《专业英语》教学大纲课程类别:专业方向课程性质:选修英文名称:Special English总学时:40 讲授学时:32 实训学时:8学分:2.5先修课程:护理学基础、大学英语适用专业::护理学专业(涉日护理方向)开课单位:护理学院一、课程简介专业英语教学内容涵盖了医学专业词汇构词法、医院的科室介绍、门诊病人接待、导医、住院病人护理和治疗、对病人的健康教育以及国际护士资格考试相关介绍等内容。
二、教学内容及基本要求第一章:医学英语词汇(6学时)教学要求:识记:(1)常见的词根、前缀、后缀的意义(2)护理环境中常见疾病、物品、器械等的表达方式理解:(1)医学英语术语的构词法应用:(1)能对一般护理文献进行翻译授课方式:讲授、自学、实训第二章:Orienting the Patient to the Unit and Hospital (2学时)教学要求:理解:(1)关于病人入院美国医院与中国医院的异同应用:(1)能为新入院病人介绍医院环境和规章制度授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第三章:Filling out the Admission Form (2学时)教学要求:应用:(1)会应用护理病历单对病人进行资料收集(2)会应用口语向病人解释护理专业名词授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第四章:Explaining Procedures (2学时)教学要求:应用:(1)用口语向病人解释常见护理操作的目的(2)能在护理操作中与病人进行交流并对病人进行适当的解释授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第五章:Explaining Routines (2学时)识记:(1)常用护理常规的表达方式(2)美国护理环境中温度、体重、身高的表达方式应用:(1)会用口语向病人解释常见护理常规的意义授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第六章:Preoperative Care (2学时)教学要求:理解:(1)“知情同意书”的意义(2)交班制度应用:(1)会对术前病人进行饮食、备皮等方面的健康教育(2)会向病人解释术后常见并发症及其原因、预防措施授课方式:授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第七章:Postoperative Care (2学时)教学要求:应用:(1)会对术后病人进行呼吸运动、下床活动的指导授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第八章:Emergency Care (2学时)教学要求:识记:(1)收集病人过去病史和现病史的表达应用:(1)能对心脏病病人进行护理评估授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第九章:Coronary Care Unit (2学时)教学要求:应用:(1)能说出常用的急救设备(2)会向病人解释常见急救设备的用途授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第十章:Obstetrics (2学时)教学要求:识记:(1)对孕妇问诊的常用表达方式应用:(1)能对孕妇进行饮食、运动、用药等方面的健康教育授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第十一章:Discharge Planing (2学时)教学要求:识记:(1)对病人进行出院指导的内容应用:(1)能说出含钾高的食物(2)能对高血压病人进行饮食指导与用药指导授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第十二章:CGFNS简介(4学时)教学要求:理解:(1)CGFNS考试应用:(1)会做简单的CGFNS考试题目授课方式:讲授、课堂作业法第十三章:Patient Education: Medication (4学时)应用:(1)能对病人进行药物治疗方面健康教育授课方式:讲授、角色扮演第十四章:Patient Education: Examination (6 学时)教学要求:应用:(1)能对病人解释常见检查的目的,并进行指导授课方式:讲授、角色扮演三、其他教学环节安排四、考核方式(1)平时成绩:30%学习态度:10分翻译及读书笔记汇报:10分角色扮演实训报告:10分(2)期末考核:70%笔试:70分五、教材及主要参考书(1)教材:Judith Perry,蔡碧华.护理美语.XX:科学出版社,2006.(2)主要参考书:宋军.护理专业英语.XX:人民卫生出版社,2006.Smeltzer,S. C. O. and Bare,B. G.Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (10th Ed). Philadelphia,PA.Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,2004.。
二、课程内容1. 医学专业英语基础知识- 了解和掌握与医学相关的英语词汇和术语- 研究医学文献阅读和写作的基本技巧- 掌握医学报告和演讲的表达方式和技巧2. 医护场景中的英语应用- 研究医患沟通的基本技巧和常用表达- 掌握医疗病历的书写和填写方法- 研究处理紧急状况和应急情况下的英语应对方式3. 医学交流和职业发展- 研究与跨文化团队合作相关的英语表达和沟通技巧- 掌握医学会议和研讨会的英语交流技巧- 探讨医学研究与创新的相关英语知识三、教学方法1. 课堂教学:通过教师讲解、学生讨论和案例研究等方式,引导学生主动参与,提升语言运用能力。
2. 实践训练:组织实地考察、模拟医学场景和角色扮演等活动,帮助学生在真实场景中应用英语。
3. 多媒体辅助:运用多媒体技术,增强教学效果,提供丰富的研究资源。
四、评估方式1. 平时表现:包括课堂讨论、小组合作、作业完成情况等。
2. 期中考核:笔试形式,考查学生对医学英语的理解和应用能力。
3. 期末考试:综合性考试,包括听力、口语、阅读和写作等方面。
4. 课程论文:要求学生完成一篇关于医学英语应用的研究论文。
五、教学资源1. 教材:医学英语教程及相关课外读物。
2. 多媒体资料:医学英语研究软件、视频教程等。
3. 阅读材料:医学期刊论文、医疗报告等相关文献。
《英语》教学大纲课程名称:涉外护理英语总学时;372 学时开课单位:英语教研室适用专业:涉外护理专业三年制大专推荐教材:《新编实用英语综合教程》第一册、第二册。
二.教学内容、学习基本要求与学时分配Book I第一单元Unit 1 Greeting and Introducing People 问候和介绍(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Meeting people for the first time 初次见面;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达问候和介绍以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;The Way American Greet 美国人问候的方式(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语问候和介绍的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写名片和问候信第二单元Unit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regret 感谢和表达歉意(6 school hours )第一分:对话: Thank you For the Beautiful Flowers 感谢送来的花(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达谢意和歉意第三部分:阅读课文;The Different Attitude toward Gift-giving 对送礼物的不同的态度(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中如何用英语送礼物和表达谢意的句型和语句第四部分:练习和写作;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写感谢信和歉意信第三单元Unit 3 Directions and Signs 问路和路牌(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Talking About how to go to work 讨论去上班的路线(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人问路、认路以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;I Hate Flying 我讨厌坐飞机(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述坐飞机的感受和经历的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述路线方向和路牌第四单元Unit 4 Timetable and Schedule 时间表(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Talking About a Flight Timetable 谈论飞机时刻表和工作时刻表;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语说出时间表的安排以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Punctuality and keeping Promise 守时和履行诺言(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述严守时间和履行诺言重要性的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写出和叙述工作时间表第五单元Unit 5 Talking About The Weather 谈论天气预报(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Talking About The Weather In New York (谈论纽约天气情况)(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语谈论和打听天气情况以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Is it going to be a fine day? (明天天气会好吗?)(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语预报各地的天气的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述天气情况第六单元Study (学习) (6 school hours )第一、二部分Taking Course to Get a diploma (选修课程取得文凭)(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达如何学习取得文凭证书及听懂其内容;第三部分:Passage I 阅读课文;I have a little nervous about English (我学英语有点紧张) (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达学英语的经历和感受的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写证书及把中文文凭翻译英语第七单元Sports and Hobby 体育运动及爱好(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Do you like to Watch Basketball Match ? (你喜欢看篮球赛吗?)(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达观看体育比赛的感想和以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;The Trianthlon’s Great Attraction (铁人三项的无穷魅力) (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达各项体育活动句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写各种比赛的通知及用英语叙述本人的爱好第八单元Cookery, Food, and Culture (饮食和文化) (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;How to make ice cream? (怎样制作冰淇淋) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语表达烹调技术和方法以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Eating in Canada (吃在加拿大) (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达饮食文化的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写菜谱以及把英语菜名译成中文第九单元Celebrating Holidays and making friends(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;How to write a Notice for Posting(2学时)学习要求:Learn to say something about a notice and poster in English第三部分:阅读课文;Thanksgiving Day and Christmas (2学时)学习要求:learn some holidays in America第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write notices第十单元Showing Concern and Giving advice (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Doctor is Talking to A patient(2学时)学习要求:Learn some new expression about medical care;第三部分:阅读课文;A Guide to health for Tourists(2学时)学习要求:How to keep fit for the tourists when they travel around the world;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write the instructions for taking medicineBook II第一单元Unit 1 Invitation (6 school hours )二部分对话;Inviting Friend to a Party;Declining an Invitation(2学时)学习要求:learn how to express inviting people to the party in English;第三部分:阅读课文;Are you Really Being Invited ?(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语邀请的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写邀请信第二单元Unit 2 Emails (6 school hours )第一分:对话: Email information on Internet(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语上网与他人聊天第三部分:阅读课文;Online Growth Continued(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中如何用英语表达网络发展状况第四部分:练习和写作;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电子邮件第三单元Unit 3 Communication by Phone(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Telephone Message(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语打电话;第三部分:阅读课文;For Conversation Press # 1 (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述人们用手机进行交流和联络的趋势第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电话留言第四单元Unit 4 Making Reservations (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Hotel Ads(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语预定房间第三部分:阅读课文;Climer Londge(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语表达广告句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语填写房间预定申请表第五单元Unit 5 At a Restaurant (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Menu(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语在饭店点菜第三部分:阅读课文;Toledo: A Problem of Menus(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语到餐馆用餐的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述菜单第六单元Shopping (6 school hours )第一、二部分Shopping Ads(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语到商店购物;第三部分:Passage I Tangsancai –An Ideal Tourist Souvenir(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达唐三彩的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会看懂用英语表达的产品说明书第七单元Entertainments and Tourist attractions (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Entertainment Ads(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语与他人谈论观看戏剧的感想和以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Liuciano Pavarotti—Bringing Opera to the World(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达各项体育活动句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写出各种娱乐广告及用英语叙述本人的爱好第八单元Farewell(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;A Farewell Leter(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语与朋友告别以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;The Most Unforgettable Character I’ve Met(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达一个难忘的人语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语告别信第九单元Applying For a Job (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Job Interview(2学时)学习要求:Learn to say something about a notice and poster in English第三部分:阅读课文;Applying For a new Boss(2学时)学习要求:learn some holidays in America第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write notices第十单元Manager and CEOS (6 school hours )第二、二部分对话;Conference Schedules(2学时)学习要求:Learn how to make a schedule about conference第三部分:阅读课文;One Minute Manager(2学时)学习要求:learn what is the one minute manager like?