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• When his mother wants to talk with him, what he says is that “Can’t talk now, I’m chatting.”
• 1. As children, we ought to pay attention to increasing the awareness of communicating with our parents.

• share theirs opinion
share their opinion
• It is not benefit to our studyIt is not beneficial to our study
• The boy is playing the computer doesn’t want to talk with his mother. • The boy who is playing/playing the computer … • Many students are addicted to chatting online ignore the significance
• we can chatting
• we can chat
• As the time going by
• With the time going by
• As the time goes by

ignore the communicate their parents
• (三四---- 蒋凤仙)
• 2. I am opposed to such an attitude towards life. Personally , I strongly believe that a child addicted to communicating online will become less outgoing, thus causing the inner life terrible. Besides, chatting online too much, to a great extent, will lead to “the generation gap”. (三七---胡土清)
of communicating with their parents. • Many students who are addicted/addicted to chatting online… • Lots of teenagers would rather playing computer games than talking
with each other better. • Talking with our parents is important, which can help us
communicate with each other better • Be faced with these problems, I think we teenagers should talk with
your parents… • There is generation gap exists in most families. • Compared with computer, parents are more
• We should communicate with our parents more and more. It can help us know our parents more and more. It also can help our parents know us more and more.
• 谢勤 • 杨乐 • 韩笑 • 汪文慧
• 张怡 • 童玲 • 蒋凤仙 • 黄霞
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 为什么第二篇语言不比第一篇差,但分数 却低得多呢?
• 第一篇字迹清楚,卷面整洁。
• 第一篇由于用了较多的连接词每段内的条 理更清楚,一目了然。
• 第一篇段落分得很清楚,而第二篇最后一
our parents as much as possible. • Faced with these problems, I think we teenagers should talk with our
parents as much as possible.
• We can’t ignore our parents’ good. • Our parents eat more salt than we. • Let them know our mind has what thought. • If you don’t want to face to face communicate with
• communicat • oppinion • truely • mordern • enjoies • massage • monther • paly • a children • childrens • slove • lifes
• communicate • opinion • truly • modern • enjoys • message • mother • play • A child • children • solve • lives
• wide our horizon
• widen our horizon
with their parents. • Lots of teenagers would rather play computer games than talk with
their parents. • Talking with our parents is important, it can help us communicate