语言和表达方式。
一、英汉广告的语言特点和句法特点1. 语言精炼。
例如:once tasted,always loved. (一旦品尝,爱之终生)2. 广告语言用词简单,使用大众化口语体。
如下面的广告实例:--is microwave cooking fast?--you bet.3.大量使用褒扬之词。
让我们看一则广告:the finest home deserves the finest custom furniture.最舒适的家就要最精美的传统家具。
例如,“Everyday low prices”告诉消费者这家商店价格低廉,“Absolutely delicious”表达了食物的美味,“The ultimate driving machine”使人想到豪车。
例如,“Just do it”是耐克的标语口号,简短易记;“The best a man can get”是吉列的宣传语,能够吸引男性受众。
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譬如,孩子们所喜爱的Mars牌巧克力的广告语:A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. 此广告语采用day 与play的押韵,并且仿拟人们所熟知的谚语“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”,自然地拉近了产品与消费者的距离,让孩子们乃至大人们顿时对Mars产生了好奇心和好感。
以下是一则英语广告:Bitter pursuit,sweet taste.(咖啡广告)苦苦的追求,甜甜的享受。
(1)创造合成词,使本来需要一句话表达的意思用一个词来表示,如:Surefit shoe Ltd 舒飞鞋业有限公司Surefit在这里就是一个生造的合成词,使人一下子就联想到了Surely fit your feet.(一定合您的脚),自然穿上便可让您“舒舒服服地飞了”。
错拼是为了形成相同音韵,同时体现幽默以及点明主题的目的,如:We know eggsactly how to tell eggs .这里的“eggsactly”是“exactly“的错拼,形态上与”egg“对应,达到幽默见智的效果。
如:The Self-made woman. She’s living better all the time.这是一则美国女性杂志Self的广告语,用这一名称与made 构成的复合词有力体现了杂志鼓励女性追求独立的主张和宗旨。
如:Think different.(苹果电脑)不同凡“想”It’s finger-licking good.(肯德基炸鸡)吮指回味,其乐无穷。
如:Have you driven a Ford lately?你最近开过福特车吗?3.巧用祈使句。
如:Go for the sun and fun.(旅游公司广告)㈢广告英语修辞特点大量采用多种修辞是广告英语的另一重要特色,并且在修辞格运用上颇为讲究和大胆。
如:Light as a breeze, soft as a cloud.(某服装广告标题)轻如微风,柔若浮云。
如:Make Time for Time.这是《时代》杂志广告,第一个Time意为时间,第二个Time指《时代》杂志,广告译为“争取时间,阅读《时代》杂志”。
Where there is way, there is a Toyota.车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。
因为它借用了中国人所熟悉的谚语Where there is a will, there is a way.对丰田车的亲切感油然而生。
二. 英语广告翻译技巧简述由于广告英语在用词,用句,以及修辞方面有其独特性,致使广告英语翻译不同于一般普通文体的翻译。
如:The Orangemostest drink in the world.这里“orangemostest”是通过添加形容词最高级后缀生成的新词汇(Orange +most+est)。
比较:“Give a Timex to all, and to all a good time.”(Timex 手表广告)这里Timex是由Time 与excellent 创新合成而来的新词。
如:Ask for More.(More 牌香烟)这里More 一语双关,既是品牌名,又表示更多。
如:Soft and Silky Smooth,with a delicate fragrance and a light refreshing feel.这是一则润肤露的广告语,采用了头韵的押韵方法。
比较:某货运公司广告语First in airfreight with airfreight first.这里,运用了重复的修辞手法,First两词出现突出了货运公司秉持“顾客至上”的宗旨,同时又传达了公司工作效率高的信息。
参考文献:[1]崔刚.广告英语[M]. 北京:北京理工大学出版社,1993.[2]王治奎.大学英汉翻译教程[M]. 山东:山东大学出版社,2002.[3]范仲英。