第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write agendasBook III第一单元Unit 1 Launching A New Product(6 school hours )二部分对话;Introduction(2学时)学习要求:learn how to introduce the product to the people第三部分:阅读课文;My Study Tour in China(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语邀请的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写邀请信第二单元Unit 2 Promoting Activities (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Tips for Going to China’s Tradeshows(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中如何用英语表达网络发展状况第四部分:练习和写作;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电子邮件第三单元Unit 3 A company Prospectus (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;The Art Of Price War(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述人们用手机进行交流和联络的趋势第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电话留言第四单元Unit 4 Purchase And payment (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Who is using My Credit Card Today ( 2学时)学习要求:学会用英语表达广告句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语填写房间预定申请表第五单元Unit 5 Training and Learning (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Cultural Stereotypes and MIsunderstanding(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语到餐馆用餐的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述菜单第六单元Partnership and cooperation (4 school hours )第三部分:Passage I Tangsancai –An Ideal Tourist Souvenir(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达唐三彩的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会看懂用英语表达的产品说明书第七单元Brands And Advertisement (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Elsie the Cow(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达各项体育活动句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写出各种娱乐广告及用英语叙述本人的爱好第八单元Sharing the loss ( school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Sharing Economic Losses Through Insurance(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达一个难忘的人语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语告别信第九单元Busy Agenda And Schedule (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Applying For a new Boss(2学时)学习要求:learn some holidays in America第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write noticesStuart Parkins’ Teaching Plan for Classes 11 and 12(外教英语口语教学大纲)教学目的和要求以及教学方法Since the beginning of the Autumn term, the main goal has been to enhance the students’confidence in:●listening to material that they have not ‘prepared’ for by reading●speakingTo this end, the ‘direct method’ has been, and will continue to be, the main teaching method used. I.e. The students listen to such things as a joke or a short essay and try to answer questions, given to them before listening, about the material. We then go over the new words and structures with extensive repetition. Finally, the students discuss and practice telling each other the story. Each class often ends with a competition to see who can best retell the material.To add variety and fun, other activities include such things as skits, learning a song, watching a movie and playing games such as Twenty Questions and Simon Says. To the same end, useful idioms are introduced as appropriate.At the start of each class, a student volunteers to record the new material and gives it to the teacher at the end of the class.The students are also urged to practice speaking and use the new material outside of class for at least a few minutes every day, but in general it is only the better students that do this on a regular basis.After about eleven weeks of classes, it was apparent that some students still lack confidence in speaking and remain largely ‘deaf’to spoken material that they have not read shortly beforehand, even common words and expressions that they have read (but seldom spoken) many times. This is primarily due to a great lack of speaking and listening practice during their junior and middle school years, when the emphasis was on reading, grammar and writing and the general use of the ‘grammar-translation’ teaching method.On the other hand, the better students gained confidence in both speaking and listening: the ‘rewiring’of their brains’language centres has been more successful than in the case of the weaker students.Because of this, the approach was changed somewhat in early December. The speaking exercises in New Practical English 1, 2 and 3 are now the core of the material that will be practiced, with additional material introduced to satisfy the needs of those students with the strongest listening and speaking skills.The objective of every lesson is, of course, to enhance speaking and listening skills, emphasizing the acquisition and remembering of new vocabulary and structures through lots of speaking and repetition. In particular, the ability to independently ‘generate’ spoken English will be fostered, namely, the ability to use the vocabulary and grammar that they have learned in a versatile way, rather than being limited to the context of these materials in their lessons.教学内容和课时的分配(每课lesson两个学时)Lesson # (两个学时) Topic1 General introductions and chatting2 Talking about language teaching methods and explaining the principles of thedirect method3 Parrot and the Magician joke. Tongue twister.4 Retelling parrot joke and using new vocabulary in structured and unstructuredconversation.5 Parrot and the Bookie joke.6 Retelling parrot joke and using new vocabulary in structured and unstructuredconversation.7 Simple Simon and Twenty Questions (played occasionally in subsequentlessons).8 Song: Because You Loved Me (Celine Dion). Discuss the poetic use ofcommon words9 Autopsy and Thirty Years Younger jokes. Discussion of humour.10 Watch movie (School of Rock)11 Skit: Would, Should, Could 1Text: New Practical English 1 (新编实用英语Book I)Unit(单元)12 1 Greeting and Introducing Oneself and Other People13 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regret14,15 3 Asking for and Giving Directions16 4 Timetables and Schedules17, 18 5 Talking About the Weather and Global Warming19 6 Study and Language Learning.20 - 22 7 Sports and Hobbies. Benefits of Exercise23 - 25 8 Cookery, Food and Culture.26 - 28 9 Celebrating Holidays and Making Friends29 - 31 10 Showing Concern, Asking For and Giving AdviceNew Practical English 2(新编实用英语Book II)32 1 Invitations33 - 34 2 Emails and Computers35 3 Communication by Phone36 4 Making Reservations37 5 At a Restaurant.38 Plans for the holidays. Saying au revoirSummer Vacation39 Chat about the holidays40, 41 6 Shopping42 – 44 7 Entertainment and Tourist Attractions45 8 Farewells46 - 48 9 Applying for a Job49, 50 10 Managers and CEOs. Principles of ManagementNew Practical English 3(新编实用英语Book III)51 1 Launching a New (medical) Product52 2 Promotion Activities53 3 A Company Prospectus54, 55 4 Purchase and Payment. Credit Cards and Banking56, 57 5 Training and Learning58, 59 6 Partnership and Cooperation60, 61 7 Brands and Advertisements. Pros and cons of advertising62 8 Sharing the Loss63 9 Busy Agenda and Schedule64, 65 10 Development Planning. Environment and developmentAt this point, the students will have covered a wide range of situations and corresponding vocabulary and language styles. From now on there will be a greater emphasis on more complex language tasks and English that will be of particular use to nurses in dealing with patients and other healthcare professionals.Where appropriate, some (sometimes tedious to learn) medical language will be presented in the form of five to ten minute skits written by the students (with the teacher’s help). The new material will be explained before each skit or the audience will be asked to guess meanings after each skit.Every few weeks, from one to four students will prepare a five to ten minute presentation on a topic related to nursing and public health. Students and the teacher will jointly select the topics. New vocabulary will be explained before each presentation. Each presentation will be discussed afterwards. This will provide opportunities to exercise a wide variety of language skills, including asking questions, paraphrasing, explaining concepts in different ways and expressing agreement and disagreement (politely and impolitely).In addition to presentations, we will hold an occasional debate in standard debating competition format.医学护理英语66 Discussion. Principles of making a good presentation.67, 68 Describing and Explaining Graphs (some health/disease statistics)69 Presentation72 Plans for the Spring Festival. Traveling in China. FarewellsSpring Festival73 Chat about the holidays74, 75 Describing pictures76 Skit: I’m Here! What’s Wrong With Me? (Registering at a hospital and acheck-up)77 Discuss, practice new material in I’m Here! What’s Wrong With Me?78 Debate – students to decide the motion (with help from the teacher)79 Skit: Hypochondriac 180 Discuss, practice new material in Hypochondriac 181 Presentation82 Skit: Hypochondriac 283 Discuss, practice new material in Hypochondriac 284 Skit: Giving Blood85 Discuss, practice new material in Giving Blood86 Skit: This Won’t Hurt! (giving injections)87 Discuss, practice new material in This Won’t Hurt!88 Debate – students to decide the motion (with help from the teacher)89 Skit: Let Me See Your Tongue (getting a physical)90 Discuss, practice new material in Let Me See Your Tongue91 Presentation92 Skit: I Told Him So! (Mrs. Know-it-all)93 Discuss, practice new material in I Told Him So!94 Discussion: Internship: New Life, New Challenges95 The Last Class: free discussion三、其他教学环节(无)四、教学方法和教学手段1.利用多媒体(语音室、电脑光盘等)进行音频、视频听力教学。
1.To enable the students to understand the 5 sample conversations in different situations.
2.To enable the students to make conversations of their own.
1.Have a free talk with their partners.
2.Draw a chart to present their ideas・
Consolidatio n
Highlighting and clarificatio n
l.Invite some students to present their ideas about the responsibilities of nursing staff in operative nursing. 2.1nvite the students to illustrate the working procedures and tasks in operative nursing.
2.Ask the students to retell the conversations according to their own understanding・
3.Explain some language focus for making dialogues:
1 )Enema
2)Preparation for the surgery
4.Ask the students to listen to the tape.
5.Guide the students to study the kinguage focus and tips for making dialogues・
《医学英语》课程教学大纲课程类别: 专业分化课适用对象: 涉外护理专业分化方向的学生总学时:56 讲授学时:56 课内实践学时:0独立实践学时:0一、课程的性质、任务与基本要求(一)性质与任务!本课程为涉外护理专业的专业英语考试课,是在学习了大学英语后所开设的课程。
二、主要教学内容及教学要求Unit 1 Nursing of the Patients with Blood-System Diseases—主要教学内容血液系统疾病患者的护理(Part1 & Part3)教学要求1、掌握:血液系统常见病,如缺铁性贫血和恶性贫血等的临床表现、治疗、护理及常用药物。
Unit 2 Nursing of the Patients with Respiratory-System Diseases主要教学内容呼吸系统疾病患者的护理(Part1 & Part3):教学要求1、掌握:呼吸系统常见病,如COPD、急性哮喘和肺结核等的临床表现、治疗、护理;气管切开、胸腔闭式引流的护理。
Unit 3 Nursing of the Patients with digestive-System Diseases主要教学内容消化系统疾病患者的护理(Part1 & Part3)教学要求1、掌握:消化系统常见病,如胆囊炎、肝硬化、消化道溃疡等的临床表现、检查、治疗和护理;三腔两囊管的护理。
《护理专业英语》课程教学大纲一、课程名称1 •屮文名称:护理专业英语2•英文名称:Practical Nursing English二、学时总学时34学时,其屮讲授34学时。
六、适用专业护理学专业本科七、课程教学要求和学时分配Unit I1.教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能正确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Modern Nursing•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语Unit 21.教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能正确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Nursing Process•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语Unit 31.教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能」E确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Health Assessment•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology •Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语Unit 41.教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能」E确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Community Health Nursing•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Cui-re Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语Unit 51.教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能正确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Postoperative Nursing•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语Unit 61 •教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能正确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2 .教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Midwifery and Perinatal Care•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单九医学术语Unit 71.教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能正确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Promoting Coping in Hospitalized Children•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语Unit 81 •教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单冗医学术语熟悉常用句型,能正确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Nursing Care of the Oldest Old•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语Unit 91.教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能」E确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Principles and Methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nursing •Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单冗医学术语Unit 101.教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能正确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Mental Health-Psychiatric Nursing•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语Unit II1.教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能正确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Rehabilitation Nursing•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语Unitl21.教学目标掌握文章重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语熟悉常用句型,能正确理解文章了解文化沙龙的内容2.教学内容•Warm-up Tasks•Text Emergency Nursing•Study & Practice•Word Formation in Medical Terminology•Culture Salon3.重难点:重点句子的中英互译,本单元医学术语课程学时分配八、教材主要参考资料1.教材:宋军主编《护理专业英语》第2版,人民卫生出版社,2013年8 月。
三、提出并解释话题(40 -45分钟)1、话题及其线索的思路引导。
课程内容及基本要求Unit one modern nursing课程内容:1.护理的发展历史2.护理教育的层次3。
了解护理学发展的趋势本章重点:护理教育的层次及不同层次人才培养的目标本章难点:美国注册护士的分类及其职责Unit two nursing process课程内容:1。
护理程序的特点本章难点:护理计划的内容Unit three health assessment课程内容:1。
方法.本章难点:叩诊的要点及中予以事项Unit four Community health nursing课程内容:1.社区护理的概念2.社区护理的特点3。
《医护英语》教学大纲课程类别:公共基础课开设学期:课程类型:必修开课单位:课程名称:Medical and Nursing English课程性质:Compulsory course总学时:72授课对象:Advanced Nursing Class课程基础要求:The course is designed for students who major in nursing profession. Through the course , students may realize the importance of English skills in their nursingstudy. The course will target the vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading andtranslation that are commonly required in nursing-training program.大纲内容一.前言:课程目的:Through the course,let the students understand the importance of the nursingEnglish. Let the students remember some nursing English words. Let thestudents master the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.教学要求:The main teaching way is class teaching. The teacher teaches and the students learn. In the class, the students should practice more, to master some skills ofEnglish learning, especially how to deal with the different situation in thehospital.二.各单元结构Five Modules:Module1: Warm-upModule2: DialogueModule3: PassageModule4: ExercisesModule5: Supplementary Reading三.教学内容及各单元教学目的四.大纲使用说明This outline is suitable to the nursing class. We maybe change the structure slightly according to the different condition. We can add more knowledge about nursing in the class.五.主要参考书目1.Wu Leida : Medical and Nursing English Shanghai: Fu Dan University Press,20152.Hu Yanping: Medical and Nursing EnglishShanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press ,20143.Wang Lei : Nursing English Beijing: People’s Medical Press, 20154.Tang Qiaoying : Medical and Nursing EnglishBeijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press , 2015撰写人:审核人:审批人:。
《医护英语》教学大纲课程类别:公共基础课开设学期:课程类型:必修开课单位:课程名称:Medical and Nursing English课程性质:Compulsory course总学时:72授课对象:Advanced Nursing Class课程基础要求:The course is designed for students who major in nursing profession. Through the course , students may realize the importance of English skills in their nursingstudy. The course will target the vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading andtranslation that are commonly required in nursing-training program.大纲内容一.前言:课程目的:Through the course,let the students understand the importance of the nursingEnglish. Let the students remember some nursing English words. Let thestudents master the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.教学要求:The main teaching way is class teaching. The teacher teaches and the students learn. In the class, the students should practice more, to master some skills ofEnglish learning, especially how to deal with the different situation in thehospital.二.各单元结构Five Modules:Module1: Warm-upModule2: DialogueModule3: PassageModule4: ExercisesModule5: Supplementary Reading三.教学内容及各单元教学目的四.大纲使用说明This outline is suitable to the nursing class. We maybe change the structure slightly according to the different condition. We can add more knowledge about nursing in the class.五.主要参考书目1.Wu Leida : Medical and Nursing English Shanghai: Fu Dan University Press,20152.Hu Yanping: Medical and Nursing EnglishShanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press ,20143.Wang Lei : Nursing English Beijing: People’s Medical Press, 20154.Tang Qiaoying : Medical and Nursing EnglishBeijing : Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press , 2015撰写人:审核人:审批人:。
对习该课程的学生提出以下要求:1.语音:学生应能应用国际音标准确拼读新的医学单词,2.词汇: 3000~4500以上的词汇,并具备一些相关的医学、护理词汇。
三、学时分配表四、课程内容、基本要求与学时分配Unit 1 Nursing of the Patients with Blood-System Diseases【目的要求】1、掌握:血液系统常见病,如缺铁性贫血和恶性贫血等的临床表现、治疗、护理及常用药物。
【教学内容】血液系统疾病患者的护理(Part1 & Part3)Unit 2 Nursing of the Patients with Respiratory-System Diseases【目的要求】1、掌握:呼吸系统常见病,如COPD、急性哮喘和肺结核等的临床表现、治疗、护理;气管切开、胸腔闭式引流的护理。
【教学内容】呼吸系统疾病患者的护理(Part1 & Part3)Unit 3 Nursing of the Patients with digestive-System Diseases【目的要求】1、掌握:消化系统常见病,如胆囊炎、肝硬化、消化道溃疡等的临床表现、检查、治疗和护理;三腔两囊管的护理。
课程名称 护理英语 教学手段
Chapter1Fundamentals of Nursing
1. Introduction
2.Medical terminology: Combining forms, Prefixes and Suffixes
3. Master medical terminology: the main organs ofthe human body
Analysis of the text, pair discussion, grammar-translation method
多媒体 理论教学 3X40min
Give brief accounts of the structures and functions of each organ system.
1. Course description
授课时间与辅 辅助手段
2. Medical Terminology The root is the foundation of the word and all medical terms have one or more roots. The prefix is the beginning of the word. Not all medical terms contain prefixes, but the prefix can have an important influence on meaning. The suffix is the ending of the word and all medical terms have a suffix. The combining vowel is the vowel that links the root to the suffix or the root to another. The combining form is the combination of the root and the combining vowel. Exercise: Passage two, exercise B
《护理专业英语教材》教学大纲一. 引言本教学大纲旨在为护理专业英语教材的教学提供指导和参考。
二. 教学目标1. 培养护理专业学生的英语听说读写能力,提升综合英语水平;2. 培养学生在护理场景中应用英语的能力;3. 培养学生的跨文化沟通和交流能力。
三. 教学内容1. 护理理论与实践;2. 护理文献阅读与写作;3. 护理技术与操作;4. 护理沟通与交流;5. 护理伦理与法律;6. 护理研究与统计。
四. 教学方法1. 课堂讲授:通过教师主讲、学生讨论和案例分析,引导学生理解和掌握相关知识;2. 多媒体教学:运用电子课件、影音资料等多媒体教具,提升课堂教学效果;3. 小组合作研究:组织学生分小组进行合作研究,提高学生的交流与合作能力;4. 实践教学:组织学生参与护理实践活动,锻炼实际操作能力。
五. 评估方式1. 平时成绩:包括课堂表现、作业完成情况等;1. 期中考试:考察学生对教学内容的理解和掌握程度;2. 期末考试:考察学生的综合英语能力;3. 课堂讨论与报告:考察学生的思维能力和表达能力。
六. 参考教材1. 《护理专业英语教程》(第一册);2. 《护理学导论》;3. 《护理伦理学》;4. 《护理研究与统计学》。
七. 教学计划具体教学计划将根据学期安排和教师具体要求而确定,并在课程开设前向学生发布。
二、教学目标- 培养学生的听、说、读、写能力,使其能够准确流利地进行护理专业英语的口头和书面表达。
- 提高学生对护理文献的理解能力,使其能够独立阅读和分析相关文献。
- 培养学生的跨文化交际能力,使其能够与国际护理专业人士进行有效的交流和合作。
三、教学内容1. 护理专业英语听力训练- 医学术语的发音与理解- 护理实践中的常见对话及情景模拟- 学术讲座和专业研讨会的听力理解2. 护理专业英语口语训练- 护理实践中的常用口语表达- 模拟医患对话和团队合作对话- 学术演讲和报告的口头表达3. 护理专业英语阅读训练- 护理学术论文的阅读理解- 护理实践指南和流程的阅读理解- 护理研究报告的阅读理解和批判4. 护理专业英语写作训练- 学术论文的写作结构和风格- 报告和研究摘要的撰写方法- 护理实践案例报告的写作技巧四、教学方法- 教师讲述与演示- 学生分组讨论与合作- 角色扮演与情景模拟- 个人作业和小组项目五、教学评估- 口语表达能力测试- 阅读理解能力测试- 论文写作和报告撰写评估- 个人和小组项目评估六、教材与参考书目教材:- 《Medical English for Nurses》- 《English for Nursing: Pre-Intermediate Nursing English Course Book》参考书目:- 《Oxford Handbook of Clinical Nursing Practice》- 《English for Nursing Academic Studies: English for Academic Purposes》以上为《护理专业英语教材》教学大纲的主要内容和安排,旨在帮助学生提高英语能力,为其未来在护理领域的国际交流和发展打下基础。
二、本课程在专业培养目标中的地位与作用本专业以培养高技能护理人才和满足护理岗位及岗位 ( 群) 任职要求,以执业护士资格要求为标准,培养学生具备临床护理、家庭护理、社区护理岗位必备的知识、能力和素质,能在各级医疗卫生服务机构从事相关护理和健康保健工作。
三、课程培养标准( 一) 能力标准1.具备用英语来表达以护理程序为框架,以评估、诊断、计划、实施和评价为主线,为病人实施整体护理的能力;2.具备与英语国家病人进行灵活医护沟通的能力。
( 二) 知识标准1、听力理解能力:能基本听懂外国护理专家用英语讲授的护理专业课程。
Surgical Nursing Course SyllabusCourse Title:Surgical NursingCredits:5.0 Total Semester Hours:96Lecture Hours:96 Experiment/Computer Hours:0 Major:Nursing1. Course Goals and ObjectivesSurgical nursing science is the study of how the overall care of surgical patients. The areas under the guidance of the modern medical model and modern care concept, surgical nurse, surgeon complement each other, in the ward, operating room for all kinds of surgical patients according to the cultural needs of the physical and mental health, social and family health care center applications program to provide care to patients. The surgical nursing elaborate surgical diseases of the occurrence, development, methods of diagnosis, treatment and care. Surgical Nursing includes six parts, Surgery, General, general surgery, neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery, urology, orthopedic surgery at. The Surgical Nursing purpose is to enable students to learn the use of a new model of care application that human health care program to provide care to patients.2. Course RequirementsSurgical nursing classroom teaching should be based on the actual needs of Featured Content to common diseases frequently occurring mainly focused difficulty using heuristic combination of theory and practice teaching methods. Mobilize the initiative of students, the ability to develop students' reading, self-study, independent thinking, analyze problems, to solve the problem. Combine the nursing progress at home and abroad to explain the new level of surgical care, a new height. Surgical nursing, teaching, so that students master the surgical care, surgical care, basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, the use of nursing theory nursing assessment of the patient, to make nursing diagnosis, develop care goals, implementation of care measures and The nursing effect given proper evaluation. Students basically have independent implementation of the care of patients with a variety of surgical disease patients.3. Course ContentChapter 1 IntroductionUnderstand the scope of the surgery, to foster learning Surgery proper perspective. 1.1 Surgical Nursing A brief history1.2 Surgical nursing areas1.3To learning surgical nursing guiding ideology1.4 Surgical nurse should possess the following qualitiesChapter 2 Water, electrolyte and acid-base metabolism imbalance in the patient's careMaster the various types of water scarcity, hypokalemia and hyperkalemia, clinical manifestations, diagnosis. Master a variety of acid, alkali imbalance in the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis. Learn more comprehensive prevention and control of body fluid acid-base balance disorders. Proficiency measures of humoral imbalance in the patient's care.2.1 Outline2.2 Metabolic disorders of water and sodium2.3 Abnormal potassium metabolism2.4 Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus metabolism2.5 Acid-base balanceChapter 3 Nursing care of patients with surgical nutrition supportTo understand the concept of enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition, to list the indications and contraindications of nutrition enteral nutrition and parenteral.Understanding of the nutritional status of the assessment indicators, the classification of malnutrition and the calculation of energy needs;generalization nutrition preparation and give way of enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition.To master the nursing care of patients with enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition support.3.1 Outline3.2 Enteral Nutrition3.3 Parenteral nutritionChapter4 Surgical shock patient careUnderstanding of the etiology of surgical shock and basic pathophysiological changes. Master clinical manifestations of shock. Learn about the diagnosis and treatment of surgical shock patients. Master surgical shock patient care measures.Chapter 5 The anesthesia patient's careUnderstand the concept of anesthesia and clinical tasks. Understand the importance of patient observation and monitoring physiological indicators of the need to prepare before anesthesia and anesthesia, master general preparation work before anesthesia. Clinical Pharmacology of commonly used anesthetics. Common method for understanding general anesthesia, endotracheal anesthesia and muscle relaxants. Understand the implementation of the principle of the common nerve block. Understanding of local anesthetic commonly used dose. Master of local anesthetic toxicity symptoms, prevention and proper treatment. Familiar with the implementation of the principle of spinal anesthesia, and understand its procedures, management methods and prevention of complications. Master of anesthesia and anesthetic complications of care measures.5.1 General anesthesia5.2 Spinal anesthesia5.3 Local anesthesia5.4 Recovery from anesthesia patient monitoring and managementChapter 6 Operating room management and workEstablish the the sterile concepts, master surgical aseptic rules. Familiar with common sterilization methods and disinfection. Learn to wash their hands, wear a surgical gown and sterile gloves. Learn to skin disinfection of the surgical area and shop towels.6.1 Operating room layout and staffing6.2 Operating room materials management and sterile processing6.3 Operating room aseptic technique6.4 Preparation of the patient6.5 The preparation of the surgical staffChapter 7 Care of the patient before and after surgeryMaster preoperative preparation, postoperative treatment, and prevention of postoperative complications and nursing.7.1 Preoperative patient care7.2 Patient care after surgeryChapter 8 Surgical infection patient careGrasp the classification of surgical infection occurs, development, principles of diagnosis and treatment. Understand how to diagnose and treatment therapy, carbuncle, cellulitis, erysipelas, acute lymphadenitis, abscesses, inflammation the paronychia and purulent fingers and grasp the corresponding nursing measures. Master bacteremia and sepsis diagnosis and treatment and care measures. Master the the Tetanus clinical manifestations, and principles of prevention, treatment and care measures. Understanding of the clinical manifestations of gas gangrene, the principle of prevention, treatment and care measures. Understanding the application of the principles of antibiotics in surgical infection.8.1 Outline8.2 The shallow soft tissue purulent infection8.3 Acute purulent infection of the hand.8.4 Systemic infection8.5 Specific infectionChapter 9 The traumatic disease patients careTo grasp the concept of trauma, etiology, classification, and pathophysiology. Understand the trauma of diagnostic methods and treatment principles. Master the trauma patient care measures. Familiar with the pathophysiology of the burn, to locally change and systemic reactions. Grasp the diagnosis and treatment of burns,master the burn shock rehydration therapy, master the emergency treatment of burns principles and other care measures. Understand the bites of pathology, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis, the mastered bite first aid treatment and care measures.9.1 Damage9.2 Burn9.3 BiteChapter 10 Nursing care of patients with microsurgeryThrough self study, understanding the common equipment and equipment of micro surgery, understanding the development of the status quo. Understand the limb (finger) of the basic principles and procedures and observation projectChapter 11 The care of cancer patientsUnderstanding the cause of the tumors. Familiar with the classification of tumors, benign and malignant tumors of the clinicopathologic characteristics. Understand the of malignancies diagnosed steps and principles of treatment. Master common malignant tumors of care measures.11.1 Outline11.2Malignancy11.3 BenignChapter 12 Care of organ transplant patientsUnderstand the history of the development of transplant, transplant classification. Understanding of transplantation immunology. Learn about liver and kidney transplant.12.1 Outline12.2 Kidney transplant12.3Liver transplantationChapter 13 Intracranial pressure increased patient careUnderstand the mechanism and etiology of increased intracranial pressure.Understand the mechanism of the formation of pathological familiar with increased intracranial pressure, pathophysiology and herniation. Master clinical manifestations of increased intracranial pressure, diagnosis and treatment principles. Proficiency in the care of patients with increased intracranial pressure measures.13.1 Increased intracranial pressure13.2 Acute cerebral herniaChapter 14 The care of patients with traumatic brain injuryMaster skull fracture clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment principles. The pathogenesis of the master primary brain injury, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment principles. Understanding the clinical manifestations of intracranial hematoma (epidural hematoma example), differential diagnosis and diagnostic methods, to grasp the intracranial hematoma principle. Proficiency in the care of patients with head injury measures.14.1 Anatomical Summary14.2 Scalp injury14.3 Skull fracture14.4 Brain damageChapter 15 Patient care of common brain diseasesLearn intracranial aneurysm, intracranial arteriovenous malformation clinical manifestations and treatment. Learn about the surgical treatment of stroke. Understanding of the etiology of intracranial tumors, classification, anatomical site. Understand common intracranial tumor diagnosis and surgical treatment principles. Understanding of the the spinal tumor clinical manifestations and treatment principles. Understand the classification of congenital hydrocephalus, etiology, clinical manifestations, and treatment. Master brain disease patient care measures.15.1 Cerebrovascular disease15.2 Brain abscess15.3 Intracranial and spinal tumors15.4 Congenital hydrocephalusChapter 16 The neck disease patients careMaster the clinical manifestations of thyroid cancer and treatment principles. Understanding of the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid nodules principle. Master classification and clinical manifestations of hyperthyroidism. Proficiency in thyroid surgery preparation and post-operative complications of care measures. Understand the clinical manifestations and diagnosis of neck mass.16.1 Anatomical and physiological Summary16.2 Thyroid cancer16.3 Benign thyroid disease16.4 Common tumor of the neckChapter 17 The care of patients with breast diseaseLearn lymphatic drainage pathways of the breast. Master breasts correct inspection methods. Familiar with the differential diagnosis of breast lumps. Grasp the main points of the cause, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of acute mastitis. Familiar with the clinical manifestations of breast cancer, diagnosis and treatment principles. Proficiency in patients with acute mastitis and breast cancer patients after surgery care measures.17.1 Anatomical and physiological Summary17.2 Acute mastitis17.3 Cystic hyperplasia of the breast17.4 Benign breast tumor17.5 Breast cancerChapter 18 Chest injury patient careUnderstanding chest injury pathophysiology and principles of first aid treatment. Mastered rib fractures, pneumothorax, hemothorax, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, first aid, treatment and care measures. Master closed thoracic drainage devices and applications.18.1 Outline18.2 Rib fractures18.3 Pneumothorax18.4 Hemothorax18.5 Heart damageChapter 19 The empyema patients of nursingLearn the principles of the etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of empyema. Master empyema patient care measures.Chapter 20Lung disease patient careFamiliar bulla etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, prevention and treatment principles. Familiar with bronchiectasis, tuberculosis, surgical treatment principles. Familiar with lung and bronchial cancer etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, early diagnosis, prevention and treatment principles. To master a variety of lung disease patients care measures.20.1 Anatomy and physiology Summary20.2 Tuberculosis20.3 Bronchiectasis20.4 Lung cancerChapter21 The esophageal disease patients careAbout reflux esophagitis pathology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. Master reflux esophagitis patients care measures. Master esophageal pathology, clinical presentation, diagnostic methods and treatment principles. Familiar with the type of esophageal cancer patients with postoperative complications, clinical manifestations, and nursing measures.21.1 Anatomy and physiology Summary21.2 Reflux esophagitis21.3 Esophageal cancerChapter 22 The care of heart disease patientsThrough self-study, to understand the basis of measures of cardiac surgery. Familiarwith common congenital heart disease, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and surgical treatment principles. Familiar with common acquired heart disease pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and surgical treatment principles. Familiar with the measures of care for heart disease patients.22.1 Outline22.2 Special inspection and care of heart disease22.3 Cardiopulmonary bypass22.4 Congenital heart disease22.5 Acquired heart diseaseChapter 23 Hernia patient careUnderstand the concept of a hernia, etiology, pathology type. Understand the groin area anatomy of the inguinal canal, straight triangle hernia and femoral canal and other parts. Master indirect inguinal hernia, direct hernia, incarcerated hernia and strangulated hernia differential points. Learn about the basic principles of inguinal hernia surgical repair. Master abdominal hernia patients before and after surgery care measures.23.1 Outline23.2 Inguinal hernia23.3 Other herniaChapter24 Acute purulent peritonitis patient careThe mastered acute diffuse peritonitis etiology and clinical manifestations. The mastered acute diffuse peritonitis. Understanding of acute diffuse peritonitis the course of evolution and the principles of treatment. Master clinical manifestations of abdominal abscess. Proficiency in the care of patients with purulent peritonitis measures.Chapter 25 Abdominal injury patient careLearn more abdominal injury classification, etiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic steps, clinical treatment. Learn first aid for common visceral injury, early diagnosis and treatment principles. Proficiency measures of abdominal injuries beforeand after the surgery the patient's care.Chapter 26 Gastroduodenal disease patient careMaster clinical manifestations of gastric cancer, early diagnosis and treatment principles. Understanding the pathogenesis of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Familiar with the clinical characteristics of gastric and duodenal ulcer. Master the indications for surgery for gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, the choice of surgical approach and surgical complications. Master Gastric Ulcer, acute bleeding, pyloric obstruction scarring clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment principles. Master gastrectomy patients care measures.26.1 Anatomical and physiological Summary26.2 gastroduodenal ulcer and complication26.3 Gastric cancerChapter 27Care of the small bowel disease patientsTo understand the cause of intestinal obstruction, classification, pathological and physiological changes, grasp the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment principles. Master ileus patients before and after surgery care measures. Understanding of intestinal fistula pathophysiology, clinical manifestations and principle of management.27.1 Anatomical and physiological Summary27.2 Intestinal obstruction27.3 Intestinal fistulaChapter 28 The appendicitis patient's careUnderstand the pathology and clinical classification of acute appendicitis. Clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of an acute appendicitis. The clinical features and principles of the understanding of a special type of appendicitis. Master of appendicitis patients before and after surgery care measures. Learn about the diagnosis and treatment of chronic appendicitis.28.1Anatomical and physiological Summary28.2 Acute appendicitis28.3 Other common types of appendicitisChapter 29 Care of the colon ,rectum and anal canal disease patientsUnderstanding the colon, rectum, anal canal anatomy and physiological characteristics. Master rectum, anal abscess, anal fistula, anal fissure, hemorrhoids diagnosis and treatment. Mastered the colon, rectum, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and surgical principles. Proficiency in the large intestine patients before and after surgery care measures.29.1 Anatomical and physiological Summary29.2 Rectum and anal canal benign disease29.3 Colorectal cancerChapter 30 The care of patients with portal hypertensionUnderstanding of portal vein hypertension etiology, pathology and clinical manifestations. Master the principle of the diagnosis and treatment of portal hypertension. Master care measures before and after surgery in patients with portal hypertension.Chapter 31The care of patients with liver diseaseFamiliar the liver abscess pathogeny and diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. Master of primary hepatic carcinoma etiology pathology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment. Care measures proficiency in primary hepatic carcinoma patients before and after surgery.31.1 Outline31.2 Liver abscess31.3 Liver cancerChapter 32 The care of patients with biliary tract diseaseApplied anatomy of the biliary system and special examinations. Understanding of theetiology of cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, cholangitis, pathological. Mastered acute, chronic cholecystitis, gallstones, acute the obstructive suppurative cholangitis clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principles. Master cholelithiasis and cholecystitis, cholangitis perioperative care measures. Familiar with the diagnosis and proper treatment of biliary ascariasis. Familiar with bile duct cancer clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment.32.1 Anatomical and physiological Summary32.2 Special examination of the biliary tract disease and care32.3 Cholelithiasis32.4 Biliary tract infection32.5 Biliary ascariasis32.6 Bile duct cancerChapter 33 The care of patients with pancreatic diseaseUnderstand etiology, pathogenesis and pathology of acute pancreatitis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment. Pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Master pancreatic tumors and periampullary cancer clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment. Master pancreatic tumors and periampullary cancer care measures before and after surgery.33.1 Anatomy and physiology review33.2 Pancreatitis33.3Pancreatic tumors and periampullary cancerChapter 34 Peripheral vascular disease patient careMaster varicose veins of the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment methods. Familiar with the method of deep venous thrombus formation of the etiology and pathology, clinical manifestations and typing, check and diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Master thromboangiitis obliterans etiology, pathology, clinical presentation and staging, examination, diagnosis, prevention and treatment methods. The master peripheral vascular disease patients before and after surgery care measures.34.1 Primary varicose veins34.2 Deep vein thrombosis34.3 Thromboangiitis obliteransChapter 35 The main symptoms of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system diseases and checkThe main symptoms of urinary and male reproductive system surgical disease. Learn the urinary tract, surgical examination of the male reproductive system. Master the urinary tract and the male reproductive system common surgical examination before and after care measures.35.1The main symptoms of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system diseases35.2Common inspection and care of the urinary tract and the male reproductive system diseasesChapter 36 Urinary system damage patient careFamiliar with the kidney, bladder, urethral injury etiology, pathology, clinical presentation, diagnostic points and treatment methods. Master urinary system damage patient care measures.36.1 Kidney injury36.2 Bladder injury36.3 Urethral injuryChapter 37 The urolithiasis patients of careUnderstanding of the epidemiology of urinary stones and etiological characteristics, the composition and characteristics of urinary stones pathophysiology. Grasp the main symptoms of the various organs of the urinary system stones, the principles of diagnosis and treatment, indications for surgery and surgical methods. Care measures proficiency in the various organs of the urinary system stones before and after treatment.37.1 Outline37.2 Upper urinary calculi37.3 Lower urinary calculiChapter 38 The care of patients with urinary tract obstructionUnderstand the reasons for urinary tract obstruction and urinary system caused by pathophysiological changes. Familiar with the clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of hydronephrosis. Master prostatic hyperplasia etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment principles. Learn to identify the etiology and treatment of acute urinary retention. Master care measures in patients before and after treatment of urinary tract obstruction.38.1 Outline38.2 Hydronephrosis38.3 Benign prostatic hyperplasia38.4 Acute urinary retentionChapter 39 Urinary and male reproductive system TB careLearn urinary and male reproductive system tuberculosis routes of infection, morbidity profile. Master renal tuberculosis pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, systemic and local treatment. The combination of self-study, familiar with the male reproductive system tuberculosis pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, systemic and local treatment. Master renal TB care measures before and after treatment.39.1 Renal tuberculosis39.2 The male reproductive system tuberculosisChapter 40 Urinary and male reproductive system cancer patient careLearn urinary tract and the male reproductive system tumor profile. Source familiar with renal cell carcinoma histology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment. Master of bladder cancer, prostate cancer pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,treatment and prevention. Master of bladder cancer, prostate cancer patients before and after surgery care measures.40.1 Kidney Cancer40.2 Bladder cancer40.3 Prostate cancerChapter 41 To adrenal disease patient careThrough self-study and understanding of Cushing's syndrome, primary aldosteronism, catecholamines etiology, pathological changes, diagnosis, treatment and appropriate care measures.41.1 Cushing's syndrome41.2 Primary aldosteronism41.3 Catecholamines diseaseChapter 42 Care of male sexual dysfunction, infertility and Birth control patientsThrough self-study, to understand the physiological mechanisms of male sexual dysfunction, diagnosis and treatment. Understanding of male infertility etiology, diagnosis, and treatment.42.1 Male sexual dysfunction42.2 Male infertilityChapter 43 General care of orthopedic patientsUnderstand physical examination and imaging studies of the motion system. Master traction, fixed-patient care measures.43.1 Movement system of checks43.2 Traction43.3 Plaster bandage fixationChapter 44 The care of patients with fracturesGrasp fracture definition, etiology, classification and mechanism of fracture displacement. Master the clinical manifestations and X-ray examination of thefracture. Familiar with the common complications of the fracture. Familiar with the process of fracture healing. Familiar with the factors that affect fracture healing. Master first aid and treatment of fractures. Learn the principles of prevention and treatment of delayed union, nonunion and malunion. Master fracture patient care measures. Grasp the etiology of common limb fractures, shift characteristics, clinical manifestations, treatment principles and common complication. Familiar with cervical, etiology and classification of thoracolumbar fractures, clinical manifestations, inspection and diagnosis, first aid handling, treatment. Mastered pathological changes of the spinal cord injury, clinical manifestations, complications, treatment principles. Familiar with pelvic fracture classification, clinical manifestations, diagnostic steps, treatment and complications principles.44.1 Outline44.2 Limb fractures44.3 Spinal fracture and spinal cord injury44.4 Pelvic fractureChapter 45 Dislocation patient careMaster the shoulder, elbow, hip dislocation classification dislocation mechanisms, clinical manifestations, and treatment principles. Master joint dislocation patient care measures.45.1 Outline45.2 DislocationChapter 46Nursing care of patients with chronic injury in sports system Through self-study, understanding of the concept and classification of chronic injury of the sports system. Understanding of postoperative rehabilitation exercise in patients with chronic bone tissue injury.Chapter 47 Neck and shoulder pain and low back pain patient careMaster of cervical disease etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment selection. For a summary of the anatomy of the periarthritishumeroscapularis, etiology and classification. Master lumbar disc herniation, etiology, classification and pathology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment choices. Read a summary of the anatomy of the lumbar spinal stenosis, etiology and classification, the nature of the pain, tender points. Master neck and shoulder pain and low back pain patient care measures.47.1 Cervical spondylosis47.2 Periarthritis humeroscapularis47.3 Lumbar disc herniation47.4 Lumbar spinal stenosisChapter 48 Bone and joint infections patient careLearn suppurative osteomyelitis routes of infection. Master Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis of the routes of infection, clinical manifestations, early diagnosis and treatment principles. Familiar chronic suppurative osteomyelitis etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment principles. Master suppurative osteomyelitis patient care measures. Familiar with septic arthritis etiology, pathology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment principles. Master septic arthritis patient care measures. Master bone and joint tuberculosis pathology, clinical manifestations, laboratory tests, imaging studies, treatment principle. Master of spinal tuberculosis pathology, clinical manifestations, imaging examination, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment principles. Master of spinal tuberculosis complicated with paraplegia pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis, treatment principles. Master the paraplegic patient care measures. Familiar pulp, knee tuberculosis pathological, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment principles and indications for surgery.48.1 Pyogenic osteomyelitis48.2 Septic arthritis48.3 Bone and joint tuberculosisChapter 49 The care of patients with bone tumorsUnderstanding of bone tumor definition, classification, incidence, clinical presentation, diagnosis, surgical staging and treatment. Familiar with osteochondroma,。
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《英语》教学大纲课程名称:涉外护理英语总学时;372 学时开课单位:英语教研室适用专业:涉外护理专业三年制大专推荐教材:《新编实用英语综合教程》第一册、第二册。
二.教学内容、学习基本要求与学时分配Book I第一单元Unit 1 Greeting and Introducing People 问候和介绍(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Meeting people for the first time 初次见面;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达问候和介绍以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;The Way American Greet 美国人问候的方式(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语问候和介绍的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写名片和问候信第二单元Unit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regret 感谢和表达歉意(6 school hours )第一分:对话: Thank you For the Beautiful Flowers 感谢送来的花(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达谢意和歉意第三部分:阅读课文;The Different Attitude toward Gift-giving 对送礼物的不同的态度(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中如何用英语送礼物和表达谢意的句型和语句第四部分:练习和写作;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写感谢信和歉意信第三单元Unit 3 Directions and Signs 问路和路牌(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Talking About how to go to work 讨论去上班的路线(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人问路、认路以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;I Hate Flying 我讨厌坐飞机(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述坐飞机的感受和经历的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述路线方向和路牌第四单元Unit 4 Timetable and Schedule 时间表(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Talking About a Flight Timetable 谈论飞机时刻表和工作时刻表;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语说出时间表的安排以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Punctuality and keeping Promise 守时和履行诺言(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述严守时间和履行诺言重要性的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写出和叙述工作时间表第五单元Unit 5 Talking About The Weather 谈论天气预报(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Talking About The Weather In New York (谈论纽约天气情况)(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语谈论和打听天气情况以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Is it going to be a fine day? (明天天气会好吗?)(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语预报各地的天气的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述天气情况第六单元Study (学习) (6 school hours )第一、二部分Taking Course to Get a diploma (选修课程取得文凭)(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达如何学习取得文凭证书及听懂其内容;第三部分:Passage I 阅读课文;I have a little nervous about English (我学英语有点紧张) (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达学英语的经历和感受的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写证书及把中文文凭翻译英语第七单元Sports and Hobby 体育运动及爱好(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Do you like to Watch Basketball Match ? (你喜欢看篮球赛吗?)(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语向他人表达观看体育比赛的感想和以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;The Trianthlon’s Great Attraction (铁人三项的无穷魅力) (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达各项体育活动句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写各种比赛的通知及用英语叙述本人的爱好第八单元Cookery, Food, and Culture (饮食和文化) (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;How to make ice cream? (怎样制作冰淇淋) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语表达烹调技术和方法以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Eating in Canada (吃在加拿大) (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达饮食文化的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写菜谱以及把英语菜名译成中文第九单元Celebrating Holidays and making friends(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;How to write a Notice for Posting(2学时)学习要求:Learn to say something about a notice and poster in English第三部分:阅读课文;Thanksgiving Day and Christmas (2学时)学习要求:learn some holidays in America第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write notices第十单元Showing Concern and Giving advice (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Doctor is Talking to A patient(2学时)学习要求:Learn some new expression about medical care;第三部分:阅读课文;A Guide to health for Tourists(2学时)学习要求:How to keep fit for the tourists when they travel around the world;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write the instructions for taking medicineBook II第一单元Unit 1 Invitation (6 school hours )二部分对话;Inviting Friend to a Party;Declining an Invitation(2学时)学习要求:learn how to express inviting people to the party in English;第三部分:阅读课文;Are you Really Being Invited ?(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语邀请的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写邀请信第二单元Unit 2 Emails (6 school hours )第一分:对话: Email information on Internet(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语上网与他人聊天第三部分:阅读课文;Online Growth Continued(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中如何用英语表达网络发展状况第四部分:练习和写作;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电子邮件第三单元Unit 3 Communication by Phone(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Telephone Message(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语打电话;第三部分:阅读课文;For Conversation Press # 1 (2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述人们用手机进行交流和联络的趋势第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电话留言第四单元Unit 4 Making Reservations (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Hotel Ads(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语预定房间第三部分:阅读课文;Climer Londge(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语表达广告句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语填写房间预定申请表第五单元Unit 5 At a Restaurant (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Menu(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语在饭店点菜第三部分:阅读课文;Toledo: A Problem of Menus(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语到餐馆用餐的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述菜单第六单元Shopping (6 school hours )第一、二部分Shopping Ads(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语到商店购物;第三部分:Passage I Tangsancai –An Ideal Tourist Souvenir(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达唐三彩的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会看懂用英语表达的产品说明书第七单元Entertainments and Tourist attractions (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Entertainment Ads(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语与他人谈论观看戏剧的感想和以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;Liuciano Pavarotti—Bringing Opera to the World(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达各项体育活动句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写出各种娱乐广告及用英语叙述本人的爱好第八单元Farewell(6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;A Farewell Leter(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语与朋友告别以及听懂其内容;第三部分:阅读课文;The Most Unforgettable Character I’ve Met(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达一个难忘的人语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语告别信第九单元Applying For a Job (6 school hours )第一、二部分对话;Job Interview(2学时)学习要求:Learn to say something about a notice and poster in English第三部分:阅读课文;Applying For a new Boss(2学时)学习要求:learn some holidays in America第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write notices第十单元Manager and CEOS (6 school hours )第二、二部分对话;Conference Schedules(2学时)学习要求:Learn how to make a schedule about conference第三部分:阅读课文;One Minute Manager(2学时)学习要求:learn what is the one minute manager like?第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write agendasBook III第一单元Unit 1 Launching A New Product(6 school hours )二部分对话;Introduction(2学时)学习要求:learn how to introduce the product to the people第三部分:阅读课文;My Study Tour in China(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语邀请的句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写邀请信第二单元Unit 2 Promoting Activities (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Tips for Going to China’s Tradeshows(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中如何用英语表达网络发展状况第四部分:练习和写作;(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电子邮件第三单元Unit 3 A company Prospectus (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;The Art Of Price War(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语叙述人们用手机进行交流和联络的趋势第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写电话留言第四单元Unit 4 Purchase And payment (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Who is using My Credit Card Today ( 2学时)学习要求:学会用英语表达广告句型及语句;第四部分:练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语填写房间预定申请表第五单元Unit 5 Training and Learning (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Cultural Stereotypes and MIsunderstanding(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语到餐馆用餐的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语叙述菜单第六单元Partnership and cooperation (4 school hours )第三部分:Passage I Tangsancai –An Ideal Tourist Souvenir(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达唐三彩的句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会看懂用英语表达的产品说明书第七单元Brands And Advertisement (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Elsie the Cow(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达各项体育活动句型及语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing 练习与写作(2学时)学习要求:学会用英语写出各种娱乐广告及用英语叙述本人的爱好第八单元Sharing the loss ( school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Sharing Economic Losses Through Insurance(2学时)学习要求:了解课文中用英语表达一个难忘的人语句;第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:学会用英语告别信第九单元Busy Agenda And Schedule (4 school hours )第三部分:阅读课文;Applying For a new Boss(2学时)学习要求:learn some holidays in America第四部分:Exercises and Writing (练习与写作) (2学时)学习要求:learn how to write noticesStuart Parkins’ Teaching Plan for Classes 11 and 12(外教英语口语教学大纲)教学目的和要求以及教学方法Since the beginning of the Autumn term, the main goal has been to enhance the students’ confidence in:●listening to material that they have not ‘prepared’ for by reading●speakingTo this end, the ‘direct method’ has been, and will continue to be, the main teaching method used. I.e. The students listen to such things as a joke or a short essay and try to answer questions, given to them before listening, about the material. We then go over the new words and structures with extensive repetition. Finally, the students discuss and practice telling each other the story. Each class often ends with a competition to see who can best retell the material.To add variety and fun, other activities include such things as skits, learning a song, watching a movie and playing games such as Twenty Questions and Simon Says. To the same end, useful idioms are introduced as appropriate. At the start of each class, a student volunteers to record the new material and gives it to the teacher at the end of the class.The students are also urged to practice speaking and use the new material outside of class for at least a few minutes every day, but in general it is only the better students that do this on a regular basis.After about eleven weeks of classes, it was apparent that some students still lack confidence in speaking and remain largely ‘deaf’to spoken material that they have not read shortly beforehand, even common words and expressions that they have read (but seldom spoken) many times. This is primarily due to a great lack of speaking and listening practice during their junior and middle school years, when the emphasis was on reading, grammar and writing and the general use of the ‘grammar-translation’ teaching method.On the other hand, the better students gained confidence in both speaking and listening: the ‘rewiring’ of their brains’ language centres has been more successful than in the case of the weaker students.Because of this, the approach was changed somewhat in early December. The speaking exercises in New Practical English 1, 2 and 3 are now the core of the material that will be practiced, with additional material introduced to satisfy the needs of those students with the strongest listening and speaking skills.The objective of every lesson is, of course, to enhance speaking and listening skills, emphasizing the acquisition and remembering of new vocabulary and structures through lots of speaking and repetition. In particular, the ability to independently ‘generate’ spoken English will be fostered, namely, the ability to use the vocabulary and grammar that they have learned in a versatile way, rather than being limited to the context of these materials in their lessons.教学内容和课时的分配(每课lesson两个学时)Lesson # (两个学时) Topic1 General introductions and chatting2 Talking about language teaching methods and explaining the principles of the direct method3 Parrot and the Magician joke. Tongue twister.4 Retelling parrot joke and using new vocabulary in structured and unstructured conversation.5 Parrot and the Bookie joke.6 Retelling parrot joke and using new vocabulary in structured and unstructured conversation.7 Simple Simon and Twenty Questions (played occasionally in subsequent lessons).8 Song: Because You Loved Me (Celine Dion). Discuss the poetic use of common words9 Autopsy and Thirty Years Younger jokes. Discussion of humour.10 Watch movie (School of Rock)11 Skit: Would, Should, Could 1Text: New Practical English 1 (新编实用英语Book I)Unit(单元)12 1 Greeting and Introducing Oneself and Other People13 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regret14,15 3 Asking for and Giving Directions16 4 Timetables and Schedules17, 18 5 Talking About the Weather and Global Warming19 6 Study and Language Learning.20 - 22 7 Sports and Hobbies. Benefits of Exercise23 - 25 8 Cookery, Food and Culture.26 - 28 9 Celebrating Holidays and Making Friends29 - 31 10 Showing Concern, Asking For and Giving AdviceNew Practical English 2(新编实用英语Book II)32 1 Invitations33 - 34 2 Emails and Computers35 3 Communication by Phone36 4 Making Reservations37 5 At a Restaurant.38 Plans for the holidays. Saying au revoirSummer Vacation39 Chat about the holidays40, 41 6 Shopping42 – 44 7 Entertainment and Tourist Attractions45 8 Farewells46 - 48 9 Applying for a Job49, 50 10 Managers and CEOs. Principles of ManagementNew Practical English 3(新编实用英语Book III)51 1 Launching a New (medical) Product52 2 Promotion Activities53 3 A Company Prospectus54, 55 4 Purchase and Payment. Credit Cards and Banking56, 57 5 Training and Learning58, 59 6 Partnership and Cooperation60, 61 7 Brands and Advertisements. Pros and cons of advertising62 8 Sharing the Loss63 9 Busy Agenda and Schedule64, 65 10 Development Planning. Environment and developmentAt this point, the students will have covered a wide range of situations and corresponding vocabulary and language styles. From now on there will be a greater emphasis on more complex language tasks and English that will be of particular use to nurses in dealing with patients and other healthcare professionals.Where appropriate, some (sometimes tedious to learn) medical language will be presented in the form of five to ten minute skits written by the students (with the teacher’s help). The new material will be explained before each skit or the audience will be asked to guess meanings after each skit.Every few weeks, from one to four students will prepare a five to ten minute presentation on a topic related to nursing and public health. Students and the teacher will jointly select the topics. New vocabulary will be explained before each presentation. Each presentation will be discussed afterwards. This will provide opportunities to exercise a wide variety of language skills, including asking questions, paraphrasing, explaining concepts in different ways and expressing agreement and disagreement (politely and impolitely).In addition to presentations, we will hold an occasional debate in standard debating competition format.医学护理英语66 Discussion. Principles of making a good presentation.67, 68 Describing and Explaining Graphs (some health/disease statistics)69 Presentation72 Plans for the Spring Festival. Traveling in China. FarewellsSpring Festival73 Chat about the holidays74, 75 Describing pictures76 Skit: I’m Here! What’s Wrong With Me? (Registering at a hospital and a check-up)77 Discuss, practice new material in I’m Here! What’s Wrong With Me?78 Debate – students to decide the motion (with help from the teacher)79 Skit: Hypochondriac 180 Discuss, practice new material in Hypochondriac 181 Presentation82 Skit: Hypochondriac 283 Discuss, practice new material in Hypochondriac 284 Skit: Giving Blood85 Discuss, practice new material in Giving Blood86 Skit: This Won’t Hurt! (giving injections)87 Discuss, practice new material in This Won’t Hurt!88 Debate – students to decide the motion (with help from the teacher)89 Skit: Let Me See Your Tongue (getting a physical)90 Discuss, practice new material in Let Me See Your Tongue91 Presentation92 Skit: I Told Him So! (Mrs. Know-it-all)93 Discuss, practice new material in I Told Him So!94 Discussion: Internship: New Life, New Challenges95 The Last Class: free discussion三、其他教学环节(无)四、教学方法和教学手段1.利用多媒体(语音室、电脑光盘等)进行音频、视频听力教学。